On a scale of 1-4 4 – I could be teaching this professional development 3 – I use new strategies...

On a scale of 1-4 4 – I could be teaching this professional development 3 – I use new strategies often 2 I know some strategies 1 – I don’t feel well prepared HOW WELL DO YOU FEEL YOU ARE ABLE TO ADDRESS THE NEEDS OF DIVERSE LEARNERS?

Transcript of On a scale of 1-4 4 – I could be teaching this professional development 3 – I use new strategies...

Page 1: On a scale of 1-4 4 – I could be teaching this professional development 3 – I use new strategies often 2 I know some strategies 1 – I don’t feel well prepared.

On a scale of 1-4

4 – I could be teaching this professional development

3 – I use new strategies often

2 I know some strategies

1 – I don’t feel well prepared



Page 2: On a scale of 1-4 4 – I could be teaching this professional development 3 – I use new strategies often 2 I know some strategies 1 – I don’t feel well prepared.

• Review of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 2004

• Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504

• Florida’s Meta Consent Decree for English Language Learners (ELLs)

Valuing Similarities and Differences of Diverse Learners

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• History of ESE Services

• Originally named the Education for all Handicapped Children Act of 1975

• Renamed Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (or IDEA) in 1997

• Who is Eligible?

• Serves disabled individuals from 0-22

• Part A serves ages 0-3

• Part B serves ages 3-22

• Each state defines what the eligibility criterion is for the specific disability categories


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• Hearing impairments (including deafness)

• Visual impairments (including blindness)

• Speech of language impairments

• Orthopedic impairments

• Autism

• Mental retardation

• Emotionally disturbed

• Learning Disabled

• Traumatic brain injury

• Other health impairments

• Specific learning disabilities


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• Valuing Diversity of ESE students

• Individualized Education Program (IEP)

• Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)

• Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)

• Appropriate Assessment

• Related Services


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• History of 504 Services

• Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, an anti-discrimination statute

• Designed to protect individuals with disabilities by providing equal access to “facilities, programs, benefits, activities, or services that are provided to students without disabilities”

• Who is Eligible?

• Covers all persons with a disability from discrimination in educational setting based solely on their disability

• Section 504 defines a person with a disability as: having a physical or mental impairments which limits one of more major life activity; have a record of such an impairment; or are regarded as having an impairment


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• Valuing Diversity of Section 504 students• Requires schools to eliminate barriers that would prevent the

student from fully participating in the programs and services offered in the general curriculum

• Provide the necessary accommodations for the 504 students to have a free appropriate public education (FAPE) in his or her least restrictive environment (LRE)


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ESE students • Protected under the Individuals with

Disabilities Education Act, 2004

• Limited to a specific disability categories

• ESE students may not be in all general education classes

• Protected under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

• Not limited to specific disability categories

• 504 students are part of the general education classes

504 students

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• History of ELL services

• The state of Florida adopted a Consent Decree in 1990 to protects the civil rights of English Language Learners

• Provides a system for identification, appropriate instruction, in-service training for teachers, etc.


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• Who is Eligible?

• Every enrolling parent completes a home language survey which must include the following questions:

• Is a language other than English used in the home?

• Did the student have a first language other than English?

• Does the student most frequently speak a language other than English?

• Answer “yes” to any of the following questions, then the student is assessed to determine if he or she is limited English proficient (LEP)


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• Valuing Diversity of ELL students

• Six Sections of Meta Consent Decree, 1990

• Section I. Identification and Assessment

• Section II. Equal Access to Appropriate Programming

• Section III. Equal Access to Appropriate Categorical and Other Programs to ELL Students

• Section IV. Personnel

• Section V. Monitoring Issues

• Section VI. Outcome Measurements


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• Know the demographics of your students through data

• Show interest in your students’ interests through an inventory survey and

• use the results to build relationships with your students

• tailor lessons to spark their interest

• Plan lessons with the needs of all diverse students in mind, not an after thought

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• Progress Monitoring with MTSS

• Vignette – “What Would You Do?”

• Example of Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 Interventions

• Brainstorm Interventions

Closing the Achievement Gap with the Multi-Tiered System of Support

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M – Multi

T – Tiered

S – System


S – Support(MTSS incorporates


The multi-tiered instructional approach “will serve as a basic decision-making and problem-solving tool before students are referred to special education” (Campbell-Whatley, Floyd, O’Farrow, & Smith, 2013, p125).

