Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1909-11-30 [p...

I i i J- I I t c t e- Ii j I OCALA EVENINGSTAR TUESDAY NOV M Pt J1909 iIJ T Joo h r i r I 1 Jt r I ii EVENING STAR- C L Bittlngcr and R R Carroll Editors and Publishers I C L BITTIXGER Editor R R CARROLL Business Manager- TOM STOVALLS BEAR TRAP Aquarter of a century ago there liv- ed ¬ In Ocala in the home of his father Irijlaw Tom Stovall known as little in comparison with his larger brother Wallace Stovall now the edi- tor ¬ and proprietor of the Tampa Tri- bune ¬ For a number of years the two brothers traveled together uniting their labors and their fortunes In the newspaper business The boys set type- on Col Tom Harris Ocala Free Press later embarking In journalism for themselves when they started the Lake Weir Independent in the palmy days- of the orange industry on its shining shores and when everybody there and agreat many in Ocala thought if they could start a chautauqua on that beau- tiful ¬ ukc every mans fortune in the enterprise would become midas But the scheme proved a dismal failure and the Stovall boys lit out for greener fields and pastures new Wallace go Tng to Sumterville where he became J proprietor the Sumterville Times while Tom retraced his steps to old Kentucky where he became the pro- prietor ¬ of the Elizabeth town News f Ton 1 prospered sold out and went to Waylleld and started a department store and did better We are remind- ed ¬ of all this beacuse of a slip of pa- per ¬ from the Mayfield Press which re- futes ¬ at length how a gang of thieves were working in the culinary depart- ment ¬ of many homes in the place and among them Mr Tom Stovalls home where flour Jiams and canned goods just melted away Tom got an idea ill to his head so cunningly deposited d bear trap in a partially depleted bar- rel of flour and it bore fruit in the immediate capture of one dusky dls jjojjer and shortly afterwards of two 0 others all of whom were convicted and are now doing time In a penal institu- tion ¬ of the state V Buckshot who pulls the cord over the short to Homasassa tells the fol- lowing ¬ alligator adventure He said a year ago Mr Udell the excheese king of Utica N Y who has fallen in love with the picturesque and romantic beauties of that section is making his home In that paradise and speuds his K >are time in hunting and fishing A year ago he wasfishing In the waters of the Chasnhowitzka and dropped his waterbury in the water The other day n party of hunters were roaming the wl ds or that section and came across a good sized gator He became the J target of their deadly shots and when stretched out in his everlasting sleep they examined him and noticing a huge lump in his throat It was lanced and out dropped a waterbury watch < and on picking It up found the watch ticking away the minutes for dear life and It surprised the hunters and spec- ulation ¬ grow rife as to the why of the wherefore of said remarkable inci ¬ I dent The theory Is now that It is Mr Udells watch and the gator seeing the shiny timepiece In the water pounded z on 1t as a titbit swallowed It but in fS tead of touching his pallet with a sense of a dainty morsel the watch lodged In his gullet and the action of j the muscles of his throat so acted on the winding stem of the watch that Jt Siept the tlmepeace wound and that Is why It was found running on time Ayeiv passed through Ocala Isterday on his way to Esmerald Isl 1 nd Lake county where he has pur- chased ¬ the fruit on a number of or- ange groves and is picking and pack Ing same Mr Ayer having been rais- ed In a Lake Weir grove Is a good judge of fruit and has a keen eye for estimating tho number of same on a tree and the Star Is pleased to know JMr Ayer Is having a successful sea- son ¬ Mr L B Ayer is a son of our popular and efficient tax assessor- Mr Cramer the New South Farm H9me company who arrived here JS Jjeral weeks ago from Chicago ha- sgoneut to where the new town ot- DirroonJc Is to arise amid the pines of ithft flafwoods in the Fort McCoy sec- tion ¬ and Is laying out town lots and tracts of land He expects to be at it all the winter t The notice published abQut MrvL- LAlken I being an inmate of the hos pHalyvvas a mistake as he Is still at the ihome of his daughter Mrs Roo E Brlgance and doing quite well though still suffering from the paralytic stroke received several weeks ago The Ocala delegates to the state convention qt the W C T U that meets In Plant City tonight for a three days session left this afternoon con- sisting ¬ of Mrs H C Packham prosl- jdenfspf < the Ocala union and Mrs G W Iartln chairman and organlzer of theNoyal legion Mrs T E Bridges is also a delegate but was not fully nre- j > ared to go Mrs C L Bittinger tate chairman of narcotics and also appointed a fraternal delegate by the federation of womens clubs ow Jng to unforseen circumstances Is de- tained ¬ at home ri C9 R F Rogers of Lynne filled his appointment at the Fort King Baptist church Sunday to a full house The year Is up and Col Rogers desires to Vacate the pulpit mr it Is so far to come but the people want him to con- tinue ¬ He Is an excsllent preacher Mr Charles H White of Plant City has beeji In town visiting his son Joe Vghlte with Martin Cam Mr Whlte > 25 years ago was a prosperous i merchant at Whitesville now Sum merfleld and later a resident of Ocala His friends are always glad to see him The German last night at Yonges Hall was well attended and greatly en- Joyed Messrs John H Taylor and Stephen Jewett led the dance and had as fpartners Mrs Taylor and Miss Clara Gray of St Petersburg The gown worn by Miss Gray was the pro ¬ duct of the looms of the land of the sphinz purchased there nearly a year ago by her father Rev C M Gray when ho made his trip to theholy land It was lace net over chiffon and In It looked decidedly charming be Inga Aery winsome and pretty young J lady a decided brunette Mr and Mrs j m W Tucker furnished the music- l1ithalE was suitably decorated Sev erai new figures were introduced and all in all It was a most enjoying oc E caslon for those present Mr HIbbert Weathers is the new bookkeeper for the Teapot Grocery p Mr Smith the former bookkeeper transferred his services to the whole- sale ¬ S grocery house of Jake Brown i v MARKET ANNOUNCEMENT- Stall No 5 city market will open Wednesday December 1st in charge- of Henry Holland with the best meats that can be had In the state of Flor ¬ I ida Tie beeves will come from the Munroe Chambliss stock farm where they were raised and fattened for the block Those who have enjoyed first class Florida fattened beeves know what the consumer can expect at stall No 5 Remember the announcement- and give the meat a trial for there will be none more tender or savory THE WHITE STAR TRANSFER COMPANY Cheapest and best dray in the city We solicit your patronage Satisfac- tion ¬ guaranteed Phone 296 ITS A CRIME to neglect your health The worst neglect that you can be guilty of is to allow constipation biliousness or any liver or bowel trouble to continue- It Is poisoning your entire