O, the mystery of God's dwelling…storage.cloversites.com/bethesdamennonitechurch... · of prayer...

O, the mystery of God's dwelling…

Transcript of O, the mystery of God's dwelling…storage.cloversites.com/bethesdamennonitechurch... · of prayer...

Page 1: O, the mystery of God's dwelling…storage.cloversites.com/bethesdamennonitechurch... · of prayer for our church family. Along with the personal devotionals, we have set aside four

O, the mystery of God's dwelling…

Page 2: O, the mystery of God's dwelling…storage.cloversites.com/bethesdamennonitechurch... · of prayer for our church family. Along with the personal devotionals, we have set aside four
Page 3: O, the mystery of God's dwelling…storage.cloversites.com/bethesdamennonitechurch... · of prayer for our church family. Along with the personal devotionals, we have set aside four

Advent Devotional Bethesda Mennonite Church

2013 Advent is a time of preparation for the celebration of the Savior’s birth among us. Advent begins four Sundays before Christmas and marks the beginning of the church calendar year. Many customs are attached to Advent. One custom is the use of Advent calendars as well as devotional booklets specifically prepared for advent. This devotional booklet contains devotionals contributed by brothers and sisters in Christ in the Bethesda Mennonite Church family. This year the devotions are built around the theme… O, the mystery of God’s dwelling Week 1: …in our present! Week 2: …in our relationships! Week 3: …in transformation! Week 4: …in the child that is born! Week 5: …in our distress! Week 6: …in diversity! Advent opens with a focus on Jesus’ second coming. It then moves through the preparations for Jesus’ first coming in the ministry of John the Baptist, then into a celebration of Jesus’ birth, concluding with Christ’s revelation to all the peoples of the world at Epiphany. As you read through the scripture and devotional, let this time each day be a time of prayer for our church family. Along with the personal devotionals, we have set aside four days as A Day of Retreat. It is a day for you to reflect individually or as a family on a scripture passage and the words of an Advent hymn that may lead you to think of the wonderful mystery of God’s dwelling. It is also a time when you may wish to use silence and solitude for spiritual reflection and renewal. May this booklet be a source of encouragement and joy for each of you as we celebrate the coming of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

Page 4: O, the mystery of God's dwelling…storage.cloversites.com/bethesdamennonitechurch... · of prayer for our church family. Along with the personal devotionals, we have set aside four

Week 1

O, the mystery of God’s dwelling… in our present!

Illustration by Pieper Epp

Page 5: O, the mystery of God's dwelling…storage.cloversites.com/bethesdamennonitechurch... · of prayer for our church family. Along with the personal devotionals, we have set aside four

Sunday, December 1, 2013 O, the mystery of God’s dwelling…in our present Mike & Andrea Wall

It all starts with a request from Andrea. It’s usually a Saturday morning, usually shortly after Thanksgiving. The “it” I’m talking about is decorating the house for Christmas! Now, it doesn’t seem exciting at first. I have to dig out the tree from under the stairs, haul it upstairs, and begin unpacking. It usually seems like a pain. Every year I imagine how much simpler it would be if we just wouldn’t decorate the house. How many other things would we accomplish if we would simply eliminate this task? But through the chaos of Christmas trees and other decorations, something is transforming my thinking. The “hanging of the greens” at our house changes the atmosphere of our space. It gives our home a completely different feel from any other time during the year. The work of the decorating becomes joyful anticipation of the season at hand. It’s time to celebrate Christ’s birth again!

Hanging the greens at Christmas is a preparation for the journey of the season. This journey is a renewal of faith. It is a remembrance of God’s humble plan to bring light to the world—through a helpless baby. May you too enjoy the beauty of the season as you decorate your homes and prepare for Christmas—as you anticipate Advent—as you anticipate the journey of your Christmas season!

Gracious God, we long for the simple beauty of Christmas—for the familiar melodies, words, and symbols that remind us of the mystery of Christ’s arrival as a baby. In that longing, let us yearn for your renewed presence among us as we celebrate and expect the coming of Jesus. Before your power and mystery we kneel, as we follow the shepherds and wise men to bring the gift of our love. Make each of us innkeepers, by welcoming Christ into our hearts, our lives, and our homes. May the joy and the spirit of Christmas remain with us through the journey of Advent. Amen.

Page 6: O, the mystery of God's dwelling…storage.cloversites.com/bethesdamennonitechurch... · of prayer for our church family. Along with the personal devotionals, we have set aside four

Monday, December 2, 2013 O, the mystery of God’s dwelling…in our present Bethesda Catechism Class Where is the most interesting place you have spent the night? I asked our Catechism students this question and responses were interesting to say the least! The zoo, a trampoline, the sand, the floor of a charter bus, Mexico and an igloo. Jesus’ first night on earth wasn’t spent in a place of comfort either. It was spent among the animals in a feeding trough. The manager, as it was called, was probably not in a barn as we would imagine it today in our nativities, but rather in a cave where the animals were kept. Definitely an interesting place for the King of Kings to spend the night. What humility it took for Jesus, the Son of God, to come to earth and dwell among us as a vulnerable baby. What compassion he had to dwell in the wildernesses of life and experience the same temptations and struggles that we face. What saving grace Jesus offers to us here in the present. What a mystery that God came to dwell among us! 2013 Bethesda Catechism Class: Clay Bergen, Matthew Buller, Camryn Dick, Solomon Doxtator-Morenberg, Trevor Friesen, Jordan Heinrichs, Katelyn Janzen, Paige Mestl, Katelyn Siebert, Pastor Andrea Wall

Page 7: O, the mystery of God's dwelling…storage.cloversites.com/bethesdamennonitechurch... · of prayer for our church family. Along with the personal devotionals, we have set aside four

Tuesday, December 3, 2013 O, the mystery of God’s dwelling…in our present! Virginia Peters They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning

hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore. Isaiah 2:4

For the sake of my brothers and friends, I will say, “Peace be within you.”

