Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski Disk3/Amenia... · 1 j, ' i 1 — J =5ftx \k-r/r;...

' ! 1 j, ' i 1 J =5ftx \k-r/r; PimLi^HElrXN© rawpRpsTQK .- j^yyer, givptrrt to'^ocal ; •»'' ^fta^, ® M-JU Wirnl.-grwis, •£itti*tof, SUM tu the »3 South An)ehla,''N •' 1 \VlN(MlKttT.KK & N.VS'H. Iabub^hiilofipryT ..MXIH, flrooorlep.and (Jpnpriil DOIJLAUK I'KU ANN! d stticti r la Adviiuc .. Orjo squarw, or I lift, .(> 10 8«itiaro, cr 1is*. }() 10 airtwrV. or l«ss, Mporwil Ho (fidontiiitlWl fcXC«jp( »t tlio tho ifrff.: iaiit-r i ,.m.r:.n-urre«rngi'H. nip Ri4t<*8 if Advertising: t\TI> WCOfci four w«ck*.. h»»co ai«ntlln. jiiJ m'oql f>no year litres. W tint* llyrio (Mlt»i(ln) i» Q avo nHim*' ( ) 10 H<( Iftff, or lO»)J, Opa> %(\ wro, or Id**, k>ae rush, or ton •fcimhlt atf» a wjimr.o Bight «ru«l* rink JT^rniinOTTtrmirTiii, «r a le«* «< n<*tt*Sf*-*»»~-,r ajlly c< ntiaottx) for iSiijr, ortfslf/sirlr ' fo <juf»rt«rl/^ ' All Cif in (»M vuiyji?. .V from ..:.. $l.«0 I : S3 "i 2h2 r>.oft ..oo- iy oo lour, fc'cud Armenia "V. WKBOTfLX'K MII-I-S, Moiolmf|<li/c. llrnu iintl l'lflHti-r pinion, N. Y- BAKNIJM, Stiu/oiiorf, Bnv#lopo{t, lllaiik IMtk*', OignrH. Ac .(. 1). B. I j>rf (WCKMIS, cYocorii k M DESHLER'S FEVER & AGU PILLS rj fyllbwintf f ' rolu ,k wt ' 11 k » ()W » <i tiz(! " < Jumaion: . h. I.^JuiiO 10,71. »' ' [•'aiuim ofl'ibo, Jumuicu 1J. i. r .)>uiO[ m, 'i. ItulTdrjinio no BinaVl clegreo of nftwroro jo hoartcBt rhoujftothoofllcacvot Diiuhlfir « la U aa the hi-it provoution of tOver and .Aguo iiU AM UK Iff. :i unil lioiicrnl Mor'chandixo. I'longti MwiiJnctiin t mnK,*uHtiiii;rt. H. H TCIICOCK, Orocoriop anil Provision.. Pouvi^hkeepsje, N. Y. \Hoto\y, orMslf/e >r1r aiurorliHom >nt must bo piirf fo rju«rt«rly^ ' All transient n»; ttrfr inunt lj<> plid fu'Ui aitviiunp. >' » ! HI llft rnu<1 ° Hk-ii't tornirf.i Job,^rVhtlpg : \V«"h»vo ono of't! o lojtt country ; i>bOlil" 1)i i foontW With > 4 Ty|..-,» now P* n »# uiiMorial <if aU i^ts, wo »ro pr4>i>f*r«<l to do »] I kinds of Work, I row tho rn»k*? lf'^'f, to / 0 « . H 10 Card, Hoo^i.- 'ainphlot^ Bill II«IMU Freads, Kovolo; e», Iiaw.C«B«», and mank» moriplion* Bank Chock!, Note Vo»l I An, or >n a vilri ty or colors, iTt in Oold, Silver* »r (:i)|>; ( VrilOliHVI'll W O *H} Kurhwh^d at th »lowiMt Now Y< rk prices. 13TAll ; cadi ou dol Yory, unless o ;h«rf 1B(J ajftttcd'» [' oftiMsad'^raHoJto J. W. IJOYH :AI»T,' will ro. bWo DroiAutVattoiltio j Directory Inn awl Jhivgeoi •t. I: blan aud o*urio'oi. I. L. I'HlCHAKD uriooi X.l K~ JMiystolrw .and SrJrgoonj fiwat K. THOMPSOM'S, ':il». ^'iKs'KIN- Te«»h ExtioBt«:d with or withpu^ P»k .]. A. DAVIS, Attorni»y , md Counsellor. (>Ul I'ratt's Ho i i ' I O. K (Attorney and Con iBSllor. Ofllo*. h\ Uondaym; over tlio Honk. \ ^KMINAKV. '• . £. M.. P Inojoal. \M.\N,1, .Vorveyojr. Cor veyaootr and N' tary I'nlilic'. I .f. ft. HOYBRAM', . 'A .W. PALM«U Jurdfand Job l'r nt«r. PIUBT NAT. BANK OFbVMKNIA, flyansity,. 'Punji- WKIU Vrw'ti Vli» freak. ^ Caablor UriiK* >fei ed, Uiib», 1 wur *.- •V n I.K'PT, (MlM'JfAN A BAR MftdicltXji. PtiliHs. 011», tirooerle» 1 -.11ra«H im» r 'A'poketr l IroiL fitael, ilard . AKriouItural Jir:(fileineots. I AJUENXA •MKRCAANT ( TAIL>UING EMPOkrCM If . > L»<H*«P>-|u». : v-a.i> vx.Hi/r. .WholOHaJoa Bookft, I.Music riii4 St.itionory. I Manufactttroro'pricey. '-.'>1 Mniajfit. HIClvOK A' A'|){{1AN.C(;, :il„'MAIN ST. Hell Books, St'atipntpy, MU'I'-, L'ianojl, ()>«an .Molodeoiuj. Solo Agout« i'<»r rjteinwfly Pifjno and the Bufcka (Jraiifd Organ". - n* ~» r ,JIAY^ otbs, Cassimoroii Clotljing, Cldnta I ^leVchantTuilor, Vcs^iilt-'., ' IC^ady iiiiuli FniiiiHliiiiK CHIKIH, X.i nnrt^53MaintSt. JI. bonus, \Hmi Ooodn to MonBil'fo.. Main St. urcKKY fc iM,A-n'," Sjinwla, IIPS'. & v. A^oulfl I :;!K Mai VlfM )UT€lijPSS, p our St., offerH.yau Dry (lootls, (Moakti • Sowing Macb KAijMEl Uook to your into oeL CPJotillon, nt - &84 M«jin liAfgoi'ns in Coarso Kij>p am! Stt»gh. Uobis. To buy your Dry t oodn, OloakH'jini.l Shawla, at tbo Popular Oinf'l'rlco .Store .'J-. N. <5t (( (jainlco. \\ . A. LB IV, AH tho latojbt Htylof f riof (|ualiRy. Wb<dosalo un ANDKH & SOX, I of .Hdota and Sbout, of.Bubo- -HMain Si ill SMITlI lUfOl'lIKKSf, I > und KcuiiljCoiifBotionory and J.adiort iU (iont'Nflnrjli'H Diuiog Salodn Wrtics, WeildiugsL A.a.,' furuished witl ov»ry roqittHito^u sty' I ,'le. i:ian»l If> Markets i„ TDK WILC(» vV (-linilS NOISl'.LKSH KiiBIILY ifEWINO UAC11INK U. D. l^lii*or\v ( o.J. agon tit, SW4 Maia |str|t't, l'oupihkcupsio.^Nl V. . j "f\f ,fc ' Mtllerton, N. Y MILLICKTON HOTKL ^ > i ^HoarillriK l>y day or wci*. Hlv.cry anil «'4> Imi tiujM-d. . M. I'lrciiivj:, Proorioti UKIlO <V: BJCACli, Dry (looili Crocor^CH,;nnd (Joiiorul .Mi'irliamji all kifidh. ii. it: *Uood», Clutl U N..(IRTIH.KY. lul t; of VV.ALKKKfcCO., lnir,';'<tro«5)rl()S, and Pruvbho iH. impO -8TOKK, K. STILOfAX, !tf.-D •i. Af I;KN:NKT'I\ out Povcra I have ovor us: ;n»onnit.oul b'ovCTB l nave ovoi invo not :••»•'i» aainglo in'Btanru;. fajlo« ip tUo l''i«!t iAiTiiodiatofy alter taking have, tki Pills, ai patroiuu' Y( b\)Y »a . I UtinoBt conlidciico in tint Dp i|. heartily rccommoiid than t t: of tbo public. '. .«, i • urn.rub, . T. 11. 1U10ADKS U'v One HboIliii-t*cv*i««- HAUV1- AnU J o by all Druggists. f I an i / l-MSK. A. s. IIAT< oli'MICK OK bMi ,;, [V ' . ' f . : .BANK BR ft 'ffidcva 'jSfX8.HAl7.ST MI. '/ i'.\ Tbo P TDK CI COMl'A CIOIIH III 1. Tl tive and is ono- ( lnont' rcfli thoeoni pOHUOrtlil 2. T equipin x 'ri roHt am questioi 4. It milos nc additiot rOH[)OHBI Bast an AVyp- Ywl; \hihl\ 10, 18H KST MOKTGAOK GOLD jjiONDKOP KSAVBAKBANDaniO UAlliKO^D N V offar pcauliar indue.oii(!onin : "|o j eld Op. '* 6-rolad is u n d e r <<x[>«m n e u r i , i on: lior orablo inanagcinonl f tbo M|rongcne and nyiAt'jrblubl liabio W»l trUBt-wo'rtbv j^rporntir trv. wild a will e*t»b i»bi>rj CFOd ji Tbo conp di- P try, wil|i a wtll e"»t»bji igpi'opeity mid t'ranehi|(Jflo| ion; i/i amplo Boeuriw fo ui)' md I -CFOdll jllltl great tbe I'IV ilO. (iu>rtga^o,'nlroady oxiatiog in couirxlotedj r< IIIK and work done, o regular and. prompt puym'oiit < ih.o'HOMiVity of the principal urn Uey )iitiro >ad, J h •ftBiA«5KJ.tl)l I IIV THE l.'A'l) :[! v mlhvtir.$*^b^ ^UIHUQ; m\A i iaiivba ) (|)llf KWOOtlv liiilcilll ('ouiCH ti) mq p'vj I'm nearer my ton Than I ovoannv iKearer my L^uther ! Where tho injinj Nciu the great Nearer tbo c Nearer the bound )f life, VVhoiO JVC ll! i i th ng of" IIE C.VItV. thonjrlil md o'er ;** to-day . lii;ci\ before tl'liourto, " nnuiuioiiH be, u'h Co throne, J Hi Nearer leaving Nearer gnini I'.ul t^ie WUVCO lloll dark bofiiri 'bat briglftly the Ureal; <>n u id|p,j i llavi If it hi ij' liuidcus down; oroaH; the crown. lilt BllCJlt SOU ny Kie;hl, | (Jtlier sido of fight- ; I inn neiu 'l'.ven.to-day tlu.ji 1 think, l-'iithj)i', perteot in ' KM II 'i'luit- her foet m'li On.till) Jjoe-k of UtllflO ••VBIIltOttM. irOKlSsT. ..... •.,,..1,«., iilinO.'.t gni icd the brink, r llonie y tnihl, 1 In doutli liruily net. i living faith, il Tin trees nli<iokJhani And bow'd and inter Till IIU1TOW ll'llj, \V)| Aii 1 Ii Tin ough t(ie cool eui L"t nott one Bunaluift the Ohii i, aud for tbo acuommodntion. of t mouse, i sion nr future il able 2vu i, ft iti an old and Hucccssfli w in prolitable operAtio al nearly completed, eitenO to tlio demands of eounuer rokd.wi id UK so, au k gjrei 1 Wej-.tTrunlt Lino froih tbo Atlnnt c.to i-ite- iiul T27 ilen ing it ii'.li' in at ineral roaoureoH along x\n line. i. .T)m traflic noeosHary to rei d upon a ilpw dclr" ^t.'i v.X loiui und I" mi- tiin- o|lt- Pu'bDjut MilkCmiH, Hoatlng HUAes, liut Aie J •«. 't in \Vl«o,, and SbtjC-t Iron Work P£NSY]& I'AINB, Cooking Staves,, lldrd wore, Iron, Steel, A grit .1 IinpJuiiieiitHJ iluyuud Straw Ciittttm, <5v( iiltn- ; I>KHKY Hekvy and i-iKh NICKBHBOCKBI . lifrneBH. Carriuge 'Vnn u.Hi all Its braucheK. Nona hut the oetyt of iruitoi (J'KO I-:HSL WAKKMAN. j ill VAYLOC,' y* Dry OoodJ, Groc irleai Hardward, l- A-grlcoltprsl impl rm»il|», Uooir Atoi Atarpaiid tfewsOMeo, Dry Ooods, (irr«o«irtes, lUrwaje, HuU.- Caps, Baota, «hoo», *, i- WWLLB & TAYLOU*' Doota and .Shoe (l. CHAM! rocarlea. Uooti and H loea. JWy-M«lh. A |ja>RK W J''JBI I, ' K,,rtdl,/r„{ | J u dorUln K OOWIH, and CaWV. 1 . Lw. V. jqaaw^iBLiv rouu for N«tl<^ial Life Jnsuran *Ut«». [Jay .Cooke eountlea of IlitoIeM.^olafte I Mueral i,lfe «ud J ire LonaKiJK'fc A g e n t llcei sad AtKnlomier. rlaj*ea.ail taebadT, Coulpi ny of the ('o.,) 'or the anil l.lWhfleuf. I1A.HOI Alao PRAlVTrS iiOTfr reoWnl.'for the rrafehag P jbUo, mm* and Carrtageaatsll h«tt J '•• Good Ita and BUIlarda a»- CTKB PKATT.. Proprlfltor. Located at the Ifepotll Boarilinf] >y the day or week. Tone* ated ^ifrfci Is at all a/ib ta Qaod »«r at Vf. T|rPF, Froprlet J4RRIA NyVAO'rOitY, tag'**,k leletone. Ho , made in th* latest stifle an I nnlahod of ha beat materials . orhkaaw lip, oonatax Uy on band. A/MKI CHANT fcC fva iltar i, UaderUkl ig r ^e* ButWhar I Meats •b—r- PROF OfQSATHJOAl), Kirut elass.OysUiV i Jul liilllard Saloon. Ah I'II <;< si and Itoal Ksthte. K in at meil •i Joalei B. TlpPP, ml Jewelry. Cuiis,' Pistol 'At\K MaohluiiH. . Watohes, Clocks pen AH. T. CAPRON, .. I Photographer. Keeps Pictures Frames',' hupy,* \,IM (i'/imiv Stationery. '<ke- Win t W ork.1 ICoufeotlvoury, Jtce.Cr«mui, Cysters, Xoba4cAM>d Y Clears. [ B| at.1 WOODEN, Jlooso'jPaintkr, Decorator (»nd Drainer. OBO W. BROWN. Restttdrant uud Vaxi'My stoijo, (>afcctio)ery, T*y», Ptult, No^«,'&(c M &.c. Also, Wors.ted« In gteat^rafietysmdOi'rtorH, Cigars and Tobjacco it-itHirs, Cigars and T lains, N.