Off Boohole Into Black Hole!

OFF BOO-HOLE INTO BLACK HOLE! By Mahaveer Hussian Boo-hand (white hole) is in fact the centre of the universe about 800 billion kilometer (800 b km) spherical radius. In circumstantial ignorance it was considered as Big Bang. At present it is about 80 kV charge and -30 kC temperature. Creatio Ex Nihilo – out of nothing some things (neutrons) are generated, someone not required or in realistic terms did not exist. Creatio Ex Annihilo: About 1.3 billion years ago (at other place) when its temperature reached -48 kC charge got 300 kV, convert into force 300 kN. Obviously acceleration should be taken as 3 x 10 8 / ( 8 x 60 ) where 3E8 is the speed of light, the sunlight needs eight minutes to reach earth converted to seconds. When worked out mass, m = F / a = 300 x 10 3 / [ 3 x 10 8 / ( 8 x 60 ) ] 0, dark matter formation. Surely it will start to suck out all matter, causes a massive black hole two hundred thousand kilometer diameter (200,000 km Ф). Converts mass into dark matter at 330 kmph (Mach 5) speed, caused a vacuum of about hundred billion kilometer (100 b km) spherical radius. (The author has faced about four black holes in his short atamic life of about 48 trillion years out off about 95 trillion years.) !! TAT TVAM ASI – THAT WHAT ARETH !! OM BHUUR BHUVAH SVAH! TAT-SAVITAR VARENNYAM! BHARGO DEVASYA DHIIMAHI! DHIYO YO NAH PRACODAYAAT!! Over vacuolization caused black discs (boo-holes) to sprout out. Creatio Ex Materia – out of some comes out much. It strikes seventeen times per minute as cause’s galaxy and creates everything in it. But its reaction sparks are in fact our atamen at maximum voltage of 30 kV; a huge neutrino – plate of neutrons which cannot be positively destroyed. Atamen void of human operating system used to roam galaxy unable to consider, contemplate and discern. For trillions of years they saw formation of planets, revolve central star thus resultant electromagnetic force (emf) creates heat. This caused the formation of habitable planets generally third in the solar systems. Conducive atmosphere evolved flora and fauna; herbivorous and carnivorous. Forget not chimpanzees that become the dearest pets of these. Their social and civilized behavior forced these, created desire and brought thought provocation to become like them. Telugu is mammal language use it to interact with all animals. Is language more important than work? The root of all sin is temptation; the origin of temptation is desire: Lust of eyes – Lust of flesh – Pride of life! Doubt – Distort – Deny? The atamen got them embedded into chimpanzees to enjoy nature in totality. In course of time got transformed into cultured human beings due to faith, hope and love. In fact all atamen should go away into black hole and not live contrary to nature. Off boo -hole into black hole!

Transcript of Off Boohole Into Black Hole!



Boo-hand (white hole) is in fact the centre of the universe about 800 billion kilometer (800 b km) spherical

radius. In circumstantial ignorance it was considered as Big Bang. At present it is about 80 kV charge and -30

kC temperature. Creatio Ex Nihilo – out of nothing some things (neutrons) are generated, someone not

required or in realistic terms did not exist.

Creatio Ex Annihilo: About 1.3 billion years ago (at other place) when its temperature reached -48 kC charge

got 300 kV, convert into force 300 kN. Obviously acceleration should be taken as 3 x 108 / ( 8 x 60 ) where 3E8

is the speed of light, the sunlight needs eight minutes to reach earth converted to seconds. When worked out

mass, m = F / a = 300 x 103

/ [ 3 x 108

/ ( 8 x 60 ) ] ≈ 0, dark matter formation. Surely it will start to suck out all

matter, causes a massive black hole two hundred thousand kilometer diameter (200,000 km Ф). Converts

mass into dark matter at 330 kmph (Mach 5) speed, caused a vacuum of about hundred billion kilometer (100

b km) spherical radius. (The author has faced about four black holes in his short atamic life of about 48 trillion

years out off about 95 trillion years.)



Over vacuolization caused black discs (boo-holes) to sprout out. Creatio Ex Materia – out of some comes out

much. It strikes seventeen times per minute as cause’s galaxy and creates everything in it. But its reaction

sparks are in fact our atamen at maximum voltage of 30 kV; a huge neutrino – plate of neutrons which cannot

be positively destroyed.

Atamen void of human operating system used to roam galaxy unable to consider, contemplate and discern.

For trillions of years they saw formation of planets, revolve central star thus resultant electromagnetic force

(emf) creates heat. This caused the formation of habitable planets generally third in the solar systems.

Conducive atmosphere evolved flora and fauna; herbivorous and carnivorous. Forget not chimpanzees that

become the dearest pets of these. Their social and civilized behavior forced these, created desire and brought

thought provocation to become like them. Telugu is mammal language use it to interact with all animals. Is

language more important than work?

The root of all sin is temptation; the origin of temptation is desire: Lust of eyes – Lust of flesh – Pride of life!

Doubt – Distort – Deny? The atamen got them embedded into chimpanzees to enjoy nature in totality. In

course of time got transformed into cultured human beings due to faith, hope and love. In fact all atamen

should go away into black hole and not live contrary to nature. Off boo-hole into black hole!