ONE Community eNewspaper

Leaders, eWaste Committee, Venturing Crew Members, Scouts of troops 161 and 802 participated in an E-waste Drive at Arcade Wesleyan Church Saturday, February 20 th . They started setting up at 7 am. Harriette Carr, Committee Chair, held an orientation and safety meeting with the participants. The donators started arriving early at 8:30 and they were taken care of prior to the official starting time of 9am. In the first bin were items with screens (TVs, monitors etc) and the other bin contained other eWaste items. Scouts directed the incoming traffic, checking with the donators to meet State regulations, and then directing them to the unloading area. Adults unloaded the eWaste into the large bins and everyone received a thank you as they departed. Cars and pickups streamed steadily through until after closing at 1pm. This pace was moving at greater than one car a minute going through the whole system. Scouts and adults had lunch in shifts, so the eWaste unloading could continue. Plenty of hot dogs, oranges, pretzels, lemonade and water were consumed by members of the eWaste team. Four and a half bins were filled and moved to CEAR who will recycle the contents. All computer hard drives will be shredded to protect any information that was still left on them. Approximately 45,000 pounds of eWaste was recycled meeting the Scouts goals. With the success of this event, another is planned for Saturday, April 24 th at Hillside Center, 6241-6311 Fair Oaks Blvd., Carmichael, between Marconi and El Camino from 9am to 1pm. Boy Scouts Hold eWaste Drive Taking a break from working the E-waste event and enjoying a Hot Dog for lunch are Ronan Martinez, Scouts John Sporck, Adam Hill and Brian Martinez. Eagle Scout, Eric Wemmer “scores” an old tv in over the side of the Ewaste Bin for recycling Little League Baseball is Under Way in Rancho Cordova We want to stress the basics on which the league was founded. To not only teach hitting, fielding and base running, but also sportsmanship. The league and the coaches need to keep in mind that winning isn’t the most important thing. We have to remain committed to the original principles of character and good citizenship. You can watch the games in the evening during the week and on Saturday starting at 9am. Just go to Cordova Lane and Zinfandel. It’s FREE. Marlins T-Ball, Coaches—Joe Alvarez, Kristine Lester; Team—(names not in order) Ismael Alvarez Bermudez, Marcus Lester, James Herbert, Pleajur Bryant, Joshua Underwood, Brendan Schoonmaker, Enrique Hance, Ian DeMuth, Sierra Scott, Andrew Scurti, Antony Flores Hello Fashionistas! Tired of putting beautiful clothes that are in great shape in the Good Will bag? Clothes you either never wore, don’t fit or can’t find a perfect match? Purge your closet of those clothes, purses, shoes and jewelry you keep looking at, never wear, but just can’t part with. Bring them to the party and receive a “credit” for every item. Then “shop” for new items! It will be an afternoon of fabulous company, tasty food, great wine AND FREE SHOPPING! April 24 th 10am-1pm Contact Karri Grant @ (916)248-9617 Receive ONE Community eNewspaper, FREE! Five pages of, people you know PHOTOS in Color send request to: [email protected] Volume 9, Issue 4 April 2010


Business concepts, picture pages and more

Transcript of ONE Community eNewspaper

Page 1: ONE Community eNewspaper

Leaders, eWaste Committee, Venturing Crew Members, Scouts of troops 161 and 802 participated in an E-waste Drive at Arcade Wesleyan Church Saturday, February 20th. They started setting up at 7 am. Harriette Carr, Committee Chair, held an orientation and safety meeting with the participants. The donators started arriving early at 8:30 and they were taken care of prior to

the official starting time of 9am. In the first bin were items with screens (TVs, monitors etc) and the other bin contained other eWaste items.

Scouts directed the incoming traffic, checking with the donators to meet State regulations, and then directing them to the unloading area. Adults unloaded the eWaste into the large bins and everyone received a thank you as they departed. Cars and pickups streamed steadily

through until after closing at 1pm. This pace was moving at greater than one car a minute going through the whole system.

Scouts and adults had lunch in shifts, so the eWaste unloading could continue. Plenty of hot dogs, oranges, pretzels, lemonade and water were consumed by members of the eWaste team.

Four and a half bins were filled and moved to CEAR who will recycle the

contents. All computer hard drives will be shredded to protect any information that was still left on them.

Approximately 45,000 pounds of eWaste was recycled meeting the Scouts goals. With the success of this event, another is planned for Saturday, April 24th at Hillside Center, 6241-6311 Fair Oaks Blvd., Carmichael, between Marconi and El Camino from 9am to 1pm.

Boy Scouts Hold eWaste Drive

Taking a break from working the E-waste event and enjoying a Hot Dog for lunch are Ronan Martinez, Scouts John Sporck, Adam Hill and Brian Martinez.

Eagle Scout, Eric Wemmer “scores” an old tv in over the side of the Ewaste Bin for recycling

Little League Baseball is Under Way in Rancho Cordova We want to stress the basics on which the league was founded. To not only teach hitting, fielding and base running, but also sportsmanship. The league and the coaches need to keep in mind that winning isn’t the most important thing. We have to remain committed to the original principles of character and good citizenship. You can watch the games in the evening during the week and on Saturday starting at 9am. Just go to Cordova Lane and Zinfandel. It’s FREE.