^i + ¥* »' Dover G. & S! prHUP'pUI*, ; Attorneys aud'Counsellors at IM*. _ CK()'. M. \Yltr>I-MAN ) M. IX, .< Physlolan and $urge<hi. Office at |5uln H Ifij ;el. J X l V t a PIV^INB NATlONlVT >. L. $BLDINO, J-pn:« Hi KKTCIIAM, A. ^ Prea't. r ' Vice Pres't.' DOVER .PlkiNB IIOTBL; Near the Depot- Tbe bent hotel m liOvoV. (Jbod Bar attached. Horses; and carriage* at all b una. M. JtAitf, Pronator. - KK CHAM, ( iSblor. I 81MKON PI Copper. Tinjaod Sheet lion. Pas|ps, Stares. rVork, Law) Jflpe ; Gftf). HUFCXJT, Jn. Dry Ooddk," On carles. Clothing; HaU, Oapl, Ac ' te»4 IjrwClilflWiJ. T'l'8ftiP' mypy ,iU,r SAloonl Dally •UUfttmitJ l]JJ| M* J4lftT gg ' AuetU neer. [ALBpKOCISZBWBKI, 8a4dHry nuil'Hwrneae Making. K. & )WER», litooms ittaohadt J. OAFRON, B^SJBJI NSSBSV yWS in o. -II,! ,tMi anithlngof PSa»ossjB»r"i irriM M fort vf '-* 1 KY, in kti, SlaaW^ ' .? ilituble doOfl not iloijeln ivelopment, but an oijori le ja already wattiug forlud invitai/jj it b 1 ocorn widely tuown, popular anil, niarlictable, vhi'l' it will be nit a slight tux u||o"n tbo great ejar»i|ng capabili L'ICB of the road. Tho ; bond|n now yifld a profit of over JO per exclruiigo .of Kive-Twe)|tio's. foi ay bo made with entiro nott one tniiudin Itiiihi hung anil Hunt Or lroop'd An laisvcd UninbowH ravoraod, Or jning low-baiigiiif Sung low, an if they Sung faint, like tiouii And tool! no unto of Thpugh ripe notes o ( VL ,A 'ffBtOJPMOA \A ' hi;vli overhead! iviiied noroaa •. leuven and IIIOHS ions fruit, g ild-hued and red, 1 I bpy of c;n!i mot betwo '.n . i $, groon-ri'lied and red, liucs droantlly,' rpm tree to.tl'OC, ' I- ovejrboad-v- *"• irtdflj lllld (tlep't, par i.i;. i iviit.ei'l'nll, fall tuiliifd at.every stop. H througli tho leaves ! ough, brown-chid and hi •ne I, through and thrdugji idyl we (mielc they.cn How ran the nionko Bow riish'd they tin l.iBti shilttlea hurrli 'I'll)! t.kreiKbi a hnstyl^'caYDr weaVoii! ' J t nti fnulii of gold 1 and all foothold, - lli'i', an if deatl, HH overhead ; The Bokv Then ltumeii'd hami A ml lllllig limp, 1 in Ifung Idw and llntl Anil all tho time \vi itent full I.ook'd wiHoTy too. That wateh you ui 10, no nine wit)i half-oped oyi on im in njute HiirpVint:, ui wine heim tlo, h thuir head niikow. The long days thro There came tlio mf With clioi'imtoneii t'l Bond l .are 'In denomination and $10 ). lutereyt payable Mtt Price natil furtbex notice, '^ torcBb'fi iilii May 1. |A!0t*l FIS ; &. HA»i'cjLt.-{ B i,« t •E Boli (,'|»10 ) CAGKB BASHiY Kltl't CDI'^ md fie.o from vermin by IHIiif; tin fciNWT;l??ttei^ \\aMiVfM'trdf | C A C E IVI^T. Ly Druggiiita anrflfoiiBp Fnriiis^ofs. tbeso safety, a<id will cent 0 >f'$1,0C t a?id N uud accrued in- • *500, ivejnbnr ' lauy'H oflico, 2o'J 1-2 Pon|l Btreet, N.;Y. 'Sendjfor circular. . ' j l|OK T1IR . 26t4 SFRINCr' TRAJ)13 f TUB HEAP STORE ,IN'. ' ^fc:tv:i£ 'H' r f-a in Kenny's Now 1|uM [a uii ;ivuired lor Itn Choice Stook of Gcodu, nnd ' tho low pricea t'bey i>6ll rrir vs < , « ( . • • >lotb8 y Cass! irner^s, Westing*, and y ,,,r) i I ^OTlfJNB, ttlBBONfi, TlUMMINGHV HOSIERY, GI^OVBrl, igh, Iriiiii blossomed I r< iel Hong of sweet bisea, of. cnokatoo, .'» ,' That slid IUK beak alo'ng tho bough, And wnlk'd and tjdli'd and hung amrswun; In crown Of gold und coat of blue, The ui;ie.Hl fool Unit ever sung, li')r had n ei'own or held.a tongue. -^•tioriye 1>/ thv fUcrrtiii, by Joaquin Mill "•So yon lio nK1<ed. (itjlt iv'^M.'k and keep I|ll p u t ii'o i ( i rpirrv Iloss IlartUnpje?"| ••"But ttll'lHllo' it '"I d( No' dangl fool; and one." iKS ( l)isol)cdJ(Miof:. ifiic d< .I'll tor ,oi your rftoin, J V/I J Mill 1 WW1IJ I and wall;/ i bars hhiffki th ah<l not le -you wrhiy,) 1 word to ooirr- rnunicalo jvilh h.iuV." ..' am 6jg>htoen," pried Letty, m JTCM! JIS a peiou.y. . . in' can if yoij are eip;hty«or»'cl iter <if mine can marry a io is ii fool if there; ovor wa The deacon \v;is. as °;o(»d as his llo had one piAt'dn jbtty bocauii; a prisoner. about th'ol lock •(>oiii,l:ui< Tneit'lie told- ICowtf' tfuiUingo- that, itovet: should Ir'avo Lptitia •'.Why nol K asked KOMH, quite coolly. ,•- • rj . . • •" Shi; ncvi.T filial I marry an idiot!" K'o.ss smiled! " Look herd, old gentleman, if yoil wasn't, to be m.y father-in-law, I'd make i i yoiiiiislc pat'dcni f.»r th'at little speech. As it is, I 'suppose, I'll have to corrsid- or upon it instead." ' 'i And if I teach yon bet T^O fi(xumii&wwte$0&t; ttxm#,tf( mdtxti mit\xm t m^ WjA)iffiWi^l$ DKSenil'TIoN (?1 AN H U N T - - l,A)!lt:i : TIJH SI'OH'I'. Charles B i"/!^.''^""''''" v- i 'lhe'Hst num LONGFK[B^IiOT^a^^a W, berVtf tfte •* ew ifinpft t\W Buffalo, but w a rcKittent of. Kansab,' iri JI'letter to the Wmtdrn Nt>,w Yor/cerA mauston gives an account l.of,a buffalo hunt Ofaigie liftyfor .sixty ii. by himself itnd^wifo, eler; (formerly of Iiock- ,) from which we make ;xtraet: " Ail hour more participated,, i and ^liv Win plort, 'and wife UrrTriillowi'jig i amiijuf eyed" vere gladdened by seeing bnfuuo.es; which proved distinctly HCI^ a.(J.istance of a in wasn't a deacon, id er things, you puppy.'' And with that the deacon hurried a w a y t o l h e blacksmith's shop for tho to be placed overLLetty'S; iron' bars winilowH. "A fon am I V Ross anlinge nnii teyod/itl'teji' ho was gone. "We'll K«fc, old gentlelnan; the case is by n'e bigger means decide fools i one (if.them i Ltitty and s'l tjoin<_';' to giv< ;jle of some So.he sa d. ' I-'erlutps thiii'i! -art n this world: jh'au ),! am nay.be- a 'deacon.' 'Mile iJ'ikes rue, and I'm no er up without a strutQ kind:" j'du.wn and wrote thi I ! How the Deacon Gilt * all the rie from eye couhl •prai tin black With. « '. further the in I •' ' ed beyond ou 'Rut-jwithout t ickcjte, and (loing so we t.o-beAhe outride Skirmish line. I We drovnin the \ reaehert the t nmfrjjit of 1 an ominenco, from which point we' believe we could T ' * through the clear air for I fi'tte(.''n or :ist iie'i rea twenty miles, extent j of smooth Ivor back as far as I . .J cli,.was -oonrpletely luilaldies, and how'much lurnorable f.hrong ex.tenri- vision w.e could hot tell. I e t(el« s c o pe' a 11 efl'o rtB o ft tartd* Ilintoric Hjftgf/t^ei^ coii following inteJtaii iOBC fpitbn of the homo of the cherfflgr<T;'^ ^ W$$ fejlow, at palbrid^JiariaiohuMttsi "Oh th6 other side.f)f the roa^jfV'om Mr. Ratcheldi-'s is the ^eU-il)OWfl ol Ml Longfellaw, known as Hon si, and also a i *Geiioral Washington's headquarters X -Ifc'was eilecW in lJ5d,. by .Colo nol John Vassall, grahasou of Ijconard, and' son of that John who scld to 0 **d8 brother Henry the house judlt describ. 1 lliat no M4 I l«[aies-w«r>: } !|«4^r Ht^raliyJsA^HjIlct <pad\j , ^nd of t jo e1ghto*nth c W u M , att. tho olOso "oC [the' ftretl'WoMtloiij Pttnri^ wotrti ed. It may bo safely; sai duelling in N^w fipptland o r igland reinaihB more |paci|ir' ti ar el^ajiit thaift' tuis* i't'sfcahdp batik't^rio ' fifty feut ffom l.he r<3>»(L and smrouiided byllargo opo)i spaces on rtli'"being of IVe !shade either side, 'that to ;hc JIOI in fextent. onrjH to comprehend their vastne.ss would ]>rd ; ve events,.hero i tiui we are leing anxioi sport, Mrs. M-tilAh' eoler amjl Mr. Wl took our ca utterly futile,- At all \bunda71ce of game, thoni. Tlio ladies par-ticipate in the nys 'took the roinsj •< an niter s to and myself each bines in hand, and . w< -1. then drove- slowly down'the slope nnti letter: quixotic " 1 IK'AK To.)!;' You once said that voii. r v/oiild oblige, me,by giving me ii. ' ii (HI. Wlllllj all' of ryon I.'ti.li L lie never, ""never .shall have you, ty- -leastwi A.eily dandy li us lief you'd n s.e if 1 can prevent ke him, inileed r I'd j iii^ry. Dan Blocker, idiot, its to htieouie .the wife of t popinjay." I A nti Deacoil Merriam [ delibera It, ust the »at, tipped back hi of the house si( tin. sC( n ohitir agali/st the 1 gainst, or n rather [• <il t h e Kink-roo.m :tooi » a I was a fajvorite o/ie with him med ^o reuardj the ease as sett ely ide the Ibit, md. ed. ieU. liei ml. 1 lea 1 (If jctilia lii'gan ; to'.cry a little, t thilught bettifr of it, am) drying rves, grew^rsipidly indignant. I " lie isn't a popinjay!" she ". U: goijd as anybody, and a bett r than "I'ete'r 'Bridge, lif yon •li.ut (now it-.f _ ' ( J'eter Bridge was lio'rlfatftrVy favjoi c, a steady wedl-to-'do young .far tier, I'oud-h pcojde did say he was a trifle arsiinoifinuL, v. , -. - ' ".Well, 1 'don't know.it, and not ody Ise don't ikuovy it,, either!"- he' angrily., Ppter him, aud injs go', four lo say nothing o f the ir riojre is a km live times the money old Bridge f trhi, thousand if it's ried to 1 hat is worth vvorthia dol I aii could do ipuc|i I wo.rsi; than to u. 1 :J tell ye I'jetty^ j gal ;-,ould do iiiucl Peter Briu; wry w "A.ndnuicJi better, I hope/' said 1 1 . Hoi, wipe my 8j'lipr)(;rseri poter Bri . ".-W<dl, as'- It said before, you 1 ad* I )fls I{a 1. .(itty. liiuld ever dingo, snapped shall 'fmurry •if' lJeac(iu.i\[eri|ii|im griinljy, V so that 1 . . " ; _ ' . " ' . : ! . . ' : : ' DRY C6OD6 UV1-. o . •,< (.i>. 