Of?! HARYANA GOVT GM. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, …...2001/03/29  · ata w Pad zPk 444 aat4 ar4 W41 4114Ca...

Of?! a3-0 HARYANA GOVT GM. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, 2001 22 7 ficovl a (CHTR 8, 1923 SAKA) *in etw ftm kma arm f^eIf, 29 !TA 2001 SS *1.41 . 38/1 • ar• 12/1999/4 0 8 818 24/200 - al ki 1/2 Iffk11111111171( RR! ROW (#2 1T Igo) alfr AzIR, 1971 (1971 *1 io ) 841. $ *MR * *la amC im 5141 1 0 6 tmlie-sum *w on (to F4011, 1974, i t aixlal4t 11,7 41-f* gar irk Ibret f** w aitr ma, etch ti ;WU RR' NWT *Wail 14*Wo1 Ain *f ret al l i f fte arva aMmm *r4 ItR Alta Mo il $ 1t tit 41114, #81/181 * VIM 301:8 441,8vet tiK "VW 71 1-411# art" 4 111114481 t ma vi e MT* f*P f 35 UM 42 40-act, tit chit 1E1 114441 1R1 11I 70 %MT 4k # 39+04 * atafte we -wit wit *wit 4e a 4-1414 aim ae qt aft um Tit amm* ft fm VW tt aft/ ts, *it 9 En* fitt Ele ElF1481-31191113ffivi *oft * OMIT Int it f a iir v w fRzioff gar tti O zim4 ftrg tim tag VP1 t4ttt4R *HIPAC4 inI1RF *MT #41ThIPE FIISi 378 *7 8* 1 aftt f t: VI*IT a pt JR * t1 f zfr-4 tit** Mir' *me * Oat avir NI Rik vffdt VENER-EPRI ti mmd *emu wri t 1 :41w a tft lArtr e n Atufi git IPIWIT 111 IPS41 1 11 091 *it WON 11141 1311170 SIFT ftuut /Sail 31F► *OP t it t it Pew en i mf01 .1 0 * tun* fr 8111181 RIci t f44 1 *Vat *1 trwram pica ‘41t7 tic TR Pre Oat 4 111 * RIF tr a m (ta n) it40 t/arr Tta i it fiat tt Nat/ ti mme *Jet Taft da it astt as r ig anknung qmf * trobitt *IN*giw zr zfitt teuni t ,

Transcript of Of?! HARYANA GOVT GM. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, …...2001/03/29  · ata w Pad zPk 444 aat4 ar4 W41 4114Ca...

Page 1: Of?! HARYANA GOVT GM. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, …...2001/03/29  · ata w Pad zPk 444 aat4 ar4 W41 4114Ca 51071 n t-).41.11 .tp,4441M, scrk ft, tmleitt gra ftlia chAtilnit t M-651 ga16141143/415E1

Of?! a3-0

HARYANA GOVT GM. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, 2001 22 7 ficovl a(CHTR 8, 1923 SAKA)

*in etw

ftm kma


f^eIf, 29 !TA 2001

SS *1.41 . 38/1 • ar• 12/1999/40 8 818 24/200 - alki1/2

Iffk11111111171( RR! ROW (#21T Igo) alfrAzIR, 1971 (1971 *1

io) 841. $ *MR * *la amC im 5141 1 06 tmlie-sum

*won (to F4011, 1974, it aixlal4t 11,741-f* gar

irk Ibret f** waitr ma, etch ti ;WU —RR' NWT *Wail

14*Wo1 Ain *fret al liffte arva aMmm *r4 ItR Alta

Moil $1t tit 41114, #81/181 * VIM 301:8

441,8vet tiK "VW 711-411# art" 4111114481 tma vie MT*

f*Pf 35 UM 42 40-act, titchit 1E1 1144411R1 11I 70 %MT 4k #

39+04 * atafte we -wit wit *wit 4ea4-1414 aim ae qt aft

um Tit amm* ftfm VW ttaft/ ts, *it 9 En* fittEle ElF1481-31191113ffivi *oft *

OMIT Intit faiir v w fRzioff garttiO zim4 ftrg tim tag VP1

t4ttt4R *HIPAC4 inI1RF *MT #41ThIPE FIISi

378 *7 8* 1aftt ft: VI*IT apt JR * t1 f zfr-4

tit** Mir' *me * Oat avir NI Rik vffdt VENER-EPRI

timmd *emu writ 1:41wa tft lArtr enAtufigit IPIWIT

111 IPS41 1 11091 *it WON 11141 1311170 SIFT ftuut /Sail

31F► *OP tit tit Pew enimf01.10 * tun* fr

8111181 RIcit f441 *Vat *1 trwram pica ‘41t7 tic TR Pre Oat

4111 * RIF tram (ta n) it40 t/arr Ttai it

fiat tt Nat/ timme *Jet Taft da it astt as rig anknungqmf* trobitt *IN*giwzr zfitt teuni

t ,

Page 2: Of?! HARYANA GOVT GM. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, …...2001/03/29  · ata w Pad zPk 444 aat4 ar4 W41 4114Ca 51071 n t-).41.11 .tp,4441M, scrk ft, tmleitt gra ftlia chAtilnit t M-651 ga16141143/415E1

220 HARYANA GOVI utt it. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, 2001(CHTR 8, 1923 SAKA)

a4R , (m4cir WIca %vat akznatt anTa ti *Raul, Tir*ittitetri ilizfraff * =114NT * f*Stur t1 FCPSE Ft Iiinf 1 88ificITTuff WI itaTtri tittadit t Ing# * WAR *WWI '9q-* azifwOr r A *frFAT .Mrs ear * d14.11-arcrt Am** *r k

u 4 At t i titcw, \I S+ int *1 75 311018-it AIM a* clam110*-1tmiticri arv-4 *t-4 *ct tlar aitten witmi am en -

t I ift*R. gre fltwa tits04( in- i * f*.q bramai *V K tilt TiM* 7-c *I SI, ik41 ikElfait * fk*-91'49- * Ram air work * Ift:a0zr ftg vtutr trnr ftra* * 5ferfaltar t91 t I

aid tita+it Wai * Rea t 1* trctit otwor-RittrM* *614a1rfl* Rita wedt 88i9c11 AID tchd tktf*fiff t"IfItir trq t419 FAIT 4w:frig, *Er auOi wr4 * f M

14-4t 51-47* 4r4t tfttitt tiffivctt Aida ftera 'Retazitebbitcf to 1:14 qt P eti#1444t eiCkfrf #91. Val# V# a9 r titchit ,114) fri7 kOzi ^1#51-OuR * l aftite ardim awati entk *-1 f*,14 rein+writ 4, .444 a ,4r1 tiara Tztta R-J3-2,7 it-Or 7/71

5t.1) tritint*Fwq 474: -oat ta-lta t Rica utt,:14 ?fill

kJ-4ff goitoRtif 1414 aiksi *ta * *Rui, frisa *Er a4Iftis tgral ail Irwin mr in-qtrff wtA. tr fets 4 9i t4011t; titchk TI*T rff TOM* * 0104 Rini *it IztUr ant* *-t4a t 4•4,r) Aaa tra‘zr tRohlt vz tdaa,ttch

444nr c fir 1;:l *At taw mor RF71 tcflitcf ig of fAtjaac4) 4a141 *telaglit* riv-41a aiqa: 4orK war Ike IT* 1 IRTM

ae Rag W4 tfria Fefa * Fog AN ism( 1.7e zark * u/as qAtailq/ 14-riff *tznft ittr tk*tt WRIM TIM wr i* T19"zrtionit R.( 1 m f*Rft deRqd %Mai * 84 wb4 want trz *it#myq arm AFT( chtal t * 8819tit IF? tcbcpcf w IT

Page 3: Of?! HARYANA GOVT GM. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, …...2001/03/29  · ata w Pad zPk 444 aat4 ar4 W41 4114Ca 51071 n t-).41.11 .tp,4441M, scrk ft, tmleitt gra ftlia chAtilnit t M-651 ga16141143/415E1

HARYANA GOVT GAZ. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, 2001 229(CHTR 8, 1923 SARA)

ct) tr4 Part #r4 4144 aim vefitt 11 TTeir I t tiViR PAR artist f l coituf a wilt 41-41*qtr tsq anpit tits% Mr it avast rw41qctr %let

tri v It1 titifafl 1 tictoit tbet MM t t titchit=FIR # amt beta T1 a* 71641 1114 ,4tott4 tRimult •41 civet!! ART iktzfraff * t4Q141cli tactc( WC trt ?Ara catcuM

* digiAntt it4szt-f*t (fit * PRO) * # ftift5E tiVRphitsr omit /WM alky l 111ii4 ti Honk It *NH ft4tzt twitr*-4t t I mitt, am{ a9 fit War, 4% *It *a *I tc,

tl *71 *K-4 ti ea fl nrr t mum* tazzr* 4vitt wig ttWrit 4t tart az t t Nei MU *KA Awl Miti r Ent* * Tar 4t arm ttl /Pr ,t4,41q1* t-gtcirei4it * Toe * fog ittf *IS iT /390 #14 # allow

ant it, tit It* itsm oblit * ari rit*INff pig

aew — ikrq ti Llieituf VPII NWT, 1.541q7t u f * I tiAW. 14,91H *fratbit * rani i#wit

eireth tsT /it t f ar-tt t1YR toil-ma t atctr digcbmt fmatchtur2:1 *At .9.• m 1g, Aft 4tht -ere k7 Clakiwi eta* 011;94t to 111-4N1 %T OT *TRt, tictitwe 41 Vt NW& I Itieq e*a * alt tic to* no

gym rmr< *ref RS. NIKKI 5IM 14cmcic1 t tiWqc0311g► tclicp6 TIC TR ffirr aqiI1441* f*R En' finItt tot httrt4 WA' gq t 12* fl w cei AYR toir-vtotchit dicerpm it try( I * wow etft ell In VI& ft/H11 $t

v011r f cir eRenulf Tinf aPT* ?al MT( 1101 arat

twin eittomil eithe it @Rea ct( trEV sit& ZIF NEND4 eVW& if 1 we eit f ht Nth * %Raid 44. .4Atitchtt

4111rtItuf wr4* adWitai 41 am* tne ref t

Page 4: Of?! HARYANA GOVT GM. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, …...2001/03/29  · ata w Pad zPk 444 aat4 ar4 W41 4114Ca 51071 n t-).41.11 .tp,4441M, scrk ft, tmleitt gra ftlia chAtilnit t M-651 ga16141143/415E1

230 HARYANA GOVT GAZ * (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, 2001(CHTR 8, 1923 SAKA)

4 cl r, alti, SINN 1'4TTWET 114149I 995 \ I 9)9 Tt

dfLW 12), *t NM 8 *1 +1444itt (1) i WK . (T) 741 WI 24 TT

3941t (2) * n ( V ) t Taff 3 14441t1 (1) WT SKR *9

ata w Pad zPk 444 aat4 ar4 W41 4114Ca 51071

n t-).41.11 .tp,4441M, scrk ft, tmleitt gra ftlia chAtilnit t M-651 ga16141143/415E1 q cr*T4 AM 14444444 km #, mat

