One of the Best Cognos Online Trainngs in India

download One of the Best Cognos Online Trainngs in India

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Cognos online training is the leading supplier of business intelligence solutions that optimize the efficiency of the world’s most successful and largest organizations. Business intelligence is a category of technologies and applications for assembling, analyzing, storing, reporting on, and giving access to data to facilitate enterprise users take superior business decisions. It’s the prime developer of business intelligence software.

Transcript of One of the Best Cognos Online Trainngs in India

Cognos Online Training

Cognos Online Training Course Content Introduction To Dataware HousingCharacteristics of Dataware HousingOLTP Vs OLAP DatabasesDifferent Approaches of DWH (Kimball Vs Inmon)Data mart Vs Data WarehouseFact Table Vs Dimension TableConcepts of Schemas (Star schema & Snowflake schema)ETL and Reporting toolsIntroduction to Cognos

About Cognos 8.4Tier ArchitectureCognos Release (EP series7, Reportnet , Cognos 8.0/8,1/8.2/8.3)Features of Cognos 8.4Cognos Vs other OLAP toolsCognos components (Modeling & Reporting)Different cognos servicesCognos ConnectionsPersonalize cognos connectionCreate and manage the portals, shortcuts, report views.etc

Cognos configuration, content StoreConnect to different Data SourcesSecurity setupImport and Export of Package (Deployment)Running the Report BurnScheduling ReportsFramework ManagerAbout Framework ManagerFramework Manager, Metadata ModelingCreation of Interface and UsageCreating Model & Namespace (Layers)

Importing MetadataNaming convention of objects in a projectCreating Query Subjects & Query ItemsMerging Query SubjectsCreating Relationships & Setting the CardinalitiesCreating Parameter Maps & MacrosCreating of Model Filters, Prompts & CalculationsAdd Business Rules and Set GovernorsAssigning package level securityImproving performancePublishing Package

Query StudioIntroduction About Ad-hoc ReportsTypes of Reports forms(Lists, Cross Tabs, Chart Reports & Others)Applying Filters, Prompts & CalculationsSorting, Grouping, Sections & Aggregate FunctionsRun and Manage reportsReport StudioType of Report TemplatesCreating list, Cross Tab, Chart, repeater, Maps & Other ReportsReport templates, formatting Reports fonts, style, header, footer, boarderetc

Generating and Creating Prompt PageTypes of PromptsQuery & Layout CalculationsStatic Filters and Dynamic FiltersConditional BlockConditional FormattingMaster DetailsCascading PromptHTML Items & HyperlinksSet Operators

The Best Cognos Online Trainingin India, USA, UK & Singapore

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