Ontario Public Service Employees Union Canadian Blood Services · 2016-05-09 · 2.01 The Employer...

Collective Agreement between Ontario Public Service Employees Union on behalf of its Local 716 and Canadian Blood Services Thunder Bay Site Full-Time and Part-Time DURATION: August 1, 2011- July 31,2012 .#/\ OPSEU 11/LJsEFPO Uncontrolled copy of 7-716-569-20120731-19 Sector 19 7-716-569-20120731-19

Transcript of Ontario Public Service Employees Union Canadian Blood Services · 2016-05-09 · 2.01 The Employer...

Page 1: Ontario Public Service Employees Union Canadian Blood Services · 2016-05-09 · 2.01 The Employer shall mean the Canadian Blood Services (C.B.S.), Thunder Bay Site. 2.02 Union shall

Collective Agreement


Ontario Public Service Employees Union on behalf of its Local 716


Canadian Blood Services Thunder Bay Site

Full-Time and Part-Time

DURATION: August 1, 2011- July 31,2012


Uncontrolled copy of 7-716-569-20120731-19

Sector 19 7-716-569-20120731-19

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ARTICLE 1 -PURPOSE ................................................................................................. 1

ARTICLE 2- DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................ 1

ARTICLE 3- RECOGNITION ......................................................................................... 2

ARTICLE 4- MANAGEMENT RIGHTS .......................................................................... 2

ARTICLE 5- NO DISCRIMINATION ............................................................................... 2

ARTICLE 6- STRIKES/LOCK-OUTS ............................................................................. 3

ARTICLE 7- UNION SECURITY .................................................................................... 3

ARTICLE 8- REPRESENTATION AND COMMITTEES ............................................... .4

ARTICLE 9- GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE ...................................................................... 5

ARTICLE 10 -ARBITRATION ........................................................................................ 8

ARTICLE 11- SENIORITY AND TERMINATION ........................................................... 9

ARTICLE 12- PROBATION ......................................................................................... 1 0

ARTICLE 13- JOB POSTING, TRANSFER AND PROMOTION .................................. 11

ARTICLE 14- LAYOFF, RECALL AND JOB SECURITY ............................................ 12

ARTICLE 15- TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE ................................................................ 15

ARTICLE 16- LEAVES OF ABSENCE. ........................................................................ 16

ARTICLE 17- WORKPLACE SAFETY AND INSURANCE .......................................... 23

ARTICLE 18- HOURS OF WORK, OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY ........................ 24

ARTICLE 19- PAID HOLIDAYS ................................................................................... 27

ARTICLE 20- VACATIONS .......................................................................................... 29

ARTICLE 21- SICK LEAVE .......................................................................................... 31

ARTICLE 22- INSURED BENEFITS AND PENSION .................................................. 33

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ARTICLE 23- CONTRACTING OUT.. .......................................................................... 35

ARTICLE 24- UNIFORMS ........................................................................................... 35

ARTICLE 25- BULLETIN BOARDS ............................................................................. 36


ARTICLE 27- PERSONNEL FILES ............................................................................. 36

ARTICLE 28- DURATION AND RENEWAL.. ............................................................... 36

ARTICLE 29- WAGES AND ANNIVERSARY INCREMENTS ..................................... 37

SCHEDULE "A" WAGES ............................................................................................... 39


MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT- Defined Contribution Pension Plan .................... 42

MEMORANDUM OF L!NDERSTANDING- Universal Benefits Plan ............................ .43


RE: Time Credits While Travelling ................................................................................. 47

RE: Signing Bonus ........................................................................................................ 48

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WHEREAS it is the desire of both parties to this Agreement to maintain harmonious relations, to promote co-operation and understanding between the Employer and its employees, to recognize the value of joint discussions and negotiations in all matters pertaining to working conditions, hours of work, and wages, and

WHEREAS the parties hereto agree that the operations of the Employer entail working methods, hours and processes which are peculiar to it, and

WHEREAS the parties hereto recognize that the function of the Employer is that of a public service with a humanitarian purpose.

NOW, THEREFORE, the Employer and the Union agree as follows:


2.01 The Employer shall mean the Canadian Blood Services (C.B.S.), Thunder Bay Site.

2.02 Union shall mean the Ontario Public Service Employees Union.

2.03 "Service" is defined as the length of continuous uninterrupted employment with the Employer.

2.04 An Employee shall mean any person identified in Article 3.01 of this Agreement.

2.05 A Regular Full-time Employee shall mean any person who works full-time on a regularly scheduled basis as specified in Article 18.01 of this Collective Agreement.

2.06 Regular Part-time employee shall mean any person who works less than full-time on a regularly scheduled basis, in accordance with their letter of appointment.

2.07 A temporary employee shall mean any person who is hired for a definite duration to replace another employee who is absent or to perform certain specific work. Prior to a temporary employee's commencement in the position, the Employer shall provide written confirmation of the start, and where possible, the estimated expiry dates of such a position - subject to change with two (2) weeks written notice if operational requirements so dictate.

A temporary employee shall not have the right to grieve the termination of her employment prior to or upon the expiry of the term for which she was hired.

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2.08 A casual employee shall mean any person who is available to work on an intermittent basis, as required. The terms of this agreement shall not apply to a casual employee except as otherwise provided herein.

2.09 The feminine gender shall mean and include the masculine and similarly the singular shall include the plural and vice versa, as applicable.

2.10 Applicability of Agreement

Except as otherwise stated in this agreement, all provisions of this collective agreement shall apply to regular part-time and temporary employees on a pro-rata basis to regular full-time employees when applicable.


3.01 The Employer recognizes the Union as the sole bargaining agent of all employees of the Canadian Blood Services Plasma Collection Site in the City of Thunder Bay, save and except supervisors, persons above the rank of supervisor, Administrative Assistant(s), Volunteer Coordinator(s), Donor Services Coordinator, Collections Coordinator, Registered Nurses employed in a nursing capacity and Quality Systems Associates as defined in the Ontario Labour Relations Board Certificate dated December 24, 2001.


4.01 The management and direction of employees and the operations of the Thunder Bay Plasma Site is vested exclusively in the Employer. All functions, rights, power and authority which the Employer has not specifically abridged, deleted or modified by this agreement are recognized by the Union as being retained by the Employer. The Employer agrees that Management rights will not be exercised in a manner inconsistent with the express provisions of this agreement.


5.01 a) The parties agree that there will be no intimidation, harassment, discrimination, interference, restraint or coercion exercised or practiced by the Employer and the Union or their representatives because of membership or activity in the Union.

The Employer, employees and the Union agree to conduct their affairs in accordance with the Ontario Human Rights Code and agree that there shall be no discrimination, restraint, intimidation, harassment or coercion practiced or permitted by the Employer or the Union or any of their representatives

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against any employee because of sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, family status, disability, record of offences, race, colour, creed, criminal record, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, citizenship or political opinion.

b) In accordance with the Canadian Blood Services Harassment policy as amended from time to time, the Employer shall:

i) provide a work environment free of harassment; and

ii) inform all employees of this policy, including their rights and responsibilities; and

iii) establish a procedure for rece1vmg and investigating complaints of harassment based on the principles of confidentiality and natural justice.


6.01 The Union agrees that there shall be no strikes and the Employer agrees that there shall be no lock-outs during the term of operation of this Agreement. The meaning of the word "strike" and the word "lockout" shall be as defined in the Ontario Labour Relations Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 228 as amended from time to time.


7.01 The Employer will deduct from each employee in the bargaining unit an amount equal to the regular monthly dues designated by the Union. The amount of the regular monthly dues shall be as provided to the Employer, in writing, at least one (1) calendar month in advance of any change by the Accounting Department of the Union from time to time. The amounts so deducted shall be remitted by the Employer to the Union's Accounting Department no later than 15th of the month following the month in which deductions were made, accompanied by a list of the names and addresses of employees from whose wages the deductions have been made. In the case of new employees, dues deductions will commence with the employee's first pay cheque. The employer agrees that, should negotiations result in retroactive payments of salaries, the Employer will deduct the amount of dues required.

7.02 The Union agrees to save the Employer harmless and to indemnify the Employer with respect to any claim made against the Employer by any employee or any group of employees arising out of the deduction of Union dues as herein provided.

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7.03 During her orientation with the employer, a new employee will be advised that, should she elect to do so, she is entitled to a fifteen (15) minute orientation meeting with a shop Steward of the Local, within regular working hours. Such meeting shall be arranged on site during the first thirty (30) days of employment; at a time convenient to the Employer.


8.01 Union Stewards

The Employer agrees to recognize three (3) Union Stewards from the bargaining unit. The Union agrees that Union Stewards have their regular duties and responsibilities as employees to perform and shall not leave their regular duties without first obtaining permission from the employee's immediate supervisor, or designate. Such permission shall not be unreasonably withheld.

8.02 Labour/Management Committee

a) It is agreed by both parties that it is important to review current and/or new methods of operations, to provide effective communications of information, ideas, and to discuss/study/make recommendations on matters of mutual concern as may arise from time to time in the operation of the Centre.

b) The Employer and the Union agree to co-operate in a joint Labour Management Committee in accordance with the following: '

i) Meetings are to be held twice a year, unless otherwise agreed by the parties.

ii) The Employer shall recognize up to two (2) representatives of the bargaining unit to represent the Local. The employer will recognize alternates to replace any such member from time to time.

iii) A special meeting of the Committee may be held at the call of either party, and with the concurrence of the other party, in order to discuss matters of serious concern.

c) The party requesting a meeting shall notify a representative of the other party of its desire to meet. Such notice will be in writing and will include the agenda of the item(s) to be discussed. Within five (5) working days the parties will set a meeting date and time, such meeting date to be within a further five (5) working days unless otherwise mutually agreed.

