Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune, December 31, 2015

Cops & Courts A3 Letters/Opinion A4 Community A5 Classifieds A6-7 Real Estate A7 Sports A8 Schools A9 Obituaries A10 Calendar A10 OKANOGAN VALLEY GAZETTE-TRIBUNE Volume 111 No. 53 CONTACT US Newsroom and Advertising (509) 476-3602 [email protected] INSIDE THIS EDITION WWW.GAZETTE-TRIBUNE.COM | THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2015 | 75 CENTS NEWSSTAND PRICE G AZETTE-TRIBUNE SERVING WASHINGTON’S OKANOGAN VALLEY SINCE 1905 2016 Looking Back: 2015, the year that was Headline stories for January through June JANUARY Earlier NW Ice Fishing Festival – After anglers got skunked for the third year in a row, the Oroville Chamber of Commerce decided to move the fishing festival to mid-January, rather than the traditional Presidents’ Day weekend. Dr. David Stangland retires from practice – After nearly 35 years of serving patients in North Okanogan County through his partnership in North Valley Family Medical, Dr. David Stangland has decided to hang up his stethescope. Some good news for nursing home – North Valley Hospital District’s Long Term Care learned that it will receive nearly twice as much in Disproportionate Share Payments from the state than it did last year. Princes lease land for park – The sometimes controversial bin lot at the south entrance to Oroville should resound with shouts of joy as it will become a city park thanks to gener- ous offer made by the Prince Family. FEBRUARY First case of bird flu found in county – Sites near Riverside and Oroville are quarantined as flocks of backyard poultry have tested positive for the avian influenza. Creek overflows banks, covers Oroville area roads – Five hours of rain and warmer than normal tem- peratures in the highlands result in Tonasket Creek overflowing its banks and flooding roads, private proper- ty and the ballfields just north of Oroville. Three seek queen’s crown for May Fest – Elamae Burnell, Faith Martin and Mikayla Scott, all juniors at Oroville High School, are running for the chance to represent Oroville next May Festival. School bond goes down at the polls – The Tonasket School District’s second attempt at passing a 12-year $7 mil- lion facilities improvement bond has failed to gather enough votes to give it the required 60% need to pass. PUD still treading water on Similkameen – Okanogan County PUD is still weighing options in regards to generating electricity at Enloe Dam. MARCH NV Hospital has $1 million in bank – Hospital administrator Linda Michel has been put on paid administrative leave through April. The hospital dis- trict also heard the good news that it was in the black and had a million dollars in the bank. Who will provide ambulance ser- vice? - That was the question asked at a meeting of the Oroville City Council after the volunteer ambu- lance crew decided to resign en mass. The Oroville EMS Association approached the city with a propos- al similar to the one being used in Tonasket. Interim hospital administrator intro- duced – Ron O’Halloran was intro- duced at the March 12 meeting of the hospital board. He will be filling the position vacated by Linda Michel as of April 1. Water and sewer rates going up in Oroville – It’s been the topic for the last few council meetings, but the city is on the verge of increasing the base water and sewer rates in order to try and meet future repairs and improve- ments. APRIL Chief Rob Burks retires to pursue his tattoo dream – Tonasket Police Chief Rob Burks announced his resignation and his plans to run his “Big Pink Ink” tattoo business full time. Katie Teachout & Gary DeVon/staff photos Above, friends join Churchill Clark in carrying his lat- est carve, a dugout canoe called Crazy Mary, for a first launch at Chief Tonasket Park Sunday, March 22. Clark is a direct descendent of the pioneering explorer William Clark of Lewis and Clark fame. Left, water and debris stream over Sawtells Road north of Oroville after Tonasket Creek Floods due to snow melt and heavy rains in the Okanogan Highlands. For more photos from 2015 see page A2. LOOKING BACK BY GARY A. DE VON [email protected] OROVILLE – Jeff Bunnell, the owner of property in the east Oroville area has approached the city council to ask the city for help in trying to prevent Tonasket Creek from flooding. He warned that time was running out to stop a repeat of last February when the creek jumped its banks. Last year flooding did several thou- sand dollars worth of property damage to Bunnell and others whose property is near the creek, which flows down from the Nine Mile area. Years of sediment, vegetation and debris have filled the channel, leaving no where else for the creek to go when flood conditions from quickly melting snow and rain occur, according to Bunnell. Chris Branch, Oroville’s director of community development, updated the council on what attempts were being done. “We are really working to find a way to prevent another occurrence like we had last year in the short and long term. In the short term we’d like to dig a chan- nel in stream bed... the real challenge is not the permitting, it is subjecting ourselves to lawsuits if the creek jumps out and causes damage to someone else’s property... whether it is our fault or not,” said Branch He added that the stream bed was elevated more than it should be and material needed to be removed to try and keep it from flooding in the short term. The city experienced major flooding of the Bud Clark Ballfields last year and the clean up took a lot of the city crew’s time. On East Oroville Road two bridges were affected, both have major sediment build up under them. The county road department spent a lot of effort fixing the Chesaw Oroville Road and East Oroville Road during and after the flooding. “All that outwash collects at the bot- tom of the steam when it makes that big turn at our ballfields. The county said it What to do about flooding Trying to avoid reoccurrence of last year’s problem SEE FLOODING| PG A2 BY GARY A. DE VON [email protected] OROVILLE – The last Oroville School Board meeting of 2015 saw the swearing in of new school directors Kolo Moser and Ryan Frazier, as well as returning director Todd Hill. The first business was to elect a new board chairman and vice chairman. Director Mike Egerton was nominated for the chairman position and was elect- ed unanimously. Director Travis Loudon was nominated for the vice chairman position and also elected unanimously. The board then approved the agenda, pulling out an item from old business involving board policy changes for sepa- rate discussion. Board member Todd Hill said he objected to changes to board policy regarding Resolution of Staff Complaints, No. 5270. “My discussion is in regards to Resolution of Staff Complaints is fine, in its current form it doesn’t seem to have stopped complaints from being resolved,” said Director Hill. “The language is directly from WWSDA (Washington State School Directors Association), said Superintendent Steve Quick. “Is there a reason they used this par- ticular language?” asked Egerton. “The union has their own language for addressing grievance. This is for non-certified employees, not for certi- fied employees,” said Quick, making the distinction between teachers, who are certified and other staff, like paraprofes- sionals, who are non-certified. Hill also asked that Item A under new business be removed. The item involves the first reading of Policy 1400, which governs Oroville School Board Operating Protocols. “I just want it removed forever; it keeps showing up and I disagree with it, totally,” said Hill. “These are things we already do, we haven’t to my knowledge Board policies discussed Frazier and Moser sworn in as Oroville School Directors SEE SCHOOL BOARD | PG A2 SEE LOOKING | PG A2 Gary DeVon/staff photo Oroville Kite Day takes place each April at Bud Clark Field and is sponsored by the Royal Neighbors of America.


December 31, 2015 edition of the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune

Transcript of Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune, December 31, 2015

Page 1: Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune, December 31, 2015

Cops & Courts A3Letters/Opinion A4Community A5

Classifieds A6-7Real Estate A7Sports A8

Schools A9Obituaries A10Calendar A10


Volume 111No. 53

CONTACT USNewsroom and Advertising

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Looking Back: 2015, the year that wasHeadline stories for January through June


Earlier NW Ice Fishing Festival – After anglers got skunked for the third year in a row, the Oroville Chamber of Commerce decided to move the fishing festival to mid-January, rather than the traditional Presidents’ Day weekend.

Dr. David Stangland retires from practice – After nearly 35 years of serving patients in North Okanogan County through his partnership in North Valley Family Medical, Dr. David Stangland has decided to hang up his stethescope.

Some good news for nursing home – North Valley Hospital District’s Long Term Care learned that it will receive nearly twice as much in Disproportionate Share Payments from the state than it did last year.

Princes lease land for park – The sometimes controversial bin lot at the south entrance to Oroville should resound with shouts of joy as it will become a city park thanks to gener-

ous offer made by the Prince Family.


First case of bird flu found in county – Sites near Riverside and Oroville are quarantined as flocks of backyard poultry have tested positive for the avian influenza.

Creek overflows banks, covers Oroville area roads – Five hours of rain and warmer than normal tem-peratures in the highlands result in Tonasket Creek overflowing its banks and flooding roads, private proper-ty and the ballfields just north of Oroville.

Three seek queen’s crown for May Fest – Elamae Burnell, Faith Martin and Mikayla Scott, all juniors at Oroville High School, are running for the chance to represent Oroville next May Festival.

School bond goes down at the polls – The Tonasket School District’s second attempt at passing a 12-year $7 mil-lion facilities improvement bond has failed to gather enough votes to give it the required 60% need to pass.

PUD still treading water on Similkameen – Okanogan County

PUD is still weighing options in regards to generating electricity at Enloe Dam.


NV Hospital has $1 million in bank – Hospital administrator Linda Michel has been put on paid administrative leave through April. The hospital dis-trict also heard the good news that it was in the black and had a million dollars in the bank.

Who will provide ambulance ser-vice? - That was the question asked at a meeting of the Oroville City Council after the volunteer ambu-lance crew decided to resign en mass. The Oroville EMS Association approached the city with a propos-al similar to the one being used in Tonasket.

Interim hospital administrator intro-duced – Ron O’Halloran was intro-duced at the March 12 meeting of the hospital board. He will be filling the position vacated by Linda Michel as of April 1.

Water and sewer rates going up in Oroville – It’s been the topic for the last few council meetings, but the city

is on the verge of increasing the base water and sewer rates in order to try and meet future repairs and improve-ments.


Chief Rob Burks retires to pursue his tattoo dream – Tonasket Police Chief Rob Burks announced his resignation and his plans to run his “Big Pink Ink” tattoo business full time.

Katie Teachout & Gary DeVon/staff


Above, friends join Churchill Clark in carrying his lat-est carve, a dugout canoe called Crazy Mary, for a first launch at Chief Tonasket Park Sunday, March 22. Clark is a direct descendent of the pioneering explorer William Clark of Lewis and Clark fame.

Left, water and debris stream over Sawtells Road north of Oroville after Tonasket Creek Floods due to snow melt and heavy rains in the Okanogan Highlands.

For more photos from 2015 see page A2.


BY GARY A. DE [email protected]

OROVILLE – Jeff Bunnell, the owner of property in the east Oroville area has approached the city council to ask the city for help in trying to prevent Tonasket Creek from flooding. He warned that time was running out to stop a repeat of last February when the creek jumped its banks.

Last year flooding did several thou-sand dollars worth of property damage to Bunnell and others whose property is near the creek, which flows down from the Nine Mile area. Years of sediment, vegetation and debris have filled the channel, leaving no where else for the creek to go when flood conditions from quickly melting snow and rain occur, according to Bunnell.

Chris Branch, Oroville’s director of community development, updated the council on what attempts were being done.

“We are really working to find a way to prevent another occurrence like we had last year in the short and long term. In the short term we’d like to dig a chan-nel in stream bed... the real challenge is not the permitting, it is subjecting ourselves to lawsuits if the creek jumps out and causes damage to someone else’s property... whether it is our fault or not,” said Branch

He added that the stream bed was elevated more than it should be and material needed to be removed to try and keep it from flooding in the short term. The city experienced major flooding of the Bud Clark Ballfields last year and the clean up took a lot of the city crew’s time. On East Oroville Road two bridges were affected, both have major sediment build up under them. The county road department spent a lot of effort fixing the Chesaw Oroville Road and East Oroville Road during and after the flooding.

“All that outwash collects at the bot-tom of the steam when it makes that big turn at our ballfields. The county said it

What to do about floodingTrying to avoid reoccurrence of last year’s problem


BY GARY A. DE [email protected]

OROVILLE – The last Oroville School Board meeting of 2015 saw the swearing in of new school directors Kolo Moser and Ryan Frazier, as well as returning director Todd Hill.

The first business was to elect a new board chairman and vice chairman. Director Mike Egerton was nominated for the chairman position and was elect-ed unanimously. Director Travis Loudon was nominated for the vice chairman position and also elected unanimously.

The board then approved the agenda, pulling out an item from old business involving board policy changes for sepa-rate discussion. Board member Todd Hill said he objected to changes to board policy regarding Resolution of Staff Complaints, No. 5270.

“My discussion is in regards to Resolution of Staff Complaints is fine, in its current form it doesn’t seem to have stopped complaints from being resolved,” said Director Hill.

“The language is directly from WWSDA (Washington State School Directors Association), said Superintendent Steve Quick.

“Is there a reason they used this par-ticular language?” asked Egerton.

“The union has their own language for addressing grievance. This is for non-certified employees, not for certi-fied employees,” said Quick, making the distinction between teachers, who are certified and other staff, like paraprofes-sionals, who are non-certified.

Hill also asked that Item A under new business be removed. The item involves the first reading of Policy 1400, which governs Oroville School Board Operating Protocols.

“I just want it removed forever; it keeps showing up and I disagree with it, totally,” said Hill. “These are things we already do, we haven’t to my knowledge

Board policies discussedFrazier and Moser sworn in as Oroville School Directors



Gary DeVon/staff photo

Oroville Kite Day takes place each April at Bud Clark Field and is sponsored by the Royal Neighbors of America.

Page 2: Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune, December 31, 2015





had an issue with them.”Egerton said that other school

districts had adopted the board protocols.

“I thought at the time that we were going to wait until the new board was in place before we adopted a Code of Conduct that the board must adhere to,” said Egerton.

“We did use two meetings to discuss this,” said Loudon.

Director Moser said he’d like

to get “more educated” on the subject before voting on the pro-tocols. Director Frazier said he’d like to look at some of the other district’s policies before deciding.

Since it was just the first read-ing the board more chances at future meetings to take anoth-er look at before deciding on approving the policy changes or not. The board voted three to two to keep the policy in the agenda for this meeting.