system and may lead to a serious chronic disease Take Ballards Herbine and get abso- lutely ¬ well The sure cure for any and all ttouble3 of the stomach liver and bowels Sold by all druggists HARNESS MENDED Harness of all kinds mended or new parts made where desired Also saw filing done Apply to J T Simmons at Tompkins Cobbs stables t FRESH SEEDS- We have In our fresh supply of re ¬ liable garden and flower seeds for fall planting Tydings Co SKILLED PAINTING- I am prepared to take any job of painting no matter how large or how small or how fide the work desired may be I hae the material brushes- and knowledge to paint and do 11 right Houses painted inside and out Graining gilding hard oil finishing varnishing and lettering and sign painting Taste and skill guaranteed Address P O Box 135 or leave word- at the Star office K W FHIyaw I Ocala Fla tf NO CASE ON RECORD There Is no case on record of a cough or cold resulting in pneumonia- or consumption after Foleys Honey and Tar has been taken as it will stop your cough and break up your cold quickly Refuse any but the genuine Foleys Honey and Tar in a y6llow package Contains no opiates- and Js safe and sure Sold by all druggists TAX NOTICE- By order of the city council thecity- tax books will positively close Decem ¬ ber 1st after which a penalty of 10 per cent will attach W W Clyatt City Tax Collector FOR SALE CHEAP- A desirable building lot on North I Second East Adams street opposite- the Jewish synagogue Address Box 180 city HORSES FOR SALE Three horses all different prices cheap for cash Apply to D M Boney city I DATE WAS CHANGED > t The date of the auto race between- Mr Ed Carmlchaels arid Mr Jack Camps cars has been changed from Wednesday afternoon to Friday after- noon ¬ at 330 This change was made necessary owing to the indisposition of Mr Gus Haley who will drive Mr Carmlchaels car 1 Dont forget the big show next Sat ¬ urday night at the Armory Theater The one best minstrel bet In season Coburns Greater Minstrels Always reliable enjoyable and with clean fun comedy bright music and entirely- new features and people each season The members of Cobes company have to be wide awake energetic and hard workers from the time the cur- tain ¬ I rises and the result Is always a firstclass rollocklng hustling enpay I able performance Dont forget the parade and bind concert at noon There is no game law against any one hunting for PLANKS CHILL TONIC Its guaranteed to cure ma- laria ¬ chills and fever Price 25 cents per bottle Ask your dealer hell probably know- R L Mathews with R L Parks on the old George Tyler place had his hand badly lacerated with a circular saw I If you have noticed symptoms of kidney troubles do not delay in taking- the most reliable and dependable rem- edy ¬ possible such ns DeWitts Kidney and Bladder Pills These wonderful pills are being used with great satis- faction ¬ by thousands of people Try DeWitfs Kidney and Bladder Pills to- day ¬ Sold by all druggists LAKE WEIR EIGHTEEN MILES FROM OCALA Hotsto Rent Woodma on the t Bluff Overlooking the Lake GOODWIN BUNGALOW Furnish ¬ ed modern plumfftng running water acetylene gas 10 per week ARGYLE COTTAGEFurnished- running water 5 per week BLAIR VILLATo rent on Octobsr 1 for the winter furnished running water modern plumbing acetylene- gas 25 per month I David S Woodrow Holder Block Ocala Fla Have you seentne new visible Fay Sholes typewriter R C Davis 6 Co general agents FOR SALE 1526 pine boards 1x10x7 13650 cy ¬ press slats x3xl26 1780 14x3x7 Apply to C P Moore care Ocala Lumber Supply Co FURNISHED ROOMS > r1Ighl housekeeping bath and vail conven- iences ¬ Apply at SI North Magnolia street i DeWitts Little Early Risersthe safe sure gentIesy lltfl liver spIlls Be sure to get DeWIttUt CarbCHzed Witch HazeISaIv the or5ginal2UAl ¬ ways refuse substitutesflnd imitations- The original DeWitts Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve s goodfor anything a salve is used if or butJt is especially good for plies Sold by all druggists AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH At the Baptist church Sunday the Rev H E Gabby took for his theme Witnesses for Christ and founded his remarks on Acts 15 Ye shall I be witnesses unto Me He spoke of the necessary qualifications of a wit ¬ ness that he should be truthful and to be believed that in giving evidence hearsay or mere opinions were not ad missable but that evidence must be pure facts under the knowledge of the witness He spoke of the results of evidence for Christ and quoted Agrlp pa who after listening to the evidence- for Christ as given by Paul exclaimed almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian Mr Gabbys discourse contained many beautiful and apt il ¬ lustrationsthe Pharisees trying to incriminate Christ for healing the blind man by trying to get thje man to say it was the word of Satan but the man stood by the one great fact that whereas once he was blind now he could see That was thy only evi ¬ dence he could truthfully give of the identity of Christ he knew nothing- Mr Gabby said the word witness and the word martyr in the Greek lan gugage were almost identical and spoke of the evidence for Christ as given by hundreds of the early Chris ¬ tians who suffered martyrdom at the stake He said that the highest at- tainments ¬ of science today were all evidence for Christianity and that when a man said that science contra ¬ dicted the teachings of Christ he sim- ply ¬ knew nothing about science Two oung men were to be roommates at collegethe one an Infidel the other a pronounced Christian The infidel no- tified ¬ his roommate that there was to be no prayers or Bible reading in that room but the other called his atten ¬ tion to the fact that he owned one hajf of tbe room and could do as he pleased wit It at the same time ac ¬ cording the same right to the other So day after day and night after night- at I appropriate times the Christian on his side of the room read and prayed For a long time the man on the other side of the room jeered and scoffed but finally unable to withstand the evidence of the Christian witness he became converted and today is known all over the world as one of the greatest missionaries since the day pf Paul The sermon was listened to and en Joyed by a large and attentive con- gregation ¬ Just before the sermon a notice was read stating that Mrs Mary Harris Armour the great Georgia apostle of prohibition and whose eloquent voice has been heard in every important- city of the United States would be in that church on on Tuesday evening December 7th to deliver an address- on her favorite topic As the public Invited the congregation is urged to be on hand early if they expect to get seats WONT SLIGHT A GOOD FRIEND- If I f C ever I need a cough medicine again I know what to get declares Mrs A L Alley of Beals Me for after using ten bottles of Dr Kings New Discovery and seeing its excel ¬ lent results in my own family and others I am convinced It Is the best medicine made for coughs colds and lung trouble Every one who tries- It feels