1 I in flrdat abuildaaoo dnd vuviotj ' " I -. ' '. • .lAuXByOoUara, Pnnts^l'l&n- g< i .1 , .nwhiv&p.ijrr' .! - mttvmawaps « * Jv.rT>: ; ti$):0i*%<>yfmrt* 6 . 1MB «A.%fsi j I I at y*oiiJ:o' d. iirinuoit ni V is>(Jheip^Bt Stoio^ii Ute <Guilty, ' paii'of divt^' ^wute-r. on his (Mvotwl aiiaVaa.- P ^ S f a W ' . -, ijeifi ing my wore OHtoii^hed a biirst.-into t<u The di'ncoi all his long 1 won H the have ud. 1- end out .. .. mid if you wVn't .;: Mfhv j 1 un he an ol(J'ftf suppose'. ' " I shltll 10'tj. do- either m-otnised aire tdv to be Itoss JJar ,dfe, ifiit il . l> atieiVtio/i —-Bo t h e r e ! " Amh her own/ temerity, •i< ;/. - / The dejieoti set silent amomen fe ho had never ei ,t;red a spirit, (jirite so rebellio his, 1 ;' • . , »i4i4-', • .. " 1 iievorl he mied, and in his dip- may endeavored 'to,Tog<ain the p jrpeh- :iiis chair was tiltet back ie<juirod> Rome littf 1 exei- iis: 'aihd giving a ipfing nst which he was It aning. nd Joverho went' oinong kettles, and down 4«me' \ uiv.e ding's i-eak- then„ I jetty In coun- u8 as dicular. Bti so far that it tion to do t -.* tho door uga flewi' epefr.U the pots .and . BBBBBVHU mil < lotbing Madi to 0 t&pti M ' VVc flii) afiaid tlm deacon .ma Jp use if oxpreSHiojis I that would be kicked i u r o n n d s m u v t|Wnc>befl)ce 'he BIIC seeded in fitttiiig .e»m»n hi" fgttt,. and when i 'Ji c)t;it»od, an In im tid^ibi itfhtei'.ftilily j slivi.ek . i .' "heWdalhu i woh't,e,ndui idiv'iln M Hus|» u|j)l»' he mmUU.' "'IVs'a ": .. o it," ir fortune, if I would accept you 1 w.mld accept the will for tlio j (fifed (fo^ knew- it wit^ioth- lolisli] .enthusiasm in you to dul i n'••''buj f •ri. , .' ... bflii' to \yfyy" moj lor doing" my duty Uy draggiiig yen lout of the river,)'bift; now if yon will bim ply .transfer the whole pf your l|ank stock' to my credit for aifi[w days,| it Would be a g r e a t arj}- eommtjdatlon. : 1 pledge you my word and hpnor that, 1 \tfill feftirn every cent within a month." And then he signed it, and sealed it, •ut* a v v t i y t o the postj^ffice. days'jlat.er he walked iinto tho .tho-ue'i am Three office i f Bdpttre Merriam, -tlio aeaeon's brother, aiid' told hiurhe wish(/d to .. [ - | obtain his advice.- «Tn Sijuin "Tl propet I wish else. " 1 would Out counti saiui.,' beLfap ,-B;r what I respect V demanded the e investment ol ty in itnoney. My 'mostly in bank stock, and to inyest a portipn in something What would you advise •" A prefer to see your certifi- cati's.of stock as "a [irelirninary," dryly obser'vod tlio squire caihe po.eket-books and t lemo is ac- d lol 11 is in': Ilea i 'IU andtims, ami sufficient stock w r'to iumoUnt toj thirty thou- trs. T'he d^aeon's -brother to nib his eye>T" ' joye!" lie said to himself he lyasn'u ,'a deacon, you . know—" if he h?is| g<pt tliat much .money old. {Reuben ing a fool of Jiimsolf. FH put a his,ear forthwith," n, u'rniiig to' ](oss, he added . .t ••• i tit il in -real estate, young iian[[--l'(.l ijmf'it in real.estate. Rtim luinded . him ten dollars, and left'.u office.: i And.'before night 'Deacon Met riam was.postejl. ;| . Ofi| (Jame thi) lock and key, an J the i|onLbais having never beop put on, "wlji'el iftpved avjay with tyther olt rqb- b&h iii a httrry i,TI p jitext day •aioiu . V lie ' call, > met Ross ventured t( and ihe warm -reception that h: was I :ij great surprise tofjLettyl who iicv(r had known her father to relent ttefoioj Slje held lirer peape, lvowever, and ilill not allude to it alter h ««'4 I .,.'•' p Hbr father did. " I've changed my mind', Jjett^," h( said ! " I've heard'• eonietliinig Rpsii Harding that jiias 1 convinced UK he ji Wot sb bad as I thpughc him. g.pjepple will •.be'yonpg,. people, if ypu wish ^o sinarry him, j WliS and, Wot). utid." not tell.her what! •} within l'orf} squad, ..when ward'tlu^ w ig him coming the ladies full run tow on liiui,- g greatly reti ladies then drove a littil two- from this mortal to US, WitS ' lerest., -w;if buffaloes i: ourselves i\ ly exjcited he lit, a n d ? ! they' partei entered tli< lirpadside yar an o on. > tlo "pay* 0$.. of ..the neares'i d[f(dIo^ sorted to |A't ! iirst we thoughi his compliments to ut. sdoii fie started on la, rd the river. I then fired dm a wound 1.1 fat several acres Wees are elms are otjhcr sortn ajid ornamentii ty.' The front fruit tVees eat vario- of thi nobles , andthere , including lishrkibs-ikf-g stably, of gi jfceful prov pbrti3fifH- J and-j harmonious' decoration in a pleasure to behold: On either ipde run broac} and *well»sh'elfcred piazzas, the front'including them- being over ,elghty feet. The door is missive, and - ' itn ponderousfasteCuiigs at id brasses the sanfe as when Washington made it bis honie ii| the, memorable Winter of'15. The hall/twelve fee . in breadth :cim(ai1is the broajl, square staircase, :i^e»'lne 4at8 wMvVjr tty - ledtho tihttdtiof Weii. . I Afterwajd8 hate Wdro tlfejffd,jdWtftM l'e'r'a o 38eha|s- ,wc^9, jBfj oetiines m*&f, V 1 .-«j»vo^ oulf £«n|fcrft\|j^ IiV t h e ' ; . |oig^ ofl Qiiean Anno, 110 Hu^li^r ia^ 4i0f i ^o'o giy.oJlor«d hoojl^ wtyiqh till n quite t ra# >,. ipj iWiUiwn SK^Th^l'H to fcy vi cOferedwftifli^e' . ^Ja revival known century, the utifo wore it. and hoti)i m ore j'|owore of ; ovW * tho ' bonnet t .hood** flftecn'th hundred . years later* did it receive tjio name pf^ J tueen An , no , the j*prptt v '«thp 'Mary^StuW * the ' ;i \ -., Wjhich- fjriit. appeared \ti the tihough! imt till k IMHg Lfded Hjs movements. The took lithe guns and -we heard I w x lien a shot-or em irjiade'hiijU "shufilii off coil."i-i lr I'his|aflair, wiiieh n- e ei II of jexcitemont and i scarcely noticed by- tl ar by, but l')y this tin 1 poiiies beciiine, so great that off, we dashed for t h e ^t before we reached fhejm. .. a little, so that as we . II.-. ". ir ranks we got good hots a t a distan(:e of from like the wit Mr. Whjoele as fast tls We were the color hear the. But d.rivi take no i ball, tlil-ou breaking buffalo,-w|e before lit ton to fifteen rods, and on we rushed 'lie ladies drove while r and myself fired almosfj <:•; could pullf the trigger. 0 near;' them we oould see tly in. their eyes ajid di^tiui; alls as they struck flu 5 at such a rate we conk) curate aiin, and nu only a L>)I the Ihc'itrtor'liings <>r ( tjhe bjickbone will stoi *' | • j - hiixljlgone nearly a mile bro|ug}it one [down. Our (f'i IS and his .. ifh'bjajl w in length, ; the body w fal'o (as |w sonfof t vrif appei t) ne a ponies bell g now quite opt of breath, we stoppee and jex^minoizl him closely. He was (pi j of the largest of.the herd, d uiid neck Wete' covered hair.from four to six inches tnd from the shoulders buck ts wlithont hair. This. )llfr ill ati| all others at this uea- i",. r )00 pilmr dif'. UPpearn underst year j was perfectly hid U . . . . . . . . . •''•• nee. ufiido nc HH being ajbo speak flirt her ! Of it no tance, mi )US I should think a'giod, ike this would wqigh The sha je.and genet'al the buffalo is so', well. all .that offJ,.,an among 1 i th 1 s we ha with For shim hem 1 nped not iii the Subject, lit now on we went a-sl^ort dis- t a fire and cooked'some of :ille4|.ineat, which \\torcli6h- uchjj A,H .uopii as ourse ves "our freiih-] edvoi'y ni and p(in'i( s -wjne w< outrun them.i but for was s|afe think they • hence v wo aid vo fo<Lwe started * i ) an); hour' we were again ; buffaloes. In the afternoon Overjil very animated, races eichl time killing Heine. u ki tli i dc ergot e had the deacon's objection re- ,. ''..II' .v.« .... ll. „i..J_ „^..l 1 1 have IJutliej'did just heard. ' pffjcpijii'sc, .mojiofj, itvva-i all smooth water, and Roqs idrh.ve :iis w«jolng so furiously, that in 1 .,thre'( wecltis they wew m'»-r-! .Iiusbiind explained his pi', fearirig tli.at.sho, had been Idepeivlud, but. her father had ed his am ng rjed. ' ^iien""hpi i),rtifip|" to. 1 nevi r told her what had cliaujj sent Inputs, nlrn, she j Icim, dear hjcp fellow fr'ilt tk.Whhk •bank.«to ik. f V It d« n'll with tv liiug " DuuVrti And instead, of b sjtd' h'im tthd,,called Jj^yn tl ow. ' tlieilenjceii: begam . .* • ! j trojible mo," wait talk . .