OECC AGM Weekend 2016 —Story page 3 (poster by Mike …OECC AGM Weekend 2016 —Story page 3...

VOLUME 21, NUMBER 3 May-June 2016 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Report from the Chair AGM Weekend Van Dusen ABFM VCB May Event BRBC 2016 Welcome to the OECC / The Boot/ At the Wheel UPCOMING EVENTS Tues. July 5, 2016 at 7:00pm— VCB Cruise In at 50’s Diner, 11951—95 Ave., Delta, B.C. Eat, socialize, show off your car. Please let Lorna know asap if you plan on attending at 604-584-2564 Tues. Aug. 2, 2016 at 6:30pm Annual Stewart Farm Picnic and Run, 13723 Crescent Road, Surrey, B.C. Bring a picnic dinner and enjoy the great surroundings of the Stewart Farm site with fellow VCB members. Contact per- son: Lorna 604-584-2564 (no need to pre-register) Tues. Sept. 6, 2016 at 6:00pm– Social night at Pajo’s Fish and Chips at Gary Point Park in Steveston, 12771- 7th Ave., Richmond, B.C. Plenty of free parking so bring your old British car! “I won- der if they’ll 2 3 6 7 8 10 OECC AGM Weekend 2016 —Story page 3 (poster by Mike Speke)

Transcript of OECC AGM Weekend 2016 —Story page 3 (poster by Mike …OECC AGM Weekend 2016 —Story page 3...

Page 1: OECC AGM Weekend 2016 —Story page 3 (poster by Mike …OECC AGM Weekend 2016 —Story page 3 (poster by Mike Speke) VOLUME 21,NUMBER 3 THE ROUNDABOUT PAGE 2 Well the biggest weekend

VOLUME 21, NUMBER 3 May-June 2016

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Report from the Chair AGM Weekend Van Dusen ABFM VCB May Event BRBC 2016 Welcome to the OECC /

The Boot/ At the Wheel

UPCOMING EVENTS Tues. July 5, 2016 at 7:00pm—VCB Cruise In at 50’s Diner, 11951—95 Ave., Delta, B.C. Eat, socialize, show off your car. Please let Lorna know asap if you plan on attending at 604-584-2564 Tues. Aug. 2, 2016 at 6:30pm Annual Stewart Farm Picnic and Run, 13723 Crescent Road, Surrey, B.C. Bring a picnic dinner and enjoy the

great surroundings of the Stewart Farm site with fellow VCB members. Contact per-son: Lorna 604-584-2564 (no need to pre-register) Tues. Sept. 6, 2016 at 6:00pm– Social night at Pajo’s Fish and Chips at Gary Point Park in Steveston, 12771- 7th Ave., Richmond, B.C. Plenty of free parking so bring your

old British car!

“I won-

der if








OECC AGM Weekend 2016 —Story page 3 (poster by Mike Speke)

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Well the biggest weekend of the year (June 4 and 5) has come and gone with in-

credible success. The Annual General Meeting with all its events (Luncheon,

Meeting, Mini-Monte and BBQ) on Saturday had over 40 members, from 4 Branch-

es, in attendance and went off with out a hitch and the Car Show on Sunday was

the largest one yet with 55+ fabulous cars and drivers, plus passengers, in attend-

ance. In addition, several hundred members of the admiring public filed through

the show area – passing on many complimentary comments. The weather was ab-

solutely fantastic for both days – possibly too good temperature-wise.

A big thanks goes out to all those members who volunteered throughout the two

functions. Your efforts were greatly appreciated and were absolutely essential to the overall success of

the entire weekend. Thanks also goes to the Tsawwassen Springs Resort and the Two Lions Pub for part-

nering with us to put on these two great events.

The Annual General Meeting addressed a number of club business items (Financial Budget, Regalia), the

most important being the confirmation of the Executive Committee officers for the coming year.

Other event highlights that occurred during the May / June period included the All British Field Meet at

Van Dusen Gardens on May 21 were a number of OECC members (see page 6) won awards for their fantas-

tic cars and the Masonic Lodge Car Showing (report in next issue –ed.) during the afternoon of June 20

where the residents were presented with 7 beautiful VCB cars to ogle and the drivers were rewarded with

ice-cold juice and delicious cookies.

