n/.yunus.hacettepe.edu.tr/~tonta/yayinlar/tonta... · I /n/. l.ihr. Rrv. ( 19B(j) 18, '.l 17 326...

< /n/. l.ihr. R rv. ( 1 9B(j) 18, '.l 17 326 Turkish Librarians hi p: An Anno t ated Bib li ography ( 1950- 1984) Y/\S 1 \R A. TO N'J',\* I N'l'RODllC TI ON Th e purpose orL11is bibliography is lo li st the articles on T urki sh librari es and libraria nship wh ich appeared in t he i 11 t crnati ona l professional be t wern 1950 a nd I 9B4 .. Lt is al so aimed to sa tisly the requests or research ers, li brar i ans and li bra ry sc hoo l stu den ts from a broad. In ad di t io11, t his st u dy mig ht he usdtd fi·om the view point ofrornpa r ativc li braria ns hip as a 11 academic subjec t. T he hihl iogT;1 ph y inc l udcs only period i ral a rt irks on Tur kish li brar - ies ;i nd li brarianship w hic h wc 1T wr itten in foreign langu ages and puhlis hc cl ou tside or T urkey. Boo ks, d isser ta tions, reports, ar ticles in rncy clopaed i as a nd confi'1Tncc p roce ed ings arr excluded . T he IJib liog r aphy rm·crs 63 aniclcs 01 1 Tur kish li bra ria nship . 20 or th e G3 art icles were wri t tt·11 by T urk ish r esea rchers. F or ty ar tirks wne wr itten by fi> reig11 resear ch er s. T he au thors of two art icles a rc u11k 11own . 0 11c a rt icle is a joint wo rk of' Tur kish and fo r eig n researche rs. i\Iost or the arti dcs (.55 ) were wri ttrn in En g lish . Th e ot hns were wr iltrn i11 \·arious la11guag('s. (In German: '. 1; i 11 H ungarian: 2; in P ns ian: I; in Ru ss ian: I; and, in No r wegia n: I. ) Th e arra ngcnwn t o f' t l1c b ib li ography is r hro11ological. 1950 (I) (I) Ad11a11 Ot iike11. The younges t 11a tio nal libr ary i 11 the world. f,ibri I, 171 172. The auth or, f(> unrlcr a nd first d ircno r of' the J\:a tiona l L ib r ary o l' Turkey, cksn il>cs the cstab lishrncnt or th<· L ibrary an d its collect ion . (;.,l k.1(1 · or l. ili rianship, , \l,.·rystwy1h, \\'a l' l ' n it!'d K iu)(dmn. now i l!Ti illfif040'.l I 7 I 1 11 liO'.l.00/0 l' 1'186 /\ l': ukmi l' Press I nc 1. l.ondo11 l l.irni ll'd

Transcript of n/.yunus.hacettepe.edu.tr/~tonta/yayinlar/tonta... · I /n/. l.ihr. Rrv. ( 19B(j) 18, '.l 17 326...

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/n/. l.ihr. Rrv. ( 19B(j) 18, '.l 17 326


Turkish Librarianship: An Annotated .- Bibliography ( 1950- 1984)


... I


Y/\S 1\R A . TO N'J' ,\*


The purpose orL11is bibliography is lo li s t the a rti cles on T urkish libraries a nd librarianship wh ich appeared in the i11 tcrnational professio na l l i t cratun~ betwern 1950 a nd I 9B4 .. Lt is a lso aimed to sa tisly the requests or resea rchers, li brarians and li bra ry sc hool s tu den ts fro m a broad. In addi t io11, this st udy migh t he usdtd fi·om the view point ofrornparativc librarianship as a 11 academic subject.

T he hihl iogT;1 ph y inc l udcs only period iral a rt irks on Turkish librar­ies ;i nd librarianship w hich wc 1T written in foreign la ng uages and p u hlishccl ou tside or T urkey. Books, d isser ta tions, reports, ar ticles in rncyclopaed ias a nd confi'1Tncc p roceed ings arr excluded .

