oJ x z u - DigiFind-It · per «at to paaa master tk. tocal 1 liraltk Hoard la to be ar*«d lo...

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Transcript of oJ x z u - DigiFind-It · per «at to paaa master tk. tocal 1 liraltk Hoard la to be ar*«d lo...

Page 1: oJ x z u - DigiFind-It · per «at to paaa master tk. tocal 1 liraltk Hoard la to be ar*«d lo eecunr! tka cooper. Hue of tka Slat. M I* tndi.napolla. IM IHmidlag lot aaanerlj inspections,







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Page 2: oJ x z u - DigiFind-It · per «at to paaa master tk. tocal 1 liraltk Hoard la to be ar*«d lo eecunr! tka cooper. Hue of tka Slat. M I* tndi.napolla. IM IHmidlag lot aaanerlj inspections,

coast u m m

A l i d M i mm etortrtdty t»nrir“ * Dm! >l(k fatal rseulU


------------ um mu* Hoard af Mh M. . _ . _ 1 P*«* and «a»lafa»l*«y lM » «ctfi nt

V M M 1 C*****ttM Put* I I I Ik. Mtrtm murium tw i—**. rf aw

Tbrke* U M not *»»m •acn for Ku«>p* eirepl •■>*'

. Delegates Down i l l Out


■ n WtM leeched Off E *p l*s l** After Eip Jc u w i Ceittewes

paper by c. H t r a m . •< ik . Pahi!*l l ^ n i ( ‘i f t u r g|.-.« iu| d irt i l#

n „ - “ ‘ - j - £ 5 0 * H E R SPURS ON CAUSE ZT -2Z‘Z fZ , « « * U 0 V E « TH E COUMTBt

Oa Ihe m k« w * <> fre«eeetH happen. lhat motweycl. rid«* *™

ttaa>wft,ller M M (<*pl.rad m

(W O [ U * « t M “ • « M M .

T *•*!■» f a n t l l t f — M n M F a r r i*

Alt aw, . < f«( Ha at Year.

"E.efibodra going lo get a red a oar. deilaf-* a St Uwla ph?.trlao

Happy dal •

(Sfrdal T recto. Cana T re a 10* — Tk* to*. Ha

tkara. .Itlwegb rigMI) tkotter plarva Aa k n u l l , lk» dairM* of tkla tmm^iat* tm . i l , kM acund

1 k a n fraction e n t Ik* m ailed M per « a t to paaa master t k . tocal

1 liraltk Hoard la to be ar*«d lo eecunr! tka cooper. Hue of tka Slat. M I* tndi.napolla. IM IHmidlag lot aaanerlj inspections, sal

_________ delegates to lk# c-onieuik.n ol [he

bdtaa. la adten<-ed aa a core lor N a. Jersey » « « < Htigra*. 4**‘ ^ W . U a . a • - • biowd d a l* . tk Ik . *s~mbl, -'----- --


A Pittsburg tramp wa • t i l LOO# peonlea 50 hto pocket *ta copprai, all rl|fcl

the Stale Houae not get th<- oaly

motion he had before tbe contention

Tbe ■tram n»U«r method*, to which Ibe chamfer I* so familiar were put

into practice, aad Henry lsOCfc*ood

___________________ found himself out of order Mr Lock

A .Oman haa bean appoint'd n » ""■* * delegate *■»»■ '* » l le h .r t ilu b

trollrr ol AtUntlc CHy Control tneb n ' f “ * * b' >“ •“ « Mr*J aba I * I * * * . °< " ‘ I™ '* **>*««• * ^

gate to tke coming national coavea tion at Phitadetphu He got oa his feet and ke stood tbere for before tbe president aoald recogafa* him Wben be did finally get recogai

aaya tbat tela- (ion be told ot tbe great vork Mra

Electric light* ha** aow about thirty yeara. bat sc are adil blowing oat the

■nd tbe reporta of Ibe reaelta are to tie gives eide publicity

Waal »«*«* Normal School

Tbe aaaocUtloa alao derided to look ap tbe eoatract for the atreet patlag •otar qaestioa having aru»« ac to » bet her the Improvement* for which the tn&pnyer* have tpent I1M .IN ara ap to the require meat* of the *ped- fkatioaa Tbe Maaidpal Affair* Coat mittee waa charged with the duty of presenting to the aeat meeting ta formation bearing upon tbe Mbject It waa decided to aee every effort to

proposed new Sute aormai achool which South Jer­aey la expected to get under leglala stoo the coming winter, and which a

dan Wha Paid H t* **«» bpoew

ta Wife After tvecy 'M . *

-Ortie ■ McMaaA dyaamiter. whom

roafeasloa led to the arreel of the Mr Samara brother* aad to Ihe I ad let m<at of Ihe ta rty »e iroa worker* aow oa trial la the fedecui lo an , was a fioverameat wltaeaa and told the atory ot bla career aad detaillag hla anions la aeveral case* ia which property waa destroyed by dyaaaaite He waa tool oa the staad. talbtd la a low voice, bat very distiactly. aad did not hesitate al aay time ia his story

Tbe witaeaa aaid he had beea a


Ib m n im ir»a . st*w *<iu*rStall**. «■* k»

mn passessed wjumo

I st

_ r Oisaetec to a«

~aiaa Trato^Fre*#K Wt

Wee* killed.

I (aullr tblttt^ tkfw1 m u r r than d u ; «“« »I cut «ttk *JtM itaM •»*

h .ft la tk . krtra o« 'ol M H Caamatbai*. ! * ( » » l u o , and Ulaaiaaippi ' ali.»

alo. tn la . Ik tk lllx U> p lk» ' Tka UoatMasrtka ara p a r la i food t| k irn u d Ikrr kave aa apIO ai«Mla U> p t»«« l • '* • ' tmi

dale aiMf A «n™» ol Moaua<«rla aoldlrra Id w a kara aortla i rapid tf bla rripplad traia wklld *i l a a t ef B a w ,

• Ilk tka ■

i crazy Dakota aaa dome to tke Pekart Oak. j tf lom„ .||| mri.e for AnIta. and tkounbl It a Httto( trtkate Ikal ' iu, pmhfeat Riddell appointed thla

ake be made a dele«a« to t ie eonrw apeelal coamlltee to look after Ike •tt*- matter I'bar lea R Baron chairman

Out af Order, former tasemkl.mar. Ephraim T OULMr*. Clara a LatWj, tbe preatdeat, Jw | k p WaUaortk. Jamea L Peoo,

laid Mr. Lockwood he aaa oat of order K k „ and C. H Briatm. J. Roae aad tkat tke nomination, kad been g , '>art u d fulpb W W eatrott were

bathe aa a cafe for M iriam treveaa rtoaed Mr. Lockwood aald Ike aelec upointed delecatea to Ihe uaaa l Lack of ahlakj woald earn tha name tlona mt*bt be made br anaalmoaa M,a*eattoa nf tbe AmeHcaa drte A* « i coaaeat. bnt Mra Laddr aald. “Toa torlnioi, la Baltimore.

-------------- ara oat of order!" Thl* esded tkeTbe lord aatfor af Lnadoa mar be participation of men maa ta the asrk

atone pernoa: bat tkera Mat naw la of the conrentton The coareattoa a rknaaand na tbia atda a a HO Ma cloned wtU aa nddreaa b) former aam . Sheriff rn a k N Sommer, of Neamrk-

--------------- Mr Sommer pointed oul Ikal womenmarrtaa* da ■ .re laatrameaUi la lo r.ard ing the

la tka ttoarae of a ceatarr eaubttahaneat of larealle ctmrta .la

ar 'wo they mar ad ruca to aero ,k)a grate Mr Sommer continued

vtaoea. that lt waa not enough lo be enrolled

— ' — — ia a woman's suffrage aaaociatioo. HeA Prtaa haa k xtaaoori t a a U f l O ^ 4 , .o rk ahould aot atop there,

etca tn eierea poa tha Wbat waa „ inrolte pubBclty and notoriety tbe hen M a ( na tba other ae re .lt aa<i a !o, o) eneriy, he aald. bat worn

•dd daya? en wiUtag to bear thia bad hla ad

mlraltoa. Mr Sommer taalated that

the cry of the women for the right to suffrage 1a oat “new aatioaalism/' bat a matter of justice

Ta Hold Street Parade.It waa decided to bold a street pa­

rade in Newark oa tbe Saturday prior to election ta 1913. The officers elect­ed were: President. Mra. Lillian F.Felckert. Dunnellen. first rice-presi­dent. Mr*. Mary L. Colvin, East Ot

second rice preaident, Mlaa Ele­anor Gebhardt. Cliatoo; correspond-;

B f a week.* saya a New Tork rtergy- maa. thaa glrta* to a line oa the scat V Bvtag.

A German profesaor aaya cooking ta a loot art. bat look at tha

itt aalads oar girta ar* aak-

Qaeea Mary refuse* to employ typewriter for her private correspond­ence Perhaps she wants her epiatle* correctly spelled

Tbere is ao question of tbe legality of tbe decision that a pupil la the Cedar Grove public school, of English parentage, need not be compelled to repeat the formula of allegiance to thla Government wben aalatlng the flag, as Is the dally custom Thla coaatry educates children wbo a re resident bere withoat regard to tha nativity or allegiance of their parenta. because It doe* aot want Ignorant creatures growing ap It la tnken for granted thnt they desire to become citizens, and thnt purest* who are so wedded to tbeir birthplace na to object to compliance with rales which are good enough for Americana, will not use the public school*, hat pay for the instruction of tbeir children in insti-

• i u tions not supported by oar people. When there are exceptions tbey shoald be Ignored.

New Light oa Liability Act.