Car related enjoyment will continue for July, August and September with the Events Schedule including

a Cruise-In (July 5) to a 50s Dinner in Surrey, the Stewart Farm Picnic and Run (August 2) (always a fa-

vourite) also in Surrey and the Gary Point (Pajos) Fish and Chips, Mini-Run (September 6) in Richmond.

I hope you all have a great fun-filled summer with your cars, however, please make it a safe one.


John McDonald

Chairperson, OECC-VCB

Report from the Chair

By John McDonald

British Invasion Show at the Two Lion Pub

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By Walter Reynolds & Alan Miles

Photos by Alan Miles


The Annual General Meeting of the OECC was hosted by the Vancouver Coast Branch and or-

ganized by Gerry Parkinson, Alan Miles, Michael Speke and Lorna and John Hoare, John con-

centrating on the Mini Monte.

The Year-end 2015 AGM meeting was held on Saturday, June 4, 2016 at the Tsawwassen

Springs Resort, Tsawwassen, not far from the Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal.

The event started before 1:00 pm with a ‘meet and greet’ at the Resort. This was followed by a

buffet-style luncheon. At 2:00 pm, the actual Annual General Meeting started. 40 members

were present. In the unexpected absence of Club President, Trevor Parker, Vice-President Ste-

phen Way chaired the meeting. With the “Administrative” items (approval of Agenda and 2014

AGM Minutes, recognition of Past Presidents and Branch Chairpersons in attendance) out of

the way, the 2015 Annual Report and 2015 Treasurer’s Report were presented and approved.

VP Stephen Way provided a summary of the Liability Insurance difficulties and renewal with

a new insurer.

The 2017 Officer Elections were held with second year terms being confirmed for President

(Trevor Parker), Vice-President (Stephen Way) and Treasurer (Anita Parkinson). No one vol-

unteered for the Secretary position. The Executive will have to conduct a ‘behind the scenes’

search for a volunteer.

The appointed positions were confirmed as: Registrar, Pat Sparks; Regalia, Michael Speke;

Brits Round BC, a volunteer Route Master is needed for the 2018 tour.

Awards were presented as follows: Oxo Cup

Award, Pat Miles, VCB; Montagu of Beaulieu

Award, John Clarke, VCB (absent); Link Tro-

phy Award, Walter Reynolds, VCB. The Mini

Monte Trophy was awarded at the BBQ.

The 2016 AGM would have normally been

hosted by the Kootenay Branch (who should

have hosted this year’s event), but will be

hosted in 2017 by the Central Island Branch

and will probably be timed to coincide with the

Branch’s “Brits on the Beach” event. The Koo-

tenay Branch will then host (to be confirmed)

the 2017 AGM to be held in 2018.

The meeting adjourned at 2:25 pm following

which Gerry Parkinson provided a brief description of what participants could expect on the

Mini Monte which would be starting within a few minutes of him completing his description.

John presents Walter with this year’s Link Trophy

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MINI MONTE – June 4, 2016

This year’s Mini Monte was organized by Gerry Parkinson, Alan Miles and John Hoare and as

stated above, started right after the end of the AGM at Tsawwassen Springs Resort. It wound

its way through Tsawwassen, Delta and Surrey, staying for the most part off of major busy

roads (hard to do nowadays in the lower mainland!). There were four stops along the way, Ger-

ry Parkinson’s garage, RWM Auto Restoration shop in Ladner, Watershed Park in Delta and

John Chapman’s garage in Surrey. Participants had to answer specific questions at each stop

as well as along the route. Fifteen cars took part in this year’s rally and we ended up with a tie

for the winner of the Mini Monte trophy. After much scrutiny it was decided that John and

Margie Moss of the Kamloops Branch had indeed answered the questions in slightly more de-

tail than runners up Ken and Adele Hedges of Central Island Branch. Congratulations to both


All in all it seemed to be a very successful Mini

Monte and we had many positive comments af-


BBQ DINNER – June 4, 2016

Following the conclusion of the Mini Monte

participants headed over to Ken and Pat Miles’

house in Surrey for the AGM BBQ. As usual,

Ken and Pat put on a great spread and with a

mini car show going on in the driveway it made

for a very nice ending to a fabulous day. Many

thanks to Ken and Pat for once again hosting

this event.