T he IJi bliography rm·crs 63 aniclcs 01 1 Turkish li b ra rianship. 20 o r th e G3 articles were wri t tt·11 by T urk ish researchers. Forty a r tirks wne writte n b y fi> re ig11 resea rchers. T he au thors of two art icles a rc u11k 11own. 0 11c a rticle is a join t wo rk of' Turkish and foreign researchers. i\Iost or the arti dcs (.55 ) were wri ttrn in Eng lish . The o thns were w riltrn i11 \·arious la11guag('s . (In German: '.1; i11 H ungarian: 2; in Pnsia n : I; in Russia n : I ; a nd, in Norwegian: I. )

The a r ra ngcnwn t o f' t l1c bibliography is r hro11ological.


( I ) ( I ) Ad11a11 O t iike11. The younges t 11a tional libra ry i11 the world. f ,ibri I , 171 172.

The author, f(> unrlc r a nd first d ircno r of' the J\:a tiona l Library o l' Turkey, cksnil>cs the cstablishrncnt or th<· Library and its collect ion .

• (;.,lk.1(1· or l.ili rianship, ,\l,.·rystwy1h, \\'a l' "· l ' n it!'d Kiu)(dmn.

now i l!Ti illfif040'.l I 7 I 111 liO'.l.00/0 l'• 1'186 /\ l':ukmil' Press Inc 1. l.ondo11l l.irni ll'd

Page 2: n/.yunus.hacettepe.edu.tr/~tonta/yayinlar/tonta... · I /n/. l.ihr. Rrv. ( 19B(j) 18, '.l 17 326 ,.. Turkish Librarianship: An Annotated .- Bibliography ( 1950-1984) ~ • ... I

-\I H Y. ,\, 'J' O:-JTi\

I ~l:> I

· 1 E. J C.1 rtn. I l1-.1d ot' l ':\ESCO Lihrari1·s l) i,·ision , ·isits Turkey . u1d l ra11. l · .\' 1-.'S(.'(} 8111/. l .ihr. 5. :?·l l :? 1-1.

.\report on the aut hor's tour ol' Turkcy a11d lra n.

:l \Lin Du w;1 11 Caner. Specia l librari es in the '.\ll'ar East.. .\jil'C. !. ihr. 42. :?·F> :.? l B.

.\ -<lion tT\' it·1, ot'sprria l libraries i11 T urkey a11d E~ypt.

<;crill'rl'\· .\,ha ll Claistn. Tll<' ;\:1Lio11a l Library of" l'u rk<'y . / ,i/n. . !11. Hrr 53. :->0 .1'.2 .

Tlw t'arh histor\'. accommoda tion , ('quipmc nt, hook stock a nd ,1,1tr ut' 1h1· \' atinnal l.ilir;1n· ol' T urkr1· arr prcs('ntcd.


.1 (;l'olfrn .\,hall C l.1istn. :\Bri tish Co1111ri l libr:1rian abroad. l,ihr. . I 11 . Ru . 54. '.t~<t :n:2.

.\ liril'l'ck..;nip1ion o!'tht' British Coun<'i l libraries in Turkry .

f, I .a\\ n·ric r· S . ' I l1 <ir11p"'HI. Bo<Jks an: basil' lwyond Llw Bosphorus. . I /..I /fo ll. 46. I <n I ~J.i .

Rr ·< 1·11 1 <i<·,·<·l11p11H'Jlls in lilm1rianshi p in T11 rkl'y . Specifically, i11!i1rn1a1 io 11 a bout the rcnn4an isat ion ol' th(' manuscripts libraries iJ1 I ,t;inlJUI. th(' r;,u11clatio11 (If the '.\atinnal I .ihrary of'Turkey and tlr" lr1rmati<>11 ci l' tlw Turki~h Libra ria11s· :\ ssociation is ~ivrn.

I .;JI\ J ('nn· S. T hornps<•n . T h(' Libraries or' l'u rkry. Ubr.O...., 22, :.!711 l8 t.

