Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes,...


Transcript of Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes,...

Page 1: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.
Page 2: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

Offensive GoalsFive main goals that must be achieved to ensure success.1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers.2. Score. We want to score every time we have the ball.3. Control the football (field position and the clock).4. Pressure the defense with two basic threats – the run and the pass.5. Spread the defense by attacking the entire field.

This offense will only work if:1. 100% commitment from staff and players.2. We do not accept mediocrity.3. We must keep it simple & rep constantly (do a few things well).4. Strive to get 100% from our players at all times.5. Our blocking rules allow our linemen to block any front we may see. a. Block from the snap of the ball to the whistle. b. Down field blocking must be aggressive and physical. c. Be aggressive, nasty and relentless.6. Our backs are dedicated to perfection. a. Protect the ball - POINT TO PALM/UNDER BICEP/HIGH AND TIGHT b. The quarterback must have his mechanics drilled to perfection.

c. We must carry out fakes to the extreme (20 yards down field).

Page 3: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.


Page 4: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

Offensive Line/Hole Numbering

The offensive line will line up as close to the ball as possible. Linemen will get in a comfortable 3-point stance with very little weight on the down hand. The down hand is the choice of each linemen and will be a matter of what feels most comfortable. The guard will align no deeper than at the heels of the center. The tackles and ends will align their hands even with the guard’s down hand. This will give us a balanced offensive line with no bowing. Base line splits will be toe to toe but will vary throughout the season to take advantage of defensive weaknesses. Hole numbers will be even on the right and odd on the left.

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Page 6: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.


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Page 8: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

Play Numbering and Terminology

The first number represents the ball carrier in our base set so the Ace back may be designated as the 2, 3 or 4 back in order to maintain the relationship between both sets. The second number is the point of attack (inside cheek of designated lineman). Any word or words following the number(s) will designate the blocking scheme. Here is Aces 24 Power GO. The Power GO call will tell the linemen their blocking concept.

Page 9: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

The Huddle

The center will call for the huddle 5 yards away from the ball. The entire huddle will face the ball. The front row will be from our interior line from tackle to tackle. The tight ends will align behind the tackle to their respective side. The 2 back will align behind the left guard, the 3 or H behind the center and the 4 or Z behind the right guard. The quarterback will approach the huddle and stand in front of the center, say the play and cadence twice as he going from left to right, then back. Eye contact is crucial. The quarterback will then say “TEAM” and the rest of the team will clap their hands and answer back “BREAK,” as they break the huddle.

Page 10: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

Calling the Plays

Plays will be called this way in the huddle unless we are running no huddle:

Formation Motion Play Scheme Example: Aces Rip 24 Power


Cadence will be: [city, city]….. [color number….. color number], down, reeaaaddy….. hut:

“Omaha, Omaha…..Green 11… Green 11… down… reeaaaddy…… hut!”

The QB will come to the line of scrimmage and make sure everyone is aligned properly. The QB will then wait for the linemen to make their calls. Once this is finished he begin his cadence. Any motion will be on the word “ready” , the QB will say “hut!” when he wants the ball snapped. The center will snap will be on the “h” of “hut”.

Page 11: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

Audible System

As cadence always starts with a city name repeated followed by a color and a number repeated we will use one, the other or both to audible to another play. Cadence will always be on the first hut when we audible.

We will designate whether the city name or color is the live audible during the week of practice. Below are some examples and how they are used, but any way you can get your players to remember an audible in a simple manner you are on the right track.

First:“Check opposite… check opposite” will audible the play to the opposite side called.

Second (City Name):“Providence… Providence” - the audible to 24 Power as the city is on the East Coast.““Pasadena… Pasadena” - opposite play as it is on the West Coast.”

Third (Live Color which can be chosen for each game, quarter or series):“Red 24… Red 24…” - would simply be 24 Power.

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Offensive Line Principals

Page 13: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.


1. Athletic Position

- Feet straight at shoulders width apart with weight on the balls of your feet.

- Hips down and back

- Z in the knee helps emphasize good power angles & flat back.

- Proud chest

- Flat back/proud chest/head straight/neck bowed.

2. Offensive Line Stance

- Feet straight slightly staggered at a toe to instep relationship.