Psalm 122:8

Love your neighbor as yourself…wake up…our salvation is nearer now that when we first believed. Romans 13:11

So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour

when you do not expect Him. Matthew 24:44

Although our scriptures speak to or about Jerusalem, we can glean from them three major words for us today; PEACE, LOVE, and READINESS. So then, how do we live today? In our homes, in our work, and in our relationships with others, do we remember these three major words? PEACE means a state of tranquility or quiet. Is everything quiet on our ‘western’ front? LOVE means strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties. Do we love each other? READINESS means being fully prepared for something. The time is short, and we must live accordingly. Let us walk in the way of the Lord so we will be fully prepared for the Second Coming. Waiting together for His return— Prayer: Lord Jesus give us PEACE! Lord Jesus help us LOVE! Lord Jesus prepare us to live in READINESS! AMEN.

Page 8: O, the mystery of God's dwelling…storage.cloversites.com/bethesdamennonitechurch... · of prayer for our church family. Along with the personal devotionals, we have set aside four

Wednesday, December 4, 2013 O, the mystery of God’s dwelling…in our present! Leroy & Geraldine Peters SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 2:1-5; Psalm 122; Romans 13:11-14; Matthew 24:35-44 Come, to the house of God! He will teach us his ways, so that we can walk in his paths. For the sake of my brothers and friends I will say "Peace be within you." To those who are a loving fellowship, who worship together, pray together and seek each other's welfare as the people of God, there will be joy. "Wake up....because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.” Take action... every day brings us closer to the Second Advent of Christ. Display outwardly what has taken place inwardly. The gospel will be preached to the whole world before this will happen. ”No one knows the day or hour of Christ's return, only God, the Father.” Therefore keep watch, be vigilant. We must be ready because the Son of God will come when you don't expect him. The Son of Man will come with power and glory. He will gather his people from the ends of the earth. Let us not be like the five foolish virgins that let their lamps go out, but rather be about our Father's business because preparedness cannot be borrowed but is our own responsibility. Prayer: Dear God, we come with great expectancy! We look forward to the celebration of the first advent when Jesus appeared as a baby at Bethlehem. He came as the Son of God to reveal the way of salvation by asking for the forgiveness of our sins and accepting him as our Savior. We thank you for this, the greatest of all gifts. We thank you for Christian fellowship, for your grace, mercy and love. Let us ever be mindful of these blessings as we approach the Advent season. May we walk forward with preparedness for the Second Advent with your guidance and wisdom. Amen

Page 9: O, the mystery of God's dwelling…storage.cloversites.com/bethesdamennonitechurch... · of prayer for our church family. Along with the personal devotionals, we have set aside four

Thursday, December 5, 2013 O, the mystery of God’s dwelling…in our present! Bennett Friesen “Watch me so that you know when to come in.” Those words have come from many a choir director that I’ve had. “Pay attention so that you know when the bus gets here.” Those words were from my mother when I was younger. The two different scenarios carry the same message…PAY ATTENTION. In today’s texts, it seems to be a theme…PAY ATTENTION. When I was in junior high, one of the themes for the year was along the lines of being ready. We don’t know when Jesus is coming back, so we should be ready all the time, no matter what’s going on. The prophets didn’t know when Jesus was going to be born, but they were ready and open to him coming. When the disciples got the invitation from Jesus to follow him, they didn’t say, “Well, I gotta catch one more fish.” Oh no, they dropped their nets and followed. Are we that devoted? If I had 11 strikes in a row, was bowling just AWESOME, and Jesus said, take off your shoes, drop your ball, and come with me because what I’ve got is better…OH YEAH, I’D GO! You can bet I’d be like ‘WHO CARES? ITS JESUS…LET’S GO EVERYBODY! and NOW!’ Let us all be ready so that when Jesus comes, we can go without hesitation!

Page 10: O, the mystery of God's dwelling…storage.cloversites.com/bethesdamennonitechurch... · of prayer for our church family. Along with the personal devotionals, we have set aside four

Friday, December 6, 2013 O, the mystery of God’s dwelling…in our present! Arlin Hiebner SCRIPTURE: Psalm 122:1-2 "When they said, ‘Let’s go to the house of God,’ my heart leaped for joy. Now we are here, O Jerusalem, inside Jerusalem’s walls!" (The Message) As a young child, my parents attended church regularly, sitting about the same place each Sunday. Dad liked to sit on the south side of the sanctuary close to the south aisle, about 3/4 of the way back. Not until later did I understand that Dad liked to sit in that spot because of the warm sunny rays streaming in through the south window to “our” spot, keeping us warm and cozy on a cold winter day. This was a glimpse of my young understanding of the Kingdom of God. Looking back to Psalm 122, we hear the call of the psalmist in context for the First Sunday of Advent. We hear this Psalm in light of the assurance that our feet are also firmly placed in the ancient gates of Jerusalem, in the faith of the people then, and for us now; we are invited to know the “dwelling place” of God's presence. We are called to encounter God’s Kingdom, not only in worship, but in our relationship to the world and our neighbors. Each day is an opportunity to see God’s Kingdom all around us. During this Advent season, take a moment to pause each day for just a moment, to discover the presence of God’s Kingdom in the world around you. Prayer: Lord, during this Advent Season, may we take the opportunity to awaken to the true meaning of the season, having awareness of your kingdom around us. Amen

Page 11: O, the mystery of God's dwelling…storage.cloversites.com/bethesdamennonitechurch... · of prayer for our church family. Along with the personal devotionals, we have set aside four

Saturday, December 7, 2013 O, the mystery of God’s dwelling…in our present! Heidi K. Greenwood Doell “Therefore you also must be ready; for the Son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” Matthew 24:44 Different in skin color, neighborhood, cultural upbringing and economic means, the young man helped the mother of three. “Put your hazards on, put it in neutral and I will push you into the parking lot.” She followed his instructions, which carried her and her large family vehicle safely out of traffic. “Do you have a phone to call for help?” he asked. “Yes,” she replied. “O.k. then. God bless you,” and he drove away. Someone once said, “Character is how you act when no one is watching.” God dwells within us whether we are aware, welcoming, or not. As with prayer, God will meet us wherever we are; it is our responsibility, or response, to connect. God’s consistent character of grace, goodness and patience models for us the gift of inhabitance. Though unknown in design or timing, the coming of God’s gift of love begs us to wait expectantly, to not dismiss the unexpected, and to take every opportunity to live with character. In this spirit of anticipation we may realize that God has pitched a tent inside our heart and invites us to sit and warm by the fire. We will come to know the mystery of God’s dwelling, and we will embrace expectation. “O.k., then. God bless you,” and he drove away… Prayer: God of love, Dwell within me today and every day. Teach me to kindle the fire within my heart. Help me look for opportunities to embrace the unexpected. Show me the way of your Son. Amen.