Under “Good News and Announcements” Hill said the band had their winter concert.

“I feel the band has really improved since their previous concert,” said Hill.

Parent Lisa Cone was the only one who signed up for public comment. After welcoming the new board members, Cone dis-cussed the drop off and pick up area at the elementary school and bullying at the elementary and high school.

“I still think the drop off and pick up area at the elementa-ry school is a major concern... it’s dangerous. People are mak-ing U-turns, parents have been nearly hit. It’s still a problem, I know there is no easy solution. Maybe staggered release times might work. It comes up on social media, people have asked me to bring it up,” said Cone.

“On another point, bullying is continuing to be a very large issue, it’s growing every year. It happens grade school through high school,” she said. “Nothing happens or the perpetrator con-tinues to just get a finger wag-ging. I’ve dealt with bullying with my own son in the past, I can’t say I’ve been happy with the resolu-tion.”

Cone said with a new board she thinks it might be time to revisit the bullying issue.

On a different subject, a parent in attendance at the board meet-ing, Marc Egerton said, “I’d like to thank you as the new board and the old.”

Addressing new board mem-ber Frazier, Egerton said, “My comment today is kind of a red flag. My concern is you are in liti-gation with the school and your potential biases as an active part of this board, directing school policies and making decisions.”

Frazier was a provisional teacher during the 2013-2014 school year. His contract was not renewed for the 2014-2015 school year. He brought a lawsuit against Superintendent Quick, as well as the school district. Frazier, who

now works for a real estate agent, defeated the former board chair-man, Rocky DeVon, in the recent general election.

Frazier said, “I graduated from here, I was born and raised here. My purpose is to make a better school. As a board member we have to take our biases out and we say so in our oath,” replied Frazier.

In his superintendent’s report, Quick said a Memorandum of Understanding has been reached with the coaches allowing them to get their Commercial Driver’s Licenses with the passenger endorsement that would allow them drive the game bus.

He also said he had met with the new CEO of North Valley Hospital and that there is a plan in the spring to do a “full on func-tional exercise” for an Emergency Drill.

A consent agenda was approved for Items B through J. These included allowing fund raising events at the elementary; a $500 stipend for Billy Monroe for passing the English test for the Highly Qualified status in High School English and a $1000 stipend for Carla Kerns for pass-ing the NES 102 and 103 tests for Highly Qualified.

Other approvals included accepting the donation of $75 for the yearbook from Mrs. Moore; a donation from Tonasket Distribution Center of 350 cases of bottled water for the ASB ath-letes and a donation from the

Oroville Booster Club in the amount of $349 for a Matt Boss subscription. Chairman Egerton stated that the board was grateful for each of the donations.

In her treasurer’s report, busi-ness manager Shay Shaw said enrollment went down 11.5 kids between November and December, mostly in the high school.

“Our Year to Date total is 542 and we are still OK because we budgeted for 520. Hopefully we can hold on for another month or two to carry us through the rest of the school year,” she said.

Director Moser asked if there was an exit survey for the parents of students who were leaving the school district.

“Seems we lose a lot to Tonasket,” said Moser.

After being told parents of students leaving the district had been asked why they were doing so in the past, Supt. Quick said a lot of the kids are moving out of the country. Shaw said many are also taking online school – something that has become more widely available in recent years.

“It is paramount that we make kids want to go all the way through school here. I think it is something we should all think about as parents. I want to build Oroville up -- kids should want to leave their current schools to come here,” added Moser.

The board is also continuing their discussions about in-house suspension versus sending stu-dents home to serve their sus-pension.


“My concern is you are in litigation with

the school and your potential biases as an active part of

this board, directing school policies and making decisions”

Marc Egerton Concerned Parent

“I graduated from here, I was born and raised here. My purpose is to make a better school.

As a board member we have to take our biases out and we says so in

our oath.”Ryan Frazier, School Director

Oroville School Board

would participate in the short term but only wants to limit its work to those two roads’ right of way. Otherwise they don’t seem to want to get too involved.”

Brunell said he used to be able to walk upright under the bridge near his property, now he would nearly need to crawl to get under it.

A long term solution would be to dig a channel back to the native rock and make a 50 foot buf-fer zone, moving the dikes back on each side of the creek so the creek would have somewhere to flow into before it dug new chan-nels and overflowed the bank, according to Branch.

Branch and Bunnell will try and get all the adjacent property own-ers to sign off on an agreement to allow access to their property so

the channel can be dug out and other work to remove vegetation and debris done.

“There are approximately 10 landowners and ourselves and with the county that’s eleven. If the property owners participate in the short term I think there’s money to be found for the long term out there,” said Branch. “A Fish and Wildlife biologist walked it and she said she has a plan that would fit right into our comprehensive plan.”

Branch and Bunnell will con-tinue to talk with landowners with property adjacent to the creek. Branch said that a local excavator has agreed to do at least some of the work to try and dig a deeper channel to prevent flood-ing in the short term.


Oroville school enrollment drops, but in line with last year – The Oroville School Board heard that enrollment had dropped by 11 FTEs between the semesters within the district. Current budget allows for the drop, according to business manager.

‘Princes’ Heritage’ name of new Oroville Park – While there has been a push to make a soccer field out of the new Princes’ Heritage Park, no decision on what kind of park the former bin storage lot will become has been made.

Tonasket City Council halt parking problem – Council moved to draft a no park-ing ordinance along the road going into and out of Chief Tonasket Park when Mayor Patrick Plumb described a situation which would have made it impossible to bring in an ambulance if one had been needed.

Forresters are May Fest Grand

Marshals – Dane and Joyce Forrester are this year’s May Day Grand Marshals and their choice by the May Festival Committee is somewhat of a departure, but well deserved.

Tonasket man arrested for attempting to lure eight-year-old girl – Man allegedly tried to lure the girl into his car on two separate occasions when she was walking home on Golden Road near Oroville.


Sgt. Curtis steps in as inter-im police chief – Sgt. Darren Curtis was sworn in as Tonasket’s Interim Police Chief, filling in the spot recently vacated by Robert Burks.

Red Carpet Magic – Oroville May Festival Queen Ellamae Burnell and Princesses Mikayla Scott and Faith Martin reign over the 2015 May Festival activities.

North Valley Hospital hires new CEO – Mike Zwicker of Harlowton, Mont. was selected by the North Valley Hospital board as the new administra-tor for the hospital district.

Cougar makes early morn-ing appearance in Tonasket – The state Department of Fish and Wildlife received a call about a cougar treed by a dog on Seventh Street not far from where children walk to school, according to Sgt. Dan Christensen, who said the WDF&W would continue to monitor the area in case of future sightings.


Local group opposes new shoreline revisions – The Lake Osoyoos Association opposes the county revisions because they do not regulate the building of large docks on the lake.

Tonasket outreach school has

big impact for kids – Outreach director Carol Lanigan, who is retiring this year, presented her final report on Tonasket’s Outreach program, which graduated eight senior and promoted five eighth graders.

Oroville graduate Laura James wins her second Emmy – Videographer Laura James, a 1990 graduate of Oroville High School, recently one her second Emmy Award in Environmental Feature/Segment in the Northwest Region of the U.S. for her underwater video work on “Solving the Mystery of the Dying Starfish.”

Squatters accused of killing woman with pickup truck –A man and a woman suspect-ed of squatting in an Aeneas Valley home are accused of killing a woman and severely injuring a man by driving over the couple with their pickup.

Gary DeVon/staff photo

The Oroville Elementary School held their first Leadership Day in April 2015., part of the then new Leader in Me program.

Page 3: Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune, December 31, 2015


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Troy Ryan Gilge, 19, Oroville, pleaded guilty Dec. 17 to residential burglary, second-degree burglary, third-degree theft and two counts of third-degree malicious mischief. Gilge was sentenced to 90 days in jail and fined $600 for the Sept. 1 crimes.

Joseph Vernon Smith, 19, Omak, pleaded guilty Dec. 18 to three counts of distribution of a controlled substance (one count heroin, two counts methamphetamine), and one count of unlawful possession of a dangerous weapon. Smith was sentenced to 20 months in prison and fined $2,405.50. The crimes occurred April 9, April 22, May 6 and May 14.

Kristie Lee Freese, 34, Oroville, pleaded guilty Dec. 22 to unau-thorized use of food stamps. The court dismissed a second-degree ID theft charge. Freese was sentenced to 13 days in jail and fined $1,110.50 for the June 3, 2014 crime.

Mark Anthony Landa, 50, Okanogan, pleaded guilty Dec. 22 to first-degree child moles-tation. The court dismissed two additional charges of first-degree child molestation and one count of second-degree child molestation. Landa was sentenced to 198 months (16.5 years) in prison and fined $600 for the Aug. 2014 crime.

Jess Martin Shadle, 31, Omak, pleaded guilty Nov. 23 to POCS (methamphetamine). The court dismissed two charges: use of drug parapher-nalia and third-degree DWLS. Shadle was sentenced to 90 days in jail with fined $600 for the Nov. 14 crime.

Lance Victor Paul, 21, Omak,

pleaded guilty Dec. 23 to residential burglary, second-degree burglary, second-degree theft and third-degree mali-cious mischief. Paul was sen-tenced to 364 days in jail with 317 days suspended and credit for 47 days served; and fined $600. The crimes occurred Nov. 4.

The court found probable cause to charge Audrey Lynn Vieira, 33, Tonasket, with first-degree criminal impersonation. The crime allegedly occurred Dec. 8. In a second case, the court found probable cause to charge Vieira with first-degree criminal impersonation, sec-ond-degree ID theft and third-degree theft. Those crimes allegedly occurred Feb. 19.

The court found probable cause to charge Lamberto Hernandez Valdovinos, 26, Okanogan, with two counts of distribu-tion of a controlled substance (heroin), and one count of each of unlawful use of a building for drug purposes, POCS (with intent) (heroin), POCS (with intent) (suboxone) and second-degree unlawful possession of a firearm. The crimes allegedly occurred March 20, Nov. 16, Nov. 23 and Dec. 15.

The court found probable cause to charge David Lee Swan-berg, 21, Okanogan, with three counts of distribution of a con-trolled substance (heroin). The crimes allegedly occurred Oct. 21, Oct. 28 and Nov. 7.

The court found probable cause to charge Codi Chelan Rich-ardson, 20, Okanogan, with POCS (Xanax). The crime allegedly occurred Dec. 16.

The court found probable cause to charge Samantha Ann Hard-ing, 44, Okanogan, with third-degree assault and violation of a no-contact order. The crimes allegedly occurred Dec. 15.

The court found probable cause to charge Shane Michael Heisey, 29, Oroville, with

POCS (methamphetamine). The crime allegedly occurred Dec. 17.

The court found probable cause to charge Derek Justin Allen, 35, Omak, with first-degree possession of stolen property and first-degree malicious mischief. The crimes allegedly occurred Nov. 24.

The court found probable cause to charge Matthew Rus-sell Carden, 28, Omak, with residential burglary, second-degree burglary, second-degree theft and third-degree mali-cious mischief. The crimes allegedly occurred Nov. 4.

The court found probable cause to charge Robert Wendell George, 46, Omak, with POCS (methamphetamine). The crime allegedly occurred Dec. 19.

The court found probable cause to charge Bryan James St. Peter, 29, Omak, with POCS (methamphetamine), use of drug paraphernalia and unlaw-ful carrying of a loaded pistol in a vehicle. The crimes alleg-edly occurred Dec. 20.

The court found probable cause to charge Dominic Lyle Yusi, 40, Okanogan, with second-degree malicious mischief, second-degree criminal tres-passing and fourth-degree assault. The crimes allegedly occurred Dec. 18.

DistriCt Court

Ronald Clinton Skelton, 78, Omak, guilty of first-degree negligent driving. Skelton received a 90-day suspended sentence and fined $818.

Mandi Marie Smith, 36, Tonas-ket, had a fourth-degree assault charge dismissed.

Zaphett Akein Spears, 38, Okan-ogan, guilty of first-degree criminal trespassing. Spears was sentenced to 364 days in jail with 359 days suspended, and fined $508.

Jay Lester Staggs, 45, Omak, had a DUI charge dismissed. Staggs was fined $1,125.

Josephine Michelle Valdez, 23, Omak, guilty of third-degree theft. Valdez was sentenced to 364 days in jail with 348 days suspended, and fined $558.

Timothy J. Vallee, 30, Omak, guilty of second-degree DWLS. Vallee was sentenced to 364 days in jail with 361 days suspended, and fined $1,058.

Kelly E. Warbus, 28, Omak, guilty of third-degree theft. Warbus was sentenced to 364 days in jail with 363 days sus-pended, and fined $508.

Dylan James Zacherle, 23, Omak, guilty of operating a vehicle without an ignition interlock device. Zacherle received a 364-day suspended sentence, and fined $468.


monDay, DeC. 21, 2015Warrant arrest on Engh Rd. in

Omak.Two-vehicle crash on Riverside

Dr. in Omak. No injuries reported.

Fraud on S. Main St. in Omak.Two-vehicle crash on S. Main St.

in Omak. No injuries reported.One-vehicle crash on Ross Can-

yon Rd. near Omak. No inju-ries reported.

Two-vehicle crash on E. Grape Ave. in Omak. No injuries reported.

One-vehicle crash on S. Ash St. in Omak. No injuries reported.

Weapons offense on 10th Ave. in Oroville.

Assault on S. Whitcomb Ave. in Tonasket.

Burglary on S. Whitcomb Ave. in Tonasket.

Michael Anthony Eisen, 27, booked for no valid operator’s license without ID.

Albert Wallace Steveson, 49, booked for DUI and third-degree DWLS.

William Keaton Jr., 66, booked on a Tonasket Police Depart-ment FTA warrant for DUI.

Alexander James Mills, 24, booked for DUI.