Marlins T-Ball, Coaches—Joe Alvarez, Kristine Lester; Team—(names not in order) Ismael Alvarez Bermudez, Marcus Lester, James Herbert, Pleajur

Bryant, Joshua Underwood, Brendan Schoonmaker, Enrique Hance, Ian DeMuth, Sierra Scott, Andrew Scurti, Antony Flores

Hello Fashionistas! Tired of putting beautiful clothes that are in great shape in the Good Will bag? Clothes you either never wore, don’t fit or can’t find a perfect match? Purge your closet of those clothes, purses, shoes and jewelry you keep looking at, never wear, but just can’t part with. Bring them to the party and receive a “credit” for every item. Then “shop” for new items! It will be an afternoon of fabulous company, tasty food, great wine AND FREE SHOPPING!

April 24th 10am-1pmContact Karri Grant @ (916)248-9617

Receive ONE Community eNewspaper, FREE! Five pages of, people you know

PHOTOS in Color send request to: [email protected]

e N e w s p a p e r

ONEVolume 9, Issue 4

April 2010

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Page 2 – Community Newspaper – April 2010

Pet Tails

Within the Mind of a Millionaire

A MINI SCHNAUZER Named after the Russian Poet Pushkin Alexander, this sweet German Schnauzer is a one-year old, 18 lb, Mini Schnauzer owned by Nadia and Valdi Gordeyeva, owners of The Alteration Station on Madison, off Sunrise. Pushkin was a gift to son Nik on his third birthday on Valentine birthday last year. Pushkin is crate-trained; he opens the door of his crate and he lets himself in to sleep. He plays with large rocks; he pushes them around the yard with his nose. He enjoys destroying the family’s veggie garden, most of all he loves being with his buddy, Nik. Miniature Schnauzers are spirited yet obedient family dogs. They usually enjoy early socialization and obedience training. They enjoy the company of children and other animals, especially if raised with them from an early age. This breed is hardy, healthy, and intelligent. As a rule a Mini Schnauzer is not a fighter, although he will stand up for himself if necessary. The Mini Schnauzer is viewed primarily as a charming and attractive companion. He is seldom addicted to wandering. He is devoted to his home and family, and functions very well as a guard dog in that he can give an alarm as well as a larger dog. His good health, good temperament, and attractive appearance combine to fit him admirably for his role as family pet. Senators Bob and Elizabeth Dole, actress Mary Tyler Moore, actor Bill Crosby, and actor/martial artist Bruce Lee have all owned Miniature Schnauzers.The bushy-muzzled Schnauzer---named after the German word for nose or muzzle---was developed in the 19th century in Germany for its ratting ability.

Integrity - Do You Have It?Definition:

1. A firm adherence to a code, 2. Incorruptibility, 3. Incapable of being bribed or corrupted, unimpaired condition. 4. Character of action and trustworthiness.

In life sometimes all you have is your code of honor. Once you understand integrity and your commitment to it, it will shape your life and affect those that come into your life. People of integrity will not bend or wavier regardless of pressure, money or circumstances. They will not allow others to corrupt their inner beliefs regardless of the pressure put on them. Your honor should not be for sale just so you can get what you want. Everyone has to live with the decisions they make and how they affect others. Don’t be willing to compromise your values and don’t expect others to. It will only be the beginning of the deterioration of who and what you are and your purpose in life. Integrity is not based on words, it is the actions you put behind what you say. In fact, there is a saying, “Your actions speak so loud I cannot hear what you say.” What you do speaks more about you than what you say.

People get tired of someone constantly talking about what they’re going to do but never do it. Or those that easily compromise what they say they believe in by caving to popular opinion. A person of integrity keeps their eye on the target holding fast to their commitments. Warning! The answers to these questions may be painful and personal but you need to be honest with yourself in order to deal with this subject and not compromise. If you have skeletons in the closet, expose them. Ask forgiveness from the person or people you’ve shown lack of integrity to, forgive yourself and move on!Continued next issue.

By Kay Burton

By Jim Bellacera

Hot Flash By Cindy Sample

GOING TOPLESS The skies are a cloudless cobalt blue, the sun is blasting overhead, and temps are over seventy. At long last, spring has arrived in Sacramento. What better way to celebrate than removing my top. Since I was raised in the Midwest, not the Riviera, my version of topless is taking my classic roadster out for a spin. My convertible is a classic because it’s old. Kind of like her owner. She’s also a pain in the a.. No comments please. My Jag was purchased over the internet, sight unseen, from a used car dealer in Phoenix. It was purchased for one reason only. It’s powder blue and it matches my eyes. Gosh. I am such a girl! My car even has a name. Sweet Caroline. She’s a classic beauty but definitely a high maintenance gal and I think she’s having an affair with my mechanic. I used to angst over the fact that every time I drove sweet Caroline something would ping, or wheeze, or kah-thunk. I just hate when she kah-thunks. But there is nothing like the incredible feeling of Caroline in full gear, hugging the curves of windy country roads, the wind whipping my hair in every direction, the sound of Pat Benatar blasting out of the speakers (am I dating myself, and do I care?) My friends in the Hot Flash set who also enjoy going topless, compare us to those middle aged men who don their weekend leathers and hit the highway on their Harleys. Caroline is also quite the “guy magnet.” And I’m not referring to my cadre of mechanics. Cute young men constantly follow me, honking as they drive by. Sure, most of the time it’s because my Victoria’s Secret catalogues blew out of the backseat and on to their windshield. But when Caroline and I take to the road we have ATTITUDE. Did I mention she matches my eyes? And if a bird occasionally drops a present on our shoulder we merely brush it off. Wouldn’t life be dull if we didn’t have to deal with a littles..t every now and then? Zoom zoom.