just that way relief is felt at once and its quick cure surprises- you For bronchitis asthma hemor ¬ rhage croup lagrlppe sore throat pain in chest or lungs its supreme 50c and 1 Trial bottle free Guaran ¬ teed by all drug- glssCASTOR IA lor Infants and Children Tin KM You Hay Always Botjht B1rstheS- Ignature of- DOU ctI LICENSE DUE The city dog license tax Is now due and animals not properly licensed and tagged will be taken up in compliance with law C A Dinkins Marshal LOSTA goldbar breastpin heav ¬ ily engraved Finder will please re ¬ turn to Star office and receive reward- A TINY BABY cant tell you in words what the trou- ble ¬ is but if its complexion gets pasty if it gets weaker and weaker loses flesh and is cross and peevish- you can be certain that it has worms Give it Whites Cream Vermifuge guaranteed harmless Expels the worms and puts the baby in a healthy normal condition Sold by all drug ¬ gists HORSES AND MULES FOR SALE- I have just received a carload of fine Kentucky horses and mules extra nice animals among them some matched teams and saddle horses All are guaranteed to be firstclass stock Come to the lot on West Exposition- street next to the John Martin cigar factory building and look them over before they have been sold out I will make the prices right Respectfully Hugh J Nichols NOTICE OF SALE Notice is given that pursuant to an order of the judge of the Fifth cir- cuit ¬ of Florida I will receive bids for the turpentine location now in my hands as receiver known as Irvine Place consisting of all of the prop ¬ erty timber timber rights turpen ¬ tine leases and personal property be ¬ longing to said location said bids to be In writing and will be received by me at Irvine Florida up to the 6th day of December 1909 the said prop- erty ¬ to be sold for cash- D J McEachern Receiver This Nov 22nd 1909- NOTICE The registration books of the city were revised November 2nd 1909 by the city council and the following names strickenWard No1- C H Shaw W W Stripling W H Clark Ward No 2 L Dozier E C Dorsej F C Dor ¬ sey E P Guerrant J C Geiger Sam Hoffman W J Lohrig F J Lovell H E Leavengood E E McLin H D Palmer AV H Powers S A Rawls Robert Taylor Ward No3- L Bitting A L EichelbergerE L Freyermuth W A Kallenberger- C L Moore W O Massey4 C V Roberts Edward Sweat R A Witter Ward No4 SJ Tones W C Moore J T Moore Council will hear complaints Decem ¬ ber 7th for the restoration of names stricken H C Sistrunk Clerk and Supervisor oj Registration of the City of Ocala 1 > WOMANS DEPARTMENT = AT THE COUNTY FAIR The following were the exhibits in the Woman s Department of the Ma- rion ¬ County Fair for the year 1909 Mrs W AI Gist Mclntosh Pick I les jellies jam preserves crystalized orange lard candy cornbread decor- ated cake Mrs W E Allen Mclntosh SWrt bureau scarf kitchen apron lace handkerchief embroidered center ¬ piece tie ends Mi3 Annette Gist McIntoshShirt- waist farcy bag night gown corona ¬ tion braid center piece pickles pep ¬ per sauce Miss Elizabeth Gist Mclntosh Fan ¬ cy apron fancy gal ters embroidered- towel embroidered handkerchief Mrs JL I Gist Mclntosh Embroid- ered ¬ centerpiece work bag drawn work centerpiece shirt waist lace border for handkerchief tatting pin- cushion handkerchief case tie ends I photo frame preserves jellies chow chow and canned fruits Mrs J K Christian McIntosh Knitted quilt sofa pillow baby cap Mrs James Means Mclntosh Cot ¬ ton quilt chemise Mrs A L Grant Mclntosb Calico dresses short skirt gents night shirt Mrs J S Thomas McIntoshCan- ned ¬ corn fig and plum preserves- Mrs R E Flewellen McIntosh Sponge cake preserves and pickles Mrs X A Flewellen Mclntosh Centerpiece embroidered Mrs G A Flewellen McIntosh I Silk quilt caramel cake Mrs G T Flewellenj McIntosh I Knitted cape lace handkerchief Mrs J S Neal McIntoshCanned- fruits I preserves pickles- Mrs W R Brown McIntoshBu- reau ¬ scarfs fancy bag garters point lace handkerchief fancy scarf em ¬ broidered towel Mrs M I Smith Mclntosh Pillow sUpsMrs W R Granger McIntosh Handkerchiefs- Mrs j J Y Petteys McIntosh Handkerchiefs crocheted mats head I restMrs Dixon Irvine Orange Lake Montmelteck centerpiece silk quilt embroidered lunch cloth cut work cloth I Mrs R R Whittington FJemi 11 ton Plum jelly huckleberry jellypre serves chowchow pickles v Mrs Cogewel Belleview Drawn work tray cloth hemstitched handker- chiefs ¬ Mrs F G Buhl Shady Preserves canned fruits and vegetables jellies I apron crocheted centerpiece drawn wbrk childs dress embroidered cen- terpiece ¬ I ta Mrs W R Bryant Belleview Pre- serves ¬ pickles- Mrs A M Lamb Belleview Wov- en ¬ bedspread Mrs W M Shockley Lowell Pre ¬ serves jtllies sweet and sourpickles Mrs E T Becker HolderEm broldered centerpiece Mrs Sloan LoyelU SparrPive- s pickles chowchow knitted wool- en ¬ gloves knitted woolen baby mits crocheted mats Mrs J C Johnson SantosBed- quilt embroidered childs dress em ¬ broidered centerpiece knitted slip- pers ¬ corset cover point lace handker- chief ¬ baby dress pickles preserves jellies catsup- Mr Peter Durisoe Connor Four bottles candidates delight cabbage palmetto pickles- Mrs N H Boswell Dunnellon So- fa ¬ pillow embroidered piano cover Mrs Morrow DunnellonBureau scarf drawn work Miss Cleo Johnson Dunnellon Fancy work Miss Gfossie Fletcher Dunnellon Embroidered centerpiece- Mrs George Neville Dunnellon Point lace baby cap Mrs Castel Dunnellon Embroider ¬ ed napkin rings embroidered center- piece ¬ Mrs W A Guthery StantonSofa pillow Mrs H W Long Martel Baby cap drawn work apron embroidered cen ¬ terpiece fancy mats hemstitched handkerchief drawn work center- piece ¬ Mrs Morton Douglass ShadyPickl- es ¬ preserves chowchow jam jellies canned fruits and vegetables grape juice cordials guava butter huckle ¬ berry butter and other good things Ocala ladies who had exhibits in Womans Department Mrs Donald Ferguson Pillow cas ¬ es crocheted mats pillow cover wire grass work Mrs S L BittingKnitted bed spread knitted stockings Mrs James SimmonsCotton quilt cradle quilt silk quilt centerpieces- towel leather work Mrs J H McClymondsEmbroid ¬ ered bed spread woven counterpane biscuits light rolls Miss Pauline Sullivan Cut glass embroidered centerpiece Mrs G T Maughs Crocheted mat braid mats embroidered centerpiece crocheted centerpiece- Miss Sara DavisCrayon drawings embroidered shirtwaist Mrs Willie JohnsonCrocheted centerpiece preserves jam pickles catsup jellies Mrs L YonceBedcpread Miss Fannie Carlisle Sofa pillow Mrs Wm Hocker Crocheted and embroidered lunch set A Syrian ladYCrocheted caps Mrs Annie Alken Two dolls Mrs W L Qolbert Fancy hand bag crocheted mats dresser set washstan set baby sacque boots mittens 1tc chaLKUidies baby hood tatting dtawn work centerpiece Bat t tenbufcgl cenidrpJece pillow top cro- cheted edging tatting yok rind Inser ¬ tion apron handkerchiefs and Other fancy work Mrs Edna Blair Preserves jellies pickles catsups vinegar sofa pillow canned fruits and vegetables Miss Annie AtkinsonPoint lace collar tatting edge and other tatting articles bureau scarf Mrs W W Clemmons