Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1908-05-20 [p...

tijJ R J 1ef H i 1 t i t 4 1 < Jfri112k giiJ ftr > 1t1lJ r t tf i 1 t 1 1h Y 1 1 gt7 af < rg t rif < y t 2 i 11 ati k f > M i maas- 3f t1 r o v 1 t I i n r t tI C Ii f J f- WCDNE8DAYMAY r I lA = J I ff t 1J b ft l J I iN 1 OCALA LENtsGTAPt 2Q iS lt t t j > Jc A J 4Ji 1l f r- r + t 1 tf P I 1 j 4 f L J t r g r 3 fjtr 2 rrnt- I a b i U I I F I tN- Tt I nt ziifli Hotel J R A BRIGHT Proprietor Ocala Florida Headquarter for commercial men and tourists Firstclass ac- commodations ¬ nd the bestz a day hotel in Florida Under nev- i I 1 3jiagementv Thoroughly reftirjiuhed throughout J Porters meet an- alJ1S f i 4 1- t L r DUt- I A Woscito omeIu14ers- Ve take this opportunity to announce hat our equip ¬ 1s- j ment for caring for all plumbing contracts consisting of 1 either new work or over 1 g r rl c hauling unequaled and Jvve invite you r41 I to cajl and dkcuss thtfsubject vithfi I- I I I t Thq material we use is the best the- i I marKet afFords Yc call attention par- ticularly ¬ p J r to the fact that we fiandlr- tijlS L > < Pprcclam Enameled Ware is so widely advertised 1 r in P llf Reading magazines Wc will S gladly quot ou prices V V 1- I I r- v R E YQNQE SOr I 1 I 1 5 S n I q- mm I 4 I 1 1 1 B H SEYMQUR I K MacPH E sb- NMadon DVeiOpflflt CO I I DEALERS IN Ii 1 f I j Re 1 lrjEstate and 1 uildj1ng- I J M er1a I 81 I r- i I t t 1 + I t tt I i f f W c r rr I r lWODD 1 LUM1ER SHiNGLES SAND- J f W- D If r I- PR9PERTIE j l > BbuGL1i > SpLD JotSfORSALE CkSOESYTERMS- I S 1 S j k j t L I < IJ f- l Po Box 715 Phode 129 f r Ocala Florida I I r H- L T I- ROLLINS l COLLEQE f FLORIDA j OLDEST COLLEGE i i I ipllege Academy and Schools of MusicExpression Fine Artsfj Domes tic IrjdmstrJlal Arts and Business Carnegie iEfdll and third m ensf dormitoryfnpiy going up electric lights Sleim and furnace hat large faculty perfect heath cortactions fine gyms jiaium athletic field tennis courts olf link baseball and basKetball teams champitins Florida this year r eally a quarter of a inilllon dollars cndpvir eit x exp are npderate scholarships available Christian but undertpminatidnal gtknds for I- J f t t 1 CHARACTER CULTURE CONDUCT J K Next sson B October 7 Fo r Catalogues Address the President w WM F BLACKMAN Ph D I- A WINTER PARK FLA I I i f V I1 I I v DAVID S WQODRW J W AKINGEORGE H FO- RDOCJAL4 TPLUWIB1NGt 1- t y I J AND t ELECTRIC CO L N u J 1 i t4 DEALERS IN 1 t 4 c I tt- t r I 1 Ii It < i Standard Makes of Plumbing Goods Gas Engines Pumps frrigtiting Plants Acetylene Gas Plants Sold and Installed Complete Estimates Promptly submitted onaua Work in our line P 0 Box ott eCALA FLORIDA 1kOeNo 370 t l t v r 1 q HOTEL iVTDLE- f 151719 EastForsyUi Slrek Jacksonville Fla 1 t t New qiid FirstClass M All d I e J Appointments t- S 1 1LL American Plan 2 and 250 I J j q per f day i Eurcifeans > Plan > I Rooms one person 75 cents f T i per day and tip Special week ¬ 4 kIi lyrates Center of pity Near tI i III I Car pines Operi all tin all i T I w Year Rooms with Bath Ex ¬ I I Ij tra Charge Bus from Depot S a- and Steamships t 1- tB r C SMITH proprieto- rr J 1 t e Ji- i > I I 1 J t t I J V I 1 r S < t 1 1 i5 I 1 f I 1 4 1 1- j r r t 1 Jl 3 s r i j- I t i t t J > r j IJ1 j H j J 7fff 1l L J1t t if L t J f i i f < > i J J t t t J J rql I0 c HALF BALD HEADED I I Was the Condition a Shreveport Young Lady Found Herself in Tuesday i Monday- Shreveport j I i Lai Nay 20When Miss Gertrude Bates a pretty young lady ot this city I daughter of Mr and Mrs TF F Bates of 813 Spring street awakened yesterday morning half ofl her long black was missing she retired the night before it was jjaited During the night one platt I was clipped off close to her hqad and a search of the premises disclosed it en the ground near the window and a pair of