1• 4 1444 wgrar 5flua finTITEI 4va ant*ROT 131464 f4k) ftEnt, 2001, Tt TI ITT4 t 1

2 W f*pit 'MIR a*, liavf aiRrili aitt3/47 a e..anntlir t, fltou tt fdfilw ftmit 4111A941,

1995 (1999 TT diftrk eet 12);

(w) 11/1101 %Id t14" t1 SWF fr, 1:14

Iter Port, isitqlvi fT trziircif afi4Fi df, $K1 t;

( TI) Idsivi • 4 *MA k, rosti4* f4ma avirm 5i 4f *411

fork Rypaif * Sit freta trt;

(a) kv i * 51094i f:Og "dmelfatoii" attwzr t, ! do•f

TM Wit taa 44t WI 4-63, 424 a t;

) niwr 4 aiftwirr *, 14a41 tio 44 .swa;

(a) s'sppa" t, tituqco 9191 idurevi ITIWETIT WI

'&4 weir IMv•n ariaa 94-4; 41414;

) tda" diflowl RA **le gro I:4141Mo *a

t • nt : dal

140, 444 mat 3ir*1 •d 44 •4rtris1 * l*q 1"47 stwiritq tea 1-4 tda, al ae wro To Ft areal

Page 5: Of?! HARYANA GOVT GM. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, …...2001/03/29  · ata w Pad zPk 444 aat4 ar4 W41 4114Ca 51071 n t-).41.11 .tp,4441M, scrk ft, tmleitt gra ftlia chAtilnit t M-651 ga16141143/415E1

HARYANA GOVT GAZ. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, 2001 231(CHTR 8, 1923- SAKA)

IfRow # wrie fisq ► * FOR iellre

kV w11 t anm Mu* ftnz ww wiz t

(11.) Pre4 494 ear 4a4, Istk ut,

(m) qt * nit ciiti vffq^iPRT f'47151


(10 -Or # *WI if, kkil RTR3 1418101 1f t4tTA TR* 1k€4 Ilt #41;

(ST) 7 PAW* * 191€1, TIRTIIPM reef

311/4414441 ** 4.14, a4 tiftwini MO*kit 1995 (1999 wit 4f**4 12) 11144 47#


3. W 144 1444,* wan zniffrie * few, Rqi **119 tra Tq f ti4101 IIPLIMPf 5NIMI TM.- I n T6 WMfrItallft4 *tiff, qi Aglit * 4444 /4441t* aRi 5Wq-n

AIR Ardid * 1 ift - IWCCI W4T 444-444 Vi Mt kg11g 41%kWit VIiFr * RIM * f4411 morel 4 4 *

a 414r, f444 44 4* "Aatil tit ert Rr,, : —

(w) Tri, 1998, * 11 W Rff * *It al* Arcs vista( Alt?!cpcf Tid TR t;

(f) 14, 1998, * ll FO It TM Tfir Win Sitca 14tird Tle

TR Wif 4 am zet wr4 ke * cif IftIR

veri ch*-114 at, Rrit(HT 9F9 altpd 441 Fkg;RT RR 47 4anr 4: a * 144 id 4Tz *, 14441 * timin * 4*-re4

f614 ‘,1 ago', * 4r5 srice * 44f rl *tt*w*re4 *felk AIR 443 * Vit 'AR NIS ou

11111gati I

Page 6: Of?! HARYANA GOVT GM. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, …...2001/03/29  · ata w Pad zPk 444 aat4 ar4 W41 4114Ca 51071 n t-).41.11 .tp,4441M, scrk ft, tmleitt gra ftlia chAtilnit t M-651 ga16141143/415E1


(CHTR 8, 1923 SAKA)

^rdAd tn. 9t1 Wu,- III # 41# 5(f-rntfr-*7e-T M rig *mt.ef#1

(2) if 1### fAtif*fivw tiT #13 #01 01 —(1)

*IT fkiffica-tirsitti

ITITRMI Wit Otfa * FARcg afTIMIOw antim*PT t%7 lig 10#rft;

(u) er+-R vu palm fk7 /17 mkt f1#1ff ftg-irq croity{t;

(iii) trtt Omer Tit 1998, t tt• ftff 74 14T-atrd l'Agm iyq mar *Alt 14-tif#lft 1998, !I# fk# # agRicir *Dr 3113 RR!+7 fit t, fbmq doll 1**-1 Tzfrfatrt didiacir 4t and * ark 3#: f#zfif*# 4t fort/HU k;

Wilvit Al WWII 3WG-e eAlcielf Zit a* 41m( c(zit #1toww* am#-{ fkklf*# 1*7 irq

4. Z8 1;9+11 3l4f8 frifRfrikff ‘4,41 itkOttl . 1111f7T 3r 3:t4,

(1) : —

(w) affirkftfter #719;

(w) alThRHE tiT18;

N 444 tivi9;

ftiftw itkr crf tfriffteNfIlif tdi P,fls tivr4;

74 tTdr %cc( As9cH;

#411 3T101;

(4) 9) %OR 1



Page 7: Of?! HARYANA GOVT GM. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, …...2001/03/29  · ata w Pad zPk 444 aat4 ar4 W41 4114Ca 51071 n t-).41.11 .tp,4441M, scrk ft, tmleitt gra ftlia chAtilnit t M-651 ga16141143/415E1

HARYANA GOVT GAZ. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, 2001 233(CHTR 8, 1923 SAKA)


5. (1) 49 F4981 /191 kilt cum * an* tar

rft t /I* f i 5r4R t Wit' :

tillqdr3ficRiTifft-aCCIR 18 44 4af al159?"-(41R m

"9" cri4=4R91 41 nit 3f, ea of tau5 .5ncRiwr4 ztt arniT nir it aerwq

ang 5'1E4 wz4 tar r mirk aim filar

26-3/4-aFt1 gre aiTtglff *PK httr divicfrt ?PR %--(4

f-der 4-few it* well

(2) 1119i td;1 dr94( q 1 alt M937919 arafir timbfqr affi*aFirikfti * 4q411 * fkiikt ift air *

/ilvgaT 41 of *t 44gER, 8119fu ll 1481197/ NM am

eitEr-vitir 1 titqac we we RR IrC a** i air aritrq81181511/1

(a) * 5ram alaivr Ti;* WIT ,s.44) ,TFI9 WI riemzit $1

4 441 4071 tkiirtircItu i, art 4M arieRA ,

(4) 01140 10 ff 117q #, etit mR4 twits ;Duff PKIK44

wca FitaFr timpr At 441 :

wri *kit vim! 5fIRT trc tr.< au mum uMyra NzrrTrzir t aal kutt, (141ICIlt AtIkei wint ftzrr wt :

qj air aft fk.MKI1VRT **gat *I dIVICI %tog*r air ft figgwr it Net zrg *Enemilte 4T krIffItqf tair Wit *41 it zoit tar wit t, aft vqartt


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234 HARYANA GOVT GAZ. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, 2001(GHTR 8, 1923 Sala)

may INgilt I

6 .0 tit * tar 8101#81 Ardir Ater trta r n,at gam * A* **-4tt ITC * tql* a am* traTit NI* favIta dItl)tit VS WM 511 /14R11 T #11

f1/21(xt tryital * f#7 tql * Byrn wing -1141 'FINF131, ICU" E1 fl* TM NAM 01c0c4

ti tit * crerr 4CM—f arctar Torg f*gr *Prr



thig Am 7. F Agra * a Tit WIPMe *-ing gal -4'r It0Twrtt I zit) Tt4 øIg If) ttiTRt fktr li ch41( 04

Ariftfx1 8 (1) iWO' t an 1117 Ti&I• .A 6,1 witrgrt,

tOrr-4 t 71 NIT Ntt=01 Alf 8049 ang give *-{ tar t,t419W1 =00K 1101 1

1FX VT El 03 =04 mi t No* NW HZ 4114 aTF3

BS* *K tar It, arRiefig tram gg Tat inairkm aritag *- aka * WAN *Arm 41 Art

MITtl tivR4ilzt4Is4ku MN art 4t ark* tarirt 114 vIT att ttm tI n *Iff amanika fl airgt tr giROM * ftvq a4 *IWO tri 34rlit art * fcr tilfbirr Tunt, um AR age wegT antt f** *r %Ira trimat ar4tr * tt 1011 vutrif 1

thtur g*R :—10 grg 408 dgelftwil NIFFT tar aritrw araitt

* q t% qicrtil)

2 66

a 33 A4 ch karT * f*q Xkl Whit tit tivr41,275 b7:117, (# 414=f0nit 'WC!) it 7;4 gIt

alr -(34 tt 1,275 t tiq (cif /8=t/c-q)a 1 fklnu1I q4n I

Page 9: Of?! HARYANA GOVT GM. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, …...2001/03/29  · ata w Pad zPk 444 aat4 ar4 W41 4114Ca 51071 n t-).41.11 .tp,4441M, scrk ft, tmleitt gra ftlia chAtilnit t M-651 ga16141143/415E1

HARYANA . GOVT GAL. (EXTRA~) MARCH 29, ,2001 235(CHTR 8, 1923 SARA)

9 (1) kt 414.44 * sustfich zrs Wit* qi

*Rui Pr * leg 41MR, -ot anwi, ARIe Ng wikThAmss * arTAA9 weer it/S9 t vimtk


ammo tim * ff aitim w+1,- r fAst

Alt 4, AO qR *-41 Rte gkres gimlet Men.Ngs

fi "i_r), 4(41 144,ctich aff* frazi * sat .04t,

are ii w PdNan 51 wn-s9sr yaw *taw

441 * f*R aliffleiat *1 MRS' wis-coff

?Os Age • T* aitcc* PActit 4i * tpi .i4141d

* Itq<, fad:i d fg, fares ftreat aftweffier Via; Nag art

Note * 5fewr Pcidsrof Fait, fi44 Pr t Maw

alltrwttiNgo swift* Net **1 IRE #144-* * arRJ * VIM

as-44411*m * ig efilkisd crw skga t U -figqi

Perri 11141# ffili Ng mg ‘slitilt air flitRIMM

41 * a1R tiMiggf i** IMF

Cr* VIErRvi wistg -w4 N airscitir, tg.glatwr ZU In any

prisffiv 19;s1 t t 1tkft **wtt gpr:k N tr-4

#T1T ftte41 oftecam stiff gqg-4 aaf #

(6) milvtl WI wage tea NEn BRIT t ftlkass Tr°

gel Riftrafd As4 it 304 w Reg vug4n

so. * Oast ntrat mica tom. a9 Wit.