A aew phase of the Employers'

I from him a Moscow iPoverty saffera

fa tba Delaware river and waa badly damaged One eaat he af theae trail war craft

We*re aly going some when we ca Parta anything ta that Boa

tag secretary. Mra Annie P Bowae. U»W«3r '» « ™ totolted to the S t Newark; recording aecrelarr. Mra C a ,n la the caae of Mra. The

ra * . L. Pearoae. Moat CLafe treaa- " * » «*'<>•' <*e Went Shorea . . . h i b . a * Seaahore Railroad. Tke womu'a

husband, Angelo Batista, a laborer, was killed last March, and Jndge Car- row. of Camden, made an allowance of $1,250. It developed that Batiata had

He had

Mr*. Anna B. Jeffry.Orange: auditor. Mlaa Beasie Pope.Jeraey City Among the delegatea

to the coming national coa-

A torpedo boat destroyer htt a berg* v«don in Philadelphia was Miss Alice . #. ..Paul, of Moores town, who was im- ***n m* rrte<1 l“ w

A Cornell profesaor • new Ice age la about to atrlke tbe earth. Thank goodness, one tty wUI go down tn price then.

it scientists who are to raise vegetables by electricity may havp noted the success with which many people raise Cain under tba glow ol the arc lights

A German scientist has Invented a machine that you feed vegetables Into and get real milk from It a a safe het there ta a pump around It some­where.

So ter as the reports go. non« of the prehistoric cave paintinga In Enrcpe tbna far discovered is an Interpretation of moonlight or a life portrait of a pan of fried egga

prisoned in England for her participa­tion in suffrage demonstrations.

In Court Only aa Mayoc.

Mayor A- C. Hulsixer. of Fleming' ton. although not a counselor at-law, appeared in hia own behalf in Su­preme Court, and explained that he was present la tbe capacity of mayor rather than as a barrister. He has been a member of the bar for 32 years, but qfver bas qualified as a counselor Under the ordinary rule of the court ke would hare been for­bidden to appear in person, but after the explanation Justice Swajze said: “The Court will close i u eves.” The question which Mayor Hulsizer de­sired to argue was his right to receive

a salary of U<K* as Remington's ex­ecutive.

mayors of municipalities such as Flemington shall receive no compen­

sation except fees, the local council

pass«d a resolution granting him a salary ot Following the argu­ment Mayor Hulsixer was informed

by the Court that he was not entitled to aay salary.

three children by his flrat wife, and upon ber death married Theresa There were no children by this mar­riage. and in IMS Batista abandoned hia second wife and went through the marriage ceremony with another wom­an. It was claimed for the railroad that the aecond wife was not de­pendent upon Batista nt the time of his death, and therefore was not eo> titled to compensation.

aad had bccmae faaatliat of dyaamitf lie had raj

for a few boars after jotaiag tbe Iroa Workers Uaioa aad had beea heavily lined That flae ■aa hangiag over him ia 19W7 whea he waa wovblag ta Detroit He had been w orb tag ia several ritlea. bat ia May. I POT, got work oa the Ford Build la« la Detroit aad wa* eagaged thus whea Herbert 8 . Hockia. preseat sec­retary treasurer of the Natkmal Iroa Work era Assodadoa. came to sea him

Hockia iaqwired as ta McMaalgal a familiarity with dynamite aad thea told him be waa ted him to blow ap a baildiag a Arm by tbe name of Raasell was puttiag ap ia DetrolL Whea tbe witneas demurred Hockia told him he woald be boycotted if he did aot an dertake the dynamiting Job Tbe dy­namite was to he placed Bader aa en­gine. a boiler aad aa air compressor at a building being erected by tbe Ras- sell Arm for tbe Detroit Gas Compaay.

The w'tness aald he weat to Bloom ville aad parcbased the dyaamite oa June 22 aad oa tbe night of Jaae 2& he arranged tbe explosive aad atUcb- ed a hue about twenty-live feet loag to i t The baildiag was badly dam aged aad the machinery was wrecked.

He said there waa a restauraat near by aad he feared some of tbe em­ployes might he injured, so he rolled a garbage barrel against the back door of the resUurant to keep them from coming oa t Shortly after tbis a man. whom he did not know, slapped him on tbe hack and handed him an envelope. When he opened It bp found $75 sad a piece of paper contaiaing tbe worda, "Goavlimeau ot tbe execu­tive board." A day or two before tbe money was handed bim Hockia had been to see him and had said be would receive pay for tbe Job.

He named Frank C. Webb. New Tork; Michael J. Young. Boston; Rich­ard H. Houlihan and James Cooney. Chicago, and Frank M. Ryan, all offi­cials of tbe association as among tbe defendants, besides the McNamaraa. who knew of hia dynamiting. Ryan ia Presid^t of tbe association

MrManlgal told bow he carried dy­namite in Edit casea on paaaengcr trains and checked the explosive at railway stations withoat thinking of danger to others; bow he wanted to place bombs so night watchmen would not aee him, and how from every city where he blew up a 'job" he aent a souvenir spoon home to his wife in Chicago.

Throughout McMsnigal’s confession, which in condensed form covers more than 7Wi page*, are related incidents of intense in teresL


Taft Declares People Steadfast Head * f Faith Urges Seslems ia SeH-6ever*aieat Heritage to Fight Unbelievers


Us*, tbs Plna ftaaolva st tba Psa-

pi* *ta Transmit That Her-

Tafttbe time-hoaored Thanksgiving proc-

oa the aatioa to read-

parted from the asaal test to write ia a little paragraph, which might re fer to tbe eiectioa. aad which specifted

w m ia tbe “coaaervaUoa of tbe herit­age of self-gpvenuaeat bequeathed to aa by tbe wisdom of oar fathers" and their t m raaoiva “to traauait tbat heritage unimpaired.’' The prodama- tioa follows:“By the President of tbe Waited States

of America. A proclamation **A God-fearing aatioa, like oars,

©wee It to iU Inborn and sincere sense of moral duty to testify i u devoat gratitude to tbe AB Giver for tbe countless beaefiu it haa enjoyed. For many yeara lt has beea customary at the done of tbe year for tbe national executive to call upon hla fellow coun trymen to offer praise and thanks to God for tbe manifold bleasiags voucb- aafed to them is the past, and to anile in tbe


at Horror—Famished t o I discs 1a a

Quagmire Read Eat tbe Fie**

af Deai

Constantinople — Sheik01- Islaaa. head of the Tarklsb hierarchy, baa la-

Extradite Motor-Car Thief.

The Attorney-General approved thc requisition papers for Clarence W.Tall man. who is wanted in Pougj- keepcle, X. Y., and is in custody in Newark. Tbe papers were forwardedto the Governor at Princeton Tali- Over 20.000 Women in Great Torch-


man and his pal. Thomas Woods, the While the law provides that police say. made a business of robbing

garages, and were caught in the act. In attempting to escape Woods was shot by a policeman and killed.

light Parade in New York.

New York —About 20.0KM women, girls, some of them very little ones. by the hundreds, and several thou­sand men and boys marched here in a night parade for the glory of woman suffrage. It was a wonderful spec-

German duelists are in a dHemma. If is a dlsg^ce to refuae a challenge.

tbem to he killed

In tbe old daya the happy gsklano was able to go out and for three flsh hooks hoy the prettiest girl In the Igloo for his wife That waa before he waa discovered. Now. the girls pay for the hosbands.

The wretched Truth.

Schools to Aid Agriculture

For the purpose of creating a deeper tacle- aDd was witnessed by s crowdinterest in courses of agriculture in tk»t jammed Fifth avenue from Fifty-rural schools of the Sute. State Com ninlh to Fourteenth street, where themlssioner of Education Kendall haa P apers turned east to Union Square.

TV. rvmre «r .h Q,.> ». is*ued a bulletin expressing his views The * etching throngs, the police es-------- T S . c®"Jrt"1r “ ®;s t*e ta » „„ the subject He says lhat because tima-eil, numUred iiKl.dftil to ilW.uWI

aad the, tt be «mt to prtun If ttey >» kelp toward , grade. of |h, , roi)[lg lmCT„ , roantrT Bfe person,.

light Tbe only solution appear* for ]»«, the Sght to compel u k Mmllatoo Is Increasing that wher emblematic of the rictorr

n" ‘rr“ . “ Um S:at" to n e r practicable schools should derote wo,! )n Atxtoaa. Michigan. Oregonm i * a“' b““r no* part of their work to the dominate “ d Kansan bad a conspicuous place.

T ',1 f aclir"> Of pursuit of the community a" d «o»e emblem-tent of tne infiuence of the railroad _____ asle of whal ban already been achieredobbr tii the neit Legislature remains T in Wyoming. Idaho. Utah. Colorado, to be shown, but tt « no secret that ° , ® “ Washiogton and California. Norway, these corporations hare many friends William S. Zane. William \ander s , f rini. Denmark, Finland Iceland among thoae elected Tbe Gorerwir-a »><■“«■ Sidney Bailey. Norman Bailey, Australia and New Zealand were rep-

------ -------- attitude is all important, but his veto Harry Lee and W. Scott Hand, of resented, too.After July 1 of next year LouUlana of last winter’s act Is discouraging. Ocean City, hold the record for deer ft loo’k nearly two hours for the

■hoe dealers wttl have to sell pura and his time is much occupied with shooting this season. They killed one * 0men to pass a given point and thegoods or he liable to punishment national affairs The wretched truth spikehorn buck weighing 125 pounds only reason they were able to doPolar explorers win now know where appears to be that the State is wait* a four pronged buck weighing so in that time was because to procure the footgear conuinlng Ing for some . horrible disaster to 178 pounds between the head of Tuck- f marched in columns of fifteens'the greatest nourishment * arpuse it to tbe shame of its neglect, j *hoe River and Risley. ________;_______

"The year aow drawing to a close has beea notably favorable to oar for­tunate land. At peace within and without free from the pertarbaiioBS and calamity that bave afflicted otber peoples; rich la harvesU so abundant and industries so productive tbat tbe overtow of our prosperity has advan­taged tbe whole world stroiw: ia the steadfast conservation of the heritage of self government bequeathed to us by tbe wisdom of oar fathers, and Arm ln the resolve to transmit that heritage unimpaired, but rather Improved by | good use, to our children snd our children’s children, for all time to come, the people of this country hare abounding cause for contented grati ; tude.