-I :•< Ross . ^ublo.yonl Havel '•WRa t you calved tin the mim] noise- a'u opr t c thousand i ail di if[taupe o.ur ponies could a( long ruiii it tho buffalo) but males witlclandings! to which podtic gonitis has given a special association with the father of His liojnnfry. . •!" | "The drayving-:L)oin is' of ;great height for tlio ipprjiod, sopo tvVpnty feetMn either dimebsrr)ns, wainscott in panels (tlaboVately [carved, the raaiitpl with" Corinthian pilasters' on either side. In it hjings a fine painting, by ^orfey, of " the second qir William Pepjpencll' ant his maters, 1 jts children. Across, thd ' entry! from, this apart- ment is the. (study] a brjght, sunny r no with colutm side opposite rt mate princeps-'wlip always: '" H This vfae in'roaljity a hood, | aporlyjlv bonnpt- , Ih Oharlea b ai modern strings observed t cotiutrie bonnet v head, aif 1 been ad F the , Second's rpign comctljiug like 1 mhetfiu Was i sod tjirith d e e p d ina^tilla. It sliould mt Eiigland liona pf all the 3 ff Europe ajpliel the word,. tho Covering 1 'tif,a Jady'B.i- d from [that coutilBy ,it thasi-j- ptod into^gene-ral use in|this.T r -- o At the leginnih^ of this celntury, Eng- lish ladies born,- and .behind it tho-library of a )bU;propQrtio|i,-thirty feit in length iiJt columns-diversifying the .longer' indowH. Between this and thi dining-rooiii,' ' ^fliich m nearly its liandsbmc aq' ajiartment' l'ises another principal staircase, as broad and .as much decorated as,.thai thp front hall. jBdrioattt, the cellar special stjtbjility, a \)(>i~ in hkndsOmej brickwork, of date more recent, ithan in Walls are pf tion of theln which so.em the vest. i •' i "Oolonel Yassiil having left it, the IIOUBO for tub nine monihs that the siege of Boston lasted wa» the abode of •Washington. l''rpm it were addressed those admirable letters Which organiz- ed rebellion into huccossjijul revblutioii. There .gathered his gemjirals in couti- im tlve 1 to (the and cil, there, ca no.t(J confer With li patriotic, leaders belonging legislative .body-, of Watortow within its s ; iaoions apartments occur :ed many ail interesting incident which icfs have worthily narrat- ;he war, the bropejty was histbiograp ed. Aftei; soM to'.Nittjhaniei Tracy,k>i Nbwbpry- port, who conveyed it) tt> iThqpias RneLell in h^GJand ! in 1013' it fiimilly 'passed to Andrew (Jraigie, who long |dwel|, thiro and in whose tim(i it consisted of nearly tivo hun- dred, acres. itli) Shaw, IJ. tucket, a 'lyir. Crajgie, married" daughter" ! of lUy^ liazalaol 0. 1.702, settled at Nan- near relative of the late Chief Just ce. H J poswdased a hafid- some ostatp, ahdj va« fond of display. wore iwhat were irreverent- 'j ly callet " coali|enttl« ,, ||boiiifets, from thoir resemblance, wlie|n' W^n to tha^ furniture \irheh L inverjted, dy'slhpad Wtife ehyelopeu in ^ 3J 0 !a\l thcMo fea^ili^^endages ltyvas •/ T - to sod her p'rdfilej and very [article •'When one of impossibl difiicu]y,d get sight o^her fyfce. haps this \-as thp way'fjliey wo/it out of faeI\M; ttiat is; tlieyj grew smaller and/smaller until they became >vliat ia.- termed "a cottare bbunet," 4nd it-i^aa tho fashion to apbin this witjlrgay rib- bons and flowots. The cottage ibdn- np.ts were vastly inoroi ,beeo|ning'tnaa' the coali scntthijiijntl they;Wero ^orn^" with rnodiflcatrorii?, down !to 4 .rec"cnt] limes. They Were for. ja tijno "supOr- -seded by "gipsrjy hats,"', a form of,.the old Spanish aiid Southciin piantera* sombrero, ' witti la.' gtod (breadth of ; brini; which fitted in Walking, and were tied under the cl in. These'hate, ui their turn, gripW /'smalf by dcgixrca and beautifully|l|8s," ilntil ihey nearly jlisappparod' ai^dr made vjajy for chig '. »-»', '1 - , . i tions, and>[ttiev jfor d hair, formed of pla brow ovei? tho ears l.as mi(cli asAioSsi an bi.Aded cnlgjK ignons unit i^b jbofmets of tiligs^ from the p'tjip 1 poll, high, leliko jtwolarge| iil. itnder this . regime bonniitefhave dwindled down ink pa\ : ni on any e (Av.iier thinks the£ .are- mere jian.d'dno would ouHejtl [hi algar-] tho|'pirfnitluted detbistay oil tin. Ho purchased thb' bet on Irtr none j outsid<i o^f t h e li the cow's not: see til you get pretty well le cf'the herd. During ' cbmihotion occasione hasSnglland firing, there Wore I as drd, dnd info all ,(l|by in sight quietly a(4, ifjjtvU was ing m\v noticing th'ousaiids of bufJaloes of |L»H that JRopt fee'dind as. ell, but regard- poiformanoo as not worth flieir numbers Were so greati tlifljt wp seemed to be skii'Misli- inga little :l hong 'thfeir'tshbdrb's.'''! •':*. L ^ - M - : !i;v.' . TK±AS ( JATJI T^V—Tlio palina (Kansas) Adihcaiv says tlip entire coiifttry east/, il * \ ' ' west'land appth of'Sallna is 'ii'pw fjlled with ovciri oiv V'Sj thirty thonKand . dollars; inves ed in b a n k 'Btojuk j> tliu^dci'ed hiri fa^hevdn- | The (lea soiV.'sfkin;- tioipetliing, tfia deacons, are vuor twijtil cpnti,". not slipposod to ut <l.A-' ;er. menae in number, f. Prices* lW-«6'i.8- for yJarlingaj 1 $10 Avo-ycaf Lldsl$ltt to|$l8 tbrf ltf'e^jiiar.pldsaiijl '\>ows: and! ^20 ' V' * i I ;to ; ,l! \i,, I ori• beeves.'/.{Thuso prika 1 ap- Whitt has "IkicOmo : bf 'the Wealtl ri ,;• r ,lnili : c.-JMip^v r IfWiW ' Itjoljeirr \ M k 1 * 1 *" 1 ' article^ | fprgaye $a8, bjbrro^v'od, 'for the oc ^feu,' v q..iietly.'. ,".l'^ /aftou-itw'.I.h.ao^ccpBip.Ii.sb •ed «jy LX>Mp< >se. ! 'Vk>ii .Oallod m $ a foo f, andn.I voi^d. .to. be eyco -witl ypoj as I Ira ^hey i\\\ivl^lHnpjA . j In,!,.thsTidssaopitU|)rtpdi!tUa i/ nigh; -jfqtjve fitly' t H n : ^Mal/ iti was* m r xible/ittr<l{jgl I -A( •. M Inmlent^riiily. m ' ' . 'J?e court es thai 'aq'OM ei;icti ,of t daily,art in rang). Vomj to^l l\ filr cattle: (he bottoms are ' l" n ' ; rid,with' them, and thb water j/n (1, with tlieml .J Not less are fiow wiihin the pre- [ic,,State, md the arriyals poar W r i . i hoeWs. ./ipiupo prij'pal ap- mi I -owing. the 'fdrt IB jdo'ii cjirp iil'iti i -•• r ' .:/••' *' to ii of d,eath, O.i 0^11 a ((Scftrie'tt; vo are uhder I for we otijrt'j only W Wit handsome equipage is ill-will.of his nxtme i THI : -TBAVELLEit's and.four horses,Niiictt Jiad boon thp property or the Di ke of Kent when in Jiostpn, and "was" exclusive enough in his habitslto provuke tl{ neighbors'. "Whenj be bu^U an jctj-oollai: witlij a Summer-hQUflo over it, s] * thb pre8ptit ol)Bcrvator|y, and ext^n. siye greeri-housp, thoy L>rpguo]stioat|ed. no good could tidme to one who fl*w, in tho flee pt\ Providence, spjtifig the Summ tii-'with his ice and the' Win. te'r "with'his AoWersi, He wis liberal 1 i i i i . in his hospitality, and his wido^v, who long midp tho house her home aifter bib •death; mitiiitaijied its character. It was at diffferanl times the residence ^)f Edward jtlvejett, .Tared Sparks, and of ifo8oph V ^ t o M e r , thai disfjinguishod (oxicogra ilier,. but for the lasVquartet jif a OeAtliry it has been tbo abode, or oho Who, ve'liowned'as Jie 1 trfjiii lbtters, has also ! won jlaurdls t]o be ? cheHshod ijng'a perfectly, w, in the a«ectibnatfe iegar4'ot* his couii- Vhile^hO^tfmB »tt trymen. :!i Under" its riof liave been and ( didcfrlrhe I trympn. u Vn^jr^its r(j> .. compospa mpaii of tho8o| exquisite pro\ dwotionsi of his .gipnius which hajve made hirn famous ojv^rj tha worl4, and which in, fill time must infoslfihls abode! with'fBftoointiona nbtllkolyilo fadp.'f f—«-WlS|BjlH 'jiaTSfi Jl. •_ _l ' -v-4 :.'• To; teat the vioh,nes8 of j milk, sftnix I^r-ehotjld be set aside hi-glass cream jki'B,! properly graduated so that rrientufe6 of erean* «hay Ue' leao jafs are now' o little, knick-knacks, Wb t of tho head tl proper. A ^Somotimcft vehicles for nosegay's, think they had beon den. The mydtpiry ti> is how^'thoy are mo headiOr ratherJon ;he hair beneatli them] The modern I bonnot >nsWors no . piurpose, save thi^t of ornament, It does nbt, Jii tho I ijast, shelter the head from hieat r lrain! or dijist, ana^ie;- haps this is the reaStin. that U may i3j*V indisoriminately won; on the forhead or ou the nape ott ho.neck, as 4hjfi; wearer pleases. I' Bun " hp ihet buyers" • (which is an ifrejvtjreni, aobriqueV) should not pry too cjin'tously into these matters, wliich chitf y ; tymcorn t^ieii better halves, or thd|i,da«ghtersj ahdj "? . :••> . J as these must have 1" it love of ; bonnotr tho more roidy t^bir acp^ui cscenoffin tpeir jieWbnablp demtmus why—Why thelbettiJ it Wilfho for,th< in$\ityiir&>~philadelphia T^Qger. ' ^ ' 'Vi 'i'aaaj|i U S 1 M M .,;- - 1 given''to! ai'lt n MpdagasOdr, sou; loWer parts of its st - I ' .t etp pi' racerjtaclps, iv tfpasons ail filled The Wearyjtraveller! freshment |y puircti| ^with a speaU JBh the ..tree, is (Jrtyiia eOlid trunlf vuryinj flet upwai/d, and. * ' y < TKK«.-4ThiB is tli]! o wifich growi ,j led because tht Bcontainffpopk 1, cliiitt_tlie dryCat v WitUvbn^e watej- i|s s i r e to find rJ- , hig these pocke'ti : | botajnicaVname o " ipepiow-..' F«p.m,.fl I' southern ria-tfoetto; j? ^iritd up a nnnch ntema, eaeh. abdji (j si f 4t oigjit leet in appjear '.--. -'; though not in i w i), tl) that BOUti Of flitu- ldni, ttnd eftch sbppoi-tSng a loaf of the same length ariftaorne.ten or twOn- ty Inches wide. |The ilea ves, I when driei, form.the-tb'awjh' will tho liottB*e» on the eastern sidoi^f tli^ island, mak-; lerpiopf cov^rjhg, I nsed for pari ' rV-pf the we'd is. rf that of tlie! j>al- ipelcioftf^hi/the Foi f^d'^dttsea ieoehif twentVor >cry hard, attd. Un, JhtbVibr Bofti t»«*to'. tobark"4<cntitt flirty fe»ttytifif oM4 two! vO to eighteen inches/ wide, and; tt e elf tii»e ildor eov- „ cred/Witb>ithe. «Atne ;aa well joined o& t Ordinary^timbei fflio g?reen.>jr,ycli arp uapd by.tra^e^Mn^lapo, of ^ t e t - .>• uMotnred' tijicl pnrjioso' Indicated, buj, th nion" ferfiss'WUo mty lie j tatwn ! and , markii -* i ' ivm^uU anttftpo * I standi! Won '- -tripe tnd Ulwa^.jpo^Miin 9«in«, ; Utljotn^ r " nm: fif i tu<i pi talojitji," hnoi 1 i-Xhn'c >mrnjfH\ b tov givaa adinatuly tM? «i q, o>' Va4t|jjm- aoifiogrny tk\ , drinking *ei88«1a e efydt pnotiMttrity '1«:ttihibJ<#hild forest; the > steins •. . iy- 6| tr|iUc, ijnt i' ojtl dotortnine !contn«ge o ry u'&fut lactometer, instrnin^nt,' 1 '1J 'I ;J * i J . .ftduitemtlpn^ law iftchbsdee tlio stal trunk, ril»d HhSA f Pvm »; •w'hoh'tlfy'- ' ^tei<flAwsout t|l^ndftntl> < ivtof J pie Of•''th07$«Mltt Fl«i^ lit in criii". ••* " • : Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Transcript of Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski Disk3/Amenia... · 1 j, ' i 1 — J =5ftx \k-r/r;...

Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski Disk3/Amenia... · 1 j, ' i 1 — J =5ftx \k-r/r; PimLi^HElrXN© rawpRpsTQK .-j^yyer, givptrrt to'^ocal ; •»'' ^fta^, ® M-JU Wirnl.-grwis,



i 1

mdash J


k-rr P i m L i ^ H E l r X N copy rawpRpsTQK -

j^yyer givptrrt t o ^ o c a l

bull raquo

^ f t a ^ reg


Wirnl-grwis bullpoundittitof SUM tu the raquo3

South An)ehlaN bull

1 VlN(MlKttTKK amp NVSH

I a b u b ^ h i i l o f i p r y T

MXIH flrooorlepand (Jpnpriil

DOIJLAUK IKU ANN d stticti r la Adviiuc

Orjo squarw o r I lift (gt 10 8laquoitiaro c r 1is () 10 airtwrV o r llaquoss

M p o r w i l Ho (fidontiiitlWl fcXClaquojp( raquot tlio tho ifrff iaiit-r i mrn-urrelaquorngiH

n i p

Ri4tlt8 i f Advertising tTIgt WCOfci

four w laquo c k hraquoraquoco a ilaquon t l l n jiiJ moql fgtno y e a r l i t r es W tint llyrio (Mltraquoi(ln)

iraquo Q a v o nHim

( ) 10 Hlt( Iftff or lOraquo)J Opagt ( wro or Id

kgtae rush or ton bullfcimhlt atfraquo a wjimro Bight laquorulaquol rink

JT^rniinOTTtrmirTiii laquor a lelaquo laquolt nltttSf-raquoraquo~-r ajlly clt ntiaottx) for

iSiijr or t fs l f s i r l r fo bull ltjufraquortlaquorl^ All Cif in (raquoM vuiyji V


$llaquo0 I S3

i 2h2 rgtoft oo-

iy oo

lour fccud





llrnu iintl llflHti-r

pinion N Y-BAKNIJM

Stiuoiiorf Bnvlopot lllaiik IMtk OignrH Ac ( 1)

B I jgtrf (WCKMIS cYocorii

k M


P I L L S rj fyllbwintf f r o l u k wt 11 kraquo ( ) Wraquo lti t i z ( lt

Jumaion h I^JuiiO 10 71 raquo [bullaiuim oflibo Jumuicu 1J ir)gtuiO[ m i

ItulTdrjinio no BinaVl clegreo of nftwroro jo hoartcBt rhoujftothoofllcacvot Diiuhlfir laquo la U aa the hi-it provoution of tOver and Aguo i iU

AM UK Iff i unil lioiicrnl Morchandixo

Ilongti MwiiJnctiin t mnKuHtiiiirt

H H TCIICOCK Orocoriop anil Provis ion

Pouvi^hkeepsje N Y

Hotoy orMslfe gtr1r aiurorliHom gtnt must bo piirf fo bull rjulaquortlaquorly^ All transient nraquo ttrfr inunt ljltgt plid fuUi aitviiunp Sraquo gt raquoHI llft r n u lt 1 deg

Hk-iit tornirfi

Job^rVhtlpg Vlaquohraquovo ono oft o lojtt country igtbOlil

1)i i foontW With gt 4 Ty|-raquo now P n raquo uiiMorial ltif aU i ^ t s wo raquoro pr4gtigtfrlaquoltl to do raquo] I kinds of Work I row tho rnraquok l f ^ f t o 0 laquo

H 10 Card Hoo^i- a inphlot^ Bill IIlaquoIMU Freads Kovolo eraquo IiawClaquoBlaquoraquo and mankraquo

moriplion Bank Chock Note Voraquol I An or gtn a vilri ty or colors

iTt in Oold Silver raquor (i)|gt ( V r i l O l i H V I l l W O H

Kurhwh^d at th raquolowiMt Now Ylt rk prices 13TAll bull iraquo cadi ou dol Yory unless

o hlaquorf 1B(J ajftttcdraquo [ oftiMsad^raHoJto J W IJOYH AIraquoT will ro

bWo DroiAutVattoiltio j


Inn a w l Jhivgeoi

bullt I

blan aud ouriooi



Xl K~

JMiystolrw and SrJrgoonj ltraquo fiw at K THOMPSOMS i lraquo

^ iKs KIN-Telaquoraquoh ExtioBtlaquod with or withpu^ Praquok bull

] A DAVIS Attorniraquoy md Counsellor (gtUl

I rat t s Ho i


I O K (Attorney and Con iBSllor Ofllo h Uondaym over

tlio Honk

^ K M I N A K V bull pound M P Inojoal

MN1 Vorveyojr Cor veyaootr and N tary Inlilic


A W PALMlaquoU

Jurdfand J o b lr ntlaquor


Vrwti Vliraquo freak ^ Caablor

UriiK gtfei ed Uiibraquo 1




MftdicltXji PtiliHs 011raquo tirooerleraquo1-11ralaquoH imraquorApoketrl IroiL fitael i l a r d AKriouItural Jir(fileineots




If gtLraquoltHlaquoPgt-|uraquov-aigt vxHir

WholOHaJoa Bookft IMusic riii4 Stitionory I Manufactttroropricey -gt1 Mniajfit

HIClvOK A A | )1ANC( ilbdquoMAIN ST Hell Books Statipntpy MU I - Lianojl ()gtlaquoan Molodeoiuj Solo Agoutlaquo iltraquor rjteinwfly Pifjno

and the Bufcka (Jraiifd Organ bull - n ~raquo r

J I A Y ^ otbs Cassimoroii

Clotljing Cldnta

I ^leVchantTuilor

Vcs^iilt- IC^ady iiiiuli FniiiiHliiiiK CHIKIH

Xi nnrt^53MaintSt

JI bonus Hmi Ooodn to MonBilfo

Main St

urcKKY fc iMA-n Sjinwla

IIPS amp v A^oulfl I

K Mai

VlfM )UTeurolijPSS p our

St offerHyau

Dry (lootls (Moakti bull Sowing Macb

KAijMEl Uook to your into oeL CPJotillon nt-amp84 Mlaquojin

liAfgoins in Coarso Kijgtp am Sttraquogh Uobis

To buy your Dry t oodn OloakHjinil Shawla at tbo Popular Oinflrlco Store opound J- N lt5t (( (jainlco




AH t h o latojbt Htylof f r iof (|ualiRy

Wbltdosalo un

A N D K H amp SOX I of Hdota and Sbout ofBubo-

- H M a i n Si


SMITlI lUfOllIKKSf I gt und KcuiiljCoiifBotionory and Jadiort iU (iontNflnrjliH Diuiog Salodn

Wrtics WeildiugsL Aa furuished witl ovraquory roqittHito^u sty

I le

iianraquol Ifgt Marke ts i bdquo

bull TDK W I L C ( raquo vV (-linilS NOISlLKSH KiiBIILY ifEWINO UAC11INK

U D l^liiorv ( oJ agon tit SW4 Maia |s t r | t t loupihkcupsio^Nl V j

ff fc


^ gt i ^HoarillriK lgty day or wci Hlvcry anil laquo4gt Imi tiujM-d M I l r c i i i v j Proorioti

UKIlO ltV BJCACli Dry (looili Crocor^CHnnd (Joiiorul Miirliamji

all kifidh bull

ii i t Uoodraquo Clutl



t of

VVALKKK fc CO lnirlttrolaquo5)rl()S and Pruvbho iH


bulli Af I KNNKT I

out Povcra I have ovor us nraquoonnitoul bovCTB l nave ovoi uraquo invo not bullbullraquobulliraquo aainglo inBtanru fajlolaquo ip tUo lilaquot iAiTiiodiatofy alter taking

have tki Pil ls ai patroiuu


b)Y raquoa


UtinoBt conlidciico in tint Dp i| heartily rccommoiid than t t of tbo public laquo i bull u rn rub T 11 1U10ADKS Uv O n e H b o I l i i i - t c v i laquo laquo -



o by all Druggists f I an i

l-MSK A s IIATlt


bMi [V f

B A N K BR ft






1 Tl tive and is ono- ( lnont rcfli thoeoni pOHUOrtlil

2 T


x ri roHt am questioi

4 I t milos nc addi t iot rOH[)OHBI

Bast an


AVyp- Ywl hihl 10 18H

KST MOKTGAOK GOLD jjiONDKOP K S A V B A K B A N D a n i O UAll iKO^D N V offar pcauliar indueoii(onin|o j eld O p

6-rolad is u n d e r ltltx[gtlaquom neuri i on lior orablo inanagcinonl f tbo M|rongcne and nyiAtjrblubl liabio Wraquol trUBt-wortbv j^ rporn t i r t rv wild a wil l etraquob iraquobigtrj CFOd

ji Tbo conp


P try wil|i a wtll eraquotraquobji igpiopeity mid tranehi|(Jflo|

ion ii amplo Boeuriw fo

ui) md

I -CFOdll jllltl




( iugtr tga^o n l roady o x i a t i o g in couirxlotedj rlt IIIK a n d work done o r e g u l a r a n d p r o m p t puymoiit lt ihoHOMiVity of t h e p r i n c i p a l urn Uey