Successful Thinkers By Darren Bocksnick

Strength of Community In a particular sci-fi series that used to air on TV not many years ago that described a hypothetical world where humans traversed the stars and aliens were common place, one such episode featured an alien species describing the qualities of the human race to another alien species. The alien proceeded to say this in essence: “The greatest strength of humans is that they build communities and when they agree upon a thing they are an unstoppable force.” In an attempt to borrow from this fictional world and bring it into the non-fictional world of the here and now, perhaps the creator of the Babylon 5 series, J. Michael Straczynski had a profound insight into this often, unsung quality about humanity that is worthy of discovery. Just what is it about community that brings complete strangers together and compels even the most selfish among us to feel compassion for the needy? Community is the countless individuals from around the world giving to the relief efforts in Haiti and Chile; both natural disasters that left untold destruction in their wakes. Still, individuals with a global “heart” bound together with singleness of mind and purpose to give aid and in some cases, travel to those damaged areas to offer support. On the local level, community is business owners and success-minded people getting involved, meeting and supporting each other during times of financial prosperity as well as during struggle. Community is citizens pulling together resources and distributing throughout so that the local economy can be rebuilt from within. This definition of community is the heart of behind Successful Thinkers that makes it such a powerful tool. So, if even a fictional alien race understands that a community of like-minded individuals is an unstoppable force to be reckoned with, why shouldn’t we?

Published Monthly

11230 Gold Express Drive, Suite 310-264, Gold River, CA 95670

(916) 224-6624 • Fax (916) 244-7166

Email: [email protected]

Member: Gold Unit-California Newspaper Publishers Association

Publisher/Owner: BWC Media

Pet Tails: Kay Burton

Food Column: MOM

Real Estate Q & A Column: Gary Stalick

Home Based Entrerpreneurs Column:La Ronda Bowen

Events Photographer: Tia Gemmell

Columnist: NORCALREIA, David Granzella

Teen Column: Morgan Lambert

Teen Thougths: Jackie Barr

Typsetting: Steve Atkins

Green Energy Columnist: Geof Lambert

Hot Flash Columnist: Cindy Sample

Legal Ease: Michael L. Hanks

Wannapreneur: Brett Owens

Postmaster send address change to:11230 Gold Express Drive, Suite 310-264, Gold River, CA 95670

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Page 3: ONE Community eNewspaper

Page 3 – Community Newspaper – April 2010

We’ve all been brought up with the idea that every spring we should clean our homes from end to end and freshen up for our health. This might have come from the idea that in spring, things are fresh and new and cleaning the home will renew your feelings about yourself.

1. Improve Your Health Without Diets Or Pills

Pollens, mold, and mildew spores are dumped into the air at incred-ible intensity. Pollutants from car exhaust, burning fields, and cigarette smoke were also dumped into the stagnant air. All this gunk drifted into your home and when you closed the house up, where do you suppose it’s been ever since? It got trapped in your home. Thanks to today’s air tight, energy efficient homes, your family and guests have been breathing that recycled air-garbage. 2. Your Home Is Your Personal Breeding Ground For Invisible Crit-ters And Varmints In addition to the air-garbage from outside, you have uncontrolled vermin inside. Too tiny to see, dust mites live in your carpet, upholstery, bedding and drapes by the millions. By now their dead bodies and dung are in your house by the billions. They live off your dead skin as do billions of bacteria in your home, including those that cause staph and strep infections. Ever wonder why so many people get strep as soon as it cools off outside? Now you know. Plus, fleas brought into your house last summer don’t die off like they do outside when it freezes. Bacteria and germs have been breeding in the warm fibers of your carpet.

3. Does Your Bedroom Smell Like A Gerbil? Here’s Why…

Besides being Harmful to our health, all the germs, bacteria and crit-ters that live off dead skin from us and our pets, stink. They eat skin and along with other excretions, put out tainted methane gas which smells bad. 4. Heavy Soil From Outside Sifts Deep Into Your Carpet Never To Be Seen Again Until the winter rains have washed the sand soil from the roads and sidewalks, heavy soils from outside are tracked onto your carpet, wiggle down deeper than your vacuum can reach and stay there, grinding your carpet down into worthless fibers. You’ll find them in your vacuum bag.

Choosing a company can be treacherous. I’ll tell you up front that my service is not for everybody, but here are some reasons to choose me: If all you want is a cheap, brush-the-dirt-off-the-sur-face cleaning, lots of companies can help you. Choose us when you want deep, thorough cleaning. We’ll give you the fluffiest, freshest, healthiest, longest lasting, clean carpets possible . . .

. . . Guaranteed!!!

I have seen many service personnel that my wife would not allow in our home. Good character and integrity have kept us in business for 21 plus years

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Cleaning now, will get rid of sandy soils before they do lots of damage or get too deep.

