On the Intensity Distribution 2: -1fG+DJ and Its ... · Minoru N akagami Faculty of Engineering,...

RADIO SCIENCE Journal of Resea rch NBSjUSNC- URSI Vol. 68D, N o.9, September 1964 On the Intensity Distribution 2 : f3e xp [ -1f G+DJ and Its Application to Signal Statistics Minoru N akagami Faculty of Engineering, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan (Received Dece mb er 6, 1963 ; revi sed Ja nu ary 31, 1964) A few deri vat ion m et hods of the dis tribu tion in the t itl e arc discussed fro m some different vi e wpoin ts. It is fo und that this type of fa din g m ay be ca used by the in te rferences of t wo c orr el ate d waves. A transitional as pect of the di st ribu t ion du e to the change of a paramete r is illu strate d in d eta il. Some a ppli cat ions of t he di st ribution to signal stat ist ics a re d is- cussed. Th e fun ct ional simila ri ty is fo und b et ween the ch aracte ri st ic fun ct io n a nd t he e rr or pro babili ty of signals. Using this bas ic r elat ion some e rr or proba bili t ies a re est im ated f ol' var ious cases. 1. Introduction Since n, bou t 25 years ago, the author has engaged in an extensive in vest iga tion of the cham cteri st ics of radi o fading phenomena. At an earlier stage of o ur series of observations, a kind of f< l, din g mu ch severer t.h an the R ayleigh type was somet im es experi ence d in particular circ ui ts, especially in t he T aipei- Tokyo circuit operaLillg at the frequency of about 10 Mc/ s. Th e app earance of such a type of Jading was q ui te unexpected. Th erefore our consid e ra ble interest was directed to finding the causes of t hi s type of fading. Unf or t un ately, however, any convincing explanat ion about t he mechanisms of the Jad in g seemed Lo be beyo nd our kn owledge at th at time. In du e co ur se, we fortun ately had an opportuni ty to make careful observaL ioJl s on se veral communi cation cir cui ts in ord er to find possible mechrtllisms of Jadin g, using mu ch improved equipmen ts a nd a dv anced techniques of obser vat io n. Thr ough t hi s well-pr epared experimen t, the exi stence of a type of fading state d above was clearly co nfirm ed . Meanwhil e, our theor et ical st udy of fading was pr oceeding a li ttle aJl ead of our experi- m ental research. In the co ur se of our stat istical ap pr oach, t hr ee basic distributions were fo und as part icular solu tions o[ tlle so -called problem of ra ndo m int erf erence. One is the di stribu t ion referr ed to in the titl e, te tl tat ively named th e " g-di stribu tion" [Nak agami and Sasaki, 1943]. Soo n aft er that, it was fo und that the formula ucco un ted for th e type of observ ed fading which had shown much larger flu ct u at ion than th e R ayleigh fading. It seems to th e author, ho we ver, t hut mosL of the rese ar chers in this fi eld still hav e a mi s- conception that the Ra yleigh distribution exhibit s the largest flu ct uations among all typ es of fading. In th e followin g, so me discussions will be made on the g-di st ribution . In par ticular, we shall derive the distribution on the ass umption of some prop agational mod es which m ay be supposed to exist in act ual fading. 2. Derivalion of the q-Distribution We shall deriv e the q-distribu tion and its gen eralized form from gaussian di st ribution. No w, let us start from the two-dimensional gaussian di stribution p(x, y) 995 (1)

Transcript of On the Intensity Distribution 2: -1fG+DJ and Its ... · Minoru N akagami Faculty of Engineering,...

Page 1: On the Intensity Distribution 2: -1fG+DJ and Its ... · Minoru N akagami Faculty of Engineering, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan (Received December 6, 1963 ; revised January 31, 1964)

RADIO SCIENCE Journal of Resea rch NBSjUSNC- URSI Vol. 68D, No.9, September 1964

On the Intensity Distribution 2:f3exp [ -1f G+DJ Io (~2 D-~J) and Its Application to Signal Statistics

Minoru N akagami

Faculty of Engineering, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan

(Received D ecember 6, 1963 ; revised J a nuar y 31, 1964)

A few deri vation methods of t he distribut ion in t he title arc discussed fro m so me d ifferen t vi ewpoin ts . It is found tha t t his t yp e of fadin g may be caused by t he in te rfere nces of t wo correlated waves. A t ra ns it ional aspect of the dist ribu t ion due to t he cha nge of a pa ra meter is illustrated in detail. Som e a ppli cations of t he dist ribu t ion to signal statist ics a re d is­cussed. The fun ctiona l simila ri ty is found between t he characte rist ic fun ctio n a nd t he erro r proba bili ty of signa ls. Using this bas ic relatio n so me error probabili t ies a re estim ated fol' various cases.