Quilts boy doll girl doll embroidered center- piece Mrs H C PackhamSofa pillow crocheted Afghan shawl Mrs C W HunterBaby sacque Mrs S R PylesSoap preserves jellies chowchow catsups pickles canned goods mayonaise dressing pickled eggs spiced fruits crystalized grapefruit stuffed cantaloupes pick- led ¬ walnuts wines cordials peanut butter sauces jam marmalade syr ¬ up etc lightbread cornbread Boston brown bread plum pudding and butter and other good things too numerous- to mention Miss Catharine Pyre Complete toilet set Mrs 0 T Green Vinegar pre- serves ¬ jellies oil paintings- Mrs Bettie DorseyLace handker- chiefs ¬ Mrs G W Martin Guava jelly Miss Theo WallisEmbroldered- corset cover Mrs A P GeigerQuilt- Miss Ophelia SawtelleCandy- cakes decorated cake Mrs E L eYCrocheted slip- pers ¬ kitchen apron sun bonnet fan ¬ cy scarf quilt drawn work napkins samples of darning- Mrs H H DosdelCrocheted- childs dress drawn work childs dress crocheted tidies apron sofa pillow baby sacque baby cap Mrs Frank Drake Decorated cakes crocheted quilts handpainted- sofa pillow water color paintings Mrs J M MefEert Jellies canned guavas loaf of lightbread- Mrs W WolfEmbroidered center- pieces ¬ Mrs JewellVinegar wine honey pickles preserves jelly cannel fruits and vegetables catsup light bread and rolls Mrs George DavisGuava jelly crocheted edging Mrs John E Bailey Embroidered baby dress and cap e Mrs W D hetstoneLace corset cover lace handkerchief point lace collar point lace yoke point lace cuffs cut work collar embroidered- dress I panel Mrs Robert Blake Embroidered centerpiece knitted bed spread knit- ted ¬ lace doll Miss Irma BlakeEmbroidered dress crayon drawings- Miss Stella ClaytonTie case made of glass ard ribbon Mrs A A Winer Bread and rolls Mrs James MoorheadMarmalade- jam preserves grape juice jellies canned fruits vegetable dressing tor meats crystalized grapefruit grape- fruit ¬ pickle carrot preserves paper flowers Mrs Rosa Bopher Quilts pickles catsup preserves Mrs J tRbertsonCrocheted ta ¬ ble set crocheted collar handker ¬ chiefs tidies baby sacque woolen coverlet rug i Mrs A E GerigSet embroidered napkins Mrs J H TaylorTwo sets of elab- orately ¬ embroidered sheets and pillow- cases Mrs TD LancasterTatting baby dress cap collar cuffs etc crocheted- lace and other articles Mrs Jerry BurnettEmbroidered centerpiece and baby sacque Mrs C R TydingsDrawn work bureau scarf pillow shams center- piece ¬ table cover etc two lovely I Mexican shawls Miss Annie Davis Hemstitched handkerchief baby dress Mrs M E WallaceSofa pillow crocheted mats tatting collar Mrs John FreyermuthPickles- preserves jelly canned fruits plum butter Palmetto Stock FarmPreserves jelliees jam catsups pickles grape juice canned fruits and vegetables marmalade apple butter sauces soap dolls etc Mr John BrooksTwo handcarve alligators Specials- The oil painting sent to the fair by- a Dunnellon lady whose name the writer failed to learn elicited much praise Mrs Sloan Lovell of Sparr exhibited- two pairs of woolen gloves knitted from wool cut from Florida sheep raised by Mrs Lovell The elegant handpainted sofa pil- low ¬ and the water color paintings of Mrs Frank Drake were greatly ad ¬ mired Little Miss Irma Blakes embroider- ed ¬ dress received many compliments Mrs Otis Greens oil paintings add ¬ ed greatly to the attractiveness of the womans room Alice Colbert the six year old daughter of Mr W L Colbert made- a calico quilt top for the fair The sewing was excellent Among the curiosities were two ex ¬ quisite Mexican shawls owned by Mrs T3dings this city The beautiful toilet set made by Miss Catherine Pyles the twelve year old daughter of Mr and Mrs S R Pyles was a work of art I Miss Josephine Bullock remembered- the fair by sending one of her beau ¬ tiful oil paintings An Indian Girl Miss Bullock is attending school in Nashville Tenn and is making spe- cialty ¬ of oil painting She is an ar ¬ tist of unusual ability Mrs Bosticks hats and Mrs Ai I IJ J J I- IZ i lfl J j 1 11 1 I J 1 < s- rLCilii loi F st 0 v v- r < v J A l y 4Merb t Smith Rob pt s t V i EMBALMEXS FUNERAL I1NE- CCap1k v Liie oi Caskcls aidkrr J Cra iatcl Emla ers aid Uidcrlakcrs b- brue P II UikI W4- j OCALA FLORIDA f l 2 f II J A NEW ENTERPRISE + q > Jr f y >> FOR OCALAt Ao C THE OCALA DEVELQPEMiENT COMPANY will sell you rfome in Ocala Will sell you a lot and build a house planned by j you Will guarantee the title and njT the insurance You pay little more than rent Now ready for business t SEE J1 Jil FORTllN1ONDL1CK1r t rn I b PARK HOTEL Jacksonville Fla European Plan4 Rates 1 per day and up Rathsk I t J I and Cafe in Connection J EP THAGARD MANAGER 111 l J h IlL J I j- a to- I J p ODhe Wind You Have Always Boughtand which has beiJ In use for over 30 years has borne the signature and liaLbcen made under Iris per n sonal supervision since Its infancy Allowno one to deceive you in tnls Counterfeits Imitations and Justasgood are lint j Experiments that trifle with and endanger the hea1tht Infants and ChildrenExperience against PCthIOIiJ i What is CAST RIA j Castoria i9 a harmless substitute for astor Oil Par O fecrlc Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance Its age is its guarantee It destroys Worms and allays Foverishness It cures Piarrhosa and TVind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures and Flatulency It Assimilates the Food IcguIatestliQS- tomach and Bowels giving healthy andmtuillepT- he Childrens PanaceaThe Mothers friend fi4- i 1 av CENUINE CASTORIA ALw4 Mars the Signature of JI f TIm KM You Hae Always bgn In Use For Ovr 30 Yedrs THC CCNTAUH e Mpurr rr OUHRAT > wtrr- OH KTW YOTT ad ii lL I- jj 4 f j U MEAT f ai i d < t r t and after November 1st We have recently completed our f NIWICEPLANTW- e now have modern machinery DUPLICATED THROUGHOUT less- ening ¬ danger of breakdowns We have experienced men in charge- If you will observe precautions in killing hogs which we advise in our circular letter write us if you did not receive one we are sure You will not haye any damaged or spoiled meat FRO3IOURPIiANT We are not strangers to you and we hope to be here In bilSle Jtor the remainderof our days which we dan only do by giving you square 1 t deal Bring or send us your meat our charges same as lftstfyear OCALA ICE AND PACKING COMPANY MEFFERT TAYLOR > Box 687 OCALA FDA pJjt4 I I kens dolls were among the beautiful things to be seen in the Womans De partment- Mrs W L Colbert had a cabinet oH unique curios among her xhlbfts i Foleys Honey and Tires coughs quickly strengthens the lungsoand ex- pels ¬ cold Get the genuTmTin ayellow package Sold by all druggists Eagles meet Wednesday evening r I HANDLEY HOUSE FOR RENT The A E Ilandlyfijqe one f tht- t convenient and bgtbuilt Ot1Mf lage oVand all c conveniences u1HtIM house located in third ward nearbigh I school building for rent er saleAp ply to David 8 s WoedroWrfHM r- Oetafa IBloc FlaJ r- t r 1I The Ocata Fertilizer company will be realy to self you their superior fgr- tlllzers by the first of December Give usa trial We can save you money i