scissors near by The affair- s I a mystery but the belief if that rcme one by means of a high fence entered the room during the night and removed the curls as the window was found open- BATTLESHIPS f i 1 BUILT s Forty FOR lisINES 1 v thousand miles by water That will be tie enviable and record breaker naval experience held by your Uncle Sam vb l Evans fleet rf modern wardogs anchor on the jthpres of the Atlantic a year from now Foil one monster battleship to round puth America steaming twelve thousand miles without a bI kfs not so won er ulj but when sixteen ships make the trip on rail- road ¬ schedule time and without 4 mIs- hap it must mean that your Uncle las a nenavYin perfect condition But as wpnderful as this trip was ijt- i just the preliminary to the around he world jaunt which is in store for the officers and jackies Australian have prpmised a teceptipri to thelJig lleet that will throw into tIe shade anything the sailors have ever seen under a foreign flag What a wealth PI knowledge can be picked up by the fortunate men 6n board No univer- sity on earth Van equal the mind hrpadening power of the trip Heres hoping the Pacific Fleet may forever be 1 both I I 4 1 i SI 1 CARSWELL WAS CRUSHED c r- I To Death in the Lakeland vajdbY a D I Switch Engine 1 I i i Lakeland l8In jumping from a1 o h switch engine in the Atlantic foast Line yords Saturday morning Mack Cars vell fell between the rails and the engine passed over his body The engine was quiQ ly brought toa 1 standstill and the mem ¬ bers of the crew took the injured b9Y tot Dr Loves office where his wbuhfis i vere dressed He died at 430 oclqck- he same afteVnbon r lIe retained cons Jousness while Ills Vounds were being dtessed but soon after bRIng removed to his home sank into a stupor He had beerf warned by his borthetinla v B 1EC Young to keep off the svitch engine and before losing consciousness begged his moth- er Mrs R M cLaughlin tell him how the accident Jhf1ppeJled- Th fufTeral services were Xethodist church Sunday morning be ¬ ing cpnducteja by Rev ji R Ca on > The were taken to the old l onie in Oeorgia fOr interment De- ceased i was fourteen years ot age and A as very popular The whole dpm munity was shocked by the pl itel1d cf the boy Tampa Trabune A i- J M V I H 1 BADLY MIxED f 1 Ir- The local paper in a Mississippi town recently had occasion to describel a wedding Ort the same day ati ar tide was written concerjilng two im t dent tramps who had visited the tcwn The new hoy in theof man- aged ¬ to get the Slugs I11ISecf with the following result j- TJie P bride Entered at the right es- corted ¬ by her brother with knocked at tile door deVnancling something to eat She was beautiflu gowned in gray traveling costume The groom wor- th conventional suit for such affairs a r gged corduroy suit a soiled shirt andt battered derby hats and was ac- companied ¬ bya fierce look J1g bull log Both >yere dirty and Unkempt They left town in a sidedoor sleeper vof a local freight train followed by showers of rice pld shoes and good vishes If they shquld be caught here again they are likely to be roughly handled by indignant citizens I 1 NO USE TODIE i I IS I i I have found out that there is Ol use to die of lung troUble as long as you can get Dr Kings New iis coverjrvsays Mjrs J P White of- Rushboto I PalC I would not be alive today only for that wonderful medi ¬ cine It loosens upa cough quicker than else and curves lung- diseaseevenaftar the case is pro- nounced ¬ I hopeless This most reli- able ¬ remedy for coughs and cods Ia grippe asthma bronchitis and Hoarse ¬ ness is sold under guarantee at all drugstores 50c and 1 Trial bottle free J VANDEIB1LT CUPRAQE ON LONG ISLAND i New York J ii 19Ie now seems to be assured that thlewillbe a race for the Vapderbilt4 Cup over a Long Island course next October The