Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1909-08-06 [p...

s > I V rr a g r t c > j- ffWsiz r 1 r T < 1 > J r 0 H I r > > J i 2 r- i Cr > i > JiSV- TLi 7f d- 4n I I s3J t l- i r 1 1 t IiIll1NG 1 i J v r 3 f 1i ft USS f- w rti 1 r- r It J- x I > I 1- I tr 4 < t J o l J 9 i 1i 7 i- I 4 L t f A 4 p t r 4 < 4 VolUK 15 No 59 OCALA FLORIDA FRIDAY AUGUST 6 1909 FlftyCeatsa 1 Y o > T T- r j i t i t k + i J > v > 5 < > t z V < rV 0 t tz BILIOUS f i jill 11 + 4t 11 < 7 yft- o i It rti t T 6 Ill r 1 FOR If SPEEDYRELlEF- j j J a 1 L4g- ti I 4 1 1 C CflrYftIH- p ff THEY FIT THE LIPS LIKE KISSES tand taste as sweet That why Schles + 7 and Downeys Candles In halt t and pound boxes are BO popular Pure A confection these flavor delicious Our confectionery Is free fr Jno adultera lion It Is wholesome and healthful jpvery kind of confectionery here 4 Frult Cold Drinks Cigars and News c ppa OJ I frAT BALLARDS J G A I COPYRIGHT T COMMERCIAL STATIONERY It 1 of high grade aia quality for office 1 and store receives a great deal of our V ttIm and attention as our stock and f facilities for supplying large and small itOfders will amply attest Whether J iou want a lead pencil or a huge led V t er a note book or a letter press le- st worthy our while to come In look around anij comparo prices 1 OCALA NEWS COMPANY 3 Ct i BLANCHARD 110MTRATOR AND BUILDER t PLANS FURNISHED c ON APPLICATION I if 1PO Box 46 OC LA FLA i S 4 THE COMMERCIAL BARBERSHOP fJ iJi 0p iI8 Into the Lont cf the Ocala ir ol t Hoasc Offers the very best xservice of- f s akllled workmen with modern ap- pliances ¬ I Strictly sanitary Electric I electric massages i Mot Running Water at All Times J lr VINCENT C DETTERiCH Manager J 1 = 4 t I4E1B- est > Quality Prompt Service Lowest Price t Iiyfr B OK j BLUE WAGONS < OCALA ICE AND PACKING CO- t MEFFERT I TAYLOR c Phomo 34 J OCALA PRESSIK8 CLUB W F MARLOW Proprietop Rates reasonable AH goods press r and cleaned on short notice and lUvered promptly All transient l ork not called for In 30 days will old for charges r RATE ONE DOLLAR A MON- THIkIETdAIDTAI i 1A P ant iaiusis m r 1 p 1 4 v > 1 i b M 7 BUSINESS CAN GET BUSY- What t It Hat Been Waiting On the Tariff Sill Passed the Senate Thursday Afternoon Washington Aug GThe Senate shortly after 2 oclock yesterday aft ¬ ernoon by a small majority passed the PayneAldrlch tariff bill The vote stood For passage 41 against pas ¬ sage 3- SeyenrepubUcans voted against the bill They are Brlstow Clapp Cum- mings Dolliver LaPoIlette Bev rldge and Nelson Everything was arranged ahead of time and there was no delay by debate or other proceedings- THE SECRET OF LONG LIFE- A French scientist has discovered- one secret of long life His method deals with the blood But long ago millions of Americans had proved Electric Bitters prolongs life and makes it worth living It purifies en- riches ¬ and vitalizes the blood rebuilds waste nerve cells imparts life and tone to the entire system Its a god send to weak sick and debilitated people Kidney trouble had blighted- my life for months writes W M Sherman of Cushing Me but Elec- tric ¬ Bitters cured me entirely Only 50c at all druggists- A f SECRET OF OLD AGE Mr Ford of New Jersey has Passed Twenty Years in Jail Elizabeth N J Aug 6Mrs Ford of this city was sentenced yesterday- by Judge Owen P Mahon to serve her eightythird term of ninety days In the county jail for drunkenness Since 1887 when Mrs Ford was first arrested she has served more than twenty years behind prison bars for Indulgence In booze enjoying but brief intervals of freedom The coun ¬ ty authorities say the secret of her longevity is that she has been in jail- so much of the time CURED HAY FEVER I AND SUMMER COLD A S Nusbaum Batesvllle Indiana writes Last year suffered for three months with a summer cold so distressing that It Interfered with my business I had many of the symp- toms ¬ of hay fever and a doctors pre ¬ scription did not reach my case and I took several medicines which seemed only to aggravate It Fortunately I insisted upon having Foleys Honey Honey and Tar It quickly cured me My wife has since used Foleys Honey and Tar with tho same success Sold by all dealers THE JACKSON COCKTAIL- A 1 Tip that May be Needed by Florida Topers in a Year or Two Topeka Kan Aug GThe latest drink In Kansas is the Jackson cock ¬ I tall It is intended to avoid trouble with the Kansas prohibitory law and Fred Jackson the attorney general for whom It was named- It Is a drink that can be purchased anywhere in Kansas and at any time land the chap that sells it is never In danger of prosecution and the fellow that buys it never will be brought into court as a witness The drink is three parts apple cider and one part Jamaica ginger It Is said to be a really palatable concoc ¬ tlonClder is always good and the ginger being chiefly alcohol gives the mixture a flavor that old topers say Is about the finest ever besides the drink is quite active and right away Two good slugs will make a man fun- ny ¬ three will make him rob his own trunk and five will give him a pref- erence ¬ fora bed of shucks in a vacant lot to a downy couch at home The attorney general and tlje state board of health are hearing many re ¬ ports of the Jackson cocktail and its effectiveness as a jag producer The attorney general and the board of of- ficials ¬ are looking for some way to stop the consumption of the cocktail- but they have not bn able to find any clause of the law with which it comes Into conflict ACTIVE AT 87 This would be unusual news if men and women would keep themselves- free from rheumatism and all aches and pains as well as keeping their muscles and joints limbered with Baliards Snow Liniment Sold by all druggists CAUSED A COMMOTION- Fire