Transcript of Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1909-11-30 [p...

Page 1: Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1909-11-30 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03335/00113.pdfwhere flour Jiams and canned goods just melted away Tom got an idea ill

I i iJ-


t c






r I ii

EVENING STAR-C L Bittlngcr and R R Carroll

Editors and Publishers


R R CARROLL Business Manager-


Aquarter of a century ago there liv-ed


In Ocala in the home of his fatherIrijlaw Tom Stovall known as little

in comparison with his largerbrother Wallace Stovall now the edi-tor


and proprietor of the Tampa Tri-bune


For a number of years the twobrothers traveled together unitingtheir labors and their fortunes In thenewspaper business The boys set type-on Col Tom Harris Ocala Free Presslater embarking In journalism forthemselves when they started the LakeWeir Independent in the palmy days-of the orange industry on its shiningshores and when everybody there andagreat many in Ocala thought if theycould start a chautauqua on that beau-tiful


ukc every mans fortune in theenterprise would become midas Butthe scheme proved a dismal failure andthe Stovall boys lit out for greenerfields and pastures new Wallace go

Tng to Sumterville where he becameJ proprietor the Sumterville Times

while Tom retraced his steps to oldKentucky where he became the pro-prietor


of the Elizabeth town Newsf Ton1 prospered sold out and went to

Waylleld and started a departmentstore and did better We are remind-ed


of all this beacuse of a slip of pa-per


from the Mayfield Press which re-futes


at length how a gang of thieveswere working in the culinary depart-ment


of many homes in the place andamong them Mr Tom Stovalls homewhere flour Jiams and canned goodsjust melted away Tom got an ideaill to his head so cunningly depositedd bear trap in a partially depleted bar-rel of flour and it bore fruit in theimmediate capture of one dusky dls

jjojjer and shortly afterwards of two0 others all of whom were convicted and

are now doing time In a penal institu-tion


of the state

V Buckshot who pulls the cord overthe short to Homasassa tells the fol-lowing


alligator adventure He said ayear ago Mr Udell the excheese kingof Utica N Y who has fallen in lovewith the picturesque and romanticbeauties of that section is making hishome In that paradise and speuds hisK >are time in hunting and fishing Ayear ago he wasfishing In the watersof the Chasnhowitzka and dropped hiswaterbury in the water The other dayn party of hunters were roaming thewl ds or that section and came acrossa good sized gator He became the

J target of their deadly shots and whenstretched out in his everlasting sleepthey examined him and noticing ahuge lump in his throat It was lancedand out dropped a waterbury watch

< and on picking It up found the watchticking away the minutes for dear lifeand It surprised the hunters and spec-ulation


grow rife as to the why of thewherefore of said remarkable inci ¬

I dent The theory Is now that It is MrUdells watch and the gator seeing theshiny timepiece In the water pounded

z on 1t as a titbit swallowed It but infS tead of touching his pallet with asense of a dainty morsel the watchlodged In his gullet and the action of

j the muscles of his throat so acted onthe winding stem of the watch that JtSiept the tlmepeace wound and that Iswhy It was found running on time

Ayeiv passed through OcalaIsterday on his way to Esmerald Isl1 nd Lake county where he has pur-chased


the fruit on a number of or-ange groves and is picking and packIng same Mr Ayer having been rais-ed In a Lake Weir grove Is a goodjudge of fruit and has a keen eye forestimating tho number of same on atree and the Star Is pleased to knowJMr Ayer Is having a successful sea-son


Mr L B Ayer is a son of ourpopular and efficient tax assessor-

Mr Cramer the New South FarmH9me company who arrived here

JS Jjeral weeks ago from Chicago ha-sgoneut to where the new town ot-DirroonJc Is to arise amid the pines ofithft flafwoods in the Fort McCoy sec-tion


and Is laying out town lots andtracts of land He expects to be at itall the winter


The notice published abQut MrvL-LAlkenI being an inmate of the hospHalyvvas a mistake as he Is still atthe ihome of his daughter Mrs Roo EBrlgance and doing quite well thoughstill suffering from the paralyticstroke received several weeks ago

The Ocala delegates to the stateconvention qt the W C T U thatmeets In Plant City tonight for a threedays session left this afternoon con-sisting


of Mrs H C Packham prosl-jdenfspf <the Ocala union and Mrs GW Iartln chairman and organlzer oftheNoyal legion Mrs T E Bridges isalso a delegate but was not fully nre-j>ared to go Mrs C L Bittingertate chairman of narcotics and alsoappointed a fraternal delegate by the

federation of womens clubs owJng to unforseen circumstances Is de-tained


at home

ri C9 R F Rogers of Lynne filled hisappointment at the Fort King Baptistchurch Sunday to a full house Theyear Is up and Col Rogers desires toVacate the pulpit mr it Is so far tocome but the people want him to con-tinue


He Is an excsllent preacher

Mr Charles H White of Plant Cityhas beeji In town visiting his son JoeVghlte with Martin Cam MrWhlte >25 years ago was a prosperous i

merchant at Whitesville now Summerfleld and later a resident of OcalaHis friends are always glad to seehim

The German last night at YongesHall was well attended and greatly en-Joyed Messrs John H Taylor andStephen Jewett led the dance and hadas fpartners Mrs Taylor and MissClara Gray of St Petersburg Thegown worn by Miss Gray was the pro ¬

duct of the looms of the land of thesphinz purchased there nearly a yearago by her father Rev C M Graywhen ho made his trip to theholyland It was lace net over chiffon andIn It looked decidedly charming beInga Aery winsome and pretty young

J lady a decided brunette Mr and Mrsj m W Tucker furnished the music-l1ithalE was suitably decorated Severai new figures were introduced andall in all It was a most enjoying oc

E caslon for those present

Mr HIbbert Weathers is the newbookkeeper for the Teapot Grocery

p Mr Smith the former bookkeepertransferred his services to the whole-sale

¬S grocery house of Jake Brown




Stall No 5 city market will openWednesday December 1st in charge-of Henry Holland with the best meatsthat can be had In the state of Flor ¬

I ida Tie beeves will come from theMunroe Chambliss stock farm wherethey were raised and fattened for theblock Those who have enjoyed firstclass Florida fattened beeves knowwhat the consumer can expect at stallNo 5 Remember the announcement-and give the meat a trial for therewill be none more tender or savory


Cheapest and best dray in the cityWe solicit your patronage Satisfac-tion


guaranteed Phone 296

ITS A CRIMEto neglect your health The worstneglect that you can be guilty of isto allow constipation biliousness orany liver or bowel trouble to continue-It Is poisoning your entire system andmay lead to a serious chronic diseaseTake Ballards Herbine and get abso-lutely


well The sure cure for anyand all ttouble3 of the stomach liverand bowels Sold by all druggists


