Oceanic forests

Theory of Oceanic forests By: Jorge Benavides

Transcript of Oceanic forests

Page 1: Oceanic forests

Theory of Oceanic forests

By: Jorge Benavides

Page 2: Oceanic forests

Are there ocean forest?

Yes, this is known as deciduous forests. This forest is the only one who can or is closer to the characteristics of an ocean.

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Deciduous forest

Consisting of the deciduous forest of tall trees formed with straight trunk and smooth large leaves. This forest type has few species. Most features are oak or "Carballo" and beech. In the understory ferns in damp and gloomy caused by treetops. This landscape you can find it in areas with oceanic climate, precipitation Rainfall is abundant, exceeding 800 mm per year. The maximum rainfall receives in winter and minimum in summer, although they are well distributed throughout the year. Rivers have a minimum in summer and a maximum in winter, reaching overflow occasion of catastrophic rains in autumn or winter.

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Distribution of deciduous forest in the world

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The oceanic forest entirely there but there is a forest that has similar characteristics.

My theory was proven

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• http://www.taringa.net/posts/imagenes/4966049/Bosque-oceanico.html

• http://www.icarito.cl/enciclopedia/articulo/primer-ciclo-basico/ciencias-naturales/organismos-ambiente-y-sus-interacciones/2010/03/25-8860-9-bosque-caducifolio.shtml

• http://asl-cayetana.blogspot.com/2008/11/bosques-ocenicos.html

• http://wikinatu.wikispaces.com/BOSQUE+OCEANICO• http://

html.rincondelvago.com/bosque-caducifolio-templado.html• http://yessi156.blogspot.com/2007/12/bosque-ocenico.html• http://www.slideshare.net/gonchyxhacker/bosques-caducifolios

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Oceanic Forests

The kelp forests are one of the most beautiful views of planet Earth. Forests sub -aquatic algae dense and long , incredibly, are not difficult to confuse with a forest of pine if you have a little imagination .

These ecosystems are considered among the most varied and dynamic in the world , serving as home and food source for tens of thousands of species of animals and insects and vegetables. The kelp is a set of macro-algae certainly surprising in itself , reaching each specimen to grow between 20-80 meters , in some varieties , being able to grow a foot per day. Why become a highly nutritious food source and abundant .

While common throughout the Pacific and even recently discovered a kelp forest in the tropics , something considered unlikely until a few years ago , is in the vicinity of California where the most spectacular forests , such as near the San Clemente island , stretching for tens of kilometers .

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