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    Marcos V. RodriguesSURF & Pipeline Section

    Caroline FerrazSURF & Pipeline Section

    Danilo Machado L. da SilvaSURF & Pipeline Section

    Bruna NabucoAdvisory Offshore and Ships

    Det Norske Veritas - DNV, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    ABSTRACTWith new discoveries in the Brazilian Pre-Salt area, the oil

    industry is facing huge challenges for exploration in ultra-deep

    waters. The riser system, to be used for the oil transportation

    from seabed to the production unit, is one of them. The

    definition of riser configurations for ultra-deep waters is a real

    challenge. Problems have being identified for flexible risers,

    hybrid risers and steel catenary risers (SCR) configurations to

    comply with rules requirements and criteria in water depths of


    The objective of this work is to present a study on the

    fatigue behavior of a Steel Catenary Riser in 1800m of water

    depth. One of the main challenges for SCRs in ultra-deep watersis the fatigue, due to platform 1st order motions, at the touch

    down zone (TDZ).

    A case study is presented for a Steel Catenary Riser

    connected to a semi-submersible platform. The influence of

    some design and analysis parameters is studied in order to

    evaluate their impact on the SCR fatigue life. The main

    parameters to be evaluated in this work are: The mesh

    refinement, in the global analysis, at the Touch Down Zone; The

    internal fluid density variation along the riser, and; The 1st

    order platform motions applied to the top of riser; In addition to

    the results of this paper, some highlights are presented for SCR

    analysis in similar conditions.

    INTRODUCTIONNowadays, the global trend is an increasing need for oil

    and gas. As the easily recoverable fields have been already

    developed, the trend in the offshore oil and gas industry is going

    deeper into the more challenging outlook. The Brazilian pre-salt

    reservoirs are a typical example with ultra-deep waters and

    highly corrosive fluid requiring highly tailor-made and

    optimized design solutions. This unprecedented need for energy

    demand, driving the oil & gas industry constantly into deeper

    waters and more hostile environments in search for recoverable

    resources, generates a need for new pipelines and riser systems,

    and the challenge for engineers have always been to come up

    with methods and equipment to meet such needs [1].

    The discovery of the Brazilian pre-salt fields has brought

    many challenges. The oil found in this area is at depths

    exceeding 5000m, under an extensive layer of salt. Reaching

    this oil and bring it to the platforms are tasks that require

    knowledge and technology.

    The challenge is to finding solutions, through the processof being cost effective, overcoming specific technical

    challenges, which includes: flow assurance and insulation; high

    top tensions for fully suspended systems; fatigue and touch

    down uncertainties in suspended systems; high costs for hybrid

    riser and flexible systems, etc.

    Alternative solutions have been proposed by industry for

    pre-salt scenarios, including, riser tower and BSR (Buoyancy

    Supported Risers). Tremendous efforts have been expended in

    the determination of the global, and local, response of these

    systems, in order to increase the confidence in optimum

    approaches for the specific applications.

    This work presents a discussion regarding to a proposed

    riser system solution, based on steel catenary risers (SCRs), for

    a Brazilian pre-salt scenario. There are many failure modes for

    a SCR to fail; however two of them are expected to dictate the

    design as greater water depths are expected: (1) the riser local

    buckling capacity due to combined axial load, external pressure

    and bending; and (2) the riser fatigue.

    Proceedings of the ASME 2012 31st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic EngineeringOMAE2012

    July 1-6, 2012, Rio de Janeiro, Brazi


    1 Copyright 2012 by ASME

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    The focus here is to present issues related to the SCR

    fatigue analysis. The influence of some design and analysis

    parameters is studied to evaluate their impact on the SCR

    fatigue life.

    STEEL CATENARY RISERSThe steel catenary riser is a cost-effective alternative for oil

    and gas export and for water injection lines on deepwater fields,

    where the large diameter flexible risers present technical andeconomic limitations. Catenary riser is a free-hanging riser with

    no intermediate buoys or floating devices [2].

    There are several factors that influence the SCR design.