saver mam tiIU It417RT *1 MT was tr, al ail a* at NA en/

tr4 tic krible8W-4wg e94 tI4* IN* afidnit V, f4ra

*-{ MT 911HT, auk tuft fkuitio fob-ig tin :—

(w) thrm amm 44qpit tik N14) f4R till* /A

#111 * feg 8*-41T t;

(#1) R * 31111ff 4 arn-i Tint* *** ftio*feg

frald *nog Trf czar t, zIft f#94a sitna Nan clisa

mfbirlf *TR

Page 10: Of?! HARYANA GOVT GM. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, …...2001/03/29  · ata w Pad zPk 444 aat4 ar4 W41 4114Ca 51071 n t-).41.11 .tp,4441M, scrk ft, tmleitt gra ftlia chAtilnit t M-651 ga16141143/415E1

236 HARYANA GOVT GAZ. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, 2001(CHTR 8, 1923 SAKA)

*Styli tarMikr

a4T dt14) wilt *I Ttara

*T-4 * ft.-17 tg1n1

II. (1) #41 itfa tR aa* tan far d4C1rI **-Art

ai ita *self drA-K4( 3q-kzig (2) it tlEff amei d °II 4tilthIC4

31111K (*KO* Fri u kirt fAapr bler 41 1:14, ikgm

kill *atwren afisitiPse wrn gn, 44-Ai an t

* tat ear' iitillgad if t, * 3ti aR; **mitt

fAlci .€*4 * crew tik Aft t.-4-t * c nie z1 le

*FaRaF1 ww aniv tar **a 451 9)(ca %RAI 4rq remit arAi

1* * tit1alike * fdARee * #R, atT *TT rnEiii *74, altbeFR

ernni 1pt nia * hlf2tf of fkza new t 4r A'R Ina

araRa * ft afa fkm Ott ls, ct1 q)A-catt Ina r aack t Fan

4r tali faq * thq <nu Aft 4ta # aa1 Tzar t461 eit Nit t, tan MI *ct * WOW( 0 a, at

4z It Ne IT( WK tar %(..-r fa* t1 qt-ct a # ITT V, *-1 mar

Wei TT vi ch4g 14171 ;

A, (4; 4, ti 4 Net Ab ditutt

Pti'crt rialt NIT -tatilon gm WWI *7 41 qr4t t au*

nfenwifer€4 fRaPat cAri diAcalt that fkir Afat* t

alat 7: 44 4win t fir a* maim *;--zwama em

(4) 4t gag * Rita. 3V ti vi-it--Tr AIRaTal * w4, Mk * fates) 4! 3111-w #41 * 44

*-{ *IT t of any law 44 w wt tar t au* MK Aft *

Rae 41 ant War *Tte 14-m 10' mar t :

*IN aitikq * Ram, f*anntiln 0 lit

^dtfi far #tfi ell I

Page 11: Of?! HARYANA GOVT GM. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, …...2001/03/29  · ata w Pad zPk 444 aat4 ar4 W41 4114Ca 51071 n t-).41.11 .tp,4441M, scrk ft, tmleitt gra ftlia chAtilnit t M-651 ga16141143/415E1







(CHTR 8, 1923 SAKA)

(5) 1-4 Mu* *9 Z1 *at '12/-cc bvi * ftrkt‘4, stricardeur tium uus *;(-4 mat no cuttidq) *-14 *t

arm tsar crt 1#61 uti *1 *pm Fou .11v,duwet, tii* gif *r rT9 14;01Kuu vie * ault9 nr*-

: —(w•) Atli * le arm UM * it

Mu *4 0 arkw tut * *Ruff *itt utiit am alf#4411

wet *lit(m) Nu* * au`O kw um alltruR #TTR ,s4q1 *

avow tkuw clArt iftzwiff Ow uw, ntu CSI4441* I* tar fir faRT pitKir .***t q

NM Tr( et,. 0 *urn * t*q tin) *IT* *lc ikfRk tit zit wiaitt * tug *tit dim41ncith

f4zot ft4g. FEW WI !mg* j,,12. Alp TirAlt 41 ant* Klan we-my( t /811 t 481 4:1#1 d4C1 tar *ram

41 a a el tit iset f* *Tim it.uufur am ad*1i item WI t 'Kitt

Ia. (1) di ***it -Al 89 1##W10.11 ,1 41441 #41 ficc7 Qt

#TIR 77, Ns tiqfrf Ntr, IPT 7174T Tt1 4fracid F5 M t41

4441r140 W 1049 err 101 *min : —

(1) znur air aft zuk*** * 81101MIT 161 TM WM

tt q24 .*R41 4 un fl 17i * 8141H 'UCH

yg, artzE itur 4 lay tri vunft ater ,*%.**(1* nag/ AR * tut* I

tqf • vz 1%* pg 1 nu it,4C1 414 /Mr Ink wpm fit* targiu -:.--

(*) ganef # arm Trq dig A5/41 Pir

n V4r■

"IS Itrnt!

Page 12: Of?! HARYANA GOVT GM. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, …...2001/03/29  · ata w Pad zPk 444 aat4 ar4 W41 4114Ca 51071 n t-).41.11 .tp,4441M, scrk ft, tmleitt gra ftlia chAtilnit t M-651 ga16141143/415E1

288 HARYANA GOVT GAZ. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, 2001(CHTR 8, 1923 SAKA)

(w) cfw fkitriq 44 fl ainfrit 4*- 1=M my, Ord4 td;t


( 10 TTI # ar94i ftttasto alsf drat —* aird4 td9.

an ?if

(4) -4140 44 stfir* tsar--rw m qt4r * aiThig cr


(iii) 'fig* At rat )t NI 1416 dmcpt 1 at( tqrdticfrf a I sffillni ef Tit 3.50 WIt1 aift

eistt raf•k dpi4vt kvicH a 75

36/Ifite41 ettfilt WRI Wr9 %mg% wri 25 51101#TIft Wale w-o• wRITI:

trei .ftmit- 'it TerAift Not r acif at -4T *cm*/*rimitali 7 aR Irk It q5Agifts-41 at Rvit•ictr t q v./ dtlgrrr5i4iff gel 1441 vfNiit

*tat —(1) (1;11)0?-14:44(743 t Rr rrt go trak4 - PAn"datir it nitre t,. IVP tivrrk 1-0-01" I

(2) /4-4t fklfss utT4R 45- 50-4ff "Rare' A Piarcr irozr wilAc4 tetil

(i) • 5-fIr *rot 41 nyr trOt arm tem .*, wit -41 q,in* am* 4N* siffro ;

(it) chirtnft 8.911 rto tt) gertTlfc witrik ;

: . ,(iii) Tr, wit *4 mr Ala FEI crricr) afcich 70fifff

t ;

Page 13: Of?! HARYANA GOVT GM. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, …...2001/03/29  · ata w Pad zPk 444 aat4 ar4 W41 4114Ca 51071 n t-).41.11 .tp,4441M, scrk ft, tmleitt gra ftlia chAtilnit t M-651 ga16141143/415E1

240 HARYANA GOVT GAZ. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, 2001(CHTR 8, 1923 SAKA)

amp. —attaaftw tiers * 5ralagrfc z "41141( fgrettaa

114fa Yntlfct etif

( I ) '1,1') r;

(W) q;

(10 appRw vat ;( n) 4 qf dieltn) PT° #14 Vrre

# 1*W (-cm stzet) ;

(L ) vv rflag-f a°tf4tc. 71 wit tirk

Ncrayfartig ;

(a) wattzmitto 2tigg W e *I 'qt. 25 Attany Ara At n tollettt watt At (214 d=41 rrsirb-KgT6,*Tittinktft;

Ow) -RAW igarT TA an a* 1

(2) agAgfhit , * are MIL toftinft 10/1ff *Off

atRt Pt(

Itt1/41*. "weer tra. 3t *Erse att at uktc 7:t 67 ritte

alwall IV

Wm* Tifirset


yamtar-'{STal I

15• ( 1 ) eavvil yo teq lo terg Tit az war vga-icara v.( evnit gtu Aft? kit amt aT TR *volt tiatat Alittk circirt star 1 mitt; *11 4 ,4 tf(qm< Nita %tc..citi<

IT *Ian dikiss abz ow it i 1011k TramTiglat Tr< Wan gre

azu R6'irb.4 sits-gt *-5Piticig RNA(' aft mkt*

(2) q) arf Imfqr .1:1fttaa IWO *1' NW,

* err frfa ftINTir tg Mt( Thct Tr& inme 4 dirt,Ptliff grft VRN11 ttztrvirTir

Page 14: Of?! HARYANA GOVT GM. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, …...2001/03/29  · ata w Pad zPk 444 aat4 ar4 W41 4114Ca 51071 n t-).41.11 .tp,4441M, scrk ft, tmleitt gra ftlia chAtilnit t M-651 ga16141143/415E1

HARYANA GOVT GAZ. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, 2001A-239(01711 84, 1923 SAGA)

aq F511 Fdttqf ;

*I 375 414 * Fin di 1114 qtrdldrtl*Mr elf@T, Wti*-44 I-14 wfttrg

Oti %am -nfi # 4iccta, 33/7-PreTfrice.;r

;-I Fttir Per qcoren-Yrn a*

(viii) cr 'af ; mar

.53Ti 40Clet) I

14• VI 11 *IT Cr4#41 10 ch4a Ng* tix1;941R1 'TA

41P14 tmmor- ATE? * vcm: wit9rft titart * Mt"

gitAltW. tiVIT 1 a -riff 1,275 itgq

* rIwWT •Nt17) M:11 81 ;1 tOw actio+1 30 are alOR

kirk * w 3iltraft.$2i 4K tit AI wiz* I

(w) Ala * 14 ARM '#'41 4* qv to drv-f9t

Itallf4M t 4g, tkres arf5 micir *T-4.2. 11 ThRit Thivettrift*ft* tivrg tt tifrprm LoRcievt, o,•4

* TO TIT 1446 *"174t, it' ref dit514nrknikkkii

0,1i Irk tr4, *It lit fitzO• a** •141 *41 I TT *T1'

31-41t1 3PErEir 'Hs4 2cm, d 4‘ft 511,* Aft tor,

TR rfq* tt,'t ftfq dtme.4 etir

(a) titAirct * birc TI• aR zn waft 4 .111 tr2

4d2 frim at far* cT9, bra amt01) i** g69, ***ki

ti:cs art* arg 3ffc► tor, zift Aide (rat, ainar aisf

arifb * N7 1 0 4 ,silitt AT e, c114,4 hi* 4 Tr # mite*

tork * TOT thAtcr ITRzr 4)4=4 * teittcr IVT4

WI till

Page 15: Of?! HARYANA GOVT GM. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, …...2001/03/29  · ata w Pad zPk 444 aat4 ar4 W41 4114Ca 51071 n t-).41.11 .tp,4441M, scrk ft, tmleitt gra ftlia chAtilnit t M-651 ga16141143/415E1