“Wherefore, I. William Howard Taft. President of tbe United Sutes of America, in pursuance or long estab­lished usage and in response to the wish of the American people, invite my countrymen, wheresoever they may sojourn, to join on Thursday, the 2&th day of this month of November, in ap­propriate ascription of praise and thanks to God for tbe good gifts that have been our portion and in humble prayer that His great mercies toward us may endure.

“In witness whereof, I have here onto set my band and caused tbe seal of the United Sutes to be affixed.

“Done at the city of Washington this seventh day of November, in tbe year of our Lord one thousand aine hundred and twelve and in tbe inde­pendence of the United Sutes of American 137."

th e y


Second Place on Ticket Not Discussed, Missouri Governor Declares.

Washington.—Governor Herbert S. Hadley of Missouri came into Wash­ington on President Tsft's train and spent the day in the capital. He took lunch with Huntington Wilson, and that afternoon called on f*reaident Taft

The Governor did admit that the fu­ture of the Republican party was dis­cussed at the White House

Pro* Flynn advocates hair pulling---- ---- BRYCE QUITS HIS POST.

Often Dodged Death. Many Tire of Prison Bars. ______________________

Charging that one of her husband's Twenty-all slayers are included British Ambassador at Washington tomany a man mlnns his hirsute adorn- favorite sports was pointing a loaded among Ihe inmates of the State prison Retire and Return to England®eat wrbo sron’t agree wtth him rerolrer at her. Mrs Ona Victoria Do- who hare ft tec petition* with the Washington —The Kighl Hon Jamel

------ ■------- ian, of New Tork City, brought suit In Court of Pardons for the eierclae of Bryce, the British Ambassador, haaIn tbe late of Man. the wedding tlie Court of Chucery against Peter clemency of the Court Among others notified President Taft tbat he* has

rtjlg w u formerly employed aa an Is- H. Dolan, owner of the Hotel Hamll- who seek mercy a n John Sykes, a tendered his resignation to hla Gor-strnment of torture It la la this ton. this city Mrs Dolan says that former lawyer aad preacher of tbis eminent, and wttl return lo Englandcooatry today, to

Dictators of feahlosi state that the waist Hae may be placed thla season wfcererer tbe woarer ehooaea. How- erer It probably will continue to tbe

A Tale profesaor saya-the arerage Anertcaa wastes fifteen yean of hla

B n be d mum die If be worked

a n tearing their dog's card artth tbeir wwa when making a lia . The do«. poor thine, eaa only aster to alleacn

while liring In Rayonne ln 1M3 Dolan city, senienced to ISOS to atiteen years The resignation come* before any grabbed a batcher knife from the fw forgery aod emhenlement. and settlement of the difference* between table and threw It at her. It Just ■>*»« H. Brand, a former local mer ihe United Statea and Gnat Britain missed her lice u d stuck In the door ehuf. sentenced to 1J07 to seren about Panama Canal toll* near her. Becaaae of hia manner Tea™ for aldtag and a helling arson Sir Cecil .Arthur Spring Rice, now Mr*. Dolan left her husband, aad now Both claim Impaired health The lat Minister at Stockholm, will socceed.■he sue* oa the ground of desertion “ ** often been before Court. -------------

----- | ----- TRAIN HIT* AUTO; 2 BOY* DIE.

Remedy Sircocated *** * y,° Canatrwetlon. -----• The tojnry to Gorernor Wilson, la Eapreaa Hidden at Craaalne by Sloae

In the discussion of social rice ia a limousine automobile waa a repetl Moving Freight

Se**r*- M k“ &«** denied with some tion of aeseral otbera. dan to Ike had Newark. N J.—J. P Sterenson Jr rigor that there la aa elcepttonai construction of maay of then reM I t yean old. son of J. P. Sterenson a number of hoases of lltfame there, aa ; des. He waa toeaed Into the air by retired contractor of Brooklyn, and If that were a conc'.astse answer to the machine encountering a bump ir Aleck Hall 1C yew* old, of Maahal- the charge of stctona conditions. Tbe tke mad. aad hia head struck tbe root tan. lost tbeir lire* when they at- cold fact is that Newark Is suffering of the limousine—probably hitting Ihe tempted 10 cross ibe railroad track* from erUa which base saade theae electric lamp Tbe result mighl I* an aatomoblle near llaslet N J place* unprofitable Tke authorities hare beea fatal—It n a aerioai and were mowed dowa by a train.


American Board Receives a Telegram From the Turkish CapiUI.

Boston - At the office of the Ameri­can Board of Commissioners for For­eign Missions a telegram was received from Constantinople stating tbst all the missiooaries there were safe ao far. Tbe messsge came from tbe mis­sion headquarters in tbe Turkish capi­tal.

So far as Is known ao formal appli­cation has been made by the board to the State Department at Washington.

at aow tbat tbe clergy of their Christina eaemiea have pro­claimed a holy war. it behooves tba Mahosuaedaa religious aathorities u» do tbe aame aad eacoarage tbe Tark­lsb soldier*. Missionariea will be aeat aasoag tbe troops oa tbia erraad. His appeal reads;

“With a view to exciting aad en­couraging the soldiers of the enemies, who surround as. their priest*, cross ia hand, are workiag la tbe ranks of the army. It Is b m fitting that oar Ulemas shoald neglect tbe accompBshr meat of a aimilar daty.

“Ia order that the victory aad glory, promised by the Almighty, may be granted without delay to the Ottoman army, it Is aeceaaary tbat tbe venera­ble Ulemas organise a Jihad. Such a holy war has. moreover, become aa obligation. If tbe condition of tbe Ot­toman aoldier*. who are all heroe*. Is to he strengthened

“Ulemas who feel tbat tbey poasesa tbe aptitude aad atreagth to partici­pate la this important tank, are iavit- ed to present themselves immediately at the Sheik-UMslamat, which will send thoae selected to the army."

The Yeai GaxetU prints a fervid ap­peal. beginning: “The 0*;oman fatb ertand and the world of Islam are ln danger.” nnd calling for all tbe Turks to aacrifice themselves la tbe name of Allah and the Prophet

Constant nmors circulate tbat tbe Turkish Cabinet is aboat to fall and be replaced by a military dicutorahip. pledged to carry on tbe war to the bitter end.

A Trail ot Horror.

Paris.—The retreat of Abdullah Pa­sha’s army to Constantinople waa stopped by action of the Turkish Gov­ernment The Ministers mustered what raw levies they could and sent them to hold tbe rends converging on Sgn Stefano and Stain boo!. The sur­vivors of Abdullah’s force find them­selves nt bay. caught between tbe Bul­garian and Turkish forces.

Tbe beaten army amved at Chatal- ja utterly demoraU^ra.

Many fugitives*^ are frost-bitten, wind-blistered and in tbe laat stage of weariness and hunger.

The horses which were killed or died from exhaustion have been eaten Taw by the famished soidiers. Tbe last train from Cboria had to proceed with caution to avoid tbe decapitation of many aoldlers who had fallen on tbe line.

Tbis train waa haatily filled with wounded. Women and children were alao carried, aa well aa Abdullah Pa­sha’s suff, foreign attaches and news­paper corespondents. Women were crushed and suffocated on tbe terrible journey.

So crowded was tbe traia little af it waa visible save tbe funnel of the lo­comotive.

When the wounded men died daring tbe journey tbeir bodies were lifted out of the train and laid by tbe way­side, to give additional room to tbe living.

Moatx sUtloa, 123 mOm here, a little after midalgbt manifest freight, raaaiag oa acbeda as raaaiag haa knew, craahed lato t paaatagev at a spaed of tweaty tweaty flve miles sa hoar The wr* caaght flre aad the rear three coack

Tbe knows dead COMEAUX. Mlaa Jt

GRECO, Mr* Roe*. U : lachary. McGINNIS. Mra Thomas; New


Zachary, La Uakaowa dead:Nlae coaatry i

Tbe freight eaglae ploughed iu way through the rear car of theexcwrsio*. aetting ire to lt aad the aext two coachea Tbe foartk aad fifth cava, wbicb were loaded with negroea. tele­scoped each otber from tbe Ijrce ef


Editor st "The Appeal to Reaaoe* Waa ta Hav* Faced Court.

Girard. Kae—J A Wey land, found to- aad owner of Tbe Appeal to Reasoa. a Socialist weekly newspaper pub­lished here, shot aad killed himself at his home la Girard He fired a ballet lato his month, muffling tbe sound la tbe bed clothes

Between the leaves of n book tylag tbe bed tbe foHowisg note waa

found: “Tbe struggle under tbe com­petitive system isn’t worth the effort; let It pass."

Friends of Mr Waylaad attribute hla act to despondency over the death of his wife w,bo was killed la aa aa­tomoblle accident a year ago Way­laad waa to have appeared la the Federal court la Fort Scott, Kaa_. the next day to answer to a charge pre­ferred by tbe Government against the editors and owner* of The Appeal to Reasoa of circulating through the mails defamatory matter rcaccruing nn official of tbe Federal Prison at Lea vea worth.


Naval Academy Restores Old "Chain

Annapolis. Md.—Convinced tbat sim­ple confinement to quarters does aot make ap a sufficiently serious punish­ment for midshipmen guilty of certain infractions of tbe rules, Capt J. H. Gibbons, Superintendent of tbe Naval Academy, baa ordered tbat hereafter tbey will be confined to a station ship as In years past, duri.ig the period of tbeir punishment, and tbe old Reina Mercedes, captured from Spain la IMS, has keen sekcted as the “prison ship.”

