On the role of quantum mechanical simulation in materials science.

Page 1 João Pessoa, 2014 Roberto Dovesi On the role of quantum mechanical simulation in materials science


Plenary lecture of the XIII SBPMat (Brazilian MRS) meeting, given on October 1st 2014 in João Pessoa (Brazil) by Roberto Dovesi, professor at Universita' degli Studi di Torino (Italy).

Transcript of On the role of quantum mechanical simulation in materials science.

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João Pessoa, 2014

Roberto Dovesi

On the role of quantum mechanical

simulation in materials science

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João Pessoa, 2014

Is simulation useful?

Does it produce reasonable numbers?

Or can only try to reproduce the experiments?

Connected question:

Is simulation expensive?

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João Pessoa, 2014

In the year 1960-1990, calculations for the structural properties of

periodic compounds ( oxides, halides, ..) were performed at the

semi-classical or force-field level (Catlow, Gale, Macrodt and others)

The first quantum mechanical ab initio calculations of periodic

systems date back to 1979-1981 (diamond, silicon, cubic BN: band

structure, total energy, charge density maps)

The first periodic code publicly available to the scientific community

is released in 1988 (CRYSTAL through QCPE, Quantum Chemistry

Program Exchange)…

Afterwards………..very quick evolution

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João Pessoa, 2014

How many transistors on a chip?

Intel i7 Sandy bridge 32 nm

2.27 billions of transistors 434 mm2

GPU NVIDIA GK110 28 nm

7.1 billions of transistors

Gordon Moore

The number of transistors per chip doubles

every 18 months

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João Pessoa, 2014

Performance of HPC

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João Pessoa, 2014

DFT & Kohn-Sham

• “Density Functional Theory (DFT)

is an incredible success story” *

• DFT has enable to tackle complex

problems with an accuracy

unobtainable by any other


• DFT methods has now been

applied to chemistry, materials

science, solid-state physics, but

also geology, mineralogy and


• Kohn-Sham formalism

* from K. Burke Perspective on Density Functional

Theory JCP 136 (2012) 150901

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João Pessoa, 2014

Is simulation expensive?

The last computer we bought….

Server Supermicro 64 CORE OPTERON euros 6.490 ,00

1 x Chassis 2U - 6 x SATA/SAS - 1400W

4 x CPU AMD Opteron 16-Core 6272 2,1Ghz 115W

8 x RAM 8 GB DDR3-1333 ECC Reg. (1GB/core)

1 x Backplane SAS/SATA 6 disks

1 x HDD SATAII 500 GB 7.200 RPM hot-swap

1 x SVGA Matrox G200eW 16MB

2 x LAN interface 1 Gbit

1 x Management IPMI 2.0

Cheap… but 64 cores- Parallel computing

Much less than most of the experimental equipments

64 cores enough for large calculation……..

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João Pessoa, 2014

At the other extreme: SUPERCOMPUTERS

Available, but:

a) They are fragile

b) Not so much standard (compiler, libreries)

c) The software (that is always late with respect to hardware) MUST BE

ABLE TO EXPLOIT this huge power

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João Pessoa, 2014

The PRACE Tier-0 Resources


Cray XC30 system - 94,656 cores CURIE (GENCI, FR)

BULL x86 system – 80,640 cores (thin nodes)


BlueGene Q system – 163,840 cores


IBM System x iDataPlex

system– 155,656 cores


IBM System x iDataPlex

system– 48,448 cores


BlueGene Q system – 458,752 cores

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João Pessoa, 2014

CRYSTAL parallel versions: MPPcrystal

MPPcrystal– Distributed data

– Each processor hold only a part of each of the matrices used

in the linear algebra

– Most but not all of CRYSTAL implemented

– Will fail quickly and cleanly if requested feature not


– Good for large problems on large processor counts

– For large systems can scale well, but not so good for

small to medium size ones

– Size of linear algebra matrices is, at present, not an

issue given enough processors

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João Pessoa, 2014

The software must be

a) Easy to use (freindly)

b) Robust,

c) Protected

d) Documented

e) General as much as possible

f) Transferable

g) Parallel

h) ………..

I few axamples referring to the CRYSTA14 code, that uses a

guassian basis set.

