olume 12 #2 Number 135 April 2013 NGV2013...

A great loss The last goodbye to Peter Boisen. Fiat and CNG Lowest emissions’ certification thanks to this fuel. Volume 12 #2 Number 135 April 2013 NGV2013 Gothenburg Strategic event Your gate to the NGV industry in Sweden, Europe and the rest of the world.

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A great loss

The last goodbye

to Peter Boisen.

Fiat and CNG

Lowest emissions’

certification thanks

to this fuel.

Volume 12 #2

Number 135

April 2013

NGV2013 Gothenburg

StrategiceventYour gate to the NGV industry in Sweden,

Europe and the rest of the world.

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April 2013 Gas Vehicles Report2

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Founder and The GVR collaborator Peter Boisen passes away

NGV technology helps Fiat to have the lowest CO2 emissions

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European Association April Report











New SEAT Mii Ecofuel makes world debut at the Geneva Motor Show

Worldwide NGV statistics

A voice from Brussels

* Massive distribution at event site

The Italian NGV Industry

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April 2013 Gas Vehicles Report4


United KingdomArriva launches first buses poweredby biomethane in Runcorn as part ofa £15.5 million investment. Theintroduction of ten MAN EcoCity natural gas engine buses to Runcornfollows a successful trial of the technology in Merseyside during2012 and a £2 million investment asa result of a bid to the government’sGreen Bus Fund. The vehicles, fueledby household waste, went into service in Runcorn from the 1st ofMarch across Arriva’s 1, 2, X30 and21 services. A special launch eventtook place at the Beechwood Avenuedepot to welcome the eco-friendlyfleet to the town.“The buses have been speciallydesigned for the UK market and, asthey run on biogas, provide a carbonneutral solution to the environmentalchallenges we face as a transportprovider in the 21st century,” saidJohn Rimmer, area managing director of Arriva North West. “Thisis a fantastic investment for Runcornand these improvements are another

step towards making bus travel aseco-friendly as possible. The future willsee further investment to reinforceour commitment to greener travel.”

Czech RepublicNGV fleet in the country numbers5.000 units by January 2013. Onthe commercial vehicle side, CzechRepublic counts 55 CNG trucks,mainly operating in urban areas,namely garbage collection and goodsdistribution, and 385 urban buses.In 2012, approximately 15,242 million cubic meters of compressednatural gas were sold, which arethree million cubic meters more thanin 2011. This equals an increase by26% over the past twelve months,very similar to the rise witnessed inprevious years.Currently, 46 public compressed natural gas filling stations are operating in the country. In the nextthree years the total number isexpected to increase by at least 10stations each year, as announced bymajor investors.

NGV European NewsAccording to a report of NGVAEurope , main contributor to the rising number of NGVs in the country is the Czech Post, which hasput in its fleet 420 Fiat Doblò andFiat Ducato vans for post deliveryand some 40 VW Passat Ecofuel formanagement.

RussiaGazprom will invest US$ 33 million inthe construction of natural gas fillingstations as part of its RussianRegions Gasification Program. TheBoard of Directors took notice of theinformation about the work beingdone by Gazprom and its subsidiariesin Russian Federation constituents,and approved the efforts taken toimplement the Russian RegionsGasification Program, with a directinfluence on the socioeconomic development of regions and livingconditions. The ManagementCommittee was tasked to carry onthis work in 2013. This year, Gazpromis planning to spend US$ 1 billion onthe Program implementation.


Reino UnidoComenzaron a operar los primerosautobuses a biometano de Runcorn.La incorporación de diez unidadesMAN Ecocity a gas natural es la continuación de las exitosas pruebasrealizadas en Merseyside en 2012 yde una inversión de 2 millones delibras, con financiación del gobiernoa través de los Fondos Green Bus.Los vehículos, alimentados con biometano producido a partir dedesechos orgánicos, entraron enservicio el 1º de marzo en las líneas1, 2, X30 y 21. Para el lanzamientode la nueva flota, se realizó un evento en la estación de la AvenidaBeechwood.“Los autobuses han sido especial-mente diseñados para el mercadobritánico y, como se muevan abiogás, son la solución para losdesafíos ambientales que enfrentamoscomo empresa de transporte en elsiglo 21”, dijo John Rimmer, directordel área de gestión de ArrivaNoroeste. “Es una inversión fantástica para Runcorn y estas

mejoras son otro paso para hacerlos viajes más ecológicos. En elfuturo habrá una mayor inversiónpara reforzar este compromiso”.

República ChecaLa flota local ya suma 5.000unidades a enero de 2013. Por ellado de los vehículos comerciales, elpaís cuenta con 55 camiones a gasnatural, que operan principalmenteen la recolección de basura y la distribución de mercaderías, y 385autobuses urbanos. En 2012, sevendieron aproximadamente 15.242millones de metros cúbicos de metano,tres millones de metros cúbicos másque en 2011. Esto equivale a unaumento del 26% en los últimos docemeses, muy similar al incrementoobservado en años anteriores. Actualmente, 46 estaciones públicasde GNV están en funcionamiento enel país. Durante los próximos tresaños, se espera que el número totalcrezca en al menos 10 puntos decarga cada año, según lo anunciadopor los grandes inversores del sector.

Noticias del GNV en EuropaSegún un reporte de la NGVAEurope, el principal contribuyente alincremento del número de vehículosa gas natural en el país es elServicio Postal, que introdujo en suflota 420 camionetas Fiat Doblò yFiat Ducato para la entrega decorreos y 40 VW Passat Ecofuelpara tareas administrativas.

RusiaGazprom invertirá 33 millones dedólares en la construcción de esta-ciones de carga como parte delPrograma de Gasificación de RegionesRusas. El Consejo Directivo tomó notadel trabajo realizado por Gazprom ysus filiales en la Federación y aprobólos esfuerzos para poner en prácticael Programa de Gasificación, el cualtendrá una influencia directa en eldesarrollo socioeconómico de lasregiones y las condiciones de vida. El Comité de Gestión, por su parte,está a cargo de la implementación delplan durante 2013. Este año,Gazprom planea gastar un billón dedólares en la iniciativa.

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5April 2013 Gas Vehicles Report


GroßbritannienArriva führt erste Biomethan-Busse inder Stadt Runcorn ein, im Rahmen einerInvestition von £15.5 Millionen. DerInbetriebnahme von zehn MAN EcoCity-Bussen mit Erdgasmotor inRuncorn ging im Jahr 2012 eine erfolgreiche Probephase mit dieserTechnologie in Merseyside voran, und sie ist das Resultat einer £2 Millionen-Investition infolge eines Antragsbei der Regierungsstiftung für umweltfreundliche Busse. Die Fahrzeuge,die mit Haushaltabfällen betrieben werden, kamen in Runcorn am 1. Märzauf Arrivas Buslinien 1, 2, X30 und 21 inden Verkehr. Es fand eine spezielleEröffnungsveranstaltung am Busbahnhofder Beechwood Avenue statt, um dieumweltfreundlichen Fahrzeuge in derStadt zu begrüßen.„Die Busse wurden speziell für den britischen Markt entworfen, und weil siemit Biogas betrieben werden, liefern sieuns die kohlenstoffneutrale Lösung aufdie ökologischen Herausforderungen, mitdenen wir als Transportunternehmen des21. Jahrhunderts konfrontiert sind“,sagte John Rimmer, der ausführendeArriva-Direktor für die Region Nord-Westen. „Dies ist eine fantastischeInvestition für Runcorn und dieseVerbesserungen tragen weiter dazu bei,Busfahren so umweltfreundlich wiemöglich zu machen. Es wird weitereInvestitionen geben zur Verstärkungunseres Engagements für einen grünerenReiseverkehr.“

TschechienIm Januar 2013 gab es in diesem Land5000 Erdgasfahrzeuge, laut einemBericht von NGVA Europa. Im Bereichkommerzielle Fahrzeuge gibt es inTschechien 55 CNG-Lkw, die vor allem imStadtverkehr für die Kehrichtabfuhr unddie Güterverteilung in Betrieb sind, und385 öffentliche Busse. Im Jahr 2012wurden ungefähr 15,242 MillionenKubikmeter komprimiertes Erdgasverkauft, also 3 Millionen Kubikmetermehr als im Jahr 2011. Dies bedeuteteine Zunahme von 26% in den letzten 12Monaten, ein ähnliches Wachstum wie invorhergehenden Jahren.Zurzeit sind in Tschechien 46 öffentlicheTankstellen für komprimiertes Erdgas inBetrieb. In den nächsten drei Jahrenrechnet man mit einer Zunahme von mindestens 10 Tankstellen pro Jahr, wievon wichtigen Investoren angekündigtwurde.

Europäische Erdgasfahrzeug-NewsDen größten Beitrag an die steigendeZahl von Erdgasfahrzeugen leistet dietschechische Post, die ihren Wagenparkmit 420 Lieferwagen Fiat Doblò und FiatDucato für die Postauslieferung und 40VW Passat Ecofuel für das Managementaufgerüstet hat.

RusslandGazprom wird US$ 33 Millionen in denBau von Erdgastankstellen investieren, imRahmen des russischen Programms fürdie Gasversorgung der Regionen. Der

Verwaltungsrat wurde über die Arbeit vonGazprom und ihrer russischen Filialeninformiert und stimmte den Maßnahmenfür das Programm zur Gasversorgungder russischen Regionen zu. DiesesProgramm wird einen direkten Einflussauf die sozioökonomische Entwicklung derRegionen und die Lebensbedingungenhaben. Die Direktionskommission wurdebeauftragt, diese Arbeit im Jahr 2013weiterzuführen. Dieses Jahr siehtGazprom vor, US$ 1 Milliarde in dasProgramm zu investieren.

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Regno UnitoArriva lancia a Runcorn i primi autobus abiometano in quanto parte di un investimento di £15.5 milioni.L'introduzione di dieci autobus MANEcoCity con motore a gas naturale aRuncorn è stata realizzata in seguito agliesperimenti realizzati con successo aMerseyside nel 2012 e un'iniezione di £2milioni da parte del governo attraverso ilGreen Bus Fund. I veicoli alimentati dabiometano prodotto da scarti organici,sono entrati in servizio il 1o marzo sullelinee 1, 2, X30 e 21. Un'inaugurazionespeciale organizzata nel deposito dellaBeechwood Avenue ha dato il benvenutoa questa flotta ecocompatibile.“Gli autobus sono stati progettati specialmente per il mercato britannico edato che funzionano a biometano, costituiscono la soluzione ideale nei confronti delle sfide ambientali alle quali èconfrontata un'azienda di trasporto nel21o secolo,” ha confermato JohnRimmer, direttore generale di ArrivaNorth West. “Si tratta di un investimentofantastico per Runcorn e questi miglioramenti costituiscono un ulteriore

passo verso l'uso ecocompatibile degliautobus. Prevediamo ulteriori investimentinel futuro per rafforzare il nostro impegno verso un trasporto più verde.”

Repubblica CecaIn base al rapporto di NGVA Europe, nelgennaio 2013 questo paese contava unaflotta di veicoli a gas naturale pari a5.000. A livello di veicoli commerciali, laRepubblica Ceca dispone di 55 autocarria CNG, per la maggior parte nelle areeurbane, in particolare per la raccolta deirifiuti e la distribuzione di beni, nonché385 autobus cittadini. Nel 2012 sonostati venduti approssimativamente15,242 milioni di metri cubi di gas naturale compresso, ossia circa tre milioni di metri cubi in più rispetto al2011. Ciò equivale a un incremento del26% negli ultimi dodici mesi, simile allacrescita conosciuta negli anni precedenti.Attualmente nel paese sono operative 46stazioni di rifornimento di gas naturalecompresso. Stando alle informazioni deiprincipali investitori, nei prossimi anni èprevisto un aumento di almeno 10stazioni all'anno.

Notizie sul settore NGV europeo

April 2013 Gas Vehicles Report6


ВеликобританияВ Ранкорне, Чешир, Великобритания,транспортная компания Arriva получилапервую партию автобусов на биометан врамках инвестиционного проекта в размере 15,5 млн футов стерлингов. Ввод в эксплуатацию десяти автобусовMAN EcoCity на природном газе вРанкорне стал возможен после успешныхиспытаний технологии в городеМерсисайд в 2012 году, получившем инвестиции в размере 2 млн фунтовстерлингов из правительственного фондаGreen Bus. Транспортные средства набиометане поступили в эксплуатацию вРанкорне 1 марта в четырех отделенияхкомпании Arriva 1. Торжественная церемония начала эксплуатации газовыхавтобусов прошла в отделении компанииArriva на улице Beechwood Avenue.Управляющий директор Arriva North WestДжон Риммер заявил, что автобусы специально разработаны для рынкаВеликобритании. Используя биогаз вкачестве моторного топлива, они помогутнайти решение экологических проблем, скоторыми пришлось столкнуться транспортной компании в 21 веке. Это превосходные инвестиции для

Ранкорна, данные разработки - ещё одиншаг на пути к повышению экологическойбезопасности общественного транспорта.В будущем планируются продолжитьинвестирование в улучшение экологическиххарактеристик общественного транспорта. European NGV News

ЧехияСогласно данным Европейской газомоторной ассоциации, автопарктранспортных средств на природном газев январе 2013 составил 5 тысяч единиц.В Чешской Республике насчитывается 55грузовиков на КПГ, большая часть которых используется в городских районах в качестве мусоровозов илиперевозчиков товарной продукции, атакже 385 городских автобусов. В 2012году было реализовано около 15,242 млнкуб. м КПГ, что на 3 млн куб. м превышает показатель 2011 года. Данный показатель равняется увеличению на 26% за прошедшие 12месяцев, что соответствует повышению,засвидетельствованному в предыдущихгодах.В настоящее время в стране действуют46 АГНКС. Инвесторы заявили, что в

Новости европейской газомоторной ассоциациитечение 3 лет общее число АГНКС должно увеличиваться ежегодно по край-ней мере на 10 станций.Наибольший рост парка корпоративныхгазовых автомобилей отмечен у ЧешскойПочты, которая ввела в свой автопарк420 фургонов Fiat Doblò и Fiat Ducato дляпочтовой доставки, а также 40 автомобилей Volkswagen Passat Ecofuelдля руководства компании.