.\ cr 1mp rd]('11~ i1 · l· -;un t'\ or libr;i r ics in Turkn"

;\ I·"" r1·11cl' S. 'J l1 onq>~<J11. \'1it1·s OJI ·1 urkisli Bil>li(Jg raph y. !'a/>. Hi/,/j1h.!. s,,.-. . l lil. 46. L'>~ I 1m.

. \n C"\:trninati<111 rltlH' cln'C· loprnr11ts nr T urk ish bibliographics li·nrn the tirn<' llf Ka1i p Cclchi 1()(19 l li"171 to l :l.'"J'.2 .

'J L11, JC'JH e S. T l1ornpso11 . Tilt' Turki~h >:a tional Libra rv. f,ihr.]. 77. 188-l I BR"l.

.\ , h11r1 hi-tciry ril' th(· T urkish \'aLio11al J.ibr·a ry, first op<' ncd to

tlw pu lilic i11 .\nkar;1 in l '.l J.B.

~ I


~ I



TURK I SH l.IBRJ\Rli\NSJI I P "l'.>" 1!111 4 3 19


l HJ) Il ('mi F. R a ux. T he T urkish Nationa l I 11stitu tc o f' Biblio­graphy. l ' .VHSCO Null. l. ih r. 8 , 17 IB .

J\ rn·icw of' LIH' f(Jrlllat ion a nd publications of Lhc Tu rkish Na tional lnst it u t(' o r Bi bliography .


( 11) R obert B. Downs. J ,ilJra rianship in Turkey. Sli'dtrrl I/11/iwr Uk News 10: IB .

;\,·cry short introduct ion to li brariansh ip in Tu rkey.


( 12) Rober t B. Downs. Librarianship in .J a pan, Mexico and T urkey. //,A Rec 10, Jnl y, 5 9.

The sitt1atio11 or tlw uni\'!Tsity library colknions in Tur key IS

jll'l'S('n tcd .


( 13) Cert rude C. Drnry. Library snvices i11 Turk('y. !.ihr.}. 84, 3509 :~51 3 .

;\ short review Oi' the WOrki11g COlldit io11s <t lld SCrViC'C'S or the J\rncri('<lll Collegiate I nsti tutc i11 fz m ir, which is a rhurrh­sponsor<'d school for Turkish girls.


( l 'I") D. t\. R('(lrnond and Solmaz izclem ir. T he libra ry or the ~diddle East 'J'cchniral lJn i\'nsity. UX/•,'S(;() /-foll. f ,ibr. 14, 202 '.204 .

,\ brief' outl ine of' the Yarious fl:a tmes or the Middle East T <'rhnira l Universi ty L ibrary.

1 I.">) Carl M. \\'h iLc. Th(' Univers it y of' Ankara's Institu te of Librarianship in 1%0. 1ll,A Bull. 54, G6:>.

J\ short introduction to tlw prcsrn t nlllrl itions of' the Institul<', which is the f(J r(' rnost libra ry school in T mkcy.

Page 3: n/.yunus.hacettepe.edu.tr/~tonta/yayinlar/tonta... · I /n/. l.ihr. Rrv. ( 19B(j) 18, '.l 17 326 ,.. Turkish Librarianship: An Annotated .- Bibliography ( 1950-1984) ~ • ... I

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I() H amil D(' reli. Fi nal rC'port from :\ nkara . :1/,JI Bull. 56, 573. · 1k~(' ril>l'> the e~ t al>li>hnH'nt of the fi rst libra ry school at th e

l ' ni\·crsit y or .\nkara . \\ ith thl' aid ora g ra nt ad 111 i11 istned by thl'



11 ()-man Er'"Y and lkrin C. Yurcladog. Educat ion for lili n 1l'iamhi p: Tu 1·kl'y. / ,i/)I'. Trl'lld.1 12. 2Wl 21 0 .

01 w ()I' tl1t· \Try ft·\\' \\·o rks in Eng lish on education for lil1raria 1 1~ hi p in T urkl'y.


18 \\'i lli a1 11 \\'. l'>t·1111ct t. The .\Iiddk East T ('chn irnl L:nivcrsity I. il 1ran. I '.\)·.'.\(.'() /1111/ . l .ihr. 18. '.2()9 27 '.~.