Page 12: O, the mystery of God's dwelling…storage.cloversites.com/bethesdamennonitechurch... · of prayer for our church family. Along with the personal devotionals, we have set aside four

Week 2

“O, the mystery of God’s dwelling… in our relationships!

Page 13: O, the mystery of God's dwelling…storage.cloversites.com/bethesdamennonitechurch... · of prayer for our church family. Along with the personal devotionals, we have set aside four

Sunday, December 8, 2013 O, the mystery of God’s dwelling…in our relationships! Corbin, Lisa, Mariah, Hallie, & Waylon Tessman “May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 15: 5-6 (NIV) Relationships. They are a fundamental substance of our lives and honestly reflect the character attributes we choose to embrace. When asked what they thought of when hearing the word “relationships,” our children responded: Mariah (age 8): “Relationships mean you have to talk.” Hallie (age 6): “Relationships are like being friends.” Waylon (age 4): “It is playing with trains together.” Each of their viewpoints exhibits necessary components for relationships to thrive. All relationships require precious time to be invested, whether it is talking, listening, helping, or playing. Furthermore, as stated in Romans 15:7, “Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.” God intends for our relationships to be peaceful, harmonious, trusting, forgiving, encouraging, and Christ-minded. No matter what, God is calling us to put Christ at the center of all our relationships, from long-standing friendships to mere acquaintances. This Christmas season and beyond, we pray that you make time for your relationships, nurturing them so you may experience the full blessing God intends. LORD, may you be ever-present in our daily relationships so that we can look forward to an eternal relationship with you. Thank you so much for the gift of your Son, Jesus, for salvation, and for hope.

Page 14: O, the mystery of God's dwelling…storage.cloversites.com/bethesdamennonitechurch... · of prayer for our church family. Along with the personal devotionals, we have set aside four

Monday, December 9, 2013 O, the mystery of God’s dwelling…in our relationships! Carol Janzen For me, much of Scripture is in my head in song, like the Chancel Choir anthem, Creation Will Be at Peace, Isaiah 11 – “In the holy mountain of the Lord, creation will be at peace. The wolf will lie down with the lamb, the cow and bear will feed, their young will play together; a little child will lead…” Tremendous longing for justice runs through the scripture—a yearning, a pleading for a time when we will live in love of God and of each other, when all creation will be reconciled. The Root of Jesse will judge with righteousness and faithfulness. The Hebrew word for righteousness describes our actions toward our neighbor. It has to do with relationships. It means doing what is ethically right—honesty, integrity, truthfulness. The text does not say how, but knowledge of God and God’s ways will sweep across the nations and all violence and danger will end. All will experience safety and security—in home, in community, in the world. What Isaiah dreamt is the story of Immanuel. Knowledge of that story will make it possible for children to play with wolf cubs and for tanks to be transformed into combines, for enough food and healthcare for all, for enemies to be loved and broken relationships healed. With deep longing we cry out: Can this really be? How? A child will be born, Immanuel, “God dwelling with us.” He will make the dream come true.

Page 15: O, the mystery of God's dwelling…storage.cloversites.com/bethesdamennonitechurch... · of prayer for our church family. Along with the personal devotionals, we have set aside four

Tuesday, December 10, 2013 O, the mystery of God’s dwelling…in our relationships! Maddie & Tara Maltsberger

Praise the Lord! That’s what we should do He created the heavens

and the earth, too. He feeds the hungry

gives sight to the blind lifts people up

and frees those in a bind. We praise with prayer we praise with song we sit in our seats

in the church we belong. In this season

let’s find a new way to praise our Lord

on this glorious day. Find someone in need

lend a hand help your neighbor

take a stand. All of these

are a huge reward when we take the time

to Praise the Lord!

Page 16: O, the mystery of God's dwelling…storage.cloversites.com/bethesdamennonitechurch... · of prayer for our church family. Along with the personal devotionals, we have set aside four

Wednesday, December 11, 2013 O, the mystery of God’s dwelling…in our relationships! Rod & Judy Drews


SCRIPTURE: Psalm 33:2-3 As we anticipate the celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior, our thoughts turn to looking at what has formed our family as a strong, loving, trusting, Christian unit. We were both raised in Christian households, and our extended families have roots in the Lutheran church, beginning with our ancestors many years ago in Europe. As youngsters, we both attended Sunday school, confirmation education, and youth group at Grace Lutheran in Hebron. During our college years, we attended church together in Lincoln. We’ve always had a strong common bond in our love of Christ and in music. Over the years, having lived in different communities, we have worshipped as Lutheran, Methodist, and Mennonite, and we are thankful for the many blessings received wherever we were. We rejoice with our children and their families as they continue to strongly follow Christ in their own churches. We are grateful to be members of a church that embodies a solid foundation in salvation through Christ. During this advent season, we pray that each member of our church family will reach out to others, be sincere, care deeply, cast aside differences, and cloak ourselves in HARMONY, which is “the reason for the season.”

Page 17: O, the mystery of God's dwelling…storage.cloversites.com/bethesdamennonitechurch... · of prayer for our church family. Along with the personal devotionals, we have set aside four

Thursday, December 12, 2013 O, the mystery of God’s dwelling…in our relationships! Marlene Thieszen Advent is waiting; expectant, active, in preparation waiting. Romans15:7 says “Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.” In order to bring praise to God? WOW. So it is not about us. It is about God! Preparations for Christmas are well under way. We begin to prepare many weeks ahead and yet we find ourselves scrambling at the last minute. Is this also true of our relationships with each other, and our relationship with Christ? John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus and for his meeting with Jesus. If you read Matthew 3:1-12, you will find John preparing people for repentance. However, he could see that the Pharisees and Sadducees were not there to repent. How do we prepare for our relationships? Do we start ahead of time and make lists of how to include others in our lives or do we just let things happen. Do we greet one another with a smile and a friendly word? Do we do this only with those we know and with whom we already have a relationship? Or do we step out of our comfort zone and greet the stranger or the one with whom we disagree. Greeting the stranger and the disagreeable ones takes practice. Our first attempt may be rebuffed, but does that mean we stop? John did not stop and neither did Jesus. Can we do any less? What a gift we have received if that person gives us a smile and a greeting. God will dwell in these relationships. It seems easier to greet others during the Christmas season. So start now and let it continue into the New Year. Romans 15:13 says “Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another.” May our praise to God be in thanksgiving, in song, by accepting the gifts of people, and in the mystery of our relationships. God dwells with us always and the mystery continues.