(3) Ow flow th fri#T 5naftw ftrerit dielchift dmicidri

aiea divm41 %Om 141* wzgrutsr var dok-4444.4 way

anxrni *IT ?ram tiv * ttR 7** titgr

16 . (1) Mal* ifter an{ , Wm. *Ant arAwl

Aftrifftrar*amt f** *TIT 1 %WV(


aim* rftrizi-Psiik -anw *it atftra ft-7 * FOR

aitiRsiu #r awatr tf zritgr4 PHOActi **Rm.{ aft Tilt ftrtv

Acf tice-w-of artIFT *it *It it diriatThetf utte.1,47

4, 1998, * M /Mg * WPM *1 ft tt(41

f*-1M *4 Or tR1 thenql 11, 4r 4r It441 tar !Tatra

ar4 * *Km Wow * ftm# Tri Tit

ar% xrc at* yaw kft? wit *fratfleit wu enact) Ankieri

rit TR Ma * 1**740 4 Falk It 143/4vim * too mar

irtzr* * titiOne 12 Rflard 91# nsi =114 WIT Ter4 *

aTtPri * .figit

wft*tt * fkmif * ts1-4 -44( zisg* and It4T Pr

zit MT *aiwt* tiltsit f4RT tt ZR tit . 31-49:6 T41, !it? 1411

ftRilT trtt t * ien k, 4.414 t 191 *I ti,

ar* P4firr drciact>40, thT r7-4 *--(-4 ittaf4

11; y.irgto. tIPIT awrat tisT4 /Wit w n vitro

t * 1W4 Imigricf a * ZIT Ilr°T 31/

wsmit Trimit airm* wiftvsztf a ftwir Mr zit trt 91-41F

virtu! tacr Awim c9t thr *Two! 9for6 *07 thra 7ter MT

uutrr agia.fir * f4-455RO# * f # trillign0Frat feRf

act Pnr Akan am a tzt thr ar4 4 *4zt t,

trw toff w Tram f fadri cra toniPtcrvilweir **

*7 *I. 4 ace rliglicr wit ri wridt

Page 16: Of?! HARYANA GOVT GM. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, …...2001/03/29  · ata w Pad zPk 444 aat4 ar4 W41 4114Ca 51071 n t-).41.11 .tp,4441M, scrk ft, tmleitt gra ftlia chAtilnit t M-651 ga16141143/415E1

242 HARYANA GOVT GAZ. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, 2001(CHTR 8, 1923 SAKA)

(4) Nilvich 3/4 Ft* ii Trik 34; T4-{ aim arc faatcfar

Fi47 q pt i fti r1 wrrti4 kmr Rea ilreR

rq-Oi datchikin*W 5114tif lints, awe. 4m tiratte 4)4,4

*ct t i:02% **q.t. trirdccatitt,

ittiff tr, w armir R4f)sfo Wei a r' lir P3.4iir eii1 141 ,314 arrqicM 41 t."


17. (1) ViteiF "007 i --t(41-4 ?PT arAi 1'79r * Nti

*■414 ?VT 4e-0 -KtINV- 1 01 -‘3141414 4fri414-141*

ei AR7► evliqco AID Rivrezir alettw Itika

liktit acing t •-1931GoneMbottotifforn Priveite &Ma*towards Pension."

(2) 37- WIRT (1) 3f znar 14144k14z Pab4r9r VIM

041 34

(*) 4:4 * * 44, irk tilatzt-i*

Ch Irk (4014cfi Avg fri itg /IC 0(ebtt

It* Acr lir444 1 r ;

(w) 81* *1 fbfir trr dk4.4, n, air-4*

*1114t4 - ffti ftv, W fAlluiry * itR4

wag 5iPe.:44 Tiftr ;

(w) -T4 I*40# * dt; 41InreF yrciT

.iduciuf *- tmsktr arr 'it TRIP a9 *.1 1-01

aim* 1:1r/4 NO lucmibt * itRzt4 tmtrmt7ftr;

(V) ■344Yeki P4Thrfria /featif vR *JP .R4Ta5 zft ;

(3.) IA 3477-4 a * IdOoitiqr FA-4Mar ft4:#r yaw(

Tur-g Arq 1

Page 17: Of?! HARYANA GOVT GM. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, …...2001/03/29  · ata w Pad zPk 444 aat4 ar4 W41 4114Ca 51071 n t-).41.11 .tp,4441M, scrk ft, tmleitt gra ftlia chAtilnit t M-651 ga16141143/415E1

HARYANA GOVT GAZ. • (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, 2001 243(CHTR 8; 1923 SARA)

-on re* itw fwze t 304 arwitir 44f3/4ra*mintl

* Vet t "2202-IMPT -02-040301 POW' 010OZ

irate tr*ne WM*, tmickg ore. s Kb

RIENTail (idcam441) Iii catwikmitt ittaws tltdt '2202-omp-4 t-01 -

p1 F4 Pawr-io2-#-tttqwt 51fEIME5 AVIC44 * frggiat TWI

nITRIT WRI Oviztrrw *MT* OsnettiO ,* TIRO* * .t4I-4" tiTff

014 * Rx aif ne it a acwww *titt

tftehi t ART di7174f tftai Mitt traticrt( '5047

ftffg, Triinar it 'pram 41 kw 3CRITIP

(5) WPM tRf eimntt lifirign-fa it to tit *tail

Nre:41w *rww-lar stftrita z4 etwo *I *wr *r4 * fkg

niter snuff fOnzit * ev1144 ar # .--dtidt

mCnit wrxrw * f*7 *14 tit wrir w t

(6) (*) mort4q) YAW 70 NV f4M1T datglibrnNt

Atingt1 * *if trs-r tra aiTATTW mincer ntift gg

awk **at cif aryl, trawor, 50Pn 4..611 * rzw-mr it *RR *I

rit WAT TN 948 azilt (4tw *I) *gm **

(gr) fro- Div( ablafrrvn 3n r4;' item aIRRFTef

SIEMT irk Pe 5rrn* t5 rfklei Tine etsi 'f sit

( 10 RWY ttr4-11 ~trot sa4irw ftrot aditmrti virwrfft

WOW 05ZIT awn ai wyr faiti uweitta *tin wair *r Nam atyriat

t f*g srwmr* **al* dtOcr WITIT r=ti FA4Ich Vtifth-d

51W * itE I

(7) WAR wmr- * Drift d,f0 .-ti Wisetit 7

7141-41R WO wr rwksyw * niter Aver TIt;)r

ygragkg' tift 4 At Ni#1 z5T ifeSt TEr. *MT *Mr MI

Page 18: Of?! HARYANA GOVT GM. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, …...2001/03/29  · ata w Pad zPk 444 aat4 ar4 W41 4114Ca 51071 n t-).41.11 .tp,4441M, scrk ft, tmleitt gra ftlia chAtilnit t M-651 ga16141143/415E1

244 HARYANA GO VT GAZ . (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, 2001G14TR 8, 1923 SAXA)

.+• •

e4R. frgwer RE? Prow * Frzriff ar:44 1, PT A*? 'ar< i1M'Tartitlq *reliffr 30447# tgt # P±4 NIKKIIft ET Imes

(8) (W) War* * *77i-ez7 t w vzilw * a 4t - /Ftfrrq wwir (*mar Rica Norm?), ii3r4 4 vitt- Threren 4-4Crw virm *414 ! 1.4V14Fr AR* Pftrazi #PraT ari4M*74 *4 4r4t War* t *vim 4 th *-4-4/t1 aivr4741 IanRftrkc ktirm flniftErif izittt flt4 n, t3rorw Th4re 1:44nTWa.4,7 wrilf-ozr4 SITIM OrPror frtym4). m*R-iWr-41441-6 * tat71-41

iTtrmar *481144447 *114't Rmir Wiflat 114fit wEr-4F41R-01' tRait snisr* *

W Wir ftstt et25 R&VT6

2 3 4 5 6;irtrg (w) f4f414/R, Peal*Pa--e-* weir vgrair qirpit aØ 7 4 tedkr47 Tfirm4 ( ri••-*-4rtt), rftnro4 t*74f-s4 # P*47 wcrwr alk fka j*4 awl*

(9) at7r4T4t Taw Mr Trnr rif *waif Patat * swarm 01. w47 4.tft *-4 lit kpamm grcr *Trofr velar 4R,I; t qM ft çqwk-mt wrcrik

(to) 44 f#4* * Trer4 f4kvr-* rzr * 4r4rqWar*Mcror tivm ti*I4 aft RikrzErf - rm. * ant# N-4rwknrr

Page 19: Of?! HARYANA GOVT GM. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, …...2001/03/29  · ata w Pad zPk 444 aat4 ar4 W41 4114Ca 51071 n t-).41.11 .tp,4441M, scrk ft, tmleitt gra ftlia chAtilnit t M-651 ga16141143/415E1

HARYANA GOVT GAZ. (EXTRA..) MARCH 29. 2001 245(CHTR 8. 1923 SARA)

50R ni SaRPER- ^q51. * Mott tiT^q4 ice wt dttc#4, 4) Tkir eitr fir TIM "klIC 3EIF Tea75 *06 Tif 4r4( *tar *RI t arst4 ail5,4 ma 'WowbRtr amit 14* t AMIT -VitlEhltibe PROW WW1'MiK1100 *flint * *VW VRIPT f*R urtrtal wot w R.

ettsik ,* qw nentitssumt (*Grt kmt schct0), (44-4‹t, en4w4 1:1fteSi* VCR Feu ibmt ftwfr aware

MO* *MT 44thl8 onent troma f c zel71CHO

02) r Thzint * aft* ctroiRi *i.114 ?MIR "2202-orm-Ar iiRRI-02-214/0 ftrear-110- 1k-tivtakt '4404 if Name 1St

rticif-VIII-Var *mite Arc? ORfb(C *Waif (Pitnesit)at Via" aMT "2202-TIRIM ftRIK-01-51Rfifl ftm0E-102-1k-tvvt4 RIVE* 1-4141c44 soiqc0-7Tn1 timidity* 5nci

*Wet (fiRTMAIT) gAtifter/ ttre * erst4 f*RqrstatI ftigrrg tirgirmit Ate * A Trio it a ttrwARNIR%

ktftt fAcncialtot ting 15 %pm thrrntktrite* ttgrgiatill tzr 1* *1 le ott t Prgnstaism * Tomtit

trom t I fdckgr NEF 34,110(47( ITG a, w tint Awcr*

gorelemit (k*in izei Wit), @flgt.atf, i eiati 04

- WES* CIT frillifer A ify mr "2202-1111Rnt ft/MR-02-e NWT- 1 1 0 ttf-IrMit 44onsft 141m41 i1 tiepqrs7 VIII --(rat

nichlT WTI Oefa ct) *to* (favalca) qi4i4 R4 *1 lyre mrr"2202 '141410.4 ftlitaT- 01 -R111kIEE PM- 102- lit-MO) Bit

l'ontigr vrzwr-zraT titime RR( .001 0% (23/4towit)en au It tyre 104 t aidIR IT * lit

