Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniskifultonhistory.com/newspapers 7/Clinton Courier/Clinton NY...

VOLUME XXXIII. CLINTON, N. Y., THURSDAY, j FEBR NEW SERIES. NO. 6. JAMK3 B. S Y H K S , JKdUor and Publisher. TBKHS : 81.60 A YKAB, IN ADVANO*. '»-. Tjro Inches ThresinohM Twelve line* Two Inches Tarsi inches Twelf• ltnss Two Inches Three Inches TwelTe lines Two Inches Three inches ADVERTISING HATES I OMK trxxx. Twelve linei or lees 9 60 I Quarter column 76 Half column . v 1 W I Whole column TO» »wp wTUtxs. 8 75 I Quarter column 1 00 1 Half column 1 » I Whole column YOB TUBXX WXKKS. SI 00 [ Quarter column 1S5' Half column 1 60 I Whole oolumn rOB ONE MOUTH. 91 S3 I Quarter oolumn 1 60 Half column 1 76 I Whole oolumn It)B TWO MOXTHS. 83 00 I Quarter oolumn - a 50 Half column 8 00 I Whole column YOB THBKB MONTHS. Quarter column Jalf oolumn Whole column JTOB SEC MONTHS. $< 00 I Quarter oolumn 6 00 Half oolumn - 6 00 I Whole oolumn ONJS txxa, 8 6 00 1 Quarter oolumn S 00 Half oolumn 10 00 J Whole'oolumn Business Card* on the first column not exceeding tWellnea.-wtth the paper for one year 43, Two dollars without'papcr. Advertisements in reading columns, Fire cento a line nrst insertion; subsequent insertions, half price. legal Notices and Official Advertisements will be charged acoordlnglo the rates established by law. Marriage and Death Notices, twenty-five each. Obituary Notices Throe cents a line. Twelve lines Two inches Three Inches Twelve lines Two Inches Three Inches Twelve lines Two inches Three inches Twelve lines Two inches Three inches (3 60 I Qu 8 00 f fla soolwi $1 60 169 60* 93 04 300 *0t 9160 400 7 00 93 00 ( 00 t 0* 94 00 7 00 13 CO 95 00 9 00 16 OS ? t 00 6 00 30 0* 915 00 30 00 60 0t cents O. H. GOODFELLOW. T IN and Hardware, 8tovcs aud Pipe,'Tin Roofing, and Eare Trough; OUntpn, N, Y: Watson Blocs;, W. E. HE3TON. I NSURANCE Agency, residence on College street, Clinton. ... P.. A. HART. M EN'S, Youths' and Boys' Clothing, Fur- nl8hing Goods, Hats, Caps, &c. Mills' Block, CllntQn, N. Y. Measures taken lor the faultless yoke shirt. "_ 'mm : • • ' • vVi- ; --' Clinton Business Directory. J. A, AEMSTRONG, M. D. TO HYSICIAN and Surgeon. Offlco East Par* OHAS. IYE8. M EAT MARKET, Ives Block. All kinds of meat in their season. Best quality of Beef, Pork, Mutton, Lamb, Hams and Bacon, Sausage and Poultry, at the lowest market prices. J. TCEEFFELT""' ' ' T ONSORIAL Artist and Dentist. Rooms in 3d story Turnock's BlocK. Teeth extract, ed, rough faces planed off and scalps promptly renovated. . ' ."•: A. W. MILLS. A TTORNEY and Counsellor at Law. Office in th« Mills Block, "West Park Bow. f DAVID MAMNEBING. H OUSE and Sign Painter and Glazier; paper hanging done to order. 8hop on William st, OHAS. MITOHEL. B UTCHER. Market, West Park Row, on« door north of A. Fake's store. A choica variety of seasonable meats In full supply at lowest prices. Row, next door jurge toE. J. 8tebblns. AETNA INSUBANOE CO. F Hartford, Conn. Assets, s}2,194,100. 3. 8. AVTEBY, Agent o m J. B. AYEKY. A TTORNEY and Counsellor at Law. Office in Ihe Sherman Block. Also, Agent for iEtna, Hartford, and Hartford City Fire In-, iurance Companies, % "* E. P. ALEXANDER M ANUFACTURER of all the latest styles of , Canla^e£.JY3gQn8.-ftnd..Cntters. First quality of work, made by competent workmen, i'-<vy kept constantly on hand, and for sale at rea- sonable prices. Factory, on College street, firstfloorwest of the railroad crossing. ADAMS & WOOD. . B UTCHERS. Market In Osborne Block, College street Seasonable meats, the best (he country affords, In constant supply. DB..E. D. ATWELL. 'r^ENTIST. afflco, Mills Block, West Park A-' Row, 2d floor. Dentistry in all its branches, With latest improvements, at reasonable prices. Teeth extracted by a painless process. """* A. W. BRONSON. ~~~~ A TTORNEY and Connsellor at Law, Mi'W Block, Clinton, N. Y. . . ! . » " - Ml* t 1 1 , M. O. MYBIOK. I) Latest style! always on. B OOTS and Shoes, Rubber Goods In full sup-, ply. . Latest styles always "on hand. Scollard Block WM, H. pWSTON. S TONE Mason and Plasterer. Hard nnisk and Plaster Paris work. JTnrnaeea sat and brick-laying done in workmanlike order. Re*-; idence on Kellogg street. S. W. RAYMOND, M. D. H OMEOPATHIC Physician. Office in Sher- man Block, 2d floor. Residence, College st. ~~ R. PEARL. "DLACKSMTTH and Carriage Ironer. ^shoeingaspcclclty. Shop, < HOMO liege st, Clinton PARKER BROS. r pRUNSrand Harness-manufacturer -The-- best quality of Whips and Horse Blankets constantly on hand. Store opposite Park House, Utica street. A DISTBACTED PARENT. THE POET SHOWS HOW THERE JUT BE SUCH A THXNQ AS TOO MUCH IOYB IK THE HOUSE. Five daughters—four oi them engaged- Good heavens I I shall go mad! For such a surfeiting of love No parent ever had. The very atmosphere is charged With it j no matter where . ." I go about the house I trip Upon some whispering pair, At evening, when I take my pipe ;.;'• And seek a quiet nook To read the evening paper, or * Some new and tempting book, I ope, perhaps, the parlor door, When a familiar sound, Quite unmistakable, suggests It Is forbidden ground. " So then more cautiously-1 tarn .To our reception room i '•But io! again upon.my ear From its romantic gloom Comes softly, yet with emphasis, . - • - . ' That warning, when I start And leave, as Lady Macbeth wished Her guests would all depart. My next resort is then the porch, Where the roses trail and bloom; Ha I is it echo that betrays The joys of yonder room ? Ah, nol a startled " change of base" Reveals the presence there Of Cupid's votaries, and, alas! There's still another pair. " But sure,", I think, <• ' my library Will be a safe retreat," So there at once with quickened step I take my weary feet. Yain hope—that warning sound again Breaks on nvy listening ear; Thank heaven, my youngest hath not yet ^ Attained her thirteenth year. : Hark 1 there she is! and bless my heart, That popinjay, young Lunn, Is aj her side—I do believe That she, too, has begun. - Oh, ye who love to sit and dream, . __ \Y. D. RAYMOND. D RY Goods and all the novelties of the trade. Clinton House Block, West Park Row, Clinton, N. Y. E. R. ROBERTS. G ROCERIES and Provisions at the lowest ' living prices. First door East of the rail- road on College street. r street, Clinton, N. Y. . - A. A. BARROWS, M/D. P HYSICIAN asdSnrgeon. Officeathlshouse, formerly the residence of Dr. Hastings. WILLIS A. BUDLONG. > M. B. STETSON. . D ENTISTRY, Surgical and Mechanical. Dr. M. B. Stetson. Office in Osborne Block, College st. Thirty years'experience. All work Of future married joys, Pray heavon with honest fervor that Your girls may all be boys. Too Many Irons. A SKETCH BX JUIK3B HAIiIJBTJBTON. Warranted. We had. a pleasant sail of three hours from Parrsbbro' to Windsor. The ar- rivals and departures by water are regu- lated at this place by the tide, and it was sunset before we reached Misa Wil- cox's comfortable inn. Here, aa at other places, ihy traveling companion, ! matter of some hundreds out in j'intnotes. Well, he took the contract for beef with the troops, and he fell a stern, so I guess it's a gone goose with him. He's heavy niort- f aged.' •' 'Too many irons " ag'in,' said , 'Who lives to the left there? that man has a-most special fine interval, and a grand orchard, too; he must be a good mark, that.' 'Well, he was once, sir, a few years ago; but he built a fulhn' mill, and a oardin' mill, and up a lum- ber establishment, and speculated in the West Indy line; but the dam was car- ried away by the freshets, the iumber felL and faith he fell too; he's shot up, he naint been seed these two years; his farm is a cx>mmoD, and fairly run out' 'O,' said I, s .'-I understand now, my man: these folk*} had too many irons in the fire, you see, and some on 'em have got burnV 'Xnevei heeird tell of it,' says.Bluenose; ,* they might, but not to my knowledge;' and he sgratohed his head and looked as a he Svoulil ask the meanin' of it, but didrt't like to. Arter that I axed ho more questions; I knew a mort- gaged farm as far as I oould see it.. There was a strong family likeness in 'em all—the Same ugly features, the same cast o' countenahee. The black knob was discernible, there was no mis- take:/ barn . doors broken off, fences burnt Tap, glass out of windows; more white crops than green, and both lookm' weedy; no wood pile, no sarce garden, no compost, no stock; moss in the mowin' lands, thistles in the ploughed lands, and neglect everywhere; skinnin' had commenced—talon' all out and puttin' nothin' in—gittin' ready for a move, so as to leave nothin' behind; Flittin' time had come. Foregatheiin', for foreolosin'. Preparin' to curse and quii. That beau- tiful river we came up to-day what super-, fine farms it has on both sides of it, hain't it? it's a sight to behold. Our folks have no notion of such a country so far down East, beyond creation most, as Nova Sootia is. If I was to draw up an account of it for the Slickville Ga- zette, I guess few would accept it as a bona fide draft, without some 'sponsible man to indorse it, that warn't given to flaromin'. . They'd say.there-waa-a land speoulati6n to the bottom of it, or a water privilege to put into the market, or a plaister rook to get off, or some such scheme, They would, I snore. But I hop© I may never see daylight ag'in, if there's sich a country in all our great nation, aa the vi-cihity of Windsor. "Now it's jist.as like as not sorne goney of a Bluenose, that seed us from hia fields, sailing, up full split with a fair wind on the packet, went right off home and said to his wife:' 'Now, do for gracious sake mother, jist look here, and see how sliok' them folks go along ; and that captain has nothin' to do all day, but sit straddle legs across his tiller other half is eat up by bankers, lawyers, and other great folks. All our.money goes to pay salaries, and a poor man has no chance at all.' 