Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniskifultonhistory.com/Newspapers Disk3/Tully NY Times... · in...

. . ' " . « * »•» . * # ? » * • LAFAYETTE / by Mrs. Blaine ABMM Major George F. Earle, LaFay- ette, recently completed two week* of active duty training at the Transportation Training Command, Fort Eu^is, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Emery Ttml—family—spent—Sunday at M - i _ a j Black Lake, N.Y. John Lundy has returned to work alter a month's illness. Mrs. John Cuipylo was ill in Syracuse hospital but returned to her home much improved. Fred Voight of Big Flats, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barnes of Elmira called on the Rev. and Mrs. Harry E. Malick Monday. Herbert Woods of East Syra- cuse and Mr. and Mrs. John Lun- dy and_ Chuck Wright spent the Labor Day weekend with Mr. and Mrs. George Longyear. The LaFayette Home Bureau met Wednesday . .evening at the LaFayette Central school for the first meeting of the fall r ayeiie MUUU aumw o«>« en- tered nurses training at the Syr- acuse General hospital. The Girl Scouts held their first (all meeting after school Sept. 9 in the band room of the LaFay- ette Central school. The Misses Carrie and Eva Nisbet were guests of Miss Mar- ea Brandt at her cottage in Wat- ervale over the weekend. The first meeting of the fall of the Leather-craft group will be held at the home of Muriel The final meeting of the "La- Fayette Day" planning commit- tee was held Sept 5 in the cafe- teria room of the LaFayette Cen- tral school. Many notables from the State and former residents are expected to be in LaFayette Sept. 14 for this celebration. A correction has been made in j the line of parade, as reported I last week. The line will form in j the road just beyond Jay Ami- don's, and march down Route 20 ' to the LaFayette Central school, i instead of meeting at the Town Hall on Route 20. Please note this correction. Miss Marion Crowe, who has 1 been visiting her parents, Mr. ' and Mrs. Leo J. Crowe for the ' summer, and Miss Jane Crowe who has been home for the past Mr. and Mrs. Brwia Hills have returned from a motor trip through the New England States and Canada. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tompkins as newcomers to Fabiua. Mrs. Tompkins in em- ployed as nurse in Dr. Brudny's office. The American Legion auxiliary mot Mendsy »\ ig at, home of Mrs. Henry Doran. Carol Davenport has assumed her duties as sixth grade teacher at Kinderhook, N. Y. She gradu- ated last June from Pittsburgh State Teacher's college. week, flew back to California last Tuesday. They both teach in U.C.LA. Leo J. Crowe, Jr. who has been home for the month of August has returned to his home in Schenectady. Neil Wallace, an attorney for the Town of LaFayette will be deputy supervisor during the ab- sence of Charles Adsitt. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Amidon spent the weekend with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence A. Ross and familv in Wheatlev, Ont. A 1953 Fafcius Cean*al*raduate Marshall Nye hag returned to Fabius to teach Jr. High math, after attending Plattaburgh State Teacher's college |fbr the past four years. Jerry Ten Eyck bag returned home after spending tha summer with his grandparents In France. There was a congregational HlPPfT mtftinf 11 I V Vahius 1 » r OPENING Rural Diner Baptist church Wednesday even- ing. Mr. and Mrs. H. Newell June and Mr. and Mrs. Andy Ander- son of Syracuse and Mr. and Mrs. Claire Fisher of Skaneateles were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie June and Mrs. Minnie June. Family nite supper was held Wednesday evening at the Meth- odist church. mertcan Baptist Women, will be the speaker at the regular meet- ing of the Women's Union in the Fellowship building of the church Wednesday evening, Sep- tember 18. This will be the first meeting of the fall season. All women of the Congregation are invited to attend. The night of choir rehearsal has been cnanged ffom Thursday to Tuesday night have been on a Vacation trip to | and Cape Cod. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lee of Chittenango visited Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hill and family Wednes- day. Thomas Herlihy has been on a Regular Sunday morning wor- ship service will continue to be- sons spent Sunday with Mr* and Mrs. Harold, Stunner and family, and Mr. and Bars. Ted Pettengill. Mrs. Neal Maury and Joyce were Sunday dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. EH. Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Briggs spent a few days in New Berlin, N.Y. when they were called Uiete by *nc death of has broth' gin at 10 a.m. instead 01 10:80 lucie until further notice. cr, Homer Whitmore. TULLY VALLEY CARDIFF Route 11 South of Tufly Will Be Open Starting FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1957 Serving Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner 5:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. NEWLY DECORATED UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Owner, Joseph Krause Mr. and Mrs. Casper Shetler are to be congratulated 'or being the fortunate people to win the new Nash Rambler which was given away at the Home Drive- in recently. Our local people who took ex- hibits to the State Fair can be r very proud of their achieve- ments. Mrs. Casper Shetler won first prize on her loaf of white bread. Besides being awarded the blue ribbon she received $25.00, plus $25.00 from the Robin Hood Milling company and fifty pounds of Robin Hood flour. Mrs. Bernard Bailey won eight blue ribbons and the cash a- wards. Her entries were cake, cookies, bread, canned fruit and vegetables. The Haynes Ayshire Farms al- so had the honor of showirfcj some of their herd In the model dairy barns. Plans are being made to have floats and exhibits as well as representatives at the LaFayette Day celebration at LaFayette Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Stone (Mary Louise Drurr.m) are the proud and happy Barents Of a 9 lb. 14 oz son, Dwajfct Fred, born Tuesday Sept. 3 at Memorial hos- pital. NEW STflfSaf a A l M O a W - 2 3 % mom loodapoce than any o*»er, »o wtro coatl , FIRST in Performance FORD Pickups Top* m Appoaromc* and Comfort I . . . No doubt about it! The Ford Styleside Pickup for 1957 is tops in looks and in comfort. Ford's Driverized Cab, plus the new suspended foot pedals, lets you work in full comfort. Hi-Dri ventilation provides you with fresh outside air— keeps out rain and dirt. Styleside bodies are the biggest, -widest, roomiest of any pickup—and you have your choice of either the 6}£- or Moot body. Ford's Short Stroke power with high compression ratio now delivers new, higher horsepower. Top* m Solo* and Vohml... Buyers all over the country like the 1957 Fords. Latest registration figures show that Ford sales are currently greater than those of any other truck make. Whatever your needs there's a modern Ford Pickup for you! Nine models to choose from. Stop in at your friendly Ford Dealer's soon. You'll be glad you did! FORD TRUCKS COST LESS LESS TO OWN LESS TO RUN LAST LONCFS, TOOf F.O.A.T. JAY BARTHOLOMEW & SON TuJIy, New York Only Your Ford Dealer Sells A-l USED CARS AND TRUCKS "-A.J*- - — Yett-Are lnvte±To~Our OPEN HOUSE A* K- I i \ \ at 65 Main Street , Cortland, N. Y. 1 1 M$ V---. .. / m 11 Pi S i ^fl -> Saturday, Sept. 14th 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. A CORDIAL INVITATION IS EXTENDED TO EACH AND EVERYONE IN CORTLAND COUNTY AND SURROUNDING AREA TO VISIT FIRST NATIONAL BANK THIS WEEKEND. WK WANT TO SHOW YOU OUR MODERN, NEW HOME , . . TAKE YOU BEHIND THE SCENES AND LET YOU SEE FOR YOURSELF THE MANY. MUUWUJ INNOVATIONS PROVIDED FOR Df THIS BUD-DING Df ORDER THAT WE MAY BETTER SERVE YOU. PLAN NOW TO MAKE IT A FAMILY AFFAIR AND BRING THE CHILDREN. OUR ENTIRE STAFF WILL BE WAITING TO MEET YOTJU and Sunday, Sept. 15th 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. .• z National Bank of Cortland TaHy 4231 Mrs. "Nellie Riehlman, her son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ransom and chil- dren Karen and Rence, have re- turned from visiting Richard Hansom who is stationed at Fort Knox, Ky. On the way bonae they visited points of interest in In- diana. Tennessee and Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Marry Htcnard- s en and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Mecum <* Springfield, Mass. spent Labor Day weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Austin Sr. A birthday party was held at the home of Mrs. Raymond Bo- gart for her daughter, Kathleen, L MH* !H5nr want left last | Monday to resume her studies at |Marywood Seminary, Scranton, Pa. Miss Anne Finkler flew to Bocj^ tester the past two weekends where she was the guest of Miss Sylvia Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. Edward White of Cortland were Saturday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Van- DeWalker Jr. Mr. and Mis. WJd. McFall of Joliet, 111. were last weekend guests of her sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Watson Krewson. Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Finkler, Mr. and Mrs. Donald June and -week visit with her family in E. Aurora. Mrs. Alice Murphy of Warners recently spent several days.at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Neumann. Joseph Long began his studies at Cortland State last Wednes- day. Edward Nurenberg left last were Mahlon 'Collar, William Thomas, Karen Blair, Donald Shaw, Patricia Eggleston, Lyle Hoagland, Darlene DeRock, John Kelley, Gail Scammel and Will- iam Stupke. Refreshments were served and a pleasant evening was enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Deveraux and daughter Mary Saturday, Aug. 31. These present. ^ a^^. ¥rmr ^ a Foley^nt- ^i!^^ 1 ^ of Schnecta dy visited Mr. and Mrs. Muse De_ veraux last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Kinney spent last weekend in New Jers- ey visiting her brother and sis- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Folsom. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Zierbel and daughter Mrs. Lester Bene- dict of McGraw were Sunday cal- lers of Mr. and Mrs. Watson Krewson. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Foley, Mr. and MTS. Ellis Houck, Mr. and Mrs. Donald June and Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Finkler were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee McDowell of Rochester. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Doody and hildren, Thomas Doody, and ,liss Mary Doody attended Shee- an reunion at ClayvUle last ertained Dr. Anton Mueller Bell- inghausen last Thursday evening at the Mirbach's restaurant in Syracuse. Dr. Bellinghaus'en and Mr. Mirbach enjoyed a visit in their native tongue. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gebauer and son, and Mrs. Ann Gebauer L|_oJL Plttsfield^ Mass^jwere recent he will attend the Television Work Shop of New York. Janet Dunn and Melissa Rich- ards have entered Crouse-Irving School of Nursing. Walter Gardner Davis was home for the weekend from Cor- Mrs. Stanley »«I«J on m« birth of a daughter, Sarah Jean, Wednesday September 5 at the Syracuse Crouse Irving hospital. She weighed 7 lbs. 14 oz. Randall Glasgow, spent Friday through Sunday at Casowasco, attending the Laymen's Training conference. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Harm- MrsV Hannah Milliard Green- agle of Syracuse called on friends in Tully last Saturday. an. ~ , .^ Mr. and Mrs. John Reagan have moved, to Canajoharie, where Mr. Reagan is a teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cornue motored to Seneca Falls last Sunday where they attended church services at the church of the Rev. Vernon Martin. Mrs. Dean Morgan and children of Syracuse spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gord- en. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ransom of Moravia were Sunday guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Van Bnskirk. Mrs. Ada Cummings recently visited her son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. "Roy Cumm- ings of Troy. PREBLE by CARL JOHNSON Mrs. Grover Strong and Will- iam Kelly both passed away last visitors, of Mrs. Josephine Reag-"!^*- *«***««" f ?. M r S S ^ Mr. and Mrs. Donald CornueTn Jamesville. Miss Betty Rough and Miss Al- ice Fisher entertained at their home in Liverpool Saturday ev- ening at a steak dinner party the following guests: Virginia Phelps, Anna Fellows, Mildred Edinger, Pearl Wright, Helen Davis, Jean Kearns and Dorothy Dickie. Janet Glasgow is spending a week at Georgian Bay on Lake Huron, Canada, as the guest of her college room-mate, Miss Pat- ricia Knapp of Trumansburg. Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Edinger entertained at a picnic dinner Sunday, hex parents. Mr. and On Thursday, September 1», at 1:45 p.m. the General Electric "House of Magic" stage show will be presented to the stud- ents of Tully Central The purpose of the show is to stimulate Junior and Senior high school students in the develop- ment of their maximum potential through higher education, to nn were Stt^ay dinner guests of ^^ „,„ fll . ^p^w^ ^n loo. ugnis inai giow wiuuui wires, insulation materials that expand from a thirablefull to a bushel in seconds, and Jet eng- ines of the future. Usually more than half of each year's turkey crop is eaten in No- vember and December. IVIRY YEAR FOR LIPB Just com. in.today, hav« a fret demonstration of the Hosoaih* t3>S or 6-22 chain an and regiatcr You awy win tha frand priae of a chain aaw of your choice cvary yaar for Iifa or os» of thaas saw 6-horaa- \iotmt Puwar Twina bring iver^away by the Ho was in Vesper^ and for Mr. Kel ly was in Preble. The Preble Firemen responded to a call for a fire at R.D. Knapps' last week. It was not serious. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson and daughter called on friends at Syracuse Sunday afternoon. Baptism will take place Sun- day at Preble Congregational church. Mrs. Clara Griswold passed a- way Sept. 9 after a long illness. A meeting of Kappa-Mu-Pi was held Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Fletcher. Mrs. George Wilcox is gaining from her recent operation. The marriage of Miss Marian James and Roy RiGall took place Sunday at the Otisco Valley church. Mrs. Lucy Steger had Miss Mary Newton and Miss Andora for supper recently. Miss Newton will be leaving for Alfred Uni- versity soon. Mrs. Floyd Amidon of LaFayette^ MrTahoTMrs. Boberi Browrrmdt The monmy rneeting of son of Tully; Mrs.* Barbara Knapp and children of James- ville; Kenneth Amidon of Clin- ton, Conn.; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest to them in the scientific fields, and to emphasizk to the students that the major limitation to our nation's continued progress will be the shortage of trained minds. The show accomplishes this program by demonstrating the three "keys" to the "House of Magic"; materials which must be studied and developed, tech- niques with which we work, and brainpower, the vital catalyst in the chemistry of progress but the element which is rapidly Increas- ing in shortage. The students will be amazed throughout the 45 minute pro- gram with light that stops mot- DRIVE SAFELY. SEND YOUR VOICE TO SOMEONE WHO CARES ...telephone today the Winchell of North Syracuse; Pat Clothier of Nedrow and Peggy and Mike Knapp of Jamesville. Mrs. Nellie Smith of Bingham- ton has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lester Aldrich for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Berg and daughter Nancy of Syracuse, Cindy Lou Seeley of Mattydale and Mr. and Mrs. William Dol- an of Rochester were Sunday dinner guests pf Mrs. Edna Pal- mer. Richard Long Jr. spent sever- al days in Preble with his cous- ins. Tommy and Arleen Van Pat- ten. Mrs. Dewey Northrop enter- tained ten classmates of her dau- ghter, Judy, at a party Saturday in honor of Judy's seventh birth- day. W.S.C.S. will be held Wednesday Sept. 18 at 1 p.m. The hostess is Mrs. Elliott Bishop, devotions by Mrs. Helena Sweetland, and the program in charge of Mrs. Eun- ice Bressman. Mr. and Mrs. John Fellows spent Wednesday in Syracuse with her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. George Kehrer who are leaving Saturday for Hammond, La. for a month's visit with their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Kehrer. WORTLEY'S DRUG STORE It costs so little.. .near or far. For example: TULLY TO BUFFALO—«•* For the first 3 minutes, Statkm- to-Station, every night after 6 and all day Sunday. Plua 10% tax. f TOLLY CENTRAL SCHOOL FIELD LY, SEPT. 20 8 P.M. TULLY vs. DRYDEN Ticket Sale - Student* 35c At the Gate - Everyone 75c - «#~ i BALLARD HEATING GAS AND OIL BURNER INSTALLATIONS 24 HOUR SERVICE — 2 Ml. SOUTH OF TULLY RT. 11 PHONE TULLT *6©3 intiny Supplies -*^y* Don't freeze on the trigger!... im mwr itmrtmw peaWi mm »»^ *fw ^^6 J^^"* TULLY III MARKET BABO WESSON OIL NBC COCOA GRAHAMS * BUTTERNUT SOUASH , FAIRMONT'S 11 OZ PKG >2IN nigs a C«*TOM TOMATOES j v. §. amoi i CHUCK ROAST : •OT, ITALIAN STYLE : SAUSAGE : PURE PORK SAUSAGE o^ildtren's favorite JF) FROM COAST TO COAST M&i'b&n.- styled for popularity built for wear DONALD HARDWARE TULLY N. Y. >»»••••••»••»•••••»•••»••»••••••••••••••••••»••• RUMMAGE SALE SEPTEMBER 13 Place: Earl Fairchild Farm on Truxton Road. Follow Antique Signs Heating stove, two-burner oil stove and oven, small coffee mill, chests, stands, rockers, lamps, lanterns, jars, clothes trees, churns, rugs, quilts, quilt tops, bird cages, tins, dishes, glass, dry sink refinished, copper befler, work table and two chairs, mahogany server, mahogany coffee table, dolls, cradles, beds and doll clothes. E L L A J . D O C K S T A T E R RD 2, Tully, N. Y. PHONE 3091 Everybody Is Talking About The See our wide j#rSction of good-looking KoU-tten-ika for children of oA ages. GEORGE BOWKER SHOE STORE 5 Matin St. CorrMafid, N. Y. Hi (Under new management) \ Rt. 11 * LaFayette, N. Y. For ffce Pfauure and Enjoyment of our Local Friends FINEST FOODS AT LOWEST PRICES Steakt - Chops - Chicken - Seafood - Legal Beverages Banquets Parties Receptions Tkc Permanent Water and Meastare Barrier fai Protection of BnUdinga. Accepted by VA and FHA. S INERT S STATS FLEXIBLE IN COLD WEATHER S Heat and Mildew Proof Water Proof Strang UNAFFECTED BT ACIDS, ALKALIS AND CAUSTICS Q2 PER SQ. FT. U S E I T — rnd « r CmmtrtH Stabs Around Exterior of F i n a i i linn Walts Over Sn^FUorhng POR-Curia, a»l A ljft HI, U- —^-—- •etowi ffnniis trows i i n a i i Tully Lumber and Coal Co., Inc. Tully, N. Y. Phone 2071 DANCING with Orchestra Every Friday and Saturday Nights 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. untM 9 p,m. from 11:30 Log Cabin In LAFAYETTE, N. Y. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL OR 7-7S8T r VICTOR J. OUPU CLOSED TUESDAYS

