Of Heaven and Hell

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  • 8/9/2019 Of Heaven and Hell



    Heaven and Hell

    By: Chris Sims

  • 8/9/2019 Of Heaven and Hell




    Part 1: DiscoveryAnthony Journal Entry

    31. Sleepless Night

    4Email to Nolan

    11Part 2: AcceptancePart 3:


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    Part 1

    Alls Fair in Love and



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    Nerotech Log

    User: #AS32

    Entry: #413

    August 6, 2010

    Things around the lab have been normal this week. I know that Im supposed to be

    recording information about how my work is going, but something came up. Theres a nasty

    rumor going around this week. Theres talk about a new project that is about to start: a top secret

    project. Again, its just a rumor, but theres new information coming up every day about it. Plus,

    some things are starting to fall into place. I hope this is nothing more than a rumor. I mean, a

    simple genetic engineering experiment is one thing, but this? Its not an experiment at all.

    Theyre messing around with stuff they shouldnt be. The worst part is, Nolan is said to be

    heading the project. I thought Nolan of all people would have thought better than this. He is

    already one of the most respect scientists here; what is he trying to prove? If the public were to

    catch wind of this wed all be screwed. No doubt wed lose our jobs, and probably executed as

    well. Oh how Id love to get my hands on the moron who proposed this one. Whats worse is,

    Nolan has been acting strange lately. I asked him out for coffee on Friday, just like I always do,

    yet for the first time in 5 years, he declined. He said he had stuff to do. He is being more

    secretive about his work, and now he is scarcely seen around the lab. I really hope the rumor

    isnt true. Maybe things are just getting to me. Ive been overworked, and with all this stuff

    going around everything seems to be making sense. I swear, I need a vacation. Otherwise,

    were all on a one way trip to hell.

    Antony Martin


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    Sleepless NightSo much for our anniversary, Haylee Wyatt said softly,

    not wanting to disturb her guest as she flopped down onto her couch. She leaned

    forward and buried her face into her hands. How can so much stuff go wrong? she

    wondered silently. She forced her eyes shut, her eyes welling with tears as she wasfighting to hold them in. She struggled for several minutes until shed finally won.

    She removed her face from her palms and looked around in her room. She quickly

    glanced at the clock; 4 AM. Her room was dark, the only source of light came from a

    window off to the left of her couch. Her room was neat and clean as usual. Shed

    done some reorganizing the day before. Her computer sat in the corner, the desk

    covered in various school supplies. The TV hung on the wall opposite of her couch.

    Her bed was off to the right, in the corner of the room. The room was painted white,

    with trim around the ceiling and floor. Painting it was quite an experience for her.

    She recalled the numerous times she spilled the paint all over her floor. Her best

    friend Nevaeh Sanders was there too, laughing at her the entire time. With a smile,

    she couldnt help but think to herself, God, Im such a klutz. She relived theexperience in her mind, knowing she was only trying to distract herself.

    There was a sudden squeak from her bed, causing Haylee to jump. She

    quickly turned on the bed to see what made the noise, but only saw that her best

    friend was sleeping soundly. Shed had a hard night and Haylee was glad she was

    finally sleeping. Shed spent most of the night watching her toss and turn. As Haylee


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    sat there staring at her, she couldnt help but let her mind wonder. She couldnt

    help but wonder what she was dreaming about, though she feared the answer.

    Haylee reclined back on the couch, resting her head against the top. She

    closed her eyes, realizing suddenly how heavy they had become. Images of the

    night before began making their way into her head. She fought them, thinking ofother things shed done with Nevaeh, happier things. She relived many memories

    theyd had together, but in the end, her mind began to wonder back to the events

    of the night before. Despite how much she tried to fight it off.


    Haylee found herself in Nevaehs living room once again. She stood near the

    door, watching as the memory unfolded. She jumped, surprised by Nevaehs yell at

    her mother. How can you let him keep doing this? Its not right. I dont care if you

    love him or not, he should never hit you Mom. Nevaeh was angry, but Haylee knew

    that she spoke out of love for her mother.

