Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski NY... · -**^S tmttfc^x T^*. "Z£im!£ii«#*»^^ '•srcr...

-**^S tmttfc^x T^*. "Z£im!£ii«#*»^^ '•srcr QUICKSjco$ tTourthot Joly, 1850. Grand Triumphal Exhibition COLLXCTIO* or Br THX r^rr Asm jucjmacar .'•y : ;'*':'5yir^^ v Containing the TwoIrtonense(CcUectiiom at Van An-, burs It C&, and June. Thus, Angerlne Jr. Co.. will, be eX- mbitedm theettyof Boftoiocn » •"»>• - ••':"': iTCowlay o»d Xamday, Jnlr 22d iaud 23d, ',,....:-; ^JTO&TWO DAYS ONLY. ~f t ;--v;;-.' f*?^* XiQfstftoft'Oft O^HirffQP J PPC»flfttT'rWlff'' %%l " , '' f , * v ' tmttat Admission 33 cent*.. Children under ten years of Mebalf price. 'V-, ; .-•:'> '.'• ..'..;.-,.:•:...-..-„-, ..... ,;. The pcocrssJOn wflT be preceded by the new and beami- /ulCreeJan or Musical A CTOMATODEON, constructed »ftrrtoexoodel of AncientChariots, is theme** costly and eorjeon* style, beinr 21 feettolength, and 18 feet in height, drawn by 14beautiful dapple grey horses, and willmake todr Grand Procession throogh the principalstreet*, to the placeot exhibition,wherethe puWlc-willhaveanopportu- nity of witnessing one of, toe largest collections of Animal*• evrr on tfcW'continent. V, "•'•' ; •"'';'''"'.',•. "•'•• p. a. For particular*see large and small biltaac the dif- ferent Hotel*. - v ^ VT <:^;; v ^..E^JiMlStOl^'AgwUil J.dyl. »850: ? v . Jyld*wt23 -^Fottrtfe of JpJyl Splendid ExhlbltlouofFlro "Work»S •';;. ; AT;MQ^IS',GARDEN f W -. :' Canurof Mai* OMA T»pptr u sirtstSt Bvffal*. >• ' ••"'. '-'":*;•;"" •'••..•-•••v,-' -•"', , ' t i ,,_ ...-';;., f . .••',-.. ! r ,>:,. f 1 L-8V* MORRISIs determined thateach sue- ceedtocr exhibition on the Annfvemry of our na- tional Independence abaUexcrcd, both In number of pieces, sod brilliancy of color*.: any previous one. The present extobhJon wiii U>erefbfo be the .'most'?.' • •• .'-'•.?«'•/? '•'-•; '••"'. r>/.-.--';;..-' .:i->*.. : ! BRILLIANT. AFFAIR of the kind ever exhibited to this c i t y . " ; , ? BepartJeulaHnnndJncJ.S; Mos.Rt** Garden, Manufacturer of Flro Work* tor Public Exhibi- tion*. •:•:••" ' •'•-•''••••-- .•; '.".•• •;•}.' Committee*foreiryand country dhrplaya,\Jtfcr» ehantoanddealer* In eeneral arcnollclted to call IcCorvpurchasingcfeewliere. c ; 'v. l i e nan ftpared no expetuuif^ot Jabor, In.hi* &r- ranpemenn* lor* the celebration In BalTaio.aad I* coofldent tlmt ihi* exhIWtloa of FIre-VVorJt* will gire •ati«f«etJo«i.toall who attend':- . •, , The work* arc warrauicd to-be «*perJor.io any other, comblninft >'oveliy and Color licrctofore un- known In ChetMlcal ana Mechanical "Art/and^of too Rreata variety to- enumerate In fJilJ. lie ha* ma#lea numhCT.of NewandJExTeatlvericce*,ihe naroerof whlcharra* fotJow*:" .,.-.;'•. TaeRo«tn^V*ac»,changBtotfStarriece.' ' Ciwctxor Jortr«a»' ,<••-•<•.''^MAXTVOWSX. .vy-•*•.!••'< •> ?*t»ittn Fr-nwaa,:' ; . PKHOWA " The fperUicatioo ot which would be too fortfftopnMMi. Hcboprf it will»» »ufBcient to *ay,tbat there wilt be, hc- >ide» aJargequantity of »mall workif. Twenty LARGE PJc« c»» The wtilbitioir will compose in addition, an Jmirien»c andvaKegated •electionof ^ » V « > ; « 5 <*•/•; .;..,>.-^--.. S P L E N D I D F I R E W O B K S ! ; Among which are Ccneal IJchu o f all colo^'Wcroow,'; TanraruuadCji, aand*wm«, TowerbilltonxriylngnDrafions,' Shell* of varloti*eUinKc« fc . 4t lftuaUSky. Spiral. .Honorary.^ Cadoce<if, Table, Seroll and llainbow Rockets'; niiiclf, hor- izontal Peuraln HtamluatcJ. *piral,:anxony,'balloon' vtVnl. ' cal, capricJoua, fareloua and -thunder Wheels of every col- on pyratutd* of Roman Candles} Jack hi the Vox ami Mines:.rftlnjj tun». »cttlusr wns, Jessamine and Cbinnw Trfw.Glran4loie Wheel with rockets and mines; Peruvian 4 Cro»»es,l*almTrees»MesJean 8un*,'Saxon r ricec, Italian Piece*, fan Piece, the Grand CIrqucrPiece, Figure Piece, Bsueriesot Roman Candle*, with the Mines blowing, up; Mornina Star, EvenlngsMar. Quadrangular Piece, illumina- ted Trees of Roman Candle*. Mnhese Cross* Revolving Circular, CTwriRcaJilc Flowers, 1 Humiliated.ChandeiienC the Nl^bt Blooming Piece.True Lover's Knot, or UteMagic Circle, Star of Malta. Boqnetln Silver Fire, St; Georire^ Tarjw, Rechiveor Ku»Wcm of Jmhwtry, the .Wreath of Jrls, a Cerb Piece, North Poinv Star, Ac^cXihe most brilliant Fires.""." ".''.' : , .,«'^ ,:"-•••/>;''• .-"••• * ' ,~ To sonclude whh T«3tPKK*J<eir Tarexvn, which will eororoence withihe well known motto ^IndVpcndence/' in Lance work, after which follows the great Jubilee of the D a y . ••-</.'-*•»'•'— •--:> '•'•"'•..'••'•;-: •*.•• > - ; . . . •' ...••/.'..-' .• This pleeeeornrocnee* with three Vcrdcal wbeds of Am- ber, brilliant Bayooctaod SJIyer Fires, with an illuminated cenOeof erimson and green, changing to a superb and tn- uapbahrAreb^'drvergtmritwrf to a splendid Dome, with the lerery lutei woven whh brimantcolow, and n)«oihe mil- itary chequer work of Chinese Spangled Gerb Fire* extend- in? aloojt tne'entirefront, covering a »pacc of more, than Ties Humdrtd F*tt cf Fir$, exhibiting. In one view all the dUferent dlamondi, a display«of Chinese colored fires, and hve pointed star#,and Mosaic double Saxon work of silver, fire, illutnlnaled with crimson and.preen, formlns the, ap- pearance- of a' beantifur Rosette; bright'.'array o f extreme brflllaacV, showing ateach extreme end a Pyramid Fouri^ tain of Boman Candles,, embeiilsbed alternately with a eoobination of crimson, green, purple and orangefires,tcr- mloatlng with Mosaic BanerJevfiHlngTbe'air for two hun- dred feet with thousand* of. brilliant meteors, and ending wimarrenKndou*explostoru.. r -., . ........;. .-• , During the evening there will bb arocst Splendid '"" BAEEOON' ASCENSION : :.^S,>>yu^A ( ,it^.ifi^i»-at*>.''"^wH*''*^;^ A 'f^^^^,' N *:^* ( ^^ 3 '••"'•'' :,'•• Cek C'.H. itxWxuxims.SIarthaL' '•'; ^v^>;>^.^MUiiaTy-Band..^i^%r-«'.' r>h : :>r l ,,^&&vt*ix and Badtk^ '"'"•' /t'Eidi^sfJEk^Wi^'PartcaC^'' .'•?''•-';••' "'•> -'?•: «, ^.tfi .i^StAadreWaaocfcty.^.''' - ^ - :,,t; ' M % ,,,^.. : ^..^..-..>f%)f>«.oI,Erin^'--v ..'"••' '•-: i; :-'--'^r^.^'' ^^.'V..jI^^'-AJcw*tas*^iety^':v ; - i.<;-.->": •'.••• > ; . OOwSoerJe^atxording toSenfarity. ; .'•-••;••.' -x^»v •-•^•".•'j'.*:.^ Cen.iats->rD*f.t sa»d StafI;;; 1 ' '';',"' y':'.'•" •• I t ! :; J .!f^Oatamrbf^Arm>and:Na^;;^ , V'-: Mayt^an^/Vjrporsriw'c^ 2^ :r : ;* "'^f\;rCoc«rd^ :^.^'i;v : •*.;'.• y :,.*.'-C3en{y#.''if'*'•.'••• '',• '•'••'•-;.' .'; v * v l / •' , ." ,; -.-', ^•"f;;^''^T.r'CWet».oV : ^<^^ ' Aid--T.Psa^o*vCh^Marshal--Ald. P...^,..-; Sattonnl Division. "*•-« ;•;.'••/••: r'i-v^. ;••• v <}tand.Iliriiidoo'ofNew'Y«*vv'';;. <-, : : ;i '' '',••••'•; ..fy'^Crand'Cboductor. 11 ;/^''V' v -: ;,; ' '•;•' ", •' :.- ••,,:,'. ;•••, <3randDrrWon Banner. »' '.' ; : ^pporter—G.W.F^-^dpporter. . ; ;^ O. W-A>-Orahd Char»Ialn—P.O. W* F. , . ! \ rGtandS^ejetarjr—Grand Treasurer. :; v " j;. ,. ; ^-•>.-•:• p.G^W;'P.'a^our:nbreast; ";:.'"'•'' i; X''\-' "'• v '* : ' '"* : Memher*i-Four nbreast* ' '•''''""' '&" ilHVw > v Grand SentlrieL •'; '•' '",'.••' •(•.-,;• ^ GrandDW»3onof(imftdaTVest. i-v"' ' y .'•,'• ,;.•;,(in same order.y'.' •'.'; : L ' ; ' :> --'- •"'"Other States if represented. •'' v .. f Sobcrtina»TOirWon* In the following order, bcsfanlhg ¥•• •.••.^'".'•.^•' , with'No. L." ' •; J.-;"'-.::--, . •:' " r s .-, 'X-A.«> -^f.--;'^'i.s.-with'Stain. ".'.::7;*•-:•;,' • 1 "'7"": •i.ry-'«-i; J '-!<^;^>.^ ;.• Banner,'.'.-'- \ '"''.7 77.7".. 7 '• . 7 y Cirith8taCW. P>-AiC. with Staff '."7 p, ; cw, vi'ii... yfi A. Chspialn, p: W.P^ .•;•;.': '• ;••;": v,_;.»•.,..,; w-..„ -v r . r . u. p.—A.R.S.: '." ,''"-;• ii'; •••>*:•••'!" •^7 7-';F..s.-T.7.,^' i ; ;.,; • : ': r •.'. :, " J -'" '•';;'••••.'•-••. "';:•..Trostecs.:.:-", ' .'". " ^ .. . „.,,.; - ••' '7 ;! -''jvrcmliersfonr;'nbreast.7''' •'&•'•'".' ^,".'.,7':'-i-' -••-"9*S-. w iih.S«afJl. v y ',' .;'-.'• , r.?4 /,; '.r'^lTr-'^Qi&nsand-S^rangerav 7 •• . rTbe> procesalon will fonn on Niagara. street— n^hixtkmecaMAm.i,i , :^. .••.; •'ThfdiSertxitaocietiea uniting in this;.celebration are earnestly reqacated to be on the groond prompt- ly at 10 o'clock, to ovoid delay in forming the' pro- •ceMion«.'^7;y,.^7;;7^^ :' ;.; ITie JElxscnlivb : Comrnhteo' will bo found at the Phelps;;Hpn*e frbri. 8 A. Ml . Gen, H. B. Fotteri ' : Ch»vmw-' : ^^^ '.'.;:'_,';. '-, ;,' r ' ^.'•••'• r ':7-;-'..;' oaDKE:or^Micfsxs.';' - y^>'-,sV- ; .-y 7. Maalc—Star Spaugled Banner. '; 7 ,.:-'.'.y ; : ^••;,;.'"; j^Prayeri r 7;; ; .';.'y';;"/ r ';., 7 Reading of r^ciaration of Independence. After%htch,;bddresses wiHWdelivered by the following gentlemen. ^' ,; : iHonTH.B. Stanton; RovJ.^-W.BeecheW : TRer. Prof. Sesger, John B.|Googb; Esq. .... ;1.Ail tho P.: ^^^^jM.^w^^!ffJ9g^^.iiM Grand Division, are, requested to form with the Grand; Division* of this Stale, if their own ia not represented."''\-',;:'"' J ^'"' -' J 7.7'. ';;';"•;".. ;,V7 r 7 Genl CHAS. H. S; WULLIAMS, r ;.':.. :• T. PARSON/ •->•'-7 •.•.-.. ^..v ?•' '!>••;>,;•,.7 '.';.y^--.SPJE«aI.-AnM.7r .';- ; W. W. HotrnscTow, G. J s Wiair^W 'O. Hr P. CHAJSPLUT, - J. D. SXWTKU. 1,0-. ! *4 I '(U ; ..XBE ASSAitt TEA COMsPANY^^ , The proprietors Dcg* to call the attention of ,connolascur« in.Tea, and the ueads of.familics; to die caotcs and IURK TEAS jniported^by tlwm,; and hitherto unknown iiv this .eouniov wldch..by Uicir fragrance and delicacy, combined wUhvlrgln purtry.andntrciigUi, produce an Infusion of sur- paj«ing richness and flavor. 7 7„, ..•,. 7'.. ,-',.,,;.„ , ' The Teas offered arc the following:—' . :, - Tljc Jeddo Blooin.a Black Tea, at.. ... .'©1 00 <? ft,./ Niiil>on...^,.. .•.. .do .... ,. :.,i ;.. ? * .:'. 0 15 do Plari. . i . ....... do . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 50 do Oaacca,-.. .a Green T e a . .... . . . . 1 00 do *•< Too.tslaa.: . . .... do.,, .0 7A do- . ,«• Tlckl-islan..:. '. .. v.do.. 0,50 do ** ' Ud-fl Mixture, a compound of the most , rare and cliolcc Teas grown on tho fcrt lc nnd genial soil of Ansara ... ' .... ,.;„> '. . . , . 1 00 do With a view to cucouraircthc Introduction of these match- less Teas, It is the Intention of the proprietors to distribute bv Jot, among die purchaser*, a quantitvof Ten, oqual to tAeJrtt year's prqfiu ondie sales cflbcted. Each purchawu will receive enclosed In U»c packnge. a numbered certift- cale. entitling him to one chance In the distribution, for cv- ry fifty cents laid out, and on tljc rcceipta nmotititing to 82J,00O,.thepndermentioned parceladf T e a . t o the value ten per cent', or itcot&pus*md dollars, will, be given away, a* bonuses, accordlngto the followlmr scales . t ^ 5 Prizes of 501 ha. Tea each at &l «> lb. 250Q»s.or S250 750 do' ' 2SIbs. "•'•/ *f •• *• 500,'* ..•«' 5U0 50 do 10 Jbs. ** '"."**. •* ••fiOO.M"•« 500 100 do- '•'•S-'ft*. '•"** " " ""•«•: *• "500" •*' 500 •*Ji50 "--do ""' r 'tJbs^''** : --- «••••"••.'*••«'-Vr 1 -250'•«.' •«' ; '250 Bobnor*» Celebrated BroaaTBand, Fyiu*iM*f>b*btr,will be la attendance ahdgive snu- siealentenaiuraent.<.,.,.,.....,,,! •:*,.-:•-.,-.'.;.-•*.•:''!•' •;•*.£• •••*••• > Should the weather prove anlhvbrahlc,' the exhibition, will be po»<poned until the first fine evening. * 7 '''••-> •..'•• -• E27* Tbe Garden will beopen from 2 to i o'clock P.M., JVs* tf CkMTge to those who, wish to sec iheFlre-Work* put up for the evening. '.,•"'. '"'"•' Admittance to tbeGardcn daring the exhibition ' * 25 s cents; •SewTved seats50cents.^ "'.•'>; •..:.. '"•• v uxx <fe- CJ^Dooriopcn atj o'clock-, to commence at 8| P. M. . « 5 Prizes In a l l . - * • ' • . 2,000Ibs. 8*i000 "• Those person* who rrrefer lower priced Teas, can receive their prizes in proportion, or "they will Ixsrc-purchased for cash, at a reduction of 10 percent. 7 .237*Country Agents required. Application* to be ad- dressed-(rjc*tpaidO! to the Company's .Depot, as above. ...-xnyjjo.v^,-^, »"...,- ; 7''y'; , ',';..7 , 7:; •%^-H::-;->mi]sa' *», d0y4 WATCHES, JEWELRY Jc SELV>BTTABE j I.' P. PITKIN,has ree*vedhis SprlngStoekof the vahcwejcodsvcorjjprislns a< great vaxiety.of new and ; . beamifal articles, whica arc now open and ready tor inspection. ,„, ^••• i .-.<-n: i,... •.••,„.•:•.' Particuiar attention has been paidtodie selection of ' '--1 ••; '••'' • -" w ">' ; *'"TrATCHES;''-' .'' '7 V "' ; ~ m regard to their qoalhy a* v ttroe-keerier*. ' Probably my stock comprises a* great a variety, in both Cold and Silver esses, as can be found at any other establishment in this city. Great pains has been taken to sclectJhe nrst'quallty of Gold l»Jewelry, of which-all the newsr^Jes -have been received,-'Amongthogreat variety of Rroacfi5»;EarRings,' Charms, Buckles. Chains, &c. ice., die n»Jsm»tidiou3caii- naihiitobe-suhed/'" •'• , ^."•-• - 7"-, f ••..••••", Your attention t* partieatarty called to the laree stock of :•> B O C S E K E E « * E N € i A B T X C E E S , r socbasTea Seta. Cake Baskets, Candlesticks, Table Mats, Ac ssc: In the wayof FANCY GOODS, it is impossible io«aaraerated»Irextentandvariety,' -,yy".•.-,.• >•< ,• .•,./-.•.•, Call and examinetoryourselves, and If. variety and qual- ity will not Induce you to purchase, I have but one other «barmmore pocent—Otaarsxas. I will not^^^be vndcnold. Bememberbetorerjurehasinetocahat••;-.v.:^>»..-:'',•.'...- in _ . - . y ^ p T K J N ' S JEWELRY STORE. ?*P» , ^ ; 100 ^Iain street. , 1 ,^;:7'^:;:CIXy'FEBKACE»,,:7' :;; ; J; y , / / T 'HE subscribers respeciiully anuouiice to tbepublfc tiiat they have establlahed a FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, on dweornerof Elk and Mississippi streets, where , Uiey will be happy: to serve all who. may want anything' In ihCtf HOC.: ...'• .. > :.,'.- . ;.-,,;-,,;.. •.•.•-.7.. ,-•.•.'".'::-.;• .. * Having been practically engaged for the last twenty years In the various branches of Eugine Work. Mill Gearing; Pattern Making, and also Mlilwrlpht Work, tliey are pre- pared to furnish Steam Engines, widi the most modern im- provement, '...'•- -,..';< •• '.y'y.-'. ..'..••,•-";•'. ^,-7 All kinds of iMachlncry tor MJJU Work, fitted up in die bestmanner. - - ,7. ,... ;-."'> •••'-.• ..... ; .- «•, ••;'••• .-.--' ..... -„. . ; >Vc will rfveZif required, die necessary calculations and plana for Flouring Mills, Saw Mills, Distilleries, Tanneries, Pomp Machinery, &c«. :..••< ,y ( : .. .-. ;.We will also.make Hydraulic Presses, Hoisting Machine- ry, Car Wheels, Horso Powers: also. Columnstorbuildings,- ofimprovednatterps-,, Balustradcs,.Ralling, Potash; Soap and Sugar Kettles. Plow Points. Grate Bars, &c,&c. •}•. $5T AH orders thankfully, received and promptly attend-, cdto. AddressS.SwAXTZ-dtBBOTUKaiu y , ..";'•- ; , .'•, SAMOEL SWARTZ, '•'••• i 7 • :.;-,7-- ,•••;, .JOIINSWARTZ, ••• •' .•;.'•'• 1 ....... ,-7-'7 •.,'ABRAM.S.dWARTZj.' : GEORGE W.SWARTZ. •.'..••• ,••'.'• ; mylffldtfyj, <»: BoOalo, May 20th, 1850, fe O. EL P. WIIXEOIS. y Wsotcsj*-%, A»» RXTAIV »aaiiB»;n>,Boot*'and Booes.ieaiiber andFir^^ ,»o. WO Mala street, to Nc>73 Uoyd istreet. (near Jtfain) Baffido. .- 7:',7'7,, •••'••• ""-••'..-;;;".; •/•' A geoerBi ssortraenrc^Cemleniens, Ladies." Misses and CWldreasBootsand Shoes, from (be Eastern Markets, and ofbkown manotaetore,eortstanUyonband. . y 1 ty Boots and Shoes of every description made to order a tbe best manner; and warranted. Also, a general as- "ortaeatofSlsjsaaakerf Tool* of tvery descripUon. 1 '- ^ ',- v •••-.-* WTLEIAJri• JULAJNG*^ ••-'- , ' : -' 'i*~W [Scec*|sprto^aepbMan}ir;iBOOT and SHOEMaker,. ^ 20JjtfeArtbut^; Gardai; Main , street, continues" webnstaesj in the same manner as it ;waa carried on by Estate' brother, and wiB endeavor to make hi* "'Worfc geasehi* old eostomers, arwellaa they have heretotorc .i**npleased. , ,•• -r•-.••',-.^..- ^ehMconttantryon^ hand "and wBt make toorder. v the ^JwserfprJon-t>f-Fn»E™' FRENCH -BOOTSr-CORK ^OOTs. GATTERS. and SHOES, and' all the desirable tttnf& WQ,l ** Jd •onetoaMrtntjaneeiof patronage from; ioepuoHc,andpsjtfcul*rly theold eaworneraoftheshon. '•:.;. : -'i:r^sr''2'.V:.i'.j)i;.^-.'iy,.''^- *•;-1* %2?M ,4cV .'..:•..- I ^7'2l^LlEABKAlVGEiriENTS;' : ''7 •' ' 1 i :^^:>3•^^••••^••^ : >vFOSTOFWCE;:1l^JPPAL« t •>''' fc: : U "----". •::*' V'..«V.'.-?::*i.-r.y-- ••:•• Apr.27,1830J ! |''- : '- / On andafierthe Istof May, 1850, me Mall Arrangem'ts at thisofnee will be as follows, until further notice, viz: ^ The Eastern Mail by Rail road closes at 5A o'clock A.' M- atSiA.M.and4and(»P.M^-Railre»dtime. ' The Western Land Mail will close ot7 o'clock. A.' M. "• ,WestemMail by.Steamer*; wl 1 close at Cj P.M. ,; The Northern Lund Mail by Railroad closes at 8 A, ; M. '. TheGowanda, Jamestown,Boston, Springville and* Elli- conville will eioseat 7 A. M. 1 The Aurora at IPvM; -•'.'•"•' ' The'Warsaw and Oleaa—Mondays, Wednesday* and Frtday*,;ai7.A,M. ••••'':•'!•"-',"•-;'•.-- '••-. - East Hamburgh--Mondays, Wednesdays and Frida^rs* at The PUotMail—Tuesdava; Thursday* and Saturda ys, at 7A.M. ., ...:. 'y7-- ,:y',7 V-'•. -7'..;-•--..'.••'- ,•••• .'.. •, -.', Offiee'openon Sundays from 8 to 0 A.M.,and& to CP M^ W^d3Vafrom7A-JM.to7iPM. , ap2»^'7.-.-/7^-^;^R;:HARRINGTON/P.'M.• -7:> H A T A N D C A P M A N E F A C T O K Y - Having every&ciliiy formanufacturing Superior HATS,tiwsubscriber tocls confident f but tho ,Stylc and Finish of those he Is now manufaci uring. wilt gcatly surpass Hat* heretofore made in this ct tyi and will bear a favorable comparison witii the Hats nyade in New York-and ! eu«wriere.:^'':' ,;, "'.' t '' A ""'''••'•'C- '"•"'- ; "•'''' ''"' ''''' .GenUeroen wfli rJeasecaU and eisatinetlsQlstylebf.Hatrf andleavetheJrorders. *&'•<:•"•?<&-''••'•'•:'•••'/: '.""•.'• " '..„ <J3T' Country Merchants desfalng Hats of th'e new, style, t^-the case or doxeo, *will flndXtpon examl oatioh; such . Hatsand prices as cannottoS tobe satisfactory; •]:•••> " VAlarm assonnjentofSommer Haav alt kinds. .CAPS, of all kinds, aiwl»l«*aVaM retail, at the Hat and Cap Manu^torvof •. ; ^-x ;>;..", -.'••,'• ^rmy30d&wtr. G..w;itOBERTSON. ; I71 Malnst. ^.4 C; -7y.: ..... ,.., ...,'.. ;.,;'..,"/.'' ' . .(••: SiXotlcpzm^ •„•; -^lafjerstown^ Havre tie Grace, Frederick cou nty. and oth- er soiventBanks.ot tbbStatevnUgper cer^.<dtacounu Al- ^•^? UJ, ^ Jvaoia » :v y fa: 8 lnia » 0hfo » »ndIan:s»Micbigan.and an Wcatem Bank Notes, at the lowest rates of discount.— STO VB* tvhiehtortmUyi beauty and cbeapt*es*V! Ia imwrKuwed hy : «oy oxhet;&ove. .id^he ! r*oW^i.^aflW-''8a; l Oven, wbicn torcapachy: and:fi«Uitytorbafcrngv I» mart-' vsied; sa^comriared ww 'lOCI.-'' '',,;v'''^ l ' l <,#^:'y^-'";',>^«M-« , it'.;!i.,:.ij!'.; ( : •• A* we warrantoat^ajoves eufty•vwipnaevpitttaaKm- wUI findit their i«tf*r*i* iocail andcxaminc thetn^y i,'. We also aTepi'a'•0!«era^::asllo^tn1e«'.^o^• , ^^ , of Ccokbg,ParkiA<^I ; ftnd^ Sheet Iron Ware; and; also taanuiaeinre^Pfardthed Wares, tor .Private FamUics t PuWlc i ^c«Jscs, y Sicamboot*,atc.ac. '. N. P. Job Work dono wa6tr'£\«*.#• j >":^ ^ 7'. ' /,; •-, •;-.- ' 7/.JC^W^a'.^-' / ''^gn;t-V^^'^'^ ;•.<."..,•; , , 4 TH JCEl^UIEV^OHI4^,^;:''-^y N 6W. : XN''.ST0BB ''aod'jSr;toiefatv'die; 1 manuiietorers*", lowest cash price*. :tbe'largest aswrunent:ever offered Indus market: and at25 perlfceot.,.lea* than the usual pri- eesv-'-'The aiaortmem coropi*Jscs^•JB*^'varie^y.of i'J^ketsi'f from tbuncetolJ poundStBcman candles, from Itd^lwtilsv verticat, triangle, diftmond, scroll pin and fiitiey wnceK of; all sixes, ajtd charigTOble'firpi^serpen^^ Btrhts, Bower pots, mines of serpetf ts; stars:' and 'gotdraIn; v Chinese tree*^jausshoppers; alsoNov tcChlnese flreerack-/ crs. superior ooalUyv Noa.1 tjind 2 T^pcdoe^iuirric^&c.;: ' Dealers and committeesft*publicand private etbibhlon*, supplied on short notice, at theMntmfactUTers*: Denot, at'- * BARNUM'S GREAT^ABiB^ , «" STORE; 7,!: •• , ; jtnV^ u '^'^r:fr ^KWy^vp^ylM MmttrecU^i . •-'. ;.,., 7,.. TO,OTE*^IlAIff3CS»^r7-;.,.;;,' .'rv^' 7-v SI?LL Y7 &;fiLiJJ|R;.;;. ; . ^; J '; Have formed a Copartnership, and opened )art extensive WlwlcsaleCommission llouneut 194,Main rtreet.to Tccelve, from Manufacturers, and sellto dealers nll.Wnds of Goods; Wares, Merchandise ^Manufacturers prices;. We con save merchants Bom' . •• .