Harness of all kinds mended or newparts made where desired Also sawfiling done Apply to J T Simmons atTompkins Cobbs stables t


We have In our fresh supply of re ¬

liable garden and flower seeds for fallplanting Tydings Co


I am prepared to take any job ofpainting no matter how large or howsmall or how fide the work desiredmay be I hae the material brushes-and knowledge to paint and do 11

right Houses painted inside and outGraining gilding hard oil finishingvarnishing and lettering and signpainting Taste and skill guaranteedAddress P O Box 135 or leave word-at the Star office K W FHIyaw

I Ocala Fla tf


There Is no case on record of acough or cold resulting in pneumonia-or consumption after Foleys Honeyand Tar has been taken as it willstop your cough and break up yourcold quickly Refuse any but thegenuine Foleys Honey and Tar in ay6llow package Contains no opiates-and Js safe and sure Sold by alldruggists


By order of the city council thecity-tax books will positively close Decem ¬

ber 1st after which a penalty of 10per cent will attach W W Clyatt

City Tax Collector


A desirable building lot on NorthI Second East Adams street opposite-the Jewish synagogue Address Box180 city


Three horses all different pricescheap for cash Apply to D M Boneycity



The date of the auto race between-Mr Ed Carmlchaels arid Mr JackCamps cars has been changed fromWednesday afternoon to Friday after-noon


at 330 This change was madenecessary owing to the indisposition ofMr Gus Haley who will drive MrCarmlchaels car


Dont forget the big show next Sat ¬

urday night at the Armory TheaterThe one best minstrel bet In seasonCoburns Greater Minstrels Alwaysreliable enjoyable and with clean funcomedy bright music and entirely-new features and people each seasonThe members of Cobes companyhave to be wide awake energetic andhard workers from the time the cur-tain


I rises and the result Is always afirstclass rollocklng hustling enpay

I able performance Dont forget theparade and bind concert at noon

There is no game law against anyone hunting for PLANKS CHILLTONIC Its guaranteed to cure ma-laria


chills and fever Price 25 centsper bottle Ask your dealer hellprobably know-

R L Mathews with R L Parks onthe old George Tyler place had hishand badly lacerated with a circularsaw I

If you have noticed symptoms ofkidney troubles do not delay in taking-the most reliable and dependable rem-edy


possible such ns DeWitts Kidneyand Bladder Pills These wonderfulpills are being used with great satis-faction


by thousands of people TryDeWitfs Kidney and Bladder Pills to-


Sold by all druggists


Hotsto Rent Woodma on thet Bluff Overlooking the Lake


ed modern plumfftng running wateracetylene gas 10 per week

ARGYLE COTTAGEFurnished-running water 5 per week

BLAIR VILLATo rent on Octobsr1 for the winter furnished runningwater modern plumbing acetylene-gas 25 per month

IDavid S Woodrow

Holder Block Ocala Fla

Have you seentne new visible FaySholes typewriter R C Davis 6 Cogeneral agents

FOR SALE1526 pine boards 1x10x7 13650 cy ¬

press slats x3xl26 1780 14x3x7Apply to C P Moore care OcalaLumber Supply Co

FURNISHED ROOMS >r1Ighlhousekeeping bath and vail conven-iences


Apply at SI North Magnoliastreet

iDeWitts Little Early Risersthe

safe sure gentIesy lltfl liver spIllsBe sure to get DeWIttUt CarbCHzedWitch HazeISaIv the or5ginal2UAl ¬ways refuse substitutesflnd imitations-The original DeWitts Carbolized WitchHazel Salve s goodfor anything asalve is used ifor butJt is especiallygood for plies Sold by all druggists


At the Baptist church Sunday theRev H E Gabby took for his themeWitnesses for Christ and founded

his remarks on Acts 15 Ye shall Ibe witnesses unto Me He spoke ofthe necessary qualifications of a wit ¬

ness that he should be truthful andto be believed that in giving evidencehearsay or mere opinions were not admissable but that evidence must bepure facts under the knowledge of thewitness He spoke of the results ofevidence for Christ and quoted Agrlppa who after listening to the evidence-for Christ as given by Paul exclaimedalmost thou persuadest me to be a

Christian Mr Gabbys discoursecontained many beautiful and apt il ¬

lustrationsthe Pharisees trying toincriminate Christ for healing theblind man by trying to get thje manto say it was the word of Satan butthe man stood by the one great factthat whereas once he was blind nowhe could see That was thy only evi ¬

dence he could truthfully give of theidentity of Christ he knew nothing-Mr Gabby said the word witness andthe word martyr in the Greek langugage were almost identical andspoke of the evidence for Christ asgiven by hundreds of the early Chris ¬

tians who suffered martyrdom at thestake He said that the highest at-


of science today were allevidence for Christianity and thatwhen a man said that science contra ¬

dicted the teachings of Christ he sim-ply


knew nothing about science Twooung men were to be roommates atcollegethe one an Infidel the other apronounced Christian The infidel no-tified


his roommate that there was tobe no prayers or Bible reading in thatroom but the other called his atten ¬

tion to the fact that he owned onehajf of tbe room and could do as hepleased wit It at the same time ac ¬

cording the same right to the otherSo day after day and night after night-atI appropriate times the Christian onhis side of the room read and prayedFor a long time the man on the otherside of the room jeered and scoffedbut finally unable to withstand theevidence of the Christian witness hebecame converted and today is knownall over the world as one of thegreatest missionaries since the day pfPaul

The sermon was listened to and enJoyed by a large and attentive con-gregation


Just before the sermon a notice wasread stating that Mrs Mary HarrisArmour the great Georgia apostle ofprohibition and whose eloquent voicehas been heard in every important-city of the United States would be inthat church on on Tuesday eveningDecember 7th to deliver an address-on her favorite topic As the publicInvited the congregation is urged tobe on hand early if they expect to getseats


IfI f C

ever I need a cough medicineagain I know what to get declaresMrs A L Alley of Beals Me forafter using ten bottles of Dr KingsNew Discovery and seeing its excel ¬

lent results in my own family andothers I am convinced It Is the bestmedicine made for coughs colds andlung trouble Every one who tries-It feels just that way relief is feltat once and its quick cure surprises-you For bronchitis asthma hemor ¬

rhage croup lagrlppe sore throatpain in chest or lungs its supreme50c and 1 Trial bottle free Guaran ¬

teed by all drug-

glssCASTOR IAlor Infants and Children

Tin KM You Hay Always Botjht

B1rstheS-Ignature of-



The city dog license tax Is now dueand animals not properly licensed andtagged will be taken up in compliancewith law C A Dinkins Marshal

LOSTA goldbar breastpin heav¬

ily engraved Finder will please re ¬

turn to Star office and receive reward-


cant tell you in words what the trou-ble


is but if its complexion getspasty if it gets weaker and weakerloses flesh and is cross and peevish-you can be certain that it has wormsGive it Whites Cream Vermifugeguaranteed harmless Expels theworms and puts the baby in a healthynormal condition Sold by all drug ¬



I have just received a carload of fineKentucky horses and mules extra niceanimals among them some matchedteams and saddle horses All areguaranteed to be firstclass stockCome to the lot on West Exposition-street next to the John Martin cigarfactory building and look them overbefore they have been sold out I willmake the prices right