Jose Perez Garcia, 32, booked on two Oroville Police Depart-ment FTC warrants, both for second-degree criminal tres-passing; two Tonasket Police

Department FTC warrants: third-degree theft and resisting arrest; and a USBP hold.

tuesDay, DeC. 22, 2015

Trespassing on S. First Ave. in Okanogan.

Drugs on S. Second Ave. in Okanogan.

Theft on Long Lake Rd. near Tonasket.

Domestic dispute on Hwy. 7 near Tonasket.

Harassment on Soren Peterson Rd. near Omak.

One-vehicle crash on Conconully Rd. near Okanogan. No inju-ries reported.

Violation of a no-contact order on Shumway Rd. near Omak.

Domestic dispute on E. Seventh St. in Tonasket.

Theft on Oak St. in Omak. Bicy-cle reported missing.

Harassment on W. Apple Ave. in Omak.

Public urination on E. Dewberry Ave. in Omak.

Theft on Shumway Rd. near Omak.

Theft on S. Ash St. in Omak.One-vehicle crash on Okoma Dr.

in Omak. No injuries reported.Two reports of public intoxica-

tion on S. Main St. in Omak.Theft on S. Whitcomb Ave. in

Tonasket. Medication reported missing.

Robert Esteve Salazar, 21, court commitment for DUI.

Johnathan Leroy Stotts, 22, booked on two OCSO FTA warrants: third-degree mali-cious mischief and second-degree criminal trespassing.

Clinton Anthony Conant, 28, booked on two OCSO FTA warrants: DUI and third-degree DWLS; and a Spokane County FTA warrant for DUI.

Eric Martinez, no middle name listed, 26, booked for second-degree theft, third-degree theft and possession of a legend drug.

WeDnesDay, DeC. 23, 2015

Two-vehicle crash on Wannacut Lake Rd. near Oroville. No injuries reported.

Trespassing on Havillah Rd. near Oroville.

Littering on Pine St. in Okano-gan.

Found property on Weatherstone

Rd. near Omak. Mail recov-ered.

Theft on N. Third Ave. in Okano-gan.

Domestic dispute on Main St. in Oroville.

Two-vehicle crash on Hwy. 97 near Omak. Injuries reported.

One-vehicle crash on Omak River Rd. near Omak. No inju-ries reported.

Assault on Locust St. in Omak.Public intoxication on E. Eighth

Ave. in Omak.Three reports of theft on Engh

Rd. in Omak.Harassment on Apple Lane in

Omak.Automobile theft on 23rd Ave. in

Oroville.Shyanna Kristina Lanni, 28,

booked on an Omak Police Department FTA warrant for first-degree criminal trespass-ing.

Desiree Marie Andrews, 28, booked on FTA bench warrants for six counts of second-degree ID theft and two counts of second-degree theft.

Gale Celeste McMillan, 48, booked on Tribal FTA warrants for fourth-degree assault (DV) and first-degree criminal tres-passing.

thursDay, DeC. 24, 2015

Threats on O’Neil Rd. near Oro-ville.

Theft on Green Lake Rd. near Okanogan. Cash reported missing.

One-vehicle crash on Nichols Rd. near Omak. No injuries reported.

Public intoxication on Benton St. in Omak.

One-vehicle hit-and-run crash on N. Kenwood St. in Omak.

Domestic dispute on W. Apple Ave. in Omak.

Burglary on Sixth Ave. in Oro-ville.

Structure fire on Jennings Loop Rd. near Oroville.

Wayne Anthony Seymour, 39, booked for first-degree assault and an Omak Police Depart-ment FTA warrant for fourth-degree assault.

Roma Lee Francis, 44, booked on an OCSO FTA warrant for third-degree possession of sto-len property.


Page 4: Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune, December 31, 2015

The flooding that took place in February 2015 might not have been of Biblical proportions, but the fires sure seemed to be. You can’t get much bigger than towns like Tonasket and Conconully having to be evacuated. Both made it feel like nature was trying to get back at Okanogan County for something and they top our list of news stories for the outgoing year.

You can read our looking back and see some of the headlines of the year this week and next and enjoy some photos from 2015 as well. Next week we plan a look back at the year in sports as well.

While not officially the first newspaper of the year until next week, many of you will be reading this issue as we pass into 2016. Usually there are 52 weeks in our year, just like everyone else’s, but this year we at the G-T are experienc-ing a somewhat rare phenomena, at least since I’ve worked here. There were 53 Thursdays in 2015 and so this is actually our Week 53 issue of Volume 111. Years with 53 Thursdays only occur when January 1st of the year in question is on a Thursday or when January 2nd is a Thursday and it is also a Leap Year (at least according to the internet). I say not very often, every five or six years and our next 53 issue year won’t hap-pen again until 2020. So, in the 28 plus years I’ve been here it has only happened five or so times. It just seems strange to be putting -53 on all our files for the week and on the front of the

newspaper. Hopefully we’ll remember to put Volume 112 on the front next week.

I need to comment on John Connot’s letter this week and say he is not the only one that as taken offense at Bill Slusher’s column lately. By having Bill write for us we were attempting to keep a conserva-tive voice at the newspaper as some think the editor is too liberal. At times Bill has done that with a sense of humor. Lately, his seeming insistence that all Muslim people, even those who are American citi-zens, are potential killers, has made me cringe right along with many of our readers. Our purpose was to find a columnist that would spur discussion, but once you start blaming an entire people or religion for the actions of a very small minority you cross into dangerous territory.

We’re no champions of Political Correctness. Hate speech, like all speech in this country, is protected in our constitution. That, however, doesn’t mean that we have to print it in our community newspaper. I believe Bill’s last column was one venture over the line too many and while I’ve enjoyed some of what he has written over the years, even though we are not on the same page politically, I think it is time for a new conservative voice.

In his Christmas email Bill said he is planning on leaving the area in the new year, as soon as he can sell his house. He and his wife had a close call with the fires this summer and his “14 year experiment in the Pacific Northwest” is coming to an end. He said he is heading east and we wish him luck in his new home wherever that may be.

So, if there is someone out there who thinks they speak for the many conservatives in our area and doesn’t fashion themselves the next Rush Limbaugh or Bill O’Reilly you might submit some samples of your writing. We aren’t looking for regurgitated Fox News, but rather some thoughtful discussion on the conservative side of things, espe-cially regarding local or state issues. A successful columnist must be able to submit something every other week and work for the same pay that Mr. Slusher did – your byline on the editorial page.



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Washington Newspaper Publishers Association member

Fires and floods top headlines

Out of My Mind

Gary A. DeVon



The Oroville Gazette75 years Ago

Friday, December 20-27, 1940: Yesterday the Oroville School Boy patrol of the elementary building began wearing their new caps and uniforms provided by the Oroville Lion’s Club, PTA, Grange, American Legion and the Business Men’s Club. The uniform is of eight ounce waterproofed army duck colored red and the singled-breasted style. The caps are colored blue and are of the chauffeured style. As a part of their Christmas contribution to the community this year. the First Methodist Church people will broadcast, from the belfry of the church nightly, the music of carols and hymns and the reading of the Christmas Story. Rev. Warren Peters wishes to acknowledge Mr. Fred

Hart and the Oroville Business Men’s Club, Mr. Willis Erwin and the Washington Water Power Company for their individual services and help in making possible to presentation of this program. Purchases of Washington apples for distribution as surplus commodities had totaled through November 23 of this year, 690 carloads. Tonight, December 27 at the First Methodist Church, the Cotton Blossom Singers from Piney Woods, Mississippi, will be heard in a program of Negro Spirituals, Plantation Songs, Dialect readings and selected melodies. Beginning December 26 the opening and closing hours at the Oroville Customs and Immigration Service are changed and the local port will be open only from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m. This schedule will remain in effect until May 1, 1941. Grocery Prices: Wet Pack Shrimp, $.12 per can; Whole Oysters, 16 oz. can, $.15; 2 lb. jar peanut butter, $.25; Post Toasties, $.05 per package; Hershey’s Cocoa, 11b. can, $.16; Pure Honey, Sib. can, $.37.

The Oroville Gazette50 Years Ago:

December 16-23, 1965: Main Street took on a new look this week when Peck’s Honda opened up a display room in the building formerly occupied by Helen Olivia’s Dress Shop. In addition to the 21 or so bikes on display, he also has boats, Mercury Motors, water skiing equipment



Oroville’s leaders need to be proactiveDear Editor,

A very interesting development is taking place in Oroville. As with all small towns, there is an ebb and flow associated with the national economy. Many small towns have built in damage control measures (learning from the 2008 financial crash) so they are not drastically affected by downturns in the economy.

In Oroville, keeping Main Street fresh, alive, and vibrant should be one of the top agenda items for the Mayor and his team. They are the paid personnel whose responsibility it is to manage the town, its tax base, its devel-opment, and ultimately are responsible for anything good or bad taking place in their jurisdiction.

The uniqueness of Oroville based on its location in the state should be a constant and continuous planning point when address-ing anything from tourism, financial growth, infrastructure growth, etc.

Any regular town, based on its location has many roads or arteries of access to its down-town area. The more means of being able to access any town increases the chances of recognition of product, which associates with increased sales, which helps provide a stable growth platform for community development and community expansion. This is not the case for Oroville.

Oroville is literally an island unto itself. It is backed up to a secure border area with one main arterial (Highway 97) for access to the downtown area. Based on this infor-mation alone, the odds are greatly reduced for Oroville to attract new business on a regular basis. Couple that with its addiction to Canadian shoppers and it spells a recipe for disaster without proper planning and devel-opment in place. Combine that with items 1 thru 9 listed below and Oroville has a very tough 2016 coming up.

(The following reasons listed below are going to present a very hard year for all busi-nesses in the Oroville area with the excep-tion of orchards (and their related infrastruc-ture), gas stations, storage facilities, marijuana growers, and grocery stores.)

The reasons are:1. Increased interest rates across the board2. Inflation is rising and will continue to rise3. Less and less Canadian buying power

for purchasing in the Oroville area (predicted Canadian traffic to be down over 35%)

4. The price of oil continuing to stay below $60.00 dollars a barrel. Canada’s whole econ-omy is based on oil revenue and investments. Even if oil gets to $60.00 a barrel by July or August of 2016, Canada’s economy will not

correct itself until early 2017.5. 38% increase in online shopping with

free deliveries. ( UPS and FEDEX are all over the Okanogan highlands everyday)

6. Lower gas prices. This does not trans-late into shopping locally, this translates into increased shopping activity at Walmart and Home Depot in Omak.

7. Increased Federal interest rates on all money lending (will have a trickle down effect on all large purchasing in the area)

8. The loss of Ace Hardware, its taxable rev-enue for the city, the loss of employment for local workers and their taxable income.

9. The potential for an immediate fill for the Ace Store with another business that will generate a “whip lash” affect but not increase overall stability in the community for 2016.

Knowing the above information is available to anyone, I’m sure the Oroville leadership has been proactive and developed contingency plans for addressing the upcoming fiscal year. I’m just not aware of what these contin-gency plans might be and if they could share this information in a public forum like the Gazette-Tribune, that would be outstanding.

The only alternative would be the Oroville leadership responding to situations in a reac-tive mode. As everyone knows, if your opera-tional success depends on being reactive to situations, you are not out in front of the prob-lem and ultimately, you never will be.

This begs the question, is Oroville leader-ship happy with the way things are?

Marcus AldenOroville

Another letter opposing gun controlDear Editor,

Are you ready for another letter oppos-ing gun control? Anyway, here it comes. My younger brother “Don” would have been 90 years of age January 2016. He was shot off his horse, the day after Thanksgiving of 1968.

Don was helping a neighbor move his herd of cattle through the town of Walla Walla, Wash. Don was one of the out riders moving up with the herd to keep the cattle-away from private property along the railroad track. The shooter was out waving a rifle around and yelling. Suddenly he fired one shot at Don, hitting him at the base of his neck causing Don to fall from his horse. The shooter then prevented anyone to come to Don’s aid. Don died shortly afterwards.

The shooter was found to be mentally unstable and was sent to a mental facility. After a few years, the shooter was discharged from the mental facility. I beleive the mental instability of the shooter was the cause of the shooters action. The gun did not fire by itself,

the trigger had to be pulled. Now a few more thoughts for readers to

ponder: 1. General George Washington, (one of the

founders of our country) stated; “when any nation does not trust its citizens with guns, that nation is sending a clear message that it does not trust its citizens because such a government has evil plans. From www.nation-algunrights.org/georgewashington.

2. The average 911 response time is 11 min-utes. This from Judge Jeanine Piro Fox News Weekend Dec. 5, 2015. Now I ask you, “how many times can a shooter pull the gun trigger in 11 minutes while in a gun free zone?”

3. The country having gun control no lon-ger has true citizens but now has subjects of the king or dictator of that country.

4 . The first publicity by media and wan-nabe dictators after a gun attack in a Gun Free Zone is: Gun Control is Needed.

5. Paris France is, and has been a gun con-trol area for several years – look at what has happened in Paris over the year of 2015. Three attacks that I can remember this year are Charlie Hebdo newspaper Jan. 7, 2015 – 12 peoples dead; Aug. 22 high speed train attack, the shooter was subdued by other passengers, and then the November Paris massacre 128 dead.

6. Larry Pratt, Executive Director, Gun Owners of America stated “ever since the Colombine shootings the problem of mass murder in this country is really the Gun Free Zones, so perhaps the answer is the promo-tion of Guns Are Available Here Zones.”

Sincerely,Hugh MaycumberRepublic

Why print bigoted columnist?Dear Editor,

If your paper had a regular column in which the writer routinely claimed that all Jews, all blacks, all atheists, all Hindus or all Methodists were lunatics out to kill and maim any and all Americans, some of your readers might consider him to be an unwhole-some bigot, and they would be right. Yet you regularly print the unrepentant bigot William Slusher and his not-very-cleverly disguised implication that ALL Muslims are intent on murder and mayhem (including grade-school children, William?).