'Well,' Bays T, ' a r e you done up stock and fluke—a total wrack?' 'No,'says he, 'I have two hun- dred pounds left yet to "the good, but my farm, stock, and utensils, them. young blood borsesj and the bran hew. vessel I was a buildin', are all gone to pot— swept as clean as a thrashin' floor, that's a fact; Shark&Oo. toqk alL' 'Well,' sayB I, ' do you know the reason of all that misfortin' ?' ' O,' says he, ' any fool can tell that—bad times to be sure ; everything has turned agin the country; the banks have it all their own_way, and much good may it do'em.' GENERAL ITEMS. :—Broken Heart is a station on a Min- nesota railroad; —There were 177 strikes in England last year, as against 181 in 1877. ;—The dividends payable in Boston during February aggregate 82,567,^67. i^r-In Montgomery^ Ala., last year, there were issued to whites 138 mar- riage .licenses, and to negroes 553. ;—Two men still keep a BteaSv guard d^y and night over the grave of Brigham Young in a small building erected near ,—The late Major John H. New, of 'Wety.Bays j New .Orleans, bequeathed all hisprop- I, ' what'B the reason the banks don't eat erty to a lady us up too, fori guess they are as.hungry him and his w: as your'n be, and no way particular about their food neither; considerable sharp setr-out like razors, you may .de- pend. IH1 tell you,'says I, 'how you got that 'ere slide, that sent yo'u heels over head—You had too many irons in the fire. You hadn't/ought to have-taken hold of ship buildin' at all; you knowed nothin' about it. You should have Btuok to your farm, and your farm would have stuok to you. Now go back, afore you spend .your money; go up to Douglas, and you'll buy as good a farm for two hundred pounds as what you lost, and see to that, and to~thatl>lndy7~aM~4o~u'ir growrioh. As for banks, they can't hurt a country no great, I jjuesB, except by breaMn'; and as for lawyers, and them kind of heavy coaches, give '<jm half the. road, and if they run agin you, take the law of 'em. Undivided, unremitting at- tention paid to one thing, in ninety-nine oases out of a hundred will insure suc- cess ; but you knoT the old say in' about " too many irons," "'Now,' says I, 'Mr. Rigby, what o'olook is it?' 'Why,' says he, 'the moon is up a-piece, I guess it's seven o'clock or thereabouts, : I suppose it's time to be a-movin'.' ' Stop,' .says L ' jist come with me; I've got a rael nateral curiosity to show you—such a thing as you never laid your eyes on in Nova lurope who onoe nursed te through a severe siok- WITH THE PABA6BAPHEBS. than the ness,' . •••••' j-—Examination of. 8,000 grammar- school pupils atBostpn shows that about five per cent of the boys are color-blind, and only about one-half of one par cent of the girls. •'—rThe Western Assooiationof General Passenger Agents, at-its session in St. Iiouis, voted to limit the amount of bag- gage,to150 pounds for eaoh passengor ticket of anylrind. •• . ; ^-Two years ago a corn speculator at Olarinda,' la,, refused 60 cents a bushel Jor_a0,000-bnBhels of corn he had bought at 30 cents. He is now vainly trying to get 10 cents a bushel for it. —Cook robin and 1,819 of bis fellows were destroyed in one night by a North Carolinian, " thus saving, ' as the Louis- ville ' Courier-Journal remarks, " the lives of many million/worms;"' w T h e office of Gov. Boberts of Texas is furnished with several splint-bot- tomed ohairs, a plain, table, a carpet that is burned in front of the fireplace, a oheap little washstand and a bed. —Hiram O. Alden, of Belfast, Me., one of the victims of the National Hotel poisoning, at Buohanan's inauguration, has never been well sinoe, and is now confined to his bed nearly all the time. —The shipment of American oysters £&Qiia^JLknQw»ilJ3Q--wa._wa& towards the beaoh. 'Now,' says \* look tent of from 1,200 to 1,600 barrels per STEBBINS. Mr. Sam SHcVseeme^^be^totJy^^ •• Taenia 1 «^^etheh soft sawder, jeon. -PHYSICIAN andSurg. JL Row. Clinton, N. Y. orwTsroNE. Offlco EastPark j edge of " human natur', -i—:t 0 Via nvit off a penknife, he out off a splinter from a and UtUe chores; they've growed up Sw S be considerable lumpsrf Igfc at that 'ere man, old Lunar, and his son, a-sawin'. plank by moonlight, for- that 'ere vessel on the stooks there; come again to-morrow mornin' afore you can cleverly disoam objeots the matter- of a yard or so afore you, and you'llfind'em at it ^glin. ' I guess that vessel won't ruinate those folks. They know their business and stiok to it. Well, away went Rigby, considerable eulky (for h^ had no nofion.that it was his own fault, he laid all the blame on the folks to Hali- fax) ; but I guess he was a little grain posed, for back ho went, and bought to Sowaok, where I hear he has a oetter ! nterfered with in a The town oounoil of Mr. Tindall, a gentle- —The penny's mightier sword.— Whitehall Times. . —An insurance, policy oovers a multi- tude of old shells.—Boston Post. r-To make your collar last—make your shirt first.— Syracuse Standard. —The popular idea of reform—" You go out, and let me come in."—Hartford Post. « ' .' s : ; ' . - —They have a Low Neoksibition at nearly every evening party.— Boston Globe. ' —A real gentleman is known b y t h e ashes he sprinkles on an ioy sidewalk,— Boston Fosi. —Never step on a dog's tail unless the- other end of the dog is ja mile away from the tail.—Yon hers Gaaeite. ; v —The way to make six cents go farthest —buy a stamp, ahd^putit;bn a foreign letter.—Pittsburg Telegraph. '••' —The young man neM never do for himself anything that a father is willing to do for him.—New Orleans; Pioayttne. —If a man hits you.on one cheek turn the other, unless you should: happen-to be satisfied with the first blow.—Pica-' yune, -- . "". - ; . ,;. . >— :,. —A halo of sympathetic regret always surroundBa^Boston" tramp—he belongs to the might-have-beans. r-CTn. Sat. mght. —Do Maine girls Bangor ourl their hair?—New York Mail. Oh, they ar- range it in a Oalias Bort of a way.—JSoa- tonPost, , _ —Texas is exhibiting the body of a petrified man. It may be said of him that- he- has a -heart of st ^ne. —JDetrait _ Free Press. —The grocer offered him a frozen ham, but he said he'd rather not take the cold Bhoulder from any one.—Ybn- kers Gazette. —If S-i-o-u-x spells Bue, and e-y-e spells i, and s-i-g-h-e-d spells side, why don't S-i-o-u-x-e-y-e^s-i-g-h-e-d spell sui- cide ?— Camden Post. \ % £ ^ ^ ; ^ * ° j ^ with ina day. On December 7 nearly 2,600 bar- rels" were shipped for the. Christmas trade. - , ^—By way of consoling the sharehold- ers of the City of Glasgow Bank, the Lord Provost tells them that the £5,000,- 000 sterling lost 'represents but Bix months' expenditure of the inhabitants for liquor. . —In many of the larger towns of Eng- land it has been deoided nottoextend oharity to any one who keeps a dog. This course has been found necessary because the animals were fed from the \ —Reading is the nourishment of the mind, and, perhaps, is the reason why so many ministers road their sermons.— Detroit Free Press. —Secretary Sherman thinks the gov- ernment will not be able to " get rid of its coin." Why on earth doesn't it start a newspaper, then ?—Burlington Hawk' eye, * . .< —A Canadian clergyman starve<? to death the other day. Whether it was owing to«a lacO^-salary or too many donation partieB is not Btated.—iVor, Her. TZ?77ZCtt?*^'~>^y* land have been Singular manner. Newcastle let to and given thirty?nme lUEulTtt —Senator-eleot Carpenter, of Wiscon- sin, received .the following message of congratulation on bis nomination fr old son, Paul'DiCarpen w^^tta*^^ .vww— . , reBP ectiuuy BU K(5 ^- W&&- -jyoloanltc-ana aH kinds of dentistry .^g^ reasonableprices "~J7M. BUTTON —V^ir^^ST.