Objective 1.02. Effective Communication skills Written Communication The seven C’s of business...

Develop positive interpersonal skills including respect for diversity. Objective 1.02

Transcript of Objective 1.02. Effective Communication skills Written Communication The seven C’s of business...

Page 1: Objective 1.02. Effective Communication skills Written Communication The seven C’s of business communication 1. Correctness 2. Completeness 3. Conciseness.

Develop positive interpersonal skills including respect for diversity.

Objective 1.02

Page 2: Objective 1.02. Effective Communication skills Written Communication The seven C’s of business communication 1. Correctness 2. Completeness 3. Conciseness.

Effective Communication skillsWritten Communication

The seven C’s of business communication 1. Correctness 2. Completeness 3. Conciseness 4. Clearness 5. Concreteness 6. Courtesy 7. Consideration

Page 3: Objective 1.02. Effective Communication skills Written Communication The seven C’s of business communication 1. Correctness 2. Completeness 3. Conciseness.

Effective communication skillsWritten Communication

Plagiarism : the act of using another person's words or ideas

without giving credit to that person : the act of plagiarizing something


Following written directionsWritten business communication

1. Memorandum 2. Business letter

Page 4: Objective 1.02. Effective Communication skills Written Communication The seven C’s of business communication 1. Correctness 2. Completeness 3. Conciseness.

Effective communication skillsVerbal/Nonverbal Communication

Importance of both verbal and nonverbal communicationSign Language

Body LanguageThe Seven Universal Facial Expressions of

Emotion - FBITone of Voice


Page 5: Objective 1.02. Effective Communication skills Written Communication The seven C’s of business communication 1. Correctness 2. Completeness 3. Conciseness.

Interact with others in a way that is honest, fair, helpful & respectfulEthical vs. Unethical Behavior

Workplace ethics

Page 6: Objective 1.02. Effective Communication skills Written Communication The seven C’s of business communication 1. Correctness 2. Completeness 3. Conciseness.

Interact with others in a way that is honest, fair, helpful & RespectfulEthical vs. Unethical Behavior

Personal Ethics

Page 7: Objective 1.02. Effective Communication skills Written Communication The seven C’s of business communication 1. Correctness 2. Completeness 3. Conciseness.

Interact with others in a way that is honest, fair, helpful and respectfulTreating Others Fairly

GenderSexual OrientationPhysical ConditionEthnic HeritageLifestyleHarassment

Page 8: Objective 1.02. Effective Communication skills Written Communication The seven C’s of business communication 1. Correctness 2. Completeness 3. Conciseness.

Positive social skills (e.g., good manners and showing gratitude)

Positive Social Skills Positive AttitudeDigital etiquetteSocial networkingEtiquetteGossipProfessionalismTactPunctuality

Attitudes Positive & Negative

Optimists & Pessimists

Page 9: Objective 1.02. Effective Communication skills Written Communication The seven C’s of business communication 1. Correctness 2. Completeness 3. Conciseness.

Get along well with others and work effectively with them in groups.Team WorkTime


Cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group of persons acting together as a team or in the interests of a common cause.


Page 10: Objective 1.02. Effective Communication skills Written Communication The seven C’s of business communication 1. Correctness 2. Completeness 3. Conciseness.

Conflict Resolution SkillsConflict Resolution Skills

Conflict Resolution Process

1. Identify the problem.2. Identify possible solutions.3. Evaluate each suggested solution.4. Pick the best solution.5. See if the solution is working.6. If necessary, agree to disagree.

Page 11: Objective 1.02. Effective Communication skills Written Communication The seven C’s of business communication 1. Correctness 2. Completeness 3. Conciseness.

Conflict Resolution SkillsCommunication in Conflict Situations

I-messagesa. I feel _________________________________b. When you _____________________________c. Because _______________________________d. And I want ____________________________

Private locations

Page 12: Objective 1.02. Effective Communication skills Written Communication The seven C’s of business communication 1. Correctness 2. Completeness 3. Conciseness.

Recognize the difference between appropriate and inappropriate behavior in specific school, social and work

situationsAppropriate behavior in specific situations

i. Courtesyii. Respecting privacyiii. Appropriate dressiv. Working with supervisors and coworkersv. Punctualityvi. Time managementvii. Accountabilityviii. Motivationix. Integrityx. Self-disciplinexi. Personal code of ethics

Page 13: Objective 1.02. Effective Communication skills Written Communication The seven C’s of business communication 1. Correctness 2. Completeness 3. Conciseness.

Recognize the difference between appropriate and inappropriate behavior in specific school, social and work

situationsDemonstrate Self-Control

i. Self-controlii. Self-observationiii. Reward techniqueiv. Extinctionv. Alternate behaviorvi. Stimulus control

Page 14: Objective 1.02. Effective Communication skills Written Communication The seven C’s of business communication 1. Correctness 2. Completeness 3. Conciseness.

Handling outside pressure on you.Sources of pressure

Self-esteemi. Physicalii. Mentaliii. Emotionaliv. Intellectual

Roadblocks in your personal life

i. Self-conceptii. Affirmationiii. Visualization

Page 15: Objective 1.02. Effective Communication skills Written Communication The seven C’s of business communication 1. Correctness 2. Completeness 3. Conciseness.

Accepting responsibility for your behavior

Responsible personal behavior

Responsible behavior in the work environment

Page 16: Objective 1.02. Effective Communication skills Written Communication The seven C’s of business communication 1. Correctness 2. Completeness 3. Conciseness.

Knowledge about, respect for, openness to and appreciation for all kinds of human diversity.Cultural Sensitivity


Page 17: Objective 1.02. Effective Communication skills Written Communication The seven C’s of business communication 1. Correctness 2. Completeness 3. Conciseness.

Interacting positively with diverse groups of people may contribute to learning and academic achievement.

Fairness公正 Kōsei




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Arabic尊重 Zūnzhòng

ChineseПовага povaha


Page 18: Objective 1.02. Effective Communication skills Written Communication The seven C’s of business communication 1. Correctness 2. Completeness 3. Conciseness.

Interacting positively with diverse groups of people is often essential to maintain employment.Positive working relationships

Human relationsInterdependenceAttitudes

Defeatist Inferior Superior Mature

Types of Leaders Authoritarian Democratic Laissez-Faire

Page 19: Objective 1.02. Effective Communication skills Written Communication The seven C’s of business communication 1. Correctness 2. Completeness 3. Conciseness.

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