Old testamen tgrade6

The OLD TESTAMENT aka Hebrew Scriptures

Transcript of Old testamen tgrade6

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The OLD TESTAMENTaka Hebrew Scriptures

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• The Pentateuch includes the first five books in the bible

• “Pentateuch” means “five scrolls”

• These books are also called the Torah or the Books of the Law

• They tell about the beginnings of God’s people, the Israelites

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• The books of the Pentateuch (Torah/Law) tell key stories about:- Creation- The Covenant, or promise between God and

His people- The journey of the Israelites to the Promised Land- The Law of Moses – aka the Ten Commandments

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- Genesis- Exodus- Leviticus- Numbers- Deuteronomy

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• The Historical Books were written to show important events in the history of the Jewish people, and God’s role in these events

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- Joshua | - 2 Chronicals- Judges | - Ezra- Ruth | - Nehemiah- 1 Samuel | - Tobit- 2 Samuel | - Judith- 1 Kings | - Esther- 2 Kings | - 1 Maccabees- 1 Chronicals | - 2 Maccabees

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• The Wisdom Literature showed the Israelites how to act as God’s people

• These books include proverbs, poetry and prayers that brought the people closer to God

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- Job- Psalms- Proverbs- Ecclesiastes- Song of Songs- Wisdom- Sirach

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• The Prophetic Books tell about the messages of the prophets

• When people had turned away from God and had fallen into sin, the prophets reminded them of God’s love and of their covenant with Him

• The prophets also spoke of the Savior that was to come

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Major Prophets Minor Prophets- Isaiah - Hosea | - Nahum - Jeremiah - Joel | - Habakkuk- Lamentations - Amos | - Zephaniah- Baruch - Obediah | - Haggai- Ezekial - Jonah | - Zecheriah- Daniel - Micah | - Malachi

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• The Dead Sea Scrolls - some of the only surviving Biblical

documents written before 100 AD

- they were discovered in a cave in Qumran in Israel in 1947

- the scrolls include almost every book in Hebrew Scriptures

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Israel (Palestine) in the time of Jesus




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QUMRAN,Where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found

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Cave and opening where the scrolls were found

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The scrolls were found in several of these jars

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