October 1986

I$q Box 2211 3 TOFTEN Til ERROR - NEVER IN NUBTO Sunset cA 94122 erry rr_sEoween 86 LIFESTYLE INSURANCE: LIVING WITH SERVICE SCAMS AND WARRANTY WORRIES Those creative folks at Amerj-can Express have a scarey gift idea this Christmas. Buy any consumer goods with your Amex card and get a free warranty extension. Wowl Sounds great, huh? Especially if you're one of the conned-sumer lemmings prepared to dive into the retail sea of crappi-ness. After aII, every gift giver knows that whateverrs under the tree is going to go kaputski in no time - so might as well give the gift that keeps on giving - a bogus warranty extension! Ttre sad, sick and depressJ-ng aspect of such warranty offers is that they presume product disposability. Nowaddysr we not only buy merchandise but we're wilting to pay an upfront extortion charge to guarantee that it will keep running. This "lifestyle insurance'was born in the mid-seventies when people began realizing that the quality of life was no longer improving. The important thing was to make sure things didn't get any worse. As a result our idea of disasters was redefined. Earthquakes and cancer were badr-put were they really as tragic as losing your credit cards? In a three-pronged Continued on page 4 FROM th6 Ed.itor DECK THE HALLS WITH JACK OILANTERNS _ AS advocates of holiday deregulation, Lhe A&R Report joins in the celebration of merchandising retroactivity with this special "Merry Christoween" ish. Retailers who once had to wait until Thanksgiving to begin xmas selling manuevers can now kick off on October 3'1. For other holiday predictions see our recent article, "Why Not Easter Monday: Let's End Holiday Hangups!" (ish 22) I^lHorS THAT KNoCKINGAT MY DooR? - Though too late for our "Between Your Legs" ish we've recently learned that a major magazine publisher wiII soon test the waters with the ultimate service magazine - rrwcrr - a bi-weekly aimed at "bathroom readers". Known as "On the John" in the trade, the rag is expected to emphasize grooming, and lifestyles. The prototype ish (which contaj-ned samples of scented toilet paper) featured an interview with comedian Jack Carter, a self-help feature on in-grown toenails, and a consumer report on shower radios. AIso expected, a waterproof version for the bathtub. Convention plans continue to simmer as we get reardy for A&R-86 - the second annual Spring A&R convention. Don't forget to order your t-shirts to wear at the clambake (see back of Hot & Happenin'charts). TiIl next ish - ed. 1986 A&R


Lifestyle Insurance, Wake Up & Cry revue,Hot & Happening, Disability Software

Transcript of October 1986

Page 1: October 1986


B o x 2 2 1 1 3 TOFTEN Til ERROR - NEVER IN NUBTO Sunse t c A 9 4 1 2 2erry r r_sEoween 8 6


Those creat ive fo lks at Amer j -can Express have a scarey g i f t idea th isChr is tmas. Buy any consumer goods wi th your Amex card and get a f reewar ran ty ex tens ion . Wowl Sounds g rea t , huh? Espec ia l l y i f you ' re one o fthe conned-sumer lemmings prepared to d ive in to the reta i l sea ofc rapp i -ness . A f te r a I I , eve ry g i f t g i ve r knows tha t wha teve r rs under thet ree i s go ing to go kapu tsk i i n no t ime - so m igh t as we l l g i ve the g i f tt ha t keeps on g i v ing - a bogus war ran ty ex tens ion !Tt re sad, s ick and depressJ-ng aspect o f such warranty of fers is that theyp resume p roduc t d i sposab i l i t y . Nowaddys r we no t on l y buy merchand ise bu twe ' re w i l t i ng to pay an up f ron t ex to r t i on cha rge to gua ran tee tha t i t w i l lkeep running.Th is " l i f es t y le i nsu rance 'was bo rn i n t he m id -seven t i es when peop le beganreal iz ing that the qual i ty o f l i fe was no longer improv ing. The impor tantth ing was to make su re th ings d idn ' t ge t any worse . As a resu l t ou r i dea o fd isasters was redef ined. Ear thquakes and cancer were badr-put were theyrea l l y as t rag i c as l os ing you r c red i t ca rds? In a three-pronged

Cont inued on page 4

FROM th6 Ed.itorDECK THE HALLS WITH JACK OILANTERNS _ AS advocateso f ho l i day de regu la t i on , Lhe A&R Repor t j o ins i nthe ce leb ra t i on o f merchand is ing re t roac t i v i t yw i th th i s spec ia l "Mer ry Chr i s toween" i sh .Re ta i l e rs who once had to wa i t un t i l Thanksg iv ingto begin xmas sel l ing manuevers can now k ick of fon Oc tobe r 3 '1 . Fo r o the r ho l i day p red i c t i ons see ou r recen t a r t i c l e , "Why

N o t E a s t e r M o n d a y : L e t ' s E n d H o l i d a y H a n g u p s ! " ( i s h 2 2 )I^ lHorS THAT KNoCKING AT MY DooR? - Though too la te for our "Between Your Legs"i sh we ' ve recen t l y l ea rned tha t a ma jo r magaz ine pub l i she r w i I I soon tes t t hewa te rs w i th the u l t ima te se rv i ce magaz ine - r rwc r r - a b i -week ly a imed a t"bathroom readers" . Known as "On the John" in the t rade, the rag is expectedto emphas ize g rooming , and l i f es t y les . The p ro to type i sh (wh ich con ta j -nedsamples of scented to i le t paper) featured an in terv iew wi th comedian JackCar te r , a se l f -he lp fea tu re on i n -g rown toena i l s , and a consumer repo r t onshower rad ios . A Iso expec ted , a wa te rp roo f ve rs ion fo r t he ba th tub .Convent ion p lans cont inue to s immer as we get reardy for A&R-86 - the secondannua l Sp r ing A&R conven t ion . Don ' t f o rge t t o o rde r you r t - sh i r t s t o wear a tt h e c l a m b a k e ( s e e b a c k o f H o t & H a p p e n i n ' c h a r t s ) . T i I l n e x t i s h - e d .

