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Introduction ................................................................................. 1

Partner school ............................................................................. 1

Objectives .................................................................................... 2

Activities 2006/2007 .................................................................. 4

Activities 2007/2008 .................................................................. 22

Activities 2008/2009 ................................................................... 25

General evaluation report .......................................................... 27

Summary .................................................................................... 47

Annex 1 Questionnaires

Annex 2 Pictures

Annex 3 Power Point presentations

Annex 4 Front pages

Annex 5 Questionnaires analysis - graphs

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Name of the Project:   

"Education for the European Citizenship"


This project was realized by the support of the European Union project  EPOS-LLP.

Our Project “European Citizenship” is aimed at developing an attitude of active European Citizenship within the school and exchanging culture and heritage, attitudes and values in order to compare participating countries.We found out how the cross-curriculum goal “education for the citizenship“was reached in the participating countries as well as what it meant for the students.We promoted willingness to avoid prejudice within the E.U., increase tolerance, encourage democratic values and improve the communication skills and foreign language. The students managed to develop specific skills of project management. Besides that, teachers got involved in cross-curricular work. The project contributed to sharing ideas and priorities, good practice and experience as well as a greater interest to active and social citizenship.We developed a three-year-scheme. Activities such as CD-presentations, questionnaires and surveys, meetings with politicians, debates. During student exchanges we intended to analyze, compare and perfect our work. We also managed to visit the European Parliament in Brussels and meet Members of Parliament.

 The results of the project are widely disseminated in newspapers, local TV, the Internet, callendar, DVDs,CDs, booklets, exhibitions. We created a book of Independent Learning Method describing the content and methods of national and European citizenship at school and besides that we decided to introduce the Book of Activities held separately at partner schools as well as common activities.

CDs, a school website are supposed to show the necessity of such a project. We are sure the project is of great  importance for the students and the teachers.

Partner schools 

1. Rozenberg Secundair Onderwijs, Mol, Belgium – coordinating school www.rozenbergmol.be

2. Gymnázium Ladislava Novomeského Senica, Slovakia, www.sengym.sk/projekty

3.Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Roberta Schumana w Zespole  Szkół Ogólnokształcących nr 7 w Sosnowcu, Sosnowiec, Poland www.lo5.sosnowiec.pl

4. Professional School for Tourism and Catering, Razlog, Bulgaria


6. Insituto D'Istruzione Superiore "G.Torno", Castano Primo, Italy www.istitutotorno.it

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Who participated in the project?

- Students 16- 17 years old- Teachers of the involved subjects : English, Civics, Seminar of Civics, Geography,

History, Computer Studies, History, Religion, French, German, Mother Language, Maths, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Sport, Cooking, Law, Economics,

- School managements, The School Boards, Students Parliament- Associated Partners : The Parents Boards, The Town Halls, The Methodical Centre

from Bratislava, The Information Centre Europe Direct , Zahorske Osvetove Stredisko, local TV SEN,


 First year: 

1.We made a CD-presentation of  each school, city, region and country ( Annex 3) with extra attention to the mother tongue and English language and put it on the website of the school so that each school could load it down to get to know each other.

2. We elaborated the common questionnaires (Annex1) and methods for research through questionnaires we found out:

A. the present status of citizenship education in different types of secondary education (general, technical, vocational) in each involved country and we mapped the differences in the participating countries/institutions ( Annex 5)


B. if there were subjects dealing with the citizenship and European citizenship education

   C. what students knew and thought about that.

 3. We analysed the questionnaires and put the results on the website of the schools.

 4. Compared the system of the citizenship and European citizenship education of all involved countries as well as the methods used while applying it.( Annex 5)

 Second year:

1. We created a method (The Independent Learning Method) how to reach the aim the citizenship and European citizenship education

2.We tried out  the methods  in teaching process at various types of secondary education in each involved country

3.We elaborated the system of evaluation of the created methods – feedback

questionnaires for students, teachers, and parents involved in the project.

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 4. By visiting, inviting, local authority, associations, political parties, parliament …we got familiar with the activities of institutions which help to adhere the civil and democratic principles.

5. Through student exchanges we mediated the cultural and civil traditions in involved countries

6. In the students exchanges we organized debates about various European problems and made students create projects on them.(e.g. corruption, School Festival “I am a Citizen of … !”, “Dream School”, Are we similar or different, Traditions,…(Annex 1,2. )

 Third year:

1.We created the  common feedback questionnaires to let the students evaluate themselves how they reached the goal to be good citizens and European citizens

2.During student exchanges we visited the European Parliament in Brussels and met Members of Parliament and debated on European citizenship.

3.A book of Activities was made by the students and teachers which included the summary of the three-year-activities and results.

 Yearly activities

1.  Student exchanges among the participating schools (Annex 2)

 2.  Project meetings ( Annex 2 )

3. Headmasters study visits( Annex 2)

4. We put reports of the exchanges on the websites of the schools.

5. Students collected information and did research about: 

A. National Citizenship in the curriculum

         B. The European Union, past-present-future,

                    C. The opportunities and rights we have in the E.U.

          D. The meaning of the European Citizenship

6. Students and teachers analyzed data collected

(Annex 1.- Questionnaires 1,2,3)

Preparatory Project Meeting and Headmaster Study Visits

Gymnázium Ladislava Novomeského Senica, Slovakia, - preparatory meeting   15 -18/ 10/ 2005

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At this meeting we prepared the objectives of the project and worked out The  Application Form

Activities  in 2006/2007 

1. We made a CD-presentation of the school, city, region and country with extra attention to the mother tongue and English language and put it on the websites of the schools so that each school could down load it to get to know each other.

Each school

2. We elaborated the questionnaires and methods for research through questionnaires we tried to find out:

A. the present status of citizenship education in different types of secondary education (general, technical, vocational) in each involved country and to map the differences in the participating countries/institutions


B. if there were subjects dealing with the citizenship and European citizenship education (Questionnaire Q1- Annex 1)


   C. What students knew and thought about it.( Questionnaire Q2 –Annex 1) 

3. We analysed the questionnaires and put the results on the websites of the schools.

Each school

4. Compared the system of the citizenship and European citizenship education of all involved countries as well as the methods used while applying it.

(Questionnaire Q3 - Annex 1)

Each school

In 2006 - 2007 were held pupil exchanges between Mol-Senica, Mol-Castano Primo, Mol-Sosnowiec, Castano-Primo - Sosnowiec, Senica – Razlog, ( Annex2- pictures of activities)

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Project Meeting and Headmaster Study Visits

Rozenberg Secundair Onderwijs, Mol, Belgium – coordinating school - the first common meeting   9/10/ 2005 to 13/10/2006

At this meeting we checked the beginning of the work, tasks which were fulfilled and discussed the steps for the following period.

The meeting was held together with the students exchange of all the partner schools and we took part in common activity -  “Comenius Day" ( Annex 2- pictures of activities)


Approximate date


Activity Location (in the case of mobility

: from / to)2006 Beginning of the school year

Creating the questionnaire about current knowledge of National Citizenship in the participating schools

In each partner school

8-13 October 2006

Project meeting To Mol, Belgium ( Annex 2)

2006 October CD-presentation of the school on the website of the school

In each partner school(Annex 3)

2006 October Doing the questionnaire about current knowledge of National Citizenship in the participating schools

In each partner school

2006 November

up date about presentation of the school, (co-school)

In Mol

2007 January Analyzing the questionnaire about current knowledge of National Citizenship in the participating schools

In each partner school(Annex 5- Q Analysis-graphs)

2007 February + Pupils find out if they reach the goals+ update from the co-ordinating school

In each partner schoolIn Mol

2007 end March

+ Summary of what the goals and methods in the partner schools on the website of the schools.