I k~nil n·,; the purposC'. fun ctio11s and l'Olicnio11 or the .\1icldlr F:1 -1 T n ·lll lil·;tl l ' ni\lT,;it \' Lihran'. . .

j l) R nl>crt B. D mu is. Libra ry proi>lcms ol' ernnging nations . /,mt•

Un.] 57 . '.)77 '111'2. l\ t·\ in\ ~ 1111' lil 1r<tr\ ('(111ditio11s in 'l' urk<' y, .\lcxin i, /\lg hanista n

arid S1iutl1 .\rncrica .


'..'II IJ. I I. B1i1 1cl1ard1. Problc·m,; of' lilmtria nship in Tu rkey. T imeless

F,//,.,,,fri/•2 . 1q :.!9 . . \ ,;nund general rt·,·in,· ot' the libra ry :;ccnc in T urkf')"


:? 1 H. drn K c>\ acs. \kdi cal lihrarics fro m :\nka ra to London . /fo ll.

.\led. I.ii,, . . f11. 55 . -l IB ·~~ /. Rni1'\\ ' nwdical libra ries i11 T urkey. Yug;osla\·ia, Hungary.

Fr~111cc a 11d l ' K.

i I I

"" I I

I I .. I

I ..

T\ I RKISII LIUR AR I ANS llll' •!1 ~, o • !1ll.1 32 1


(22 ) J. M irtaghavi. P rdim ina ry report 011 library cataloging a nd classi­fil'ation i11 the RCD mun tries I ran, Pa kistan and Turkey. J':r/Sl / ,ihr. 3 , Dcccm lwr, 39 47.

A 11 examination of' the prese11t co11ditio 11s o f' li brary catalogu ing and rlassification in l ran, P akista n and Turkey.

(23) W . .J . Wa lson. ibrahim Mutckrrika a nd Turkish Incunabula.]. Jim. Oriml. Sor . 88, 435 4-4 1.

i bra hin1 i\'liitdcrri ka ( IG71'f75 1746), the IOuncln o f' T urkish book pri11tin14, anrl his first pri11t cd boob a re scru tin ized .


(21) Kismet Burian. Turkish Scirn tific and Techn ical Documen tation Ccnlr(' . UNI~SC'O Bull. Libr. 23, 88 90.

Gives brief' in formation about the Centre, found ed in 1967 to mccl the i11 f(mnalio 11 1H:'eds ol' lhc scientific comm11nity in Turkf'y.


('.M ) D . .J . WC'IH"r. METU's lilirMy: the first dc('ade. l!NHSCO Bull . / ,i/n. 24 , 77 7H, I 07.

A short history and the devel opm ent of' the METU (Middle East T cdin irnl U ni versity) Lib rary arc prrsen led .


(26) R . B. Downs. Library dcvrl opment in Turkish universi ties. Pak. Libr. Bull. 4, Sepl. Dec., 9 - 13 .

;\ gc11<'ral surv('y or universit y libraries in Turkey, ((1cussi11g upon ill<' university libraries lol'a tcd in Ankara a nd l sta nbul.

(27) .J ohn r. Ha rvey and Br ltina Lambert. Li brarianship in Sl X

sou thwrsl Asian count r ies. Int. f,ibr. Rev. 3, 15 34·. /\ reporl of' the authors' visit to the libraries in Turkey, lran,

Pakista n, Afg hanistan, Lebanon and I srael. Suggestions are mad e for improvements in cooperation between Islamic coun tries.

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:t~~ Y . .-\. To;-.;TA


'.28 P. S. :\atha n. '.\lrssag<' frorn T urkey. Publ. Wk(y 202 , 27 :\ pn·111 hn. '.\ 1.

.\ ,; lwrt rn·in,· or r\'l't'lll dcn·lopnH'lll> in T u rkey.

:!~l 1,, k \\.ibo11 \\.arrirk a nd \\' ill ia lll C . Hickman . Of' manuscripts and .\J.-driv.c a glimp,;c a t some T urkish libraries. ll'ilson f,ibr. Huff. 46. 908 91 I .