Merry Christmas to all!

Page 18: O, the mystery of God's dwelling…storage.cloversites.com/bethesdamennonitechurch... · of prayer for our church family. Along with the personal devotionals, we have set aside four

Friday, December 13, 2013 O, the mystery of God’s dwelling…in our relationships! Ethan Hall SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 11:3-4 “And he will delight in the fear of the Lord. He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, or decide by what he hears with his ears; but with righteousness he will judge the needy, with justice he will give decisions for the poor of the earth.” These verses make me think of another, similar passage, Philippians 2:5-7. In the Philippians verses, it tells us that “In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in the very nature of God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant being made in human likeness.” When interacting with any person, we should act with a like mindset of Christ in being humble, and remembering not to judge by what we see and hear, but with righteousness. People are rarely what they seem on the surface, and not giving them a chance to relate to you is building walls that prevent fellowship, and the possibility of praising God together.

Page 19: O, the mystery of God's dwelling…storage.cloversites.com/bethesdamennonitechurch... · of prayer for our church family. Along with the personal devotionals, we have set aside four

Saturday, December 14, 2013 O, the mystery of God’s dwelling…in our relationships! Myron Friesen SCRIPTURE: Romans 15:1-5 Many times we come to the Lord, petitioning Him for answers or even solutions, but so many times we lack the patience to wait for an answer and run off with our own idea of a solution, which often is the wrong one. We must learn to wait on the Lord for His answer to our problem. When we fail to wait on the Lord, the problem seems to multiply and get worse. We need to regroup and start over. We must follow the words of Paul in his letter to the Romans where he says “even if we believe that it makes no difference to the Lord whether we do these things, still we cannot just go ahead and do them to please ourselves; for we must bear the burden of being considerate of the doubts and fears of others - who feel these things are wrong.” Let’s please the other fellow, not ourselves and do what is for His good and thus build him up in the Lord. Christ didn’t please himself. As the Psalmist said, He came for the very purpose of suffering under the insults of those who were against Him. These things that were written in the scriptures so long ago are to teach us patience and to encourage us, so that we will look forward expectantly to the time when God will conquer sin and death. May God who gives patience, steadiness and encouragement, help you to live in complete harmony with each other—each with the attitude of Christ toward the other.

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Week 3

“O the mystery of God’s dwelling… in transformation!

Page 21: O, the mystery of God's dwelling…storage.cloversites.com/bethesdamennonitechurch... · of prayer for our church family. Along with the personal devotionals, we have set aside four

Sunday, December 15, 2013

A Day of Retreat For today’s devotion we invite you to enter into a personal or family spiritual retreat. A spiritual retreat is “a time away with God.” The length of this retreat depends on how much time you wish to give today; from a few minutes to a longer period of time. Silent Prayer: As you enter this retreat time give the concerns of this day over to God with a silent prayer Beginning Prayer: Living God, may your Spirit fall afresh upon us. Grant us quietness within as we give you our full attention. Amen. Scripture Reading: Isaiah 35:1-10 Silent reflection on the passage: 1. What transforming thoughts is the Holy Spirit giving you as you reflect on

this passage? 2. You may wish to journal or sketch any new thoughts, ponderings, or

questions that come to you during this time of solitude. Reading of two verses of the hymn, “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” Oh, come Thou Wisdom from on high, And order all things far and nigh; To us the path of knowledge show, And cause us in thy ways to go. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to you, O Israel! Oh, come, Desire of nations, Bind all peoples in one heart and mind; Bid envy, strife and quarrels cease, Fill the whole world with heaven’s Peace. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to you, O Israel! Blessing: Happy are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord their God… The peace of Christ be with you.

Page 22: O, the mystery of God's dwelling…storage.cloversites.com/bethesdamennonitechurch... · of prayer for our church family. Along with the personal devotionals, we have set aside four

Monday, December 16, 2013 O, the mystery of God’s dwelling…in transformation! Erin Sams From seeds planted in faith, vast spaces rich and brown, seemingly lifeless give way through spring rains and hot summer days to Roasting pipes corralling maturing jungles, plumbed with intensifying golden mist. And with each excursion, pivots carve paths of devotion amid swaddled cobs. At gales’ fall homecoming, fields done up brown showcase golden debutants, waiting quietly poised to be gathered. In playful tandem combines and grain carts retrace planters’ every pass, dispensing shredded husks, stripped cobs, wide open spaces for eyes and the hum of mechanics and augured kernels for the ears. Neighbors return to sight. The movement subsides. Fields empty of fruit settle to rest from their labor of love; soon enough tucked under fresh blankets of snow to slumber until… Spring’s warm rains return and farmers—certain “That GOD planted a garden and in it placed Man, whom He forms to work it and take care of it”—come to awaken the land with their collective…expectant…Spirits. O, the mystery of God’s dwelling in the journey of transformation!

