Once Upon A Kingdom: Interlude 1A

A Build A Royal Kingdom Challenge Interlude 1A: Hyperian Family Records Generations 1 and 2 ONCE UPON A KINGDOM


A review Hyperia's founding families and their children.

Transcript of Once Upon A Kingdom: Interlude 1A

Page 1: Once Upon A Kingdom: Interlude 1A

A Build A Royal Kingdom Challenge

Interlude 1A:

Hyperian Family Records

Generations 1 and 2



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Once upon a time there was a kingdom called Hyperia. The king came to this land with only a handful of families in order to re-establish a new home in the vast, open

lands. And over the generations it has grown into an empire…

Welcome back to what is long over due for an updating, although this isn’t one sorry. It’s an Interlude because

despite having the time, I haven’t had the motivation to keep playing since the Mansions and Gardens stuff

pack hates me and loves to crash at crucial moments. Glitching life bars and near immortal elders forced me to

bring out Rodney’s Death Creator to off them, and it took away some of the lag as well. The crashing didn’t

stop either, it kept happening. And it’s only generation 3 people…we have a long way to go still before we

reach that 50 000 population.

I am still wringing my hands over removing the offending stuff pack but I’m paranoid I’ll lose something

valuable, it warns me that removing it will delete my saved games. I’m not sure what that means though so I

haven’t done it. To review, this computer is my desktop it has: Hidden City, Domino City, New Elvendia,

Hyperia, Hoenn Region, Pleasantview and Riverblossom Hills. Home to my legacy, OWBC, Extra legacy

characters, RKC, Alphabetacy, Apocalypse, and my TPC respectively. And if removing M&G kills them

all I will be rightly pissed off. So for now it lives to see another day, or until I make copies of my hoods with

my challenges in them then remove it. Although that may bork it up even worse…so I’m at a loss here.

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In the beginning, the great King Henry and his beautiful young queen Celia set out with eight other families in

search of a new home. Of those eight there were three families of Noble birth: the Starrs, the Kasumis, and

the Trace families. And there were two families of the Merchant class: the Columbus family, and the Cooke

family. Then there were the Peasants: the Hood family, the Galle family, and the Newson orphans.

Slowly, the families began to have children and the population grew…

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The king was blessed with five children and of those five he had four fine sons and a daughter…

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The eldest was Crown Prince Derek and his twin

Prince Xander. Prince Derek was named Henry’s

heir and would carry on after he had passed…

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Thirdly, the king’s only daughter Princess Serena was born. She was the apple of her father’s eyes and

the kingdom’s beloved princess…

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And lastly, King Henry had another set of twin boys : Prince Nicholas and Prince John. The youngest

pair of twin princes were often spoiled and were constantly under the watchful eye of their older sister

Princess Serena….

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In the Noble house of Starr, Lord Diamos and Lady Ani-Mei were also blessed with a large family.

Due in part to Lady Ani-Mei’s wish to see six children married off…

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Their first born children were also twins. Tyler

and Violet, Tyler was named heir for the Starr

family while Violet had caught the eye of one of

the princes…

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Prince Xander had taken an interest in young Violet, his twin brother was the Crown Prince and he was

second in line after him. As far as they were concerned, there was nothing wrong with courting…

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Following twins Tyler and Violet came the third of the six children, Lilly. She had taken an interest in

Prince Nicholas and was thrilled when he returned her affections…

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Lilly was followed with the last of the six children,

triplets, Dalen, Kyle, and Rose…

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In the Noble house of Kasumi, Lord Erian and Lady Maia had four children, two boys and two girls…

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First born of yet another pair of twins was the heir to the Kasumi name, Shuuhei. He had set his sights on

Princess Serena from the moment he saw her. The princess was his way in and the first step towards a

Kasumi ruling as king one day. Lord Erian had ambitions to see a Kasumi on the throne and encouraged

his son to go for the princess. Even if it took a few generations, the Kasumi and Rothgate bloodlines were

blended and as such had a claim to the throne if such a chance came up…

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Shuuhei’s twin sister Hinamori, having the same ambitions for power as her twin, cemented her claim on the

Rothgate line by seducing one of the princes…she managed to work her charms on Prince Xander, second in

line for the Rothgate throne…

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Lord Erian’s second son, Kira was also a twin. Kira was very much the opposite of his older brother

Shuuhei and never believed in trying to usurp the Rothgates from their rightful place in power…Erian

made his disappointment clear with Kira and doted on his brother in spite of him…

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Kira’s twin Rangiku followed along with the older twins and thought Kira should be as well. She never let

him forget that…and made her move on Prince John, fourth in line for the throne.

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The third and final founding Noble house was that of Lord Thai and Lady Maia. Lord Thai gained

the reputation of a philanderer with his desire for 20 Lovers…a want that had never been seen in

Hyperia before…while his ever loving wife Maia never caught him once.