5. Finally – Someone Who Can Remove Those Ugly Black Lines By The Walls, or Crevice of Steps I’ve had new clients call us to evaluate some embarrassing black lines where the carpet meets the wall and at the edges of steps and jagged lines under curtains. They told me no carpet cleaner could get them out and in some cases they had tried up to five different firms. But the black remained. I inspected these lines and found the cause to be an air filtration problem. With extra effort and knowledge on our part, the ugly black lines can be removed. I told the client this and they were apprehensive. I also told them if it didn’t come clean as I described, they would not have to pay us. How’s that for confidence? Yes, we cleaned the ugly black lines. Yes, our clients were happy. 6. Do-It-Yourself Folks Get What They Paid For… …Nothing The problems I have described here can’t be fixed very

well with any home remedy. Sure you can dust and do the basic cleaning just fine. But drapes, fine rugs and upholstery often cannot be safely cleaned except by a professional. Let’s face it. If those puny little cleaning systems could even come close to the effectiveness of a trained professional using a $55,000.00 steam cleaning system, no one would pay the money for them. But There’s Still One Thing You Should Know . . .

King and Prince of Clean,Gary and Steven Stalick

You Get the Most Thorough Carpet Cleaning Ever, or it’s FREE!

7 Days a Week. Satuday & Sunday OK

Page 4: ONE Community eNewspaper

Page 4 – Community Newspaper – April 2010

Girl Scouts and Cookies

Girl Scout Intern and Staff writer for the Girl Scout Teen magazine Hear & Now Victoria, helps wave signs to get the attention of cars passing by to welcome them to the Girl Scout Cookie drive-thru that took place on March 13.

Three girls in the outreach program try their best to meet their goal of selling ten boxes of Girl Scout Cookies each buy waving signs and cheering loud.

Anne Eychaner, Director of Outreach for Girl Scouts Heart of Central California sells Girl Scout Cookies to members of the community and thanks them for supporting the outreach program-a Girl Scout program provided at no cost to girls in areas where volunteer leadership and family economic support are minimal or non-existent.

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Business and You

Starting a BusinessHow do you start your own business? Is that idea and beginning holding

you back from realizing your dream? There are many opportunities especially in a downturn economy, so let’s talk about how to go about identifying opportunities. You should begin by “walking the aisles” I have a friend in the food business and that is how he begins his food ideas, by walking the aisles of the Safeway supermarket and identifying new food products/opportunities. I begin to identify my next business opportunity by using the same method of “walking the aisles,” in the industry that I am considering; however, in my case, the “aisles” often begin with the internet. Once you begin this activity you’ll be noticing trends in products and more importantly, you’ll be noticing “gaps” these are gaps in the needs of consumers that haven’t been filled yet. These “gaps” can be tracked and they should reveal to you what you can develop and provide to the marketplace. The next step is to do a competitive research on similar products. You can learn a great deal by studying your competitors, but don’t kid yourself into believing that your competition is all “bad,” rather the opposite is true here. You can learn the size of the market, their distribution and the packaging of their product or services and begin to set and understand the profile of your potential customer. Finally, you must decide what piece of this you can do better; if the answer is “none” do something else.

By Amparo Diaz Aztiazarain

You can send a greeting card or a post card through the US Postal

Service using your computer. I’ll show you how. Email Gary at:

[email protected]

“Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we have learned here. The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and the acceptance of love back into our hearts.” — Marianne Williamson: Spiritual activist, author, lecturer

Have you ever looked into the eyes of a newborn? You can see that the baby knows no fear. You were that way once as well. Fast-forward to your life today — your fears could probably fill a page of a legal pad. Between your health, your job, your finances, your relationships — it’s no wonder that many of us smoke, drink, or bite our nails to combat the forces of fear. Now, imagine you erase your fears. Step back into the skin of a newborn, with only love, hope, and happiness in your heart. Now you’re ready to start living spiritually and perfectly.

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Legal Ease

Foreclosure Deficiency Judgments Many people are confused regarding when a lender can pursue a deficiency judgment following a foreclosure. The basic rules are these:

If you took out the loan 1) to buy your residence and it has not been refinanced following close of escrow (regardless of whether the loan is a first or second deed of trust), in California the lender can never seek a deficiency. If your loan is not a “residential purchase money mortgage” as discussed 2) above, the lender can pursue a deficiency but in order to do so, has to foreclose in a lawsuit (rather than using a title company). Filing a lawsuit to foreclose is more expensive and takes longer than using a title company (a “non-judicial foreclosure’). Also, once the foreclosure sale occurs, the property remains subject to a “right of redemption” for up to one year. During this time, the property is largely unmarketable, which discourages lenders from using the “judicial” (lawsuit) foreclosure route, in addition to the delay and expense. If a non-residential purchase 3) money lender holding a second deed of trust is “sold out” by a foreclosing first deed of trust (either by using a title company or through a lawsuit), the second lender can seek to recover the entire loan amount due, but still has to file a lawsuit to do so, which discourages many of them even trying.

By Michael L. Hanks

Green Energy

Obama Administration Creates Chief Greening Officer Moving forward with President Obama’s push for sustainability throughout the federal government, the General Services Administration (GSA) on Monday established the new office of “chief greening officer.” The position, part of the GSA’s Public Buildings Service, will be tasked with incorporating greener and more energy-efficient building technologies at the GSA’s 1,500 owned and 8,000 leased facilities. Scott Conner, the director of the Denver Federal Center for GSA’s Rocky Mountain region, will act in the position until a permanent chief greening officer is named. Robert Peck, the GSA’s commissioner of public buildings, said that the chief greening officer will “deliver our goal of becoming a ‘Green Proving Ground’ for the American building industry.”

By Geof Lambert

Biz Idea for Kids By Sarah Cook

Cash for Computer Tech Support

Do you know how to make computers run faster? Are you good at getting rid of computer viruses? Do you know how to set up a modem or network all the computers in a home or office together? You can turn all of your tech knowledge into a great business helping people around your city or even around the world.