*"%-' If-;•••"•" ,...«*;'• ^•\r*^;< On allklnds of DoinesticMonufacturerl Goods, and a cal from dealers issolicitcd whenever they vhUt; the city to buy Goods.'. 7,... ••••.': '-..'./'.:> 7'77;f ,'y'' '7:A''-. •«.'.•;>.'' 7.fc-;7'"/ : •'' ,7 On sale and In daily receipt of, fn large quantities, y .Eniu^ujand^ -!> Eastern and Western Clnsf, oil sizes. -L:7 7 •;F^istcrn nnd Western Brooms. ^. c '• ;>-.)... ;;.;:,•*•.•/... r'•••.;•• .. Blk and Su«l Polished Wagotrand Carriage Spring*. ' "7 .'' Finished AxlesyCrowBar«, :Ha*iimer*i* I 4'i^<.;'»: 7-,v ; ,'..;",• Hoes, Axes, ShoveJa, Spades, Sle.lgcs., . ;. Blister and Spring Steel,. Iron city make. Tea* orall the choice brands, fresh, 7;i . 7 , ' v .;7:'- Ropes and Unc* of American Hemp. ' •r. I^ens Lamps a new article..7, •'•'•••V-fv'.'-yi^7- •'-• ., Soap, Cnnqlcsand Starch."; V " ''7v-,'.:.:7..'y:'7 , .y/»7.•;'.',• ,7 Consignments from Mnnnfhctorcra sollcllefl*; Orders filled and Goods prouiptly shipped to any part'of iheTJnited Suites, or Canada,,ond warranic*! w give.satlxfatlon.,- •':•'•-v'-.i'";:' ^; srjLLY^FALMER. 7 ' Exclusivc.WboIcigaleCotriJulsxlon Mercliants.,,. myl4 "'•: No. lOi^Mfliristreet. Buffalo,".y.',Y.; ' N. B. Purchases matofor,correspondents atbest rates., , ; ; . ••' >".•' : /7y ;' ROWJS^^^^'gl:;';;;:;'' would res rwctiully Intonn tl>elr^^custbmerii raid Ihopublic general}, that they have rctnoved froin theirformerplace of business into the store ...V-'l'v- ' v - r " -'• ''• >H-.f•' ' JUP*iJKstW..' ;•' .. (one door above the old stntilc) where m addition to their OvBtcr'buslncin, they willkecp' oh' hnnd a jreneralasKOrt- ment of FOREIGN AND DOMKSTIC'FRIJIT, yft'ufs, JHckU*, Sardiiiet, Catnip, Pepper Sauce, Sauce$ t jfermcti-, catty Sealed Oyiterf and,L6b$ter$;Pielilcd Oytier*,Lob9ters,; Clams, Scallops, (fc, be.., which they will dixposc of nt the wiwssT ntinw: Dealers wlttfiud.it to their advantage to' give us a call.' - .••';•.' % \y '."' 7? ..;'• 4 7 ; . FRESH OVSTERS; in Kegs or Cans, and live Lohsterareceived dnlly. ,; , :y , . . ROWEfcCO.,197Main-st. - Buffalo,'May Sa/ieso.- ;,',' ..,•.,.-?%: :Vii v Foartlx of'Jnl^Etrowopla*. ; -1-,^ "Just received.n Inrce HtocR of every description of Fire- works, which I will sell Bt,manufncturcr» prices at Whole- sale and Retail, v '.'.,.- ; . -.:"•!,'; J ^'-i-'v- Committee*.from villages pud private exhibitJons sup- plied oti very liberal term*. >-\ •••'• Thcrehas liecn so. ranch deceptitm in Fireworks that I have made.arrangements to have what I «ell made cxpnrss- tyformy sales mid will warrant ituun.to be good. 'A'large su>ck of Fire Crnckrrs for »<ale low.'." Call and- examine at JlOLUDCFSVariciy Sion.v mylSdaacUyt 2*28 Main *ueet. WABKEN mSYANT. (LATBW.&O.nitVANT,) ' ( Importer of Toys '&' Fancy/Goods. 1-15 Maih^st Buffalo. flnu'just received of,blM < own importation, for the Fall •Trade, a fuUiitwortiuCht'df- French -and German Toys and Fancy Gobds. " 7 ' 1 My Intc partner hiyving visited France ; dnd Gcnnany, expressly to mi\)w arranRementu for Iiuportiiig.our goodB. I can now onern7cpmplete>tock,. comprising ,many new style* of goods, on as favorable, tenn'sas can be had in, any market- Septcniber22,1^18.. , 7 , ":.,"• .'. ;•', mria TEIMCAPIN El^CTI-^orncrbfJvraihrtrcetand Terrace. ORDINARY Daily;fiom 12 toO o'clock. ' y .-.::.-•; 7; BILL OF FARE.. 7''',:" ".',•"•'. w , Ron«t Beef, per plate, la Beef Soup, per plate, Is . •• Lamb l " Is Veal'Pie •' Is *• Veal ". la- ., Pork &• Beans" la CalvcaTIcad " ,1s ' Pork.Parsnips'.* 1H , Corned Beef •«'• 1B Beefsteak; ". isGd "Port; •• Is ,Pie«, Pudding.'•' Cd £3^" Oysiern In the Keg or Shell, English Snipe, Lamb's Fncc, Sweet, Bread, and every delicacy of the season. mv2tf GEO. L. FOWLER. . '•'••., '.7 A C C T M W N O T I C E . >' T BE subscribers have this day formed a copartnership In business, under the name arid firm of GAIXUPA: WnaiAWs, and have taken the store No. 08 Lloyd strret. ot ; the Junctlou01 Main, where theyimend to transact a Gene* ral Auction"and Commission Business, act as General Agetj'ts, sell Ecal Estate, Furniture. Stocks, and any pro- perty In any part of titeclty or< county, negotiate Loans, Rent Builrilngs.RealEstate,&c:&c. •„ ' Ad vances made on property leftfor sale. Bu:ttaIo,Junol,l«50. S. GALLUP, ' jet' J.WILLIAMS. ; r.Ill^ON, STOCK\WElEE & CO., PRC«DU'CE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ;. ; "..'. !y'.'V'...-'.7 ; ' ..JSfb 25'Pearl Str^ /, ':• Shippers ofPrbduce desiring to consign to the above House, may tmtain advances of the undersigned, witii privilege of Bale c Ither in New York or Buffalo. . ,..' ...\ CHARLES D. GIBSON, aptfltf , OfllceonPrimest.,overMcrch.Mut.Ins.Co. '.., l - : TO EETv Several Rooms, with a cood entrance, over store? No. 194 and 1D0 Main street, opposite Fanners' Hoiel. The rooms ore larger pleasant, lljthtand airy, and have just been newly and neatlyfinished,with bed rooms and clothes nrcpses at- taclicd;' Apply to W. DUMONT& Co., 104 Main street, up stalrd. orto C.J. HAMLIN. jeMtjyt3 '..•- 198 Main street, upstairs. CITY EOTS FOB SAJLE. On South Division, Oak.nigh, North, Maple, Mulberry, Locust,Liberty, Columbia, Pratt, and Granger streets, in Buffalo. Also. Lota for sale by the acre or foot, in the village of Black Rock. Title Indisputable, and terms of paymeuiea-; by. Apply to H. W. ROGERS, 100 Main at. December 20i 1840. dpltf &K3K is!! .*»«'•. "inJi* ^ & 'aawaxxs^roaTnjc&anTcotataa^ 4'f. ,,)# i^>>. li'n4' ; .W'-'I* •-'!" aaii?w^:5«90^^ htshfe* 'HisaBernpb2dc^sassin is proaoancea »h- saaeb^ moral disiin^tshed 7 phyndans 'andlt a «|iirwi"hira1!'7'^ ^Rct/elaiibpa'nre.prbn ^ote.'^he'^o^^'wh^^^ .^h'^^ttvento in tho procession* Jj'^ric :Cr^nt ^i^ ;7;^A:ftW;;c^ : ; 0^f^ol^ ,«OTnTed;in ^Ghorles ;'strect^;7;K^w 'It b said there is„.no doubt ihaf Dr^ : Webster b about to make :*^a«eaa-breast*?^or:;lhe.' ronrder of ® E A N K 1KOOK ^lANI^ACTONT. ^TAMia^i^yiric^^ia^ : ;Booto;and.gSytonery,i^.o^^ fo t^dttLttTJOiOlaWfiv'; A ; ••'oamafh«areri»is'ans'co«n^ ';;articte.tt»nttfoct>rjBed,og.- *$& .by hita7i«B he;rearninted"as '''j«rti^';or»ar>iJrV»;.iw.Ja^ .eir^^^A'tar^tts*imuentQr-^tti^ iwe^'toriblmv'-wlll .t»;chtisxano^;c*.l3a^^«^ rjaSer 'bf,.' naniaatsmBiiitojs^ LV.iT^"jpreircnt.rittaCce*sl^ rate E^,^iJ4iTAnd.Marf^ oftbetnc^fasWoraateToolato *nbp.wlB' , t«.efl'u^i;;fa'OTy'doiw.W •ki'ii S^lii,-: {*' c^sStt^tcdj^'-^Wi ar^l*latparcd.tb tBt;ojtdcr#;^to^^ ;lMG;|n;!Oxg,hciiit;i)m ;: «P^ Wi S^V^i'No^" largeaccewkms tobisatockof French and/English-Black and Faitcy Colored CLQTIk*, * 4ectcd:4wiUivVeara.J^';,hI*. "customers' wear, whJchviviil bet lade to. order, iiv the hiost j'7 ',' ,,'" .7. ' ''* /^asjssawssisssjssisfc'V"*; •» •'"1... •>••.* . ; / * ' * j.7> ,;y 7<V.;''.,'.,^^fY^ni^;iolya^fepl 'M. ; y7 : , : The Pacific•amvedjat: BJ j .^loriJtvihfar rjobrninjji havinjjj]^f|^ive^ paeMnf^rs.i .C^P'^ of the! intentJona;;orthb^Engltsh: Mltoistr^ y Lord Stanley, prefaced motionb lion with a speecb' ; bf S.'hb^ra^dtit^orL •sl- i ,-..|'. ; The Marquis of Lonadowno defended Lord Pal* meTalon^/ ;, y>o^;'7 v '''y" ; : i '^ '"';;''"'""' i ' '"''', , 'yTho^efeati'bi''thb'/Min'ii^ : WM •Itisiamorcdth at; thts^^ terrninntibh of hia/cbnjtrtye'jhsy'';:with 1 'jtfib ( . Rev.!^fr.^brbami isabout^;sccbtte.^"UieCjiniin'. of Rome. : ;••',._ 'r; '7'' v : '^." ..• 777- '~>':'ti.u 'The Royal Mail Stenrmhip Gbrnpany has: been. defeated irrthe action brought ngainfit them; byfthe owners pf the ;;Cl»arles;B •Ebrbpa''3iMtVy;ioar^L^^ The growing crbpsithroughout England and Ire- land nre reported unusually promising; 1 " v ;' PARiSr-Morisieur•.Thibra ; ha^^returned jondyis considered dangerously;••; ill.^ The debate, "ps, tb'^uio President's salary has;nbtyctco!nrhcnceA^;,7 ,; V It is said the jftinktry will resign in^the event of tho rejection, and the "President' will aqcept some; modifications.'..'''' -.;_;•'=;. \'X : : ,';;''''''•. .7!:^'/ '/'" .-V.' ; '-.1 ''- The Tuscan Minister^u Paris/Vft'/prl-Lbndon to indpeo Lord Palmerston to withdraw the claims Of indemnification jn.iavor of British, subjects who Bufiered during tho siege'of Tuscany. Tlio-^rman T jo¥riials ; 9xpress co'nsiderable ap-^ nM u^<rf^h^MMMrm»(W Z~* ^i» B k „i ' 'Woud respectful y inform lilx friend*and^'cmnomcrstli proboimibi»^^the^r«^rntioti» : of war by land- or f ^ Il0w rcc ^ in({ a very extensive, andj splendid n**>n l; ; patticuiar;aac4itioo.;to. and^inaalin,musliband fashiobaUesydc./^.^0 wouid ,ca hts* sMssorttaentor^' '^•'•'^•it^-"''^''''' -SUJRTS~Llnen^ striped Unci fancy mustia-ralao made toordc "and measure in the latest Styles. J777 : « •'^^[^'^ "^rrf^j'&'/wi-'Wv 1 ' CNI)ER GARJh^^ Gauzcvsome very superior and desirable—also for Ladies,. CRAVATS^-llaln and Fancy Satin; Parathea^ Italian, Gro* do Rhine* Corded and, Tw1Ued, r ja^vFtti»cy^Brlush Cambricsi^Madrasotid Cotton.: »,;,.7y. i '^ ;,: ^ : 7vy7^^..i/'7.^.,.v, ••.i' v SCARF,'-STC<:K..AND:TIES^A',toU.'as»bitnienu.^7'"^ GLOVF^^urVff Black ;and\CbI^ Berlin. Lluen:and'oihcr,GIovcs;: > '7>« i:;-7».;^\V :: ^ &*. 7- ; . aUSPENDERSi-Beal French.English and-.F4wtic.--r Also Shoulder.Braces. Ridhuj Bdts* Umbrellas.jCa|ikes, Pa- Parasols, Brushes and Perfumery,;Puraca, itcii&c*; ,7 ••.-, ••> ,v?,;'. -:-P;.W* S^htvIlteatiieanctttionoT/hj^^ gers to his chofce, and varie«Istock, 1 *eJecujd J atid tnanufac- tur^d with care,which, with additions'; from latest itnporta- tions. presentlnducemcuts to patxotiixe tiua'Ncw ; OuifutUig ; EiitsJ4Iriiibsmti^s-^^-''.v:*^»^^^^ '''77 >.. ,7, EENTON'S 'JpAXJBN-U,* E1NT,- :„,: : •<••• •• 7^XNAMELED7WAR^ ; G ALLUP & WILLIAMS;Nb;C9 v Uo: d,Street,Itmetibri ;of Mahnbave/received fromjthe "ap?nti;Mr. W; B. DOUOK, and will be,constantly receiyfngjt larcenssoi'imem directfrbmtbetnnhufactnreri which they offer-tor,sale at o small'advahee'frotri tirtf rnetorytpricc. 1 " ' ?$*•*-?*"•"?^-: '"•• i/The'above';Wnre'is mrinuiactured-' frini 1 Marble an-l Quart.z and is beatuliully ; ynrlcirjiicil,ii7colori<, a'd will stand fire or water. witl»ontcmcklnctbe-inatttel.; yThlsar-; ticld Is unequatic*! bynniililnRbeforc'ioffc red .to theptiblle; for durabrtlty nnd 1 beaut)'} and consists n part of inc fol init>1nifv(*< ;:"-*;-''^" .-'V.;.7<v.-.'y •?, .-•''•s.^...wki- •" .... •:a-.:y.^»,v'.' 1 -. J ':. sea reported /r^ Dootparltl ; They state that^^ if.Deritnarlcmapehes'troops into Schloswjg, Prussia will immeeiately; occupy Hol- stein. "... ,' 7 : . : t ,, .„ . ,\ ..;., .... ... ', -7,. The boiler of the locomotive Erie, on the West- ern road, exploded nt the Glappvillo depot yes- terday. The engineer, Madigan, was blown Borne distance into the air, and fell dead fifteen rods from thb'spot, minus one leg, which waa blown the other direction, with all his clothing. Fireman badly scalded and willlose one eye. •; .-•.•'••"'.•• .sjiv '•" ' 1 U - ^ . *' -.'•'"••'••''* -. .WASHINGTON,, Juno 29tii. The House was occupied,duriuj; the most of the Hitting on tho Iowa contest, which resulted tn the passing of n resolution declaring a Vacancy in the representatipnoflowa. .:•'7-'.; A | , „•"'•'. " •'•'•'. ;V"V!i: '<ps'>;.'•$ •:"• {• ;,-?•• 5 ':' V7 HALIFAX, June 29. The steamship CanndalfrprrrBo'ijlon arrived at this port nt 12 o'clock las^ri/ght,^;*. The agent of the 'steamship- 1. Viceroy is here. J( is his impression^trrat.shb will .bo. got off and saved. The wealher is unfavorable for saving the steamer's coods, .— ;'•;:„.:-: >.'.''.' '••••••••^^••^^^••^^'••^•^-•^••^ .. IIESTAI/KANT EOJBjiAEE. , The subiicdLcr offers for sale thewell known Restaurant Sana Sod, No. OHO Main street. w<Ui all the fixtures as they now are, newi and in good condition and repair. The lo- cation is.nn excellent one, and,offers a-rnreehnhce to a try one wigbina to go into the business. Fortcrms&c.enquire on the premises, of .•-,-•:. .','-..;,. -7 lowing, vljt Spitioons,ofvariousalzesi '' Piicbersi' :i !-".->'•*?/•7 ":7V" Cantllt^Ajivv'^n^-' 1 **^:.;;; Tobaceo.Boxs, ** : '*'-*?."•*A7 Fancy Bbtties, •• 7; «*7 ; Door Plates, 7 i DobrKhobs;^'^.'^''^^-"- Flip Cups, Toilet Sets, ! BrushTrays; SoapDishes, Centre,TnMcs; Coffins, \*v: The public nrft requested to^cali'andexi mine this'artlcle;; JtsW CdffcC'Pc ts,-*"7':v7''' 77:''.-'-:-': Coflbeit; •ns; ; '.^<7' : ' , ;y7'''''.'' WaterUrtis^.'^;.;.;.'.',- .;;••••: Cnambe -iif'' '•':'; ; ;' ; ' v -; v '""""' '*' Flower'fnscsV:' u '?, 7 Vi "':• ; :7 Door;PI: ites^v7! iv ;;7'7'': '-"*' Ewcr'ni dnnslris;77y"^ ,j ':' Foot Baihs, Slop Jars,'';: Fire Jjain ifari warranted ;to stand t)re,;ic7&c; MERCHANT TAIEOR, 137^MA<»8TRKKT;*M*saio»'fl«usic BLOCK. jyt W. G. THOMAS. Jet- PHIWNEYdcCO. PUBLISHERS AND BOOKSELLERS* WHOLESALE ANO UETAIt, DEALERS IK BLANK BOUK8 AND STATIONERY. '7-'-7;,(Brecd>. < QM.StohQ^)^--/.r.,.M:.- l .--.. r 188 Main street. Granite Block, Buffalo. REMOVED, DR. J. t>l HILL has. removed his office from Swan, to 140 Main street, over White's Bank, second entrance above Terrace. , ,'/ .... ". VJP~ WANT, TO PnacnASE—A House and Lot, conven- ient for a, Physician's residence- Inquire at the above of- .tice. ; . '• ,7 . 7 . ... •; •.:", : .. je2-.>tsp21 ,^ : ;y.:7.-.©R^^nnaTErON>' •,:.-,;.: Will be at the Western ; Hotel,'Robra ; No.'100, on Mon- day, ti)c20thinst.; : and remain one week,; and wiHcontin- uehis visits as tisual, the-second ^Monday In every other month, and will remain from'ope to three weeks. '"'7' ' °P 27 ; " " ;; "' - •• ; - " • ,: ' -" : " ; '"- '' : ; "'"^' ; '' ;dtf^. NOTICE. . All persons are forbid trusting the schooner Francis, ! of Huron, Ohio, fbr we shall pay no debts contracted on her account after misdate. Buffalo. June 3d, 1850. Je4 , J. HARMON A: CO.,ControllingOwncrs. ulars en- GEO. GAGE. RECESS FOR SAXE, In a good location and fair terms. For quire at No. 5 Seneca street, ^ , mall •' \'~~. L ,'SHOT. ''•' '.' . 3000 bans SHOT for sale by rart3t»e24 , , JOHN OTTO, 222 Main street. :;,;.:<.,-;,; TAKE NOTICE. •,,, I declare the "National Martial Band's disbanded, and that E. H. MODANISLS Itavingr taken the name of Leader, ho has: no authority for so dolntr, and I will not be responsible 1 for any debts-orejigapemcnts conuracted by; him, -or the Band. Junel2th, 1850. - ' - 1 "-- jelOtf .,-'-.. JOHN HAMMOND. WATCHES AT^FHOEES.IEE; Tbere is no doobtthat the place to buy WATCO- E5; either si Wholesale or Retail, is arSIBLES'S _ JEWELRY STORE. 1S5 Main street. BuflabV - ,Jlv ^JS5* beerrrcedsed; direct from Euror^ahbat m?zF&w**^^?** 0 *; *n Gold and SHvtrca. ; ^ * " _ « e * * * » » eualWeaand T«tiern*':maauiactarerL i ^Xy^Tbz in prlceifrom 83 to s r a e o ^ f c - " ^ ^ ^ ^ \rJ3? *^JiJS^•*«*' wfll be sold at a mere noartnal WLS5!S« eMMr:tW » i wnnner to keep tb^S»esr SJ fc!T2[S^^ofWatcnes and Jewelry In Briftato; JJ^to » dr^detie*cwapsJtion. Remember 188 Malrs, :i. V JOHN H. COLEMAN, Wholesale and Retail Patent Medicine Depot, Swan street, direcUy>n tho rear of the premises lately occupied by L. S. Reynolds, 220 Maln-st. Buffalo. -Headquartere ofnil the mObt approi'ed Patent Medicines, Christie's Galvanic Belw,&c.,and general dealer in Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty and Sash.ofallsixcs and descriptions. - . sep20 4 THOMAS WRIGHT, Wholesale and Retail' Dealers. In French Embroideries; Ribbons, Hosier}', Laces,'Gloves,'&c,', Straw and Silk Mil- linery Goods, Dress Caps, Ready Made Shrouds, & c , No. 230 Main street, Buffalo.; ' .. B3T T. HIVES, Salesman.] ; .... ,.._. Jc3tf V; yMONET^TO.EpANi-' And Good Business Paper. Purcha84'd % at all times, by BROWN & WILBUR, 147 Main st. •.Buualp,;j^e.i2tlJ,:i850:,7- .^/'f";, '777:;7 -Jcl3^'," .* ' — 1 • • • I •••—— v»mm —i———.•••••imil^l ( '"'•'" •! l''yJ'--^:lE^'XMOV^ v'y.'V, 'Wholesatc and'RetairDealcr in English, French, andj German Fancy Goods', China Va*es,"Mantel Ornamental Card Cases, Willow; and AVoodeu Wore; &C.1, 223 Main W A N T E D . ;:-;.,.-• A WET NURSE, healthy, of gooddispbsition and char- acter. Apply for direclions attheuffice of Drs. WInne 8c Cary, 148 Main st: ..',,-,.. ' : ,"' ~ ^ P 27 / •.;•••' ^'"..v^WintrJ* MACK,,. •'.: .:; Denier in Flour, Corn, Oats, and.Mili Feed, corner Ohio and Washington streets, Buffalo. , ,. JeOtf '.'"•'• ROGERS'dt'.CiTTriNG, ' : '^•.•• .AttorneyRand Counsellors, No. 190 Main street^ Buffalo.' nENRY W.n0OERS, ? .•;,,-- •.; UXRKOfi 8. CCTTINO. mcnl of SPRING AND 7SUMMER GUODS.whicKhe J prepared to make upto'orileriuitiielau^t styl<i,atUjetowest cash'price.' ••'•':*' !.-•='••' .'7 '7.::.«'..'':,^; y ; 7.:/.7- :\ >u \i> ••777;777r, '""*. -; :..AN .EXTENSIVE -,ASSORTMENT' y -; .,;,,, of Siiirta. Collars, Bosoms,,, Cravals, Cloves,'..Su^hcnders.; Merino.Silk, Cotton and Gaute Under Shirts and Drawers^ ... ' .- •"; A'LARGE:ASSORTMF^T'7,':'V;-y;'v777 : ;.7 of READY MADEG ARMENTS,fori>umraer Wear,con- stantly on hand, at low prices... ,-.>:" '7,.y,- „^.,-.vHir30 J; ' "~~~BIWINK:RdOK.S,'PAJPEB^^ ; duj. 1 -'-, 7 7T Maiden Lane, Ncw-Ybrk. Importers and : Manufncture'rW bffcr.at lowest IMS/* prices; nil kinds of AccountBooks,, Writine and' Wrapping Papers, Fancy rind Staple Siutioncry articles: Orders promptly at- .tended'to. ' : '' ; ;'-' 7. •'•':• ' ; ''* : ' : ; '''-.•' •''' . COPY YOUR LETTERS; By die use of FrandsManlfoid LctU'rWritcrl Letters anc Coprcsare wrlttcn'aitlic*atuctime.;..Tiie.Ink ' in. sheets and the. Pen.never, wears out.'-, prico Five Ddliars. Cbpyiiig and Nouiriel»Pres«es.' .; ; ; .'•;:i.^' IDIARY;FO,R;,I85L ;7,7.V W e shall publish; various-V\7JCand styles, of brandum Books for 1851—-price 4K/S0S 8d postage. Tradesupplicd at a discount, onthcUtofSeptetnlier. > •' SKTTsof-lxxJks for Lodsesand Divisions headings,Time Books, Boolis for- Rail Road Contractors. CardB,Gold Pens, ice. ••- , ••• -<'•'' .• : '.--;-'. ; '7 FRANCIS tc LOUT RELv Manufacttning Smtlonera 77 Maiden La. tie, N . Y . LEWJB. FrtANCis, ? V^-KVW5»*y*<Hi |,; r-. u !\' i »SRwwia;'n» sifJ SPR{N6^^UMMErt GOODS; ^occnssc»wlLBS^»*TcUiS3^ .patrons at«irnan^aequatfi!m.ift^ (wbichisnoweomr^^ofCL^yrfI»,'fVRNlS1ltNGa, r aad.RJ^UlY«MAtiECLOTniNG;airi*<Nw8^ OT.Oh^*trtet;-wha'.tim!rsecr^ heJ» jreceliHtoff ataliwlBi^Kp cottsctttiiybn 8 hand "a"*reat «r*i (Off«i*'.ttt ; tito.m»Wle'eMr^-arrt^ :STtittiSMat!a^t^^ "GouUcmcu-wrurtsItihtits Wnreliouscsi %W<«tmxNctrYocsr,aj«wtjerVB^ ^occrrcd,roadoofthetinestrnatertals^andoecotdla* to the . niottf apnromcdfittftjwbs^'f^'&^v^';•'" r^.^''*'--'^.' S^W^M ': .^•TIK «*rvlccsofthonto««wcexs*ft T-ERS'ha ve heen-s«ured ! .;?^ ; ^ m*!r u^%^:^.^M^'Kr'^ :i i : > ; orid»ownt»un\uih«ure;4o^reat'var^i^ Mnil'wid'fljraaleatitric.esitoswfcV".".^ Ace uev or SeottNAinertcrttinua European , fi-aaniojiB—*Hriiicr and; Kuttimcr, Joatro- »S3CIT^;:^^«7S7^'^^^^^ . i! EiTlvGratcfli I fbr past patronage* the subecVtt»rsoHdra a bf^ai»w«v pledtrlnffhra»*eino ft • oe»t*t!ibrts*o : please; hl*cAn«oi«<rs^7 i ^^^•-•'^^^^H^ ii •v' , ^ J ' •v**p•*«*>.''J^^fV , s'ssMafM'iWsjs^****** .•>r s-'!fc^tlWW^^ =T- •if'.'S*>i>r.(-i.1| 3P£ia^,«AX.!S^ ^»g» - ;AMO as?rMtaJa*«irni»etttof -Grcjcrjrtfe*,,. ; ? 'N.O^'Museaf*^.a^sa»,'crui»i» I <att wtsKteatfai^B&PE?^ La^s^-^oorA- y v u,te»*H;»v<ahttsi»,,«c J tea«5Sf v ami totv.i soapy wrat<i*itttittpQr k r9K taf^^«dmn^4s>'^ :p»^lwciri«^bri«id»».td^^ is cbiitalticti fromOue'to Daily Mcmr s'ent free'«. Can supply order* with printed CvitiiH IV. Lnii7ftRi.. apl3flaawfl»n. 2p sale by theuozen .... . J . S. EEAV1TT,;.'' Book Binder, -Blank Book Manufacturer and Stationer Nos. 18 & 19 MeneuAirrEXCHANGE, ' '!__•' mrStf-••'.•-•».-.••:••• : ' BUFFALO. R. B. WIGGINS, M. ». Botanic Physician, Niagara Street, corner West Eagle, Buffalo, N, "" street. no20. •W* C . * A i A . BTENTERj icoMMissidN MEBCHA!NTS, .Crtleettonarnadcin>fBiw«^of the-.United Statts "a"nd .U»JiJjio. : J3- CENTILAL-vYHARFiAND PRIME STREET Cana^.v^,,7^ ) TpWNSEND4c,TO^^ - B u f f a l o . ,Buflato»Hay SO, J8», *M*,\4 -I' 'vf-r* •.«-.. HlGItE^rrEriPORTANT TO 2S& ,i my30 N'-vt';-;.s.;\ :; . ; , '•-."'