nyijc JO H tsi. f - University of Hawaii · 3 Ml JI.CV ftV--H '. v---.vs.. "ft i 1 f JO I-casr--.'...

wy-ryftf'jr'i'- ? fer' gij "3g(fitc S2B: rat i rr y ? IP rs u' v """ssssp? u 'teKSCTS? B i t"i . flUt .'if? 3 Ml JI.CV ftV -- H '. v - -- .vs.. "ft i 1 f casr-- .' 1M llVf '!'. L3 I HI 11 J l JO I - r tsi. nyijc .rHp1 .Njf' r 'j f- - c ArS J Vol. IV. .o. 477. MWUKIAMtUl) MJUJ1 WWAW ttT" "jrilttllMW i'i "iiiiLy BULLhTm" , -- is l'um.iaiiiCK- - Evary Afternoon Except Susdayo At tin Olllco, Queen stieet, Honolulu, il. I. DANIEL LOGAN Editor i Managcl KOIITIIK Daily Bulletin Publishing Company, (Limitod.) NUHMUJUl'TlOaii: Daily Bui.LKrLN, 1 year SO 00 ' ' 0 months :i 00 " pur month (de- livered) o Wekuly Bulletin Summary, 1 year $4 00 foiclgu. 5 00 ) (! T li'jill '' Vii.3ll.-C- S TAddie-- s ult business eoimnunlea-idii- i, "SIakaoi-.- Daily BuLLtriN." ,& Addles sill mutter lor publiea-.Iii- ii "luiiroit Daily uulluyin " ! O. II.IV Hit. Illlllllllllll. II. I. i ALFRED IyIAQOON, it , At tin iiu) ut Law nn J Nutiiiy I'ubllu. No. 42 Metehiint stieet, ilono- - ulu. 1- -1 SCHMIDT & SONS, HW. lmpoiteis & Coininlsslon Mei-clism- ts. Fort stieet, Honolulu. HHAOICFELD & CO , Commission Agents. Ooinur Foit and Queen streets, Hono- lulu, II. I. 91 W MACifARLANB & OO , Gl T linpoiteis :md Commission Merchants. Queen street, Honolulu, II. I. aONSAL-VE- Sz CO., Gioccrs and Wino Merchants. Beaver liloek, Honolulu, U. I. T. WATERHOUSE, JOHN Importer and Dealer in General Meiuliaudise. Queen stieet, Honolulu, H. 1. 01 WILDER & CO., in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and ISuildinj; Materials of every kind. Corner Fort and Queen streets, Honolulu. .H EWERS & COOKE L ImporteiR and Dealers In Lum- ber and all kinds of Uuildiiig Materials. Fort street, Honolulu. Jl HONOLULU IRON WORKS, Honolulu, H. I. tjteam Engines, Sugar Mills, Boilers, Coolers; lion, Brass and Lead Casting- - ; Machinery of every deseiiption made to ord(r. Paitieular attention paid to Ship's Blaeksmithtiig. Job Work ex- ecuted at short notice. l-- il J NO. S. SMITHIES, Auctioneer & General Business A. G 12 IS rX Sliiliuttunp, Koliulu. Hawaii. ER & CO., MANUFACTURING AND importing Jewelers. 92 Port Street, Honolulu Atlas Assurance Comiaiy OF J,0.'ION. H. W. SCHMIDT &. SONS, Agents for the lluwniinn Islnuds, M n II J. 11IW1ULI It I ni; Htri-ef- . IIuiuilulu. Kxi'ullent iieeouimodiioii for p.itlonU. Dll. A. II. HO WAT, V. S. Olllco 11011187:80 to 10 a.m.; 12:80 to 2 p. in.; 4:30 toll p. in. 'i'KLKi'UUNKb; BcllOU. Mutual 183. I'. O. Box 32fi. l'jatf New Collage io Rent! J7MNE Cottngo with I'm lor, Hall, 4 Laige Bedioiims, ltnlh, l'autiy, Kitulicii and all modern impiuvemeuts. Ileietauia ttreet-ear- s p.iss the door Rent 3r. J6 For (ui (her ln(oiinatlou apply to o..i. McCarthy, 298 tf 35 MfU'llllUthtlWt. CHAS. T. CULiCK, Ijotary Public for the Wand of Oahu, Agent to 'J'ako Acknowlodgmenth lo La- bor Contiacts Agent to Uiaut Mairiiigo Licenses, Oahu. Agent for the Hawaiian Islands of I'ltt it Scott's Freight A; I'm eels Expiees. Agents (or (lie Burlington Route. Real Estate Broker & 'i;;' ltoll Tclo. 58.-aie- r' Mutual Tulo. 130. 1. O. Box nn. VSr Offices No.38Merohaiits(rce(, Honolulu, Oahu, II. I. iuu !KS i oceanic SteaaiUiii) Uu. I Australian Miil Seivice! FK SAN FKAXOISCO. The New and Fine AI Stcol Steamshln "RflARiPOSA," Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will be duo at Honolulu tioni Sydney and Auckland on or about July 28, 1392, And will leave for the above port with in, ills and on oi about that date. For Sjdafy aod Auckland i The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship "ALASW3EDA," Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will be due at Honolulu from bun Fraucisco on or about July 29, 1892, And will have prompt dispatch with mails and passeiigeis for the above poits. gfiy The undersigned aie now pre-pai- cd to issue Thiough Ticket-- , fiotn this city to all points in the United States. jQf" Foi further paiticulars regaiding Fi eight or Passage, apply to Wm. G. IRWIN & CO.. L'd, General Agents. Winer's Sleafflsliip Cc's V -.: a Tiaitt TAHLiIj: llll'illW CLARKE, Coniman-i- r, Will lu.ivu Honolulu at 2 o'clock p. si., touching al Lahaina, Maalaea Ray and Makena the same day; Muhu-kon- a, Kuwailiae and Laupalioelioe the following day, arriving at Hilo at midnight. LEAVES HONOLULU. Friday, July 29th Tuebday, Aug. Dili Fiiday, ' 19th Returning leaves Hilo, touching at Laupiiliochue same day; Kawniiiue a. m, ; Maluikona 10 a. m. ; Makena 1 p. m.; Maalaea Bay C p. m. ; Laha- ina 8 p. m. the following day ; arriv- ing at Honolulu G a. m. Wednesdays and Saturdays. AKUIVEB AT HONOLULU. Wednesday, July 27th Saturday Aug. (ith Wednesday 17ih Saturday, 27ili BJ8T No Freight will bo received after 12 noon of day of sailing. STMR. 'CLAUDINE.' DAVIES. Commander, Will leave Honolulu every Tuesday at 5 o'clock p. m., touching at Kuliu-lu- i, Huelo, Haua, Hamoa and Kipa-iiuli- i, Maui, and Fnauliau, Hawaii, Ruturniiig will arrive at Honolulu every Sunday morning. No Freight, will hn rnnnivoil aftei '1 1', il. on day of sailing. Consignees must bo at the landings to receive their frojglit, as wo will not hold ourselves responsiblu after such freight lias been landed. Wliilo (lie Company will uso duo diligence in handling live stock, wo decline to as- sume any responsibility in caso of the loss of biuno, and will not bo responsible for money or jowolry unless placed in flie euro of Pursers. W. O. WILDER, I'ri'bidunt. S. H. ROSE, Secretary. OAPT. J. A. KINU, Port Sunt. TfcOS. LINDSAY, MANUFACTURING Jeweler .to Wulclimiilcor. KUKUI JEWELRY a SPECIALTY. King Sir!ot, Honolulu, II. I. t&r I'aiiieular nUentlon paid to all kinds of lepahs. 'Jl . Island Shells and Curios ! WHOLKSALE and ii'tall, cheap for T cash, u( 101 Fort stieet, between Elders' lit V goods stoiu and Frank GcKz's shoe stoic. 808 U 'J'. TANNATT. HONOLULU, 11. Volcano House Rates Special Rates For Families and Parties, The Volcano House rates from and after thid dato will be : Round Trip, up and return by same route, 7 days $50 Up bv wav of Kau, return by way of Hilo, 11 duy $70 Up by way of Hilo, return by way Kau, 11 days $80 Board and Lodging at Volcano Ilutieo, $4. per day. To lloldirsof Round Trip Tickets? slaying over, and any one ktayiug on r lie day.s, $3 a day for nil oxcess (er hvc d iys. To families or parties of four and upwards, holding tickets and staying over, or staying after live days, !j2 50 per day. Children under live, with parents, quarter rates. Children between live and (en, half rates. KILAUEA VOLCANO HOUSE CO. June 21, 1892. 150 15t 20 It Facile Hail Uteaisbis Co. -- AND THE- - Occidental & Oriental S. S. Co, For Yokohama & Hongkong. Steamers of the above Companies will call at Honolulu on their way to the above pons on or about ihe following dates : Stmr. "Oceanic" Aug. 23, 1892 Stmr 'China" Oct. 3, 1892 Simr. 'Oceanic" Nov. 1, 18E2 Stmr. "China" Dec. 12, 1892 S mr. "Oceanic" Jan. 1 1, 1893 Stmr. "(.hina" Feb 20, 1893 Stmr. "Gaolic" April II, 1893 For San Francisco. Steamers of the above Companies will call at Honolulu on their wfiy from Hongkong and Yokoli una to the above poit on or about the following dates: Slmr. "Oceanic" July 26, 1892 IS?" Round Tiip Tickets to Yokohama and letuiu, 300. OsSr For freight and passage, apply to H. HACKFELD &. CO., 2G7 tf Agents. uunip Otuofiiohin Pn !o uuuamu a onmi JlllU UU. D XT ziZr TIME TAKLE: LOCAL LINE. S.S.AUSTRALIA. Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu from S. F. for S. i Aug 9 Aug 10 Sept 0 Sept l!i Oct4 Oct 11 Nov 1 Nov 8 THUOUOII LINK. From San Francisco Finni Sydney for for Sydney. ban Ki.iuciseo. A r ivc Honolulu, f itive Honolulu, Alameda July 2!;Mariposa .July 28 Maiipora. .Aug 2(i',Mouoivai Aug 25 Monowiii Sopt 2UJAl.imedii. Soj I 22 Alainedii Oct 21 Mariposa .Oe 20 .Mnrioriii. .Nov lSI.Moiiowiii . No 17 T 1" HUVhlllN A w. iioi.hti:ii ALOHAGALLERY Fort Street, over F, Gcrtz's Shoe Soro. View, Landscape & Portrait! Views of the Island Constantly on Haid HUC1I AH NiKives Making l'ol, Glass Houses, Ha- waiian Stjle Biding, llnjuia Daueeis, CoeoanutUioves. i'alm & Date (Jioves, Stieet VJi'wm it Bui dings, War Vessels, Shipping ic Mm Iuu Views, Elo , Etc. 6ti!r Ao a Largo Collection of all 1'ioinineiit ami Interesting Views of tliu Hawaiian lelamls either Mounted or Unmounted. BOOKS OF HAWAIIAN VIEWS Made up to order at (he most Rea- sonable Rales in Honolulu, Cabinets $6 and $5 a Dozen. 