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João Pessoa, 2014

One of the specific features of solids are the


that in the liquid or gas phase can be known (measured or

calculated ) only as mean values (invariants of the tensor)

Many of them can be computed

• Thttt

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João Pessoa, 2014

Tensorial Properties of Crystals

Second order Third order Fourth order

✔ Dielectric✔ Polarizability

✔ Piezoelectric✔ First hyperpolarizability

✔ Elastic✔ Photoelastic✔ Second hyperpolarizability

Maximum number of independent elements according to crystal symmetry:

6 18 21

Minimum number of independent elements according to crystal symmetry:

1 1 3

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Effect of the Crystal Symmetry on Tensors


Third Order Tensors:

Fourth Order Tensors:



Triclinic Hexagonal

J. F. Nye, Oxford University Press, (1985)

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João Pessoa, 2014

Tensorial Properties Related to Crystal Strain

Elastic Tensor Piezoelectric Tensor Photoelastic Tensor

Order of the Tensors

First derivative of the inverse dielectric tensor (difference

with respect to the unstrained configuration)

with respect to strain

First derivative of the polarization P (computed through the Berry phase

approach) with respect to the strain

Second derivatives of the total energy E with respect

to a pair of strains, for a 3D crystal

Voigt’s notation is used according to v, u = 1, . . . 6 (1 = xx, 2 = yy, 3 = zz, 4 = yz, 5 =xz, 6 = xy) and i,j =1,2, 3 (1 = x , 2 = y, 3 = z).

4 3 4

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Geometry definitionELASTCON

[Optional keywords]END

ENDBasis set definitionENDComput. ParametersEND

Tensorial Properties Related to Crystal Strain

Elastic Tensor Piezoelectric Tensor Photoelastic Tensor

Geometry definitionPIEZOCON

[Optional keywords]END

ENDBasis set definitionENDComput. ParametersEND

Geometry definitionPHOTOELA

[Optional keywords]END

ENDBasis set definitionENDComput. ParametersEND

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João Pessoa, 2014

Geometry optimization and calculation of the cell gradients of the reference structure

Full symmetry analysis and definition of minimal set of strains

Application of each strain and calculation of cell gradients of strained configurations,

for different strain amplitudes

CRYSTAL14: Elastic Properties – The Algorithm

Numerical fitting of analytical gradients with respect to strain and calculation of

elastic constants

From a posteriori calculations: seismic wave velocities (through Christoffel's

equation), bulk, shear and Young moduli.

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João Pessoa, 2014

Six Silicate Garnets

✔Garnets constitute a large class of materials of great geological and technological interest

✔Silicate garnets are among the most important rock-forming minerals

✔Earth’s lower crust, upper mantle and transition zone

✔Interest in discussion of different models for Earth's interior

✔Characterized by a cubic structurewith space group Ia3d

✔80 atoms per unit cell































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João Pessoa, 2014







•Cubic Ia-3d

•160 atoms in the UC (80 in the primitive)

•O general position (48 equivalent)•Mn (24e) Al (16a) Si (24d) site positions





Structure of pyrope: Mg3Al2(SiO4)3

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João Pessoa, 2014

CRYSTAL14: Elastic Properties





A. Erba, A. Mahmoud, R. Orlando and R. Dovesi, Phys. Chem. Minerals (2013) DOI 10.1007/s00269-013-0630-4

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João Pessoa, 2014

A. Erba, A. Mahmoud, R. Orlando and R. Dovesi, Phys. Chem. Minerals (2013) DOI 10.1007/s00269-013-0630-4

CRYSTAL14: Elastic Properties


Spessartine Grossular

Andradite Uvarovite

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CRYSTAL14: Elastic Properties

From the elastic constants, through Christoffel's equation, seismic wave velocities can be computed:

Some elastic properties of an isotropic polycrystalline aggregate can be computed from the elastic and compliance constants defined above via the Voigt-Reuss-Hill averaging scheme:

Bulk modulus

Shear modulus

Young modulus Poisson's ratio Anisotropy index

The average values of transverse (shear), vs, and longitudinal, vp, seismic wave velocities, for an isotropic polycrystalline aggregate, can be computed

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A. Erba, A. Mahmoud, R. Orlando and R. Dovesi, Phys. Chem. Minerals (2013) DOI 10.1007/s00269-013-0630-4

Voigt-Reuss-Hill averaging scheme

CRYSTAL14: Elastic Properties

Spessartine Grossular

Andradite Uvarovite


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A. Erba, A. Mahmoud, R. Orlando and R. Dovesi, Phys. Chem. Minerals (2013) DOI 10.1007/s00269-013-0630-4

CRYSTAL14: Elastic Properties





Directional seismic wave velocities of an andradite single-crystal, as computed ab initio in the present study (continuous lines) and as measured by Brillouin scattering at ambient pressure by Jiang et al (2004) (black symbols). Seismic wave velocities are reported along an azimuthal angle θ defined in the inset. Computed values are down shifted by 0.1 km/s.