- Heels are on the ground with weight on the balls of our feet.

We want “7 cleats in the ground” while engaging our opponent.

3. Pre-snap position

- We want our hands on our knees with our backside out, a proud chest and a flat back with our head straight and our neck bowed (this is not a resting position).

Page 14: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

4. Procedure

- On the command “Down” we will reach out placing our down hand in front of our face while maintaining our heels on the ground placing a good amount of weight on our down hand while maintaining a balanced stance.

- Our opposite hand will be out, parallel to our down hand while not touching the ground (this enables our load to be even).

- We want high hips with our backside even or just under our head (this will help us maintain a chest to knee position on our 1st step).

- Our head is up with our eyes facing forward.

5. Linemen will crowd the line of scrimmage (LOS).

- The guard will align no deeper than at the heels of the center.

- The tackles and ends will align their hands even with the guard’s down hand.

- This will give us a balanced offensive line with no bowing.

- Line splits will be non-existent. We will be toe to toe.

6. Everything we accomplish as a team begins and is finished up front.

- The backs get the glory, but the linemen win the games.

Page 15: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

7. Blocking technique.

- The key is blocking surface and we want to maximize the area provided to us. We want our blocker’s shoulder, head, and hands on the defender driving him. Never lean into a defender; keep your center of gravity low and stay under the defender as you drive him upward. Drive your hips into him so that your body stays under his and your feet constantly moving towards the defender.

8. Double Team Blocking

- First of two main blocking techniques used on the offensive line.

- Accomplished by the first lineman (post man) blocking the defensive lineman aligned on him. He will fire out and get the defender lifted, without trying to gain position. As the defender is posted the adjacent lineman (lead man) will drive his inside shoulder into the hip of the defender. At this point both linemen will split the defender in half and work toward pushing him backwards (never sideways).

- Eyes of both linemen are always up and directed at the linebackers. This way they are capable of handling any alignment, stunt, or blitz.

- Pushing the double team up the field instead of sideways helps open up well defined blocking lanes while cutting off scraping linebackers.

- It develops lineman team work and camaraderie in our offense.

- Keys to proper double teams are sound engagement technique and good footwork.

- Gives lineman a force advantage

Page 16: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

9. Down Blocking

- Second of the two main blocking techniques used by the offensive line.

- Ensures gap protection.

- Will be used against defenses that do not give is double teams.

- Great against Eagle front.

- Great against stack defenses and defenses that like to stunt a lot.

- A 30-degree angle is followed on playside either inward or outward.

- Exploding off the LOS is KEY!

- Sound engagement technique and good footwork.

- Is used with or without pulling and trapping.

- Easy to understand.

- Simple to teach.

- Simple to implement.

- Simple to execute.

- Simple to adjust.

Page 17: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

10. Trap Block

- Block by backside guard on the first down lineman on/outside playside guard.

- Accomplished by the guard pulling and following a 45 degree path and bending path to compensate for movement of trap man. Cannot be done wrong if head is in the hole and the feet accelerate on contact.

- If trap man has his back contact must be made above the knee.

- If trap man disappears then continue path up the field and lead block for the B back.

11. G Block

- Same as trap but playside guard now has the trap block one to two holes wider.

12. Reach Blocking/Pass Blocking/Scramble Blocking (FLAT - THROW - SCRAMBLE)

- This block will be accomplished by bringing the far ear of the offensive player to the outside knee of the defender. Once the target is reached the offensive player will bear crawl to cutoff the defender. Along with being our backside protection block we will also use the scramble block on many pass plays and outside runs where we need to reach block.

Page 18: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

Making the Snap

As we use the old T-Formation for our indirect snap, with the center placing as much weight on the ball as is comfortable and snapping the ball nearly 180 degrees, the center will maintain the same grip on the ball in the Double Barrel. However, instead of a snap with great velocity to the QB’s hands, we want a soft, slow and low end-over-end snap to the QB.

Page 19: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

Repetition Using Words Combined with Drill Components:

1. Repetition is used as a teaching tool to help put a stamp on the brain of our players foreasy recalling of the component of drills.

2. Step by step players loudly say a word that will be associated with each step of a drill.

3. Cognitive memory and muscle memory are developed together to make the learningprocess both easy and extremely effective.