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• “Teacher who use the components with fidelity will improve their instruction and close the achievement gaps for students with identified needs in reading and math” (Using a response to intervention, 2013, p 4)

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ESSENTIAL COMPONENTS1. Implement effective instruction for all children

2. Intervene early

3. Provide multi-tiered model of instruction and intervention

4. Utilize a collaborative problem solving model

5. Assure research based core curriculum

6. Implement research-based, valid interventions and instruction

7. monitor progress to inform instruction

8. Use data to make instructional decisions

9. Use assessments for screening, diagnostics, and progress monitoring

10. Implement with fidelity

11. Engage parents and community.

(“Career and College Ready”, 2013)

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Vignette:“What Would

You Do?”


Campbell-Whatley, G., Floyd, L.O., O’Farrow, K., & Smith, C. (2013) Response to intervention and inclusion: facilitating collaborative arrangement. Leadership Practices for Special and General Educators. United States: Pearson Education.

After reading the Vignette, discuss with your table group the four questions. Be prepared to share with the whole group.

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MTSS is made up of three Tiers of supports and strategies.

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• How Much additional time will be needed?

• What will occur during that time?

• Who is the most qualified person to deliver the “what”?

• Where will that additional instruction occur?

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• Core of Instruction or Behavior Interventions are High-Quality and Research-Based

• In this tier, there is a universal screening to monitor students for progress.

• Ways to Support Tier 1 Students:

• Differentiate instruction

• PBS (Positive Behavior Support)

• Identify the problem behavior through a FBA (Functional Behavior Assessment)

• Develop a hypothesis about why the behaviors are occurring

• Decide on an intervention that supports the appropriate interventions

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• Supplemental Instruction integrated with Tier 1 component and performance expectation

• Ways to Support Tier 2 Students:• Differentiated Instruction

• Modification

• Specialized Equipment

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• Usually provided to individual students or students in small groups

• Development of instruction guided by the need of learners

• Ways to Support Tier 3 Students:

• More Instructional Time (In addition to those provided in Tier 1 and 2)

• Smaller Groups

• More Systematic Instruction Sequences

• More feedback and more consistent feedback

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• With your table partners, brainstorm interventions that are already in place at your school that could be used for each tier of instruction, fitting the criteria.

• Tier 1

• Tier 2

• Tier 3

• Consider this: How could interventions be adjusted to be proven more effective for students?

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• Explanation of UDL

• UDL Lesson Planning Example

• UDL Video Segment

• Example: Progress Monitoring

Using Diversity as an Asset with the Universal Design for Learning

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• There needs to be a problem solving team that meets frequently

oThe team should be made up of various personnel from the school

oThe team should collaborate with members outside of the team

• The problem solving team will utilize a problem solving process to support services that

• Multiple forms of data should be assessed before deciding on necessary interventions.oThere should be a data system that is easy to use/ gather information.

• Interventions should align with district, school and classroom policies.

• Professional Development(MTSS Implementation Components, nd. p10)

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“Universal Design is the design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design” (O’Brien, Aguinaga, and Knight, 2013 p150).

Lessons created using UDL are meant to benefit students of all “abilities, interests” and backgrounds”, which should make life easier (O’Brien, Aguinaga, and Knight, 2013 p150).

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• Multiple Means of Representation

• Multiple Means of Expression

• Multiple Means of Engagement

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• In order to provide multiple means of representation, teachers can offer students a wide range of options for accessing academic content.

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Using an online versions of the text can allow for:

• changes in font size, color and visibility (for improved visibility)

• Audio options

• vocabulary explanations and extensions

• supplemental materials, ie. videos, graphics, etc. that help to explain the materials in another way

• Practice exercises, sample quizzes and study guides. (O’Brien, Aguinaga, and Knight, 2013 p156).

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• Students are provided with multiple means to express what they know.

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This can be done through providing scaffolding “at appropriate levels for practice and performance” (O’Brien, Aguinaga, and Knight, 2013 p156).

• Assistive technologies permit some students with the ways to express their understanding.

• Use multiple media for communication, construction & composition,

• Vary the methods of which students will respond to the lessons to show understanding: (multimedia) presentations, written accounts, performances, etc.

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• Differentiated instruction can be used to provide students with choices for interaction with the materials based on interest as well as skill level.

(O’Brien, Aguinaga, and Knight, 2013 p157).

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Choosing which book to read surrounding a concept or theme

Choosing which project to complete

• Write an essay

• Conduct an independent study

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• How might this type of progress monitoring prove that even though students were provided multiple means of representation, multiple means of expression, and multiple means of engagement, they still met the learning goal?