A number of interdicted midship­men already have taken up their abode between ber decks. The mid­shipmen. who re in durance are formed In a squad and marched from tbe shis to their reciutlons and meal* and then marched back again jio In-

j tercouree being allowed with their fellows.

The squad in tbe old days was called tbe “chain gang”


Leads, with Production of 3,169,137,000

Washington —A corn crop of 3.1*3.- 137,000 bushels, or 281.021,000 bushels more than the greatest crap of corn

' ever grown in any country of the world. Is tbe feature of the country’s most remarkable agricultural year in history, according to tbe .Vovemh^r

j crop report of the Department of a g riculture This great crop of corn

j was worth on November 1 to farmera : f 1.&50.776.000


Louis Cyr, Who Won Straight Pull Agairat Four Horses. Expires.

OtUwa.—Louis Cyr, tbe r'renclhC*. na*1 lan, a ho for yeara was called “tbe strongest man In the world.” died at hU bome fn Montreal, aged forty nine. He bad an international ref utation, waa faired in FrencbCanadan lore, and bad oeen given a place in the hab- lu n t poems of the late Dr. Drummond.

Cyr came into prominence whea he was eighteen, and was taken all over the world to exhibit hia wonderful teats of strength. His record for lift­ing with bis back a loaded platform was 4.502 pound* In i m be eatab- lished a record by winning a straight pull against four horses, weighing L- 000 pounds each.


State Department Denies Friction With Sec. Knox Cauaed Resignation.Washington.—The resignation of

Charles Page Bryan, United Sutes, ambassador to Japan, was annodnred at tbe State Department In an offi­cial statement announcing the resig­nation. it is said Mr Bryaa’a action » due to injuries received in a car­riage accideat which may nepesriUts his undergoing an operation which would make it Impossible for him U> return to hia post


Had Oiscu**ed Ca** ol Virginia Ctana- Former str« , c r CootoCor, Fira,

bare Letthem clean oat many of the soeaUed hotels, aad they will attack tbe great est wrong at IU very centre.

enough. There have been cases of tba ! the eagiae ploughed tbe machine same kind, and they show that tbf *>wn and burled tbe occupanu construction of the interior of covarat , through the air for aeariy fifty feet

Wrtberille. Va.-Af.er a Jury had ° 'wocrM ** « * " » Di**rirt-been obtained In tbe Wythe County 8*- Joaepb. Mo—Guy T. Helvering. Circuit Court bere for tbe trial of Sid Mary ville Kan., formerly a street- na Allen, tbe Carroll County clsns , car conductor In St. Joseph, who was man. charged with the murder of the Democratic nominee for Congreaa- Tbornton l«. Massle, the defense nun la tbe Fifth Kansas District, was moved that tbe jury be dismissed elected by s large majority.Tbe presecoffoa joined In the request. Helvering is now a lawyer, snd his snd the court so ordered. Amrtber trst knowledge of Blackstone was ac- venlr* rf fifty men was summoned, quired here six year* ago later be Oae jsrrmaa had diacassed the case ! entered the University of Michigna.


Verdict in Death by Gaa Exploslo# in N. Y. C. Yards.

New York.—A Jury before Supreme Court Justice Amend found a verdict of 3S.500 for tbe death of Mlaa Edith Offner, stenographer In the office of the Cosmopolitan Magaxlae. who wm killed on December 1 », ]>io, while walking on the street, aa a result ot Ihe explosion of pintsch gas In tbe New York Central yards.

Is the first resulting from ■“ to be tried

Page 3: oJ x z u - DigiFind-It · per «at to paaa master tk. tocal 1 liraltk Hoard la to be ar*«d lo eecunr! tka cooper. Hue of tka Slat. M I* tndi.napolla. IM IHmidlag lot aaanerlj inspections,
Page 4: oJ x z u - DigiFind-It · per «at to paaa master tk. tocal 1 liraltk Hoard la to be ar*«d lo eecunr! tka cooper. Hue of tka Slat. M I* tndi.napolla. IM IHmidlag lot aaanerlj inspections,

LITTLE WONDER ADS Classified Asbury Park. New JeiseyThe Minton of thin Hnnk fio n i itn

B eg inn ing in 1KH1I In-spiros < "oiifi-

donce in its M ethods and .Mmiihjt**-


Capital Surplus and Profits, $400,000.00Complete safe Dcp<»il I Apartment.

o k f ic k r s * ih r m t o k s

H kkitC. W is s o b , president T. Frank Appleby.C. C.CuiTToa, Viee WM. A. E. Ballard.KiiMmn R. Dattok, Cashier, Cornelius C. C!»yl'«.

John HuUnnt,¥. M. M im a, Assistant Cashier. Henry C. Wiasor.H. A. W«n»«. Assistant Cashier K. K. Dayton, W. Harvey Jones


M e t z & S t e w a r t C o .

W m P A IN T IN G A M ) D E C O R A T IN G O u r R e la t io n s to D e p o s ito rs

This bank not only transacts a gen­eral banking business, but is proud of the fact that it is the faithful counselor of it; patrons, to whom it is always pleased to extend disinterested advice regarding in* vestments or any other matters of a finan­cial nature. We cordially invite accounts-- small as well as large.

To those who ar«*

th ink ing or (Kiinting

or deeora ling tl icir

ti otises we say. W e

ciin save you many a

do lla r .

Make i i s prove it.QEOKOE Ii. ROGERS, Pres. F. S. HUTCHINSON, \ ice-Prev



619 Mattison Avenue Asbury Park, N. J .


STEWARD & THOMPSONPlumbing, Steam and Gas Fitting

Jobbing Promptly Attended to

P. O. Box 1244 Phone 510-R

715 F Street Belmar, N. J.

Telephone Asbury Park 15 Party M


Tke clerk laid him “Ye*, ye*." said Morse, w ill ex-

txeme urbintt J “Quite so. Now I would m e to see Mr. James"

-Wist Mr. James T* asked the

clerk j-Mr. James, the proprietor of this

hotel," exclaimed Morse. What was

more to the point, he grew t b i t peevish when the clerk Insisted that

Mr. James was not Ihe proprietor of

the hotel, and that no Mr. James was

In the house.-Ton can't U d me." said Morse

angrily 1 want to nee Mr. Janas, i

the proprietor ot this hotel, and 1

waat to see him quick I mean Mr.

Jesse James, the most notorious rob­ber of modern times—brother of

Prank.-—Popular Magaiine.


S A M U E L H A B E R 8 T I C K

Practical Sialttry Plumber. Steal tod Gts FillerT in Hoofing and a ll K in d * o l M e t* ! W o rk .Plumbing & Heating

Plumbing Office, 1004 F Streethare seen their seventieth birthday*.

The oldest peer ia the earl of Wemyas. who is nhiety-foor yeara old.

Lord Strathcona and the duke of Grafton following with ninety-two and

ninety-one years respectively, to their credit. H r. Samuel Tonne, who is ninety. In spite of hia name, ia the

doyen of the commons. U r. Thomas Bwt, tke “father" of tbe house, being

only aaveaty-five, and junior in regard

to age to Mr. Joseph Chamberlain. Mr. Jesae CoUinga, Sir Henry Kimber. Mr. Robert Cameron, Sir John iiaker and Sir Thomas Roe.— London Globe.



Since the insertion of our ad. on (let. IHth we hare sold fire improved properties, also rarant lots. All were good values for the purchasers.

W E HAVE ANOTHER, a 12 room house, all imprm emeats. 1-2 block I rum Ocean for $4,750.

o v a L tsT or ix s r a A X t 'B c o a p A . r m a r e rue t u u r


Biichaiion & Smock Lumber Co,in iber, M illw o rh . „ S IX O N I) , T 1 IIK I> and

It iii Iders* H ardw are , • R A IL R O A D AVKNUEM ,

P a in te rs ’ SuppHe*. E tc. ¥ . . A S B U K Y P A R K . X . -•

l>an C o n k lin . Eoeal A gent. P . O . Box 441, B e lm a r , N. J .Mary Newhard of Allentown. Pa,

Wrote Will in Her Own Homely Way. and It Stands.

F 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OOOOOOOOOKX

I Belmar Grocery$ GEO. P. LEDDON, Prop.Y *•

9 lirifcciits. I'mislons. Fruits and Vcgeublcs

E. W . German, register of wills of

* u ^ ap0r*V . . I^h lg h county, admitted to probate

_ . f — 9^**- the ? ,he n o d remarkable w ill offered herepoleon Bonaparte, thus describes the in m cento/y. i t was written by Mary

origin of tbe title Le Petit Caporal \>whard of Laarays. who left severalA singular custom was established in hundred dollars to personal property,tlie army of Italy, in consequence of j t rea^s.

the youth of the r ,mmander. or from -j ^ ,t aboal time I want my

some other cause. things fixed after I am gone, because IAfter each battle the oldest soldiers have nobody to depend on except my

used to hold a council and confer a ulsters. I hope they see to tilings and

new rank on their young general, who. do it In the way I want It done. It is

when he made his appearance in the a great task, but it cannot be fixedcamp, was received by the veterans otherwise. They always helped mea id salrted by his new title. along. I want them to divide my

They made bim a corporal a t Lodi clothes among them, because I have noand a sergeant at CaatigUone; and chldlren. so they are nearest I have

hence the surname of “ Petit Caporal.*' a good lot of things that have to bewhich waa for a long time applied to sold tor expenses and then 1 guess It

Napoleon by the soldiers w ill reach to bury ln e decently.

How subtle is the chain which “Such things as my big copper ket-

unitee the most trivial circumstance to tie and tube, washing machine sew-

the most important events! Perhaps tag machine, watch, bedroom suit,tins very nickname contributed to his bureau, chest, trunk, waiters (two nice

miraculous success on his return in ones), casters and other articles are to

1815. While he was haranguing the 1 be sold. There is also a stovepipe infirst battalion, which he found it nec- the garret belonging to the parlor*

essary to address, a voice from the stove, a dozen sauce dishes I believe

ranks exclaimed. "Vive notre petit they don't need and a white gravy

caporal' We will never fight against bowl I paid a quarter for, and two bigh im !" elass stands, which are to be sold.