8.03 Negotiating Committee

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a) The Employer recognizes a Union Negotiating Committee composed of two (2) employees from the bargaining unit. The purpose of this Committee is to negotiate with the Management Negotiating Committee, the Collective Agreement and renewals thereof.

b) The· Employer agrees that the members of the Union Negotiating Committee shall suffer no loss of regular earnings for time spent during their regular scheduled working hours in attending negotiation meetings with the Management Negotiating Committee up to and including conciliation and mediation; provided that the employee has first obtained permission from a member of management to leave her work station or assigned duties. Such permission will not be unreasonably withheld.

8.04 Advising Employer of Committee Members

It is agreed that the Local President or designate, shall inform the Employer, in writing, of the names of the elected or appointed Union Stewards and Committee members and their alternates. The Employer shall not be obligated to deal with or recognize any person purporting to be a Union Steward or Committee Member until the Employer has been so notified in writing.

8.05 Attendance of Management Staff in Committee Meetings

The number of Management representatives, attending any of the above named Committee meetings, shall be an equal number to the Union representatives unless mutually agreed to, under special circumstances by the parties.

8.06 Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committee

The Employer will continue the operation of its Occupational Health and Safety Committee in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act as amended from time to time.

The Employer shall recognize one (1) employee from the bargaining unit to represent the local on the above noted Committee.

8.07 Union Stewards/Committee Members shall suffer no loss of regular earnings for time spent, during regularly scheduled work time, in performing their duties as noted in Articles 8.01, 8.02 and 8.06 above.


9.01 Grievance Defined

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For the purposes of this Agreement, a grievance is defined as a difference arising between the parties, relating to the interpretation, application, and administration of this Agreement, or where an allegation is made that the Agreement has been violated.

9.02 Right to Representation by Union Steward

An employee shall have the right to ask the presence of a Union Steward in any meeting to which the employee is called by the Employer during any stage of the grievance procedure.

9.03 Complaint Stage

a) It is the mutual desire of the parties hereto that complaints of employees should be adjusted as quickly as possible, and it is understood that an employee has no grievance until she has first given the immediate Supervisor or her designate the opportunity to adjust her complaint.

b) Such complaint shall be discussed by the employee with the immediate Supervisor or her designate, within twelve (12) working days after the circumstances giving rise to it have occurred or ought reasonably to have come to the attention of the employee.

c) Failing settlement within seven (7) working days, the employee may convert her complaint into a written grievance to be submitted within seven (7) working days following the employee's receipt of the decision of the immediate Supervisor or designate. Processing of the grievance shall take place in the following manner and sequence.

9.04 Step 1

An employee or group of employees having identical grievances, may present a grievance in writing to their immediate supervisor or her designate. The written grievance shall contain reference to the Article and/or Clauses in the Agreement which are alleged to have caused the grievance, and the redress sought. The immediate Supervisor or designate, shall render a decision in writing within ten (10) working days following the day on which the grievance was received. If this decision is unsatisfactory to the employee(s), she/they may proceed to Step 2. With mutual agreement a meeting may be convened during these ten (10) working days.

9.05 Step 2

Within ten (1 0) working days following the decision in Step 1, the employee(s) may submit the grievance in writing to Human Resources, who shall reply in writing to the grievor(s) within ten (1 0) working days following submission of the

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grievance. During these ten (10) working days, either party may request a meeting to discuss the grievance. If the decision of Human Resources is unsatisfactory to the grievor(s), it may be referred to Arbitration under Article 10 of this Agreement.

9.06 Policy Grievance

a) If a difference relative to the terms of this Agreement arises between the Union and the Employer, it may be presented by either party to the other party, in writing, in the form of a policy grievance at Step 2 of the grievance procedure within ten (10) working days following the circumstances giving rise to the grievance.

b) However, it is expressly understood that the provisions of this Article shall not be used by the Union to institute a grievance directly affecting an employee (or group of employees) where such employee(s) could herself/themselves institute the grievance.

9.07 Discipline/Discharge Grievance

a) The release of a probationary employee shall not be the subject of grievance or arbitration.

b) In any meeting or discussion where an employee is to be informed by the Employer that a discharge, suspension or any other form of disciplinary action is to be imposed on such employee, she shall be advised prior to the discussion itself that she may have a Union Steward present during such meeting.

c) Should the Employer discharge an employee who has successfully completed her probationary period, the Employer will notify the employee in writing including the reason(s) for the discharge. The employee shall have ten (1 0) working days to grieve the discharge directly under Step 2 of the grievance procedure.

The parties recognize that grievances alleging unjust discipline and discharge may be settled in any manner mutually satisfactory to the parties.

9.08 Attendance of OPSEU Representative

Representatives of OPSEU may request access to the premises of the Employer for the purpose of investigating grievances with the Employer. Such requests shall not be unreasonably denied.

9.09 Grievance Settlements

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Should the representatives of the Employer and the Union reach a settlement under the grievance procedure, such settlement shall be reduced to writing and adhered to by both parties.

9.10 Time Limits

The time limits set out in the grievance procedures in this Article shall be mandatory and failure to comply strictly with such time limits, except by written agreement of the parties, shall result in the grievance being deemed to have been abandoned.


10.01 Failing settlement under the foregoing procedure, either party may within ten (10) working days notify the other party in writing of its desire to submit the grievance to arbitration, and the notice shall contain the name of the first party's nominee to the Arbitration Board.

10.02 The recipient of the notice shall, within ten (10) working days, inform the other party of the name of its nominee to the Arbitration Board.

10.03 The two (2) nominees so selected shall, within five (5) working days of the appointment of the second of them, appoint a third person who shall be the Chairperson.

10.04 If the recipient of the notice fails to appoint its nominee, or if the two (2) nominees fail to agree upon a Chairperson, within the time limit in either case, the appointment shall be made by the Minister of Labour for Ontario, upon the request of either party.

10.05 The decision of the majority shall be the decision of the Board. Where there is no majority decision, the decision of the Chairperson shall be the decision of the Board.

10.06 The decision of the Board of Arbitration shall be final and binding and enforceable by all parties, but in no event shall the Board of Arbitration have the power to change this Agreement, or to alter, modify or amend any of its provisions or to substitute any new provisions for any existing provisions, nor to give any decision inconsistent with the terms and provisions of this Agreement.

10.07 No person may be appointed as an arbitrator who has been involved in an attempt to negotiate or settle the grievance.

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10.08 Each party shall pay the costs and expenses of its nominee. The costs and expenses of the Chairperson or single Arbitrator shall be borne equally by the parties.

10.09 Where an Arbitration Board is referred to in this Agreement, the parties may mutually agree, in writing, to substitute a single arbitrator for the Arbitration Board.

10.10 Time Limits

The time limits set out in the arbitration procedures in this Article shall be mandatory and failure to comply strictly with such time limits, except by the written agreement of the parties, shall result in the grievance being deemed to have been abandoned.


11.01 a) Seniority for regular full-time employees, as referred to in this Agreement, shall be calculated on the basis of regular hours paid in the continuous service of the Employer - from the last date of hire. One year's seniority shall be accumulated for each 1950 paid hours, exclusive of overtime. ·

Seniority for regular part-time employees, as referred to in this Agreement, shall be calculated on the basis of regular hours paid in the continuous service of the Employer - from the last date of hire. One year's seniority shall be accumulated for each 1500 paid hours, exclusive of overtime.

b) A probationary employee will have no seniority rights during the probationary period as defined in Article 12. After successful completion of probation, seniority shall date back to the starting date of the current employment.

c) Seniority shall only be applicable for the purpose of scheduling annual leave, the filling of vacancies and promotions (subject to Article 13.02), transfers, and layoffs.

d) The provisions of Article 11, Seniority shall not be applicable to temporary employees. However, if a temporary employee is appointed prior to the expiration of her term to a regular vacancy, the employee shall be credited with seniority based on actual hours worked, excluding overtime hours, from the date of last hire.

e) The provisions of Article 11, Seniority shall not be applicable to casual employees. However, if a casual employee is appointed to a regular position -regular full-time or part-time the employee shall be credited with seniority

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based on actual hours paid, excluding overtime hours, in their casual status from the date of last hire.

f) No more than one year's seniority shall accrue in a calendar year.

11.02 A seniority list comprising all members of the bargaining unit will be maintained for the bargaining unit. The Employer shall post such list and provide the Union with a copy, indicating bargaining unit seniority as of January 1st and July 1st of each calendar year. The seniority list shall be posted no later than the 15th of the month in which it is due.

11.03 An employee who is transferred to a position outside the bargaining unit shall not accumulate seniority during the period of the transfer.

11.04 An employee shall lose all service and seniority and shall be deemed to have terminated if she:

a) resigns or retires;

b) is discharged for just cause and is not reinstated through the grievance or arbitration procedure;

c) fails to return to work within one (1) day following the expiration of an authorized leave of absence and without providing a reason satisfactory to the Employer;

d) fails to return to work within three (3) days following an unauthorized absence, or utilizes a leave of absence, without permission, for purposes other than that for which the leave was granted;

e) has been laid off for a period of eighteen (18) months.

f) fails to report for duty on the date specified in a recall notice.