In each partner school

2007 April - May

Dissemination of the results In each partner school

20-23 of March 2007

First project meeting and headmasters study visit 

In Razlog,  Bulgaria(See Annex 2)

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Project Meeting and Headmaster Study Visits Professional School for Tourism and Catering, Razlog, Bulgaria:-April 23rd – 27th, 2007

Programe: -. A tour of the school -We visited and were shown round the school - At the first meeting we evaluated part of the activities held in 2006/ 2007 - We discussed all the activities done and worked on the common Final Joint Report - We also made some improvements and agreements about the problems with communication and computers, web pages of each school - The coordinator Rob Rush explained the base of the Independent Learning Method- We discussed the next project meetings and Headmaster study visits Sosnowiec October 16 – 21, 2007, Castano Primo April 21st - 25th, 2008

- A meeting at the Municipality (Annex 2)- JOINT ACTIVITY REPORT

Evaluation of the first year 2006-2007

The goals we had in mind the first year.

A. PROJECT BASICS Project topic(s) :

Reached through:

a) Foreign languages

Pupil exchangesCreating PPt presentations, web pages, DVDs, videos, CDs…Communication on the regular basisCom Day Work shops in EnglishCom Day WS 4.Command of the languageCom Day WS A discussion with a Flemish Euro-Parliamentarian in EnglishWeb pages written in mother tongue, as well as in EnglishCommunication through the exchanges ,questionnaires,Presentations and instructions given in English

b) European citizenship/


Com day Workshops about Citizenship.Com Day WS 1.Knowledge Com Day WS 3.Role play about prejudices Com Day WS 6.Solidarity and justice.Questionnaires about the EU in each schoolProject work in all schoolsParticipation in the action against corruption ‘Clear Poland’Visiting Europe Direct Centre during project meeting, headmaster study visit and student exchange in Slovakia Knowledge gained during the lessons on different subjects

ExchangesSenica –Mol : topics a) “ Are we similar or different ? “ in 2005 b) “ Traditions” 200Com Day WS Democracy in practice

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regional identity

Com Day WS A chat with a Flemish Euro-Parliamentarian in EnglishRole plays and projects, held at different subjects in all schoolsMeeting student parliament /the local advisor body of the Town Hall in Senica during the exchange with BelgiumOrganising voting for the member of Municipal Youth Council in Sosnowiec

Com Day WS 1.Knowledge Com Day WS Economic immigrationCom Day WS 5.”To get to know each other”Com Day WS Economic immigrationCom day WS A typical dishActivities done during exchangesParticipation of the Bulgarian school in a national contestOpen lessons in Poland,Participation in Olympiad of Geography in SlovakiaRegional folkdances and music concert of the school in BulgariaMy town and my country in painting in Senica, SlovakiaVisits of the area during all exchanges, project meetings, and headmaster study visitsQuestionnaires about the EUGeographical features of the areas, countries…presented on the web pages and PowerPoint presentationsExchangesSenica –Mol : topics a) “ How I see Senica ? “ in 2007

c) Pedagogical methods

Com Day WS A Discussion with a Flemish Euro-Parliamentarian in EnglishQuestionnaires 1,2,3 ,Role playsResearch work into secondary schools subjects concerning the topicFront lessons on the topicGroup worksDirect meeting and discussion with members of the local authorities, Flemish Euro parliamentarian, religious authorities, parents and teachers.IT projects, e.g. power point presentations, websites, DVD’s , E-mail contacts between students, teachers, coordinators, headmastersExchanges of students, teachers, headmasters

Classes in the curriculum involved in the

Involved through:

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projectHistory Com Day WS 1.Knowledge

Com Day WS A discussion with a Flemish Euro-Parliamentarian in EnglishQuestionnaires about the EUHistory of the schools, towns, countries…presented on the web pages and Power Point presentationsExchangesSenica –Mol : topics “Statues and monuments ” in 2006

Religion / ethics Com Day WS 2.RelationshipCom Day WS 3.Role play about prejudices Com Day WS 6.Solidarity and justice.Com Day WS Economic immigrationCom Day WS Other cultures and religions.Discussion with the representative of the mosque in Mol

Civics Com Day WS 2.RelationshipCom Day WS 3.Role play about prejudices Com Day WS 6.Solidarity and justice.Com Day WS Economic immigrationCom Day WS A positive look to yourselfCom Day WS A discussion with a Flemish Euro-Parliamentarian in EnglishExchangesSenica –Mol : topics “Social work” in 2008

Geography Com Day WS 1.Knowledge Com Day WS Economic immigrationCom Day WS 5.”To get to know each other”Com Day WS Economic immigrationCom day WS A typical dishActivities done during exchangesParticipation of the Bulgarian school in a national contestOpen lessons in Poland,Participation in Olympiad of Geography in SlovakiaRegional folkdances and music concert of the school in BulgariaMy town and my country in painting in Senica, SlovakiaVisits of the area during all exchanges, project meetings, and headmaster study visitsQuestionnaires about the EUGeographical features of the areas, countries…presented on the web pages and Power Point presentations

Environmental education

Com Day WS Democracy in practice Com Day WS A discussion with a Flemish Euro-Parliamentarian

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in EnglishActivities during exchangesExchangesSenica –Mol : topics Palette of nature in 2007

Health education Com Day WS A positive look to yourselfCom day WS A typical dishSport activities during the exchangesHealth education connected with food, during the exchanges

Mother tongue Com Day WS 4.Command of the languageWeb pages written in the mother tongue, as well as in English

Foreign languages Pupil exchangesCreating PPt presentations, web pages, DVDs, videos, CDs…Communication on the regular basisCom Day Work shops in EnglishCom Day WS 4.Command of the languageCom Day WS A discussion with a Flemish Euro-Parliamentarian in EnglishWeb pages written in mother tongue, as well as in EnglishCommunication through the exchanges ,questionnaires,Presentations and instructions given in EnglishExchanges: Castano Primo -Mol on the theme of communication through our body language

New technologies Com Day WS 1.Knowledge on computerWorking with digital camera, video camera, computerCreating PPt presentations, web pages, DVDs, videos, CDs…Emails and using software related to computer systemsExchangesCastano-Mol October 2007-March 2008 on the theme of photographySenica-Mol, Senica -Sosnowiec – e-mails projects “ Find your pen pal” –students 11 and 13 years old ExchangesSenica –Mol : topics a) “ Science around us “ in 2008 b) “ Expo 1958” in 2009

Art Art contest for the booklet front page - held in every partner school ExchangesCastano Primo-Mol October 2008-March 2009 on the theme of Graffiti

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Project summary (Please give a brief and clear description of your project proposal of maximum 200 words; note that this description may be used for publication) :

Our Project “European Citizenship” is aimed at developing an attitude of active European Citizenship (1) within the school and exchanging culture and heritage, attitudes and values in order to compare participating countries.

We’ll find out how the cross-curriculum goal “education for the citizenship“ is reached (2) in the participating countries as well as what it means for the students.

We’ll promote willingness to avoid prejudice(3) within the E.U., increase tolerance, encourage democratic values (4) and improve the communication skills and foreign language (5). The students will be able to develop specific skills of project management (6). Besides that, teachers will get involved in cross-curricular work (7). The project will contribute to sharing ideas and priorities, good practice and experience as well as a greater interest to active and social citizenship.

We developed a three-year-scheme. Activities such as CD-presentations (8), questionnaires and surveys(9), meetings with politicians(10), debates (11), Skype-conferences(12) will be an inseparable part of our work. During student exchanges(13) we intend to analyze, compare and perfect our work. We also want to visit the European Parliament in Brussels and meet Members of Parliament.(14)

The results of the project will be disseminated. A booklet (15)describing

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the content and methods of national and European Citizenship at school, CDs(16), a school website(17)are supposed to show the necessity of such a project. We are sure the project will be of great importance for the students and the teachers.

NR Reached through1 Com day Workshops about Citizenship.