)iitiro gtad

J h



[ v mlhvtir$^b^ ^ U I H U Q mAi i a i i v b a


(|)llf KWOOtlv liiilcilll (ouiCH ti) mq pvj

Im nearer my ton Than I ovoannv

iKearer my L^uther Where tho injinj Nciu the great

Nearer tbo c

Nearer the bound )f life VVhoiO JVC ll i i





thonjrlil md oer to-day

liici before

tlliourto nnuiuioiiH be

uh Co throne

J Hi

Nearer leaving Nearer gnini

Iul t ie WUVCO lloll dark bofiiri

bat briglftly the Ureal ltgtn u id|pj i

llavi If it hi

ij liuidcus down oroaH

the crown

lilt BllCJlt SOU ny Kiehl |

(Jtlier sido of fight-

I inn neiu lvento-day tluji 1 think

l-iithj)i perteot in KM II

iluit- her foet mli Ontill) Jjoe-k of

U t l l f lO bullbullVBIIltOttM i r O K l S s T

bull 1 laquo

iilinOt gni icd the brink r llonie

y tnihl 1 In doutli

liruily net i living faith

il Tin trees nliltiokJhani And bowd and inter Till IIU1TOW llllj V)| Aii 1 Ii Tin ough t(ie cool eui Lt nott one Bunaluift

the Ohii i aud for tbo acuommodntion of t

mouse i

sion nr future il able 2vu

i ft

iti an old and Hucccssfli w in prolitable operAtio al nearly completed eitenO to tlio demands of eounuer

rokdwi id UK

so au k gjrei 1 Wej-tTrunlt Lino froih tbo Atlnnt cto


T27 ilen

ing it iili in at

i n e r a l roaoureoH a l o n g xn l i n e

i T)m trafl ic noeosHary to rei d upon a ilpw dclr ti vX

loiui und I




PubDjut MilkCmiH Hoatlng HUAes l i u t Aie J bulllaquo t in Vllaquoo and SbtjC-t Iron Work

P pound N S Y ] amp IAINB Cooking Staves l ldrd wore Iron Steel A grit

1 IinpJuiiieiitHJ i luyuud Straw Ciittttm lt5v( iiltn-

IgtKHKY Hekvy and i-iKh

N I C K B H B O C K B I lifrneBH Carriuge Vnn uHi

all Its braucheK Nona hut the oetyt of iruitoi



i l l VAYLOC y Dry OoodJ Groc irleai H a r d w a r d

l- A-grlcoltprsl impl rmraquoil|raquo Uooir Atoi Atarpai id tfewsOMeo

Dry Ooods (i rrlaquoolaquoirtes lUrwaje HuU- Caps Baota laquohooraquo i-


Doota and Shoe

(l CHAM rocarlea Uooti and H loea J W y - M laquo l h A | j a gt R K W JJBI I

Krtdlrbdquo | J u d o r U l n K OOWIH and CaWV 1 Lw V jqaaw^iBLiv

rouu for Nlaquotllt^ial Life Jnsuran Utlaquoraquo [Jay Cooke

eountlea of IlitoIeM^olafte

I Mueral ilfe laquoud J ire LonaKiJKfc Agent

llcei sad AtKnlomier

rlajeaail t a ebadT

Coulpi ny of the (o) or the

anil llWhfleuf bull



PRAlVTrS iiOTfr reoWnlfor the r r a f ehag P jbUo mm and

Ca r r t ageaa t s l l hlaquottJ bullbull Good Ita and BUIlarda araquo-CTKB PKATT Proprlfltor

Located at the Ifepotll Boarilinf] gty the day or week T o n e ated ^ i f r f c i Is at all aib ta Qaod raquolaquor at

Vf T | r P F Froprlet

J4RRIA NyVAOrOitY tag k leletone Ho made in th la tes t stifle an I nnlahod of h a beat mater ia ls

orhkaaw lip oonatax Uy on band

A M K I CHANT fcC fva i l tar i UaderUkl i g r ^e

ButWhar I Meats bullbmdashr-


OfQSATHJOAl) Kirut elassOysUiV i Jul liilllard Saloon Ah

III ltlt si and Itoal Ksthte

K in at meil

bulli Joalei

B T lpPP ml Jewelry Cuiis Pistol AtK MaohluiiH

Watohes Clocks

p e n AH T CAPRON I Photographer Keeps Pictures Frames hupy

IM (iimiv Stationery ltke-

Win t W ork1

ICoufeotlvoury JtceCrlaquomui Cysters Xoba4cAMgtd bull Y Clea r s bull [ bull

B| at1 WOODEN JloosojPaintkr Decorator (raquond Drainer

OBO W BROWN Restttdrant uud VaxiMy stoijo (gtafcctio)ery Tyraquo Ptult No^laquoamp(cM ampc Also Worstedlaquo In gteat^rafietysmdOirtorH Cigars and Tobjacco it-itHirs Cigars and T

l a ins N^i + yen bull raquo

Dover G amp S prHUPpUI

Attorneys audCounsellors at IM _

CK() M YltrgtI-MAN) M IX lt Physlolan and $urgelthi Office at |5uln H Ifij el

J X l V t a PIV^INB NATlONlVT gt L $BLDINO J-pnlaquo Hi KKTCIIAM A ^

Prea t r Vice Prest

DOVER P lk iNB IIOTBL Near the Depot- Tbe bent hotel m liOvoV (Jbod

Bar attached Horses and carriage a t all b una M JtAitf P r o n a t o r


KK CHAM ( iSblor


81MKON PI Copper Tinjaod Sheet lion

Pas|ps Stares rVork Law) Jflpe

bull Gftf) HUFCXJT Jn Dry Ooddk On carles Clothing HaU Oapl Ac teraquo4 bull

I j r w C l i l f l W i J T l 8 f t i P mypyiUr SAloonl Dally bullUUfttmitJ l ] J J |M J4 l f tT g g AuetU neer

[ALBpKOCISZBWBKI bull 8a4dHry nuilHwrneae Mak ing

K amp )WERraquo litooms ittaohadt



in o

- I I t M i



irriM M fort vf -1

KY in kti


ilituble doOfl not iloijeln ivelopment bu t an oijori le ja already wat t iug f o r l u d invitaijj i t

b 1 ocorn widely t u o w n popular anil niarl ictable vhi l it will be nit a s l ight tux u||on tbo grea t ejarraquoi|ng capabili LICB of the road


b o n d | n now yif ld a profit of over JO per

exclruiigo of Kive-Twe)|tios foi ay bo m a d e with ent iro

nott one tniiudin

Itiiihi hung anil Hunt Or lroopd An laisvcd UninbowH ravoraod Or jning low-baiigiiif Sung low an if they Sung faint like tiouii And tool no unto of Thpugh ripe notes o



hivli overhead iviiied noroaa

bull leuven and IIIOHS

ions fruit g ild-hued and red1

I bpy of cni

mot betwo n i

$ groon-rilied and red liucs droantlly rpm tree totlOC bull I-ovejrboad-v- bull

irtdflj lllld (tlept par ii i


fall tuiliifd atevery stop

H througli tho leaves ough brown-chid and hi

bullne I through and thrdugji idyl we

(mielc theycn

How ran the nionko Bow riishd they tin liBti shilttlea hurrli Ill) tkreiKbi a hnstyl^caYDr weaVoii J

t nti fnulii of gold1

and all foothold -llii an if deatl HH overhead

The Bokv Then ltumeiid hami A ml lllllig limp 1 in Ifung Idw and llntl Anil all tho time vi itent full Iookd wiHoTy too That wateh you ui


no nine wit)i half-oped oyi on im in njute HiirpVint

ui wine heim tlo h thuir head niikow

The long days thro There came tlio mf With clioiimtoneii


Bond l are In denominat ion and $10 ) lutereyt payable Mtt

Pr ice na t i l furtbex not ice ^

torcBbfi iilii May 1 |A0tl F I S amp HAraquoicjLt-

B i laquo





) CAGKB BASHiY K l t l t CDI ^

md fieo from vermin by IHIiif tin

fciNWTlttei^ aMiVfMtrdf | C A C E IVI^T Ly Druggiiita anrflfoiiBp Fnriiis^ofs

tbeso safety altid will cent

0 gtf$10C

t aid N

uud accrued in-

bull 500 ivejnbnr

lauyH oflico 2oJ 1-2 Pon|l Btreet NY Sendjfor circular

bull j l|OK T1IR







^fctvipound Hrf-a

in Kennys Now 1|uM [a uii ivuired lor Itn Choice Stook of Gcodu nnd

tho low pricea tbey igt6ll rrir

vs lt

laquo ( bull bull bull

gtlotb8y Cass irner^s

Westing and

y r)i



igh Iriiiii blossomed I rlt iel Hong of sweet bisea of cnokatoo raquo

That slid IUK beak along tho bough And wnlkd and tjdlid and hung amrswun In crown Of gold und coat of blue The uiieHl fool Unit ever sung

li)r had n eiown or helda tongue -^bulltioriye 1gt thv fUcrrtiii by Joaquin Mill

bullSo yon lio nK1lted

(itjlt iv^Mk

a n d k e e p

I|ll p u t iio

i ( i

rpirrv Iloss IlartUnpje|

bull bull B u t

t t l l lHl lo it

I d( No dangl fool and one

iKS(l)isol)cdJ(Miof i f i i c dlt

Ill tor oi your rftoin JVI J M i l l 1 W W 1 I J

I and wall i bars hhiffki th

ahltl not le -you wrhiy)1 word to ooirr-rnunicalo jvilh hiuV

am 6jggthtoen pried Letty m JTCM JIS a peiouy bull in can if yoij are eiphtylaquoorraquocl

iter ltif mine can marry a io is ii fool if there ovor wa

The deacon vis as dego(raquod as his llo had one piAtdn

jbtty bocauii a prisoner

about thol lock bull(gtoiiiluilt

T n e i t l i e told- ICowtf t fu iUingo- that hlaquo

itovet should Iravo Lptitia bullWhy nol K asked KOMH quite

coolly bull- bull rj bull bull Shi ncviT filial I marry an idiot Koss smiled Look herd old gentleman if yoil

wasnt to be my father-in-law Id make i i

yoiiiiislc patdcni fraquor that little speech As it is I suppose Ill have to corrsid-or upon it instead i And if I

teach yon bet

T^O fi(xumiiampwwte$0ampt

ttxmtf( mdtxti mitxmt m^ WjA)iffiWi^l$

DKSenil TIoN (1 AN

H U N T - - lA)lti TIJH SIOHI

Charles B


v- i l he Hs t num

L O N G F K [ B ^ I i O T ^ a ^ ^ a W

berVtf tfte bull e w ifinpft tW

Buffalo but nlaquo w a rcKittent of Kansab iri JIletter to the Wmtdrn Ntgtw YorcerA mauston gives an account lofa buffalo hunt Ofaigie

liftyfor sixty

ii by himself itnd^wifo eler (formerly of Iiock-) from which we make xtraet Ail hour more

participated i and ^liv Win plort and wife UrrTriillowijig i amiijuf eyed vere gladdened by seeing

bnfuuoes which proved

distinctly HCI a(Jistance of

a in

wasnt a deacon id er things you puppy

And with that the deacon hurried a w a y t o l h e b l a c k s m i t h s s h o p for t ho

to b e p l a c e d o v e r L L e t t y S i ron b a r s


A fon am I V R o s s a n l i n g e

nnii teyoditl teji ho w a s g o n e W e l l

Klaquofc old g e n t l e l n a n t h e c a s e is b y ne

b i g g e r

m e a n s decide

fools i

one (ifthem i Ltitty and sl tjoinlt_ to givlt jle of s o m e

S o h e sa

d I-erlutps thiiii -art n this world jhau ) am naybe- a deacon Mile

iJikes rue and Im no er up without a strutQ

kind jduwn and wrote thi


How the Deacon Gilt

all the r ie from

e y e c o u h l


tin black With


further the in I bull ed beyond ou

Rut-jwithout t

ickcjte and (loing so we to-beAhe outride Skirmish line I W e drovnin the reaehert the t nmfrjjit of1 an ominenco from which point we believe we could


through the clear air for I

fitte(n or ist

i i e i


bull twenty miles extent j of smooth

Ivor back as far as I J

cliwas -oonrpletely luilaldies and howmuch lurnorable fhrong extenri-

vision we could hot tell I e t(ellaquo s c o pe a 11 eflo rtB o ft

tartd Ilintoric Hjftgft^ei^ coii following inteJtaii iOBC fpitbn of the homo of the cherfflgrltT ^ W$$ fejlow at pa lb r id^J ia r i a iohuMt t s i

