One point perspective (digital version)

What is One Point Perspective? A form of linear perspective in which all lines appear to meet at a single vanishing point on the horizon.

Transcript of One point perspective (digital version)

What is One Point Perspective?

A form of linear perspective in which all lines appear to meet at a

single vanishing point on the horizon.

One Point Perspective Needs…

• Horizon Line—imaginary place where the earth and sky seem to meet.

• Vanishing Point—the spot in a picture at which all the lines meet.

Vocabulary to Know

• Geometric Shapes- Mathematical or precise shapes (square, triangle, rectangle, octagon…)

• Parallel Lines- lines that are the same distance apart and will never meet or intersect.

• Space- the area around, above, between, below, or inside an object (overlapping will be used to show space in this project).

• Emphasis- the sense of importance given to any one part of the composition (you may want to emphasis particular

shapes so they stand out).


Repeat these steps with a triangle, rectangle, and


7 Above

7 Below

1 on the Horizon

3 overlaps