\\'orking ("(l lldit ions and services or libra ries which h ave va lu -able manuscript cCJ llenions arc d escri bed.


3(1 Ll'lna11 C:ankaya . Ed uca tio n for librariansbiµ in Turkey . 1 ·.\·l·.'SCO flu /I . l.ihr. 28, 329 3:W.

3 1

Describe,; the uniH·rsi t y and other courses in librarianship

o lli:n'd ll\ T urkish institut io ns.

Lajos Hop p. ihrahim f\liitekrrika ( 1674/7:J:i 1746): a T i.i r6k Ki!11~\· 11 yo11nat:1,; '.\kgalapitoja ( i brahi m f.. lii tckrrika: the fou n­dn uf' Turki~h Book Pri nting) . . \logy. k onyNz. 90, 126 131, 1974.

In l·l ungarian.

3:2 lknjarnin \\.b itt e n a nd Thomas '.\l imier. Education for libraria n ,d1ip in dC'\·doping na ti ons: the Haccttc pe experi ence.]. Fr/111. l .ibr. 14. 220 233.

Th (' fcJL111dat ion of the I nstitute or Library Sc ience and D oru ­rn<"ntat ion a l th e H acc t tc pe L: nivcrsity is clcsrriiJcd . Suggestions are made fr)r dC'\-clnping coun tries from th(' ,·iewpoint or library

f'clu ca ti on.


:)3 R. C: .. \ Jll<.'I'. T urkey: c h anges 011 the libra ry scene rrom 1967.

/.rnd1 17. O ctober, 8. . \ li r i<"f" rC"\·i('w of d;1· r<'n·n t ckvclop111n1ts in lib ra r iansh.ip in

·1 u rk1·> .

3·\ Fili1. B;1~ln1goglu. Bibliogra phical scn·iccs in Tur key in I 973 . Bihfpltr. J) ,,n111111. 1a111i110/. 15. 156 158 .

Bi h liograph ical ~en· i ces of t he Turkish .:"Ja tio nal Libra ry in 1973

an· pre~c 11 ted.

'Vi Th<Jlll<b .\li ndcr a nd Benj a min \\'hit tcn . Basic l ' ndcrgrad ua tc

t I

I l ...


.. I

• I

T U RKISH LIBRARIANSlllP •o:,o -111B.4 323

Educat ion fo r Librarianship a nd In form a tion Science. ]. Educ. f .ihr. 15, 2'.iB 270 .

A descrip tion of' lhc underg rad ua te curric ulum or the I nsti tute o f' L ibrary Scie n ce· and Documen tation a t tltc I laccttcpc U n i­vcrs i t y .


(36) Leman Gan kaya. Cataloguing rules for Turkish authors. Int . f,ibr. Rev. 8, '.H9 352.

Explains the specifications o r T urkish na mes. The application or cataloguing rules to Turkish au t hor names is desc ri bed with examples.

(37) Lem an Can kaya. New building fo r the Turkish National Library. U /\I J:'SCO Bull. f,ibr. 30, 1 76 1 77 .

'I'hc author g ives information about the new buil d ing of th e National Library of"l'urkcy.

• 1977

(38) /'.. ygm unt J\brahamowi cz a nd Lajos Hopp. R akoczi es a TortJk K 611yvn yomta tas ( R akocz i a ncl T urkish p rint ing) . M agy. KiJ1~yvs;::. . 93, 17B 18 1.

I n Hung arian.

(39) Fi liz Ba~hugoglu. Bibliographical services in Turkey in 1975. Bihlj>ly. Dor:umn., Terminal. 17, 27 .

J\ shor t fC\"il'W or bibl iographical serv ices in T urkey in 1975.

140) M . A. G e lfa nd . Library ed uca tion in H acettepe Uni ve rsity, T urkey. Leads 19, :rvlarc h , 6.

Gradua te and underg raduate p rogrammes or the Departm ent of Li brary Scirn cc, H acct t<'JW Universit y arr desc ribed .

(1·1) Library educa tion in 1-l accttcpc U nivers ity, Turkc·y. UNHSCO fl11ff. Libr. 31 , I G1 .