The obvious question is why do you print these, including his latest hate-message? Does he have some controlling financial interest in the newspaper? One Donald Trump at a time is enough.

John ConnotEverett, Washington

Page 5: Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune, December 31, 2015



Tomorrow and we’ll need to move ahead into 2016. Who knows what this year shall bring! There will be changes and our desire is of course, for more settled times throughout the world.

Many years ago I had a Sunday School teacher, an old gentleman whose life had not been a bed of roses, say this, “Each morning I get up, expecting the worst, hoping for the best and take whatever comes.” Some things we can’t change, so we have to learn to “make do.”

Christmas came and went. For some it was probably not what the children had in mind, but here again we have to adjust. Lost jobs and lack of funds can’t always provide everything that is on our “bucket list.” We, at our house, are so grateful to have many of our loving family with us but most of all better health. No gift in the world can compare with that.

We have lived on 21st Street for nine years but never have I seen so much sledding, as these past few days. They go from Deerpath Street, down the hill, going as far as the laundromat and are careful to stay on the extreme edge, never thinking, as I would, just how far it is back to the top and then they repeat the

procedure, dragging a sled behind them. Kids! All that energy wasted on them. I am told that years ago 21st traffic was detoured and the hill left for the kids. Maybe that was just done by Ardith Law, when her boys were small and she lived there, but it seems like a good idea, just the same.

There have been so many wonderful Christmas shows on the Hallmark sta-tions. You know, everything does not have to be Star Wars and all that rough em’ up stuff. I’ve been told, many times that I was born without enough imagi-nation. Maybe so, but a lot of the stuff that is put out there today and the little children go for in such a big way, could be better directed, in my opinion. And that does not come from just being old, I’ve always thought that way.

On one of our many trips to Tonasket last week, we saw a huge eagle, almost have magpie for his dinner, as there were several of them gathered around the carcass of some animal that had been too slow (or maybe a car had hit it). Anyway, the noise from our car caused them all the take flight and the eagle lost his bird. Maybe it wasn’t such a huge one, per-

haps it was that we were so close to it, it appeared gigantic.

Cheers to Charlene Helm, the ad gal at the G-T, for her recipe section in the Christmas greeting section, this year. I don’t like to cook, but I still like read-ing recipes, and just maybe I’ll find one that will change my mode to cooking... doubtful, but possible.

Reading the letters to Santa and the recipes of the second grade kids, there sure are a lot of different names for kids these days, as compared to “Dick and Jane” of yesteryear.

Did you see the full moon on Christmas Eve? Too bad if you missed. Won’t happen again for 19 years.

You know what? I am getting so sick of our country having to have everything so politically correct. If it’s not religion, it’s race and so it goes. How did we ever survive so many years with letting folks just do things right and “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” There I go showing my age again!

The big beautiful flags are once again flying at Aiken’s Harvest Foods. Now my neighbor can know from which way the wind is blowing.

We have three great-grandsons, in one family, ages six, eight and 10. They have got more electronic gadgets than you can imagine and all three are extremely bright. Is it the gadgets, and knowing how to use them, or is it from lots of parental help or a combination of all of the above or is it because they are our grandchildren? And they can sing too

and did at the Free Methodist Church, last Sunday. And they can also be loud and noisy and run and track in mud and fight among themselves just like broth-ers do.

And we’re so glad they were able to arrive here safely before the mountain passes were closed. Another part of the family had to go through Canada to arrive but after seven and a half hours they safely got here. The weather this year was not conducive to trav-el. It reminded me of a few years ago when after worry-ing for a lengthy time, Barb Drummond said, “Next year we’re gonna have Christmas on the Fourth of July and not have all this worry.”

We should be all set for a while, as our grands and great grands were here and changed the smoke alarm batteries, replaced high light bulbs and flipped the mattress. Oh! to be tall and young! I paid them with cookies.

The internet is a great invention (if it’s correctly used) and brought us together with family that wasn’t here. It is wonder-ful to see little ones take their first steps

We have one little girl that prefers to push a toy and she can walk but when you take away the push toy she just sits down and smiles at us.

The hub-bub is over and now we have to worry about safe returns home. Snow keeps on a fallin’ and someone keeps on

a shovelin’ and using the blade on the tractor. We had to make yet another trip to Tonasket to the Dr. This one will be to tell me if my knee still hurts. It does a little but I can get along if it just keeps

this good.It was so good to have

Grant and Elsa Lewis out to church and Doris Reynolds. They have both had health issues and are beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel.

Sympathy goes out to the Rounds family, due to the death of J.C. Rounds, Christmas day. He had been battling multiple problems, for quite sometime, so I’m told.

One of the biggest sur-prises I received for Christmas, was a call from a cousin, in Missouri, that I haven’t seen for a long time. Each year a Christmas card comes, signed, “Love, Frances.” When I sent her card, I told her if I got another with a signature only, that was my last correspondence with her. I guess she believed me, and we talked for 29 minutes and it was wonderful!

Have a Happy New Year and whether you make resolutions for the upcoming year, is up to you. Keep them simple, so they’re easier to keep.

‘Til next week

Who knows what the new year will bring

THIS & THATJoyce Emry

SISTERS COMEDY. AMY POEHLER, TINA FEY. FRI. 6:15, 9:15. SAT. 6:15, 9:15. SUN. 6:15. MON -THURS. 6:15.

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DADDY’S HOME COMEDY - WILL FERRELL, MARK WAHLBERG. FRI. *3:45, 6:45, 9:45. SAT *3:45, 6:45, 9:45. SUN. *3:45, 6:45. MON-THURS. 6:30.

THE HATEFUL EIGHT WESTERN, SAMUEL L. JACKSON, KURT RUSSELFRI. *3:30, 7:45. SAT *3:30, 7:45. SUN. *3:30, 7:45. MON-THURS. 6:45.


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Well we definitely received our White Christmas and I hope that all had a most joyous Christmas with family and friends. Make sure and drive safely while out and about this holiday week. We here at the Eagles hope that all have a great week and enjoy the New Year surrounded by those you care about.

Tuesday will be our weekly Taco Tuesday from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. So get on down here and

enjoy some crisp or soft tacos and let Bev Montanye know just how good they are.

This Thursday we will be host-ing a grand New Years Eve, so make sure to come on down and enjoy celebrating the coming year with friends. The Powder River Band will be supplying our music and livening up the eve-ning. So throw on those dancing shoes and kick in the New Year Eagle’s style.

There will be no bingo or kitchen this Friday due to it being New Year’s day, but will be back

next week for your enjoyment. Linda will be here Saturday at 8 p.m. for karaoke and playing some tunes to get your feet in a dancing mood. There will be no Breakfast on Sunday and will be back on January 10th. There will be pinochle Sunday at 1p.m.

Pinochle scores for last week-end are as follows. Jerry Cooksey and Zoe Manring took home first place and second place went to Ward Seim and Carol Ross. Gene Michels and Neil Fifer grabbed the last pinochle of the day. Ken Cook and Jo Porter had low score of the day.

We wish all those that may be ill a speedy recovery to good health. God Bless and Happy New Year all. The Biggest Little Eagles in the state.


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Come visit us in friendly downtown Tonasket!

Love, Highlandia Jewelers


312 S. Whitcomb


Our Pancake Breakfast fund-raiser is Saturday, Jan. 9, between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. All are invited. Don’t miss a delicious meal of pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, fruit, coffee, orange juice, and milk; all for $8, cheap.

Raleigh Chinn is our new pres-ident. His term begins Jan. 5, 2016, when I will be passing the gavel, so to speak. (I was recently called to report for jury duty the 4th of January, for the fifth time in 10 years; three times since January 2015. If I have to report, Raleigh may have to pass his own gavel.) Our other elected offi-cers for 2016 are Ruth LaFrance, vice president; Roberta Cole,

Secretary; Verna Bjorkman, trea-surer; Betty Steg, Marilyn Perry, and Betty Bair, directors; and, of course, I will serve on the board as past president, with few perks. I believe most are well qualified for their positions. (six days to go, ya!)

The Lunch Menu for next week is: Tuesday, clam chowder, egg salad sandwich; Thursday, pork chops; Friday, spaghetti with meat sauce. For seniors 60 and over the suggested donation is $3.50, or as one can afford. The price for those under 60 is $8.00. Remember the three “Fs,” Friends, Fun, and Food. See you there.

It’s time to think about paying

dues for 2016. See Marge Finley, our membership chair, or a Board member.

I recently discovered that the average social security recipi-ent receives $14,700.00 annually. That’s $1,225.00 per month. If that were converted to hourly wages, considering a 40 hour work week, it comes to $7.08 per hour. That’s well below minimum wage; something to think about. (Many of us seniors earn consid-erably less than that.) Of course, being a senior is a 24 hour a day job, or 728 hours per month. Let’s see, that comes to $1.68 per hour. A wacky tirade is definitely in order.

Ignorance may be bliss, but it doesn’t necessary follow that bliss is ignorance. Have a most prosperous New Year. God’s bless to you all.

And, remember: It’s alright to spill, occasionalli, howivir. I guess this is my last, so signing off. Beeeep.



and his Snow-Go. America’s fighting men in Viet Nam will sink their teeth into juicy Washington apples during the coming holiday season. Most of the 200,000 apples will reach Viet Name on December 29th. The balance of the 26 ton of donated apples, of which over 400 boxes will come from Okanogan County growers and shippers. The Art Class is to be congratulated for the dis-play on the roof of the Civic-League. This was an unexpected addition to Oroville decorations for the holiday season coming up. Acts of this sort coming through the school system are the dona-tions of business men put out during the year seem worthwhile. Members of the Oroville Chamber of Commerce who were in attendance at the regular noon luncheon of the Chamber, elected Clayton Emry as the president for the coming year. Elected to serve with him are: Dan Weber, vice president; Rev. J. Kiser, secretary, and Mrs. Dick Thayer, treasurer. Elected to the board of directors were: Warren Carey, Grant Scofield and Cleland Emry. Weather Wise by Marge Frazier, official observer: Dec. 8, 46 degrees, maximum and 36 minimum; Dec. 9, 40 and 33; Dec. 10, 40 and 34; Dec. 11, 42 and 35; Dec. 12, 46 and 32; Dec. 13, 40 and 23 and Dec. 14, 36 and 26. Total precipitation for the period

The Gazette-Tribune25 Years Ago:

December 20-27, 1990: Noble Law. North County’s own Master Orchardist, foresees a bright future for fruit growing in the Okanogan. For instance, he predicts the valley will become “one of he most highly successful pear grow-ing districts on the Pacific Coast. The Oroville

Ambulance crew is attempting to get enough funds together to buy a semi-automatic defibril-lator. In order to do so, they are holding a raffle. Prizes were purchased by the crew and some were donated by local businesses. There is a new trend in cities across the nation: parents are being held responsible for the whereabouts of their children after dark. The Tonasket Council, frustrated over its ability to set curfews, is considering the adop-tion of an ordinance that would do just that. A motion by Councilman AI Seccomb that a $1.896, 726.26 Operating Budget for the Town of Tonasket be approved and was carried at the Dec. 11 meeting of the council. Included in the 1991 budget is a $75,000.00 grant from the Aquatic Lands Enhancement (ALE) fund for the improve-ment to the Lagoon Ballfield’s Park. An additional gold bearing area has been located on Buckhorn Mountain, that officials of Crown Mining feel could be three times as rich as and geographically as big as all previously discovered gold reserves found in that area. Oroville students will be among those students across the state that will soon be enrolled in a “school in the sky” where learning is not limited to the walls of a classroom or geographical location. A total of 40 Washington schools have been chosen to receive satellite tele-communications and computer equipment under a $5.05 million Federal Star Schools grant, recently awarded to five northwest states. Well, someone had to win this one as basketball games don’t end in a tie. It looked like Tonasket’s game from the start as the Tigers controlled the tip off and the boards for the first two quarters of play. The Hornets hung on though and their persistence paid off as they came back strong in the second half and took the game with a 57 - 38 final score as the Hornets held the lead in league play.

COMMUNITY CALENDARSkate into the New Year

TONASKET - The Tonasket Comancheros, along with Roger and Lori Sawyer, will be host-ing a New Year’s Eve party at the Tonasket Rodeo Grounds Thursday, Dec. 31, starting at 7 p.m. This will be a potluck din-ner, with bonfires and a sled hut for warming. “We are hoping for a little colder weather for the ice skating rink, and snow piles for sledding,” said Roger Sawyer. “We will also have fireworks. We will be putting those off at 9 p.m. and again at midnight; plus anything else we can think of.” This is a family friendly event. There is no cost to anyone, it’s free. Just bring your own refreshments. There will be some skates and sleds available to those who aren’t able to bring their own.

Oroville Blood Drive

OROVILLE - The Oroville Community Blood Drive will be at Oroville High School on Wednesday, Jan. 6 from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. To schedule an appointment or for more information, contact 1-800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-2767). On the day of your dona-tion, complete a RapidPass to save time. RapidPass lets donors com-plete the pre-donation reading and health history questionnaire online from the convenience of a computer at home or work. To get started, visit redcrossblood.org/RapidPass and follow the instruc-tions.

Tonasket Blood Drive

TONASKET - The Tonasket Community Blood Drive will be held at the Community Cultural Center in Tonasket on Thursday, Jan. 7 from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. On the day of your donation, com-plete a RapidPass to save time. RapidPass lets donors complete the pre-donation reading and health history questionnaire online from the convenience of a computer at home or work. To get started, visit redcrossblood.org/RapidPass and follow the instruc-tions. To schedule an appointment or for more information, contact 1-800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-2767).