F*47-4C '4'47464' A *cm milli (etq Arc!;tocf4) "4•Ionta N•iei) wf iitra Taw dfik4r fle f47

Page 20: Of?! HARYANA GOVT GM. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, …...2001/03/29  · ata w Pad zPk 444 aat4 ar4 W41 4114Ca 51071 n t-).41.11 .tp,4441M, scrk ft, tmleitt gra ftlia chAtilnit t M-651 ga16141143/415E1

146 HARYANA GOVT GAZ. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, 2001(CHTR 8, 1923 SAKA)

t rat 'ark 4 tr% Ar#11-4R 49T4 Tr#F 4JER 3-€0

tom' *TR n tfiftlifk*

4 Ltrq * Tire/ * ter /

(1 5) 1241# *1. tbia-41111 FO7 kg' 4) eivt, ro43/4,-4; eZtIlu lf (4(4,1C NWT Parmr,-a, irofig, Pirtr sog

freiriftrwc (#go z trAirkt), ciflquirr, Patras, #inifirwtIATA arWki acIIRCIT ngiti * Widc."441 staitr6( 'kw( 44-4146 trik rftwarr

*whit, DM F‘771; =WI steARI sl4r Mir fAtirW, WET,

#tzlfulf, lAlt Ttikr4 Ad ifirr 1 lEr W43TZ /tee ;1' Wilt 41

TAR 41 draw rtteur ibie# avr f*LA saint' 4)(-1 fOrq.ti Alf-#-*# knE wrz tdv tat FE1T f*R11 4,41,4 tra

*RAF Wag * fkg 4 wc+-R ftwkir *kit I

i elf 1

(1-6) vim, ^rir *1 31"411F4 rat •ogar ?wiT traiet 5rAtira

( 17) Iter , %titbit von; Tztar 4c cqf t qqR4 *et A4•44144 chi•r


18, ( r) . 51WW. rfr kir Paw dillaq,140A WEAw ftuiv

*wit # ;r*- 1 74 1- tict;t * adittaiti#T Tit Azrt-el-mtt, chAtiot wit r*-nif tir faukuT 4,k4 ;IF fr.', WOr

dcyQ •111 1

mar fa 2d tzf <O 14, 014 4 44

gm A. +miffl arrtft # awn •h4S-0r8 A *r-i)grcer =IT deehl'irrem4 44 *Tar A dir tTrtrvlf e4taR Acift

, -q-4 ca/•14 tar-Nrs Oar t, *Film otf ytr aria

grw Aticitt dthf tiw8 fAor won ?rat T41 ert :fir

Page 21: Of?! HARYANA GOVT GM. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, …...2001/03/29  · ata w Pad zPk 444 aat4 ar4 W41 4114Ca 51071 n t-).41.11 .tp,4441M, scrk ft, tmleitt gra ftlia chAtilnit t M-651 ga16141143/415E1



(CHTR 8, 1923 SALA)

/MIR Nfit .itTP* atitrOVIOW Al * POO aftrEsitt, *it x9t ftwea

retta wci*

(4)-V *141 * *TR awe Wal/# * Itg 41t *flat

*5 IT-41g 41, *AT 116 ara almit tifkur . ffiRa t

fW tr( 306 um OW Vrif4 vitti ormIt6

fkg AO

19 . *mar tg trr ark am, Aft tirg 131* * ftt *At

artrusT rizrr-s4 'gm 4f-ga PPP qrer t arcl* Et( T-41W1

esin irOfftgITL4 Ifi igittrftl-4-terwert* rAtVT*

* 4117 mow a* Pat Tin * tzw4 war ankr ta alitl*K

*in 1

20. a WINIt * IX VRIT)M OW awe it ttl *

wirer 51-44M JO 4 tog wcra urd! t, * irre

1107 WT* PAIE f*IT wilt* t fom f*firt ar-r

*IL .aerr trimit T( WM On 1

21. W4 * 3414 01.4414 t per. .____ii * Tin Tag,

"2202-1 al it0-02-14-**4 ft1FIT -1 10-1(- a-ntt

*mg4 ImIzrer-vin-zmT ITZlzfeir 31FRT *On* *me

(*we) * witvitzit ?(3r.1" 'oaT ''2202-VITI*1 itet-01-510$4*

ftvs-102-4Z-VMItt Wm** *MIIrtfrirer-11 1;8171W 3fl

*Ow *Far* Okirmt * *fnitqlittire Asf * a14-4

It*Psa ft-q mkt*

ttit, i#4;11 WLEW * ThWg *It

awes *z ze:twr taT t, ar+1 fWohr laaa mkit

Iii*Z * farqr zfiTiln nrq WI, 4 w

541/4**-4/31:114fiff *4 Tr mitmg eisritatin


Page 22: Of?! HARYANA GOVT GM. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, …...2001/03/29  · ata w Pad zPk 444 aat4 ar4 W41 4114Ca 51071 n t-).41.11 .tp,4441M, scrk ft, tmleitt gra ftlia chAtilnit t M-651 ga16141143/415E1


G. 8(EX1923TRA.) MA ARCH 29, 2001

(, SAK


24• *rig Wray Rita Nowt far aim* vikszt

N) ?mg, 1999, w* KM 14.446 fk7 7rit

tr,' w 9*TT Wtra iazo# * awitR 71, atoT

4 WIt414 Kg * air uctiwit * aidtg Pm iv* atar

A3/4 atai1/4 vinfit wcrit •

Page 23: Of?! HARYANA GOVT GM. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, …...2001/03/29  · ata w Pad zPk 444 aat4 ar4 W41 4114Ca 51071 n t-).41.11 .tp,4441M, scrk ft, tmleitt gra ftlia chAtilnit t M-651 ga16141143/415E1


1923 ,) MAA)RCH 29. 2001


W.PFF.(01q PPN 12)

art* liar auf wet icitpii 441 341crf 49Pil

I 2

1/2 1116 4 dmcifateg

2. i mu 41 worm*

3• 1 -1/2 BlEi zhbi 344144

2 71113 Aft 34e11,414•

5•2-0 1115 wa 3401'4

6. 3 T R A Ism 41

73-1/2 MU 0 TTNI1101i

8•4 IS %I wifritli

9: 4-3/2 The A TTSPli

10•4-3/8 IN 41 340 1A(

1 1 .5- i/8 11115 41 34e114

12• 5- 1/2 Toe yet agaiii

13•5-7/8 M8 41 Zcl*ARIt

14• 6-1/4 NWt Mani

15.6-5/8 4111 tt Br1181111*

7 _ MR 4.1'..iticON4416•

17• 7-378 RR 41 ztiviatO

18•7-3/4 11113 *1 Vat*

8-1/9 NM A 3 qi19.

Page 24: Of?! HARYANA GOVT GM. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, …...2001/03/29  · ata w Pad zPk 444 aat4 ar4 W41 4114Ca 51071 n t-).41.11 .tp,4441M, scrk ft, tmleitt gra ftlia chAtilnit t M-651 ga16141143/415E1

250 HARYANA GOVT GAZ. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, 2001(CHTR 8, 1923 SAKA)

31**1- I

IVIRPrzIzt 3(1.)]

tittal tir ttlfffi mint t tr irath roi; m.1

btl i qrf RaT T9T +11Z)

"-TR ft9

g=1) 1-14 31-1,A1 Pitt (4 414 Wri -514474,1" 1041 rvrti

Oita V-44, pia, 4e.ht dcou 4-4

azir Treat tet4), vat TRT niFei *FRI * orivitet wig `VmR"

Ws<ica fa ;PR t), Flu adiralf4a dch #0i arAtrar

eNtsi droulik0 car efiresRA 41W r*aT1 TRIT 1

tit chi( Slit taRbe. *ZII 6ftleit ‘fni4 tli5.1901-Ater

lact * 4>friliktl * iRIC141 Rfklat 614c4 iht tkifffl

iZt t4 ikutg tfichIt 4 w * dreb-r nt# gq fc r t

tmiltif RJR! tktifezli t RAnT, 4111:8181 ttM1 i4c11 NFU I* 1104 (k*t

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. (EXTRA.) MAA)RCH 29, 2001, 1923 SAK




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GAO ANA GOVT GAZ, (EXTRA. 29, 2001 253

( CHM 8, 1923 SALA)

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HARYANA GOVT GAZ. (EX192TR3 A.) MARCH 29, 2001 255


(Authorised English Translation]HARYANA GOVERNMENT


The 29th March, 2001No.5.0.38/H.A.12/1999/Ss.8 and

24/2001.--Whereasthe Haryana Aided Schools (Security of Service) Act,1971 (Act 10 of. 1971) and the Haryana Aided Schools(Security of Service) Rules, 1974 framed under theAct envisage a contributory provident fund to whichboth the employer and the employees of the privatareelymanaged Government aided educational institutions required to contribute in prescribed ratio. Theemployees appointed againthe n ided sanctioned postsof the aided schools on their superannuation areeligible under rules 35 and 42 of the said rules, forpayment of amount so deposited in the contributoryprovident fund along with the interrate est earned thereon

thebesides the gratuity the as d by Government, from time to time;

And whereas the employees appointed againstaided sanctioned posts of privately managed Govern-ment aided educational institutions have been re-presenting to the Government for introdtion apension scheme for them so that theyuc

ofcould get

improved retiral benefits;And whereas the Government has been

sympathetic to the aspirations of the employeesappointed against aided sanctioned posts of theaided institution while being conscious of the

ees faofct

that there cannot be parity between employ Government educational institutions and the employeesappointed against aided sanctioned posts of thed

eaided institutions of the States Employees appointagainst aided sanctioned posts of the aided privatee,institutions are governed .,by a set of service,conditions which are distinct from those governingthe Government employees. Their posts are no

transferable whereas the Government employees on theother hand are subject to transfer throughout the


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256 MARY ANA GOVT CHTRGAZ. 8 (EXTR1923 A.) MA ARCH 29, 2001(, SAK

And whereas the employer in the case oft aidfrom

ededucational institutions is distinctly differentthe employer in the case of Government, educationalentsinstitutions. In case of the former, the managemare separate, independent legal entities, takingindependent decisions in respect of theirrespdectand

iveinstitutions. The Government plays only limite yet facilitating role by releasing them grant-in-aidto the extent of 75% of the deficit against sanctionedposts only. The sole objective behind the grant-in-aid by the Government for a limited number of postsis to promote expansion of education in daythe rotate ofHaryana without interfering with day-to-anage-meat and running of these private institutions;