4. Starting on the next page you will see words in upper-case letters within parenthesesto be used with each drill step.

Page 20: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

Offensive Line Drills:

2 Step (LOAD - BAM)

1. Drill Organization and Procedure:


1. Groups of five will align in with heads just in front of chute.

2. On “DOWN” command linemen will get into a proper 3-point stance with eyes up, a flat back and the free hand a hair off the ground and out in front.

3. On whistle linemen take a short 6” load step while loading the arms back.

4. Drill is repeated with opposite foot and with a 45 degree step each way.

5. After all initial steps have been completed the second part of the progression will be added.

b. BAM

1. On second whistle linemen will take second step to minimize the ground between themselves and the defender.

Page 21: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

2. Coaching Points:

a. Each step in the progression will be on the whistle.

b. Make sure linemen begin in an athletic position with a proud chest, high hips and hands on knees.

c. On load linemen should always keep chest over knee.

d. On bam seven cleats are to be violently planted into the ground while still keeping chest over knee and arms loaded.

e. At this point a lineman’s potential energy is at a maximum.

f. From here linemen will move on to the next drill.

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Blocking Progression (LOAD - BAM - EXPLODE)

1. Drill Organization and Procedure:

a. Linemen will go through the initial LOAD – BAM progression.

b. The EXPLODE step is a release of all potential energy into a defender.

2. Coaching Points:

a. Each step in the progression will be on the whistle.

b. Everything will be done the same as in the previous drill.

c. On third whistle all potential energy will explode into defender.

d. Linemen will do the drill with each foot as well as on a 45 degree angle in each direction.

e. Once linemen have completed all of the steps of the drill they will be allowed to go through the entire progression in one fluid motion starting on cadence.

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1. Drill Organization and Procedure:

a. Linemen will go through same progression as they did before, but now everyone is at full speed.

b. Defenders will align opposite the offensive lineman.

c. Linemen will go on cadence.

2. Coaching Points:

a. Emphasize coming off the ball as quickly as possible.

b. Watch to make sure everyone loads.

c. Make a competition of it.

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Double Team Block (Post/Lead)

1. Drill Organization and Procedure:

a. The drill will consist of two offensive linemen and two defenders. One offensive lineman will be designate the post man and the other the lead man.

b. Post man will fire out and get defender lifted upward.

c. Lead man will aim helmet for defender’s near armpit.

d. Offensive linemen will split the defender and push him backwards, not sideways.

2. Coaching Points:

a. Blocking defender down is counterproductive. We are looking to push defender into scraping linebackers.

b. Eyes are always up and looking inside to pick up any stunting linebackers.

c. After the post/lead block is completed successfully for several repetitions, different scenarios will be presented to make sure all defensive reactions are covered.

d. Finally, techniques will be implemented to dissolve the double team when it is not necessary, such as when there is a physical mismatch in our favor.

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Page 26: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

Down Block

1. Drill Organization and Procedure:

a. We usually align a defense that we believe we will see during the upcoming game, but mix it up to cover our bases.

b. Key point is to block area, not man.

c. Step at 30 degrees with the foot in the direction we are going.

d. Feet accelerate on contact and drive their man until the whistle blows.

2. Coaching Points:

a. Players need to understand they are not blocking a man, but an area. If they chase, gaps are created and the assignment of adjacent linemen can be messed up.

b. If no contact is made after three steps a lineman will work up to linebacker level and block any linebackers scraping across.

c. Occasionally send a linebacker so linemen never guess who they may be blocking.

d. If we face a quicker than usual defensive lineman, aiming point will be his far foot.

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1. Alignment:

a. Align defense in the toughest possible alignment to block.

2. Drill Command and Procedure:

a. Puller takes an OPEN step at 45 degrees

b. CROSS far leg across body

c. Maintain 45 degree path looking to get head INSIDE of the defender.

d. Load arms and explode into defender and DRIVE him out of the hole.

3. Coaching Points:

a. Always keep it tight. It’s better to trap tight than run by the block.

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Page 29: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

Scramble Block (FLAT - THROW - SCRAMBLE)

1. Alignment:

a. Align a defender in an outside technique.