You can find a kid doing just that by going to If you subscribe to his youtube channel he will answer just about any questions you ask him related to technology and he may even create a video to help you with your tech questions for free.

Jacob got started by spending hours and hours learning how to do all kinds of computer things. Any time I needed something fixed on my computer I would call him. If friends of mine needed help, I would tell them to call Jake. He got his own business cards to hand out to people and his business grew and grew! You could do the same thing.


Need More Time? Think 80/20 Rule

One of the most powerful natural laws on the side of any entrepreneur is the 80/20 rule. Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto initially observed this in 1906, when he discovered that

80% of Italian real estate was owned by just 20% of the population. Then he went out to his garden and saw that 20% of the pea pods contained 80% of the peas…so this was clearly a larger phenomenon!

In the business world, this means that 20% of your actions will account for 80% of your results. Which means that, on the flip side, 80% of your actions will only account for only 20% of your results. These are the activities that fill up your schedule, but add little or no value.

So if you find yourself wishing you had more time in the day to get everything done, this is a critical principle to keep in mind. Because while you can’t add more hours to the day, you can make sure that you’re spending time on the most valuable activities.

Imagine the possibilities. Right now, you’re probably spending only the equivalent of one day a week on your most important items. If you doubled this to two days a week, and took the rest of the week off, you’d actually increase your productivity by 60%!

Legendary self-help author and guru Brian Tracy often encourages you to constantly ask yourself if you’re working on the single most important thing that you could be doing. Get in the habit of doing this more often, and you’ll find your productivity increasing by leaps and bounds – without actually working any longer – all thanks to the magic of the 80/20 principle!

By Brett Owens

Daffodil Hill300,000 bulbs of beauty More bulbs are added each year, with the help of private donations. Today, the bulbs number more that 300,000 and include not only 300 varieties of daffodils, but also a large number of other varieties of bulbs and flowers, as well. Nature sets the schedule for public viewing. Daffodil Hill opens when 25 percent of the flowers are in bloom and closes when only 25 percent remain. The best time to visit Daffodil Hill is the spring, usually from the end of March through the first three weeks of April. Daffodil Hill is open only at this time of

year, after that it goes back to a working ranch. Please call (209) 296-7048 for visitation schedule and additional information. It’s worth the drive to see the beauty of nature.Driving Directions: Daffodil Hill can be reached from either Sutter Creek. It’s about twelve miles. Sutter Creek is located on Highway 49 in Amador County, accessible from Sacramento via Highway 16 (Jackson Rd.) From Sutter Creek, turn East on Gopher Flat Road. Follow the signs to Daffodil Hill.

Enjoy 4 acres of daffodils with over 300,000 bulbs at this beautiful private farm Mid-March through Mid April. The season opens each spring.

Morning Business Meeting on Marconi

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Photo CenterSend us your photos! Email to [email protected]

Please include the photographer’s name, captions for photos, and event location.

Grand Opening Rancho Cordova


Community Newspaper is

Read Everywhere!

Morning Business Meeting on Marconi

Bill Husa at Grand Opening of Rancho Cordova Casino Karri Grant holding GOLD RIVER Community Newspaper

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Successful Thinkers

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Page 9 – Community Newspaper – April 2010

Mozies Adventures

Bill & Darryls White Elephant Exchange Bill’s Award

Kayaking trip, Lake Natomas

Reno train trip group

Snowshoeing at Donner Lake

Wine Tasting in Clarksburg Echo Lake Hike

Wacky Wig contest, JJ, Mary, Jim

Capitola trip, Michele, Linda, Nancy

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Page 10 – Community Newspaper – April 2010

St. Patrick’s Day

Charity Event

Artelias Guyton Danny Glover and Gary Stalick

Danny Glover and unknown guest

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Eskaton Lodge Gold River Assisted Living & Memory Care11390 Coloma Road Gold River, CA 95670 License # 347001241


We came to The Lodge for my wife. We stayed for both of us.

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Investment Real Estate Group

Interactive Discussion of Real Estate Investing Now

Join us April 15 for the fifth installment of our 2010 investor education series. This year we have planned a series of meetings designed to take your investment strategies to the next level! 2009 may very well be remembered in the real estate community as the year of the great REO flood that never was.

For the first half of the year it was all that anybody could talk about. “When are the banks going to release them? What can I do to be ready to pick up properties? What can I do to make sure I’m not swept away in the flood myself?” Sure, the backlog of properties is still out there. However, the banks, with the financial assistance of our tax dollars, won’t be letting them go in any sort of a flood. Instead, they’ll be released in controlled streams lasting for many years. Some experts are now predicting that REOs won’t return to normal levels until 2013 or even 2014.

“Out of all the wealthy people I’ve known, only a few were ‘great’ in every area that mattered.” - Bruce Norris, The Norris Group This month we will hold a discussion panel in order to continue building on the lessons learned from Bruce and explore strategies that are and are not working in the current market. Bring your Real Estate questions! We will have several experienced investors available with a wealth of knowledge at your disposal!! Thursday April 15th, at Holiday Inn on Date Avenue off Madison, 6:30pm. You can show up or cal David Granzella at 791-8322 or go to

By David Granzella

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What’s Cook’n With Mom Espresso Bean Coffee Toffee with Chocolate Glaze

Chocolate-covered espresso beans were a staple of my college years. This dessert is an expression of my love for whole coffee beans. There’s just something about that brittle, almost hollow crunch as they break apart and release their heady, pungent flavor. By using whole beans in the mix, the entire toffee is infused with coffee flavor. The beans add texture and a wonderful visual component.