________ ____________ "Hi3 bedstead, which lays in the............... u garret, I paid a dollar to get it stained

French Machine to Motstsn Stamps. Md vlrnish^ _ He ^ krap that forPYeneh po .toBce. wiH in future be to * k „ 4

prortded. officially, n lth stamp motot ^ , , lso „ „ t ,

enlng appliance? an innoeatlon whleh m , ,m It „ M d , T O tIs hailed hr the pres, as a hygienic ^ „ there „ M y U ft

reform As Lea Noovelles put it . ^ |, In my llfMIme nny m or«-the action lo t stamp licking, was not fou„ ln bDpe.--Allentown (to .) Rtg-only dangerous, but entirely devoid o l ^ v



Funoi':il Dirpto and f'inhaliiier

Belmar and Manasquan. N. J.

Nanasquan Tel. ITS, at lKelmar Tel


l'rcsh Country Eggs - Fancy Creamery Butter

No. 911 F S T R B B T


■ H O H N . E . ’ SFemerly Skir*»ys-


Ynuir order given prompt and careful attention.

702 NINTH AVENUEWe are Famous for our Regular Noon Dinner

Onr Chops and Steaks are Savory

New Management, the Best of Service

"ilven Heating \jr:.7 heating is the sum and substance -I ~'rMI—-i— . y

o;r home t: tint pmperiy wanned ii som.^.t :etv- \ - : ± x prevails in the parlor and .rdic

jots ia brrd-fioc- brirootns.-r, ' ' " pt Fcnaca Irnl homes 1

T. A n on a compmtiveij '— ^ O u . 0^ , of fuel. The K

I I I T t 3 W because Ihe sfsarc pel has a I K n f . ' l greater ndalin* sutiace than a

?>* round one, and actually dclncre

L a s t M in u t e S o c i a l A r r a n g e m e n t sf*

are made by Bell Telephone because the telephone is the quickest means of sending all kinds of messages.

A telephone in your home makes many social evening* possible because It reaches practically everyone who can contribute to the pleasure of your leisure hours.

Have You a Telephone in Yoar Home?




all heatiag problems. Ask the dealer

^ s ^ ^ n e a i t a l y o u . , Asbury Park Furniture Co.SOS MAIN ST.. ASBURY PARK


Page 5: oJ x z u - DigiFind-It · per «at to paaa master tk. tocal 1 liraltk Hoard la to be ar*«d lo eecunr! tka cooper. Hue of tka Slat. M I* tndi.napolla. IM IHmidlag lot aaanerlj inspections,

Our C h u r c h e s m m ( w a

at. l h . ’. < -tetri. *•— . Iterf.r,u d U W . n. Hi'lj d»y«, k » »"Nl » * '

a. m. » « k tmjK I * a. m. Hnwdir |

8 » b y . awl H .Jr IMJ*. I » p . m. O n t e i m . S .l« ida j« . •»<» « f Hul;

l l .y , and Firvt I-rid.,.. 4 I . .S M l tlWt<.

» * i p in

kwtm St KI.Mbrlh * CkOTk. IJ." .b>

.M l Fifth Avonaei Cb-adfntlhaW iatn.

Kt> W « I . M iCw im i*. I W . «

- Hi'.v. Ju lia T. G«ab». Aolrtaiit

P in t M r iM K l b i n p a i - ■»<■< *■

C . UommU. pMtot. >“"» ''l" " t ! •>

HI.XI a in Ity part.it. Jun to Chrwti.ii

teatur ul * .t i . Simil ar arfwfl *> *■»

p ... At I . » p. m. p nuduu f b f parti.

I r.vrr .w t in g Wa*uu«lur». 7 » p . ■

t au<|Hwll In buUdine a n >

M n. ( l..« * 1.11. apual TI....UI.)

Punt I

Mr. ami Mn. T. 14. litmlg. and Mill uf

A ™ • « the jfttoMt* «.f Air ami Mrs. Ab.

tin HI.Hrttay M i Frank H m li) alaftrd

f»f Virginia where he wilt vi.il relative*

The honor toll uf It.r public hcIi....I fur

week ending Nov. Nth ii ai. follow. ■ 1. 1.*

M.-kelvej, k .iic Scbw.iekart, fnoo-


Markaman Must Aim tor tp

M«k« i t iw o f a

KepiiuK « ■ m , mercnams

Military authorities and Iii* c anti­hunt* r* art- much Intereatad lu a u«w riOf MlcbtiQc ayateai that t»

Ut uliminaie thi MMMiity fur matins dimanm* und adjustm* eight*

in Iona raim*' shutting Of the negative angle ay atom as the

invention in called, H it George Groen

hill, a noted Kiiffllrili balliatieal es- |M-rt aaid lu a recent lecture “The

n« * nyHU-m proves that linor the ofl

Haven,. K.ith t : im * ,. M .l„ A »y , Mora I «*• oI "™ >™ « • « ™ f l» * <>' »i*htlnc la active aervice rifle firing has been

wrung The invention la likely

M anuiaititftf kOulid C*.

ttltiH UK A I* * * « •* ! . I *HOI v

■ao't J t .W «4 lu «7 Valu*

M’n iw * . tl.b § & \ »iu.

i>— wt * i . j . a l l * I 111 II HWi g , 1

J 0 ) \ T F A SO N

H a r d wait-. H a im s , S w A , K ftt,

■ m rsnvT H iM . m m um « i n r

<.LOIUi|-: PF. k IM K

*# » Lmikmmm 4vc

W gi

Anhur> I'«r4

**«a«Y Haaa ft 4

Link, Huth Klmer, (>lady» Havens. Fannie

Gaskin, Ada Van iJervitl, Edna Shetmao

Raj mow! kart, ilmh.nd Megill. L ii^d

Kinr«. Walter karr, Milton Asay, Lyle

Elmer, (leiHfr (ha*ry, I j -nIk- C,haaey.

Allan WiMilley, Karl Elmer, James

Havens, karl Klmer. Clair Rimer.

i w nrs a item« ta»v«

D .U ., pastor. The Junior Endeavor

sor let y at 10 a. m. PrcwhinK at ltt.9U

a ro The Sabbath wh.M.i at <■*» p. m,

Y. P. &. C . E at €.46 p. m. I*rca< hinfr at

7.3U pi m. Wednesday evening prayer

meeting at U ® o’dnck.

Twelfth Arc. Baptist Twelfth avenue

and F street. Rev. F . Shevmer, pas

tnr. Preaching at 10:46 a. k . and 7 :*»

p.m. Bible school at i :S0p. m. Wed.

itesday evening prayer and (•'inference at


Firet Baptist Ninth avenue and c|

street. Preaching serrk-e at 1 0 .* a. m.

Sunday -schtMil at 3 p. ro Preaching ser

rice at 7.90 p. m Rev. P. T. M*irvi«,

B. D.,

bring about a revolution In the art of

ah oot ing '

In brief the system utilises the veil

known fact that the apparent alae of

ao object decreanea aa tbe distant* in

I erwaea The uaer at the u«ignttre

' angle sight is instructed to sight at a ; point the height of the object under

' tt. I f the arm were tbe army rifle and j the tareet a man tbe point of aiming

would be about flve feet six inches be- agrasa of Colonial Times R* iow the man's feet.

« i. % Hru t l u «


sponsible for Designation of

The Church M The Holy Apostles—

Fifth avenue and B street. Morning

prayer and sermon every Sunday at 10.30

A. M. Holy Communion, First Sunday

of ewh month at 10.30 A. M .; the third

Saadayn in July and August at 7.30 a. m.

W ith the refills

j tlon atnmui it Ion as furnished for the

—( ; army rifle, the negative angle systemwill Insure hits on the man target, at

A ter,? to « ild o m » w m the n » l 1M tD ra6 yarf|,.brilthiiil Black Maria, and quit* a . whlcll „ , » 300

rnelu la helping to km p the peace tut yard, o ie r the ranee ot the prewift the black maria of today Black Maria battle sight

Uvcd -lB Boston nnd In Colonlnl time. At r,ret it would appl.Br that aome

Bhe n a fsUnntlc ne*r«» . named (r0„bl, nllKht |K, m rt to .tghtlng

Marie Lee, and ih e t o miatreea of a Ho»eTer no dtfRmiltr whatever Is HUInr. boarding houae do«m near the : Iound aim in« at a point t n leet

wtortea t Bix |„che« below a mnn’a feet, partic-BaUori came to her lrom all over u]arty „ th„ maI1 le conveniently on

the «nrUL They were often 1 w ild ,; t t e iipot to afford a gauge, very much rough net, bnt they never gave Maria |ike a foot rule photographed wtth a t m j trouble, for her huge aiae waa well I other obdect to Indicate comparative balanced by her prodigious strength heights

It is told that ahe once brought three I The new syatem u the Invention of

drunken sailors at once to the lockup h . Ommundson, an iungHahman. who

when they had grown too obstreperous wtm thP king * prise at a recent Ea*

to be kept longer In the houae. lish national shoot and who has been

The fame of Marla’s strength grew, high up In the aame contest on several ao that ahe became of great assistance other occasiona. to the authorities, fra* when men got to be violent or

H O W A R D I I jOWI>| \

Mcii uihI IUm f

Hat.! i*i aiiH Kuril

tamaNST* T lZUnikm un Ave .acMM sa.Mi n«<

oorOwH iMrtital i * f y Park, N. j .

S p e c ia l c h r iK lm a i . C S m a


ASMI fiV PARk, v J

C e n tu n E d ition , and all tb$# Lait*wi H its io a .

UtAlM if m *11.1:

Sunday at 3 p. ro.