And whereas the Government is not laceoblivious theto

the fact that there is no obligation pd on Government to necessarily introduce a pension schemefor the employees appointed against aided sanctionedposts of aided institutions,

receiving grant-in-aid.However, driven by a desire to improve the existingservice conditions of the employees appointed againstaided sanctioned posts working in the


educational institutions, theGovernment has decided

to provide additional grant-in-aid for the purpose ofa special pension scheme forGovernmentthem whichemployeesis different

butfrom the one applicable towhich at the same time results in improved retira



benefits to them. he Government is clearly not in aposition to take on and sustain unlimited


liability on account ofintroduction of a pensionscheme for the employeesi appointed against aidedsanctioned posts of the aided institutions receivinggrant-in-aid. It is, therefore, desirotoustheof employees


and supporting a scheme specific appointed against aided sanctioned posts

of thesefrom all institutions, which would enable such .employees to enjoy substantially improved


after retirement without causing

financial liability on the part of the State Govern-

ment. In fact at the made to ththee Government the

Government was givento understand by the

representative bodies of the employees etc. that apension scheme specific to

the employees appointedagainst'aided sanctioned posts of the aided institutions

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(CHTR 8, 1923 SAXA)

receiving grant-in-aid could be framed on a self-sustainable/self-financing basis

without any

additional liability on the part of the State Govern-

ment. The associationshad contended that rovithe

employers share available in e c meetontribut

all futureory p

dent fund is quite sufficient to demands created through the introduction of such a

pension scheme . The Government has examined this

aspect and is awarethat the contention of the

not be fully tenable . The introductionassociation may of, a special

scheme of pension for the emofploythees

appointed against aidedsanctioned posts


iaided educational n provident f

might actuallyential additional financial


on the part of the GC•vesiranont . Ho

nciwever . the Go

ies ,vern-

ifment is keen to keepthe - finaal


any, on this account to the minimum. The Governmentis also keen to evolve, in due course of time,


scheme whereby the returns on account of employer's

e of contras ibutory

providertfund are, maximum in

such a way to wholly and completely pay for the

retired. benefits to the eligible employees;And whereas the two major distinctions envi


under thisspecial pension scheme pertain

benefit of commutation of pension and leave encash-

ment.gree d by the different re-

presentative bodiesIt has been aof the employees concerned that

the benefitof commutation of pension and leave

et may not be made available to them


these tncashmen

wobenefits, if granted could result in a

staggeringfinancial liability on

the part of the

State Government which it can ill afford. The

Government, therefore, hereby as a special gesture.

frames this special pension scheme for the employees

appointed 'against aided sanctioned posts of aided

Sellools receiving grant-in-aid from the Governmentof Haryana subject to the condition that the benefits

of commutation of pension and leave encashment

shallbe available

under this scheme. This

scheme nisot distinct -from any other scheme which may

be in existence in any other Government/Semi-Govern-

ment organization within or outside the State of

Haryana. The Government also reserve the right toreview or modify the scheme depending on the stateof finance of the Government.


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258 HARYANA GOVT GAZ. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, 2001(CHTR 8, 1923 SARA)

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powersconferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (v) ofsub-section (2) of Section 24 and clause (a) of sub-section (1) of Section 8 of the Haryana SchoolEducation Act, 1995 (Act 12 of 1999) and all otherpowers enabling him in this behalf, the Governor ofHaryana hereby makes the following rules regulatingthe special pension and contributOry prOVident fundof the employees appointed to the aided school.namely :--


-Curt title. These rules may be called the. HaryanaAided Schools (Special Pension and ContributoryProvident Fund) Rules, -20171.

In these rules, unless the context otherwiserequires, --

(a ) "Act" means the Haryana School EducationAct, 1995 (Act 12 of 1999);"aided sanctioned post" means the post forwhich grant-in-aid is allowed by theEducation Department Haryana;"Department" means the Department ofSecondary Education or Primary Education,Haryana, as the case may be;"emoluments" for the purpose of pensionmean basic pay+special pay and personalpay, if any;"Form" means form appended to these rules;"Management" means the managing committeeconstituted by the members of the aidedschool and approved by the Director;"pay" means the amount drawn monthly byan employee as :--(i) pay other than special pay or pay

granted in lieu of his personal quali-fication, which has been sanctionedfor a post held by him substantivelyor in an officiating capacity or towhich he Is entitled.

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A.) MARCH 29, 2001 259

(CHTR 8,

special pay and personal pay, if any;

any other emoluments which mayspecially be classified as pay by theGovernment from time to time;

"Service" means the service rendpost;ered in an

aided school against sa

the words and expressions usedve in these

rules but not defined, shall have the samemeaning as assigned to them in theHaryana School Education Act. 1995 (Act 12

of 1999).


3(1) Except as otherwise provided in any rule , Apptication.

and subject to the condition that the Management of •an aided school xutes an agreement in Form I,uly supported bye aec resolution of the Management to

dabide by

ithe provisons of these rules and undertaking of the employee in triplicate in Form II and

instructions issuedby the Government from time ees


time, these rules shall apply to all the employ

who.—are appointed to the aided sanctioned998; poston or after the 11th day of May, 1

were working on the aided sanctioned postsimmediately before 11th day of May, and continue to work as such thereafter:

Provided that the employees who were appointedto the aided sanctioned posts and have attaj,ned theage of superannuation on or after the 11th' day ofMay. )998 to the date of publication of these rulesshall have the right to exercise option in triplicatein Form III as to whether to be governed by theserules or not within_ a period of three months fromthe date of publication of these tyres in Official


(2) These rules shall not apply, to :—

(i) the employees appointed on part-time

basis against aided sanctioned posts;

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260 HARYANA GOVT GAZ, (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, 2001(CHTR 8, 1923 SAKA)



the employees appointed against the postsnot sanctioned by the Government;the employees who retired from thesanctioned posts before the 11th day ofMay, 1998 and the employee who attainedthe age of superannuation before the saiddate except those who have been re-employedby the Department after the age ofsuperannuation on sanctioned posts; and

(iv) the employees employed on a leave-gaparrangement or on ad hoc basis or oncontractual basis.

4. The following retirement benefits shall beadmissible under these rules, namely :—

(1) Pension —Superannuation Pension;Invalid Pension;Compensation Pension;Voluntary Retirement Pension/CompulsoryRetirement Pension;

(2) Death-Cum -Retirement -Gratuity;



5. (1) The Service of an employee shallqualify for retirement benefits under these rules, asunder :—

The service rendered on attaining the ageof 18 ,eyars on aided sanctioned post;The service rendered till the attainment ofthe age of sixty years in the case ofGroup-D employee, and in case of others,service rendered till the attainment of theage of fifty-eight. years. However, thequalifying service will be taken into

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HARYANA GOVT GAZ. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, 2001 261(CHTR 8, 1923 SAL%)

account with effect from the date anemployee subscribes contribution towardscontributory provident fund;

The leave admissible under the rnles to beframed under the Act and under the instructionsissued by the Government from time to time,excluding leave without pay and period of suspensionoverstayal of leave not subsequently regularisedunder the Act and period of break in service.

Service rendered in one or more aidedschools undor the s a me Management provided thetransfer is made in terms or the Art

(4) The service rendered on aided sanctionedpost in another aided school in the State of Haryana:

Provided that the official has been appointedthrough proper channel on aided sanctioned post andthe approval of continuity of service has beenobtained from the Director :

Provided further that the contributory providentfund account of the employee in the previous schoolcontinued as such in the subsequent school to whichhe is transferred or appointed and there is no breakin service.

In the absence of specific indication to thecontrary in the service record of the employee, aninterruption between spell of services rendered by anemployee under the same Management may becondoned with the approval of Director, and betreated as qualifying service for retirement benefits:

Provided that the interruption castled by theresignation, dismissal, removal from service or dueto participation in strike, shall not be condoned.

An employee shall be entitled for pesnionudner these rules only after he completes ten yearsqualifying service.

8(1) An employee other than Group 'D'employee under these rules, will be entitled to the

Condition ofinterruptions.

Entitlementfor pension.


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262 HARYANA GOVT GAL' (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, 2001(CHTR 8, 1923 SARA}

superannuation pension from the dateage of fifty eight years.

he attains the

A Group D employee shall besuperannuation pension from the dateage of sixty years.

Pension shall be calculated at the rate offifty per cent of the average pay of the last tenmonths. The admisibility of full -pension shall be oncompletion of thirty-three years qualifying service.The amount of pension is to be determined by lengthof service. The length of qualifying service for thispurpose shall be calculated in terms of completed sixmonthly period and fraction of a year equal to threemonths or more shall be treated as a completed sixmonthly period.The formula will be as under :

10 months averageemoluments

qualLtrying service(counted in termsof completed sixmonthly period)

entitled to thehe attains the

XPension =

/nsa/td pension.

2 Yr 66If the pension so caculated for the qualifying

service of thirty three years falls of Rs. 1,275 (onethousand two hundered seventy-five rupees only) thesame shall be raised to Rs. 1,275 (one thousandtwo hundered seventy-five rupees only) in all cases.

9(1) Employees who are declared physicallyinvalid for service because of bodily and mentalinfirmity shall be granted , invalid pesnion with theapproval of Director.

An employee applying for an invalidpension shall submit, a medical certificate ofincapacity from a Medical Board in which a LadyDoctor shall also be included as member thereofwhenever any woman employee is to be examined.

No medical certificate of incapacity forservice shall be granted unless the applicantproduces a letter from the District Education Officer/

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(GHTR 8, 1923 SAKA)

District. Primary Education Officer concerned,

directing him to appear before Medical Board. TheMedical Board shall also be supplied a statement bythe District Education Officer concerned regardingthe age of the applicant as recorded in his servicebook.

A brief statement of the medical case andthat of the treatment undergone shall be appended tothe application.

A simple certificate that ineffiency is dueto old age Si natural decay from advancin g age,shall not be sufficient in the ease of an employeewhose recorded age is less than fifty-five years.

(6) The employee who has been declared in-valid shall be relieved from duty from the date ofsuch declaration by the Medical Board.

10. In an employee is discharged by theManagement owing to the abolition of a aidedsanctioned post. he will, unless he is appointed toanother post, the conditions of which are deemed tobe at least equal to those of his own, have theoption :-

of taking compensation pension or gratuityto which he may be entitled for the servicehe has already rendered; orof accepting another post under the sameManagement for which he fulfils theprescribed qualifications, if offered and tocontinue to count his previous service forpension.

11.(1) A retiring pension and retirementgratuity shall be granted to an employee, who retirevoluntarily or is retired compulsorily according to the

length of qualifying service as provided in thesucceeding sub rule (2).

(2) Ig Management is of the opinion that it is

in publit interest to retire an employee for thereasons to be recorded in writing, it shall have the

romper:daterPension .

