Observer Weekend, April 7, 2016

Weekend Special

Transcript of Observer Weekend, April 7, 2016

Weekend Special

Feast for the Senses

On a dark overcast sky over the banks of Yamuna, the only palpable excitement was among the youthful lads from Oman. As the curtains came down on the recent World Culture Festival 2016, the

largest celebration of culture and spiritual integration.

Nabil Al Mahrooqi, Nadeem Al Balushi, Saeed Athuhli, Fahad Al Harbi, and Sameera were part of

the Middle East at WCF.

From the Middle East and the Arab world, singers representing Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, UAE, Morocco, including the Sultanate of Oman, held sway. Delegates from the Middle East countries including

which performed as part of the opening ceremony during the festival on March 13.

The festival marked the 35th anniversary of Art of Living, the organisation, started by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

Liju Cherian

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Weekend Special

delegation were overjoyed at their

represented the Sultanate at the festival.

Nabil Al Mahrooqi from Nizwa is an English teacher at the Ministry of Social Development (MSW).

When he was invited to be part of the New Delhi WCF, Nabil had no clue how it would be. He imagined it to be ‘a family gathering and a public venue for political peace talks but this was just a welcoming

from Muscat and landed in New Delhi on a cold, wintry morning. The vagaries of the New Delhi weather surprised Nabil no end. “They told us to wear our jackets to protect against the weather but surprisingly it was hot that night. And during the same afternoon it was raining heavily and it was only then we found out that we had not taken our umbrellas. However, we enjoyed getting wet that day,” he adds gleefully.

was the huge open area set up. Nabil recalls, “About seven acres of clean stage was organised for the huge event. They divided the gates and numbered them so everyone goes from his/her gate according to the gate pass delivered to them. They provided almost everything that was needed; cellphone shops, snacks spots, information desks and a big counter only for serving every day meals.”

“There were signs showing how to get to your seat and hundreds of volunteers guiding and helping them. The stage was beautiful, very colorful and perfectly planned.”

Nabil sums it up saying the different dance traditions and performances were a treat to the eyes and it was lovely and charming and was happy to be part of such an incredible event. I am thankful to Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, he says.

Saeed Al Thuhli, a Mathematics teacher, from the Ministry of Education (MoE), who was part of the delegation, says it was a great opportunity to meet so many

Nabbbbiiiiiillllll AAAAAl

Mahrooqi, a teacher

ffffffffffffrrrrrrrrrrrooooom Nizwa, says the

ddddddiiiiffffffffferent dance forms were

a treat to the eyyees and waaaassss

lovelly andd cchhhaaarrrmmmmiiinnngggg. “III wwwaaaasssslloooooovvely and charming. I was

y yssssoooo happy to be part of such

ncann iiiinnncredible event,”

saays Nabil..

Nabil Al Mahrooqi, Saeed Athuhli, Fahad Al Harbi

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar with Oman delegation

9April 7, 2016

Weekend Special

participants from different countries and so many leaders from Art of Living. “The event was impeccably organized and would like to thank the committees set up for the successful conduct of a well-executed event.”

Samira, admits it was a ‘feast for the

she got an opportunity to meet so many people from all walks of life and from different nationalities and cultures.

“I felt happy to be part of a fantastic exposure. What amazed me was the pervasive happiness all around, boisterous

do not want to miss out of such an event in the future.”

Nadeem Al Balushi, an Omani singer, was chosen by AOL to perform at the WCF. Nadeem sang with two other singers from Jordan, and was supported by a chorus. It

SSSSSSSSSSSSSaaaaaaaaaaaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeddddddddddddAAAAAAAAAAAllll TTTTTTTTTThhhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuhhhhhllllllliiiiiiiiii,,,, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

MMMMMMMMaaaaaaattttttthhhhhhhheeeeemmmmmmmaaaaaaattttttttiiiiiiiiccccccsssssss tttttttttteeeeeeeaaaacccccccchhhhheeeeeeeerrrrrrrr,, ffffffffffffrrrroooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmm ttttthhhhhhhheeee MMMMMMMMMMiiiinnnnnnnniiiisssssstttttrrrrrryyyyyyyyy oooooofffffffffffffffff

EEEEEEEEEddddddduuuuuucccccccccccaaaaaaaattttttiiiiiiioooooooonnnnnnnnnn ((((((MMMMMMMMMMMoooooooooEEEEEEEE))))))))),, sssssssssaaaaaayyyyyysssss iiiiiiiittttttttttt wwwwwaaaasssss aaaaa ggggrrrrrreeeeeaaaaatttt ooooppppppppppoooorrrtttttuuuuunnniiiittttyyy tttooottt ttt iiitt tttttmeet so many participants y p p

from different countries and fantastic to see so

many leaders from Art of Living.

y fy

10 April 7, 2016

Weekend Special

was an experience of a lifetime, says Nadeem, who was privileged to be part of a very colourful event with an audience of thousands of people, including Sri Sri himself. Apart from Nadeem, there were two other Omanis in the chorus. So overwhelmed was he at the event that he was delighted when he got himself an opportunity to snap with Gurudev. Personally, it was a great event for me, says Nadeem.