РоссияГазпром собирается инвестировать 33млн долларов США в строительствоАГНКС в рамках Программы газификациирегионов Российской Федерации.Советом директоров принял к сведениюинформацию о проделанной Газпромом иего дочерними обществами в субъектахРоссийской Федерации работе, направленной на социально-экономическоеразвитие регионов и улучшение уровняжизни населения. Правлению Газпрома поручено продолжить работу в этомнаправлении. В 2013 году Газпром планирует потратить на строительствоАГНКС 1 миллиард долларов США.

*Translated by Gazprom VNIIGAZ

Il contributo principale alla crescita delnumero di veicoli a metano proviene dallePoste Ceche, che hanno introdotto nellaloro flotta 420 Fiat Doblò e furgoni FiatDucato per la distribuzione della posta ecirca 40 VW Passat Ecofuel per l'amministrazione.

RussiaGazprom investirà US$ 33 milioni per lacostruzione di stazioni di rifornimento dimetano in quanto parte del programmadi gassificazione delle regioni russe. IlConsiglio Direttivo ha preso nota dell'informazione del lavoro svolto daGazprom e dalle sue succursali nellaFederazione Russa e ha approvato glisforzi volti a implementare il Programmadi gassificazione delle regioni russe, cheavrà un influsso diretto sullo svilupposocioeconomico e le condizioni di vitadelle regioni. Dal canto suo, il Comitato di Gestionesarà responsabile della realizzazione diquesto piano nel 2013. Quest'annoGazprom prevede di spendere 1 miliardodi US$ a favore dell'implementazione diquesto programma.

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EspagneArriva a présenté les premiers bus fonctionnant au biométhane à Runcom,faisant partie d’un investissement de 15.5millions de £. L’introduction de dix busMAN EcoCity au gaz naturel à Runcom,fait suite à un essai fructueux de cettetechnologie à Merseyside en 2012 et à uninvestissement de 2 millions de £ en conséquence d’une offre du Green BusFund du gouvernement. Les véhicules, alimentés en carburant à partir d’orduresménagères, sont en service depuis le premier mars dans le cadre des servicesd’Arriva 1, 2, X30 et 21. Une présentation spéciale a eu lieu audépôt de la Beechwood Avenue au coursd’un événement consacré à la bienvenuede la flotte des eco-bus à la ville.‘’ Les bus ont été spécialement construitspour le marché UK et, comme ils roulentau biogaz, ils assurent une solution neutreen carbone aux défis environnementauxauxquels nous devons faire face commefournisseur du transport au cours du21ème siècle ‘’ déclare John Rimmermanaging director d’Arrisa de la zoneNorth West. ‘’C’est un investissement

fantastique pour Runcom et ces améliorationssont des pas en avant pour rendre lesvoyages en bus aussi propres que possible.Le futur verra d’autres investissementspour renforcer notre engagement enfaveur des voyages plus verts ‘’

République TchèqueLa flotte des NGVs dans la région s’élève à5000 unités en janvier 2013. Dans lecadre des véhicules commerciaux laRépublique tchèque compte 55 camionsau CNG, opérant principalement en ville,destinés au ramassage des orduresménagères ainsi qu’à la distribution dematériaux, et 385 bus urbains. En 2012, approximativement 15.242 millions de mères cubes de gaz compriméont été vendus soit trois millions demètres cubes de plus qu’en 2011. Cecicorrespond à une augmentation de 25%sur les douze derniers mois , très prochedes augmentations réalisées au cours desannées précédentes.Actuellement 46 stations de fourniture deCNG sont à la disposition du public dans larégion. Au cours des trois prochainesannées dix stations supplémentaires

Nouvelles des NGVs d’Europe

7April 2013 Gas Vehicles Report

seront construites par an comme annoncépar nos investisseurs.Selon un rapport de NGVA Europe, le principal responsable de la croissance desNGVs dans la région est la Poste Tchèquequi a introduit dans sa flotte 420 FiatDoblo et Fiat Ducato pour la distributiondu courrier ainsi que quelque 40 VWPassat Ecofuel pour le management.

RussieGazprom va investir 33 millions de $ dansla construction de stations de fourniturede gaz carburant dans le cadre de sonRussian Regions Gasification Program. LeConseil d’Administration a pris note de l’information au sujet du travail effectuépar Gazprom et ses filiales parmi les constituants de la Russian Federation, et ontapprouvés les efforts pris pour implémenterle Russian Regions Gasification Program,avec une influence directe sur ledéveloppement socioéconomique desrégions et leurs conditions de vie. LeComité de Management a été chargé dedémarrer ce travail en 2013. Cette année,Gazprom prévoit de dépenser 1 billion de $dans l’implémentation du Program.

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April 2013 Gas Vehicles Report8


Reino UnidoComeçaram a operar os primeirosonibus a biometano de Runcorn. Aincorporação de dez unidades MANEcocity a gás natural é a continuação dos exitosos testes realizados em Merseyside em 2012e de um investimento de 2 milhõesde libras, com financiamento do governo através do Fundo GreenBus. Os veículos, alimentados combiometano produzido a partir de lixosorgânicos, entraram em serviço em1º de março nas linhas 1, 2, X30 e21. Para o lançamento da novafrota, foi realizado um evento noposto da Avenida Beechwood.“Os foram especialmente desenhados para o mercado britânicoe, como se movem a biogás, são asolução para os desafios ambientaisque enfrentamos como empresa detransporte no século 21”, disseJohn Rimmer, diretor da área degestão da Arriva Noroeste. “É um investimento fantástico paraRuncorn e estas melhoras são outropasso para fazer as viagens mais

ecológicas. No futuro haverá ummaior investimento para reforçareste compromisso”.

República TchecaA frota local já soma 5.000unidades a janeiro de 2013. Pelolado dos veículos comerciais, o paísconta com 55 caminhões a gás natural, que operam principalmentena coleta de lixo e na distribuição demercadorias, e 385 ônibus urbanos.Em 2012, foram vendidos aproximadamente 15.242 milhõesde metros cúbicos de metano, trêsmilhões de metros cúbicos mais queem 2011. Isto equivale a umaumento de 26% nos últimos dozemeses, muito similar ao aumentoobservado em anos anteriores. Atualmente, 46 postos públicos deGNV estão em funcionamento nopaís. Durante os próximos trêsanos, espera-se que o número totalcresça em pelo menos 10 pontos deabastecimento cada ano, segundo oanunciado por grandes investidoresdo setor.

Notícias do GNV na EuropaSegundo um reporte da NGVAEurope, o principal contribuinte parao aumento dl número de veículos agás natural no país é o ServiçoPostal, que introduziu em sua frota420 caminhões Fiat Doblò e FiatDucato para a entrega de cartas e40 VW Passat Ecofuel para tarefasadministrativas.

RússiaA Gazprom investirá 33 milhões dedólares na construção de postos deabastecimento como parte doPrograma de Gaseificação deRegiões Russas. O ConselhoDiretivo tomou nota do trabalho realizado pela Gazprom e suas filiaisna Federação e aprovou os esforçospara colocar em prática o Programade Gaseificação, o qual terá umainfluência direta no desenvolvimentosocioeconômico das regiões e dascondições de vida. O Comitê de Gestão,por sua parte, está responsável pelaimplementação do plano durante 2013.Este ano, a Gazprom planeja gastarum bilhão de dólares na iniciativa.

Europees NGV NieuwsVerenigd KoninkrijkArriva lanceert de eerste biomethaanaangedreven bussen in Runcorn alsdeel van een investering van £15.5miljoen. De introductie van tien MANEcoCity aardgas aangedreven bussenin Runcorn volgt een succesvol trajectvan de technologie in Merseysidegedurende 2012 en een investeringvan £2 miljoen als resultaat van eenbod aan het Green Bus Fund van deoverheid. De voertuigen met brandstof,verkregen uit huishoud afval gingen inbedrijf in Runcorn vanaf de eerstemaart in. Arriva's 1, 2, x30 en 21diensten. Een speciaal introductie evenement vond plaats in hetBeechwood Avenue depot om de eco-vriendelijk vloot te verwelkomen.“De bussen werden speciaal ontworpenvoor de U.K. markt en omdat ze opbiogas rijden, zorgen ze voor een CO2neutrale oplossing inzake de milieuuitdagingen zien we als transport aanbieder in de 21e. eeuw,” sprakJohn Rimmer, gebieds managingdirecteur van Arriva Noord-west.“Dit iseen fantastische investering voorRuncorn en deze verbeteringen zijn

een volgende stap voorwaarts omreizen per bus zo eco-vriendelijkmogelijk te maken. In de toekomstzullen er meer investeringen volgen omonze betrokkenheid te versterken in“groener” reizen.”

Tsjechische RepubliekDe NGV vloot in het land bedraagt5.000 eenheden in januari 2013, volgens een rapport van NGVA Europe.Op de commerciële voertuigen side,telt de Tsjechische Republiek 55 CNGtrucks, voornamelijk werkzaam instedelijke gebieden als vuilniswagensen goederendistributie en 385 stadsbussen. In 2012 werd erongeveer 15.242 miljoen m3 CNGverkocht, drie miljoen meer dan in2011. Dit staat gelijk aan een stijgingvan 26% over de laatste 12 maanden,net als de stijging die te zien was invoorgaande jaren.Op dit ogenblik zijn er in dit land 46publieke CNG tankstations operationeel. Verwacht wordt dat in dekomende drie jaar het aantal zal stijgenmet minstens 10 per jaar, aldus belangrijke investeerders.

Een grote bijdrage in dit stijgende aan-tal wordt geleverd door de TsjechischePost, die 426 Fiat Doblò en FiatDucato vans, heeft voor bezorging vanpost en een paar 40 VW PassatEcofuel voor het management.

RuslandGazprom zal US$ 33 miljoeninvesteren in de constructie vanaardgas tank stations als deel van het Russische Regios GassificationProgramma. De raad vanCommissarissen had inzage in dewerkzaamheden, uitgevoerd doorGazprom en zijn dochtermaatschappijenin Russische Federatie samenstellingen en sprak zijn goedkeuring uit voor uitvoering van hetRussisch Regio GassificationProgramma, met een directe invloed opde socio-economische ontwikkeling vanregio's en leefcondities. Het management Commitee werdopgedragen om de werkzaamheden uitte voeren in 2013. Gazprom is vanplan om dit jaar US$ 1 biljoen uit tegeven om dit Programma uit tevoeren.


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9April 2013 Gas Vehicles Report


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April 2013 Gas Vehicles Report10

The Honorary Chairman and founder of NGVAEurope, Peter Boisen, passed away lastMonday. Even though he was suffering from asevere illness since 2011, he contributed andwas deeply involved in the European association activities until the very end.Moreover, he was an active contributor toThe GVR magazine, with a monthly column,until the illness prevented him from continuing.

“I am proud of having contributed to thedevelopments of the worldwide use ofmethane as a transportation fuel, and I wishall my friends in the NGV business the bestof success in the further development of theuse of methane. You are working with anexcellent concept. Do not let competinginterests convince ignorant politicians to killthe bird that in the future could lay goldeneggs,” said Boisen on his last GVR columnpublished in February 2012.

Boisen was as one of the founders of ENGVA(European Natural Gas Vehicle Association)and then of its successor NGVA Europe,established in 2008. He was Chairman ofNGVA Europe’s Board of Directors until2009, and then had a permanent seat asHonorary Chairman. Previously, he worked inthe shipping, oil and gas, and steel industries,and spent the last 23 years of his workingcareer in the automotive industry. In Volvo Cars,he was responsible for the development of NGV.

He also chaired and coordinated the CountryRepresentative Committee (CRC) activitiesuntil 2011, was responsible for providing regular NGV market updates and statistics,and furthermore founded the NGV Worldheadlines, amongst many other appreciatedthings and his achievements. He was rewardedwith many prizes throughout his successfulcareer, including the NGV Champion Awardpresented at NGV Global 2012 in Mexico.

As NGVA Europe remembers him, Boisenwas “a very warm-hearted and professionalcolleague and friend” who dedicated his entirelife to the NGV cause. “The industry and theEuropean Association would not be where andwhat it is today without his passion andenthusiasm,” said NGVA Europe team.

A great loss to the industry

NGVA Europe founder and The GVRcollaborator Peter Boisen passes away

Read the last column of PeterBoisen for our magazine.

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11April 2013 Gas Vehicles Report

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April 2013 Gas Vehicles Report12

The Spanish automaker is expandingthe Mii family with the introduction ofits Mii Ecofuel – the company’s lowest-emitting production car ever.

This is the first model with a naturalgas engine to wear a SEAT badgeand brings outstanding efficiency andsignificantly reduced running costs,without sacrificing driving dynamics.At an entry price of €12,050 inGermany, the new car is the mostinexpensive NGV model on the market.

“The new SEAT Mii Ecofuel nowmakes environmentally friendly CNG technology affordable for all,”explains James Muir, President ofSEAT S.A. “Its attractive startingprice and exceptionally low consumption and emissions figuresmake the Mii Ecofuel one of themost interesting and sensible choices available – even for high-mileage drivers.”

As in the petrol-driven Mii models,the Ecofuel version features a three-cylinder spark-ignition enginewith a displacement of 999 cc. In the CNG variant, the compactpower unit generates 68 PS at6,200 rpm.

The exceptionally lightweight andhigh-revving engine reaches its maximum torque of 90 Nm at3,000 rpm.

Its average fuel consumption of just2.9 kg of CNG per one hundred kilometers and the associated CO2figure of just 79 g/km are best-in-class.

