Office of National Drug Control Policy Fact Sheet - Drug Decriminalization Portugal

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  • 7/29/2019 Office of National Drug Control Policy Fact Sheet - Drug Decriminalization Portugal



    August 2010




    In July 2001, Portugal decriminalized the personal use and possession of all illicit drugs. Now,following passage of Law 30/2000, Portugal refers cases of consumption, purchase, orpossession of up to a ten days supply of an illicit drug to an administrative panel, which makesrecommendations for treatment, fines, warnings, or other penalties. Trafficking and cultivation ofillicit substances, as well as possession of quantities exceeding a ten days supply, remaincriminal offenses.

    ACaseStudyforLegalization?Portugals decriminalized drug policy has been cited as proof that softening drug laws does notincrease illicit drug use or the consequences of drug use. This contention is based primarily onthe findings published in a 2009 Cato Institute report.1 It is difficult, however, to draw any clear,

    reliable conclusions from the report regarding the impact of Portugals drug policy changes.

    LimitationsinCurrentResearch SupportingAnalysisNotDefinitive:The Cato Institute report does not discuss the

    statistical significance of the data shifts it highlights, sometimes focusing on prevalencerate changes as small as 0.8 percent.2

    FailstoRecognizeOtherFactors:The report attributes favorable trends as a direct resultof decriminalization without acknowledging, for example, the decline in drug-relateddeaths that began prior to decriminalization.3

    AdverseDataTrendsNotReported:Evidence that may reflect Law 30/2000s adversesocial effects such as the increase in drug-related deaths in Portugal between 2004 and2006 is sometimes ignored, downplayed, or not given equal recognition.

    CoreDrugUseReductionClaimsNotConclusive:As proof of drug legalizationssuccess, the report trumpets a decline in the rate of illicit drug usage among 15- to 19-year-olds from 2001 to 2007, while ignoring increased rates in the 15-24 age group andan even greater increase in the 20-24 population over the same period.4 In a similar vein,

  • 7/29/2019 Office of National Drug Control Policy Fact Sheet - Drug Decriminalization Portugal



    August 2010

    the report emphasizes decreases in lifetime prevalence rates for the 13-18 age group from2001 to 2006 and for heroin use in the 16-18 age group from 1999 to 2005. But, onceagain, it downplays increases in the lifetime prevalence rates for the 15-24 age groupbetween 2001 and 2006, and for the 16-18 age group between 1999 and 2005.5

    MethodologicallyLimited:Catos analysis relies heavily on lifetime prevalence data,which can be problematic when analyzing the impact of policy changes over time periodsas short as the 5-6 years captured in most of the studies cited in the report.

    AdditionalStudiesOfferMoreContradictoryEvidence Statistics compiled by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction

    (EMCDDA) indicate that between 2001 and 2007, lifetime prevalence rates for cannabis,cocaine, amphetamines, ecstasy, and LSD have risen for the Portuguese generalpopulation (ages 15-64) and for the 15-34 age group.6

    Past-month prevalence figures show increases from 2001 to 2007 in cocaine and LSD usein the Portuguese general population as well as increases in cannabis, cocaine, and

    amphetamine use in the 15-34 age group.7

    Drug-induced deaths, which decreased in Portugal from 369 in 1999 to 152 in 2003,climbed to 314 in 2007 a number significantly higher than the 280 deaths recordedwhen decriminalization started in 2001.8

    Despite Catos assertion that increases in lifetime prevalence levels among the generalpopulation are virtually inevitable in every nation, EMCDDA data indicate that othercountries, including Spain, have been able to achieve decreases in lifetime prevalencerates for cannabis and ecstasy use between 2003 and 2008.

    ClaimsofBenefitsfromDrugLegalizationExceedSupportingScienceThe Cato Institute report does not present sufficient evidence to support claims regarding causaleffects of Portugals drug policy on usage rates. More data are required before drawing any firmconclusions, and ultimately these conclusions may only apply to Portugal and its uniquecircumstances, such as its history of disproportionately high rates of heroin use.9 However, it issafe to say that claims by drug legalization advocates regarding the impact of Portugals drugpolicy exceed the existing scientific basis.

    1 Glenn Greenwald, Drug Decriminalization in Portugal: Lessons for Creating Fair and Successful Drug Policies,Cato Institute, 2009.2 Greenwald, p. 12.3 Greenwald, pp. 17-20.

    4 Greenwald, p. 14.5 Greenwald, pp. 12-14.6 EMCDDA, Statistical Bulletin 2009, Tables GPS-1 and GPS-2, accessed via EMCDDA, Statistical Bulletin 2009, Tables GPS-5 and GPS-6.8 EMCDDA, Statistical Bulletin 2009, Table DRD-2.9 Allen, Trace, and Klein, p. 1.