12.01 The words "probationary employee" shall mean any person who has not worked nine hundred and seventy five (975) regular hours from their last date of hire, provided however that each absence from work for any reason will extend the probation period by the equivalent number of hours of the absence. With the written consent of the parties, such probationary period may be extended by up to thirty (30) working days. During the probationary period, the Employer may dismiss any probationary employee provided such action is not for reasons which are discriminatory, arbitrary or in bad faith.

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12.02 New employees work performance shall be assessed six (6) weeks following the completion of their training period. Results shall be discussed with the employee by her immediate supervisor.

12.03 A temporary employee appointed to a regular vacancy will be subject to the applicable probationary provisions upon her appointment to such vacancy.


13.01 Job Posting

When the Employer determines that a vacancy exists within the scope of the bargaining unit, the vacancy shall be posted on the notice board for a period of seven (7) working days.

Application shall be made in writing within the seven (7) working day posting period. Selection shall be made based on the criteria outlined in Article 13.02 below.

Nothing shall preclude the Employer from simultaneously advertising the job vacancy outside the Employer's premises. Employees on staff, however, will be given preference before external candidates are considered.

13.02 Selection shall be based on the employee's efficiency and required qualifications (including initiative). Where these determining factors are equal, then seniority shall apply.

13.03 For the purpose of this Agreement, a promotion shall mean a change from one position to another position with a higher pay grade within the bargaining unit.

13.04 For the purpose of this Agreement, a voluntary transfer shall mean a change from one position to another position with an equal or lower pay grade within the bargaining unit.

The salary of the employee will be changed to the same step of the new position to match the step she held in her previous position.

13.05 Trial Period

When an employee is selected to fill a different position from that which they currently hold, (either a promotion or a transfer - as noted in Articles 13.03 and 13.04 above), she must undergo a trial period of four hundred and eighty seven and one-half (487.5) hours in which to demonstrate her ability to perform the new tasks to the satisfaction of the Employer. Should the employee fail to succeed during the trial period or wish to return to her previous position, she shall be

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reinstated to her former position and salary, without loss of seniority, subject to operational requirements. Anyone holding the employee's previous position shall in turn forfeit their rights to this position and shall return to their prior position and/or status. This principle shall also apply to all other similarly/subsequently impacted individuals.

13.06 Temporarv Transfer

Any employee who, for the convenience of the Employer is temporarily transferred to another position, within the bargaining unit, for one (1) full shift or in excess of one (1) day for which the rate of pay is different from that in effect for such employee's regular position shall be paid while so employed as follows:

i) if the rate of pay for the position to which she is transferred is less than her regular pay, she shall continue to receive her own higher rate of pay;

ii) if the rate of pay for the position to which she is temporarily transferred is higher than her regular pay, she shall receive the higher rate of pay for the position to which she is temporarily transferred, from the first day of the transfer, i.e. she shall be placed at the next highest step on the new pay scale.

13.07 As a result of a promotion or voluntary reclassification, an employee's anniversary date for the purpose of an annual increment shall be the date of promotion or reclassification.

13.08 New or Changed Classifications

When the Employer creates a new classification in the Union or substantially changes the duties of an existing classification, the Employer shall so notify the Union including the new rate of pay. Within thirty (30) calendar days of such notice, at the Union's request, the parties shall meet and discuss the new rate of pay. If the parties cannot agree on the appropriateness of the new rate of pay within ten (10) days of such meeting, the determination only of the rate of pay may be referred to arbitration in accordance with Article 10.

Such meeting and/or arbitration shall not delay the implementation of the new or substantially changed classification.


14.01 In the event of an intended layoff of a permanent or long term nature, the Employer will:

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a) advise the Union by notice to the Union Staff Representative within ninety (90) calendar days of such layoff; and

b) meet with the Union through the Labour/Management Committee within two (2) weeks to review the following:

i) the reason causing the layoff;

ii) the areas of cut-back and positions to be affected;

iii) ways the Employer may assist affected employees to find alternate employment.

14.02 a) Notice of layoff shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Employment Standards Act.

14.02 b) In the event that an employee is laid off pursuant to Article 14.03, insured benefits that the employee was participating in immediately prior to the layoff, excluding L TO, may be continued for a period of three (3) policy months following the layoff. The employee must make arrangements with the Employer for the pre-payment of the full cost of premiums. (Employer's and employee's share) to ensure continuing coverage.

14.03 In the event of layoff, the Employer shall layoff employees in the reverse order of their seniority within their classification, providing that those employees who remain on the job have the qualifications and ability to perform the work.

14.04 Bumping

a) Within ten (10) working days of receiving a layoff notice, an employee may displace another employee of lesser seniority who is the most junior employee (full-time to full-time and part-time to part-time, then full-time to part-time) in a lower or identical paying classification. Should an employee not wish to bump within her section, she shall have the option to bump the most junior employee in an equal or lower paying classification in another section. Failure to so bump shall be deemed to be an acceptance of layoff. An employee who is bumped shall be laid off, and retain her rights in accordance with the provisions of this Article, excluding article 14.01.

b) It is understood that the employee who bumps another employee must have the required qualifications and be able to perform the duties of the displaced employee's job with training provided by the Employer. Such training shall not exceed the normal training that a new employee would receive upon commencing her employment for that specific job. The employer will assume all costs associated with the above training. There shall be no reduction in

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wage or salary rates during the training period of any such employee. Training shall be given during the hours of work whenever possible.

c) An employee who bumps into a lower paying classification shall be placed on the same step of the scale in the new classification that she occupied in her former classification and shall be paid accordingly.

14.05 An employee who has displaced an employee in a lower paying classification shall be entitled to return to the position she held prior to displacement, should it become vacant within twenty-four (24) months of the displacement, provided the employee remains qualified and able to perform the duties of her former position or former position under a new title. The employee shall confirm in writing their interest in returning to this position when it becomes vacant/available,

14.06 Recall Rights

a) Employees, in order of seniority, may accept a recall from layoff to an available position in an equal or lower paying classification, provided they have the qualifications and ability to perform the work, before such position is filled on a regular basis under the job posting procedure.

b) No new employee shall be hired until all those laid off have been given an opportunity to return to work and have failed to do so, in accordance with the loss of seniority provision in Article 11.04 contained herein, or the Employer determines the employee to not have the ability and/or qualifications to perform the work available.

c) An employee who accepts a recall to work shall be credited with the seniority she had at the time of layoff.

14.07 An employee may, within eighteen (18) months of accepting a recall into a different classification than that of her pre-layoff position, return to the position she held immediately prior to being laid off should it become vacant, provided she remains qualified and able to perform the duties of that former position and confirms their interest in returning to such position in writing.

14.08 In case of layoff and except where otherwise provided in 14.02 b), employees will not accrue or be entitled to any benefits with the exception of recall rights, under this Agreement.

14.09 The Employer shall notify an employee of a recall opportunity by registered mail, addressed to the last address on record with the Employer. Notification shall be deemed to be received upon the Employer's receipt of the return portion of the registered mail card (however, this period shall not exceed ten (1 0) calendar days from the date which the registered letter was sent). The notification shall state the position to which the employee is eligible to be recalled and the date

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and time at which the employee shall report for work. The employee is solely responsible for her proper address being on record with the Employer.

14.1 0 Severance

Notwithstanding the foregoing prov1s1ons, in the event an employee loses employment with the Employer as a result of position abolishment they will be entitled to the following:

a) Notice as contemplated by Article 14.02.

b) The choice of recall rights. as contemplated by Article 14.06 or, a severance payment equivalent to two (2) week's pay for each year of service to a maximum of twenty-six (26) weeks.

c) For the purpose of calculating (b) above, partial years of service shall be prorated based on completed months of service (i.e. yearly entitlement [exclusive of overtime]/ 12 x completed months of employment). Such amount shall be calculated at the rate of pay the employee is in receipt of at the time of severance.

d) It is expressly understood that acceptance of a severance payment under this provision constitutes a termination of employment and is a waiver of recall rights.


15.01 The Employer shall endeavour to notify the Union as far in advance as practicable, and no less than ninety (90) calendar days, in advance of any technological changes which the Employer has decided to introduce which could affect employees within the bargaining unit.

15.02 The Employer agrees to discuss with the Union through the Labour Management Committee the affect of such technological changes on employees.

15.03 Where new or greater skills are required than are already possessed by affected employees under the present methods of operation, such employees shall be given a period of training as prescribed in Article 15.04 below. Employees refusing such training shall be subject to layoff.

15.04 The Employer shall assume the cost of tuition and travel required in training programs. There shall be no loss of wages or salary during the training period for any employee. Training shall be given during the hours of work whenever possible and may extend for up to three (3) calendar months.

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16.01 Pregnancy and Parental leave shall be in accordance with the Employment Standards Act and, as such, are subject to any changes there under during the term of this Collective Agreement.

Pregnancy Leave

A pregnant employee:

a) who has completed thirteen (13) consecutive weeks of employment for the Employer; and

i) who requests a maternity leave at least two (2) weeks before the day she intends to commence such leave (the Employer may request the employee's intent in writing); and

ii) who, at the Employer's request, provides the Employer with a certificate of a duly qualified medical practitioner certifying that she is pregnant and specifying the estimated date of her delivery;

shall be granted maternity leave consisting of:

i) a period of at least seventeen (17) weeks; and

ii) if requested by the employee, unpaid maternity leave of longer duration may be granted at the discretion of the Employer.