Com Day WS 1.Knowledge Com Day WS 3.Role play about prejudices Com Day WS 6.Solidarity and justice.Questionnaires about the EU in each schoolProject work in all schoolsParticipation in the action against corruption ‘Clear Poland’Visiting Europe Direct Centre during project meeting, headmaster study visit and student exchange in SlovakiaExchangesKnowledge gained during the lessons on different subjects

2 Questionnaire about Subjects dealing with ”Citizenship and European Citizenship Education “

3 Com day WS Role play about prejudices ExchangesActivities done during the education process at different schools

4 Com Day WS Democracy in practice ExchangesActivities done during the education process at different schools

5 Pupil exchangesCreating PPt presentations, web pages, DVDs, videos, CDs…Communication on the regular basisCom Day Work shops in EnglishCom Day WS 4.Command of the languageCom Day WS A discussion with a Flemish Euro-Parliamentarian in EnglishWeb pages written in mother tongue, as well as in EnglishCommunication through the exchanges ,questionnaires,Presentations and instructions given in English

6 Preparation of the pupil exchangesPreparation of the project meetings and head teacher study visits

7 Preparation and presentation of the Comenius day and pupil exchangesthe project meetings and head teacher study visits

8 Presentations of schools, town, countries, …Presentation of the results of exchangesPhoto CD project meetings

9 Questionnaire about Subjects dealing with ”Citizenship and European Citizenship Education “ Q about the knowledge of the E.U.: (Com day WS 1) + Q 2 and 3

10 Com Day WS A discussion with a Flemish Euro-Parliamentarian in EnglishMeetings at town halls during exchanges and project meetings

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11 Debates in the workshops during the Comenius day, exchanges…Debates on different subjects at each school

12 Planned for the next two years13 Mol-Senica, Mol- Castano Primo, Mol- Razlog (Comenius day)

Razlog-Senica (project meeting in Razlog)14 Planned for the last year15 Planned for the last year16 Photo CD of the project meeting17 Mol, Castano Primo, Senica, Sosnowiec, Razlog

C. PROJECT CONTENT and ORGANISATION1. What are the concrete aims of the project and its expected impact on the participants

and other interested parties (on the pupils, teachers, institutions, local community, wider educational community)?

1. Finding out the current knowledge about the E.U. and the participating countries.2. To create the moral background of the European citizen.3. To create and try out the methods convenient to be used at learning process to

reach the aim.4. To find out if there is the cross-curriculum goal –“Education for the citizenship“ in

various types of secondary schools( general, vocational, technical ) and how other countries reach the goal.

5. To find out what does “to be a citizen and European citizens “mean for the students6. To involve schools and other participants into cooperation.7. To improve the communication skills in local and foreign languages.8. To promote willingness to avoid prejudice within the E.U.9. To find out benefits of being a European citizen 10.The intercultural awareness will also be stimulated by student meetings and

exchanges through which students will take part in the daily life of young people in the participating countries.

Nr Reached through

1 Communication on the regular basisPresentations of schools, town, countries, …Com Day WS 1.Knowledge Com Day WS Economic immigrationCom Day WS 5.”To get to know each other”Com Day WS Economic immigration

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Com day WS A typical dishActivities done during exchangesVisits of the area during all exchanges, project meetings, and headmaster study visitsQuestionnaires about the EU

2 Com day Workshops about Citizenship.Com Day WS 1, 2,3,5,6,8,9 and 10Questionnaires about the EU in each schoolProject work in all schoolsParticipation in the action against corruption ‘Clear Poland’Visiting Europe Direct Centre during project meeting, headmaster study visit and student exchange in SlovakiaExchangesKnowledge gained during the lessons on different subjects

3 Questionnaire about Subjects dealing with ”Citizenship and European Citizenship Education “ This will be the top item for the next two years.

4 Questionnaire about Subjects dealing with ”Citizenship and European Citizenship Education “

5 We plan this for the next two years

6 The associated partners

7 Pupil exchangesCreating PPt presentations, web pages, DVDs, videos, CDs…Communication on the regular basisCom Day Work shops in EnglishCom Day WS 4.Command of the languageCom Day WS A discussion with a Flemish Euro-Parliamentarian in EnglishWeb pages written in mother tongue, as well as in EnglishCommunication through the exchanges ,questionnaires,Presentations and instructions given in English

8 Com day WS 3,5,6,8,9 and 12

9 Questionnaire 2 and 3

This is one extra item for the next two years

10 Pupil exchanges between Mol-Senica, Mol-Castano Primo, Mol-Razlog (Comenius day), Senica-Razlog (project meetings)

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Concrete aims for students

1.To develop an attitude of active European Citizenship within the school and community.

2. To exchange culture and heritage, attitudes and values in order to compare and contrast participating countries.

3 To create more confidence in the use of new technology for contacts, research and presentation and to encourage them to work independently.

4. To increase tolerance and encourage democratic values.

5. To develop specific skills of project management.

6. To improve language skills.

7. To bring the students into cooperation with local authorities and associations.

8. To gain a better knowledge about the topics involved in the project,

9. To be a good host as well as a guest

10. To learn more about: making reports, research work, gathering materials,…

Nr Reached through

1 Com day Workshops about Citizenship.Com Day WS 1, 2,3,5,6,8,9 and 10Questionnaires about the EU in each schoolProject work in all schoolsParticipation in the action against corruption ‘Clear Poland’Visiting Europe Direct Centre during project meeting, headmaster study visit and student exchange in SlovakiaExchangesKnowledge gained during the lessons on different subjects

2 Com Day WS 1.Knowledge Com Day WS Economic immigrationCom Day WS 5.”To get to know each other”Com Day WS Economic immigrationCom day WS A typical dishCom day WS 4,5,9,10 and 12Activities done during exchangesParticipation of the Bulgarian school in a national contestOpen lessons in Poland,Participation in Olympiad of Geography in SlovakiaRegional folkdances and music concert of the school in Bulgaria

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My town and my country in painting in Senica, SlovakiaVisits of the area during all exchanges, project meetings, and headmaster study visitsQuestionnaires about the EUGeographical features of the areas, countries…presented on the web pages and PowerPoint presentations

3 Contact in pupil exchanges through the computerCom Day WS 1.Knowledge on computerWorking with digital camera, video camera, computerCreating PPt presentations, web pages, DVDs, videos, CDs…Emails and using software related to computer systems

4 Com day WS 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9 and 11Com Day WS Democracy in practice Com Day WS A chat with a Flemish Euro-Parliamentarian in EnglishRole plays and projects, held at different subjects in all schoolsMeeting student parliament /the local advisor body of the Town Hall in Senica during the exchange with BelgiumOrganising voting for the member of Municipal Youth Council in Sosnowiec

5 Preparation of the project meetings and head teacher study visits

Preparation of the pupil exchanges

6 Pupil exchangesCreating PPt presentations, web pages, DVDs, videos, CDs…Communication on the regular basisCom Day Work shops in EnglishCom Day WS 4.Command of the languageCom Day WS A discussion with a Flemish Euro-Parliamentarian in EnglishWeb pages written in mother tongue, as well as in EnglishCommunication through the exchanges ,questionnaires,Presentations and instructions given in English

7 Preparation pupil exchanges

Meetings at town halls during exchanges and project meetings

8 Com day + pupil exchanges

9 Pupil exchanges

Project meetings: pupils were hosted in host families

10 Reports of the pupil exchanges, the reports of the questionnaires,…

Concrete aims for teachers

1. To scope the content in each subject dealing with the topic

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2. To specify the upbringing details which we want to reach

3. To scope the area of collaboration in cross- curriculum work

4. Create the methods to reach the goal.

5. To exchange and improve methodological skills.

6. To get actively involved in cross-curricular work.

7. To obtain better IT skills, technological culture as well as become more fluent in foreign languages.

8. To band teachers for Europe.

9. To disseminate the results of the project.

10. To encourage students to reach their aims.

Nr Reached through

1 Preparation of the Comenius day and the questionnaires

2 Preparation of the Comenius day, the questionnaires and the pupil exchanges

3 Preparation of the Comenius day, the pupil exchanges and the project meetings.

4 QuestionnairesThis is the top item of the next two years

5 This is the top item of the next two years

6 Preparation of the Comenius day, the questionnaires and the pupil exchanges

7 Comenius day + pupil exchanges

Contact in pupil exchanges through the computerCom Day WS 1.Knowledge on computerWorking with digital camera, video camera, computerCreating PPt presentations, web pages, DVDs, videos, CDs…Emails and using software related to computer systems

8 The whole project and especially the contacts between the teachers in pupil exchanges and the project meeting in Mol and head teacher study visits ( October 2006)and Razlog (April 2007)

9 The Comenius forum on the school website, school magazine, articles in the Press, local TV,

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Parents and teachers meetings

10 Pupil exchanges and the workshops on the Comenius day

Concrete aims on the school and local community.