Voluntaryret Ireerrt


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264 HARY ANA GOVT GAZ. (EXTRA.) 'MARCH 29, 2001( CHTR 8, 1923 SAKA)

right by giving the employee concerned, a priornotice, in writing, of not less than three months, toretire him on the date on which he completes 20years of qualifying service or on any other datethereafter to be specified in the notice :

Provided that where three months notice is notgiven or notice for a period less than three monthsis given, the employee shall be entitled to claim asum equivalent to the amount of pay and allowancesat the same rate at which he was drawingimmediately before the date of retirement, for aperiod of three months or for the period by whichsuch notice falls short of three months, as the casemay be.

If the retirement of the employee madeunder sub-rule (2) is set aside by a court of law,all pecuniary liabilities consequent thereto from thedate of compulsory retirement up to the date of hisrejoining the post, shall devolve on the Management.

An employee may, after giving at leastthree months, notice in writing to the Management,retire from service on the date on which he completestwenty years of qualifying service or attains fiftyyears of age or on any date thereafter to bespecified in the notice:

Provided that no employee under suspensionshall retire from service except with specificapproval of the Director.

(5) While granting proportionate pesnion to anemployee retiring voluntarily under these rulesweightage up to five years would be given as anaddition to the qualifying service actually renderedby him. The grant of weightage of up to five yearswill, however, be subject to the followingconditions :--

(a ) The total qualifying service after allowingthe weightage shall not in any eventexceed thirty-three years qualifyingservice and does not go beyond the date ofsuperannuation.

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( S. SAK

(b) The weightage given under these rules wi qualifying

service for pensionand gratu

retiringity .

voln entitle theemployee

oluntarily to any notional fixation of payfor the purpose of calculating the pensionand gratuity which will e based on with


actual emolumentscalculated

reference to the date of retirement.

12. Where the qualifying service of the Se


employee is less thanten years, the

amount of

service gratuity shall be the appropriate amount asset out in Annexure and no pension shall be granted

to him.13.(1) An employee who has become eligible for

Death-Cu rn-t

pension or gratuity underthese rules on his


retirement from service shall be granted additional

death-c umretirement gratuity as detailed below :—

(i)- The amount of gratuity shall be

the 1/4th

of the emoluments of the employee for eachcompleted six monthly period of qualifyingservice subject to a maximum of 161 timesof emoluments and 171 times of emolumentsin the case of group 'D

i employee.

(ii) In the event of death of an employee whilein service the gratuity shall be paid as

detailed below :-Not exceeding one year two times the

1 ' -- safirice' - - last p aydrawn

Exceeding one year but six times of

not exceeding five year the basic pay


Exceeding five years but twelve timesnot exceeding

of the basicpay drawn

24 years

exceeding 24 yearsshall be

servicedetermined onthe basis ofactual servicerendered bythe deceased.

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266 HARYANA GOVT GAZ. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, 2001(CHTR 8, 1923 SAXA)

(iii) The maximum amount of retirement gratuitydeath-cum-retirement gratuity shall notexceed Rs. 3.50 Lakhs in any case.Seventy-five per cent amount of gratuityis to be borne by Government and twenty-five per cent by the Management as perexisting instructions:

Provided that an employee against whomJudicial or departmental proceedings have beeninitiated shall not be granted gratuity during thependency of such proceedings.

N p/ anat Ion. (1) The term "Empoluments" for this purposeinclude "Pay +Dearness Allowance" at the time ofretirement/Death.

(2) For the purpose of death-cum-retirementgratuity "Family" shall include the followingmembers :—

I /wily pen, Ion

(1) wife or wives includine judiciallyseparated wife or wives in the case ofmale employee;

husband including judicially separatedhusband in the case of female employee;

sons including step-children and legallyadopted children;

) unmarried and widowed daughters;

brother below the age of eighteen years

and unmarried and widowed sisters,including step-brother and sisters ;

fatherl including adopted parents in case

of individual whose personal lawmother.) permits adoption;

married daughters; and

children of predeceased sons.

14.(1) In case of death of the employee or

pensioner with at least one year service the family

pension shall be granted to the family of the

deceased employee of the aided school @ 30% of the

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(CHTR 8, 1923 SAKA)

pay in all cases, subject to minimum of Rs. 1,275and maximum of 30% of last pay.

In case of death of an employee while inservice having more than seven years

service or after retirement before

attaining the age of sixty-five years, theamount of family pension would be fixed atdouble the amount of normal family pensionsubject to the condition that such enhancedfamily pension does not exceed fiftyper cent of pay drawn at the time of deathor normal pension, as the case may be.This benefit will be available for a periodof seven years or till the deceased couldhave attained the age of sixty-five years,whichever is earlier.

In the event of death after retirement, thefamily pension at the enhanced rates shallbe payable up to the date on which thedeceased employee would have attained theage of sixty-five years, had he survived, orfor a period of seven years whicheverperiod is less, but in no case the amountof family pension shall exceed the pensionsanctioned to the employee at the time ofretirement.

Explanation.--For the purpose of family pensionFamily" shall include the following members :—

(1).(a) wife;


minor sons;

unmarried minor daughter and legally

adopted child before the date of retirement;

widow/widows up to the date of death orre-marriage whichever is earlier;

sons/unmarried daughters until he/she

attains the age of 25 years or startsearning livelihood whichever earlier;

a judicially separated wife or husband

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268 HARYANA GOVT GAZ. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, 2001(CHTR 8, 1923 SAKA)

(2) Marriage after retirement is recognised forthe purpose of family pension.Note . —The term "child" includes posthumous childof the employee.

Chapter IVisbscriptions

rnalnte-. ,ance ofcontributoryp:ovident■und

rransfer ofe mployer 'sshare ofcontributory.irovidentfund.

15 ( 1) The employees shall contribute towardsthe contributory provident fund @ 10% of basic payor any other rate prescribed by the Government fromtime to time. An employee may, however, subscribevoluntarily at higher rate than that prescribed bythe Government. The fund shall be regulated inaccordance with the p rocedure as may be specifiedby the Director from time to time.

The employees share of contributoryprovident fund contribution shall be maintained bythe concerned Head of the Institution as per existingpolicy and as per instructions issued by theDepartment from time to time.

The District Education Officer/DistrictPrimary Education Officer will be competent tosanction, final payment, refundable and non-refundable loans/advances out of the contributoryprovident fund to the subscriber/applicant.16.(1) The employer's share with interestearned thereon would be transferred to the Director.

The amount of employer's share ofcontribution to the contributory provdent fundtogether with interest required to be refunded oractually refunded shall be recorded in the ServiceBook under proper attestation.Such of those employees retiring 11th dayof May, 1998 to the date of publication of theserules who exercise option to be governed by theserules will be required to deposit the full amount ofemployer's share alonghwith interest earned thereon

plus twelve per cent calculated per annum on theamount actually drawn by the employees from thedate of drawal of the said amount to the date ofdeposit with the Director.The employees who will retire

coming into force of these rules and on or afterhave already

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drawn employer 's share of contributory providentfund togetherwith interest accrued thereon (or incase of death of such an employee his legal heirs ) ,are not in a position to refund the same in cashmay be allowed to adjust the same against theamount of gratuity or arrears of pension that maybe admissible to them. In such cases the employer'sshare of contributory provident fund togetherwithinterest accrued thereon shall be refunded with 12%per annum interest on the amount actually drawn,calcultated from the date drawal of the said amountto the date of refund or adjustment and if therestill remains anyi- amount due, it will be adjustedby non payment of pension till recovery of the totalamount is adjusted.

(4) The date of drawal and refund of theamount of employer 's share togetherwith interestthereon shall be recorded in the service book andthe entry shall be attested after verification by theDistrict Education Officer/District Primay EducationOfficer concerned. The concerned employee or theirlegal heir, as the case may be, shall give anundertaking in writing to the effect that he has noobjection to such recovery or adjustment.


17. (1) The employer 's share shall be deposited 1 Deposit ofunder the head "0071-Contributions and Recoveries employees

share andde 0 7towards Pension and other Retirements Benefits -01-Civil-101-subscriptions and contribution - privately account.managed recognised aided schools." —i9?; Contribution from Private Meek

towards Passion."(2) the employer 's share specified in sub-rule

(1) shall comprise : —

(a) the amount of the employer's shareincluding that of the Government sharegiven in the shape of grant-in-aid lyingin the contributory provident fundaccount prior to the date of enforcementof these rules ;

(b ) twenty—five per cent amount of theemployer's share towards contributory

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270 HARYANA GOVT GAZ. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, 2001(CHTR 8, 1923 SAKA)

provident fund contributed on or after thedate of enforcement of these rules ;seventy-five per cent amount of Govern-ment share towards the contributoryprovident fund being paid as grant-in-aidto the aided schools on or before the dateof enforcement of these rules ;the amount of interest accrued on theamounts specified above ;

(e) any other amount as may be specificallypaid by the Government towards theemployer's share.

(3) The State Government shall make suitableprovision in the annual budget under the head" 2202-General Education -02-Secondary Education-11 0-Assistance to Non-Government Secondary Schools-VIII-Pension to Empolyees of State Aided EducationalI nstitutions (Schools)" and " 2202-General Education-01-Elementary Education-102-Assistance to Non-Government Primary School - Pension to Employees ofState Aided Educational Institutions (Schools)" forthe payment of the retirement benefits admissibleunder these rules.

Seventy-five per cent share towards thecontributory provident fund being paid by theGovernment shall not be paid in future.

Twenty-five per cent of the ten per cent ofthe pay of the employee towards the contributoryprovident fund payable by the Management shallalso be deducted from the grant-in-aid sanctioned tothe aided schools for crediting the same in therelevant head so that no amount remains pending forrecovery from the Management.

6(a) The Management shall attach a detail (intriplicate) showing the necessary particulars that is.name, designation, amount of the contribution inrespect of each employee and the grand total whilepresenting the demand draft to the DistrictEducation Officer/District Primary Education Officerevery month.

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The concerned District Education Officer/District Primary Education Officer shall credit thedemand draft so received to the relevant head Ofaccount by the 15th of every month.

The District Education Officer/DistrictPrimary Education Officer shall indicate the TreasuryVoucher No. and date of Challan and forward thephotocopy to the Management for maintainin g detailed

account, and will submit the consolidated account tothe Director.

In case of default or non-implementation bythe Management of any provision of these rules, theDirector shall have right to deduct any amount thatmay be found due to the Management out of theamount of grant-in-aid and may suspend the grant-in-aid to the conerned aided school and may alsoremove the name of such school from the grant-in-aid list with the prior approval of the Government.