1. Introduction

Since n,bou t 25 years ago, the au thor has engaged in an extensive investiga tion of the cham cteristics of radio fading phenomena. At an earlier stage of our series of observa tions, a kind of f<l,din g much severer t.han the R ayleigh type was so met im es experi enced in parti cular circui ts, especially in t he T aipei- T okyo circuit operaLillg at the frequency of about 10 M c/s.

The appearance of such a type of Jading was q ui te un expected . Therefore our co nsiderable in terest was directed to findin g t he causes of this type of fading. Unfor tunately, however , any convincing explanation about t he mechani sms of the Jad in g seemed Lo be beyo nd our knowledge a t that t ime.

In due course, we fort unately had an oppor tuni ty to m ak e careful observaLioJls on se veral communication circui ts in order to find possible mechrtlli sms of Jading, using mu ch improved equipmen ts and advanced techniques of observation. Throug h t hi s well-prepared experim en t, the existence of a type of fading stated above was clearly co nfirm ed.

M eanwhile, our t heoret ical study of fadin g was proceeding a li ttle aJl ead of our experi ­mental research . In the course of our statistical approach , t hree basic dis tribu t ions were fo und as particular solu tions o[ t lle so-called problem of rando m interference. One is t he distribut ion referred to in the tit le, te tl tatively n amed the " g-distribution" [Nakagami and Sasaki , 1943]. Soon after t hat , it was found t hat the formula uccounted for the type of observed fadin g which had shown much larger fluctuation than the R ayleigh fading.

It seems to the au thor, ho wever , t hut mosL of the researchers in this fi eld s till have a mis­conception that the Rayleigh distribution exhibits the largest fluctua tions among all types of fading.

In th e followin g, some discussions will be m ade on the g-distribution . In part icular , we shall derive the distribution on the assumption of some propagation al modes which m ay be supposed t o exist in actual fading.

2. Derivalion of the q-Distribution

We shall derive the q-distribution and its generalized form from gaussian distribution . Now, let us star t from the two-dimensional gaussian distribution

p(x, y)



Page 2: On the Intensity Distribution 2: -1fG+DJ and Its ... · Minoru N akagami Faculty of Engineering, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan (Received December 6, 1963 ; revised January 31, 1964)

By changing the variables (x, y) to (R cos 0, R sin 0), and performing the in tegl'ation with respect to 0 from 0 to 271", we have

r2~ · lo(x,y) 1 p(R) = Jo peR cos 0, R sm 0) o(R , 0) dO

Here, if we put

a = O"l + 0"2+ 'II (0"2- 0"1 )2 + 4P20"10"2 ' i

{3 = 0"1 + 0"2- ~ (0"2 - 0"1 )2+4p20"10"2 , J then (2) takes a standard form of the q-distribution

p(R) =---= e 2 a fJ 10 - - - - . 2R _I!: (-'!+!c) {R2 (1 I)} ~ a{3 2 {3 a




It is of great importance to note that either in case of 0"1 equal to 0" 2, or p2 equal to zero, (2) retains the same standard form as (4). However, if the above two conditions are satisfied simultaneously, the distribution turns out to become the Rayleigh form


Further, if p tends to unity, then {3 approaches to zero , and (4) takes the following form


It is of much interest for us to see that the limiting form (6) is identical with the limiting case of the observed m-dis tri bu tion [N akagami, 1943],


as the parameter m approaches K In this regard, we shall discuss the fading mechanisms fmther in the following section.