4i!01 ids J O. BOX 198 "&t Ut C. B. RIPLEY. AllCIHTlWr. Offick: Room 5, Spreckels' Block. Mutual Telepiiouu 208. New Designs 1 Modern Buildings I Complete plans and specifications for eveiy iieseitpiion ot iiuiluing. Contiaets drawn and careful supeiliitemjeueu of const! uctlon given when lequlred, Call and examine dIuub. apr 29 ly I.. THURSDAY EVENING, SCHOOL EXAMiNATlOHS. KACI.UUI t..V SCHOOL. TliU school situated a. I ttle way fioni llic iniikni !tile of Subool stieet :u tl geiHrally known us tliu School street school, is under the able inan-nuumi'- of Mr. C. 11. While, assist- ed by Mrs. Woods and Misses Hate, Mist, Lofquist and Green. About 280 children nttenit it, of nhom about 220 were present yesterday to assist in the closing exercises for the year. In the four pr'uniuy rooms the ordinary daily routine in dictation, reading and arithmetic was gone through until 10 o'clock, when the various classes were dismissed. Samples of really handsome and legi- ble writing considering the size and age of the scholars were to be seen on all the blackboards in these rooms. The tvoik done in these loomi re- flects credit on Misses Green, Lof- quist, Mist and Hare, the respective teachers. The I'lincinil's room was beseiged by an eager crowd of frii nils and relatives of the pupils engaged in watching and applauding a very line progiam of recitation's, songs, and dialogues which, were being given by his own pupils and some ot Mrs. Woods', the Vice Principal. Pi ior to the exercises a little of the or- dinary school work in reading, wilt- ing, etc., had been attempted, hut the ciowd was so great thai it had to be concluded for want of loom for the cluldien to get at the blackboards. The progiam opened by a song taken from Hie Tonic Sol Fa songs book rendered by the combined classes. All the singing is here taught on tiie Tonic Sol Fa method as recom- mended 1)3' the Boaid of Education. Following three recitations by some of the younger members of the class came a nice selection performed by Mr. White and eight of his boys on hand bells. This was a novel feature in school entertainments and the pre- cision which the hoys displayed in taking up their parts and evoking sweet melodies from such apparently unmelodious material as a brazen hand bell gave great satisfaction to both pupils and visitors. It appears that one of the regular boys had been suddenly taken ill on Friday so that the boy who took bis place at such short notice must have been carefully trained in music readiilg to do so well. Other lecitations both solo and in concert followed, inters- persed by class singing and selections on the bells. The most enjoyable pieces were a dialogue on the craze for bargain-huntin- g in foolish people, excellently rendered by five little gii is trained by Mrs. Woods, and a comic dialogue entitled a French Class, rendered by live boys trained by Mr. White. Throughout, however, the excellent pronunciation and clear articulation of what was a foreign tongue to most of the pupils was a noticeable fea- ture. The morning's entertainment closed about 11 o'clock by a pleasant cantata for girls' voices nicely ren- dered by about M girls, entitled The Queen of Choice, and accom- panied in a masterly manner by Mr. White on the organ. The whole ex- hibition taken in connection with the excellent specimens of work on the blackboards reflects gieat credit on Mr. White and the way in which he conducts his schools. SOCIAL' FIREMEN. Yestei day's fire did not prevent the Protection Hook & Ladder Com- pany from giving their regular monthly social last night. This ex- cellent feature of firemen's life lias Iilcii recently instituted by Foi enian Geo. Norton to mouse a feeling of brothel hood amongst the members of his company outside of that excit- ed by the fact of a common endeavor to perform iipublicdiity. Last night's entertainment served to bring to the front the fuel that there is quite an amount of musical talent in the com- pany both and vocal. Amongst tliu visitors present wuiu the lion. Mr. Koahou, Representative fiom Hilo, Chief Engineer Aseli, As- sistant Foreman J. D. McVeigh of No. 1 Co., Foreman W. II. Gieig of No. 2, W. F. Love of No 4, Fore- man Chang Kim of No. 5 and G. Hi ups of the Fire Police, and repre- sentatives of the Hui.i.F.Ti.N ond Ad- vertiser. Mirth, music and minstrelsy were the order of the day if one can bo speak of an evening entertain- ment, and nfter refreshment the com- pany separate well pleased with the sociable amusement afforded each other for a couple of hours and wish? big every success to tlio Hook lad- dies anil their gcinul foreman m their new depuilure. CLASS TYPE. The French newspapers are just now testing a novel sort of type, souie made of malleable glass by a new process. The new typos pre- serve their cleanliness almost tiidcll-nitel- They are said lo wear better than those made of metal, and can be cast witli a sharpness of line that will print more distinctly than is pos- sible with the old style typo. La i'atrie is now piiuted entirely on glass typo. The boot spring medicine is o doso or two of St. Patrick's Pills, Thoy not only physio but cleanse the wjiplo HVBlem and iiurifv Hie blood. For sale by Hcusou, Smith & Co., Ageut9. Jl'LY 21, 1S02. E JF. WICdMA.W;iii,,,iiMCyiiii;iij, Is allowing u beautiful line of SILVER HAIR PINS In tiie pleieed woik now so popu- lar and at pi lees which you will consider EXO EEDI XG LY LO V Fur Such High Grade Goods. e f wiciman just'recei PER BARIC "J. C. PFLUGER" And Other Late Aniv.ils: Holsten Beer, Flensburg Beer, Klbsehloss Beer, Poller, Etc.. Etc., St. Louis it Milwaukee Beer, (p and pts RED RHiNEWINES. Qu.uts and Pints; Claret, Port Wine. Sheny, tiwedi-- h Punch. Cognac, Whiskey, Uic , Etc. Alo, HAVANA CIGARS ! FOK SALi: UY II. W. SCHMIDT & SONS. 100 lw Now Landing EX BARIC "J. O. PFLUG-ER- " A New Supply of the Celebiated Harzo r saner nen FOR SALE BY H. HACKFELD & CO. in:) 2w PIONK1CK A.7N'I II A It 13 It Y. F. nOItX, Practical Confectioner, Pastiy Cook it Baker, 71 Hotel St. -- GHtST Telephono 74. TtlZtl ?IfuiK ' Metropolitan Meat Company SI KINO STREET, G. J. WALLER, - - Manayor. Wholesale & Retail Butchers AND NAVY CONTRACTORS. itl 3jgg The Ueat Luneih in Toisn, Fa and Coffee at ill Hoir s Tliu Finest Brands of Clears. ,fe Wai AIwuj'h on Utimt. II. .1'. IfcOIl'K, lropriotir. u.i iir :.!. urKkit Foil ijAli: I'ARAl-rlN- TAINT CO.'S COMPOUNDS aud ROOFING REED'S PATENT Felt Steam Pipe Cosonug, dl mzis. FERTILIZERS : WOOL DUST, BONE MEAL, FISH UUyNu ALSO BUOK & OILLANUT'8 High Grade Chemical Cane Uanuie. GRASS SEEDS : COCKSFOOT, RYE GRASS And CLOVEIlo Refined Sugars, Fairbank Canning Co.'s Corno Boef, 1 and 2 lb. tins. SALMON IN BARBELS. FIRE, LIFE AND MA1UNE 1JSSUKANCE. Hartford Fire Insurance Co., Assets, $6,219,458.98 London & Lancashire Fire In?. Co. Assets, $4,3 7, 052. Thames & Mersey Mdrino 'ns. Co , ("Limited;, Assets, $6, 24,057. Now York Life Insurance Co., Assets, $125,947,290.81 C.O.BERGEK, HONOLULU. G' neial Agent for Hawaiian Islands. M. IL Mil & GO. (MIIII'KIM Win. O. hwin. . .President A, Managei Clans Mprickels iil V. SI. (iiifaid....htcieliu. iS Treasuiei 'i'heo r Poner .' Audltoi SUCiAK FACTORS -- AND- Commission Agents. AdKNTS OK TIIK KlllC o! 'I, or Sun Cut. CASTLE & COOKE, Lile, Fire & Mnnuo Insurance Agents I AOKNT3 KOlt New England Mutual Lite Ins. Co., OK 1IOSTON, Etna Fire Ins. Go. ot Hartford UNJOIN Insurance Company, OK BAN K1CAKG1SCO. CALIKOIINIA. rl C. BREWER & CO.. (MM iti;i), General Mercantile AND Commission Agents. LIST OK OKKIOKKS: J. O. Caiter Piesldent it Manager O. 11. R(dieitsou Ti casino, E. F. Bishop SccieUrj W. F. Allen Audltoi niiiKCToits: Hon. O. R, Bishop, s. C. Allen, II. Watcihoiisu. !1 For AioiiltiinK, FranicH, PustulH, ArlolypcH, lhto-fnivjirn- H, KtchiuH ami everything in the line of pictures, go to King Bron., Hotel Hlreet. n o''' 01 AinHUKIlY NOTICE TO MARINERS. Inn ing the procesb of deepening the channel at the entrance to Houululu harbor the Dredger will bo in opera- tion night and da. At night there will bo a danger signal placed on the forward derrick of Dredger about .40 feet above tea level, which can be sei n by all vessels approaching ihchaibor. The signal consols Bed Red 01 111 lee red lights aud a white light us in ilie diagram, White the red lights being about feet apart with tiie white light mi the center. Bed All stuumuis crossing the bar will Mop at ii Kiife distance from the Dred- ger and give one blast of their wln-tl- o which will bo answered by a single blaM imni the Dredger, to be fol-- ii Mid by tlnee blasts from the Drt !,;-- er when the p.i-sa- - clear and they can proceed. Tliu Tug will bo on hand when not otherwise engaged to assist sailing i raft in passing the Diedger when neces-s.- u v. C.N. SPENCER, Minister ol the Inteimr. Interior Oilice, .March 9, ISU2. :iOG-- tf The .Minister of Fin.inco apj Acs of the following list of poisons u act as Deputy Assessors and Colin tors for the J ear 18U2: OAHU. Honolulu . T. A. Lloyd Ewa and Wai.mae. . .S. llook.ino W.Oulua . P. Mah.iulu Kool.iupoko No. 1. . . .Asa K.uih.i ICool.iupoko No. 2. ..12. P. Aikuo Ivoohiuloa L.J. A lull -- MAUL Laliaina David Taylor Wailuku Wm. T. Robinson .Mak.iw.io David .Mm tun Hiin.1 J. P. Kylv.i .Molokai aud L.iuui J. Nakakka HAWAII. Hilo and N. Hilo A. C. Willfong Hiiiu.ikii.i Clias. Williams South Koh.il.1. . . Wilmot Vredeubuig North Koliiiia Ebon P. Low North Komi J. ICaeleniakulo Sjutli Kou.i Tlios. H. Wright K.m O. T. Hiipni.ui Puii.i .J. E. Eldtith KAUAI Wuimca and Niiliau., .Tli. Brandt Ivolo.i ....A.K. Mika Liliiio . J. B. ll.in.tiko Kaw.nliaii S. Keui ll.iualei ..W. E. Doeiill H. A. WIDE.MAN.V, Minister of Finanie. Finance Depiirliiient, J line 22, lbi)2. IM-t- f Sale of a Strip of Goverximont Land at Kalap'iua, Puna, Hawaii. On .SATURDAY, Julj 2!i, lb'J2, .it 12 o'clock noon, at the fiont entiaiuo of Ahiolani Hale, will be sold al Pub- lic Auction, a Slnp of tliu tioiernmcnt Laud at Kalapiiua, Puna, Hawaii, con- taining an area of 10 acres, a lmlo more oi less. Upsul Piicoc.OO per acre. C. N. Sl'ENOER, Minister of the Interior. Inleiior Oilice, June 21, lfaJ2. 15(i III Salo of a Part of the Govern- ment Laud of Kolo, S. Kona, Hawaii. OnSA'IUBDAY.July 2IJ, 1892, at 12 o'clock noon, at the fiont entrance of Ahiolani Hale, will bo told at Pub- lic Auction 2G0 aciesof the Govern- ment land in Kolo, South Kona, Ha- waii. Upset Price, ff 500 00. O. N. SPENCER, Minister of (ho Interior. Intei ior Olllee, Juno 21, 1892. IfiU !ii Restoration Day, July 31st, fulling this year on Sunday, MONDAY, August 1, lb!)2, will bo obteived us u National Hobday, and all Gowrn-nuji- it .Olliccs throughout the King- dom will bo closed on tli.it day. O, N. &PEXCER, Ministur of tliu iutuiior. IutuVior Ullice, July 10, 1S92,