    Some of them are the following:

    Metocean conditions;

    Host vessel offsets and motions, and;

    Structural limitations - burst, collapse, buckling, post-buckling;

    Construction issues - manufacturability, tolerances,weld procedures, inspection;

    Installation method - tensioning capacity of availablevessels;

    Operating philosophy - transportation strategy,pigging, corrosion, inspection;

    Well characteristics - pressure, temperature, flowrate,heat loss, slugging;

    The producing well characteristics determine variations in

    line contents and properties over time, which should be defined

    for operation in normal and abnormal shutdown conditions. The

    designer should take into account the full range of contents for

    all stages of installation, commissioning and operation.

    Regarding to fatigue issues, the seafloor touchdown area is

    a critical area for steel catenary risers. Soil properties, mesh size

    and mean floater position are important for prediction of fatigue

    damage. Time domain analyses are generally recommended

    together with sensitivity studies to support rational conservativeassumptions regarding soil properties. The adequacy of the

    mesh applied in the touchdown area should also be confirmed

    by sensitivity studies, as it will be presented further in this


    FATIGUE ANALYSISFatigue damage verification is an important issue in riser

    design, demanding a high number of loading cases to be

    analyzed. The random time domain nonlinear analysis is

    considered an attractive and reliable tool for fatigue analysis, as

    non-linearities are properly modeled and the random behavior

    of environmental loading is considered.

    The aim of fatigue design is to ensure that the risers have

    adequate fatigue life. Calculated fatigue lives also form the

    basis for efficient inspection programmes during fabrication and

    the operational life of the risers.

    Fatigue damage in risers comes from three main sources:

    First-order wave loading and associated vessel motions

    Second-order/low frequency platform motions

    Riser VIV due to current or vessel heave


    Normally, the fatigue assessment methods based on SN-

    curves are used during metallic riser fatigue life evaluation. A

    typical sequence in fatigue design of a riser is shown in Table 1,

    a detailed description can be found in References [3] and [4].

    Table 1 Summary of a typical fatigue assessment procedureTask Comment

    Define fatigue


    Based on operating limitations including

    Wave Frequency, Low Frequency and

    possible Vortex Induced Vibration (VIV)

    load effects.

    Identify locations to

    be assessed.

    Structural discontinuities, joints (girth pipe

    welds, connectors, bolts), anode

    attachment welds, repairs, etc.

    Global riser fatigue


    Calculate short-term nominal stress range

    distribution at each identified location.

    Local joint stress


    Determination of the hot-spot Stress

    Concentration Factors (SCF) from

    parametric equations or detailed finite

    element analysis.Identify fatigue

    strength data.

    SN-curve depends on environment,

    construction detail and fabrication among


    Identify thickness

    correction factor

    Apply thickness correction factor to

    compute resulting fatigue stresses

    Fatigue analyses Calculate accumulated fatigue damage

    from weighted short-term fatigue damage.

    Further actions if

    too short fatigue


    Improve fatigue capacity using:

    - more refined stress analysis

    - fracture mechanics analysis.

    - change detail geometry

    - change system design.

    - weld profiling or grinding

    - improved inspection/replacementprogramme


    The basis for fatigue damage calculations is global load

    effect analyses to establish the stress cycle distributions in a

    number of stationary short-term environmental conditions. The

    general principles for selection of analysis methodology and

    verification of simulation model are outlined in DNV-OS-F201.

    The short-term fatigue conditions should be selected

    carefully to give an adequate representation of the stress cycles

    for the lifetime of the riser system. The selection must be based

    on a thorough physical knowledge regarding static- and

    dynamic behaviour of the riser system with special attention to

    FE modeling, hydrodynamic loading, resonance dynamics and

    floater motion characteristics. Sensitivity studies should be

    performed to support rational conservative assumptions

    regarding identified uncertain parameters (e.g. soil properties

    for fatigue analysis in the touch-down area of SCRs)

    2 Copyright 2012 by ASME

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    Fatigue analysis will normally involve global load effect

    analyses in a number of low- to moderate sea-states. This is

    because the main contribution to the total fatigue damage in

    most cases comes from low- to moderate sea-states with high

    probability of occurrence rather than a few extreme sea-states.