The SEAT Mii Ecofuel, which is making its debut at the GenevaMotor Show 2013 (4-6 March), will be initially introduced in marketssuch as Germany, Italy, Austria,Switzerland, the Netherlands,Sweden and the Czech Republicwhere there is a clear demand fornatural gas-powered cars and theinfrastructure to support it.

Source: SEAT

With a consumption of just 2.9 kg/100km of CNG

New SEAT Mii Ecofuel makes worlddebut at the Geneva Motor Show 2013

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13April 2013 Gas Vehicles Report

Last year, the automaker reachedthe milestone once again among thebest-selling brands, with an averageof 119.8 g/km. The record is certified by JATO Dynamics, theworld's leading provider of automotive intelligence. This is animportant achievement and a proofof the company's commitment tosustainable mobility. From 1997 to 2012, Fiat sold morethan 500,000 Natural Power carsand commercial vehicles.Over the past 6 years, Fiat hasreduced its average CO2 emissions byabout 13% from 137.3 to 119.8 g/km,a result that is significantly lower thanthe average target set by the EuropeanUnion for 2015 (130 g/km).Among the various technologiesintroduced throughout the year, thenew 0.9 TwinAir Turbo NaturalPower engine is a 80 hp bi-fuel (natural gas/gasoline)

two-cylinder engine which combinesthe ecological advantages of CNGfuel with the power and driving fun ofTwinAir technology. The Fiat Pandawas the first car in the world to beequipped with this innovative enginewhich guarantees reduced levels ofCO2 (86 g/km), among the lowestvalue on the market. Fiat Group has been Europe's leading

producer of Original EquipmentManufacturer (OEM) natural gasvehicles for more than 15 years. Itoffers the largest eco-friendly bi-fuel (natural gas/gasoline) range,satisfying the needs of a wide variety of private and commercialconsumers.

Source: Fiat Group Automobiles.

For the sixth year running

NGV technology helps Fiat to be the brandwith the lowest CO2 emissions in Europe


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April 2013 Gas Vehicles Report14

NGV Global has begun 2013 witha great impulse, continuing themomentum from last year’s NGV2012 conference and exhibitionheld in Mexico City. Exhibitors andspeakers have shown to the worldour industry is ready to take onthe challenge of confirming thatNatural Gas is the stronger andmore realistic alternative to liquidfuels in all segments of transportation. The transition frombeing an alternative fuel to becoming a competitive big scaleoption is on the way, and NGVGlobal is ready to facilitate theprocess and bring the stakeholders together to make it possible.Under the leadership of AliciaMilner from Canada, unanimouslyelected to the position of Chair inNovember 2012, the Board ofDirectors has continued to workon the Organization’s StrategicPlan that will guide NGV Global’sactivities in the forthcoming period. An urgent task of theBoard was the selection of a newExecutive Director. It was anopportunity for the Board to reviseits organizational setup, redefiningthe position’s responsibilities tobetter address its organizationalobjectives as laid out in theStrategic Plan.It has been an honor and animmense pleasure for me to havebeen selected by the RecruitingCommittee and confirmed by theBoard of Directors as the newExecutive Director. In one way oranother I have always beeninvolved with NGV Global. I was theArgentine delegate to theInaugural Council Meeting held in

1986, and worked close togetherwith the two Argentine Presidents ofIANGV, Carlos Lugones and JuanCarlos Fracchia; I have also participated in several of the BiennialNGV Conferences, either as speaker,organizer or moderator. As NGV Global informed in the lastissue of GVR, I have been in the NGVIndustry for 29 years, focusing mainly in the technical aspects of thebusiness, as well as specializing instandardization. I have also workedin the implementation of new NGVprograms in several countries apartfrom my original experience in theArgentine CNG program. Many ofthe obstacles standing in the path ofnew NGV developments tend torepeat themselves, and so do theways to resolve them. Due to theabove, I take my designation as asignal from the industry that pointstowards a more technical approachto the challenges that our Industry isfacing at this point of expansion andmassification.NGV 2012 has shown that NaturalGas is a fuel not only for light dutyroad vehicles as we used to consider. The great breakthrough intechnology that has brought the possibility of capitalizing on the vast

Info from

By Diego Goldin

Executive DirectorNGV Global

shale gas reserves found throughoutthe world, has in turn led to agreater development in LNG technologies. Liquefaction of NaturalGas was initially intended to facilitatecommerce of this intrinsically cheaper fuel. The improvement incryogenic gas storage containersand auxiliary equipment, originallydesigned for producing and transporting LNG from the producingcountries to the consumers, hasresulted in providing means of usingit also for applications in heaviervehicles, from trucks to ships, railways and, why not, air transport. Renewable Natural Gas (biomethane),with its particular technological challenges and undoubted environmental and social benefits, isalso emerging into the public view. Ifbiomethane is produced from urbanwaste, as is often the case in heavilyurbanized areas, the benefit is multiplied, by transforming big environmental liabilities into cleanfuels that replace heavier fossilhydrocarbons. In this way niche markets like refuse trucks are turnedinto carbon neutral operations.NGV Global, as I said in the beginning, is ready to take on thechallenge of leading the way through

Building on Success

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15April 2013 Gas Vehicles Report

this renewed reality. In 2013 wewill be participating in LNG17(www.lng17.org), together withNGVAmerica; our associations willbe exhibiting at the tradeshowand, in partnership with the LNG17 event organizers, will assistwith the delivery of several days oftransportation-specific content viaseminars from the tradeshowfloor; we will co-organize the LNGfor transportation Pavillion wherenew developments will be presented. We will also participate inNGV2013 in Gothenburg, organized by our member association NGVA Europe. 2013will also see us in the process oforganizing our next biennial conference, NGV2014 to be held5-9 May 2014 in Long Beach,California, in conjunction with ACT 2014.Our Technical Committee is beingrestructured to provide a widerplatform for participation of NGVGlobal members. Our Organizationwill as a result strengthen its tieswith all the technical forums andCommittees in ISO, OIML, IGU,UNECE, AMN, CGA, CEN, etc. Wewill continue to promote anddefend the interests of our members through the participationand leadership in ISO Committeeswhere safety standards are drafted. The major goal in thisrespect is to obtain a level of harmonization that will end in oneGlobal Standard for NGVs . We will build on the success ofour Technical Forum held inMexico; it will serve as a basis forfuture meetings to be held wherever our members require.The vast participation has helped

us to detect the needs of the indus-try, and to prove that this structureallows great cooperation and interac-tion between the different focusgroups.2013 will also see us participate inother events, and provide supportfor countries that are in the processof evaluating or implementingchanges in their energy matrixes.Recent studies have demonstratedthat NGVs are the ideal tool forreducing or even eliminating costlyfuel subsidies that many countriesapply to keep transportation costs

down. The Global current economic situation is producinghigh stresses on National Budgetsin many countries, and theGovernments are calling for urgentsolutions that include reducingsubsidies without increasing transportation costs for peopleand goods. Natural Gas used asfuel for transportation appears tobe the solution to two of thebiggest current social problems:the economy and the environment.NGV Global will continue to leadthe way.

We gratefully acknowledge the support of our corporate sponsor members:

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April 2013 Gas Vehicles Report16

Per CristinaMarconi

Corrispondente diGVR a Bruxelles

Quale governo non vorrebber vederei suoi cittadini circolare per le stradedel paese su auto pulite ed efficienti?Nessuno, naturalmente, ed è questala ragione per la quale gli Stati membri della UE hanno accoltovolentieri lo spirito dell’iniziativa‘Energia pulita per i trasporti’ illustrata dalla Commissione europeadurante il Consiglio Trasporti dell’11marzo scorso a Bruxelles. “I nostriconcorrenti Giappone, Cina e StatiUniti stanno già muovendosi versoquesti obiettivi”, ha messo in evidenza il commissario per iTrasporti, Siim Kallas. Tuttavia il suovalido argomento non ha persuaso lamaggioranza dei ministri, che hannoespresso la loro preoccupazione peril finanziamento delle misure e sulmodo in cui questi obiettivi moltoprescrittivi verranno realizzati in unmomento così difficile per l’economiaeuropea. Kallas, mettendo in evidenza il sostegno ricevuto fino adoggi dall’industria, che dovrebbefornire la maggior parte dei 10 miliardi di euro richiesti, ha puntualmente spiegato: “La mia ideagenerale è che gli investimenti necessari dovranno essere fatti dalsettore privato”. E’ qualche anno ormai che laCommissione va preparando il terreno per l’introduzione di nuovicarburanti più efficienti, ma solorecentemente la sua strategia haassunto un piglio più pragmatico.Anche in un momento in cui moltefamiglie farebbero di tutto perrisparmiare un po’ e le preoccupazioniambientaliste sono più diffuse chemai, non è facile incoraggiare lagente a sostituire le loro autotradizionali con un’alternativa più economica e ecologica senza garantire un minimo di infrastruttureper il rifornimento disponibile in tuttaEuropa. La presidenza irlandese della

Voci da Bruxelles

EU ammette che “attualmente, losviluppo è trattenuto da due fattori:l’alto prezzo delle auto e la mancanzadi stazioni di rifornimento o di ricarica”. Tuttavia, il prezzo inizialerelativamente più alto dei veicoli agas naturale è rapidamente compensato dai risparmi in terminidi costi di rifornimento. Questo significa che per le auto a gas, comesappiamo, la questione infrastrutturaleè l’unico ostacolo rimanente versouna diffusione ancora maggiore diquesta tecnologia matura. La proposta della Commissione, presentata il 24 gennaio, è quindifocalizzata sulla distribuzione di carburante e sulla necessità diun’azione coordinata. Il pacchetto‘Energia pulita per I trasporti’ comprende una comunicazione sullastrategia europea per i carburantialternativi, una bozza di direttivafocalizzata sull’infrastruttura e glistandard, e un documento di accompagnamento che descrive unpiano d’azione per lo sviluppo del gas naturale liquido, GNL, nella navigazione. Nel testo si chiede dicreare fino ad 8 milioni di stazioni diricarica per le auto elettriche nellaUe entro il 2020, con un numerominimo di stazioni in ogni paese,mentre obiettivi vincolanti sono previsti anche per il GNL (ogni 400km sulle principali autostrade), per ilCNG (ogni 150 km) e per l’idrogeno(ogni 300 km). Le stazioni di GNLdevono essere costruite anche neiprincipali porti marini entro il 2020e in quelli delle vie acquatiche interneentro il 2025. Gli Stati membri nonsono tenuti a pagare di tasca loro lacostruzione dell’infrastruttura, madevono coordinare gli sforzi del settore privato, affinché la retevenga costruita nel rispetto degli obiettivi della Commissione. Il ministro dei Trasporti irlandese,Leo Varadkar, che ha presieduto lariunione, ha descritto la propostadella Commissione come “visionaria”,e ha riassunto: “La maggior partedegli Stati membri riconosce che lamigliore risposta al cambiamento climatico è quella che passa

attraverso le nuove tecnologie”.Molte delle perplessità sollevate daiministri riguardano però le auto elettriche, e non le auto a gas naturale. Le prime sono percepitecome una realtà ancora inevoluzione. “Nessuno vuole investiremolti soldi in una tecnologia chepotrebbe rivelarsi obsoleta moltorapidamente”, ha spiegato il ministroirlandese. Per le auto a gas naturalequesto problema non si pone, poichéla tecnologia è matura ed è pronta afunzionare con il biogas senza necessità di alcun cambiamento tecnico. La Gran Bretagna ha espresso attraverso il suo ministro deiTrasporti Patrick McGloughlin lavolontà del governo di “sostenere glisforzi” e di intraprendere una“chiara, forte azione” da una parte,ma rimanendo comunque “tecnologicamente neutri” dall’altra,poiché è considerato “inappropriatofavorire una qualunque specifica tecnologia”. Alcuni ministri hannofatto presente che il 2030 sarebbeuna scadenza più adatta rispetto al2020, in modo da coincidere con lacreazione della Rete di TrasportiTrans-Europea. Altri ministri hannofatto notare che gli obiettivi per lacreazione di stazioni di ricarica sonoirrelistici, anche in termini di numeririchiesti (nel caso della Lituania, ilministro ha detto che l’obiettivo è tra“le tre e le otto volte superiore aibisogni del nostro territorio”), mentrela Francia ha fatto presente un problema in termini di compatibilitàdelle sue prese per la ricarica conquelle standard richieste dalla UE. Il Commissario Siim Kallas ha assicurato che la Commissione vuoleessere “flessibile sui dettagli” e che èpronta a “discutere gli obiettivi e lesituazioni locali”. Il ministro irlandeseVaradkar ha dichiarato che l’obiettivoè consegnare un rapporto entroluglio, prima della fine della presidenza semestrale di turno diDublino. “Si tratta di una propostamolto ambiziosa che ha il potenzialedi scatenare una rivoluzione di energiapulita in tutta Europa”, ha detto.