2. Drill Command and Procedure:

a. On the snap of the ball each lineman will execute a FLAT step in the direction of the defender they are blocking.

b. On their second step they will THROW their far arm in the same direction they are blocking. The THROW will bring the far leg across their body. When done correctly this should put the blocker in, at or beyond the outside leg of the defender.

c. Here the blocker will SCRAMBLE into the defender. The SCRAMBLE is accomplished by bear-crawling through the defender.

4. Coaching Points:

a. Emphasize that players keep their FLAT and THROW steps perpendicular to LOS.

b. Make the SCRAMBLE comfortable for them early on. As time passes work toward getting the body to turn around the defender to gain position.

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Pull and Seal (STEAL - BRUSH - SEAL)

1. Drill Organization and Procedure:

a. Three cones will be aligned side by side adjacent to the second rail on the opposite side of the chute approximately 1 yard apart.

a. A center, guard, tackle and tight end will align at the side of the 5-man chute with their hand at the back rail.

b. On cadence the center will fire out straight (“odd” call) or away (“even” call).

c. Guard and tackle will pull through the second opening in the chute and seal inside.

d. The tight end will perform a scramble block toward the play.

2. Coaching Points:

a. Center must always make and “odd” or “even” call (make it second nature).

b. Linemen will pull like they are STEALing second base.

1. Flat open step and go.

c. To keep the pull tight we will BRUSH the adjacent linemen as we pass them

d. As linemen enter the chute they will drop their hips to keep from hitting their heads. 1. The hip drop will also increase their speed up into the hole.

e. Linemen will sprint through the SEAL point at the cones, but will not stop at the cones them.

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Page 32: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.
Page 33: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.


1. Drill Organization and Procedure:

a. Several pop-up dummies will be aligned in various defensive fronts.

b. The entire offensive line will line up at the line of scrimmage an await the play call.

c. Upon hearing the play called linemen will get into their set position.

d. On cadence linemen will carry out their blocking assignments.

2. Coaching Points:

a. The center should always make an “odd” or “even” call.

b. The first play that will always be run will be 24/43 Power.

c. Particular plays will be emphasized each week according to the opponent played based on scouting reports.

d. When linemen are pulling on Power they should brush the shoulder pads of the linemen they are pulling by as they work up into the hole.

e. Do not overlook the small things. Even if it works in practice does not mean it will work in a game.

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Backfield Principals

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1. Quarterback Stance and Alignment

a. Feet at 4 yards from the ball.

b. 2-point stance, with slight bend in knees and narrow base to help with pivoting.

c. Hands always in place to take a snap.

2. Ace Back (A/2 Back) Stance and Alignment

a. Feet at 7 yards from the ball.

b. 2-point stance with hands on thighs, slight bend in knees and light weight on toes.

3. Making a handoff

a. When making the handoff, there must be a good mesh point.

b. The quarterback must get the ball to the Ace back and the back must make a good pocket so that the quarterback can seat the ball easily.

c. The quarterback must look the ball in and then carry out the fake.

I. Looking the ball in is a must for two reasons.

1. Ensuring a smooth handoff and selling a good fake.

2. Look ball into belly of ball carrier.

Page 36: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

4. Faking a handoff

a. The key is to use the eyes.

b. Follow the ball just as you would if you were really giving it to the ball carrier.

c. Make the defense come up and attack the ball carrier and finish the play.

5. Taking a handoff

a. Make a pocket using arms and hands

b. Ball side arm is parallel to the ground and just above the chest

c. Ball side arm is pointed outward towards the handoff location

d. Palm and forearm are facing down

e. Away side arm is parallel to the ground and just below the belly button

f. Away side elbow is point to the opposite side of the handoff

g. Palm and forearm are facing upwards

h. Ball is placed into the midsection and away hand secures it in a 4 point contact



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Receiver Principals

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1. Receiver Stance

a. A proper stance will help the receiver get off the ball as quickly as possible in order to get into a defender before he can react and to beat the defender on pass plays.

b. The receiver will be in an athletic position with the hands hanging straight down and relaxed, with the upper body bent slightly forward and maintaining a flat back (a straight line from the top of the helmet to the lower spine will be achieved).

c. Inside leg is back 6” with heel slightly off ground and a slight bend in the knee.

d. Front leg with a 30 degree bend at knee with weight over the ball of the foot.

