One Who Works

MUSLIM IS A PERSON WHOS EVERY ACTION IS FOR THE HAPPINES OF ALLAH PAK.IT IS COMPULSORY FOR A MUSLIM TO FOLLOW THE DOCTRINE OF ISLAM TO BECOME A GOOD MUSLIM AND TO GAIN BLESSINGS OF ALLH PAK AS IT IS MUST FOR MUSLIM TO FOLLOW THE DOCTRINE OF ISLAM IN THE SAME WAY HE SHOULD FOLLOW THE OTHER COMMANDS OF ALLAH.AS ALLAH PAK HAS COMMANDED ALL MUSLIMS TO WORK FOR THEM SELFES AND EARN FOR THEM SELFES IN A LAWFULL WAY AND EAT HALAL THINGS WITH WHAT HE EARNS. Allah says which translates as: "O Mankind eat from whatever is on earth that is lawful and good, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan indeed he is to you a clear enemy" (Al-Baqarah: 168). In Islam, worship is not only by standing on your feet – meaning standing the for prayer, while someone else goes to seek your necessities. Rather you go seek the lawful earning and also worship.. From the narrations reported about Issa (Alaihi Salatu Wa Sallam), that he saw a man and said: "What do you do?" He said: "I am worshiping,” He said: "Who is providing for you?” he said: "My brother" he said: "Where is your brother?” he said: "In the field" He said: "Your brother is more of a worshiper to Allah than you". Islam has approved a duty to lawfully earn money to each and every Muslim. In order to provide for the family, we should always try to earn money the right way. Allah has made the day for seeking livelihood as all the messengers of Allah work themselves and earned for their families. the Khalifa Umar Ibnul Khatab (Radhiyallahu Anhu) said: "I would not prefer to die in a position better that a position where I am buying for my family or trading". Lawful earnings and sound wealth, safe guards the religion, protects one’s honor, beautifies one’s face, and results in a strong position.AS ALLAH commanded every messenger to earn lawfully Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala commanded the believers as He commanded the messengers, when He says which translates as: "O Messengers eat from the good foods and work righteousness. Indeed I am knowing of what you do" (Al- Mu’minun: 51). Allah also says which translates as: "O You who have


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Transcript of One Who Works

MUSLIM IS A PERSON WHOS EVERY ACTION IS FOR THE HAPPINES OF ALLAH PAK.IT IS COMPULSORY FOR A MUSLIM TO FOLLOW THE DOCTRINE OF ISLAM TO BECOME A GOOD MUSLIM AND TO GAIN BLESSINGS OF ALLH PAK AS IT IS MUST FOR MUSLIM TO FOLLOW THE DOCTRINE OF ISLAM IN THE SAME WAY HE SHOULD FOLLOW THE OTHER COMMANDS OF ALLAH.AS ALLAH PAK HAS COMMANDED ALL MUSLIMS TO WORK FOR THEM SELFES AND EARN FOR THEM SELFES IN A LAWFULL WAY AND EAT HALAL THINGS WITH WHAT HE EARNS.Allah says which translates as:"O Mankind eat from whatever is on earth that is lawful and good, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan indeed he is to you a clear enemy"(Al-Baqarah: 168).InIslam, worship is not only by standing on your feet meaning standing the for prayer, while someone else goes to seek your necessities. Rather you go seek the lawful earning and alsoworship.. From the narrations reported aboutIssa(Alaihi Salatu Wa Sallam), that he saw a man and said:"What do you do?"He said:"I am worshiping,He said:"Who is providing for you?he said:"My brother"he said:"Where is your brother?he said:"In the field"He said:"Your brother is more of a worshiper to Allah than you".Islam has approved a duty to lawfully earn money to each and every Muslim. In order to provide for the family, we should always try to earn money the right way. Allah has made the day for seeking livelihood as all the messengers of Allah work themselves and earned for their families. theKhalifa Umar Ibnul Khatab(Radhiyallahu Anhu) said:"I would not prefer to die in a position better that a position where I am buying for my family or trading".Lawful earnings and sound wealth, safe guards the religion, protects ones honor, beautifies ones face, and results in a strong position.AS ALLAH commanded every messenger to earn lawfully AllahSubhanahu Wa Taalacommanded the believers as He commanded the messengers, when He says which translates as:"O Messengers eat from the good foods and work righteousness. Indeed I am knowing of what you do"(Al-Muminun: 51). Allah also says which translates as:"O You who have believed, eat from the good things which we have provided for you, and be grateful to Allah if it is indeed him that you worship"(Al-Baqarah: 172).It is far better for a Muslim to earn his own living and provide for his family than to rely upon the charity of others. Az-Zubair ibn Awwam reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: Verily, for a man to carry a rope and gather firewood, then come to sell it in the market and make himself independent thereby such that he can spend on his needs, that is better for him than asking people who might give him or deprive him. : Musnad Ahmad 1410, Grade:Sahih

The Prophets were the best examples of hard work For example, the Prophet Dawd, upon him be peace, would never eat a meal unless he earned it himself.Abu Huraira reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: David would never eat except from the earnings of his own hands work.Sahih Muslim 1033 The person who works lawfully and earns halal from itfor those the Prophet (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) said:"Whoever eats from good, and acts according to Sunnah and people felt safe from his evil, will enter paradise".Imam Tirmidhi. Said that the Prophet (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) said:"Four things if you have them, then do not be concerned about what you miss out in this life. Preserving the trust, saying the truth, well manners, and chastity and purity in what you eat".

As from the above hadith a verses it is clear that one should work for himself and earn lawfully and those people who work hard and earn lawfully are loved by allah and they will enter jannah.But today muslims are working for them but they are not working according to sunnah or commands of allah and what they earn from their work is haram and they dont have fear of allah to avoid the unlawful earning.It is must in islam in order for the acceptance of our worships and dua we must eat from lawful earnings but today our dua and worships are not accepted because our ways of earning are unlawful . eating from unlawful means blinds the insight, weakens the religion, hardens the heart, darkens the mind, prevents the body from worship, entraps one in this life and prevents onesdua(supplication) from being accepted. Allah does not accept, except from the righteous.There are many ways of unlawful earning today such as begging which is not allowed in islam but in some cases Qabisa ibn Mukhariq reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:O Qabisa, begging is not lawful except for one of three cases: a man who is in heavy debt, so begging is permissible for him until he pays it, after which he must stop; a man whose property is destroyed by a calamity, so begging is permissible for him until he can support himself; and a man who is afflicted by poverty attested to by three astute members of his people, so begging is permissible for him until he can support himself. O Qabisa, besides these three begging is forbidden and the beggar consumes what is forbidden.Source: Sahih Muslim 1044, but today begging is not considered a way of earning but in islam it is a mean of unlawful earning but people dont understand that what they are feeding themselves and their family is haram.prophet pbuh said "A time will come on people, when a man will not worry where his earning come from, lawful or unlawful",Al Imam Bukhari and An Nasai,