16.02 Parental Leave

a) Every employee who has completed thirteen (13) consecutive weeks of employment for the Employer who:

i) in the case of a female employee, becomes the natural mother of a child,

ii) in the case of a male employee, becomes the natural father of a child or assumes care and custody of his new-born child, or

iii) adopts a child under the law of a province; and

b) who submits to the Employer an application (the Employer may request such application in writing) for parental leave at least two (2) weeks before the day specified in the application as the day on which the employee intends to commence the leave; is entitled to, and shall be granted parental leave consisting of a continuous period of up to thirty-seven (37) weeks. Where an

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employee is also taking a maternity leave, the maximum parental leave shall be thirty-five (35) weeks.

c) Subject to (b) above, parental leave must commence no later than the first anniversary date of the birth or adoption of the child or of the date on which the child comes into the actual care and custody of the employee.

d) Where an employee intends to take parental leave in addition to maternity leave, the employee must commence the parental leave immediately on expiry of the maternity leave without a return to work after expiry of the maternity leave.

16.03 a) During the employee's pregnancy and/or parental leave, the employee may continue to participate in the Pension Plan and insured benefit plans she is enrolled in immediately prior to commencing her leave provided that she gives the Employer written notice of her intent to do so at least four (4) weeks prior to the commencement of her leave.

When an employee continues to participate in the insured benefit plans and/or Pension Plan the Employer shall continue to pay its share of premiums for insured benefit plans and/or pension contributions on behalf of the employee provided that the employee continues to pay her share of premiums applicable to insured benefit plans and/or pension contributions. The employee shall either prepay her share of premiums and/or pension contributions or provide the Employer with post dated cheques prior to the commencement of the leave.

b) The Employer will implement a Supplemental Employment Benefits Plan effective September 1, 2006. Employees commencing maternity or parental/adoption leave on or after September 1, 2006 will receive the Supplementary Employment Benefits if they meet eligibility requirements.

Maternity/Parental/Adoption Supplemental Employment Benefits (SEB) shall only apply to Regular Full-time and Regular Part-time employees.

Eligible employee shall mean an employee who has completed at least thirteen (13) weeks of employment prior to commencing her/his maternity and/or parental/adoption leave, and who is in receipt of Employment Insurance maternity or parental benefits.

Employees on maternity or parental/adoption leave as at September 1, 2006 will be eligible to receive the SEB from September 1, 2006 onwards, subject to their continuing eligibility under the Employment Insurance Act.

c) Maternity Supplemental Employment Benefits

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An employee, who is in receipt of Employment Insurance (EI) maternity

benefits pursuant to the Employment Insurance Act, shall be paid a SEB that

is equivalent to the difference between the gross weekly El benefit the

employee is eligible to receive and seventy-five percent (75%) of the

employee's gross weekly rate of pay. This SEB payment shall commence

following completion of the two (2) week El waiting period and upon submitted

proof of receipt of El benefits. The SEB payment shall continue while the

employee is in receipt of El maternity benefits for a maximum of fifteen (15)


CBS will pay seventy-five percent (75%) of the employee's gross weekly rate

of pay for the two-week waiting period required for maternity benefits under

the Employment Insurance Act.

d) Parental/Adoption Supplemental Employment Benefits

An employee, who is in receipt of Employment Insurance (EI) parental

benefits pursuant to the Employment Insurance Act, shall be paid a SEB that

is equivalent to the difference between the gross weekly El benefit the

employee is eligible to receive and seventy-five percent (75%) of the

employee's gross weekly rate of pay. This SEB payment shall commence

following completion of any required two (2) week El waiting period and upon

submitted proof of receipt of El benefits. The SEB payment shall continue

while the employee is in receipt of El parental benefits for a maximum of ten

(10) weeks.

If a two-week waiting period is required for parental benefits under the

Employment Insurance Act, CBS will pay seventy-five percent (75%) of the

employee's gross weekly rate of pay for this waiting period.

In instances where two employees share the parental/adoption leave and

both are in receipt of El parental benefits, both employees shall be eligible for

the SEB to a maximum of ten (10) weeks each.

e) SEB Payment Calculation

SEB payments will be based on the regular weekly rate of pay in the

employee's home position.

The regular weekly rate of pay shall be determined by multiplying the

employee's regular weekly work hours by the regular hourly rate on the last

day worked prior to the commencement of the leave and excludes overtime,

premiums and allowances.

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Regular weekly work hours for regular part-time employees shall be

determined by calculating the average regular hours paid per week over the

twenty (20) weeks preceding the commencement of the leave.

Salary changes with an effective date during the leave will not result in an

adjustment to the SEB payment.

16.04 Union Activity/Position Leave

a) Any member of the bargaining unit who is attending Union activities shall,

upon making the request in writing four (4) weeks in advance and subject to

operational requirements, be granted a leave of absence without pay. In

certain circumstances the four (4) weeks notice may be less for the purpose

of attending union educationals. The maximum time off for Union activities

shall not exceed a total of twenty-five (25) working days per calendar year. It

is expressly understood that only two (2) employees, and only one (1)

employee per classification, may be absent under this Article at any one time.

b) A Union Steward or her designate shall suffer no loss of pay during her

regularly scheduled working hours to attend meetings with the Employer

arising from the grievance arbitration procedure.

c) If an employee is elected as the Union's provincial President or First Vice­

President the Union will, immediately following such election, advise the

Employer of the name of the employee so elected. Leave of absence without

pay shall be granted from the employee's place of employment for the

duration of the current term of office.

d) Where a member of the bargaining unit is elected or appointed as an

Executive Board Member, or Executive Officer, such individual shall be

granted leave of absence without pay for the time off required to exercise the

duties of such appointment.

e) An employee shall provide the Employer with written notice of their candidacy

in Union Executive elections the same day they announce their candidacy to

the Union.

f) For leaves of absence without pay for Union business under the terms of this

Article, the employee's salary and applicable benefits will be maintained by

the Employer and the Union will reimburse the Employer for the cost of salary

and benefits. The Employer will bill the Union and the Union will reimburse

the Employer within a reasonable period of time.

16.05 Education Leave

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An employee who wishes to pursue further education shall be granted a leave

without pay to pursue such education, subject to operational requirements. The

employee shall provide application in writing to the Employer as far in advance

as possible and shall provide, upon the Employer's request, proof of enrolment.

It is expressly understood that no more than one (1) employee from a given

classification may be off at one time under this Article.

The provisions of Article 16.05 shall not apply to temporary or casual employees.

16.06 Bereavement Leave

Bereavement leave of absence without loss of regular pay shall be granted to an

employee upon request in accordance with the following:

a) At the time of death or funeral of an employee's spouse (which includes

common-law or same gender relationship maintained for a period of at least

one year), child, parent, grandparent, grandchild or sibling, a maximum of five

(5) consecutive working days.

b) At the time of death or funeral of an employee's mother/father-in-law,

son/daughter-in-law, a maximum of three (3) consecutive working days.

c) At the time of death or funeral of an employee's aunt, uncle, niece, nephew,

brother-in-law or sister-in-law or grandparent-in-law; up to one (1) working

day to attend the funeral.

In addition to the above, a maximum of two (2) consecutive working days may be

granted if overnight travel is required to attend the funeral.

Additional time off without pay may be granted at the Employer's discretion under

extenuating circumstances. Such extra leave shall not be unreasonably withheld.

16.07 Compassionate Leave

a) For the purpose of attending to a serious illness of an immediate family

member, namely spouse (including common law or same gender relationship

of one year or longer), child or parent, a maximum of four (4) days without

loss of regular pay per fiscal year (April 1st to March 31st) may be granted.

Serious illness shall mean illness involving hospitalization or any illness that a

medical doctor certifies to be critical. The employee shall provide proof upon

request by the Employer.

b) For the purpose of attending to the care of a child who is sick but not

seriously ill, the employee may, at the Employer's discretion, be granted a

maximum of fifteen (15) hours paid leave per fiscal year (April 1st to March


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c) Additional time off without pay may be granted at the Employer's discretion

under extenuating circumstances. Such extra leave shall not be unreasonably


16.08 Wedding Leave

Subject to advance written notice, employees who have successfully completed

their probationary period shall be granted three (3) consecutive working days off

with pay, immediately prior to, or immediately following their wedding.

16.09 Medical/Dental Leave

The Employer shall allow employees leave with pay to attend medical and dental

appointments where such appointments cannot be arranged outside of working

hours to a maximum of eighteen (18) hours per fiscal year, provided the

employee provides the Employer notice in writing three (3) weeks in advance,

except in extenuating circumstances, of such appointment.

16.10 Except in emergency circumstances, all requests for leave of absence must be

made in writing four (4) weeks in advance, unless otherwise specified, specifying

the reason for the requested leave and the proposed dates of departure and


16.11 Unless otherwise provided, contributions of the Employer and the Employee to

the Canadian Blood Services Pension Plan during leaves of absence will be in

accordance with the rules and regulations of the plan.