^•^•SS—~~—rrr 1 :'^; : ^- : '"•'"•' ; " tSuecessor ta> A. ^:<Suws^l»RAPERlXs TAILOR, over Stores No. 274 Mam «t,7Kremlin Bloc>:.; E. 3>. M; ssouhj resjpeerfuBy soltete a share' oftheparronageofhis riend*, ^twether, with that of the former paium* of A. S. ' SW and eitizen* ra, general; assuring than' that no pains >HBhe spared to have everycastomer pleased, ; > :^otbs*Caasirnere* artdjfeipjngs,.constantIy on.handV- Gtonents of everydescription madcandtrtaunocl In tbela- , l»«ari^:rao*tapprcyed"'«yI«:*:"^ w ''' rt .'';':^ : :"y^y^—:- -' SdTT Gentlemen preferring7wfar^sh v ,iac£rbwn'goods, -wurdoweBtocalli-., :MX- ,i».^»'-;.,w. A..*.'-»^ .*•*'. ^dea-iv'«. ;.., ABEJLLjSNOW&CO, •; . .«;*" : -•;?••• Storagc.'ForwardlngaridCommission Mcrchants--No.2 CoburnSquare. ' l '' ''" .-'•• •••'- •'-'•;• ••'"^": ' '"y:y'-' • WM. H. ABELL, WM.M. SNOW; FRANK LEE. 7 Y. w - CHARGES T. SHATTECK,-'•;' Justice of the Peace—office No. 147 Main street, Buffalo. LatelyoccupiedbyJ.G.Dickie,Esq, •;:;„. 7 ja47 CS^Eajnner's Joint Stoclt Ranking Com- p a n y — And otiier good Canada Money wanted^at 1J per ent. discbunt,by, , TOWNSEND\ScCO.i •;;•'•-:.• "--''T •N.EASEArCO.; r :-':"• Dcalersin Leatiier, Oil, &c,No. 14 Exchange street. r ^.Safe- ty TnrvelEn^Bagsv Life* Preservers; s'f-,7. .-j^'S.iTOi^g: l C36it^'i^ y .v:V''^-- in tn^i^^<<Steiamboat.Ownea and mher*,' blaThed : E^rfSSl?? 100of •*» **°*e i»crydesirable;artickavai'' tmim7.y mfl r a ^ g * and «*omrr*3uiatibiwfrora shipowners f«o»a«tcr*oftheJEastern cities.' --•"; r r\ •:.;.: •y'.^-:-/7v ; ft2W . G. W^SpBERTSON, Ha&and Ftir' Storc"l#l Mala street. T de3ily :> : CITY IX)X$, SUITAJBLE FOR DWELL- «**jnboa* & V esselOwner* 4: Travellers! «**^»^»^ *'".•"'• -A ^ JNGS. Agency for1thftaaiB: 0 f Eanneit»si:feai™i«ti*caS? ^.Thesphscrlberha*fbrsale Lot* on FHtivSixth, Seventh, 6 ^t^sneaai© iiisennett.ai^e-BrioTi.aaiii-. Jslagai^Tur^er^ii^Gemanstieets. where good cellar* canh^tnade,anda]*o Ett*on4ndiana.'Genesee and Jack*. 7-', •:- ,..,, CLARK dt VOEGHT, . .Wholesale and Rcmll Dealers in Drues»MerftbInes.Chiem- Icals, &c. & c . at Apotbecaries , Hall, 200 Main r street; cor-' ncrof Eaglei'7.7'-v- -'•-'•: w;y;:•..- ;•.;; ;:«• -..'"VAM: ..j . •'. •.-.! ;K rO.P-CLARK. fja3()tf] P.G.VOUCHT ^ son street*. Also to lee; a^thrje itory oBrJck Warehouse^ob thearm 0ftiaeShIt>*C3nal on Erie street, and oneonCora- - jncreialsaeet.r. A.perftctritie wT be givan. Buffalo, Jan- ' ! »ja*au*:' V:^*'j-.. 7-eomer of•> aitfandSeneea" street*. ••'- • ICAl a^552? MOC < t »"^ ^testp^orwofMA^j/HfSJS^^apw'ib/liaw.a share ©I S t a ^ ^ ^ ^ S J E w W ^ J n .the ; n i t e d S t a ^ t ! SS^mSf* ™«»«*•«ntted up ini ZJS. 0 ?'cftTVandwfljonerto oureitfi«Hi« frS^rw^ «?? **?be«gu ariy lurmlicd-withthebes »«5««IiKlj^to^^r flr .^? r r t0 oaT cjtfa «ns afewof W* fill t h T s ^ ^ ^ nff 5 a V :na&meot, « which never fail to * W * - ^ sdadration aniattordsianent JC23 A : .i.-.fi*"."" .f «*•»! ' > **.i' y?H0J»ltoS's*1Ca^ ; ' V ^^ ryCraTBAL^^sViBARF.'-'-'' •.•'•^'• :i ' , -l i *''' ; ' ^^jP»»«^a*e of Flour, Grain; XEMI>ERANOT.;cOEFEE*ROdi^ W"?& * * e Mato *t,underWnhtf *BanJWv ; The subscribers ^^J«^ t c s « n a i v e alteration* to -the 'above rnamed 5 oi the patronage of . in the, nearest style. ^SISJSMV^ "Pgiorwith the.bestthe market will .W)MMiijCane,r^Oytev^'ltc. . ^ w ^ ^ : w m d ^ P m - «be;shortest notice; ano'thO'Deststrtei •'••'-'•.• , ;*~.. r .:'- , - :i ». **•*• *••'.-'•-.-' ••• >, r., Tr,-. Lunch served jclaByBrom n.to 2i ialS *-^*w **--•' WILLIAM GAGE. yv>; j->v'r i^ {vw328<; ; SSS^? 102 * 15 ^*^^*!**© 22:1830 '*KSS ^.•*;^l' : :t• #'»|3Cs S. HAMPTON^ &U&&:t>;3 M^to Wrter and ^*sber, eoroerof SerieeajindPearl sts, hartagnafl manjrTearscrperjencela- Ga* Fimnc;fin Phila- ^I*fe5£^!2S?^^ & opS»n»^oteIs?Churches ^ ^^S3l^^ c ' , °«2»«yfixturesfor burning , anocoraraodtou* ilghu.. nmnner. ataa atuieshortestnocce. • » j ,.t*-f. andcc#esv-: - } ^-. ; •-y;,--v;-. •.-•;•• ^--:y.-^rV<;.<;:vy ; y;.-•?:'no3tf-7 CLE! vtfoxott w. ctorlros. N4cTlHBITT^^;-yt>;i : .:;. •• Atwnej*^ fcour^ors^ . * ffi~ -,^.f-mUUM C T»OJTX* •'" G. R. S M I T H <fc C O . , „>V7/ . COMMIS.SION ;MERCHANTSv -And! Wholesale Dealers in Groceries. Paints, OfK Win- .Bow G.lassJ Dye Stuffs, & c , No. 71-Matn street, Webster Block,IBuflalO>- : " ywy ••>'.•:? 7'""i^-'77Hyv'.7 :'V;';.:mr20tf '•' 5; The c^n^ing; totafestin'm builfin:3S40.4 ; For furtber'particul.irs enquire of : •''"'• 7: &;/ : ! '^SENAE^ ;'7:p .^.' 'i;f'';: ^Blstit lerB^Manuiacturcra and Wholesale Dealers in Al- cohol, ^ OtoOS ^ cent^ Also pure Splritsand Rectified Whis- key. of 1 a Superior quality; 1 for. sale 1 at 'No 18 Lloyd; street, •uflalow77.^77^77.'-v^7,::,-'7.:- ; ,.;:••;>• 77' '7; ;.;'fel2: : , Tv ;r : ' ^.^JOHN^'GRIEFTIKr,-':-;;^ . --. ..7 i; ^^^l^tieefts^^ Forwt u'dirjie; and COmmwsioniMcrcbant,Long Wbarfond 'Ship Canal. ,E^* Liberal advances madcon Produce con- .slgncdtij.meon:salc.:v, ; .',; J .::4 1 ;.y^c--.y^:.r'\y- , .^;;;Kw^JruS0.';7' T.FABNHAM 4: CO'S W O O E RJEJPOT, . ,-»'•'''t •'?:"7L;^P i ^WADN,S^REET>^ V ; The rwbscrlbere will receive, ossc^"grade and scBWoo on the ttjrms-.usually, charged atDepots. . , 7, > > > •.-, •,,,.Buffano;Mny,0 t 0S50, ; ,> ; y ,v f 7 / ^ ) ^ - 7 7 ^ . - : •;„••.,*;,my0;; t :' ""•'."I 7 7 7 : , r ; EGBE^'vHAR^EY,7.yy PROPiUCE^;COMMISSION;:TORCHANT, ; myl3tf; :.;^7 .;•; R ASCAL" JACK—A new Comic Song by G. F. Benkert, also the following hew MUBIC, this day received at the Pianoforte and Music Saloon, *200 Main st., 1 Krcmlini " v Gentle heart with eyo of blue, by G. F. Benkeru "'' The voice of bye-gone days—S. C. Foster;, La Pasadita—A. Bishop. ' ,; We live mid the bouridjmr billows—Donnlzctii. Oakland Polka—H. J. Snroni. , 7 ' ' '. 'Coaueae 'do- — J.Munch: 7 "• T " y - •-' 7 ;Cbmpromise Polka—H. FcIgL ' * " ; <•'• - Switzer's home, with variations—F.Beyer; 7 The American National Boq net sett of waltzes—Riiha. . Lnudes Farben Waltzes—Strauss.." y " .Western Smr Waltzes—A.J. Biederman, ' - T h e flower of Georgia, wnltz—JrC.Mlszner. h ,. . A new Supply of Standard Music.«- •!''' Jyl •>•' v •.•j.;.-...v-:-. .•"•':.: JAS. D. SHEPPARD. ' TVJEW MUSiCr-Justrecelved'at SAGE'S Music Store,; ;1V;^209Maui;street'""' 7 •'• . r;.'V:'.'; ; .,. l ".'.-;j;,. : l •;..,": ,. The Adieu,a beautiful song, Just published,corbposcd by Bow. ; •^.•'•- •':•'•'.':•> "', '':••';.-•'«-' i " - ' • • : • " ; - •*•' • • :i ". ",';.Genrle'NeIi;«by:E. ; L. Baker. ••••^'•v ;.''••',; •>•;•'•:'.:, y : sv. j Be watch nil 10 beware, by GloveW -" ' -' ••'••••-"*; Oh LcmiiH or go down to die cotton field; as sung "bytbe Campbi II MlnstrelB. compoied hy S.'€.'Foster. Dolly Day,ntwnritiy^^ampbehSilCL;?do <' •'••'';'.7 v.:> /.Idreamedof.agentleform^bytBenkert , - , >«••/• ' ^;7Clarl88a'.iv^It^;6y-Kleber.;..^7;y.i'7;- ;-;-; ; r„'7.f;.y:7 ; :'7,7l •'•"•". Falr ; Ada's cottage,by Brooks. ',, A 7,..-. ., ^ ,. JVtcet mo in the rooonlIgbt'dcll.by,FJrtch-, 7 ;> ^;7 ; . . " 'Mail coach, polkoi'a'beautiful composition, by Strauss. -' La;Pasariim> a* sungby Madame Anna Bishop, compos^ cd by. Bocbsa. : ..;-.; " \]ls--y->•-~,r,, ' •' rSwitzers Home; by Beyer. • •' -*:?''[:*: -"•'-'-'y 1 '' "• Les Bords diwHurisoh, by Grobe. »' 7. >•' jyl, T ? O R SiAIiE-rA Farm of 102 acres,,130 o f w b i c b ^ w ^ •X!7Jmr*pve;V;witha:'g6oVI,hbit^harri situated withlnhalf a mile of theflourlahlngyiBageof.Te- xunruVeh,;fn'MiclJlgnn7: ^.'-v .t;,;.:::;7,^7 ; p'i^^'- 'i^^ i'-••••; Alsoa farm lying fivemilMfromjTblcddiinObto.of J55-. acres, allbut 50 acies un^crJmprovcmentwell fenced; wiihi 1 m:good frame barn,house. <tci ,::;.77,7'77- •' fc*l+*: f 'Hxti&?*- ;, Aiso'^farm U miles west of Manmee city, in OhibioflOO acres, 4Q;bcrcs,of whlchJsweU fcrice(i;;i5 acres Improved, :wilh a;:gcod 'fmrae ; ho.use;i,C, 7,77 ".,,'"."'.'," : ;7 ; .J&->-J:£:fok. , Theahbve'wiH be , foId'low«.bn A 'etuw> tcrrn*^Of.pSyrJaent," , ' ' or:exchanged for propetty.'ta thia.clry; .Apply to- 7,/^ vi -V ;.G. H. GOCd>RXCB,ReaKEstato:Agent;' t W :'^;' 5 ':T 1 ' ,7";; 4 '';"'7'OfnceNb;'232;Main ; at' ?'Ji*_ T>1CH BLACK-SILKS, ;v.-or. ?'/.*-r-> ••t \VHZTiB -CAJt 'BE..ro0N»»>-> ; ' ; ?:^M'.''-' V''..''^. •• *>.'J Jo^Ci^cani'i'axui'''i^ ' ,7AtbUhoura'bfmedayandeVerdn^ : .', r,,",;',;, 1 .,':' 1 ",.-; , , ''n,' V^VyJ^r • j^a,ur? Cencrall >ealers;ia ^tnnbeT^E^sp?r^r^^ andErie.; Ca:iaht-7^- -;'^"-" f'^ftWftM&^W^'-' Sttpbrb" I .andErie CrnaBt- rl'ft'., J^ Exua wideBlack Trimming-Laces, -;>;. SplendidLaceCapesi . , ;.i;j>i"^i^!'-^^''.'-- ;^':>* M MusUnfj^gm^gaandilnscrtings.:.•I'i^V:,,-:.}.--.'-.^.;'!. 7'7 Curtain Mu»lins,i;77- ! " i ;;i-•">.*•' •''• 77;-.'-.:-'- 1 --'- ."y:--'. Moiirning'A?cils,^>.;a/:•.•.;777- 1 ''•;:»',y>'?-^ «••'• •' • y7' «'••''• Plato-BlueBeragca^'-'vwJ^'^^yi'i/-; v'-7; ';-r:..•.--;•.> ;^ PolkadOV -do "7'- ,• .7.-.:77'7'.7, ."•.'• .:7 Plain Blue Delaines, &cdtew rrtSMMain st•; >v; ' '••' \Xyk%-my^-a ,..;• .THOS;:.G.,PERKINS.. , t .\T ; OW READY-rThe^nternationaT'Weekly Miwrcllany : i.?( i^for Saturrlriy;June 1 2nth, , ;0i ; cehts;, , 'a'nbmbcry.S275'a- ; year;; Thlsibngazfrie"Is,something *lhthe style .ol.tbe H^trrv l>ers^Monthly and Little's Llvim; Agerprlhted on: 1 good pa- per, clearfctypie; ondto^eAieryjpanicularrnaketfadesirahle ;;book./or'rM3*on8;'whofe-itoisteia.reflned.. > i":^>V*^ -; •r Subscriptidna-recctved^and7*ingld ;copie*;fbr said at-thc iagency wr Westorrr NewYork, t&w-titxftihuw, 'SwjK-J-ufii- vy •&'*t;-: m^^'-fiBURKJ3»S'rCHEAP>-BOOKSTOREt7y",^ •;-"jyi.. iisj. i;o*: .^ ••:';; (f -a '*p- ,i^ !i '»;;vrfI7ndrr,MansiOn!Housc':yv. ••'•,'^'^"-1,7^ '/'^s'" ORTGAGFJ3;;e^,^7^^y^f7"--7^ v? f *: 7^ROMISSOItYNOTES; Jf ^''^^;:;i:yX , ANX>;WAttRANTS^t2-^ ? ^^^.^'^-.^^r^lT^:ORDF^^'^ ', -, •"'••'-•;T>;STOCKS,!-^,t 'And other securities, J^B^^'^^'^J^'^SSS^' ' K Al'MANC^Hrj^KK^1 ^.-.''iwZ jtbatJ street f*S8£w*tt uc^ •;,;•; • •' FIRE.. , Business men who arc not. provided! with.h- FJRKPKOOI SAre, will do. well to call and procure oiic'of C. J. GAY* LER'3 Double or Iiu|>erlni;Singlc Salamanders. 1.., 7;r> : ' T h e s e Safes posKcss every, qualification to :render;theiu prchf against,the action of lire or.thicVes, and of sufficlcni strengthtocndureafall from any story of, a burning build- ing. ''I*/,>7 y'".V yv.,,.v - • T <; , -j.''..-;:; -.- y-f':,; • •''•, , ^-y\ ' .... -./•.•• .Thcyare constructed of Wrought Iron, being kneed, rive- ; ted and welded together, and lined with a perfect iton-con- 'ductingfire-proofmineralcompositioii. ;', • i ; During tlus present vean-nlue, - of tiicse- safes have i been cxposcd-ln the groat tire nt St, Louia,one in Buffalo, (to say noUtlngof the slight trial of tiic 1 doors on r-Mcssrs. Wells"t%. .Cb.ls vault, at' the recent burning Of Niagara Btock;^ and, one onboard oftiie Steamer Empire State,; all ofwhich pro- ved true to tiielr trust by preserving their, contentautiitijur- 'Cdr'7'' .,..'s,U,Uvv-.-'' , »7::..i7.'. : -7-' : \\;'-:::.. 7' •> A ••••• '••:.-•' y'i'7 -.-"".'K •j .' An assortment for said and orders received for any size or dimensions rcquiredr at No. 0, United States Hotel Block, Pearl street, r dc28dtf . WM. PRESCOTT; Agent. ;; - NEW GOORS! NEW GOODSll % . MlLLTNGTON'ic ;BR6TliER, have now, on hand, of their dwh,toanufrtc- ,'turc, someof the iu6st';eIr{japt : PARA; SOLS ever made In [this or, any, other city, of agreat variety ofcolors of Eni- broiderca Satin, ,ljnod with ..white,,the very latest New Yorjcifnshlon. , Also some very elegant embr,oldeicil andfringed.laree,»ize f .havmg.ycryricb pearl topn and books.,. v ., y. W>> 7 Also a very great variety bfPIalb Sot. in, with'fringed,-aodplain'edges,.for or single one, chrap for Cash.; 7. . ; . , Umbrellas and Parasols neatly covered and repaired as nauaUby 5 ; . MILLXNGTON &.BRO., !; Umbrellaand Poraeol Manufacturers, 2.19 Main st; 'Jc3 ••.-'• ; :• - Undcrtho PlielpsHonse; - " CHAREES E;'EECK.. .:, •'• l BLANK BOOKS AND ST A TJONJERTt ' . RcupectutHy colls attention to his,well selected stock of' EnglisU;;French, and American Stationery, cbmprisftig the latest andmost desirable articles for "the Counting Room. .•".' BLANK ACCOUNT ,B' >OKS, PackctPOst iCbpyinp: Books, 10,15and iO'qrB.; .LbrJcrCopyihgBoo|w, 10,15 and. ,20 qra.tLcgersi Journals; Day Books \ Invoice Boofts; Or-, 'der Books;;Letter' Bbok«; Cash'Bbok's; Sales Books; Rec- ord BooltaVReceipt Booksi- Bank Book«;:Mejr»bri»ndnm, and PassBooks; Cyphering Books: Drawing Books; Ship, .Receipt Hooks-, .Bills of t E^changc Books-, Bills of. Ladinp Books-, ; Indexes; Half Bouud^cgers,, Journals, Day Books, BIouers,'dtt^ Books of Notes and JDrafts, Sc,c.&c. ^, ,7. ..'; , Always on hand a Itugennd; general assorttpent of^ , u Rnlcdand Plain Foolscap&Ecttcr Paper. ,'. ACCOUNT BOpKSj-Sibgleioran: Sets/made ito order,, tiiled and7»undtoany pattern. ":•, ,,•./ .,.,.; ,7,',,:;::.;,,,.., B3^CdfniberciolBritning executed inthebest style. ,. ••-.: Orders^^froni.a distance will recelvc.protnpt attention' by addressing. ., 7CHARLES'E.;PECICy - 7ap2tf,-7.7'..','••.. .••''•7..'7, 77 7 7 Stationer.Buffalo. '•',•:.."• ^ A CARD. -...-' V/£;'Sfi£iiXl^-r RICHARD JONES,!\Vrrltpner of C^Uings,'and;'Cdlbrer, of Walls, begs leave to rcturn'hls thanks for fawraebntiri-; ucdtoiWmduring.tbe10 years .be, has, followed,his; bitsIncs»H In this city; and begs l e a v e ^ lafdnu the public, that hewjll E ut thcir-CeiUng Walls In order! with cither Whitening dr. lime.;and will color 1 their'whUS'nny tint;they riiay.dcslre. andkhows^frotnhlslobgexperience,thathe canpleasscall ,who.tnaymvorhim y wii^.d;calL'' i ''''7:'7;7 .-.-•' '.':V: ? '':7-':,''.';;';.. yyAtlprdere that''niay'ibeileft dt'Hustbd , sPafnt7Shbp, l ncar tbecornerof Niagara ^t,and Main st.', Kremlin Block, In h •box prepared-for thepurposcwiir meet with prompt atten- tion. Buffalo; March, 20^1150.: _ : ' r ' ?: 77 7 ^ . ;.. mrto :::••;,";;; •,:'.;;;,r^-o .l-; '^ ' t :,^rciiARD>:JONBs.:,.:. •-•• •] 'INRIA' : 'KCRIBER':REPO,T*^-^ 'The TJ?«^iNDI^ York, having established anA^ncylu this city.for die soles : of, Goodyear's 'Ea'tept Metalle.Bubbcr., Goods,, will; keep - a large and'complete assortment onband* of.thc most desira- ble styles, which they wiii'sdl.wholesaJeand retail, at New 'York prices.':,,' -7,;., ^7i'7:'.T--:«.>'.' : - •••- ,y- -.jy^-^v,'.7*-7^ .'.77 : ThetrreotsuccessofAV.Ridt^t. Bros.to theirsupplia" to the Government .for „ the Mexican War, is' deemed, suffi- dent guarantee tha.ttitc7gobds^rbair;ti)u»establisImicnt,will .stand any^clirnate.'"'' ""77 ,;;.7..';, v ;./';,;; •/..;.,..;,, .... ; "-':;..,;.'.C'.7„'7.. 7 Thefeubscriberip also r A^ntfor t pie Boston,Belting Com n pdpy, and.kccpsbn^and';at aUtl^csarlaxgc, stock of B'elu In^J'ackingiandHbsc, whichliewULscI^.otniabuiacturer*'; priCCS. , . . (• ,/;-.;•., ;,>,,- -., J^-J-^ ; ;.^;. ; .-; *;i:rt'-'v;'*,ti'^/:,;i, ! . P.S.—Belting, of.ahystze.or. wldth,;madc to order,, on ; short 'notice.."... ,7."4',;.' 7,.,.., SAM'L STBONC. Agent •^v, •"-.'my2tr.;;..';;'.;'; 7,7Cr : .7,7.7 r .;-.' '•••r J .-j'Z 77..: 7-'.,4fr;M?tln:4ffrcctu;7 .'',..Vh " '- • ' . ^ v S P R l N G ^ G O O D S t ! ^ ;>."'»:r.vf"i | ; WOOI^^^'Si^B '• •'/• ' :!;,., .5.'-.,: [Formerly at Concert 'Hall^' J ~..,, v y ^ - y , - y TS-NOWOPEN.arNo;^llMaln'strect four&^hb: low Swan •sneet; where will be found, at all, times,' the" most cxtensive^nnd .complete'-assortment', of Bonnets and' TdTllinciy Goods.westoftlie city Of Ncw-York: 7 i ; V! '„;» We hove alreadyTeeeiffedalwatSO'casesofGobds/adap- ted to the early SPBJNG TRAD; .comprising l all tl»e dif- ferent styleribf Bonnets to be found in die .Eastern. market, togetijer.withalarpeand fashion.ihlcstoekof r; ' ; ''* 7 '7i^":; ^;:v' : j^ixii©t'RI)(>|r^tt '•Bbnnet.Silk3,"Crbpes;'L^c^ $'•* %'-JW;•B^'MercKajrits.and Milliticrs;wSlI 1 flnd;ifrto their,cd- 'yantagetocaB.'and exoiniue the stock and Icani prices; .l«r ! tore' purcbasipirJ n 'costeri n xitluft:^;, •'^.'IjiQiv^i'-.iiroriHtti;': E brABUSUED^ror.tbcettTenf Private Diseases, iitaB tlKilr spccli'S,,stag«s, i^mltlcatlonsanil jHasc* throuali- out :fsuth as utet-ra, uimom; tnduratca cte Atrix,; aueum^bu,-: ion d'embiee, blotclKM»amlc«uption« of altnone»cry rornn syphiiUic pains,pt; the •bOrtes;''-ostitis,< pcrkWltle, onric*,attrt necTOsiK.inilammailQnOf thepereo«tet»ii;aocturhttrpatn< ulcerntiOns0ftltetnouHt;totiMKT>0*«^or^n jmv, larynx; nasarfossa*, orifice, of the glottis, Vellum pallrt; pillars of the -fauces, fimwwis growrths or wntK ekeresseh- ;jcvs,ye^e<aflon»iCondyloiHam, phiibosls, 0 p«raj>hln»o*ls, nl- ( cer of^tiwurethra, lrltts,%arcocele, hydroct1e'onaph\Tiocele* ofithe testes, also diseases .of tl»e; tunica vaginalis, «dewa" ! . antl phlegn»ot» oftitejscrb'uthi'^balanitis," bairalta p oduced' ttv'congcniwlphlnwis^v^'^V"••'•''<;w$>"> ^.•'-•-•.-•.•.-.•^-r.-•• ••• ,.:rGONOBIUiaiASyniplex;"gondrrhocft^^^^^ . dtive'KQnorrboca'.brplert.'hllections of the mosmttc gland; .ureters aiid-kldoeys, cwtclsi catarrh of'titc bladder; gopof 1 .fliuOalOptiiftlUdiU^-^y^^'-^^^'-AfiV:'^:^^^^ ">*••;*>.":'.'••.,-;"VVV!B ,;: STRI'rrCRt^rsrmsmodtcandVcbeuttingirtricturwa etMiv anew proces*;'Wlthobt pnln.7vlk)rt.Thomrmon'S anc ,aiid|>ucc4ihwfrii;modePf treating strictures wlUiout palh,'i»' now;adopted 1» all the Venerertl hospitals In Pari*;; t,lior« dee, beinorrhnKo front: ;he urethra,'tuuioN tb'tiie' cbtinbj'bf ,»he .iretimt, eidnrgtxl lyittp atic glanils and Vtnrfccli,7lrrtinv.: bio hlmlder atid reteitsiOD o f unne, oirthalhtic^dlsciises, dis- eases oftbelit.rousarid lybovlal systeitiirjimpoicncy aud' ,Storilltyi^ 1 >'^r'':'* ; 7 ;;, '''-'7':' :'^ ;^-',i'7 >''•';'' '•.y7- , '7" f ' '• vdilAltNAL EMISSIONS^ thecbnseq.wncribfs'elf.nbttse.', Thin solitary vice or' depraved sextjnl •' Indulgence''.Js^p'rtic-':. ilced by 1 thoyouth'o^iiotlj «e»e»', toriiralinost utdmtlicd br- .ient; producing withbuerrinffcenalnjy'the rbllowhig trnln «.f triorbid'MyutptOiuc^'tiiitcssComtwitnM'lhy frcicndtlc rbbdl'' real• me'asurvs:'-vizj'sallow'coaiiietiaiice, dark spot)*'uiuier the eyesi^inin fn'tiin hehd, t: rlt>gimr:1h : the'enn?; and 1 'tioW.i>; like therusttliigof tehvps ?ntnf rrmlitig of chrirlots, uneasl- ,ues»about Utaioins; Wejikncs^ofAthc, Ili»bs7 eotifliifcd vis- ion. Iiliiritcd hitcilectV'low or'confideuciv' dlfftdetice, ftinp^ ,proachltig ; 'fctrangers, .adlstlke to^ fbrm r -new'flCfl.unlniahcc*j a di«po#ltion tbslui'ii' society, loss of iui'morv,7hccticfIi|»h-j; les, fin red (oiigue,:hight>wcat»; foetid brenth, couciw. con-n »ninptIo»,' lnonornauln ntid fr< , oueiitty lUKarilty. Tlwrtf-^ (licte<l,.on.,t|ie first apjwaranCjO 01,'any of the nh->ve symp- v Toms, should Jmmedlaicly;apiif^-to'DccL;T]iomson:mrrc«r liefi-,' .y7.H.y,7,-' ; f ,r- { .•^'^'^^<'f'^;\'-^' : '>:i : ' : -\^^:- t ^- : ^a : ,l)ocUTliomfon Istiieoide»t„aniij,<w/y liberallyeducnteil. '<«^fimaf«typiih|ifiefI i ,,aitd:.REsi!i>Nsinijt. t'hystclatulu Bur- ihirj,jWbO.'devptt^,JiIa,whb(oattutitibii to.diwsa«eif o f UxjsexT 1 ual orgiitm; .7All-cuses.w»r;atnctl., tH'rfecily,/Cbrcd,'s6'r;no charge. ..Elejiatttai'iarUK^iits.-.'KO'-.constructed that pat fclit*' lonot«3e;.ertcJibtner.'.;,• Dr., T. Ima :no ttoys .nor•attsfsptnts about bisbifiee.'-and mayjbe consulted.;witlieut fear hy Uw iMilbriuuhU! of ;l)Oih sexexi'"«Strict .Injunctions clv^n to the ' Post niaKicrntid clerkstolretain my .letters,,until.; cal led 1 , for. .liyJtnysellVf All lettersfninivPationWi burrud,...immedhttely'- ;if cr ixTusal.. ,Fc"ialettiihroaduiid la the city may consult' Ur.T. by,letter witlioutdlfndvnr'rf.:,: : ;-,y • y ^ The vnriousi.cbiiiplJr-flUMjjand distressing dlseaws-incidcnv to:,f» , tnal(*s.;ucote(l,;witll'eitdHtMn,siicce>^^ 9 ^ liav«:lrt»:btne v yi'ctitifHtlp6ughitiic.dQ|irn'v|tyaiKlcrJinfnality;, if their.'Iiusitatirln,. may rc^tnsHurcd that Uiey and their in-, fan is; en n. be; per Pec 1 ly cu red;.; -Letters id d resK'd ; to Doe tor Tlioiiwon, free.of jw^rujf, roittainlHB. a'reasonable lev, |irbtn|iily attendedtoand medicines .forwarded (to nnypart- •bfihftUtillcil SWUM and Canadas. .• y- l .'7.-;;7« •,;.' ,> .yK". 7(Men corner of Coniinefctalotwi Water Stfeets* -beardH!. Jocl<; Huffnio.•N : .)Y>.';-'.y-y'y '•'.'•".-•'•:>v- .... •.