-s'-a tT^^m"ri"arti5a^Tfr.wTi arithbrltlea ,ur=J lirafiEBSSS^ffl is^rtsabteg N ewcasue man employed by John Bell & Sons, the his eleven-yeav-om BUU, , „«. consignees of T. O. EaBtman of this ter . «ix»ear Splendid Papa—Mamma city, a cattle shed at a rental of $375' a an ^ i send love and congratulations," year. This was used as the wholesale _., , . . . . ,, -* »mo M > An meat Last —The consumptiou of beer in the - t -- 1 « fiarman Empire last year was Free Press. r elled old ^^ZifU^i^it^ of American D EANSVILLE, promptly attended to N- Y-, SURTXTOB Orders Terms reasonable. • .rfieoinro | " He sat in this abstracted manner unuT I he had manufactured into delicate shar 1 h6 X whole of .his raw material, *hen (it (anaTie r sa~mosrp"articff ir uuuuion/me visitor that; if he onc< nly gets a slight how-d'ye-do acquaint- i- „„ „n amanrin' intimate pay-nun »VIDJ» ^«UU »V —...,. lar troublesome visitor that; if he once -u-vi. -u„„ /j'^Ajn acquaint- intimate arterwards, "~ tolrTra^lBoYlH^ the sides of the snea, ;uo« ». .. ment of meat was to arrive, leaving the interior exposed to the weather. This done without explanation, although whole German Empire : I F. M. BARROWS, M. D; P HYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office at his res- idence, first dwelling East of the Park House, Utica street. ' G. M. BURWELL. J EWELER, Clinton House Block. Fine Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neatly repair- ed. Orders taken for goods, and promptly filled. E. S. BENEDICT. " D RUGGIST and Pharmacist, and d. alcr In . Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glat*, Tobacco, Cigars, Wines, Liquors, Brushes, Perfumery, Toilet Articles. Books, Stationery, Groceries, <fcc t3T Special attention given to preparing Prescriptions. West Park Row.. J. P. BEARDSLEY. D ENTIST. Office pn William street, opposite 8tono Church. Dentistry In all Its branch- es will ' receive prompt attention. Nitrous oxide administered In extracting teeth. ' or nearly twenty the-sides-of> shed, :&»;!LS^P^S^^^SSt^ l0D8 \fc Toliet 111., the 2,500 ohUdren at- M J schools, and their teachers, Hiokory, as ne sorapcu it in the dark. Aud after supper he went out and hung it.—Haokensaok Republican.- . f:,£ — A n Amerioan citizen traveling* ftbroad^^ete,^-JiJidei:took to climbJJie, •"amj~oftnio—'tio T> M . .** * was Clinton, N- i. about as much as a bargain « yon t^n piece, meu, saKja-o - , get clear of him afterwards) ,Bemptby , ^ j ^ •.-- ^ ol ?a t ^ | h ^ ^om 'ere old proverbs. They are dis-1 ™*°^ aVink the farm «ets neglected | i 8 e n S Sets steamed down to an essence illACu ***'""—,„ , _, i_ -««-*.- on amflKill OTHNIEL S. WILLIAMS. A TTORNEY and Counsellor at Law. Office In the Williams Block. . £ D. M." WHITE. . A'TTORNEY at Law, Office, Bherman's -c*- Block, Clinton, N. Y. Contracts, Deeds carefully drawn, loans and and particular attention The VIOiw «- ly 400 sleighs »uu , band of musio, iiftceh barrels of apples being distributed to them at the review- ing point —B&ston Post. ...._The Indian e o g ^ g o^J5^ le ° bis hunting grounds ; How^jeason SXKff e SW »*** him move.-- Boston Advertiser. TVrt _i„ L-I.„L -e kiss oy uu uim,,, .... . S ; but couldn't prevent him from prossing 1 -~~ A Rnn aav8 sho escaped by a and Mortgages collections made, and par.__ given to drawing last wills and testaments, and all business pertaining to the Surrogate's court. NOTARY P C B I J C CLINTON LODGE, 430,1. O. or G. T. | & professor in W EEKLY Meetings, Saturday ovenlngs, at '" " their lodge room, on Utica street. A cor- . ^.„„K<.r«h<n la clven to all. They are like portable soups, an amazin deal of matter in a small compass, They are what I vally most—experience. Father used to say, I'd as lieves have an old homespun, self-taught doctor as ary " the .college at ~* " J - f Philadel- hirnself. And when JOHN BELL. LINTON Cemetery Sexton. Rcsldenco on Kellogg st., corner of Mulberry st. Orders') for grading lots, grave-digging and other ccme- ' '- -"—dwltoproniptly * satisfactorily. dial l n v K n b t o membership Is^lven ^W ft or New York to attend me; for n ft '. B tandin'in the street, near Ma-, men what the? do know, they know by ex- ^[^4 tavern, with his hands in his I C Barrows terywork attend ^H. 1 dealer. Burrows Choice family gro- .s » ry/ t v.«..j. Small profits and Best brands et flour In market. O. BEEBE. Provision dealer. 'Wock'Wcet Park Bow. eerics. Teas a apcclalty. cash sales. r\ ROCER_ and CLINTON BANK, H AYES A CO., (successors to Hill <k Elliott) will t-ansact a general banking business, d desl In first-class lnvc*tracnt securities. c. r>. ruTiw. Jt. HATKS. V nnd COOK. Provision G22SS5 oTcoi IS ^5o« ffi paid to collccUoos^ „- CAULDWELL A GIBSON J. MANY, Blookf _. Clinton, N. Y Dealer in N Cigars and Tobaoooi Snuff, ") BOOKS, STATIONERY, Nowaptvporw, Porlodloala, MfVKMinot. Books of all kinds furnished on short notS<y> QEHERAL INSURANCE .AGENCY. E S. WILLIAMS"hw received the appolnt- • ment as Agent for several of the most substantial Fire Insurance Companies doing business in this State, and 1» now prepared to Issno policies both In Fire and Life Insurance companies. Also close attention given to the drawing of deeds, bonds and mortgages, nnd all kinds of conv«yanclng. Persons wlshlne cheap rates of Insur&nco In the most sound arid substantial companies and conveyancing done In the most reliable and blndlni manner, 'will do well to call on E.ft.WILLIAMS, at the ofnee of Hon. O. 8. Williams. Clinton, January 1, 1877. Irience is .everything, ^ ^ M l * if he don't know. I tiro , and as Bhort i seeing and tryih'; must DO a born fool That's th*e beauty of old proverbs ; they are as true as a plumb-line, and aa short and sweet as sugar candy. Now, when you come to see all about this oountry, you'll find the truth of that 'ere one— A man that has too many irons in the i plaguy apt to get some on flro "Do you recollect howed you to Parrsboro ? em that ere tree I _ It was all covered with black knobs, like a wart rubbed with caustic. Well, the plum- trees hod the SAtao discaso a few years ago, and they all died, and tho cherry- trees, I oonsait, will go for it too. Tno {aims hero are all covered with tho samo treuser pockets, a-chosm' of a stray shillin' from one eend of 'em to another, afore he can catch it, to swop for a din- ner, won't he look like a ravin' distracted fool, that's all? He'll feel about as streaked as I did onoe, a-ridin' down the St. John river. It was tho fore part of Kirch ', I'd been up to Froderiokton a- BpeoTllfttin , in a small matter of lumber, ojd was returningtothe city, a-gallopin r along on one of old Buntin s horses, on the ice, and all at once I missed my horse-;. he went right slap in and slid under the ice out of sight as quick as a rrlnk. and there I was a-standin' all alone. •W5s='iis^^ri Scarlet Fever. Caro and precaution in regardtoox- v- r ~--, sum of $30,000,000 per annum, ranking tu D .:_", '" value out oi $600,000,000 of I-sixth in value out oris. It is exceeded only at Reno, Nev., Y/as compelled his arm and —If young From excitement and .alarm concerning -^^' b a o o n . ^ffSg SSfW tlioTenlfltl • — said were theie. have rUr. —Huxley believes there wVs a time when men walked on all-fours, and he doesn't mean that it was when they wero tacking down carpets or sotting out. onions. Huxley never jokes.—Detroit Free Press. ladies attending chnrch attentiontotho number J.UHV -A I *^- ~- treatment of scarlet fever ^ $eU' S^sVvhat the dogs has become oI C m 7 horse 'and portmantle^They have remembering .- "This disease, like small-pox, must, as a rule, be communicated by direct contact with particles of the desqnama- skin thrown off by the patient, or of clotbing which ho » - 1 - a _ ted. VH TTIS in Lumber, Uth v Shlnelc».Df»or», X) aib^ BUndOlonldlnsrs, Newel POM OrferHor &5T LTrmbrr promptly Utif a ittreet, Ollnton. W. M, "CARPENTER ptTRTOM Tailor, Room In the Bherman ^> BlrxV, over the Ton Ofilcc. W««k dons promptly and at reasonahlc prW.i. RatlsfacMoii O. R. CARPENTER. P HOTOGRAPHIC Rooms,,Ir. tho Rhrrm*n Block. PUtnres In every stylo. o( the ^rt takfn »t rfdtKNvl pricw, and warranted to give satUfsrtlon. "'THOMAS ODOWD. "fFASHIONABLE Nx-t and shofl maVrr. First •A clsuw *ori» made to or(\er, and satisfaction IfJmraritcd. Bhop In Haven'a V. 1). ERNST.' F.stftMl»hcd 18^ Sieam Dye Works, No! 18 John sV, (nc*r ^ ^ U r t O ^ N j r . fwms nero mo »». —.. 