    CASE STUDYFatigue at the TDZ can be a critical parameter for a typical

    Steel Catenary Riser in ultra-deep waters.A case study is presented for a typical Steel Catenary Riser

    configuration connected to a semi-submersible platform in

    1800m water depth. The main idea is to evaluate the impact of

    some parameters influence in the SCR fatigue life due to semi-

    submersible 1st order motions.

    The impact of the following parameters will be evaluated:

    Mesh refinement at TDZ;

    1st order platform motions applied to the top of riser RAOs phases;

    Internal fluid density variation along the riser.Two different types of SCRs were considered in this study,

    a 10.75 riser and a 8.625 riser. The main data for both risers

    are presented in Table 2 and 3 below:

    Table 2 10.75 type I SCR data.Parameter Value Unit

    Nominal top angle 20 Degrees

    Wall Thickness 0.0226 m

    Yield Stress 450000 kN/m2

    Modulus of Elasticity of steel 207000 MPa

    Poisson Coefficient 0.3 -

    Density of steel 77 kN/m3

    Drag coefficient 1.2 -

    Table 3 8.625type II SCR data.

    Parameter Value Unit

    Nominal top angle 20 Degrees

    Wall Thickness 0.0242 m

    Yield Stress 450000 kN/m2

    Modulus of Elasticity of steel 207000 MPa

    Poisson Coefficient 0.3 -

    Density of steel 77 kN/m3

    Drag coefficient 1.2 -

    Figure 1 presents a typical SCR configuration and the mesh

    refinement considered in the Base cases studied are presented in

    Tables 4 and 5. Note that the mesh is more refined at Hang off

    region and Touch Down Point area, which are the most critical

    region for the fatigue evaluation.

    Figure 1 Typical SCR configuration.

    Table 4 10.75type I SCR Mesh.Parameter Refinement (m)


    Taper Stress Joint



    Transition 2.00

    Suspended length 5.00

    Transition 3.00TDZ 2.00

    Seabed region 3.00

    Table 5 8.625type II SCR Mesh.Parameter Refinement (m)


    Taper Stress Joint



    Transition 2.00

    Suspended length 5.00

    Transition 3.00

    TDZ 2.00

    Seabed region 3.00

    The DNV D and E SN curves and SCFs were used in the

    studied cases for both types of risers. Half of corrosion

    allowance was considered for carbon steel sections as

    recommended by DNV OS F201.

    Irregular sea states were considered as representative to the

    fatigue life prediction and for comparison among different

    parameters studied in this work. The semi-submersible 2nd order

    motions were also considered in the performed dynamic

    simulations. A 3-hours simulation length was also adopted and

    the non-linear dynamic program RIFLEX [5] was used for


    The fatigue for the base case was evaluated and the fatigue

    lives along the risers are presented as follows in figures 2 and 3,

    for inner and outer wall. X-coordinate zero is the top of riser.

    3 Copyright 2012 by ASME

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    Figure 2 Fatigue life along type I SCR.

    Figure 3 Fatigue life along type II SCR

    The first parameter evaluated was the mesh refinement at

    TDZ. The Type I SCR was taken for this evaluation. Theoriginal mesh size at TDZ of 2m was refined to 1m. The

    simulation time has increased around 50% with this variation.

    The impact of this variation in the fatigue life is presented in

    Table 6 below.

    Table 6 Fatigue life (years) Type I SCR

    Difference wrt Base Case mesh at TDZ %

    Inner wall 12.9%

    Outer wall 12.8%

    The second parameter evaluated was the 1st order platform

    motions applied to the top of riser. Basically it was modified to

    the phases RAO motions applied to the top of both risers. The

    impact of this variation is presented in Tables 7 and 8 below.