-'• ' .;iAgJc27 - , a3r 5>avcai'ron» ff ciio ; jawN of t i c i t t u i—^ir». Uoiliarnie i% (Jilltcn,.dt'New Caitile; Wemcliester county, ;New "VorK, spcriKingotmat great Remedy. FOI.OICH'K UM«- UoNiAN.sayrt Umt although riitjhhd five aide pliyuiclaiis ix\t Mi\nhi\a'oivner, tor line cure 'of ;Blec"»|ftig ai'ti»e; Lbiigs; K!U7 itiet witti-tto.relief .uiit.i.tfhe.,cbiiit'i>cuced,.usitig> Dr.FoljterV 1 >losooiiiari;or,.AttrUeuling Bu|saui. ,7'JL^icfive Icariiwl pliyt- ficiaiiHJiaU gtv'cuhcr.up to die—but science nimln u»utn|iitwX The ofoanbulaii -wti's'givento'hco andsuois tiowiiitiiceiiv ioyiHeiJtpf,pcrfect,healih,:•; •'•,.'. .,;.>,;7;. \«---:..$feP: •',;..-••, •:< ,-i CoiiMihiptioii ot tUo Eulici** ';, : ; and dU'other diseases 0/ tfiisinipurUpit organ.! ; When there I* a'shortdry couiili—when 'the breaUifng. '•&'. qnick nnd hurrjcdon the loust motion or cJtorci«c—when- iier.c- w'.'oppressloti; ; or v *cuse of''stra.lluc**; indiechest-r where there is CADi'ctoraiioti.'Or nilslligof afrotliy ttiiieus.' iccoiiipanled' witii 'eumclationvibesb disagreeable; utidbfteb faml"&ym'ptoiiis"are : coiiipteielyiii'asiered audrrclicved by toy" : /UNRIVALLED REMEDY!;; \ . • 7; ^ , Such hits !>eeri die case in hundreds of instances wltitin'a .fewinoiiihs'puMtr , •„ ; ,'..,..'. >: , ,r', .'-••-'"• •'••-*,-[>-^ ,:. Mr. Caleb W/Ward. 114; Wosriiflgton street, Newark, N. , J., had suffered lor more Uiaii four years with consumption, and could noi .find a reriiedy'fdr his disease. His pliysiclaiiti and hisfrlendsdespnired.and tolb.hlm he must die. Bui 1'altcr using Dr. Fblfter's Olosaoriihrl lor a few Weeks he wo* ,-...; ; w . •-. PERFECTLY J.ttfflTORED;<Xr >;-r 7: >;x and is now living to tell the story- for; hhrmcliC. -His Cute Isr attested to by seven of thetoost- rcspectable'mcn to^Newv -ark,N.J..:vy;'"•,..(; -^u 1 ^yiy^^^r^rfn^yiiy^y^' Jt.y>^ - Mr; Caleb;W.Owraen,ofWilllmnsbUrgh;L.I;vWhowa» first neizcd wiihtofiuenza, which lefi,pdilnditavery«everc : cough, and.wiio raised,largCfluautides of 'Mc«d;fwa*^fllsa'; cured,. Ho was very ,lo\V;at Uie-dme he.benrd of tberenwr' dy, but Is now able to : work nt his traded every: dny-'Ofhls- lllc. It.is also equally,,elficacious -in Asthma,' Bronchitis^ Diseases oi the KlitncyH, Palpitation of the Heart Bleed^t»g , at the I Aui}», Coughs, Colds,. Whooping Cough, Dyspepmn,' Croup, and nil pulmonary complaints. .-.' 7 •:'.„• -y ." It you desire licnlth,.try,tiie Olosuopion—It Is sure tocurc- .you. It never fails.. y. M;-.;..-, -yy-yy" y.- : -.-"'.-;•"',••'-v-^"'" .' liiupreparedby.Dr.rRoBERT'B.FouiKR,of.NcwYork; Principal odlce.ldt: Fulton street \ •- -• ,••••*•,•-.•-.':;.. -M~) 'y '•• C3r* J>i>, Folger's Olosaonian, is soldfbrone dollar per bottle. :i 7y.->--'.'77"''-v. ••': •"" l-:.W':"••'••''"'.'•''' , ''-" M'/-'7- Agontsfor Buffnlo—Dr. CLARK, corner Main, and Eagle sts. C. a BRISTOL, Main sacet CHAMBERS &CU.,; PearljBtrect. ••'...::'.. 7;.;,;'.. •':: .:H'-:.;^:7'X'- ; :7ap2C.;lm^-7 ; Vkeu of Uxe W i l d Cherry.—The Pininflcld, (New- Jersey) Union of Sept. •'•.«,: 1848; says:— - 1 The Wjld CherryTjfic has been Known fbr nnesto be c mo>it valuable and cfiicadous remedy. for coughs, coldsv* asthma arid coiifumption—andcotnhiribd ns this -Itnlsnfn is,-- wlth other valuable vcRetablc extrncis. by a skilful phy»i< cian, Dr.- Witftar.-U must of, coui>e- be a highly efficacious remedy.... Such, wo have often been informed-by tljoto who have used it, ,it^s, and we are not therefore surprised •that it i» In grenurr demand for tlie discuses:named, than any medicine,now sold in this vicinity,' -. -"--VH H'X>'•••&>••••• DOES ANY ONE DOUBTTHEEFFICACYOFTHIS V 7-.' : V^.'J^'^4'^^ i ?$??^^VP.t^:' ! *• - r ^ ' v ^ V ! ^ n W^'si We do hot ask the putiilcVto reiy solely Upon rccommen» dations. product <J from tfiutesmr,distant, where the persons cannot lie known ; but liayiqg.ic»*,tiiiidriy froiii-.every State rtti-tbCiUnlori, we would resicctTully invite nil. pcrsonsiin- -teresied to call at'13S/Wai>:hiimton str<>et, Boston,' Mass.," 1 and examine .forydierosplv&j, tiiq many thqusond ICidlmOri. ols, Irom persona; all over: the-whole country., who have 'been henetitted or cured hytbinjn valuable medicine.'••••• ; ->.^.- ... B3?T Wee'SXi^rbdbJci'o^OJjbrBc^forss. , ••,{<"';> : Address all.orderB to the GenerarAgcnt,;Setii W. Fowle, .Boston;Mass."' 7? ''"':"•"•••"'•*•',,:'"; " ,..,».-',;,">. '','„•». C3T Nonegbnuineunless signed LBUTTS'bn the wrapr' ; pen:-: - 7'^-'-' '>••"^'';;,;: 7";':."* ' .;;:; ::,;,;::> JC^For sale,wholesalcand retail, by A. REYNOLDS, 133 Mtdn Hirect, BulthJo; also' by druggists generally througli-; out: the United States.' ' " ' , 7:.. ';]cS4:lw.< ,7 u- Auction; eales»crCash,;wilt &6 poii <br- airitoasehaMPSK? HV i^^s«rV- '. -X. ;£•% :•*?.' iSfef*.-''} ' '' f'*u ' ^TIME; witfii ttduo rbgnrtl fat 10"lSpPftwmis^|^^ Has Beeiii 3BalargQi31.^-.^^> 1$&r ANn^NTM^jm: ' L: bh'cvery'Crs^&, .Quality ai 4&feyiaij^ A scperate Dcparunent ho* beca i uidcd;^.ti» «tchMt*8 z 1 sale of Bors^Currnutb, of every ylo andboaihy;^iicTa parents niay purcluise Suit* for thcJr l^rlrer^<rt^tbeCa**r;' slnct Sack at' one dollar, to the dm i)K,-bmbrblderedyCasr 1 ;- merb'PalctQt- with' Chiidrba , t"WShti'' iri&y&Bsjst eray, ''dafetiv CJllnlan.,'7v;y,;,:..:.'...: , ;• ;';•.,".''• -.-''•V,^',-. f y.;,y--.' i ^yrv;.««^?U^'^ft'*t"i JAN'-H'. WHOLBSAI-B And Dealers in READV^MADB C MMM, ^••*A.' > ;'','>.'-' I v^v; m Wyfi'M: :.i^i^Kj:^j*5:: *,:" ' ?y :-'v>; WW •JSn; toudndtha*;titi»hVtito;^^ , ^;^*» ;y^ eutibrdydevo^ >Iad^Ctodnnc/andtiiejtwBlflndttjrWJs^talttBB^ad^ tagc cp'exasWMt'py atocAf beforb purc^iut cisewrJcV^^. g pablto the selection ofalxea.7." '^ '''7v-'. y^' r ^'-^':^^^Wi. ; ^ ,• Tfi^fXeuieiuberaapereenu/ca*;!*' sared Ir^iairtlBs**^*^''^' •ineatihAV 1 ' 1 ^'- 1 -*-" 1 '<*'< v *-'H^fmtw i,i>wh r Z!6iMy-W<t^^ --•; Gotiitc llall Clothlns Warebaape^^^\:v;>.^ > ;C2^il^uanccbti Maenad Wasitiw '' -. ~", <Vh'-. ,-'yi': til ,'^"i.f mimm 7 ,..;.-r;r.7y>*'i.riyJi;\t#.^ (aothtogptabpuin^ ^^V4(*-;: •uS s, M>*»''f^'W. , ''" ^'nj*Sj5*l!i'j?>H '• " if.»l'# i'S-.'M^'*.' ^^'•X^'!J , '7 Just opened for the spring and Sun luce <^nipnJgn«% .7" 7,):, i,... '''^8: ; IfIAJrN' 1 ST»iyET^l% WITH FACILITIES : m wn#As&m0^y »Y AWY. HOUSE Till! CITf fvW'VV'^v.vi ; !r^i«T:;j The Piiblte may rest assured tiiatthi^HnpwbaW ry r yarjct^ of'Ghnucnt at tols^cbtabliil i » n e n C c u s ^ » i p j ^ ^ at any buicfhbuac;hi''diis^ryAhc'stc cs; cff>;:';ry;^;i;,u:V^^>y^7' Being Itu'gcrth^ ever.ljeforo^ *v« ^1 AN, h Gcntibtnan' wellIrbbWri: tothc ^u^m^^0^^t^^. theProp'rletorof NfAG*RA II^Li;ta CllEAl^Ft>RCASlI^ 1 'Tlehain loptedBto'^ it! ' !: ';"^ 3 ^> T ;; ,:•,;•; THE CCSTOItl DEPABTMENT-7^^.^ will continue lobe ubderthe supervise in ot Pno»ti«ntt S x i . * and sell IieitherBEST^wnBb; ?WC'- Which nuut be obvious; to^all men t^. It protecu dieji^honVi^ralnwtiWlc^e* cotuteqaw^tU|1ori, , ' ^ toe crediuystem, it aUoprotects thip ir<iaw^«ii^p^7fe.;.'' : ^' tuff iqr the cloUilngortiwt^clasawhp .^iiwsf «;"»•#&;• on^d,. Wlip aro to bo found in all conrmunltli &••$'.• y7.. ,; f<?^^^Ti<.*ri?"^sf r •Thbsubscr^.-nbthlngdab^ of Itht establishment ai: i oncert ifait; iu^l*''dewn^w'^^i; rhake every exertion to render f hi*: ne w jfftjtf 'ALh\f^MSitttflf*'.A\lis'<t of the liberal patronage extended to hi 1 former one*. n -0*. «ssSiWJ>'»' apatf '•'••• ' ; J '""'." -;:'A; T. IIEALK ^ ;'«aMaiU«treet,j^r^^^; tsi'.'i»i.^7'.., ,»«t : 7".i Mitt sdjiaftf^'r;; .^ -i'i i'#' , '-'^' T "r''. j. v ; UENTRAL,B^^ Al^P^^^j^' ; ^jr.'*f«»ti^-'.-'''^*--«.7.v.:,'^-*':i'. t»;!>-'»V;7 i* i *ii^'i^.^i>^'5i^i*i'?i^.-!0*t.:' TIus^uMiJ^toWi she f^emeiclrj^f s? •^,v v ; !; ,*«Andtoricinowtedgoda .tiethe^-^-*^?*>*W.n., I s, ".r>j Tff'j" t>i.i;;r«madc,m»4.*ceirtinedt^thd liv;^.^;;.;.: J ^ , , * u-*#- Add is^Wii^^l^&ntrtlj e^bj^3tei^|§s L 7'Jl' : J^ML^-^'''^''^^ ^yKdt.'B^ 1 ^/ l u cyt-ry age of the world, tho .Profession have been slow.to admit U»e value of new dhjcovcri>ia or the ex- pediency of adopting them in practice. Itisitottottw^Ic* gdr profeasibn that we look for rcformKin'Jurisprudence," neither do we find the a/lvocau-sof Medical Reformaitibng Physicians.;'. each de preen ten, ii hatevcr S*/oim d toi unovatc u'|x)'n received bjdnidhs rind established u'saec. B e n c e the?; opposition, which medical, men too ofieo«rXhll»it to. tbe.useof-. (irivaie rcti'iedies,7whate'yer-their.acknowledged vnlue.br) great efficacy juriJio.cure bf disease;)-No ,medicine has dcTijc more "for t)je rcJicfof human suffering .than Dr. Shnr-; .wood's .Galvanic Embrocation.;' v Thecertaiiity.wltfiwhJcu' -it^curesGour^^RIteuiiiatiHtti.'aciite'pi'''chrbhtc^applM^.-'jo' ibe head.'.fnec'of limbs'r:TIc?DbtbrcruJX, Toothache;Brbn-" , c|)UiB,: Vertigo.NervouYorSIck Headache; Stiffness of the, Joiuts, General 1 1)eblltiy,'&c;. ic. ~ ; We-say;': the.certainty, with which it cures all, and many; tnore. not here'cnumer-r atedj is acknowledged by all. ' Do"you;prefer.a speedy and -••ffecmai; to a regular nnd ccientiiic "cure Of disease; we'say try Dr. Shcrwook'i Galvanic 'Kmbrocatiorii.arid the object; , is accouiiilishcd. ; Then; tell your suffering neighbors, what u has done for you,-that it tiiay^lo'tlic samrffbThini. "'•,'." 7 , ,.,Forsale in Butrnlo "byA.Rcyijolds, ». U.Ip; Cborripllni nnd J i l . Coleman. W-i ••• :'- |: ;v" i " : "'; i : '-.l-JcWlwr;". ««.'• W4 i:-'-^ .•; 7->;,,Tpap,cyer ; c^crc4 i ^j>pj '•vcnder f rt .VTJ'U'. •: ;t,,','. v t~ •-'#•• > t 7 ' t-r "/t^f.-' * £ l" 'S-^SAj i-,f^* : '-- ( ''.'"'-'"'''/'' **w»:: :T;The proprictorisdetermtoedthat tl 9tfllOE R8P0TA-• TIUN it'ha«*acquu^rilpr,.thetan U .ycar*-sliaB'*ainaiO«- A>'.i;--itf., talncd. no/ron'tier,fttiivh^-sqcriflccr^i:;-wit ^?t^i !>yjH^'>ji*te*:>jr».hm'.' y Purcliascrs.mu»tbecarcfjdlf jthcy, arjsUtbe PUR3Z:E3L>-^'»>T TRACT ofSar«toarj)to;to.Wl»<br-»t JrIstot>OjWnpil8«r«r r v^S< saparllla.vrtotiM^i^si^Afl*^ WiS',0l&te^iAfil»i^*'£ :jDollarj)cr,.bouic^,j - <r?V^*Bsi *-iiAv:i'-»' KI •<-.'<-'. l r^H.J!ri^WS«'s>^ •<• New Yorli Gouorxil Repot 14Cortlnndf»sSts - Raffalo SJ>cvot, 225 ITIuilt t i^.s^v^v-^d^.'i^^: •sysK iff 83TOrders audretscd, Ww; Bufgcr,: K e^-^'oraVOrCi^Cf. «;-'.-JWi-. 'Bristol. Bptialo, wjli rpeetwitiiprowp L4MietoJott.rj^b^'^b ; I^OlrTEis^S iPATENT'-OSE.Bfs*iifHC^* ft ^ Pateut oil Cloth*, f or Carriages, 'TcWee, r.V : .f.*^«Iosj«^|8WlMf^0s^^ rpHE suhscril*er ha* jh storenutf4*iobstantiy maooiac*; '.';• JU 'turlnga- coniplete'assbrtmcnr of tl esc goods, the 1&&L iiy of whlchtl* unsurpasscd;atod wbict tJe-fienabted^lKll- f^'t to dealers at price* that cannot tail to a ive tatisfactiotu' r^)^^ •>n 227" Merchants at a distance wishh 'M-intaatiukM^^^^^ ccridngPike,,&x.,-ean;addres«^7-^:r •.-•*,---^y-^rtfg&&?& >••••''• vi * '7, "•''-''-'' >r-,'Manbfacain t of Off CJctoay •^Jelfltfv->;v:v.- ; ;,yff,:>!l3a-yortt'-T^lrd;sjt i^PnU*iie)Dln*; ' _SHIRTJSldHrE«T4S ; : ; !"Sl WRT^m^y* CURES •«^^tc^':A: frfer/fi.tow-'.. a/v-QNDERF:OIi. 1 .•; ' «^' i— \ 'iut!m" i '*mm' ! ''mL'jm' L 'mk "'assu sjsa fi> 1sy w| ' ; ''''. ffl.'^'' ' ;i ' 1 ^ -;-;i •-, ; ^ •:•;••• l- -. "t ' ; i iUf'-t .iM-^.^.'^'.rv- '->!J'J,>'i'^-i J .fWftWSi«ti i ?y i .-*Ctt '• 7, ? ••:, :,f; ^.^.jliBtfWirt^W#f^jf^^^:'f ( ;amir. Old JRatabllahed ffaonofacto -y-Slnc© 1650* ^y-foo:?i'Ea&*t%M:4oorjrm*qo^?m^ fc rTPHL ubrJcb^gned would lrutwr&ux ^PaWici'idiwJ^M^j. ^ 7X7:stUl engaged In the marjuxaccuriog 0f.SttIRT^'j?<4c6* J ^iU'-t ; for buallty:aud style. canuotrhe.stoptui ied>tr/>u)jMUPMl7i^ »-"»t: .^iscouauyiy:';',-;.;f-^;r ; '.;;^7fC;^',; : >7 : ; ^/..^fi^i^u^!^^^ i; -;|lavtog bcerjf engaged in theobovem ^ticpwis^nfp|U| : <fl 4, : >v^ ,chU»cuytoct*?«^7y«<^f ; ^bwouldre'«to;^jb0t^^ f toiucrs; wiio;when called upon.Jwtillx ar; teotiJpr^j^|j|^.^> in „.£ skjll in the maoufJwttoinR^f Shirt*, i:; .'^^'.^^.sf^^j Alnrgeas'sorunebtalways'-Oahand; ip&fl^mjfc& ;order on'thc cbbrtcstBbdee.'^^.ig ft^&gj&^fy " -'iargW<p2g'--''^ ( %^^^^^ «fl«> •.;.v/.-.7'r.'jrrST5jBECEIT3E R.: T HIE subicriberha*;JajttTreceiyed'aU rge stocltof ffiCWly«pf;^»» i-of all.descripuons»U;art.rSteei; .At 1 vBs;-Vlces.'-'>4s^ « ^ ^ > Trees, &c; tr^eti^-isritiia general' as* «n*^l^>Bw»* : ^*^^ Hardware, 'T^ooIfy i ij»fe^tp*>^AP ei4 "; a ^- ! boJtA^iiaSBWB-flSpOs^^ri^^^ Store. !,«•:';|S«fe<pfe . c^^-^1^7^'-?•>'!' : - -vj<?21 '.'yw*'^ ^^l/.i^r corner ofM ( **^^*|^^fgt ; Br. ItB'EaiiesEiver Pills ill New^sroi-Ic- —Tbcrapiditywith which thl»Jriyalun!ileme<ueInc has be-;; x>« aAMMM I , • . A i .... .. n •> . I •> B«,*^>.H..A l...«,l .—_ u ! l b • . 1 . a-^4. —. ' .. '^. ^. « • • a. full fV*l #• " ^ » . - • * .It - r . *' * . *!T ' ' k < . *7' " ' 1> '' . _ » a A. '• ' .MK' MK. - ' ' eomrj known.aud.apprcciatc'l. cahpuiybc accounu*<f for upon die ground, ofjts rcal.Vi.bic.,. It hasotdy required one- •'trial to e^tnl>IJ«>h!its cl.dras t> the ,tiiJeofthebiiiy'n»ed (elite; ''torthe ctooofLMybr Complalnc: 'J^he folio win? letter frprh' 'a druggisttoiNew, York, shows the tnanncrin which thebe' Pills arc regarded In^^tiiauscction of the country;;,' f-w-,'^.^ 1 "Dr. M'Lanc—Dear Slr-s:! have sold out all your Liver Pills;andam anxlous'tovhaveandrherlotlmmediatcly.^ 4 ' These Pi! ls ) seem to^iakcimost wonderful lyJ'- leould havc~ 'sold a touch larger quantify, i f I had l>een provided wirn them. <'I'Me, ibhobiwnts.nreiScudinTtoRochestcrfortiieui; : : but wbetlicr fhcreare any there or not, tdo-not'know^-' Scnd v nir»an^ther/SupplyburaediateVi'Vi.:v.v' 7v ^^" . ^ < ;, ; r. .,, -A'-For wdo'hy;,;.-'' ': •' •-' "^ H. COCEMAN^%7 Radjer;f gcUtof.coat tbatgtf iwtthbut &y<40a&tlx&*pr.m4^ ?:ti&SF ? :ublUbed,wecWy;>ox*j3pefam tuaifetv&P'fr^&axiK'vx ; ;; iriirtonsequeo<^ of uw-^rcat ;'rm 'demand fortiJC ; fto,moJpu^aL^weiha^eviber^^ 'unable tojlurnisattik^ackvnumbersite cfllyiftvtxyllai^^^'t^f^ in;firmrev':we*ftaIL^:f^^--5 : S Je'24 :&%&r cornet, of :Main s and Swan scrccts, , NEIttO;ME:»E»IPCNE"'EACESSSIT; , :>:-'''.' MR.:IIAMLLTON VVADE,aChemlinof;LtLouis,Mo; is about mtxDdticIngtb'tbe citizens* of Nirw^YorJr^ftheccles >ramd Scotch Remedy 1 for Consumption; 1 ;known s;b*iJDon*. ;SxbaM's,ScoTtnX'CoDna Cxmrrj TlicvaTtlclc ?comes ; Welt recommended by his fellow Chemists of Sr.-.'LoulSftndlChli^ cago;as sometiiirigabovethedrdiaaryeugar prcpnmtioHs.7 •i-It is claimed thntthii compound hastbernerlt offp6s«««s^ ling;^in the bulk oftwelve rolItCaBjOtonctiyepieillcingbfjb;; -<jimrtdf the strobgestllquidroi'totreever, lb vented for disea- ses Of the Breast and Lungs, dudatdtosametinwitia plea-; 's»nr.to:thcta*te;..;7^i;; f ,',V ; y ••',,/ ',:•-,•:y!,^- y:uKii<y^^'&£' : '7.&3 r ^ndycrti8mentinanother;colutoa.^v^^> "I^OURTH, JULY—FIRE WORK*!—llaving the-aacn- JP cydf ibe larces: manufacmreTin: WcsbrnNewiYork',' , I araprcparedto'sellat lower pricestimnever.'"-My assort*; i ment eiribrnccs '&< every variety 0 f Vertical, Scrol 1; Pin?: Tri- angle, diamond, double and complicated-! Wheels; Rockets, firomiouneeito3 poundsvRoman;!Candlesjato8 bhlls*,— ficrperitsi Grasslioppcrs, Fans, Suns; Flower- Pot*;- Wines;, jBengolaiandBlue Lfshtsi-Balloons,- alsoAcxtrb Nov 1 Flro f : Crackers and Torpedoes.' ^ '• .71', •-.- •'•, ;:>^K:77:>;7;: ; ;^7'.7'y, i I'iChmmlttcei'for Counpy^ari ? Dealers, jupplled^very; low; rotes, dnd^watrar^tedVtogi^cJ v...,,,w;.y ;' yje25.; "E^" H o m o icstimony,-^W T h o will doubt tbe'fol-' lowing facf* ,i: >-^ v J - -.^'*.^v^>-*'-^-?-:-'v-f'^ J .::.'.//. . ^,j rT .-•'•;,, >[ FortTxnVrMoii^rTAiM.^CoMr^^rV—WerespectfiillyyChll^ ' ! tiic s ntu»ntidnbf tlicpubliciotneadvcrilsement of-Mri Fos-' \ ier*a; Moutiutln Gqmp*und; an article .which he has prepar^: eti'foribc Hair, and which, we have hrard>poken of very :| ilghl y by those v who * ihave. u «sl tod We know of o ne f in*r t stanceourHJlfcofjatody WIKWC hair canieoutingrtsitderil,"; who used it witb^rent ndvantagcoThcanicle.•is.ihi''sate' hyMr.iFosuir, at this slrop on Centml stJ—[Lowcir Courier:. Sold i wJiole^oJe nudwail- in Butfalo'lw? JohrtW.TViU-;! lams; 18U Main ,*>jrr'Ct;:^B;Colcman;cbrncrof Main and-;. iSwan stsv Charlf'^t^leman.and EdwordCook. Hair Dres rAto^catftoI^pe; Nb^ / - jmsiflfceui axaivuaie, i , «,oivv-r*aaxcnia^'.-r,v , '". , :-y'''.i'«;'' , r--;r- r ombdffrst, ofJuly.; next*, commence -; th 57 patAle^^^t<a^^,^h^z new SKJU^S. and prtotfOCii>*aitocrea*c l'.oXIt«i|^jl^^^^%^J^7-:;. 'able'us'tojMi'prdyri#nw;*aWor^^ r Besides the oriBluai.prortocrjoo*. o f tJ ie4cdhor»' \, tttf^or^^^i&g.^ cTgn; and Domestic corTc»p3ndence<>f i I*««B*t«f/'fcootrS^^.^ iMjtors-thc^picsof ioto. 1 5 ^ ^ dons of the-most-Interestinjr ptnVftcati ms^^dieday-^n^^i^ '7 briex'bovels-^tlieplqbanwtories^h^ r nsirignneedote--;ti]e%e^s7drjd..#)Wp^f^ i>cri»r-thc personal sketches ofpuMJc'c rararters—the '^M6^IA;^ ^ ;i ^ . ring', scenesof tbefeworid. w e Jive.,ta~the c*ronktieoC*ifi^'4V^ v<>c- ; ri?wsjor ladtes^tb«^sb]bn*j and; fash bnohtoi-ispwpr^^S^^iff^ .facuntid 0<toInes7oJ;ri<rw^f^ . tton^dte wit. mrtoor;aiid'r«^w«' of'thei [rne*^rjees**y*on^5 s ^-,^ .;ivi: ,Ufe,Jhcratrii'e, J sc<iety and morals, and! b^ <earefut cbobsln^'fronithewUdertiesab '.EhgUsh'p^rtodik^tfw^^/^'f. litoratore.'-'^riticJsm/^pb^ry.&c^rvSevci ai new^fi^tores^af^^g^^ ,rcmaxkabictoietcsj;wiiietirlch;,'ahd.ighe. : ^ub'-ib.u>Jlew-r*^^^-. ' ser under.Mansion IteuscJIegiilarAjrents.•:: ,.l :f- 'jeCtjalt^! rrvh JUST RECE1 VED-THifimorning by cxprcs*,at Sltit^EYiS'JewelryStore.^B? Main atn-et, ft.dJnc ^1 assortmcntof.N'ew;arid Bich;JEWELRYiicon»iIsr> fuig'in part of'Diamond'PInsaridRings,Breastpins Of va-" rlous patterns; ''setwtthpeaTirjgarnct. t'rUlInrj^s&.^Alsb~thc: VJiffe"rent'patternaoC£arfl)rops^Inlimnrkct,,snclra^ '^iic^",llennyLtob*;and:sonie1jeadtifurcbmeti^^ Cbauctaitttwextmloiiglhv ploibrBahd Bracelets, &c-.atc.tfj VjAll aroibvitc 1 to call nod 'see our assortment ..M'Remcaji her **6 nimble sixpence ishctter thadia 8lowshilling;. , ^" Victor- ,^'- v m^^iUiiXl B VFFAI.OANtl^STATB LINEi'lLrWLROAD i;OM^ •; PANY-NnTHTE^-IMie Stockholders In; tlic^ufffdo, "anil StatcI.InetRanrbad Cqtupany ; ore ibnuesterT'to 'tobke. BibfellowfbgchUSbr'paymiw ,ai:tbb ofBceof^Treasurer;, int^ci\yMTi^^Qi»%^c, ^fbnowlftgtermi;; 1 ^:-.'^^'^ i ^^w. ••% t^<i*"< '^'^ ' Tenf>ercepL^prfiycdollj^ :BAB^IJM^^A^^^ T>LACKWOOD»S?MAGA2lNE7FOR fc JUNE-iPrICC ^ ^PkcieribU!^^ ?JBrJte^^BbBalb^june;2Q. r -l^ ;>;v^«t- i ;r.v^:.:By,ordcrofthi*i«oardofBfrc<tor#,7^:>b npilEi BOME JOURNALKNew^ri«*>-^ao*Air*to^ . y E-.:W:tua;,Edltors*'^:.^,x. k .^ ;, ^<'n^. '&trtii^?h^QiVrV$2ii£ extent, iTbdvoli|ti^-dI*aprjbIntraeoi/ to 4L TA YLQU'S MUSIC—In the U nguagoofMqpe>££3?3££ rioticed nnd^eomrjenrrrt^Htrsictan for fine taste; rich 'harmony rind perfect shade of variation intoesentimehitof " is dlftiBgri^efl^ ctiirhirAwkm^'<#s^ , cV votion'aXpoeoy.^r^n^Va,-^ Thisibookwin contain a cbolcesclectk n .jpfjiOIafllSiWS^^ !( Tjjnes, tnahy^gctns from':, thetSaCrcd Minstre^.seleaiM^^^v ;fromn»dern'abil>6r<aTtd'alawutrmh rofjj«wtoae*,i\dr^/ J ,% b*-^ Ay,equal tf norsuperiortoapyChqrch& bstoever Dxib^bo^^'p- .^ ^ib du>countryrc-^^v : -; ; ;^;:^;7:: -VWji^P^lSSm - jMc^Tavlor Is an Arnerjcancomrjoser- ^IbrMsM^I' MuSical-Publlcexarotoeana'Jubgc'of h i—-»«>•' ^ .-•v^^**^.'"* ,..'««>wHwW»:«^-.? ; ,.»tV».<jr''i^.T,lU^,.'>«7- i .'ri->'-pi Jr>tjyi7 *<iW' nntIE foltowtog v gpoO*.on„Balcat theilaratfa^attcrs'. 1 Uos»^ S, d^v^l&tMatowect: ConiCrpoms^j, ^'^Reffned Soaps, ''•'";f- ; Cnhdle*;. w ^P' r'lg^Utlca'.Stnrch ^^'Vi; »<<~«"1-—— •^•^>-FIne'.FwbT^ ;^^.fi '.'(iXOel nopJB5|fe&a £f *SOII Tpbacco^7v:4«4f4'^o feflP^^^^M^^ -«Jrt»if ,;,.;i,: £??i^ewlfc'Commi Hon' lil'rELEADtTDryiand-'tooU.dalntvBBwte*s. ; L^|3ft^. ^s^'OIUJapnr^Ttos;;Sash^Tool! '*&$t : te : £ sm' i»w 1-S-": 5, ! t.'iir; : il'•••'•, J^^i^ 'V •ifvlrM't'.' £J „srff-sar^*&t* :->»y»j b*tV 4 '•STw ..0ri-r.>; .Cs-Wi;^; S«W$;'si:'1fllV. J t1f*Trf^'*-'i ••'I'.'L.t--.• ?*1 v,li;, s.wcrka.. pnrNNEY;*iCO; : &<}X> ^;.0;^i4.Mob sckik*«^&''-- i S 3 s i w r>ab**tfflne^ tPbttuielpWa^ '^•*f ; : -PtoWJf^««s:«wxm^ m Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Transcript of Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski NY... · -**^S tmttfc^x T^*. "Z£im!£ii«#*»^^ '•srcr...

Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski NY... · -**^S tmttfc^x T^*. "Z£im!£ii«#*»^^ '•srcr QUICKS jco$ tTourthot Joly, 1850. Grand Triumphal Exhibition Br THX r^rr Asm jucjmacaCOLLXCTIOr

-** S tmttfc^x

T ^ * .

"Z£im!£ii«#*»^^ '•srcr QUICKS jco$ tTourthot Jo ly , 1850.

Grand Triumphal Exhibition COLLXCTIO* or Br THX r^rr Asm j u c j m a c a r

.'•y:;'*':'5yir^^ v Containing the TwoIrtonense(CcUectiiom at Van An-, burs It C&, and June. Thus, Angerlne Jr. Co.. will, be eX-mbitedm theettyof Boftoiocn » •"»>• - ••':"': iTCowlay o » d X a m d a y , J n l r 2 2 d iaud 2 3 d ,

',,....:-; ^JTO&TWO DAYS ONLY. ~ft;--v;;-.' f * ? ^ * XiQfstftoft'Oft O ^ H i r ffQPJPPC» flfttT' rWlff''%%l",''f , * v ' tmttat Admission 33 cent*.. Children under ten years of

Mebalf price. 'V-,; .-•:'> '.'• ..'..;.-,.:•:...-..-„-, .....,;. The pcocrssJOn wflT be preceded by the new and beami-

/ulCreeJan or Musical A CTOMATODEON, constructed »ftrr toe xoodel o f AncientChariots, i s theme** costly and eorjeon* style, beinr 21 feet to length, and 18 feet in height, drawn by 14beautiful • dapple grey horses, and wi l lmake todr Grand Procession throogh the principalstreet*, to the placeot exhibition,wherethe puWlc-willhaveanopportu­nity of witnessing one of, toe largest collections of Animal*• evrr on tfcW'continent. V, "•'•' ; •"'';'''"'.',•. "•'••

p . a. For particular*see large and small biltaac the dif­ferent Hotel*. - v^VT<:^;;v^..E^JiMlStOl^'AgwUil

J . d y l . »850: ? v . Jyld*wt23

-^Fottrtfe of JpJyl Splendid E x h l b l t l o u o f F l r o "Work»S

•';;. ; AT;MQ^IS',GARDEN f W -. :'Canurof Mai* OMA T»pptrusirtstSt Bvffal*. >• ' ••"'.

' - ' " : * ; • ; " " • ' • • . . • - • • • v , - ' - • " ' , , • ' t i , , _ . . . - ' ; ; . , f . . • • ' , - . . ! r , > : , . f 1 L-8V* M O R R I S I s determined thateach sue-ceedtocr exhibition on the Annfvemry of our na­tional Independence abaUexcrcd, both In number of pieces, sod brilliancy of color*.: any previous one. The present extobhJon wiii U>erefbfo be the

.'most'?.' • •• • .'-'•.?«'•/? '•'-•; '••"'. r>/.-.--';;..-' .:i->*..:

! BRILLIANT. AFFAIR of the kind ever exhibited to this c i t y . " ; , ?

• BepartJeulaHnnndJncJ.S; Mos.Rt** Garden, Manufacturer o f Flro Work* tor Public Exhibi­tion*. • •:•:••" • ' • • •'•-•''••••-- .•; '.".•• •;•}.'

Committee* for eiryand country dhrplaya,\Jtfcr» ehantoanddealer* In eeneral arcnollclted to call IcCorvpurchasingcfeewliere. c ; 'v.

l i e nan ftpared no expetuuif^ot Jabor, In.hi* &r-ranpemenn* lor* the celebration In BalTaio.aad I* coofldent tlmt ihi* exhIWtloa o f FIre-VVorJt* will gire •ati«f«etJo«i.toall who attend':- . •, ,

The work* arc warrauicd to-be «*perJor.io any other, comblninft >'oveliy and Color licrctofore un­known In ChetMlcal ana Mechanical "Art/and^of too Rreata variety to- enumerate In fJilJ. l i e ha* ma#lea numhCT.of NewandJExTeatlvericce*,ihe

naroerof whlcharra* fotJow*:" .,.-.;'•. TaeRo«tn^V*ac» ,changBtot fStarr iece . ' ' Ciwctxor Jortr«a»' ,<••-•<• . ' '^MAXTVOWSX. .vy-•*•.!••'< •>

?*t»ittn Fr-nwaa,:' ; . PKHOWA " The fperUicatioo ot which would be too fortfftopnMMi.

Hcboprf it will»» »ufBcient to *ay,tbat there wilt be, hc->ide» aJargequantity of »mall workif. Twenty LARGE PJc« c»» The wtilbitioir will compose in addition, an Jmirien»c andvaKegated •electionof ^ » V « > ; « 5 <*•/•; .;..,>.-^--..

S P L E N D I D F I R E W O B K S ! ; Among which are Ccneal IJchu o f all colo^'Wcroow,';

TanraruuadCji, aand*wm«, TowerbilltonxriylngnDrafions,' Shell* of varloti*eUinKc«fc.

4tlftuaUSky. Spiral. .Honorary. Cadoce<if, Table, Seroll and llainbow Rockets'; niiiclf, hor­izontal Peuraln HtamluatcJ. *piral,:anxony,'balloon' vtVnl. ' cal, capricJoua, fareloua and -thunder Wheels of every col-on pyratutd* of Roman Candles} Jack hi the Vox ami Mines:.rftlnjj tun». »cttlusr wns, Jessamine and Cbinnw Trfw.Glran4loie Wheel with rockets and mines; Peruvian4

Cro»»es,l*almTrees»MesJean 8un*,'Saxonrricec, Italian Piece*, fan Piece, the Grand CIrqucrPiece, Figure Piece, Bsueriesot Roman Candle*, with the Mines blowing, up; Mornina Star, EvenlngsMar. Quadrangular Piece, illumina­ted Trees of Roman Candle*. Mnhese Cross* Revolving

• Circular, CTwriRcaJilc Flowers, 1 Humiliated.ChandeiienC the Nl bt Blooming Piece.True Lover's Knot, or UteMagic Circle, Star of Malta. Boqnetln Silver Fire, St; Georire^ Tarjw, Rechiveor Ku»Wcm of Jmhwtry, the .Wreath of Jrls, a Cerb Piece, North Poinv Star, Ac^cXihe most brilliant F i r e s . " " . " ".''.':, .,«'^ ,:"-•••/>;''• .-"••• * ' ,~

To sonclude whh T«3tPKK*J<eir Tarexvn , which will eororoence withihe well known motto ^IndVpcndence/' in Lance work, after which follows the great Jubilee o f the D a y . • • - < / . ' - * • » ' • ' — • - - : > ' • ' • " ' • . . ' • • ' • ; - : •*.•• • > • - • ; • . . • • . • • ' . . . • • / . ' . . - ' . •

This pleeeeornrocnee* with three Vcrdcal wbeds of Am­ber, brilliant Bayooctaod SJIyer Fires, with an illuminated cenOeof erimson and green, changing to a superb and tn-uapbahrAreb 'drvergtmritwrf to a splendid Dome, with the lerery lutei woven whh brimantcolow, and n)«oihe mil­itary chequer work of Chinese Spangled Gerb Fire* extend-in? aloojt tne'entirefront, covering a »pacc of more, than Ties Humdrtd F*tt cf Fir$, exhibiting. In one view all the dUferent dlamondi, a display«of Chinese colored fires, and hve pointed star#,and Mosaic double Saxon work of silver, fire, illutnlnaled with crimson and.preen, formlns the, ap­pearance- of a' beantifur Rosette; bright'.'array of extreme brflllaacV, showing ateach extreme end a Pyramid Fouri^ tain of Boman Candles,, embeiilsbed alternately • with a eoobination of crimson, green, purple and orange fires, tcr-mloatlng with Mosaic BanerJevfiHlngTbe'air for two hun­dred feet with thousand* of. brilliant meteors, and ending wimarrenKndou*explostoru.. r-., . ........;. .-• ,

During the evening there will bb arocst Splendid '"" B A E E O O N ' ASCENSION :

:.^S,>>yu^A (,it^.ifi^i»-at*>.''"^wH*''*^;^A 'f^^^^,'N*:^* (^^


' • • " ' • ' '

:,'•• • C e k C'.H. i txWxuxims.SIarthaL' '•'; ^v^>;>^.^MUiiaTy-Band..^i^%r-«'.' r>h::>rl,,^&&vt*ix and Badtk^

'"'"•' • /t'Eidi^sfJEk^Wi^'PartcaC^'' .'•?''•-';••' "'•> -'?•:

«, . tfi .i^StAadreWaaocfcty.^.''' - -:,,t;' M%,,, ..: .. ..-..>f%)f>«.oI,Erin '--v ..'"••' '•-:i;:-'--' r . '' ^^.'V..jI^^'-AJcw*tas*^iety^':v • ;- i.<;-.->": •'.••• > ; . OOwSoerJe^atxording toSenfarity. ;.'•-••;••.' -x^»v •-•^•".•'j'.*:. Cen.iats->rD*f.t sa»d StafI;;;1' '';',"' y':'.'•" ••It!:; J . ! f^Oatamrbf^Arm>and:Na^;;^ , • V'-: Mayt^an^/Vjrporsriw'c^ 2^:r

: ;* " ' ^ f \ ; r C o c « r d ^ :^.^'i;v : •*.;'.• y :,.*.'-C3en{y#.''if'*'•.'••• '',• '•'••'•-;.' . ' ; v * v

l/ • ' , . " , ; - . - ' ,

^•"f;;^''^T.r'CWet».oV:^<^^ ' Aid--T.Psa^o*vCh^Marshal--Ald.

P...^,..-; Sattonnl Division. "*•-« ;•;.'••/••: r'i-v^. ;••• v<}tand.Iliriiidoo'ofNew'Y«*vv'';;. <-, : :;i'' '',••••'•; ..fy'^Crand'Cboductor.11 ;/^''V'v-:;,;' '•;•'", •' :.- ••,,:,'. • ;•••, <3randDrrWon Banner. »' '.';:

^pporter—G.W.F^-^dpporter. . ;; O. W-A>-Orahd Char»Ialn—P.O. W* F . , .

! \ rGtandS^ejetarjr—Grand Treasurer. :; v " j; . , . ;^-•>.-•:• p . G ^ W ; ' P . ' a ^ o u r : n b r e a s t ; ";:.'"'•''i;X''\-'

"'•v • '*:' '"* : M e m h e r * i - F o u r nbreast* • ' '•''''""' ' & " i l H V w > v Grand SentlrieL •'; '•' '",'.••' •(•.-,;• ^ G r a n d D W » 3 o n o f ( i m f t d a T V e s t . i -v" ' ' y .'•,'• , ; . • ; , ( i n s a m e o r d e r . y ' . ' •'.'; : L ' ;':>--'- •"'"Other States if represented. •'' v .. f Sobcrtina»TOirWon* In the following order, bcsfanlhg ¥•• • . • • . ^ ' " . ' • . ^ • ' , with'No. L." ' •; J.-;"'-.::--, • . •:' " rs.-, 'X-A.«> -^f.--;'^'i.s.-with'Stain. ".'.::7;*•-:•;,' •1"'7"":

•i.ry-'«-i;J'-!<^;^>.^ ;.• Banner,'.'.-'- \ '"''.7 77.7".. 7 '• . 7 y Cirith8taCW. P>-AiC. with Staff '."7 p, ; c w , vi'ii... yfi A . Chspialn, p : W . P ^ .•;•;.': '• ;••;": v,_;.»•.,..,; w-..„ -v r . r . u . p . — A . R . S . : '." ,''"-;• ii'; •••>*:•••'!" •^7 7 - ' ; F . . s . - T . 7 . , ^ ' i ; ;.,; • : ': r •.'.:,"J-'" '•';;'••••.'•-••. "';:•..Trostecs.:.:-", ' .'". " .. . „.,,.;

- ••' '7;!-''jvrcmliersfonr;'nbreast.7''' •'&•'•'".' ,".'.,7':'-i-' -••-"9*S-.wiih.S«afJl.vy ',' .;'-.'• , r.?4/,; '.r'^lTr-'^Qi&nsand-S^rangerav 7 ••

. rTbe> procesalon wi l l f o n n o n Niagara . s treet— n^hixtkmecaMAm.i,i •,:^. .••.; •'ThfdiSertxitaocietiea uniting in this;.celebration

are earnestly reqacated to be on the groond prompt­ly at 10 o'clock, to ovoid delay in forming the' pro-

•ceMion«.'^7;y,.^7;;7^^ :' ;.; ITie JElxscnlivb: Comrnhteo' will bo found at the Phelps;;Hpn*e frbri. 8 A. Ml . Gen, H . B. Fotteri ':Ch»vmw-':^^^ '.'.;:'_,';.'-,;,'r' .'•••'•r ':7-;-'..;' oaDKE:or^Micfsxs.';' - y^>'-,sV-;

.-y 7. Maalc—Star Spaugled Banner. '; 7 ,.:-'.'.y ;: ••;,;.'"; j^Prayerir7;;;.';.'y';;"/r';., 7 Reading of r^ciaration of Independence. After%htch,;bddresses wiHWdelivered by the

following gentlemen. ^ ' ,;:

iHonTH.B. Stanton; RovJ.^-W.BeecheW : TRer. Prof. Sesger, John B.|Googb; Esq. ....;1.Ail tho P.: ^^^^jM.^w^^!ffJ9g^^.iiM Grand Division, are, requested to form with the Grand; Division* o f this Stale, if their o w n ia not represented."''\-',;:'"'J^'"' -' J 7.7'. ';;';"•;"..

;,V7 r 7 Genl CHAS. H. S; WULLIAMS, r;.':.. :• T . PARSON/ •->•'-7 •.•.-.. ^..v

?•' '!>••;>,;•,.7 '.';.y^--.SPJE«aI.-AnM.7r .';-; W . W . HotrnscTow, G. Js W i a i r ^ W 'O. H r P . CHAJSPLUT, - J . D . S X W T K U .

1,0-. ! *4 I ' ( U ;

. . X B E ASSAitt T E A COMsPANY^^

, The proprietors Dcg* to call the attention of ,connolascur« in.Tea, and the ueads of.familics; to die caotcs and IURK TEAS jniported^by tlwm,; and hitherto unknown iiv this .eouniov wldch..by Uicir fragrance and delicacy, combined wUhvlrgln purtry.andntrciigUi, produce an Infusion of sur-paj«ing richness and flavor. 7 7„, ..•,. 7'.. ,-',.,,;.„ , ' The Teas offered arc the following:—' . :, - Tljc Jeddo Blooin.a Black Tea, a t . . . . . .'©1 00 <? ft,./

Niiil>on...^,.. .• . . .do....,.:.,i;.. ? * .:'. 0 15 do Plari. . i . . . . . . . . do. . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 50 do Oaacca,-.. . a Green Tea. . . . . . . . . 1 00 do

• *•< Too.tslaa.: . . . . . . do.,, . 0 7A do-. ,«• Tlckl-islan..:.'... v .do . . — 0,50 do

** ' Ud-fl Mixture, a compound of the most , rare and cliolcc Teas grown on tho fcrt lc nnd genial soil of Ansara . . . '....,.;„> '. . . , . 1 00 do With a view to cucouraircthc Introduction of these match­

less Teas, It is the Intention of the proprietors to distribute bv Jot, among die purchaser*, a quantitvof Ten, oqual to tAeJrtt year's prqfiu ondie sales cflbcted. Each purchawu will receive enclosed In U»c packnge. a numbered certift-cale. entitling him to one chance In the distribution, for cv-ry fifty cents laid out, and on tljc rcceipta nmotititing to 82J,00O,.thepndermentioned parceladf Tea.to the value ten per cent', or itcot&pus*md dollars, will, be given away, a* bonuses, accordlngto the followlmr scales . t

^ 5 Prizes of 501 ha. Tea each at &l «> lb. 250Q»s.or S250 750 do' ' 2SIbs. "•'•/ *f •• *• 500,'* ..•«' 5U0

50 do • 10 Jbs. ** '"."**. •* •• fiOO.M "•« 500 100 do- '•'•S-'ft*.'•"**" " ""•«•: *• "500" •*' 500

•*Ji50 "--do ""'r'tJbs^''**:--- «••••"••.'*••«'-Vr1-250'•«.' •«';'250

B o b n o r * » C e l e b r a t e d B r o a a T B a n d , Fyiu*iM*f>b*btr,will be la attendance ahdgive s n u -

siealentenaiuraent.<.,.,.,.....,,,! •:*,.-:•-.,-.'.;.-•*.•:''!•' •;•*.£• •••*••• > Should the weather prove anlhvbrahlc,' the exhibition, will be po»<poned until the first fine evening. * 7 '''••-> •..'•• -•

E27* Tbe Garden will beopen from 2 t o i o'clock P .M. , JVs* tf CkMTge to those who, wish to sec iheFlre-Work* put up for the evening. '.,•"'. „ '"'"•'

Admittance to tbeGardcn daring the exhibition '* 25s cents; •SewTved seats50cents .^ "'.•'>; •..:.. • '"•• v • uxx <fe-

CJ^Dooriopcn a t j o'clock-, to commence at 8 | P. M. .

« 5 Prizes In a l l . - * • ' • . 2,000Ibs. 8*i000 "• Those person* who rrrefer lower priced Teas, can receive their prizes in proportion, or "they will Ixsrc-purchased for cash, at a reduction of 10 percent. 7

.237*Country Agents required. Application* to be ad-dressed-(rjc*tpaidO! to the Company's .Depot, as above. ...-xnyjjo.v ,- , »"...,-;7''y';,',';..7,7:; •%^-H::-;->mi]sa'

* » , d0y4

W A T C H E S , J E W E L R Y J c S E L V > B T T A B E j I.' P. PITKIN,has ree*vedhis SprlngStoekof the vahcwejcodsvcorjjprislns a< great vaxiety.of new and

; . beamifal articles, whica arc now open and ready tor inspect ion. ,„, ^•••i.-.<-n: i,... • . • • , „ . • : • . '

Particuiar attention has been paid to die selection of ' '--1 ••;'••''• -"w">';*'"TrATCHES;''-' .'' '7V"';~ m regard to their qoalhy a*vttroe-keerier*. ' Probably my stock comprises a* great a variety, in both Cold and Silver esses, as can be found at any other establishment in this city. Great pains has been taken to sclectJhe nrst'quallty of Gold l»Jewelry, of which-all the newsr^Jes -have been received,-'Amongthogreat variety of Rroacfi5»;EarRings,' Charms, Buckles. Chains, &c. ice., die n»Jsm»tidiou3caii-naihiitobe-suhed/'" •'•, ^ . " • - • - 7"-,f ••..••••", •

Your attention t* partieatarty called to the laree stock of :•> BOCSEKEE«*EN€i A B T X C E E S , r

socbasTea Seta. Cake Baskets, Candlesticks, Table Mats, Ac ssc: In the wayof FANCY GOODS, it is impossible io«aaraerated»Irextentandvariety,' -,yy".•.-,.• >•< ,• .•,./-.•.•,

Call and examine tor yourselves, and If. variety and qual­ity will not Induce you to purchase, I have but one other «barmmore pocent—Otaarsxas. I will not ^ be vndcnold.

Bememberbetorerjurehasinetocahat••;-.v.:^>»..-:'',•.'...-i n _ . - . y ^ p T K J N ' S JEWELRY STORE. ?*P» , ^ ; 100 Iain street.

, 1 , ^ ; : 7 ' ^ : ; : C I X y ' F E B K A C E » , , : 7 ' : ; ; ; J; y , / /

T'HE subscribers respeciiully anuouiice to tbepublfc tiiat they have establlahed a FOUNDRY AND MACHINE

SHOP, on dweornerof Elk and Mississippi streets, where , Uiey will be happy: to serve all who. may want anything' In

i h C t f HOC.: ...'• . . • > :.,'.- . ;.-, ,;-, ,;. . •.•.•-.7.. ,-•.•.'".'::-.;• .. * Having been practically engaged for the last twenty years In the various branches of Eugine Work. Mill Gearing; Pattern Making, and also Mlilwrlpht Work, tliey are pre­pared to furnish Steam Engines, widi the most modern i m ­provement, '...'•- -,..';< •• ' . y ' y . - ' . ..'..••,•-";•'. ,-7

All kinds of iMachlncry tor MJJU Work, fitted up in die bestmanner. - - ,7. ,... ;-."'> •••'-.•.....;.- «•,••;'•••.-.--'.....-„. . ; >Vc will rfveZif required, die necessary calculations and plana for Flouring Mills, Saw Mills, Distilleries, Tanneries, Pomp Machinery, &c«. :..••< , y (

: . . .-. ;.We will also.make Hydraulic Presses, Hoisting Machine­

ry, Car Wheels, Horso Powers: also. Columns tor buildings,-ofimprovednatterps-,, Balustradcs,.Ralling, Potash; Soap and Sugar Kettles. Plow Points. Grate Bars, &c,&c. •}•. $5T AH orders thankfully, received and promptly attend-, cdto. AddressS.SwAXTZ-dtBBOTUKaiu y , ..";'•- ; , .'•, SAMOEL S W A R T Z , '£

'•'••• i 7 • :.;-,7-- ,•••;, . J O I I N S W A R T Z , ••• •' .•;.'•'• 1 .......,-7-'7 • . , ' A B R A M . S . d W A R T Z j . ' :

GEORGE W . S W A R T Z . •.'..••• , • • ' . ' • ; m y l f f l d t f y j ,

<»: •

BoOalo, May 20th, 1850,

fe O. EL P . W I I X E O I S . y

Wsotcsj*-%, A»» RXTAIV »aaiiB»;n>,Boot*'and Booes.ieaiiber andFir^^

,»o. WO Mala street, to Nc>73 Uoyd istreet. (near Jtfain) Baffido. . - 7 : ' , 7 ' 7 , , •••'••• ""-••'..-;;;".; •/•'

A geoerBi ssortraenrc^Cemleniens, Ladies." Misses and CWldreasBootsand Shoes, from (be Eastern Markets, and ofbkown manotaetore,eortstanUyonband. . y1

t y Boots and Shoes of every description made to order a tbe best manner; and warranted. Also, a general as-

"ortaeatofSlsjsaaakerf Tool* of tvery descripUon.1 '-

',-v•••-.-* WTLEIAJri• JULAJNG*^ ••-'-,': -' 'i*~W [Scec*|sprto^aepbMan}ir;iBOOT and SHOEMaker,.

^ 20JjtfeArtbut^; Gardai; Main , street, continues" webnstaesj in the same manner as it ;waa carried on by Estate' brother, and wiB endeavor to make hi* "'Worfc geasehi* old eostomers, arwellaa they have heretotorc .i**npleased. , ,•• -r•-.••',-.^..-^ehMconttantryon^ hand "and wBt make toorder.vthe ^JwserfprJon-t>f-Fn»E™' FRENCH -BOOTSr-CORK ^OOTs. GATTERS. and SHOES, and' all the desirable t t tnf& W Q , l ** J d •onetoaMrtntjaneeiof patronage from; ioepuoHc,andpsjtfcul*rly theold eaworneraoftheshon.

'•:.;. :-'i:r^sr''2'.V:.i'.j)i;.^-.'iy,.''^- *•;-1* %2?M ,4cV

.'..:•..- I • 7 '2l^LlEABKAlVGEiriENTS;' : ' '7 •' '1 • „ i :^^:>3•^^••••^••^:>vFOSTOFWCE;:1l JPPAL«t•>'''fc:•:

U • "----". •::*' V'..«V.'.-?::*i.-r.y-- ••:•• Apr.27,1830J !|''-:'-/ On andafierthe Istof May, 1850, me Mall Arrangem'ts at thisofnee will be as follows, until further notice, viz: ^

The Eastern Mail by Rail road closes at 5A o'clock A.' M-atSiA.M.and4and(»P.M^-Railre»dtime. '

The Western Land Mail will close ot7 o'clock. A.' M. "• ,WestemMail by.Steamer*; wl 1 close at Cj P.M. ,;

The Northern Lund Mail by Railroad closes at 8 A,; M. '. TheGowanda, Jamestown,Boston, Springville and* Elli-conville will eioseat 7 A . M. 1 The Aurora at IPvM; -•'.'•"•' '

The'Warsaw and Oleaa—Mondays, Wednesday* and Frtday*,;ai7.A,M. ••••'':•'!•"-',"•-;'•.-- '••-. - East Hamburgh--Mondays, Wednesdays and Frida^rs* at

The PUotMail—Tuesdava; Thursday* and Saturda ys, at 7A.M. ., ...:. 'y7-- ,:y',7 V-'•. -7'..;-•--..'.••'- ,•••• .'.. •, -.',

Offiee'openon Sundays from 8 to 0 A.M.,and& to CP M^ W^d3Vafrom7A-JM.to7iPM. , a p 2 » ^ ' 7 . - . - / 7 ^ - ^ ; ^ R ; : H A R R I N G T O N / P . ' M . •

-7:> H A T A N D C A P M A N E F A C T O K Y -Having every&ciliiy formanufacturing Superior

HATS, tiw subscriber tocls confident f but tho ,Stylc and Finish of those he Is now manufaci uring. wilt

gcatly surpass Hat* heretofore made in this ct tyi and will bear a favorable comparison witii the Hats nyade in New York-and!eu«wriere.: '':',;,"'.'t''A ""'''••'•'C- '"•"'- ; "•'''' ''"' '''''

.GenUeroen wfli rJeasecaU and eisatinetlsQlstylebf.Hatrf andleavetheJrorders.*&'•<:•"•?<&-''••'•'•:'•••'/: '..""•.'• " '..„ <J3T' Country Merchants desfalng Hats of th'e new, style,

t^-the case or doxeo, *will flndXtpon examl oatioh; such . Hatsand prices as cannottoS tobe satisfactory; •]:•••> "

VAlarm assonnjentofSommer Haav alt kinds. .CAPS, of all kinds, aiwl»l«*aVaM retail, at the Hat

and Cap Manu^torvof •. ;^-x ;>;. .", -.'••,'• ^rmy30d&wtr. G..w;itOBERTSON.;I71 Malnst.

^ . 4 C ; -7y.: . . . . . , . . , ...,'.. ;.,;'..,"/.'' ' . .(••:

SiXotlcpzm^ • „ • ; -^lafjerstown^ Havre tie Grace, Frederick cou nty. and oth­er soiventBanks.ot tbbStatevnUgper cer^.<dtacounu Al -

^ • ^ ? U J , ^ J v a o i a » : v y f a : 8 l n i a » 0 h f o » »ndIan:s»Micbigan.and an Wcatem Bank Notes, at the lowest rates o f discount.—

STO VB* tvhieh tor tmUyi beauty and cbeapt*es*V! Ia imwrKuwed hy : «oy oxhet;&ove. .id^he!r*oW^i.^aflW-''8a; l Oven, wbicn torcapachy: and:fi«Uity tor bafcrngv I» mart-' vsied; sa^comriared w w 'lOCI.-'' '',,;v'''^l'l<,#^:'y^-'";',>^«M-«,it'.;!i.,:.ij!'.;( : ••

A* we warrantoat^ajoves eufty•vwipnaevpitttaaKm-wUI findit their i«tf*r*i* iocail andcxaminc thetn^y i,'.

We also aTepi'a'•0!«era^::asllo^tn1e«'.^o^•,^^ , of Ccokbg,ParkiA<^I ; f tnd^ Sheet Iron Ware; and; also taanuiaeinre^Pfardthed Wares, tor .Private FamUicstPuWlci^c«Jscs,ySicamboot*,atc.ac. '. N . P. Job Work donowa6tr'£\«*.#• j>":^ 7'. '/,;•-, •;-.-' 7/.JC^W^a'.^-'/''^gn;t-V^^'^'^ ;•.<."..,•; , , 4 T H J C E l ^ U I E V ^ O H I 4 ^ , ^ ; : ' ' - ^ y

N6W.:XN''.ST0BB ''aod'jSr; toiefatv'die;1 manuiietorers*", lowest cash price*. :tbe'largest aswrunent:ever offered

Indus market: and at25 perlfceot.,.lea* than the usual pri- • eesv-'-'The aiaortmem coropi*Jscs •JB* 'varie y.of i'J^ketsi'f from tbuncetolJ poundStBcman candles, from Itd^lwtilsv verticat, triangle, diftmond, scroll pin and fiitiey wnceK of; all sixes, ajtd charigTOble'firpi^serpen^^ Btrhts, Bower pots, mines of serpetf ts; stars:' and 'gotdraIn;v Chinese tree*^jausshoppers; alsoNov tcChlnese flreerack-/ crs. superior ooalUyv Noa.1 tjind 2 T^pcdoe^iuirric^&c.;: ' Dealers and committees ft* publicand private etbibhlon*, supplied on short notice, at theMntmfactUTers*: Denot, at'-

* BARNUM'S GREAT^ABiB^,«" STORE; 7,!: •• ,;jtnV^u'^'^r:fr ^KWy^vp^ylM MmttrecU^i . •-'. ;.,., 7,.. TO,OTE*^IlAIff3CS»^r7-; . , . ; ; , ' .'rv^'

7-v SI?LL Y7 &;fiLiJJ|R;.;; . ; . ^; J

'; Have formed a Copartnership, and opened )art extensive WlwlcsaleCommission llouneut 194,Main rtreet.to Tccelve, from Manufacturers, and sel l to dealers nll.Wnds of Goods; Wares, Merchandise Manufacturers prices;. W e con save merchants Bom' . •• .*"%-' If-;•••"•" ,...«*;'• ^•\r*^;<

On allklnds of DoinesticMonufacturerl Goods, and a cal from dealers issolicitcd whenever they vhUt; the city to buy Goods.'. 7,... ••••.': '-..'./'.:> 7'77;f ,'y'' '7:A''-. •«.'.•;>.'' • 7.fc-;7'"/: •'' ,7 On sale and In daily receipt of, fn large quantities, y

. E n i u ^ u j a n d ^ -!> Eastern and Western Clnsf, oil sizes. -L:7 7 •;F^istcrn nnd Western Brooms. .c '• ;>-.)... ;;.;:,•*•.•/... r'•••.;•• .. Blk and Su«l Polished Wagotrand Carriage Spring*. ' "7 .'' Finished AxlesyCrowBar«, :Ha*iimer*i*I4'i^<.;'»: 7-,v; ,'..;",•

Hoes, Axes, ShoveJa, Spades, Sle.lgcs., • . ;. Blister and Spring Steel,. Iron city make. Tea* orall the choice brands, fresh, 7;i . 7 , 'v.;7:'-Ropes and Unc* of American Hemp. • '

•r. I^ens Lamps a new article..7, •'•'•••V-fv'.'-yi^7- •'-• ., Soap, Cnnqlcsand Starch."; V " ''7v-,'.:.:7..'y:'7,.y/»7.•;'.',• ,7

Consignments from Mnnnfhctorcra sollcllefl*; Orders filled and Goods prouiptly shipped to any part'of iheTJnited Suites, or Canada,,ond warranic*! w give.satlxfatlon.,-

•':•'•-v'-.i'";:' ; s r j L L Y ^ F A L M E R . 7 ' Exclusivc.WboIcigaleCotriJulsxlon Mercliants.,,.

myl4 "'•: No. lOi^Mfliristreet. Buffalo,".y.',Y.; ' N . B. Purchases mato for, correspondents atbest rates.,

, ; ;. ••' >" .•' :/7y ;' R O W J S ^ ^ ^ ^ ' g l : ; ' ; ; ; : ; ' ' would res rwctiully Intonn tl>elr custbmerii raid Ihopublic general}, that they have rctnoved froin their former place of business into the store ...V-'l'v-' v- r " -'• ''• >H-.f•' ' JUP*iJKstW..' ;•' .. (one door above the old stntilc) where m addition to their OvBtcr'buslncin, they willkecp' oh' hnnd a jreneralasKOrt-ment of FOREIGN AND DOMKSTIC'FRIJIT, yft'ufs, JHckU*, Sardiiiet, Catnip, Pepper Sauce, Sauce$tjfermcti-, catty Sealed Oyiterf and,L6b$ter$;Pielilcd Oytier*,Lob9ters,; Clams, Scallops, (fc, be.., which they will dixposc of nt the wiwssT nt inw: Dealers wlttfiud.it t o their advantage to' give us a call.' - .••';•.' %\y '."' 7? • ..;'• 4 7 ;

. FRESH O V S T E R S ; in Kegs or Cans, and live Lohsterareceived dnlly. ,; , :y , . . ROWEfcCO. ,197Main- s t .