Piu’ infrastrutture per auto a gas e elettriche,i ministri UE preoccupati dai costi

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17April 2013 Gas Vehicles Report

By CristinaMarconi

GVR correspondentin Brussels

Which government would notwant to see its citizens drive cleanand efficient cars on the roads oftheir country? No one, of course,and that is the reason why the EUmember States welcomed thespirit of the ‘Clean power fortransport’ initiative presented bythe European Commission at theTransport Council that took placein Brussels on 11 March. "Ourcompetitors Japan, China and theUnited States are moving towardsthese targets," stressedTransport commissioner, SiimKallas. Nevertheless, his valuableargument failed to persuade themajority of ministers. Theyexpressed their concerns aboutthe financing of the measures andon how the very prescriptive targets and deadlines can bereached in such a difficult momentfor the European economy.Pointing out the support receivedso far by the industry, which isexpected to provide most of the10 bn euros required, Kallasreplied: "My general idea is thatthe necessary investment shouldbe done by the private sector." The Commission has been pavingthe way for the introduction ofnew, more efficient fuels for acouple of years now, but onlyrecently its strategy has gainedmomentum and the necessarypragmatism. Even when manyfamilies are desperate to savesome money and when environmental concerns are morewidespread than ever, it is noteasy to encourage people toreplace their traditionnally-fuelledcar with a a cheaper and greener

Most of the perplexities raised bythe ministers concerned electriccars, and not natural gas vehicles. They pointed out that thetechnologies in question, in particular for what concerns electric cars. “No-one wants toinvest large amounts of money ina technology that might turn outto be obsolete quite quickly,” saidthe Irish minister. For natural gasvehicles, there is not such anissue, as the technology is matureand is ready to work with biogaswithout requiring any change. UK expressed through its transport minister PatrickMcGloughlin the government’s willingness to “support efforts”and to take “clear, strong action”while remaining “technology-neutral”,considering “inappropriate tofavour or appear any specific technology”. Some ministers arguedthat 2030 would be a more suitabledeadline than 2020, in order tomatch with the establishment ofthe Trans-European TransportNetwork. Some others pointed outthat the targets for the creationof recharging stations seem unrealistic, in terms of numberrequired (in the case of Lithuania,the minister said that the target is“three to eight times more thanthe needs on our territory”), whileFrance pointed out a problem interms of compatibility of its plugwith the common EU-wide plugrequired. Siim Kallas assured that theCommission could be “flexible on thedetails” and is ready to “discusstargets and local situations.”Ireland’s minister Varadkar saidthe aim is to deliver a progressreport by July, before the end ofthe six-month rotating presidency.“This is a really ambitious proposalwhich has the potential to unleasha clean-power revolution in transport across Europe," he said.

alternative without a minimum ofinfrastructure for alternative fuelsavailable thoughout the EU. The Irishpresidency of the EU reckons that“currently, development is held backfor two main reasons: high vehicleprices and the lack of refuelling orrecharging stations.” Nevertheless,the relatively higher price of a natural gas fuelled car is quickly offset by the savings in terms ofrefuelling costs, which means thatfor NGV the infrastructural issue isthe only main remaining obstacle toan even greater diffusion of thismature technology. The Commission proposal, presentedon 24 January, is therefore focusedon fuel distribution and coordinatedaction. The ‘Clean Power forTransport’ package consists of acommunication on a European alternative fuels strategy, a draftdirective focusing on infrastructureand standards, and an accompanyingdocument describing an action planfor the development of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in shipping. It asksto set up eight million rechargingstations for electric vehicles in theEU by 2020, with a minimum number of stations in every country,and binding targets are also plannedfor liquefied natural gas (every 400km along major European motorways),for CNG (every 150 kms) and forhydrogen (every 300 kms). LNG stations should also be installed inmajor sea ports by 2020 and ininland waterway ports by 2025.Member States do not have to payfor the infrastructure, but they haveto make the arrangements for it tobe installed in order to meet theCommission’s goal. Ireland’s Transport minister, LeoVaradkar, who chaired the meeting,described the Commission’s proposalas “visionary” and summed up:“Most member States recognise thatthe best response to climate changeis one that embraces new technology.”

A voice from BrusselsEU ministers worried about costsfor new infrastructures for alternative fuels

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April 2013 Gas Vehicles Report18

In questo inizio 2013 NGV Italy dà ilbenvenuto a due nuovi importantiassociati, Iveco Fiat Industrial eConsorzio Italiano Bio-Gas. (CIB)

I Presidenti di NGV-System Italia,Mariarosa Baroni, diAssogasmetano, Paolo Vettori e diCIB (Consorzio Italiano Biogas), PieroGattoni, dopo vari incontri hannoconcordato sulla necessità di unimpegno comune delle rispettiveassociazioni, che rappresentano leprincipali aziende del comparto produttivo, industriale e distributivodel settore, con lo scopo di attuareuna stretta collaborazione per latutela e la promozione del metano ebiometano per i trasporti, lavorandoin sinergia, seppure nel pieno rispetto dei reciproci ruoli e mission,per affermare il metano ed il biometano come efficace opzione peri trasporti in coerenza con quantoprevisto dal SEN per la rete distributiva del metano.

Negli ultimi mesi NGV System Italyha reso operativo un consistenteprogramma di sviluppo dell’attivitànormativa, ottenendo di parteciparecon un ruolo determinante nei comitati tecnici inerenti tutte le problematiche di proprio interesse.

Il Direttore Tecnico Flavio Merigo èstato nominato Presidente del gruppo di lavoro 5 di CUNA (Motorialimentati a carburante gassoso erelativi sistemi e servizi) ” ed è statocandidato a presiedere il comitatotecnico ISO TC/22 SC25. Valeforse la pena di ricordare che il SC25 estende la propria pertinenza sututte le attività di standardizzazioneinerenti i componenti dei sistemi di• CNG• Idrogeno, • composti CNG-Idrogeno• LNG,

installazione dei sistemi per l’uso di• CNG,• Idrogeno,• composti CNG-Idrogeno• LNG,

connettori per il rifornimento diautoveicoli alimentati a• CNG• LNGInoltre, ISO TC 22/SC 25 opera inliason con tutti i comitati tecnici diISO e CEN che sviluppano gli standard relativi, ad esempio, allestazioni di rifornimento per CNG,LNG ed Idrogeno, alla qualità deigas, alle bombole ed ai contenitoricriogenici. Infine va ricordato cheNGV System Italy è presente,attravero ISO TC 22/SC 25 neigruppi di lavoro GRPE che, sottol’egida dell’ONU, elaborano i regolamenti applicabili al settoretrasporti.

NGV Italy è membro del Board ofDirector di NGV Global, è membro diNGVA Europe e di ANGVA Asian GasAssociaton. Associazioni con lequale discute e sviluppa sinergie a livello globale.NGV Italy è stata invitata alla conferenza di ANGVA a Jakarta infebbraio partecipando ad una tavolarotonda sull'esperienza italiana nelsettore autotrasporti a metano. IlPresidente ha incontrato Pertaminaa Jakarta, Petronas a Kaula Lampure PTT a Bangkok illustrando lamiglior tecnologia italiana.NGV Italy parteciperà alla conferenzadi Oil-no-Oil a RomaIl Presidente Mariarosa Baroni ènell'Advisory Board di CittàSostenibile: la via italiana alle smartcities. NGV Italy parteciperà aEcomondo, Città Sostenibile a Rimini.NGV Italy sarà presente con un proprio stand a NGVA 2013,Goteborg, a disposizione di tutti gliassociati che non partecipasserosingolarmente.NGV Italy sarà anche presente, sempre con un proprio stand, aANGVA 2013, New Delhi.NGV Italy avrà un proprio rappresentante a Bruxelles per latutela degli interessi italiani inerenti ilmetano autotrazione verso la UE.NGV Italy ha allargato la propriasfera alle tecnologie di GNL,Idrogeno e Biogas.

Negli ultimi CDA dell'Associazionehanno presenziato, partecipando allediscussioni che porteranno allescelte di NGVI nel futuro prossimo,Cavagna Group, BRC SpA, PromgasSpA (OAO Gazprom) e VanzettiEngineering srl.Con Promgas NGV Italy lavorerà alprogetto di unirsi al Blue CorridorRally Gazprom 2013 organizzandoun rally di auto a cng che toccheràdiverse città europee, mentre per il2014 si cercherà di far arrivare ilBlue Corridor ufficialmente in italia.Il Presidente ed il Direttore tecnicohanno incontrato il ConsorzioEcogas, Arch. Tramontano, per dis-cutere e verificare punti di sinergiache possano aiutare lo sviluppo delsettore.NGV Italy nell'anno 2013 saràimpegnata per l’applicazione delR115 e l'approvazione del nuovoregolamento per l’utilizzazione dellestazioni di rifornimento metano inmodalità “self-service”, offrendosoluzioni di completa sicurezza.

L’industria italiana NGV

NGV Italy News

NGV Italy invita tutta la filieradel metano per autotrazione,anche non associata, a partecipare ai propri CDA chesi tengono almeno mensilmenteallo scopo di affrontare conconoscenza e partecipazione le possibilità del settore e leeventuali problematiche daaffrontare insieme.NGV Italy è tramite di incontri,

di aggregazioni e di risorse dibusiness tra i vari operatoridel settore.

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19April 2013 Gas Vehicles Report

The Italian NGV Industry

With this new year, NGV Italywould like to first and foremostgive a warm welcome to two new important associates, IVECO and the Italian BiogasConsortium (CIB).

NGV Italy has been on the forefront of the industry for morethan 15 years and continues tomake progress in the field. The Presidents Mariarosa Baroni(NGV Italy), Paolo Vettori(Assogasmetano) and PieroGattoni (Consorzio Italiano Biogas)have agreed that a shared commitment is necessary in order to promote and safeguardCNG and biomethane for transportation. The three associations representthe leading companies in the sector and the objective is to takefull advantage of synergies whilerespecting the reciprocal rolesand missions. The President and TechnicalDirector also met with AlessandroTramontano, President of theEcogas Consortium. The objectiveis to assert CNG and biomethane as the most effectiveoption for transportation in coherence with what is beingdone for the CNG distribution network.

NGV Italy has widened its scopeby including LNG, Hydrogen andbiogas technologies. In the pastBODs, Cavagna Group, BRC SpA,Promgas SpA (OAO Gazprom) and Vanzetti Engineering srl have attended in order to discuss future opportunities in different areas. In the past months, NGV Italy hasbeen busy with a substantial program of legislative activity andhas obtained an important role inall the inherent technical committees. The TechnicalDirector of NGV Italy, FlavioMerigo, was appointed Presidentof CUNA’s working group n.5

(engines fueled with gaseous fuel andrelated systems and services) and ofthe technical committee ISO TC/22SC25. It is worth remembering thatSC25 extends its relevance to allstandardization activities related tothe components of the systems: • CNG, Hydrogen, • CNG-Hydrogen compound, • LNG;

installations of systems for the useof:• CNG,• Hydrogen,• CNG-hydrogen compound,• LNG;

connectors for the supply of vehiclespowered by:• CNG,• LNG.

In addition, ISO TC 22/SC 25 operates in liason with the ISO eCEN technical committees that develop the standards for CNG, LNGand Hydrogen fuelling stations, gasquality, cylinders and cryogenic containers. Through this technical committee,NGV Italy is also present in the GRPEworking group (UNECE) that prepares regulatory proposals onpollution and energy efficiency fortransport. In 2013, NGV Italy willalso be dedicating itself to the application of R115 and the approvalof the new regulation for self-servicefuelling stations. In order to ensuremaximum coverage, NGV Italy willsoon have a representative inBrussels that will protect Italianinterests at EU level.

NGV Italy is on the Board ofDirectors of NGV Global and is member of NGVA Europe andANGVA Asian Gas Association withthe aim of developing worldwide synergies. In February, MariarosaBaroni was invited by ANGVA to participate in the round table“Building a Sustainable NGV

NGV Italy would like to inviteall those interested in CNGfor transportation to participate in the BOD meetings that are held on amonthly basis, it is an occasion to discuss theopportunities and difficultiesof the sector. NGV Italy isthe hub of the industry and available to organize roundtables and businessmeetings.

NGV Italy News

Infrastructure” in Jakarta, wherethe Italian experience was shared.The President also had the opportunity to share the avant-garde Italian technologieswith Pertamina in Jakarta,Petronas in Kuala Lampur andPTT in Bangkok.

This year, NGV Italy plans to participate in various Italian andWorldwide events: • Oil&nonoil in Rome, • Ecomondo Città Sostenibile inRimini (Mariarosa Baroni is in the Advisory Board of CittàSostenibile), • NGV Gothenburg, • ANGVA New Delhi, • Blue Corridor Rally Gazprom2013, NGV Italy will be joiningforces with Promgas to try toorganize a CNG rally that will meet the official Blue CorridorRally route. In 2014, the goal will be to have the Blue CorridorRally officially pass through Italy.

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April 2013 Gas Vehicles Report20

NGV2013 Gothenburg will take placein the heart of a region that hasbeen betting on CNG and LNG and isnow capitalizing its choice. Also,Sweden in particular and Scandinaviain general, are an enclave of biogasand liquid biogas.Find out what happened in the lastmonths and realize the favorablecontext that the event is offering fortheir participants. And what is more:NGV2013 Gothenburg has a realinternational status. This will make itpossible to do networking and business with a wide range of countries from all over the globe.

Meeting 2013 new clean vehicle standards

Ford Sweden launchesCNG-fueled Focus

The automaker is continuously committed to offering environmentallyfriendly cars for the Swedish market.The new model introduced as fromNovember 2012 is capable of running on compressed natural gasor biomethane. It is based on theconventional Ford Focus 1.6L withpetrol engine and 120HP. Once theconversion process is completed,the bi-fuel vehicle can either operateon petrol or natural gas.

New public transportation project supportedby EU funds

Malmö will use biomethanehybrid buses for Sweden'sfirst BRT system

As the result of a unique joint venture between the City of Malmö,Nobina (Swedish bus company) andSkånetrafiken (regional public transportation authority in ScaniaCounty), a fleet of 15 green buseswill start operating in June 2014.Nobina is investing over SEK 100million (US$ 15 million) in the project, which represents a completelynew concept in Sweden, as Malmöwill be the country’s first city to runa Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system.

It will fuel up to 2,000 private cars

Finnish Ministry ofEmployment awards €5.7million to support biogasplant projectThe initiative is developed by companies Kujalan Komposti Oy andGasum and involves a new facilitythat will be constructed in Lahti,southern Finland, at the Kujala waste centre where much of theregion’s biowaste is already beingprocessed in Kujalan Komposti’sexisting composting facility. The total cost of the project is estimated at EUR 17 million.