in a Peach Basket Hat Called Out Atlanta Fire Department Atlanta Aug GA fire on the roof garden of the hat of a pretty girl trav- eler ¬ at the union station yesterday af- ternoon ¬ called out two fire companies- a hose cart a score of willing amateur firemen delayed a fash train and de- stroyed ¬ about 530 worth of finery on the beack basket aforesaid The young woman on her way to- N aw York rushed into the station for something to eat In flaying her check she swung the hat too near the cigar lighter In an instant the orchard which adorned the hat was a mass ol flames A darkskinned waiter turned In a fire alarm and every available male guest tried to rescue the affair The train was held a few minutes until the victim recovered from an at- tack ¬ of near hysteria when she gra- ciously ¬ permitted It to proceed The be st remedy we know of In all cases of kidney and bladder trouble and the one we can always recommend- Is DeWitts Kidney and Bladder Pills They are antiseptic and at once assist the kidneys to perform their impor ¬ tant work But when you ask for these pills be positive that you get De Witts Kidney and Bladder Pills There are Imitations placed upon the market to deceive you Get DeWitts Insist upon them and if your dealer cannot supply you refuse Anything else In place of them Sold by all druggists i SODA FOUNTAIN FOR SALE- A fine soda fountain for sale cost 9350 will take 1ab for it Ap- ply ¬ I to S A Moses Brother city t 13i iCBiLi 1 Cttors For t I 49 ts- ITH Per Yard At + GLOBEI I SAVED BY THE SACRAMENT Pyx was More Efficacious than a Pis J tol Against Polish Ruffians Utica N Y Aug GRev Suck acting pastor of the Holy Trin- ity ¬ Polish Catholic church In this city went into police court and lodged complaint against twenty members of I his congregation who endeavored to kidnap him late Saturday night for I the purpose of murdering him He had been hastily summoned to go to a hospital to attend a dying man As he came from the church with the holy oils he was surrounded by a score of I I his parlshoners who endeavored to drag him into waiting carriage Father Suck shouted loudly for help Then he drew the pyx In which he carried the sacrament from His inner coat pocket held it aloft and called I upon the men to not commit a sac- rilege ¬ while he was carrying the sac ¬ rament to a dying man The assail ¬ ants of the priest then fell back fort a moment and Father Suck escaped Into thechurch IF YOU KNEW- th I merits of the Texas Wonder you would never suffer from kIdney blad ler of rheumatic trouble > l bottle two months treatment Sold by druggists- or by mail Send for testimonials Dr E W Hall 2926 Olive Street St Louis Mo- STOLE A MARCH J ON THEIR FRIENDS Brooksville Aug GMr Jerry Han ¬ cock and Miss Bessie Snow started- out for a drive yesterday afternoon- and stopped in at the home ot Rev j Partridge who made them man and I wife This was quite a surprise to I everyone Mr Hancock is the goung I est son of Mr and Mrs W S Han ¬ cock Mrs Hancock is a sister to the clerk of the circuit court M H Snow I I SOLDI ER7 BALKS DEATH PLOT- It seemed to J A Stone a civil war I veteran of Kemp Tex that a plot existed between a desperate lung trou- ble and the grave to cause his death- I contracted a stubborn cold he writes that developed a cough that stuck to me in spite of all remedies for years My weight ran down to 130 pounds Then I began to use Dr tings New Discovery which restored- my health completely I now weigh 178 pounds For severe colds obsti ¬ nate coughs hemorrhages asthma and to prevent pneumonia its un- rivaled ¬ 50c and 1 Trial bottle fret Guaranteed by all druggists t 1 ELECTRIC SMOOTHING I IRONS ON TRIAL I I I will place an electric smoothing- iron in your home on a few days trial upon request at my office or by carts or phone They are the the greatest little thing In the home especially in hot weather Connect the cord with one of your light drops and in a few minutes the iron is hot No smoke- or dirt and Hat only where it is wanted H W TUCKER BARTLETT WANTS VETERANS I TO RIDE THE RAILROADS FREE Washington D C Aug G Repre- sentative ¬ Bartlett of Georgia has In ¬ troduced a bill amending the inter- state ¬ commerce law so as to make it possible for railroad companies to grant free or reduced transportation- to bona fide members of the United Confederate Veterans associations TAKE NOTICE- All persons are recommended to take Foley Kidney Remedy for backache rheumatism and kidney and bladder trouble It will quickly corect Urinary Irregularities which If neglected may develop into a serious illness It will restore health awl strength Do not neglect signs of kidney or bladder trouble and risk Brights disease or diabetes Sold by all dealers I WENT BACK ON TOM Cleveland Ohio August GThe Schmidt ordinance providing for the grant of a franchise to Herman Schmidt insuring threecent fares on a part of the city street car lines was defeated at a referendum election here yesterday by a majority of 4763 The ordinance was fostered by Mayor Tom L Johnson A WEAKLING- Is the only way to describe the poor child tha is afflicted with worms No matter how much or how often it cats the worms get all the nourishment from the food the child gets practi- cally ¬ none Whites Cream Vermi ¬ fuge gets rid of the worms quickly easily and with no bad after effects Price 25 cents a bottle Sold by all druggists LOW EXCURSION RATES VIA ATLANTIC COAST LINE 839O10465Los Angeles and San Francisco on sale various dates Limit October 31 Variable routes and stopovers 9540 Seattle Washington Variable routes and stopovers Limit Octo ¬ ber 31 1870Monteagle and Sewannee Tenn July 1 10 17 23 24 30 Au ¬ gust 13 and 14 Limit September 5 Stopovers allowed for further