'black knobs,' and they do look like Old Scratch. If you seo a placo all gono to i wrack and ruin, it's mortgaged, you may \ depend. Tho ' block knob' is on it. My | plan, you know, ' —* - clock in o bonse turn. I novor say a it, for I know when I jo to ox leovo o boTiBC, and let it be to put n till I re- cord about scllin' ooroo back, thoy used micA Wearing and L«dlca" *"d «« nl » c *Ji c ""a , 0 defy compe- r steam Engines. W I!1 mMrifa^liire to ord«r that's ft fact. Cfi, o narrer squeak it fairly bangs all Well, I guess he'll feci near obou Snclv wheahe finds hiuvelf brought w X u S i n ' that way ; and it will come wsudden on him, he'll soy, ' Why,, it * SnVpowdbterTO lost farm and vessel SSiMt W tu'o, that woy, but I don I Srieithar on W Eastport is near S>5 all mads up of folks whobovehad to cut and run for it. .. i vW down there hurt (all, ^ d w T h . . w/Ji^ Tsoe butThomaa Rigby,of Wind- no one, vnd I va* forcc<l to to«J» ^ <"%- -mSltJe-mtntt hn Wt** whether n mon wos good for it, aforo I «*• £ ( j hft<l , o W h i m ft e teok the HlHwith him; «o I *g»*^ Jgj£ U ^ Q got paid for itthough, lived on the rofto potient and disinfect tho o>r ol tno mnriflR o now trial, on he was thus made to testify again "'^Wisconsin pays ftlO.apiece for wolf- T . «r?A this protection has largely scalps, and tuw P™'* f i upion Huro developed he industry of i p ^ In soma of tno ;«lT.»torthi>n. t 'r' h »'"?£ , iM one byma^Mo hns' largely . u , .. lupionlti a patient anu u. nu . ol(legt cooties in house that tho disease may be promptly 3U ^ a0C ording to Stote Senator Bailoy » •• w.i. A child ottered th ftrooro formers who modo o good liv hold and ertinguiahod. A "child by it should bo removed into o ohamber from which the carpet ond all other woolen articles have beon removed. Ho and his attendant should bo wholly separated from tho rest of ihn familv. tho family. wolves ond ecolping there oro ing by, rearing them. —Lost year 545 iron ships wero added to tho British merchant navy, tho great- est number built in any provions year -—.- -.o K < The-increase not be so apt to sing ."Ij K " anot her.~ tho congregation are singing Yonkcrs Gazette. But that ftre oil dreadfully rromon say won't let it go arter thoy oro once ueoo to it. Well, when I flr*t come, I knowed .,.,,i r NTAH foTCcrl to inquire When he is convalescent tho oportmoht f 8 ' " u "»*~" ----. should bo thoroughly disinfected, tho having been 503 in 185-i. n tho wollo removed, tho ceiling in th «J"«« of the JCMOIS since 1860 is , tho bidding destroyed: ond remorkoblo; in thot year tho overage >-u-u W«.Y«T ftmaU, which can to " n *?° T2,^??x to J" ''• *J 1 ' * . . 1870 it hod risen to 508, and T h o difl- Blfwk, Oncjto n^s, Pattl<-nlsr at- K[r\Tie of machlnexj MA Jobb^of ^ ^ r o st K'MHI Work. Patwrni chlnery, ann vory Una, W- T. srroccri'^ of all Bnt:rr .f thot-onchhrM Btvwfi I n b o r n (6wU, t r»«* tin, N. T. I 4 Mlrinte done lo order, a]«0 ere« kbX « i « t greening, for Tawl D KAl/RB O. J. FOLTS. TrM. Cotftt* Mid Rplf<*- llT y goods altoft.fnll ltrtft Of *Utlofl«srY f»n^ 7£**'< itek, emtt and tobacco. Fr6»h ojsics rf c*i v*4 da«y. 1 vn> Iftlock. CoMftfirejU B. B. FAY. h. B. WILUAM8, Photograpliic Studio IT All nkt«re« will U I*™ ^ A lH * p-TatAst c*re »nd HMaltoB. MoKOWN cV *Tui:s*a « to the dog*. Ix»okln« CO., Pot*tr».lt, with him ,.,^. 'Who Hv-e« up there. in tho big house V sojs I ; ' it's o nioo loootion that, pretty coniddcrftblo im- provemPTit*, them.' ' Why, sir, that's a A. B.'s; hp WM well-to-do in the world once, carried a stiff tipper lip, and keered | »ort for no ; ho was one orata—wore a long ruffled ahirt buildin', and h»a gono 'O,' Mid 1, ' toonmny iKin« in tho fir*. Well, thn next farm, where the pigs *r« in tho poUto flftld, who'* U thM I ' O, rir, that'« O. D.'s ; he WM a oon*idomblo fore-handed fonnAT, U any in onr plane, but ho «ot up for an Aa#embly-mAn, ana opened ft »tor<v, a-nd things went ftgin him <w.mehow; ho had no luck aftet- wurd. I heft.r hia plaoe nsortgAged and thot'f A g.->4 hln. rated in ehauoorT. ' "ThA black knob " is on hitr^' I isaJd. The W*o.k whfti, *tr?* itaya Bl«euo*e, tho (ind of of ore 'ron» in flrVnot to get some on . em burnt . ElSS I knew every (Ml and ftrnnRtho Xd Ml intottho lines from Windsor strong-* regular Uftdo A ~1 moouahin^, th«t blow-s ft 1 one icmg tfeno without shiftin .) - ~•--•-- '—him, for ho •B-ft* A vny eioroT TOBU, M M lookecl cut oVdrcftdlalW, and amazin' down in the South. «.*r. , 'W"f. '£*?*'** that you, Mr. Rigby ? why, as rilrol if that ain't my old friend how do yon doT ' Hearty, I jhank T™._ paper on washed, every or tide, however not bo sacrificed, fnmigated CAPO h Wt been communicated by moans of hooka orftpiece of ftannol after tho No doubt those pre- . v.. .. r ftannol after tho lapse of a year cantiona seem i. tron who nurt»os her baby with tho «oar- '-' '»'«- in th« midst of A throng of 563; in 1870 ond wind. This that women should " pop ... to men." But that wonld novor do. Tho men ore oil dreadfully conceited now, tho womon say ; and if a girl should ask n young follow to m&rty her, why, bless you ! you couldn't touch him with a. ten foot polo.—Boston Transcript. "Talkabout your theatres I" exclaim- ed an old stager riding in a horse car a tew evenings since, " You ought to hovo lived in tho good old times when tho curtoin rose at seven o'clock, and thoy gave five pUys in ono evening. Going to tho theatre meant solid enjoyment liven," There WAA nilonoa ft moment, low tone* was lel fever in Ib^mid^^^^ ether children «„« ^ / ... r . bora. But thoy oro mroly preferable to tho triumphant career .. * ' household or utreet." year the.ro wore no nass o( trade but rain »— year wo have had sunshine, splendid roada, and delightful weather, ]u»t tho to display elegant still business is when in mArk, Wonder it ho went out to see^o man every time kind I Am —whv skid he, 'how bo you V -• ... • R/>*v»onAb!c well I RiTO you thank*,' snyA I : ' bnt •srhat on afrih brought .yon ' Whv ' say* he, ' Mr. Suck, I well Avoid it; time* Ate uncommon the bar; thero'A nothm *• and never will ,„^ of tho disoftso through tho whole BaormrA. Three French who hAd emigTAiod to this ten years ago, lately re- handsome costumes _ ^ ^ ^ poor, lor it Therois - . -tho poverty of tho people. heard tho re- it out to see ft 11 I1B lull* UUI" ,, tho onrtein wont down? '^BottonJournal. A BAD 'workmen, country about ten yAtvrs ago, i » w ; turned homo, homing mode. s<->mo monay. On their orrirAl ftl llarre they lunched -^J ...;^ .r,^ re«p<u}t to tho TO here f couldn't dull atinin' I'm together, ond paid anch re«. wine of their eouniry th*ltw<3of fell AAleep under the table. Tho third arlronthgo of tho opportunity to their t>oxea ond ' ** e.nt to them »h*trACt exempt Mitltlft. into two cloAse*, the ^^ c h as may be constitute the Tho for ass* *r.A fttfw.r |c6o4« in ACT P*tt ot th« xllla be li Alwari AfA«t>d rhote«r»ph And HetarA Fr»w*«, a«d nosc^oM HfttiMlfljr, PacA»tr,ffS. rcrM if or f virx. , 5" J ,'*w l ISb Wr o it_, fAf. DiWteO. VI r*. Rflon.UA for |*°-y?™S^tf«l, ftf r^«M k* B aftOAOT. and ]RxprA«rftAri. TrauVs. P*ck- V n , lt \-j tt^,iro*d UoaldlAjr B*cY»tT.«A, Aj. rn'iUionJ^A.N.t. f Ay A 'Nothin','aaysL 'But tho next, ituy-roTA* thai house I' 'Why, that's ; he w**. thA grA*te*t farmer I thAAA pirtA, Another of the orfAtoeTart^ % Why, p "y % g " over there thiA year, Ana BOYCI -•••• IhinVin'. Ko mortol roul CM Htd » Kora flootift. I &*m«n. «brt out 0 0^ rr WAA modo of ft fUtardftj IvlghL wjlfer *u i oil the re*t of the nnirorw wo* fiuiAhfd. J° On St!** it ha, K M HJ **to"\<* LlKoah'1 ork throwTi out Ibere ; And tho t«y>k JSgoOaT V*°* -ut to tho railway fore he re*ehed hi» de«tii"iftlion, nowe-rpr, the theft had IVAU di.*eovered And hia description telogrophTed to Uia capital, itA ho *M arrA*ted on his Arrivoi. In porfcmAute«n w&,«!4ou»d the ft.^2.000, ddiliou to $9,000 belonging to him. whore ho hi» in oddili ter Ferry, u. *.A D thot oil ftble-bodifd mole dtijena between tho ogos of 18 and 45 yeAra, reoidont within tho rftspectiro SUte« »nd TerritorieA, except sne" by law, shA.l OA Militia arA to be divided - • „.._ . Actiro to bs known - AA the National or Htate Guard, A* tho German, 0 Banish, R Ana- Ix\g,AUtarA of Aoeh StAte moy pre#eribA, Bntoh, 2 Swedish, I ond tho inaeiivAtoIXJ known M tho re- Si-vaniAh, 1 PorluguepA, 1 Turkish, 19 of serro Militia, Tho bill proposes to Ap- which tho naHouAhty i« unknown; totel, propriate $1,000,000 for thft purpOA* ttf Silt. In this number oroinelndevi 6 ve«- providing arm*, ammunition, aw o*h' SAIA reported "mining." StoftmArs rt-- ordinary and QuArterm*ster Ktereator potted lost, i AmerioAn 4 F-ftgHsh, 8" " *"""* Gcrmon, 1 Bolgiftn, 1 Dnteh, 1 JapAneAe- J j totftl, 14. In this number Are inelnded.| I Ksteome.rA reported " •-»->-" T/OSAT.a xr SSA.—Tho Direction of tho Bureau Vcritn* hAa published tho fol- lowing statistics of morino disaster*, re- j->ortea during tho month of November, 1878, concerning All (iagA : Sailing VOA- *els reported lo.'*, 77 Fngliah, 42 Amor ioAn, 1ft French, 14 ItAlian, 14 Nor F wegian, 11 trion, 6 Russian. the. oeUre Militt*. v 3v V *'., ' missing.' ter*. O-W in •... .. They ar« seldom *o low. ' •/•#.$ •„ :.\ ttej****.',---^"^*'"''" J ~''4* • 1 iM P-O- - 1 " i ' - .;: *•<•• * :,-«4.S.> Sp* ! - Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Transcript of Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniskifultonhistory.com/newspapers 7/Clinton Courier/Clinton NY...

Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniskifultonhistory.com/newspapers 7/Clinton Courier/Clinton NY Courier.... v 1 W I Whole column TO» »wp wTUtxs. 8 75 I Quarter column ... YOB TUBXX


JAMK3 B . SYHKS, JKdUor and Publisher.

T B K H S : 81.60 A YKAB, IN ADVANO*.


Tjro Inches ThresinohM

Twelve line* Two Inches • Tarsi inches

Twelf• ltnss Two Inches Three Inches

TwelTe lines Two Inches Three inches


Twelve linei or lees 9 60 I Quarter column 76 Half column

. v 1 W I Whole column TO» »wp wTUtxs.

8 75 I Quarter column • 1 00 1 Half column

• 1 » I Whole column YOB TUBXX WXKKS.

SI 00 [ Quarter column 1S5' Half column • 1 60 I Whole oolumn

rOB ONE MOUTH. 91 S3 I Quarter oolumn

• 1 60 Half column 1 76 I Whole oolumn

I t ) B TWO MOXTHS. 83 00 I Quarter oolumn

- a 50 Half column 8 00 I Whole column

YOB THBKB MONTHS. Quarter column

Jalf oolumn Whole column


$< 00 I Quarter oolumn • 6 00 Half oolumn - 6 00 I Whole oolumn

ONJS txxa, 8 6 00 1 Quarter oolumn

• S 00 Half oolumn • 10 00 J Whole'oolumn

Business Card* on the first column not exceeding tWellnea.-wtth the paper for one year 43, Two dollars without'papcr.

Advertisements in reading columns, Fire cento a line nrst insertion; subsequent insertions, half price.

legal Notices and Official Advertisements will be charged acoordlnglo the rates established by law.

Marriage and Death Notices, twenty-five each. Obituary Notices Throe cents a line.

Twelve lines Two inches Three Inches

Twelve lines Two Inches Three Inches

Twelve lines Two inches Three inches

Twelve lines Two inches Three inches

(3 60 I Qu • 8 00 f fla


$1 60 1 6 9 6 0 *

93 04 300 *0 t

9 1 6 0 4 0 0 7 00

93 00 ( 00 t 0*

94 00 7 00

13 CO

9 5 00 9 00

16 OS

?t 00 6 00

30 0*

915 00 30 00 60 0t



TIN and Hardware, 8tovcs aud Pipe,'Tin Roofing, and Eare Trough;

OUntpn, N, Y: Watson Blocs;,


INSURANCE Agency, residence on College street, Clinton.

... P.. A. HART.

MEN'S, Youths' and Boys' Clothing, Fur-nl8hing Goods, Hats, Caps, &c. Mills'

Block, CllntQn, N. Y. Measures taken lor the faultless yoke shirt. "_

'mm : • • ' • vVi-;--' •

Clinton Business Directory. J. A, AEMSTRONG, M. D.

TO HYSICIAN and Surgeon. Offlco East Par*


MEAT MARKET, Ives Block. All kinds of meat in their season. Best quality of

Beef, Pork, Mutton, Lamb, Hams and Bacon, Sausage and Poultry, at the lowest market prices.

J . TCEEFFELT""' ' '

TONSORIAL Artist and Dentist. Rooms in 3d story Turnock's BlocK. Teeth extract,

ed, rough faces planed off and scalps promptly renovated. . ' ."•:


ATTORNEY and Counsellor at Law. Office • in th« Mills Block, "West Park Bow. f

D A V I D M A M N E B I N G .

HOUSE and Sign Painter and Glazier; paper hanging done to order. 8hop on William st,


BUTCHER. Market, West Park Row, on« door north of A. Fake's store. A choica

variety of seasonable meats In full supply at lowest prices.

Row, next door jurge toE. J. 8tebblns.

A E T N A INSUBANOE CO. F Hartford, Conn. Assets, s}2,194,100.

3. 8. AVTEBY, Agent o



ATTORNEY and Counsellor at Law. Office in Ihe Sherman Block. Also, Agent for

iEtna, Hartford, and Hartford City Fire In-, iurance Companies,%


MANUFACTURER of all the latest styles of , Canla^e£.JY3gQn8.-ftnd..Cntters. First

quality of work, made by competent workmen,


kept constantly on hand, and for sale at rea­sonable prices. Factory, on College street, first floor west of the railroad crossing.


BUTCHERS. Market In Osborne Block, College street Seasonable meats, the best

(he country affords, In constant supply.

DB. .E . D. ATWELL. 'r^ENTIST. afflco, Mills Block, West Park A-' Row, 2d floor. Dentistry in all its branches, With latest improvements, at reasonable prices. Teeth extracted by a painless process.

"""* A. W. BRONSON. ~~~~

ATTORNEY and Connsellor at Law, Mi'W Block, Clinton, N. Y.

• . . ! . » " - • M l * t 1 1 ,

M. O. M Y B I O K . I)

Latest style! always on. BOOTS and Shoes, Rubber Goods In full sup-, ply. . Latest styles always "on hand.

Scollard Block


STONE Mason and Plasterer. Hard nnisk and Plaster Paris work. JTnrnaeea sat and

brick-laying done in workmanlike order. Re*-; idence on Kellogg street.


HOMEOPATHIC Physician. Office in Sher­man Block, 2d floor. Residence, College st.

~~ R . PEARL. "DLACKSMTTH and Carriage Ironer.

^shoeingaspcclclty. Shop, < HOMO

liege st, Clinton

PARKER BROS. rpRUNSrand Harness-manufacturer -The--

best quality of Whips and Horse Blankets constantly on hand. Store opposite Park House, Utica street.




Five daughters—four oi them engaged-Good heavens I I shall go mad!

For such a surfeiting of love No parent ever had.

The very atmosphere is charged With it j no matter where . ."

I go about the house I trip Upon some whispering pair,

At evening, when I take my pipe ;.;'• And seek a quiet nook

To read the evening paper, or * Some new and tempting book,

I ope, perhaps, the parlor door, When a familiar sound, „

Quite unmistakable, suggests It Is forbidden ground.

" So then more cautiously-1 tarn .To our reception room i • '• •

But io! again upon.my ear From its romantic gloom

Comes softly, yet with emphasis, . -•- . ' That warning, when I start

And leave, as Lady Macbeth wished Her guests would all depart.

My next resort is then the porch, Where the roses trail and bloom;

Ha I is it echo that betrays The joys of yonder room ?

Ah, nol a startled " change of base" Reveals the presence there

Of Cupid's votaries, and, alas! There's still another pair.

" But sure,", I think, <•' my library Will be a safe retreat," •

So there at once with quickened step I take my weary feet.

Yain hope—that warning sound again Breaks on nvy listening ear;

Thank heaven, my youngest hath not yet ^ Attained her thirteenth year.:

Hark 1 there she is! and bless my heart, That popinjay, young Lunn,

Is aj her side—I do believe That she, too, has begun.

- Oh, ye who love to sit and dream, . __


DRY Goods and all the novelties of the trade. Clinton House Block, West Park Row,

Clinton, N. Y.


GROCERIES and Provisions at the lowest ' living prices. First door East of the rail­

road on College street.

r street, Clinton, N. Y. .

- A. A. BARROWS, M / D .

PHYSICIAN asdSnrgeon. Officeathlshouse, formerly the residence of Dr. Hastings.


> M. B. STETSON. .

DENTISTRY, Surgical and Mechanical. Dr. M. B. Stetson. Office in Osborne Block,

College st. Thirty years'experience. All work

Of future married joys, Pray heavon with honest fervor that

Your girls may all be boys.



We had. a pleasant sail of three hours from Parrsbbro' to Windsor. The ar­rivals and departures by water are regu-lated at this place by the tide, and it was sunset before we reached Misa Wil­cox's comfortable inn. Here, aa at other places, ihy traveling companion,


matter of some hundreds out in j'intnotes. Well, he took the contract for beef with the troops, and he fell a stern, so I guess it's a gone goose with him. He's heavy niort-

f aged.' •' 'Too many irons " ag'in,' said , 'Who lives to the left there? that

man has a-most special fine interval, and a grand orchard, too; he must be a good mark, that.' 'Well, he was once, sir, a few years ago; but he built a fulhn' mill, and a oardin' mill, and up a lum­ber establishment, and speculated in the West Indy l ine ; but the dam was car­ried away by the freshets, the iumber felL and faith he fell too; he's shot up, he na in t been seed these two years; his farm is a cx>mmoD, and fairly run o u t ' ' O , ' said I,s. '-I understand now, my man: these folk*} had too many irons in the fire, you see, and some on 'em have got burnV 'Xnevei heeird tell of it, ' says.Bluenose; ,* they might, but not to my knowledge;' and he sgratohed his head and looked as a he Svoulil ask the meanin' of it, but didrt't like to. Arter that I axed ho more questions; I knew a mort­gaged farm as far as I oould see it.. There was a strong family likeness in 'em all—the Same ugly features, the same cast o' countenahee. The black knob was discernible, there was no mis­t ake : / barn . doors broken off, fences burn t Tap, glass out of windows; more white crops than green, and both lookm' weedy; no wood pile, no sarce garden, no compost, no stock; moss in the mowin' lands, thistles in the ploughed lands, and neglect everywhere; skinnin' had commenced—talon' all out and puttin' nothin' in—gittin' ready for a move, so as to leave nothin' behind; Flittin' time had come. Foregatheiin', for foreolosin'. Preparin' to curse and quii. That beau­tiful river we came up to-day what super-, fine farms it has on both sides of it, hain't i t? it's a sight to behold. Our folks have no notion of such a country so far down East, beyond creation most, as Nova Sootia is. If I was to draw up an account of it for the Slickville Ga­zette, I guess few would accept it as a bona fide draft, without some 'sponsible man to indorse it, that warn't given to flaromin'. . They'd say.there-waa-a land speoulati6n to the bottom of it, or a water privilege to put into the market, or a plaister rook to get off, or some such scheme, They would, I snore. But I hop© I may never see daylight ag'in, if there's sich a country in all our great nation, aa the vi-cihity of Windsor.