Grouse and Spouse

TONASKET - On Friday, Jan. 8 come and learn about the world of grouse breeding behavior, with an inside perspective on grouse mating systems from a couple who have worked in this field both together and independently. This talk will explore a variety of mating systems, ranging from monogamy to extreme polygamy, and some of the breeding behavior of grouse species in Washington. Leslie and Mike have conduct-ed research on several species of grouse in North America. Dr. Schroeder (aka grouse) is a Certified Wildlife Biologist who has pursued research and manage-ment of grouse since 1981. Leslie Robb (aka spouse) received her Bachelor of Science degree from Acadia University in Nova Scotia and her Master of Science degree in Zoology from the University of Alberta. For more see www.okan-oganhighlands.org/education/hw

Oroville Gun Club Trapshooting

OROVILLE - The Inland Northwest Trapshooting at the Oroville Gun Club starts Sunday, Jan. 10, 2016 at 1 p.m. and runs weekly to Feb. 28. Practice shoot-ing is every Saturday at 1 p.m. The Oroville Gun Club will again raffle off a Henry Rifle or cash equiva-lent for first prize. Second will be “the Family Gourmet Banquet from Omaha Steaks. Get your raf-fle tickets from a club member or stop by Paul’s Service.

Transportation Board to Meet

OMAK - TranGO will hold a Public Board Meeting on Monday, Jan. 11, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. The location will be in the Council Chambers of Omak City Hall, 2 N. Ash St., Omak, WA 98841. Please call 509-557-6177 or visit www.okanogantransit.com for any questions.

Tonasket Food Bank

TONASKET - The Tonasket Food Bank will resume operating Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Jan. 7 at the old Sarge’s Burger Bunker, 101 Hwy. 97 N. For more information, contact Debbie Roberts at 509-486-2192.

Oroville Food Bank

OROVILLE - The Oroville Food Bank operates every Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., excluding holidays, in the base-ment of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. For more info, call Jeff Austin at 509-476-3978 or Sarah Umana at 509-476-2386.

Listing Your Item

Our Community Bulletin Board generally allows listing your event for up two weeks prior to the day or days it occurs. If space allows it may be included prior to the two week limit. However, our online calendar at www.gazette-tribune.com allows the event to be listed for longer peri-ods. Calendar items must include day, date, time and location, as well as a for further information phone number. You may place an event on the online calendar by going to our website and clicking on the “Add an Event” button on the homepage. Only items that are listed for the day/s and time period of occur-rence will be approved. Do not list your item to appear every day of the week or month if it is only on one or two days, it will be rejected. Do not list it as an all day event if it takes place between set hours, i.e 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Once submitted, it can take up to 48 hours for the event to appear on the calendar. Online submissions don’t always go into the hardcopy edition, so it helps if they are also submitted to us at [email protected] or at Gazette-Tribune, P.O. Box 250, Oroville, WA. 98844.

Page 6: Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune, December 31, 2015




1. Losses caused by wear or decay

9. “To your health!”

15. Praise

16. Repair a building’s front

17. Type of mathematician

18. Horse handler

19. “Sesame Street” watcher

20. Arise

22. ___ deferens

23. Drive

25. About

26. “Act your ___!”

27. Feeble

29. “I” problem

30. Long, long time

31. The “p” in m.p.g.

32. Coxcomb

34. Most pale

36. Aspersion

37. Any thing

38. “Take that!” (2 wds)

41. Bubkes

42. “___ to Billie Joe”

45. Artificial bait

46. Couple

48. Jail, slang

50. Adaptable truck, for short

51. Astute

53. Balderdash

54. Bank offering, for short

55. Domineered

57. “The Three Faces of ___”

58. Breath freshener

60. Infuriating

63. Striking effects

64. S. American boa

65. Boil

66. Advanced hour


1. Card

2. Common solvent

3. Two-wheeler

4. Indian drum

5. A pint, maybe

6. Box office take

7. Swelling

8. Calm

9. Predictive

10. Change, as a clock

11. “How ___ Has the Banshee Cried” (Thomas Moore poem)

12. Save and put to further use

13. Cooling-off periods (2 wds)

14. Most curt

21. Get back

23. Blueprint

24. M-1, for one

28. Building housing judicial courts

30. Order between “ready” and “fire”

33. From the 1930s

35. Serf

36. “___ Cried” (1962 hit)

38. Water channels with valve or gate

39. Run faster than

40. Goo

42. Mineral silicate of iron and magnesium

43. Relies

44. “... ___ he drove out of sight”

47. Big test

49. Salem’s home

51. A deadly sin

52. Bird’s contour feather

56. “Dang!”

59. Pillbox, e.g.

61. Trick taker, often

62. Neon, e.g.

PUBLISHER’S NOTICEAll real estate ad- vertising in this newspaper is sub- ject to the Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise “any pref- erence, limitation or dis- crimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handi- cap, familial status or na- tional origin, or an intention to make any such prefer- ence, limitation or discrimi- nation”. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate that is in violation of the law. To complain of discrimina- tion call HUD at 1-800-669- 9777. The number for hear- ing impaired is 1-800-927- 9275

HousesFor Sale


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For RentAVAILABLE RENTALS;2 BR, 2 BA house $700. Nice 1 BR Apt $450. Lake Osoy- oos Waterfront 3 BR, 2 BA Apt $700. 2 BR 2 BA Apt $650. Sonora Shores $695. Sun Lakes Realty 509-476- 2121.

Hillside Park Senior Apartments

515 Tonasket AveTonasket, WA


62 Years of Age orOlder or Disabled


Income Limits Apply Call Robert

509-486-4966TDD# 711

OrovileSenior Living, Henderson Apartments, on Lake, on Boundary Point rd, 2 bdrm, in good condition, no smoking, no pets. Taking applications, $675/month, first and last. (509)476-2449

Similkameen Park Apts Oroville, WA.

2 BR Starting at $400/mo + security deposit.

Includes: Water, sewer, gar- bage; washer & dryer; air conditioning; play area; stor- age space. For more info contact Marie at

Similkameen Park Office301 Golden St. #16Oroville, WA. 98844


1420 Main St., P.O. Box 250Oroville, WA 98844

509-476-3602 or [email protected]


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Pacific Research Laboratories/

Sawbones Worldwide Is hiring for various production positions.

We offer excellent benefits, ESOP and 401k plans. For complete

details and application, visit our website, www.sawbones.com

under “Contact…Careers” or stop by our business office at 10221 SW 188th St, Vashon. No phone calls please. EEO/AA. Applications will

be accepted through Tuesday, January 5 2016.


(includes health benefits)

Required Experience: Retail, customer service, administrative, inventory, man-

agement, web, and computer skills. Cover letter and resume to:

The Whale Museum, POB 945, FH 98250.

1420 Main St., P.O. Box 250Oroville, WA 98844

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CENTROS DE SALUD FAMILIARYour Family, Your Health, Your


We are looking for YOU to join our team!

We are dedicated to our employees’ job satisfaction and take pride in providing a place to work that encourag- es growth, teamwork, com- munication and positive employee/supervisor relation- ships. FHC is a not for profit Community Health Center dedicated to providing quality health care regardless of ability to pay. EVERYONE is welcome.

We have the following opportunities available:


Full timeCertified Medical Coding

Specialist Full time

HR Generalist Full time

WIC Registered Dietician/Nutritionist

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OKANOGAN DENTAL:Dental Assistant

2 Full time and 3 Part time, on an as needed basis

OMAK MEDICALMedical Scheduler

Full timeMA-C

Full time

OROVILLE DENTAL:Dental Assistant

1 Full time and 1 Part time, on an as needed basis.

Bilingual preferred

BREWSTER DENTAL:Dental Assistant

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BREWSTER JAY AVE:Patient Accounts Rep.

Full timeBreastfeeding Peer

Counselor Part time, 10 hrs/week.

MA-C or LPN Full time

Clinic Custodian Full time, shift is split

between Jay Ave medical & Brewster Dental clinics


Full timeDentistFull time

Dental Assistant Part time, on an as needed

basis. Bilingual preferred.

See www.myfamilyhealth.org

for job descriptions. Submit cover letter and resume or application to

FHC, c/o Human Resources, PO Box 1340, Okanogan,

WA 98840 or email: [email protected].

Open until filled. FHC is an EEO Employer.



The Classified Department

will be Closed for the Holidays

Thurs, 12/24 and Friday 12/25 and Friday 1/1


12/24 edition WILL BE

Monday, 12/21 at Noon.

DEADLINE FOR THE 12/31 edition


Monday, 12/28 at Noon.

Please call800-388-2527

or [email protected]


LEGAL NOTICENEGOTIATION OF STATE LEASES WITH EXISTING LESSEES BE- TWEEN FEBRUARY AND MARCH 2016 EXPIRES: JUNE 201610-A69833-GRAZING-E1/2NW1/4, W1/2NE1/4, NE1/4SW1/4, SE1/4, Section 18, Township 35 North, Range 26 East, W.M.Written request to lease must be re- ceived by January 31, 2016, at De- partment of Natural Resources, 225 S Silke Rd, Colville, Washington 99114-9369. Each request to lease must include the lease number, the name, address and phone number of applicant, and must contain a certi- fied check or money order payable to the Department of Natural Resourc- es for the amount of any bonus bid plus a $100.00 deposit. The enve- lope must be marked “Sealed Bid” and give lease number, expiration date of lease applied for and give ap- plicant’s name. The applicant must be prepared to purchase improve- ments that belong to the current lessee. Persons wishing to bid to lease any of these properties can ob- tain more details, bid packet, and qualification requirements by con- tacting the Colville office or calling (509) 684-7474.Published: December 31, 2015Published in the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune on December 31, 2015(OVG674517)


1869 HWY 7OROVILLE, WA 98844

(509) 476-3948DATE OF AUCTION: 01/06/2016Viewing Time: 10:00 AMAuction Time: 11:00 AM1999 Mitsubishi MonteroLic# 472ZPGPublished in the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune on December 31, 2015. #OVG675033



FOR OKANOGAN COUNTYNATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC dbaCHAMPION MORTGAGE COMPA- NY, a limited liability company,Plaintiff,vs.ALL UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVI- SEES OF HAROLD R. CHRISTIAN, a deceased individual; Julian Castro, solely in his capacity as Secretary for UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVEL- OPMENT; NINE MILE RANCH HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION;DOES 1 through 10, inclusive, and ROES 1 through 10, inclusive.Defendants.NO. 15-2-00443-5SUMMONS FORPUBLICATION (60 DAYS)THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO THE SAID DEFENDANTS ALL UN- KNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF HAROLD R. CHRISTIAN:You are hereby summoned to ap- pear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this sum- mons, to wit, within sixty days after the 31st day of December, 2015, anddefend the above entitled action in the above entitled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff NA- TIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC dba CHAMPION MORTGAGE COMPA- NY, and serve a copy of your answer upon the uudersigned attorneys for plaintiff, LAW OFFICES OF LES ZIEVE, at their office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. This is a Complaint for Judicial Foreclosure of Deed of Trust.DATED: December 17, 2015LAW OFFICES OF LES ZIEVEBy: /s/ Benjamin D PetiprinBenjamin D. Petiprin, WSBA# 46071Attorneys for PlaintiffNATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC dba CHAMPION MORTGAGE COM- PANYPublished in the Okanogan Valley Gazette - Tribune on December 31, 2015, January 7, 14, 21, 28, and February 4, 2016.OVG675143

Notice of Special ElectionOkanogan County,

State of WashingtonTuesday, February 9, 2016

A Special Election will be held in the below mentioned districts for the pur- pose of submitting to the voters for their approval or rejection the follow- ing.Bridgeport School District No. 75 - Replacement School Programs, Maintenance and Operation LevyBrewster School District No. 111 - School Facilities Improvements Gen- eral Obligation Bonds Methow Valley School District No. 350 - Replacement of Expiring Capi- tal Levy for Educational Technology ImprovementsMethow Valley School District No. 350 - Replacement of Expiring Main- tenance and Operation LevyTonasket School District No. 404 - Replacement Maintenance and Op- eration LevyOroville School District No. 410 - Re- placement Maintenance and Opera- tion LevyThe registration deadline for online registrations, mail-in registrations and transfers is January 11, 2016. Any qualified elector who is not reg-


istered to vote in the State of Wash- ington may register to vote in person at the Auditor’s Office up to and in- cluding February 1, 2016. You can register or obtain registra- tion forms at the Auditor’s Office, on line at www.vote.wa.gov, and De- partment of Licensing.The Okanogan County Auditor’s Of- fice, 149 3rd Ave N, Room 104, at the County Courthouse, will be open so voters may obtain replacement ballots, drop off voted ballots, obtain provisional ballots, and use the Ac- cessible Voting Units, at the follow- ing times.Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM January 22 thru February 8On Election Day only, February 9, 2016 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM.Drop boxes are in 3 locations around the county.Tonasket - Tonasket City Hall/Library Complex, 209 S Whitcomb Ave, To- nasketPateros -180 Pateros Mall in parking lot, PaterosDrop boxes will close at 8:00PM on Election Day Voters needing additional informa- tion or assistance with voter registra- tion forms or voting may call (509) 422-7240. Voters unable to use the mail-in ballot may use the Accessible Voting Unit available at the County Auditor’s Office.Ballots require sufficient first class postage and must be postmarked by the day of the election. Check with your local Post Office for deadlines to have your ballot postmarked prop- erly.For additional information on the election or regarding voter registra- tion.vote.wa.gov/okanoganmyvote.wa.gov,Local newspaper, radio, and TVwww.pdc.wa.govMeetings of the Okanogan County Canvassing Board are open, public meetings and shall be continued until the activities for which the following meetings are held have been com- pleted. Canvass Board meetings are held in the Okanogan County Audi- tor’s Office, 149 3rd Ave N, Room 104, at the County Courthouse, in Okanogan.Wednesday, February 17, 2016 at 11:00 AM to determine the status of any provisional or challenged ballots Friday, February 19, 2016 at 11:00 AM to canvass the votes cast and certify the electionThis notice is in accordance with RCW 29A.52.Dated at Okanogan, Washington this December 14, 2015.Laurie Thomas, Okanogan County Auditor and Ex-Officio Supervisor of ElectionsBy Mila M Jury, Chief Deputy and Certified Election AdministratorPublished in the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune on December 31, 2015. #OVG673815

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE Pur- suant to the Revised Code of Wash- ington 61.24, et seq. TS No.: WA-14-614659-TC APN No.: 1770081200 Title Order No.: 140045977-WA-MSO Deed of Trust Grantor(s): SHAWN METTLER Deed of Trust Grantee(s): MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR GATEWAY FINANCIAL SER- VICES Deed of Trust Instru-

Tonasket residents can drop off information for the Gazette-Tribune at Highlandia Jewelry on 312 S. Whitcomb


ClassifiedsClassifi ed Deadline - Noon Tuesday • Call 800-388-2527 to place your ad

Continued on next page

Page 7: Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune, December 31, 2015


7 2 5 3 6

4 2


1 8 3 4

2 3 7 4 1 6 8

4 6 2 7


2 3

4 5 9 2 6

Puzzle 3 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.54)

Generated by http://www.opensky.ca/~jdhildeb/software/sudokugen

Medium, di� culty rating 0.54

Sudoku is a number-placing puzzle based on a 9x9 grid with several given numbers.The object is to place the numbers 1 to 9 in the empty squares so that each row, eachcolumn and each 3x3 box contains the same number only once.