• How would the information gained from this lesson help to guide future lessons?

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Construct a sample UDL lesson

Reference: Williams, J., Evans, C., & King, L. (2011). The Impact of Universal Design for Learning Instruction on Lesson Planning. International Journal Of Learning, 18(4), 213-222.

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MORNING BREAK (15 MIN)Diversity Professional Development

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• Article: “How Can Secondary Schools Avoid the Seven Deadly ‘Sins’ of Inclusion”

• Number yourselves 1-7 to divide the sections of the article

• Read your assigned section

• After reading, take notes using the graphic organizer

Jigsaw Article with Table Groups

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Read your assigned section of “How Secondary Schools Can Avoid the Seven Deadly ‘Sins” of Inclusion”.

Based on your number, you will be reading a specific section. Section assignments are as follows: • 1: Negative Teacher Perspectives

• 2: Lack of Knowledge Regarding Special Education Terminology, Issues and Laws

• 3: Poor Collaboration

• 4: Lack of Administrative Support

• 5: Limited Instructional Repertoire

• 6: Inappropriate Assessments

• 7: Conflicting scheduling and time management

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• All like numbers (ie. all 1s) will meet at an assigned section of the room to go over section together. You can read the section together or independently, but will need to discuss your findings.

• In your group, you will complete the graphic organizer “Overcoming Barriers of Implementing the Inclusion Model” (You do not need to do the summary questions at this time).

• When you’re finished, transfer your responses to the chart paper provided. You will be presenting this to the whole group.

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• As groups are presenting, fill in your chart with the information they provide.

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• With the information gained from the jigsaw activity share-out, complete the summary questions together on the graphic organizer handout.

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LUNCH BREAK (1 HOUR, 30 MIN)Diversity Professional Development

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• Technology and Apps for LD Students

• Strategies to assess the implementation of modifications and accommodations

Appropriate Strategies for Maintaining a Respectful and Inclusive Student-Centered Learning Environment

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• Task management – Next thing, iStudiez Pro

• Note taking with video and audio component – InClass

• Organizing Ideas – iThoughts, Corkulous, Popplet,

• Studying – Flashcards Deluxe,

• Annotating – Goodreader, iAnnotate PDF, PDF Expert

• Password manager – mSecure(Hatton & Hatton, 2014)

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• There are some questions to ask before deciding to purchase any form of technology or assistance device

• Dr. Ron Pendleton (2005) suggests several questions that should be asked before purchasing materials. Answering these questions before purchasing materials will not only lead to informed decision making, but will assist in writing any proposal that you may need in order to get funding.

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• Cost

• Is there enough money available to pay for what is needed?

• Is the price realistic and competitive?

• Durability

• Will the materials do what they need to do under the circumstances in which they will be used?

• Are they sturdy enough to stand up under the circumstances in which they will be used?

• Some materials may become obsolete before they wear out so durability isn't always as obvious as it may appear.

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• Is there adequate space available for storage?

• Is the storage space easy to access and secure?

• This may or may not be factor depending on the type of material and how that material will be used.

• Context

• Is the material clearly written in a manner that can be easily understood by students and applied to the solution of problems presented and discussed in class?

• This, of course, refers primarily to written materials such as books, manuals, handouts, printed directions, etc., but don't forget that it is also a factor when considering audio-visual materials or any material that requires either written or spoken language used in conjunction with that material.

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• Relevancy

• Is the material written or produced in such a way that it can be effectively related to the needs and interests of students?

• Level

• Is the material appropriate for the grade level and degree of development of the students?

• Format

• Is the material written or produced in a manner that will facilitate student learning?

• This is similar to context, but more specifically focused on the way that the material is organized and presented (how it actually looks).

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• Content

• Is the material meaningful, accurate and free from bias?

• Although the concept of meaningful is somewhat addressed by context and relevancy, care must be taken to insure that the material selected will, in fact, effectively meet the needs of the students for whom it is intended.

• Recentcy

• Is the material current?

• Who will it Assist?

• Is this material useful for one particular student, or could a large group of students benefit from its use?

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• Why is this resource necessary?

• How much will it assist the student?

• Will it be used in all classes?

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• Research technology and assistive materials to assist diverse learners

• Complete the Chart: Assessing Appropriate Materials

• List of potential resources will be provided to Administrative team

Content-Area Specific: Think-Pair-Share Strategies which Meet the Needs of Diverse Learners

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• Using any resource at your disposal, (laptop, smartphone, etc.) research other technologies or assistive materials available to assist diverse learners.