Page 23: O, the mystery of God's dwelling…storage.cloversites.com/bethesdamennonitechurch... · of prayer for our church family. Along with the personal devotionals, we have set aside four

Tuesday, December 17, 2013 O, the mystery of God’s dwelling…in transformation! Josh Janzen SCRIPTURE: James 5:7-11 God is omnipresent. God is omniscient. God is omnipotent. God dwells with us wherever we go and in every single circumstance we face. However, the mysterious and awesome power of God is most evident to us during times of transformation, when situations that seem so bleak and dire are miraculously turned around into joyous occasions. Because of the three things I listed at the beginning, we know that God is with us, that God knows whatever struggles we may be dealing with, and that God has the power to, and will to put an end to, those struggles. All we have to do is be patient. This is evident in James 5:7-11. The Apostle James is telling those who read his letter to be patient in suffering and wait for the Lord’s coming. To illustrate how to be patient during difficult times, James reminds of the ultimate example, Job. Job was a righteous man from ancient Israel who suffered many horrible things. However, Job continued to be faithful to God and in the end God blessed him and restored what possessions he had and then doubled it. We can see through the story of Job and countless others that God always dwells with us, and God’s awesome and mysterious power is truly evident when things go from bleak to joyous. PRAYER Ever present, all knowing, and all powerful God, grant us patience and help us to stand strong and remain firm in our faith when we enter difficult times. God, help us to always remember the words of the apostle Paul in his letter to the church in Rome. Rejoice in suffering, because suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character, and character, hope. AMEN

Page 24: O, the mystery of God's dwelling…storage.cloversites.com/bethesdamennonitechurch... · of prayer for our church family. Along with the personal devotionals, we have set aside four

Wednesday, December 18, 2013 O, the mystery of God’s dwelling…in transformation! Jay & Elizabeth Goertzen A few years ago I was reading through a devotional and I remember enjoying the praise and thanksgiving I found in “Mary's Song.” As I reread this “song” found in Luke 1:47-55, I am challenged to glorify God and sing praises to Him when I am facing transitions in my life, rather than focus on the difficulty, the uncertainties, and the fears surrounding transitions. I think of Mary and all the emotions that must have been going through her mind after finding out she was carrying the Son of God in her womb. Her life was about to be changed in ways she could never imagine. As if the questions encompassing new parenthood aren't enough, Mary had bigger questions, fears, and maybe feelings of unworthiness. Yet despite these inevitable thoughts running through her mind, she responded to this news by saying, (v 38) “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Our prayer during this advent season is that we too may respond to God as Mary did. May our souls glorify the Lord and our spirits within us rejoice in God our Savior. He has noticed his humble servants and planned great things for us, far bigger than we could ever imagine ourselves. May we choose to reply to His call by saying “I am the Lord's servant.” Amen.

Page 25: O, the mystery of God's dwelling…storage.cloversites.com/bethesdamennonitechurch... · of prayer for our church family. Along with the personal devotionals, we have set aside four

Thursday, December 19, 2013 O, the mystery of God’s dwelling…in transformation! Ron Goertzen SCRIPTURE: Luke 1:46-55; Isaiah 35:1-10 “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.” Even before Jesus’ birth, Mary recognized the coming Savior in Luke 1:46-47. Other passages also speak of the salvation and transformation God offers through His Son. One picture of Jesus as Savior has stuck with me since my MCC service in the Congo. I had just witnessed a baptism down at the Kamayala River. While making the long climb back to the village with my missionary/mentor, he shared the account of the first missionary trying to learn the local language. There seemed to be no word for "savior." Concluding that this was probably the case, he put it on the back burner. Some time later he was down at the river at a baptismal service when a young child fell into the river. Just before the child was swept away by the current, someone reached out and grabbed the child. A bit later the missionary asked, “What was the relationship of the person who rescued the child to the child?” The answer was immediate. The person who saved the child's life was his “chilamwina” - his savior. Upon further quizzing, the missionary realized that he had found the word for “Savior.” Is that not a beautiful picture of how Jesus acts on our behalf saving us out of our sin and lostness and transforming us into His image? This Christmas season may we celebrate the salvation Jesus offers with joy and be transformed into His image.

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Friday, December 20, 2013 O, the mystery of God’s dwelling…in transformation! Pastor Andrea Wall Hope is a resounding theme throughout this advent season as we await our Savior’s birth. In the scripture for this week from Isaiah, we discover a unique blend of hope. Hope and joy in the midst of suffering. Isaiah 35 opens with the line, “the desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom.” In my reading from Ivan Friesen’s commentary on Isaiah, the wilderness that is being described is probably an actual place – the rift valley south of the Dead Sea. In the book, Walking the Bible, author Bruce Feilor goes to this very valley and describes it as a “geological oddity.” He goes on to say, “When the rain clouds from the Mediterranean reach this ridge, they suddenly get hit with a thick wall of air. The air is denser here because the Dead Sea is so low. The lower the ground, the more atmosphere there is. The more atmosphere the more pressure in the air. One consequence of so much pressure is that it sucks the moisture out of the air. “It’s like if you press your lips against your sleeve and blow,” Avner said, “your sleeve becomes hot. That’s how this desert was created.” The description of this desert sounds like one of worst places on earth. And yet Isaiah 35 describes the power of God to transform even this desolate land into a place of rejoicing. God has the power to transform even the most hopeless of wildernesses in our lives. “So be strong, do not fear, your God will come…to save you!”

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Saturday, December 21, 2013

A Day of Retreat

Today, December 21st, is the longest night of the year. Advent and Christmas are often considered to be a time of joy and happiness, but for many people the darkness can be difficult because of personal struggles, loss and grieving. During this retreat, let us find strength, comfort and peace in the knowledge of Emmanuel, God is with us. Prayer: Living God, may your Spirit fall afresh upon us. Grant us quietness within as we pour our hearts out to you. Amen. Scripture Reading: Matthew 11:28-30 Silent reflection on the passage:

1 What transforming thoughts is the Holy Spirit giving you as you reflect on this passage?

2 You may wish to journal or sketch any new thoughts, ponderings, or questions that come to you during this time of solitude.

Read two verses of the hymn “Longing for Light.” Verse 1 Longing for light, we wait in darkness. Longing for truth, we turn to you. Make us your own, your holy people, Light for the world to see. Verse 2 Longing for peace, our world is troubled. Longing for hope, many despair. Your word alone has pow’r to save us. Make us your living voice. Refrain Christ, be our light! Shine in our hearts. Shine through the darkness. Christ, be our light! Shine in your church gathered today. Words of Encouragement: “Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God.” Psalm 42:5 Blessing: The peace of Christ be with you.

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Week 4

O, the mystery of God’s dwelling… in the child that is born!

