October 11, 2013 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency ...€¦ · October 11, 2013 Mr. Andrew Nichols...

October 11, 2013 Mr. Andrew Nichols Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Voluntary Investigation and Cleanup Program 520 Lafayette Road St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 Re: Soo Line Dump Site – 2013 Annual Soil Cover Inspection Dear Mr. Nichols: This letter has been prepared on behalf of Canadian Pacific to summarize the results of the 2013 Annual Soil Cover Inspection at the Soo Line Dump Site (the Site) as part of ongoing Site maintenance while the UECA is finalized. As noted in the MPCA-approved Remedial Action Plan Implementation Report (Barr, Oct. 2007): Additional activities at the Site include annual inspections of the [soil cover] for two years, with corresponding documentation to the MPCA. The first site inspection was performed in the Spring of 2007, with the second planned for Spring of 2008; both events occurring following the final snow melt. Both inspections will include a complete site walk with photos of the condition of the soil cover. If necessary, repairs will be performed to minimize the potential for future erosion. Annual inspections have continued while a deed restriction for the Site has been prepared. Representatives from Barr Engineering visited the site on July 16, 2013 in order to evaluate erosion of the soil cover. Key findings of the inspection are summarized below. Roadway: The road which crosses the soil cover does not show signs of undue compaction; no significant erosion was observed. Vegetation: In general, vegetation coverage is very good. Both the northern and southern slopes are well-covered, and the hot spot excavation areas show nearly complete vegetative coverage. In the ditch located west of the consolidated waste area, which was graded in 2011 as part of the stormwater utility improvement, vegetative cover is at approximately 80%. The vegetative cover is sufficient to prevent erosion throughout the Site. Erosion: No erosion was present on the consolidated waste area. The utility improvement in the ditch located west of the consolidated waste area was successful in eliminating erosion in the area. Fences: The chain-link fence is in place and competent. In my professional opinion, there are no deficiencies in the soil cover that need to be actively addressed. A photo log illustrating key observations of the inspection is attached.

Transcript of October 11, 2013 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency ...€¦ · October 11, 2013 Mr. Andrew Nichols...

Page 1: October 11, 2013 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency ...€¦ · October 11, 2013 Mr. Andrew Nichols Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Voluntary Investigation and Cleanup Program

October 11, 2013 Mr. Andrew Nichols Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Voluntary Investigation and Cleanup Program 520 Lafayette Road St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 Re: Soo Line Dump Site – 2013 Annual Soil Cover Inspection Dear Mr. Nichols: This letter has been prepared on behalf of Canadian Pacific to summarize the results of the 2013 Annual Soil Cover Inspection at the Soo Line Dump Site (the Site) as part of ongoing Site maintenance while the UECA is finalized. As noted in the MPCA-approved Remedial Action Plan Implementation Report (Barr, Oct. 2007):

Additional activities at the Site include annual inspections of the [soil cover] for two years, with corresponding documentation to the MPCA. The first site inspection was performed in the Spring of 2007, with the second planned for Spring of 2008; both events occurring following the final snow melt. Both inspections will include a complete site walk with photos of the condition of the soil cover. If necessary, repairs will be performed to minimize the potential for future erosion.

Annual inspections have continued while a deed restriction for the Site has been prepared.

Representatives from Barr Engineering visited the site on July 16, 2013 in order to evaluate erosion of the soil cover. Key findings of the inspection are summarized below.

Roadway: The road which crosses the soil cover does not show signs of undue compaction; no significant erosion was observed.

Vegetation: In general, vegetation coverage is very good. Both the northern and southern slopes are well-covered, and the hot spot excavation areas show nearly complete vegetative coverage. In the ditch located west of the consolidated waste area, which was graded in 2011 as part of the stormwater utility improvement, vegetative cover is at approximately 80%. The vegetative cover is sufficient to prevent erosion throughout the Site.

Erosion: No erosion was present on the consolidated waste area. The utility improvement in the ditch located west of the consolidated waste area was successful in eliminating erosion in the area.

Fences: The chain-link fence is in place and competent.

In my professional opinion, there are no deficiencies in the soil cover that need to be actively addressed. A photo log illustrating key observations of the inspection is attached.

Page 2: October 11, 2013 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency ...€¦ · October 11, 2013 Mr. Andrew Nichols Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Voluntary Investigation and Cleanup Program

Mr. Andrew Nichols October 1 1. 20 13 Page 2

A deed restriction has been submitted to MPCA. Once the deed restriction is approved by the MPCA,

Canadian Pacific will request project closure; however, annual inspections will continue. If you have any

questions, please contact me at 952-832-2974 or by email at [email protected].


r�� Eric Lund, P.E. Project Manager

Enclosure- Photo Log

C: Ms. Aimee Zack, Canadian Pacific

P:\Mpls\23 MN\2712327055 Soo Line Dump\WorkFiles\Site lnspections\20 13 lnspection\20 13 Inspection Letter Soo Line Dump Site.doc

Page 3: October 11, 2013 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency ...€¦ · October 11, 2013 Mr. Andrew Nichols Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Voluntary Investigation and Cleanup Program

Photograph Log2013 Site Inspection: Soo Line Dump Site

Canadian Pacific; Shoreham Yard

P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\2327G55 Soo Line Dump\WorkFiles\Site Inspections\2013 Inspection\2013 Soo Line Dump Site Photo Log.xls

Photo 1: Northern face (toe) of Soo Line Dump Consolidated Waste Area: Looking Northwest.

Photo 2: Northern face (toe) of Soo Line Dump Consolidated Waste Area: Looking East.

Page 4: October 11, 2013 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency ...€¦ · October 11, 2013 Mr. Andrew Nichols Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Voluntary Investigation and Cleanup Program

Photograph Log2013 Site Inspection: Soo Line Dump Site

Canadian Pacific; Shoreham Yard

P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\2327G55 Soo Line Dump\WorkFiles\Site Inspections\2013 Inspection\2013 Soo Line Dump Site Photo Log.xls

Photo 3: Top-central portion (including road) of Soo Line Dump Consolidated Waste Area: Looking West.

Photo 4: Northern portion (including road) of Soo Line Dump Consolidated Waste Area: Looking Southwest.

Page 5: October 11, 2013 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency ...€¦ · October 11, 2013 Mr. Andrew Nichols Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Voluntary Investigation and Cleanup Program

Photograph Log2013 Site Inspection: Soo Line Dump Site

Canadian Pacific; Shoreham Yard

P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\2327G55 Soo Line Dump\WorkFiles\Site Inspections\2013 Inspection\2013 Soo Line Dump Site Photo Log.xls

Photo 5: Vegetative cover in utility improvement area; Looking North.

Photo 6: Outfall of Utility Improvement: Looking North.

Page 6: October 11, 2013 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency ...€¦ · October 11, 2013 Mr. Andrew Nichols Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Voluntary Investigation and Cleanup Program

Photograph Log2013 Site Inspection: Soo Line Dump Site

Canadian Pacific; Shoreham Yard

P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\2327G55 Soo Line Dump\WorkFiles\Site Inspections\2013 Inspection\2013 Soo Line Dump Site Photo Log.xls

Photo 7: Former SB00-132 Boring location; Soo Line Dump Site: Looking North.

Photo 8: Former SB00-170 Boring location; Soo Line Dump Site: Looking North.