Ajay-Kamal Khimji family and children Hritik, Mihir, Anil and Anita were also part of the delegation from Oman.

Says Ajay Khimji: “WCF was a one-time experience

nationalities around the world to witness live music dance and culture. Thanks to Sri Sri Ravi Shankar for his vision to make it a reality which was live on webcast in over 155 countries.

For Kamal Ajay Khimji it was truly a phenomenon since the enthusiasm of the people was itself a sign of their joy, unity and bonding for the reunion of One World Family. “Thousands of performers met

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Weekend Special


Dr Prema Seshadri, a senior international faculty with AOL, says WCF was a celebration of goodness. The festival was the giving of expression to the innate philosophy of Gurudev that happiness lies in inclusiveness, in belonging, in Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, a one-world family.

For Dr Prema, the festival made her proud to see the cultures of the world come together on one mammoth stage. “It made me full and content to see the hues of happiness radiate right across the

me with hope for a much better world in a very near and foreseeable future. It strengthened my resolve to be part of

purpose for living and life,” she admits.

Bureau of Communication (ABC), Dr Prema

recent successful mediation in bringing peace in Cuba after decades of strife is an indication of how it is possible to achieve the same in every part of the world. It

centers and successful empowerment programmes in Iraq.

The most amazing aspect of WCF, was its

Communications, Khimji Ramdas. He says the Delhi WCF was spectacular in that it

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Weekend Special

had cultural performances from across the world, and was received by enthusiastic audiences, dancing to the music in the aisles.

“You could have mistaken it to be a gathering of not a few hundreds but thousands. Such was the

points out. For Rajiv this was the third WCF which he participated having earlier taken part at cultural festivals in Bangalore (2006) and Berlin (2011).

The AOL is an organisation that has been at the forefront of rejuvenating and cleaning rivers. Over the last few years, their volunteers have been working on reviving 16 rivers across India.

The Festival reverberated with hope that the world can come together and work towards peace despite differences in faiths and beliefs. WCF stands as a testament to the secular and united nature of India also witnessed many faith and spiritual leaders coming together to promote the message of harmony. It was a musical and cultural ode to the spirit of humanity, teamwork and the diverse traditions that bind citizens of the world into a ‘One World

Australia and Mexico are in the reckoning to host the next WCF. However, no decision has yet been taken.

SSSSaaaaaammmmmmmmmiiiiirraaa,,, aaaa ttteeeaaaaaaccccccccccchhhhhhheeeeerrrrrrr fffffffffrrrrrrroooooooommmmmmmmm AAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLL’’’ssssss HHHHHHHHHaaaaaaapppppppppppppiiiiiiiiinnnnnnneeeeessssssssssssss

CCCCCCCCoooooooooouuuuuuurrrrrrsssssseeeeee,,,,,, aaaaaaaaaaaddddddddddmmmmmmmmmiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttttttssssssssssssss iiiiiiiiiiittttttttt wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssssssss aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘fffffffffffffffffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssssstttttttttttttttttt fffffffffffffffffffffooooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ttttttttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee sssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnsssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssss’’’’’’...... IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIttttttttttttttttttttttt wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssss tttttttttttttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeee fffffffffffffffffffiiiiiiiiirrrrrrssssssssstttttttttttttttt tttttiiiiiimmmmmeeeee iinnnnnn hhhhhheeeerrrrr lllliiiffffffeeee ttttthhhhhaatt ssshhhhhheee gggggooottttttt aaannnnnnnooooooooooppppppppppppppppppppppppppppooooorrrrttttuuuuunnnnnniiiitttttttyyyy tttttttoooooo mmmmmeeeeeeeeettttt ssoooo mmmmmmmmaaaaaaaannnyyyyyyyypppppeeeeoooopppllllllleeee ffffffrrrroooommmmmmmmm aaaaaaallllllllllll wwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaallllllllkkkkkkksssssss oooooooofffffffffff lllllllliiiiifffffffeeeee,, fffrrroommmm dddddddiiiffffffffffffffeeeeeerrrrrreeeeeeennnntttttttt nnnnnaaaaatttttttiiiiiiioooooooonnnnnnnnaaaaaaaalllllllllliiiiiiiiitttttttttiiiiiiiieeeeessssss

aaaandddddddd cccccuuuuuuuuuuuuulllllllllllltttttttttuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeesssssssssss....

13April 7, 2016

Weekend Special