This was an experimental batch. In the future I would probably double or even triple the other ingredients and no more than double the bean volume. I would have preferred a slightly thicker toffee than this batch produced. By BartolimuINGREDIENTS:For Toffee: - 1 cup sugar - 1/2 cup water - 1/2 cup (1 stick) butter - 1/2 teaspoon salt - 3/4 cup espresso beansSTEP 1: For Glaze: - 1/2 cup chocolate pieces - 2 Tablespoons strong coffee - 2 Tablespoons sugarSTEP2: Start by liberally greasing a cookie sheet or other large, flat, clean surface with butter. Be very generous with the lubrication, you’ll thank me later.STEP 3: Combine all ingredients except espresso beans in a medium saucepan. You may want to consider a large one, for reasons that will become clear soon.STEP 4: Attach your candy thermometer and start heating.STEP 5: Stir constantly. Be aware the mixture will have a tendency to foam at lower temps.STEP 6: This tendency will be somewhat reduced once the water has boiled off. continue to heat, stirring very frequently, until you reach the magical candy-making temperature of 285 Fahrenheit (140.5 C). Immediately remove from heat and stir in espresso beans.STEP 7: Pour onto the greased cookie sheet to cool.STEP 8: Once the toffee has cooled, it’s ready for a glaze. This particular glaze isn’t completely solid at room temperature - its texture resembles a dense frosting, but the flavor is outstanding. Combine sugar and coffee in a saucepan.STEP 9: Bring just to a boil, then remove from heat and stir in the chocolate. You can thin this mixture by slowly adding coffee, no more than 1/4 teaspoon at a time, until it reaches the desired pouring texture.STEP 10: Drizzle/glorp over your toffee. Allow to cool or serve immediately.STEP 11: Close-up of the Espresso Bean Coffee Toffee with Chocolate Glaze.

Sweet Potato Cake with Cilantro YogurtINGREDIENTS:Sweet Potato Cakes:2 small sweet potatoes, cooked 1/4 cup coconut milk (oops, not shown) 2 TB cilantro leaves, chopped pinch curry powder 2 TB flour (not shown) Salt and pepper to tasteCilantro yogurt:1/2 cup plain yogurt 1/4 cup minced cilantro Few squeezes of lime juice, to tasteSTEP 1: To make cilantro yogurt, combine ingredients and refrigerate until ready to use. Prick the sweet potatoes all over, and microwave a approx. 4-5 minutes until soft. Remove skin.STEP 2: Mash sweet potatoes together with coconut milk, cilantro leaves, curry powder, flour, and salt and pepper.STEP 3: Form into small patties, pan fry a few minutes on each side until golden brown. Serve with cilantro yogurt.STEP 4: Great earthy sweetness from the sweet potato that blends well with the curry powder, and is cut by the freshness of the cilantro yogurt.

Peanut Butter PieINGREDIENTS:1 (8 once) package cream cheese 1 ½ cups confectioners sugar1 cup peanut butter1 cup milk 1 (16 ounce) package frozen whipped topping, thawed2 (9 inch) prepared graham cracker pie crustsSTEP 1: Combine cream cheese and confectioners’ sugar…and beat until creamySTEP 2: Add peanut butter and milk…and beat until smooth.STEP 3: Fold in whipped topping…until there are no more peanut butter streaks left.STEP 4: Spoon into two 9 inch graham cracker pie shells. ** OPTIONAL- Garnish with cocoa.**

Red Eye Beans and RiceThis is a combination of two Southern classics: red-eye gravy and red beans and rice. I have tried to stay true to the New Orleans style of red beans and rice, wherein creamy, savory beans are served over separately-prepared rice. This dish was my favorite of this submission, wonderfully rich with bits of crispy, blackened bacon and fresh bell pepper adding another level of texture to the experience. By Norma

INGREDIENTS:4 strips of bacon3 stalks of celery3-4 stalks of celery1 medium onion1 bell pepper1 can kidney beans1 can red beans1.5 cups brown riceFreshly-brewed coffeeSTEP 1: Chop bacon into roughly 1-cm strips and fry over medium heat in a deep frying pan or medium saucepan.STEP 2: While the bacon starts to heat up, finely dice the celery.STEP 3: Give the onion a medium-fine chop and the garlic a crush/fine chop.STEP 4: When the bacon is just starting to release all its wonderful, glorious pig grease into the pan, but before it starts to brown significantly.STEP 5: At that point you should add the diced vegetables and a few generous grinds of black pepper.STEP 6: If properly compacted, will itself bubble and squeak to a degree. You want to get some bits and pieces of this vegetable/bacon mixture to brown very dark, perhaps even begin to burn. When the vegetables have lost a significant amount of their volume and some have attained a crispy texture and dark color, add enough freshly-brewed coffee to cover the batch. Stir briefly, then cover and simmer at least one hour. Add more coffee as necessary to keep everything covered. The vegetables should break down somewhat, though not completely.STEP 7: When they have reached appropriate doneness, open the cans of beans. Pour the beans and their liquid into the pan with the coffee/vegetable mixture.STEP 8: Simmer, covered, for at least 20 minutes. This would be a good time to start the brown rice which I somehow completely neglected to photograph.STEP 9: About 20 minutes before serving, take your favorite mashing implement and smash about a quarter of the beans. This will both thicken the broth and give a wonderful creamy texture to the finished dish.STEP 10: Leave the pan uncovered after doing this, and let the beans reduce slightly.STEP 11: Put one serving (whatever that is for you) of brown rice into a bowl, then spoon the beans over the rice. Top with bits of raw bell pepper.