1. To identify shared problems, ideas and priorities through the exchange of knowledge, good practice and experience.

2. To generate a greater interest to active citizenship and social inclusion.

3. To show that European partnership and collaboration have positive effect on schools and local communities.

4. To raise the interest of non-participating teachers and students.

5. To increase the open-mindedness towards new approaches.

6. To raise the awareness of national and European citizenship.

Nr Reached through

1 Meetings at the Town Hall in Castano Primo, Mol, Senica, Razlog during the project meetings and pupils exchanges

2 Meetings at the Town Hall in Castano Primo, Mol, Senica, Razlog during the project meetings and pupils exchanges

3 Through the dissemination of the project in the media

4 Presentation of the results for all members of the school

5 Com Day WS Democracy in practice Com Day WS A chat with a Flemish Euro-Parliamentarian in EnglishRole plays and projects, held at different subjects in all schoolsMeeting student parliament /the local advisor body of the Town Hall in Senica during the exchange with BelgiumOrganising voting for the member of Municipal Youth Council in SosnowiecPresentation of the results for all members of the school

6 This is the aim of the next two years

FIRST YEARS ACTIVITIES1.We made a CD-presentation of each school, city, region and country with extra attention to the mother tongue and English language and put it on the website of the school so that each school can load it down to get to know each other.

2. To elaborate the common questionnaires and methods of research through questionnaires we tried to find out:

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A. the present status of citizenship education in different types of secondary education (general, technical, vocational) in each involved country and to map the differences in the participating countries/institutions

B. if there are subjects dealing with the citizenship and European citizenship education C. what students know and think about it.

3. We analysed the questionnaires and put the results on the website of the schools.

4. Compared the system of the citizenship and European citizenship education of all involved countries as well as the methods used while applying it.

Nr Reached through

1 All schools did so!




3 OK (General Analysis Q1, Q2 and Q3) (in enclosure)

4 OK Q1


1. Student exchanges between the participating schools

2. Project meetings

3. Headmasters study visits

4. We put reports of the exchanges on the website of the school.

5. Students collected information and did research of:

A. National Citizenship in the curriculum

B. The European Union, past-present-future,

C. The opportunities and rights we have in the E.U.

D. The meaning of the European Citizenship and teachers analyzed data collected

6. Students

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Nr Reached through

1 Mol-Senica, Mol-Castano Primo, Mol-Razlog (Comenius day)

Senica-Razlog (project meeting Razlog)

2 Mol October 2006, Razlog April 2007

3 Mol October 2006, Razlog April 2007

4 OK

5A Students did not, teachers and headmaster did (Q1)

5B Com Day WS 1 + Q2 and Q3

5C Com Day WS 1 + Q2 and Q3

5D Com Day WS 1 + Q2 and Q3

6 OK


1. The booklet of methods, moral background of citizen, summaries… about

national and European Citizenship at school.

2. CD presentation

3. Comenius part on the website of the schools

4. Skype conference.

5. Collages and posters on the projects of the exchanges.

6. The visit and the debate in the European Parliament.

Nr Reached through

1 The summary of the questionnaires.

2 OK

3 OK

4 We plan the last year.

5 Comenius corner at the schools

6 Com day workshop with Belgian Euro Parliamentarian.

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Results of end products for the first year:

1. A CD-presentation of the school, town and region

2. A “Comenius Forum” at the schools website

3. The results of the questionnaires about the E.U. and teaching about the E.U. at general, technical and vocational schools in the participating countries.

4. A photo-CD of the project meetings in Mol and Razlog

5. DVD – European Citizenship




Kind of dissemination:

Each school

Articles in magazines

Senica, Razlog

Local TV and radio presentations

Each school

Workshops at involved schools other than the participating schools and associations e.g. during a Week of Socrates-Comenius.

Each school

Public presentations as mini expositions, bulletins, essays, collages, posters, wall charts, etc. exposed in school and partly distributed to participating schools as well as to the neighbouring schools and associations.

Each school

Comenius part on the website of the schools.

Mol Dissemination of the booklet and CD “ European citizenship” in participating schools, associations, libraries, schools in the neighbourhood, European contacts, the press,…

EVALUATIONWe worked in this way:

Evaluation Impact on participants1. Through use of various approaches such as: self-assessment questionnaires, questionnaires with target group (students, teachers, parents) and open-

1. Reflection, awareness, adoption,

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microphone meetings.2. Evaluation of attitudes by observation and self-evaluation. (SAM-scale, Scale for Attitude Measure)3. Regular meetings of participating teachers

4. Teachers-parents meetings

5. Yearly evaluation meeting with all participating schools on items as reaching the aims, ICT-skills, participation of the partners, dissemination,

2. reflection on the attitudes and improvement

3. Teachers reflected on:Where were we at certain period?How did we know? (We collected data)What were we going to do next?

4. Parents felt involved in the project and were critical friends.

5. Reflection, awareness, adoption, of the participating schools.

Activities  in 2007/2008


Project Activities in 2007/2009:

„ Independent learning about the E.U. and European Citizenship“

For the part „learning about the E.U. “We paid attention to the results of our questionnaires. Leaning on these results we made some tasks. We did not search for NEW items.

The most important part of the project was the second one: „Independent Learning about European Citizenship“! So most of the tasks we did with this item.

1.In 2007-2008: To create a method of “Independent learning” how to reach the aim the citizenship and European citizenship education (*)

2. In 2007-2008:To try out the parts of the method in teaching process at various types of secondary education in each school

3. During the second project meeting tol bring the method of “Independent Learning” of all partners together in one project of “Independent Learning Method”.

3. In 2007-2008:To elaborate the system of evaluation of the created methods – feedback questionnaires for students, teachers, parents involved in the project.

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4. In 2008-2009: ” to reach the aim the citizenship and European citizenship education

5. In 2008-2009: To try out the project of “Independent Learning” + evaluation of the method as well as self-evaluation of the pupils.

6.By visiting, inviting,… local authority, associations, political parties, parliament … to get familiar with the activities of institutions which help to adhere the civil and democratic principles.

7.Through student exchanges, meetings mediate the cultural and civil traditions in involved countries

8. In the students exchanges we organized debates about various European problems and made students create projects on them.(E.g. corruption, School Festival “I am a Citizen of …!”, “Dream School”, see Annex1)

7.Elaborating Power Point CD presentation, which covered the methods tried at the education process, results of the citizenship and European citizenship education at various types of schools in participating countries. ( Annex 3)

8. To organize a SKYPE-conference.

9. To make a booklet by the students and teachers including the summary of the three-year-activities and results.(The Book of Activities )

10. Project meetings in Sosnowiec-Poland (16-21 st October, 2007), and Castano Primo, Italy (21 – 25 th April ,2008)

11. Headmaster Study Visits in Sosnowiec (16-21st October, 2007) and Castano Primo (21 – 25th April, 2008)

12. Project meeting in Senica ( 4-7th November, 2008 ), Slovakia and Mol( 19th -24th April, 2009) , Belgium

13. Headmaster Study Visits in Senica (4-7th November 2008), Slovakia and Mol (19th -24th April 2009) , Belgium

1. We created method ( The Independent Learning Method) how to reach the aim the citizenship and European citizenship education

2.We tried out  the methods  in teaching process at various types of secondary education in each involved country ( The Book of ILM method )

 3.We elaborated the system of evaluation of the created methods – feedback

questionnaires for students, teachers, parents involved in the project.