con ¬ tract has been let for the construction- of the Long Island Motor Parkway One of the stipulations of the contract is that ten miles of the route is to be completed in time for the race A person who is close to W K Vander- bilt Jr the dono oft1 e cup con ¬ firmed this fact ajid said that the race positively would be > held I t > t t t < 7 < > L t L 5 4rhM 7 w 5- rt C tj t t L- TiLe l rl r J j i 71 e a S g 0 i 1 Iilr + t- t t t f- i f r h J > We welcome small depositors and sma1IborJ- I r i ql roy rs is that v any of i the bet tacqonnth- which I jpfN1 < ye now tiave1 t begaiilittle and grew r Pf 5 i f bigVe alltO help others to doO v 6 ij- v i I t I F- i I I < hf i t- ri The M unrqe Charrblis Ba- nkS tK I J tt h- t 1I j t ti I 1 sJ CIGALA f- cWestern = LdRIDA J j i > Ii h 11 C ifJ- I FRP M MFQK I J AND I VOEftt 1 Ftf- t t t t 1 u- j f j i Beef Veal Florida Still Fed UJef- ilUtt01 i Armours Star Ham Aimoujs Pork j- i v Sausage Garbage Kutabagas Turnip Beets 0fcj Sweet Potatoes Irish PAatbes Spanish Onions t i t l I a S j t W i P- I E D W AB D J 1 o r 1t J l- e f i tt t I t Jl 7 Phone 108 City Market < I I 1 I l + t l I SI l I ROYALTY ISNT REASONABLE J t King Mnuel of Portugal Wants t b lyiarry His Sweetheart Instead of x Some Foreign Princess Lisbon P0itugal May 20A rd- iTjantic story about King Manuels at ¬ tachment lor the young daughter of a- ladyinwaiting < t < his mother which threatens to sick ttthe matrimonial rlansl being laid fof hlm is printed- In the M ndo King Carlos and Queen Amelia knew of Manuals tondness for the girl who is connected with the highest Portugese nobility but they bonsidered it simply a iiidist fancy N Since he becjjLme king a suitable al- liance ¬ syith any European royal house Ig regarded as a state necessity His sagacious mother and the < pi- Oporto his uncle have looking- over the list of available princesses and both are said to be nf3jvQroJ- on of British extraction because the close relations between the cOin tries f VK- j few days agolitfey were talking abopt the piatteP n tie Dings pres Tl < and r o their surprisfe He firmly declared that heWoulci marry either hi ifeweet heart oi iobod Remonstrance Ayere unavailing so the ladyinwaitlng and her daughter- will be skedtc go abidad in the hope that a long separatidri will cure the lng of his boyhood love- S SERIOUS RESULts FEAIED 5 You may I well Ifear t serious results from 3 cough dr cold as pneunicnia and cdnsUmptionr stt withJa cdld- Fdl ys Honey and Tar cures the most obstI inite coughs or and pVents scTidus results Reluse substitutes Sdlc1 by all dealers x I > PUT IT ON LEAP YER- II Vr j t I 11 Ralph W Smith the bprid man was to his stertograpier the other day when woman entered the office cording tP the Denver Post > hIs this Mr Smith 1 sheasked 1 It is f vaS the reply What can I 3o for you Td like tP see youtln private said the Woman i never lsee anybody In private Mr Smith said Go Ahead talk M ght here My stenographer knows all Jn business anyway I i c I 4 SISTo saixl the woman hesitatingly I Want to see you in private impossible tnadan1 t Not eVen for ajmoment Ico t The woman smiled scornfully tt suppose youre sitrajd of me j i be- cause its leap y arshe said f i HaW ABQUlfIT- id you have the chance to see the mail for one of his contracts before > ougot hurt Do not waitN Call for his andVget a contract before you get sjck orhifrt galnMp tWilsoii is the MaTLY I f F Y A MOTHERLY ROOSTER f- T I t St lpuis May Maplew6bds mollyc ddle rooster is pow a mother He hatched twelye Plymouth Rock chicks out ofptheltten eggs on which- he has been sitting three weeks and inordinately proud of the achieve- ment ¬ But the mother was not ai- l wed to enjoy the pleasures of moth trhood N D Mitchell his owner was afraid he would Injure the chick- ens ¬ in moving kwkwardfy among them