The car show was organized by John McDonald, Walter Reynolds, Christine Green and David

Ballantine. Parking space and amenities were provided by the Two Lions Pub which also pro-

vided a free breakfast to participating drivers. John was in charge of parking and Walter was

in charge of the ‘logistics’.

Set-up of the site started shortly after 7:15 am with parking volunteers arriving around 8:30

am. The parking volunteers were Gerry Parkinson, John Chapman, Tom Popovich, Gil Yar-

row, Allan Reich and Bruce Johnstone. Although not an OECC member, exhibitor Jerry

Mackey also donned a safety vest and did an hour of traffic duty. Richard Fishman arrived and

volunteered to help with the result being that he spent most of the day helping Christine at

the Registration Tent. David Ballantine also volunteered at the tent.

The promised VanCity tent arrived just after 10:00 am and provided welcome shelter for

Christine, Richard and Walter. Cars had started to arrive before 9:00 am and continued until

10:30 when the entrance was closed. Later in the afternoon 3 more British cars arrived for dis-

play but did not register. One of the three simply drove through the lot and left via the Exit!

56 British cars were recorded on display and as many as 39 VCB members shared the day

with us, 34 with cars and at least 5 without a British car.

Impromptu car show at the Miles’

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The heat of the day saw people chasing the shade outside or seeking refuge and refreshment in

the pub. The free breakfast for Exhibitors ended at 11:00 am with the introduction of the regu-

lar menu.

This was the third year for this show and, as in the first two, Hagerty Insurance provided a

“People’s Choice” Award and all the administrative paraphernalia to secure ballots. Voting

was open to Exhibitors and to the visiting public. 111 ballots were submitted with the Award

being presented (at the Presentation Ceremony) to David Price for his 1958 Aston Martin DB

III. Nigel Matthews, Hagerty’s Canadian Sales Manager made the presentation.

To improve the attraction of this year’s show, we also added Exhibitor ribbons for each exhibi-

tor plus three Class Plaques. The cost of the ribbons and the Class Plaques was covered 100%

by Taylormotive of North Vancouver. The three Classes were established based on the 2015

vehicle showing and were voted on by the Exhibitors. Plaques were presented at the Presenta-

tion Ceremony by Chuck Taylor, owner of Taylormotive, to:

Pre-1959 Class: David Price, 1958 Aston Martin DB III.

1959 to 1969 Class: Ken Hedges (CIB), 1968 Triumph TR250.

Post-1969 Class: Rory Banks (non-OECC member), 1982 TVR Tasmin 2+2 Coupe.

At the Presentation Ceremony, VCB Chair John McDonald presented John Clarke with the

Montagu of Beaulieu Trophy because he had not been present at the AGM the day before,

when the Award had been announced. John also presented Ric MacDonald with his 2015 Long

Distance dash plaque for the 6,000+ miles he drove his Morgan in 2015.

To close out the Presentation

Ceremony, Walter presented

Linda Harris (CIB) with a

mounted copy of the AGM-

weekend poster designed by Mi-

chael Speke.

John McDonald thanked all the

volunteers for their help and the

participants and attendees and

signalled the start of the 2016

Brits Round BC tour for those

participating in this 12-day tour

of the Province.

And, then the clean-up start-


Of special note on this day was the story told to me by Robert McMillin. He said that it was

such a nice day when he set off from Delta that he drove to the show by way of Mission and

Maple Ridge, a detour of 200 km.

John McDonald presents John Clarke with the Montagu of

Beaulieu Award at the Two Lions Pub

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This year’s All British Field Meet at Van Dusen Gardens was held on Saturday, May 21, 2016. The weather, while cloudy

for most of the day, stayed dry and it was a nice temperature for wandering around the park and seeing all the great Brit-

ish vehicles on display. We saw quite a few visitors at our Branch booth, selling some regalia and signing up four new

members. Thanks to all who volunteered to do a shift at the VCB booth.

Below are a list of this year’s VCB winners. Congratulations to all! If I have missed anyone please let me know and I will

rectify it next issue.