Oh th6 other sidef)f the roa jfVom Mr Ratcheldi-s is the ^eU-il)OWfl

ol Ml Longfellaw known as Hon si and also a i Geiioral

Washingtons headquarters X-Ifcwas eilecW in lJ5d by Colo nol John Vassall grahasou of Ijconard and son of that John who scld to0d8 brother Henry the house judlt describ

1 lliat no

M 4


llaquo[aies-wlaquorgt | laquo 4 ^ r Ht^raliyJsA^HjIlct ltpadj

^nd of t jo e1ghtonth cWuM att tho olOso oC [the ftretlWoMtloiij Pttnri^


ed I t may bo safely sai duel l ing in N^w fipptland o r igland reinaihB more |paci | i r t iar e l^aj i i t thaift tuis itsfcahdp batikt^rio fifty feut ffom lhe rlt3gtraquo(L and raquo smrouiided byllargo opo)i spaces on

rtlibeing of IVe shade

either side that to hc JIOI

in fextent

onrjH to c o m p r e h e n d their vastness

would ]gtrdve eventshero i tiui we are leing anxioi

sport Mrs M-tilAh eoler amjl Mr Wl

took our ca

utterly futile- At all bunda71ce of game thoni Tlio ladies par-ticipate in the

nys took the roinsj

bulllt an niter s to

and myself each bines in hand and wlt

- 1 bull then drove- slowly downthe slope nnti

l e t t e r q u i x o t i c

bull 1 IKAK To) You o n c e s a i d t h a t vo i i r v o i i ld o b l i g e m e b y g i v i n g m e ii ii

(HI Wlllllj

all of ryon I t i l i

L lie never never shall have you

ty - -leastwi Aeily dandy li us lief youd n

se if 1 can prevent ke him inileed r Id j iii^ry Dan Blocker

id io t its to htieouie t he wife of t

p o p i n j a y

I A nti Deacoi l M e r r i a m [ d e l i b e r a


u s t



tipped back hi of the house si( tin sC(

n ohitir agalist the 1 gains t or

n r a t h e r

[bull ltil t he Kink-room tooi raquo a

I was a fajvorite oie with him med ^o reuardj the ease as sett

ely i d e

the Ibit md ed ieU


m l

1 l e a 1


j c t i l i a l i i gan t o c r y a l i t t l e t

thilught bettifr of it am) drying rves grew^rsipidly indignant I lie isnt a popinjay she

U goijd as anybody and a

bett r than Ieter Bridge lif yon bullliut (now it-f _ (

Jeter Bridge was liorlfatftrVy favjoi c a steady wedl-to-do young far tier Ioud-h pcojde did say he was a trifle arsiinoifinuL v - -

Well 1 dont knowit and not ody Ise dont ikuovy it either- he

angrily Ppter

him aud injs go four lo say nothing o f the

ir riojre is a bull km iraquo


times the money old Bridge f trhi thousand if its

r ied

to 1

hat is worth vvorthia dol I aii could do ipuc|i I worsi than to u 1

J tell ye Ijetty^ j gal -ould do iiiucl

P e t e r Br iu

w r y


AndnuicJi better I hope said 1 1

Hoi wipe my 8jlipr)(rseri poter Bri -Wltdl as- It said before you 1


I )fls Ia 1

(itty liiuld

ever dingo snapped shall fmurry

bullif lJeac(iui[eri|ii|im griinljy V so that


bull bull _ bull bull bull


DRY C6OD6 UV1- o bulllt (igt 1 I in flrdat abuildaaoo dnd vuviotj

I - bull

lAuXByOoUara Pnnts^llampn- glt i 1 nwhivamppijrr


mttvmawaps laquo JvrTgt




laquoAfsi j I I at

yoiiJo d iirinuoit n i

V isgt(Jheip^Bt Stoio^ii Ute ltGuilty pa i i o f divt^ ^wute-r on his (Mvotwl

aiiaVaa- bull P ^ S f a W -

ijeifi ing my wore OHto i i^hed a

biirst-into tltu

The dincoi a l l his long 1

won H the have ud 1-

end o u t mid if you wVnt Mfhv j 1 un he an ol(Jftf

suppose I shltll 10tj do- either

m-otnised aire tdv to be Itoss JJar dfe ifiit il lgt atieiVtioi

mdash-Bo there Amh her own temerity bullilt -

The dejieoti set silent amomen fe ho had never ei

tred a spirit (jirite so rebellio h i s 1

bull raquoi4i4- bull 1 iievorl he mied and in his dip-

may endeavored toTogltain the p jrpeh-iiis chair was tiltet back

ieltjuirodgt Rome littf 1 exei-i is aihd giving a ipfing nst which he was It aning nd Joverho went oinong kettles and down 4laquome

uive d i n g s

i-eak-thenbdquo I j e t t y

In coun-u8 as

dicular Bti so far that it tion to do t

- tho door uga flewi epefrU the pots and



bull bull

lt lotbing Madi to 0 tamppti


VVc flii) afiaid tlm deacon ma Jp use if oxpreSHiojis I tha t would be kicked

iuronndsmuv t|Wncgtbefl)ce he BIIC seeded in fitttiiig eraquomraquon hi fgttt and when

bull i Ji c)titraquood an In

im tid^ibi itfhteiftililyjsliviek


h e W d a l h u

i wohtendui


M Hus|raquo u|j)lraquo he mmUU IVsa

o it

ir fortune if I would accept you 1 wmld accept the will

for tlio j (fifed ( f o ^ knew- it wit^ioth-lolisli] enthusiasm in you to

dul i n bull bull b u j f

bullri bflii to yfyy moj lor doing my duty Uy draggiiig yen lout of the river)bift now if yon will bim ply transfer the whole pf your l|ank stock to my credit for aifi[w days | it Would be a great arj-eommtjdatlon 1 pledge you my word and hpnor that 1 tfill feftirn every cent within a month

And then he signed it and sealed it bullut a v v t i y t o the postj^ffice daysjlater he walked iinto tho


am Three office i f Bdpttre Merriam -tlio aeaeons brother aiid told h iu rhe wish(d to

[ - | obtain his advice-

laquoTn S i j u i n

T l propet I wish else

1 would


counti saiui beLfap


what I

respect V demanded the

e investment ol

ty in

itnoney My mos t ly in b a n k s t o c k a n d

to inyest a portipn in something What would you advise bull A

prefer to see your certifi-

catisof stock as a [irelirninary dryly observod tlio squire

caihe poeket-books and t lemo

is ac-d lol


i s in

Ilea i IU

andtims ami sufficient stock w r to iumoUnt toj thirty thou-trs The d^aeons -brother

to nib his eyegtT joye lie said to himself he

lyasnu a deacon you knowmdash if he his| gltpt tliat much money old Reuben

ing a fool of Jiimsolf FH put a hisear forthwith

n urniiig to ](oss he added t bull bull bull bull i

tit il in -real estate young iian[[--l(l ijmfit in realestate

Rtim luinded him ten dollars and l e f t u office i

Andbefore night Deacon Met riam waspostejl |

Ofi| (Jame thi) lock and key an J the i |onLbais having never beop put on wljiel iftpved avjay with tyther olt rqb-bamph iii a httrry iTI p jitext day


V lie

call gt met

Ross ventured t( and ihe warm -reception that h was I ij g rea t surprise tofjLettyl who iicv(r had known her father to relent ttefoioj Slje held lirer peape lvowever and ilill not allude to it alter h laquo laquo 4 I bull p Hbr father did

Ive changed my mind Jjett^ h( said Ive heardbull eonietliinig Rpsii Harding tha t jiias1 convinced UK he j i Wot sb bad as I thpughc him

gpjepple will bullbeyonpg people if ypu wish ^o sinarry him

j WliS

and Wot) utid

not tellher w h a t


within lorf squad when wardtlu^ w ig him coming the ladies full run tow on liiui- g greatly reti ladies then drove a littil two- from this mortal t o US WitS

lerest -wif

buffaloes i ourselves i ly exjcited he lit a n d they partei entered tlilt lirpadside

yar an o on gt

tlo pay

0$ of the nearesi d[f(dIo^ s o r t e d to |Atiirst we thoughi his compliments to

ut sdoii fie started on la rd the river I then fired

dm a wound 11 fat

several acres Wees are elms are otjhcr sortn ajid ornamentii ty The front

fruit tVees eat vario-

of thi nobles andthere including lishrkibs-ikf-g stably of gi jfceful prov

pbrti3fifH-Jand-j harmonious decoration in a pleasure to behold On either ipde run broac and wellraquoshelfcred piazzas the frontincluding them- being over

elghty feet The door is missive and- itn ponderousfasteCuiigs at id brasses the sanfe as when Washington made it bis honie ii | the memorable Winter of15 The halltwelve fee in breadth cim(ai1is the broajl square staircase

i^eraquo lne 4at8 wMvVjr t t y -ledtho t iht tdt iof Weii I

Afterwajd8 hate Wdro tlfejffdjdWtftM lera o 38eha|s-

wc 9 jBfj oetiines mampf V1-laquojraquovo oulf poundlaquon|fcrft|j^ IiV t h e |oig^ ofl Qiiean Anno 110 Hu^li^r ia^ 4i0fi^oo giyoJlorlaquod hoojl wtyiqh

till n quite t ra gt ipj iWiUiwn SK^Th lH to fcy vi



revival known


the utifo wore it and hoti)i

m ore j|owore of

ovW tho

bonnet t hood flftecnth hundred

years later did it receive tjio name pf^ J

tueen An no

the jprpttv

laquothp Mary^StuW

the i -

Wjhich- fjriit appeared ti the tihough imt till k

I M H g

Lfded Hjs movements The took lithe guns and -we

heard I

wxlien a shot-or em irjiadehiijU shufilii off coili-i lrIhis|aflair wiiieh


e ei

II of jexcitemont and i scarcely noticed by- tl ar by but l)y this tin 1 poiiies beciiine so great

that off we dashed for the t before we reached fhejm

a little so that as we bull I I -

ir r anks we got good hots a t a distan(e of from

like the wit Mr Whjoele as fast tls We were the color hear the But drivi take no i ball tlil-ou breaking buffalo-w|e before lit

ton to fifteen rods and on we rushed lie ladies drove while

r and myself fired almosfj ltbull could pullf the tr igger

0 near them we oould see tly in

their eyes ajid di^tiui alls as they struck flu 5 a t such a rate we conk) curate aiin and nu only a

Lgt)I the Ihcitrtorliings ltgtr ( tjhe bjickbone will stoi

bull | bull j -hiixljlgone nearly a mile

bro|ugit one [down Our


IS and his ifhbjajl w

in length the body w falo (as |w sonfof t vrif appei


ne a

ponies bell g now quite opt of breath we stoppee and jex^minoizl him closely He was (pi j of the largest ofthe herd

d uiid neck Wete covered hairfrom four to six inches tnd from the shoulders buck ts wlithont hair Th i s )llfr

ill ati| all others a t this uea-

ir)00 pilmr dif

UPpearn underst

year j was perfectly hid U bullbullbull

nee ufiido

nc HH

being ajbo speak flirt her


i t n o

tance m i


I should think agiod ike this would wqigh The sha jeand genetal the buffalo is so well all that

offJan among

1 i th

1 s we ha with For shim


1 nped not iii the Subject l i t now on we went a-sl^ort dis-

t a fire and cookedsome of ille4|ineat which torcli6h-uchjj AH uopii as ourse ves

our freiih-] edvoi y ni and p(ini( s -wjne wlt

outrun themi but for was s|afe think they bull hence


wo aid


foltLwe started bull i

) an) hour we were again buffaloes In the afternoon Overjil very animated races

eichl time killing Heine

u ki tli

i dc


e had

the deacons objection re- I I v laquo l l bdquoiJ_ bdquo^l

11 have IJutliejdid

jus t heard pffjcpijiisc

mojiofj itvva-i all smooth water and Roqs idrhve iis wlaquojolng so furiously tha t in1thre( wecltis they w e w mraquo-r-

Iiusbiind explained his pi fearirig tliatsho had

been Idepeivlud but her father had ed his am ng

rjed ^iienhpi

i)rtifip| to 1

nevi r told her what had cliaujj sent Inputs nlrn she j Icim dear hjcp fellow frilt tkWhhk bullbanklaquoto ikf