- Buffalo,'May Sa/ieso.- ;,',' ..,•.,.-?%: :Vii v Foartlx of'Jnl^Etrowopla*. ; -1-,^

"Just received.n Inrce HtocR of every description of Fire­works, which I will sell Bt,manufncturcr» prices at Whole­sale and Retail, v '.'.,.-;. -.:"•!,'; J '-i-'v-

Committee*.from villages pud private exhibitJons sup­plied oti very liberal term*. >-\ •••'•

Thcrehas liecn so . ranch deceptitm in Fireworks that I have made.arrangements to have what I «ell made cxpnrss-ty for my sales mid will warrant ituun.to be good. 'A'large su>ck of Fire Crnckrrs for »<ale low.'." Call and-

examine at J l O L U D C F S V a r i c i y Sion.v mylSdaacUyt 2*28 Main *ueet.

W A B K E N mSYANT. ( L A T B W . & O . n i t V A N T , ) ' (

Importer of Toys '&' Fancy/Goods. 1-15 Maih^st Buffalo. flnu'just received of,blM < own importation, for the Fall

•Trade, a fuUiitwortiuCht'df- French -and German Toys and Fancy Gobds. " 7 ' 1 My Intc partner hiyving visited France;dnd Gcnnany, expressly to mi\)w arranRementu for Iiuportiiig.our goodB. I can now onern7cpmplete>tock,. comprising ,many new style* of goods, on as favorable, tenn'sas can be had in, any market- Septcniber22,1^18.. , 7 , ":..,"• .'. ;•', mria

T E I M C A P I N El^CTI-^orncrbfJvraih rtrcet and Terrace. ORDINARY Daily;fiom 12 toO o'clock.

' y .-.::.-•; 7; BILL OF FARE.. 7''',:" ".',•"•'.w , Ron«t Beef, per plate, la Beef Soup, per plate, Is

. •• Lamb l " Is Veal'Pie •' Is *• Veal " . la- ., Pork &• Beans" la

CalvcaTIcad " ,1s ' Pork.Parsnips'.* 1H , Corned Beef •«'• 1B Beefsteak; ". isGd

" P o r t ; •• Is ,Pie«, Pudding.'•' Cd £3^" Oysiern In the Keg or Shell, English Snipe, Lamb's

Fncc, Sweet, Bread, and every delicacy of the season. mv2tf GEO. L. FOWLER.

. '•'••., '.7 A C C T M W N O T I C E . >'

TBE subscribers have this day formed a copartnership In business, under the name arid firm of GAIXUPA:

WnaiAWs, and have taken the store No. 08 Lloyd strret. ot;

the Junctlou01 Main, where theyimend to transact a Gene* ral Auction"and Commission Business, act as General Agetj'ts, sell Ecal Estate, Furniture. Stocks, and any pro­perty In any part of titeclty or< county, negotiate Loans, Rent Builrilngs.RealEstate,&c:&c. •„ ' Ad vances made on property leftfor sale.

Bu:ttaIo,Junol,l«50. S. GALLUP, ' jet' J.WILLIAMS.

; r . I l l^ON, STOCK\WElEE & CO. , PRC«DU'CE C O M M I S S I O N M E R C H A N T S ,

;.;"..'. !y'.'V'...-'.7;' ..JSfb 25'Pearl Str^ /, ':• Shippers ofPrbduce desiring to consign to the above House, may tmtain advances of the undersigned, witii privilege of Bale c Ither in New York or Buffalo.

. ,..' ...\ CHARLES D. GIBSON, aptfltf , OfllceonPrimest.,overMcrch.Mut.Ins.Co.

'..,l- : T O E E T v Several Rooms, with a cood entrance, over store? No. 194

and 1D0 Main street, opposite Fanners' Hoiel. The rooms ore larger pleasant, lljthtand airy, and have just been newly and neatly finished, with bed rooms and clothes nrcpses at-taclicd;' Apply to W. DUMONT& Co., 104 Main street, up stalrd. orto C.J. HAMLIN.

jeMtjyt3 ' . . • - 198 Main street, upstairs.

C I T Y E O T S F O B SAJLE. On South Division, Oak.nigh, North, Maple, Mulberry,

Locust,Liberty, Columbia, Pratt, and Granger streets, in Buffalo.

Also. Lota for sale by the acre or foot, in the village of Black Rock. Title Indisputable, and terms of paymeuiea-; by. Apply to H. W. ROGERS, 100 Main at.

December 20i 1840. dpltf


i s ! ! . * » « ' • .


^ &

'aawaxxs^roaTnjc&anTcotataa^ 4'f. ,,)#

i ^ > > .

li'n4';.W '-'I* •-'!"


htshfe* 'HisaBernpb2dc^sassin is proaoancea »h-saaeb^ moral disiin^tshed 7 phyndans 'andlt a


^Rct/elaiibpa'nre.prbn ^ote.'^he'^o^^'wh^^^ .^h'^^ttvento in tho procession* Jj'^ric : C r ^ n t ^ i ^

;7;^A:ftW;;c^ :;0^f^ol^

,«OTnTed;in Ghorles ;'strect^;7;K^w

'It b said there is„.no doubt ihaf Dr^:Webster b about to make :*^a«eaa-breast*?^or:;lhe.' ronrder of

® E A N K 1KOOK ^ l A N I ^ A C T O N T .


: ; B o o t o ; a n d . g S y t o n e r y , i ^ . o ^ ^ f o t^dttLttTJOiOlaWfiv'; A ; ••'oamafh«areri»is'ans'co«n^

';;articte.tt»nttfoct>rjBed,og.- *$& .by hita7i«B h e ; rearninted" a s

'''j«rti^';or»ar>iJrV»;.iw.Ja^ .eir^^^A'tar^tts*imuentQr-^tti^ iwe^'toriblmv'-wlll . t»;cht isxano^;c* . l3a^^«^ rjaSer 'bf,.' naniaatsmBii i tojs^ LV.iT^"jpreircnt.rittaCce*sl^ rate E^,^iJ4iTAnd.Marf^ oftbetnc^fasWoraateToolato *nbp.wlB',t«.efl'u^i;;fa'OTy'doiw.W •ki'ii S lii,-: {*' c^sStt^tcdj^'-^Wi ar^l*latparcd.tb tBt;ojtdcr#; to ^ ;lMG;|n;!Oxg,hciiit;i)m

•;:«P^ W i S^V^i'No^" largeaccewkms tobisatockof French and/English-Black and Faitcy Colored CLQTIk*, * 4ectcd:4wiUivVeara.J ';,hI*.

"customers' wear, whJchviviil bet lade to. order, iiv the hiost

• j ' 7 ',' , , ' " .7. ' ' ' * /^asjssawssisssjssisfc'V"*; •» •'"1... •> • • . * . ; / * ' * j.7>

,;y 7<V.;''.,'.,^^fY^ni^;iolya^fepl 'M.;y7: , : The Pacific•amvedjat: BJj .^loriJtvihfar rjobrninjji havinjjj]^f|^ive^ paeMnf^rs.i .C^P'^ of the! intentJona;;orthb^Engltsh: Mltoistr^ y Lord Stanley, prefaced h » motionb lion with a speecb';bf S.'hb^ra^dtit^orL •sl-i,-..|'.;

T h e Marquis of Lonadowno defended Lord Pal* meTalon^/;,y>o^;'7v'''y";:i'^ '"';;''"'""'i' '"''', , 'yTho^efeati 'bi' 'thb'/Min'i i^ :WM

•Itisiamorcdth at; thts ^ terrninntibh of • hia/cbnjtrtye'jhsy'';:with1 'jtfib(. Rev.!^fr.^brbami isabout^;sccbtte.^"UieCjiniin'. of Rome. : ;••',._ 'r; '7''v

:'^." ..• 777- '~>':'ti.u 'The Royal Mail Stenrmhip Gbrnpany has: been.

defeated irrthe action brought ngainfit them; byfthe owners pf the ;;Cl»arles;B •Ebrbpa''3iMtVy;ioar^L^^

T h e growing crbpsithroughout England and Ire­land nre reported unusually promising;1" v ;'

PARiSr-Morisieur•.Thibra;ha^^returned jondyis considered dangerously;••; i l l .^ T h e debate, "ps, tb'^uio President's salary has;nbtyctco!nrhcnceA^;,7 ,; V

It is said the jftinktry will resign in^the event of tho rejection, and the "President' will aqcept some; modifications.'..'''' -.;_;•'=;. \'X:

: ,';;''''''•. .7! :^' / '/'" .-V.' ; '-.1 ''-T h e Tuscan Minister^u Paris/Vft'/prl-Lbndon to

indpeo Lord Palmerston to withdraw the claims Of indemnification jn. iavor of British, subjects who Bufiered during tho siege'of Tuscany.

Tl io-^rmanT jo¥ri ials ;9xpress co'nsiderable ap-^ n M u ^ < r f ^ h ^ M M M r m » ( W Z~* ^ i » B k „ i ' 'Woud respectful y inform lilx friend*and^'cmnomcrstli proboimibi»^^the^r«^rntioti» :of war b y land- or f ^ Il0w r c c^ i n ( { a very extensive, andj splendid n**>n

l;;patticuiar;aac4itioo.;to. and^inaalin,musliband

fashiobaUesydc./^.^0 wouid ,ca hts* sMssorttaentor^' '^•'•'^•it^-"''^''''' - S U J R T S ~ L l n e n ^ striped Unci fancy mustia-ralao made toordc "and measure in the latest Styles. J777 : « • ' ^ ^ [ ^ ' ^ "^rrf^j'&'/wi-'Wv 1' CNI)ER G A R J h ^ ^ Gauzcvsome very superior and desirable—also for Ladies,.

CRAVATS^-llaln and Fancy Satin; Parathea^ Italian, Gro* do Rhine* Corded and, Tw1Ued,rja^vFtti»cy^Brlush Cambricsi^Madrasotid Cotton.: »,;,.7y. i'^;,:^:7vy7^^..i/'7.^.,.v, ••.i'vSCARF,'-STC<:K..AND:TIES^A',toU.'as»bitnienu.^7'"^

GLOVF^^urVff Black ; a n d \ C b I ^ Berlin. Lluen:and'oihcr,GIovcs;: > '7>« i:;-7».; \V:: ^ &*. 7-;

. aUSPENDERSi-Beal French.English and-.F4wtic.--r Also Shoulder.Braces. Ridhuj Bdts* Umbrellas.jCa|ikes, Pa-Parasols, Brushes and Perfumery,;Puraca, itcii&c*; ,7 • ••.-,••> ,v?,;'. -:-P;.W* S^htvIlteatiieanctttionoT/hj^^ gers to his chofce, and varie«Istock,1*eJecujdJatid tnanufac-tur^d with care,which, with additions'; from latest itnporta-tions. presentlnducemcuts to patxotiixe tiua'Ncw;OuifutUig;

EiitsJ4Iriiibsmti^s-^^-''.v:*^»^^^^ '''77 >.. ,7, E E N T O N ' S 'JpAXJBN-U,* E 1 N T , -:„ , : : •<••• •• 7 ^ X N A M E L E D 7 W A R ^ ;

GALLUP & WILLIAMS;Nb;C9vUo: d,Street,Itmetibri ;of Mahnbave/received fromjthe "ap?nti;Mr. W ; B.

DOUOK, and will be,constantly receiyfngjt larcenssoi'imem directfrbmtbetnnhufactnreri which they offer-tor,sale at o small'advahee'frotri tirtf rnetorytpricc.1" ' ?$*•*-?*"•"?^-: '"•• i /The'above';Wnre'is mrinuiactured-' frini1 Marble an-l Quart.z and i s beatuliully; ynrlcirjiicil,ii7colori<, a 'd will stand fire or water. witl»ontcmcklnctbe-inatttel.; yThlsar-; ticld Is unequatic*! bynniililnRbeforc'ioffc red .to theptiblle; for durabrtlty nnd1 beaut)'} and consists n part of inc fol init>1nifv(*< ;:"-*;-'' " .-'V.;.7<v.-.'y •?, .-•''•s.^...wki- •"....•:a-.:y. »,v'.'1-.J':.

sea reported / r ^ Dootparltl ; They state that ^ if.Deritnarlcmapehes'troops into

Schloswjg, Prussia will immeeiately; occupy Hol -stein. "... ,' 7 :. :t,, .„ . ,\ ..;.,.... ... ', -7,.

T h e boiler of the locomotive Erie, on the W e s t ­ern road, exploded nt the Glappvillo depot yes­terday. T h e engineer, Madigan, was blown Borne distance into the air, and fell dead fifteen rods from thb'spot, minus one leg, which waa blown the other direction, with all his clothing. Fireman badly scalded and wil l lose one eye. • • ; . - • . • ' • • " ' . • • . s j i v ' • " • ' — 1 — U - ^ . * ' - . ' • ' " • • ' • • ' ' *

-. .WASHINGTON,, Juno 29tii. T h e House was occupied,duriuj; the most of the

Hitting on tho Iowa contest, which resulted tn the passing of n resolution declaring a Vacancy in the representatipnoflowa. .:•'7-'.; A| ,

„•"'•' . " •'•'•'. ;V"V!i•:'<ps'>;.'•$ •:"• {• ;,-?•• 5 ':' V7 HALIFAX, June 29.

The steamship CanndalfrprrrBo'ijlon arrived at this port nt 12 o'clock las^ri/ght,^;*.

The agent of the 'steamship-1. Viceroy is here. J( is his impression^trrat.shb will .bo. got off and saved.

The wealher is unfavorable „ for saving the steamer's coods, .— ; ' • ; : „ . : - : >.'.''.' ' • • • • • • • • ^ ^ • • ^ ^ ^ • • ^ ^ ' • • ^ • ^ - • ^ • • ^

.. I I E S T A I / K A N T E O J B j i A E E . , The subiicdLcr offers for sale thewell known Restaurant

Sana Sod, No. OHO Main street. w<Ui all the fixtures as they now are, newi and in good condition and repair. The lo­cation is.nn excellent one, and,offers a-rnreehnhce to a try one wigbina to go into the business. Fortcrms&c.enquire on the premises, of .•-,-•:. • .','-..;,. -7

lowing, vljt Spitioons,ofvariousalzesi '' Piicbersi' :i!-".->'•*?/• 7 ":7V" Cantllt^Ajivv'^n^-'1**^:.;;; Tobaceo.Boxs, **: '*'-*?."•*A7 Fancy Bbtties, •• 7; «*7 ; Door Plates, 7 i

DobrKhobs;^'^.'^''^^-"-Flip Cups, Toilet Sets, ! BrushTrays; SoapDishes, Centre,TnMcs; Coffins,


The public nrft requested to^cali'andexi mine this'artlcle;; JtsW

CdffcC'Pc ts,-*"7':v7''' 77:''.-'-:-': Coflbeit; •ns;;'.^<7':',;y7'''''.'' WaterUrtis^.'^;.;.;.'.',- .;;••••: Cnambe -iif'' '•':';;;';'v-;v'""""' '*' Flower'fnscsV:'u'?, 7Vi"':• ;:7 Door;PI: ites^v7!iv;;7'7'': '-"*' Ewcr'ni dnnslris;77y"^,j':' Foot Baihs, Slop J a r s , ' ' ; : Fire Jjain ifari warranted ;to

stand t)re,;ic7&c;

M E R C H A N T T A I E O R , 137 MA<»8TRKKT;*M*saio»'fl«usic BLOCK.

jyt W . G. THOMAS.

J e t -



'7-'-7;,(Brecd>.<QM.StohQ^)^--/.r.,.M:.-l.--.. r 188 Main street. Granite Block, Buffalo.

R E M O V E D , DR. J. t>l HILL has. removed his office from Swan, to

140 Main street, over White's Bank, second entrance above Terrace. , ,'/.... ".

VJP~ W A N T , TO PnacnASE—A House and Lot, conven­ient for a, Physician's residence- Inquire at the above of-.tice. ; . '• ,7 . 7 . ... •; •.:", :.. je2-.>tsp21

,^ : ;y . :7 . - .©R^^nnaTErON>' • , : . - , ; . : • Will be at the Western ;Hotel,'Robra; No.'100, on Mon­

day, ti)c20thinst.;:and remain one week,; and wiHcontin-uehis visits as tisual, the-second ^Monday In every other month, and will remain from'ope to three weeks. '"'7' ' ° P 2 7 ; " " ; ; " ' - •• ; - " •,:' -" :" ; ' "- ' ' : • ;"'"^' ; ' ' ;dtf^.

N O T I C E . . All persons are forbid trusting the schooner Francis, !of Huron, Ohio, fbr we shall pay no debts contracted on her account after misdate. Buffalo. June 3d, 1850.

Je4 , J. HARMON A: CO.,ControllingOwncrs.

ulars en-GEO. GAGE.

R E C E S S F O R S A X E , In a good location and fair terms. For

quire at No. 5 Seneca street, , mall

•' \'~~. L , ' S H O T . ''•' '.' . 3000 bans SHOT for sale by

rart3t»e24 , , JOHN OTTO, 222 Main street.

:;,;.:<.,-;,; T A K E N O T I C E . •,,, I declare the "National Martial Band's disbanded, and

that E. H. MODANISLS Itavingr taken the name of Leader, ho has: no authority for so dolntr, and I will not be responsible1

for any debts-orejigapemcnts conuracted by; him, -or the Band. Junel2th, 1850. • • - ' -1"--

jelOtf . , - ' - . . JOHN HAMMOND.

WATCHES A T ^ F H O E E S . I E E ; Tbere is no doobtthat the place to buy WATCO-E5; either si Wholesale or Retail, is arSIBLES'S

_ JEWELRY STORE. 1S5 Main street. BuflabV -,Jlv ^JS5* beerrrcedsed; direct from Euror^ahbat m?zF&w**^^?**0*; *n Gold and SHvtrca.

; ^ * " _ « e ***»» eualWeaand T«tiern*':maauiactarerL i Xy^Tbz in prlceifrom 8 3 to s r a e o ^ f c - " ^ ^ ^ ^ \rJ3? *^JiJS^•*«*' wfll be sold at a mere noartnal W L S 5 ! S « e M M r : t W » i wnnner to keep tb^S»esr S J fc!T2[S^^ofWatcnes and Jewelry In Briftato; JJ^to » dr^detie*cwapsJtion. Remember 188 Malrs,

:i. V

J O H N H . C O L E M A N , • Wholesale and Retail Patent Medicine Depot, Swan street, direcUy>n tho rear of the premises lately occupied by L. S. Reynolds, 220 Maln-st. Buffalo. -Headquartere ofnil the mObt approi'ed Patent Medicines, Christie's Galvanic Belw,&c.,and general dealer in Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty and Sash.ofallsixcs and descriptions. - . sep20

4 T H O M A S W R I G H T , Wholesale and Retail' Dealers. In French Embroideries;

Ribbons, Hosier}', Laces,'Gloves,'&c,', Straw and Silk Mil­linery Goods, Dress Caps, Ready Made Shrouds, &c, No. 230 Main street, Buffalo.; ' ..

B3T T. HIVES, Salesman.] ;....,.._. Jc3tf

V; y M O N E T ^ T O . E p A N i - ' And Good Business Paper. Purcha84'd%at all times, by

BROWN & WILBUR, 147 Main st. •.Buualp,;j^e.i2tlJ,:i850:,7- .^/'f";, '777:;7 -Jcl3^',"

.* ' — — 1 • • • I • • • — — v » m m — i — — — . • • • • • i m i l ^ l (

'"'•'" •! l''yJ'--^:lE^'XMOV^ v'y.'V, 'Wholesatc and'RetairDealcr in English, French, andj

German Fancy Goods', China Va*es,"Mantel Ornamental Card Cases, Willow; and AVoodeu Wore; &C.1, 223 Main

W A N T E D . ;:-;.,.-• A WET NURSE, healthy, of gooddispbsition and char­

acter. Apply for direclions attheuffice of Drs. WInne 8c Cary, 148 Main st: ..',,-,.. ' : ,"' ~ P 2 7 /

•.;•••' ^'"..v^WintrJ* M A C K , , . •'.: .:; Denier in Flour, Corn, Oats, and.Mili Feed, corner Ohio

and Washington streets, Buffalo. , ,. • JeOtf

'.'"•'• R O G E R S ' d t ' . C i T T r i N G , ':'^•.•• .AttorneyRand Counsellors, No. 190 Main street Buffalo.' nENRY W . n 0 O E R S , ? . • ; , , - - •.; UXRKOfi 8 . CCTTINO.

mcnl of SPRING AND 7SUMMER GUODS.whicKhe J prepared to make up to'orileriuitiie lau^t styl<i,atUjetowest cash'price.' ••'•':*' !.-•='••' .'7 '7.::.«'..'':, ; y;7.:/.7- :\ >u \i> ••777;777r, '""*. -; :..AN .EXTENSIVE -,ASSORTMENT' y -; .,;,,, of Siiirta. Collars, Bosoms,,, Cravals, Cloves,'..Su^hcnders.; Merino.Silk, Cotton and Gaute Under Shirts and Drawers

... ' .- •"; A'LARGE:ASSORTMF^T'7,':'V;-y;'v777:;.7 of READY MADEG ARMENTS,fori>umraer Wear,con­stantly on hand, at low prices... ,-.>:" '7,.y,- „ .,-.vHir30 J;

' "~~~BIWINK:RdOK.S,'PAJPEB^^ ;duj.1-'-,

7 7 T Maiden Lane, Ncw-Ybrk. Importers and:Manufncture'rW bffcr.at lowest IMS/* prices; nil kinds of AccountBooks,, Writine and' Wrapping Papers, Fancy rind Staple Siutioncry articles: Orders promptly at-.tended'to. ' :'';;'-' 7. •'•':• ';''*:': ;'''-.•' •'''

. COPY YOUR L E T T E R S ; By die use of FrandsManlfoid LctU'rWritcrl Letters anc

Coprcsare wrlttcn'aitlic*atuctime.;..Tiie.Ink ' in. sheets and the. Pen.never, wears out.'-, prico Five Ddliars. Cbpyiiig and Nouiriel»Pres«es.'

.;;; .'•;:i.^' I D I A R Y ; F O , R ; , I 8 5 L ;7 ,7 .V W e shall publish; various-V\7JCand styles, of

brandum Books for 1851—-price 4K/S0S 8d postage. Tradesupplicd at a discount, onthcUtofSeptetnlier. > •'

SKTTsof-lxxJks for Lodsesand Divisions headings,Time Books, Boolis for- Rail Road Contractors. CardB,Gold Pens, ice. ••-, ••• -<'•'' .•:'.--;-'.;'7

FRANCIS tc LOUT RELv Manufacttning Smtlonera 77 Maiden La. tie, N . Y.

LEWJB. FrtANCis, ?

V^-KVW5»*y* <Hi |,; r-.u!\'i»SRwwia;'n»

sifJ S P R { N 6 ^ ^ U M M E r t GOODS;

^occnssc»wlLBS^»*TcUiS3^ .patrons at«irnan^aequatfi!m.ift^ (wbichisnoweomr^^ofCL^yrfI», 'fVRNlS1ltNGa, r

aad .RJ^UlY«MAtiECLOTniNG;a ir i*<Nw8^ OT.Oh^*trtet;-wha'.tim!rsecr^ heJ» jreceliHtoff ataliwlBi^Kp cottsctttiiybn8 hand "a"*reat «r*i (Off«i*'.ttt;tito.m»Wle'eMr -arrt :STtittiSMat!a^t^^ "GouUcmcu-wrurtsI t ih t i t s Wnrel iouscsi %W<«tmxNctrYocsr,aj«wtjerVB^ occrrcd, roadoofthetinestrnatertals^and oecotdla* to the

. niottf apnromcd fittftjwbs^'f^'&^v^ ';•'" r . ''*'--' .' S ^ W ^ M ': .^•TIK «*rvlccsofthonto««wcexs*ft T-ERS'ha ve heen-s«ured!.;?^; m*!r u^%^:^.^M^'Kr'^:ii:>

; orid»ownt»un\uih«ure;4o^reat'var^i^ Mnil'wid'fljraaleatitric.esitoswfcV".". Ace uev or SeottNAinertcrtt inua E u r o p e a n , fi-aaniojiB—*Hriiicr and; Kuttimcr, J o a t r o -» S 3 C I T ^ ; : ^ ^ « 7 S 7 ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . i! EiTlvGratcfli I fbr past patronage* the subecVtt»rsoHdra a bf^ai»w«v pledtrlnffhra»*einoft1» • oe»t*t!ibrts*o: please; hl*cAn«oi«<rs^7i^^ •-•' ^^^H^ii•v',^J'



.•>r s- '!fc^tlWW^^

=T-•if'.'S*>i>r.(-i.1| 3 P £ i a ^ , « A X . ! S ^

^»g» - ;AMO as?rMtaJa*«irni»etttof -Grcjcrjrtfe*,,. ; ? 'N.O^'Museaf*^.a^sa»,'crui»i» I <att wtsKteatfai^B&PE?^

L a ^ s ^ - ^ o o r A - yvu,te»*H;»v<ahttsi»,,«cJtea«5Sf v ami totv.i soapy wrat<i*itttittpQrkr9K t a f ^ ^ « d m n ^ 4 s > ' ^ :p»^lwciri«^bri«id»».td^^

is cbiitalticti fromOue'to

Daily Mcmr s'ent free'«.

Can supply order*

with printed

CvitiiH IV. Lnii7ftRi.. apl3flaawfl»n.


sale by theuozen

.... . J . S. E E A V 1 T T , ; . ' ' Book Binder, -Blank Book Manufacturer and Stationer

Nos. 18 & 19 MeneuAirrEXCHANGE, ' '!__•' mrStf-••'.•-•».-.••:••• : ' BUFFALO.

R . B . W I G G I N S , M . » . Botanic Physician, Niagara Street, corner West Eagle,

Buffalo, N, ""

street. no20.

•W* C . * A i A . B T E N T E R j icoMMissidN MEBCHA!NTS,

.Crtleettonarnadcin>f B i w « ^ o f the-.United Statts "a"nd .U»JiJjio.: J3- CENTILAL-vYHARFiAND PRIME STREET Cana^.v^, ,7^ ) TpWNSEND4c,TO^^ - B u f f a l o . ,Buflato»Hay SO, J8» ,

*M*,\4 -I' 'vf-r* • .«- . .



,i my30 N'-vt';-;.s.;\:;.;, '•-."' •^•SS—~~—rrr1:' ; : -:'"•'"•';" tSuecessor ta> A . ^ : < S u w s ^ l » R A P E R l X s TAILOR,

over Stores N o . 274 Mam «t,7Kremlin Bloc>:.; E . 3>. M; ssouhj resjpeerfuBy soltete a share' o f theparronageofhis riend*, ^twether, wi th that of the former pa ium* of A. S. ' SW and eitizen* ra, general; assuring t h a n ' that n o pains >HBhe spared to have everycastomer pleased, ; •

> :^otbs*Caasirnere* artdjfeipjngs,.constantIy on.handV-Gtonents of everydescription madcandtrtaunocl In tbela-

,l»«ari^:rao*tapprcyed"'«yI«:*:"^w'''rt.'';':^ ::"y^y^—:-- ' SdTT Gentlemen preferring7wfar^shv ,iac£rbwn'goods, -wurdoweBtocalli-.,:MX-,i».^»'-;.,w. A..*.'-»^ .*•*'. ^dea-iv'«.

;.., A B E J L L j S N O W & C O , •; . .«;*":-•;?••• Storagc.'ForwardlngaridCommission Mcrchants--No.2

CoburnSquare. 'l'' • ''" .-'•• •••'- •'-'•;• ••'" ": ' '"y:y'-' • W M . H. ABELL, W M . M . SNOW; F R A N K L E E . 7

Y. w - C H A R G E S T . SHATTECK,- ' • ; '

Justice of the Peace—office No. 147 Main street, Buffalo. LatelyoccupiedbyJ.G.Dickie,Esq, •;:;„. 7 ja47

CS^Eajnner's J o i n t Stoc l t R a n k i n g C o m ­pany— And otiier good Canada Money wanted^at 1J per ent. discbunt,by, , TOWNSEND\ScCO.i •

•;;•'•-:.• "--''T • N . E A S E A r C O . ; r :-':"• Dcalersin Leatiier, Oil, &c,No. 14 Exchange street.

r ^.Safe­

ty TnrvelEn^Bagsv Life* Preservers; s'f-,7. . - j^'S. iTOi^g: l C36it^' i^ y .v:V' '^--in tn^i^^<<Steiamboat.Ownea and mher*,' blaThed:

E ^ r f S S l ? ? 1 0 0 o f • * » **°*e i»crydesirable;artickavai'' t m i m 7 . y m f l r a ^ g * a n d «*omrr*3uiatibiwfrora shipowners f«o»a«tcr*oftheJEastern cities.' --•"; rr\ •:.;.: •y'.^-:-/7v;

ft2W . G. W ^ S p B E R T S O N , • Ha&and Ftir' Storc"l#l Mala street.