and took them away from him plaq- mg thenvin charge of a settfng hen The roster became enraged and at tacked the hen which had dispos- e sed him until Kitchell struck upon a nappy expedient and put out fifteen more eggs for ythe rooster to sit on This calmed the rooster and lijjk is again industriously on the jobj thiladelphia Record I t i- BST HEALER IN THE WORLD- Rev F Starbird of East Raymond Maine says I have used BucklenT3 Arnica Salve for several years on ny old army wound and other pbstinate sores and find it the best healer in the world I use it too with great suc- cess in my terinary business Price 25c at all drugstore- sI I orne in aind yS e PIe < linef new- booksat the OcalavNws- v Cop t- L i r I < < l I i a i I 1 i- I h = 1- I l o I KNIGITS OFPt JQ p 7- f J- I S I r ftti I 1 t 1 Conventional beld every Mon- day even1gn C4stJe 1J Ove er sers tore A COlQi 1 welcome to- 1ing X 1 V lthIghts OTJL UA Hamptpp C C t r Jjtt Chas K S Sage K Qf Rf and SY I V 1 i It r ij- 1- I J ft l- f U 4O J r- l 1- i I 1 11 J ljrj I Tuiula Loge NP- eets I 0 0 F every Tuesday eve ft ingin Tonges Hall Visiting brOthi r J JY always hyelcoje 4 J > rJ r sT r q r J Thompson Nt G4- I ltI M MT1Ittle jSiebreUrr fj f i fi- t 1 t1- t > f t 1 f F g A III I iIi l t t j Marion f Dunn LQ4 f r j T > No 19 meet Intbe- F 1 t- r s5 temple oh ti- apd f C thIrd h4sda eenings of each month Yrsftnqprpth cordIlyi r- llthfte J k I Brown Secretary1 f t t i I t p f I- l l B POE I y j7 iit i I i I I f Ili I I t r Notice of I Sio If- i Qcala LdgN < 1 4ic Biflevont md Pr- + f f t ctive6rdf rof Elks 1fr lhl Ii j Reguiajl sessions on the secondIard f fourth Tuesday eveniriga ot e a + month Visiting brpthersi cordially n iViteja Sl A1 Rawis Kxalted Ruler < kj tj JOseph BeTh t1ng Secretary- toNCORDlA j S f LODGE Fu OFAi 1 7 c J J t t j Gpncprflia tx jlge NP 1S FratetlI- nionqf i America meqts fourth < I < ijesQay Pf every month 730 p m at- Ycinges r rf Hall t RWybnge P JtI il Chas K Sage Secretary Jr i v v M I i J 1 FO TKrtG GttiPllJj- ti r A No 14 A fiIH- SM J Next regular monthly inet1ng w111- 2bd 1 < hId Prlda 12tb 1 Ifs evening JUne i t 8 O l k in Ypges Vitiiiy joyerefgns are always welcpmej J 1f1 L G W Martin O dl 11 Chas K Sage Clerk- c tf I < l J i l- i S GdOD THING TO DIE WITH f t I J r < Some one shid religion ar d4lif6 in surance were good th1z1g to dIe ith I See the man > hei will tell you wJie- rtcget cj1J > both M D Wilson is f J the 1 J- c j 11 man e I I- COMFORTING V fT A I I- i f I WORPS J s J Man a Florida Household Wiin r t r Them So Jf i- > 1 t t f J ia To nave the pain aria ach s 8 bad removed tp be entir 1y freed from annoying flangerpusurinarSi- orders m is enough to make any kidney f sufferer grateful To tell how this > be about gieatch1fngecan brought > prove c9mforUng tb hundreds of Pprida reaaers I f t > A Qerting seaman of 419 Lt 11 Pensacola Fla tells how to do it Rb iS says < From experience with Doan iIf Kidney Pills I can strongly recon mehd tt them to ahyone in need of a good med- icine ¬ fpr the Jddneys Kidney COrn i 1 plaint and backache caused me suf- fering tt at lintervpIsforyearK The 1rit I or second k Jd not mind put 1 1 as time went by they grew worsb and v3f- 4j1f at times laid me up I cPud riardly walk and it was a difficult matter i straighten after stooping while tlii 1 1J < kidney secretions were irregular anU unnatural Doans Kidney Pills tied me From personal experienc2 I Ithw 5 i that t ISI remedy can depertded upon jj to fulfill representations made for I it fI < 4 AS j 0 1 For sale by all dealer Pi1Ice 50 i cents FpsterMilburn pp Buffalo 1 New York sole agEnts the United States Rlemember the nameHDoans It and takes DP other > t r The best 25cboxC t er Wfehav ever pUt across the coutefDAnIeI i j 1 Cloth the PostoffleeDrtrfsitorf- r ti- i f f f I j- I S c c l r 1