Transcript of Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniskifultonhistory.com/Newspapers Disk3/Tully NY Times... · in...

Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniskifultonhistory.com/Newspapers Disk3/Tully NY Times... · in the band room of the LaFay ette Central school. The Misses Carrie and Eva Nisbet

• .

. ' " . « * » • »

. * # • • • ? » * •

LAFAYETTE / by Mrs. Blaine A B M M

Major George F. Earle, LaFay­ette, recently completed two week* of active duty training at the Transportation Training Command, Fort Eu^is, Va.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Emery Ttml—family—spent—Sunday at




_ a •


Black Lake, N.Y. John Lundy has returned to

work alter a month's illness. Mrs. John Cuipylo was ill in

Syracuse hospital but returned to her home much improved.

Fred Voight of Big Flats, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barnes of Elmira called on the Rev. and Mrs. Harry E. Malick Monday.

Herbert Woods of East Syra­cuse and Mr. and Mrs. John Lun­dy and_ Chuck Wright spent the Labor Day weekend with Mr. and Mrs. George Longyear.

The LaFayette Home Bureau met Wednesday . .evening at the LaFayette Central school for the first meeting of the fall

r ayeiie M U U U aumw o«>« en­tered nurses training at the Syr­acuse General hospital.

The Girl Scouts held their first (all meeting after school Sept. 9 in the band room of the LaFay­ette Central school.

The Misses Carrie and Eva Nisbet were guests of Miss Mar-ea Brandt at her cottage in Wat-ervale over the weekend.

The first meeting of the fall of the Leather-craft group will be held at the home of Muriel

The final meeting of the "La­Fayette Day" planning commit­tee was held Sept 5 in the cafe­teria room of the LaFayette Cen­tral school. Many notables from the State and former residents are expected to be in LaFayette Sept. 14 for this celebration.

A correction has been made in j the line of parade, as reported I last week. The line will form in j the road just beyond Jay Ami-

don's, and march down Route 20 ' to the LaFayette Central school, i instead of meeting at the Town Hall on Route 20. Please note this correction.

Miss Marion Crowe, who has 1 been visiting her parents, Mr. ' and Mrs. Leo J. Crowe for the ' summer, and Miss Jane Crowe who has been home for the past

Mr. and Mrs. Brwia Hills have returned from a motor trip through the New England States and Canada.

We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tompkins as newcomers to Fabiua. Mrs. Tompkins in em­ployed as nurse in Dr. Brudny's office.

The American Legion auxiliary mot Mendsy »\ ig at, home of Mrs. Henry Doran.

Carol Davenport has assumed her duties as sixth grade teacher at Kinderhook, N. Y. She gradu­ated last June from Pittsburgh State Teacher's college.

week, flew back to California last Tuesday. They both teach in U.C.LA. Leo J. Crowe, Jr. who has been home for the month of August has returned to his home in Schenectady.

Neil Wallace, an attorney for the Town of LaFayette will be deputy supervisor during the ab­sence of Charles Adsitt.

Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Amidon spent the weekend with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence A. Ross and familv in Wheatlev, Ont.

A 1953 Fafcius Cean*al*raduate Marshall Nye hag returned to Fabius to teach Jr. High math, after attending Plattaburgh State Teacher's college |fbr the past four years.

Jerry Ten Eyck bag returned home after spending tha summer with his grandparents In France.

There was a congregational HlPPfT m t f t i n f 11 I V Vahius


• » r

OPENING Rural Diner

Baptist church Wednesday even­ing.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Newell June and Mr. and Mrs. Andy Ander­son of Syracuse and Mr. and Mrs. Claire Fisher of Skaneateles were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie June and Mrs. Minnie June.