Puzzle 1 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.52)


Puzzle 2 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.60)


Puzzle 3 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.54)



Sponsored by



ment/Reference No.: 3105904 I. NO- TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Qual- ity Loan Service Corp. of Washing- ton, the undersigned Trustee, will on 1/29/2016 , at 10:00 AM at the main entrance to the Okanogan County Courthouse, 149 3rd N, Okanogan, WA sell at public auction to the high- est and best bidder, payable in the form of credit bid or cash bid in the form of cashier’s check or certified checks from federally or State char- tered banks, at the time of sale the following described real property, sit- uated in the County of OKANOGAN, State of Washington, to-wit: LOTS 12 AND 13, BLOCK 8, PLAT OF OMAK TOWNSITE, AS PER PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOL- UME B OF PLATS, PAGE 39 RECORDS OF THE AUDITOR OF OKANOGAN COUNTY, WASHING- TON. SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF OKANOGAN, STATE OF WASHINGTON. More commonly known as: 503 ASH ST SOUTH, OMAK, WA 98841 which is subject to that certain Deed of Trust dated 7/17/2006, recorded 7/24/2006, un- der 3105904 records of OKANOGAN County, Washington , from SHAWN METTLER, A MARRIED MAN AS HIS SOLE AND SEPARATE PROP- ERTY , as Grantor(s), to TRANSNA- TION TITLE INSURANCE CO , as Trustee, to secure an obligation in favor of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR GATEWAY FI- NANCIAL SERVICES , as Benefici- ary, the beneficial interest in which was assigned by MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR GATEWAY FINANCIAL SER- VICES (or by its successors-in-inter- est and/or assigns, if any), to The Bank of New York Mellon FKA The Bank of New York, as Trustee for the certificateholders of the CWABS, Inc., ASSET-BACKED CERTIFI- CATES, SERIES 2006-17 . II. No ac- tion commenced by the Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust is now pending to seek satisfaction of the obligation in any Court by reason of the Bor- rower’s or Grantor’s default on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust/Mortgage. III. The default(s) for


which this foreclosure is made is/are as follows: Failure to pay when due the follo wing amounts which are now in arrears: $77,571.92 IV. The sum owing on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust is: The principal sum of $74,049.16 , together with in- terest as provided in the Note from 4/1/2009 on, and such other costs and fees as are provided by statute. V. The above-described real proper- ty will be sold to satisfy the expense of sale and the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust as provided by statute. Said sale will be made with- out warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession or encum- brances on 1/29/2016 . The defaults referred to in Paragraph III must be cured by 1/18/2016 (11 days before the sale date) to cause a discontinu- ance of the sale. The sale will be dis- continued and terminated if at any time before 1/18/2016 (11 days be- fore the sale) the default as set forth in Paragraph III is cured and the Trustee’s fees and costs are paid. Payment must be in cash or with cashiers or certified checks from a State or federally chartered bank. The sale may be terminated any time after the 1/18/2016 (11 days before the sale date) and before the sale, by the Borrower or Grantor or the holder of any recorded junior lien or encumbrance by paying the principal and interest, plus costs, fees and ad- vances, if any, made pursuant to the terms of the obligation and/or Deed of Trust, and curing all other de- faults. VI. A written Notice of Default was transmitted by the Beneficiary or Trustee to the Borrower and Grantor at the following address(es): NAME SHAWN METTLER, A MARRIED MAN AS HIS SOLE AND SEPAR- ATE PROPERTY ADDRESS 503 ASH ST SOUTH, OMAK, WA 98841 by both first class and certified mail, proof of which is in the possession of the Trustee; and the Borrower and Grantor were personally served, if applicable, with said written Notice of Default or the written Notice of De- fault was posted in a conspicuous place on the real property described in Paragraph I above, and the Trus- tee has possession of proof of such service or posting. These require- ments were completed as of 5/26/2015 . VII. The Trustee whose name and address are set forth be- low will provide in writing to anyone


requesting it, a statement of all costs and fees due at any time prior to the sale. VIII. The effect of the sale will be to deprive the Grantor and all those who hold by, through or under the Grantor of all their interest in the above-described property. IX. Any- one having any objections to this sale on any grounds whatsoever will be afforded an opportunity to be heard as to those objections if they bring a lawsuit to restrain the sale pursuant to RCW 61.24.130. Failure to bring such a lawsuit may result in a waiver of any proper grounds for invalidating the Trustee’s sale. NO- TICE TO OCCUPANTS OR TEN- ANTS - The purchaser at the Trus- tee’s Sale is entitled to possession of the property on the 20 th day follow- ing the sale, as against the Grantor under the deed of trust (the owner) and anyone having an interest junior to the deed of trust, including occu- pants who are not tenants. After the 20 th day following the sale the pur- chaser has the right to evict occu- pants who are not tenants by sum- mary proceedings under Chapter 59.12 RCW. For tenant-occupied property, the purchaser shall provide a tenant with written notice in accor- dance with RCW 61.24.060. THIS NOTICE IS THE FINAL STEP BE- FORE THE FORECLOSURE SALE OF YOUR HOME. You have only 20 DAYS from the recording date of this notice to pursue mediation. DO NOT DELAY. CONTACT A HOUSING COUNSELOR OR AN ATTORNEY LICENSED IN WASHINGTON NOW to assess your situation and refer you to mediation if you are eligible and it may help you save your home. See below for safe sources of help. SEEKING ASSISTANCE Housing counselors and legal assistance may be available at little or no cost to you. If you would like assistance in deter- mining your rights and opportunities to keep your house, you may contact the following: The statewide foreclo- sure hotline for assistance and refer- ral to housing counselors recom- mended by the Housing Finance Commission: Toll-free: 1-877-894-HOME (1-877-894-4663) or Web site: http://www.dfi.wa.gov/consumers/ho- m e o w n e r s h i p / p o s t _ purchase_counselors_foreclosure.ht m . The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development:


Toll-free: 1-800-569-4287 or National Web Site: http://portal.hud.gov/hud- portal/HUD or for Local counseling agencies in Washington: h t tp : / /www.hud.gov/o f f ices/hsg/ sfh/hcc/fc/index.cfm?webListAction= search&searchstate=WA&filterSvc= dfc The statewide civil legal aid hot- line for assistance and referrals to other housing counselors and attor- neys: Telephone: 1-800-606-4819 or Web site: http://nwjustice.org/what- clear . If the sale is set aside for any reason, including if the Trustee is un- able to convey title, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a re- turn of the monies paid to the Trus- tee. This shall be the Purchaser’s sole and exclusive remedy. The pur- chaser shall have no further re- course against the Trustor, the Trus- tee, the Beneficiary, the Beneficiary’s Agent, or the Beneficiary’s Attorney. If you have previously been dis- charged through bankruptcy, you may have been released of personal liability for this loan in which case this letter is intended to exercise the note holders right’s against the real property only. QUALITY MAY BE CONSIDERED A DEBT COLLEC- TOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBTAND ANY INFORMATION OB- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE As required by law, you are hereby notified that a negative credit report reflecting on your credit record may be submitted to a credit report agency if you fail to fulfill the terms of your credit obligations. Dat- ed: 9/28/2015 Quality Loan Service Corp. of Washington, as Trustee By: Tricia Moreno, Assistant Secretary Trustee’s Mailing Address: Quality Loan Service Corp. of Washington C/O Quality Loan Service Corp. 411 Ivy Street, San Diego, CA 92101 (866) 645-7711 Trustee’s Physical Address: Quality Loan Service Corp. of Washington 108 1 st Ave South, Suite 202 Seattle, WA 98104 (866) 925-0241 Sale Line: 916.939.0772 Or Login to: http://wa.qualityloan.com TS No.: WA-14-614659-TC IDSPub #0092253 12/31/2015 1/21/2016Published in the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune on December 31, 2015 and January 21, 2016.#OVG660858

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Page 8: Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune, December 31, 2015


OUTDOORSHighlands Sno-Park: a hidden jewel in the forest

Katie Teachout/staff photo

Pablo Plakos and Kim Kauffold head back to the Highlands Sno-Park parking lot after a glorious morning on the trails. “I love it,” said Kauffold. “I’m addicted to it. It’s just beautiful up here, with great views.”

BY KATIE [email protected]

For winter recreation enthusi-asts wanting a little more speed than Nordic Trails offer, the Sitzmark Ski Area in Havillah is packing snow in preparation for opening, while the Loup Loup Ski Bowl opened Dec. 16.

“We are having a very good turn-out. We’ve got lots of snow, and our groomer is working great. We couldn’t be any happier with it,” said Loup Loup General Manager CP Grosnick, referring to a Prinoth Bison being used for the first time this year. “Last year we only got 54 inches, and accu-mulation-wise we’re at 46 inches already this year. There has been fantastic weather; last Tuesday we had five inches of new snow. People are really happy to be able to ski the entire mountain.”

Grosnick said Saturday, Dec. 26 was “so jammed” the Wolf Den sold out of all their food, and Monday, Dec. 28 all the lessons sold out.

Located just off Highway 20 between Omak and Twisp at a base elevation of 4040 feet, the Loup has a 1220 foot vertical rise with about ten major runs; the longest one being two miles. The lift system includes a chair lift, a platter lift and a rope tow.

The walk-up Wild Wolf tube

hill is located at the base of the ski bowl, with tube rentals avail-able on site; and the entire tube hill can be rented out for group events.

There’s also 23 kilometers of cross country trails near the base, and another 50 kilometers nearby at the South Summit.

“The Nordic Trails are right now in the best shape they’ve ever been, we’re grooming them twice a week,” said Grosnick. Cross country skiers using the South Summit trails need to purchase a Sno-Park permit, and those going to the Ski Bowl need to purchase a day ticket for $11.

Grosnick said a lot of season passes had been sold, with one advantage for Loup Loup pass holders being the opportunity to ski free at Mission Ridge on Mondays. Mission Ridge pass holders ski free at the Loup on Wednesdays.

“Three ski areas in B.C, give a 25 percent discount with a Loup pass, and with the U.S. dollar being so strong, people get a huge discount.”

The Loup is encouraging Canadians to ski by not applying the current exchange rate.

“We are adjusting the purchase of the ticket so it equals the same as if they were using the U.S. dol-lar,” said Grosnick. “We’ve had a few folks come down and take

advantage of that.”A bigger “give-away” taking

place at the Loup is the Fire and Ice program, set up to benefit fire

survivors who lost their primary home in last summer’s wildfires. Grosnick said the program was originally set up to benefit fire victims of the Carlton Complex, with donations of $17,000 raised at the Taste of Three Valleys auc-tion in October of 2014.

“We had money left over that we wanted to go to fire victims,

so this year we’re extending it to people who lost their homes in the Chelan Complex, Okanogan Complex and other area fires,”

said Grosnick.The Fire and Ice program

offers school age children a six-week lesson program, including day passes and equipment rental for the lesson program, all free of charge.

This year’s Taste of Three Valleys auction raised $23,000 toward the purchase of the new

groomer. Another new addition to

the Loup is ski school director Suzette Waelti, to head up both the ski and board school.

The Ski Bowl has both a snow-board and an Alpine race team, for youth ages seven and up.

“The race teams aren’t tied to the schools; anyone in the area that wants to join can,” said Gronsnick. “They train every weekend; generally up here but occasionally at other ski hills so they can become familiar with the type of snow or pitch, or where the run might be in the event of a race. It gives kids the opportunity to travel to races all over the Pacific Northwest.”

Grosnick said a popular event at the ski hill for both skiers and boarders is the Slopestyle event, scheduled for February 27 this year.

“We’ll be having a contest in our terrain park, with music and awards,” said Grosnick.

Other events this year are an evening snowshoe walk under a full moon January 23, and the Loup Loup Tubing Race Showdown January 30.

The Wolf Chase Junior Ski Race takes place February 6-7, and a Valentine’s Day Teen Dance February 13.

March 5-6 is the Loup Loup Community Challenge, with an

Alpine Giant Slalom Race, Tubing and Winter Camping taking place Saturday, March 5 and the Nordic Relay Sunday, March 6.

The season ends with a Spring Fling featuring tubing, a Snow Golf Tourney and a Keg Toss.

