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Week 14 – Documentary Lecture 3

Non Film Documentary + The Production Process

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• Title Sheet/Statement of Purpose:  May 10th

• Background Research to Topic and Production Plan: May 17th– Background Research About 500 words on the

aspect of media you’re investigating, any relevant theories or examples.

– Production Plan: How are you going to investigate this question? Who are you going to talk to? Where are you going to go? What equipment will you use?

• Class time to work on project: May 24th

• Final project: Written component due May 31st

• Presentations: will be May 31st and June 2nd 

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• Soundslides (only if you have your own Web site)

• Iphoto (http://www.apple.com/support/ilife/tutorials/iphoto/ip4-1.html )

• Imovie – for editing sound and video• GarageBand – for editing sound

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• Learning to evaluate and analyse narratives in different documentary formats (e.g. film, audio, photo essay).

• Understanding relation between narration, and sound and understanding the significance of gathering compelling sequences and logical editing

• Developing ideas and concepts for documentary project, maturing and researching ideas, pitching stories.

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Narration – Structure of Telling a Story

• Photo/Audio Slideshows• French Elections – http


• First Year Out– http://www.nytimes.com/packages/


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New Media + Documentary Form

• Those were kind of “traditional” slideshows…lets look at some specifically “new media” documentary forms…

• Changes in means of communication– Content globalization: means audience is

(potentially) global.– Interactivity potential to communicate with

users.– Communities allow discussion and debate

to form around the content.

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New Media + Documentary Form

• Changes in means of expression– Interfaces: allows audience to interact

with the content in a different and new way.

–More than video: audio, animation, graphics, text all mix

– Serializing: can release a story in lots of small pieces instead of a feature length film.

–Makes distribution cheaper…

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New Media/Online Documentary Forms

• Audio/Photography in larger interactive interface: http://www.nytimes.com/packages/html/nyregion/1-in-8-million/index.html

• What kind of stories are being told?• How do they transition between

photos?• Do you think this is a more or less

effective way of telling a story?Britain From Above


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Production Process

• http://prezi.com/xpfxks3slxbf/documentary-lecture-3-alternative-documentary-forms-production-process-film-burma-vj/

• Creating media is complex and expensive

• Anyone with access to a computer can create media.

• But whether it’s Steven Spielberg or LonelyGirl – the production process is the same (at least at the basic level).

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• 1. Idea – Obviously, someone needs an idea.

• 2. Funding – Some media is cheap to make – others are more expensive. If you are traveling the world make a Imax documentary, you are going to need money. You’ll need to get investors. If you don’t have expertise, you might go to a media production company – who take on the idea and provide expertise.

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• 3. Pre-Production: research the audience for your project, plan each stage of the project: who will you speak to? What equipment will you need? Do you need to hire your crew?

• 4. Production: Often the easiest part, putting together the raw data (Text, images and sound). Filming, recording, taking the pictures, etc.

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• 5. Post-Production Editing, putting the raw footage together into a narrative. Adding any effects or a soundtrack. Sometimes post-production companies handle this stage.

• 6. Marketing and Promotion: Convince audiences to see the movie (or listen to the album).

• 7. Distribution: The most important part of the process – but almost forgotten. Media production companies sell the rights to distribute to specialist companies.– Films: theater, stream online, DVDs– Music: in olden times, record ships, now Itunes,


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How to interview…

• 1. Structured– Prepare a list of questions, go ask them.

• 2. Semi Structured– You might have some ideas about what

you want to discuss, but you’re not doing a strict Q&A

• 3. Informal– Go where the conversation takes you.

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• Katie Couric on how to interview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eOynrI2eTM

• Avoid Yes/No questions• Predict follow up question• Avoid “laundry list” of questions you

want answered.

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Ask yourself why

• …why are you interviewing this particular person?

• Are they someone with insider knowledge about your topic?

• What might their biases and opinions be?

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In General…Your Project…Consider

• What’s the question? Narrower is better: “Portrayal of masculinity in Nigerian music videos” is better than “Masculinity in Music Videos”.

• Tone: Funny? (Like Supersize me?) Serious? Friendly? Authoritative?– Will you be “present” in front of the camera or

narrating from behind?

• Structure: Like an essay, your project should have structure. An introduction, a main body, and a conclusion.

• Have fun…surprise us!

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Choose today’s doc

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Burma VJ (2009)

• Young journalists in Burma: Democratic Voice of Burma, work illegally in Burma.

• Mixed footage smuggled out of Burma but also re-enactments

• Burma VJ http://www.channel4.com/programmes/burma-vj/4od#3038653

• More info on controversy here: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1874773,00.html/