3- Tenth avenue and F street.

JS—Third LManat aad A

i i -Fifth aad Ocean arc

M Sixth arenue and F

36-Fifth avenue aad C

41 Fomrtoenth and Ocean avenues.

43—Tenth avenue and C street.

44— Eighth avenue aad A streets.

45—Eleventh arenue and A street

53 Fourteenth avenue and F street.

55 Twelfth and River avenues.

Special Tars

64Hi general alarm. * taps, test alarm,

given erery ereniiig at 7.30 o’clock. 1

tap. broken circuit, f taps, fire oat, giv-


Maria was sent for and soon reduced Fliea In New Hoi

the unruly to obedience In time ber “Moving into an apartment that had

reputation spread all over Boston, and Ijcver before been occupied," aaid a the lawless element grew so afraid of ffat-dweller, “we were struck unplcas

her that often the threat of sending antly by the number of flies we found

for Black Maria was enough to quell there and fof their presence we were the worst cases of insubordination quite unable to account

Few people know of Black Maria “It was some relief to us to te told

Lee as the boarding house keeper of by a friend that there are alwayB lota Colonial days, but she handed her of flies ha new houses; that they are

name down as a menace to the vicious drawn by the paste used la the paper-

of future generations, in the modern j ing. and while the work is going they

Jail wagon To “send for the black have free Ingress; and then when the

maria” is as much of a threat now as house is finished tt is likely to be

R was in Maria Lee’s tima. . t closed up and the files left there to

■ he found when the first tenant movesin ."

Arrival aad Departure off Mails

A t I

a. * . I

New York and all points.. . . . . . . 6.16

Philadelphia, Trenton, South, West. 7.00

New York, South and West......... .. H.3D

New York and all points_____ _____10.45

Philadelphia, Trenton, Sooth, W e*. 11.16

r. a.

New York and all poM s........... 3.00J

A ll Points South aad V es t.. . . . . . . . 3.00

New York aad all pn isk .................. 6.00

*. a .

New York aad all poiats......... ...........7.46

Philadelphia, Treat.*, South, West .10.30

New Yack M d an points................... 10.46

Maaa«|eaa. Spring Lake, Sea Girt

......... . . . I . .........11.30

I all points......... . * .00

Sea G irt. Manasquan, Philadelphia

*. and Trenton....... .. 4.16

Philadelphia and Trenton.. . . . . . — 6.50

New York and all points.. . . . . . . . . . . 6.45

° W a . M . Baa*.nr, P.M.

Woggley had been found guilty, and sentenced to pay a fine of 9&0- Hand Mirror of

“Oh, weH’’ he said, “of course IH Now only Egypt's firm ladies ever

have to pay. because I am in a great indulged in the luxury of a hand mir-

hurry to get on, but 1 haven’t $50 in ror. True, tbey were not made of the

my pocket. W ill you take fijy check?" heavy plate glass that is used in those

“Bure,” said the justice. iu present useWoggley drew his chock, and at Before this mirror became oxidized

once proceeded to crank up hia ma-: it was in a highly polished state, and china c , brass, when polished can reflect a

“Hyar. mister,” cried the justice, J lace to all intents and purposes as well

“they hain't no need o’ your doin’ that as glass The body U round, or as I ’d ought to have told ye w ell hev to 1 round aa tt could be made with , an

hold that there car ex s’curity t ill the Egyptian hammer and tbe handle has

check goes through.”—Harper's Week- the same graceful curves of those of

Ir. I today.



10th Ave., Bet. Railroad & F St.,B E L M A R , N . J .

Will Open .Monday, Nov. iMhF o r T b e W inter Seasoa, Sh owing Absohtufar

N o th in g But Higib C la ss A ssociation

M O T IO N P I C T U R E SIncluding Selig. Lubm, Biograph. V.itagcaph,

Eeaanay, Pathr and Pathe Weekly


Matinee Tuesday, Thursday and Saiurdat

S Performance in the Evening, 7 and t*:9n Matinee* at S o'clock

" ' 1 )■■ 'IA ll MIS SKIS ......................... ......... Me

CtULtWCN I-Oder 12 Years Accompanied k} Parents Sc

Matinee, AW. L1S, lllc C H IL M & V Sc.

E G . A 3. L A IS I NGER15R. P n ^ tK ir* .

Cook's lk ‘ 0 lliveD E P A R T M E N T S T O R E


In K v m Department

and m ast*nirtik- ft trum thr hf iiimf

m a tH iln c tifff js , l> t e ^ C l l f c M t H n m .

I iicirm . ar H usn u } »iit i K - u u m i t ,

Laclie* C onti, w d SHttl^ bbar*.Mt-n'h f' u in m tir iifs and Hafts

( iMtk s Bee Hivep « t , n . j .


-Hence & 0 b i 6 e i sK a l I t U l t mm

7 0 6 T e n t h A v e n u e

We Save a Bargain a a Fi

Property m Elcveata *

the BeadL Oae that is

Wen ter aad a f ine

| Aaopii k laoiiti |!

F R U I T S a n d \ V E G E T A B L E S |

5 (Uiiili-ctHmerv and titd-tl4riitkf S i '


V06 F StreetOppnaRe Post tlffiee.

a.................. — J

S .



l i . A.


G A Sf • a

Liqhtiaq, Cookiag aad tfedng

v«ka kagcs, Cutaal 1Ma BaRn a l Rciaar BcMcn

F S tr e e t , B e lm a r

N e w Jersey CentralTRAINS LEAVE B ELM M i

For New York, S cn rkaM l Eiifabeth v i. all tail * .« l. •*.*». *JM , KJC. HJO, 11.IH a. m .t *.«a. S.4a, • « * . *.«> p. - .

Sund.J i- S . l i « . 4-ua. 6.3a, «.Si

' chi™*r. and Wert, t.tS , ti.si a. aa.:

» ..» p. m.•New Yoik Oaly. iSrturda j onij.

W . G . Bebuk, V ice- IW and Geo'l Mgr

W . C . Hoec. Gen'l h a **t-

g T O R A G E


t o let on Third Ave,

& B S t , for Carriages

Automobiles, Furni­

ture or anytliinfr.

a Y t o

M r. E lyon prcmisps,

— O R —

R .B . C am p b e ll, N .J.



S a tu rd a y a n d M onday , N ov. 16th a n d 18th, For C ash

G R A N U L A T E D S U G A R 5‘per Ib. with other goods

n o t m o r e t h a n t e n p o u n d s t o a c u s to m e r a t t h is p r ic e

FLOUR! T re a t’sXXXX Btils. i-2 sks...............$524J Ib. sks___ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -79Gold Medal, d : s . . ............................. 83Buckwheat, 241-2 sks.. . . . . . . .89

HAMS, Best SagarCardB y Whole i6 ic . lh.

Boneless Bacon. Be>a, by Strip, 22c.

Sliced Ham, C enter C u ts 22c. lh.


Starch, Best Laundry, 3 Jb. box, 14 c7 C akes Sw ift Pride S o a p ......... 2557 •• Proctor A Gam ble Soap 25c

\ e » H o m e M a d e S c r a p p l e , 3 l b s . f o r 2 5 c .

C A N N E D G O O D SV , n r HrMl(jU.rtcrs on All K indi aad Onr I'rice U fiottoin

COEN, Fancy. Ic a n a te ............................................... »

ST W N G BEANS, S cans for......................

nus.O M oim l.iw ..... .......... *»W » » n > E S . Fanrj, Cold Packed................ .............Hr

S M N A t^ i, lju g e Cana, i cans .................. ......... .. -®*c

1*1. CMS, dboice ( Albion Brand tape cans, SJiir: -- Sit

1*EACHES,Fun.y. Sliced Ki'iuani. Itrand ‘Cat. large can. in.-

PE-AKS, Choice, Garland Brand per can................ thr

l>EA«Su Faney. , QuakerOdoor Brand :CaL J*r can « c

CHEKKIES. Fancy. I llffnd.il Brand ) Fancy Cal BU

HOKK AND O E M S , sm all C a i t b >.V. L a r p ^ c a K . 4 far Z fc, SUU o l M k fc icm I

CAM PBELLS rOMATOE S O U 'S , 3 C aw lor 2 J t , t k u i> a l l i |

H W . * s a w ; per « . «c. S A 1 *» IM L T .| B r » . ic. L t W S O I * K U i s . lit-per aim.

THEAT’S FAMOUS B U M ) COFFEE a t 24* per Ib. Is iw G reatest Coffee V i h e Known

T R E A T S SPECIAL BLEND TEA a l tSe per Ib Is worth actually 50c per Ih.

I t E D O N I O N S , 1 5 c . 1 - 2 B n a h e l .

. . .Sac A l’fL E S . K . Y . Stair CmwouwK. IVa Raaket . * *

...........9ar APPLES. X . T. State Per Sarin*

— ---- M r

BUTTER! Oar Price Tke Lowest, QMlrtij Hifkesl.


C H O IC E W H IT i M%t kEREI... i r EACH

1 W IS H A V S aatd F K IU A T 1 mt Katfe Wsrfc( M i m i w i» »4 e tm H eim *r , t w * . ****** L * k r aa

G . W . T R E A T , 3 & 5 M a i n S t , A s b u r y P a r k , N . J .