Transcript of Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1908-05-20 [p...

Page 1: Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1908-05-20 [p THREE].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00850/0345.pdf · DAVID S WQODRW J W AKINGEORGE H FO-RDOCJAL4 TPLUWIB1NGt 1-t y I

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nt ziifli HotelJ R A BRIGHT Proprietor Ocala Florida

Headquarter for commercial men and tourists Firstclass ac-


nd the bestz a day hotel in Florida Under nev-i


1 3jiagementv Thoroughly reftirjiuhed throughout J Porters meet an-

alJ1S f i4 1-

tL r


I A Woscito omeIu14ers-Ve take this opportunity to announce hat our equip ¬ 1s-

jment for caring for all plumbing contracts consisting of

1 either new work or over 1g

r rlc hauling unequaled and Jvve invite you

r41 Ito cajl and dkcuss thtfsubject vithfi I-


I It

Thq material we use is the best the-iI marKet afFords Yc call attention par-


pJ r to the fact that we fiandlr-

tijlSL > < Pprcclam EnameledWare is so widely advertised

1r in P llf Reading magazines Wc will


gladly quot ou pricesV

V 1-


I r-






5S n I q-

mm I 4I1

1 1B H SEYMQUR I K MacPH E sb-

NMadon DVeiOpflflt COI






lrjEstate and1



J M er1aI 81




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Ifr I-


l> BbuGL1i>






k jtL I < IJ f-

lPo Box 715 Phode 129 f r Ocala FloridaI I r H-



i I

ipllege Academy and Schools of MusicExpression Fine Artsfj Domestic IrjdmstrJlal Arts and Business

Carnegie iEfdll and third m ensf dormitoryfnpiy going up electric lightsSleim and furnace hat large faculty perfect heath cortactions fine gymsjiaium athletic field tennis courts olf link baseball and basKetballteams champitins Florida this year r eally a quarter of a inilllon dollarscndpvir eit x exp are npderate scholarships available Christian butundertpminatidnal gtknds for I-





K Next sson B October 7 Fo r Catalogues Address the Presidentw WM F BLACKMAN Ph D I-


I I i f V I1








1 t 4 c I tt-tr

I 1 Ii It <


Standard Makes of Plumbing Goods Gas Engines Pumps frrigtitingPlants Acetylene Gas Plants Sold and Installed Complete EstimatesPromptly submitted onaua Work in our line

P 0 Box ott eCALA FLORIDA 1kOeNo 370t l

tv r 1



151719 EastForsyUi Slrek Jacksonville Fla1 t

t New qiid FirstClass M Alld I


J Appointmentst-


11LL American Plan 2 and 250

IJ j


perfday i Eurcifeans >Plan >

I Rooms one person 75 cents

fT i per day and tip Special week ¬

4 kIi lyrates Center of pity NeartI i III

ICar pines Operi all tinall

i TI w Year Rooms with Bath Ex¬


I Ij tra Charge Bus from DepotS a-

and Steamships t



C SMITH proprieto-


J 1 te


i> I I

1J t t I


I1r S

< t1

1 i5 I



14 1 1-

jr r t 1Jl 3 s r i j-


tit t J > r jIJ1 j H j J 7fff1l L J1t t if

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f i i f < >i J J tt t J J rql I0