Information call on or write F J Hubert P T A or J K KIrkland D P A Tampa FIn s MENOur illustrated catalogue ex- plains ¬ how we teach barber trade in I few weeks mailed free Moler Barber College Atlanta Ga t WEARY OF WORKING Henry Paul Turned Highwayman and Now his Will Rest in the Boneyard White Bear Minn Aug GArter he had robbed the cashier of the First State Bank of this town of J700 ap- pearing ¬ at the wicket with a gun and compelling the man to push the mon- ey ¬ toward him Henry Paul dashed through the streets pursued by a crowd and took refuge in an old house on the edge of the town Here he was besieged by his pur ¬ suers and killed after he had shot Fred Larkin dead and mortally wound- ed ¬ another of his pursuers- The men who were pursuing Paul were gathered In a thicket near the house and called upon him to surren ¬ der He made reply and they conclud- ed ¬ to rush the house This was done and Paul shot Larkin as the men En- tered ¬ the door A volley from the be- siegers ¬ laid him low but as he fell he shot another man Paul was a la- borer ¬ RAN ON THE ROCKS Loss of the Steamer Maori and Many Lives In Table Bay Capetown Africa August GThe British steamship Maori is a total wreck In the bay and of the entire lost of passengers and the crew but nine people are known to have reach- ed ¬ the shore alive Six bodies have been washed ashore From the survivors it is gleaned that the Maori ran upon the rocks during the night tearing a great hole in her hull The vessel began to fill rapidly and the captain ordered all of the boats cleared Some of the boats were swamped after they were filled with people and it Is supposed that most of the unfortunates from the ship perished- The boats which got away from the wreck were soon separated in the darkness But one boat has reached shore as far as is known Did You EverI- t used to be an awful task to make ice cream Did you ever try it Today you cannot do quits Bnythingeasierthnnm- akee I ice cream if you us- eJELLO wbat 2 disks I have ICE CREAM isially cost PowderS- tir one package into a quart of milk and freeze absolutely nothing else to doand you have two quarts- of delicious ice cream at a cost of about ono cent a dish 1 9 2 packsyes 25 cents af Cmears Illustrated Recipe Book Free TbeGeneseeFureFoo4CeL- elyNYMoiltozuillaBarborsilop In Connection With the Hotel Office Skilled worKmen and courteous at- tention ¬ to all Special attention to children ELECTRIC MASSAGE- HOT ANI COLD WATER- R L DETTERICH Proprietor C J PHILLIPS Contractor and Builder Plans and Specifications Furnished Upon Request 129 South Third St i Phone 130 OCALA IHk- ArcIYKR MAcKAY FUNERAL DIRECTORS Undertakers and Embalmers I D E Mclver Alfred E Owen Undertakers fine Caskets and Burial Robes All work done by licensed embalm- ers and fuUy guaranteed EquitableL- ife Assurance Society I Of The United States STRONGEST IN THE WORLD MISS FLORIDA CONDO- NResIdentgent FRESH FISH- I receive dally snlpments of choice fresh and salt water fish of th best varieties I handle nothing but fish and handle them right WM TUCKER Pone 219 City Market RHIYSKIUNEYCUWBI- zMM ilku 1Udrq iiI1II iiifkt J COUNTY COMMISSIOIERS Official Report of the Proceediag at the August Meeting of tbo Board S Ocala Fla Aug 2 1909 Theboard met on this date Pres- ent ¬ Hon Geo MacKay M 3L Proc- tor N A Fort J M Mathews and W M Crosby Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved- The board of county commission- ers ¬ met on this day for the purpose- of hearing complaints of persons who were aggrieved on account of raises made on the assessments made during their meeting July 1909 I The bill of the Ocala Banner for printing general laws of the last leg- islature was duly approved by the board Mr Frank Lytle representin Phoebe W Buffum produced evi- dence ¬ sufficient to convince the board that the property should not be raised above 2100 and the same was put back at original assessment- Mr Lytle was also granted reduc- tion on his assesment to 500 I The assessment of the Car ey In- vestment ¬ Co which was raised from 1800 to 4000 was reduced to 2500 The Carney Investment Co which assessment was raised from 3400 20000 was reduced to 15000- A M Cameron assesment which was raised from 300to 1000 was reduced to 600 Mr Snooks which was raised from 50 to 250 was reducedto 50 Florida Lime Co which was rais- ed ¬ from 5000 to 10000 was re- duced ¬ to 7000 I The assessment of R A Kelsey I raised to 600 was reduced to 400 The assesment of RR Hice was reduced to 1800 I The assessment James Kelsey was reduced to 100 I I The assessment of W F Steble ton raised from 100 to 300 was reduced to 100 i Mitchell Rigdon whose assessment- had been raised from 100 to 500 was reduced to 150 I The assessment of Sarah Choate which was raised from 100 to 1000 was reduced to 800- J F Wyckoff reduced from 1 000 to 800 The board thereupon took ad ¬ journment until tomorrow morning- at 8 oclock August 3rd 1009 At 8 oclock the board met all members present and the following proceedings had Mr McKInney appeared before the board with reference to Lak Weir road and made some complaint The matter was referred to Commissioner Proctor with power to act The report of the commissioners- to lay out a public road from Can dler to Ocala was filed and clerk di- rected ¬ to post necessary notices for opening up of said road The Ways and Means committee viz T T Munroe Dr J C Boozer and D E Mclver appeared before the board asking for assistance for the county fair in the amount of 1000 which matter was taken un ¬ der consideration by the board- T F Johnson paid into the coun- ty ¬ treasurer 150 J V Booth 2359 to be used In the construc- tion ¬ of AltoonaOrange Hammock- road which payments were made through