4.We held the Questionnaire about European Citizenship and analyzed data gained. (Annex 5)

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In 2007 – 2008 were held pupil exchanges between Mol-Senica, Mol-Castano Primo, Mol-Sosnowiec, Castano-Primo - Sosnowiec, Senica - Sosnowiec

Time scheme about the Method of Independent Learning for 2007-2008Each coordinator started searching for cooperating colleagues last months of the school year.

Final date We reached25/09/2007 Each coordinator found a colleagues who were prepared to cooperate

in different subjects (history, geography, English,) in the project. The preferences went to teachers who teach subjects to pupils of the age of 16-18 years old.

30/9/2007 Coordinator informed each coordinator for what subjects we have in which schools cooperating colleagues. He also announced for what (important) subject(s) we didn’t have cooperation. So we all tried to find one.

16/10/2007(Projectmeeting Sosnowiec)

From each school we expected from each cooperating teacher for his subject:-a list of tasks, - a list of possible used booklets and websites, the way he expected to have the results and how he/she intended to evaluate it.

30/11/2007 In all schools the list of possible used booklets and websites, the way they expected to have the results and how they intended to evaluate it, were ready and mailed to coordinator.

31/03/2208 In all schools per subject the method of independent learning were tried out by the teachers and the “conclusions, feelings, remarks,” were collected by the coordinators. What was good, what should we change? (probably how should we change it?)

21/04/2008(proj.meet. Castano Primo)

Each coordinator brought all information to the project meeting.In Castano Primo we brought all information together and wrote the whole project of “Independent Learning Method” which we tried out in all schools in 2008-2009.

Project Meeting and Headmaster Study Visits Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Roberta Schumana w Zespole Szkół Ogólnokształcących nr 7 w Sosnowcu, Poland, 17.10,2007– 22.10,2007Programme: -Meeting the local authority representatives and the Principal of the neighboring school. We introduced our partner schools and informally discussed the project, countries involved countries and the task we wanted to fulfill in the project in the following years. - At the first part of the meeting we discussed the tasks and shared the duties. We discussed the new tasks which were going to be done that year.The independent Learning Method was discussed in details by the Belgian coordinator. We all explained our point of views. - Slovak students joined the lessons at Polish school and compared the Slovak and Polish educational system.

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- At the second part of the meeting we discussed the methodology of our work used in creating the Independent Learning Method. We also discussed the system of evaluation of the reached results and the feedback.We decided to sent the list of tasks, projects which were held in each school by April 2008 by November 10th, 2007 We planned the scope of tasks which were discussed during the following project meeting in partner school in Castano Primo, Italy held from April 7th, 2008 to April11th, 2008 (Annex 2)

Project Meeting and Headmaster Study Visits

Insituto D'Istruzione Superiore "G.Torno", Castano Primo, Italy

The next planned Project Meeting and Headmaster Study Visits were held in partner school    from 7/4/2008 to 11/4/2008

meeting at school and working on the evaluation of  the second year of LLP project tour of the school -We visited and were shown round the school Visit of the Town Hall and meeting the Mayor Bulgarian students joined the lessons at Italian school and compared the Bulgarian

and Italian educational system. Guided visits to the neighboring cultural and environmental places of interest like

the city of Milan and the lake Maggiore planning of the activities for the third year of the project.(Annex2)

Activities  in 2008/2009   

Project Meeting and Headmaster Study Visits

Gymnázium Ladislava Novomeského Senica, Slovakia,

The fifth project meeting was organized in Senica, Slovakia from November 4th to November 7th, 2008

The Coordinator from the coordinating school Rob Rusch prepared ahead the tasks and the list of the aims which we wanted to reach. We evaluated the fulfilled activities, aims gained and also the questionnaires got to students and results gained. Later we summarized the tasks for the following year and divided the tasks among the partners.  We decided to send the LLM method reports from the teachers sharing the same grids (project grid, evaluation grid, detailed information grid), Annex 5-Grids.

We discussed the methods of evaluation of the gained knowledge and also evaluated and had chosen the best front page proposal for the Manual of ILM and the Book of   Activities – the final products of the project. The author of the front pages proposals is Jozef Kijonka, the student of Gymnazium L.Novomesky, Senica, Slovakia.

Annex 4-Front Pages

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The goal of the meeting was to make the list of the tasks possible to use in different lessons at different types of secondary schools so that we gained the real assessment of usage of this method.


We prepared the tasks for each partner for the following year and discussed the next project meeting in Mol, Belgium on April 20th to 24th, 2009

We decided to try to make the students exchanges with the countries we have not done yet as well as we would like to try to make the Skype contacts between schools.

The Project meeting fulfilled the aim. (Annex 2)

Project Meeting and Headmaster Study Visits

Rozenberg Secundair Onderwijs, Mol, Belgium on April 19th to 24th, 2009

- The final evaluation meeting - A meeting to evaluate and to write the final common report.- A meeting at the European Parliament in Strasbourg ,handing over The Manual of ILM to some members of the participating countries.- The meeting was held from Sunday April 19th to Friday April 24th, 2009




Kind of dissemination:

Each school

Articles in magazines

Senica, Razlog

Local TV and radio presentations

Senica Exhibitions of the results after the student exchanges, DVD-European Citizenship,

Power Point presentations at public activities at the Town Hall, Calendar 2008/2009, presentation at school 60 anniversary exhibition in December 2008

CDs - students exchanges from 2005-2008

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The Book and DVD of Activities, The Book of ILM method in Slovak Language and English language.

Participation in contest “Comenius Week“ in Bratislava May,2009

Each school

Workshops at involved schools other than the participating schools and associations e.g. during a Week of EPOS-LLP.

Each school

Public presentations as mini expositions, bulletins, essays, collages, posters, wall charts, etc. exposed in school and partly distributed to participating schools as well as to the neighbouring schools and associations.

Each school

EPOS-LLP- part on the website of the schools.

Comenius corner at the schools

The logo of our project, made by Castano Primo.

The Manual of ILM

Mol Dissemination of the booklet in participating schools, associations, libraries, schools in the neighbourhood, European contacts, the press,

GENERAL EVALUATION REPORT 19th – 24th April 2009

The question of evaluation was:“How do you intend to evaluate the progress of the project and its impact on the participating pupils and teachers, the participating institutions and, where relevant, on the local community?”

Evaluation Impact on participants1. Through use of various approaches such as: self-assessment questionnaires, questionnaires with target group (students, teachers, parents) and open-microphone meetings.2. Evaluation of attitudes by observation and self-evaluation. (SAM-scale, Scale for Attitude Measure)3. Regular meetings of participating teachers

1.Reflection, awareness, adoption,...

2. Reflection on the attitudes and improvement

3. Teachers reflect on:Where are we now?How do we know? (We collect data)What are we going to do next?

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4. Teachers-parents meetings

5.Yearly evaluation meeting with all participating schools on items as reaching the aims, ICT-skills, participation of the partners, dissemination,...

4. Parents feel involved in the project and can be critical friends.

5. Reflection, awareness, adoption of the participating schools.

Through the following evaluation you will find out that we evaluated in a more than proper way:

How did we reach our goals?The goal We reached it through:Our Project “European Citizenship” is aimed at developing an attitude of active European Citizenship within the school and exchanging culture and heritage, attitudes and values in order to compare participating countries.