Transcript of nyijc JO H tsi. f - University of Hawaii · 3 Ml JI.CV ftV--H '. v---.vs.. "ft i 1 f JO I-casr--.'...

Page 1: nyijc JO H tsi. f - University of Hawaii · 3 Ml JI.CV ftV--H '. v---.vs.. "ft i 1 f JO I-casr--.' 1M llVf '!'. L3 I HI 11 J l nyijc r tsi..rHp1.Njf' r 'j f-- c ArS J Vol. IV..o.

wy-ryftf'jr'i'- ? fer' gij "3g(fitc S2B: ratirr y

? IPrs


v """ssssp? u 'teKSCTS?B i t"i . flUt.'if?3 Ml JI.CV ftV --H '. v

---.vs.. "ft i 1 fcasr-- .' 1M llVf '!'. L3 I HI 11 J lJO I - r tsi.nyijc .rHp1 .Njf' r 'j

f- - c ArS J

Vol. IV. .o. 477.MWUKIAMtUl) MJUJ1 WWAW ttT" "jrilttllMW

i'i "iiiiLy BULLhTm",

-- is l'um.iaiiiCK- -

Evary Afternoon Except Susdayo

At tin Olllco, Queen stieet, Honolulu,il. I.

DANIEL LOGAN Editor i Managcl


Daily Bulletin Publishing Company,(Limitod.)

NUHMUJUl'TlOaii:Daily Bui.LKrLN, 1 year SO 00

' ' 0 months :i 00" pur month (de-

livered) o

Wekuly Bulletin Summary, 1

year $4 00

foiclgu. 5 00

) (! T li'jill '' Vii.3ll.-C- S

TAddie-- s ult business eoimnunlea-idii- i,

"SIakaoi-.- Daily BuLLtriN."

,& Addles sill mutter lor publiea-.Iii- ii

"luiiroit Daily uulluyin "

! O. II.IV Hit. Illlllllllllll. II. I.

i ALFRED IyIAQOON,it , At tin iiu) ut Law nn J NutiiiyI'ubllu. No. 42 Metehiint stieet, ilono- -ulu. 1- -1

SCHMIDT & SONS,HW. lmpoiteis & Coininlsslon Mei-clism- ts.

Fort stieet, Honolulu.


Commission Agents.Ooinur Foit and Queen streets, Hono-lulu, II. I. 91

W MACifARLANB & OO ,GlT linpoiteis :md CommissionMerchants. Queen street, Honolulu,II. I.


Gioccrs and WinoMerchants. Beaver liloek, Honolulu,U. I.

T. WATERHOUSE,JOHNImporter and Dealer in GeneralMeiuliaudise. Queen stieet, Honolulu,H. 1. 01

WILDER & CO.,in Lumber, Paints,

Oils, Nails, Salt and ISuildinj; Materialsof every kind. Corner Fort and Queenstreets, Honolulu. .H

EWERS & COOKEL ImporteiR and Dealers In Lum-ber and all kinds of Uuildiiig Materials.Fort street, Honolulu. Jl


tjteam Engines, Sugar Mills, Boilers,Coolers; lion, Brass and Lead Casting- - ;Machinery of every deseiiption made toord(r. Paitieular attention paid toShip's Blaeksmithtiig. Job Work ex-

ecuted at short notice. l-- il


Auctioneer & General Business

A. G 12 IS rX

Sliiliuttunp, Koliulu. Hawaii.


importing Jewelers.92 Port Street, Honolulu

Atlas Assurance Comiaiy


Agents for the lluwniinn Islnuds,


It I ni; Htri-ef-. IIuiuilulu.Kxi'ullent iieeouimodiioii for p.itlonU.

Dll. A. II. HO WAT, V. S.Olllco 11011187:80 to 10 a.m.; 12:80

to 2 p. in.; 4:30 toll p. in.'i'KLKi'UUNKb; BcllOU. Mutual 183.

I'. O. Box 32fi. l'jatf

New Collage io Rent!

J7MNE Cottngo with I'm lor,Hall, 4 Laige Bedioiims,

ltnlh, l'autiy, Kitulicii and all modernimpiuvemeuts. Ileietauia ttreet-ear- sp.iss the door Rent 3r.

J6 For (ui (her ln(oiinatlou apply to

o..i. McCarthy,298 tf 35 MfU'llllUthtlWt.

CHAS. T. CULiCK,Ijotary Public for the Wand of Oahu,

Agent to 'J'ako Acknowlodgmenth lo La-bor Contiacts

Agent to Uiaut Mairiiigo Licenses,Oahu.

Agent for the Hawaiian Islands of I'ltt itScott's Freight A; I'm eels Expiees.