Commissioner Fort It was ordered that the clerk draw warrant- in favor of G J Griffin for 240 being 50 per cent of contract price- of 50 per mile for 725 yards of con ¬ structed road Dr E J Lindner appeared and complined of hole being dug In pub- lic ¬ road by railroad section master between Anthony and Sparr on right side of crossing having run his ma ¬ chine into the hole and broken off both front wheels Matter referred- to Commissioner Crosby- On motion of Commissioner Fort that inasmuch as certain petition which was filed with the board for opening up of road between Belle view and South Lake Weir has been misplaced and whereas Mr Proctor- as commissioner for the district has investigated requirement and report- ed ¬ he is instructed to open up road and furnish profile of route for file Ordered that a committee consist- ing ¬ of two members of the board and Wm Lucius road overseer be ap¬ pointed to go to Palmetto to see and test road machinery there at work- in case purchase is made the com- pany ¬ pays the expenses otherwise- the county pays expenses Commit- tee ¬ to be appointed at September meeting of board Board thereupon adjourned until Wednesday morning Wednesday morning 8 oclock board reconvened All members present The following proceedings were had On motion the clerk Is required- to order justices docket for justice district No 29 for C I Gray On motion of Commissioner li- censes ¬ for carrying pistols being Ir ¬ regular and improperly executed- were refused viz Z P Hitchcock- E P Townsend W H Sherouse W M McLoud L T Dutton L H Hall A T Munroe T J Perry Ed ¬ win Elberton and J J Hudnall The bill of W F Pulliam deputy sheriff for 50 in securing evidence in the conviction of Will Smith for selling whisky without a license was refused for the reason that the law offering reward for this service has been declared unconstitutional- The pension claims of the follow- ing ¬ persons not being within the law of 1909 their claims were refused Mrs O H M Eichelberger Mrs Mittie Marston T A Mathews Mrs Martha S Brown W Caldwell Jackson Godwin John Pasteur Chas F Waterman- The following pension claims be ¬ ing an proper form and coming with- in ¬ the law of 1909 were approved by the board as follows J C Little John H West Wil- liam ¬ D Emminisor Jas W Johns Wm L Ditto Louisa Dillard Jas A Crosby McThomas William Chris ¬ tian Jas Carrinton John E Bailey Joseph Plummer Elizabeth E Bur leson Edward W McDonald Chas Concluded on Fourth Page lf F 3 4 t THE MUNROE C H- eA 1 II III It I II ft 14 t J i i lIt r w 1 > t- c < < i i OCALA < FLORIDA- The < r t < I > t rL remarkable success of tnis panic la J1 i1tor tbelith friendship of its customers gained by earnest ttettk i 4 j their inter- estsMOHTEZUMA t t I S c 0Q I l i 1It < Z 1 t- it m < 1 l < + n r 1 fftr GUY w TOPHOP N THEYEARBOWU t i < j- << i J l t l Hiat CB> ialJt1111es Sl Per hy 1a II fljj4 4 ti1J at ristattu ui ca THE FURNITURE lOUSE FV r t L f 1 r i f v OFMcIVEIIcEA- TCARRIES iff P i > v A LARGE 1 j 1j Z MODERN AND OOIP IEsTOO- LFURNITURE l- f t > OF l 1 Jv Io k < + I l = i t AND I O b Iif HOUSE FURNISHINGS ALL KBS f The oily los In Ceitral Florida feat IikIe l Furnishes Ole Home Carries al all Tines lie latest Md Rest ii Furniture Keefiiif ip wife Ibe ttaes mi Jffl A What the People Wait Also carries a cute Liw tf IiI1dersta1d Sbe- Mdariware f Carriages Waftis JHJ > iafiest Saiiics Elc Look over ear Stock ail fd w frices beftre yN make your purchases fti- orsMclVER J J os MAcK- AICE J- f Ocala t Florila < t ICEMa- de JX- M M from distilled water and of the highest quality R ular city Mrvie by our Red Wagon Delivery Orders for distilled water for drinking S poses also taken by our drivers Ice is also far sale at our pl- antSinr THE fLORIDA PACKING GO R Phone 5Buy Ice From Red WagonsIhdi e 5 FOR HEALTH AND PLEASURE 4 Y 4 The Beautiful t Hay wood White Sulphur Springs HotelL- and of the Sky WAYNESVILLE NC AititudeZ50 Feet- On the Southern Railway one nour from Asheville Capacity 259 guests- No consumptives Hot and Cold Sulphur Baths Music Bowling and Tennis 13 Special attention to mountain parties Special party sud family rates For 1 Information address G C ROPANManager Formerly manager of Ken i worth Inn Asb- evllIeKNIGHT i- LANG rf i 7 > 4 J- v J Leading Vehicle Dealers i < i i of Central Florida if Ai imnease stock leliaMe Was tiffles Carte 1 anil Carriafes carried at all fiats y Harness Saddles Lap lobes Whips ail ai Htm f carried by a firstclass boise I Ilsdbiu1 IiI qiM t lilies Iralhe factories ail always to slock at UK very t ri > lowest prices We can save voi oiey M yoir pnduies belley Iareorswiall c Aeits for BOS of OK leadtof aad best lIII1esti fJli t waf ois aid fcif- fiesKNIGHT 4 LANG T- North SUe ol Sure ICAU RIIIII I 0 il Z n T SCRAP METAL AND JUNK I 1 I I will buy all kinds of JunkIron Steel Brass Copper Zinc r r Tin Lead Rubber Bagging barrels Leather Etc Old Engines 1 Boilers Rails Etc whether as secondband or scrap and pay the i highest price In cash for same Write or call on me and let me know a 4 what you bave and where It Is located I I- ft y- EOX E 0 CITRA FLOR- IDAWashington < L 0 1 11t 1f j- j Seminary I > r North Ave and Peachtree Sir Atlanta Ga BoardIng and Day School for i girls and young ladies Boarding department limited to Insure re < f4 fined home life Classes divided into small sections to secure personal Ja i i structlon Faculty of eighteen specialists Conservatory advantages te Ifaa < Is Art Expression Certificate admits you to Va Wellesley Raaiolph < r Macon etc Thirtjsecond year begins September JtU CataJocwc OH ap v- plication i f L D SCOTT EMMA L SCOTT Prmipeis L > < 1 V V h T- I 1 11 > J- t J 1 j r t- lr < ct I J t g 1 4- L <i i J c J i i sp f f0

