O SANTO PADRE VEM A PORTUGAL - FAROL >> … · O meu irmªo e eu gostamos muito de mœsica. Tenho...

O SANTO PADRE VEM A PORTUGAL QUE VAMOS FAZER NS? pdfMachine Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease! Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine. Get yours now!

Transcript of O SANTO PADRE VEM A PORTUGAL - FAROL >> … · O meu irmªo e eu gostamos muito de mœsica. Tenho...




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pdfMachine Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!

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pdfMachine Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!

Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.

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� Nasci em 16 de Abril de 1927, na véspera da Páscoa

�O meu nome verdadeiro é Joseph Ratzinger

� Estes são os meus irmãos: Maria e Georg. A Maria já morreu há alguns anos.

� Nascemos na Alemanha, na província da Baviera, numa aldeia chamada Marktl am Inn.

pdfMachine Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!

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Cá estamos nós os 3 outra vez e os nossos pais. O meu pai era polícia e a minha mãe cozinheira.

O Georg e eu fomos para o seminário.

pdfMachine Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!

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Estas são fotos da nossa ordenação, em 1951. Foi um dia muito feliz para nós. Depois fui também professor de Filosofia e Teologia na Universidade.

pdfMachine Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!

Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.

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O meu irmão e eu gostamos muito de música. Tenho um piano de cauda e toco Mozart e Bach.

Também gosto de ler e escrever livros.

pdfMachine Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!

Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.

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Gosto muito de animais, mas os meus preferidos são os gatos.

pdfMachine Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!

Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.

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Gosto de crianças e dos jovens

pdfMachine Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!

Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.

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� Acompanhei o Papa Paulo VI que me nomeou Arcebispo de Munique.

�Fui eleito Papa em 2005, depois do Papa João Paulo II, de quem era muito amigo.

pdfMachine Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!

Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.

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Fui eleito Papa em 19 de Abril de 2005.

pdfMachine Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!

Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.

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� Escolhi o nome de Bento por causa do santo padroeiro da Europa que é S. Bento.

Já tinha quase 80 anos e não me apetecia nada ser Papa. Foi difícil�

pdfMachine Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!

Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.

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O Papa é quem faz as vezes de Jesus Cristo na Terra.

pdfMachine Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!

Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.

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Conto contigo para me ajudares!

pdfMachine Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!

Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.

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O Papa veste de branco e usa um solidéu

na cabeça. O pior é

o vento�

pdfMachine Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!

Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.

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Estes são mais alguns dos chapéus que o Papa usa. Também tenho uns sapatos vermelhos.

pdfMachine Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!

Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.

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Já estive em Portugal antes de ser Papa. Até sei falar português.

Fui eu que estudei o 3º segredo de Fátima.

Agora em Maio, vou outra vez ao teu País e vou a Lisboa, a Fátima e ao Porto.

Não me queres ir ver?

pdfMachine Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!

Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.

Get yours now!

Queria muito que rezasses por esta viagem.

pdfMachine Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!

Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.

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Até Maio!

pdfMachine Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!

Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.

Get yours now!