Agents (or (lie Burlington Route.

Real Estate Broker & 'i;;'ltoll Tclo. 58.-aie- r' Mutual Tulo. 130.

1. O. Box nn.

VSr Offices No.38Merohaiits(rce(,Honolulu, Oahu, II. I. iuu !KS


oceanic SteaaiUiii) Uu. I

Australian Miil Seivice!

FK SAN FKAXOISCO.The New and Fine AI Stcol Steamshln

"RflARiPOSA,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will

be duo at Honolulu tioni Sydneyand Auckland on or about

July 28, 1392,And will leave for the above port with

in, ills and on oiabout that date.

For Sjdafy aod Auckland i

The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

"ALASW3EDA,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will

be due at Honolulu from bunFraucisco on or about

July 29, 1892,And will have prompt dispatch with

mails and passeiigeis forthe above poits.

gfiy The undersigned aie now pre-pai- cd

to issue Thiough Ticket-- , fiotnthis city to all points in the UnitedStates.

jQf" Foi further paiticulars regaidingFi eight or Passage, apply to

Wm. G. IRWIN & CO.. L'd,General Agents.

Winer's Sleafflsliip Cc's

V -.: a

Tiaitt TAHLiIj:

llll'illWCLARKE, Coniman-i- r,

Will lu.ivu Honolulu at 2 o'clock p. si.,touching al Lahaina, Maalaea Rayand Makena the same day; Muhu-kon- a,

Kuwailiae and Laupalioelioe thefollowing day, arriving at Hilo atmidnight.


Friday, July 29thTuebday, Aug. DiliFiiday, ' 19th

Returning leaves Hilo, touching atLaupiiliochue same day; Kawniiiuea. m, ; Maluikona 10 a. m. ; Makena1 p. m.; Maalaea Bay C p. m. ; Laha-ina 8 p. m. the following day ; arriv-ing at Honolulu G a. m. Wednesdaysand Saturdays.


Wednesday, July 27thSaturday Aug. (ithWednesday 17ihSaturday, 27ili

BJ8T No Freight will bo receivedafter 12 noon of day of sailing.


Will leave Honolulu every Tuesdayat 5 o'clock p. m., touching at Kuliu-lu- i,

Huelo, Haua, Hamoa and Kipa-iiuli- i,

Maui, and Fnauliau, Hawaii,Ruturniiig will arrive at Honoluluevery Sunday morning.

No Freight, will hn rnnnivoilaftei '1 1', il. on day of sailing.

Consignees must bo at the landingsto receive their frojglit, as wo will nothold ourselves responsiblu after suchfreight lias been landed. Wliilo (lieCompany will uso duo diligence inhandling live stock, wo decline to as-

sume any responsibility in caso of theloss of biuno, and will not bo responsiblefor money or jowolry unless placed inflie euro of Pursers.

W. O. WILDER, I'ri'bidunt.S. H. ROSE, Secretary.

OAPT. J. A. KINU, Port Sunt.



Jeweler .to Wulclimiilcor.KUKUI JEWELRY a SPECIALTY.

King Sir!ot, Honolulu, II. I.t&r I'aiiieular nUentlon paid to all

kinds of lepahs. 'Jl

. Island Shells and Curios !

WHOLKSALE and ii'tall, cheap forT cash, u( 101 Fort stieet, between

Elders' lit V goods stoiu and FrankGcKz's shoe stoic.

808 U 'J'. TANNATT.


Volcano House Rates

Special Rates For Families and


The Volcano House rates from andafter thid dato will be :

Round Trip, up and return bysame route, 7 days $50

Up bv wav of Kau, return byway of Hilo, 11 duy $70

Up by way of Hilo, return byway Kau, 11 days $80

Board and Lodging at VolcanoIlutieo, $4. per day.

To lloldirsof Round Trip Tickets?slaying over, and any one ktayiugon r lie day.s, $3 a day for nil oxcess(er hvc d iys.

To families or parties of four andupwards, holding tickets and stayingover, or staying after live days, !j2 50per day.

Children under live, with parents,quarter rates.

Children between live and (en, halfrates.


June 21, 1892.150 15t 20 It

Facile Hail Uteaisbis Co.

--AND THE- -

Occidental & Oriental S. S. Co,

For Yokohama & Hongkong.Steamers of the above Companies will

call at Honolulu on their way to theabove pons on or about ihe followingdates :

Stmr. "Oceanic" Aug. 23, 1892Stmr 'China" Oct. 3, 1892Simr. 'Oceanic" Nov. 1, 18E2Stmr. "China" Dec. 12, 1892S mr. "Oceanic" Jan. 1 1, 1893Stmr. "(.hina" Feb 20, 1893Stmr. "Gaolic" April II, 1893

For San Francisco.Steamers of the above Companies will

call at Honolulu on their wfiy fromHongkong and Yokoli una to the abovepoit on or about the following dates:Slmr. "Oceanic" July 26, 1892

IS?" Round Tiip Tickets to Yokohamaand letuiu, 300.

OsSr For freight and passage, apply to

H. HACKFELD &. CO.,2G7 tf Agents.

uunip Otuofiiohin Pn !ouuuamu a onmiJlllU UU. D




S.S.AUSTRALIA.Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu

from S. F. for S. iAug 9 Aug 10Sept 0 Sept l!iOct4 Oct 11Nov 1 Nov 8


From San Francisco Finni Sydney forfor Sydney. ban Ki.iuciseo.

A r ivc Honolulu, f itive Honolulu,

Alameda July 2!;Mariposa .July 28Maiipora. .Aug 2(i',Mouoivai Aug 25Monowiii Sopt 2UJAl.imedii. Soj I 22Alainedii Oct 21 Mariposa .Oe 20.Mnrioriii. .Nov lSI.Moiiowiii . No 17

T 1" HUVhlllN A w. iioi.hti:ii

ALOHAGALLERYFort Street, over F, Gcrtz's Shoe Soro.

View, Landscape & Portrait!Views of the Island

Constantly on HaidHUC1I AH

NiKives Making l'ol, Glass Houses, Ha-waiian Stjle Biding, llnjuia Daueeis,CoeoanutUioves. i'alm & Date (Jioves,Stieet VJi'wm it Bui dings, War Vessels,Shipping ic Mm Iuu Views, Elo , Etc.

6ti!r Ao a Largo Collection of all1'ioinineiit ami Interesting Views of tliuHawaiian lelamls either Mounted orUnmounted.BOOKS OF HAWAIIAN VIEWS

Made up to order at (he most Rea-sonable Rales in Honolulu,

Cabinets $6 and $5 a Dozen.4i!01 ids J O. BOX 198 "&t Ut


Offick: Room 5, Spreckels' Block.Mutual Telepiiouu 208.

New Designs 1 Modern Buildings I

Complete plans and specifications foreveiy iieseitpiion ot iiuiluing. Contiaetsdrawn and careful supeiliitemjeueu ofconst! uctlon given when lequlred, Calland examine dIuub. apr 29 ly




TliU school situated a. I ttle wayfioni llic iniikni !tile of Subool stieet:u tl geiHrally known us tliu Schoolstreet school, is under the able inan-nuumi'-

of Mr. C. 11. While, assist-ed by Mrs. Woods and Misses Hate,Mist, Lofquist and Green. About 280children nttenit it, of nhom about 220were present yesterday to assist inthe closing exercises for the year.In the four pr'uniuy rooms theordinary daily routine in dictation,reading and arithmetic was gonethrough until 10 o'clock, when thevarious classes were dismissed.Samples of really handsome and legi-

ble writing considering the size andage of the scholars were to be seenon all the blackboards in these rooms.The tvoik done in these loomi re-

flects credit on Misses Green, Lof-quist, Mist and Hare, the respectiveteachers. The I'lincinil's room wasbeseiged by an eager crowd of frii nilsand relatives of the pupils engagedin watching and applauding a veryline progiam of recitation's, songs,and dialogues which, were beinggiven by his own pupils and some otMrs. Woods', the Vice Principal.Pi ior to the exercises a little of the or-

dinary school work in reading, wilt-ing, etc., had been attempted, hut theciowd was so great thai it had to beconcluded for want of loom for thecluldien to get at the blackboards.The progiam opened by a song takenfrom Hie Tonic Sol Fa songs bookrendered by the combined classes.All the singing is here taught on tiieTonic Sol Fa method as recom-mended 1)3' the Boaid of Education.Following three recitations by someof the younger members of the classcame a nice selection performed byMr. White and eight of his boys onhand bells. This was a novel featurein school entertainments and the pre-cision which the hoys displayed intaking up their parts and evokingsweet melodies from such apparentlyunmelodious material as a brazenhand bell gave great satisfaction toboth pupils and visitors. It appearsthat one of the regular boys hadbeen suddenly taken ill on Friday sothat the boy who took bis place atsuch short notice must have beencarefully trained in music readiilg todo so well. Other lecitations bothsolo and in concert followed, inters-persed by class singing and selectionson the bells.

The most enjoyable pieces were adialogue on the craze for bargain-huntin- g

in foolish people, excellentlyrendered by five little gii is trainedby Mrs. Woods, and a comic dialogueentitled a French Class, rendered bylive boys trained by Mr. White.Throughout, however, the excellentpronunciation and clear articulationof what was a foreign tongue to mostof the pupils was a noticeable fea-

ture. The morning's entertainmentclosed about 11 o'clock by a pleasantcantata for girls' voices nicely ren-

dered by about M girls, entitledThe Queen of Choice, and accom-panied in a masterly manner by Mr.White on the organ. The whole ex-

hibition taken in connection with theexcellent specimens of work on theblackboards reflects gieat credit onMr. White and the way in which heconducts his schools.