Comenius day (Mol 2007) Workshops about Citizenship.Com Day WS 1.Knowledge Com Day WS 3.Role play about prejudices Com Day WS 6.Solidarity and justice.Questionnaires about the EU in each schoolProject work in all schoolsParticipation in the action against corruption ‘Clear Poland’Visiting Europe Direct Centre during project meeting, headmaster study visit and student exchange in SlovakiaExchangesKnowledge gained during the lessons on different subjects

We’ll find out how the cross-curriculum goal “education for the citizenship“ is reached in the participating countries as well as what it means for the students.

Questionnaire about subjects dealing with ”Citizenship and European Citizenship Education “

We’ll promote willingness to avoid prejudice within the E.U., increase tolerance, encourage democratic values and improve the communication skills and foreign language. The students will be able to develop specific skills of project

Pupil exchangesCreating ppt presentations, web pages, DVDs, videos, cds…Communication on the regular basisCom Day Work shops in EnglishCom Day WS 4.Command of the language

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management. Besides that, teachers will get involved in cross-curricular work. The project will contribute to sharing ideas and priorities, good practice and experience as well as a greater interest to active and social citizenship.

Com Day WS A discussion with a Flemish Euro-Parliamentarian in EnglishWeb pages written in mother tongue, as well as in EnglishCommunication through the exchanges ,questionnaires,Presentations and instructions given in English

We developed a three-year-scheme. Activities such as CD-presentations, questionnaires and surveys, meetings with politicians, debates, Skype-contacts will be an inseparable part of our work. During student exchanges we intend to analyze, compare and perfect our work. We also want to visit the European Parliament and meet Members of the Parliament.

Student exchanges 2007-2008Mol-Senica, Mol-Castano Primo, Mol-SosnowiecCastano Primo-Sosnowiec, Senica-Sosnowiec Student exchanges 2008-2009Mol-Senica, Mol-Castano PrimoSkype contact:Mol: ruschrob Italy: lucia.buratti2 Razlog: sayanova9988 Senica: jankovychova.a Sosnowiec: lo5.sosnowiec

Visits of the European Parliament in October 2008 and April 2009 with meetings with members of the participating countries:Belgium: Ivo BelletBulgaria: Raeva BilyanaItaly: Patrizia ToiaPoland: Małgorzata Handzlik Slovakia: Monika Benova

The results of the project will be disseminated. A booklet describing the content and methods of national and European Citizenship at school, CDs, a school website are supposed to show the necessity of such a project. We are sure the project will be of great importance for the students and the teachers.

CD-Rom: Presentation of the school, city and countryCD-Rom with memory pictures of exchanges and project meetingsComenius on the website of the schoolThe activities bookletThe booklet with projects of independent learning.

Concrete aims We reached these through:Finding out the current knowledge about the E.U. and the participating

Questionnaires and Workshops on the Comeniusday in Mol (2007) and

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countries. during exchanges (2007-2009)Communication on the regular basisPresentations of schools, town, countries, …Com Day WS 1.Knowledge Com Day WS Economic immigrationCom Day WS 5.”To get to know each other”Com Day WS Economic immigrationCom day WS A typical dishActivities done during exchangesVisits of the area during all exchanges, project meetings, and headmaster study visitsQuestionnaires about the EU

To create and try out the methods convenient to be used at learning process to reach the aim.

Questionnaires, workshops, Projects of Independent LearningCom day Workshops about Citizenship.Com Day WS 1, 2,3,5,6,8,9 and 10Questionnaires about the EU in each schoolProject work in all schoolsParticipation in the action against corruption ‘Clear Poland’Visiting Europe Direct Centre during project meeting, headmaster study visit and student exchange in SlovakiaExchangesKnowledge gained during the ILM lessons on different subjects

To find out if there is the cross-curriculum goal –“ Education for the citizenship“ in various types of secondary schools( general, vocational, technical ) and how other countries reach the goal.

Workshops, Projects of Independent LearningQuestionnaire about Subjects dealing with ”Citizenship and European Citizenship Education “

To find out what does “to be a citizen and European citizens “mean for the students

Workshops, Projects of Independent LearningQuestionnaire about Subjects dealing with ”Citizenship and European Citizenship Education “

To create the moral background of the European citizen.

Com Day WS Democracy in practice Com Day WS A chat with a Flemish Euro-Parliamentarian in English

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Role plays and projects, held at different subjects in all schoolsMeeting student parliament /the local advisor body of the Town Hall in Senica during the exchange with BelgiumOrganising voting for the member of Municipal Youth Council in Sosnowiec

To involve schools and other participants into cooperation.

QuestionnairesThe associated partners

To improve the communication skills in local and foreign languages.

Exchanges + ILM-projects

To promote willingness to avoid prejudice within the E.U.

Pupil exchangesCreating PPt presentations, web pages, DVDs, videos, CDs…Communication on the regular basisCom Day Work shops in EnglishCom Day WS 4.Command of the languageCom Day WS A discussion with a Flemish Euro-Parliamentarian in EnglishWeb pages written in mother tongue, as well as in EnglishCommunication through the exchanges ,questionnaires,Presentations and instructions given in English

To find out benefits of being a European citizen

Com day WS 3,5,6,8,9 and 12

The intercultural awareness will also be stimulated by student meetings and exchanges through which students will take part in the daily life of young people in the participating countries.

Student exchanges.Questionnaire 2 and 3

e-mail pen pals Senica- Sosnowiec, Senica –Mol for students 12,13 years old

Concrete aims for students We reached these through

To develop an attitude of active European Citizenship within the school and community.

Com day Workshops about Citizenship.Com Day WS 1, 2,3,5,6,8,9 and 10Questionnaires about the EU in each schoolProject work in all schoolsParticipation in the action against

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corruption ‘Clear Poland’Visiting Europe Direct Centre during project meeting, headmaster study visit and student exchange in SlovakiaExchangesKnowledge gained during the lessons on different subjects

To exchange culture and heritage, attitudes and values in order to compare and contrast participating countries.

Com Day WS 1.Knowledge Com Day WS Economic immigrationCom Day WS 5.”To get to know each other”Com Day WS Economic immigrationCom day WS A typical dishCom day WS 4,5,9,10 and 12Activities done during exchangesParticipation of the Bulgarian school in a national contestOpen lessons in Poland,Participation in Olympiad of Geography in SlovakiaRegional folkdances and music concert of the school in BulgariaMy town and my country in painting in Senica, SlovakiaVisits of the area during all exchanges, project meetings, and headmaster study visitsQuestionnaires about the EUGeographical features of the areas, countries…presented on the web pages and PowerPoint presentations

To create more confidence in the use of new technology for contacts, research and presentation and to encourage them to work independently.

Contact in pupil exchanges through the computerCom Day WS 1.Knowledge on computerWorking with digital camera, video camera, computerCreating PPt presentations, web pages, DVDs, videos, CDs…Emails and using software related to computer systems

To increase tolerance and encourage democratic values.

Com day WS 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9 and 11Com Day WS Democracy in practice

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Com Day WS A chat with a Flemish Euro-Parliamentarian in EnglishRole plays and projects, held at different subjects in all schoolsMeeting student parliament /the local advisor body of the Town Hall in Senica during the exchange with BelgiumOrganising voting for the member of Municipal Youth Council in Sosnowiec

To develop specific skills of project management.

Preparation of the project meetings and head teacher study visits

Preparation of the pupil exchangesTo improve language skills. Pupil exchanges

Creating PPt presentations, web pages, DVDs, videos, CDs…Communication on the regular basisCom Day Work shops in EnglishCom Day WS 4.Command of the languageCom Day WS A discussion with a Flemish Euro-Parliamentarian in EnglishWeb pages written in mother tongue, as well as in EnglishCommunication through the exchanges ,questionnaires,Presentations and instructions given in English

To bring the students into cooperation with local authorities and associations.