J\ review o r a surve y report.

(·12 ) K iizern R owhani. (L ibra rianship in T urkey) . h an. Libr. Ass. Bull. 10, Spring. ( Pages arc num bered in Pe rsian. )

In Pe rsian .

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·l:i I.. \'. ZhukoYa. Bibl iotcchnoe cldo ,. T un- tskoi Rcspublikc. 1.i hr;1ri:111~;J1 i p in Tu rkc~ \ . Nib(![r11 H11bt:)1. ( 7()). 2-t '.Fl.

I 11 R u,-,ian.


·11 .\ r;1zie P. Churukian . Current national bibliograp hies from LhC' :\t·.11· Ea;;i ;is colknion dt·,·clop n1cnt Loo ls. J.ihr. Rrs. lech. Sen•. 23, I ;,i; 16:2.

lka l> \\i th th<' T urkish '.\ational Bibl iogra phy.

Fi (:. G. Da,·is. Per~amum , parC'hnw nt ol'thc past. l .ouis. l .ibr. A.u. /5111/. 41. \\.inter. · 1 '.~ lb .

. \ n an·nun t of parchment which was f(l und by Tyrks in Pn~amum.

·16 il ha n K um. Ltilfrcdstil lcnck L: t,·ikling: En KortSki sscav T yrkisk BiJ,Ji11t<: b T'<'ll l 'matisfactory dcn :lopnwn t: a brief' outline of' the Turkish li brary systrrn . Bok Hibftk 46. 177 179.

f11 :\on,rgia1 1.

ti H . R. Ln11111a11. Turki~;} 1 111arkL·t li >r hooks. !'uh/. Jl 'k(J' 216, '.20 . \ ugus t. t) I.

I k'ocri l)I'~ Lill' ma rket possibi lities lr> r books in Tu rkey.


t8 .\!<-ml .\lpa,-. .\ 1,un<·y of' T urkish cb ild rrn's a ncl juvenile litC'ra­tun· . H1111khird 18. llJ I I.

I ~ i

.')I I


. \ b ri1·f'~un C'\ of'Tu rkish childrl'n·s ;111cljU\-c:nilc literature si nct: IB':>fh.

l ). R .. John,;on. Li bran of C:clsus. an Eph csia11 Phoenix. 11 'i/son l.ihr. R11//. 54. tij I li:'>3.

. \ -;li <Jrl acn1u 11t or ( :«Ism Li hran., wh ich is the olcl<'Sl library i11 Turke·,· .

K at hle t> 11 K uro,;111a11. The academic Li brary in Tu rkey. Int. /,ibr . Rt'<. 12. 173 :ZOU.

Rn·in' "; the aradrm ic libraries in Turke\'.

i lh.111 K um ancl Phdli~ Lcpon Erdoga n. Turkish library ckvl'l ­"!ll lH'nh. l '.YFSUJ]. In/ Sci. f,ibr. :lrrh .. ld111i11. 2, 252 25G.

.\ !!,T Jl<'ra l su 1Tn of the Tu rkish libra ry system.

I ...





TlJRK I S ll l.IIlRARli\ NS llIP « 1;,o ' !il!.1 32.5

(5 2) 'l' urkl'y: C hildren 's Book Fai r a nd Symposium . Bookbird 18, 40 41 .

:'-Joles 011 lhl' Child ren's Book Fa ir and l111crna tiona l Sym­posium 0 11 Childrl' ll 's Books.


(53) l\.lcra l 1\ Jpay. R crnmmrnclerl books fro m T urkey. Bookbirrl 19, 54. /\ brief' a nno tated liihliograph y or th(' lics l chi ldren's books

published in T urkl·y.


(51 ) 0. Bayazicl. Turkish books. Uookli.1! 78, 6'10. J\ list of' th l' l>l'st Turkish books.

('.'>5 ) Vl'cla t Ncdim Tiir. C:a11 Ci"iknil , a Turkish artis t. B ookbird 20, 5B GO.