CLASS 04 – AUSTIN HEALEY 3000 (roll-up windows)

1st place—Michael DeWilde, 1964 Austin Healey 3000 Mk 3, Convertible

3rd place—Sarah Sanderson-Wilson, 1965 Austin Healey 3000, Convertible


1st place—Steven Kaufman, 1960 MGA, Roadster

3rd place—Robert McMillin, 1956 MGA, Roadster


3rd place— Mike McChesney, 1967 MGB GT


2nd place—Les Burkholder, 1969 Morgan 4/4, Convertible


2nd place—Tom Morris, 1969 Morgan Plus 8, Convertible

CLASS 51 – MORGAN DHC (1939-1969)

1st place—Les Burkholder, 1964 Morgan, DHCoupe

2nd place—Robert McDiarmid, 1965 Morgan Plus 4, DHCoupe


1st place—John McDonald, 1949 Austin A40 Devon, Saloon


3rd place—Rob Follows, 1933 Talbot, Tourer


1st place—John Pel, 1968 Austin A60, Pickup


1st place—Alan & Mary Lou Miles, 1962 Sunbeam Rapier SIIIA, Convertible


3rd place—Clifford R. Jones, 1969 Ford Cortina Estate GT

CLASS 61 – DAIMLER (All models)

2nd place—Vern Bastable, 1962 Daimler SP250, Convertible

(Photos by Walter Reynolds)

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VCB May Event Text and photos by Alan Miles

Our May 3rd visit to Electra Meccanica on East 1st Ave. in Vancouver was one of our best attended

events in quite a while with approximately 38 people showing up to hear all about the company and

their new electric vehicle The Solo. Co-owner Jerry Kroll gave an interesting talk on the history of

the company and their plans for the future and answered many questions posed by VCB members.

Founded in 2015 Electra Meccanica brings together Jerry Kroll, a socially responsible entrepreneur

and championship winning race car driver with a history of developing electric racing vehicles and

Henry Reisner, owner of Intermeccanica, whom many members will be familiar with as we have vis-

ited his company several times in the past. Intermeccanica has been hand building custom vehicles

since the 1950’s and with this new partnership is delving into the new world of electric cars with

their first creation, a single passenger commuter vehicle

called The Solo.

The Solo is intended to be a secondary vehicle for people to

travel around the city in and with a range of 125 miles be-

tween charges seems well equipped to fill this niche. As ap-

proximately 90 per cent of travel is undertaken with only one

person per vehicle the reasoning is that this will be a much

more economical and environmentally friendlier way to get

around town. The first edition of this new car, the Alpha Se-

ries, will be limited to 120 cars and will retail for $19,888.00

Cdn. with the first four completed cars, one in each colour

(red, white, black or silver) to be ready by late June. For a re-

fundable deposit of $250.00 a new Solo can be reserved in your

name by visiting their website

http://electrameccanica.com/reserve/ or in person at 102 East

1st. Avenue, Vancouver. While no completed cars were availa-

ble to look at there was a chassis on hand which many mem-

bers took the opportunity to sit in.

Many thanks to Gerry Parkinson for suggesting this event and

as always to Lorna for organizing it all.

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Brits Round B.C. 2016 (A VCB Perspective)

By Alan Miles

Photos by Alan Miles and Lorna Hoare

This year’s BRBC was organized by our very own Ken Miles and ran from June 5th

to June 16th. Starting right after the Two Lions show on the AGM Weekend partici-

pants drove up to Whistler for the first night of the tour. It was then on to Kam-

loops via the Duffy Lake Road, a fantastic driving day, hot and sunny with great

scenery to boot. After Kamloops and a nice evening out with members of the Kam-

loops Branch we all headed off to Jasper for another great day of top down motor-

ing. Unfortunately Kamloops was where we lost the first of two VCB cars on the

tour as the Shaw’s had to return home as Bart was not feeling well.