Transcript of Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1909-08-06 [p...

Page 1: Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1909-08-06 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03238/00274.pdf · garden of the hat of a pretty girl trav- ... flames A darkskinned waiter

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tand taste as sweet That why Schles+ 7 and Downeys Candles In halt

t and pound boxes are BO popular PureA confection these flavor delicious Ourconfectionery Is free fr Jno adulteralion It Is wholesome and healthfuljpvery kind of confectionery here

4 Frult Cold Drinks Cigars and Newsc ppa OJ I







T COMMERCIAL STATIONERYIt1 of high grade aia quality for office1 and store receives a great deal of ourV ttIm and attention as our stock andf facilities for supplying large and smallitOfders will amply attest WhetherJ iou want a lead pencil or a huge led


t er a note book or a letter press le-st worthyour while to come In look

around anij comparo prices





if1PO Box 46 OC LA FLA




0p iI8 Into the Lont cf the Ocala

ir ol t Hoasc

Offers the very best xservice of-

f s akllled workmen with modern ap-pliances


I Strictly sanitary ElectricI electric massages

i Mot Running Water at All TimesJlr VINCENT C DETTERiCH Manager







QualityPrompt Service

Lowest Pricet Iiyfr B OK





W F MARLOW Proprietop

Rates reasonable AH goods pressr and cleaned on short notice and

lUvered promptly All transientl

ork not called for In 30 days willold for chargesr



1A P ant iaiusism


p 1

4 v >1 i

b M7




It Hat Been Waiting On the

Tariff Sill Passed the Senate

Thursday Afternoon

Washington Aug GThe Senateshortly after 2 oclock yesterday aft¬

ernoon by a small majority passedthe PayneAldrlch tariff bill The votestood For passage 41 against pas ¬

sage 3-

SeyenrepubUcans voted against thebill They are Brlstow Clapp Cum-

mings Dolliver LaPoIlette Bev rldgeand Nelson Everything was arrangedahead of time and there was no delayby debate or other proceedings-


A French scientist has discovered-one secret of long life His methoddeals with the blood But long agomillions of Americans had provedElectric Bitters prolongs life andmakes it worth living It purifies en-


and vitalizes the blood rebuildswaste nerve cells imparts life andtone to the entire system Its a godsend to weak sick and debilitatedpeople Kidney trouble had blighted-my life for months writes W MSherman of Cushing Me but Elec-tric


Bitters cured me entirely Only50c at all druggists-




Mr Ford of New Jersey has PassedTwenty Years in Jail

Elizabeth N J Aug 6Mrs Fordof this city was sentenced yesterday-by Judge Owen P Mahon to serve hereightythird term of ninety days Inthe county jail for drunkenness

Since 1887 when Mrs Ford wasfirst arrested she has served morethan twenty years behind prison barsfor Indulgence In booze enjoying butbrief intervals of freedom The coun ¬

ty authorities say the secret of herlongevity is that she has been in jail-so much of the time


A S Nusbaum Batesvllle Indianawrites Last year suffered forthree months with a summer cold sodistressing that It Interfered with mybusiness I had many of the symp-toms


of hay fever and a doctors pre ¬

scription did not reach my case and Itook several medicines which seemedonly to aggravate It Fortunately Iinsisted upon having Foleys HoneyHoney and Tar It quickly cured meMy wife has since used Foleys Honeyand Tar with tho same success Soldby all dealers



Tip that May be Needed by FloridaTopers in a Year or Two

Topeka Kan Aug GThe latestdrink In Kansas is the Jackson cock ¬

I tall It is intended to avoid troublewith the Kansas prohibitory law andFred Jackson the attorney generalfor whom It was named-

It Is a drink that can be purchasedanywhere in Kansas and at any time

land the chap that sells it is never Indanger of prosecution and the fellowthat buys it never will be brought intocourt as a witness