Fashion By Karri Grant

Working the NetworkingIt takes less than 10 seconds to make a lasting impression. Shallow or not,

we instinctively judge others by their appearance; statistically 55% is based on your appearance and 7% on what you say. We are all Working the Networking Circuit, meeting and greeting new potential clients everyday. Here’s how to have a greater effect on those you meet:

Be prepared and looking professional on short notice by keeping a tailored jacket, dress shoes or additional jewelry in your office or car at all times. When time is of the essence plan for this quick change by wear clothing you can layer or remove depending on the event.

Carry a quality handbag with all your business cards and marketing materials when networking. Remember to bring your needed essentials to freshen up. Leave the briefcase or laptop at the office. Not only is it too formal, but will not allow you to be hands free for shaking or eating.

Factor the distance you may be walking from office to event. Remember you will be coming from work and your feet may already be tired, the last thing you want is to walk 10 blocks in heels. Slipping a pair of flip flops in your bag to walk in then changing to heels may save the evening.

Have a signature style, something that uniquely identifies you. When you are out of the office and mixed with many other professionals, your style becomes part of your brand. If you have a creative business, dress to instill innovation. If you have a conservative business, dress to instill trust. Consider your outfit your brochure.

Dress for the clients you want, not the just the clients you have. The law of attraction is undeniable, so wanting clients who value your services, generate revenue and produce referrals comes from the appearance you portray. Clients want to work with business individuals who appear successful, feel trust worthy and inspire growth – you need to look like this individual to attract this client.

As the old adage goes, a picture is worth a thousand words…your first impression on others is that picture!

Page 13: ONE Community eNewspaper

Page 13 – Community Newspaper – April 2010

Health & Beauty MASSAGE MAGIC For Body Mind and Spirit, un-surpassed massage techniques, to relax and re-energize, Call Inge CMT 638-3345

Services MOBILE HOME WANTED CASH BUYER Single 12’-14’ wide, loc in MHP, available in 30-60 days, in good condition.Call Dennis 916-567-1155.We Can Buy Your HouseSave your credit, I’ll work with you and your lenders. Stop potential foreclosure. Call Gary now at 851-3665, If I’m not available please leave a message, or email Gary c/o [email protected]

CARPET CLEANINGFree phone quote. NO bait and switch. Quick drying. Very detailed cleaning. “You get the most thorough carpet cleaning ever or it’s free!” 7 days a week cleaning. To get a quote call Gary at 224-6624.(if it goes to voice mail leave a message and Gary will call you back, he’s in a meeting or finishing a project)

House WantedI have a buyer for a 3 bedroom 2 bath single level home in excellent condition, and another buyer for a 3 bedroom 2 bath condominium, If you’re looking to sell your house call Gary 851-3665.

WantedLooking for good webmaster to work with this news-paper. Call 916-851-3665.

Passive Real Estate InvestmentsDo you want to know how you can use your IRA, or 401k, or Roth Self Directed IRA to get a 7% return secured as a 1st mortgage on a house. I know of one home you could have a 7% return with 1st mortgage security at about 50% of the houses value. The house has been owned by me for 30 years and the tenant has lived in the house for about 10 years. The houses value is approx. $310,000 to $319,000. If you’re interested in knowing more you can call Gary a Gold River resident since 1988 at 831-3665. If you’d be interested in a dif-ferent home or a lower dollar amount I could refer you to another Gold River resident that is a very strong real estate investor. You can call me, I’m Gary 851-3665.

Classified AdsFree Consumer Classified Ads Via Email [email protected]

Small Fee for Business or Real Estate Classifieds

April Events at David Girard


For More Details Contact: 530-295-1833 or

El Dorado Passport Weekends April 10,11, 17 & 18. For more info contact

Winemaker Luncheon April 24th – Call the winery for details and reservations. 530-295-1833.

SINGLES OVER 40Hikes, biking, golf, kayaking, camping, par-ties, weekend trips, volunteer opportunities.


[email protected] 916-782-7181

Page 14: ONE Community eNewspaper

Page 14 – Community Newspaper – April 2010

Events By Tia Political & Event PhotographerTia Gemmell 920-2903See More Photos in eNewspaper...Email [email protected] ask for eNewspaper

Sacramento Hispanic Chamber of Commerce38th Annual Business Awards & Recognition Gala

United Way Thank You Breakfast

Over 700 guests attended the Sacramento Hispanic Chamber of Commerce’s 38th Annual Business Award & Recognition Gala on February 26, 2010.

Keynote Speaker Astronaut Jose Hernandez inspired and motivated business, community and political leaders in the Sacramento Region. It was truly a night

to remember not only for our guests but for the 2010 Business Awards winners who were acknowledged for their success in our region.

March 23, 2010Sacramento State Alumni Center This annual favorite is an opportunity to thank local community supporters and partners of United Way. Local companies, volunteers and agencies are honored for their outstanding commitment to our community.

