OJT Feedback Paper Pattern

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On a narrative statement provide background information on the following: 1) Where did you have your OJT (Company and Address), 2) How did you choose the company? 3) Your reason/s for choosing the company. 4) When did you start having your OJT? 5) What were your choices (the companies), if any, before finally deciding to pursue your internship/OJT? 6) How long (the time) have you devoted before finalizing and formally starting with your duty?


Areas of Learning

A. Cognitive or Intellectual Learning (What are the new things/concepts you have learned from the job and from the company that have helped you increase your mental ability and capacity?)B. Affective or Emotional Learning (What are the new things/concepts you have learned from the job and from the company that have helped you increase your emphatic ability and capacity?)C. Psychomotor or Physical Learning (What are the new things/concepts you have learned from the job and from the company that have helped you increase your physical ability and capacity?)Note: Each may include any or all of the following: Descriptions on the level of learning you have had from the job/company. Did you learn a lot, a little or none? Do you think you should have to extend your stay to further learn things you need to learn?


A. About Self (Evaluation of self on the possible improvements, if any, needed for him/herself.)

B. For the OJT Company (Evaluation of the student on the possible improvements, if any; needed for the OJT Cooperating Company with respect to support to OJT students.)C. For the OJT Program (Evaluation of the student on the possible improvements, if any, needed for the program OJT Program.)

Note: Cite weaknesses on each (A, B and C) that you have found necessary to improve, if any.IV. RECOMMENDATIONS (For each of the item of III A, B and C)REMINDERS: The length should be limited to 1-2 pages on short bond paper with the following specifications: equal margins of 1 inch, Arial as font face, font size is 12, justified and single spacing. No need to provide a covering page, only the following information on top of the paper.Name:_________________________________ Faculty-In-Charge: _____________________

Name of Company & Department: _______________________________________________

Subject & Section: ___________________ Semester & School Year: __________________ The paper should only include the highlighted words/phrase or statements as its headings. Italicized items are only guides in the development or preparation of the paper. Do not copy the format as is, only the outline.