Tde3ily :>:

C I T Y IX)X$, SUITAJBLE F O R D W E L L -«**jnboa* & V e s s e l O w n e r * 4: T r a v e l l e r s ! «**^»^»^ *'".•"'• -A ^ JNGS. Agency for1thftaaiB:0f Eanneit»si:feai™i«ti*caS? ^.Thesphscrlberha*fbrsale Lot* on FHtivSixth, Seventh,

6 ^t^sneaai© iiisennett.ai^e-BrioTi.aaiii-. Jslagai^Tur^er^ii^Gemanstieets. where good cellar* canh^tnade,anda]*o Ett*on4ndiana.'Genesee and Jack*.

7-', •:- ,..,, C L A R K dt V O E G H T , . .Wholesale and Rcmll Dealers in Drues»MerftbInes.Chiem-

Icals, &c. &c . at Apotbecaries, Hall, 200 Mainr street; cor-' ncrof Eaglei'7.7'-v- -'•-'•: w;y;:•..- ;•.;; ;:«• -..'"VAM: ..j . •'. •.-.! ;K rO.P-CLARK. fja3()tf] P.G.VOUCHT ^

son street*. Also to lee; a^thrje itory oBrJck Warehouse^ob thearm 0ftiaeShIt>*C3nal on Erie street, and oneonCora--

jncreialsaeet.r. A.perftctritie wT be givan. Buffalo, Jan-

'!»ja*au*:' • V:^*'j-.. 7-eomer of •> aitfandSeneea" street*. ••'- •

ICAl a ^ 5 5 2 ? M O C < t » " ^ ^ t e s t p ^ o r w o f M A ^ j / H f S J S ^ ^ a p w ' i b / l i a w . a share ©I S t a ^ ^ ^ ^ S J E w W ^ J n .the ; n i t e d S t a ^ t ! S S ^ m S f * ™ « » « * • « n t t e d up ini ZJS.0?'cftTVandwfljonerto oureitfi«Hi« frS^rw^ «?? **?be«gu ariy lurmlicd-withthebes »«5««IiKlj^to^^r f l r .^?rr t 0 o a T cjtfa«ns a few of W*

fill t h T s ^ ^ ^ n f f 5 a V : n a & m e o t , « which never fail to * W * - ^ sdadration aniattordsianent

J C 2 3 A : .i.-.fi*"."" .f

«*•»! ' > * * . i ' • y ? H 0 J » l t o S ' s * 1 C a ^ ; ' V ^ ^

ryCraTBAL^^sViBARF.'-'-'' •.•'• '•:i',-li*''';' ^ ^ j P » » « ^ a * e o f Flour, Grain;

X E M I > E R A N O T . ; c O E F E E * R O d i ^ W"?& * * e Mato *t,underWnhtf *BanJWv; The subscribers ^ ^ J « ^ t c s « n a i v e alteration* to -the 'above rnamed

5 oi the patronage of . in the, nearest style.

^SISJSMV^ "Pgiorwith the.bestthe market will . W ) M M i i j C a n e , r ^ O y t e v ^ ' l t c . . ^ w ^ ^ : w m d ^ P m - «be;shortest notice; a n o ' t h O ' D e s t s t r t e i •'••'-'•.•,;*~..r.:'-,-:i». **•*• *••'.-'•-.-' ••• >, r., Tr,-.

L u n c h s e r v e d jclaByBrom n . t o 2 i ia lS * - ^ * w **--•'

W I L L I A M G A G E .

y v > ; j->v'r i^ {vw328<; ; S S S ^ ? 1 0 2 * 1 5 ^ * ^ ^ * ! * * © 22:1830


^.•*;^l'::t• #'»|3Cs S . H A M P T O N ^ &U&&:t>;3 M^to Wrter and ^*sber, eoroerof SerieeajindPearl sts, hartagnafl manjrTearscrperjencela- Ga* Fimnc;fin Phila-^ I * f e 5 £ ^ ! 2 S ? ^ ^ & opS»n»^oteIs?Churches ^ ^^S3l^^ c ' , ° « 2 » « y fixtures for burning

, anocoraraodtou* ilghu..

nmnner. ataa atuieshortestnocce. • »j,.t*-f.

andcc#esv- : - } ^-.;•-y;,--v;-. •.-•;•• --:y.- rV<;.<;:vy;y;.-•?:'no3tf-7


vtfoxott w. ctorlros.

N4cTlHBITT^^;-yt>; i : . : ; . •• A t w n e j * ^ fcour^ors^

. * ffi~ -,^.f-mUUM C T»OJTX* •'"

G . R . S M I T H <fc C O . , „>V7/ .

C O M M I S . S I O N ; M E R C H A N T S v • -And! Wholesale Dealers in Groceries. Paints, OfK Win-.Bow G.lassJ Dye Stuffs, &c , No. 71-Matn street, Webster Block,IBuflalO>-:" ywy ••>'.•:? 7'""i -'77Hyv'.7 :'V;';.:mr20tf '•'

5; The c^n^ing; totafestin'm builfin:3S40.4;For furtber'particul.irs enquire of • : •''"'•

7: &;/:! ' ^ S E N A E ^ ;'7:p .^.' 'i;f'';: ^Blstit lerB^Manuiacturcra and Wholesale Dealers in Al­cohol, ^ OtoOS cent^ Also pure Splritsand Rectified Whis-key. of 1 a Superior quality;1 for. sale1at 'No 18 Lloyd; street, •uflalow77.^77^77.'-v^7,::,-'7.:-;,.;:••;>• 77' '7; ;.;'fel2::,

Tv ; r: ' ^ . ^ J O H N ^ ' G R I E F T I K r , - ' : - ; ; ^ . --. ..7 i; ^^^l^t i ee f t s^^ Forwt u'dirjie; and COmmwsioniMcrcbant,Long Wbarfond

'Ship Canal. , E ^ * Liberal advances madcon Produce con-.slgncdtij.meon:salc.:v, ; .',;J.::41;.y^c--.y^:.r'\y-,.^;;;Kw^JruS0.';7'

• T . F A B N H A M 4 : CO'S W O O E RJEJPOT, . ,-»'•'''t •'?:"7L;^Pi^WADN,S^REET>^

V; The rwbscrlbere will receive, ossc^"grade and scBWoo on the ttjrms-.usually, charged atDepots. . , 7, > > • > •.-,

•,,,.Buffano;Mny,0t0S50,;,> ;y ,vf 7 /^)^-77^ . - : •;„••.,*;,my0;;t:'

""•'."I 777: ,r ; EGBE^'vHAR^EY,7.yy PROPiUCE^;COMMISSION;:TORCHANT, ; myl3tf;

: . ; ^ 7 .;•;

RASCAL" JACK—A new Comic Song by G. F . Benkert, also the following hew MUBIC, this day received at the

Pianoforte and Music Saloon, *200 Main st . , 1 Krcmlini "v

Gentle heart with eyo of blue, by G. F . Benkeru "'' The voice of bye-gone days—S. C. Foster;,

La Pasadita—A. Bishop. ' ,;

W e live mid the bouridjmr billows—Donnlzctii. • Oakland Polka—H. J. Snroni. , 7 ' '

'. 'Coaueae 'do- — J.Munch: 7 "•T"y- •-' 7 ;Cbmpromise P o l k a — H . FcIgL ' * " ; <•'• -

Switzer's home, with variations—F.Beyer; 7 The American National Boq net sett of waltzes—Riiha.

. Lnudes Farben Waltzes—Strauss.." y " .Western Smr Waltzes—A.J. Biederman,

' - T h e flower of Georgia, wnltz—JrC.Mlszner. h,. . A new Supply of Standard Mus ic .« - •!''' Jyl •>•' v •.•j.;.-...v-:-. .•"•':.: JAS. D. SHEPPARD. '

TVJEW MUSiCr-Justrecelved'at SAGE'S Music Store,; ;1V;^209Maui;street'""' 7 •'• . r;.'V:'.';;.,.l".'.-;j;,.:l•;..,": ,.

The Adieu,a beautiful song, Just published,corbposcd by Bow.; • ^ . • ' • - • • ' : • ' • ' . ' : • > " ' , ' ' : • • ' ; . - • ' « - ' i " - ' • • : • " ; - •*•' • •:i " .

",';.Genrle'NeIi;«by:E.;L. Baker.••••^'•v ;.''••',; •>•;•'•:'.:, y:sv. j Be watch nil 10 beware, by GloveW -" ' - ' • ••'••••-"*;

Oh LcmiiH or go down to die cotton field; as sung "bytbe Campbi II MlnstrelB. compoied hy S.'€.'Foster.

Dolly Day,ntwnritiy^^ampbehSilCL;?do < ' •'••'';'.7v.:> / . Idreamedof.agentleform^bytBenkert , - , >«••/• ' ^;7Clarl88a'.iv^It^;6y-Kleber.;..^7;y.i'7;- ;-;-;;r„'7.f;.y:7;:'7,7l •'•"•". Falr; Ada's cottage,by Brooks. ',, A 7,..-. ., ^ ,.

JVtcet mo in the rooonlIgbt'dcll.by,FJrtch-, 7 ;> ^;7;. . " 'Mail coach, polkoi'a'beautiful composition, by Strauss. -'

La;Pasariim> a* sungby Madame Anna Bishop, compos^ • cd by. Bocbsa. : • ..;-.; " \]ls--y->—•-~,r,, „' •' rSwi tzers Home; by Beyer. • • •' -*:?''[:*: -"•'-'-'y1 '' "•

Les Bords diwHurisoh, by Grobe. »' 7. >•' jy l , T ? O R SiAIiE-rA Farm of 102 acres,,130 o f w b i c b ^ w ^

•X!7Jmr*pve;V;witha:'g6oVI,hbit^harri situated withlnhalf a mile of theflourlahlngyiBageof.Te-

xunruVeh,;fn'MiclJlgnn7: ^.'-v .t;,;.:::;7,^7; p'i^^'- ' i ^ ^ i'-••••; A l s o a farm lying fivemilMfromjTblcddiinObto.of J55-. acres, allbut 50 acies un^crJmprovcmentwell fenced; wiihi1

m:good frame barn,house. <tci ,::;.77,7'77- •' fc*l+*:f'Hxti&?*-;, Aiso'^farm U miles west of Manmee city, in OhibioflOO acres, 4Q;bcrcs,of whlchJsweU fcrice(i;;i5 acres Improved, :wilh a;:gcod 'fmrae;ho.use;i,C, 7,77 ".,,'"."'.',":;7 ; .J&->-J:£:fok. , Theahbve'wiH be,foId'low«.bnA'etuw> tcrrn*^Of.pSyrJaent,",' ' or:exchanged for propetty.'ta thia.clry; .Apply to- 7,/^ vi

-V ;.G. H. GOCd>RXCB,ReaKEstato:Agent;'t W : ' ^ ; ' 5 ' : T 1 ' ,7";;4 '';"'7'OfnceNb;'232;Main;at' ? 'J i *_ T>1CH BLACK-SILKS, ;v.-or.



• \VHZTiB -CAJt 'BE..ro0N»»>-> ; ';?:^M'.' '- ' V''..''^. •• *>.'J •

Jo^Ci^cani'i'axui'''i^ ' • ,7AtbUhoura'bfmedayandeVerdn^

:.', r,,",;',;,1.,':'1",.-; , , ''n,' V^VyJ^r • j ^ a , u r ?

Cencrall >ealers;ia ^tnnbeT^E^sp?r^r^^ andErie.; Ca:iaht-7^- -;' "-" f'^ftWftM&^W^'-'



. a n d E r i e CrnaBt- rl'ft'.,

J ^

Exua wideBlack Trimming-Laces, -;>;. SplendidLaceCapesi . ,;.i;j>i"^i^!'-^^''.'-- ; ':>*M

MusUnfj^gm^gaandilnscrtings.:.•I'i^V:,,-:.}.--.'-.^.;'!. 7'7 Curtain Mu»lins,i;77-!"i;;i-•">.*•' •''• 77;-.'-.:-'-1--'- ."y:--'. Moiirning'A?cils,^>.;a/:•.•.;777-1''•;:»',y>'?-^ «••'• •' • y7' «'••''• Plato-BlueBeragca^'-'vwJ^'^^yi'i/-; v'-7; ';-r:..•.--;•.> ;^ PolkadOV -do "7'- ,• .7.-.:77'7'.7, ."•.'• .:7 Plain Blue Delaines, & c d t e w rrtSMMain st•; >v; '

'••' \Xyk%-my^-a ,..;• . T H O S ; : . G . , P E R K I N S . . ,t.\T;OW READY-rThe^nternationaT'Weekly Miwrcllany : i.?( i for Saturrlriy;June12nth,,;0i;cehts;,,'a'nbmbcry.S275'a-; year;; Thlsibngazfrie"Is,something *lhthe style .ol.tbe H trrv l>ers^Monthly and Little's Llvim; Agerprlhted on:1 good pa­per, clearfctypie; ondto^eAieryjpanicularrnaketfadesirahle

;;book./or'rM3*on8;'whofe-itoisteia.reflned..>i":^>V*^ -; •r Subscriptidna-recctved^and7*ingld ;copie*;fbr said at-thc iagency w r Westorrr N e w Y o r k , t&w-titxftihuw, 'SwjK-J-ufii- vy •&'*t;-: m^^'-fiBURKJ3»S'rCHEAP>-BOOKSTOREt7y",^ •;-"jyi.. iisj. i;o*: . ••:';; (f-a '*p- ,i^!i'»;;vrfI7ndrr,MansiOn!Housc':yv.

• • ' • , ' ^ ' ^ " - 1 , 7 ^ ' / ' ^ s ' " ORTGAGFJ3;;e^,^7^^y^f7"--7^

v?f *: 7^ROMISSOItYNOTES; Jf^''^^;:;i:yX ,ANX>;WAttRANTS^t2-^ ? ^ ^ ^ . ^ ' ^ - . ^ ^ r ^ l T ^ : O R D F ^ ^ ' ^ ', - , •"'••'-•;T>;STOCKS,!-^,t

'And other securities, J^B^^'^^'^J^'^SSS^' ' K Al 'MANC^Hrj^KK^1

^.-.''iwZ jtbatJ

street f*S8£w*tt uc

•;,;•; • •' FIRE.. , Business men who arc not. provided! with.h- FJRKPKOOI

SAre, will do. well to call and procure oiic'of C. J. GAY* LER'3 Double or Iiu|>erlni;Singlc Salamanders. 1.., 7;r>:

' T h e s e Safes posKcss every, qualification to :render;theiu prchf against,the action of lire or.thicVes, and of sufficlcni strengthtocndureafall from any story of, a burning build­ing. ''I*/,>7 y'".V yv.,,.v - • T <; , -j.''..-;:; -.- y-f':,; • •''•,,^-y\ '....-./•.••

.Thcyare constructed of Wrought Iron, being kneed, rive-; ted and welded together, and lined with a perfect iton-con-'ductingfire-proofmineralcompositioii. ;', • i ;

During tlus present vean-nlue, - of tiicse- safes have i been cxposcd-ln the groat tire nt St, Louia,one in Buffalo, (to say

• noUtlngof the slight trial o f tiic1 doors on r-Mcssrs. Wells"t%. .Cb.ls vault, at' the recent burning Of Niagara Btock;^ and, one onboard oftiie Steamer Empire State,; all ofwhich pro­ved true to tiielr trust by preserving their, contentautiitijur-

' C d r ' 7 ' ' .,..'s,U,Uvv-.-'' ,»7::..i7.'.:-7-': \\;'-:::.. • 7 ' •> A ••••• '••:.-•' y ' i ' 7 -.-"".'K •j .' An assortment for said and orders received for any size or dimensions rcquiredr at No. 0, United States Hotel Block, Pearl street, r dc28dtf . WM. PRESCOTT; Agent. ;;

- N E W G O O R S ! N E W GOODSll% . MlLLTNGTON'ic ;BR6TliER, have now, on hand, of their dwh,toanufrtc-

,'turc, someof the iu6st';eIr{japt:PARA; SOLS ever made In [this or, any, other city, of agreat variety of colors of Eni-broiderca Satin, ,ljnod with ..white,,the very latest New Yorjcifnshlon. ,

Also some very elegant embr,oldeicil and fringed. laree,»izef.havmg.ycryricb pearl topn and books.,. v., y. W>> 7

Also a very great variety bfPIalb Sot. in, with'fringed,-aodplain'edges,.for

or single one, chrap for Cash.; 7. . ;. , Umbrellas and Parasols neatly covered and repaired as nauaUby 5 ; . MILLXNGTON &.BRO., !;

Umbrellaand Poraeol Manufacturers, 2.19 Main s t ; 'Jc3 ••.-'• ; :• - Undcrtho PlielpsHonse; -

" C H A R E E S E ; ' E E C K . . . : , •'• l

BLANK BOOKS AND ST A TJONJERTt ' . RcupectutHy colls attention to his,well selected stock of' EnglisU;;French, and American Stationery, cbmprisftig the latest and most desirable articles for "the Counting Room. .•".'

BLANK ACCOUNT ,B' >OKS, PackctPOst iCbpyinp: Books, 10,15and iO'qrB.; .LbrJcrCopyihgBoo|w, 10,15 and.

,20 qra.tLcgersi Journals; Day Books\ Invoice Boofts; Or-, 'der Books;;Letter' Bbok«; Cash'Bbok's; Sales Books; Rec­ord BooltaVReceipt Booksi- Bank Book«;:Mejr»bri»ndnm, and PassBooks; Cyphering Books: Drawing Books; Ship, .Receipt Hooks-, .Bills oftE^changc Books-, Bills of. Ladinp Books-,; Indexes; Half Bouud^cgers,, Journals, Day Books, BIouers,'dtt^ Books of Notes and JDrafts, Sc,c.&c. , ,7. ..';

, Always on hand a Itugennd; general assorttpent o f ^ , u R n l c d a n d P l a i n F o o l s c a p & E c t t c r P a p e r . ,'. ACCOUNT BOpKSj-Sibgleioran: Sets/made ito order,, tiiled and7»und to any pattern. ":•, ,,•./ .,.,.; ,7,',,:;::.;,,,..,

B3^CdfniberciolBritning executed inthebest style. , . ••-.: Orders froni.a distance will recelvc.protnpt attention' by addressing. ., 7CHARLES'E.;PECICy

- 7ap2tf,-7.7'..','••.. •• .••''•7..'7, 77 7 7 Stationer.Buffalo. '•',•:.."• ^ A C A R D . -...-' V/£;'Sfi£iiXl^-r

RICHARD JONES,!\Vrrltpner of C^Uings,'and;'Cdlbrer, • of Walls, begs leave to rcturn'hls thanks for fawraebntiri-; ucd toiWmduring.tbe 10 years .be, has, followed,his; bitsIncs»H In this city; and begs leave^ lafdnu the public, that hewjll

Eut thcir-CeiUng Walls In order! with cither Whitening dr. lime.;and will color1 their'whUS'nny tint;they riiay.dcslre.

andkhows^frotnhlslobgexperience,thathe canpleasscall ,who.tnaymvorhimywii^.d;calL''i''''7:'7;7 .-.-•' '.':V:?'':7-':,''.';;';.. yyAtlprdere that''niay'ibeileft dt'Hustbd,sPafnt7Shbp,lncar tbecornerof Niagara ^t,and Main st.', Kremlin Block, In h

•box prepared-for thepurposcwiir meet with prompt atten­tion. Buffalo; March, 20^1150.: _ : 'r ' ?: 77 7 . ;..

mrto :::••;,";;; •,:'.;;;,r^-o • .l-; '^ 't:,^rciiARD>:JONBs.:,.:. •-•• •] ' I N R I A ' : ' K C R I B E R ' : R E P O , T * ^ - ^

'The T J ? « ^ i N D I ^ York, having established anA^ncylu this city.for die soles:

of, Goodyear's 'Ea'tept Metalle.Bubbcr., Goods,, will; keep - a large and'complete assortment onband* of.thc most desira­ble styles, which they wiii'sdl.wholesaJeand retail, at New 'York prices.':,,' -7,;., 7i'7:'.T--:«.>'.':-•••- ,y- -.jy^-^v,'.7*-7^ .'.77 : ThetrreotsuccessofAV.Ridt^t. Bros.to theirsupplia" to the Government .for „ the Mexican War, is' deemed, suffi-dent guarantee tha.ttitc7gobds^rbair;ti)u»establisImicnt,will .stand any clirnate.'"'' ""77 ,;;.7..';,v;./';,;; •/..;.,..;,, ....;"-':;..,;.'.C'.7„'7.. 7 Thefeubscriberip alsorA^ntfortpie Boston,Belting Comn pdpy, and.kccpsbn^and';at aUtl^csarlaxgc, stock of B'elu In^J'ackingiandHbsc, whichliewULscI^.otniabuiacturer*'; p r i C C S . , . . (• ,/;-.;•., ; , > , , - -. , J ^ - J - ^ ; ; . ^ ; . ; . - ; *;i:rt'-'v;'*,ti'^/:,;i, !.

P.S.—Belting, of.ahystze.or. wldth,;madc to order,, on; short 'notice.."... ,7."4',;.' 7,.,.., SAM'L STBONC. A g e n t •^v, •"-.'my2tr.;;..';;'.;'; 7,7Cr:.7,7.7r.;-.' '•••rJ.-j'Z 77..: 7-'.,4fr;M?tln:4ffrcctu;7

.'',..Vh " '- • ' . ^ v S P R l N G ^ G O O D S t ! ^ ;>."'»:r.vf"i •

| ; W O O I ^ ^ ^ ' S i ^ B '• •'/• ' :!;,., .5.'-.,: [Formerly at Concert 'Hall^' J ~..,, vy^-y , -y

T S - N O W O P E N . a r N o ; ^ l l M a l n ' s t r e c t f o u r & ^ h b : low Swan •sneet; where will be found, at all, times,' the" most cxtensive^nnd .complete'-assortment', of Bonnets and'

TdTllinciy Goods.westoftlie city Of Ncw-York: 7 i ; V ! '„;» • W e hove alreadyTeeeiffedalwatSO'casesofGobds/adap-ted to the early SPBJNG T R A D ; .comprising l all tl»e dif­ferent styleribf Bonnets to be found in die .Eastern. market, togetijer.withalarpeand fashion.ihlcstoekofr;' ;''* 7 '7i ":;

^;:v' :j^ixii©t'RI)(>|r^tt '•Bbnnet.Silk3,"Crbpes;'L^c^ $'•* %'-JW;•B^'MercKajrits.and Milliticrs;wSlI1flnd;ifrto their,cd-'yantage to caB.'and exoiniue the stock and Icani prices; .l«r !tore' purcbasipirJ n 'costeri n xitluft:^;, •'^.'IjiQiv^i'-.iiroriHtti;':

EbrABUSUED^ror.tbcettTenf Private Diseases, i i t a B tlKilr spccli'S,,stag«s, i^mltlcatlonsanil jHasc* throuali-

out :f suth as utet-ra, uimom; tnduratca cte Atrix,; aueum^bu,-: ion d'embiee, blotclKM»amlc«uption« of altnone»cry rornn syphiiUic pains,pt; the •bOrtes;''-ostitis,< pcrkWltle, onric*,attrt necTOsiK.inilammailQnOf thepereo«tet»ii;aocturhttrpatn< ulcerntiOns0ftltetnouHt;totiMKT>0*«^or^n

jmv, larynx; nasarfossa*, orifice, of the glottis, Vellum pallrt; pillars o f the -fauces, fimwwis growrths or wntK ekeresseh-

;jcvs,ye^e<aflon»iCondyloiHam, phiibosls,0 p«raj>hln»o*ls, nl-(cer of tiw urethra, lrltts,%arcocele, hydroct1e'onaph\Tiocele* ofithe testes, also diseases .of tl»e; tunica vaginalis, «dewa"!

. antl phlegn»ot» o f titejscrb'uthi'^ balanitis," bairalta p oduced' ttv'congcniwlphlnwis^v^'^V"••'•''<;w$>"> .•'-•-•.-•.•.-.• -r.-•• •••

,.:rGONOBIUiaiASyniplex;"gondrrhocft^^^^^ . dtive'KQnorrboca'.brplert.'hllections of the mosmttc gland; .ureters aiid-kldoeys, cwtcls i catarrh of'titc bladder; gopof1

.fl iuOalOptiiftlUdiU^-^y^^'-^^^'-AfiV:'^:^^^^ ">*••;*>.":'.'••.,-;"VVV!B ,;: STRI'rrCRt^rsrmsmodtcandVcbeuttingirtricturwa etMiv a n e w proces*;'Wlthobt pnln.7vlk)rt.Thomrmon'S anc ,aiid|>ucc4ihwfrii;modePf treating strictures wlUiout palh,'i»' now;adopted 1» all the Venerertl hospitals In Pari*;; t,lior« dee, beinorrhnKo front: ;he urethra,'tuuioN tb'tiie' cbtinbj'bf ,»he .iretimt, eidnrgtxl lyittp at ic glanils and Vtnrfccli,7lrrtinv.: bio hlmlder atid reteitsiOD of unne, oirthalhtic^dlsciises, dis­eases oftbelit.rousarid lybovlal systeitiirjimpoicncy aud' ,Storilltyi^1>'^r'':'*;7;;,'''-'7':' :' ;^- ' , i '7 >''•';'' '•.y7-,'7"f ' '•

vdilAltNAL EMISSIONS^ thecbnseq.wncribfs'elf.nbttse.', Thin solitary vice or' depraved sextjnl •' Indulgence''.Js^p'rtic-':. ilced by1 thoyouth'o^iiotlj «e»e»', toriiralinost utdmtlicd br-.ient; producing withbuerrinffcenalnjy'the rbllowhig trnln «.f triorbid'MyutptOiuc^'tiiitcssComtwitnM'lhy frcicndtlc rbbdl''

real• me'asurvs:'-vizj'sallow'coaiiietiaiice, dark spot)*'uiuier the eyesi^inin fn'tiin hehd,t:rlt>gimr:1h: the'enn?; and1'tioW.i>; like therusttliigof tehvps ?ntnf rrmlitig of chrirlots, uneasl-

,ues»about Utaioins; Wejikncs^ofAthc, Ili»bs7 eotifliifcd vis­ion. Iiliiritcd hitcilectV'low or'confideuciv' dlfftdetice, f t inp^

,proachltig;'fctrangers, .adlstlke to^ fbrm r-new'flCfl.unlniahcc*j a di«po#ltion tbslui'ii' society, loss of iui'morv,7hccticfIi|»h-j;

les, fin red (oiigue,:hight>wcat»; foetid brenth, couciw. con-n »ninptIo»,' lnonornauln ntid fr<,oueiitty lUKarilty. Tlwrtf-^ (licte<l,.on.,t|ie first apjwaranCjO 01,'any of the nh->ve symp-v

Toms, should Jmmedlaicly;apiif^-to'DccL;T]iomson:mrrc«r liefi-,' .y7 .H.y ,7 , - ' ; f,r-{ .•^'^'^^<'f'^;\'-^':'>:i:':-\^^:-t^-:^a : ,l)ocUTliomfon Istiieoide»t„aniij,<w/y liberallyeducnteil. '<«^fimaf«typiih|ifiefIi,,aitd:.REsi!i>Nsinijt. t'hystclatulu Bur-ihirj,jWbO.'devptt^,JiIa,whb(oattutitibii to.diwsa«eif of UxjsexT1

ual orgiitm; .7All-cuses.w»r;atnctl., tH'rfecily,/Cbrcd,'s6'r;no charge. ..Elejiatttai'iarUK^iits.-.'KO'-.constructed that pat fclit*' lonot«3e;.ertcJibtner.'.;,• Dr., T. Ima :no ttoys .nor•attsfsptnts

about bisbifiee.'-and mayjbe consulted.;witlieut fear hy Uw iMilbriuuhU! of ;l)Oih sexexi'"«Strict .Injunctions clv^n to the

' Post niaKicrntid clerks tol retain my .letters,, until.; cal led1, for. .liyJtnysellVf All lettersfninivPationWi burrud,...immedhttely'-;if cr ixTusal.. ,Fc"ialettiihroaduiid la the city may consult' Ur .T. by,letter witlioutdlfndvnr'rf.:,: : ;-,y • y ^

The vnriousi.cbiiiplJr-flUMjjand distressing dlseaws-incidcnv to:,f»,tnal(*s.;ucote(l,;witll'eitdHtMn,siicce>^^9^ liav«:lrt»:btnevyi'ctitifHtlp6ughitiic.dQ|irn'v|tyaiKlcrJinfnality;, if their.'Iiusitatirln,. may rc^tnsHurcd that Uiey and their in-, fan is; en n. be; per Pec 1 ly cu red;.; -Letters id d resK'd; to Doe tor Tlioiiwon, free.of jw^rujf, roittainlHB. a'reasonable lev, |irbtn|iily attended to and medicines .forwarded (to nnypart-•bfihftUtillcil SWUM and Canadas. .• y-l.'7.-;;7« •,;.' ,> .yK". 7(Men corner of Coniinefctalotwi Water Stfeets* -beardH!.

Jocl<; Huffnio.•N:.)Y>.';-'.y-y'y '•'.'•".-•'•:>v-....•.-'• ' .;iAgJc27 -, a3r 5>avcai'ron» f fciio ;jawN of t ic i t tu i— ir».