Family nite supper was held Wednesday evening at the Meth­odist church.

mertcan Baptist Women, will be the speaker at the regular meet­ing of the Women's Union in the Fellowship building of the church Wednesday evening, Sep­tember 18. This will be the first meeting of the fall season. All women of the Congregation are invited to attend.

The night of choir rehearsal has been cnanged ffom Thursday to Tuesday night

have been on a Vacation trip to | and Cape Cod.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lee of Chittenango visited Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hill and family Wednes­day.

Thomas Herlihy has been on a

Regular Sunday morning wor­ship service will continue to be-

sons spent Sunday with Mr* and Mrs. Harold, Stunner and family, and Mr. and Bars. Ted Pettengill.

Mrs. Neal Maury and Joyce were Sunday dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. EH. Hill.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Briggs spent a few days in New Berlin, N.Y. when they were called Uiete by *nc death of has broth' gin at 10 a.m. instead 01 10:80 lucie

until further notice. cr, Homer Whitmore.


Route 11 South of Tufly

Will Be Open Starting


Serving Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

5:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.



Owner, Joseph Krause

Mr. and Mrs. Casper Shetler are to be congratulated 'or being the fortunate people to win the new Nash Rambler which was given away at the Home Drive-in recently.

Our local people who took ex­hibits to the State Fair can be

rvery proud of their achieve­ments. Mrs. Casper Shetler won first prize on her loaf of white bread. Besides being awarded the blue ribbon she received $25.00, plus $25.00 from the Robin Hood Milling company and fifty pounds of Robin Hood flour.

Mrs. Bernard Bailey won eight blue ribbons and the cash a-wards. Her entries were cake, cookies, bread, canned fruit and vegetables.

The Haynes Ayshire Farms al­so had the honor of showirfcj some of their herd In the model dairy barns.

Plans are being made to have floats and exhibits as well as representatives at the LaFayette Day celebration at LaFayette Sat­urday.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Stone (Mary Louise Drurr.m) are the proud and happy Barents Of a 9 lb. 14 oz son, Dwajfct Fred, born Tuesday Sept. 3 at Memorial hos­pital.

NEW S T f l f S a f a A l M O a W - 2 3 % mom

loodapoce than any o*»er, »o w t r o coatl ,

FIRST in Performance

FORD Pickups Top* m Appoaromc* and Comfort I . . . No doubt about it! The Ford Styleside Pickup for 1957 is tops in looks and in comfort. Ford's Driverized Cab, plus the new suspended foot pedals, lets you work in full comfort. Hi-Dri ventilation provides you with fresh outside air— keeps out rain and dirt.

Styleside bodies are the biggest, -widest, roomiest of any pickup—and you have your choice of either the 6}£- or Moot

body. Ford's Short Stroke power with high compression ratio now delivers new, higher horsepower. Top* m Solo* and Vohml... Buyers all over the country like the 1957 Fords. Latest registration figures show that Ford sales are currently greater than those of any other truck make. Whatever your needs there's a modern Ford Pickup for you! Nine models to choose from. Stop in at your friendly Ford Dealer's soon. You'll be glad you did!



J A Y B A R T H O L O M E W & S O N T u J I y , N e w Y o r k Only Your Ford Dealer Sells A - l USED CARS AND TRUCKS "-A.J*- - —

Yett-Are lnvte±To~Our


I i \ \

at 65 Main Street

, Cortland, N. Y.

1 1 M$

V---. ..

• /

m 11 Pi S

i • f̂l

- > Saturday, Sept. 14th 1 p.m. to 8 p.m.











Sunday, Sept. 15th 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

.• z

National Bank of Cortland

TaHy 4231

Mrs. "Nellie Riehlman, her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ransom and chil­dren Karen and Rence, have re­turned from visiting Richard Hansom who is stationed at Fort Knox, Ky. On the way bonae they visited points of interest in In­diana. Tennessee and Ohio.

Mr. and Mrs. Marry Htcnard-sen and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Mecum <* Springfield, Mass. spent Labor Day weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Austin Sr.

A birthday party was held at the home of Mrs. Raymond Bo-gart for her daughter, Kathleen,

L MH* !H5nr want left last | Monday to resume her studies at |Marywood Seminary, Scranton, Pa.

Miss Anne Finkler flew to Bocj^ tester the past two weekends where she was the guest of Miss Sylvia Ryan.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward White of Cortland were Saturday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Van-DeWalker Jr.

Mr. and Mis. WJd. McFall of Joliet, 111. were last weekend guests of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Watson Krewson.

Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Finkler, Mr. and Mrs. Donald June and

-week visit with her family in E. Aurora.

Mrs. Alice Murphy of Warners recently spent several days.at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Neumann.