Four new filling points to be builtThe Finnish NGV fleetgrew 32% last yearThe country numbers some 1,300natural gas powered vehicles in2012, whereas there were 985units by the end of 2011. On the commercial segment, Finland counts 15 green trucks,mainly operating in refuse collection, and 75 urban buses.Currently, 19 CBG/CNG fueling stations are in service, of which 18 are public.

Strategic region. Strategic news.NGV2013 GOTHENBURG

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21April 2013 Gas Vehicles Report

New ‘Viking Grace’ features Wärtsilä engines

STX Finland displays dual-fuel cruise ferry

The new vessel, being built for Finishoperator Viking Line, is nearing completion and was floated out atSTX's shipyard in Turku. It will run onLNG and, according to the shipbuilder, it was designed to be themost environmentally friendly largecruise ferry of all time, with emissions into the sea almost eliminated. The float-out ceremonywas attended by representatives ofSTX Finland, Viking Line and the classification society Lloyd's Register.

In Sweden and FranceEU will fund projects thatpromote use of LNG asmarine fuel in European ports

With over €250,000 from the TEN-T Programme, it will co-financethe conversion of the existing "Fjalir"vessel into an LNG bunkering ship sothat it may be used to refuel otherships. The initiative, which takesplace in the Port of Stockholm andcontributes to the realization of theMotorways of the Sea (TEN-T PriorityProject 21), aims to demonstratethe feasibility of using alternativefuels in shipping and is set to becompleted by December 2013.

Meeting 2013 new clean vehicle standards- It will be able to fuel 6,000 vehicles

MarketsSweden: plant toproduce liquefied biogasopens in LidköpingLidköping Biogas is the result of aprivate-public partnership betweenGöteborg Energi, the Municipality ofLidköping and Swedish BiogasInternational, and will supply carsand trucks with renewable fuel. The aim is offer improved technicalsolutions for sustainable developmentin the future, especially when itcomes to heavy transportation.

To be delivered soonSwedish trucking companyorders 20 biomethane-powered Iveco DailyStockholm-based Widrikssons Åkeri iscontinuously focused on environmentallyfriendly mobility. As a result of this newinvestment, the transportation firm willhave a total of 40 biogas-fueled vehicles from the Fiat Industrial subsidiary. Its goal is to completelystop using fossil fuels by 2020.

Bonus tracksBring the whole family to theevent! Scandinavia’s largestamusement park, Liseberg, isacross the street from the congress centre. So while youattend the conference your familycan enjoy the park! Another greatfamily sight is the UniverseumScience and Discovery Centre,with huge aquariums, a rain forest and on-hands experimentsfor the kids.


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April 2013 Gas Vehicles Report22

This NGV2013 Gothenburg’s highlight will cover the main fields ofthe NGV industry: fueling, biogasproduction and injection in the gridas well as (bio)methane fuelledtrucks and passenger cars manufacture.

Participants will have the opportunityto be part of a demonstration at thefirst filling station of liquid methane inSweden: Stig Center.

Then, they will explore one of theworld´s largest biogas upgradingplants –Gasendal-, where biogas isupgraded to natural gas quality andinjected into the gas grid.

Besides, they will visit Volvo wherethey will learn about the productionof trucks running on liquid methaneand methane-diesel. Then, they willtour the Volvo Brand ExperienceCenter and the Volvo Cars/Westportassembly plant. Finally, they will enjoya ride and drive cars and trucks onits test track.

The tour includes presentations byFordonsGas, Göteborg Energi,refreshments and lunch in the VolvoBrand Experience Center withWestport and Volvo executives.

Check the complete schedule of theStudy Tour and assure your placeonline, right now.

Bonus tracksWant to sample some of theworld’s best quality oysters? Catch the tram for about ten minutes and you’ll get to the fishmarket hall Feskekorka (meansfish church in Swedish because of its church like architecture). The upstairs restaurant Gabriel isrun by a former (2010) world champion in oyster opening, JohanMalm, who naturally serves oysters from Grebbestad, a smallfishing village on the coast justnorth of Gothenburg. (tram number 5 to Valand + 3 to Haga kyrka)

Join the Study Tour, the most complete and attractive activity

Study Tour Study TourRegistrationForm


Photo: Krister Engström, Göteborg Energi

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23April 2013 Gas Vehicles Report

European Association April Report

Natural Gas Vehicle Association Europe

NGVA Europe proudly announcesthat an additional member, Clean AirPower, has applied for seat on theassociation’s Board of Directors. In order to join NGVA Europe’s governing body the request will haveto be officially confirmed by the nextannual General Meeting, which willtake place during NGV 2013Gothenburg in Sweden, this year’sJune.Founded in 1991, UK’s Clean AirPower (CAP) has pioneered themove towards using natural gas topower vehicles by developing technologies that guarantee dieselengine performance, with significantcost savings and low carbon emissions. CAP is an active technology developer with 65patents held and pending. Operating on a global scale, withcustomers in the US, UK and recently Australia, Clean Air Power isset for rapid growth. The company’sstrong senior management teamoffers extensive experience and skillswithin the transport sector.Clean Air Power's patented Dual-Fuel™ system, an immediatesolution to reducing carbon emissions produced by HGVs andCVs, enables heavy duty dieselengines to operate primarily on natural gas, with diesel fuel acting asa "liquid spark plug". Minimalchanges are required to the existingdiesel engine and by burning up to90% natural gas, customers benefitfrom a combination of low emissionsand high efficiency. Dual-Fuel™ technology has been installed onmore than 1600 vehicles around theworld, some of which have beenoperating for over six years, completingaround one million kilometres.

According to the statutes of NGVAEurope all nominations of memberswilling to join the Board have to beofficially approved by the yearlyGeneral Assembly. The next meetingwill take place 11 - 13 June 2013 inGothenburg (Sweden), during theactivities of NGV 2013 Gothenburg.If accepted, from June 2013 theNGVA Europe Board of Directorswould count 18 members (seehttp://www.ngvaeurope.eu/board-of-directors).Following NGV2012 Bologna’s

success NGV 2013 Gothenburg willfeature workshops, technical visits &exhibition as well as parallel experts'meetings, dealing with the continuousevolution of NGV technology and thegrowing fields of application of natural gas & biomethane as a vehicle fuel (road, railway, maritime).

Source: NGVA Europe, Clean Air Power

NGVA Europe... for sustainablemobility

Clean Air Power requests to take seaton the NGVA Europe Board of Directors

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European NGV statistics

April 2013 Gas Vehicles Report24

Fuel prices in Europe

All data shown on this work sheet are the result of work conducted by NGVA Europe and the GVR. The data may not be manipulated and redistributed while maintaining the logos ofNGVA Europe and the GVR. When using data for various summaries or graphs it would, however, be appreciated if you state that the information presented is based on data suppliedvia NGVA Europe and the GVR.


Natural Gas Vehicles Refuelling stations

VRA Reportedconsumption

The consumption

in theory

Averageconsumption(Actual report)

Monthly gas consumption (M Nm3)

Last updateTotal Cars/LDVs MD/HD

BusesMD/HDTrucks Others Total Public Private Planned







CNG price equivalent perlitre gasoline

CNG priceequivalent per

litre dieselDate

The Gas Vehicles Report, a voice from Europe to the

world in the service of ecology and economy, is the

unique NGV global magazine.

In English as main language, the editorial article is

also published in seven other European languages

and each article is presented in its original version

and in English.

GVR statistics are the referential data point for the

whole industry and institutions.

More than 8,000 GVR copies are mailed monthly to

82 countries in the five continents addressed to

Governmental related offices, OEMs & Oil companies,

Associations, NGV industries, refuelling stations,

workshops and suppliers; besides, the magazine can

be downloaded from www.thegvr.com

Contact: [email protected]

NGV2010 Roma

The event of the

year is coming up

Clean Power

Consortium for

LNG use in trucks


AMI Leipzig

Motor Show

Peru, 6-8 July

ExpoGNV already

is a big success

NGV buses in europe

A growing sector

The opinions and thoughts

of several manufacturers

Volume 5 #5Number 53June 2006


NGV is the

best alternative

The Netherlands

The World Gas

Conference took place

Germany 2006

NGV and the

World Cup

Handing out of keys of

some NGVs used

for VIP shuttle service

Volume 5 #6Number 54July 2006


More than 35000 OEM

NGVs sold in 2006


Free access to NGV


Volume 5 #12Number 60January 2007

A political success

NGVs on the

European agenda

The European Parliament voted a report

highlighting methane role as transportation fuel


A 4-cylinfor NG


VW Passat

A 4-cylinder configured

for NG operation


Renewal and new

services offered

Volume 6 #1Number 61February 2007

Panda Panda

A big small car

Amazing success: in the first month of sales

in Italy, Fiat received 3,000 orders


The Sao Paulo big

event is coming up


New charts: countries’

evolution since 1996

Volume 6 #2Number 62March 2007

From the market

News on NGV

from Europe

The Fiat Panda Panda great success,

London doubled congestion charge zone

and more…

ExpoGNV Brazil

More stands available in

the new #1 NGV country

Geneva Motor Show

Presentation of the

Opel Corsa 1.6 CNG

Volume 6 #3Number 63April 2007

NGV growth in Europe


Comments on the European #1 market, a methanized

funfair in Germany (photo), Czech Rep., etc.

NGV growth in Europe


Comments on the European #1 market, a methanized

funfair in Germany (photo), Czech Rep., etc.


Natural Gas Vehicles

are the trend


The ENGVA Conference

is coming up

Volume 6 #4Number 64May 2007

Along all roads

NGV use in Europe

Mitsubishi Evo 9 CNG , maybe the most

powerful CNG rally-car at the moment


Amazing Panda Panda

sales in 4 months


670 natural gas

vehicles clean Madrid

Volume 6 #5Number 65June 2007

Environmental Ministry


NGV has proven to be a clean,

economical and sustainable alternative


A resounding

success of 2 NGVs


NGV, a real need

against pollution

Volume 6 #5Number 66July 2007

European Parliament

NGVs in


The industry held a meeting

with Congress members


The 10th Metanauto

is coming up


Car sales in the doldrums

NGVs defy the trend

Volume 6 #7Number 67August 2007

Against global warming

NGV: a solution

at hand

News from Italy, Germany, Spain, Sweden,

Russia, Switzerland, Brazil, Africa and more.Against global warming

NGV: a solution

at hand

News from Italy, Germany, Spain, Sweden,

Russia, Switzerland, Brazil, Africa and more.


Comments from

the industry

Iran NGV goals

To be achieved with

capacity and willpower

Volume 6 #8Number 68September 2007

Climate-friendly fuel

Germany rewards

NGV drivers

7 seats Opel Zafira 1.6 CNG emits only 138 CO2

g/km. With a mix of 20% biogas just 113 g/km

Oil is over $80!

A real opportunity for

the NGV industry


About subsidies in the

‘biogas country’

Volume 6 #9Number 70November 2007

NGV Concept car

Fiat Panda Aria

Eco-compatible materials in and outside,

CO2 emissions cut to a record of 69g/km


Opinion about

stations network

Czech Republic

Latest developments

and Conference

Volume 6 #10Number 71December 2007

Across the world

7.2 million NGVs

Impressive growth of methane vehicles. It is

predicted 65 million NGVs by 2020


NGVs go turbo


Government involvement

in CNG Programs

Volume 6 #11Number 72January 2008

Barajas, Madrid

NGVs to the airport

Were introduced three models of new ground handlin


equipment powered by ultra-low imission CNG engines

NGV bus market

Opinions from

several OEMs


Self-service to be

allowed this 2008

Volume 6 #12Number 73February 2008

NGV, a solution at hand

Oil is around $100

Because of economics, ecology and energy

diversification, CNG is the answer today

NGVA Europe

Meeting of the new

regional organisation

NGV 2008

Attracting stakehold-

ers from everywhere

Volume 7 #1Number 74March 2008

New growing market

NGV gains


King Juan Carlos I and Queen Sofía of Spain

while opening a new Gas Natural building

The Netherlands

The Dutch NGV

industry is on the move

NGV 2008 in Rio

Few days for the

IANGV event

Volume 7 #3Number 76May 2008

MILA Alpin 4WD

Hybrid CNG

Compact off-roader launched at

the 2008 Geneva Motor Show

New NGVA Europe

Focus on lobbying



The role of the

Consorzio NGV System

Volume 7 #4Number 77June 2008

After NGV 2008

Comes Italy

Few available spaces for the II

World Fair of NGV, biogas and H2V Italy

NGV use to grow to

a two-digit number


The success of

CNG forklifts

Volume 7 #7Number 80September 2008

NGV in Europe

2009 outlook

It is predicted as the year when sales will

really take off

2030 NG industry

outlook for vehicles




Volume 7 #8Number 81October 2008

2nd NGV World Fair

A world-class ev


Turin 2008: Display of latest technologies and

international meetings

Czech Republic

II International

Conference in Prague


New company aiming

to market NGVs

Volume 7 #9Number 82November 2008

New NGV model

Fiat Grande Punto

From January to August, Fiat sold 43,000 NGVs

in Italy -33,000 during the same period in 2007.

NGV System Italia

Self-service and

multi-fuel dispenser


New Stations


Volume 7 #10Number 83December 2008

World speed record

327.2 km/h

A retrofitted biomethane-fuelled Audi

A4-B7 has set the high speed record

GNV2009 Madrid

Support from the

City Council

2009 NGV Caravan

To the Olympic Winter

games Capital city

Volume 7 #11Number 84January 2009

+25% globally

2008 NGV


Methane powers 9,500,000

vehicles through 14,500 stations.

Italy is the #1 OEM NGV market.

The Netherlands

More interest in

the NGV business


Comments from

the industry

Volume 7 #12Number 85February 2009

Record-breaking trip

EcoFuel Tour

To visit and test each of the 800 German

refuelling stations within 80 days.