/\ brier i11 1rod 1Klio11 Lo the works or Can Gi.>kn il, who JS a n e111im·nt ill ustra tor o f' !he T 11rkish chilcl rc11 's books .

I fJB'.~

(56) L. E. O lson. Unpacking facts aboul librarianship a broad : in Turkey. Int. f ,ibr. Nev. 15, 349 3'.i.5 .

The importance of' the language barrier a nd 1he cltangr of'basic dut i<'s of' librarians in ckvcloping count ri es are emphasised.

i:i7 ) Zcyncp Ch.gen. Im Di cnstt: T iirkischcr Mi1li i.irger: Ei n Erfah­rungslwricht aus l\l iinchcn ( I n sc rvi r r of'T urkish cit izens: a report 011 l'Xpl'rirnccs fi·o1H Mun ich) . Burh /Jih/t!tk 35, 7'1·.5 748 .

In Ccrman.

1:iH) 'l'Lilin Sag larntun~- . T l.irkisch c Bucher in den Dcu tschen O lkntli chcn Bibl io1hckrn (Tu rkish books in the public libraries or lit e Federal R epublic of Germa ny) . Dt. -Turk. Ges. iVfitt. 106, November, I 4.

Rl'vicws the lib rary sc·rvicrs for Lhc T urkish ethnical minority in p11blic libra ri c·s or the Federal R epublic o f' Germany.

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Y. :\. ToN T A

J \!. Sccpa nski. Tu rkish libraria nship am idst con fl ic t and ch ange. / .md.1 25. Sum m er. 6 B.

.\ IT\'i('\\' or llH· n·rrnl clnTlopmrnts in T urkish librari ansh ip.

C:. \I. 7.l'idncr. ;\ gu id<' to T urkish rrsr arrh in earth sciences. S/1P(. /.1/11 . 74, :1.'">H '.) fib.

lrn ti tuti\lr l.' and lilirarics ,,·hi d1 ha\T , ·a lualik collections on c.1r1 h scir nres .ire presen ted .


.irfan (:akin . T urkish libr;uies: hi~ to r i cal con text. In t. f,ibr. Rev. 16. 71 71 .

.\ cornpn·h cn-,in· history ol'thr dc\·elupnwnt of librarianship in T urkn , i11 ,·c· 9 th century. :\ lso, d cscribrs the recen t d evelopmen ts i11 tlw R 1·p 1d Jlica11 Era .


t ,rnai l L E r[insal. O t toman librarit·s: a brir l'~m\'C )' o r the ir ckvel­t>p llH'llt .rnd S\'Slt'lll nf lendi ng. f .i/iri 34. ()'."1 76.

Rn ie\\ S t he "11·;1kq" libra ries ;11 1d their runc ti on in the Ottoman Empire. Spcci lically the len ding system o r these libraries is pn·­,c11tt'd .

T iilin Sag l anuun~·. Bibliuthckarischc \ "nrnrg u11g ckr Tt.:1rke11 in dn Bu11clc>1Tpubli k und die :\l iig lich kci ten ckr ln te r­gr;\li() n~politi k l.ilir;1n SrrYiccs lii r T urks in the Federa l R epub­lic ni' G errnany ;111d the Possibi lit ies or thl' integrat ion Po licy). 8 ih!thl . .<d. 18. 7 79 7~) I.

Rn·ic\\·s th <' library s<.T1·iccs fo r the immi g ran t T urks as an ctl111ical rninorit y i11 t he FRG . l nl'orm a tion was ga th ered through a q t1 <''t io1111a iff 11·hich \\a~ com pleted by 1000 T u rk ish users.






~ !

In!. J.ihr. Re11. ( 19B6) 18, 327 335

Solving Reference Questions in the Caribbean : the Unjversity of the West Indies (Trinidad) Experience* \ I ;\ R (;. \ R ET D . R 0 lJ S E-J 0 NE St


L ibraria ns in the C:a r ib hra n region a rc undoubted ly familia r with th e problems encoun tered in t he ha nd ling of' enquir ies for in forma tion on C a ribbean topics. ThC's<' problems a rr par tic ula rl y ani tc when, as tend s to be the case, the in for m a t io n is to he foun d in sou rces gene rated from within the region itscll: T he li·agmen ta ry nature of' the p ublishing ind11stry i11 thl' reg ion H ild its genn al lack or· sou nd esta bl ishme n t , the d isorgan i;-.r d character of' th e book lracl c and the inad equacy or bibl iographic services' arc a ll r:1ctors which affrct the process whereby the librarian is able lo !iri ng logclh!T tlH· user and the mate ri al he req 111 res.