    Her moms face was warped by anger, her teeth grinding together. She was

    at the end of her patience. Its none of your damn business. I will live my life the

    way I want to. I dont tell you what to do, so you dare dont tell me. Her words were

    hateful, not something Haylee was used to hearing from Mae.

    Nevaeh clinched her fists together, now losing her calm. How stupid are

    you? He treats you like shit! I dont care how much you love him, he needs to go.

    Im tired of coming home from school every day wondering whether or not hes

    killed you today. If dad were still alive

    Mae had cut her off mid-sentence. Dont you dare bring your father into this!

    And how dare you talk to me like this! I am your mother for gods sake!

    Nevaeh had obviously had enough. Haylee hated seeing this side of her best

    friend, but could do nothing but stand aside and watch. It wasnt her place to getinvolved. It amazed her that someone so beautiful could be so mean and hateful.

    I dont care who you are, it is ridiculous. You know what, I dont care

    anymore. You can let him do this to you all you want, but dont expect me to stay

    here and watch it. Cmon Haylee, were leaving. She grabbed Haylee by the hand

    and began out the door. Mae grabbed her daughter forcefully by the wrist and spun

    her around and raised her arm across her chest.

    Nevaeh had always fought with her mom, but her mom was getting worse

    and worse. That was the first time her mom had hit her. She cringed that the image

    of Nevaeh getting slapped by her mother. Although she was a pacifist, Haylee had

    never wanted to hit someone more than she did at that moment. She was furious.Nevaeh was 17, and her mother still treated her like a child. It didnt matter to

    Haylee. Shed decided that the next time it happens, shed step into the middle of

    it; pacifist or not. She wasnt about to stand by and watch the girl she loved get


    Haylee tried her best, but couldnt understand the reason why Nevaehs mom

    put up with the way her boyfriend treated her. He was a decent guy who owned his

    own construction company. Hed been a savior to her family since her mom got laid


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    off. Theyd almost lost their house, but Mark had saved it. Decent guy or not, he

    was a completely different person when he drank. It was like alcohol was nothing

    more than fuel for his anger. Shed been putting up with his physical abuse for over

    a year. For some reason, she tolerated it. Then again, what other choice did she

    have? If shed broken things off with him, he may hurt her even worse. Plus, howwould they survive? Her mom was still unemployed, and Nevaeh was planning on

    going to college in the fall. They would have no money to live off of. Theyd be

    thrown out on the streets without even a penny to their names.

    After thinking things through, Haylee had decided that that was probably the

    only reason why she stayed with Mark. She really didnt have much of a choice.

    Either get beaten regularly, or lose everything shed ever owned. Haylee couldnt

    comprehend the fact that Mae may have loved this man.

    It was over for the time being at least. Nevaeh was sleeping soundly in

    Haylees bed. Shed spent most of the night crying her eyes out in Haylees arms.

    Haylee was always the one that Nevaeh came to when something went wrong.

    Granted, they didnt have many friends, but it was always Haylee. She never once

    complained, nor did she admit how hard it was on her. Watching someone she loves

    go through hell made her miserable, especially when there was nothing she could


    Haylee got up from the couch and walked over to the bed. She knelt down

    beside Nevaeh and took her fingers and brushed her soft brown hair behind her ear.

    Haylee felt her anger rise upon seeing the welt across her face, but she couldnt

    help but let a tear run down her cheek. When will this stop? she asked herself. It

    seemed criminal that such a mark had been left on such a beautiful girl. She hoped

    it would go away by morning. Trying to explain it to her own parents would not end

    well. Haylees parents were devout Christians. If they were to know the truth aboutwhat happened in Nevaehs life, the, they would flip out, hell, the whole town would

    be up in arms. One of the bad things about living in a small town; news traveled

    fast. Add in the fact that most of the townsfolk were highly religious, and you had a

    recipe for trouble. Although, it didnt mean a thing to Nevaeh and Haylee. They

    risked everything on a daily basis. For the first time in her life, Haylee was truly

    scared for Nevaeh.