2. Release

a. Straight release/Angle release

- No false steps/Run straight lines/Accelerate off the line/Go on ball movement

3. Pass Release

a. Speed b. Single Move c. Double Move d. Rip e. Swim

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Receiver Drills:

4. Blocking

a. Punch

- DB walks forward/within arms length WR punches/maintain balance/no lunge

b. Mirror and Punch - side to side

c. Mirror and Punch with DB fighting by receiver

d. Mirror and Punch - side to side/forward and backward

e. Cut drill (we’re allowed to in Massachusetts)

5. Ball Security

a. Line up side by side

- Jog across field/DB tries to knock the ball out/use both right and left arms

b. Four cone drill (Keeps receiver from swinging the ball when making a cut)

I. A person at each corner tries to strip ball (cone 1 to 2 to 3 to 4)

II. Run without defender (cone 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 to 1)

III. Zig-Zag (1 to 2 to 4 to 3)

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6. Catching (multiple receivers and passers)

a. Challenges

- High/low ball

- Far right/left

- Over the shoulder

- Fade

- Comeback

b. Catch and run through the Blaster

c. Sideline catch

d. Diving catch (Port-o-Pit)

e. Numbered balls (receiver calls out # on catch)

7. Walk-thru

a. Formations

b. Route depths (use cones)

c. Landmarks (use cones)

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8. Route running

a. Arrow - Quick release toward sideline looking immediately over inside shoulder

b. Chair - Drive to 7 yards/make break toward sideline/on third step get vertical

c. Comeback - Drive to 15 yards/plant outside foot and work back to 12 yards

d. Corner - Drive to 8 yards and break at 45 degrees to pylon

e. Cross - Aiming point is heels of d-line/follow straight line working to 5-6 yards depth

f. Curl - Drive to 10 yards and turn inside looking to receive ball immediately

g. Dallas Out - Drive to 7 yards/plant inside foot and break toward sideline

g2. Dallas Shuffle - Same as Dallas Out, but shuffle toward sideline

h. Dig - Drive to 10 yards and break inside

h2. Deep Dig - Drive to 22 yards and break inside

i. Drag - Deep crossing route at 12 yards depth

j. Fade - Outside vertical release working to 5 yards from sideline

k. Flair - Outside release working outside of hash and downhill

l. Flat - Back attack line and delay release toward sideline

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m. Glance - Skinny post where receiver nods and breaks on 7th step toward post

n. Hook - Drive to 10 yards and turn outside looking to receive ball immediately

o. Hitch - Drive at defender and read (back pedal sit on 3rd step/press Hitch and Go)

o2. Hitch & Go - Drive for three steps/throw outside arm/work to 5 yards from sideline

p. Out - Drive to 10-12 yards and break outside

q. Post - Drive to 8 yards and break at 45 degrees to goal post

q2. Post-Corner - Drive to 8 yards/break toward post/on 3rd step break toward corner

r. Quick Slant - One step vertical/break at 45 degrees/look for ball immediately

s. Seam - Outside vertical release working to 3 yards outside of hash

t. Slant - One step vertical/break at 45 degrees/look for ball on third step after break

t2. Slant and Go - After 3rd step on Slant break plant inside foot and get vertical/work to 3 yards outside of hash

u. Smash - Vertical release driving to 8-10 yards bending path to 22 yards deep and 4 yards from sideline

v. Waggle - Inside release at 45 degrees/on 7th step break toward corner

w. Whip - Inside release between linebackers/backer vacates sit/backer stays punch, pivot and work toward sideline

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PSTE - Down to BackerPST - Gap/On/DownPSG - Pull and kickout first threat to showCenter - On/AwayBSG - Pull playside up into hole and seal insideBST - Reach playsideBSTE - Reach playsideQB - Receive snap/reverse pivot/handoff to Ace at deepest point/bootleg awayZ - Playside deep defender/man onH - Backside deep defenderA - Drop step with left foot/receive handoff/aim for inside hip of 4/full-speed to hole