Illustration by Nicholas Thieszen

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Sunday, December 22, 2013 O, the mystery of God’s dwelling…in the child that is born! Brad & Kara Janzen Pregnancy... anticipating the birth of a child... what an amazing mystery! Even with expecting our third baby, the mystery of it all never changes. What/who will this baby look like? What kind of personality will this little one have? How is baby changing and growing in me? And when baby starts moving, WHAT is baby doing in there?! As I reflect on the mystery of it all, I wonder how much more mysterious this must have been for Mary, bearing the Son of God! She was so young and had an unexpected pregnancy only to realize it is God's Son growing inside of her. With each child I have had such an awareness of God knitting together this infant inside of me as is mentioned in Psalm 139:13. God is working inside of me to create this new life. Not only was God doing this in Mary, but this baby was God's Son dwelling in her! I am thankful for the way that God works to bring new life into the world and the way that He chose to bring Jesus into this world, as an infant born to Mary. What the boys are most excited about with baby: Braden—holding, feeding, and singing lullabies to baby Luke—playing a band for baby

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Monday, December 23, 2013 O, the mystery of God’s dwelling…in the child that is born! Elsie Friesen SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 7:10-16 (the sign); Psalm 80:1-79 (restore us, O God); Romans 1:1-7 (Grace, Peace and Faith); Matthew 1: 18-25 (the birth of Jesus) Restore us O God; let your face shine upon us. We can pray this Psalm in our own needs; too often we have let other things consume us instead of seeking God’s will. God has already come into our midst, especially during this advent season; the hidden acts of love, the great acts of faith and the daily graces that sustain us with hope and expectations that God’s promises are always faithful and true. During this advent season we live with a spirit of celebration because Jesus came to show us the way. Each day let us rejoice at his birth, which we did when we were young children waiting for Christmas day to come. In this season when we see all the décor of lights, we are reminded to live in the light of God’s splendor. Advent is for all people in the world; many opportunities will present themselves through special events in our church and community. In Romans, Paul does not credit himself as a messenger of the mystery; one day the mystery of redemption will be revealed when Jesus comes again. The baby Jesus is God’s visible glory lying in the manger. We are called as individuals to be God’s light in the world, so that people will see and feel God’s presence. Prayer: Dear God, may we live as disciples who have received your gift when you sent Jesus Christ to us. Amen

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Tuesday, December 24, 2013 O, the mystery of God’s dwelling…in the child that is born! Stan & Cindy Friesen When our oldest daughter was expecting our grandson, we could hardly wait until he was born. We would wonder aloud to each other…who will he look like… what kind of personality will he have… do you think he will be good at sports or love hunting and fishing? We anticipated his birth with much excitement and expectation, but also with a little anxiety. Would he have all his fingers and toes? Would he be healthy? When he finally arrived, we were able to examine each and every tiny finger and toe and peer into his precious face. Ah, what a joy to be a grandparent! I imagine Mary and Joseph may have had some of those same questions. Think about it… Mary knew that Joseph was not the father and that the baby she was carrying would not have his traits or looks. Who would he look like? She must have wondered what people would say and how she would she be treated when people found out she was pregnant. Her thoughts must have been all over the board and quite frankly, considering her plight, I would have expected her to say “no way” to the proposition. Here she was, young, unmarried and probably only 12 or 13. The culture of the day demanded that unless the father of the child agreed to wed the woman, unmarried life was all that remained for her. That or death by stoning. But Mary took the news with grace, acceptance and willingness, all the while knowing the risks, and said, “May it be to me as you have said.” It may have sounded like childlike innocence, but I believe Mary had a firm faith that said, “I trust in you Lord, to take care of all of the details.” God chose young Mary for one of the most important acts of obedience He has ever asked of anyone – the blessing of bearing the child of God! How she and Joseph must have loved him! Prayer: Father thank you for the miracle of your Son’s birth!

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Wednesday, December 25, 2013 O, the mystery of God’s dwelling…in the child that is born! Heather Goertzen

SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 7:10-14 Ask for a sign… God said to Ahaz. Go ahead. Ask anything. Be extravagant. Ask for the moon!* But the practical, pious and unimposing Ahaz backs away slowly. Palms raised, he lowers and shakes his head, “but I couldn’t… I wouldn’t...” Most of us have more than a bit of Ahaz in us. We’ve taken to heart our parents’ retorts against our audacious requests. “Don’t be rude,” they’d say when we overstepped and asked for something out of turn, or beyond the scope of the reasonable and absolutely necessary. Our faith, accordingly, is polite and without drama. We prefer the steady, the subtle, the understated. Our God offers grand gestures and we decline. And our timid hypocrisies* make our God (not to mention our neighbors) weary. Because we are more desperate than we let on. Because we, in fact, need the miracle. Because our faith is not so steady as our pretense. Because we have nothing - are nothing - if not for our God pressing in, beyond our comfort and beyond our formal invitation, into the messy manger of our doubt, pride, hope and longing. Immanuel. God with us. Therefore, the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel. Isaiah 7:14 (NIV) *Taken from The Message

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Thursday, December 26, 2013 O, the mystery of God’s dwelling…in the child that is born! Kathryn Goertzen SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 7:10-16 “The Sign of Immanuel” The Lord spoke to Ahaz: “Ask the Lord . . . for a sign.” He responds: “I will not ask; I will not put the Lord to the test.” How often do we want a ‘sign’ from God? Assurance that ‘all is well’ or will become so. Do we ask? Do we put God to the test? Or do we wait? In 2012, awaiting the birth of twin grandsons, many questions were answered in advance through pre-natal monitoring and tests: gender, probable date of birth, and anticipated good health and development of both. Matthew 1:18-25 “Fulfilling the Promise” In Matthew, the angel reassures Joseph of the unusual circumstances – THIS child conceived in Mary was from the Holy Spirit! I wonder if this visit from the angel put Joseph totally at ease. Or did his mind continue to reel with unknowns? When our grandsons were born, one year ago today, many ‘unknowns’ were answered. How much would they look alike? (Not much.) Would we be able to tell them apart? (Yes!) During the annual Christmas Eve pageant I find myself drawn to the characters portraying Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus. How personal it must make the story for that couple! Questions – answers – experiences - similar but so incredibly different.