Yestei day's fire did not preventthe Protection Hook & Ladder Com-

pany from giving their regularmonthly social last night. This ex-

cellent feature of firemen's life liasIilcii recently instituted by Foi enianGeo. Norton to mouse a feeling ofbrothel hood amongst the membersof his company outside of that excit-ed by the fact of a common endeavorto perform iipublicdiity. Last night'sentertainment served to bring to thefront the fuel that there is quite anamount of musical talent in the com-

pany both and vocal.Amongst tliu visitors present wuiuthe lion. Mr. Koahou, Representativefiom Hilo, Chief Engineer Aseli, As-

sistant Foreman J. D. McVeigh ofNo. 1 Co., Foreman W. II. Gieig ofNo. 2, W. F. Love of No 4, Fore-man Chang Kim of No. 5 and G.Hi ups of the Fire Police, and repre-sentatives of the Hui.i.F.Ti.N ond Ad-

vertiser. Mirth, music and minstrelsywere the order of the day if one canbo speak of an evening entertain-ment, and nfter refreshment the com-

pany separate well pleased with thesociable amusement afforded eachother for a couple of hours and wish?big every success to tlio Hook lad-

dies anil their gcinul foreman m theirnew depuilure.


The French newspapers are justnow testing a novel sort of type,souie made of malleable glass by anew process. The new typos pre-serve their cleanliness almost tiidcll-nitel-

They are said lo wear betterthan those made of metal, and canbe cast witli a sharpness of line thatwill print more distinctly than is pos-

sible with the old style typo. Lai'atrie is now piiuted entirely onglass typo.

The boot spring medicine is o dosoor two of St. Patrick's Pills, Thoynot only physio but cleanse the wjiploHVBlem and iiurifv Hie blood. Forsale by Hcusou, Smith & Co., Ageut9.

Jl'LY 21, 1S02.

E JF. WICdMA.W;iii,,,iiMCyiiii;iij,

Is allowing u beautiful line of




In tiie pleieed woik now so popu-

lar and at pi lees which you willconsider


Fur Such High Grade Goods.

e f wicimanjust'recei


"J. C. PFLUGER"And Other Late Aniv.ils:

Holsten Beer, Flensburg Beer,

Klbsehloss Beer, Poller, Etc.. Etc.,St. Louis it Milwaukee Beer, (p and pts

RED RHiNEWINES.Qu.uts and Pints;

Claret, Port Wine. Sheny,tiwedi-- h Punch. Cognac,

Whiskey, Uic , Etc. Alo,



II. W. SCHMIDT & SONS.100 lw

Now LandingEX BARIC

"J. O. PFLUG-ER- "

A New Supply of the Celebiated

Harzo r sanernenFOR SALE BY

H. HACKFELD & CO.in:) 2w


A.7N'I II A It 13 It Y.

F. nOItX,Practical Confectioner, Pastiy Cook it


71 Hotel St. --GHtST Telephono 74.

TtlZtl?IfuiK '



G. J. WALLER, - - Manayor.

Wholesale & Retail Butchers



3jggThe Ueat Luneih in Toisn,

Fa and Coffee at ill Hoir sTliu Finest Brands of

Clears. ,fe WaiAIwuj'h on Utimt.

II. .1'. IfcOIl'K, lropriotir.

u.i iir :.!.urKkit Foil ijAli:




Felt Steam Pipe Cosonug, dl mzis.






High Grade Chemical Cane Uanuie.




Refined Sugars,Fairbank Canning Co.'s Corno

Boef, 1 and 2 lb. tins.





1JSSUKANCE.Hartford Fire Insurance Co.,

Assets, $6,219,458.98

London & Lancashire Fire In?. Co.

Assets, $4,3 7, 052.

Thames & Mersey Mdrino 'ns. Co ,


Assets, $6, 24,057.

Now York Life Insurance Co.,

Assets, $125,947,290.81


G' neial Agent for Hawaiian Islands.

M. IL Mil & GO.


Win. O. hwin. . .President A, ManageiClans Mprickels iil

V. SI. (iiifaid....htcieliu. iS Treasuiei'i'heo r Poner .' Audltoi


Commission Agents.AdKNTS OK TIIK

KlllC o! 'I,or Sun Cut.

CASTLE & COOKE,Lile, Fire & Mnnuo

Insurance Agents I


New England Mutual Lite Ins. Co.,


Etna Fire Ins. Go. ot HartfordUNJOIN



C. BREWER & CO..(MM iti;i),

General MercantileAND

Commission Agents.LIST OK OKKIOKKS:

J. O. Caiter Piesldent it ManagerO. 11. R(dieitsou Ti casino,E. F. Bishop SccieUrjW. F. Allen Audltoi

niiiKCToits:Hon. O. R, Bishop, s. C. Allen,

II. Watcihoiisu.!1

For AioiiltiinK, FranicH,PustulH, ArlolypcH, lhto-fnivjirn- H,

KtchiuH amieverything in the line ofpictures, go to King Bron.,Hotel Hlreet.

n o'''01 AinHUKIlY


Inn ing the procesb of deepening thechannel at the entrance to Houululuharbor the Dredger will bo in opera-tion night and da. At night therewill bo a danger signal placed on theforward derrick of Dredger about .40

feet above tea level, which can be sei nby all vessels approaching ihchaibor.The signal consols Bed Red01 111 lee red lightsaud a white lightus in ilie diagram, Whitethe red lights beingabout feet apartwith tiie white lightmi the center. Bed

All stuumuis crossing the bar willMop at ii Kiife distance from the Dred-ger and give one blast of their wln-tl- o

which will bo answered by a singleblaM imni the Dredger, to be fol-- ii

Mid by tlnee blasts from the Drt !,;-- er

when the p.i-sa- - clear and theycan proceed.

Tliu Tug will bo on hand when nototherwise engaged to assist sailing i raftin passing the Diedger when neces-s.- u


Minister ol the Inteimr.Interior Oilice, .March 9, ISU2.

:iOG-- tf

The .Minister of Fin.inco apj Acsof the following list of poisons u actas Deputy Assessors and Colin torsfor the J ear 18U2:


Honolulu . T. A. LloydEwa and Wai.mae. . .S. llook.inoW.Oulua . P. Mah.iuluKool.iupoko No. 1. . . .Asa K.uih.iICool.iupoko No. 2. ..12. P. AikuoIvoohiuloa L.J. A lull


Laliaina David TaylorWailuku Wm. T. Robinson.Mak.iw.io David .Mm tunHiin.1 J. P. Kylv.i.Molokai aud L.iuui J. Nakakka

HAWAII.Hilo and N. Hilo A. C. WillfongHiiiu.ikii.i Clias. WilliamsSouth Koh.il.1. . . Wilmot VredeubuigNorth Koliiiia Ebon P. LowNorth Komi J. ICaeleniakuloSjutli Kou.i Tlios. H. WrightK.m O. T. Hiipni.uiPuii.i .J. E. Eldtith


Wuimca and Niiliau., .Tli. BrandtIvolo.i ....A.K. MikaLiliiio . J. B. ll.in.tikoKaw.nliaii S. Keuill.iualei ..W. E. Doeiill

H. A. WIDE.MAN.V,Minister of Finanie.

Finance Depiirliiient, J line 22, lbi)2.IM-t- f

Sale of a Strip of GoverximontLand at Kalap'iua,

Puna, Hawaii.

On .SATURDAY, Julj 2!i, lb'J2, .it12 o'clock noon, at the fiont entiaiuoof Ahiolani Hale, will be sold al Pub-lic Auction, a Slnp of tliu tioiernmcntLaud at Kalapiiua, Puna, Hawaii, con-taining an area of 10 acres, a lmlomore oi less.

Upsul Piicoc.OO per acre.C. N. Sl'ENOER,

Minister of the Interior.Inleiior Oilice, June 21, lfaJ2.

15(i III

Salo of a Part of the Govern-ment Laud of Kolo, S.

Kona, Hawaii.

OnSA'IUBDAY.July 2IJ, 1892, at12 o'clock noon, at the fiont entranceof Ahiolani Hale, will bo told at Pub-lic Auction 2G0 aciesof the Govern-ment land in Kolo, South Kona, Ha-

waii.Upset Price, ff 500 00.

O. N. SPENCER,Minister of (ho Interior.

Intei ior Olllee, Juno 21, 1892.IfiU !ii

Restoration Day, July 31st, fullingthis year on Sunday, MONDAY,August 1, lb!)2, will bo obteived us uNational Hobday, and all Gowrn-nuji- it

.Olliccs throughout the King-dom will bo closed on tli.it day.

O, N. &PEXCER,Ministur of tliu iutuiior.

IutuVior Ullice, July 10, 1S92,

Page 2: nyijc JO H tsi. f - University of Hawaii · 3 Ml JI.CV ftV--H '. v---.vs.. "ft i 1 f JO I-casr--.' 1M llVf '!'. L3 I HI 11 J l nyijc r tsi..rHp1.Njf' r 'j f-- c ArS J Vol. IV..o.




To Authorize the Coejeco op Certain Hawaiia:; C6iS9.