Bill Mueller, CEO & Managing Partner for Valley Vision, Steve Gándola, President/CEO for the Sacramento Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Lucas Lee from Allied Insurance entertains the crowd

Staci Anderson, President/CEO People Reaching OutCurtis Namba, Namba Law Offices

Alicia Allen, Account Manager 3 Fold CommunicationsKim Tucker, Director of Nonprofit Services 3 Fold


Assistant General Manager Jim Sheltler from SMUD and United Way CEO Steve Heath

Ruby Maciel, Membership Coordinator Sacramento Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Cassy Matu, Finance & Operations Manager Sacramento Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Astronaut Jose Hernandez, Steve Gándola, President/CEO Sacramento Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Rosa Escutia, Chair of the Board Sacramento Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, PG&E

Guests from Campbell’s Soup enjoying the event

Jaspal Deol, Board Member SMUDRosa Escutia, Chair of the Board, PG&E

Suzanne Mortensen, Board Member AT&TNick Montoya, Past Chair Nick Montoya Inc.

Annettee Bachmeier from Intel Corporation and United Way CEO Steve Heath

Councilmember Ray Tretheway, City of SacramentoTobey Oxholm III, Executive Director and Chief of

Staff Drexel University

Lisa Pae, Rick Young, Nikki Lehmann, Rick Young and Renee Fleury from State Street

Diana Borroel,Barbara Winn, Area Director AT&T

Event emcee Ama Daetz, reporter for FOX40 News welcomes the crowd

Page 15: ONE Community eNewspaper

Page 15 – Community Newspaper – April 2010

Techy ProductsMechanized House Plants for Extra

Purified AirOne would think a houseplant would be

good enough for purifying the air in a room. But leave it to humans to try and improve upon the process by putting said plant into a machine. Botanical Air Purifier: Winner of a Popular Science Invention Award, this device harnesses a plant’s natural phytoremediation capabilities to remove volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the air. Simply place any houseplant inside the container and the integrated, specially designed fan draws in ambient air toxins and circulates them around the plant’s leaves and roots, which absorb and metabolize the toxins. Drawing on NASA research, the botanical air purifier removes common household VOCs, including formaldehyde and other toxins emitted from paint, carpets, and adhesives, and re-circulates clean air into your home. A study performed by Le Laboratoire of Paris found that the device reduces the concentration of formaldehyde by 50% in 30 minutes, 10 times faster than a traditional air filtration system. A removable tray in the base allows you to easily water the plant and you can adjust the fan speed by turning a dial. Although any plant can be used, the Peace Lily, Madagascar Dragon Tree, Spider Plant, and Aloe are especially effective.

Growing Plants Gets Techy With The Click & Grow System

Exactly how much technology do we need to utilize in order to keep a plant alive? Apparently for some people, a lot. The Click & Grow offers a computerized system utilizing sensors for correct watering and fertilizing to make growing houseplants brainless, ...but also a bit un-TreeHugger.

The Click & Grow system uses aeroponics, all one needs to do is pick out a seed “cartridge” that contains the type of plant you want to grow and some fertilizer, stick it in the growing container, connect the container via USB to a computer so you can upload the growth program that suits that plant type, and the container takes care of the rest, acting as gardener so you don’t have to.

The container lets you know when to refill the water tank, or apparently some of the heftier models of the product will act as a dehumidifier and collect water from the air to keep the tank full.

Is it worth it if it’s the only way for some people to keep a plant alive?

Concept DesignsPlant Mate: Useful for designing a garden space, this concept solar power

device gets plunked into your yard, where it can analyze the area - similar to the Easy Bloom. You can then use the information to create a garden where every plant is put in just the right spot according to its needs and the conditions. It can also provide maintenance data, letting you know when more water or fertilization is needed. Seems like something gardeners would love!

Botanical Air Purifier

Click & Grow System

Plant Mate

Ad Sales POSITIONWe have an opening for an Ad Sales representative for the Gold River Community Newspaper and ONE Community


The position is full or part-time, in a fun paced environment. You’re paid on results.

We want an upbeat, detail-oriented person, preferably with sales or marketing experience.

Please send your resume to: [email protected]

All resumes are confidential

Page 16: ONE Community eNewspaper

Page 16 – Community Newspaper – April 2010

Dale J. Stephens An 18-year-old homeschooler from Winters, California aims to revolutionize the transatlantic airline market. Last summer, Dale J. Stephens wrote a business plan for a low-cost transatlantic airline, FlyEutopia Airways at the Academy of Business Leadership at UCLA. Stephens has always had an entrepreneurial spirit: he started his first business at age eleven.

Stephens and his four co-founders will revolutionize the transatlantic airline market by combining superior customer service with affordable fares.

FlyEutopia will offer average roundtrip fares of just $400. Dale jokingly admits that he’s never had a problem “thinking big.” Many have called the project crazy, but Dale and his co-founders think that’s what will make the idea fly with investors.

For too long customers have been paying high prices for mediocre service on legacy carriers. FlyEutopia will change that. By using a low-cost business model, FlyEutopia will be able to offer lower fares, yet allow customers to check bags for free, access free

onboard WiFi, and even have an 1”-2” more legroom.

While this may seem impossible, Stephens is sure the project will take off. He and his co-founders are in late planning stages, nailing down every last detail to make sure the business plan is accurate to the nth degree. He hopes to obtain funding this summer. If you are interested (or know anyone interested) in investing in the project, please contact [email protected] and Dale will be connected.

TEEN ENTREPRENEURFly Across the Atlantic for $400!

Dale J. Stephens giving a speech as regional valedictorian of the Academy of Business Leadership’s Summer Business Institute