But spring’s not the end of activities at the Loup. An archery event for kids and adults is held in May over Memorial Day Weekend, with the course set up over part of the base area and part of the Nordic ski trail area.

“We had over 100 people here last year for that event. People come up and camp out in their campers,” said Grosnick. “It’s grown to a three-day event.”

Grosnick said a Ragnar Trail Running event that had to be can-celled due to the 2015 wildfires would be rescheduled for 2016.

“That event sold out in about 24 hours. People were going to come from all over the country,” said Grosnick. The Ragnar is a 24-hour, 120-mile team relay race. Grosnick said there were going to be about 1500 people in atten-dance last year, and he’s expecting about 2500 this year. The three-day event is planned for the third weekend in September.

“For people wanting to get into ultra marathons, this is a way to get an introduction into that kind of event,” Grosnick said.

Ski Bowl jamming with business

Submitted photo

A Prinoth Bison, purchased partially with funds raised at October’s Taste of Three Valleys auction, is being used for the first time this year.

BY KATIE [email protected]

OKANOGAN HIGHLANDS - Looking for a little Peace on Earth? North Okanogan citizens and visitors to the area need look no further than the Highlands Sno-Park to find quiet serenity in a pristine setting with 38 miles of groomed ski trails.

Located about 16 miles north-east of Tonasket, Highlands Sno-Park features trails for every abil-ity, from easy to more difficult; groomed with a skate platform for skate skiers and set with tracks for Classic skiers.

The park also features a con-nector trail to allow snowmobil-ers to access the Bonaparte Lake Trails and Bonaparte Sno-Park.

“The snow is phenomenal, and the groomer has done an incred-ible job keeping the trails perfect,” said Jim Helleson December 23 as he skied into the Sno-Park park-ing lot after spending the morn-ing on the trails with his wife, Kim. “Jack (Thurston) is the chief groomer, and he is up here every morning at sunrise.”

“We’re off to a good start this year with snow,” said Thurston. “People are starting to come out.”

“It’s great up here, we come up as often as possible, but not often enough,” said Melanie Thornton after a run with River Jones up the Antoine Loop, across the con-nector to Aava’s Run and back down to the parking lot.

“It was wonderful! Two hours of fun,” said Jones. “Skiing makes winter something to get excited about instead of dread.”

Jones said she was getting into shape for an upcoming four-day ski trip in the Methow Valley.

“I drive here from almost

Wauconda, so my personal rule is I have to ski longer than I drive,” laughed Jones.

“There are three sets of trails

here, with connecting trails between all three, so you can ski to your heart’s content,” said Helleson. “The easy ones are marked with green signs, the intermediate trails have some hills and turns and are marked with blue signs, and the advanced trails have black signs and they have steeper hills and steeper turns. So there is something here for everybody.”

“I love it here; we are lucky to have this,” said Pablo Plakos. “I live in Tonasket; born and raised here, so we come a lot.”

“I love it. I’m addicted to it,” said his skiing partner Kim Kauffold. “It’s just beautiful up here with great views.”

Dave and Hanna Kliegman live close to the sno-park, coming almost daily.

“It’s an amazing sno-park,” said Dave. “It’s a hidden secret.”

“It’s a jewel,” said Hanna. “It’s not like the bigger sno-parks; some of them are like a highway and you feel like you have to be careful to stay out of the way of people going really fast. They just fly by you.”

Use of the Sno-Parks requires a permit, available at any Forest

Service office or online at http://parks.state.wa.us/130/Winter-Recreation. Washington state has about 80 Sno-Parks designated primarily for snowmobiles, and about 40 designated for non-motorized use.

Thurston said Sno-Parks in high use areas are maintained with bigger grooming machines and require a special permit that costs $80 per year as opposed to the typical $40 per year permit.

The Highlands Sno-Park is maintained by the Highlands Nordic Ski Club, of which Thurston is president. He and fel-low groomers Dan Gleason and Al Trossett groom the trails with Ski-Doos pulling Tidd Tech Snow Tenderizers.

Snow plowing of the Highlands Sno-Park and grooming of the ski trails is paid for by the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission from the proceeds of non-snowmobile Sno-Park Permit sales.

“The Winter Recreation pro-gram has two parts; motorized

trails for snowmobilers and non-motorized for skiers. The trails here are all non-motorized except we let the snowmobilers use a connecting trail to the Bonaparte Lake Trails and Bonaparte Sno-Park,” said Thurston. “They can park here and use the connecting trail.”

Members of the Highlands Nordic Ski Club spend hours each year cleaning trails, creating new trails and providing mem-bers with up to date reports on weather and trail conditions.

“If people want to get involved, they can join the Highlands Nordic Ski Club. We have a work party in the fall, trimming branches,” said Dave Kliegman. “It really is a community Sno-Park.”

The Highlands Nordic Ski Club formed in 1985; and after an evening of brainstorming, Walter Henze wrote the first grant for the

Sno-Park, which opened in time for the 1985/86 ski season.

“Walter thought this area would be good because it held its snow longer in the season,” said Patti Baumgardner, secretary of the club. She said private land-owners Lyle and Sandy Oberg, Gerry and Ivan Oberg, and Brenda and Cody Aimes were generous in allowing the ski trails to cross their properties.

“It is just so much fun to Nordic ski, and it offers a fantastic way to exercise and to enjoy the outdoors during a time of year that makes many other healthy activities difficult,” Baumgardner said. “I haven’t been to every Sno-Park in the state, but I think our groom-ing is as good as anywhere. Other Sno-Parks have big Zamboni grooming machines, but it’s also more expensive to ski there. Jack and his crew do a fabulous job with the equipment they have.”

Baumgardner, who writes the reports on trail conditions,

said over the past 30 years about 25,000 visitors have used the Sno-Park.

“Snow shoers are also totally welcome, we just hope they stay

to the side of the groomed trails,” said Baumgardner. “The snow shoes kick up snow, which makes it difficult for the skate skiers. We’re hoping to have some des-ignated snow shoe trails soon; we just haven’t gotten to that yet.”

She said the Highlands Nordic Ski Club has well over 100 fami-lies on the list, and while anyone can ski at the Sno-Park, club dues help pay for incidental expenses such as the special use permit from the Forest Service. Dues are $10 per individual or $15 per family per year.

Highlands Nordic Sno-Park is about 16.5 miles from Tonasket. Take Havillah Road at the north end of town toward Sitzmark Ski Area. Drive 15 miles NE to the Mill Creek Road (Forest Service Road #3230). Turn right, and take Mill Creek Rd. 1.5 miles to the main parking lot.

If coming from Oroville, take the Molson Grade Rd. east from the center of town and follow the signs to Sitzmark Ski Area. Continue past Sitzmark and go through Havillah. The Mill Creek turnoff is approximately a half mile south of Havillah.

For more information, contact Baumgardner at highlandsnor-dicsnopark.com.

Katie Teachout/staff photo

Gregg Bafundo of Tonasket takes a break from his work with Trout Unlimited to head up the Antoine Loop trail on his lunch hour.

“Skiing makes winter something to get

excited about instead of dread.”

River Jones

Katie Teachout/staff photo

Jack Thurston (pictured) and his crew keep the trails groomed with a couple of Tidd Tech Snow Tenderizers pulled behind Ski Doos.

Katie Teachout/staff photo

The Antoine Loop, part of the 38 kilometers of groomed trails that make up Highlands Sno-Park, covers 14 kilo-meters of pristine wilderness.

Page 9: Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune, December 31, 2015



Three Hornets take bronzeBY KATIE [email protected]

The Oroville wrestling team traveled to Coulee City December 23 to participate in the Banks Lake Brawl.

Three Hornet wrestlers won bronze medals; Louie Vazquez at 106 pounds, Drake Fox at 132 and David Iniquez at 152.

“Brigido Ocampo at 126 picked up a pin but went two and out,” reported Coach Chuck Ricevuto.

Also wrestling were Ryan Scott, Kacey Dewitte and Nick Clase.

“Injuries and illness kept nearly half the squad off the mats,” said

Ricevuto.Other schools competing at the

tournament were Almira Coulee-Hartline (hosting the event), Wilbur-Creston-Keller, Newport, Ephrata JV, Pateros, Selkirk, Republic-Curlew, Lind-Ritzville and Northwest Christian.

The Hornets were sched-uled to travel to Lake Roosevelt December 29 and to host Davenport and Omak January 7.

Tonasket wrestlers were sched-uled to participate in the Royal City Classic December 29 and the Schmunk Classic at Warden High School January 2.

Submitted photos

Michael Schroeder and Leslie Robb on a Christmas bird count near Twisp.

A new Highland Wonders event with Michael Schroeder and Leslie RobbSUBMITTED BY JULIE ASH-MOREOHA CONSERVATION COORDINATOR

TONASKET - On Jan. 8, 2016, the Highland Wonders educa-tional series kicks off the new year with an opportunity to learn about the world of grouse breed-ing behavior, with an inside per-spective on grouse mating sys-tems from a couple who have worked in this field both together and independently.

Mike Schroeder (aka grouse) has a Ph.D. in wildlife biology and is the upland bird research scientist for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Leslie Robb (aka spouse) earned a master’s degree in zoology. Leslie and Mike have conducted

research on several species of grouse in North America.

“No two species illustrate the variation in grouse mating sys-tems more than willow ptarmi-gan and greater sage-grouse,” Schroeder says. “Male willow ptarmigan follow their paired

females attentively throughout the breeding season while male sage-grouse attempt to mate with every female they see.” This talk will explore a variety of mating systems, ranging from monog-amy to extreme polygamy, and some of the breeding behavior of grouse species in Washington.

Dr. Schroeder is a Certified Wildlife Biologist who has pur-sued research and management of grouse since 1981. He joined the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) in 1992 and has continued to focus most of his activities on the biology and management of grouse. Mike is also devel-oping a monitoring and evalua-tion program for WDFW wildlife areas. He has worked with gradu-ate students from Washington State University, University of Idaho, and Eastern Washington University to address specific management issues related to grouse. For more information on his work, please visit http://wdfw.wa.gov/conservation/research/ staff/schroeder_michael.html

Leslie Robb received her

Bachelor of Science degree from Acadia University in Nova Scotia and her Master of Science degree in Zoology from the University of Alberta. She has done fieldwork on greater prairie-chickens and white-tailed ptarmigan and has numerous publications on many species of grouse. She has been involved in the ‘grouse world’ for almost 30 years.

Their research has included studies of: (1) population dynam-ics and behavioral ecology of greater sage-grouse and sharp-tailed grouse; (2) greater sage-grouse and sharp-tailed grouse translocations; (3) effects of wind power on greater sage-grouse and other species of shrubsteppe

wildlife; (4) conservation genet-ics of grouse; (5) connectivity of sage-grouse and sharp-tailed grouse in the Columbia Basin; and (6) effects of farm programs on greater sage-grouse, sharp-tailed grouse, and other species of shrubsteppe wildlife.

The free presentation will begin at 6:30 p.m. at the Tonasket Community Cultural Center at 411 S Western Ave. in Tonasket. A dinner benefiting the center will proceed the presentation at 5:15 p.m. For those wishing to partake in the dinner it is $7.50 for CCC members and $8.50 for non-members This educational event is provided by Okanogan Highlands Alliance (OHA) and

hosted at the CCC. The OHA is a non-profit organization that works to educate the public on watershed issues. The Highland Wonders educational series fea-tures the natural history of the Okanogan Highlands and sur-rounding areas. OHA’s Education Program, which is offered free of charge, is designed to build the capacity of the community to steward natural habitats and resources by helping increase awareness of local natural history. Donations are always welcome.

Those with questions can visit the OHA website www.okano-ganhighlands.org/education/hw or email [email protected] or phone 509-476-2432.

OHA presents: ‘Grouse and Spouse’

Submitted photos

Male dusky grouse display near Molson.

Michael Schroeder releasing a sharp-tailed grouse.



Data collection and analysis of dust has been a learning experi-ence for Mr. Ragsdale’s fifth grade class. The class went throughout the school placing cards every-where to collect dust. The class is learning how to follow proce-dures in a scientific project by using the scientific method to prove or disprove a hypothesis.

Leo Chen, a highly capable student in the sixth grade, inter-viewed Kylie Accord, one of the fifth graders involved in the project, who stated the project took four weeks to complete. She stated her favorite part was col-lecting the cards from all over the school. Each card was observed under a magnifying glass and the dust particles were counted by hand. Mr. Ragsdale stated in his interview with Leo Chen, this was a time consuming part of the project.

The students made the data collection display to analyze and

articulate their findings. With some supervision, the students were able to map out the entire elementary school and plot the

findings of the experiment. Tapanga Mendoza stated she learned to synergize as a team to complete a project. Both Tapanga

and Kylie stated the most fun part of the project was analyzing and discovering how much dust there was in different areas of the

school.The students learned how

to complete a scientific experi-ment by following procedure and working as a team. Mr. Ragsdale’s class hypothesized the janitors closet, cafeteria, and sci-ence room would be the dustiest but discovered instead the gym

office, library, and Mrs. Kern’s room were dustier. All in all the experiment was a success as the students followed procedure and worked together to complete the experiment and displayed the results for all the students and staff to see!

Fifth grade class learns about data collection

Submitted photos

The collected data was also charted by the fifth grade and displayed to help them analyze and articulate their findings. They also made a list of the steps they took in their procedure for the data analysis. The experiment took place throughout the school building.

Submitted photos

The fifth grade class studying data made a diagram of the Oroville Elementary School with the average number of dust particles collected in seven days indicated by different colored dots plotted on the diagram. This data was used to make a hypothesis and come to a conclusion.