    Nevaeh had not been the same person since her grandpa passed away. Her

    usually cheeriness had quickly deteriorated after he passed away. Her grandfather

    was the closest thing to a father that shed ever had. As far as she was concerned,

    her grandpa was her dad. He treated her as much as well. Nevaeh had never mether real father. Her mother spoke rarely of him, but Haylee wasnt sure if it was

    because of heartache or anger. According to her, he was a very successful doctor.

    Though, theyd both made a mistake one day, which led to the girl lying in the bed

    before her. Though, to Haylee, she was far from an accident.

    Mae had gone through a hard break up, and her mother had recently had a

    heart attack. It was at the hospital one day that Mae had met Ian. She found him

    instantly charming, and found herself very attracted to him. Mae had let her guard


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    down and made love to him in his office. A while later, she found out she was

    pregnant with Nevaeh. Before she even had the chance to tell Ian, he disappeared.

    Eventually, his name appeared in the papers. Man Lost at Sea, was the

    headline of every paper in town. He went out on his boat for a weekend of harmless

    fun, and never returned. A week later, remains of his boat were found washed up onthe beach. Mae was left all alone to raise her child. Mae had a hard life, and Nevaeh

    was the only thing that kept her going. At first, she felt like her child was a mistake,

    but after giving birth to a beautiful baby girl, everything changed. To her, Nevaeh

    was more than just a daughter, she was her own little piece of heaven. To her, it

    seemed fitting that she name her daughter heaven backwards. To Haylee, it

    meant the same. Heaven: her best friend, and the girl whom she loved dearly.

    Haylee had never fit in with everyone else her age. She was very shy in her

    childhood. Nevaeh was her first and only friend. The two had grown up together and

    were always inseparable. They had no other friends apart from each other, nor did

    they care. Then, 4 years ago, theyd met Scott. Scott was the new kid in town. Hed

    just moved to *CITY NAME NEEDED* from New York City. Living in a small town,

    everyone knew everything. A new family in the neighborhood was front page news.

    Strangely enough, very little had been known about the Corbins. Scotts mother

    had passed away a year after he was born, and his father was always out of town

    working. Moving to a new town gave him a new start. Problem was, he was looked

    at like a freak, like he didnt belong. In a small town, being overly wealthy targeted

    you as different, like they were better than everyone else. After a week of spending

    all his time alone, Haylee had felt sorry for him and went and introduced herself.

    She introduced him to Nevaeh, and the three had been friends ever since.

    Haylee let out another long drawn sigh. He was their best friend, and they

    couldnt even tell him. It made her feel worse because she felt like they couldnttrust him with their secret. She was sick of having to hide it. If the truth were to get

    out, their lives would fall apart. Scott couldnt know simply for the fact that it was no

    secret that he had fallen in love with Haylee. Truth be told, if it wasnt for Nevaeh,

    she would probably return his feelings. She knew however that it wasnt the case

    and that he was wasting his time. She just wasnt sure if he knew it. Haylee had told

    him on many occasions that Nevaehs heart wasnt his. Though, even she seemed

    to doubt it at times.

    They trusted him enough to tell him, but they were afraid of how he would

    react. He was the only other friend theyd had, and they werent willing to risk it for

    anything. Haylee often considered telling him, but Nevaeh had always talked herout of it. She shared everything with Scott and because of it, she felt like she was

    being dishonest with him by not telling him the truth. He would know one day, after

    all, they couldnt possibly hide it for forever. Five years had been hell on the two of

    them, and neither could imagine five more. Even though they had to hide it, it was

    what made their lives complete. Both had been truly happy since then. One night

    that would forever change their lives, for better or for worse.


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    Haylee leaned down and kissed Nevaehs forehead and whispered, Good

    night. She made sure the blankets were wrapped tightly around her and then

    walked back over to the couch, being careful to be as quiet as possible. She sat

    down softly, grabbed her pillow and placed it at one end of the couch, and laid

    down. She reached down and grabbed the blanket off the floor and threw it overherself.