16.12 During any period of leave of absence without pay of more than one month's

duration, subject to 16.03 above:

a) all benefit plans will be cancelled unless the employee makes prior

arrangements with the Employer for the payment of the employee's and the

Employer's share of premiums. During the first thirty (30) days of any leave of

absence, the normal cost sharing of premiums will continue. Regardless,

L TO coverage will not continue under any circumstances beyond the first

thirty (30) days of unpaid leave of absence.

b) the employee will cease to accrue sick leave and vacation for the duration of

the absence

c) the employee's anniversary date, for the purpose of annual increment, shall

be adjusted by any leave of absence of more than one month's duration.

16.13 Employees will not be entitled to Recognized Holidays with pay that may fall

during any period of leave of absence without pay.

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16.14 In accordance with Article 16.06, 16.07, 16.08 and 16.09 the pay entitlement of regular part-time and temporary employees for authorized leave shall be limited to their posted scheduled hours of work.

16.15 Except as otherwise provided herein, and at the discretion of the employer, a leave of absence without pay shall be granted.

16.16 a) The Employer shall provide Family Medical Leave without pay to employees for a period of up to eight (8) weeks within a twenty-six (26) week period to provide care and support to a specified family member, specified under the Employment Standards Act, who has a serious medical condition with a significant risk of death occurring within that twenty-six (26) week period in accordance with the provisions of the Act.

b) i) For full-time employees seniority shall continue to accrue during family medical leave; however, the employee will not be paid for named holidays occurring during such leaves of absence. The employee shall continue to earn paid vacation and sick leave credits for the entire duration of the absence.

ii) In the case of part-time employees, seniority shall continue to accrue during family medical leave. Weekly service and seniority entitlements shall be calculated by adding up the hours worked in the twenty (20) week period immediately prior to the leave and dividing this total by twenty (20). Upon return to employment, absence on family medical leave shall be considered as service for the purpose of entitlement to increased vacation pay and annual increment. However, the employee will not be entitled to pay-in-lieu of benefits and vacation pay nor will she be paid for named holidays occurring during such leaves of absence.

c) During the employees family medical leave, the employee may continue to participate in the Pension Plan and staff benefit plans she is enrolled in immediately prior to commencing her leave. The employee shall give the Employer four (4) weeks advance written notice, before her leave is to commence, that she elects to continue with her benefits during the absence.

d) When an employee continues to participate in the insured benefit plans and/or Pension Plan, the Employer shall continue to pay its share of premiums for insured benefit plans and/or pension contributions on behalf of the employee provided that the employee continues to pay her share of premiums applicable to insured benefit plans and/or pension contributions. The employee shall either prepay her share of premiums and/or pension contributions or provide the Employer with post dated cheques prior to the commencement of the leave.

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e) An employee returning from family medical leave shall be paid at the same

step in the salary scale attained prior to going on such leave of absence.

Should an anniversary increment fall during such leave of absence, the

employee shall receive an anniversary increment upon return to employment.

f) Employees newly hired to replace employees who are on approved family

medical leave may be released and such release shall not be the subject of a

grievance or arbitration. If retained by the Employer, the employee shall be

credited with seniority from date of hire, subject to successfully completing

her probationary period.


17.01 a) Employees included in this Agreement shall be governed by the provisions of

the Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Act and shall be subject to its

rules and regulations.

b) The Employer and the Union agree that they mutually desire to maintain

standards of safety and health in order to prevent accidents, injury and


c) i) An employee who is unable to work as a result of an accident, injury or

illness sustained while on duty in the service of the Employer within the

meaning of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, shall continue to

receive her regular salary and benefits from the Employer, less regular

deductions, provided she assigns over to the Employer her compensation

payments due from the Board for time lost as a result of the accident.

ii) An employee who elects not to assign her compensation payments to the

Employer and wishes to continue coverage of her insured benefits and

pension must make prior arrangements for the prepayment of the full

premium of any contributory insured benefit plans and her share of

pension contributions.

d) Should the employee's claim be disallowed by the Workplace Safety and

Insurance Board then any monies paid by the Employer shall be either

charged against the employee's accumulated sick leave credits or if the

employee has no sick leave credits, the amount so paid shall be recovered

from the employee.

e) An employee who has been on staff for more than one (1) year, and is

declared unfit to perform the essential duties of her regular job shall lose her

seniority and employment two (2) years after the date of the accident or one

(1) year after the Notice of Fitness of Essential Duties from the Workplace

Safety and Insurance Board has been received when all attempts to

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accommodate the worker or to provide alternate work have failed. Seniority and employment shall also be lost on the date as of which the employee is certified fit to return to work and she fails to do so or in the case of employees who are hired for a definite term of employment, upon expiration of such term. In the case of employees who have been on staff for less than one (1) year, the employee may be terminated on the date she is declared unfit to perform the essential duties of her regular job.

f) All accidents must be reported as soon as reasonably possible by the employee, in writing, to her Supervisor who will complete an accident report. The employee will be provided with a copy of the report.

g) Employees are required to provide the Employer, as far in advance as possible, with a written notice of readiness to return to work.

h) The Employer will indicate either by written certification or on the employee's T-4 the amount of compensation payment the employee has assigned to the Employer.


18.01 Hours of work for regular full-time employees will be a total of seventy-five (75) hours to be scheduled over a two (2) week period, exclusive of unpaid meal breaks and inclusive of rest periods.

Hours of work for regular part-time and casual employees are less than regular full-time employees.

Hours of work for regular full-time employees are subject to the following:

a) There shall be a maximum of six (6) consecutive days of work between day(s) off.

b) There shall be no fewer than four (4) unpaid days off in any bi-weekly period. Two (2) of the four (4) days shall be consecutive and one (1) of the four (4) days shall be a Sunday.

c) Where, with the Employer's prior approval, two (2) or more employees arrange to exchange shifts or days off, such exchange will not result in increased costs to the Employer.

d) The provisions of 18.01 (a) and 18.01 (b) above shall not apply to regular part-time, temporary, or casual employees.

18.02 Hours of work shall be deemed to:

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a) include a paid rest period of fifteen (15) minutes during each block of four (4)

hours worked; and

b) exclude an unpaid meal period of thirty (30) minutes during each block of

more than five (5) consecutive hours worked.

c) At the prior request of an employee, the two fifteen minute breaks in (b)

above may be combined into one thirty (30) minute rest period on a given

day. This provision is subject to operational requirements and the Employer's


d) Should the employee not receive her rest period(s) or meal period(s) in (a) or

(b) above, or be called back to work during her rest period, the Employer will

endeavor to reschedule such missed period at a later time during that shift. If

the missed period cannot be rescheduled, the time will be added to the

employee's averaging period.

18.03 a) It is understood that, if due to unavailability of work, any regular full-time

employees should work less than seventy-five (75) scheduled hours during

each two (2) week period, the employee shall be paid her full bi-weekly

salary. This payment shall be reduced by the hour(s) of any paid holiday(s)

that occur during the seventy-five (75) hour two (2) week period.

b) Employees who report for work as scheduled, but no work is available, shall

receive pay at the employee's regular rate of pay for the hours actually

worked or four (4) hours pay at the employee's regular rate of pay, whichever

is greater.

18.04 Employees shall receive a scheduled rest period of at least ten (10) hours

between the cessation of work on one workday and the commencement of work

in the next workday. An employee shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half

(1 %) for any hours worked during the ten (1 0) hour period.

18.05 Overtime

a) A full time employee shall be paid one and one-half times (1 1/2 X) her basic

hourly rate when she is authorized to work in excess of seventy-five (75)

hours in a two (2) week averaging period.

b) Part time employees shall be paid at the rate of one and one half (1 %) times

their basic hourly rate for all hours worked in excess of the hours scheduled

for that day or 7.5 hours, whichever is greater.

c) By mutual agreement between the Employer and a regular full-time

employee, overtime may be compensated by banked time off, calculated at

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overtime rates, to a maximum accumulation of thirty seven and one-half (37

%) hours, after which any overtime worked shall be paid out at the overtime


Notwithstanding the above, compensating time off not approved/assigned by

the Employer by February 28th of each year shall be paid to the employee by

fiscal year end.

18.06 Evening and Saturday Premiums

a) Should an employee work scheduled hours between 1800 hours and 0600

hours of the following day, she shall receive a $1.10 premium per hour for

those hours so worked.

b) Should an employee work scheduled hours between 2400 on Friday and

2400 on Sunday, that employee shall receive a $1.10 premium for all hours

so worked.

c) The above noted premiums shall not form part of the employee's hourly rate

of pay.

18.07 No Pyramiding

Payment for overtime hours and/or for premiums shall be calculated and paid

under one provision of this agreement only.

18.08 Standby

a) Standby shall refer to any period of time when an employee has been

assigned by the Employer during which an employee is required to be

available to return to work without undue delay.

b) Employees on standby shall be paid two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) per

hour, three dollars ($3.00) per hour on Sundays and designated paid

holidays. Such pay shall cease in the event of a call back (i.e. for hours

worked or minimum hours paid as in Article 18.09 below).

c) Employees designated for standby duty, who are legitimately unable to

perform such duties because of illness etc., shall immediately notify the

Employer. Failure to immediately notify the Employer will disqualify the

employee from receiving a standby allowance for the entire assignment.