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A. Erba, A. Mahmoud, R. Orlando and R. Dovesi, Phys. Chem. Minerals (2013) DOI 10.1007/s00269-013-0630-4

CRYSTAL14: Elastic Properties

Spessartine Grossular

Andradite Uvarovite


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A. Erba, A. Mahmoud, R. Orlando and R. Dovesi, Phys. Chem. Minerals (2013) DOI 10.1007/s00269-013-0630-4

CRYSTAL14: Elastic Properties

Spessartine Grossular

Andradite Uvarovite


Elastic Anisotropy

Seismic wave velocity

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João Pessoa, 2014

Are those calculations expensive?

✔ 80 atoms✔ 1488 atomic orbitals✔ 800 electrons✔ 48 symmetry operators

✔ Geometry optimization + cell gradients✔ 2 active deformation (compression, expansion), two geometry optimization + cell gradients each one (cubic crystal symmetry)

✔ CPU time: 18146.938 s ≈ 5 h on 256 processors (elastic properties of Pyrope)

Per unit cellPyrope

Reference structure

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Geometry optimization and calculation of the cell gradients of the reference structure

Full symmetry analysis and definition of minimal set of strains

Application of each strain and calculation of cell gradients and Berry phase of

strained configurations, for different strain amplitudes

Piezoelectric Properties – The Algorithm

Berry phase calculation

Piezoelectric constants are obtained by numerical fitting with respect to the


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João Pessoa, 2014

Geometry optimization and calculation of the cell gradients of the reference structure

Full symmetry analysis and definition of minimal set of strains

Application of each strain and calculation of cell gradients and the dielectric tensor

of strained configurations, for different strain amplitudes

Photoelastic Properties – The Algorithm

Dielectric tensor calculation through CPHF/KS

Photoelastic constants are obtained by numerical fitting with respect to the


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João Pessoa, 2014

CRYSTAL14: Piezoelectric and Dielectric Properties

393 K 278 K 183 KTemperature

✔ BaTiO3

prototypical ferroelectric oxide✔ ABO

3-type perovskite crystal structure

✔ Advanced technological applications:✔ capacitor ✔ component of non-linear optical, piezoelectric and energy/data-storage devices.


Tetragonal Orthorhombic Rhomohedral

✔ Upon cooling, three consecutive ferroelectric transitions occur starting from the cubic structure, due to the displacement of Ti ions along different crystallographic directions✔ The resulting macroscopic polarization of thematerial is always parallel to this displacement

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CRYSTAL14: Piezoelectric and Dielectric Properties

A. Mahmoud, A. Erba, Kh. E. El-Kelany, M. Rérat and R. Orlando, Phys. Rev. B (2013)

✔ Two independent dielectric tensor component: є

11and є


✔ Computed as a function of the electric field wavelength λ with four different one-electron Hamiltonians✔ Experimental values at λ = 514.5 nm

✔ (є11

= 6.19 and є33

= 5.88)

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CRYSTAL14: Piezoelectric and Dielectric Properties

A. Mahmoud, A. Erba, Kh. E. El-Kelany, M. Rérat and R. Orlando, Phys. Rev. B (2013)

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CRYSTAL14: Photoelastic Properties

A. Mahmoud, A. Erba, Kh. E. El-Kelany, M. Rérat and R. Orlando, Phys. Rev. B (2013)

✔ Elasto-optic constants here refer to the λ → ∞ limit✔ No experimental data are currently available to compare with✔ From previous studies, we expect the hybrid PBE0 scheme to give the best description of elastic properties and the PBE functional the best description of photoelastic properties✔ Electronic “clamped-ion” and total “nuclear-relaxed” values are reported

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CRYSTAL14: Photoelastic Properties

A. Erba and R. Dovesi, Phys. Rev. B 88, 045121 (2013)

✔ The three independent elasto-optic constants of MgO, computed at PBE level, as a function of the electric field wavelength λ ✔ p44 is almost wavelength independent✔ p11 and p12 show a clear dependence from λ✔ Dashed vertical lines in the figure identify the experimental range ofadopted electric field wavelengths

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IR and RAMAN spectra

Wavenumbers and intensities

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Reflectivity is calculated from dielectric constant by means of:

(θ is the beam incident angle)

The dielectric function is obtained with the classical dispersion relation

(damped harmonic oscillator):

IR reflectance spectrum

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João Pessoa, 2014

Garnets: X3Y2(SiO4)3

Space Group: Ia-3d

80 atoms in the primitive cell (240 modes)

Γrid = 3A1g + 5A2g + 8Eg + 14 F1g + 14 F2g + 5A1u + 5 A2u+ 10Eu + 18F1u + 16F2u

17 IR (F1u) and 25 RAMAN (A1g, Eg, F2g) active modes

X Y Name

Mg Al Pyrope

Ca Al Grossular

Fe Al Almandine

Mn Al Spessartine

Ca Fe Andradite

Ca Cr Uvarovite

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25 modes

The RAMAN spectrum of Pyrope:

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João Pessoa, 2014

From A1g+Eg wavenumbers...