Page 44: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

PSTE - Down to BackerPST - Gap/On/DownPSG - Pull and kickout first threat to showCenter - On/AwayBSG - Pull playside up into hole and seal insideBST - Reach playsideBSTE - Reach playsideQB - Receive snap/reverse pivot/handoff to Ace at deepest point/bootleg awayZ - Backside deep defenderH - Playside deep defender/man onA - Drop step with left foot/receive handoff/aim for inside hip of 4/full-speed to hole

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PSTE - Block outPST - Block out/XBl with Guard on "What's the count" callPSG - Influence Backer/Down/XBL with Tackle with 3 tech/make a "What's the count" callCenter - On/AwayBSG - Pull playside up into first opening and look to hit first ugly shirtBST - Reach playsideBSTE - Reach playsideQB - Reverse pivot/ride ball to Ace/follow him up into the hole (audible to 3 tech vs. even)Z - Playside deep defender/man onH - Backside deep defenderA - Head straight for the hole/block first free linebacker inside

Page 46: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

PSTE - Block outPST - Block out/XBl with Guard on "What's the count" callPSG - Influence Backer/Down/XBL with Tackle with 3 tech/make a "What's the count" callCenter - On/AwayBSG - Pull playside up into first opening and look to hit first ugly shirtBST - Reach playsideBSTE - Reach playsideQB - Reverse pivot/ride ball to Ace/follow him up into the hole (audible to 3 tech vs. even)Z - Backside deep defenderH - Playside deep defender/man onA - Head straight for the hole/block first free linebacker inside

Page 47: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

PSTE - Down to backerPST - On/DownPSG - On/DownCenter - On/AwayBSG - Pull playside kicking out first threat to showBST - Pull playside up into the hole sealing insideBSTE - Reach playsideQB - Reverse pivot/inside handoff to Ace/continue on pathZ - Backside deep defenderH - Playside deep defender/man onA - Drop with left/take one step toward 4/receive handoff as you attack the hole

Page 48: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

PSTE - Down to backerPST - On/DownPSG - On/DownCenter - On/AwayBSG - Pull playside kicking out first threat to showBST - Pull playside up into the hole sealing insideBSTE - Reach playsideQB - Reverse pivot/inside handoff to Ace/continue on pathZ - Playside deep defender/man onH - Backside deep defenderA - Drop with left/take one step toward 4/receive handoff as you attack the hole

Page 49: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

PSTE - Block outPST - Block out/XBL with 3 technique over guard (“X” call)PSG - Block down/3 technique XBL with tackle (make “X” call)Center - On/awayBSG - Pull playside toward hole/pick up leakage along the way/seal insideBST - Pull playside up into the hole/pick up leakage along the way/seal insideBSTE - Reach playsideQB - Reverse pivot/inside handoff to Ace/continue on pathZ - Backside deep defenderH - Playside deep defenderA - Drop with left/take one step toward 4/receive handoff as you attack the hole

Page 50: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

PSTE - Block outPST - Block out/XBL with 3 technique over guard (“X” call)PSG - Block down/3 technique XBL with tackle (make “X” call)Center - On/awayBSG - Pull playside toward hole/pick up leakage along the way/seal insideBST - Pull playside up into the hole/pick up leakage along the way/seal insideBSTE - Reach playsideQB - Reverse pivot/inside handoff to Ace/continue on pathZ - Playside deep defenderH - Backside deep defenderA - Drop with left/take one step toward 4/receive handoff as you attack the hole

Page 51: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

PSTE - Down to BackerPST - Gap/On/DownPSG - Pull and kickout first threat to showCenter - On/AwayBSG - Pull playside up into hole and seal insideBST - Reach playsideBSTE - Reach playsideQB - Receive snap/reverse pivot/fake handoff to Ace at deepest point/bootleg awayZ - Backside deep defenderH - Playside deep defender/man onA - Drop step with left foot/sell receiving handoff/aim for inside hip of 4/full-speed to hole

Page 52: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

PSTE - Down to BackerPST - Gap/On/DownPSG - Pull and kickout first threat to showCenter - On/AwayBSG - Pull playside up into hole and seal insideBST - Reach playsideBSTE - Reach playsideQB - Receive snap/reverse pivot/fake handoff to Ace at deepest point/bootleg awayZ - Playside deep defender/man onH - Backside deep defenderA - Drop step with left foot/sell receiving handoff/aim for inside hip of 4/full-speed to hole