United Kingdom

Successful biogas

truck trial


New section Voices

from the industry

Volume 8 #1Number 86March 2009

Spain NGV market

500 more

NGV trucks

Barcelona tender: the 4 city’s cleaning

companies to use NGV trucks


NGV is promoted

by OEMs in all


GNV2009 Madrid

NGVA Europe

Conference is

coming up

Volume 8 #2Number 87April 2009

Germany car tax

NGVs have

the edge

The new CO2 tax reduces

significantly the tax burden on



World CNG

signage one step



Natural gas

turbos at AMI

2009 in Leipzig

Volume 8 #3Number 88May 2009

Few days to go


MadridThe NGVA Europe Conferences

& Show gather global attention.


Successful NGV



More NGVs for

North America?

Volume 8 #4Number 89June 2009


Getting out

of the niche

The industry aims to create a su


business based on sustainable mobility


The NGV industry

beyond the crisis

PeruThe I Latin American

NGV Summit is

coming up

Volume 8 #5Number 90July 2009

24-hour Nürburgring

NGV Success

VW Scirocco GT24 CNG raced to victory at

the 24-hour race

European milestone

More than 1

million NGVS on

the roads

GNV Peru 2009

All ready for theLatin Americanevent

Volume 8 #6Number 91August 2009


Italy61,175 were sold in Janu

ary-May: analysts

define 2009 as the year of the NGV boom


Three outstanding

editions coming up


World's first green

biogas ambulance

Volume 8 #7Number 92September 2009

NGV in Europe

The EU targets

10% market share by 2020 plus 8%

biofuels--including biogas. Is it c


Verona, Italy


advert campaign




advert campaign

at course

Volume 8 #8Number 93October 2009

The engine of tomorrow

NGVs with brains

OEMs work on NGV tailor-made innovative technologies.


Clean Off-road

units race towards


NGV 2010 Roma


Compelling Reason

to Attend

Volume 8 #9Number 94November 2009

Huge CO2 savings

LNG Ferry

Besides Natural gas and biomethane,

LNG also brings benefits.

NGV System Italia

Towards EU

White Paper on



Middle and

long-term NGV


Volume 8 #10Number 95December 2009

Starting in 2010

Scirocco Cup

VW organises a one-make cup featuri


Bio-CNG-powered vehicles.


25 years of ‘GNC’


Project of a

station net from

Finland to Italy

Volume 8 #11Number 96January 2010

A must attend event

NGV 2010 Roma

A convergence of time and place for th

e global NGV industry


Increased NGV

use brings healthy


At the right time

The great

international event

of the year

Volume 8 #12Number 97February 2010

Dakar Rally

Racing with NGV

Two Toyota FJ Cruiser V6 showed that NGV can compete in

the most demanding roads

New monthly report

The European

Association in


NGV System Italia


innovation and


Volume 9 #1Number 98March 2010

54 million more NGVs

NGV2010 Roma

The global event in Italy, gateway

to the most successful NGV decade

A case study

Swedish NGV



Large-scale free

NGV conversion


Volume 9 #2Number 99April 2010

Growing interest

Rome Conference

NGVs set to dominate alternative

fuels arena in coming decade

Volume 9 #3

Number 100

May 2010

Anniversary edition

100A continuous work promoting NGV in

the world.

Italy 746.470 742.970 2.300 1.200 0 909 862 47 38 199 72,50 141,59 51,2% December 2011Ukraine 388.000 19.400232.788 135.793 19 324 132 192 40 8 52,00 810,49 6,4% May 2012Armenia 244.000 192.000 17.300 34.700 345 9 336 26,52 114,22 23,2% September 2011Germany 95.162 93.454 1505 145 58 904 838 66 100 804 23,00 21,46 107,2% June 2012Russia 86.012 55.002 12.900 18.060 50 250 210 40 15 4 30,40 63,06 48,2% May 2012Bulgaria 61.623 61.500 105 11 7 103 102 1 6 15,00 11,39 131,6% July 2012Sweden 44.000 41.571 1.800 627 2 195 143 52 20 21 11,40 13,38 85,2% June 2012France 13.500 10.200 2.400 900 177 37 140 10 1.290 6,00 9,76 61,5% December 2011Switzerland 11.500 11.191 166 83 60 166 133 33 1 117 1,61 2,58 62,4% December 2011Austria 7.065 6.900 150 15 203 173 30 12 13,50 1,70 792,3% June 2012Netherlands 5.202 4.277 707 216 2 153 85 68 40 558 3,06 0,0% June 2012Czech Republic 5.000 4.490 385 55 70 61 46 15 10 85 1,27 2,01 63,2% June 2012Belarus 4.600 4.600 42 42 1,03 0,83 124,4% September 2011Turkey 3.850 1.850 2.000 14 8 6 35 4,20 6,33 66,3% December 2011Spain 3.219 574 1.503 1.099 43 60 17 43 14 21 4,48 5,49 81,5% December 2011Georgia 3.000 3.000 50 50 0,54 0,0% August 2011Moldova 2.200 2.200 24 24 0,40 0,40 101,0% Septemebr 2011Poland 2.094 1.502 288 4 300 47 33 14 0,76 1,15 65,9% November 2011Finland 1.300 1.188 75 15 22 19 18 1 10 0,42 0,45 92,0% December 2012Slovakia 1.170 775 320 75 14 10 4 15 1,00 1,16 86,2% June 2012Iceland 916 900 2 14 2 2 2 0,17 0,18 93,8% November 2012Norway 908 353 514 9 32 26 22 4 7 16,40 1,61 1015,9% June 2012Serbia 838 788 50 0 0 9 7 2 3 1 0,31 0,29 106,2% October 2012Portugal 586 46 354 86 100 5 1 4 1 1,16 1,14 101,4% December 2011United Kingdom 559 20 3 496 40 22 5 17 5 10 3,00 0,41 729,2% December 2011Greece 526 6 412 108 0 3 3 1 1,32 0,0% December 2011Hungary 372 300 70 2 17 3 14 5 14 0,15 0,26 56,8% June 2012Belgium 355 335 3 9 8 15 10 5 10 15 0,08 0,0% June 2012Luxembourg 253 214 39 7 6 1 2 2 0,06 0,16 35,7% July 2012Estonia 191 170 18 3 4 2 2 3 1 0,02 0,09 23,0% July 2012Lithuania 190 75 115 3 3 5 5 0,20 0,36 55,8% December 2011Lichtenstein 143 64 61 18 2 1 1 1 0,10 0,21 47,9% December 2011Croatia 143 64 61 18 1 1 1 0,08 0,21 38,3% December 2011Macedonia 54 7 47 1 1 3 0,02 0,14 14,8% January 2011Slovenia 41 21 20 6 1 5 1 4 0,008 0,06 12,5% June 2012Bosnia & Herzegovina 21 20 1 2 2 2 0,01 0,0% June 2011Latvia 18 18 1 1 0,003 0,00 79,3% September 2011Denmark 14 14 1 1 July 2012Ireland 1 1 1 1 0,00 0,0% June 2012Montenegro 1 1 0,00 March 2006Total 1.735.096 1.262.060 278.462 193.759 815 4.188 3.040 1.148 345 3.234 287 1.218 23,6% March 2013

Armenia 0,96 0,91 0,83 0,38 0,34 0,39 sep-11Austria 1,41 1,40 1,20 0,62 0,55 0,63 nov-10Belarus 0,66 0,61 0,59 0,19 0,17 0,19 sep-11Belgium 1,69 1,67 1,41 0,77 0,69 0,79 ago-12Bulgaria 1,33 1,31 0,70 0,66 0,74 feb-13Croatia 1,31 1,26 1,16 0,58 0,52 0,60 ene-11Czech Republic 1,63 1,61 1,53 0,73 0,65 0,75 ago-12Denmark 1,83 1,85 1,66 1,34 1,20 1,37 ago-12Estonia 1,42 1,40 0,57 0,51 0,58 jul-12Finland 1,71 1,67 1,59 1,34 1,20 1,37 ago-12France 2,00 1,98 1,61 0,92 0,82 0,94 ago-12Germany 1,76 1,72 1,52 0,77 0,54 0,79 sep-11Greece 1,19 1,04 0,65 0,58 0,67 ene-10Hungary 1,64 1,62 1,68 1,03 0,92 1,06 ago-12Iceland 1,60 1,55 0,91 0,82 0,93 nov-12Italy 1,05 1,16 0,53 0,50 0,55 ene-10Latvia 1,32 1,28 0,38 0,29 0,32 sep-11Lichtenstein 1,20 1,13 1,19 0,92 0,80 0,87 jun-10Lithuania 1,32 1,24 0,88 0,79 0,90 sep-11Luxembourg 1,47 1,45 1,36 0,63 0,56 0,64 ago-12Macedonia 1,24 1,04 0,42 0,38 0,44 ene-11Moldavia 1,05 0,87 1,00 0,45 0,13 0,46 sep-11Netherlands 1,79 1,73 1,41 0,70 0,63 0,72 ene-10Norway 1,84 1,78 0,96 0,86 0,99 mar-11Pakistan 0,91 0,93 0,76 0,68 0,78 abr-12Poland 1,09 1,00 0,51 0,46 0,52 ene-10Portugal 1,35 1,11 0,45 0,40 0,46 mar-10Russia 0,75 0,73 0,25 0,22 0,26 jul-12Serbia 1,24 1,14 1,18 0,58 0,52 0,59 feb-11Slovakia 1,44 1,53 1,00 0,90 1,03 jun-12Slovenia 0,77 0,69 0,79 jun-11Spain 0,92 0,72 0,80 jun-11Sweden 1,54 1,49 1,44 1,31 1,29 jun-11Switzerland 1,40 1,36 1,43 1,11 0,96 1,05 jun-11Ukraine 1,09 0,98 0,94 0,65 0,58 0,66 may-12United Kingdom 1,27 1,29 0,92 0,82 0,94 ene-10

All data shown on this work sheet are the result of work conducted by NGVA Europe and the GVR. Thedata may not be manipulated and redistributed while maintaining the logos of NGVA Europe and the GVR.When using data for various summaries or graphs it would, however, be appreciated if you state that theinformation presented is based on data supplied via NGVA Europe and the GVR.

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April 2013 Gas Vehicles Report25

Worldwide NGV statisticsCountry

Natural Gas Vehicles Refuelling stations VRA Monthly gas consumption (M Nm3)