    Table 7 Fatigue life (years) Type II SCRDifference wrt Base Case motions %

    Inner wall -1.5%

    Outer wall -3.5%

    Table 8 Fatigue life (years) Type I SCR

    Difference wrt Base Case motions %

    Inner wall -0.8%

    Outer wall -0.7%

    The third and last parameter evaluated was the impact of

    internal fluid density variation along the type II riser together

    with mesh refinement variation. It was adopted a mesh of 1m at

    TDZ together with the internal fluid density variation. In the

    Base Case was considered only one internal fluid density along

    the riser length. Now it is considered 3 different internal fluid

    densities along the riser length varying with the water depth.

    The impact in fatigue life is presented in Table 9 below.

    Table 9 Fatigue life (years) Type II SCR

    Difference wrt Base Case Mesh +

    Internal fluid density %Inner wall 353.9%

    Outer wall 483.1%

    DISCUSSIONSThe first parameter evaluated was the mesh refinement. It

    was observed an improvement of fatigue life around 12% when

    the mesh at TDZ was refined from 2m to 1m.

    The second parameter evaluated was the 1st order platform

    motions applied to the top of riser. A small decrease of fatigue

    life around 1% to 3% was found for both risers.

    The major impact of sensitivity analysis in the fatigue life

    was found for third parameter variation, when the mesh was

    refined together with the internal fluid density variation along

    the Type II riser.To be sure that this great difference was provided by the

    internal fluid density variation additional analyses should be

    performed without the mesh refinement variation. This study

    will be done in the next step of this work.

    But considering that the internal fluid variation presents

    this impact in fatigue life, this data must be evaluated very

    carefully in terms of fatigue since the density can present a

    more refined variation along the riser and a variation along the

    life of the SCR.

    FINAL REMARKSThis work intended to illustrate, using actual design data,

    the fatigue sensitivity to variation of some analysis parameters.According to the findings above some aspects can be

    considered. The first is that the mesh refinement can have an

    important impact in fatigue life. The second is that the motion

    phases did not present significant influence in the fatigue life.

    And finally, the internal fluid density variation along the riser

    can have significant impact in the fatigue life. This should be

    4 Copyright 2012 by ASME

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    confirmed with more detailed analysis, but it is an important

    parameter that must be very well defined in the basis of the

    project taking into account the internal density fluid variation

    along the riser and variations during the lifetime of the project

    as well.

    Only few parameters were chosen for the study presented in

    this paper, but other parameters, e.g. the sea floor parameter, are

    also very important in the fatigue evaluation.

    This work presented only a simple demonstration of howthe fatigue life calculation can be impacted by uncertainties in

    analysis parameters and there are many different uncertainties

    associated with fatigue life predictions of offshore structures,

    which includes issues associated with the following parameters:

    Load calculation:o Wave heights and periods / Distribution of waves /

    Wave theories;

    o Hydrodynamic coefficients;o Marine growth;

    Stress calculation / Structural analysis;

    SN-data:o Natural scatter;

    o Corrosion protection;o Selection of SN-curve;

    Fabrication tolerances.

    Cumulative damage hypothesis.

    Therefore, the study presented here just confirms the

    fatigue life calculations can be significantly impacted by data

    and assumptions considered in the fatigue analysis.

    REFERENCES[1] Silva, D.M.L., Souza Jr., H.A., D'Angelo Aguiar, L.A.,

    Souza, A.P.F., Challenges on Designing Pipelines for the

    Brazilian Pre-Salt Scenarios,Rio Pipeline Conference &

    Exposition 2011, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2011.[2] Chakrabarti, S.K., Handbook of Offshore Engineering,

    Vol.2, Elsevier, 2006.

    [3] DNV-OS-F201, Dynamic Risers, Det Norske Veritas,

    October 2010.

    [4] DNV-OS-F204, Riser Fatigue, Det Norske Veritas,

    October 2010.

    [5] RIFLEX, Theory Manual. Version 3.4, Marintek, 2005.

    [6] DNV-RP-C203, Fatigue Design of offshore Steel

    Structures,Det Norske Veritas, October 2011.

    5 Copyright 2012 by ASME