    Her mind was full of worries. She knew that sleep would not come easy to

    her, despite how tired she was. The couch was far from comfortable and a little

    short in length, so her feet dangled over the front. She wished she could climb in

    bed with her best friend, but knew that it wasnt worth the risk of waking her. Plus,

    it would be hard to explain it to her parents in the morning. Or would it be? Itd been

    so long, shed forgotten what theyd acted like before. Either way, it was probably

    best not to take the chance.

    She closed her eyes, trying to forget everything but to no avail. Her mind

    wondered back towards memories she wished would go away. Somewhere along

    the way, her thoughts slowly turned into dreams.


    It was mid-April, and Haylee had called her best friend to see if she wanted to

    go to the mall. When she called, she learned that Nevaeh had ran away from home.

    Her mom was worried sick and was on the verge of killing herself. Shed just lost her

    father and she wasnt about to lose Nevaeh too. Haylee had gone over to check on

    her best friend, when she had found Mae crying. Mae had given her the bad news

    that Nevaeh was gone. Haylee knew instantly where she was. She reassured Mae

    that Nevaeh was alright, and that she would go and bring her home.

    Ever since they were little, they had always had a secret place. Theyd

    discovered it years before. It was about half a mile through the woods behindPatricks Grocery. On the side of a hill, overlooking the ocean was a meadow of

    flowers. Theyd spent many days there watching the sunset. It was a beautiful

    place. Whenever something went wrong, they would come here. Whether they were

    depressed, angry, or worried, the natural beauty of the place seemed to put their

    minds and hearts at ease. It was the only place in the area that held any bit of

    peacefulness. Nowhere else in the woods existed a place like this. They referred to

    it as being a freak of nature, laughing because it was different from everything

    else, just like the two of them. Something about it just seemed magical. The best

    part was that no one apart from them knew it even existed.

    ***Haylee had found Nevaeh exactly where she suspected. Her legs were tired

    from walking. She had managed to find her way to the clearing, despite the fact

    that she could barely see her own hand in front of her face. She glanced across the

    small clearing, to where Nevaeh was sitting. She felt a wave of relief wash over her.

    Even though she was certain that this is where she would go, it scared her to death

    to think that she mightve actually left, or maybe worse, hurt herself. She walked up

    slowly from behind, her eyes tearing up the closer she got.


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    She was shivering. It seemed unusually cold that night. The flowers were in

    full bloom, and were as beautiful as theyd ever been. She came to a stop about a

    foot behind Nevaeh and gazed out over the water, amazed at the way the night sky

    had blended majestically into the ocean. She couldnt help but smile. She then

    directed her gaze towards her best friend. She could sense the sadness loomingover her. She sat down next to Nevaeh, wrapping her arm around her waist and

    pulling her close. Her skin was as cold as ice. She cuddled as close to her as she

    could in an attempt to keep her warm. She pulled away for a moment and pulled off

    her jacket and placed it around Nevaeh. She didnt care if she froze to death,

    Nevaeh needed it more. Nevaehs eyes were bloodshot; it was obvious that shed

    been crying for some time.

    She laid her head on Haylees shoulder without a word. Haylee wanted more

    than anything to say something to cheer her up. She sat in silence, thinking to

    herself. She couldnt think of anything that she could say that would possibly make

    her feel better. Sometimes its the things you dont say that mean the most, she

    told herself. Shed just lost her grandpa. The two had always been extremely close,

    and now she was broken without him. Haylees eyes swelled up with tears, just

    thinking of the pain Nevaeh must be going through. Nevaeh was always happy. She

    was rarely seen without a smile on her face. It was on rare occasions that Haylee

    had seen her like this. She hated it. Her best friend was upset, and there was

    nothing she could do but just hold her close and pray. She closed her eyes and

    focused on silently comforting Nevaeh.

    Theyd sat there for what seemed like an hour. Haylee was shivering, but it

    didnt bother her in the slightest bit. She was worried about Nevaeh, and was

    determined to stay by her side until Nevaeh was back to her old self again. Even if itmeant freezing to death in the process. Without warning, Nevaeh rose to her feet.

