On clouds of coffee sharonlee goodhand

On Clouds of Coffee Sharonlee Goodhand Life, Love, Poetry and Good Coffee – Poetry and Images- Sharonlee


Poetical Journey with a Coffee Aroma

Transcript of On clouds of coffee sharonlee goodhand

On Clouds of Coffee

Sharonlee Goodhand

Life, Love, Poetry and Good Coffee – Poetry and Images-


On Clouds of Coffee

My thoughts drift

on aromatic waves

of morning coffee

rising with the steam…


float in before

my silently

watching eyes…

a damp grey



the day

curling around

my inner thoughts

like shadows

of a half remembered dream…

thoughts I share

with no one

in the absence

of a mind and heart

that listens

with intent

to the echoes


my words…

4 AM

4 am

a sense of wakefulness

invades my sleep…

tossing restlessly

I scrunch down

into feathered doona

willing oblivion to return

but no…

a passing thought

brings to mind

arms that no longer cradle me

in soft sighs of comfort…

… I give up in the end

and rise

from sleep-rumpled bed

drifting to the darkened window

…the world sleeps

at least

the part that I can see

seems silenced

cloaked in darkness…

no traffic rumbles on the

distant highway

no sign of human


the night is still


and unmoveable

no stars

to keep me company…

…padding in soft socks

through my home

I make coffee


as if reluctant to disturb

the sleeping

..no one here

to hear me

still my actions

are purposely muffled…

… returning to the window

I see nothing

but shadow-trees

and ghostly streetlights…

coffee hot & strong & sweet

I smoke

searching the net for something

… someone


I chat with a stranger

half way round the world

who sits in a cyber cafe

… while I sit

in my dim silent apartment

and wait for the birth

of a new day…



soft & light

played with the silent night

morning still slept

in glistening shadows

as my thoughts

played with my inner dreams…

silver slivers

shimmering as the predawn



sable edges

night merging into day…

rain crystallised


sombre shades…

my thoughts wandered

as thoughts are known to do

in hours as silent

and muted as this…

floating out

over the convoluted shadows

that hid the harsher


of community coexistence…

…I watched the dawn twilight


for that point in time

where night gives way to day

brooding over other moments

wondering when and how

I lost them…

I dissected other

points in time

trying to find

the diamond-sharp instant

that transforms

one intersecting moment

into another…

coffee rich and fragrant

warm hands & heart

as dawn-glow

finally softened the sky

the rain stopped

silence, deep and profound

encircled me

in an undemanding embrace

a cold moist breeze

chilled unseen tears

as my world woke

to a cloud filled day….

Light of a Single Candle

I sit by candle light

..the night is late

and dark

no moon…no stars

street lights hazy

within persistent rain…

… cold coffee my only friend

in the end

when all color has been

leached from the day…

the single candle


my page

and a small corner

of the room…


in the far reaches

crowd in

as if in need of company

on this damp dark night…

my thoughts

have somewhat mellowed

… I chatted with a friend

in nights softened gloom

who spoke with gentle tone

of life and love and soul’s unease…

spoke of one’s inability

to change

what was not in their power

to change…

of acceptance

and nurturing

and moving on…

I soaked in these words of wisdom

…thinking long and deep

about life and love

and hopes and dreams…

the extremes

of human nature

the fragilities

of the human condition…

and as the single candle

burned low

confident of its role

and purpose

I pondered

on my own….

Coffee-Colored Reflections

there are times...

midnights passing with no sleep

rain-filled days where my thoughts

meander throu the years

silent sunlit moments

that catch me

in a patch of warmth...

random times when

reflections tumble in on recollection

when sepia memories

tap at the core

of my bruised spirit...

times when I feel

uplifted by a birds graceful flight

by the moon's passage throu the night...

there are times when

my feet long to walk

my eyes long to see

my hands long to touch

my body longs to feel

another body...

times where I am content

nay...more than content

to be alone

to gaze in silent reflection

at the never-ending expanse of sky

the trees...the rain...

content to be alone...

times when a strong coffee

is my only friend

when life seems too short

or to have no end...

times when the silence is too loud

Or when sound seems forgotten to my ears

times when I wonder on too many whys

and ponder too many why nots

there are times I remember well

and those I have forgot...

there are times when I am soothed

by the beauty of the world

or burdened

by global strife...

these times...

these times are called life;

Prompted By The Rain

what is it about the rain

that mellows my spirit...

what unseen force does it wield

that brings forth convoluted recollections

that move with slow-motion deliberation

prompting me to stop and gaze

lost in thoughtful musings...

why do I feel secure...comfortable...safe

at home

when the rain tumbles from the sky

and thunder rumbles from unseen heights...

why do I find the rain so soothing

so alluring...so tempting

content to let my thoughts

wander throu the otherworldly realm

of my mind...

copious cups of coffee my only demand

as I let my inner thoughts hold sway

drifting throu a rainy day

drifting to the melody

of rain on the old tin roof

content beyond all measure

to just sit...

what is it about the rain

that mellows my spirit...

