oming Soon Principal s Welcome · 2018-11-13 · 12 Dec Report ards Out 13 Dec Year 6 Graduation...

A Constance Street Mareeba, Qld 4880 P (07) 4092 8100 | F (07) 4092 4396 | E a [email protected] | W | Aendance Hotline (07) 4092 8166 14 November 2018 Coming Soon Last week we had the pleasure of a visit from the Director General for Educaon, Mr Tony Cook and our Regional Director, Ms Margaret Gurney. Mr Cook was extremely complementary about our schools achievements and the programs that we offer. During the course of his visit he stated that he was so impressed that he would like to bring the Minister for Educaon to Mareeba for a visit! Congratulaons to all our staff on their ongoing efforts and dedicaon to our students and our community. I would also like to thank our community partners for their valuable input and parcipaon during Mr Cooks visit. (Connued Page 2) Mandy Whybird Principal 29 Nov Senior Awards Night 5 Dec Whole School Transion 7 Dec Swim Fun Day 12 Dec Report Cards Out 13 Dec Year 6 Graduaon 14 Dec Last Day of Term 4 29 Jan School Resumes for 2019 Principals Welcome The mural at H block was officially opened last week. Prep teacher Sandi Stewart-Troncone, along with her husband and some generous MSS staff, completed the mural using boomerangs painted by students. The mural can be seen from Atherton Street, so make sure you check out this amazing piece of art! Thank you Sandi! SCHOOL OFFICE HOURS Monday to Thursday: 8am to 4pm Friday: 8am to 3:30pm

Transcript of oming Soon Principal s Welcome · 2018-11-13 · 12 Dec Report ards Out 13 Dec Year 6 Graduation...

A Constance Street Mareeba, Qld 4880

P (07) 4092 8100 | F (07) 4092 4396 | E a [email protected] | W | Attendance Hotline (07) 4092 8166

14 November 2018

Coming Soon Last week we had the pleasure of a visit from the Director General for Education, Mr Tony Cook and our Regional Director, Ms Margaret Gurney. Mr Cook was extremely complementary about our school’s achievements and the programs that we offer. During the course of his visit he stated that he was so impressed that he would like to bring the Minister for Education to Mareeba for a visit! Congratulations to all our staff on their ongoing efforts and dedication to our students and our community. I would also like to thank our community partners for their valuable input and participation during Mr Cook’s visit.

(Continued Page 2)

Mandy Whybird Principal

29 Nov Senior Awards Night

5 Dec Whole School Transition

7 Dec Swim Fun Day

12 Dec Report Cards Out

13 Dec Year 6 Graduation

14 Dec Last Day of Term 4

29 Jan School Resumes for 2019

Principal’s Welcome

The mural at H block was officially opened last week. Prep teacher Sandi Stewart-Troncone, along with her husband and some generous MSS staff, completed the mural using boomerangs painted by students. The mural

can be seen from Atherton Street, so make sure you check out this amazing piece of art! Thank you Sandi!

SCHOOL OFFICE HOURS Monday to Thursday: 8am to 4pm

Friday: 8am to 3:30pm

Principal’s Report Continued

MSS Dental Clinic - 4092 1575

A Constance Street Mareeba, Qld 4880

P (07) 4092 8100 | F (07) 4092 4396 | E [email protected] | W | Attendance Hotline (07) 4092 8166


We would like to thank Brumby’s Bakery and Howe Farming for donating bread and bananas

for student emergency lunches. We appreciate your generosity.

Voluntary Contribution Fee

Thank you to the parents and carers who have paid the voluntary contribution fee for their

children this year. The fee is $50.00 per child, per year or $120.00 for a family of two or more

children. All money received goes directly towards purchasing classroom resources.

Payment can be made to the office via cash, cheque and EFTPOS. Thank you for your support.

Our school is also well recognised for the diverse range of opportunities it offers across the academic, sporting and cultural realms. Last week we witnessed aspiring student leaders bravely and confidently present their leadership speeches to the senior parade. Congratulations to each of the students who have nominated for one of the school leadership positions. These are extremely significant roles within the school and I look forward to working with the successful applicants next year. The school leaders for 2019 will be announced at the senior parade on Monday 26th November.

Over the past few weeks, we have been focussing on parade and in the classroom on the simple steps students can take to solve problems. If your child is experiencing any difficulties in the playground or in the classroom, it is helpful to remind them of the process we teach at school:

1. Use your words – tell the person involved that you want them to stop and name the behaviour that you want them to cease (eg Stop that! I don’t want you to call me names)

2. If the behaviour continues, encourage your child to take a deep breath, walk away and tell an adult so that they can assist in reaching a solution to the problem.