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Friday, December 27, 2013 O, the mystery of God’s dwelling…in the child that is born! Ben Janzen SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 7:10-16; Psalm 80:1-7; Romans 1:1-7; Matthew 1:18-25

Illustration by Ben Janzen, Age 8

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Saturday, December 28, 2013 O, the mystery of God’s dwelling…in the child that is born! Jeff & Trev Peters The entire story of Jesus’ birth, life, death, and resurrection is surrounded by mystery. It even seems somewhat unbelievable. As children we accept the story as true with little hesitance. As we grow older, we begin to question the things that didn’t seem possible. But as one studies the Scripture, we find evidence and proof that what we read in the story of Christ is true. We read of prophets who predicted a Savior being born of a virgin. They tell where he will be born and from what family he will come. Although it still takes faith to accept what we read in the word, but reading what the prophets tell us in the Old Testament, some of the mystery is gone and understanding and belief takes its place. One of the scriptures we were assigned that speaks to me personally was Isaiah 7:12. God tells Ahaz to ask for a sign that what He has said will come true, but Ahaz replies, “I will not ask, I will not put the Lord to the test.” This is something I often find myself struggling with. I ask God, “If this is what you want, show me a sign.” Or I find myself negotiating with God. I know God’s will is not negotiable. I know that His plans are what are best for me. And I know that no amount of “promises” on my part will change what he wants from me. As followers of Christ, we need to focus less on the mystery of God and more on believing His word through faith, prayer, and scriptures. Prayer: Dear God, Thank you for the blessings you have given us. Thank you for sending Jesus to earth to die for our sins so that we may have eternal life if we believe in you. Amen (Jeff Peters, devotion & Trev Peters, prayer)

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O, the mystery of God’s dwelling... in our distress!

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Sunday, December 29, 2013 O, the mystery of God’s dwelling…in our distress! Margaret Hiebner SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 63:7-9; Psalm 148; Hebrews 2:10-18; Matthew 2:13-23 "When they suffered, he suffered with them. He sent his angel to save them. He set them free because he is loving and kind. He lifted them up and carried them. He did it again and again in days long ago." Isaiah 63:9 (NIRV) Today's scriptures tell the story of all time, giving praise to God for creation, for sticking with God's people throughout all of their experiences. Hebrews tells the reason God is with us, and why Jesus' suffering was necessary. God's love and mercy are for everyone – and it was there for Jesus, just as it is always available to us. In times of distress, it can be hard to praise God. Isaiah tells us to make a list of God's gracious dealings with us. It is a reminder to us - writing something down helps us remember. Isaiah wanted the children of Israel to remember how God's compassion was lavished on them extravagantly. God did not send someone else to help them; God did it, in person. The Psalmist calls on all of creation to praise God, saying God's name is the only name worth praising. He declares that God built a monument - his very own people! As God's children, we are God's intimate friends! It starts with our praise to God, remembering that God set us in place, spoke the word, and declared it to be so. Hallelujah! The writer of Hebrews tells us that it was necessary for God to share our humanity, to experience what we experience, so that there would be a merciful and faithful Redeemer. Jesus is not ashamed to call us brothers and sisters! Both God, who makes people holy, and we who are made holy, are of one family - we can put our trust in a God like that! We can give God praise! Matthew authenticates Jesus as God's presence on earth, fulfilling prophecy, and experiencing humanness and distress all around him. Surely he hath known our grief, and carried our sorrow. There is none like God. Praise God's name! Prayer: Lord God of all creation, hear our prayer of praise for all you have done, through all time, and for time to come. Amen

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Monday, December 30, 2013 O, the mystery of God’s dwelling…in our distress! David Quiring

GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS When I think of the mystery of our Father in heaven, I am reminded of the hymn, “Great is Thy Faithfulness.” Verse one says it well; “Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father. There is no shadow of turning with thee. Thou changest not, thy compassions, they fail not. As thou hast been, thou forever wilt be.” In Hebrews 2:10-18, he calls us brothers and sisters, in and through Christ. If we accept Jesus as His Son, we will become part of His family. Yes, we are just flesh and blood, but Jesus shard in this humanity so that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that He might make atonement for the sin’s of the people. That means you and me. At times, you or I probably doubt that by the way we feel. The Psalmist’s words, “O God who am I that you would even consider me?” Each of us is important, that includes every person walking the face of the earth, created not only by Christ, but for a particular place in His kingdom. We have a purpose in life for God’s glory and the blessing of other people. If we become productive according to God’s design, we say we have matured. That does not mean flawless. We will make mistakes, but with the Lord’s help, we can learn from them and continue to walk with Jesus by faith, by stepping out in faith to do His will.

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Tuesday, December 31, 2013 New Years’ Eve O, the mystery of God’s dwelling…in our distress! Addie Swartzendruber

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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A New Years’ Day Retreat

For today’s devotion we invite you to enter into a personal or family spiritual retreat. A spiritual retreat is “a time away with God.” The length of this retreat depends on how much time you wish to give today; from a few minutes to a longer period of time. As you enter this retreat time give the concerns of this day over to God with a few minutes of silent prayer Prayer: Living God, may your Spirit fall afresh upon us. Grant us quietness within as we give you our full attention. Amen. Scripture Reading: Isaiah 2:1-5 Silent reflection on the passage:

1 What transforming thoughts is the Holy Spirit giving you as you reflect on this passage?

2 You may wish to journal or sketch any new thoughts, ponderings, or questions that come to you during this time of solitude.

Reading of the hymn, “This is a Day of New Beginnings” 1 This is a day of new beginnings, time to remember and move on, time to believe what love is bringing, laying to rest the pain that's gone. 2 For by the life and death of Jesus, love's mighty Spirit, now as then, can make for us a world of difference as faith and hope are born again. 3 Then let us, with the Spirit's daring, step from the past, and leave behind our disappointment, guilt and grieving, seeking new paths, and sure to find. 4 Christ is alive, and goes before us to show and share what love can do. This is a day of new beginnings; our God is making all things new. Blessing: Happy are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord their God… The peace of Christ be with you.