2 .1. Derivations of a Generalized and an Additive Form of the q-Distribution

A generalized and an additive form of the distribution may be deduced in several ways. The simplest cases, however, are shown as follows:

First, if we let

then we may hal'e the standard form

p eR )

ly l2m - 1 _l!: (3mf (m) e fJ, (8)


The detailed properties of this type of distribution are fully discussed in K akagami and Nishio [1954a] .


Page 3: On the Intensity Distribution 2: -1fG+DJ and Its ... · Minoru N akagami Faculty of Engineering, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan (Received December 6, 1963 ; revised January 31, 1964)

Nex t, we shall derive a simplest additive form of dis tribution. Now we start with the dis tribution


By the transforma tion of variables from (x, y) to (R cos 0, R sin 0), we have the distribution


where (12)

3. Derivation of the q-Distribution From an Actual Mode of Propagation

'iVe are now in a position to derive the q-dis tribu tion from the two correlated R ayleigh or the m-type of fadin g. At first we shall begin wi th the R ayleigh type of fadi ng in the foll owing.

3.1. Case of Correlated Rayleigh Fading

As is well kn own , the join t distribu tion of the R ayleigh type assumes the form


where n1 = ri and n 2= r~, respecti lTely, and Jc2 denotes the correlation coeffi cien t between 1~ and T~.

Then, the resul tan t in tensity distribution of the sum of two vectors 1\ and 1' 2 and a scat­tered component can be easily expressed by the H ankel form of integral:

where F(A) is ten tatively called the ampli tude char acteristic function . If we assum e that the phase difference of 1'1 and 1"2 is r andom, t hen F(A) becomes

where 0 in dicates the scat tered p ower , and


J O(ATI) J OCXT2) = II J O('ATI) J o C'AT2)P (Tl' T2) dT1dT2. o

This form of in tegral may be readily evaluated as

H ence, we may arrive at final resul t

2R -~ (!.+!..) { R2 (1 I)} = - e 2 a f3 10 - - - - , M 2 (3 ex





Page 4: On the Intensity Distribution 2: -1fG+DJ and Its ... · Minoru N akagami Faculty of Engineering, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan (Received December 6, 1963 ; revised January 31, 1964)



In a limiting case of k equal to zero, p(R) assumes the Rayleigh form


Under the conditions [l1 = [l2 = [l, k ---? l, and o---?O, (18) turns to the half Gaussian form

1 _l!:. p(R) =-= e 4\).

~7r[l (21)

It is of great interest to see (20) and (21), especially the latter distribution; because these two distributions are both situated at the extreme boundaries of the q-distribution, as was already proved from a different viewpoint.

In figure 1, a family of curves of the distribution are shown with E = 8/ [l as a parameter. They are very suggestive of the transitional aspect of the shape of distribution.

The comparison of the q-distribution with the m-distribution is shown in figure 2 under the extreme conditions respectively. From this figure we maY' find a good agreement of the two formulas even at the extremities. This functional similarity was already discussed in detail.

Some examples of the deepest type of fading observed in a microwave communication circuit in Japan are shown in figure 3. The foregoing discussions seem to maintain that the observed distribution shown in figure 3 might be caused by correlated interferences.


0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~'2'

iY\~ []2. ~, i : /1 if:-~ ~ ~. j x' Jo, :~,' ,<;


-~ f-- \1 I 1 8

f "' e ' 0, " 0 1 " (1 , "-' ·1 , n 1~ _ ~ I \ i

'-\ 1\

' 4 € ~O.05 Ti----I 1\ \ ( ~I € ~ 0.0001

6 j \\ , 2) ~ -0.001 '5· £ =0·2

-J ~ e" 0.0' '6 Ror i ei gl1 ~- 1--------I \~ 1 i I ~t- -

-II-- - - '1\ \1 - . 1 1 __ ' -


o. 4 .. - -

~ f-- 1 1- -I 1 !

I 1--I I


1 " ~ 1 r-1 ~ ~ .t:::--- --1-


FIG UR E 1. Transitional aspect of the shape of the probability density function p (x).


" 999_-,---,---'T"---,---,----,--,

99.9 r---1--1--+-----t----t--~lct. ' I!!_;. _oj



()" , 'W .---' o.O~ 6 0 -50 4 0 30 20 10 10 20

X ;(1 dB

FIGU RE 2. Comparison of the q-distribution with the ill-distribution having the parameter m close to ~~ .