The drink is three parts apple ciderand one part Jamaica ginger It Issaid to be a really palatable concoc ¬

tlonClder is always good and theginger being chiefly alcohol gives themixture a flavor that old topers sayIs about the finest ever besides thedrink is quite active and right awayTwo good slugs will make a man fun-ny


three will make him rob his owntrunk and five will give him a pref-erence


fora bed of shucks in a vacantlot to a downy couch at home

The attorney general and tlje stateboard of health are hearing many re¬

ports of the Jackson cocktail and itseffectiveness as a jag producer Theattorney general and the board of of-


are looking for some way tostop the consumption of the cocktail-but they have not bn able to findany clause of the law with which itcomes Into conflict


This would be unusual news if menand women would keep themselves-free from rheumatism and all achesand pains as well as keeping theirmuscles and joints limbered withBaliards Snow Liniment Sold byall druggists


Fire in a Peach Basket Hat CalledOut Atlanta Fire Department

Atlanta Aug GA fire on the roofgarden of the hat of a pretty girl trav-eler


at the union station yesterday af-ternoon


called out two fire companies-a hose cart a score of willing amateurfiremen delayed a fash train and de-


about 530 worth of finery onthe beack basket aforesaid

The young woman on her way to-

N aw York rushed into the station forsomething to eat In flaying her checkshe swung the hat too near the cigarlighter In an instant the orchardwhich adorned the hat was a mass olflames A darkskinned waiter turnedIn a fire alarm and every availablemale guest tried to rescue the affair

The train was held a few minutesuntil the victim recovered from an at-tack


of near hysteria when she gra-ciously


permitted It to proceed

The best remedy we know of In allcases of kidney and bladder troubleand the one we can always recommend-Is DeWitts Kidney and Bladder PillsThey are antiseptic and at once assistthe kidneys to perform their impor ¬

tant work But when you ask for thesepills be positive that you get DeWitts Kidney and Bladder PillsThere are Imitations placed upon themarket to deceive you Get DeWittsInsist upon them and if your dealercannot supply you refuse Anythingelse In place of them Sold by alldruggists



A fine soda fountain for sale cost9350 will take 1ab for it Ap-ply


I to S A Moses Brother city


13i iCBiLi 1

Cttors For tI 49 ts-

ITHPer Yard At




Pyx was More Efficacious than a Pis Jtol Against Polish Ruffians

Utica N Y Aug GRevSuck acting pastor of the Holy Trin-ity


Polish Catholic church In this citywent into police court and lodgedcomplaint against twenty members of I

his congregation who endeavored tokidnap him late Saturday night for I

the purpose of murdering him Hehad been hastily summoned to go to ahospital to attend a dying man As hecame from the church with the holyoils he was surrounded by a score of I

Ihis parlshoners who endeavored todrag him into waiting carriage

Father Suck shouted loudly for helpThen he drew the pyx In which hecarried the sacrament from His innercoat pocket held it aloft and called


upon the men to not commit a sac-rilege


while he was carrying the sac¬

rament to a dying man The assail ¬

ants of the priest then fell back fort amoment and Father Suck escaped Intothechurch



merits of the Texas Wonder youwould never suffer from kIdney bladler of rheumatic trouble > l bottle twomonths treatment Sold by druggists-or by mail Send for testimonials DrE W Hall 2926 Olive Street StLouis Mo-



Brooksville Aug GMr Jerry Han ¬

cock and Miss Bessie Snow started-out for a drive yesterday afternoon-and stopped in at the home ot Rev j

Partridge who made them man and I

wife This was quite a surprise to I

everyone Mr Hancock is the goung I

est son of Mr and Mrs W S Han ¬

cock Mrs Hancock is a sister to theclerk of the circuit court M H Snow I



It seemed to J A Stone a civil war I

veteran of Kemp Tex that a plotexisted between a desperate lung trou-ble and the grave to cause his death-I contracted a stubborn cold hewrites that developed a cough thatstuck to me in spite of all remediesfor years My weight ran down to 130pounds Then I began to use Drtings New Discovery which restored-my health completely I now weigh178 pounds For severe colds obsti ¬

nate coughs hemorrhages asthmaand to prevent pneumonia its un-


50c and 1 Trial bottlefret Guaranteed by all druggists t





I will place an electric smoothing-iron in your home on a few days trialupon request at my office or by cartsor phone They are the the greatestlittle thing In the home especially inhot weather Connect the cord withone of your light drops and in a fewminutes the iron is hot No smoke-or dirt and Hat only where it iswanted H W TUCKER


Washington D C Aug G Repre-sentative


Bartlett of Georgia has In ¬

troduced a bill amending the inter-state


commerce law so as to make itpossible for railroad companies togrant free or reduced transportation-to bona fide members of the UnitedConfederate Veterans associations


All persons are recommended totake Foley Kidney Remedy forbackache rheumatism and kidneyand bladder trouble It will quicklycorect Urinary Irregularities which Ifneglected may develop into a seriousillness It will restore health awlstrength Do not neglect signs ofkidney or bladder trouble and riskBrights disease or diabetes Sold byall dealers I


Cleveland Ohio August GTheSchmidt ordinance providing for thegrant of a franchise to HermanSchmidt insuring threecent fares ona part of the city street car lines wasdefeated at a referendum election hereyesterday by a majority of 4763 Theordinance was fostered by Mayor TomL Johnson

A WEAKLING-Is the only way to describe the poorchild tha is afflicted with worms Nomatter how much or how often it catsthe worms get all the nourishmentfrom the food the child gets practi-cally


none Whites Cream Vermi ¬

fuge gets rid of the worms quicklyeasily and with no bad after effectsPrice 25 cents a bottle Sold by alldruggists