    She gazed out towards the ocean, her face lacking all emotion. She sighed and

    began to speak. I cant believe hes actually gone. Haylee jumped, startled by the

    sound of her voice as though she had yelled it, despite the fact that it was barely

    more than a whisper. She watched Nevaeh walk to the edge of the hill and stare

    down at the rocky shore below. Haylee panicked, she knew exactly what was going

    through her mind.

    Haylee quickly rose to her feet and spoke softly, rushing forward. I know it

    would be easy for you to join him, but think of the people left here who care about

    you. I mean, sure, its only your mom and I, but we love you more than anything.That should at least count for something. Haylee had stopped behind Nevaeh and

    wrapped both arms around her waist, squeezing her tightly. Holding her back from

    the edge. If she was going to jump, Haylee had decided that she was going with her.

    Haylee could faintly see Nevaehs face turn into a smile. She spoke again, but

    this time it was different. The pain had gone away, and for a split second, Haylee

    saw the hope hidden behind her words. It means more than youll ever know. I just

    dont know anymore. I never get along with my mom, and now things will be worse


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    since dad isnt there to keep us from tearing each others heads off. Haylee didnt

    know whether to smile or frown at her remark. It was true; her dad was the only

    person who could keep the peace between them. Nevaeh walked away from the

    edge, Haylee pulling her arms away as she moved. She sat down in the same spot

    as before. Haylee followed, and stopped to stand next to her.Well, you dont need your mom anyway. You still have me. I mean, I know

    Im not that great, but Im still pretty awesome if I do say so myself. She couldnt

    help but smile, knowing that she didnt agree with anything shed just said. Dont

    worry about your mom, if she gets out of line, Ill put her in her place, Haylee said

    with a smug smile. She glanced down, and for the first time all night, saw a smile

    grace Nevaehs face and a laugh escaped her mouth. Hearing her laugh did a lot for

    Haylees spirit. She couldnt help but smile more at her laughter. She let out a sigh,

    and she knew that Nevaeh was getting back to normal, and for that, she was


    Nevaeh reached out and took Haylees hand, helping her pull herself up off

    the ground. She brushed the dirt off of her and then wrapped her arms around

    Haylee. Haylee held her as tightly as she could. The two stood standing motionless.

    Thanks, I needed that, said Nevaeh softly. They stood in embrace for what

    seemed like an eternity. Haylee had always felt amazingly comfortable with her

    arms around Nevaeh, although she never understood why, nor did she ever bother

    to question it. She loved Nevaeh more than shed ever loved anyone. Nevaeh was

    her other half, without her, Haylee wasnt Haylee. Even though her face showed a

    deep sadness, Nevaeh still looked beautiful to Haylee. Once again, she found

    herself letting her mind wonder freely. She took in every detail of Nevaeh. She had

    her scent memorized, down to the smell of her strawberry shampoo. She marveled

    at her skin, which seemed to glisten under the moonlight. She was acutely aware ofevery movement Nevaeh made. Her heart was pounding away in her chest, and her

    stomach was filled with butterflies, yet she felt completely relaxed. Shed always

    felt weird when she was close to Nevaeh like this. She couldnt explain why. Shed

    often considered the fact that it was just her mind playing tricks on her.

    Nevaeh pulled away, leaving her hands resting on Haylees waist. Her touch

    sent a jolt throughout her entire body, making her tremble. Haylee had her arms

    around her neck, slowly running her fingers through her silky hair. She couldnt help

    but stare at Nevaeh. Her shoulder length brown hair was messy and her mascara

    was dried on her cheeks. Despite her appearance, Haylee was smitten with her

    eyes. They were the most beautiful shade of green shed ever seen. Every time shelooked into her eyes, everything else seemed to fade away. They stared into each

    others eyes for a moment, until finally Nevaeh bit her lip and spoke. I love you

    Haylee, her voice sounding like it was about to crack. Haylee had stopped shaking,

    forgetting everything that was wrong. The words seemed to warm the essence of

    her very soul.