Page 53: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

PSTE - Fade to three yards outside the hashPST - On/DownPSG - On/DownCenter - On/AwayBSG - Pull outside gaining depth and pick up first edge defenderBST - Step and cupBSTE - Fade to three yards outside the hashQB - Reverse pivot/proximity fake to Ace/set up at 7 yards behind 2/Cover 3 read Safety (pump one way and throw opposite)/Cover 2 hit H or Z at 20-25 yardsZ - Fade working to 5 yards from the sidelineH - Fade working to 5 yards from the sidelineA - Block first threat off the edge

Page 54: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

PSTE - Fade to three yards outside the hashPST - On/DownPSG - On/DownCenter - On/AwayBSG - Pull outside gaining depth and pick up first edge defenderBST - Step and cupBSTE - Fade to three yards outside the hashQB - Reverse pivot/fake to Ace/set up at 7 yards behind 2/Z - Comeback route/stop at 15 yards and comeback to 12 yardsH - Comeback route/stop at 15 yards and comeback to 12 yardsA - Block first threat off the edge

Page 55: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

PSTE - Man on for 2 count then release to flatPST - Pull away and create wallPSG - Pull away and create wallCenter - AwayBSG - DownBST - DownBSTE - Run dragQB - Reverse pivot/fake to Ace/gain depth/square shoulders and throw/read middle-deep-short/if there is a complete mismatch with H and CB make this the #1 readZ - Stop & GoH - PostA - Fake 43 Counter

Page 56: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

PSTE - Man on for 2 count then release to flatPST - Pull away and create wallPSG - Pull away and create wallCenter - AwayBSG - DownBST - DownBSTE - Run dragQB - Reverse pivot/fake to Ace/gain depth/square shoulders and throw/read middle-deep-short/if there is a complete mismatch with H and CB make this the #1 readZ - PostH - Stop & GoA - Fake 24 Counter

Page 57: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

PSTE - Run Corner routePST - Block aggressive man on/area/release to 2nd level if uncovered after 2 countPSG - Block aggressive man on/area/release to 2nd level if uncovered after 2 countCenter - On (ride NG which way he wants to go)/awayBSG - Show pass for 2 count and fold around Center (even)/odd fold with TackleBST - Show pass for 2 count then release to 2nd level/odd fold around GuardBSTE - Run Corner routeQB - Reverse snap/show pass/outside handoff to Ace/continue fakeZ - Run fadeH - Run fadeA - Take three steps toward flank/receive handoff and read blocks

Page 58: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

PSTE - Down to backerPST - Down to backerPSG - Pull playside and kick out first defender to showCenter - Reach playsideBSG - Reach playsideBST - Reach playsideBSTE - Reach playsideQB - Reverse pivot/handoff to Ace at deepest point/continue on pathZ - Backside deep defender/man onH - Playside deep defenderA - Take shuffle step/receive handoff/aim for tail of 4/work off block of 2

Page 59: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

PSTE - Down to backerPST - Down to backerPSG - Pull playside and kick out first defender to showCenter - Reach playsideBSG - Reach playsideBST - Reach playsideBSTE - Reach playsideQB - Reverse pivot/handoff to Ace at deepest point/continue on pathZ - Backside deep defender/man onH - Playside deep defenderA - Take shuffle step/receive handoff/aim for tail of 4/work off block of 2

Page 60: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

PSTE - Run Arrow routePST - Block downPSG - Pull playside and log first defender to showCenter - Step playside and gateBSG - Step playside and gateBST - Step playside and gateBSTE - Step playside and gateQB - Reverse pivot/handoff to Ace at deepest point/continue on pathZ - Run Out patternH - Run Drag patternA - Take shuffle step/proximity fake/block first defender off the edge

Page 61: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

PSTE - Run Arrow routePST - Block downPSG - Pull playside and log first defender to showCenter - Step playside and gateBSG - Step playside and gateBST - Step playside and gateBSTE - Step playside and gateQB - Reverse pivot/handoff to Ace at deepest point/continue on pathZ - Run Drag patternH - Run Out patternA - Take shuffle step/proximity fake/block first defender off the edge