Uoiliarnie i% (Jilltcn,.dt'New Caitile; Wemcliester county, ;New "VorK, spcriKingotmat great Remedy. FOI.OICH'K UM«-UoNiAN.sayrt Umt although riitjhhd five aide pliyuiclaiis ix\t Mi\nhi\a'oivner, tor line cure 'of ;Blec"»|ftig ai'ti»e; Lbiigs; K!U7 itiet witti-tto.relief .uiit.i.tfhe.,cbiiit'i>cuced,.usitig> Dr.FoljterV 1 >losooiiiari;or,.AttrUeuling Bu|saui. ,7'JL icfive Icariiwl pliyt-ficiaiiHJiaU gtv'cuhcr.up to die—but science nimln u»utn|iitwX The ofoanbulaii -wti's'givento'hco andsuois tiowiiitiiceiiv ioyiHeiJtpf,pcrfect,healih,:•; •'•,.'. .,;.>,;7;.\«---:..$feP: •',;..-••, •:< ,-i

Co i iMih ip t io i i ot tUo Eulici** ' ; , :

; and dU'other diseases 0/ tfiisinipurUpit organ.!;

When there I* a 'shortdry couiili—when 'the breaUifng. '•&'. qnick nnd hurrjcdon the loust motion or cJtorci«c—when-iier.c- w'.'oppressloti; ;orv*cuse of''stra.lluc**; indiechest-r where there is CADi'ctoraiioti.'Or nilslligof afrotliy ttiiieus.' iccoiiipanled' witii 'eumclationvibesb disagreeable; utidbfteb faml"&ym'ptoiiis"are:coiiipteielyiii'asiered audrrclicved by toy"

: /UNRIVALLED R E M E D Y ! ; ; \ . • 7; ^ , Such hits !>eeri die case in hundreds of instances wltitin'a

.fewinoiiihs'puMtr , •„ ;,'..,..'.>:, ,r', .'-••-'"• •'••-*,-[>-^ ,:. Mr. Caleb W/Ward. 114; Wosriiflgton street, Newark, N. , J., had suffered lor more Uiaii four years with consumption, and could noi .find a reriiedy'fdr his disease. His pliysiclaiiti and hisfrlendsdespnired.and tolb.hlm he must die. Bui

1'altcr using Dr. Fblfter's Olosaoriihrl lor a few Weeks he wo* ,-...; ; w. •-. PERFECTLY J.ttfflTORED;<Xr >;-r 7: >;x

and is now living to tell the story- for; hhrmcliC. -His Cute Isr attested to by seven of thetoost- rcspectable'mcn to^Newv

-ark,N.J..:vy;'"•,..(; -^u1 ^yiy^^^r^rfn^yiiy^y^' Jt.y>^ - Mr; Caleb;W.Owraen,ofWilllmnsbUrgh;L.I;vWhowa» first neizcd wiihtofiuenza, which lefi,pdilnditavery«everc :

cough, and.wiio raised,largCfluautides of 'Mc«d;fwa*^fllsa'; cured,. Ho was very ,lo\V;at Uie-dme he.benrd of tberenwr' dy, but Is now able to: work nt his traded every: dny-'Ofhls-lllc. It.is also equally,,elficacious -in Asthma,' Bronchitis^ Diseases oi the KlitncyH, Palpitation of the Heart Bleed^t»g,

at the I Aui}», Coughs, Colds,. Whooping Cough, Dyspepmn,' Croup, and nil pulmonary complaints. .-.' 7 • : ' . „ • -y ."

It you desire licnlth,.try,tiie Olosuopion—It Is sure tocurc-.you. It never fails.. y. M;-.;..-, -yy-yy" y.-:-.-"'.-;•"',••'-v-^"'" .' liiupreparedby.Dr.rRoBERT'B.FouiKR,of.NcwYork; Principal odlce.ldt: Fulton street • \ •- -• ,••••* •, •-.•-.':;.. -M~) ' y '•• C3r* J>i>, Folger's Olosaonian, is soldfbrone dollar per bottle. : i7y.->--'.'77"''-v. ••': •"" l-:.W':"••'••''"'.'•''',''-" • M'/-'7-

Agontsfor Buffnlo—Dr. CLARK, corner Main, and Eagle sts. C. a BRISTOL, Main s a c e t CHAMBERS &CU.,; PearljBtrect. ••'...::'.. 7;.;,;'.. •':: .:H'-:.;^:7'X'-;:7ap2C.;lm^-7 ; Vkeu o f Uxe W i l d Cherry.—The Pininflcld, (New-Jersey) Union of Sept. •'•.«,: 1848; says:— -1

The Wjld CherryTjfic has been Known fbr nnesto be c mo>it valuable and cfiicadous remedy. for coughs, coldsv* asthma arid coiifumption—andcotnhiribd ns this -Itnlsnfn is,--wlth other valuable vcRetablc extrncis. by a skilful phy»i< cian, Dr.- Witftar.-U must of, coui>e- be a highly efficacious remedy.... Such, wo have often been informed-by tljoto who have used it, ,it^s, and we are not therefore surprised •that it i» In grenurr demand for tlie discuses:named, than any medicine,now sold in this vicinity,' -. -"--VH H'X> '•••&>•• ••• DOES ANY ONE DOUBTTHEEFFICACYOFTHIS

V 7 - . ' : V^. ' J^ '^4 '^^ i ?$??^^VP. t^ : ' ! *• - r ^ ' v ^ V ! ^ n W^'si • We do hot ask the putiilcVto reiy solely Upon rccommen» dations. product <J from tfiutesmr,distant, where the persons cannot lie known ; but liayiqg.ic»*,tiiiidriy froiii-.every State rtti-tbCiUnlori, we would resicctTully invite nil. pcrsonsiin--teresied to call at'13S/Wai>:hiimton str<>et, Boston,' Mass.,"1

and examine .forydierosplv&j, tiiq many thqusond ICidlmOri. ols, Irom persona; all over: the-whole country., who have 'been henetitted or cured hytbinjn valuable medicine.'••••• ;->. .-... B3?T Wee'SXi^rbdbJci'o^OJjbrBc^forss. , ••,{<"';> : Address all.orderB to the GenerarAgcnt,;Setii W . Fowle, .Boston;Mass."' 7? ''"':"•"•••"'•*•',,:'"; " ,..,».-',;,">.'','„•».

C 3 T Nonegbnuineunless signed LBUTTS'bn the wrapr' ; pen: - : - 7 ' ^ - ' - ' ' > • • " ^ ' ' ; ; , ; : 7 " ; ' : . " * ' .;;:; ::,;,;::>

J C ^ F o r sale,wholesalcand retail, by A. REYNOLDS, 133 Mtdn Hirect, BulthJo; also' by druggists generally througli-; out: the United States.' ' " ' , 7:.. ';]cS4:lw.< ,7


Auction; eales»crCash,;wilt &6 poii <br- a i r i t o a s e h a M P S K ? H V

i ^s«rV-

'. -X. ;£•% :•*?.' iSfef*.-''} ' '' f ' * u ' • •

^TIME; witfii ttduo rbgnrtl fat 10"lSpPftwmis^|^^

H a s Beeiii 3BalargQi31. -. ^>

1$&r ANn^NTM^jm:

' L : b h ' c v e r y ' C r s ^ & , .Quality ai 4&feyiaij^

A scperate Dcparunent ho* beca i uidcd;^.ti» «tchMt*8 z1

sale of Bors^Currnutb, of every • ylo andboaihy;^iicTa parents niay purcluise Suit* for thcJr l^rlrer^<rt^tbeCa**r;' slnct Sack at' one dollar, to the dm i)K,-bmbrblderedyCasr1;-merb'PalctQt- with' Chiidrba,t"WShti'' iri&y&Bsjst eray, ''dafetiv CJllnlan.,'7v;y,;,:..:.'...: , ;• ;';•.,".''• -.-''•V, ',-. fy.; ,y-- . ' i^yrv; .««^?U^'^ft '*t"i

JAN'-H' .



^••*A.'>;'','>.'-' I v^v;


Wyfi'M: :.i^i^Kj:^j*5::


' ?y




toudndtha*;titi»hVtito;^^ , ^ ; ^ * » ; y ^ eutibrdydevo^ >Iad^Ctodnnc/and tiiejt wBl flnd ttjrWJs^talttBB^ad^ tagc cp'exasWMt'py atocAf beforb p u r c ^ i u t c i s e w r J c V ^ ^ . g

pablto the selection ofalxea.7." ' '''7v-'. y^'r^'-^':^^^Wi.;^ ,• Tfi^fXeuieiuberaapereenu/ca*;!*' sared Ir^ia ir t lBs**^*^' '^' •ineatihAV1'1 '-1-*-"1 '<*'<v*-'H^fmtw i,i>whrZ!6iMy-W<t^^ --•; Gotiitc l lal l Clothlns Warebaape^^^\:v;>.^ > ;C2^il^uanccbti Maenad Wasitiw '' -. ~",

< Vh'-. ,-'yi': til ,'^"i.f

mimm • 7 ,..;.-r;r.7y>*'i.riyJi;\t#.^


^ ^ V 4 ( * - ; : •uSs,M>*»''f^'W.,''"

^'nj*Sj5*l!i'j?>H '• •

" i f . » l '# i 'S-.'M^'*.'

^^'•X^'!J , '7

Just opened for the spring and Sun luce <^nipnJgn«% .7" 7,):, i,... ' ' '^8: ;IfIAJrN' 1ST»iyET^l%

WITH FACILITIES : m wn#As&m0^y » Y AWY. HOUSE U« T i l l ! CITf fvW'VV'^v.vi ; ! r^ i«T: ; j

The Piiblte may rest assured tiiatthi^HnpwbaW ryr yarjct^ of'Ghnucnt at tols^cbtabliil i » n e n C c u s ^ » i p j ^ ^ at any buicfhbuac;hi''diis^ryAhc'stc cs; cff>;:';ry;^;i;,u:V^^>y^7'

Being Itu'gcrth^ ever.ljeforo^


1 AN, h Gcntibtnan' wellIrbbWri: tothc ^u^m^^0^^t^^. theProp'rletorof NfAG*RA II^Li;ta CllEAl^Ft>RCASlI^1'Tlehain loptedBto'^it!'!:';"^3^>T ;;

,:•,;•; T H E CCSTOItl D E P A B T M E N T - 7 ^ ^ . ^ will continue lobe ubderthe supervise in ot Pno»ti«ntt S x i . *

and sell

IieitherBEST^wnBb; ?WC'-Which nuut be obvious; to^all men t . It protecu dieji^honVi^ralnwtiWlc^e* cotuteqaw tU|1ori,,' toe crediuystem, it aUoprotects thip ir<iaw^«ii^p^7fe.;.'':^' tuff iqr the cloUilngortiwt^clasawhp .^iiwsf «;"»•#&;• on^d,. Wlip aro to bo found in all conrmunltli &••$'.• y7..,;f<?^^^Ti<.*ri?" sf r

•Thbsubscr^.-nbthlngdab^ of Itht establishment ai: i oncert ifait; i u ^ l * ' ' d e w n ^ w ' ^ ^ i ; rhake every exertion to render f hi*: ne w jfftjtf 'ALh\f^MSitttflf*'.A\lis'<t o f the l iberal pa tronage extended t o hi 1 former o n e * . n -0*. «ssSiWJ>'»'

a p a t f '•'••• ' ;J'""'." -;:'A; T . I I E A L K ^ ; ' « a M a i U « t r e e t , j ^ r ^ ^ ^ ;

tsi'.'i»i.^7'.., ,»«t:7".i Mitt sdjiaftf^'r;; .^ -i'i i'#','-'^'T"r''.

j. v;UENTRAL,B^^ A l ^ P ^ ^ ^ j ^ ' ;^jr.'*f«»ti^-'.-'''^*--«.7.v.:,'^-*':i'.€ t»;!>-'»V;7 i*i*ii^'i^.^i>^'5i^i*i'?i^.-!0*t.:'

TIus uMiJ to Wi she f^emeiclrj^f s?

•^,v v;!; ,*«Andtoric inowtedgoda . t i e t h e ^ - ^ - * ^ ? * > * W . n . ,

I s, ".r>j


t>i.i;;r«madc,m»4.*ceirtinedt^thd liv;^.^;;.;.:

J ^

, , * • •

u-*#-Add i s ^ W i i ^ ^ l ^ & n t r t l j e^bj^3tei^|§s

L 7'Jl':J^ML^-^'''^''^^ ^ y K d t . ' B ^ 1 ^ /

l u cyt-ry age of the world, tho .Profession have been slow.to admit U»e value of new dhjcovcri>ia or the ex­pediency of adopting them in practice. Itisitottottw^Ic* gdr profeasibn that we look for rcformKin'Jurisprudence," neither do we find the a/lvocau-sof Medical Reformaitibng Physicians.;'. each de preen ten, i i hatevcr S*/oim d toi unovatc u'|x)'n received bjdnidhs rind established u'saec. • Bence the?; opposition, which medical, men too ofieo«rXhll»it to. tbe.useof-. (irivaie rcti'iedies,7whate'yer-their.acknowledged vnlue.br) great efficacy juriJio.cure bf disease;)-No ,medicine has dcTijc more "for t)je rcJicfof human suffering .than Dr. Shnr-; .wood's .Galvanic Embrocation.;' vThecertaiiity.wltfiwhJcu' -it^curesGour^^RIteuiiiatiHtti.'aciite'pi'''chrbhtc^applM^.-'jo' ibe head.'.fnec'of limbs'r:TIc?DbtbrcruJX, Toothache;Brbn-"

, c|)UiB,: Vertigo.NervouYorSIck Headache; Stiffness of the, Joiuts, General11)eblltiy,'&c;. i c . ~;We-say;': the.certainty, with which it cures all, and many; tnore. not here'cnumer-r atedj is acknowledged by all. ' Do"you;prefer.a speedy and

-••ffecmai; to a regular nnd ccientiiic "cure Of disease; we'say try Dr. Shcrwook'i Galvanic 'Kmbrocatiorii.arid the object;

, is accouiiilishcd.; Then; tell your suffering neighbors, what u has done for you,-that it tiiay^lo'tlic samrffbThini. "'•,'." 7 , ,.,Forsale in Butrnlo "byA.Rcyijolds, » . U.Ip; Cborripllni nnd J i l . Coleman. W-i • ••• :'- | :;v" i" :"'; i: '-.l-JcWlwr;".

« « . ' •

W4 i:-'-^ .•; 7->;,,Tpap,cyer ;c^crc4 i^j>pj '•vcnderfrt .VTJ'U'. •: ;t,,','. v t~ •-'#•• > t 7 ' t-r "/t f.-' * £ l" 'S-^SAj i-,f^*:'--(''.'"'-'"'''/'' * * w » : : :T;The proprictorisdetermtoedthattl9tfllOE R8P0TA-• TIUN it'ha«*acquu^rilpr,.thetan U .ycar*-sliaB'*ainaiO«- A>'.i;--itf., talncd. no/ron'tier, fttiivh^-sqcriflccr^i:; -wit ?t i !>yjH '>ji*te*:>jr».hm'.' y Purcliascrs.mu»tbecarcfjdlf jthcy, arjsUtbe PUR3Z:E3L>-^'»>T TRACT ofSar«toarj)to;to.Wl»<br-»t JrIstot>OjWnpil8«r«rrv^S< s a p a r l l l a . v r t o t i M ^ i ^ s i ^ A f l * ^ WiS',0l&te^iAfil»i^*'£

:jDollarj)cr,.bouic^,j - <r?V *Bsi *-iiAv:i'-»' KI •<-.'<-'.lr H.J!ri WS«'s>^ •<• N e w Yorl i Gouorxil R e p o t 14Cortlnndf»sSts -R a f f a l o SJ>cvot, 225 ITIuilt t i^.s^v^v-^d^.'i^^: •sysK

iff 83TOrders audretscd, Ww; Bufgcr,: K e - 'oraVOrCi Cf. «;-'.-JWi-. 'Bristol. Bptialo, wjli rpeetwitiiprowp L4MietoJott.rj^b^'^b ; I^OlrTEis^S iPATENT'-OSE.Bfs*i i fHC^* f t ^ P a t e u t o i l • Cloth*, f o r Carr iages , 'TcWee, r.V : .f.*^«Iosj«^|8WlMf^0s^^ • r p H E suhscril*er ha* jh storenutf4*iobstantiy maooiac*; '.';• JU 'turlnga- coniplete'assbrtmcnr of tl esc goods, the 1&&L iiy of whlchtl* unsurpasscd;atod wbict tJe-fienabted^lKll- f ^ ' t to dealers at price* that cannot tail to a ive tatisfactiotu' r^)^^ •>n 227" Merchants at a distance wishh 'M-intaatiukM^^^^^ ccridngPike,,&x.,-ean;addres«^7-^:r •.-•*,---^y-^rtfg&&?&

>••••''• vi * '7, "•''-''-'' >r-,'Manbfacain t of Off CJctoay •^Jelfltfv->;v:v.-;;,yff,:>!l3a-yortt'-T lrd;sjt i^PnU*iie)Dln*;

' _SHIRTJSldHrE«T4S ;: ;!"Sl W R T ^ m ^ y *

CURES •«^^tc^':A: frfer/fi.tow-'.. a/v-QNDERF:OIi.

1 .•; ' « ^ ' i — \ 'iut!m"i'*mm'!''mL'jm'L'mk "'assu sjsafi>1syw|';''''.ffl.' '' ';i'1 ^ '

• -;-;i •-, ; ^ •:•;••• l- -. "t ' ;i i U f ' - t . iM-^.^. '^' .rv- '->!J'J,>'i'^-iJ.fWftWSi«tii?yi.-*Ctt '•

7, ? ••:, :,f; ^ .^ . j l iBt fWirt^W#f^jf^^^: ' f ( ;amir .

Old JRatabllahed ffaonofacto -y-Slnc© 1650* ^y- foo:?i'Ea&*t%M:4oorj rm*qo^?m^ fc rTPHL ubrJcb gned would lrutwr&ux PaWici'idiwJ^M^j. ^ 7X7:stUl engaged In the marjuxaccuriog 0f.SttIRT^'j?<4c6*J^iU'-t ; for buallty:aud style. canuotrhe.stoptui ied>tr/>u)jMUPMl7i »-"»t: . iscouauyiy:';',-;.;f- ;r;'.;; 7fC; ',;:>7:; ^ / . . ^ f i ^ i ^ u ^ ! ^ ^ ^ i; -;|lavtog bcerjf engaged in theobovem ^ticpwis^nfp|U|:<fl4,:>v^ ,chU»cuy toct*?«^7 y«<^f;^bwouldre'«to;^jb0t^^ f toiucrs; wiio;when called upon.Jwtillx ar; teotiJpr^j^|j|^.^>in „.£ skjll in the maoufJwttoinR f Shirt*, i:; . '^^' .^^ .s f^^j

Alnrgeas'sorunebtalways'-Oahand; ip&fl^mjfc& ;order on'thc cbbrtcstBbdee.'^^.ig ft^&gj&^fy " -'iargW<p2g'--'' (%^^^^^

«fl«> •.;.v/.-.7'r.'jrrST5jBECEIT3E R.:

THIE subicriberha*;JajttTreceiyed'aU rge stocltof ffiCWly«pf;^»» i-of all.descripuons»U;art.rSteei; .At 1 vBs;-Vlces.'-'>4s^ « ^ ^ >

Trees, &c; tr^eti^-isritiia general' as* « n * ^ l ^ > B w » * : ^ * ^ ^ Hardware, 'T^ooIfyiij»fe^tp*>^APei4";a^-! boJtA iiaSBWB-flSpOs ^ri ^^ Store. ! , « • : ' ; | S « f e < p f e . c^^-^1^7^'-?•>'!':-

-vj<?21 ' . ' y w * ' ^ ^ l / . i ^ r corner ofM (**^^*|^^fgt ;

B r . I tB'Eai iesEiver P i l l s i l l New^sroi-Ic-—Tbcrapiditywith which thl»Jriyalun!ileme<ueInc has be-;; x>« a A M M M I , • . A i . . . . .. n •> . I •> B«,*^>.H..A l . . . « , l .— _ u ! lb • . 1 . a-^4. —. ' . . '^. ^. « • • a . f u l l fV*l #• " ^ » . - • * .It - r . *' * . • *!T ' ' k < . *7' " ' 1> '' . _ » a A . '• ' .MK' MK. - ' ' eomrj known.aud.apprcciatc'l. cahpuiybc accounu*<f for upon die ground, ofjts rcal.Vi.bic.,. It hasotdy required one-

•'trial to e tnl>IJ«>h!its cl.dras t> the ,tiiJeofthebiiiy'n»ed (elite; '' tor the ctooofLMybr Complalnc: 'J he folio win? letter frprh' 'a druggisttoiNew, York, shows the tnanncrin which thebe' Pills arc regarded In^^tiiauscction of the country;;,' f-w-,'^.^1

" D r . M'Lanc—Dear Slr-s:! have sold out all your Liver Pil ls;andam anxlous'tovhaveandrherlotlmmediatcly.^4' These Pi! ls)seem to^iakcimost wonderful lyJ'- l eould havc~

'sold a touch larger quantify, i f I had l>een provided wirn them. <'I'Me,ibhobiwnts.nreiScudinTtoRochestcrfortiieui;

::but wbetlicr fhcreare any there or not, tdo-not'know^-' Scndvnir»an^ther/SupplyburaediateVi'Vi.:v.v' 7v ^". ^<;, ;r. .,, -A'-For wdo'hy;,;.-'' ': •' •-' "^ H. COCEMAN^%7

Radjer;f gcUtof.coat tbatgtf iwtthbut & y < 4 0 a & t l x & * p r . m 4 ^ ?:ti&SF ? :ublUbed,wecWy;>ox*j3pefam tuaifetv&P'fr^&axiK'vx ;;; iriirtonsequeo<^ of uw-^rcat ;'rm 'demand fortiJC;fto,moJpu^aL^weiha^eviber^^ 'unable tojlurnisattik^ackvnumbersite c f l l y i f t v t x y l l a i ^ ^ ^ ' t ^ f ^


Je'24 :&%&r cornet, of :Main s and Swan scrccts,

, NEIttO;ME:»E»IPCNE"'EACESSSIT;,:>:-'''.' MR.:IIAMLLTON VVADE,aChemlinof;LtLouis,Mo;

is about mtxDdticIngtb'tbe citizens* of Nirw^YorJr ftheccles >ramd Scotch Remedy1 for Consumption;1;known s;b*iJDon*. ;SxbaM's,ScoTtnX'CoDna Cxmrrj TlicvaTtlclc ?comes;Welt recommended by his fellow Chemists of Sr.-.'LoulSftndlChli cago;as sometiiirigabovethedrdiaaryeugar prcpnmtioHs.7 •i-It is claimed thntthii compound hastbernerlt offp6s«««s ling; in the bulk oftwelve rolItCaBjOtonctiyepieillcingbfjb;; -<jimrtdf the strobgestllquid roi'totre ever, lb vented for disea­ses Of the Breast and Lungs, dudatdtosametinwitia plea-;

's»nr.to:thcta*te;..;7 i;;f,',V;y ••',,/ ',:•-,•:y!,^- y:uKii<y^^'&£':

• '7.&3r^ndycrti8mentinanother;colutoa.^v^^> "I^OURTH, JULY—FIRE WORK*!—llaving the-aacn-JP cydf ibe larces: manufacmreTin: WcsbrnNewiYork','

, I araprcparedto'sellat lower prices timn ever.'"-My assort*; i ment eiribrnccs'&< every variety 0 f Vertical, Scrol 1; Pin?: Tri­angle, diamond, double and complicated-! Wheels; Rockets, firomiouneeito3 poundsvRoman;!Candlesjato8 bhlls*,— ficrperitsi Grasslioppcrs, Fans, Suns; Flower- Pot*;- Wines;, jBengolaiandBlue Lfshtsi-Balloons,- alsoAcxtrb Nov 1 Flrof

: Crackers and Torpedoes.' '• .71', •-.- •'•, ;:>^K:77:>;7;:;; 7'.7'y,i I'iChmmlttcei'for Counpy^ari ? Dealers, jupplled^very; low; rotes, dnd^watrar tedVtogi cJ

v...,,,w;.y ;' yje25.;

" E ^ " H o m o icstimony,-^WTho will doubt tbe'fol-' lowing facf*,i:>-^ v J- -. '*. v >-*'- -?-:-'v-f' J.::.'.//. . ^,jrT.-•'•;,, >[ FortTxnVrMoii rTAiM. CoMr^^rV—WerespectfiillyyChll '!tiicsntu»ntidnbf tlicpubliciotneadvcrilsement of-Mri Fos-' \ ier*a; Moutiutln Gqmp*und; an article .which he has prepar : eti'foribc Hair, and which, we have hrard>poken of very :| ilghl y by those v who * ihave. u «sl tod We know of o nefin*rt stanceourHJlfcofjatody WIKWC hair canieoutingrtsitderil,"; who used it witb^rent ndvantagcoThcanicle.•is.ihi''sate' hyMr.iFosuir, at this slrop on Centml stJ—[Lowcir Courier:.

Sold i wJiole oJe nudwail- in Butfalo'lw? JohrtW.TViU-;! lams; 18U Main ,*>jrr'Ct;:^B;Colcman;cbrncrof Main and-;.

iSwan stsv Charlf'^t^leman.and EdwordCook. Hair Dres

rAto^catf to I ^ p e ; Nb^

/ - jmsiflfceui axaivuaie, i,«,oivv-r*aaxcnia '.-r,v,'".,:-y'''.i'«;'',r--;r-

r ombdffrst, ofJuly.; next*, commence -; th 57 patAle^^^t<a^^,^h^z new SKJU^S. and prtotfOCii>*aitocrea*c l' .oXIt«i|^jl^^^^%^J^7-:;. 'able'us'tojMi'prdyri#nw;*aWor^^ r Besides the oriBluai.prortocrjoo*. o f tJ ie4cdhor»' \, tttf^or^^^i&g.^ cTgn; and Domestic corTc»p3ndence<>f i I*««B*t«f/'fcootrS^^.^ iMjtors-thc^picsof ioto. 1 5 ^ ^ dons of the-most-Interestinjr ptnVftcati m s ^ ^ d i e d a y - ^ n ^ ^ i ^ ' 7 briex'bovels-^tlieplqbanwtories^h^ rnsirignneedote--;ti]e%e^s7drjd..#)Wp^f^ i>cri»r-thc personal sketches ofpuMJc'c rararters—the '^M6^IA;^ ^ ;i

. ring', scenesof tbefeworid. we Jive., ta~ the c*ronktieoC*ifi^'4V^ v<>c-; ri?wsjor ladtes^tb«^sb]bn*j and; fash bnohtoi- ispwpr^^S^^iff^ .facuntid 0<toInes7oJ;ri<rw^f^ . tton^dte wit. mrtoor;aiid'r«^w«' of'thei [rne*^rjees**y*on^5s^-,^ .;ivi: ,Ufe,Jhcratrii'e,Jsc<iety and morals, and! b^ <earefut cbobsln^'fronithewUdertiesab '.EhgUsh'p^rtodik^tfw^^/^'f. • litoratore.'-'^riticJsm/^pb^ry.&c^rvSevci ai n e w ^ f i ^ t o r e s ^ a f ^ ^ g ^ ^ ,rcmaxkabictoietcsj;wiiietirlch;,'ahd.ighe.:^ub'-ib.u>Jlew-r*^^^-. '

ser under.Mansion IteuscJIegiilarAjrents.•:: ,.l :f- 'jeCtjalt^! rrvh

JUST RECE1 VED-THifimorning by cxprcs*,at Sltit^EYiS'JewelryStore.^B? Main atn-et, ft.dJnc

^1 assortmcntof.N'ew;arid Bich;JEWELRYiicon»iIsr> fuig'in part of'Diamond'PInsa rid Rings,Breastpins Of va-" rlous patterns; ''setwtthpeaTirjgarnct. t'rUlInrj^s&.^Alsb~thc: VJiffe"rent'patternaoC£arfl)rops^Inlimnrkct,,snclra^ '^iic^",llennyLtob*;and:sonie1jeadtifurcbmeti^^ Cbauctaitttwextmloiiglhv ploibrBahd Bracelets, &c-.atc.tfj

VjAl l aroibvitc 1 to call nod 'see our assortment ..M'Remcaji her **6 nimble sixpence ishctter thadia 8lowshilling;.,^"

Victor- , '-v m^^iUiiXl

BVFFAI.OANtl^STATB LINEi'lLrWLROAD i;OM^ •; PANY-NnTHTE^-IMie Stockholders In; tlic^ufffdo,

"anil StatcI.InetRanrbad Cqtupany; ore ibnuesterT'to 'tobke. BibfellowfbgchUSbr'paymiw ,ai:tbb ofBceof^Treasurer;,int^ci\yMTi^^Qi»%^c, ^fbnowlftgtermi;;1^:-.'^^'^ i ^ ^ w . ••% t^<i*"< '^'^ ' Tenf>ercepL^prfiycdollj^ : B A B ^ I J M ^ ^ A ^ ^ ^


?JBrJte^^BbBalb^june;2Q.r-l^ ;>;v^«t-i;r.v^:.:By,ordcrofthi*i«oardofBfrc<tor#,7^:>b

n p i l E i BOME J O U R N A L K N e w ^ r i « * > - ^ a o * A i r * t o ^ .yE-.:W:tua;,Edltors*'^:.^,x.k.^;,^<'n^. '&trtii^?h^QiVrV$2ii£

extent, iTbdvoli|ti^-dI*aprjbIntraeoi/


4L TA YLQU'S MUSIC—In the U n g u a g o o f M q p e > £ £ 3 ? 3 £ £ rioticed nnd^eomrjenrrrt^Htrsictan

for fine taste; rich 'harmony rind perfect shade of variation intoesentimehitof "

i s dlftiBgri^efl^ ctiirhirAwkm^'<#s^ , cV votion'aXpoeoy. r^n^Va,-^

Thisibookwin contain a cbolcesclectk n . jpf j iOIaf l lS iWS^^ !(Tjjnes, tnahy^gctns from':, thetSaCrcd Minstre^.seleaiM^^^v ;fromn»dern'abil>6r<aTtd'alawutrmh rofjj«wtoae*,i\dr^/J,% b*-^ Ay,equal tf norsuperiortoapyChqrch& bstoeverDxib^bo^^'p-.^ ib du>countryrc-^^v:-;;;^;:^;7:: - V W j i ^ P ^ l S S m - jMc Tavlor Is an Arnerjcancomrjoser- ^ I b r M s M ^ I ' MuSical-Publlcexarotoeana'Jubgc'of h i—-»«>•' ^ • .-•v ** .'"* ,..'««>wHwW»:«^-.?;,.»tV».<jr''i^.T,lU^,.'>«7- i.'ri->'-pi Jr>tjyi7 * < i W ' nntIE foltowtogvgpoO*.on„Balcat theilaratfa^attcrs'.1Uos»^ S, d^v^l&tMatowect:

ConiCrpoms^j, ^'^Reffned Soaps, ''•'";f-;Cnhdle*;.w^P' r'lg^Utlca'.Stnrch


» < < ~ « " 1 - — —

•^•^>-FIne'.FwbT^ ; ^ ^ . f i '.'(iXOel nopJB5|fe&a £f *SOII Tpbacco^7v:4«4f4'^o feflP^^^^M^^

-«Jrt»if , ; , . ; i , : £??i^ewlfc'Commi Hon' lil'rELEADtTDryiand-'tooU.dalntvBBwte*s.;L^|3ft^.



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