"Now it's j is t .as like as not sorne goney of a Bluenose, that seed us from hia fields, sailing, up full split with a fair wind on the packet, went right off home and said to his wife: ' 'Now, do for gracious sake mother, jist look here, and see how sliok' them folks go along ; and that captain has nothin' to do all day, but sit straddle legs across his tiller

other half is eat up by bankers, lawyers, and other great folks. All our.money goes to pay salaries, and a poor man has no chance at all.' 'Wel l , ' Bays T, ' a re you done up stock and fluke—a total wrack?' 'No, ' says he, ' I have two hun­dred pounds left yet to "the good, but my farm, stock, and utensils, them. young blood borsesj and the bran hew. vessel I was a buildin', are all gone to pot— swept as clean as a thrashin' floor, that's a fact; Shark&Oo. toqk alL' 'Well , ' sayB I, ' do you know the reason of all that misfortin' ?' ' O,' says he, ' any fool can tell that—bad times to be sure ; everything has turned agin the country; the banks have it all their own_way, and much good may it do'em.'


:—Broken Heart is a station on a Min­nesota railroad;

—There were 177 strikes in England last year, as against 181 in 1877.

;—The dividends payable in Boston during February aggregate 82,567,^67.

i^r-In Montgomery^ Ala., last year, there were issued to whites 138 mar­riage .licenses, and to negroes 553.

;—Two men still keep a BteaSv guard d^y and night over the grave of Brigham Young in a small building erected near

,—The late Major John H. New, of 'Wety.Bays j New .Orleans, bequeathed all hisprop-

I, ' what'B the reason the banks don't eat erty to a lady us up too, fo r i guess they are as.hungry him and his w: as your'n be, and no way particular about their food nei ther ; considerable sharp setr-out like razors, you may .de­pend. IH1 tell you, ' says I, ' how you got that 'ere slide, that sent yo'u heels over head—You had too many irons in the fire. You hadn't/ought to have-taken hold of ship buildin' at a l l ; you knowed nothin' about it. You should have Btuok to your farm, and your farm would have stuok to you. Now go back, afore you spend .your money; go up to Douglas, and you'll buy as good a farm for two hundred pounds as what you lost, and see to that, and to~thatl>lndy7~aM~4o~u'ir growrioh. As for banks, they can't hurt a country no great, I jjuesB, except by breaMn'; and as for lawyers, and them kind of heavy coaches, give '<jm half the. road, and if they run agin you, take the law of 'em. Undivided, unremitting at­tention paid to one thing, in ninety-nine oases out of a hundred will insure suc­cess ; but you knoT the old say in' about " too many irons,"

" ' N o w , ' says I, 'Mr. Rigby, what o'olook is i t? ' 'Why, ' says he, ' the moon is up a-piece, I guess it's seven o'clock or thereabouts, :I suppose it's time to be a-movin'.' ' Stop,' .says L ' jist come with me ; I've got a rael nateral curiosity to show you—such a thing as you never laid your eyes on in Nova

lurope who onoe nursed te through a severe siok-


than the

ness,' . •••••' j-—Examination of. 8,000 grammar-

school pupils atBostpn shows that about five per cent of the boys are color-blind, and only about one-half of one par cent of the girls.

•'—rThe Western Assooiationof General Passenger Agents, at-its session in St. Iiouis, voted to limit the amount of bag­gage, to 150 pounds for eaoh passengor ticket of anylrind. •• . ; ̂ -Two years ago a corn speculator at

Olarinda,' la,, refused 60 cents a bushel Jor_a0,000-bnBhels of corn he had bought at 30 cents. He is now vainly trying to get 10 cents a bushel for it.

—Cook robin and 1,819 of bis fellows were destroyed in one night by a North Carolinian, " thus saving, ' as the Louis­ville ' Courier-Journal remarks, " the lives of many million/worms;"'

w T h e office of Gov. Boberts of Texas is furnished with several splint-bot­tomed ohairs, a plain, table, a carpet that is burned in front of the fireplace, a oheap little washstand and a bed.

—Hiram O. Alden, of Belfast, Me., one of the victims of the National Hotel poisoning, at Buohanan's inauguration, has never been well sinoe, and is now confined to his bed nearly all the time.

—The shipment of American oysters £&Qiia^JLknQw»ilJ3Q--wa._wa& towards the beaoh. 'Now, ' says \* look tent of from 1,200 to 1,600 barrels per

STEBBINS. Mr. Sam S H c V s e e m e ^ ^ b e ^ t o t J y ^ ^ •• T a e n i a 1 « ^ ^ e t h e h soft sawder,

jeon. -PHYSICIAN andSurg. JL Row. Clinton, N. Y.


Offlco EastPark j edge of " h u m a n natur ' , - i—:t 0 Via nvit off a penknife, he out off a splinter from a

and UtUe chores; they've growed up S w S be considerable l u m p s r f Igfc

at that 'ere man, old Lunar, and his son, a-sawin'. plank by moonlight, for- that 'ere vessel on the stooks there; come again to-morrow mornin' afore you can cleverly disoam objeots the matter- of a yard or so afore you, and you'll find 'em at it ^glin. ' I guess that vessel won't ruinate those folks. They know their business and stiok to it. Well, away went Rigby, considerable eulky (for h^ had no nofion.that it was his own fault, he laid all the blame on the folks to Hali­fax) ; but I guess he was a little grain posed, for back ho went, and bought to Sowaok, where I hear he has a oetter !

nterfered with in a The town oounoil of

Mr. Tindall, a gentle-

—The penny's mightier sword.— Whitehall Times. .

—An insurance, policy oovers a multi- • tude of old shel ls .—Boston Post.

r - T o make your collar las t—make your shirt first.— Syracuse Standard.

— T h e popu la r idea of re form—" You go out, and let m e come in."—Hartford Post. « ' .' s : ; ' . -

—They have a L o w Neoksibition a t nearly every evening pa r ty .—Bos ton Globe. '

—A real gent leman is known by t h e ashes he spr inkles on an ioy sidewalk,— Boston Fosi.

—Never step on a dog's tail unless the-other end of the dog is ja mile away from the tail.—Yon hers Gaaeite. ; v •

—The way to make six cents go farthest —buy a stamp, ahd^putit;bn a foreign letter.—Pittsburg Telegraph. '••'

—The young man neM never do for himself anything that a father is willing to do for him.—New Orleans; Pioayttne.

—If a man hits you.on one cheek turn the other, unless you should: happen-to be satisfied with the first blow.—Pica-' yune, -- . "". - ; . ,;. . >— :,.

—A halo of sympathetic regret always surroundBa^Boston" tramp—he belongs to the might-have-beans. r-CTn. Sat. mght.

—Do Maine girls Bangor ourl their hair?—New York Mail. Oh, they ar­range it in a Oalias Bort of a way.—JSoa-tonPost, , _

—Texas is exhibiting the body of a petrified man. I t may be said of him that- he- has a -heart of st ̂ ne. —JDetrait _ Free Press.

—The grocer offered him a frozen ham, but he said he'd rather not take the cold Bhoulder from any one.—Ybn-kers Gazette.

—If S-i-o-u-x spells Bue, and e-y-e spells i, and s-i-g-h-e-d spells side, why don't S-i-o-u-x-e-y-e^s-i-g-h-e-d spell sui­cide ?— Camden Post. \

% £ ^ ^ ; ^ * ° j ^ with i n a

day. On December 7 nearly 2,600 bar­rels" were shipped for the. Christmas trade. - ,

^—By way of consoling the sharehold­ers of the City of Glasgow Bank, the Lord Provost tells them that the £5,000,-000 sterling lost 'represents but Bix months' expenditure of the inhabitants for liquor. .

—In many of the larger towns of Eng­land it has been deoided not to extend oharity to any one who keeps a dog. This course has been found necessary because the animals were fed from the


—Reading is the nourishment of the mind, and, perhaps, is the reason why so many ministers road their sermons.— Detroit Free Press.

—Secretary Sherman thinks the gov­ernment will not be able to " get rid of its coin." Why on earth doesn't it start a newspaper, then ?—Burlington Hawk' eye, * . .< •

—A Canadian clergyman starve<? to death the other day. Whether it was owing to«a lacO^-salary or too many donation partieB is not Btated.—iVor, Her.


land have been Singular manner. Newcastle let to

and given thirty?nme lUEulTtt —Senator-eleot Carpenter, of Wiscon­

sin, received .the following message of congratulation on bis nomination fr

old son, Paul'DiCarpen

w^^tta*^^ . v w w — . , r e B Pect iuuy B U K ( 5 ^ -

W&&- -jyoloanltc-ana aH kinds of dentistry .^g^ reasonableprices

" ~ J 7 M . BUTTON

—V^ir^^ST.-s '-a tT^^m"ri"arti5a^Tfr.wTi arithbrltlea ,ur=J lirafiEBSSS^ffl i s^r tsabteg

N ewcasue man employed by John Bell & Sons, the his eleven-yeav-om BUU, , „«. consignees of T. O. EaBtman of this t e r . «ix»ear Splendid Papa—Mamma city, a cattle shed at a rental of $375' a a n ^ i send love and congratulations," year. This was used as the wholesale _., ,. . . . ,,

-* »moM>An meat Last —The consumptiou of beer in the -t--1« fiarman Empire last year was

Free Press. relled old


of American

DEANSVILLE, promptly attended to

N- Y-, SURTXTOB Orders Terms reasonable.

• .rfieoinro | " He sat in this abstracted manner unuT I he had manufactured into delicate shar 1 h 6 X whole of .his raw material, *hen

(it (anaTiersa~mosrp"articff ir uuuuion/me visitor tha t ; if he onc< nly gets a slight how-d'ye-do acquaint-

i- „„ „n amanrin' intimate

pay-nun »VIDJ» ^«UU »V —.. . , . lar troublesome visitor tha t ; if he once

-u-vi. -u„„ /j'^Ajn acquaint-intimate

arterwards, "~

tolrTra^lBoYlH^ the sides of the snea, ;uo« ». .. ment of meat was to arrive, leaving the interior exposed to the weather. This

done without explanation, although

whole German Empire

: I


PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office at his res­idence, first dwelling East of the Park

House, Utica street. ' G. M. BURWELL.

JEWELER, Clinton House Block. Fine Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neatly repair-

ed. Orders taken for goods, and promptly filled. E. S. BENEDICT. "

DRUGGIST and Pharmacist, and d. alcr In . Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glat*, Tobacco,

Cigars, Wines, Liquors, Brushes, Perfumery, Toilet Articles. Books, Stationery, Groceries, <fcc t3T Special attention given to preparing Prescriptions. West Park Row..