18.09 Call-Back

a) An employee called back to work after leaving the premises of the Employer

and prior to the commencement of her next regularly scheduled workday shall

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be paid overtime rates for all hours worked with a minimum of four (4) hours

at her hourly rate whichever is greater. Should an employee be called back

within three (3) hours prior to the commencement of her next regularly

scheduled workday the minimum four (4) hours will not apply and the

employee shall be paid overtime rates of time and one-half (1.50) for hours

actually worked during the call back period.

b) An employee directed to report to duty on call-back shall be reimbursed either

for return taxi fare from and to her residence within the city limits of Thunder

Bay or shall receive a mileage allowance of $0.30 cents per kilometer for the

use of her personal vehicle. Employees shall make every reasonable attempt

to use their personal vehicle in such circumstances. In either case, the

allowance shall be a minimum of three dollars ($3.00) and a maximum of fifty

dollars ($50.00).

18.1 0 Split Shifts

There shall be no split shifts.

18.11 Posting of Schedules

The Employer shall make every reasonable effort to post a confirmed schedule

four (4) weeks prior to the beginning of each two (2) week averaging period.

Under extenuating circumstances, the Employer may make changes to the

schedule during the first two (2) weeks of posting. Changes to the schedule

during the last two (2) weeks of posting shall only be made by the mutual

agreement of the Employer and the affected employee(s).

The Employer shall make reasonable efforts to accommodate employee's

scheduling requests.

18.12 A premium of ninety cents ($0.90) per hour shall be paid to employees assigned

as On-the-Job Trainers (excluding Preceptors).


19.01 a) The following shall be paid as recognized holidays for the purpose of this


New Year's Day Family Day Good Friday Easter Monday Victoria Day

Labour Day Thanksgiving Day Remembrance Day Christmas Day Boxing Day

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Canada Day August Civic Holiday Christmas Eve or New Years Eve

b) In the event that the Employer plans a "shutdown day" on either the day

before Christmas Day or the day before New Years Day, the employees will

be notified two (2) months prior.

c) On each pay cheque, regular part-time, temporary, and casual employees

shall be paid four and eighty-eight hundredths percent (4.88%) of their

individual straight time earnings (i.e., applicable straight time earnings,

exclusive of overtime pay, all premiums and vacation pay), in lieu of the

above paid holidays applicable to regular full-time employees.

19.02 a) When a regular full-time employee works on any of the holidays as defined in

19.01 above, in addition to holiday pay, she shall be paid time and one-half (1

1/2) her basic hourly rate for each hour worked.

b) A regular full-time employee who works on any of the above-mentioned

holidays may elect to receive compensatory time off in accordance with

Article 18.05 b). Conversion to compensatory time off shall be computed at

time and one-half the number of hours worked during the holiday.

c) Regular part-time, temporary, and casual employees required to work on a

designated paid holiday shall be paid one and one half (1 %) times their

straight time hourly rate for all hours worked on such designated paid holiday,

and the employee shall not receive a day off in lieu of the holiday worked.

19.03 Employees shall also receive one (1) floating holiday with pay per year which

shall be taken, at the employee's written request, between April 1st and March

31st of the following year, subject to operational requirements and the following:

a) The floating holiday can be attached to any other paid holiday above.

b) Probationary, temporary, casual, and part-time employees are not entitled to

the floating holiday.

c) Not more than one (1) employee from a given classification shall be off on the

floating holiday at any one time.

d) Employees hired after September 30th shall not receive the floating holiday

until the next fiscal year.

e) The Employer may substitute the float or any of the above proclaimed

holidays in 19.01 for any other day or days proclaimed as a general holiday

by the Federal or Provincial authorities.

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19.04 If a recognized holiday falls on a day on which an employee is receiving sick leave benefits, she shall be paid for the holiday and such pay shall not be deducted from her sick leave credits.

19.05 In order to qualify for any of the above recognized holidays not worked, an employee must have been on a paid status the scheduled workday immediately preceding and the scheduled workday immediately following such holiday.


20.01 The vacation year coincides with the fiscal year (April 1 -March 31). Full-time employees will be eligible for paid vacation based on the following:

a) 15 working days (3 weeks), calculated as 1-1/4 days for each completed month of continuous service.

b) Following four (4) years of service, 20 working days (4 weeks}, calculated as 1-2/3 days for each completed month of continuous service.

c) Following ten (10) years of service, 25 working days (5 weeks}, calculated as 2-1/12 days for each completed month of continuous service.

d) Following twenty-five (25) years of service, 30 working days (6 weeks), calculated as 2-1/2 days for each completed month of continuous service.

Vacation entitlement will be established on a pro-rata basis for those employees whose anniversary occurs during the vacation year.

20.02 a) Employees who have completed their probationary period, subject to Article 12, may take vacation any time during the vacation year (April 1st to March 31st).

b) i) Employees shall submit vacation requests no later than April 1st of the vacation year. The vacation schedule shall be posted by May 15th. The approval of vacation dates shall be decided by seniority within each classification (unless otherwise agreed by the supervisor no more than one (1) employee by classification will be granted vacation for the same period}. Seniority shall entitle a person to claim no more than two (2) weeks of prime summer vacation time. Summer prime time in this Agreement shall consist of the months of July and August.

Clarity Note: For the purposes of this article only. Plasma Assistant Processor and Plasma Assistant Screener will be considered separate classifications.

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ii) For the Christmas period, which is considered to be from Christmas Eve to

New Years Day and the week of March Break an employee will be entitled

to exercise their seniority rights during one period but not both.

iii) Any changes in the vacation schedule after posting shall require written

consent of the Employer and employees affected. Employees requesting

to take vacation between April 1st and May 15th will submit such requests

by February 1st. Approval of such vacation will be given by February


c) All employees are expected to schedule and take vacation earned in each

vacation year. Employees who have not requested vacation by December

31st of the current vacation year will have any unused vaca.tion assigned by

the Employer within the current vacation year if a mutually agreeable time

cannot be determined.

20.03 It is understood that the Employer may defer vacation in situations where an

employee is still on probation as of February 1st of the vacation year in which the

employee was initially employed. Such deferred vacation must be used prior to

June 30th of the following vacation year and may not be combined with other

vacation entitlements.

20.04 a) Upon termination of employment, any vacation taken, but not earned as of the

date of termination, will be deducted from the employee's final pay.

Reciprocally, payment for vacation earned, but not taken shall form part of the

employee's final pay.

b) Upon changing status from regular full-time to other-than-full-time, any

vacation taken, but not earned as of the date of the status change, will be

deducted from the employee's final pay as a regular full-time employee.

Reciprocally, payment for vacation earned, but not taken shall form part of the

employee's final pay as a regular full-time employee.

20.05 a) Regular part-time employees shall be paid six (6), eight (8), ten (10) or twelve

(12) percent of their gross salary earned, in lieu of vacation accrual,

whichever percentage is applicable depending on their vacation entitlement

as set forth hereunder:

Up to 6,000 hours worked

From 6,001 hours worked or

after four (4) years, whichever occurs later

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6% (3 weeks)

8% (4 weeks)

Page 34: Ontario Public Service Employees Union Canadian Blood Services · 2016-05-09 · 2.01 The Employer shall mean the Canadian Blood Services (C.B.S.), Thunder Bay Site. 2.02 Union shall

From 15,001 hours worked, or after ten (1 0) years, whichever occurs later

From 37,501 hours worked, or after twenty-five (25) years whichever occurs later


10% (5 weeks)

12% (6 weeks)

Casual and temporary employees shall be paid on each pay cheque six (6%) percent of their regular hourly earnings in lieu of vacation.

b) Regular part-time employees may apply for annual vacation without pay up to a maximum of three (3) calendar weeks per vacation year, after 6001 hours four (4) calendar weeks without pay and after 15001 hours five (5) calendar weeks without pay.

c) A regular employee who is transferred from full-time to part-time, or vice versa, shall retain and carry with her length of service for vacation entitlement purposes.


21.01 Based on continuous service, sick leave credits will accrue for regular full-time employees' as listed below:

Regular part-time employees will accrue sick leave on a pro-rata basis (i.e., 1950 regular hours worked will be equal to one (1) year).

Length of Service 100% Salary 75% Salary 66-2/3% Salary

On the first calendar day 5 days 5 days 65 days after 3 months of continuous service has been completed

1 year 10 days 20 days 45 days 2 years 15 days 35 days 25 days 3 years 20 days 50 days 5 days 4 years 25 days 65 days 5 years 30 days 80 days

6 years 35 days 95 days 7 years 40 days 110 days 8 years 45 days 125 days 9 years 50 days 140 days 10 years 55 days 155 days

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11 years 60 days 170 days 12 years 65 days 185 days 13 years 70 days 190 days 14 years 75 days 185 days 15 years 80 days 180 days

16 years 85 days 175 days 17 years 90 days 170 days 18 years 95 days 165 days 19 years 100 days 160 days 20 years 105 days 155 days

21 years 110 days 150 days 22 years 115 days 145 days 23 years 120 days 140 days 24 years 125 days 135 days 25 years 130 days 130 days

If the employee has less than 75 days of credits at the time sick leave commences, additional sick leave will be provided, if required, to bring the total period of sick leave available to a maximum of 75 days at 66 2/3% pay.

When an employee returns to active employment following a period of sick leave, and the employee assumes the regular duties of their position at their regular hours of work, credits up to a maximum of 75 days at 66 2/3% will again be made available after the following intervals:

a) one (1) month after return to active employment in the case of a new disability; or

b) three (3) months after return to active employment in the case of a recurrence of the same disability.