Respectfully Hugh J Nichols


Notice is given that pursuant to anorder of the judge of the Fifth cir-cuit


of Florida I will receive bids forthe turpentine location now in myhands as receiver known as IrvinePlace consisting of all of the prop ¬

erty timber timber rights turpen ¬

tine leases and personal property be¬

longing to said location said bids tobe In writing and will be received byme at Irvine Florida up to the 6thday of December 1909 the said prop-erty


to be sold for cash-D J McEachern Receiver

This Nov 22nd 1909-


The registration books of the citywere revised November 2nd 1909 bythe city council and the followingnames strickenWard No1-

C H Shaw W W Stripling W HClark

Ward No 2L Dozier E C Dorsej F C Dor ¬

sey E P Guerrant J C Geiger SamHoffman W J Lohrig F J Lovell HE Leavengood E E McLin H DPalmer AV H Powers S A RawlsRobert Taylor

Ward No3-L Bitting A L EichelbergerE

L Freyermuth W A Kallenberger-C L Moore W O Massey4 C VRoberts Edward Sweat R A Witter

Ward No4SJ Tones W C Moore J T MooreCouncil will hear complaints Decem ¬

ber 7th for the restoration of namesstricken H C SistrunkClerk and Supervisor oj Registration

of the City of Ocala





The following were the exhibits in

the Woman s Department of the Ma-



County Fair for the year 1909

Mrs W AI Gist Mclntosh Pick I

les jellies jam preserves crystalizedorange lard candy cornbread decor-ated cake

Mrs W E Allen Mclntosh SWrtbureau scarf kitchen apron lacehandkerchief embroidered center ¬

piece tie endsMi3 Annette Gist McIntoshShirt-

waist farcy bag night gown corona¬

tion braid center piece pickles pep ¬

per sauceMiss Elizabeth Gist Mclntosh Fan ¬

cy apron fancy gal ters embroidered-towel embroidered handkerchief

Mrs JL I Gist Mclntosh Embroid-ered


centerpiece work bag drawnwork centerpiece shirt waist laceborder for handkerchief tatting pin-

cushion handkerchief case tie endsI photo frame preserves jellies chowchow and canned fruits

Mrs J K Christian McIntoshKnitted quilt sofa pillow baby cap

Mrs James Means Mclntosh Cot ¬

ton quilt chemiseMrs A L Grant Mclntosb Calico

dresses short skirt gents night shirtMrs J S Thomas McIntoshCan-


corn fig and plum preserves-Mrs R E Flewellen McIntosh

Sponge cake preserves and picklesMrs X A Flewellen Mclntosh

Centerpiece embroideredMrs G A Flewellen McIntosh


Silk quilt caramel cakeMrs G T Flewellenj McIntosh


Knitted cape lace handkerchiefMrs J S Neal McIntoshCanned-

fruitsI preserves pickles-

Mrs W R Brown McIntoshBu-reau


scarfs fancy bag garters pointlace handkerchief fancy scarf em ¬

broidered towelMrs M I Smith Mclntosh Pillow

sUpsMrsW R Granger McIntosh



J Y Petteys McIntoshHandkerchiefs crocheted mats head


restMrsDixon Irvine Orange Lake

Montmelteck centerpiece silk quiltembroidered lunch cloth cut workcloth

I Mrs R R Whittington FJemi 11 tonPlum jelly huckleberry jellypre

serves chowchow pickles vMrs Cogewel Belleview Drawn

work tray cloth hemstitched handker-chiefs


Mrs F G Buhl Shady Preservescanned fruits and vegetables jellies

I apron crocheted centerpiece drawnwbrk childs dress embroidered cen-




Mrs W R Bryant Belleview Pre-serves


pickles-Mrs A M Lamb Belleview Wov-


bedspreadMrs W M Shockley Lowell Pre¬

serves jtllies sweet and sourpicklesMrs E T Becker HolderEm

broldered centerpieceMrs Sloan LoyelU SparrPive-

s pickles chowchow knitted wool-


gloves knitted woolen baby mitscrocheted mats

Mrs J C Johnson SantosBed-quilt embroidered childs dress em ¬

broidered centerpiece knitted slip-


corset cover point lace handker-chief


baby dress pickles preservesjellies catsup-

Mr Peter Durisoe Connor Fourbottles candidates delight cabbagepalmetto pickles-

Mrs N H Boswell Dunnellon So-


pillow embroidered piano coverMrs Morrow DunnellonBureau

scarf drawn workMiss Cleo Johnson Dunnellon

Fancy workMiss Gfossie Fletcher Dunnellon

Embroidered centerpiece-Mrs George Neville Dunnellon

Point lace baby capMrs Castel Dunnellon Embroider ¬

ed napkin rings embroidered center-piece


Mrs W A Guthery StantonSofapillow

Mrs H W Long Martel Baby capdrawn work apron embroidered cen ¬

terpiece fancy mats hemstitchedhandkerchief drawn work center-piece


Mrs Morton Douglass ShadyPickl-es


preserves chowchow jam jelliescanned fruits and vegetables grapejuice cordials guava butter huckle ¬

berry butter and other good thingsOcala ladies who had exhibits in

Womans DepartmentMrs Donald Ferguson Pillow cas ¬

es crocheted mats pillow cover wiregrass work

Mrs S L BittingKnitted bedspread knitted stockings

Mrs James SimmonsCotton quiltcradle quilt silk quilt centerpieces-towel leather work

Mrs J H McClymondsEmbroid ¬

ered bed spread woven counterpanebiscuits light rolls

Miss Pauline Sullivan Cut glassembroidered centerpiece

Mrs G T Maughs Crocheted matbraid mats embroidered centerpiececrocheted centerpiece-

Miss Sara DavisCrayon drawingsembroidered shirtwaist

Mrs Willie JohnsonCrochetedcenterpiece preserves jam picklescatsup jellies

Mrs L YonceBedcpreadMiss Fannie Carlisle Sofa pillowMrs Wm Hocker Crocheted and

embroidered lunch setA Syrian ladYCrocheted capsMrs Annie Alken Two dollsMrs W L Qolbert Fancy hand

bag crocheted mats dresser setwashstan set baby sacque bootsmittens 1tc chaLKUidies baby hoodtatting dtawn work centerpiece Bat


tenbufcgl cenidrpJece pillow top cro-

cheted edging tatting yok rind Inser¬

tion apron handkerchiefs and Other

fancy workMrs Edna Blair Preserves jellies

pickles catsups vinegar sofa pillowcanned fruits and vegetables

Miss Annie AtkinsonPoint lacecollar tatting edge and other tattingarticles bureau scarf

Mrs W W Clemmons Quilts boydoll girl doll embroidered center-piece

Mrs H C PackhamSofa pillowcrocheted Afghan shawl

Mrs C W HunterBaby sacqueMrs S R PylesSoap preserves

jellies chowchow catsups picklescanned goods mayonaise dressingpickled eggs spiced fruits crystalizedgrapefruit stuffed cantaloupes pick-


walnuts wines cordials peanutbutter sauces jam marmalade syr ¬

up etc lightbread cornbread Bostonbrown bread plum pudding and butterand other good things too numerous-to mention