DENTIST. Office pn William street, opposite 8tono Church. Dentistry In all Its branch­

es will ' receive prompt attention. Nitrous oxide administered In extracting teeth. '

or nearly twenty

the-sides-of> shed, : & » ; ! L S ^ P ^ S ^ ^ ^ S S t ^ l 0 D 8 \ f c Toliet 111., the 2,500 ohUdren at-M J schools, and their teachers,

Hiokory, as ne sorapcu it in the dark. Aud after supper he went out and hung it.—Haokensaok Republican.- . f:,£

— An Amerioan citizen t ravel ing* ftbroad^^ete,^-JiJidei:took to c l i m b J J i e ,

•"amj~oftnio—'tio T> M . .** *


Clinton, N- i . about as much as a bargain « yon t ^n piece, m e u , saKja-o - , get clear of h im afterwards) ,Bemptby , ^ j ^ •.-- ^ o l ? a t

^ | h ^ ^ o m 'ere old proverbs. They are dis-1 ™*°^aVink i« the farm «ets neglected | i 8 e n

S Sets steamed down to an essence i l l A C u ***'""—,„ • , _ , i_ -««-*.- on amflKill


ATTORNEY and Counsellor at Law. Office In the Williams Block. .

£ D. M." WHITE. . A'TTORNEY at Law, Office, Bherman's -c*- Block, Clinton, N. Y. Contracts, Deeds

carefully drawn, loans and and particular attention


VIOiw « -

ly 400 sleighs »uu , band of musio, iiftceh barrels of apples being distributed to them at the review­ing point

—B&ston Post. ....•

_ T h e Indian e o g ^ g o ^ J 5 ^ l e ° bis hunting grounds ; How^jeason „

SXKff e SW »*** h i m m o v e . - - B o s t o n Advertiser.

TVrt_i„ L-I.„L -e kiss oy uu uim,,,.... . S ™ ; but couldn't prevent him from prossing 1 -~~A Rnn aav8 sho escaped by a

and Mortgages collections made, and par.__ given to drawing last wills and testaments, and all business pertaining to the Surrogate's court. NOTARY PCBIJC CLINTON LODGE, 430,1. O. or G. T. | & professor in

WEEKLY Meetings, Saturday ovenlngs, at ' " " — their lodge room, on Utica street. A cor-

. .̂„„K<.r«h<n la clven to all.

They are like portable soups, an amazin deal of matter in a small compass, They are what I vally most—experience. Father used to say, I'd as lieves have an old homespun, self-taught doctor as ary

" the .college at ~* " J - f Philadel- hirnself. And when

JOHN BELL. LINTON Cemetery Sexton. Rcsldenco on Kellogg st., corner of Mulberry st. Orders')

for grading lots, grave-digging and other ccme- ' '- -"—dwltoproniptly * satisfactorily.

dial l n v K n b t o membership Is^lven

^W f tor New York to attend m e ; for n ft'.Btandin'in the street, near Ma-, men

what the? do know, they know by ex- ^ [ ^ 4 tavern, with his hands in his I

C Bar rows

terywork attend ^H.

1 dealer. Burrows Choice family gro-

.s » ry/tv.«..j. Small profits and Best brands et flour In market.

O. BEEBE. Provision dealer.

'Wock'Wcet Park Bow. eerics. Teas a apcclalty. cash sales.

r\ ROCER_ and


HAYES A CO., (successors to Hill <k Elliott) will t-ansact a general banking business,

d desl In first-class lnvc*tracnt securities. c. r>. ruTiw. Jt. HATKS.

V nnd

COOK. Provision

G22SS5 oTcoiIS ^ 5 o « ffi

paid to collccUoos^ „ -C A U L D W E L L A G I B S O N

J. MANY, B l o o k f _ . Clinton, N. Y

Dealer in N • C i g a r s a n d T o b a o o o i S n u f f ,

") BOOKS, STATIONERY, Nowaptvporw, Porlodloala, MfVKMinot. Books of all kinds furnished on short notS<y>


E S. WILLIAMS"hw received the appolnt-• ment as Agent for several of the most

substantial Fire Insurance Companies doing business in this State, and 1» now prepared to Issno policies both In Fire and Life Insurance companies. Also close attention given to the drawing of deeds, bonds and mortgages, nnd all kinds of conv«yanclng. Persons wlshlne cheap rates of Insur&nco In the most sound arid substantial companies and conveyancing done In the most reliable and blndlni manner, 'will do well to call on E. ft. WILLIAMS,

at the ofnee of Hon. O. 8. Williams. Clinton, January 1, 1877.

Irience is .everything, ^ ^ M l *

if he don't know. I t iro ,

and as Bhort

i seeing and tryih'; must DO a born fool „ That's th*e beauty of old proverbs ; they are as true as a plumb-line, and aa short and sweet as sugar candy. Now, when you come to see all about this oountry, you'll find the truth of that 'ere one— • A man that has too many irons in the

i plaguy apt to get some on flro

" D o you recollect howed you to Parrsboro ?


that ere tree I _ I t was all

covered with black knobs, like a wart rubbed with caustic. Well, the plum-trees hod the SAtao discaso a few years ago, and they all died, and tho cherry-trees, I oonsait, will go for it too. Tno {aims hero are all covered with tho samo

treuser pockets, a-chosm' of a stray shillin' from one eend of 'em to another, afore he can catch it, to swop for a din­ner, won't he look like a ravin' distracted fool, that's all? He'll feel about as streaked as I did onoe, a-ridin' down the St. John river. I t was tho fore part of Kirch ', I'd been up to Froderiokton a-BpeoTllfttin, in a small matter of lumber, ojd was returning to the city, a-gallopinr

along on one of old Buntin s horses, on the ice, and all at once I missed my horse-;. he went right slap in and slid under the ice out of sight as quick as a rrlnk. and there I was a-standin' all alone.

•W5s='iis^^ri Scarlet Fever.

Caro and precaution in regard to ox-

v- r~--, sum of $30,000,000 per annum, ranking tuD . :_", ' " value out oi $600,000,000 of I-sixth in value out oris. I t is exceeded only

at Reno, Nev., Y/as compelled his arm and —If young

From excitement and .alarm concerning - ^ ^ ' b a o o n .

^ffSg SSfW i » tlioTenlfltl • —

said were theie.

have rUr.

—Huxley believes there wVs a t ime when men walked on all-fours, and he doesn' t mean tha t it was when they wero tacking down carpets or sotting ou t . onions. Huxley never jokes.—Detroit Free Press.

ladies at tending chnrch at tent ion to tho number

J . U H V -A I * ^ - ~ -

treatment of scarlet fever ̂

$eU ' S ^ s V v h a t the dogs has become oICm7 horse 'and portmantle^They have

remembering .-"This disease, like small-pox, must,

as a rule, be communicated by direct contact with particles of the desqnama-

skin thrown off by the patient, or of clotbing which ho

» - 1 - a _


VH TTIS in Lumber, UthvShlnelc».Df»or», X) aib^ BUndOlonldlnsrs, Newel POM OrferHor & 5 T LTrmbrr promptly Utif a ittreet, Ollnton.

W. M, "CARPENTER ptTRTOM Tailor, Room In the Bherman ^> BlrxV, over the Ton Ofilcc. W««k dons promptly and at reasonahlc prW.i. RatlsfacMoii


PHOTOGRAPHIC Rooms,,Ir. tho Rhrrm*n Block. PUtnres In every stylo. o( the ^rt

takfn »t rfdtKNvl pricw, and warranted to give satUfsrtlon.

" 'THOMAS ODOWD. "fFASHIONABLE Nx-t and shofl maVrr. First •A clsuw *ori» made to or(\er, and satisfaction IfJmraritcd. Bhop In Haven'a

V . 1). ERNST.'

F.stftMl»hcd 1 8 ^

Sieam Dye Works, No! 18 John sV, (nc*r ^ ^ U r t O ^ N j r .

fwms nero mo »». — . . 'black knobs,' and they do look like Old Scratch. If you seo a placo all gono to

i wrack and ruin, it's mortgaged, you may \ depend. Tho ' block knob ' is on it. My | plan, you know, ' —* -clock in o bonse turn. I novor say a it, for I know when I

jo to ox leovo o boTiBC, and let it be

to put n till I re­

cord about scllin' ooroo back, thoy


micA Wearing and

L«dlca" *"d ««nl»c*Jic""a , 0 defy compe-

r steam Engines. WI!1 mMrifa^liire to ord«r

that's ft fact. C f i , o narrer squeak it fairly bangs all Well, I guess he'll feci near obou S n c l v wheahe finds hiuvelf brought w X u S i n ' that way ; and it will come wsudden on him, he'll soy, ' Why,, it * SnVpowdbterTO lost farm and vessel S S i M t W tu'o, that woy, but I don I S r i e i t h a r on W Eastport is near S > 5 all mads up of folks whobovehad to cut and run for it.

.. i v W down there hurt (all, ^ dw T h . °

. . w/Ji^ Tsoe butThomaa Rigby,of Wind-no one, vnd I va* forcc<l to to«J» ^ < " % - - m S l t J e - m t n t t h n W t * * whether n mon wos good for it, aforo I «*• £ ( j hft<l , o W h i m ft eteok the H l H w i t h h im; «o I m£ * g » * ^ J g j £ U ̂ Q got paid for i t though ,

lived on the rofto

potient and disinfect tho o>r ol tno

mnriflR o now trial, on he was thus made to testify again

" '^Wisconsin pays ftlO.apiece for wolf-T . «r?A this protection has largely

scalps, and tuw P™'* f i u p i o n H u r o developed he indus t ry of i p ^ In soma of tno

; « l T . » t o r t h i > n . t ' r ' h » ' " ? £ , i M one b y m a ^ M o

hns' largely . u , .. lupionlti

a patient anu u. n u . o l ( l e g t coo t i e s in house that tho disease may be promptly 3 U ^ a0Cording to Stote Senator Bailoy

• » •• w.i . A child o t t e red thftrooro formers who modo o good liv hold and ertinguiahod. A "child by it should bo removed into o ohamber from which the carpet ond all other woolen articles have beon removed. Ho and his attendant should bo wholly separated from tho rest of ihn familv. tho family.

wolves ond ecolping there oro ing by, rearing them.