Upon termination of employment, all sick leave credits shall be canceled and no payment shall be due.

21.02 An employee who will be absent from work shall contact her immediate Supervisor or designate, in accordance with operational protocol, by telephone on or before the first (1st) day of absence. Failure to give notice without a reason satisfactory to the Supervisor may result in the nonpayment of wages for the entire workday, and/or all other workdays and shall be deemed absent without leave.

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21.03 An employee returning to work following one (1) or more days of absence shall

inform her immediate Supervisor or designate, at least one (1) work day prior to

her intended return to work.

If no notice of intent to return to work has been received, and the employee

reports for work, she shall be sent home without pay if a replacement had been

scheduled to work.

21.04 The Employer reserves the right to require a medical examination and/or medical

certificate or report to determine an employee's eligibility for sick leave benefits

and fitness to resume her normal duties. Failure to comply with such request

may result in non-payment of sick leave benefits, and/or refusal to allow the

employee to continue or resume her duties.

The Employer agrees to pay for the cost of any medical forms as provided by the

Employer specific to return to work situations requiring modified work/work

restrictions or medical certificates, as required, before a return to work.

21.05 Any employee who has given notice of resignation of employment shall not

receive sick leave benefits during the period of notice without supporting medical

documentation as contemplated by Article 21.04.


22.01 a) When the enrolment and other requirements of the insurer for group

participation have been met, the Employer shall sponsor group insured

benefits for the payment of hospital care, by agreement with the Ontario

Hospital Plan and medical care and extended health care, with a carrier

selected by the Employer, and shall pay one hundred percent (100%) of the

premium cost of such benefits (for either a single person or for a family, as

the case may be).

b) Employees shall enrol in Group Life Insurance Plan (basic being 1 times

annual salary rounded off to the next higher thousand; and with further

options on Group Life for Dependants) and on Accidental Death &

Dismemberment coverages, Long Term Disability, Extended Health Care and

Dental benefits in accordance with the provisions and requirements of these


c) Subject to the enrolment and other requirements of the Employer and the

insurer for group participation, the Employer shall implement a Dental Plan for

all regular full-time employees.

Employees who have completed their probationary period must join the

Dental Plan. All probationary employees must enrol in the Dental Plan the

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month following the completion of their probationary period. An employee

may opt out of this plan only if his/her spouse has equal or better coverage

through his/her Employer.

The Employer shall pay 66-2/3% of the premium cost for each participating

employee with the employee paying the remaining 33-1/3%.

d) The Employer may at any time substitute another carrier or carriers to

underwrite the insured benefits, provided that none of the benefits in such

plans are reduced. The Employer shall advise the Union of a change in


e) The Employer agrees to provide eligible employees with an explanatory

booklet(s) on all of the above insured benefit plans.

22.02 Pension

Employees in the bargaining unit shall participate in accordance with the

eligibility provisions of the CBS Defined Benefit Pension Plan (the Plan). The rate

at which the employee shall contribute to the Plan shall be as established from

time to time in accordance with the terms of the Plan. The rate at which the

Employer shall contribute to the Plan is limited to the fixed amount established

from time to time in accordance with the terms of the Plan. The parties agree

that the Plan is a defined benefit pension plan to which section 14(3) of the

Pension Benefits Act R.S.O. 1990 c.P.8 and section 6(1) of Regulation 909 under

the Pension Benefits Act, supra apply. For purposes of clarity the contribution

rates of both employees and the employer are described at Schedule "B"

attached hereto.

22.03 Regular part-time employees will be eligible to join the pension plan in

accordance with the rules and regulations of the Plan.

22.04 a) Regular part-time, casual and temporary employees who;

i) do not meet the eligibility requirements for enrollment in the CBS health

and dental plan, and;

ii) who either chooses not to participate in the CBS pension plan subject to

Article 22.04(b) below, or is ineligible to participate in the CBS pension

plan, and;

iii) who have completed three (3) calendar months of employment;

shall be paid on each pay cheque, in addition to their basic regular rate of

pay, ten and one-half percent (10.5%) of their regular hourly earnings,

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(i.e., applicable straight time earnings, exclusive of overtime pay, all

premiums, pay in lieu of holidays and pay in lieu of vacation).

b) Should a regular part-time employee be eligible, and choose to participate in

the CBS Pension Plan such employee shall be entitled to be paid on each

pay cheque six and one-half percent (6.5%) of her regular hourly earnings

instead of the ten and one-half percent (1 0.5%) contemplated in Article

22.04(a) above.

c) With the exception of vacation credits, all other benefits for any other-than­

full-time employee appointed to a full-time position shall commence to accrue

from the date of appointment to the full-time position subject to the rules and

regulations of such staff benefit, unless that employee was participating in

such benefit as an other-than-full-time employee, in which case the benefit

shall continue to accrue from the date of that employee's enrollment in the

specific benefit.

d) The Employer shall provide Employees with a booklet explaining the rules,

regulations, and eligibility requirements for the health and dental plans.


23.01 Non-bargaining unit employees shall not perform work normally performed by

bargaining unit employees if such performance causes bargaining unit

employees to work fewer hours than their hours of work as defined in Article


23.02 The Employer shall not contract our work currently performed by members of this

bargaining unit it, as a result of such contracting out, a layoff of any bargaining

unit members occurs.


24.01 The Employer shall continue to own and provide lab coats to employees who

require them in the normal course of their job duties.

24.02 Regular full-time and regular part-time employees required by the Employer to

wear a uniform not supplied by the Employer, shall be provided with a maximum

allowance not to exceed one hundred and seventy-five dollars ($175.00)

inclusive of all taxes. Such allowance shall be paid on the first pay period of

December of each year. This allowance applies to non-probationary employees


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24.03 The Employer shall continue to own and provide appropriate boots and

disposable boot liners for employees who require them in the normal course of

their job duties.


25.01 All notices posted on the union bulletin board shall be initialed by a Union

Steward. The Union Steward shall remove posted items that the Employer finds

damaging and requests the Union Steward to remove.


26.01 The parties agree that they will share equally the cost of printing the Collective



27.01 Each employee shall have reasonable access to her personnel file for the

purpose of reviewing the contents in the presence of her supervisor. Such

requests shall be submitted to the supervisor in writing and in advance.

27.02 A copy of any evaluation which is to be placed in an employee's personnel file

shall be first reviewed with the employee. The employee shall initial such

evaluation as having been read and shall have the opportunity to add her view to

such evaluation prior to it being placed in her file. A copy of the evaluation will be

provided to the employee.

27.03 The record of any letter of reprimand or suspension shall be removed from the

employee's personnel file eighteen (18) calendar months after the conduct of

which was the subject of the reprimand or suspension, provided that the

employee's record has been discipline free for such eighteen (18) calendar

month period.


28.01 This Collective Agreement shall be effective from August 1, 2011 to July 31,


28.02 This Collective Agreement is effective the date of ratification of this Agreement,

unless otherwise stated herein.

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28.03 Should either party to this Agreement desire to amend or terminate this Agreement, or to negotiate a new agreement, such party shall notify the other party in writing of its intention, not less than ninety (90) days prior to the expiration date hereof.

28.04 If notice is not given under Article 28.03 above, this Agreement shall be renewed without change for a further period of one (1) year.

28.05 The provisions of this Agreement shall continue in effect following the expiry date until replaced by a new Agreement or until the declaration of a strike or lockout, whichever occurs first.


29.01 Employees shall be paid wages in accordance with Schedule "A".

29.02 Anniversarv Increments

a) Regular Full-time employees shall receive one (1) increment step on his/her anniversary date of hire and annually thereafter.

b) Regular Part-time employees shall receive one (1) increment step for each 1500 regular paid hours exclusive of overtime.

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In witness thereof the parties have executed this Agreement by affixing hereto their signatures of their proper officers in that behalf:

Dated at Thunder Bay, Ontario, this J,.d '2012.

For the Employer For the Union


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Donor Service Representative & Donor Recruitment Assistant







Plasma Assistant & •• Clinic Assistant & Logistics Assistant





























Schedule "A" WAGES

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Phlebotomist & Trainer 01-Aug-11

START 21.20

LEVEL 1 22.00

LEVEL 2 22.76

LEVEL 3 23.58

LEVEL4 24.41

LEVEL 5 25.22

Trainer/Phlebotomist & Community Development Coordinator 01-Aug-11

START 24.42

LEVEL 1 25.36

LEVEL 2 26.30

LEVEL 3 27.25

LEVEL 4 28.15

LEVEL 5 29.09

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Schedule "B"


Total Annual Cost

14.00% 13.00% 12.00% 11.75% 11.50% 11.25% 11.00% 10.75% 10.50% 10.25% 10.00% 9.75% 9.50% 9.00% 8.00% 7.00%

CBS Defined Benefit Pension Plan Sample Contribution Schedule

Member's Contribution Rate

6.00% 5.50% 5.00% 4.88% 4.75% 4.75% 4.75% 4.75% 4.75% 4.75% 4.75% 4.75% 4.75% 4.50% 4.00% 3.50%

Employer Contribution Rate

8.00% 7.50% 7.00% 6.88% 6.75% 6.50% 6.25% 6.00% 5.75% 5.50% 5.25% 5.00% 4.75% 4.50% 4.00% 3.50%


1) Above contribution rates are prior to utilization of any surplus to reduce contributions.