Preparation pupil exchanges

Meetings at town halls during exchanges and project meetings

To gain a better knowledge about the topics involved in the project.

Comenius day + pupil exchanges

To be a good host as well as a guest Pupil exchanges

Project meetings: pupils were hosted in host families

To learn more about: making reports, research work, gathering materials.

Reports of the pupil exchanges, the reports of the questionnaires,…

Concrete aims for teachers We reached these throughTo scope the content in each Preparation of the Comenius day

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subject dealing with the topic and the questionnairesTo specify the upbringing details which we want to reach

Preparation of the Comenius day, the questionnaires and the pupil exchanges

To scope the area of collaboration in cross- curriculum work

Preparation of the Comenius day , the pupil exchanges and the project meetings.

Create the methods to reach the goal.

A. Projects of independent learning B. Questionnaires.

11. To find out what does “to be a citizen and European citizen “mean for the students

12. To find out benefits of being a European citizen

13. To raise the awareness of national and European citizenship.

To exchange and improve methodological skills.

Projects of independent learning and questionnaires

To get actively involved in cross-curricular work.

Preparation of the Comenius day, the questionnaires, the pupil exchanges and the ILM-projects.

To obtain better IT skills, technological culture as well as become more fluent in foreign languages.

Comenius day + pupil exchanges

Contact in pupil exchanges through the computerCom Day WS 1.Knowledge on computerWorking with digital camera, video camera, computerCreating PPt presentations, web pages, DVDs, videos, CDs…Emails and using software related to computer systems

To band teachers for Europe. The whole project and especially the contacts between the teachers in pupil exchanges and the project meetings in Mol and head teacher study visits ( October 2006)and Razlog (April 2007)Sosnowiec ( October 2007),Castano Primo( April 2008) , Senica ( October 2008), Mol ( April 2009)

To disseminate the results of the The Comenius forum on the school

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project. website, school magazine, articles in the Press, local TV,

Parents and teachers meetingsTo encourage students to reach their aims.

Pupil exchanges and the workshops on the Comenius day

Concrete aims on the school and local community.

We reached these trough:

To identify shared problems, ideas and priorities through the exchange of knowledge, good practice and experience.

Meetings at the Town Hall in Castano Primo, Mol, Senica, Razlog during the project meetings and pupils exchanges

To generate a greater interest to active citizenship and social inclusion.

Meetings at the Town Hall in Castano Primo, Mol, Senica, Razlog during the project meetings and pupils exchanges

To show that European partnership and collaboration have positive effect on schools and local communities.

Through the dissemination of the project in the media

To raise the interest of non-participating teachers and students.

Presentation of the results for all members of the school

To increase the open-mindedness towards new approaches.

Com Day WS Democracy in practice Com Day WS A chat with a Flemish Euro-Parliamentarian in EnglishRole plays and projects, held at different subjects in all schoolsMeeting student parliament /the local advisor body of the Town Hall in Senica during the exchange with BelgiumOrganising voting for the member of Municipal Youth Council in SosnowiecPresentation of the results for all members of the school

To raise the awareness of national and European citizenship.

Through the questionnaire “What do young people mean by ‘European Citizenship’?”

Through projects of independent learning.

Which activities do you intend to carry out in the course of the project?

We carried out through:

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First year: 1.We make a CD-presentation of each school, city, region and country with extra attention for the mother tongue and English language and put it on the website of the school so that each school can load it down to get to know each other.

December 2006


2.To elaborate the common questionnaires and methods for research through questionnaires we try to find out:

2006 - 2007

A. the present status of citizenship education in different types of secondary education (general, technical, vocational) in each involved country and to map the differences in the participating countries/institutions

2007-2008We did some questionnaires in general, technical and vocational schools each school in its own city.

B. if there are subjects dealing with the citizenship and European citizenship education

March 2007

C. what students know and think about it.

March 2007

3. We analyse the questionnaires and put the results on the website of the schools.

April 2007

4. Compare the system of the citizenship and European citizenship education of all involved countries as well as the methods used while applying it.

April 2007

Second year: 1. To create methods how to reach the aim the citizenship and European citizenship education

Questionnaires 2007-20081. To find out what does “to be a

citizen and European citizen “mean for the students

2. To find out benefits of being a European citizen

3. To raise the awareness of national and European citizenship.

Projects ILM: previous booklet in 2007-2008 Final booklet 2008-2009

2. To try out the methods in Projects ILM: previous booklet in

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teaching process at various types of secondary education in each involved country


3. To elaborate the system of evaluation of the created methods – feedback questionnaires for students, teachers, parents involved in the project.

Each project meeting in April of each year we evaluated our way of working to improve our methods the year after.

4. By visiting, inviting,… local authority, associations, political parties, parliament … to get familiar with the activities of institutions which help to adhere the civil and democratic principles.

Each project meeting we had meeting at the town Hall in the participating cities.

5. Through student exchanges mediate the cultural and civil traditions in involved countries

There were exchanges with Mol, Senica, Castano Primo and Sosnowiec.

6. In the students exchanges we organize debates about various European problems and make students create projects on them.(e.g. corruption, School Festival “I am a Citizen of … !”, “Dream School”,…)

There were exchanges with Mol, Senica, Castano Primo and Sosnowiec.

Third year: 1. To create the common feedback questionnaires to let the students evaluate themselves how they reached the goal to be good citizens and European citizens

ILM projects the final booklet April 2009

2. During student exchanges we visit the European Parliament in Brussels and meet Members of Parliament and debate on European citizenship.

We visited the European Parliament with pupils in October 2008 and with the coordinators and principals in April 2009.

3. A booklet made by the students including the summary of the three-year-activities and results.

Booklet of activities.

Yearly activities

1.Student exchanges between the participating schools


Mol-Senica, Mol-Castano Primo, Mol-Razlog (Comenius day)

Senica-Razlog (project meeting Razlog)2007-2008Mol-Senica, Mol-Castano Primo, Mol-

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SosnowiecCastano Primo-Sosnowiec, Senica-Sosnowiec 2008-2009Mol-Senica, Mol-Castano Primo

2. Project meeting Senica 2005 – preparatory visit Mol October 2006, Razlog April 2007Sosnowiec October 2007, Castano Primo April 2008Senica October 2008, Mol April 2009

3. Headmasters study visitSenica 2005 – preparatory visit Mol October 2006, Razlog April 2007Sosnowiec October 2007, Castano Primo April 2008Senica October 2008, Mol April 2009

5. We put reports of the exchanges on the website of the school.


4. Students collect information and do research about:

A. National Citizenship in the curriculum

B.The European Union, past-present-future,

C.The opportunities and rights we have in the E.U.

D.The meaning of the European Citizenship

Students did not, teachers and headmaster did (Q1)Com Day WS 1 + Q2 and Q3

Com Day WS 1 + Q2 and Q3

Com Day WS 1 + Q2 and Q3

What kind of end product(s) do you intend to produce?

Date of reaching these end products.

1. The booklet of methods , moral background of citizen, summaries… about national and European Citizenship at school.

The summary of the questionnaires.

Previous booklet ILM projects(April 2008)

Final booklet ILM projects(2009)Final Booklet activities (2009)

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2. CD presentation, DVD” European Citizenship”


3. Comenius part on the website of the schools


4. Collages and posters on the projects of the exchanges.

Comenius room at the school in Sosnowiec is a perfect example.Other schools made a Comenius corner.Calendar 2007_2009 made in Senica

5. The visit and the debate in the European Parliament.

Comenius day Mol 2007 workshop with Belgian Euro Parliamentarian.

The visit to the European Parliament and having a meeting with members from all participating countries of the Parliament.(October 2008, April 2009)

How do you intend to disseminate the results, experience and end products amongst the participating institutions, other institutions and the local community?