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Thursday, January 2, 2014 O, the mystery of God’s dwelling…in our distress! Linda Goertzen Consider the dream sequence of Matthew 2:12-23. The wise men, supernaturally warned to take a different road home, bypassed Herod in Jerusalem. Their long journey of following the star was complete. But who they discovered in a house in Bethlehem was kept to themselves. Herod, the antagonist in the story, was left in the dark. Next, Joseph received strange instructions while he slept with his family: "Take the road to Egypt at once!" Thus, God led the Holy Family away, far away, from the vicinity and dominion of Herod and his infanticidal plot. Oh, the mystery of God's dwelling…being present in our distress. My Advent of 2009 was dark. The distress chemotherapy put on my mind and body debilitated me every third Sunday. I'd sit under blankets in a rocking chair, shades drawn for my eyes' sake. I tuned into church. Internally, my spirit moaned; tears fell steadily. There, God met me in my distress. And, He sang to me: “Go ye now in Peace, and know that the love of God will guide you, Feel His presence here beside you, showing you the way. In your time of trouble, when hurt and despair are there to greet you, Know that the LORD will never leave you; He will give you Courage! Know that the God who sent His Son to die that you might live… Will never leave you lost and alone in His beloved world." Thank you, whoever was singing along with Him.

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Friday, January 3, 2014 O, the mystery of God’s dwelling…in our distress! John & Adeline Huebert SCRIPTURE: Mathew 2:13-23 Our thoughts go to Joseph and Mary who have just received Jesus into their lives. Knowing that this is a very special child and what his life will mean to all who will come after him. Imagine their thoughts when the Angel appeared to them and told them not to go home, because of Herod’s awful plan. They must have been terribly disappointed, but they obeyed the Word of God, moved to a strange land to live until God would tell them they could go home. There are times in our lives when we become discouraged about things happening to us or to our families. Where do we turn to for help? We can go to several different things. God may be speaking to us through scripture, or through other people, or even through adversities that come to us. Can we accept that these things will be for our good and can we see God’s hand in the decisions we have to make? David found forgiveness and grace when he turned everything over to God. He was able to bless God and to sing praises to Him. We too, like Joseph and Mary, will find favor and joy when we let Him be first in our thoughts and actions by truly turning over everything to Him. Then we too will be able to praise God in everything. Thanks be to God.

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Saturday, January 4, 2014

A Day of Retreat Beginning Prayer: Living God, may your Spirit fall afresh upon us. Grant us quietness within as we give you our full attention. Amen. Scripture Reading: Matthew 2:1-12 Silent reflection on the passage:

1. What transforming thoughts is the Holy Spirit giving you as you reflect on this passage?

2. You may wish to journal or sketch any new thoughts, ponderings, or questions that come to you during this time of solitude.

Reading of the hymn, “Arise, your light is come!” Arise, your light is come! The Spirit's call obey; Show forth the glory of your God, Which shines on you today. Arise, your light is come! Fling wide the prison door; Proclaim the captives' liberty, Good tidings to the poor. Arise, your light is come! All you in sorrow born, Bind up the broken-hearted ones And comfort those who mourn. Arise, your light is come! The mountains burst in song Rise up like eagles on the wing; God's power will make us strong. Words of Encouragement: May all kings bow down to him and all nations serve him. For he will deliver the needy who cry out, the afflicted who have no one to help. He will take pity on the weak and the needy and save the needy from death. He will rescue them from oppression and violence, for precious is their blood in his sight. Psalm 72:11-14 Moment of Silent or Shared Thanksgiving Blessing: Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen up! The peace of Christ be with you!

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Week 6

O, the mystery of God’s dwelling… in diversity!

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Sunday, January 5, 2014 O, the mystery of God’s dwelling…in diversity! Pastor Jim Voth The Christmas season is about to become history. We have made special memories with family, friends and neighbors; memories of gatherings; gifts shared; special worship celebrations; unexpected acts of kindness; and possibly even a surprise visit. Don’t we love surprise visits! I recall watching television programs centered on unexpected reunions with loved ones. Oh the joy of the meeting: hugs, kisses, tears and laughter. Mary and Joseph probably didn’t know the Magi or wise men from the east. It might have been an awkward reception of these unexpected strange guests. We can imagine that Mary was silently proud to receive them as she looked upon her infant son. And Joseph? We can imagine that he was humbled by their appearance, but graciously received them and probably inquired of their home and their travels. Matthew gives us none of these details so it is for us to imagine. Did you have guests from afar for Christmas or did you make the trek to visit family at a distance? Recall those special moments and give thanks to God for these times together. But then we must return home. If at all possible, I like to travel home by another way because I like to see different scenery. Generally, going to Kansas and back on Highway 81, as nice as it is to have four lanes all the way, still doesn’t give that opportunity for different scenery. So we try to stop at different restaurants and cafes as we journey to and from. We have met some nice folks doing so and have learned some new things about the communities along the way. The Magi chose to return by way of another route (verse 12). They had been warned by God in a dream. They left behind gifts for the young child; special gifts. But they also left behind a family who would soon be refugees in Egypt. In life we never know what we shall leave behind, but we are reassured by this account that God will lead us; sometimes even in a dream.

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Where will you go in 2014? Things may be unexpected or things may be planned! As we trust God to lead us, be prepared for surprises along the way as well as God’s strength to carry you through the valleys and unexpected turns. Venture forth then with your eyes always on Jesus, the wonderful author and perfecter of our faith. (Hebrews 12:2). And expect an epiphany; a new revelation; a surprising new light of God’s glorious truth for your life.

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Christmas carries a special meaning for all of us; gathering with friends and family; looking forward singing Christmas carols and hymns; gathering around the table, or giving of gifts; these are all wonderful aspects of the Christmas season. But let us remember, one event ties us all together as believers--the birth of Jesus. What a blessed event. How fortunate are we that God’s word was made flesh? As 2013 comes to a close, may the grace and peace of Jesus Christ fill you so that you may experience life to its fullest. May 2014 find us all striving to be Jesus Christ to all whom we may come in contact with. On behalf of the Bethesda Board of Education, and Barb Voth, I would like to say thank you to all who contributed with words and art to this project. Thank you to all who encouraged this project. Blessings to you all! Mike Wall

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The Board of Education would like to hear your thoughts about this project. This is the fourth edition, and we would like to know if you, the congregation, would like it to continue. Also, please be sure to thank those who shared their interpretation of each weekly focus theme. They have worked hard to provide their devotions. All contributors approached this project with the utmost seriousness and focus to provide their best. They deserve our appreciation! Seek out the “The mystery of God’s dwelling…in your life!” Be followers of Jesus Christ, and ambassadors of peace and goodwill to one another! May God bless you in the New Year.

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