Was the Condition a Shreveport YoungLady Found Herself in Tuesday i




i Lai Nay 20WhenMiss Gertrude Bates a pretty younglady ot this city I daughter of Mr andMrs TF F Bates of 813 Spring streetawakened yesterday morning half oflher long black was missingshe retired the night before it wasjjaited During the night one platt I

was clipped off close to her hqad anda search of the premises disclosed iten the ground near the window and apair of scissors near by The affair-sI a mystery but the belief if that

rcme one by means of a high fenceentered the room during the night andremoved the curls as the window wasfound open-




FortyFOR lisINES1 v

thousand miles by waterThat will be tie enviable and recordbreaker naval experience held by yourUncle Sam vb l Evans fleetrf modern wardogs anchor on thejthpres of the Atlantic a year fromnow Foil one monster battleship toround puth America steamingtwelve thousand miles without abI kfs not so won er ulj but whensixteen ships make the trip on rail-road


schedule time and without 4 mIs-hap it must mean that your Unclelas a nenavYin perfect conditionBut as wpnderful as this trip was ijt-

i just the preliminary to the aroundhe world jaunt which is in store forthe officers and jackies Australianhave prpmised a teceptipri to thelJiglleet that will throw into tIe shadeanything the sailors have ever seenunder a foreign flag What a wealthPI knowledge can be picked up by thefortunate men 6n board No univer-sity on earth Van equal the mindhrpadening power of the trip Hereshoping the Pacific Fleet may foreverbe

1both I I


1 i SI 1



To Death in the Lakeland vajdbY aD

I Switch Engine 1 Ii i

Lakeland l8In jumpingfrom a1 o h switch engine in theAtlantic foast Line yords Saturdaymorning Mack Cars vell fell betweenthe rails and the engine passed overhis body The engine was quiQ lybrought toa 1 standstill and the mem ¬

bers of the crew took the injured b9Ytot Dr Loves office where his wbuhfis

i vere dressed He died at 430 oclqck-he same afteVnbon

r lIe retained cons Jousness while IllsVounds were being dtessed but soon

after bRIng removed to his home sankinto a stupor He had beerf warned byhis borthetinla v B 1EC Young tokeep off the svitch engine and beforelosing consciousness begged his moth-er Mrs R M cLaughlintell him how the accident Jhf1ppeJled-

Th fufTeral services wereXethodist church Sunday morning be ¬

ing cpnducteja by Rev ji R Ca on>

The were taken to the oldl onie in Oeorgia fOr interment De-

ceasedi was fourteen years ot age andA as very popular The whole dpmmunity was shocked by the pl itel1dcf the boy Tampa Trabune A i-



Ir-The local paper in a Mississippi

town recently had occasion to describela wedding Ort the same day ati artide was written concerjilng two imt dent tramps who had visited thetcwn The new hoy in theof man-aged


to get the Slugs I11ISecf with thefollowing result j-

TJieP bride Entered at the right es-


by her brother with knocked attile door deVnancling something to eatShe was beautiflu gowned in graytraveling costume The groom wor-

th conventional suit for such affairsa r gged corduroy suit a soiled shirtandt battered derby hats and was ac-


bya fierce look J1g bulllog Both >yere dirty and UnkemptThey left town in a sidedoor sleepervof a local freight train followed byshowers of rice pld shoes and goodvishes If they shquld be caught hereagain they are likely to be roughlyhandled by indignant citizens




I have found out that there is Oluse to die of lung troUble as long asyou can get Dr Kings New iiscoverjrvsays Mjrs J P White of-

RushbotoI PalC I would not be alivetoday only for that wonderful medi ¬

cine It loosens upa cough quickerthan else and curves lung-diseaseevenaftar the case is pro-nounced


hopeless This most reli-able


remedy for coughs and cods Iagrippe asthma bronchitis and Hoarse ¬

ness is sold under guarantee at alldrugstores 50c and 1 Trial bottlefree




New YorkJ ii 19Ie now seems

to be assured that thlewillbe a racefor the Vapderbilt4 Cup over a LongIsland course next October The con ¬

tract has been let for the construction-of the Long Island Motor ParkwayOne of the stipulations of the contractis that ten miles of the route is to becompleted in time for the race Aperson who is close to W K Vander-bilt Jr the dono oft1 e cup con ¬