V It dlaquo nll bull with tv liiug


And instead of b sjtd him tthdcalled Jj yn tl ow bull tlieilenjceii begam

bull bull j

trojible mo wait

talk - I

bulllt Ross

^ubloyonl Havel


t you

calved tin the mim] noise- au

opr t c thousand i ail

di if [taupe our ponies could a( long ruiii it tho buffalo) but males

witlclandings to which podtic gonitis has given a special association with the father of His liojnnfry bull | The drayving-L)oin is of great height for tlio ipprjiod sopo tvVpnty feetMn either dimebsrr)ns wainscott in panels (tlaboVately [carved the raaiitpl with Corinthian pilasters on either side In it hjings a fine painting by ^orfey of the second qir William Pepjpencll ant his maters1 jts children Across thd entry from this apartshyment is the (study] a brjght sunny r no with colutm side opposite

rt mate princeps-wlip always H This vfae inroaljity a hood | aporlyjlv bonnpt- Ih Oharlea



modern strings observed t cotiutrie bonnet v

head aif1

been ad

F the Seconds rpign comctljiug like

1 mhetfiu Was i sod tjirith deep d ina^tilla I t sliould blaquo mt Eiigland liona pf all the

3 ff Europe a jp l i e l the word tho Covering1 tifa JadyBi-

d from [that coutilBy it thasi-j-ptod into^gene-ral use in | this T r

- -

o At the l e g i n n i h ^ of this celntury Engshylish ladies

born- and behind i t tho- l ibrary of a )bUpropQrtio|i-thirty feit in length iiJt columns-diversifying the longer

indowH Between this and th i dining-rooiii ^fliich m nearly its liandsbmc aq aj iartment lises another principal staircase as broad and as much decorated as tha i

thp front hall jBdrioattt the cellar special stjtbjility a )(gti~ in hkndsOmej brickwork of date more recent ithan

i n

Walls are pf tion of theln which soem the vest

i bull i Oolonel Yassiil having left it the

IIOUBO for tub nine monihs that the siege of Boston lasted waraquo the abode of bullWashington lrpm it were addressed those admirable letters Which organizshyed rebellion into huccossjijul revblutioii There gathered his gemjirals in couti-

im tlve1

to (the and

cil there ca not(J confer With li patriotic leaders belonging legislative body- of Watortow within its siaoions apartments occur ed many ail interesting incident which

icfs have worthily narrat-he war the bropejty was

histbiograp ed Aftei soM toNittjhaniei Tracykgti Nbwbpry-port who conveyed it) ttgt iThqpias RneLell in h^GJand in 1013 it fiimilly passed to Andrew (Jraigie who long |dwel| thiro and in whose tim(i it consisted of nearly tivo hunshydred acres

itli) Shaw IJ tucket a

lyir Crajgie married daughter of lUy^ bull liazalaol

0 1702 settled at Nan-near relative o f the late

Chief Just ce H J poswdased a hafid-some ostatp ahdj valaquo fond of display

wore iwhat were irreverent- j ly callet coali|enttllaquo||boiiifets from thoir resemblance wlie|n W^n to tha^

furniture irheh L inverjted dyslhpad Wtife ehyelopeu in ^

3J 0 al thcMo f e a ^ i l i ^ ^ e n d a g e s ltyvas bull

T- to sod her prdfilej and very

[article bullWhen one of impossibl difiicu]yd ge t sight o^her fyfce haps this -as thp wayfjliey woit out of faeI M ttiat is tlieyj g rew smaller andsmaller until they became gtvliat ia-termed a co t t a re bbunet 4nd it-i^aa tho fashion to apbin this witjlrgay ribshybons and flowots The cottage ibdn-npts were vastly inoroi beeo|ning tnaa the coali scntthijiijntl theyWero ^orn^ with rnodiflcatrorii down to4reccnt] l imes They Were for ja tijno supOr--seded by gipsrjy hats a form ofthe old Spanish aiid Southciin piantera sombrero witti la g t o d (breadth o f

brini which fitted in Walking a n d were tied under the cl in Thesehate ui their turn gripW smalf by dcgixrca and beautifully|l |8s ilntil ihey nearly jlisappparod ai^dr made vjajy for chig



- i

tions andgt[ttiev jfor d hair formed of pla brow ovei tho ears

las mi(cli asAioSsi an biAded cnlgjK ignons unit

i^b jbofmets of tiligs^ from the ptjip1 poll high leliko jtwolarge| iil itnder this

regime bonniitefhave dwindled down ink pa

ni on any e (Aviier thinks thepound are- mere

jianddno would ouHejtl [hi algar-] tho|pirfnitluted

detbis tay oil tin

Ho purchased thb

bet on Irtr none j outsidlti o f the li

the cows no t see til you get pretty well le c f the herd During

cbmihotion occasione hasSnglland firing there Wore

I as

drd dnd info

all (l|by

in sight quietly a(4 ifjjtvU was ing mv noticing

thousaiids of bufJaloes of ||LraquoH that JRopt feedind as

ell but regard-poiformanoo as not worth

flieir numbers Were ilaquo so greati tlifljt wp seemed to be skiiMisli-i n g a little l hong thfeirtshbdrbs bull L ^ - M - iv

TKplusmnAS ( JATJI T^VmdashTlio palina (Kansas) Adihcaiv says tlip entire coiifttry east

i l bull

westland appth of Sallna is iipw fjlled with ovciri oiv


th i r ty thonKand dollars inves ed in bank Btojuk jgt tliu^dcied hiri fa^hevdn-

| The (lea soiVsfkin- tioipetliing tfia deacons are

vuor twijtil cpnti

not slipposod to ut ltlA-


menae in number f Prices lW-laquo6i8- for yJarlingaj1 $10 Avo-ycaf L ld s l$ l t t t o | $ l 8

t b r f ltfe^jiiarpldsaiijl gtows and ^20 V i I

to l i I oribull beevesThuso prika1 ap-Whitt has IkicOmobf the Wealtl

ri bull r lnil i

c-JMip v r

I f W i W


M k


1 1


article^ | fprgaye

$a8 bjbrro^vod for the oc ^feuvqiietly l ^ aftou-itwIhao^ccpBipIisb

bulled laquojy LXgtMplt gtse Vkgtii Oallod m $ a foo f andnI voi^d to be eyco -witl

ypoj as I Ira hey iivl^lHnpjA j InthsTidssaopitU|)rtpditUa i nigh

-jfqtjve fitly tHn ^Mal iti was m r xibleittrltljgl

I -A(

bull M





court es thai aqOM eiicti of t dailyart in rang) Vomj t o ^ l l filr

cat t le (he bottoms are l n

ridwith them and thb water jn (1 with tlieml J Not less

are fiow wiihin the pre-[icState md the arriyals

poar W r

bull bull i i

hoeWs ipiupo prijpal ap-

mi I -owing

the fdrt

IB jdoii cjirp iiliti

i -bullbull r bull bull to


of death

Oi 0^11 a ((Scftriett

vo are uhder I for we otijrtj only



handsome equipage

is lraquo

ill-willof his

nxtme i


andfour horsesNiiictt Jiad boon thp property or the Di ke of Kent when in Jiostpn and was exclusive enough in his habitslto provuke tl neighbors

Whenj be bu^U an jctj-oollai witlij a Summer-hQUflo over it

s ]

thb pre8ptit ol)Bcrvator|y and ext^n siye greeri-housp thoy Lgtrpguo]stioat|ed no good could tidme to one who flw in tho flee pt Providence spjtifig the Summ tii-with his ice and the Win ter withhis AoWersi He w i s liberal

1 i i i i

in his hospitality and his wido^v who long midp tho house her home aifter bib bulldeath mitiiitaijied i t s character I t was at diffferanl times the residence ^)f Edward jtlvejett Tared Sparks and of ifo8oph V ^ t o M e r thai disfjinguishod (oxicogra ilier bu t for the lasVquartet jif a OeAtliry i t has been tbo abode or oho Who veliownedas Jie1 trfjiii lbtters has also won jlaurdls t]o be cheHshod ijnga perfectly w in the alaquoectibnatfe iegar4ot his couii- Vhile^hO^tfmB raquott trymen i Under its r iof liave been and ( didcfr lrhe I trympn u Vn^jr^its r(jgt compospa mpaii of tho8o| exquisite pro dwotionsi of his gipnius which hajve made hirn famous ojv^rj tha worl4 and which in fill time must infoslfihls abode withfBftoointiona nbtllkolyilo fadpf

fmdashlaquo-WlS|BjlH jiaTSfi J l bull_ _l -v-4

bull To teat the viohnes8 of j milk sftnix I^r-ehotjld be set aside hi-glass cream jkiB properly graduated so that

rrientufe6 of erean laquohay Ue leao jafs are now

o l i t t le knick-knacks Wb t of tho head tl

proper A ^Somotimcft vehicles for nosegays think they had beon den The mydtpiry tigt is how^thoy are mo headiOr ratherJon he hair beneatli them] The modern I bonnot gtnsWors no piurpose save thi^t of ornament I t does nbt Jii tho I ijast shelter the head from hieatrlrain or dijist ana^ie -haps this is the reaStin tha t U may i3jV indisoriminately won on the forhead or ou the nape ott honeck a s 4hjfi wearer pleases I Bun hp ihet buyers bull (which is an ifrejvtjreni aobriqueV) should not pry too cjintously into these matters wliich chitf y tymcorn t^ieii better halves or thd | i dalaquoghters j ahdj



as these must have 1 i t love of bonnotr tho more roidy t^bir acp^ui cscenoffin tpeir jieWbnablp demtmus whymdashWhy thelbettiJ it Wilfho forthlt in$ityiirampgt~philadelphia T^Qger

^ Vi iaaaj|i U S 1 M M



given to ai lt n MpdagasOdr sou

loWer par t s of its st - I t

etp pi racerjtaclps iv tfpasons a i l filled The Wearyjtraveller freshment | y puircti| ^with a speaU JBh the tree is (Jrtyiia eOlid t r u n l f v u r y i n j f let upwaid and

y lt

TKKlaquo-4ThiB is tli] o wifich g r o w i j led because tht Bcontainffpopk

1 cliiitt_tlie dryCat v WitUvbn^e watej-i|s s i r e to find rJ- hig these pocket i | botajnicaVname o

ipepiow- Flaquopmfl I

southern ria-tfoetto j i r i td up a nnnch ntema eaeh abdji (j si f 4t oigjit l e e t

in appjear



though not in i w i) tl) that BOUti Of flitu-ldn i ttnd eftch sbppoi-tSng a loaf of the same length ariftaorneten or twOn-ty Inches wide bull |The ilea ves I w h e n bull d r ie i formthe-tbawjh will tho liottBeraquo on the eastern sidoi^f tli^ island mak-

lerpiopf cov^rjhg I nsed for pari rV-pf t he wed i s rf that of tlie jgtal-ipelcioftf^hithe Foi f^d^dttsea ieoehif twentVor

gtcry hard attd Un

JhtbVibr Bofti traquolaquoto tobark4ltcntitt flirty feraquottytifif oM4 two vO to eighteen inches wide and tt e elf tiiraquoe ildor eov- bdquo credWitbgtithe laquoAtne aa well joined oampt Ordinary^timbei fflio greengtjrycli arp uapd bytra^e^Mn^lapo of ^ t e t -


uMotnred tijicl pnrjioso Indicated buj th nion ferfissWUo mty lie j tatwn and







I standi W o n - -tripe tnd Ulwa jpo^Miin


nm fif i tulti pi talojitji hnoi


i-Xhnc gtmrnjfH b tov givaa adinatuly tM laquoi

q ogt Va4t|jjm-aoifiogrny


drinking ei88laquo1a e efydt pnotiMttrity

1laquottihibJlthild forest the gt steins


iy- 6 | tr|iUc ijnt i ojtl dotortnine contnlaquoge o

ry uampfut lactometer instrnin^nt

1 1 J I J i J


law iftchbsdee tlio stal trunk rilraquod HhSA


Pvm raquo bullwhohtlfy-

^teilt flAws out t|l ndftntlgt lt ivtof J p i e Ofbullth07$laquoMltt

F l laquo i ^ l i t i n criii bullbull



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