    A smile broke out across her face and her heart seemed to skip a beat, and

    without a second thought said, I love you too Nevaeh. Haylee pulled her back into


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    her arms, held her tightly for a moment and then pulled away, their faces inches

    away from each other. Her scent filled her lungs. She looked directly into her

    emerald eyes, mesmerized by their beauty. She smiled shyly, and closed her eyes

    as she leaned inwards until their lips collided. There, under the moonlit meadow,

    they stood, embracing each other. Their lips moved together in unison. Time itselfseemed to stop around them; and for that moment in time, all was perfect.


    Nevaeh woke as the sun came in through the windowand hit her in the face.She groaned and stretched out in Haylees bed. Immediately, she thought of Haylee

    and instantly turned her head sideways to look for her. She spotted her, sleeping

    silently on the couch.

    Oh thank god, she said under her breath. She wasnt sure why, but she was

    worried that Haylee wouldnt be there when she woke up. She let out a sigh of relief

    and her heartbeat slowly returned to normal. She let out another groan and shifted

    herself until she was sitting upright in bed. It was noon, and Haylee was sleepingsoundly. Nevaeh got up from the bed and walked over to where Haylee was asleep.

    She got down on her knees, leaned down and kissed Haylee softly, careful not to

    wake her. She placed her hand on her exposed stomach where her shirt had ridden

    up. Her skin was warm under Nevaehs hand. I love you baby, said Nevaeh said to

    herself in what was almost a whisper. She stood up quietly and opened the

    bedroom door and stepped outside. She walked forward to the banister overlooking

    the living room below. She could hear the voices of Haylees parents coming from

    the kitchen. She made her way to the left and into Haylees bathroom.

    Oh god, I look like hell, she said to herself upon glancing at herself in themirror. She picked up Haylees brush and ran it through her hair, pulling it as it

    went. Ouch! Well, crap. I guess I need to take a shower, she said sullenly. She

    didnt want to take one and risk waking Haylee.

    She quickly undressed and stepped into the shower. The warm water hitting

    her body made her feel instantly better. I hope she doesnt wake up before I get

    done, she thought to herself. Out of all the things she loved about Haylee, one of

    the things she loved the most was seeing her smile when she woke up and saw

    Nevaeh next to her. When she looked at her like that, Nevaeh knew that they were

    meant to be together. Her soft brown eyes held more feelings than her words could

    ever express.

    Nevaeh stepped out of the shower and dried herself off. She placed her dirty

    clothes into the basket and wrapped a towel around herself. She took another towel

    and dried off her hair some. She walked back to Haylees room and found her still

    sound asleep. Knowing that she was going to just sit around and be bored she

    decided to go and do her hair while she waited.

    She took out of Haylees towels from the shelf and began drying her hair.

    When she finished she caught a glimpse of Haylee standing in the doorway. She


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    quickly draped the towel over the bar for the shower curtain. Morning Hun,

    Nevaeh said wrapping her arms around Haylee and kissing her softly.

    Good morning sweetie, Haylee said after pulling away from Nevaeh with an

    innocent smile on her face. Howd you sleep?

    Like hell. Its not really surprising though. What about you, she asked,rubbing her hands up and down Haylees soft arms.

    Uhh okay I guess. I was too worried about you to sleep. I ended up tossing

    and turning all night.

    Im sorry for worrying you so much, Nevaeh said with a sad look on her

    face. Haylee pulled her tightly into her arms once more and kissed her deeply.

    Please, dont worry about it. I love you, I cant help but worry. Im just so

    glad youre okay. I was worried that, tears began to form in her eyes, I dunno, I

    just dont want something to happen to you.

    Trust me Hun, Ill be okay. I promise, she said pulling Haylee tight. After

    she calmed down, Nevaeh pulled away and made her way back to Haylees

    bedroom with Haylee right behind her. So, what do we plan on doing today? she

    asked, looking through Haylees dresser for the set of clothes that she kept at her

    house just in case of situations such as the one the night before.

    Well, our anniversary was ruined yesterday, so I think we should go and do

    something special.

    She thought to herself, recalling if she had already made plans. Oh crap, I

    cant. Im supposed to help Scott with his science project today. I promised him.