• It may help to think of a specific student or group of students and his/her/their needs.

• Complete the Chart: Assessing Appropriate Materials for three of the materials you chose.

• Make a decision if you would look into purchasing that material

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• Using Graphic Organizer: Supportive School Culture for Diverse Learners

• Consider what a non-supportive and a supportive school culture would look like and sound like

• Then discuss the roles of those involved and the necessary strategies and procedures in a Supportive School Culture

Building a Supportive School Culture

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Graphic Organizer: Supportive School Culture for Diverse Learners (Page 1)Table Group Discussion: Sometimes the best way to determine what a school needs to embrace a supportive school culture is to determine what it is by also considering what it is not.

• What would it look like?

• What would it sound like?

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Graphic Organizer: Supportive School Culture for Diverse Learners (Page 2)• Count off from 1-4 to divide the

whole group.

• Consider the roles of all those involved and the necessary strategies and procedures to build a supportive school culture for diverse learners.

• Complete one box of Page 2 with your group and transfer to chart paper to present to the whole group.

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Based on your number, you will meet with a collective group to discus and complete a specific section of the graphic organizer (page 2).

Group assignments are as follows: • 1: Professionals

• 2: Parents

• 3: Students

• 4: Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS)

• You will be transferring your information to chart paper to share with the whole group.

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• As groups are presenting the chart paper to the whole group, fill in your chart (page 2) with the information they provide.

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• Faculty will meet quarterly throughout the year to discuss:

• Success stories

• Overcoming struggles

• Suggestions for improvement

Embracing Diversity School-wide Timeline

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On a scale of 1-4

4 – I could be teaching this professional development

3 – I use new strategies often

2 I know some strategies

1 – I don’t feel well prepared



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• By our next meeting…

• Prepare a written account of two successful strategies you’ve implemented in your class.

• Include how you implemented them and any struggles you or the students had.

• Meet again quarterly to discuss success stories, overcoming struggles, and suggestions for improvement.

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REFERENCES• Campbell-Whatley, G., Floyd, L.O., O’Farrow, K., & Smith, C. (2013) Response to intervention and inclusion:

facilitating collaborative arrangement. Leadership Practices for Special and General Educators. United States: Pearson Education.

• Career and college ready: Mulit-tiered system of support. (2013). Michigan Department of Education. Retrieved from http://www.gomiem.org

• deBettencourt, L. U. (2002). Understanding the Differences Between IDEA and Section 504. Teaching Exceptional Children, 34(3), 16.

• Florida department of education (n.d.). A parent and teacher’s guide to 504: Frequently asked questions. Retrieved March 11, 2014, from: http://www.fldoe.org/ese/pdf/504bro.pdf.

• Florida department of education (n.d.). Bureau of student achievement through language acquisition. Retrieved March 11, 2014, from: http://www.fldoe.org/aala/cdpage2.asp.

• Hatton, D. &Hatton, K. (2014). Apps for students with LD: organization and study. The National Center for Learning Disabilities Inc. Retrieved from http://www.ncld.org/students-disabilities/assistive-technology-education/apps-students-ld-organization-study

• MTSS implementation components (n.d.) Florida’s MTSS. Retrieved from www.florida-rti.org/educatorresources

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REFERENCES (CONTINUED)• National dissemination center for children with disabilities. (n.d.). Resolving disputes between parents

and schools. Retrieved March 11, 2014, from http://nichcy.org/schoolage/disputes

• NCLD editorial staff. (2009, February 24). Section 504 and IDEA comparison chart. National center for learning disabilities. Retrieved March 14, 2014, from http://www.ncld.org/disability-advocacy/learn-ld-laws/adaaa-section-504/section-504-idea-comparison-chart

• O’Brien, C., Aguinaga, N., and Knight, V. (2013) Leadership practices for special and general educators. United States: Pearson Education

• Pendleton,R, (2005) Assessing instructional materials. Mozena Publications. Retrieved fromhttp://cte-ects.info/EVOC501DS/assess.html

• Response to instruction and intervention. (2014) Edina Public Schools. Retrieved from http://www.edinaschools.org/domain/895

• US department of education. (n.d.). Building the legacy: IDEA 2004. Retrieved March 11, 2014, from http://idea.ed.gov/static/modelForms

• Using a response to intervention to improve student learning (.2013) American Institute for Research. Retrieved fromhttp://www.rti4success.org/resource/using-response-intervention-rti-framework-improve-student-learning