Miss Catharine Pyre Completetoilet set

Mrs 0 T Green Vinegar pre-serves


jellies oil paintings-Mrs Bettie DorseyLace handker-


Mrs G W Martin Guava jellyMiss Theo WallisEmbroldered-

corset coverMrs A P GeigerQuilt-Miss Ophelia SawtelleCandy-

cakes decorated cakeMrs E L eYCrocheted slip-


kitchen apron sun bonnet fan¬

cy scarf quilt drawn work napkinssamples of darning-

Mrs H H DosdelCrocheted-childs dress drawn work childsdress crocheted tidies apron sofapillow baby sacque baby cap

Mrs Frank Drake Decoratedcakes crocheted quilts handpainted-sofa pillow water color paintings

Mrs J M MefEert Jellies cannedguavas loaf of lightbread-

Mrs W WolfEmbroidered center-pieces


Mrs JewellVinegar wine honeypickles preserves jelly cannelfruits and vegetables catsup lightbread and rolls

Mrs George DavisGuava jellycrocheted edging

Mrs John E Bailey Embroideredbaby dress and cap e

Mrs W D hetstoneLace corsetcover lace handkerchief point lacecollar point lace yoke point lacecuffs cut work collar embroidered-dress


panelMrs Robert Blake Embroidered

centerpiece knitted bed spread knit-ted


lace dollMiss Irma BlakeEmbroidered

dress crayon drawings-Miss Stella ClaytonTie case made

of glass ard ribbonMrs A A Winer Bread and rollsMrs James MoorheadMarmalade-

jam preserves grape juice jelliescanned fruits vegetable dressing tormeats crystalized grapefruit grape-


pickle carrot preserves paperflowers

Mrs Rosa Bopher Quilts picklescatsup preserves

Mrs J tRbertsonCrocheted ta¬

ble set crocheted collar handker ¬

chiefs tidies baby sacque woolencoverlet rug i

Mrs A E GerigSet embroiderednapkins

Mrs J H TaylorTwo sets of elab-orately


embroidered sheets and pillow-cases

Mrs T D LancasterTatting babydress cap collar cuffs etc crocheted-lace and other articles

Mrs Jerry BurnettEmbroideredcenterpiece and baby sacque

Mrs C R TydingsDrawn workbureau scarf pillow shams center-piece


table cover etc two lovelyI

Mexican shawlsMiss Annie Davis Hemstitched

handkerchief baby dressMrs M E WallaceSofa pillow

crocheted mats tatting collarMrs John FreyermuthPickles-

preserves jelly canned fruits plumbutter

Palmetto Stock FarmPreservesjelliees jam catsups pickles grapejuice canned fruits and vegetablesmarmalade apple butter sauces soapdolls etc

Mr John BrooksTwo handcarvealligators

Specials-The oil painting sent to the fair by-

a Dunnellon lady whose name thewriter failed to learn elicited muchpraise

Mrs Sloan Lovell of Sparr exhibited-two pairs of woolen gloves knittedfrom wool cut from Florida sheepraised by Mrs Lovell

The elegant handpainted sofa pil-



and the water color paintings ofMrs Frank Drake were greatly ad¬

miredLittle Miss Irma Blakes embroider-



dress received many complimentsMrs Otis Greens oil paintings add ¬

ed greatly to the attractiveness ofthe womans room

Alice Colbert the six year olddaughter of Mr W L Colbert made-a calico quilt top for the fair Thesewing was excellent

Among the curiosities were two ex¬

quisite Mexican shawls owned byMrs T3dings this city

The beautiful toilet set made byMiss Catherine Pyles the twelve yearold daughter of Mr and Mrs S RPyles was a work of art I

Miss Josephine Bullock remembered-the fair by sending one of her beau ¬

tiful oil paintings An Indian GirlMiss Bullock is attending school inNashville Tenn and is making spe-


of oil painting She is an ar¬

tist of unusual abilityMrs Bosticks hats and Mrs Ai



IZi lflJ j

1 11 1 I J1 <s-

rLCiliiloi Fst 0v v-


v J A l y 4Merbt



Liie oi Caskcls aidkrr JCra iatcl Emla ers aid Uidcrlakcrs b-


II UikI W4-j





q > Jr f




THE OCALA DEVELQPEMiENTCOMPANY will sell you rfome inOcala Will sell you a lot andbuild a house planned by j youWill guarantee the title and njTthe insurance You pay littlemore than rent Now ready forbusiness t

SEE J1 Jil FORTllN1ONDL1CK1rt rn

I b

PARK HOTELJacksonville Fla

European Plan4Rates 1 per day and up Rathsk I t J

Iand Cafe in Connection






ODhe Wind You Have Always Boughtand which has beiJIn use for over 30 years has borne the signatureand liaLbcen made under Iris per

n sonal supervision since Its infancyAllowno one to deceive youin tnls

Counterfeits Imitations and Justasgood are lintj Experiments that trifle with and endanger the hea1tht

Infants and ChildrenExperience against PCthIOIiJ iWhat is CASTRIA j

Castoria i9 a harmless substitute for astor Oil Par O

fecrlc Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant Itcontains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcoticsubstance Its age is its guarantee It destroys Wormsand allays Foverishness It cures Piarrhosa and TVindColic It relieves Teething Troubles curesand Flatulency It Assimilates the Food IcguIatestliQS-tomach and Bowels giving healthy andmtuillepT-he Childrens PanaceaThe Mothers friend fi4-


Mars the Signature of


TIm KM You Hae Always bgn

In Use For Ovr 30 YedrsTHC CCNTAUH e Mpurr rr OUHRAT >wtrr-


KTW YOTT adii lL I-


fj U

MEAT f ai id <

t r tand after November 1st We have recently completed our f

NIWICEPLANTW-e now have modern machinery DUPLICATED THROUGHOUT less-


danger of breakdowns We have experienced men in charge-

If you will observe precautions in killing hogs which we advise inour circular letter write us if you did not receive one we are sureYou will not haye any damaged or spoiled meat FRO3IOURPIiANT

We are not strangers to you and we hope to be here In bilSle Jtorthe remainderof our days which we dan only do by giving you square

1 tdeal

Bring or send us your meat our charges same as lftstfyearOCALA ICE AND PACKING COMPANY


Box 687 OCALA FDA pJjt4I


kens dolls were among the beautifulthings to be seen in the Womans Department-

Mrs W L Colbert had a cabinet oHunique curios among her xhlbfts i

Foleys Honey and Tires coughsquickly strengthens the lungsoand ex-pels


cold Get the genuTmTin ayellowpackage Sold by all druggists

Eagles meet Wednesday evening



HANDLEY HOUSE FOR RENTThe A E Ilandlyfijqe one f tht-

t convenient and bgtbuilt Ot1Mflage oVand all c conveniences u1HtIMhouse located in third ward nearbigh

I school building for rent er saleApply to David 8s WoedroWrfHM r-

OetafaIBloc FlaJ r-



The Ocata Fertilizer company will berealy to self you their superior fgr-tlllzers by the first of December Giveusa trial We can save you money