Last update

Total Cars/LDVs MD/HDBuses

MD/HDTrucks Others Total Public Private Planned

Average consumption


The consumption

in theory


Iran 3.300.000 3.293.948 6.036 16 1.960 1.925 35 400 480,00 611,03 78,6% December 2012Pakistan 2.790.000 2.609.500 500 180.000 2.997 2.997 245,75 480,21 51,2% March 2013Argentina 2.193.114 2.193.114 1.921 1.921 32 231,45 394,76 58,6% November 2012Brazil 1.733.469 1.733.469 1.793 1.793 7 163,60 312,02 52,4% October 2012India 1.500.000 1.469.004 23.376 715 6.905 724 405 319 163,21 335,47 0,0% February 2012China 1.500.000 1.089.070 299.025 61.905 50.000 2.800 2.600 200 400 9 1145,13 0,0% December 2012Italy 746.470 742.970 2.300 1.200 0 909 862 47 38 199 72,50 141,59 51,2% December 2011Thailand 421.762 362.000 12.000 46.000 1.762 481 456 25 0 285,17 138,28 206,2% December 2012Ukraine 388.000 19.400 232.788 135.793 19 324 132 192 40 8 52,00 810,49 6,4% May 2012Colombia 387.250 363.790 13.800 9.660 676 676 3 45,00 114,61 39,3% August 2012Uzbekistan 310.000 310.000 175 175 50 55,80 0,0% November 2011Armenia 244.000 192.000 17.300 34.700 345 9 336 26,52 114,22 23,2% September 2011Bangladesh 209.000 134.304 10.000 27.000 37.696 600 600 13 91,55 77,66 117,9% April 2013Egypt 178.000 176.354 1.299 347 160 156 4 38,00 35,66 106,6% October 2012Bolivia 254.722 254.722 156 156 46 26,28 45,85 57,3% December 2012Peru 136.662 136.651 11 189 189 18,56 24,63 75,4% May 2012USA 112.000 96.500 13.000 2.500 1.035 535 500 4.747 77,52 58,37 132,8% August 2012Venezuela 105.890 105.890 166 166 300 80 8,15 19,06 42,8% December 2011Germany 95.162 93.454 1505 145 58 904 838 66 100 804 23,00 21,46 107,2% June 2012Russia 86.012 55.002 12.900 18.060 50 250 210 40 15 4 30,40 63,06 48,2% May 2012Bulgaria 61.623 61.500 105 11 7 103 102 1 6 15,00 11,39 131,6% July 2012Malaysia 53.783 53.129 594 60 173 171 2 10 14,80 11,35 130,4% July 2012Sweden 44.000 41.571 1.800 627 2 195 143 52 20 21 11,40 13,38 85,2% June 2012Japan 41.463 16.102 1.542 22.015 1.804 329 287 42 2 612 25,23 0,0% March 2012South Korea 35.872 3.049 31.833 980 10 190 185 5 2 93,00 96,83 96,0% January 2012Myanmar 30.005 26.526 3.475 4 51 51 15,20 0,0% May 2012Canada 14.205 11.800 199 6 2.200 83 80 3 500 2,84 0,0% December 2011France 13.500 10.200 2.400 900 177 37 140 10 1.290 6,00 9,76 61,5% December 2011Switzerland 11.500 11.191 166 83 60 166 133 33 1 117 1,61 2,58 62,4% December 2011Tajikistan 10.600 10.600 53 53 4,13 1,91 216,5% December 2007Dominican Republic 10.000 10.000 14 14 100 0,09 1,80 5,1% March 2013Chile 8.164 8.055 109 15 15 28 1 3,20 1,78 180,1% December 2011Austria 7.065 6.900 150 15 203 173 30 12 13,50 1,70 792,3% June 2012Kyrgyzstan 6.000 6.000 6 6 0,60 1,08 55,6% December 2007Singapore 5.522 5.508 14 4 3 1 1,03 1,03344 0,996671311 December 2011Indonesia 5.690 4.850 570 20 250 7 7 4 2,61 0,0% December 2012Netherlands 5.202 4.277 707 216 2 153 85 68 40 558 3,06 0,0% June 2012Mexico 2.600 2.569 31 8 8 22 1,37 0,56 246,7% May 2012Belarus 4.600 4.600 42 42 1,03 0,83 124,4% September 2011Trinidad & Tobago 4.100 4.100 9 8 1 0,80 0,74 108,4% July 2011Czech Republic 5.000 4.490 385 55 70 61 46 15 10 85 1,27 2,01 63,2% June 2012Turkey 3.850 1.850 2.000 14 8 6 35 4,20 6,33 66,3% December 2011Australia 3.500 100 1.700 950 750 51 4 47 39 130 5,92 0,0% October 2011Spain 3.219 574 1.503 1.099 43 60 17 43 14 21 4,48 5,49 81,5% December 2011Kazakhstan 3.200 3.000 200 2 2 90 July 2012Georgia 3.000 3.000 50 50 0,54 0,0% August 2011Moldova 2.200 2.200 24 24 0,40 0,40 101,0% Septemebr 2011Poland 2.094 1.502 288 4 300 47 33 14 0,76 1,15 65,9% November 2011United Arab Emirates 1.751 1.750 1 17 16 1 18 1 0,32 0,0% September 2011Finland 1.300 1.188 75 15 22 19 18 1 10 0,42 0,45 92,0% December 2012Slovakia 1.170 775 320 75 14 10 4 15 1,00 1,16 86,2% June 2012Serbia 838 788 50 0 0 9 7 2 3 1 0,31 0,29 106,2% October 2012Norway 908 353 514 9 32 26 22 4 7 16,40 1,61 1015,9% June 2012Mozambique 661 500 150 11 2 2 2 0,24 0,54 44,4% July 2012Portugal 586 46 354 86 100 5 1 4 1 1,16 1,14 101,4% December 2011United Kingdom 559 20 3 496 40 22 5 17 5 10 3,00 0,41 729,2% December 2011Greece 526 6 412 108 0 3 3 1 1,32 0,0% December 2011Vietnam 462 400 50 12 7 7 July 2012Hungary 372 300 70 2 17 3 14 5 14 0,15 0,26 56,8% June 2012Belgium 355 335 3 9 8 15 10 5 10 15 0,08 0,0% June 2012Nigeria 345 260 85 6 6 0,11 0,0% November 2011Iceland 916 900 2 14 2 2 2 0,17 0,18 93,8% November 2012Luxembourg 253 214 39 7 6 1 2 2 0,06 0,16 35,7% July 2012New Zealand 201 19 61 84 37 14 14 0,26 0,0% December 2010Estonia 191 170 18 3 4 2 2 3 1 0,02 0,09 23,0% July 2012Lithuania 190 75 115 3 3 5 5 0,20 0,36 55,8% December 2011Lichtenstein 143 64 61 18 2 1 1 1 0,10 0,21 47,9% December 2011Croatia 143 64 61 18 1 1 1 0,08 0,21 38,3% December 2011Algeria 125 115 10 3 3 0,05 0,0% December 2011Philippines 71 11 60 3 1 2 0,18 0,0% October 2011Macedonia 54 7 47 1 1 3 0,02 0,14 14,8% January 2011Slovenia 41 21 20 6 1 5 1 4 0,008 0,06 12,5% June 2012Ecuador 40 40 1 1 0,01 0,0% May 2009Tunesia 34 32 2 1 1 0,01 0,0% December 2007Tanzania 52 52 1 1 2 0,01 0,0% August 2012South Africa 24 21 2 1 2 2 2 0,01 0,0% August 2010Bosnia & Herzegovina 21 20 1 2 2 2 0,01 0,0% June 2011Latvia 18 18 1 1 0,003 0,00 79,3% September 2011Panama 15 15 November 2008Denmark 14 14 1 1 July 2012Ireland 1 1 1 1 0,00 0,0% June 2012Turkmenistan 1 1 November 2009Montenegro 1 1 0,00 March 2006Afghanistan 2 1 1 May 2012Qatar 1 1 November 2012Total 17.105.450 15.758.979 698.112 365.711 282.648 21.077 18.723 2.353 1.784 9.447 2.281 5.237 43,6% March 2013

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Last twelve years evolution

26April 2013 Gas Vehicles Report

NGV and refuelling stations, 2002-2011

YearNGVs Fuelling stations

Population2003 3.254.841 6.6662004 3.850.657 7.8422005 4.687.230 9.0772006 5.647.314 10.6472007 7.546.636 12.2142008 9.560.284 14.5392009 11.152.339 16.9702010 13.136.556 18.745

Nov. 2011 14.422.009 20.6552002-2011 Nine years review


Increase Growth2003 944.867 41%2004 595.816 18%2005 836.573 22%2006 960.084 20%2007 1.899.322 34%2008 2.013.648 27%2009 1.592.055 17%2010 1.984.217 18%

Nov. 2011 1.285.453 10%2002-2011 8.842.365 383%

YearFuelling stations

Increase Growth2003 1.184 22%2004 1.176 18%2005 1.235 16%2006 1.570 17%2007 1.567 15%2008 2.325 19%2009 2.431 17%2010 1.775 10%

Nov. 2011 1.910 10%2002-2011 11.488 210%

NGVs Polpulation Fuelling stations Polpulation

NGVs Increase NGVs Growth

Fuelling stations Increase Fuelling stations Growth

Argentina 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

NGVs 630.548 755.671 879.587 1.164.839 1.348.126 1.459.236 1.429.973 1.678.230 1745677 1.820.601 1927007 2067548

Stations 871 982 1.049 1.152 1.330 1.494 1.636 1.744 1.806 1.856 1888 1911

CNG sold (MNm3) 1.681 1.851 2.041 2.649 3.062 3.186 3.061 2.940 2.659 2.806 2752 2909

Brazil 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

NGVs ... 284.751 380.515 642.844 826.364 1.052.295 1.325.823 1.467.219 1.588.331 1.631.173 1.664.847

Stations ... 265 506 667 905 1.206 1.411 1.575 1688 1777 1725

CNG sold (MNm3) 251 635 959 1.340 1.573 1.937 2.305 2.580 2.341 1.962 154,7

Germany 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

NGV (*) 6.829 10.509 14.420 19.105 27.175 38.933 54.772 77.191 85.000 91.890 96215

Stations 120 130 250 350 400 500 630 720 804 863 900 903

CNG sold in MWh 239.871 325.546 424.697 527.314 685.836 963.204 1.400.000 14.6 MNm3 315MNm3,6

Italy 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

NGV (LDVs) 296.358 327.643 344.306 335.205 326.104 358.488 410.000 432.900 523.100 676.850 772.984 779090

Stations 323 344 402 456 498 535 589 609 700 770 831 860

CNG sold (MNm3) 400 448 448 442 442 468 520 588 588 744,36 870

Sweden 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

NGVs 1.725 2.000 3.309 4.248 5.298 7.897 12.119 14.536 16.900 23.125 32.000 40.029

Stations 26 31 39 48 65 85 97 115 122 136 169 183

CNG and CBG sold (Nm3x1000) 13.950 16.678 20.125 25.434 28.872 35.450 43.856 53.636 58.126 67.000 7.730.000 138,9MNm3

Switzerland 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

NGVs 100 150 350 650 1.250 1.965 3.313 5.830 7.122 8.599 9.538 10.228

Stations 14 20 26 37 50 64 78 97 112 122 126 133

CNG and CBG sold (Nm3x1000) 841 995 1.576 1.859 2.281 3.054 4.423 658 10.200 13.150 19.050 19,32 MNm3

Russia 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

NGVs 23.900 26.700 32.500 41.000 57.400 70.800 75.000 85.000 103.200 100.000 86.000 86.000

Stations 195 199 207 207 211 214 218 220 221 236 249 252

CNG sold (MNm3) 82 100 113 136 171 236 286 308 326 333 343 365

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April 2013 Gas Vehicles Report27

Cities with CNG refuelling stationsCountry's share of the world's total NGVs and fuelling stations

CountryNatural Gas Vehicles Refuelling stations

Last updateTotal

% of total NGVsin the world

Total% of total fuelling

stations in the world

Country Number of cities Last update

Iran 3.300.000 19,29% 1.960 9,30% December 2012Pakistan 2.790.000 16,31% 2.997 14,22% March 2013Argentina 2.193.114 12,82% 1.921 9,11% November 2012Brazil 1.733.469 10,13% 1.793 8,51% October 2012India 1.500.000 8,77% 724 3,44% February 2012China 1.500.000 8,77% 2.800 13,28% December 2012Italy 746.470 4,36% 909 4,31% December 2011Thailand 421.762 2,47% 481 2,28% December 2012Ukraine 388.000 2,27% 324 1,54% May 2012Colombia 387.250 2,26% 676 3,21% August 2012Uzbekistan 310.000 1,81% 175 0,83% November 2011Armenia 244.000 1,43% 345 1,64% September 2011Bangladesh 209.000 1,22% 600 2,85% April 2013Egypt 178.000 1,04% 160 0,76% October 2012Bolivia 254.722 1,49% 156 0,74% December 2012Peru 136.662 0,80% 189 0,90% May 2012USA 112.000 0,65% 1.035 4,91% August 2012Venezuela 105.890 0,62% 166 0,79% December 2011Germany 95.162 0,56% 904 4,29% June 2012Russia 86.012 0,50% 250 1,19% May 2012Bulgaria 61.623 0,36% 103 0,49% July 2012Malaysia 53.783 0,31% 173 0,82% July 2012Sweden 44.000 0,26% 195 0,93% June 2012Japan 41.463 0,24% 329 1,56% March 2012South Korea 35.872 0,21% 190 0,90% January 2012Myanmar 30.005 0,18% 51 0,24% May 2012Canada 14.205 0,08% 83 0,39% December 2011France 13.500 0,08% 177 0,84% December 2011Switzerland 11.500 0,07% 166 0,79% December 2011Tajikistan 10.600 0,06% 53 0,25% December 2007Dominican Republic 10.000 0,06% 14 0,07% March 2013Chile 8.164 0,05% 15 0,07% December 2011Austria 7.065 0,04% 203 0,96% June 2012Kyrgyzstan 6.000 0,04% 6 0,03% December 2007Singapore 5.522 0,03% 4 0,02% December 2011Indonesia 5.690 0,03% 7 0,03% December 2012Netherlands 5.202 0,03% 153 0,73% June 2012Mexico 2.600 0,02% 8 0,04% May 2012Belarus 4.600 0,03% 42 0,20% September 2011Trinidad & Tobago 4.100 0,02% 9 0,04% July 2011Czech Republic 5.000 0,03% 61 0,29% June 2012Turkey 3.850 0,02% 14 0,07% December 2011Australia 3.500 0,02% 51 0,24% October 2011Spain 3.219 0,02% 60 0,28% December 2011Kazakhstan 3.200 0,02% 2 0,01% July 2012Georgia 3.000 0,02% 50 0,24% August 2011Moldova 2.200 0,01% 24 0,11% Septemebr 2011Poland 2.094 0,01% 47 0,22% November 2011United Arab Emirates 1.751 0,01% 17 0,08% September 2011Finland 1.300 0,01% 19 0,09% December 2012Slovakia 1.170 0,01% 14 0,07% June 2012Iceland 916 0,01% 2 0,01% November 2012Norway 908 0,01% 26 0,12% June 2012Serbia 838 0,00% 9 0,04% October 2012Mozambique 661 0,00% 2 0,01% July 2012Portugal 586 0,00% 5 0,02% December 2011United Kingdom 559 0,00% 22 0,10% December 2011Greece 526 0,00% 3 0,01% December 2011Vietnam 462 0,00% 7 0,03% July 2012Hungary 372 0,00% 17 0,08% June 2012Belgium 355 0,00% 15 0,07% June 2012Nigeria 345 0,00% 6 0,03% November 2011Luxembourg 253 0,00% 7 0,03% July 2012New Zealand 201 0,00% 14 0,07% December 2010Estonia 191 0,00% 4 0,02% July 2012Lithuania 190 0,00% 3 0,01% December 2011Lichtenstein 143 0,00% 2 0,01% December 2011Croatia 143 0,00% 1 0,00% December 2011Algeria 125 0,00% 3 0,01% December 2011Philippines 71 0,00% 3 0,01% October 2011Macedonia 54 0,00% 1 0,00% January 2011Slovenia 41 0,00% 6 0,03% June 2012Ecuador 40 0,00% 1 0,00% May 2009Tunesia 34 0,00% 1 0,00% December 2007Tanzania 52 0,00% 1 0,00% August 2012South Africa 24 0,00% 2 0,01% August 2010Bosnia & Herzegovina 21 0,00% 2 0,01% June 2011Latvia 18 0,00% 1 0,00% September 2011Panama 15 0,00% 0,00% November 2008Denmark 14 0,00% 1 0,00% July 2012Ireland 1 0,00% 0,00% June 2012Turkmenistan 0,00% 1 0,00% November 2009Montenegro 0,00% 1 0,00% March 2006Afghanistan 1 0,00% May 2012Qatar 2 0,01% November 2012Total 17.105.450 1 21.077 1 March 2013