Ours Hofmeister Chopelas Kolesov

Sym M υ (cm-1) υ (cm-1) Δυ (cm-1) υ (cm-1) Δυ (cm-1) υ (cm-1) Δυ (cm-1)

1 352.5 362 -10 362 -10 364 -12

A1g 2 564.8 562 3 562 3 563 2

3 926.0 925 1 925 1 928 -2

4 209.2 203 6 203 6 211 -2

5 308.5 309 -1 284 25

6 336.5 342 -6 344 -8

7 376.9 365 12 379 -2 375 2

Eg A 439 439

8 526.6 524 3 524 3 525 2

9 636.0 626 10 626 10 626 10

10 864.4 867 -3

B 911

11 937.4 938 -1 938 -1 945 -8

Frequency differences are

evaluated with respect to

calculated data.

Hofmeister: Hofmeister &

Chopelas, Phys. Chem.

Min., 1991

Chopelas: Chaplin & Price

& Ross, Am. Mineral.,


Kolesov: Kolesov &

Geiger, Phys. Chem. Min.,


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... to RAMAN spectra!

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And now F2g wavenumbers...Ours Hofmeister Chopelas Kolesov

Sym. M υ (cm-1) υ (cm-1) Δυ (cm-1) υ (cm-1) Δυ (cm-1) υ (cm-1) Δυ (cm-1)

12 97.9 - - - - 135 -37

13 170.1 - - - - - -

14 203.7 208 -4 208 -4 212 -8

C 230 230

15 266.9 272 -5 272 -5 - -

D 285

16 319 318 1 318 1 322 -3

F2g E 342

17 350.6 350 1 350 1 353 -2

18 381.9 379 3 379 3 383 -1

19 492.6 490 3 490 3 492 1

20 513.5 510 4 510 4 512 2

21 605.9 598 8 598 8 598 8

22 655.3 648 7 648 7 650 5

23 861 866 -5 866 -5 871 -10

24 896.7 899 -2 899 -2 902 -5

25 1068.4 1062 6 1062 6 1066 2

Frequency differences are

evaluated with respect to

calculated data.

Hofmeister: Hofmeister &

Chopelas, Phys. Chem.

Min., 1991

Chopelas: Chaplin & Price

& Ross, Am. Mineral.,


Kolesov: Kolesov &

Geiger, Phys. Chem. Min.,


B3LYP overstimates

the lattice parameter!

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... and the RAMAN spectra!

A1g peaks also in F2g spectrum caused by the presence of different crystal orientations

and/or rotation of the polarized light.

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LM, R. Demichelis, R. Orlando, M. De La Pierre, A. Mahmoud, R. Dovesi, J. Raman Spectrosc., in press

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A couple of other examples of


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Experimental spectrum from rruff database

M. Prencipe, LM, B. Kirtman, S. Salustro, A. Erba, R. Dovesi J. Raman Spectrosc., in press

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Raman Spectrum of UiO-66 Metal-Organic Framework



Exp. spectra from S. Bordiga and collaborators

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Reflectivity is calculated from dielectric constant by means of:

(θ is the beam incident angle)

The dielectric function is obtained with the classical dispersion relation

(damped harmonic oscillator):

IR reflectance spectrum

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IR reflectance spectrum

Reflectivity is calculated from

dielectric constant by means of:

(θ is the beam incident angle)

The dielectric function is obtained

with the classical dispersion relation:Comparison of computed and experimental IR reflectance spectra

for garnets: a) pyrope b) grossular c) almandine .

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IR reflectance spectrum of grossular

Computed and experimental IR reflectance spectra of grossular garnet, plus imaginary parts of ε and 1/ε.

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High frequency modes

Dependence on lattice parameter

Isotopic substitution on X and Y

cations: small dependence

Graphical analysis of


• modes 11-14: bending

• modes 15-17: stretching

Garnets: compositional trends

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• Changing the mass of one atomic species at a time

– Natural isotopic masses

– Percentage mass variations

– Infinite mass

• Hessian re-diagonalization not required (zero

computational cost)

• Tool for the assignment of the modes and the

interpretation of the spectrum

The isotopic substitution

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(cm-1)100 350

Pyrope : 24Mg → 26Mg

Isotopic shift on the vibrational frequencies of pyrope when 26Mg is substituted for 24Mg.