G e o r g e G . T i t u s

C o a l , W o o d , H a y , F e e d

i n a j a a j a j a a a a a a m i i j i i i f i i i i i i ^

H a r r y J . B o d in e

Undertaker aad E a i b a l a i; i 2 M A T T I S O N A V K . V I . E

A « .!» u r r X . J-

Telephone «* Aatauqf twek



T. S . K IN G 'S ,

H A R N E S S , W I N T E R B L A N K E T S

Affral for CohMha F m Wapoas I m P o im P k a s m l l o L o a g Braodfa

RepairiiijC ■■ AS its Branches h* ExperieaccS



I Ml

Page 6: oJ x z u - DigiFind-It · per «at to paaa master tk. tocal 1 liraltk Hoard la to be ar*«d lo eecunr! tka cooper. Hue of tka Slat. M I* tndi.napolla. IM IHmidlag lot aaanerlj inspections,





f j

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l II

I |

' i




n T

.iiP ; |t ' I





f? i



is: m


ii y













Page 7: oJ x z u - DigiFind-It · per «at to paaa master tk. tocal 1 liraltk Hoard la to be ar*«d lo eecunr! tka cooper. Hue of tka Slat. M I* tndi.napolla. IM IHmidlag lot aaanerlj inspections,




Page 8: oJ x z u - DigiFind-It · per «at to paaa master tk. tocal 1 liraltk Hoard la to be ar*«d lo eecunr! tka cooper. Hue of tka Slat. M I* tndi.napolla. IM IHmidlag lot aaanerlj inspections,

Q u a lity W ith o u t E x tra v a g a n c e

Far am M M rm '* '■ »< * ) « *

T A Y L O R ’ SYou ha\eperhapsnoticed ihe amoum o( business

we have been doing I k s Fait It h-is been a Ten attractive sign (of us.» t ? . « k o * —1 1» " inwmw* t*>»

Compare our <*<xds and prices. they will speak for themselves. Vou will find for tne same price ex­pended here vou will alwavs get a better article

FINE FURNITURE^ot Sue so ran»e only bat tinr in saaJstv. «w d. animal,

aad ia e e m other pnftaralar. Onr prints air ware t« attract. »■ »

»]| u d ludk WRT "W f'mature l)q»rt«eSt. Bra.« awl lr !l B**K

w K a l in a , dc.. Diitioir R*wm Saida, L ihw? Suit*. 1 jih « Em*®

Ramd Sait*. in fart everything Breded ?» ? ur

---- . » * ................ C . M I » « « ; . » U A .


IN NEW YRK mm.** — **

m i H U M

VI j r . . . -

| ig t-Jfea-eon,

j forcer a* n

1 har t Broa

It U .w dkam w ell k s # «

|:«“»t lR-1 Aikofcar* a

sfe r (d »h«* lira* cf y<>s4-

Jf.tl 3 B e o k r ®f

! ih-

SHADES, all grade* » aad» « Shade*. * r r « i *at* naaec *

Lrf IS* agui* «n the ~bade« for jr»«r at* ferns,

rh C«t«a

WINDOWSprrtai *%i»« «

L c ta v * .. Latt Cattain?. til fradr- ■ -( I>**§wry

Blankets and ComfortablesTie «r4d wedkrr i« n « a Y ao i a«w » the tw e to ptvparr I ,» s*.

tout Blankets and C.aafi»rtabt«-* «bi£* *ur <4»ick ** b»fl sad « r

?‘to c i IIirSkaAi^.

.r8 I t H i

•t fls

dwtl ea Ttar*

a iu n s o . *3

.Wa V o r i

- Waf Sirw? k c h

toarfwi y Ii*

>ly satl was

hors -

a*o II

kts hra

this f-s

# rasher •I 't l and >1

ta^rs a fortune. The

y. b rng in * the-r ku

Hk fcucaanp * ®*-«t

i Metuiham Bros.* as a speajbrr v

ii G seyntcf tor & v.-■ obtains1*! 1 i.vii in


aW iP fei* »•

■ A V jf >. M tA T V W i ST O V E S . O IL H IA T l U S , t iA S ItE A IE R S -

-|if - ---- For I I f c t o o< Mm es.

Gire as a call and toartore p a r d f that a h t are say ss If® .

P A U L C . T A Y L O RB E L JI A R P h o n e 511 N E W JE R S E V

A gold fish and globe Free to

children purchasing shoes here.

■ r l i i k i x A *lta»«!»| i«t'- isne

tkar A m hot- A s B ant audr ms u n rw tn e to b u j.a i

to e . U M t n a t e T In A iU f r o * .

■ t l M q l a a M A M . ' » » l b ^ u ([r<M |»i» .tiia iii

la m erelT day by liltle talks aho lie pleased by Ihe adm .itioa

M call forth.

e hare reared some jtOd ash aad ofie arcH be

given with each pair of child's and nisses'*b


a<H to l| child.’*’ at. $ t .2» a pa ir; 4 fter? ap taa U fto i .m tw a a t..... $1.4« a pair a a l op *»S4.00

■ &* t » i> igmarmr giffe* at SI.9B a pair and ap to S 3 .M

ce l l t o i# . . . . SI.**#

^ t f i n b a r h C n m p a n g

Ashnrg Park, Jrrsrg

uaa hi* sea* eS h] if- >1-SdllOEl t i l 5Q**d *

f *M ■. & h-psJiatMl X»d*;! . u i i a2n; 3 a*‘ r w ’-o

f plifliB SOB** J**a**lry V'V.iiIhaa4s m 2 pftmrhl** rurtr T*-?atj

’ **ars ago A l i« fonru-v £

|k;iled tefTseil m rh»‘ CttU :aaa

; B** also arqnaiiun i *>;!i W f y

j R , . j u ids for »hc»- murdtr r |>r kmb-

l a el J- Kennedy of N>* ilorp.

flsiaad. was 11 « coat a i J i f ! « -

fwani a r^a tf^ . !!«■ * a? s * .ia» ss ia ;tho«h e a « ^

1 ■ Early In this y*»ar Sir. McEdiiaaa

!marr-«l Mtss Fraaets Cart aright, fcts

I ward. an*i aiseu shea he h id Sired

ftpikyuy ia thia' city.. Mias Carunrcglu I was p tiger aad a »ml^tor"i mcd JI.

IfiiffF faUfcrf's, ^sll naBHrti 5ir. M aaifei*!

fas ter gJiardiais. and aAer fct-r nee are

j&fcsa Paris. <he weal to stadj

' aiaa.e. they « « f marnedL Before

.ka'.-Dg Palis she posed fer Ikj-irgmin.1

tfe 5€-a*pr»r. for hfs statn^. “Tfte Hod-:

I era TeattsT



live ly and Boarding "; bb:LAW 1KHT . »»tl»T_MT %>»> BKST - I P P K O l.l\ |M

¥ S T - B E L M R

B O RT O N B R O S .

T H E V E f c f Y B F . S T I N ^ S ta p h ; an d F a n c y G roceries


S tric tly Fresh E%gs and Hut ter

Ninth Avenue & F b e i m a r . n . j .

90S F S T R E E T

Oppj^atr Office BE l. i lA B. * +

Phwne 531 » *

Parter H <ose Steak . . - I^c

&rfa*n S?eak. . . . - - Wc

ft# lt*ast. . . . . li| and ife

liantour^ Steak...............-•.. life

L e fi of Lamb ....... U

L»tia L imb Chops •'«'

Rii> Lamb Chop*................ ifr

S^'«t«£er Cia-’f* . - . . . It*-

.%atdrr «>f L*mL».............1‘kr

Stea fuarab ......... - ^

Ijtr* fMtatt.n H u

Fre*b Haras - iiw

Fresh Sa?!uBder* Ikr

p.-rk Ch«p< . ■ - !**e

Pure P u s Saifteiff. l-ink S^u- ,-:i»e b'lfh war »wrn auke i. : lS ‘

Pare H'iroe .Vlatle f ^ n i Ii*-

Pitrv- ||..*ne Made >Tip.>!e l«r

■ ^nwePetter' :i lb. for . - ' ile

Ffe-h I j t w PuddkU* Fresh i!«>S*s Uea*h*heeae.. t'.ade « m ‘Say ........ ...................*h'


b#$M »atervd ite W n railm '4

h u m , blea o»ea th« «#««■ *ad «-*

away c i i l ah»«? U« m ea*h Th? rob

h r ) m to Sin- ftf»a

l ia id ib s U j » fW BtMEtShi « that

Ihr robbers bad a b k4 eh^nee 10 make i M r before H J » shs*

s o o is f whon Ptsasjls^aia railroad

drt#eti?es arrn.- l fro® Ihe Oaradeh

bead^aartieF** So t k i ^ t aer? sakea

Harry UneM ll *a» *»«;.*tafi? « a

tlea a s m , s a » ife*- ai LI*TnrwTiy eor:. »?. fdabiftai^a

bad t«H^a knatk '4 frc^a thf saSe « i ih

as IS EBeh smse?^ a?-it* b- ^b»fe ihe

ui'<’V to*rai M * i ' i w n . Ehe too! ho'fS^

ot \s««H0 far?:*, s ^ tle o fw ?na « .

arrow the !ra>, k. I i u of soap, tspaf-

w n j o»e-r ®slts of ihe ^ r r p ’*'

showed ’feai »^e rraek# Is ihe

«!*• had been « a N !b order 10 'onafc*

i*T !

Tbe big Jcor ^ t j^ *»fe was feiesa acrce^ th* recm iotv the top fro&i

.4 iiftse. ISss ef i m . i b i c r i aboai

?h- o4e«. d^eird ?fc-- saisseofing c®

i!ir a alls am! son? T:2fle* ®oaId!c«s

dosiL A b«f o f f s s foasd amid Use

sr**eka$e. ihoved ths? sl!ro-?iji^ri*«

liad ased.

The n&bsers macr t h e ir «trry to the

bstldlni thra a win^ar os Ok *as« of ife soasfi i traicaf ns»ffi as*??

J iE iE id the ofiee, «€or <®rB. Tb??

®£i« ‘heir e^apr '.fern the sang* ns- do*, to? coaW easily aaf#*- passd

thra Chf* easi d&or ^Meis is Sl^ed

with a Bight Saleh.

I i a the S ilh t iae withfa a®

rears zhat the sta5*oa b-i? fe* ea •‘5-

tervd. Tfee las* tone, two ago.th*1 robber# taetpered with the swfe

boi did mm get aay teeerr.

