Occasional Paper (Afro-Asian Lit)

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  • 8/9/2019 Occasional Paper (Afro-Asian Lit)


    The Hindu Ideals of Man and Woman

    According to Hindu, Marriage is not a contract; it is the reunion of two souls. Many

    people, nowadays, still believe that marriage is a big life-time commitment of two people to each

    other; it is a responsibility of the given opportunity of love. Connecting it to the Hindu ideals of

    man and woman, of course, a woman is wishing to be married to an ideal man and on the other

    hand, a man is also wishing to marry to an ideal woman. In Hindu religion, there are these ideal

    characteristics for every men and women that are expected for them to show. As we have

    discussed in our class and as Ive read some articles, these ideals characteristics are greatly

    shown by the characters of some of the famous stories in India; some of these are the characters

    from the two of most great epics of India, Ramayana and Mahabharata.

    The Ideal Man

    Rama, the main protagonist of the epic, Ramayana, is referred to be as an ideal man. He

    is the seventh reincarnation of the Hindu god, Vishnu. In the epic, it is clearly seen that Rama is

    a kind of man who shows excellence in his duties as a prince and as a warrior. Also, he is a very

    brave and courageous man who is not afraid to fight demons and evils. He is regarded also as a

    selfless man who is very thoughtful and kind. An obedient son that even though his father

    fathers wish is against to him, he still obeys it. A very loving man to his family. A devoted and

    protected husband to his wife, Sita. A very respectful man and when it comes to physical aspects,

    he is a physically fit and strong man.

  • 8/9/2019 Occasional Paper (Afro-Asian Lit)


    The Ideal Woman

    Sita of Ramayana, some know women of Mahabharata, and Shakuntala are regarded as

    the ideal women of Hindu religion.

    Sita, being a not materialistic, brave, determined, faithful, devoted, strong-willed, and

    physically fit wife of Rama, made her regarded as a Hindu ideal of woman.

    Ive read an article that a Hindu ideal woman knows and should take care of even a little

    garden for her to water the plants. Also, she should have love for animals. This instances shows

    that a Hindu ideal of woman being close to the nature. In the story of Shakuntala, the main

    protagonist, who is an adopted daughter of a hermit, is said to be a nature lover and this

    characteristic of her made her an ideal woman. Theres a passage in the story wherein Shakuntala

    is about to leave the hermitage and it seems that the plants and trees which she used to water are

    in mourn of her departure. Also, the deer fro the hermitage is also seems to be weeping of her

    departure. This only shows how a nature lover Shakuntala is. It seems that these non-talking

    living creatures are admiring her so dearly and this is what truly makes her an ideal woman.

    Savitri from Mahabharata is also regarded as an ideal woman. Shes the woman who

    followed and conquered death to bring back her husband. Her braveness and her wit made her as

    one of an ideal woman.

    As an addition of the characteristics of a Hindu ideal woman shown by some characters

    from Hindu epics and story, Ive read some articles that also talk about many characteristics of

    Hindu ideals of woman.

    These articles identified that the Hindu ideals of woman being: one who walks in maiden

    sweetness with innocence in her mind, and modesty on her cheek; her hands should seek for

    employment/work and her foot does not delight in idle wandering abroad; she would be clothed

  • 8/9/2019 Occasional Paper (Afro-Asian Lit)


    with neatness; she is fed with temperance and should be humble and meek enough; she should

    have the decency in her words; she should walk with prudence and work with virtue; her eyes

    should speak softness and love; she should presides in the house and there is peace; and, caring

    the family should be her delight.

    As an ideal woman became a mother and a wife, she should know her duties: she should

    be skillful in household affairs; devoted to her husband; should also view her husband as her first

    of friends; also, she should be the root of religion, profit, and desire; root of salvation; can

    perform religious acts; can lead domestic lives; she should informs the minds of her children

    with wisdom; in adversity, she heals the wounds of fortune with patience; in prosperity, she is

    not puffed up; and, should be a responsible one.


    Pondering on the characteristics of the given characters from some of the famous epics

    and story on India, and list of characteristics given by the various articles about the Hindu ideals

    of man and woman, people can say that this kind of ideals, does not only exist in this religion it

    also do exist in the many minds of people. Even non-Hinduist people are also looking for this

    kind of men and women. Of course, many women are surely looking for a man like Rama and

    many men are probably looking for a woman like Sita, Savitri, or Shakuntala. Another thing also

    is that non-Hinduist people have what they called as standard in choosing their partner. This

    phenomenon of having standard for choosing partner is unavoidable but then, for some instances,

    these standards set by them are disobeyed due to some reasons. The difference of Hindu ideals of

    man and woman from the standard of non-Hinduist people is that the Hindu ideals are in the

    accordance of the Hindu religion and beliefs that shouldnt be disobeyed because of their belief

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    in karma and of their belief that the Hindu god of death, Yama, will surely take the souls of those

    who would disobeyed from these Hindu ideals.

    Connecting this Hindu ideals of man and woman to the sanctity of Hindu marriage, of

    course, a Hindu man wouldnt mind choosing and marrying a woman who isnt ideal for being a

    true Hindu woman because it would bring shame and dirt on his name. A Hindu woman, on the

    other side, wouldnt mind also to be married to a man who cannot support or cannot love and

    take care of her in return. These ideals are of much importance and should be obeyed as dictated

    by the religion and their belief.

  • 8/9/2019 Occasional Paper (Afro-Asian Lit)


    Afro-Asian Literature

    An Occasional Paper on

    The Ideal Man and Woman of Hinduism

    Submitted By:

    Rocillo, Michelle G.11-14 BSE English

    Submitted To:

    Prof. Ruth Alido