firmed this fact ajid said that therace positively would be > held


t >t t t

< 7

< >L




7 w 5-

rt C tj t t L-

TiLel rlr Jj

i 71ea S g0 i 1Iilr +t-

tt t f-

i fr hJ

>We welcome small depositors and sma1IborJ-


r i qlroy rs is that

vany of i

the bet tacqonnth-which

I jpfN1


ye now tiave1t

begaiilittle and grew r Pf 5

if bigVe alltO help others to doO v 6 ij-

v iI tI F- i

I I < hf i t-ri

The Munrqe Charrblis Ba-nkS


IJ tth-



j ttiI 1 sJ




j i >Iih 11







t t

t1 u-

j f j

i Beef Veal Florida Still Fed UJef-

ilUtt01 i Armours Star Ham Aimoujs Pork j-

iv Sausage Garbage Kutabagas Turnip Beets 0fcj

Sweet Potatoes Irish PAatbes Spanish Onions ti t l I

a S j t


o r1t



ef i tt tI t Jl7

Phone 108 City Market <I I 1 I l

+ t lI SIl I


King Mnuel of Portugal Wants tb

lyiarry His Sweetheart Instead ofx Some Foreign Princess

Lisbon P0itugal May 20A rd-iTjantic story about King Manuels at¬

tachment lor the young daughter of a-

ladyinwaiting< t< his mother whichthreatens to sick ttthe matrimonialrlansl being laid fof hlm is printed-In the M ndo King Carlos and QueenAmelia knew of Manuals tondness forthe girl who is connected with thehighest Portugese nobility but theybonsidered it simply a iiidist fancy N

Since he becjjLme king a suitable al-


syith any European royal houseIg regarded as a state necessity Hissagacious mother and the < pi-

Oporto his uncle have looking-over the list of available princessesand both are said to be nf3jvQroJ-on of British extraction becausethe close relations between the cOintries f VK-

j few days agolitfey were talkingabopt the piatteP n tie Dings pres

Tl< and ro their surprisfe He firmlydeclared that heWoulci marry eitherhi ifeweet heart oi iobod

Remonstrance Ayere unavailing sothe ladyinwaitlng and her daughter-will be skedtc go abidad in the hopethat a long separatidri will cure thelng of his boyhood love-



You mayI

well Ifear t serious resultsfrom 3 cough dr cold as pneunicniaand cdnsUmptionr stt withJa cdld-Fdl ys Honey and Tar cures the mostobstIinite coughs or and pVentsscTidus results Reluse substitutesSdlc1 by all dealers x



Ralph W Smith the bprid man wasto his stertograpier the other

day when woman entered the officecording tP the Denver Post

> hIs this Mr Smith 1 sheasked 1

It is fvaS the reply What can I3o for you

Td like tP see youtln private saidthe Woman

i never lsee anybody In privateMr Smith said Go Ahead talk

Mght here My stenographer knowsall Jn business anyway I i c


SISTo saixl the woman hesitatinglyI Want to see you in private

impossible tnadan1 t

Not eVen for ajmomentIco t

The woman smiled scornfully ttsuppose youre sitrajd of me j i be-

cause its leap y arshe saidf i

HaW ABQUlfIT-id you have the chance to see the

mail for one of his contracts before> ougot hurt Do not waitN Call forhis andVget a contract before you getsjck orhifrt galnMp tWilsoii isthe MaTLY I






I t

St lpuis May Maplew6bdsmollyc ddle rooster is pow a motherHe hatched twelye Plymouth Rockchicks out ofptheltten eggs on which-he has been sitting three weeks andinordinately proud of the achieve-ment


But the mother was not ai-

l wed to enjoy the pleasures of mothtrhood N D Mitchell his ownerwas afraid he would Injure the chick-ens


in moving kwkwardfy among themand took them away from him plaq-mg thenvin charge of a settfng hen