From Jasper it was on to Wetaskiwin, Al-

berta and a visit to the Reynolds Alberta

Museum, a highlight of the trip and well

worth the drive into straight road prai-

rie country. Here the weather turned a

bit and so did another VCB member’s

luck as John and Lorna’s TR8 got stuck

in 5th gear. Despite towing the car to a

friend’s home in Calgary and John

spending 11 hours working on it he was

unable to fix the car on the road and

they were forced to trailer it home cour-

tesy of a very nice member of the Edmon-

ton Classic Sports Car Club (who had al-

so hosted us all the night before for a BBQ). This unfortunate turn of events left us

with only four members with old British cars, one VCB (Mary Lou and I), two CIB

(Terry and Jerrie MacFarlane and Dave and Linda Harris) and two SIB (Rob and

Elaine Brodie and Wilf and Linda Craven) plus two daily drivers (Ken and Pat Miles

and Susan Jones and Richard Hunt). We were also joined at this time by two mem-

bers of the Edmonton Classic Sports Car Club for several days. (including new

Saying goodbye to Bart and Audrey in Kamloops

Reynolds Alberta Museum

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members Bob and Leslee Kosinski).

After Wetaskiwin it was off to Lake

Louise and some cold and wet

weather. The windshield wipers got

quite a work out this day but it was

all part of the fun of motoring in an

old British car, besides, this area

has some of the most beautiful scen-

ery one could ask for and great driv-

ing roads with very little traffic on

them. The next morning we awoke

to four degrees Celsius and wet rain

mixed with the slightest hint of

snow. Time to hit the road!

After Lake Louise we spent the

next two nights in Cranbrook host-

ed by Cliff Blakey and the Kootenays Branch. Cliff and his fellow members hosted a

wonderful dinner at a local restaurant, put on a car show for us and he and his wife,

Barb joined us for dinner the second night. The weather, while cool and windy,

stayed dry for the most part.

Our final three days were spent in Nelson,

Revelstoke and Kelowna. All three days

offered up great driving roads and the

weather was good for the most part with

the top up only on day two as I recall. The

final day saw us heading home from Ke-

lowna having decided to cut out the last

night in Osoyoos.

Although the numbers were less than usu-

al for this edition of Brits I must say that

Mary Lou and I thoroughly enjoyed our-

selves, the Rapier ran well and only came

home with a few new rattles to find

and fix. The sad part of course is the

fact that we lost two members along

the way but good to know Bart is on

the mend and John has got the gear-

box in pieces but tells me that Lor-

na’s incredibly busy social schedule

has not allowed him to fix it yet.

Many thanks to Ken for being this

year’s Wagonmaster and doing such

a fine job on the tour.

John and Lorna prepare to leave for home from Calgary

Car show in Cranbrook

Most of the gang in Wetaskiwin at the Reynolds Museum

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Chairperson: John McDonald

[email protected] 604-942-8223

Vice-Chairperson: Walter Reynolds

[email protected] 604-463-6305

Treasurer: Bernie Miles

[email protected] 604-943-0535

Membership renewals: mail to 207-4753

River Road West, Delta, B.C. V4K 1 R9

Membership Secretary: John Chapman

[email protected] 604-590-3749

New memberships and correspondence:

7923 144A St., Surrey, B.C. V3S 8C1

Immediate Past Chairperson:

Gerry Parkinson [email protected]


Event and Meeting Coordinator:

Lorna Hoare

[email protected] - 604-584-2564

Communications Coordinator: Alan Miles

[email protected]—604-272-2145

Roundabout Editor : Alan Miles

[email protected] - 604-272 -2145

Good & Welfare: David Ballantine

[email protected] - 604-980-4120

Website Editor: Alan Miles

[email protected] 604-272-2145


Two cool dudes, wind in

their hair, heading to the

AGM. Les and Carl hit the

open road in Carl’s 1964 MG

Midget. (Photo: Les Foster)

Four old farts (including your humble editor) looking at a 1954 British

made Atco Mower at the Coastal Swap Meet. After much encouragement

from the rest of us Gerry made an offer and said mower now resides hap-

pily in his garage. He and Carl got it up and running and it apparently

does a great job on the lawn. (Photo: Les Foster)

Congratulations to VCB mem-

ber Chris Green and her fellow

Spitfire owners Shelley Preston

and Lucy Rowley on being fea-

tured in the Vancouver Sun

Driving Section on June 17th in

an article by Alyn Edwards ti-

tled “Spitfire Girls Love Tri-

umphs” Chris and friends are

seen pictured with their Spit-

fires, one 1969 and two 1976

models. (Photo: Vancouver Sun)