Omni Ture

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Transcript of Omni Ture

  • 8/12/2019 Omni Ture


    Once you ve purchased Omniture SiteCatalyst, you ll need to gather business relateddata together. Start by reviewing your Key Business Requirements (KBRs), which are the key objectives for the site. Then you ll need to identify the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) which are the metrics and measurements that tell if the KBRs or key goals are being met. These KPIs will be utilized in creating a Solution Design Document which is the roadmap for implementing code on your site.

    IT project management,

    requirements definition,

    requirements tools

    Click analytics, tags and its application to Websites. Understanding of tag andcontent management.

    Adobe analytics

    Site Catalyst

    process definition,


    IT strategy

    roadmap development

    What was something that you had to learn quickly?

    Describe a situation where you were surprised with how well the results turned out.

    What is the hardest problem you have to deal with and how did you handle it?

    Describe a situation where you resolved a conflict between 2 people.


    The real-ity is that bench-marks in the world of web ana-lyt-ics are fairly mean-ing-lesshy? Because com-pa-nies mea-sure per-for-mance in dif-fer-ent ways. Take some-thing as sim-pl

  • 8/12/2019 Omni Ture


    retail con-ver-sion rates. Some com-pa-nies mea-sure retail con-ver-sion as Orders/Visits. Otrs mea-sure it as Orders/Daily Vis-i-tors. And oth-ers mea-sure it as Orders/Monthly Unique Vis-i-tors. So when you re look-ing at a bench-mark, like the 2.13% aver-age I recently saw reported from Shop?.org, what does that really mean?

    Con-ver-sion rates also fluc-tu-ate from week-day to week-end, over hol-i-days, and in responto exter-nal fac-tors like cam-paigns and key-word buys. They also respond to inter-nal fac-tors like home page changes that can-not always be iden-ti-fied when look-ing at aver-ages. They also vary greatly by geog-ra-phy. So when com-par-ing your con-ver-sion rates to oth-es, which time frame would you pick? Which pro-mo-tional period would you select? Would you focus on world-wide, or just US? Even if you have good answers to these ques-tions, you have almost zero vis-i-bil-ity into how your peers arrived at their con-ver-sion rate. Again, what does that 2.13% really reflect?

    Due to these, and many other fac-tors, it is mis-lead-ing at best to com-pare con-ver-sion rates from one site to another. And this is why Omni-ture has refrained from pub-lish-ing indus-try bench-marks over the years the chal-lenge is not with data col-lec-tion, itith data def-i-n-i-tions and stan-dards