(a) The Pension Branch (Aided School) createdfor this purpose in the office of the Director shallmaintain a ledger showing district-wise the amount

of collection . The branch of the office of Directordealing with the work of grant-in-aid to the aidedschools shall supply to the Government district-wisequarterly statement showing details pertaining to thecollection of the contributory provident fund to thePension Branch (Aided School) of the Director in thefollowing pro forma :--

Sr. Name of aided School Name of the Amount of 25% Total Remarks

No. employees management amountshare ofprovidentfund

1 2 3 4

(b) From the statements specified , in clause(a), district-wise ledger accounts shall be postedand the entries of credit shall be reconciled in theoffice of the. Accountant General (Accounts andEntitlement), Haryana, so that no discrepancy mayarise in the account.

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272 HARYANA GOVT GAZ. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, 2001(CHTR 8, 1923 SAKA)

The amount of the contributory providentfund which was due from the M anagement on thedate of publication of these rules in - the OfficialGazette and has not been deposited, shall bedeposited by the Management alongwith interest atthe rates of interest applicable to the contributoryprovident fund.The payment under these rules after the

sanction by the Director sisall be made by theDirector/Management on the basis of Pension PaymentOrder and the authority letter.(11) The Management shall pay the totalamount of gratuity to the retiree on the basis ofletter of authority issued by the Director and claimseventy-five per cent of the said amount. The otherbenefits admissible under these rules shall be paidby the District Education Officer/District PrimaryEducation Officer to the employee through managmentafter the same is sanctioned by the Director and acopy of the sanction shall be conveyed to theAccountant General (Accounts and Entitlement),Haryana, concerned employee/family of the deceased,and the District Education Officer/District PrimayEducation ,Officer for making payment accordingly.

(12) All payments for the benefits under theserules shall be made under the expenditure head"2202-General Education-02-Secondary Education-110-Assistance of Non-Government Secondary SchoolS-VIII-Pension to Employees of State Aided EducationalInstitutions (Schools)" and "2202-General Education-01-Elementary Eudcation-102-Assistance to Non-Government Primay School - Pension to Employees ofState Aided Educational Institutions (Schools)". TheDepartment will draw the required amount ofPension/family pension in advance every month ofthe subsequent month, so that the payment ofpension should reach the pensioner/family pensioneron due date. The Department will make the paymentthrough Management. The detailed procedureregarding disbursement will be issued separately bythe Government.

(13) The amount of payment made under head" 2202-General Education -02-Secondary Education-110-

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Assistance to Non-Government Secondary Schools-VIII-Pension to Employees of State Aided EducationalInstitutions (Schools)" and "2202-Generil Education-01-Elementary Education-102-Assistance to Non-Government Primary School - Pension to Employees ofState Aided Educational Institutions (Schools)"benefit actually debited and shall be reconciled inthe office of the Accountant General (Accounts andEntitlement) Haryana.

The Pension Branch (Aided Schools) of theoffice of the Director shall maintain district-wisePension Payment Orders register showing therein acomplete particulars of the employees in whosefavour Pension Payment Orders are issued and theaccounts of payment of pension/family pension.

There shall be a committee, for theimplementation of the scheme, consisting of theSecretary to Government of Haryana, Department ofEducation. Secretary to Government of Haryana,Department of Finance, the Accountant General(Accounts and Entitlement), Haryana, the Director,.Secondary Education, Haryana/Director PrimaryEducation, Haryana and a representative of theemployees of the aided schools representing suchschools, Secretary to Government, Haryana,Department of Education, shall be the Chairman ofthe Committee and Director Secondary Education,Haryana, shall be ex officio Secretary of theCommittee. The committee so constituted shall meetatleast once in a year to review the position of thescheme , and implementation of these rules and alsomake recommendations to the Government for budgetprovision as required under these rules.

The Director shall administer, control andoperate the scheme.

The Accountant General (Audit), Haryana,shall audit the individual accounts of the scheme.


18. (1) The Management or District Education AdjustmentOfficer/District Primary Education Officer shall take of dues.steps to assjass the dues outstanding against the

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274 HARYANA GOVT GAZ. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, 2001(CHTR 8, 1923 SARA)

employee one year before the date on which he isdue to retire on superannuation.

The dues as assessed including those dueswhich come to the notice subsequently and whichremain outstanding till the date of retirement of theemployee, shall be ad justed against the amount ofDeath-cum-Retirement Gratuity becoming payable tothe employee on his retirement.

When employee retires from his service, anoffice order shall be issued to that effect by theManagement and copies thereof shall be endorsed tothe Director and District Education Officer/DistrictPrimary Education Officer concerned, as the case maybe.

(4) The employee shall not be entitled for thebenefits available under these rules until thetransfer of employer 's share of his contributoryprovident fund alongwith interest earned thereon inthe relevant head of account.

19. The Director shall have the right ofwithholding or withdrawing pension or any part ofit, if the pensioner is convicted by the Court of lawof a serious crime or is guilty of a gravemisconduct or proved by an enquiry conducted bythe Government on or after retirement.

Arbitration. 20. If any dispute arises between theemployee and Management relating to the delay inforwarding the pension papers of the employee, thematter shall be referred to the Director for thedecision whose decision shall be final and bindingupon the parties

head ofaccount todebitexpenditure

21, The charges on account of expenditure forbenefits under these rules shall be debited to thehead " 2202-General Education-02-Secondary Education-1 10-Assistance to Non-Government Secondary Schools-VIII-Pension to Employees of State Aided EducationalInstitutions (Schools)" and "2202-General Education-01-Elementary Education-102-Assistance to Non-Government Primary Schools-Pension to Employees ofState Aided Educational Institutions (Schools)" •

Power towithholdpension.

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If any question or doubt arises as to theinterpretation of these rules, Government shalldecide the same.

The Government shall have the right toreview/modify/withdraw this scheme any time withoutassigning any reasons.

24. The Haryana Aided Schools (Pension andContributory Provident Fund) Rules, 1999, are herebyrepealed :

Provided that any order made or action takenunder the rules so repealed shall be deemed to havebeen made or taken under the correspondingprovision of these rules.


Review ofScheme.

Repeal andsavings.

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276 HARYANA GOVT GAZ. (EX"RA.) MARCH 29, 2001(CHTR 8, 1923 SAKA)


(See rule 12)

Completed six-monthly periodof qualifyingservice

Scale of servicegratuity

Month's Emoluments1 Month's Emoluments1-1/2 Months' Emoluments2 Months' Emoluments2-1/2 Months' Emoluments3 Months' Emoluments3-1/2 Months' Emoluments4 Months' Emoluments4-3/B Months' Emoluments4-3/4 Months' Emoluments5-1/8 Months' Emoluments5-1/2 Months' Emoluments5-7/8 Months' Emoluments6-1/4 Months' Emoluments6-5/8 Months' Emoluments7 Months' Emoluments7-3/8 Months' Emoluments7-3/4 Months' Emoluments

19. 8-1/8 Months' Emoluments

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[See rule 3(1)3

(An agreement to be executed by the Managementfor the implementation of the retirement

benefits to the employees)

An agreement made on this day of between Management (here-inafter called the "Management", which expressionshall) unless the contents otherwise requires, includeits successors and assigns of the one part) and theGovernor of Haryana acting through (hereinafterreferred to as the "Government" which impressionshall, unless the content otherwise requires,includes its successors and assigns of the otherpart) •

Whgreas the Government has decided to grantretirement benefits in lieu of contributory providentfund to the employees of aided schools in accordancewith the procedure specified by the Government andsubject to the condition that Management of theconcerned aided schools shall execute an agreementto abide by the provisions of the Haryana Aided .Schools (Special Pension and Contributory ProvidentFund) Rules, 2001, and instructions issued from timeto time in this respect by the Government;

And, whereas the Management,--vide resolutionNo. dated the in fulfilmentof the condition for grant of retirement benefits inlieu of the Contributory Provident Fund, has agreedto abide by the provisions of the Haryana AidedSchools (Special Pension and Contributory ProvidentFund) Rules, 2001, and instructions issued from timeto time by the Government in this regard;

And whereas the existing employees governedby the contributory provident fund be governed bythe Haryana Aided Schools (Special Pension andContributory Provident Fund) Rules, 2001, theManagement's share and the Government's share of

the contributory provident fund from the date oftheir admittance to the contributory 'provident fund

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278 HARYANA GOVT GAZ.' (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, 2001(CHTR 8, 1923 SAKA)

alongwith the interest earned thereon up to the dateof commencement of such rules are to be transferredto the Director;

And whereas the Management has also agreedto continue to contribute its share as such of thepay as may be fixed from time to time by theDirector, as contributory provident fund of theemployees to the relevant head of account underHaryana Aided Schools (Special Pension andContributory Provident Fund) Rules, 2001 and thiscontribution shall be transferred to the Director;

Now, therefore, in pursuance of the saidagreement, the Management hereby agrees that itshall duly, faithfully and punctually perform all theconditions set out in the agreement. In the event ofthe failure of the Management to act on the saidconditions, the Directory Secondary Education,Haryana/the Director, Primary Education, Haryana, asthe case may be, shall take. such action againstthe Management, as may be deemed proper, within theframework of the Haryana Aided Schools (SpecialPension and Contributory Provident Fund) Rules,2001.In witness whereof the parties have signed, thisdeed on the date respectively mentioned againsttheir signatures.

Signature SignatureName NameDate Date

For and on behalf of For and on behalf of thethe Governor of ManagementHaryana

Witnesses: Witnesses1. Signature 1. Signature

Name Name Date DateDesignation DesignationAddress Address

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2. Signature 2. SignatureName NameDate Date Designation Designation Address Address

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issued, —vide

and fully understood thecase:—as applicable in my

Having read theHaryana Government Memodated therelevant rules

280 HARYANA GOVT GAZ. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, 2001(CHTR 8, 1923 SAKA)


(In Triplicate)

I undertake to abide by all theinstructions referred to above and as may beamended and issued from time to time inthis regard.I undertake to refund the amount onaccount of my employer's share as workedout by the Director .

Witness: Signature of the employee1. Signature Date

Date Name in fullName in full (in Block letters)Designation

(in Block letters)

Signature Date Designation (Principal/Headmaster)Office : District Education Officer/

District Primary EducationOfficer

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HARYANA GOVT GAZ. (EXTRA.) MARCH 29, 2001 281(CHTR 8, 1923 SAKA)

FORM III[See rule 3 (1)(b)(ii)]


(In Triplicate)Having read the instructions issued by theHaryana Government Memo No.

dated the and fully understood therelevant rules as applicable in my case :-

I undertake to abide by all theinstructions referred to above and as maybe amended and issued from time to timein this regard ;

I opt the benefits available in theHaryana Aided Schools (Special Pension andContributory Provident Fund) Rules, 2001 ;

(c) I undertake to deposit the amount ofemployer's share alongwith interest earnedthereon as worked out by the Director.

(in Block letters) (in Block letters)Designation Designation

2. Signature




School: District Education Officer/District Primary EducationOfficer.

P.K. CHAUDHERY.Commissioner and Secretary to Government,

Haryanar Education Department,Chandigarh.


Witness : Signature of the employee1. Signature Date

Date Name in fullName in full