“Conclusion: Our hypothesis was that the dirtiest rooms in our school would be the Cafeteria, the Janitor’s Closet and the Science Room. Also we thought that the cleanest room would be Mrs. King’s room. After collecting and interpreting our data we found out that the dirtiest rooms were the back room in the Library, Mrs. Johnson’s office, and Mrs. Kearns’ room. The cleanest room was the Confrence room. Was our hypothesis correct? No it was incorrect.

Page 10: Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune, December 31, 2015




Elaine Katie (Launer) Grillo, 94, died peacefully surrounded by family in the early afternoon hours on Dec. 24, 2015 at Apple Springs assisted living in Omak. She was born Dec. 1, 1921, to Les and Katie Launer in Republic, Wash. She was the sixth of seven children.

Elaine lived in Cape La Belle before moving to Omak in 1926 where her father worked for Biles Coleman Lumber Company, later moving back to the home in Aeneas Valley.

Elaine attended the Cape La Belle School and received a state certificate for completing the eighth-grade.

On Oct. 29, 1938, she married Henry Albert Grillo. Their union brought three children: Thelma in 1940, Marvin in 1942, and

Sherri in 1943.They were married 55 years,

until his death on Jan. 25, 1994.In the early 1940’s they pur-

chased a homestead from Henry’s father and ranched there until retirement in 1970.

In 1983 they moved to a home near Janice Bridge south of Tonasket.

Following retirement, Henry and Elaine purchased a com-mercial fishing boat and for the next seven summers, fished out of Westport, Wash. This was a pleasure, as all they really cared about was making expenses.

Elaine was a homemaker, school bus driver and the most wonderful mom and grandmoth-er anyone could have ever had. She worked beside Henry in the fields, riding the hay binder, rid-ing after cattle on the range, and feeding them in the winter.

Without patterns, Elaine made both her daughters’ wedding dresses, and sewed most all of the family’s clothing for all seasons and events. She also made many quilts, stuffed animals, snowmo-bile suits, etc.

She enjoyed spending time in the kitchen, making meals for family, hunters and anyone who stopped by at meal time. She enjoyed drying fruits, canning and making wine.

Henry and Elaine - playing gui-tar, accordion and organ- pro-duced their own unique blend of country music. They played for dances in the area for many years, never calling themselves profes-sionals, but performing in Frosty Creek, the Tonasket Eagles, the Tonasket Senior Citizens’ Center and other places.

Elaine served as secretary of the Tonasket Senior Citizens’ Center for many years. She was also a member of AARP and Stay Active and Independent for Life.

In 2010, she moved into North Valley Assisted Living in Tonasket after a fall on Christmas day. She lived there until the facility’s clo-sure in 2013.

She then moved to Apple Springs where she resided until her death.

During this time, Elaine con-tinued to be active by attend-ing birthdays, weddings, holidays and parties- as family was the most special thing in her life.

She is survived by her son, Marvin (Gini) Grillo, of Tonasket; Sherri (Ted) Laurie, of Tonasket; son-in-law Stan Warwick of Spokane; 11 grandchildren; 17 great-grandchildren; and five great-great grandchildren with three more on the way.

She was preceded in death by her parents, Les and Kate Launer; husband, Henry Grillo; daughter, Thelma Warwick; and great-great granddaughter, Rayleigh Colbert.

A private family service is planned and interment will be at the Tonasket cemetery.

Memorials can be made to the Tonasket Senior Citizens’ Center, P.O. Box 86, Tonasket, WA 98855.

The family wishes to express thanks to the staff of Apple Springs for the wonderful love and care she received while there. Also, special thanks to Frontier Hospice and Dr. Phylicia (Hancock) Lewis.

Bergh Funeral Service of Tonasket is entrusted with arrangements.

Elaine K. Grillo

Faith Lutheran Church11th & Ironwood, Oroville • 476-2426

Sunday Worship 9:00 a.m. “O taste and see that the Lord is good!”

Pastor Dan Kunkel • Deacon Dave Wildermuth

Immaculate ConceptionCatholic Church

1715 Main Street Oroville11:00 a.m. English Mass every Sunday1:00 p.m. Spanish Mass every Sunday

Father Jose Maldonado • 476-2110

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Oroville Ward33420 Highway 97

509-476-2740Sunday, 10:00 a.m.

Visitors are warmly welcomed

Oroville Unit ed Methodist908 Fir, Oroville • 476-2681

Worship on Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Leon L. Alden, Pastor

Valley Christian FellowshipPastor Randy McAllister

142 East Oroville Rd. • 476-2028• Sunday School (Adult & Teens) 10:00 a.m.

Morning Worship 11 a.m.• Sun. Evening Worship 6 p.m.Sunday School & Children’s Church K-6

9:45 to 1:00 p.m. Open to Community! Located at Kid City 142 East Oroville

• Wednesday Evening Worship 7 p.m.

Trinity Episcopal602 Central Ave., Oroville

Sunday School & Services 10:00 a.m.Holy Eucharist: 1st, 3rd, & 5th • Morning Prayer: 2nd & 4th

Healing Service: 1st SundayThe Reverend Marilyn Wilder 476-3629

Warden • 476-2022

Church of ChristIronwood & 12th, Oroville • 476-3926

Sunday School 10 a.m. • Sunday Worship 11 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study: 7 p.m.

Seventh-Day Adventist10th & Main, Oroville - 509-476-2552

Bible Study: Sat. 9:30 a.m. • Worship: Sat. 11 a.m.Pastor Tony Rivera • 509-557-6146

Oroville Free Methodist1516 Fir Street • 509-476.2311

Sunday School 9:15 am Worship Service 10:15am

offi [email protected] Rod Brown

NEW Hope Bible FellowshipService Time: Sun., 10:30 a.m. Wed., 6:30 p.m.Estudio de la Biblia en español Martes 6:30 p.m.

923 Main St. • [email protected] Fast, Pastor


OROVILLE LOOMISLoomis Community Church

Main Street in Loomis9:45 a.m. Sunday School11 a.m. Worship Service

Pastor Bob HaskellInformation: 509-223-3542

CHESAWChesaw Community Bible Church

Nondenominational • Everyone WelcomeEvery Sunday 10:30 a.m. to Noon

Pastor Duane Scheidemantle • 485-3826



Riverside Lighthouse - Assembly of God102 Tower Street

Sunday Bible Study 10:00amSunday Worship 11:00am & 6:30pm

Wednesday- family Night 6:30pmPastor Vern & Anita Weaver

Ph. 509-826-4082

Community Christian FellowshipMolson Grange, Molson

Sunday 10 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m.Wednesday 6:30pm, Bible Study

“For by grace are ye saved through faith...” Eph. 2:8-9“...lovest thou me...Feed my lambs...John 21:1-17


Holy Rosary Catholic Church1st & Whitcomb Ave., Tonasket

9 a.m. English Mass every Sunday7:00 p.m. Spanish Mass every Saturday

Father Jose Maldonado • 476-2110

Immanuel Lutheran Church1608 Havillah Rd., Tonasket • 509-485-3342

Sun. Worship 9 a.m. • Bible Study & Sun. School 10:15“For it is by grace you have been saved, throughfaith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of

God--not by works, so that no one can boast.” -Eph. 2:8-9“To every generation.” Celebrating 100 years 1905-2005

Crossroads Meeting Place Tonasket Foursquare Church415-A S. Whitcomb Ave. • Pastor George Conkle

Sunday: 10 a.m.(509) 486-2000 • cell: (509) 429-1663

Tonasket Community UCC 24 E. 4th, Tonasket • 486-2181

“A biblically based, thoughtfulgroup of Christian People”

Sunday Worship at 11:00 a.m.

Ellisforde Church of the Brethren32116 Hwy. 97, Tonasket.

10 am Sunday School. 11 am Worship Service “Continuing the work of Jesus...simply, peacefully, together”

Pastor Debbie Roberts, 509-486-3541Open doors affi rming diversity and welcoming to all

24 E. 4th, Tonasket

Tonasket Bible Church10 6th East and Whitcomb • 509-429-2948

Pastor Stephen Williams • www.tonasketbiblechurch.orgSun. Worship Service 9:30 am

Sun. Christian Education Hour 11 am • Sun. Eve. Service 6 pm“SANCTIFY THEM IN TRUTH; YOUR


Come join us!

CHURCH GUIDEOkanogan Valley

To place information in the Church Guide

call Charlene 509- 476-3602 ext 3050


Larry Irvine Bell, 68, passed away December 6, 2015 at his home in Bend, Oregon, after bat-tling diabetes for a number of years. Larry was born March 9, 1947 in Tonasket Washington to Irvine and Betty Bell.

He attended Tonasket High School and graduated in 1965. He served in the US Air Force for 19 years, seeing duty in Bangkok, Thailand and London, England. After his military ser-

vice, he graduated from Eastern Washington University with a degree in education. He taught 21 years for the U.S. Department of Defense Dependent schools in Babenhausen, Germany, Darmstadt, Germany and at Menwith Hill HS near Harrogate Yorkshire England. Larry was a passionate sports fan. He loved the Oregon Ducks and Gonzaga University Bulldogs. He was a great Motivator, Teacher and Coach. His teams and athletes won many championships. Even after his retirement he kept in touch with many of his students and athletes.

Larry was a devoted parent, teacher and coach. He had so much patience, and he gave of himself abundantly. He was a very giving individual, always thinking of others. From serv-ing our country, to successfully teaching and shaping so many

young minds, Larry Bell was a true hero. He will be greatly missed.

He is survived by his wife Carolyn, of Bend Ore.; mother, Betty Grigsby of Airway Heights, Wash.; sister Carol Bell of Spokane, Wash.; brothers Ken Bell (Teddie) of Spokane and Duane Bell of

Valley, Wash.; his seven children, Dan (Keri) Sanders of Mill City, Ore., Julia (Christian) Spears of Ann Harbor, Mich., Mary Louise Sanders of Minot, North Dakota, Mary Anne (Derek) Humes of Spokane, James (Kathleen) Bell of Cheney, Wash., Becky (Steve) Lee of Eureka, Calif., Michael Bell of Minot, North Dakota and nine grandchildren.

At his request he will be laid to rest next to his father at Tunk Mountain Cemetery in the Spring.

Larry Irvine Bell


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Kelly Lee Fischer, 45, booked for POCS (methamphetamine) and violation of a protection order.

Mary Sara Friedlander, 23, booked for second-degree DWLS and operating a vehicle without an ignition interlock device.

FRIDAY, DEC. 25, 2015

DWLS on N. Second Ave. in Okanogan.

DWLS on Green Lake Rd. near Okanogan.

Warrant arrest on Riverside Cut-off Rd. near Riverside.

Drugs on N. Main St. in Omak.Custodial interference on Engh

Rd. in Omak.Threats on Omache Dr. in Omak.Warrant arrest on S. Main St. in

Omak.James Leroy Spencer, 57,

booked for DUI, first-degree DWLS and operating a vehicle without an ignition interlock device.

Luis Rolando Garcia, 18, booked for possession of marijuana by a person under 21 years of age.

Cassandra Jo Vandeveer, 23, DOC detainer.

Kristopher Paul Graber, 38, booked for obstruction, third-degree DWLS and a DOC secretary’s warrant.

SATURDAY, DEC. 26, 2015

Malicious mischief on Engh Rd. in Omak.

Theft on Havillah Rd. near Tonasket.

DWLS on Omache Dr. in Omak.Automobile theft on Boundary

Point Rd. near Oroville.Recovered vehicle on Boundary

Point Rd. near Oroville.Disorderly conduct on N. Main

St. in Omak.Domestic dispute on Riverside

Dr. in Omak.Theft on Ninth Ave. in Oroville.

Chicken feed reported missing.Kristie Lee Freese, 34, court

commitment for unauthorized use of food stamps.

Robert Joseph Parisien, 21, booked for third-degree mali-ciousf mischief.

SUNDAY, DEC. 27, 2015

Domestic dispute on Main St. in Oroville.

Domestic dispute on Conconully St. in Okanogan.

Assault on Shumway Rd. near Omak.

Burglary on Jasmine St. in Omak.

Property damage on Hinde Rd. in Okanogan. Fire hydrant reported damaged.

Threats on Conconully St. in Okanogan.

Warrant arrest on W. Fourth Ave. in Omak.

Two-vehicle hit-and-run crash on Okoma Dr. in Omak.

Burglary on Main St. in Oroville.Domestic dispute on Main St. in

Oroville.Harassment on Fourth Ave. in

Oroville.Jonathan Brent McKinney, 42,

booked for possession of a stolen vehicle, attempting to elude a pursuing police vehi-cle, third-degree DWLS, third-degree malicious mischief and two counts of hit-and-run

(unattended).Neal Edward Newman, 31,

booked for DUI.Lisa Louise Best, 44, booked on

two Omak Police Department FTA warrants, both for fourth-degree assault.

Nickolas Jay Mieirs, 37, booked for residential burglary (DV), third-degree malicious mis-chief (DV) and disorderly conduct.

Kenneth Lee Harrison, 59, booked for fourth-degree assault (DV).

Bill Edward Lindy, 21, booked for fourth-degree assault (DV).


DUI – Driving Under the Influence

DWLS/R – Driving While License Suspended/Revoked

POSC – Possession of a Controlled Substance

MIP/C – Minor in Possession/Consumption

TMVWOP – Taking a Motor Vehicle without Owner’s Permission

DV– Domestic ViolenceFTA/C – Failure to Appear/

Comply (on a warrant)FTPF – Failure to Pay FineOCSO – Okanogan County

Sheriff ’s OfficerRP– Reporting PartyDOC – State Department of

CorrectionsUSBP– U.S. Border PatrolCBP– U.S. Customs and Border

Protection.ICE– Immigration and Customs

Enforcementms Enforcement

Skate into the New Year

TONASKET - The Tonasket Comancheros, along with Roger and Lori Sawyer, will be host-ing a New Year’s Eve party at