The roster became enraged and attacked the hen which had dispos-e sed him until Kitchell struck upon

a nappy expedient and put out fifteenmore eggs for ythe rooster to sit onThis calmed the rooster and lijjk isagain industriously on the jobjthiladelphia Record I

t i-

BST HEALER IN THE WORLD-Rev F Starbird of East Raymond

Maine says I have used BucklenT3Arnica Salve for several years on nyold army wound and other pbstinatesores and find it the best healer inthe world I use it too with great suc-cess in my terinary business Price25c at all drugstore-

sII orne in aind yS e PIe < linef new-booksat the OcalavNws-




rI < < l






h = 1-


f J-

IS Ir fttiI 1 t

1 Conventional beld every Mon-day even1gn C4stJe 1J Ove ersers tore A COlQi 1 welcome to-



VlthIghts OTJL UA Hamptpp C C t r Jjtt

Chas KS

Sage K Qf Rf and SYI

V 1




I J ft l-

fU4O J r-

l 1-

iI 111 J ljrjI

Tuiula Loge NP-eetsI 0 0 F every Tuesday eve ftingin Tonges Hall Visiting brOthi r


always hyelcoje4

J> rJ

r sTrqr J

Thompson Nt G4-I ltIM MT1Ittle jSiebreUrr fj

f i fi-

t1 t1-

t> f t1

f F g A III I iIil t


Marion f Dunn LQ4 f r jT

> No 19 meet Intbe-F


rs5 temple oh ti-apd

f C

thIrd h4sda eenings of eachmonth Yrsftnqprpth cordIlyi r-

llthfteJ k I Brown Secretary1 f tt i


p f I- ll B POE

I y j7iiti I i


I f Ili I

I trNotice of ISio If- i

Qcala LdgN < 1 4icBiflevont md Pr-


f ft ctive6rdfrof Elks 1frlhl Ii

j Reguiajl sessions on the secondIard f

fourth Tuesday eveniriga ot ea +

month Visiting brpthersi cordially niViteja Sl A1 Rawis Kxalted Ruler < kj tj

JOseph BeTh t1ng Secretary-





c J J t t

jGpncprflia tx jlge NP 1S FratetlI-


America meqts fourth < I<

ijesQay Pf every month 730 p m at-Ycinges

r rfHall t RWybnge P JtIilChas K Sage Secretary Jr

iv v M I

i J

1 FO TKrtG GttiPllJj-ti rA

No 14 A fiIH-SMJ

Next regular monthly inet1ng w111-2bd

1 <

hId Prlda 12tb 1 Ifsevening JUne i t8 O l k in Ypges Vitiiiyjoyerefgns are always welcpmej J 1f1 L

G W Martin O dl 11Chas K Sage Clerk-



< l J

i l-i

S GdOD THING TO DIE WITHf t I J r< Some one shid religion ar d4lif6 in

surance were good th1z1g to dIe ith I

See the man > hei will tell you wJie-rtcget

cj1J >

both M D Wilson is fJ the 1


c j11man e II-


V fT A I





s JMan a Florida Household Wiinr t rThem So Jfi- >

1 tt f J ia

To nave the pain aria ach s 8bad removed tp be entir 1y freedfrom annoying flangerpusurinarSi-orders

mis enough to make any kidney f

sufferer grateful To tell how this >be aboutgieatch1fngecan brought >

prove c9mforUng tb hundreds ofPprida reaaers I

f t >A Qerting seaman of 419 Lt 11

Pensacola Fla tells how to do it Rb iSsays < From experience with Doan iIf

Kidney Pills I can strongly recon mehd ttthem to ahyone in need of a good med-icine


fpr the Jddneys Kidney COrn i1

plaint and backache caused me suf-fering ttat lintervpIsforyearK The 1rit I

or second k Jd not mind put 1 1

as time went by they grew worsb and v3f-4j1fat times laid me up I cPud riardly

walk and it was a difficult matter i

straighten after stooping while tlii 1

1J <kidney secretions were irregular anUunnatural Doans Kidney Pills tiedme From personal experienc2 I Ithw 5 i

that t ISI remedy can depertded upon jjto fulfill representations made for Iit fI < 4 AS

j 0 1

For sale by all dealer Pi1Ice 50 icents FpsterMilburn pp Buffalo 1

New York sole agEnts the UnitedStates Rlemember the nameHDoans It

and takes DP other >



The best 25cboxC t er Wfehavever pUt across the coutefDAnIeI i j 1

Cloth the PostoffleeDrtrfsitorf-r


f f fIj-


c c lr 1