Page 5: On the Intensity Distribution 2: -1fG+DJ and Its ... · Minoru N akagami Faculty of Engineering, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan (Received December 6, 1963 ; revised January 31, 1964)

FIGURE 3. Comparison of the observed dist l'i b~ltion in a microwave circuit with the m-distribution having the parameter m smaller than 1.













Dote; Auqus f 5, 195 4 ." Fre quencYi 6 Gc" :7 Distance ; 150. km

T" {--O-Oo.oO - OI.OO Ime; -+- 04.00 - 05.00 I I) (J S T ) __ 06.00 - 0 7.00


1f.1 4 0. )f{(


'if' f----. - -1/;;. vr:,'

w' V~, m. Q5 "- C ~ m· 0..6 : X t>- ' " I

~:~ m .. o.



1-0.0 60 50 40. -30 -20 - 10. 0. 10. 20

Re lati ve In tensi ty i n dB

3 .2. Derivation From the Correlated m-Distribution

We now proceed to a more gener al case of two correlated m-variables. As is well known, the joint probability density fun ction assumes the form [Nakagami and Nishio, 1954b, 1955]




p(R) = R l '" 'AJoC'AR) J oC'Arl )J oC'Arz)e -"4x,d'A ,

'" J O('Ar1 )J o('Arz) = II J o('Arl) J o('Arz)Pmh,rz)drldrz.





For the sake of simplicity, we treat the simpler case of m = 2 and 0= 0, The calculation of (23) is somewha t complicated even under the ~i'mplified conditions, 0"1= 0" 2 and m = 2, respectively . The final result is

p(R) (25)

This form of distribution resembles t he distribution (11). I n this case, if k2 tends to zero, (25) takes the form

p(R) =H 771 (R, 1, Q) + nl (R , 3, Q) }.



Page 6: On the Intensity Distribution 2: -1fG+DJ and Its ... · Minoru N akagami Faculty of Engineering, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan (Received December 6, 1963 ; revised January 31, 1964)

4. Some Applications of the Distributions to Signal Statistics

4.1. Criterion of Signal Improvement

In the field of sig-nal statistics, it is importan t to evaluate the performance improvemen t attained in various communication systems. For this purpose, two criteria may be used. One is expressed by the cumulative distribution, P(R) , and the other by the so-called error probability, P e'

The former is expressed as

1 f C+j ", zR 2 dz P(R)=-2 ' e cf> (z)-'

~J c-j", z (27)

cf>(z) = So'" e -zR2 p(R)dR, (28)

where peR) and peR) are the probability and the probability density function of signal in­tensity R. This criterion apparently seems to be irrelevant to noise information. The latter cri terion, P e, however, contains noise information explicitly. Though it is a quantity defined with respect to digital communication systems, it can be used in other systems as well. As we are here concerned with fading signals, we may better choose the average error probability P e as an adequate meaSUTe of signal quality.

In general, P e takes various forms depending on the methods of signal detections. In the case of unknown phase information [TUTin, 1958], it is simply expressed by

where E is the signal energy and N the white noise power density, respectively. The average

error probability, Pe in this case, is simpJy expressed by

- 1 r'" R ' Pe= '2J o e -4Np(R)dR (30)


where E = tR2T, T = element length in seconds. It is worthy of notice that Pe assumes the identical form with the characteristic function,

cf>(z). Through the author's experience, it may be said that cf>( z) usually takes a simpler form than

peR). This fact will be of g-reat help when the treatment of peR) is complicated. On the other hand, it would be more convenient, in many cases, to use the Hankel type of

integral rather than the Laplace transformation. However, as is mentioned above, cf>(z) is usually more suitable to estimate Pe• Therefore the following well-known transformation from F(X) to cf>(z)


will be useful.