Cto ?or®er ■ eeessloiiis the ye^gmea

bar^ rlssfed the ptost lSee- oa efee

same aight they mfted the station or

a few days prior- Tta? lelephoee IwoEh

slot Biaehise in th<* sia^oa was mn-

George Western. *feo lire*

aenosss. ihe traeks from t.m station,

said «hfs msmimg that W heard a re­

port about 1 1 ^ last a igS t Oanag 10

she usual erashisg asd banging of flretgfes iraiiis he did bos think It any­

thing om of the ordinary.

A tnrfle j B e to ra a ss ao ry to the

effcct that he a w a shabbily dressed

man ci’E b Out of %hs station window

Sttsday laoraing is being iat*;stigased.

The window pointed g a i fey ;he motor-

ntaa was that thru whleh the robbers

entered the station.


One Found in Massachusetts W ho Is College Bred, Cultured and Very

Be-'fc Octtaruery BaMer. . h>f*

Be^t BttHerrnie . . **e

3tttH.eri.fue via Tub «r

Print.. ........... r - - -•*■' ..

' M Bo»lertne.; .......... t.........

Bet| PettnaL 5w»r Krtal... . ..ir.

.i*»rfth '£«»•*. KVery- liay... • »Vr «Jm>.

There is a womaa farmer* Itrios In

a suburb oC P ly ts ^ ih . M a s s w h o Is

considered by W illiam Dl Hard, direc­

tor a£ tfte'exteBsiaa work of the Mas­

sachusetts agFieufraral college, as far

and away the mmi sjccess'al and al­together the most, worthwhile person

of the feminine geader drawing her

pay-envelope frum Mother Earth, and

she 13 just she most re ined and cul­

tured and c k r m i ig son of eoOege-

bred womaa that caa he imagined-

"She Uvea 13 a great aad wide and

\ firc-placed «ntary-old Xew Ergiaad

. farmhouse, set a t the front o f its owe r two hundred acres (which this woman

| farmer h is reclaimed and cultivated

i under the most modem scientific

I methods) aad battressed a t the back

; by its own antbaildiEgs for the deaa- t, as-a-whit. ptire ’ white pigs; the pttre- i; blooded He?5tein cattle; the delicately , fmted ifuff QrpiDgten pallets; the *e4dicg-steuwer-beiMtuet and funeral-

I ptHows^rf-peaee greenhouses.;, and the i high and broad and original otd bam ; for yonag stock, painted os-bfoed red.; with a tower-pointed silo nestling in I the comer o f it.”-—Subarbaa Life ilag-

|; asine.


Mrs. Frank H in j of New York Has

Been Successful in Accumulat­

ing American Dollars.


U s e E l e c t r i c L i g h t

fs y ^ r , lt»c+ electrie ftmfywa hare int« he Iwuh?oui- 4» k an«l rofflpare its li«rM.w£f|» that *>f v»®r *>»«..

Smip • iV tiitrera-ntre an«l ik n fiwr*1 it ortt. fw joary<rft' if. ii. won!«in‘lpar yon ■* -i| :■»> »v. r. .'Wetrir iijrtkt.

TUm1- r p-r Siikwatt t a r is it^w extremely t n i , - Iu»T:infS r m n t l i " « W rnlum !. ?«,! when job m f a l l j;9i jjiMit, qnil iM KVitnl It ia. •: jpo**- canu«»*'. in fStP' interest « f i«nor health anti: safely, a?'v»R a# that of those depen«t«>ni on pm . m i^ v ntxmaly arrive

ewn’lnaoii or Iter than that eleetncaty is br fiir the inexpensive aitifk-iai; iSIuminaot kaow.

Thi* is* e^paH-raitj -o when MAZI»A lamps* are n^d. They .liifiase a

radianr. A white light hy •‘fmssinin? «>tily »i»ae-thsr*i a'* otaav watt*- ta» ihe ean*IU' > » r as the ordinary earhoa Eunp^

Tbe e»H ol MAZDA lampe. aJthoa^h oaly a tr ifc a»*>re thaa that of the earlinn la&p*. w paid Uw within a few hoars' Iwraciur l»v tbe <-avinjr edh*te«l thnMijdi their aae.

fa rther ii.fimaaiioa jria.«y fiunuhe>j opon receipt of m.purr

B t la n t ic Coast E lectric L ig h t Go.

* : Waiting on customers with aa Orf-; entai charm and polite ness that daily

S. & SI. liM IJ \ I k AD iV i ST A MI'S trins sew patrons to her laandry in Bleaker street, Mrs. Frank Hlng.

daajhter of the Flo~err ECingdotn. is rapidly accamalatiBg American dol­lars that zre estimated already to raach into the thoaaaads.

Mrs. iSEng, who is a £ae specimen of the- Chinese matron of middie age. is a militant suffragist cf the most pro- Bounced'type. She is an advocate of “rotes, for womea,” and. potnt.s with pride to the action off. the new Chi­nese assembly In gristing: suffrage to Eier sisters in ChinaL

The first Chinese busine:!n Xew York city, and probably in this countr-. came to the Taited States etaly two years- ago. quickly acfjiaired a

speaking kjv-wle«hre ot the En-rth»h !*pg«jkge. and by reason of her fine

aptitude for business, was speediify el-

erat^.d 'by her husband to take full charjri-1 of the laundry-.

f e K ing recesrea tke kktmdrr paek-

ages. gives «»*t the checks, receire* tbe momr. pays the telU. mad her h u »


M7SASBURY PAHK, X. 4. I*. O. Box

L'O ti


i« an - jv - U «

N w Yorii aad Sew i m q

Htm ¥««b ( W a . U N aaM H it

| j A U V H.

^ARON K. JOIIXSTOK,( M m t l l n r - a M w a .

\ l lL O U. CJCBGO.JLf e lKk O f I Hk r%\-

atrraa* r i u i i .


D I M At. >1 IHal ON


Pk^neill-L iM a a r , N. J .

Gaa «imtatilrtciii l i t «* f i

F KASK U . V| L I JAM S, M. D.

>pri»f l ake. 'New J< o c *

Setwmd «J»i M-aMralb Aveaw



OC\nST I bambrrUia Baa’ o ^ . Siatb Arc.

Bebaar. N. J . #

Omtcr H« < « : » A. M. i*» i F. M.

Td*pfc« itn M

§ e o m o f i 'nm nm u r r n r *** »a» r%*vm ** "* *"*

The Mothers of BoysShould come smd see the exceptional

values we are offering in

B o y s ’ S u i t s an d O vercoats a t

12.9113.5113.91 $4.75*5.75 «.75

Bovs’ Shoe* in immense variety al

SI 56 $1.75 $2.00 wi $2 58W e ask ihe ladirs lo rememl>er us

when in need o f Furnishings for Men and Buys—at enlremeiv low prices



O f t t t -Hoon:

JA M E S a H O U S E L Justice of the Peace

B E L M A R Fi J ‘

■Eighth Arcane an<5 p m to $ p. in.

of Deeds IF Street!


Tke best aH year r

In E v e r y S t y le S e rv e d a t a n y h o u r o f th e d a y o r n ig h t

i b h H

R e g u la r B r e a k fa s t i 5c D in n e r J 5 c S u p p e r iSc

I l l C M c S m t c * I M c n a iP i k c i

1**6 aid bs Mail Sired ASBt KV PARK



«M F S tm t. IQ J IU t IS* M b S tm t A SW W P A »

Id . r i Atkary f M . K rtiiffir JW

A. K. Wolverton

««Mason and Builder


C 'O m te W ork : Ceeeral J o b b a i


Pfcw* i t L Keaaar. K. J


LVmeat a « a n < I C a i la i t

P. O. B* a col B E L H . t n , S . J

Asbary Park Ccmtnt CoDslrnclion Co.

S it le « a ld . Cellar Floors, Steps

Driveways, Pstcat Stable Floors

O C r« , B o m b i , Steadbarb B U g

C.rnwr C«w>kaaaa A re . w ad M i t t Sfcnryt 6

A S B l 'R Y P A R K . N . J .

C. A. ROC’EKS. P n f.

F c ia a i l j w ith the .Standard Paveawnt j.

Coiapaay and the Xew Jersey Ctenacet j.

Cj^dArwrtinai C**aipany tif N ew ark .N . J.. !

George A. Webberi haaa fart taier nt

Elevators and Dumb Waiters

KflawrSl. and Penasylranta Arotae

S n m , Ssa juarv

Li iag Distance Teiepiu -ae

Braark Office s 406 5(k Ave., Bebna*

P k a e i t V


I F y o n a r e n o t a y e a i - - n m n t l -

i t ‘ .s it li*n r y o n s l i o n l i l o n l e r

Thr C o a s t Advektimek

s e n t t o v o u w e t * k l v , • *

A i n u *A'i i . i . H a p p e n

l i e t w t e n n o w a m i n e x t H p r i n g

t h a t w i l l Ih * o f i n t e r e s t t o y o n .

Subscription Price, $1.00 A Year,

cooks the meals la a rear room, listed by aa IS-year-oM ana.

Sooa after Mrs. Hlng asaaa .. charge of ihe to tn e n she k p a to

bay ?nd seP seeond-baad clothing I Ail day loo* and ere* lato tke b

of the night, mea who are

apparel ia order to raise aad to pay tor a night's

Many of these come I awn's hotel across the

s large In aB

rantag* of their plight 1canning and geta tor. a

enrard sold at a I Herald

A. Z E G A S

: j . J l lS h iK 'm a k f r


Kabber Keefe Pet Oa



Cor. Hak Ave. BELMAR. V J


Carpet and Rug


8Ih AvenueObi l ^raia Carpet* a * »k iatn Rajr*


Our new facilities permit us to

lake orders for all forms of

jokaidlfi^l^Pnrtaifront Hand Bills to Engraved

VVrddine Announcemenls

4 . . And Our Prices are Low