OGD for Culture and Art

Donau-Universität Krems. Die Universität für Weiterbildung. Donau-Universität Krems. Die Universität für Weiterbildung. Art, Culture and Open Data s.plos.org/attheinterface/files/2012/12/phil_archer_three_flames_cropped_sma Archer


A presentation guiding a workshop given to the City of Vienna on releasing Open Governemnt Data and the benefits for culture and art.

Transcript of OGD for Culture and Art

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Donau-Universität Krems.Die Universität für Weiterbildung.

Donau-Universität Krems.Die Universität für Weiterbildung.

Art, Cultureand

Open Data

http://blogs.plos.org/attheinterface/files/2012/12/phil_archer_three_flames_cropped_small.jpg© 2012 Phil Archer

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Who we are

• Center for E-Governance, Danube University Krems

• Advanced training towards MSc & MBA in Management & IT

• Research on the Intersection of– IT-Usage– Government Processes and Procedures– Citizens

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Our Projects

• Austrian Chancellery– Project Group eDemocracy and workplace of the future– round table public sector register architecture– Open Data Applications for Austria– Development of Open Government Data Standards

• Ministry of Finance– Re-occuring jour fixe with IT-department

• City of Vienna– Study on the implementation of the Open Government strategy– Support on Open Data projects

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What you can expect

1. Importance, Benefits, Potentials, Costs & Risks of Open Government Data

2. Examples of successful OGD-Initiatives and Applications of OGD in Art and Culture

3. Importance of „Culture“ for the City of Vienna

4. Identification of Open Government Data Sets

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Benefits | CostsPotentials | Risks



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Demand of Open Govt. Data (UK)

http://www.deloitte.com/assets/Dcom-UnitedKingdom/Local%20Assets/Documents/Market%20insights/Deloitte%20Analytics/uk-da-open-growth.pdf, p.5

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Benefits and Potentials

• Transparency, Participation, Trust

• Additional resource for economic development

• Future: increased tax income?

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Benefits and Potentials - for Vienna

• Show-casing the various fields of work of administration

• Improved trans-departmental communication(out of silo-thinking and acting)

• Reduction of administrative efforts

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Benefits and Potentials for Viennaas a well-known cultural metropole

• Open Government Data stimulates creativity „fully realize public art's potential to get people engaged with ideas, community, history and culture — to appreciate those things, communicate with others about it, make it relevant”

• Engaging the public in cultural policy setting

• Improived inclusion of cultural agents and artists in cultural adminsitration.

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• Open Government Data is an infrastructure measure

• Organizational costs: changed responsibilities and new required channels of collaboration between public sector departments

• Technical costs: adaption of data formats– Provision of Interfaces and APIs– Adherence to promised update cycles may require the

adaption of IT processes

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• For the Administration– Lose of Control (interpretational power)– fear of consequences due to erroneous data sets– Licensing and liability

• For the citizenry– Threat to established business models– Consolidation of the digital divide

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Administration Citizenry

• Increased IT-automation• Improved, department-spanning

communication & collaboration• Inclusion of external stakeholders• More efficient administrative procedures

• Exhibition of administrative actionsand responsibilities

• Encouragement to creativityand self-determination

• New products and diversity

Open Data Forces







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Adminsitration & Public

Open Data Forces






Data Data



Novel Products and Services

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Forces of Power

• Administration gives Data o the Public– Data about events– Sold tickets and attendants– Web site statistics– Funding

• The public delivers answers– At which time get the most tickets sold?– Which parts of a web site attract the most visitors?– Who (age, gender) is provided the highest amounts


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© Aaron Koblin, http://www.aaronkoblin.com/work/NYTE/index.html


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Demand for data sets about art and culture

Generates 10% demand out of 4% supply

High demand

* 2013-07-17: http://opengov.es, 440 Datenätze, 17 Bereich „cultura“

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Art in Context of Open Data

Some people look at the abundance of urban data out there and see an academic research


Others maybe see a table or a graph or a chart.

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Art in Context of Open Data

Far more interesting would be getting the rest of our cultural output into indexable, searchable form, usable by any coder with a yen to explore. This lifting of art into the cloud would be a heavenly act indeed, enabling a new generation of New Curators.


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Terms & procedures for Art & Open Data• Generative Art

– Create art of data based on algorithmshttp://generative.net/read/home

• Curate– Adapt existing data in a way to be useful in unknown but interoperable

applications.– Connect, share, mash– http://www.dataportability.org/

• Tagging– Adding meta data to existing entities

– Tools for Texts: http://annotateit.org/, http://textusproject.org/ – Tools for Images: http://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-mediatagger/,


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Your Paintings Tagger is part of a project run by the Public Catalogue Foundationand the BBC to put all 200,000 publicly owned oil paintings onlineon the Your Paintings website.

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OKFN: http://beta.openphilosophy.org, http://www.opensourceshakespeare.org/

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Mapmaker, Artist, or Programmer?

• Locals and Tourists: Geotagging

• Pictures from Flickr and Picasa

• Where do people take pictures?