2) Should total annual cost be set at a level greater than 14%, member and employee contribution rates will be such that the employer contribution rate is 2% greater than the member's contribution rate.

3) Should total annual cost be set at a level lower than 7%, member and employer contribution rates will be such that the employer contribution rate is equal to the members' contribution rate.

4) Members' contribution rate and employer contribution rate should be interpolated from the above table where the total annual cost falls between amounts shown.

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Defined Contribution Pension Plan

Employees who enrolled in the CBS Defined Contribution plan prior to the date of ratification of this Agreement shall continue to participate in the Defined Contribution Plan in accordance with the provisions of the Defined Contribution Plan.

On behalf of Canadian Blood Services On behalf of OPSEU Local 716

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Plan Feature~. •~ ,-· ~ •·. ~. · • Retirement Division •

Canadian Blood Services Universal Benefits Plan

~ ~ .... ~ <'< ~ •. -·>' ~ ·. ~ .... ~·· : ........ :.· ., ..•.. as per the current retirement division


... ~ ... · ... ··· .· ..

Maior Medical --- --- ~ .... .... · . ~ .···· ... ··-----:- ··~ . ~.··.·~.·:• .. -- ~· . .. . ~. ~·. · .. · -

Premium Cost Sharing • as Per the Collective Agreement Waiting Period • full-time: 1st of the month following date of hire

• part-time: as per the Collective Aqreement Participation Basis • employee coverage: compulsory (except for opting

out provisions as set out in the benefits contract) • dependent coveraae: not compulsorv

Required Number of Hours • as per the Collective Agreement Deductible • $15 single/$25 family deductible for drug expenses

0 nil for all other expenses Combined Maximum 0 unlimited Coinsurance

• Drugs • 100% • Hospital • 100% • Vision • 100% • Other Eligible Expenses • 80% professional and paramedical services

• 100% for all other expenses • Drug Features • drugs available only by prescription (plus certain life-

sustaining drugs that do not legally require a prescription)

• pay direct drug card • includes claims management features such as,

dynamic maintenance, generic drug substitution, and reasonable and customary pharmacy mark-up and dispensing fee maximums by province

• Hosoital Room • Private • Nursinq Care • max $25,000 per person everv 3 years • Paramedical

- Psychologist • max of $500 per person per year - Chiropractor • max of $500 per person per year -Osteopath • max of $500 per person per year* - Naturopath • max of $500 per person per year* - Podiatrist • max of $500 per person per year* - Speech Therapist • max of $500 per person per year - Massage Therapist • max of $500 per person per year -Acupuncture • n/a

(performed by physician)

- Physio-therapist • max of $500 per person per year

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• Vision Care • max of $250 per person in any 24 consecutive months (frames, lenses, laser)

• one eye exam every 2 calendar years (reasonable and customary costs)

• Hearing Aids • max of $300 per person in any 5 consecutive calendar years

• Other • nursing home accommodation - max $20 a day

• ambulance services to and from the nearest appropriate medical care

• medical supplies and services to specified maximums

• accidental dental treatment within 6 months of the accident

• extra care (wigs or hairpieces up to $500 lifetime per person)

• Emergency Out-of- • emergency medical services Country • referral treatment

• max of $1 million lifetime per person

• Travel Assistance • ManuAssist plan * Less any amount paid by the government plan

Dental ...... --_ ,. ·- -: •• · .• •• --.--- -- · ._: '·- > - < · _.•._-.•. f .c ._ .. ; • ··: .. ·. •---•- •• ···- · : .- .. t i' .. • .. Premium Cost Sharing • asj.)er the Collective Agreement Waiting Period • same as Major Medical Participation Basis • same as Major Medical Required Number of Hours • same as Major Medical . Dental Fee Guide • current in province of residence Deductibles Single • nil Family • nil Coinsurance

• Part I Preventive 0 100%

• Minor Restorative • 100%

• Part II Major Restorative • 50%

• Part Ill Orthodontic • 50% Orthodontic Dependent • under 19 years old Children AQe Basis Benefit Maximum • Part I - unlimited

• Part II- $1 ,500/year

• Part Ill - $2,500 lifetime Recall Exam • 6 months X-Rays • bitewing - once every 6 months

• full mouth - once every 24 months

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Lana Term Disability -_- -- ·._

. ·-·._ .... · ... · ... --.· ·- _-- __ - ·-·· . __ · . _- __ .. _ .. . . . .· ..

Premium Cost Sharing • as per the Collective Agreement Waiting Period • same as Maior Medical Participation Basis • employee coverage: compulsory

• dependent coveraoe: not applicable Required Number of Hours • same as Major Medical Benefit Formula • less than 4 years of service: 66 2/3% of pre-disability


• 4 years of service or more: 75% of pre-disability earninos

Maximum Benefit • $12,000 a month Qualifying Period • 15 weeks or expiration of sick leave credits whichever

is oreater All Source Maximum • 80% of a ross Pre-disability earninos Definition of Disability • 2 years own occupation Indexation of Benefits • no Pre-existing Condition • yes Clause Basic-Life Insurance • < --·-. -_- __ . _._ ...... _-- .--- • - <. - - < _._ ··• ._-._--- .- •·• - c. __ --._-·· -. ·-- ..... · Premium Cost Sharing • as Per the Collective Aoreement Waiting Period • same as Major Medical Participation Basis • employee coverage: compulsory

• dependent coveraae: not applicable Required Number of Hours • same as Major Medical Benefit Formula • 1.5x basic annual salary, rounded to next highest

$1,000, if not already a multiple of $1,000 Reduction Formula • employee at age 65: coverage immediately reduces

at age 65 & on each anniversary thereafter to the following percentage of original amount:

85% at age 65 70% at age 66 55% at age 67 40% at age 68 25% at age 69

Maximum Benefit • without evidence: $600,000

• with evidence: $1,000,000

• combined maximums with Optional Life Optional Life Insurance-

--::-- -... ··•-· ----:---;-.• _. . ._ • ~,, •. --._ .... _· . ._-.. > : . --· _· •... .

Premium Cost Sharing • as per the Collective Agreement Waiting Period • same as Maior Medical Participation Basis • employee coverage: not compulsory

• dependent coverage: not applicable Required Number of Hours • same as Maior Medical

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Benefit Formula • 1x or 2x basic annual salary, rounded to next highest $1,000, if not already a multiple of $1,000

Maximum Benefit 0 without evidence: $600,000

• with evidence: $1,000,000 • combined maximums with Basic Life

DePendentUfe -:- . •·· · ·. ·· . ·. · ...•..•. · .... · .. < > ••• ··... .·.··.• ........ . .. Premium Cost Sharing 0 as Per the Collective Aareement Waiting Period 0 same as Major Medical Participation Basis • employee coverage: not applicable

• deoendent coveraQe: not comoulsory Required Number of Hours • same as Maier Medical Benefit Formula

• Spouse 0 $5,000 0 Each Child 0 $2,000


·· · BasicAccidental Death & Dismembermenf7Ao&W • ..•.•.. ·· • ... -•

. -•

Premium Cost Sharing • as per the Collective Aareement Waiting Period • same as Maier Medical Participation Basis • employee coverage: compulsory

0 dependent coveraQe: not applicable Required Number of Hours 0 same as Maier Medical Benefit Formula 0 1.5x basic annual salary, rounded to next highest

$1,000, if not alreadv a multiple of $1,000 Reduction Formula • employee at age 65: coverage immediately reduces

at age 65 & on each anniversary thereafter to the following percentage of original amount:

85% at age 65 70% at age 66 55% at age 67 40% at age 68 25% at aqe 69

Voluntary AD&D -:- . •· . . ·.; .... · .. ·; .. ······· - - .· .. . - . . . .· · .. · ... ·. .

Premium Cost Sharing 0 as oer the Collective Aareement Waiting Period • same as Major Medical Participation Basis • employee coverage: not compulsory

• deoendent coveraae: not compulsory Required Number of Hours • same as Maier Medical Benefit Formula • units of $10,000 to maximum of $500,000 • Personal Coverage 0 spouse, no children: 50% of employee coverage • Family Coverage 0 spouse and children: 40% of employee coverage for

spouse & 10% for each child

• children only: 15% of employee coverage for each child

Effective June 1, 2008

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Letter of Understanding


Canadian Blood Services Thunder Bay Site

(hereinafter referred to as the Employer)


The Ontario Public Service Employees Union and its Local 716 (hereinafter referred to as the Union)

RE: Time Credits While Travelling


When travel is by public carrier, time will be credited from one (1) hour before the scheduled time of departure of the carrier until one (1) hour after the actual arrival of the carrier at the destination.

When an employee is required to travel on his regular day off or a holiday listed in 19.01, Holidays, s/he shall be credited with a minimum of four (4) hours.

1j/)ld Dated this----""~----- day of _ _!.M....!.!...It/+---' 2012

For the Employer For the Union


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Letter of Understanding


Canadian Blood Services Thunder Bay Site

(hereinafter referred to as the Employer)


The Ontario Public Service Employees Union and its Local 716 (hereinafter referred to as the Union)

RE: Signing Bonus

Full-Time employee- 1 paid out float day (1 days pay) lump sum.


Part-Time employee - .388% of straight time earnings from April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012 -lump sum payment.

Dated this )~ day of !1lhj' , 2012

For the Employer For the Union

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Uncontrolled copy of 7-716-569-20120731-19