Argentina 337 Nov. '12Armenia 37 Mar. '08Australia 3 Nov. '09Austria 162 Jun. '12Bangladesh 8 Nov. '05Belarus 16 Sep. '11Belgium 10 Jun. '12Bolivia 6 Dec.'12Brazil 300 Oct. '12Bulgaria 41 Jul. '12Chile 5 Dec. '07China 100 May.'12Colombia 78 May '12Croatia 1 Dec. '10Czech Republic 30 Jun. '12Denmark 1 Jul. '12Dominican Republic 3 Mar. '13Egypt 16 Apr '06Estonia 2 Jul. 12Finland 15 Dec. '12France 26 Aug. '02Germany 740 Dec. '10Greeece 2 Nov. 10Hungary 3 Jul' 12Iceland 2 Jan. '11India 42 Nov. '10Indonesia 2 Sept. '08Iran 597 Nov. '11Italy 150 Dec. '06Latvia 1 Sep. '11Liechtenstein 1 Sept. '04Lithuania 3 Sep. '11Luxembourg 1 Jun. '11Macedonia 1 Jan. '05Malaysia 12 Mar. '13Mexico 2 Mar.'12Moldavia 13 Sep. '11Mozambique 2 Aug. '11Myanmar 4 Oct. '11Netherlands 16 Dec. '08Norway 4 Jan. '10Pakistan 50 Apr. '08Peru 2 May '12Philippines 1 Oct.'05Portugal 5 Dec. '09Russia 198 May '12Serbia 3 Dec. '10Singapore 1 Jul. '05Slovakia 8 Feb. '10Slovenia 5 Jun. '12South Africa 1 Aug. '10South Korea 49 Jan. '12Spain 32 Jun. '10Sweden 77 Jun. '12Switzerland 20 Jun. '11Tanzania 1 Oct. '10Taiwan 1 Apr'. 05Thailand 39 Aug '08Trinidad & Tobago 11 Dec. '07Tunisia 1 Oct. '07Turkey 2 Aug. '04United Arab Emirates 4 Jul. '11United Kingdom 5 Nov. '04Venezuela 26 Jun. '11Total 3.337

Europe Worlwide

2.353 3.337

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28April 2013 Gas Vehicles Report

NGV’s statistics balance

Best growth in filling stations by number (China, India, and Italy are not yet included)

Best growth in NGV population by % Best growth in fuelling station population by %

World’s top 10 NGV countries

NGV x 1.000Round up figures

Increase 2009-2010Increase 2009-2010

Venezuela India Pakistan Sweden Thailand Peru Iran Bolivia Egypt Germany

2009 20.000 700.000 2.250.100 23.125 130.748 81.029 1.734.431 122.812 119.598 85.000

2010 43.000 1.100.000 3.500.100 32.000 219.024 99.260 2.070.930 140.400 137.126 91.890

Increase 115% 57% 56% 38% 35% 22% 19% 14% 14% 7%

Pakistan Iran Colombia Brazil Sweden Thailand Malaysia Armenia Bolivia Argentina

2009 3.000 1.079 485 1.704 136 391 120 275 128 1.851

2010 3.300 1.490 614 1.783 169 423 148 303 156 1.875

Difference 300 411 129 79 33 32 28 28 28 24

Pakistan India Iran Argentina Thailand Venezuela Bolivia Egypt Colombia Brazil

2009 2.250.100 680.380 1.728.909 1.813.777 130.748 20.000 122.812 119.598 276.180 1.632.101

2010 3.500.100 1.069.380 2.065.566 1.891.186 219.024 43.000 140.400 137.126 291.945 1.646.955

Difference 1.250.000 389.000 336.657 77.409 88.276 23.000 17.588 17.528 15.765 14.85

Iran Peru Colombia Sweden Malaysia Bolivia Pakistan Armenia Thailand Egypt

2009 1.079 94 485 136 120 128 3.000 275 391 119

2010 1.490 127 614 169 148 156 3.300 303 426 129

Increase 38% 35% 27% 24% 23% 22% 10% 10% 9% 8%

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 Dec-12

Pakistan 200 410 475 700 1000 1650 1900 2250 2500 2851 3100

Iran 1 15 64 148 612 846 1638 2033 2859 3300

Argentina 735 824 1089 1288 1457 1416 1685 1741 1821 1927 2032 2173

Brazil 272 372 615 804 1011 1253 1512 1573 1614 1662 1694 1730

India 25 101 159 222 222 335 822 822 700 700 1100 1500

China 36 55 80 82 97 127 201 336 500 500 600 1500

Italy 370 370 401 381 382 413 433 580 588 677 761 746

Ukraine 35 40 45 55 67 67 120 120 200 200 200 388

Colombia 9 9 19 48 72 114 252 270 300 313 349 387

Best growth in NGVs by number (Armenia, China, and Italy are not yet included)

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CNG station

network expansion

Enlarging Heavy-Duty NGVs in Africa

Volume II Number 5 April 2012

Number 69 November 2012


USD375 M from 2012-

2013 national budget

for CNG infrastructure

LNG deals

Gazprom MoU and

contact with Japan

and India

Asian countries to

increase CNG network

BBuilding up infrastructure

across the countryBuilding up infrastructure

across the countryNew actions push fueling stations network New actions push fueling stations network

US Governmenthelp bus operators

modernize fleets

Governors askedOEMs to produce

more CNG vehicles

EnergyDepartmentfunds NGV

breakthrough technologies


::: Interview: Encana shows the key challenges to face

::: First liquefied biomethane station in Canada

::: Pioneer adds 225 natural gas fueled trucks to its fleet

Number 3 – September 2012

NGV System

Mariarosa Baroni,

new President.

NGV Global 2012

The day has come.

Volume 11 #9

Number 130

November 2012

Special coverage

LNG in Amsterdam

Learn everything about

LNG4Trucks&Ships, a key

event for the industry.


El BusCaracas, rebautizado como “Línea 7 del Metro”, contará con una flota de 30 modernos autobuses a

gas natural de 18,1 metros. El servicio, que se encuentra en período de prueba por algunas semanas y en

forma gratuita, cubrirá un recorrido por once estaciones, desde Las Flores (San José) hasta Los Ilustres

(Valle-Coche), en la capital venezolana. Según informaron las autoridades, se espera trasladar a unas 30

mil personas diariamente. Paralelamente, se realizaron pruebas de carga de combustible en una nueva

estación diseñada para consumo propio, con el fin de determinar los aspectos técnicos del proyecto.


Nicolas Rodriguez Peña 2464 c.p.5001, Barrio Alta Cordoba, Argentina -Córdoba - Tel/Fax: 54-351-4711396 - www.sgv.com.ar

Sistema integrado de alta tecnología para la conversión de vehículos a GNC / GLPDiseño e innovación en el desarrollo de productos

adaptados a las exigencias de los actuales vehículos

Año III Nº 25 // Octubre 2012

EL SISTEMA EXPRESO COMIENZA SU OPERACIÓN PRECOMERCIALCaracas lanza transporte masivo con buses a GNVCuliacán también apuestaLa instalación de un gasoductoen Sinaloa abrió la posibilidad depensar en un transporte públicocon autobuses a GNV, tal comopregona la Federación deTransportistas de la región. El sector trabaja junto al gobierno del Estado para que lainiciativa sea una realidad, yaque consideran que es factibleobtener fondos con una mociónde estas características.

Colombia: demuestran ahorro del 50% en la utilización del gas natural vehicular

La multinacional energética estuvo a cargo de un recorrido del que participaron unidades a GNV

de distinto porte y que permitió comprobar la reducción de costos de combustible, en

comparación con el precio de la gasolina. Durante el viaje, los vehículos sortearon exitosamente

diversos terrenos -entre ellos, pendientes pronunciadas- y se abastecieron gracias a la

suficiente oferta de estaciones de carga que existe en la zona.


El potencial del GNLA mediados de septiembre, sedesarrolló en Ámsterdam unworkshop internacional dedicadoa abordar la actualidad y futurodel gas natural líquido paracamiones y embarcaciones.Además de las diversas charlasque cubrieron un amplio rangode perspectivas sobre el tema,los asistentes al evento participaron de tour técnico enuna estación donde pudieronapreciar la tecnología de carga yde un viaje en un bote a GNV porlos canales de Ámsterdam.


Julio / Agosto de 2012

Año V Nº 35Lima // República de Perú

[email protected] // www.ngvjournal.com

Presidencia presentó proyecto de ley para profundizar el consumo del gas natural

A fines de julio, el Poder Ejecutivo dispuso la transferencia 200 millones de soles del Organismo Supervisor

de la Inversión en Energía y Minas (Osinergmin) al Fondo de Inclusión Social Energético (FISE) para llevar

a cabo el objetivo, que involucra tanto al sector vehicular como al residencial. En un mensaje a la

República, el mandatario comunicó que se priorizarán “las zonas altoandinas más deprimidas”.



El gerente general de la asociación, Jorge Del Castillo, sostuvo que, si se alcanzan las 151 mil

transformaciones cuando finalice el año, representaría un incremento del 20 por ciento respecto de la

cifra lograda en diciembre de 2011. La demanda de kits proviene principalmente de automóviles y

camionetas que, en un alto porcentaje, se destinan al servicio de taxi y al uso particular. Según precisó el

directivo, el incremento de los traspasos va de la mano con la extensión de la red de carga en Lima y

provincias: en total, existen 190 gasocentros operativos en el país.


Esperan alcanzar las 150 milconversiones durante 2012

Fuerte apuesta en ArequipaLos transportistas locales

pudieron apreciar los beneficios

de la utilización del GNV en eltransporte público, como parte

de una muestra realizada en laciudad que organizó Cofide. El

Alcalde Provincial, AlfredoZegarra Tejada, mostró su interés

en la introducción del gas natural

en el proyecto Arequipa Bus, al

tiempo que sugirió que, con suimplementación, podrían construirse

cinco gasocentros en la zona.

Facilitan acceso al GNV La Caja Metropolitana de Lima

financió, en los últimos cincoaños, más de 50 mil conversiones y

la compra de 8.000 automóvilesnuevos equipados con el

sistema. A fines de julio, ÓscarVivanco, gerente de la entidad,

informó que 265 choferes habían

ingresado al programa “TaxiMetropolitano”, luego de su

reciente relanzamiento. En estecontexto, también se realizó el

primer Taxi Show, que presentó al

público vehículos a gas natural.

6 -10 de noviembreBanamex Center, Pavilion A

Ciudad de Méxicowww.ngv2012.com

6 -10 de noviembreBanamex Center, Pavilion A

Ciudad de Méxicowww.ngv2012.com

Octubre de 2012

Año XXIII Nº 282 // Buenos Aires // República Argentina

[email protected] // www.prensavehicular.com


[email protected]



Inversiones en Vaca MuertaFracRock International dio a conocer

a través de un comunicado de prensa

que firmó un acuerdo para explorar

el yacimiento de gas no convencional.

A través de sus equipos de fracturamiento hidráulico, la compañía

británica proporcionará tecnología

de avanzada para evaluar cuálesson las zonas más beneficiosas de

la formación y así reducir al mínimo

el número de etapas de producción.

Representantes de las empresas Suncell Bahiense, Gas Natural Fenosa, Tatsa y Galileo formaron parte

de las pruebas realizadas a bordo del ómnibus propulsado íntegramente a GNC –pionero en el país- por

parte del personal del servicio de transporte público, cuyo recorrido se extiende entre el Puente Uriburu

y la localidad bonaerense de Benavídez. La experiencia tuvo lugar en Valentín Alsina y permitió que

ocho conductores de la empresa participaran de los ensayos y expresaran sus impresiones sobre la

operación del vehículo. Prensa Vehicular dialogó en exclusiva con los mentores del proyecto, quienes

reafirmaron la aprobación de los trabajadores de la emblemática línea de colectivos.

La antesala del gran eventoLa 13ª Conferencia y Exhibición

bienal de NGV Global, que sedesarrollará a comienzos de

noviembre, propone, además decharlas de primer nivel y una

muestra integral de productos yservicios, conocer a fondo el

encanto de la cultura mexicana.Descubra algunos de sus

atractivos turísticos y los detallesde una cena de gala que

convertirán al viaje de negociosen una experiencia inolvidable.


El primer bus dedicadosuperó test con la Línea 15


Suscríbase Ahora !



Encuentro internacional marcó el presente y futuro del GNL

Ámsterdam fue escenario del evento LNG4Trucks&Ships, que brindó un panorama exhaustivo en lo que

respecta al negocio del gas natural líquido para camiones y embarcaciones. Además de las diversas

charlas, que cubrieron un amplio rango de perspectivas sobre el tema, la cita convocada por la NGVA

Europe incluyó un tour técnico por una estación que presenta una innovadora tecnología de carga y un

itinerario en un bote a gas natural por los canales de la ciudad capital.


This online newspaper exclusively covers

the NGV market in theUnited States and

Canada. It is one of the most active ones, whose

share in the NGV sector grows

exponentially every year.

www.ngvjournal..usA multimedia portal in the service of the industry.NGV Journal, the first worldwide NGV newspaper.


NGV AfricaThe most audacious project of NGV

Comm. Group has arrived in the Africancontinent where NGV finds an immediate

option for development in nearly ten national markets.

Asian NGV CommunicationsThis is a magazine specially conceived tobroadcast NGV activity in one of the most active regions of the world: Asia-Pacific.

NGVJournal.us magazineThe latest and most important facts of

the US & Canada NGV market.

The Gas Vehicles ReportIt has been monthly issued since January

2002 and its objectives are clearly defined by its slogan “a voice from

Europe to the world, in the service of ecology and economy”.

GNV LatinoaméricaThis publication offers the chance to enter

one of the largest and most active regions of the world for the NGV industry.

Prensa VehicularSince 1988, it has published more than280 issues. This magazine is a pioneerand dean of CNG worldwide, with 24

years of a non-stop activity.

Prensa Vehicular PerúPioneer  magazine pioneer on this fuel in

the country and undisputed leader.


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4th NGVA Europe International Show & WorkshopsNatural Gas – Biomethane - CNG – LNG – Hydrogen Blends Vehicles

The Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre

/Svenska Mässan

4th NGVA Europe International Show & WorkshopsNatural Gas – Biomethane - CNG – LNG – Hydrogen Blends Vehicles

The Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre

/Svenska Mä[email protected]

An event of


Hosted by


Sponsor Gold


Sponsor Bronze


Organized by