    Oh, its okay then. She didnt show it, but Nevaeh knew that Haylee was

    cursing Scott. She knew how jealous Haylee was of Scott.

    Im so, so sorry honey, I swear Ill make it up to you.

    Dont worry about it. Why do we have to do anything special anyway? Weobviously love each other, why do we have to prove it? Nevaeh couldnt help but

    hear a sense of sadness behind Haylees words.

    Because, weve always done it. Its tradition, and besides, its nice to do

    something special together. Nevaeh didnt want to anger Haylee, but Nevaeh

    didnt really see much of a point to it. Nevaeh didnt care for all the romantic things

    like Haylee did, but shed never let Haylee know. She pulled out the clothes shed

    been looking for and began to change.

    It seems weird to me. I know that its a special day, but is it really that

    important? asked Haylee, obviously fishing for something.

    Yes, it is. Im so sorry that I made plans for it. Its just that its been fiveyears, Ive lost track of how long wed even been together, she said while

    unbuttoning her jeans.

    If you didnt want to do anything special, you couldve just said so, said

    Haylee abruptly.

    I didnt say that! exclaimed Nevaeh. When did I ever say that I didnt want

    to do anything special? Hell, I said that I would make up for it.


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    Annoyed, Haylee responded, Well, you sure as hell acted like it. Besides, I

    wouldnt want to cut into your special time with Scott.

    Special time? What are you talking about? She paused. She knew exactly

    what Haylee was talking about, but just couldnt believe that shed said it. You

    think me and Scott... She shook her head and finished changing her jeans.You guys are practically always together.

    We totally arent. Im always with you. When Im not, I am usually with him,

    which isnt a whole lot of time. She sat down on the couch and put on her socks.

    Fine then, Ill just leave you alone so you can spend more time with him,

    retorted Haylee.

    Whatever, mumbled Nevaeh pulling her shirt over her head. Scott is

    probably waiting for me, so Im just going to go. Get pissed off if you want, Im not

    going to listen to it. She picked up her purse off the floor and made her way out

    the door.

    Haylee was obviously mad, and Nevaehs last response didnt help things

    much. She knew that Haylee was overreacting, and that it wasnt worth fighting

    over. Shed wait a day and Haylee would be over it. In a way, she felt bad for it. She

    knew how insecure Haylee was with their relationship, and Nevaeh wasnt exactly

    helping things.

    Haylee watched as Nevaeh left without as much as a good-bye. Despite being

    angry with Nevaeh, she couldnt help but cry. I am such an idiot. She crawled into

    bed and began sobbing loudly.


    Nevaeh angrily slammed her car door shut, and started the engine. She put it

    in gear and pulled out of Haylees drive way, heading to McDonalds to get

    something to eat before heading over to Scotts house. She put her worries aboutHaylee behind her, knowing that she would be okay.


  • 8/9/2019 Of Heaven and Hell


    Whats going on with you Nolan?From: Anthony Martin

    To: Peter Nolan

    Im sending you this email because I am concerned with the way you have been acting. Weve

    been friends for years, and not once have you turned down coffee. If you havent heard, there is a

    nasty rumor going around. Call me stupid, but I believe it to be true. It says that you are to be

    heading the project, which would explain why you are acting so oddly. Please Nolan, I ask you

    as a friend, dont go through with this. There is a point where even science becomes evil, and I

    think that this is a breaking point. Stem cell research is fine, but this is overkill. There is a

    difference between performing an experiment and playing God. If this project goes through, it

    could kill the company, and the lives of everyone in it. Either way, I still dont see how it is

    possible. I would have never imagined that such technology would even exist. Im sorry, but I

    fail to see any good coming from this. I cant imagine why someone such as you would go

    through with this. Please tell me that it is just a rumor. People here in delta lab are on edge with

    the rumor floating around. We are supposed to be using scientific breakthroughs to make life

    easier for the world, not mess with life itself. Nolan, I ask you as both a friend and fellow

    colleague, please tell me what the hell is going on.



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