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Lord Thai and Lady Maia had five children, three daughters and two sons. Their first born was Kindle

and soon after she was followed by her sister Dahlia…

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After Kindle and Dahlia, Lord Thai’s third born and heir Eric was born. He was also the first in the

kingdom to be “spirited” away by faeries…an experience that still occasionally haunts him now…

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The final two children resulted in another pair of twins, Aliya and Shawn. An epidemic of twins seemed

to be going around the kingdom…

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Following the Noble houses was the first of the two Merchant class families. Christopher and Charmaine

Columbus. Together they had four children, three daughters and a son…

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And as with tradition, the first two were twin girls, Ruby and Garnet Columbus. Christopher needed a

son to carry on his name and so…

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He had another pair of twins, his heir Kieran

and Saphira were born…

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It should also be noted that during this time, Charmaine became one of Lord Thai’s lovers. Charmaine had

no desire to be unfaithful to her husband while he worked to support his family, and Lord Thai gracefully

accepted this.

(Also he had no intention of having any bastard children either…)

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And that brings us to the second of the Merchant class families, the Cookes. Nathaniel and Adelaide

Cooke were aware that Adelaide had been proven barren and unable to bear children. If the Cooke name

hoped to survive then adoption of the orphaned children that had lost their parents because of war or

plague was their only choice and they adopted four children three girls and a boy…

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Their first child was a girl named Alise. She had a wonderful spirit and was a happy child. Adelaide adored

her immediately…

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Alise was followed by her sisters, Andrea and Sharon. Adelaide loved having three little girls to play with but

she was aware that her husband needed a son and an heir to carry on the family name so they took a chance

and adopted once more…

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They were rewarded with a son, Nathaniel’s heir Sloan. He would do a fine job of carrying on the family


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And now we turn to the first of the three Peasant class families who were chosen to come along with the

king, Robin and Maid Marian Hood they were given three children, two sons and a daughter…

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Their first born son John was named Robin’s heir and he also went on to become Hyperia’s first doctor…

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It should go on record that Maid Marian had an unfortunate accident with some dangerous chemicals while

tending their fruit trees and was transformed into a being that many are still wary of; she was green with

leaves for hair. Her condition allowed for asexual reproduction resulting in a pod baby that she named

Aaron. Aaron was technically the oldest male in the Hood household but due to the fact that he has no

blood ties to Robin, he cannot be named heir…

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Maid Marian’s condition did not hinder her efforts to bear more children born between her and Robin and

as such, their only daughter Annabeth was born…

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Maid Marian was not the only unusual person to be settled in Hyperia, a brother and sister pair by names

of Paisley and Ruby Galle were also green. They were “faerie” folk as some called them…

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Ruby met and fell in love with Aaron Hood, he was as strange and unusual as she was and it made sense

that they should fall in love…together they had three children…

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Yet another set of twins, Aaron’s heir Gelen and

his twin sister Anastasia. Both resembled their

faerie mother rather than their father…

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And another daughter named Julia. She had blond hair like her grandmother Maid Marian and her

mother’s black eyes. Aaron was very happy to see that his mother’s genes did pass on to his daughter…

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Paisley married a woman named Kaylynn and had three kids as well, two daughters and a son…

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His first born was a daughter named Elle, who had inherited her mother’s blue eyes and her father’s skin


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His second born was also a daughter named Claire…

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And finally he was blessed with a son, his heir Duncan who is currently the youngest of the Hood/Galle


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And finally the last of the three original founding

families, the Newson orphans. The reasoning

behind allowing them to join in the kingdom was

one of some discussion. King Henry and Queen

Celia felt that these children deserved a chance to

have a good life and chose them as the final

Peasant class to join them…

Gavin and Ginger Newson had their hands

full trying to raise their four younger siblings

after the untimely death of their parents in a

border dispute when they were younger…

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Lord Diamos and Lady Ani-Mei took a special interest in the orphans, having a large family themselves,

their struggle touched their hearts. Lord Diamos promised Ginger a place in his house as a nanny for their

children and grandchildren and said he would put in a good word with another Noble family, the Grove

family, for Gabriella when she was of age…

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Further good news came when a law was passed by King Derek, the Equal Education law, that would allow

the families of Hyperia to attend university. Assuming that the families wishing to attend had met the

minimum financial requirements. The university was named after the Kasumi family in honour of the

founding patriarch, Lord Erian, by his son Shuuhei. They had provided most of the funding for the

university’s creation. It came too late for Gavin and Ginger to attend but the younger Newson children would

have the chance at a university education. Gavin had married Sharon Cooke of the Merchant class and was

able to afford the tuition for his younger siblings.


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And this ends the review of generations 1 and 2. I have many more to go for generations 2 and 3 and I

don’t want to put it all in to one chapter. I JUST managed to finish the first three houses of Week 9, then

it crashed again…and annoyed me. This play through doesn’t even include all the Uni bound kids this

generation…I`ve only played the Rothgate kids through their first year of Uni…only umpteen more to go.

Why me?