• http://www.flickr.com/photos/walkingsf/sets/72157624209158632/

• Example: Vienna

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Digital/interactive art• Colour by numbers Stockholm: mobile phone as remote

control• Collaboration: Interactive design, architecture and art

(Loove Broms, Milo Lavén Erik Krikortz)

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Data used for art• Aaron Koblin: Flight patterns


• Awards/Festivals: National Science Foundation: 1st Science Visualization; Japan Media Arts Festival; Ars Electronica; SIGGRAPH; Coachella; Golden Horse Taiwan; iDat Singapore; Media Art Fiesland; Boston Cyber Arts; TED; MediaMatic; Todays Art

• Data used: FAA, 1 day of August 2008, 205.000 flights

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Project Open Cultuur Data Competition (Dänemark)• Cultural Open Data challenge

– http://www.opencultuurdata.nl/competition/

• Data sets of Museums and the art scene• Application via mailing list and twitter• Winner: Muse App: Creative web tool for

museums– Remix of well know art– User share „their“

artpiece on social networks

• MuseumsquizRijks Museum

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Data Art / Application: Immersionhttps://immersion.media.mit.edu/demo

E-Mail analysis: Who is having contact with whom and which intensity

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Mapping Art (1)• Philadelphia: Muralapp• Cooperation with Philadelphia Mural

Arts Program, Code for America (CfA)

• Integration of Foursquare• Over 3.000 wall paintings in the city

(Bay Area)• „Public art can tell you the fabric of

the city — it tells you about history and people, it engages and informs at the same time.”

• Use in different cities: Portland, Philadelphia, Boston, San Francisco, Honolulu, Norfolk

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Mapping Art (2): PublicArtPDX• Depicts public art in Portland, Oregon, USA• Cooperation between Regional Arts & Culture

Council, the City of Portland’s Bureau of Technology Services and public servants.

• Open Data as part of Civic Apps Challenge http://www.civicapps.org/

• More than 400 metro artefacts (historic statues, fountains, pictures, wall paintings); Details of the artists

• “Discover art you never knew about tucked inside public buildings, such as fire stations” (…) “Adjust the precise location of works of art to help us improve the map for everyone”

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CarbonArts Sydney

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Project / Sensing Sydney (Australia)

• Environment data marriaged with art– http://www.carbonarts.org/projects/sensing-sydne


• Joint project of the City of Sydney with Carbon Arts– Carbon Arts: Joint venture of sustainability

experts and artists– Supported by ANAT (Australian Network for Arts

and Technology) & ISEA2013 (International Symposium on Electronic Art)

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Project / Sensing Sydney (Australien) (ctd.)• Means & Processes– Website http://sensingsydney.com/– Data as Download and via Google Spreadsheet

• Data used– Museum of Contemporary Art– Sydney Theatre Company– Green Buildings Alive– NSW Government’s

Energy Efficiency for Small Business Program– Results of domestic energy usage by

One Million Women

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Sensing Sydney

• The Project Phases1. Data collection and provision through the supporting

organizations2. Call for collaboration: Project submission through the

web site, event at the International Symposium on Electronic Art Data Slam

3. Winner awarded during Art & About Sydney 2013-Festivals

• Reports on Twitter, Facebook & media channels of supporting organizations and events

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CC Niall Kenedy, http://www.flickr.com/photos/35034351734@N01/40727794

Digression - Community managementprinciples


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Community - Engagement

1. Define Strategy and Content2. Build your Community

• Bundle social media activities• Measure performance and outcome of activities

3. Expose a public issue tracker4. Support after selling of community build


Don‘t create your community butgo where birds of feather flock together

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Community - Management

The Success of an Open Government Data portal is crucially dependent on community management

1. Clear Strategy2. Measurable goals3. Honor your community: listen, appreciate,

solve, honor4. Champion the Champions

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Community Management / Principles

1. Support community self-management

2. Social is for sharing, not selling

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Tools for Community – Management / Focus on Art

1. Find your peers– Tessitura: Global Art Netzwork– DeviantART: Social Netzwork for Artists, 27

Millionen registerd users

2. Community management– Nationbuilder: Integrated community

management-system with a focus on public administration

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Tools für Community – Management / Focus on Art

3. Support solution building and after sale– Blackbaud, The Raiser’s Edge: Fundraising und

donor-Management– Kickstarter: Call for venture capital on creative

projects via crowd funding– Gittip: spend regularly small amounts of money

to people you aspire

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The value of culturefor Vienna


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Tourism in AustriaTourismus-Satellitenkonto (TSA) 2010 2011 2012Direkte Wertschöpfungseffekte des Tourismus in Mio. € 15.181 16.637 17.014Anteil am BIP in % 5,4 5,5 5,5Gesamtausgaben in- und ausländischer Besucher in Mio. € 29.534 30.586 31.456Direkte Beschäftigungsverhältnisse im Tourismus (in 1.000) 312 315 -

Quelle: Statistik Austria, http://www.statistik.at/web_de/statistiken/tourismus/index.htmlabgerufen am 2013-07-17

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Value of Tourism for Vienna


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Value of Tourism for Vienna


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Value of Culture for Vienna

Quelle: Die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung von Kultur und Creative Industries: Wien im Städtevergleich mit Barcelona, Berlin, London, Mailand und Paris. Studie i.A MA 27Österreichische Kulturdokumentation (Eva Häfele et.al, 2005)http://www.kulturdokumentation.org/download/ci_vergleich_wien.pdf

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Art and Creative Industries

Knapp die Hälfte des Umsatzes der Kreativwirtschaftentfällt auf die Materialaufwendungen inkl. Fremdleistungen


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Where is my data? Hints for identification

• Derive data sources from existingadministrative publications

• Annual performance reports

• Internal and public facing applications– Ask the IT-Department!

• Press releases

• Web site

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Donau-Universität Krems.Die Universität für Weiterbildung.

Mag.a Judith


Dr. Johann Höchtl




Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Straße 30

3500 Krems, Österreich

Tel.: +43 (0)2732 893-2304

Fax: +43 (0)2732 893-0


This presentation was supported by a grant from the City of Vienna