T his a na lys is is has!·d on m y experience as libraria n in charge of the West I nd ia n Collect ion al the U nivnsi ty of V\lesl Indies Library, St /\ugusti11e, 'l' rin id ad2 (hnealicr U\V I Li b ra ry). T his collection in ­clu des a ll fo rms or m a tnia l writtrn by W est I ndia ns a nd a bout the Wcsl lndics as well as ma te rial published in the region . It tends to roncrnt ra te o n the English -speaking Carib lwa n.1 P riority is given to ma teria ls rcl<'van t to the leach ing a nd research progra mmes of thr St /\ugustin<' ca mp us or the U n iversit y. C overage is comprehensive fo r materia ls about Trinidad a nd T obago and more selec tive for o the r

*This .1 rt id 1· is based <11 1 ;i papt'I" pr('S('t1tcd to a \\°tlf"kslic 1p ~css io11 a l the T hirtiet h SC'111i11a r in ti"' 1\l'q 11isi1 io11 of' l.a1in 1\11 1ni,·a11 l. ilira1·y Ma1nials (S/\ 1./\1.M ) P1·i11n:10 11 Un iversity. J ~) '..! :l .lun« I !}8:) . 'J'hc author w ishc·s 10 ('X pn·ss lier thanks to 1-la1111a h Francis ;11ul /\1111t'tl(.' Kni~ht for usd'ul sugg<·st ion:-. in du· p r q>ara1io11 of' this p:qwr.

t Lihr,1ria11 , \\ 'est l11d iana l)j,-i,inn. l ' 11i,·t-rsi1y of t hl' \.\'<"st lndic·s. S t. Augus1i n(', T rinidad .111d Toha!{•>. \\'l'st I 111li<'s.

I For li.1rtlwr di.<rnssions or tht'S!' issll('S S('(' 1\. Allt')'ll(' and I'. Morckt'a i ( 1978) . Edut'alional pu hlishin.g and hook p roduct ion in 1111· Euglish-sp<'ak iug C:a rihllC'an. l .iln . '/ rl'llrl! 26, 575 5fl9; M . (:o, and 0. K ing ( l'l 77 ). T lw pnihh-ms in th .. an111isit ion " f' Carihlwan nta tl' ri als in tlw English­spc',1ki11g C:a rihb,· :111. (;11ra11a l. ihr . .-1.c<. !lull . 6. I JG: K . /\vafia ( l 'l7(i) 1.rgal dl'posit lih rari<'s in ilw \ \ 'esi J11d i .. s. /'A'/·.'.w;11 /lull . l.ihr. 30 . 147 1:11. !!i i .

,.I lu· l · ni\·1·rsity 01'!11" \Vc·s1 1 mlit·s ha.., lh r('t' c;\rnp11st's: 1\1011a . .J a maira; Sr :\ugu:-;1i11t-. Trinidad. I riuidad aml 'l'ohaµ;o: and ( :aq· I Ii i!. lla rha1los.

' The fi1ll<)\d11.l{ 1t·rritories nnnpost· this area: Antigua. Barbuda. Angui lla , Baham as, Rarba<los, Bdin·. British \ 'ir).{ill Islands, Cayman lslarid!'i, Ocmii 11 ica, Grenada, Cuyana, .Ja ma i<"a, Morlla -. ·11:11 . S1 Kills-Nev is, St Lucia , S1 Vi nrt'ol , Turks & Cairns Islands, T rinidad and T obago.

111)20 711 '.l 7/HG/tM0127 + 09 so:l.00/0 r(') 1986 /\cack mie Press lnr. (London) Limit<'d