Sharonlee Goodhand

Part Two

A Café Series


Café, Perth, Australia

wide-eyed fresh faced

not long left home and yet So many miles

I’d put between then and then café in Perth, Australia…

my first cup of coffee… ever…. loaded with sugar

from a bowl that had seen too many spoons…

country girl I was… and timid

not educated in the ways of this world…

oh how big it was! my mind in overdrive

as I tried to process city sights… bright sunshiny city

not harsh like my vague childhood recollections

of my Sydney birthplace…

coffee was…. interesting first & last I’d thought at the time

as I sat gazing out a window half devoted to cola adverts… … I pondered what taste cola represented… having never tried it … it seemed to me to have the look of sarsaparilla

…I’d tried that once… too strong for my unsophisticated pallet…

the city unfolded ‘round me growing bigger … oblivious

to the older style café that huddle mid-way

between yesterday and tomorrow…

… it made me sad to think that one day the café would be gone

pulled down in favour of storied offices and some bright and sunny

sandwich bar that sold coffee in waxed cups

just like newer style roadhouses now did…

I drained my coffee … not so bad after all

I’d thought back then, rejuvenated by caffeine and five sugars

I ventured out… a new life awaited…

beyond the doors of a café, Perth, Australia; early 1978

Café, Melbourne, Australia

sitting in a coffee shop in Melbourne Australia…

… neon splashes mirrored in puddles… I sat lost in thought -

- café almost empty this time of night.. city lights

diffused by rain…

… at the old Formica counter the greying owner tapped his pen

a hollow sound that penetrated deep… … I longed for him to stop… but said nothing focused instead on the soothing drum of rain

… mesmerised by circles within circles as the rain bounced

into tar coloured puddles…

counting coins … small piles of small denominations

added up… in the end… to another cup and a toasted cheese sandwich… … broke until the bank opened in a time before plastic cards…

shift workers from a nearby factory

tumbled in… … they looked weary

and carried with them the aroma of cereal or biscuits…

huddled together they drank coffee and joked with the grey-haired

barista owner… familiar scene re-enacted every night…

… I stood to go shouldering an over-large pack

portable radio dangling from limp arm… I paused at the door

… rain plummeted …. thrashing the pavement

ricocheting up to rain back down… I sighed…

hey lov… you at the door

I looked over my shoulder… not sure… coffee on the house lov ? he smiled

my smile reflected heartfelt relief … thanks… … vulnerability –

- his warm & grandfatherly… old blue eyes now fading to grey, twinkled

as he waved me back to the window table… no older then my granddaughter, he sighed, she’s

out there somewhere…. somewhere… sadness clouded his face as he poured coffee

I thanked him softly and turned to gaze at a night filled with rain in a café, Melbourne, Australia; late 1978.

Café, Sydney, Australia

window-seat …always a window-seat…

coffee shop, Sydney, Australia… a sea of faces streaming past outside behind me a low murmur of voices

lunch-time crowd surging in regular as clock-work…

scratchy radio announcing a hot day in the city

leave your brollies at home folks and he laughed at his own lame joke…

I tried to cross my legs… but couldn’t

pregnant belly a cumbersome monstrosity the baby moved… a girl… I just knew it…

no you’re not, I whispered… not a monstrosity but what am I ‘spose to do… I’m trapped in this city

we’re both trapped in this city… … somewhere a child wailed

as if in response to my thoughts …you & me both kid, I mumbled softly

with twisted humour - - it was a big city to be alone in…

intercity busses blocked the view

of intercity buildings cranes to the left erecting still more…

a siren screamed blur of police cars jetting past

like smeared ribbons of blue & white pedestrians jumping clear

before swelling to fill the crossing as if nothing happened…

… but something had happened

somewhere… another pile-up

another homeless dead in a back street…

another junkie overdosed in an abandoned


the baby moved again mesmerised I watched a vaguely

foot shaped lump protrude from my soft young flesh…

draining my cup I turned again to gaze at foreign city scenes

and wondered just how I came to be in this place….

and where did I go from here - - a window-seat view of the world

…always a window-seat… café , Sydney, Australia; 1980.

Café , Airlie Beach, Australia

coffee floating in fragrant clouds swirling between me & a window with a view

a coffee shop Airlie Beach, Australia… …strangest sense of déjà vu

other windows… other towns coffee – good…bad… sublime ….

I gaze at the ocean scene

distant mountains islands floating in tropical waves… palm trees standing coast-watch

lined the grass that bordered the sand… behind me somewhere murmured appreciation

damn good coffee…. I smiled, yes it was, I thought…

…soft and gentle moments

drifted back to me… coffee shops along life’s highway…

… beyond the window sidewalk tables filled

with jostling movement… tourists in summer hats

and winter socks … a young couple

barely 20… with backpacks and local maps –

- fresh-faced… bright eyed so full of bubbling adventure…

untraveled horizons reflected in their youth…

I sat and gazed… the sea … the sand

rippling palms … seagulls… unafraid wait for fallen scraps…

I felt my age understood the softness of errant thoughts

that niggled at heart & soul… … and I smiled –

- it has been a good life despite those raw moments

when even coffee offered no comfort…

I am me… strong… wise… lived in…

comfortable with my edges and curves…

at ease with my thoughts and flaws…

proud of the woman I have become…

window seat… fragrant coffee a café in Airlie Beach, Australia; 2011.