Occupational Identity and Satisfaction - Rebecca Rainforth


Transcript of Occupational Identity and Satisfaction - Rebecca Rainforth

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Page 2: Occupational Identity and Satisfaction - Rebecca Rainforth

I enjoy getting out in the garden to do the weeding when the weather is fine. It is a good form of exercise, as well as being therapeutic. My daughter usually likes to help out as well.

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Part of my identity involves doing some form of exercise. At the moment, I am learning kickboxing through OUSA twice a week. Doing exercise gives me great satisfaction as it helps to maintain my overall health and wellbeing.

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This is what I consider to be my primary occupation - being a mum to my 5-year old daughter Renee. As part of being a mum, I love creating outdoor experiences for her to enjoy.

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Part of my occupation of being a mum involves teaching and nurturing my daughter as she continues to grow and learn. I started reading to her when she was very young and now she reads to me as part of her school homework.

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I have just signed up at my daughter’s school as a parent helper to help run the Perceptual Motor Program. This enables me to be a part of my daughter’s learning, as well as becoming involved within the school community.

(Google Images, ar129662370182142.jpg, 2013)

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I work part-time as a support worker within the community, enabling people with disabilities to remain independent in their own homes. This enables me to earn an income, whilst being involved within the community to help people with their ADL’s.

(Google Images, disabilityservicesweb.jpg, 2013)

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My occupation of tramping incorporates my passion for the great outdoors of New Zealand and my love of the environment. My upbringing involved going on day walks with my family, which my partner and I try to carry on with our daughter.

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Another occupation central to my identity is being a student. I am studying to become an Occupational Therapist, and being a student is another one of my primary occupations alongside being a mum.

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A large part of what makes me who I am is my own values and beliefs. My mum instilled her Christian values, and my dad instilled his nature values in me collectively. I have moulded both of these values and beliefs into my own, by practicing them in my own way.

(Google Images, FootprintsInTheSand.jpg, 2013)

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A large part of who I am includes where I come from, and who has laid the foundations for me. I am a mum, partner, daughter, sister, and aunty, just to name a few roles. Knowing who I am and where I come from defines what I am, and who I will become!

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Google Images. (2013). ar129662370182142.jpg. Retrieved from http://activerain.com/blogsview/2113367/having-a-blast-as-a-parent-helper-at-plymouth-nursery-school-in-des-moines

Google Images. (2013). disabilityservicesweb.jpg. Retrieved from http://www.dcsi.sa.gov.au/pub/Portals/0/About%20DFC/Careers/disabilityservicesweb.jpg

Google Images. (2013). FootprintsInTheSand.jpg. Retrieved from http://www.cardboiled.com/ecards/search.jhtml?q=footprints+in+the+sand&x=-330&y=-156