1 9 8 6 A & R

Page 2: October 1986

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6* An6el Grpus- Chitli

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.fl*.t.,on<- he re9 was one of the best synopses of the sub-

ject that I have read. I'm often struck byhow ill-informed the medical professionand the general public are about this com-mon ailment. Where the public is con-cerned, hemorrhoids aren't considered atopic of polite conversation and so won'tget much coverage in the general-interestpress. As far as my colleagues are con-cerned, they are to be excused since Idon't recall any education about the topicat my medical school.BOSTON

I vn qDnna Scate

hell oot sr you{5,JrgLrn n, l|o tt1'olqr rrr



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Page 3: October 1986

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Page 4: October 1986

Rde California

using your IBM PC!"

IntroducingTry Rate.Tbe first.IBM

PCEFSemeverthat ratespemanentdisabilities"a h r y W

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lHrqd.AFqb&d.b- l#t - .L&. t - -dtLFt|x|g.Hs f f id

Permanent Disability Claimsin 5 minutes


l&d f f i lE3.u4nUbalitu.6rd |dFr18. |& .a-e&eJb|4d .bh f f iEdF*-l&6tEEqf'-E.dda.lryt

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Lllt'omenr /*arysr]Wonder ing i f you got top dol lar f romyour insurer for that c iushed ver tebrae?I f you ' ve qo t a pC o r compa t ib le th i s i n foi s a t you r f i nge r t i ps (o r shou ld we savd is ta l pha langes? ) . And don ' t v ro r r y a6ou ts ta t i s t i ca l sca t te r , t h i s menu_dr i v3nmother wi l l take programming in to thef ina l f ront j_er - data management of yourown des t ruc t i on . Where e l i e bu t t heGol-den State?Nex t i sh - we rev iew 7 -L I , s Mov ieeu ik !

"L i f es t y le Insu rance" con t i nued f rom page 1

a t tack , t he money -movers took advan tage o f t h i s sw i t ch i n p r i o r i t i es .F i r s t , t he merchand ise caba ls began cha rg ing fo r t he i r own obso lescence . I fyou can buy j -nsurance for your prostate, why not for your new cappucinomaker? By sho r ten ing war ran t i es and c rea t i ng " se rv i ce con t rac ts " , consumersbegan foot ing the b i l l for the ever-predic table product breakdowns. Thebeaut i fu l feature of such serv ice contracts was that the fur ther theconsumer was f rom the date of purchase, the more l ike ly he was to renew h isserv ice contract . Four years af ter you bought the Kenmore washer-dryer ,Sears cou ld s t i l 1 be p i ck ing up you r spa re change .The second gang of rnoney-grubbers to cash in on l i festy le paranoia was thet ranspor t i ndus t r y . Us ing a Ka r l -Ma lden men ta l i t y , t he a i r l i ne /c red i tcompan ies gave us an image o f " t rave l i ng as d i sas te r " and so ld the who leth ing - f l i gh t i nsu rance , t rave le r r s checks , f o re ign med ica l cove rage ,rent -a-car waivers - as an appeal ing package for paranoids away f rom home.(Expec t t e r ro r i s t / sky jack ing i nsu rance nex t yea r . )Th i rd , and f i na l l y , t he moneyg loms s tepped in w i th the i r ve rs j -ons o fI i f es t y le p ro tec t i on - c red i t ca rd and ATM ca rd i nsu rance . Lose you rp las t i c , have no fea r - j us t ca I I t he to l l - f r ee number and you r l i ab i l i t y i sl im i ted . No ma t te r t ha t f ede ra l and s ta te l eg i s la t i on a l ready p ro tec ts thecredi t consumers, the banks can st i l l squeeze some d inero out o f unknowingc a r d - u s e r s .The resu l t o f t h i s e f fo r t i s a men ta l c i r cumven t ion o f t he b reakdowns ,the f t s and ab ras i veness wh ich we ca l I modern l i f e . The i nv i s ib le sh ie lddoesn t t seem to cos t much - bu t i t i s an i nc red ib l y l uc ra t i ve i ncome fo rthose who p rey on ou r power lessness and consumer fea r . I n t oday ' s pa rano ida n d d i s i n t e g r a t i n g w o r l d , i f y o u ' v e g o t t h e b u c k s , i t d o e s n ' t m a t t e r i f l i f es u c k s .The resu l t o f a I I o f t h i s f i nds the consumer aga in he lp less l y f o rk ing ove rmoney for noth ing - buy ing in to a fu ture which may not ex j -s t - pay ing ford i sas te r p reven t i on se rv i ces and to repa i r p roduc ts wh ich shou ldn ' t b reakdown in the f i r s t p lace . Wha t ' s nex t - w i f l we pay to gua ran tee thedel ivery of our nev/spaper or to j -nsure the taste of our food? Wi l - t we star tinsur ing our insurance? You might want to ponder these quest ions as youbr ing your pasta maker in to the author ized repai r shop.

Page 5: October 1986

R**'Hot & HAppENfNGi I

_.jj? [:lly s*,y Tlrm$$l--- -n'ri-,:Y- rrr rr r ir r rr r rr r r---qr-rrrr

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i 11 u sh 's Gudi.nce

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II di - - r - l a l | ,lThe 1l"r ntnq- booL + rvr.Dutea J

i 1t\gxian au{ on!.,.[F you lolc'5on

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booL itl show

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