Page 62: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

PSTE - Down to backerPST - Down to backerPSG - Pull playside and log first defender to showCenter - Block on/awayBSG - Pull playside/log or kick first defender to show off edge or second levelBST - Reach playsideBSTE - Reach playsideQB - Reverse pivot/quick fake to Ace/work off block of backside guardZ - Backside deep defender/man onH - Playside deep defenderA - Take shuffle step/fake 34 Down (sell it)

Page 63: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

PSTE - Down to backerPST - Down to backerPSG - Pull playside and log first defender to showCenter - Block on/awayBSG - Pull playside/log or kick first defender to show off edge or second levelBST - Reach playsideBSTE - Reach playsideQB - Reverse pivot/quick fake to Ace/work off block of backside guardZ - Playside deep defenderH - Backside deep defender/man onA - Take shuffle step/fake 33 Down (sell it)

Page 64: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

PSTE - Reach/Down/BackerPST - On/Down/BackerPSG - Pull and seal insideCenter - On/AwayBSG - Pull and wall off outsideBST - CutoffBSTE - Reach playsideQB - Reverse pivot/handoff to Ace at deepest point/bootleg awayZ - Playside deep defender/crack first free backer insideH - Backside deep defender/man onA - Take shuffle step/receive handoff/attack inside leg of 6/bounce to outside

Page 65: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

PSTE - Reach/Down/BackerPST - On/Down/BackerPSG - Pull and seal insideCenter - On/AwayBSG - Pull and wall off outsideBST - CutoffBSTE - Reach playsideQB - Reverse pivot/handoff to Ace at deepest point/bootleg awayZ - Backside deep defender/man onH - Playside deep defender/crack first backer insideA - Take shuffle step/receive handoff/attack inside leg of 6/bounce to outside

Page 66: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

PSTE Wedge blockPST - Wedge blockPSG - Wedge blockCenter - Wedge blockBSG - Wedge blockBST - Wedge blockBSTE - Wedge blockQB - Receive snap and drive into the WedgeZ - Backside deep defender/man onH - Playside deep defender/crack first backer insideA - Sprint right

Page 67: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

PSTE - OnPST - OnPSG - OnCenter - OnBSG - OnBST - OnBSTE - Kickout CBQB - Receive snap and throwZ - Crack first free defender insideH - Run slip routeA - Cheat up a couple yards/block first free threat off the edge

Page 68: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

Six Reads to Success#1 - End most man on the line of scrimmage (EMLOS)

1. Will usually be a Defensive End

2. This is our first and most important read

3. We can call our entire offense off of his reaction if we necessary

– a. Start with the Power GO

– b. If he moves into a 6 or 7 technique run the Lead

– c. He squeezes hard inside to take away C gap run the Bounce or the G

– d. He attacks the fullback run the G

– e. If he has dual responsibility (i.e. 6-2 contain and flat) have fun

Page 69: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

#2 - First man at second level with force/flat responsibility

1. Usually a Cornerback or Outside Linebacker

2. His reaction is never wrong from our standpoint

– a. Start with Power GO or preferably the G

– b. He stays outside keep running off-tackle

– c. He overplays cheats off-tackle run the Bounce or hit the flat with a pass

#3 - First man at third level playside with deep 1/3 or deep 1/2 responsibility

1. He will either be a Cornerback or Safety

– a. Start with the Power GO

– b. If he flies up to cover the run hit them where he isn’t

– c. Cover 3 hit his 1/3

– d. Cover 2 you should have a field day

Page 70: Offensive Goals Five main goals that must be achieved to ensure success. 1. No mental mistakes, missed assignments, penalties & turnovers. 2. Score. We.

#4 - Backside EMLOS

1. Run Power and watch his reaction

– a. He chases run the Trey

– b. He chases flat down the line run the Money, Boot…

#5 - First down lineman outside of playside guard

1. Watch his reaction as you run outside/off-tackle

– a. If he flies up field then run the Trap

#6 - Second man at third level closest to playside (Safety or Cornerback)

1. Watch to see if cheats up right before ball is snapped

– a. Run a backside post into his zone.