Be it Enacted by the Queen and the Legislature of the HawaiianKingdom :

Section 1. The Minister of Finance is hereby authorizedand directed to cause to be coined not more than 200,000

silver dimes, 100,000 nickel lnilf dimes find 100,000 one centpieces. Snob coins sbnll be ot tbo same ".voight, fineness, ma-

terial and general cbaractor as the coinn of a similar denomi-

nation now being coined and issued by tbo United States of


Tbe image, superscription or legend upon sucb coins shallbe sucb as will plainly and properly indicate their value andthat they are Hawaiian coins.

Suction 2. The said Minister shall pay the necessary ex-

penses of purchasing, procuring and minting sucb coins outof any available funds in the Treasury.

Upon procuring such coins they shall bo paid into theTreasury and become available for use in the same mannerand under the same conditions that other coins of like de-

nomination now in the Treasury are available.All of the profits arising from sucb coinage shall bo paid

into tbo Treasury as a Government realization.

Section 3. The contract or agreement for procuring andminting sucb coins shall be made directlj between sucb Min-

ister on behalf of the Hawaiian Government and tbe authori-

ties of the Mint producing such coins, and no payment orallowance shall be made by sucb Minister to any third partyas a commission or otherwise for furnishing such coins, thematerial from which they are made, or procuring the mintagethereof.

Approved this lGth day of July, A. D. 1892.

LIL1UOKALANI R.By the Queen :

C. N. Spencer,Minister of the Interior.


Giving Liens to Persons wilo Pasture, Feed ok ShelterAnimals.

Be it Enacted by the Queen and the Legislature of the HuiuaiianKingdom :

Section 1. ' Whoever pastures, feeds, or shelters animalsby virtue of a contract with or by the consent of the owner of

such animals for a compensation agreed upon, has a lien on

sucb animals for sucb pasturing, fording or sheltering to se-

cure payment thereof with costs.

Section 2. If tbe owner of sucb animal or animals afterdemand and notice in writing that such lien will be enforcedserved upon him, shall fail to pay the amount duo for sucbpasturing, feeding or sheltering within thirty days, the bolderof the lien may cause such animal or animals to bo sold atPublic Auction, upon notice of sucb sale being given forfifteen days by publication in an English or Hawaiian news-

paper, or by posting such notice in the Hawaiian and Englishlanguages at the Court House of tho District where no news-

paper is published.

Section 3. Any excess over the amount due, and costs of

sale and advertising realized from sucb sale, shall bo paid tothe owner of the animals sold.

Approved this 16th day of July, A. D. 1892.


C. N. Spencer,Minister of the Interior.



the Qse or Explosive Surstanoes in Taking Fish," Ap-

proved on the 11th Day of Auoust, A. D. 1888."

Be it Enacted by the Queen and the Legislature of the HawaiianKingdom :

Section 1. That Section 2 of Chapter XXX. of "An Act to

Prevent tho Ubo of Explosive Substances in Taking Fish,"approved on tho 11th day of August, A. D. 1888," is herebyamended, and shall read as follows :

"Section 2. "Whosoever violates tho provisions of this Actshall bo punished by a lino not exceeding one hundred dollars

nor less tbau twenty-fiv- e dollars, or by imprisonment at bard

labor not exceeding six months, or both in tho discretion of

tho Court."

Section 2. All laws and parts of laws in contravention of

this Act are hereby repealed.

Approved this 16th day of July, A. D, 1892,

iJLIUOKALANI R.By the Queen:

.,0. N. Spenqer, - .. , &,iM&hJlL- -

To Compel the Drive's-- , op Vehicles to carry Lights during

the Hours of Darkness.

Be it Enacted by the Queen and (he Legislature of the HawaiianKingdom :

Section 1. Tho driver of every vohiclu used for pleasure,tbo carrying of passengers, transporting of freight or for any

other purpose, which shall bo driven upon any public street,road or highway of tbe Kingdom, shall causa n suitable lightor lights to be kept burning on every such vehicle during tho

hours of darkness.

Section 2. Any person violating tho provisions of thisAct shall, upon conviction before any Police or District Juitico,be fined in a sum not exceeding ten dollars.

Approved this 16th day of July, A. D. 1892... .


C. N. Spencer,

Minister of the Interior.

Foreign Oilico Notice.

Fokkion OFl'ICE, )

Honolulu, July 20, 1892. (

An official notice of appointmenthaving been presented to this Depart-

ment from the Chinese Legation atWashington,


has been officially recognized as theCommercial Agent for China for thisKingdom, and all his official acts assuch are ordered to leoeive lull faithand credit by the authorities of HerMajesty's Government.

SAMUEL PARKEU,Minister of Foreign Afl'airs.

477 :n-:- io it

Sale of Lease of the Pacifio Mail

Warehouse, Esplanade,

Honolulu, Oahu.

On THURSDAY, Aug. 18, 1892, at12 o'clock noon, at the front entranceof Aliiolani Hale will be sold at 1'ublicAuction the lease of the Pacific Mail

Warehouse, situate on the Esplanade,Honolulu, Oahu.

Term Lease for 5 years.Upset price, .f 500 per annum, pay-

able semi-annuall- y in advance.Possession of the above Warehouse

will be given October 28, 1892.

C. N. SPENCER,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Office, July 19, 1892.170-- 31

Irrigation Notice.Honolulu, H. I., Dec. 2, 1891.

Holders of water privileges, or thosepaying water rates, are heieby noti-

fied that the hours for usinK water for

irrigation purposes are from li to 8

o'clock a. m., anil 1 to (5 o'clock 1 .u.

until further notice.JOHN O. WHITE,

Supt. Honolulu ater Works.Approved :


Minister of the Interior.284 tf


Failics having or holding unpaidhills against the Hoard of Health for

services lcndered or supplies d

during the Biennial Perioilending March 111, 1892, are herebyrequested to leave nil such bills atthe office of the Hoard of Health,otheiwipe they could not he paid.

DAVID DAYTON,President Hoard of Health.

Honolulu, July 18, 1892.474 :n-:- io :it


'C Jtl Ad

D'sTly $uftfitiPledged to nnthrr Sect nor Party,But ritabhshed for the benefit of all.

THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1892.


There is a movement on foot tohave the Kalakaua Monument Asso-

ciation's fund expended in buyingMr. Cogswell's painting of the lateKing. This should be strenuouslyopposed by the subscribers. Apainting may be an important as well

as a beautiful memorial, but the ideaunder which tho fund was collectedwas that of a monumental structure.Uesides, excellent pictures of Kalakaua are as plentiful as peas in a

pod. Lot the Legislature, if it will,buy Mr. Cogswell's picture, alongwith his companion picture of thereigning Queen, to luuig in the Legis-

lative Chamber. This would onlybe a small tribute on the part of theLcgislatuie to a Sovereign who hodso conspicuous a part with it in thecountry's history, and so importanta hand in bringing about that era of

prosperity that gave the Legislaturemore to legislate about than other-

wise it would have hud in double the

time.There is ground for suspicion as

to the cuuse of tho attempt to deflect

the Association's original intentionfrom a piece of statuary to a paint-

ing. Reason exists for believing thatcertain mercenary persons are figur-

ing on securing a share of the fundin the shape of commissions forworking up the interests of differentcompetitors for the work in whateverform it be decided to have it done.The subscribers must take action toprevent this speculative business, asif it prevail the best possible resultfor their money will not bo attained.

The Association should have amonument or nothing. If the dollarlimit subscription will produce nomore than what has already beencollected, let the Association meetand either devise a mode for other-

wise increasing the fund, or else dothe best it can with it as it stands.The Association has an offer of alife-siz- e bronze bust which it shouldconsider in open scssim, and havedone with the intriguing of self-seeki-

schemers behind the scenes. Atthe same time it should be ascertainedhow much more would be requiredfor a full length statue, and if themeans for obtaining this more respect-able work can be perfected. Thereis a sculptor in the midst of us whosemany works done here speak forthemselves. He is the only one wholias had life sittings of the late King,and noue other can give us anythingbut an idealistic figure, which nobodywonts. At all events, let the Asso-

ciation be convened and decide thewhole matter for itself.


An Ini)loy-- e of th Honolulu IronWork Itutlly liy u II:u-U- .

An accident happened shortly af-

ter noon y to a native laborernamed Kaai, employee of the Hono-

lulu Iron Works. Kaai was goinghome on Nuuuuu street to his noon-

day meal and was just ciossing thosidewalk in front of the Pacific Ho-

tel, when a hack driven by NickPeterson came uallopiug down Nuu-an- u

street. The hack was going atsuch a rate that Kaai, who was onthe sidewalk, barely escaped beingkilled. One of the shafts caught inKaai's blouse, grazing along the lightshoulder. Kaai was dragged forsome distance when the blouse gaewa and the man fell, one ol tin;forewheeis passing over his left leg.The driver took no notice of the ac-

cident but drove on.There may be something in Mr.

Peterson's hurry, as it was his premises that were on lire this noon,and his anxiety no doubt made himexcitable, nevcitheless the ueei- -

dent need not have happened if thehack was driven slowly around thecorner. Kaai was taken to the PoliceStation nud Dr. Henri McGrow wastelephoned for. The doctor arrivedand examined the injured man. Ucrepoited that the man was badlybruised and advised him to give upwork for the afternoon. Kaai had awarrant sworn for the arrest of Nick1'otori.on on u charge of furious andheedless driving.


