Online assignment

MILLATH COLLEGE OF TEACHER EDUCATION ASSIGNMENT TOPICS : GIFTED STUDENTS IN MATHEMATICS Submitted to, Submitted by, Shemi teacher Dhanya Krishnan. S Mathematics Reg no: 13375009


Online assignment

Transcript of Online assignment

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Submitted to, Submitted by,

Shemi teacher Dhanya Krishnan. S Mathematics

Reg no: 13375009

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Serial No. Content Page No. 1 Introduction 3 2 Exceptional 4 – 5

3 Gifted Students in mathematics


4 The Identification of the Gifted in Mathematics

7 - 8

5 Education of the Gifted Children

9 - 11

6 Conclusion 12 7 Reference 13

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The recognition of making provision for individual differences in

learning potential and performance has been a major curriculum

problem in the shaping of the secondary school programme in

mathematics. There are wide variations in ability, ranging from

the academically gifted to the very slow learners. If instructions is

to be really effective, it must reach the individual students and

promote their learning as individuals, as they differ greatly in their

interests and abilities. People who have special gift or at least

have the potential for gifted performance, may go through life

unrecognized. Similarly, sometimes gifted children and youth are

not discovered by their families and close associates do not give

much training and also does not bring them to light. Especially

when the students belong to poor families or minority groups,

they may be deprived of chances to demonstrate and develop

their potential. We would have more outstanding artists and

scientists if every talented child had the opportunity and the

training necessary to develop his or talents to the fullest possible


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Exceptional children are those who deviate significantly from the

normal ones. The deviation may fall on either end far above the

average or far below the average in one or more aspects of

achievement. An exceptional child differs so much from his peer

average in respect of physical, mental or social characteristics

that he is unable to develop is maximum potential under normal

conditions in the ordinary class and for whom some special

environment or organization has to be created either within or

without the normal school.

‘The term exceptional children refers to these children who deviate from

the normal in physical,mental,emotional or social characteristics to such

a degree that they require special social and educational services to

develop their maximum capacity”

Telfored and sawrey (1977)

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The exceptional children usually divided into the following


1. The Gifted children

2. The backward children

3. The mentally retarded

4. The physically challenged

5. Delinquents (Emotionally exceptional

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A students is considered as mathematically gifted student

if he shows special abilities, skills interest and achievement

in mathematics. They show superiority over the average.

The number of mathematically gifted students in a school

is generally limited to one or two however the education

for gifted children is very important because they are the

asset of society, cream of population and potential leaders

of different walks of life. Thus such gifted students in

mathematics have to be identified by the teacher.

“The talented or gifted child is one who shows consistently

remarkable performance in any worthwhile line of



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The identification of the mathematically gifted is as

important as nurturing their metal abilities and skills. A student who is

scoring very high in a mathematics test need not always be

mathematically gifted because a student can score high in an

achievement test by rote memorization drill and practice. There are

many other factors contributing to the mathematical giftedness. The

unique characteristics exhibited by the gifted students will help the

teacher in identifying them.

The gifted students can be identified on the basis of the following


Physical and personality characteristics

1. Physical development is very fast

2. Good physique and they learn very quickly

3. Physical and mental development is at an early stage

4. Good adjustment power and character

5. Good nature and self confidence

Intellectual or mental characteristics 1. They have great power of analysis, synthesis, reasoning and


2. High power of thinking, understanding and imagination

3. Ability to understand abstract concepts

4. They possess high IQ

5. Extra ordinary skills in mathematics and science

6. Good observation and insight

Educational characteristics

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1. Good vocabulary

2. Enjoy reading

3. Learn easily and rapidly

4. Show much curiosity in questioning

5. Uses spare time productively

6. Retain what they learn without much drill

7. They possess a good sense of humour

Social characteristics

1. They have leadership qualities

2. Love to remain in discipline

3. Soft and obedient

4. Good adjustment power

5. Like the company of higher age group children

Negative characteristics

1. They love to be alone in the group

2. Critically out spoken

3. Careless in handwriting

4. Sometimes doesn’t show interest in class and shows laziness

5. Restless and disturbing nature

6. Superiority complex

7. Selfish behaviour

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At present all educators parents and administrators have recognized the

importance of providing special education to gifted children. Keeping in

the mind the need, desire, ability and interest of gifted, many

educationists have given various programmes and projects to the gifted

students .

1. Enrichment programmes

Enrichment programmes mean giving additional learning experience at

advanced level to gifted children according to their abilities. This

enrichment of already available opportunities of education not only in

the academic content to be learned but also in the extent of participation

in challenging co-curricular activities.

The following are the enrichment programmes for mathematically

gifted students

1. An enriched syllabus to provide for extensive and intensive study.

2. They should be asked to solve more difficult problems.

3. They should be asked to correlate the learning of mathematics with

their daily life activities.

4. The gifted students are asked to organize seminar, exhibitions etc.

5. They should be asked to participate quiz competitions.

6. Ask them to prepare special assignment.

7. They should be encouraged to write good articles on the topics of


II. Acceleration or rapid advancement

Acceleration offers opportunity for a gifted student to move his own

pace and ability and to complete and educational programme within the

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short period than the normal. The gifted students can be provided

acceleration in the following ways;

1. Giving them admission in school before the required age.

2. In one academic session only they can allowed to study the syllabus

of two or more classes and promote to the next class.

3. Allow to finish their course in less time than other average


III. Skipping or Double promotion

Skipping means more than one promotion duringthe course of the

year. If a child shows an extra ordinary achievement in one class,

he may be given a double promotion.

IV. Homogeneous Grouping or Ability Grouping or

Separate Classes or Segregation

The gifted pupils may be placed in separate class for all or part of

the school day. The purpose of ability grouping is usually to

provide for enrichment programmes. By this scheme, students with

more or less similar background are grouped together in the same


V. Separate school or special school

Gifted children have very sharp mind so, there are not able to

taught in the normal classroom. It is often suggested that we must

have separate schools for the gifted students. Separate schools help

the gifted children in the following ways;

1. Get opportunity to work according to their own capacities.

2. Can do dashing or challenging works.

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3. They can get various opportunity to develop their leadership


VI. Summer Schools

These schools may be planned during summer vacations. These

schools are being successfully tried in the U.S.A. Academically

talented students are selected from the different parts of the

country on the basis of psychological tests, interview and

previous school records and are brought together for a special

educational programme.

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The term exceptional children includes all children who deviate from the

normal child in various dimensions of their personality to the extent of

requiring special attention and education for their upbringing, and

adjustment. In spite of the fact that the gifted children are an asset to

the society although very little attention has been given to their

education. Gifted children have an I.Q. of 140 or above and superior in

all areas and demonstrate outstanding praiseworthy and remarkable

performance in any worthwhile field of human endeavour. However the

giftedness needs to be identified and there are ways and means to do so.

They possess special characteristics. For their education the techniques

like enrichment, segregation and acceleration, etc. can be used.

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1. Teaching of mathematics

- Dr. Anice James

2. Teaching of mathematics

- Dr. A.K. Kulsheshtha

3. Mathematics Education

- Dr. K. Sivarajan

4. Mathematics Education

- Zubair P. P