Encourage your child to name the five helpful adults who they can rely on to assist them in the school. These people could be: their teacher, the Behaviour Support Teacher, the Deputy Principal who manages their year level, a teacher aide or any other staff member your child feels comfortable to approach. These steps promote lifelong strategies that build confidence and resilience.

A special thank you to Anna Wason, stall holders and those of you who came along and contributed to the fund-raising Christmas shopping evening for Chaplaincy last Thursday evening. The event raised $242 which will be used to support chaplaincy program initiatives within the school. Thank you!

SHOES & UNIFORM DONATIONS Spare clothing and shoes always come in handy, so if

you have any that your child/ren no longer need, please feel free to drop them in at the office.

We appreciate your donations.

A Constance Street Mareeba, Qld 4880

P (07) 4092 8100 | F (07) 4092 4396 | E [email protected] | W | Attendance Hotline (07) 4092 8166

Twenty-four Year 2 students are exercising their creativity and innovation being a part of the MSS Innovators Club. The weekly program run by Ms. Maslen and Mr. Tan focuses on developing students’ collaborative skills

in order to complete projects based in the field of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths). So far, students have engineered structurally sound watercrafts, reconstructed the Eiffel Tower and designed

marble mazes. The Innovators Club is an initiative to help prepare students for a bright future with the ability to take advantage of changing technologies.

MSS Innovators Club

What’s Happening in Music? This term in Music, students from Prep to year 6 have been

learning to sing and sign the days of the week with the catchy tune by StoryBots!

Years 1—2 are exploring the instruments of the orchestra

and designing and making their own musical instruments. (Year 1 students pictured)

Years 3—4 are working in small groups performing Mary

Had a Little Lamb using clapsticks, glockenspiels and vocals.

Year 5 are creating artworks inspired by Holst’s

The Planets.

Year 6 are creating their own parodies that they will perform

to their peers.

- Brooke Maslen, Digital Technology Teacher

A Constance Street Mareeba, Qld 4880

P (07) 4092 8100 | F (07) 4092 4396 | E [email protected] | W | Attendance Hotline (07) 4092 8166

Week 6! Again we find ourselves over the half way mark of another term. Time flies when you’re having fun! Congratulations to our students who are receiving Bronze Level

Awards and wrist bands at assembly and who have earned themselves positive records.

“I Am Respectful – I follow safety rules and directions” has been our focus expectation for

the past fortnight and our students are making a big effort to follow this. Our focus expectation

for the next fortnight will be “I Am Respectful - I respect all property and people.”

We hear the term respect all the time in our media and it is often a term that can be

confusing for some students. Respect can come in many forms – at school it can look like; using your manners, keeping your areas tidy and sharing with your

classmates. This time of the year can be stressful with students beginning assessments, and it is always important that we remain respectful.

We also want to remind students about their steps to solve a problem. If someone is not being respectful to them in the playground, they are encouraged to use their words - “Stop it. I don’t like it.” Then to walk away

and tell a teacher. Keep working hard and having fun!

- Daniel Samanes & The PBL Team

PBL Update

This term I am working on recruiting year 3 students to join Instrumental Music in 2019. So far Ms Quigg has completed ear tests with all year 3 students. In the coming weeks you may receive a letter offering your child a place in the program. Please be sure to

return the letter promptly once received.

Year 4, 5 and 6 students are busily preparing for their recorded assessment task which will take place in week 6 or 7. Please continue to support them to

practice and familiarise themselves with their music at home.

The Concert Band students are preparing repertoire for the Awards Night, 29th November. Parents of band members, I will send an email to you with more information.

Finally, in week 3, year 3 and 4 students were treated to a concert by a visiting Concert Band & String Group from Innisfail State College. We heard a variety of

music from classical, to movie themes to pop songs. The audience really enjoyed the performance.

- Kristy Braes, Instrumental Music Teacher

Instrumental Music News

A Constance Street Mareeba, Qld 4880

P (07) 4092 8100 | F (07) 4092 4396 | E [email protected] | W | Attendance Hotline (07) 4092 8166

In term 4, the students in year one have been busy learning about and creating procedures. We have

learnt that a procedural text instructs your audience on how to complete a specific task. The students

have been working hard to ensure the steps in their method include a bossy verb, a noun (what) and a prepositional phrase (how and where). Each week,

the students have written a procedure and have then followed their step-by-step instructions in their

procedure to make a variety of different things such as fairy bread, a plasticine cat, slime and pizza!

Year 1 Fun!

- Skye Clarkson, 1S Classroom


Remembrance Day

Our school leaders commemorated the centenary of Armistice Day at the Remembrance Day March in Byrnes Street on Sunday. They did an excellent job

representing our school. Lest We Forget.