839O10465Los Angeles and SanFrancisco on sale various datesLimit October 31 Variable routesand stopovers

9540 Seattle Washington Variableroutes and stopovers Limit Octo ¬

ber 311870Monteagle and SewanneeTenn July 1 10 17 23 24 30 Au ¬

gust 13 and 14 Limit September5 Stopovers allowedfor further Information call on or

write F J Hubert P T A orJ K KIrkland D P A Tampa FIn

sMENOur illustrated catalogue ex-


how we teach barber trade inI few weeks mailed free Moler Barber

College Atlanta Ga t


Henry Paul Turned Highwayman andNow his Will Rest in the


White Bear Minn Aug GArterhe had robbed the cashier of the FirstState Bank of this town of J700 ap-


at the wicket with a gun andcompelling the man to push the mon-ey


toward him Henry Paul dashedthrough the streets pursued by acrowd and took refuge in an old houseon the edge of the town

Here he was besieged by his pur ¬

suers and killed after he had shotFred Larkin dead and mortally wound-ed


another of his pursuers-The men who were pursuing Paul

were gathered In a thicket near thehouse and called upon him to surren ¬

der He made reply and they conclud-ed


to rush the house This was doneand Paul shot Larkin as the men En-


the door A volley from the be-


laid him low but as he fell heshot another man Paul was a la-



Loss of the Steamer Maori and ManyLives In Table Bay

Capetown Africa August GTheBritish steamship Maori is a totalwreck In the bay and of the entirelost of passengers and the crew butnine people are known to have reach-ed


the shore alive Six bodies havebeen washed ashore

From the survivors it is gleanedthat the Maori ran upon the rocksduring the night tearing a great holein her hull The vessel began to fillrapidly and the captain ordered all ofthe boats cleared Some of the boatswere swamped after they were filledwith people and it Is supposed thatmost of the unfortunates from theship perished-

The boats which got away from thewreck were soon separated in thedarkness But one boat has reachedshore as far as is known

Did You EverI-t used to be an awful task to make

ice cream Did you ever try itToday you cannot doquits Bnythingeasierthnnm-


ice cream if you us-

eJELLOwbat2 disks I

have ICE CREAMisiallycost PowderS-tir one package into a quart of

milk and freeze absolutely nothingelse to doand you have two quarts-of delicious ice cream at a cost ofabout ono cent a dish 1


2 packsyes 25 cents af CmearsIllustrated Recipe Book Free



In Connection With the Hotel Office

Skilled worKmen and courteous at-tention


to all Special attention tochildren



R L DETTERICH Proprietor

C J PHILLIPSContractor and Builder

Plans and Specifications FurnishedUpon Request

129 South Third Sti

Phone 130 OCALA IHk-



Undertakers and EmbalmersI

D E Mclver Alfred E OwenUndertakers

fine Caskets and Burial Robes

All work done by licensed embalm-ers and fuUy guaranteed


ife Assurance Society

I Of The United States



FRESH FISH-I receive dally snlpments of choice

fresh and salt water fish of th bestvarieties I handle nothing but fishand handle them right

WM TUCKERPone 219 City Market

RHIYSKIUNEYCUWBI-zMMilku 1Udrq iiI1II iiifkt



Official Report of the Proceediag atthe August Meeting of tbo


Ocala Fla Aug 2 1909Theboard met on this date Pres-


Hon Geo MacKay M 3L Proc-tor N A Fort J M Mathews andW M Crosby Minutes of previousmeeting were read and approved-

The board of county commission-ers


met on this day for the purpose-of hearing complaints of personswho were aggrieved on account ofraises made on the assessmentsmade during their meeting July1909 I

The bill of the Ocala Banner forprinting general laws of the last leg-islature was duly approved by theboard

Mr Frank Lytle representinPhoebe W Buffum produced evi-dence


sufficient to convince theboard that the property should notbe raised above 2100 and the samewas put back at original assessment-

Mr Lytle was also granted reduc-tion on his assesment to 500 I

The assessment of the Car ey In-vestment


Co which was raised from1800 to 4000 was reduced to2500The Carney Investment Co which

assessment was raised from 340020000 was reduced to 15000-

A M Cameron assesment whichwas raised from 300to 1000 wasreduced to 600

Mr Snooks which was raised from50 to 250 was reducedto 50Florida Lime Co which was rais-


from 5000 to 10000 was re-duced


to 7000 I

The assessment of R A Kelsey I

raised to 600 was reduced to400The assesment of RR Hice was

reduced to 1800 I

The assessment James Kelseywas reduced to 100 I I

The assessment of W F Stebleton raised from 100 to 300 wasreduced to 100 i

Mitchell Rigdon whose assessment-had been raised from 100 to 500was reduced to 150 I

The assessment of Sarah Choatewhich was raised from 100 to

1000 was reduced to 800-J F Wyckoff reduced from 1

000 to 800The board thereupon took ad ¬

journment until tomorrow morning-at 8 oclock

August 3rd 1009At 8 oclock the board met all

members present and the followingproceedings had

Mr McKInney appeared before theboard with reference to Lak Weirroad and made some complaint Thematter was referred to CommissionerProctor with power to act

The report of the commissioners-to lay out a public road from Candler to Ocala was filed and clerk di-


to post necessary notices foropening up of said road

The Ways and Means committeeviz T T Munroe Dr J C Boozerand D E Mclver appeared beforethe board asking for assistance forthe county fair in the amount of