Joseph Long began his studies at Cortland State last Wednes­day.

Edward Nurenberg left last

were Mahlon 'Collar, William Thomas, Karen Blair, Donald Shaw, Patricia Eggleston, Lyle Hoagland, Darlene DeRock, John Kelley, Gail Scammel and Will­iam Stupke. Refreshments were served and a pleasant evening was enjoyed by all.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Deveraux and daughter Mary

Saturday, Aug. 31. These present. ̂ a ^ ^ . ¥rmr^a Foley^nt- ^ i ! ^ ^ 1 ^

of Schnecta dy visited Mr. and Mrs. Muse De_ veraux last Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Kinney spent last weekend in New Jers­ey visiting her brother and sis­ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Folsom.

Mr. and Mrs. Louie Zierbel and daughter Mrs. Lester Bene­dict of McGraw were Sunday cal­lers of Mr. and Mrs. Watson Krewson.

Mr. and Mrs. Francis Foley, Mr. and MTS. Ellis Houck, Mr. and Mrs. Donald June and Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Finkler were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee McDowell of Rochester.

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Doody and hildren, Thomas Doody, and ,liss Mary Doody attended Shee-an reunion at ClayvUle last

ertained Dr. Anton Mueller Bell-inghausen last Thursday evening at the Mirbach's restaurant in Syracuse. Dr. Bellinghaus'en and Mr. Mirbach enjoyed a visit in their native tongue.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gebauer and son, and Mrs. Ann Gebauer

L|_oJL Plttsfield^ Mass^jwere recent

he will attend the Television Work Shop of New York.

Janet Dunn and Melissa Rich­ards have entered Crouse-Irving School of Nursing.

Walter Gardner Davis was home for the weekend from Cor-

Mrs. Stanley » « I « J on m« birth of a daughter, Sarah Jean, Wednesday September 5 at the Syracuse Crouse Irving hospital. She weighed 7 lbs. 14 oz.

Randall Glasgow, spent Friday through Sunday at Casowasco, attending the Laymen's Training conference.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Harm-

MrsV Hannah Milliard Green-agle of Syracuse called on friends in Tully last Saturday.

an. ~ , . ^ Mr. and Mrs. John Reagan

have moved, to Canajoharie, where Mr. Reagan is a teacher.

Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cornue motored to Seneca Falls last Sunday where they attended church services at the church of the Rev. Vernon Martin.

Mrs. Dean Morgan and children of Syracuse spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gord-en.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ransom of Moravia were Sunday guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Van Bnskirk.

Mrs. Ada Cummings recently visited her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. "Roy Cumm­ings of Troy.


Mrs. Grover Strong and Will­iam Kelly both passed away last

visitors, of Mrs. Josephine Reag-"!^*- *«***««" f ? . M r S „ S ^

Mr. and Mrs. Donald CornueTn Jamesville.

Miss Betty Rough and Miss Al­ice Fisher entertained at their home in Liverpool Saturday ev­ening at a steak dinner party the following guests: Virginia Phelps, Anna Fellows, Mildred Edinger, Pearl Wright, Helen Davis, Jean Kearns and Dorothy Dickie.

Janet Glasgow is spending a week at Georgian Bay on Lake Huron, Canada, as the guest of her college room-mate, Miss Pat­ricia Knapp of Trumansburg.

Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Edinger entertained at a picnic dinner Sunday, hex parents. Mr. and

On Thursday, September 1», at 1:45 p.m. the General Electric "House of Magic" stage show will be presented to the stud­ents of Tully Central

The purpose of the show is to stimulate Junior and Senior high school students in the develop­ment of their maximum potential through higher education, to

nn were Stt^ay dinner guests of ^ ^ „,„ f l l . ^ p ^ w ^ ^ n

loo. ugnis inai giow wiuuui wires, insulation materials that expand from a thirablefull to a bushel in seconds, and Jet eng­ines of the future.

Usually more than half of each year's turkey crop is eaten in No­vember and December.



Just com. in.today, hav« a fret demonstration of the Hosoaih* t3>S or 6-22 chain a n and regiatcr You awy win tha frand priae of a chain aaw of your choice cvary yaar for Iifa or os» of thaas saw 6-horaa-\iotmt Puwar Twina bring

iver^away by the Ho

was in Vesper^ and for Mr. Kel ly was in Preble.

The Preble Firemen responded to a call for a fire at R.D. Knapps' last week. It was not serious.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson and daughter called on friends at Syracuse Sunday afternoon.

Baptism will take place Sun­day at Preble Congregational church.