—Lost year 545 iron ships wero added to tho British merchant navy, tho great­est number built in any provions year

- — . - -.oK< The-increase

not be so apt to sing ." I j K " a n o t h e r . ~ tho congregation are singing Yonkcrs Gazette.

But that ftre oil dreadfully rromon say

won't let it go arter thoy oro once ueoo to it . Well, when I flr*t come, I knowed

.,.,,i r NTAH foTCcrl to inquire

When he is convalescent tho oportmoht f8' " u " » * ~ " ----. should bo thoroughly disinfected, tho having been 503 in 185-i.

n t ho wollo removed, tho ceiling i n t h « J " « « o f the J C M O I S since 1860 is , tho b i d d i n g dest royed: ond remorkob lo ; in thot year tho overage >-u-u W « . Y « T ftmaU, which can to"n*?° T 2 , ^ ? ? x t o J " ''• *J 1

' * . . 1870 it hod risen to 508, and Tho difl-

Blfwk, Oncjto

n^s, Pattl<-nlsr at-K[r\Tie of machlnexj

MA J o b b ^ o f ^ ^ r o st

K ' M H I Work. Patwrni chlnery, ann


U n a , W- T.

srroccri'^ of all Bnt:rr

.f thot-onchhrM Btvwfi Inborn (6wU, t r»«* tin, N. T.

I4 Mlrinte done lo order, a]«0 ere« k b X « i « t greening, for Tawl


TrM. Cotftt* Mid Rplf<*-• • llTy goods alto ft. fnll ltrtft Of *Utlofl«srY f»n^7£** '<

itek, emtt and tobacco. Fr6»h ojsics rfc*i v*4 da«y. 1 vn> Iftlock. CoMftfirejU

B. B. FAY.

h. B . W I L U A M 8 ,

Photograpliic Studio

IT All nkt«re« will U I*™ ^ A lH* p-TatAst c*re »nd HMaltoB.

M o K O W N cV *Tui:s*a «

to the dog*.

I x » o k l n «

C O . ,

P o t * t r » . l t ,

with him

, . , ^ . 'Who Hv-e« up there. in tho big house V sojs I ; ' it's o nioo loootion that, pretty coniddcrftblo im-provemPTit*, them.' ' Why, sir, that's a A. B. 's; hp WM well-to-do in the world once, carried a stiff tipper lip, and keered | »ort for no ; ho was one orata—wore a long ruffled ahirt buildin', and h»a gono ' O , ' Mid 1, ' toonmny iKin« in tho fir*. Well, thn next farm, where the pigs *r« in tho poUto flftld, who'* U thM I ' O, rir, that'« O. D.'s ; he WM a oon*idomblo fore-handed fonnAT, U any in onr plane, but ho «ot up for an Aa#embly-mAn, ana opened ft »tor<v, a-nd things went ftgin him <w.mehow; ho had no luck aftet-wurd. I heft.r hia plaoe i« nsortgAged and thot 'f A g.->4 hln. rated in ehauoorT. ' "ThA black knob " is on hitr^' I isaJd.

The W*o.k whfti, *tr?* itaya Bl«euo*e,

tho (ind


of ore 'ron» in

flrVnot to get some on . em burnt . E l S S I knew every (Ml and ftrnnRtho X d Ml in tot tho lines from Windsor

s t rong-* regular Uftdo ™A~1 moouahin^, th«t blow-s ft 1 one

icmg tfeno without shiftin .) - ~•--•-- '—him, for ho

•B-ft* A vny eioroT TOBU, MM lookecl cut oVdrcftdlalW, and amazin' down in the

South. «.*r.,'W"f. '£*?*'** tha t you, Mr . Rigby ? why, as rilrol if t h a t ain ' t my old friend how do yon d o T ' Hear ty , I jhank T™._

paper on washed, every or t i d e , however not bo sacrificed, fnmigated CAPO h Wt been communica ted by moans of hooka or ft piece of ftannol after tho

No doub t those pre-. v.. .. r ftannol after tho

lapse of a year cantiona seem i. tron who nurt»os her baby with tho «oar-' - ' ' » ' « - in th« midst of A throng of

563 ; in 1870

ond wind. Th i s

tha t women should " pop ... to men ." Bu t tha t wonld novor do. T h o men ore oil dreadfully conceited now, tho womon say ; and if a girl should ask n young follow to m&rty her , why, bless you ! you couldn ' t touch h i m with a. ten foot polo.—Boston Transcript.

" T a l k a b o u t your theatres I" exclaim­ed an old stager riding in a horse car a tew evenings since, " You ought to hovo lived in tho good old times when tho curtoin rose a t seven o'clock, and thoy gave five p U y s in ono evening. Going to tho thea t r e meant solid enjoyment liven," T h e r e WAA nilonoa ft moment,

low tone* was

l e l fever in I b ^ m i d ^ ^ ^ ^ ether children «„« ^ / . . . r . bora. But thoy oro mroly preferable to tho triumphant career . .

* ' household or utreet."

year the.ro wore no nass o( trade but rain »— year wo have had sunshine, splendid roada, and delightful weather, ]u»t tho

to display elegant still business is

when in mArk,

Wonder it ho went out to see^o man every time


I Am —whv

skid he, 'how bo you V -• . . . • R/>*v»onAb!c

well I RiTO you thank*,' snyA I : ' bnt •srhat on afrih brought .yon ' Whv ' say* he, ' Mr. Suck, I well Avoid i t ; time* Ate uncommon

the b a r ; thero'A nothm *• and never will

, „ ^ of tho disoftso through tho whole

BaormrA. — Three French who hAd emigTAiod to this

ten years ago, lately re-

handsome costumes _ ^ ^ ^ poor, lor it

Therois - . -tho poverty of tho people.

heard tho re-it out to see ft

11 I 1B l u l l * U U I " , ,

tho onrtein wont down?


A BAD 'workmen, country about ten yAtvrs ago, i » w ; turned homo, homing mode. s<->mo monay. On their orrirAl ftl l larre they lunched

-« - ^ J ...;^ . r , ^ re«p<u}t to tho TO

here f couldn't

dull atinin'


together, ond paid anch re«. wine of their eouniry th*ltw<3of fell AAleep under the table. Tho third

arlronthgo of tho opportunity to their t>oxea ond ' **

e.nt to



exempt Mitltlft. into two cloAse*, the ^ ^

ch as may be constitute the



ass* *r.A fttfw.r |c6o4« in ACT P*tt ot th« xllla

be li Alwari AfA«t>d

rhote«r»ph And HetarA Fr»w*«, a«d nosc^oM HfttiMlfljr, PacA»tr,ffS.

rcrM if or f virx. , 5" J , '*w lISbWro it_, fAf. DiWteO. VI r*. Rflon.UA for | * ° - y ? ™ S ^ t f « l , ftf r ^ « M k*

B aftOAOT. and ]RxprA«rftAri. TrauVs. P*ck- V n , l t \ - j tt^,iro*d UoaldlAjr B*cY»tT.«A, A j . rn'iUionJ^A.N.t.

f Ay A 'Nothin ' , 'aaysL 'Bu t tho next, ituy-roTA* thai house I' 'Why, that's

; he w**. thA grA*te*t farmer I thAAA pirtA, Another of the orfAtoeTart̂

% Why, p "y %g "

over there thiA year, Ana BOYCI -•••• IhinVin'. Ko mortol roul CM Htd » Kora flootift. I &*m«n. «brt out 0 0 ^ rr WAA modo of ft fUtardftj IvlghL wjlfer

*u i oil the re*t of the nnirorw wo* fiuiAhfd.

J° On St!** it ha, KM HJ &« **to"\<* L l K o a h ' 1 ork throwTi out Ibere ; And tho

t«y>k J S g o O a T V * ° * - u t to tho railway

fore he re*ehed hi» de«tii"iftlion, nowe-rpr, the theft had IVAU di.*eovered And hia description telogrophTed to Uia capital,

itA ho * M arrA*ted on his Arrivoi. In porfcmAute«n w&,«!4ou»d the ft.^2.000, ddiliou to $9,000 belonging to him.

whore ho hi» in oddili

ter Ferry, u. *.A D thot oil ftble-bodifd mole d t i j ena between tho ogos of 18 and 45 yeAra, reoidont within tho rftspectiro SUte« »nd TerritorieA, except sne"

b y law, shA.l OA Militia arA to be divided

- • „.._ . Actiro to b s known - AA the National or Htate Guard , A* tho

German, 0 B a n i s h , R Ana- Ix\g,AUtarA of Aoeh StAte moy pre#eribA, Bn toh , 2 Swedish, I ond tho inaeiivA to IXJ known M tho re-

Si-vaniAh, 1 PorluguepA, 1 Turk i sh , 19 of serro Militia, T h o bill proposes to Ap-which tho naHouAhty i« u n k n o w n ; totel , propriate $1,000,000 for thft purpOA* ttf Silt. I n this number oroinelndevi 6 ve«- providing arm*, ammunit ion, a w o*h' SAIA reported " m i n i n g . " StoftmArs rt-- ordinary and QuArterm*ster Ktereator pot ted lost, i AmerioAn 4 F-ftgHsh, 8" " * " " " * Gcrmon, 1 Bolgiftn, 1 Dnteh , 1 JapAneAe- J

j totftl, 14. I n this n u m b e r Are inelnded. | I Ksteome.rA reported " • - » - > - "

T/OSAT.a xr S S A . — T h o Direction of tho Bureau Vcritn* hAa publ ished tho fol­lowing statistics of morino disaster*, re-j->ortea dur ing tho month of November , 1878, concerning All (iagA : Sailing VOA-*els repor ted lo.'*, 77 Fngl iah , 42 Amor ioAn, 1ft French , 14 ItAlian, 14 Nor F wegian, 11 trion, 6 Russian.

the. oeUre Militt*.


V *'.,

' missing.' ter*. O-W i n • . . . . .

They ar« seldom *o low.



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