Dissemination dates:

1. Articles in magazines 2007-2009School magazine and local media.

2. Local TV and radio presentations 2007-2009More in the Eastern Europe partner countries.

3. Workshops at involved schools other than the participating schools and associations.

2006-2009Comenius day in Mol, workshops in exchange weeks,Comenius week in Razlog.

4. Public presentations as mini expositions, bulletins, essays, collages, posters, wall charts, etc. exposed in school and partly distributed to participating schools as well as to the neighbouring schools and associations.

2006-2009After each exchange week in presence of parents and members of the local authorities.Art exhibitions of art exchange projects in Senica in 2007,2008 opened for public in Art galleryNumber of activities, the exhibition held in School 60-anniversary in

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Senica 5. Comenius part on the website of the schools.


6. Dissemination of the booklet in participating schools, associations, libraries, schools in the neighbourhood, European contacts, the press.

2009ILM booklet offered to all schools in Belgium through ‘KLasse Direct’ILM booklet in mother tongue offered the District Authority member and participating schools in Senica

We involved as much pupils as possible :To ensure equal opportunities for the participation of female and male pupils and staff?All students, teachers and staff must have the opportunity to participate in all projects!

T o promote intercultural education, and/or to help combat racism/xenophobia? Collaborating with the students of different ethnic groups, and the students with special needs.The title itself ‘European Citizenship’ shows that we want to work on a good citizenship which includes this item.

To facilitate the participation of pupils/schools who/which are disadvantaged for socio-economic or other reasons?If necessary solidarity must be built-in for, for instance financial problems, so that everyone can take part. Also e-mail projects with the participating schools are a possibility to participate everyone.

To facilitate the participation of disabled pupils and staff?- For those who have physical transportation problems can take part through e-mail projects that we created.- Trips must be organized so that those persons can participate

To enhance the participation of pupils from ethnic and other minority groups, in particular children of migrant workers, gypsies, travellers and occupational travellers?

If necessary solidarity must be built-in for, for instance financial problems, so that everyone can take part. Also e-mail projects with the participating schools are a possibility to participate everyone. If we are working on the item ‘minorities’ we will be motivated to related through our own experience, to

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organize workshops connected to their culture (dance, cooking, hairdressing, singing, music,…) and dissolve the prejudices towards them.

A description of the role of all participating institutions In preparation to the start meeting in Senica (2005) all partners wrote a proposal application in which the aims for the Comenius 1-project as well as the content of the project items were written down. About two weeks before the preparatory visit these application were brought together in one “preparatory application”. This application was sent to all participating schools had to read it, to make adjustments and to bring those to the meeting in Senica.

All participating schools were invited in Senica; they were represented by their co-ordinator European Projects.

Adjustments were made to the final application.

Each school carried a responsibility for a part of the Comenius project:

ActivitiesFirst year:

1.We make a CD-presentation of the school, city, region and country with extra attention for the mother tongue and English language and put it on the website of the school so that each school can load it down to get to know each other.

Each school

2.To elaborate the questionnaires and methods for research through questionnaires we try to find out: A. the present status of citizenship education in different types of secondary education (general, technical, vocational) in each involved country and to map the differences in the participating countries/institutionsSosnowiec

B. If there are subjects dealing with the citizenship and European citizenship educationSenica

C. What students know and think about it. Budapest

3. We analyse the questionnaires and put the results on the website of the schools.Each school4. Compare the system of the citizenship and European citizenship education of all involved countries as well as the methods used while applying it.Each school

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Second year: 1. To create methods how to reach the aim the citizenship and European

citizenship education Mol

2. To try out the methods in teaching process at various types of secondary education in each involved country

Each school

3. To elaborate the system of evaluation of the created methods – feedback questionnaires for students, teachers, parents involved in the project.


4. By visiting, inviting,… local authority, associations, political parties, parliament … to get familiar with the activities of institutions which help to adhere the civil and democratic principles.

Each school

5. Through student exchanges mediate the cultural and civil traditions in involved countries

Each school

6. In the students exchanges we organize debates about various European problems and make students create projects on them.(e.g. corruption, School Festival “I am a Citizen of … !”, “Dream School”,…)

Each school

Third year: 1. To create the feedback questionnaires to let the students evaluate themselves how they reached the goal to be good citizens and European citizensMol

2. During student exchanges we visit the European Parliament and meet Members of Parliament and debate on European citizenship.


3. A book of activities made by the students including the summary of the three- year-activities and results.Each school

7. The ILM bookEach school

Yearly activities

1. Student exchanges between the participating schools Each school

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2. Project meetings:

Mol October 2006, Razlog April 2007 Sosnowiec October 2007, Castano Primo April 2008, Senica November 2008, Mol April 2009

14. Headmasters study visits:

Mol October 2006, Razlog April 2007 Sosnowiec October 2007, Castano Primo April 2008, Senica November2008, Mol April 2009

5. We put reports of the exchanges on the website of the school. Each school

6. Students and teachers analyze data collected

Each school

The coordinator:He was the contact person among the coordinators in the partner schools. Beside this it was important that he paid attention that the project aims were achieved, that the deadlines for e-mail and other projects were followed and that the number of students and teachers that were involved in the project were as high as possible.

The coordinator made a report of the results and the updated every three months as well as prepared the yearly evaluation meeting.

He was also the contact person to the National Agency if necessary.

He was responsible for the progress of the project in his own school.

The partner associations:

1. The local authority- to gain the information how the public authority works2. Pro-Region to gain the information how non-profit association works , how to use funds to gain money for the public activities, to help to organize the planned activities3. Europe Direct Information Centre- to gain the information of EU countries, how the EU organizations work, where to find the help in EU countries in case someone has troubles in some EU country

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4. Parents Association – the financial help and the active participation of the parents of the students involved

Did the project intend to use information and communication technologies? If yes, what kind of technologies? How and to what extent will they be used? New methods of teaching on-line will be applied;

1. Internet – to gain the new information about the Socrates, and other information needed, web page placement

2. e-mail , chatting , skype ,…to exchange information among schools and participating institutions

3. MS Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Java Script ) – data compiling, graphs creating, CD presentations , web pages creating

4. Digital camera and digital video-camera – producing pictures, videos, DVD, web-video camera,

5. Projects of independent learning.

How did we ensure the active participation of pupils throughout the project 1. Students were involved in planning the activities, questionnaires creating , distributing, collecting , compiling and analyzing 2. Students created the web pages, multi medial CD presentations, graphs. 3. Students were active participants of new methods implementing at their learning process. They were the object of the new methods trying as well as the active participants during the lessons of the new method implementing 4. Students participated actively in receiving foreign guests as hosts.5. Students participated as guides at school, in the region and at cultural trips.6. They were the source of feedback information in evaluation processEvaluation was made through students and teachers feedback along with review of exchanged materials and gained knowledge; students anticipated to answer the questions on different sides of the project work.

How did we integrated the project into the curriculum of the pupils participating in the project at the institutions involved?Through our projects of Independent learning.Cross curriculum subject since year 2009/2010 in Slovakia in the New School Curriculum

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Finally, we can say that all the aims of the project have been fulfilled within three years of very active collaboration of all the participating partner schools. We have created a perfect international team who would like to continue in started work in future.Moreover, we managed to keep in close cooperation the parents, most of the teachers and even the members of local authorities, so that our project seemed to be attractive not only for students but also for other participants from collaborative schools.

This book of activities with the number of annexes, graphs, pictures, questionnaires and other additional materials shows plenty of activities held in this period.

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However, the most important was the main goal to create the Book of ILM method, which we hope would help not only our school to combine various activities in teaching process while deepening the awareness and understanding of the citizenship and European citizenship.

We hope the ILM book will help many involved teachers to master their teaching methods to reach the goal.