Kim on Hum.i'tik:"A Portuguese" writes in this

morning's Advertiser and seems verymad that his countrymen were com-

mented on for bringing wages downfor coal shipping work, from $2.f0to SL 25 a day. He chooses to beabusive and iimilting, but this is notsurprising. Cheap men are some-

times deficient in politeness. I usednone of the "black oryellow" phraseswhich "A Portuguese" puts in hisletter, although, as he has introducedthe subject, I may say in the UnitedStates, of which 1 am proud to be acitizen, we estimate blackness orwhiteness by a man's conduct to-

wards his fcllow'-woikuie- ii, which inthis case is black as soot.

I thank "A Portuguese" for hisletter and will semi this correspon-dence to the San Francisco papers,where no doubt it will be n greathell to intending Portuguese imm-igrants to thai Stato. V. S,


Clean while lags suitabro forbandages are wanted for use at thelMsliop Home and the Hoys' Home,Leper Settlement, Molokui. King up2r Mutual telephone and they willbe sent for, or leave tho same at thoolllce of the Hoard of Health or at J.T. "iVaterhouse's, Quoou street.

A!i5U.ni ilHs Oy J.inifl' 1'. Moigd'i.


Desirable Residence !

On NATUUI'aY, July !'Ju,AT l!i UTI.Ot K

At my fain') num. Queen slip, t, 1 willm1i 'it Public Ativiioii,


At 1'illinin. m'j iJulliy the leelilimro ofMl I' It Duluiit. mill Ii Ins; i .) itii tl'i innu'iiy ol til M iliMii.

Tlic l."t 'ms a fiM iil5p . f 7:' onthe I in . iiml U luu fici mill 1 1 0 notlit! cy. Tlll'lu Is u


Ou the hot contnlring 5 Rooms. Dining-roo- m

and Kitchen, etc. Tho Lot U nilfenced: water laltl on. An iiniHiial ttp-l- oi

tunny to obtain a Convenient liel-tlenc- e.

SST For further pnitleulars apply to

J AS. P. MORGAN,4UH lit Auctioneer.


jm of lkiiliw Sites

JSt 'WziUciLci.Un WEDM'SI)i.Y, July 87,


At my Sali"-ioni- by order of H. M.KAl'IOLANI I will coll at

Pubhi Auction,



Residence SitesAT WAIKIKI,

Adjoining the lcsidcnce of Mr. W. P.Toler on the east.

The Lots have a fiontage of about81 feet on the Waikiki io.nl, uie aboutI'M feet deep, with a fine frontage ofS4 feet on the beach.

The Lots all have a frontage on anunrivaled clear tiindy beach. Thebathing is being among thebest at Waikiki.

gjt3"" The Lots are staked outniaiked from A tovE.

Stf3 For fuither paiticulais applyto

JAS. F. MORGW,KO VAX. Auctioneer.

Auction Sales by Lavas J. Layey.

LANDLORDS SALE!"VfOTIOE is heieby given that in ac--- L

i cordance with the law in such casesmade and piovided, I will cause to besold the following aitie'cs of HuongChang Toug, taken by me infor lent, to wit:

1 Clock, 1 Medicine Cutter. 1 ItaiubooLounge, 1 Step l.adilei, I Folding Table.U Mpiaic Tables, 2 I hairs. 1 Stool- -. 1

Lamp and a quantity of .Medicines andDings.

" Said -- ale will take place at theAuction Mili'Si-oniu- of Li:wis .1 Luykv,Auctioned, corner of hoi I ami Queenstieets, on FRIDAY, July --".ah, at 10a. in. NG GOOX.

172 12t

SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1892.


nv THE


Introducing Views tiikeit fiom Photo- -

graphs by ihu Hon. .1. Maiisiiknduring Iuh visit to

inaim imiifi ;


DesTribing tho Difleieut Views andIncidents will also bo given dur-

ing the Inhibition.

&& I'iiici'h: Dress Oil olo amiPiin-iiclti- 7.r) couth; llalcony andGallery, fi() cents.

tJST IJox Plan for Reserved Seatswithout oxtra charge open at L. J.Levey's on Friday. 47-:!- t


Si f( ltKWAKI) will he paid forlJJ iufni minion that will leadto the eonvieiion of tlie peiaon or iier-mji- is

who lire to my Malilcx.N. I'KlEltSO.V.

Honolulu, July 21, Ib'J-.'-.

477 it


' KW llmii'ii of riveltootnsAFXiVa? ' ' Miisrazli: stieet, with

I'athi-ouni-, l'ate:nt W. ()., eto

nuuimuds one of the llnest view fa InHonolulu. Apply to

177 tf I. M VIVAS.

F)lt SAL1

A 1 OAKIUAGl' Hoiso,1 i'haetou, 1 Harmm ness, complete and in

good order, lmiuho177 1W W.M. O. ATWATKK.

Wliun you want a .PortraitEnlarged cull on KioirlSros.,

t their price lint and nee-TllttV (ULll'f. lift lllUlt.

""1 1 IP tfi


New China, Glass &

On Kailnimanu Stroct

n Aeftet m


Royal Worcester, Grown Darby,

Wedgewood & Other Fine Ware.

New Rusrs & Carpets,English Furniture,

Rattan Ware.




Etc. Etc.




II 10

Griirney MipratorsANU

JO CHESTS,Ornamental! Economical & Durable!

Eddy's Old E.staiimsiikd

Ici Gliests k Refrigerators,

China, Crockery & Glassware,

Plaatat on Tools, Implements S Supplies

Paints, Oils & VarnMies.

Yacuum Oil Co.'s Oils!

Always the same; inside by a specialprocess and always reliable.

ilvenarius in to Suit.

PACIFIC CO., L'd., .

Cummins Xew Uloek, Fort & Merchaut streets.


HnfikS fil am m

1 04 Fori: Street,





Carbolincum QuantitiesHARDWARE

Furniture Sal-roo-


Ms u 'mmOK


Etc. Etc. Etc.

li J5DUC IS O --ggg






ElIKLrCII &('orner Fort Hotel fctreets.



Just Received a New Invoice of the


StockingsGuaranteed to be Past Color and Absolutely Stainless

For Ladies, Gentaen, Misses & Children,

iQr Tito Atfi'lino Blnck SUx-kinn- s arc the Best BIsuloaS.

TEMPLE OF FASHIONCorner Fort Hotel S",imm

Will Sell THIS WEEK at deduced PricesBOYS' CLOTHING!




Grnu' d a





iiiaiiiice.mtint of

Jto w.

lew Goods ! -:- - New GoodsPongee Pineapple Tii-su-

White l)ien (JuoiIh in Cheeked and


CEDMgjCT A Great Variety sind Low Piiees.


OirLiliitig- - uilK iti OotUm unci Wool!.For Ladien, Gents .md

?"" Call anil fio nur New Good !

F. EHLERS &rar UreRHmaklnw under llm





Drapi-rifi- s l'ortieiew, SaUcon,Striped.






Page 3: nyijc JO H tsi. f - University of Hawaii · 3 Ml JI.CV ftV--H '. v---.vs.. "ft i 1 f JO I-casr--.' 1M llVf '!'. L3 I HI 11 J l nyijc r tsi..rHp1.Njf' r 'j f-- c ArS J Vol. IV..o.

HBHHHHHBHbHBI ,&mww?$;' '





Kito.ii A,vi .vi'ir.it ir.it. i. IMC".

jflgWBBltlBWP i

T JS.VI "VJ- -:

A.M. A.M. I'.M. 1' V.L.'Savc nnoiulu. ..iiil.i I m'i I s.ir.fAr.ivr Honou iL'ti .Ti'.M iii" i'S" A s tLcatfc Motmiii'iil ..; :.tn Hi :!:!. I :! i ft: I litVnve Honotiilu. . .m.I.V :.V 4 :."." (iiSOl


IMVC lloinlulli u:W ....Arrive Poarl City B :58 ....Lo.iva Pear1 City.. 0;00Arrive Honolulu. ..0:40

Sundays excepted,t Saturdays only.

Saturdays excepted.

TiitCN. Nun mill .11 nun.v c. J. I.YONR.

Av. Irrpp!,r-- Er E.,P 2 ?' J ;J ' -"I'M p.ni.

Moil. 15 0 M 11 4(1 4 45 5 35 fi 23 0 14 0 3!l

Titus. 10 1 03 5 10 0 50 3 23 0 44 1 Sli

ii.tn. II,!MVil. 120 1 50 II 20 II l.ll 8 21)1 5 20 0 II 2 IS

riiuiH. 21 2 in l .o (! io s no ft 2'i n i:i :i iw2i 2 10, 1 40 7 20 10 HO ft 2.1 II 4.l 4 10II x51-b-

12.1 3 110 n 00 S 20 11 30 ft M1 I! 43 7 Oft

Sim. 21 4 0.) 3 30 S 40 II 40 ft 30' (i 12' 7 fiO

Now Moon on tlii'2.1ul ut Hi Oin p. in.

n i--i

THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1892.


Sttnr.l A Cummins fiom Koolaii.


U S S an Franoisi-'o- , Keur .tdmliulIti own, from San DIoijo

Am lilvinu I'lauter, JJow. tromSan Fran-cisco

Am schr Aloba, .lolinson, from SailFrancisco

Am sclir Alice Cooke, l'enliallow, fromPort Townsend

Dan bk .1 G l.ol, N'elon, from Hou-diu.- is


H 1 .M S llioi. Miiri, fiom.IapauUSs Uoston, fiom San Francisco, July


Am liktnc Writler, llcrmaii, from Syd- -ni--

Gcr bli J C Gladu. from Liverpool, Juni'O

Haw sbip Ilidcn Biewfcr. from Glasgow',duo Any 13

Am bk Muig.'iii't from Newcastle, NSWJJk (Jietu from Newcastle, X S V


The B X Castle went on the dry dockthis iifteriioon.