Page 7: On the Intensity Distribution 2: -1fG+DJ and Its ... · Minoru N akagami Faculty of Engineering, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan (Received December 6, 1963 ; revised January 31, 1964)



4.2. Error Probability

For the estimation of average error probability, as given by (31), it is sufficient to find the characteristic function, <J>( z). On th is basis, we shall proceed to calculate the err or probability of combined signals in di versity recep tion.

a. Case of Squared Addition

Let u s begin with the case of the sum of squared signals:


The characteristic function, <J>( z), is expressed by

,,( )- f OO -z(R;+R~+ ... +R!l (R R R ) dR dR IR '+' z - Jo e P I, 2, ··· , n '1 z··· G ~ n, (34)

where peRl , R" .. . , Rn) is the joint probability density function of n-di\'ersity signals. For simplicity, we assume that the signals are independent of each otber , then (34) takes

the form n

<J> (z)= IIc/>;( z). i~ 1

Accordingly, P e is simply expressed as _ n _

Pe= 2n - 1II iPe, '~ l

where )5 e shows the error proba bility of the ith branch of signal. Further , we shall consider the case of two correlated m-fading signals; then


<J> (z) = J J e-z(Ri+Ri) Pm(R I, R2)dR l dR z, o

where p".( R I, R ~) stands for (22) . After some calculations, Fe is obtained as

h . Case of Linear Addition





We shall treat the sum of two independent signals which follow the m-distribution . In this case, cf>(z) takes the following form

<J>(Z) = If e- Z (RI+R2)2 m (R I , m, Q) m (R2, m , Q) dR 1dR2. (39)


Applying the well-known tmnsformation

(40) (39) is brought to

<J> (Z) = r2t:)2~zmiOO U2m- IK o {2(~ + z) u } e-zzudu, (41)

where Ko(x) is the modified Bessel function of second kind.


Page 8: On the Intensity Distribution 2: -1fG+DJ and Its ... · Minoru N akagami Faculty of Engineering, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan (Received December 6, 1963 ; revised January 31, 1964)

In table I-are shown some of the calculated results.


m q, (z)

1 1 [ Oz 1 Oz ] 1+ 2nz 1 -v'1 + 20z cos- l + nz


c . Case of Vectorial Addition

N ext, we shall proceed to a more general case of two vectorial sum


where we assume that Rl and R 2 follow the correlated m-distribution and (J varies at random. Then


which yields, after some calculations.




For larger values of m, the calculations become more complex. The results are shown in table 2, where calculations are limi ted to smaller values of m.






q, (z)


(2 uz( 1+ k) + l l \ ~uz (l - k) + 1}

2uz ( u(1 - k 2) z+ 11 + 1

1 + 4uz 11 + uZ ( l - k 2) 1 + ou2,2 / 1 + uz(l - k 2) }2 [1 + 4uz + 4u2z2 (1- k 2) ]5/ 2


I ~

Page 9: On the Intensity Distribution 2: -1fG+DJ and Its ... · Minoru N akagami Faculty of Engineering, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan (Received December 6, 1963 ; revised January 31, 1964)

The author expresses his gratitude to Dr. William C . Hoffman, program co-chairman of the symposium on Signal Statistics , who kindly gave him the opportunity of publishing the present report in the special issue of the new Journal of Radio Science. His further thanks are due to Professor Seiko Kaneku for his helpful discussions, and to Mr. Masamich H atada and Mr. Riuichi Akiyama for their assis tance in preparing the manuscript of the report.

5. References

Nakagami, M . (Feb . 1943) , Statistical characters of short-wave fading, J. Inst. E lec. Commun. Eng. Japan 239, 145.

Nakagami, M., and T. Sasaki (Mal'. 1943), Considerations concerning the res ultant amplitude of a number of vibrations whose phases are at random over certain limited ranges, J. Inst . E lec. Commun. Eng. Japan 228,28.

Nakagami, M. ,and M . Nishio (1954a), A unified theory of diversity effects, Annual Convention Record No. 10, J. Inst. E lec. Commun. Eng. Japan.

Nakagami, M., and M. Nishio (Aug. 1954b) , On the fun damental cha ractcristics of ampli tude variat ion due to fading II, Annual Convention R ecord No . 10, J . Inst . E lec. Commun. Eng. Japan 479.

Nakagami, M., and M. N ishio (Oct. 1955), A general theory of diversity effects, J . Inst . Elcc. Commun. Eng. Japan 38, 782.

Turin, G. L. (Sept. 1958), Error probabi li ties for bin ary symmetr ic ideal reception through non-selective slow fading and noise, Proc. IRE 46, 1609.

(Paper 68D9- 399)