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Isotopic shift on the vibrational frequencies of pyrope when 29Al is substituted for 27Al.


(cm-1)300 700

Pyrope : 27Al → 29Al

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Isotopic shift on the vibrational frequencies of pyrope when 30Si is substituted for 28Si.



850 1050

Pyrope : 28Si → 30Si

250 700

Low ν : rotations and

bending of tetrahedra and

octahedra (involving by

connectivity also Si)

High ν: stretching of


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The PRACE Tier-0 Resources


Cray XC30 system - 94,656 cores CURIE (GENCI, FR)

BULL x86 system – 80,640 cores (thin nodes)


BlueGene Q system – 163,840 cores


IBM System x iDataPlex

system– 155,656 cores


IBM System x iDataPlex

system– 48,448 cores


BlueGene Q system – 458,752 cores

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A model for the MCM-41 mesoporous silica material


Cell: 41x41x12 Å

579 atoms in the unit cell (Si142O335H102)

Ordered arrangement of cylindrical pores

Pores: mesoporous size (2-10 nm)

High surface area: up to 1000 m2g-1


Separation - Catalysis – Sensors – Drug Delivery

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579 atoms in the UC, 7756 AO

Standard tolerances

41 Å

T-CPU(64) SCF+G 9000 s

For diagonalization the empirical

rule is N-AO/60 N-cores

Massive parallel performances


IBM Power PC 970MP 2.3 GHz BSC MN

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MPPCRYSTAL: Memory Usage

Memory occupation peak in the SCF calculation of different supercells of the

mesoporous silica MCM-41, with a 6-31G** basis set and B3LYP functional.

The single unit cell (X1) contains 579 atoms and 7756 atomic orbitals.

The largest cell (X12) contains 6948 atoms and 93072 atomic orbitals.






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MPPCRYSTAL: Time Scaling

•Scaling of computational time required for a complete SCF (13 cycles) with

the size of the MCM-41 supercell,

•on 1024 processors at SUPERMUC (Munich).





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Crambin is a small seed storage protein from the Abyssinian

cabbage. It belongs to thionins. It has 46 aminoacids (642


Primary structure:

Secondary structure:






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Geometry FULLY optimized at the B3LYP-D*/6-31d level of theory with CRYSTAL14.


RMSD (backbone)0.668 Å


- Crystallographic structure has a

30% solvent content (v/v).

- Nakata et al., who optimized

crambin using the Fragment

Molecular Orbital method (HF/6-

31d) with the polarizable

continuum model, report a RMSD

of 0.525 Å with respect to PDB

structure 1CRN.



ON 640 CPUs*

323 seconds

*SuperMUC (LRZ, Munich)

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The FULL vibrational spectrum is computed at the B3LYP-D*/6-31d level of theory

3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0

Wavenumber (cm-1)

1900 1850 1800 1750 1700 1650 1600 1550 1500 1450 1400

Wavenumber (cm-1)


AMIDE I: C=O stretching (backbone)

AMIDE II: N-H bending and C-N stretching (backbone)


222 hours *SuperMUC (LRZ, Munich)

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Isovalue: 10-4 e200x200x200 grid

TOTAL TIME ON 256 CPUs* < 1 minute *SuperMUC (LRZ, Munich)

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FULL optimization(B3LYP-D*/6-31d)

**Crystallographic experimental

structure has a 30% solvent content

(v/v). Here water was removed.


*SuperMUC (LRZ, Munich)


-10% with respect to the

experimental structure**

P21 - 1284 total atoms / 642 irreducible atoms

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Ab initio modelling of giant MOFs: when the size matters



Comparison between the crystallographic unit cells of the giant MIL-100 and MOF-5

PRACE Grant:

Project 2013081680


2788 atoms (primitive u.c.)

M= Al, Sc, Cr, Fe

106 atoms (primitive u.c.)


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Running time scaling with the number of computing cores for

MIL-100(Al)-N (2720 atoms) on the SuperMUC HPC system.

Timings on 1024 cores:

• one SCF cycle = 767 sec

• Gradient (atoms) = 1801 sec

MIL-100(Al)-N is a model system in

which a N atom substitutes the O at the

center of the inorganic unit. It consists

of a primitive unit cell containing 2720

atoms without symmetry.

MIL-100(Al)-N: MPP-CRYSTAL Scaling

B3LYP calculation with

44606 AOs in the unit cell.





PRACE Grant: Project 2013081680

Calculations run on SUPERMUC at LRZ:

HPC IBM System x iDataPlex powered

by 16 Intel cores per node running at 2.7

GHz, with 2 GB/core