1000 which matter was taken un¬

der consideration by the board-T F Johnson paid into the coun-


treasurer 150 J V Booth2359 to be used In the construc-


of AltoonaOrange Hammock-road which payments were madethrough Commissioner Fort It wasordered that the clerk draw warrant-in favor of G J Griffin for 240being 50 per cent of contract price-of 50 per mile for 725 yards of con ¬

structed roadDr E J Lindner appeared and

complined of hole being dug In pub-lic


road by railroad section masterbetween Anthony and Sparr on rightside of crossing having run his ma¬

chine into the hole and broken offboth front wheels Matter referred-to Commissioner Crosby-

On motion of Commissioner Fortthat inasmuch as certain petitionwhich was filed with the board foropening up of road between Belleview and South Lake Weir has beenmisplaced and whereas Mr Proctor-as commissioner for the district hasinvestigated requirement and report-ed


he is instructed to open up roadand furnish profile of route for file

Ordered that a committee consist-ing


of two members of the board andWm Lucius road overseer be ap¬

pointed to go to Palmetto to see andtest road machinery there at work-in case purchase is made the com-pany


pays the expenses otherwise-the county pays expenses Commit-tee


to be appointed at Septembermeeting of board

Board thereupon adjourned untilWednesday morning

Wednesday morning 8 oclockboard reconvened All memberspresent The following proceedingswere had

On motion the clerk Is required-to order justices docket for justicedistrict No 29 for C I Gray

On motion of Commissioner li-


for carrying pistols being Ir¬

regular and improperly executed-were refused viz Z P Hitchcock-E P Townsend W H Sherouse WM McLoud L T Dutton L HHall A T Munroe T J Perry Ed ¬

win Elberton and J J HudnallThe bill of W F Pulliam deputy

sheriff for 50 in securing evidencein the conviction of Will Smith forselling whisky without a licensewas refused for the reason that thelaw offering reward for this servicehas been declared unconstitutional-

The pension claims of the follow-ing


persons not being within the lawof 1909 their claims were refusedMrs O H M Eichelberger MrsMittie Marston T A Mathews MrsMartha S Brown W CaldwellJackson Godwin John Pasteur ChasF Waterman-

The following pension claims be¬

ing an proper form and coming with-in


the law of 1909 were approved bythe board as follows

J C Little John H West Wil-liam


D Emminisor Jas W JohnsWm L Ditto Louisa Dillard JasA Crosby McThomas William Chris ¬

tian Jas Carrinton John E BaileyJoseph Plummer Elizabeth E Burleson Edward W McDonald Chas

Concluded on Fourth Page

lf F3 4 t











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< r t< I >

t rL

remarkable success of tnis panic la J1 i1tor tbelithfriendship of its customers gained by earnest ttettk i



their inter-



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f t >OF l 1J v Iok

< + I l =

i tAND I O b Iif

HOUSE FURNISHINGS ALL KBS fThe oily los In Ceitral Florida feat IikIe l

Furnishes Ole Home Carries al all Tines lie latest MdRest ii Furniture Keefiiif ip wife Ibe ttaes mi Jffl A

What the People WaitAlso carries a cute Liw tf IiI1dersta1d Sbe-



Carriages Waftis JHJ > iafiest Saiiics ElcLook over ear Stock ail fd w frices beftre yN

make your purchases fti-







Ocalat Florila< t





from distilled water and of the highest quality R ular city Mrvieby our Red Wagon Delivery Orders for distilled water for drinking S

poses also taken by our drivers Ice is also far sale at our pl-



Phone 5Buy Ice From Red WagonsIhdi e 5


4 The Beautiful t

Haywood White Sulphur Springs HotelL-

and of the Sky WAYNESVILLE NC AititudeZ50 Feet-

On the Southern Railway one nour from Asheville Capacity 259 guests-No consumptives Hot and Cold Sulphur Baths Music Bowling and Tennis 13Special attention to mountain parties Special party sud family rates For 1

Information address G C ROPANManager Formerly manager of Ken i

worth Inn Asb-



LANG rfi




v J

Leading Vehicle Dealers i<


of Central Florida ifAi imnease stock leliaMe Was tiffles Carte


anil Carriafes carried at all fiats yHarness Saddles Lap lobes Whips ail ai Htm


carried by a firstclass boise IIlsdbiu1 IiI qiM tlilies Iralhe factories ail always to slock at UK very t

ri >lowest prices

We can save voi oiey M yoir pnduies belleyIareorswiall c

Aeits for BOS of OK leadtof aad best lIII1esti fJli t

wafois aid fcif-fiesKNIGHT



North SUe ol Sure ICAU RIIIIII 0 il Z



I will buy all kinds of JunkIron Steel Brass Copper Zinc r rTin Lead Rubber Bagging barrels Leather Etc Old Engines 1

Boilers Rails Etc whether as secondband or scrap and pay the i

highest price In cash for same Write or call on me and let me know a 4

what you bave and where It Is located I I-






0 111t

1f j-


I> rNorth Ave and Peachtree Sir Atlanta Ga BoardIng and Day School for igirls and young ladies Boarding department limited to Insure re < f4fined home life Classes divided into small sections to secure personal Ja i i

structlon Faculty of eighteen specialists Conservatory advantages te Ifaa <

Is Art Expression Certificate admits you to Va Wellesley Raaiolph < rMacon etc Thirtjsecond year begins September JtU CataJocwc OH ap v-

plication i fL D SCOTT EMMA L SCOTT Prmipeis L

>< 1

V V h T-


1 11>


t J1 j r


lr <

ctI J tg 1 4-

L < i i J c J i i sp f f0