Mrs. Clara Griswold passed a-way Sept. 9 after a long illness.

A meeting of Kappa-Mu-Pi was held Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Fletcher.

Mrs. George Wilcox is gaining from her recent operation.

The marriage of Miss Marian James and Roy RiGall took place Sunday at the Otisco Valley church.

Mrs. Lucy Steger had Miss Mary Newton and Miss Andora for supper recently. Miss Newton will be leaving for Alfred Uni­versity soon.

Mrs. Floyd Amidon of LaFayette^ MrTahoTMrs. Boberi Browrrmdt The monmy rneeting of son of Tully; Mrs.* Barbara Knapp and children of James­ville; Kenneth Amidon of Clin­ton, Conn.; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest

to them in the scientific fields, and to emphasizk to the students that the major limitation to our nation's continued progress will be the shortage of trained minds.

The show accomplishes this program by demonstrating the three "keys" to the "House of Magic"; materials which must be studied and developed, tech­niques with which we work, and brainpower, the vital catalyst in the chemistry of progress but the element which is rapidly Increas­ing in shortage.

The students will be amazed throughout the 45 minute pro­gram with light that stops mot-




Winchell of North Syracuse; Pat Clothier of Nedrow and Peggy and Mike Knapp of Jamesville.

Mrs. Nellie Smith of Bingham-ton has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lester Aldrich for several days.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Berg and daughter Nancy of Syracuse, Cindy Lou Seeley of Mattydale and Mr. and Mrs. William Dol-an of Rochester were Sunday dinner guests pf Mrs. Edna Pal­mer.

Richard Long Jr. spent sever­al days in Preble with his cous­ins. Tommy and Arleen Van Pat­ten.

Mrs. Dewey Northrop enter­tained ten classmates of her dau­ghter, Judy, at a party Saturday in honor of Judy's seventh birth­day.

W.S.C.S. will be held Wednesday Sept. 18 at 1 p.m. The hostess is Mrs. Elliott Bishop, devotions by Mrs. Helena Sweetland, and the program in charge of Mrs. Eun­ice Bressman.

Mr. and Mrs. John Fellows spent Wednesday in Syracuse with her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. George Kehrer who are leaving Saturday for Hammond, La. for a month's visit with their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Kehrer.



It costs so little.. .near or far. For example:


For the first 3 minutes, Statkm-to-Station, every night after 6 and all day Sunday. Plua 10% tax.


LY, SEPT. 20 8 P.M.

T U L L Y vs. D R Y D E N

Ticket Sale - Student* 35c

At the Gate - Everyone 75c

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intiny Supplies

-*^y* Don't freeze on the


im mwr itmrtmw peaWi mm » » ^ *fw ^ ^ 6 J^^"*








nigs a C«*TOM



o ^ i l d t r e n ' s f a v o r i t e




for popularity

built for wear



> » » • • • • • • » • • » • • • • • » • • • » • • » • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • » • • •


P l a c e : E a r l F a i r c h i l d F a r m o n T r u x t o n R o a d .

F o l l o w A n t i q u e S i g n s

Heating stove, two-burner oil stove and oven, small coffee

mill, chests, stands, rockers, lamps, lanterns, jars, clothes

trees, churns, rugs, quilts, quilt tops, bird cages, tins, dishes,

glass, dry sink refinished, copper befler, work table and

two chairs, mahogany server, mahogany coffee table, dolls,

cradles, beds and doll clothes.

E L L A J . D O C K S T A T E R R D 2 , T u l l y , N . Y .

PHONE 3091

Everybody Is Talking About The

See our wide j#rSction of

good-looking KoU-tten-ika for children of oA ages.


• Hi

(Under new management) \

Rt. 11 * LaFayette, N. Y.

For ffce Pfauure and Enjoyment of our Local Friends

FINEST FOODS AT LOWEST PRICES Steakt - Chops - Chicken - Seafood - Legal Beverages

Banquets Parties Receptions

Tkc Permanent Water and Meastare Barrier fai

Protection of BnUdinga. Accepted by VA and FHA.


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U S E I T — r n d « r CmmtrtH Stabs Around Exterior of F ina i i linn Walts Over Sn^FUorhng


a»l A l j f t H I , U- —^-—-•etowi f f n n i i s • trows i i n a i i

Tully Lumber and Coal Co., Inc. Tully, N. Y. Phone 2071

DANCING with Orchestra Every Friday and Saturday Nights — 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.

untM 9 p,m. from 11:30

Log Cabin In L A F A Y E T T E , N . Y .