The American scliooner Transit's sail-ing h.tsbci'u iii'stponed.

Tiie steamer W G Hall will be duoIi inn windward ports after-noon.

The American blup Topgallant fromDeparture liny euti-ie- port this afier-noo- n

to discliarge her coal.The ship Morning Ught docked at tlie

foot of Fort street today and w ill com-inen- co

discliargiti'! lier coal tomonow.

RAINFALL FOR JUNE, 1892.b'rom reports to the wather ser-


Mation. Jnoli.Walakea, Ililo, 50 ulev 8.LJlJepeekco, lOOelev 8.48lloiioniu, 9U0 elev 10 18

llouomu, 'J.)0 eluv i;:,:i.jHiikuliiii, 200 elev SOtI.aupahoi'boe, 10 I'luv :t.;illitipahochoc. !J00 elev 5.711

Ookaia, 10U elev 2.4:1L'aaubau, TOO elev 0.MIlonokia. 100 elev 0.18Kukiiibaele. 700 elev 0.8UXiulii, 200 ulev 2.01X. IColiala, U.10OIOV 2.8!)W'aiinea, 2730 elev 1.01Jloluaioa, 1200 ulor 8.2 t

Kealakekua, 158U elev U.::tXaalelm, O.'iO elevVolcano House, 4000 elev COOOlaa, i:ilt ulev 8 8,")

Volcano Koad, 2(i. elevl'oliolkl, 10 elevl'oholki, COO elevKapobo G.0J

MAUI.K'aliulul, 12 elev 0.05Walkapu, c.OO 0.12SprceUelvilli', 10 elnvKula, 1000 elev 1.11lliilouknl i K.incb, 2000 elevOlowalil, 15 elev 0.JI1Kaanapall 0.88Lahaina


Mnpiilebu, 100 elev U.25


Koelu, K'OO elevOA1IU.

I'liimliou, 50 ti'ev , 1.88Honolulu Town, 20 elev 1.12Kulaokubua, flu elev 0.70Makiki, loll elnv 2.S1Kapiolaui 1'iirW, 10 elev 0 8!)

Million, HID elev 2.75.Manna, UM of 250 elevXuuanii, olleli'V 2 'iNuiianii, 250 ilev (i 0Xiiuaiiu, 105 eluv 10.17Xuuanii, ":)5 elev 11.70Xiiuaiiu, I.uak-ilm- , 850:lev 15,72K am-oiiu-

, 57 elev 2.11Aliuliuauu, il.'jO eluv.., 0 78KaliuUu 2.78Walanau, 15 eluv , 0.00Kwu Plantation, liOelev 2,02King St., 15 elev1'auoa, 50 eluv

KAUAI.Makawull , 0 07Kilauca,:i25i'hv, 7 81I.lhlie, 200 eluv 1,25Jiaualui 7,18

Too late for last mould viz. for May i

station. Jnuholeauo lloud 2.'--

b'lluiiiiu , H70lv il la , . . . . ,ioijaualel 10.18

C. J. Lyons,,i Iu charge of Weather gervicc.

; ' .,

;" . T'f" ' ' . r vwy


'I 111: It. M. H. Ainu d i will b. duohere mi I'mluy in xi, .Inly 0.

'I'm: i'iui'LMit ini'l Honolulu b.io-- 1

Ixll tniiii ui.-e- t mi riaiiiida.v afternoonmi i In- - diamond.

'I in: rcyu'iir niiKii I'M inos moot-

ing "f Hiu Y. M C. A. will be huld inits hull ut 7:'10 ill's venin.

Gni:froiis w- iu us uumcrnus nini'ifj'iiiiM ut i In1 dcpuitino of tlicso inner Ait'lfi'liii ycii id iy.

Tin: cniniiii'iii'i'iiii'iit I'Xi'it'i'Cs niSi. Loirs' (JolK'iiu will take p.ueu tomiiiiiiw UM'iiii't: ut 10 "VI ck

A mi:.mih:ii of .Met I ic Engine Co.wishes II t:i M il ill il llu y were ''in H

Willi lour fri'i" ni ill lit-- ' this noon

Till: fi -- nig i m ii'i-i-- ni thu r.liu-kiiiii- n

(Jul-.- ' Si lioul will tal.i' pi n-- I

mm row morning, commencing ut D

o clock.

At tho Hook's ociul lust night,toast: wen1 hoiioicd to tho Queen, theLi'gihluiuie, the Fire Department,Chief Engineer Atch und ox ChiefWilton.

David Onrtor was convicted in thuPolice Court this morning ofund battery on u Jnp.iucso womannear the baseball ground on Tuesdayevening. Cutter was hcntunccil topay u lino of $50 and c )!ts

Johnston island was placed "outh-eaBluily- "

Mislead (f ''sontlnves'i'ily"from Honolulu in yc.-t- ei day's paper.The erroi was not noticed till justafter the paper was piintcd, but thecontext would show anybody it wanaccidental.

Tin: murine artist, Cli irlcs Hiis-tac- e,

Jr., has placed tin exhibilion ina window of the Hawaiian News Co.'sstore, a painting of s BonnieDundee, Holeuc and Hawaii in thatorder. The painting is excellent, butthere is one fault, however, the jibs iuthe respective yachts h tve caught thebreeze on one side and the mainsailson t'other.

Mu. SoperV Chinaman has recover-ed his wealth fiom the ruins of hisloom. A V. gold piece was partlymelted, as also a quantity or smallcoins, but $110 in gold was all light.All Ting, the Chinaman who stole thowatch, w is arrested yeslcn'ay evening.Ho was tiled in tho Police Court thismorning und was found guilty, andgiven a sentence of one year's im-

prisonment at hard labor and pay $10line.

A tiuai, tiip was made with theviews to illustrate Mr. Marsdcn's lec-ture, by the Camera Club last night.Everything worked like u charm. Asmany of the snap shots got by thelcctuicr while in the Oiient fiau'yiclded pictures Hint cannot bo got iutho open market, a unique interestmust attach to their pieseutalion ontho screen. Mr. F. M. English willKivo musical selections. Mr Potter'sdeclamation, Tennyson's "Defense ofLueknow," will be (hulling.



C. J. McCakthy lota on Lilihastii'ut for sale. 3-- tf

A new house of live rooms is to leton Mag izinc street.

Aiti:u shaving use Cucumber SkinTonic. Benson, Smith Jt Co., Agents.

MfStiNiiuitx li'lievi'd at once by

Tonic. Benson, Smith & Co.,Agents. lf

Goo Kim is recognized by the Min-ister of Foreign Ail'airs, lie Commer-cial Agent for China.

X. Pltkkson oilers $100 reward forconvicting the poison or poisoiib whoset lite to his stables.

Wm. O. Atwatiiu oilers for sale acarriage hoiso, phaeton and harness,complete and in good order.

ItKMUMMHH tickets ut Mr. Levey's;time and place, S p. in. Satuiday atthe Opera House; occasion, Mr. Mars-dcn's lectin o.

Ladii:s' shampooing and hair dress-ing done at their houses by MissWolf, 715 Beretaniu street, MutualTelephone fi'JIi

Di:i.ii:ioiih coiieo and chocolate willbe ceivcd oveiy morning e.uly at thoI'alace Ico Clean! Pailois, Ludwigsen,& Cion, Hniel siieei. if

Hu.staoi: & Co. will soil Algerob.iFirewood at $11 u cord casli dehvuiedfree hi'tweou 'the following limits:Punchbowl, School and Liliha streets.

MwHit. MoLun.s'an has removed to

Alakca slieet, opiosito the Y. M. V.A. hull, pieinises lately occupied byDoctor Lut.. Ollieo hours, 0 to 12,2 to 1 and evenings 0 to 7. Sundavs :

10 to 1. Bill Telephone, 107, Mutual,1182. 2--

Miss Maiiv Lvi.i:, lately hook-keep-

with Egan it Uiinn, is ."epan d t iostenographing and typo-winin- g atmodeiate rates. Graduate of Heald'sBusiness Colli go, San Fiancisco.Ollieo witii C. J. McCaitby, :I5 Me-rchant street. 2-- lm


The Board of Health has had anoffer from Dr. Hansen, 11 great lep-

rosy specialist of Norway, to cometo ihesu Islands to investigate thudisease us jl appears here. Dr.Hansen is. thu discoverer of the bacillusof leprosy and Inspector ot Leprosyfor Norway. Ho suys he will be atliberty to come in October, TheBoard can take no action until tlieLegislature completes considerationof the Appropriation Bill.

A traveling man wlio chanced tobo iu the store of K. V. Wood, utAloKees Rocks, l'a., says while hewas waiting to see Mr. Wood, a littlegirl ciiiue in with an duply bottle la-

beled Chaiuhci Iain's Rain Rulni midsaid: "Mamma wants another hot-'li- e

of that inulieino; she say& it itthe best medicine lor rheumatism sheever used." 50 cent bottles, lor saleby all dealers. Benson, Smith &Co.,AgeutB.

WITSr- -

ppp:?(fp ' T iff , . ,

" - t , , ,

.?. reisb



Tta-usDA- July 21, 1892.

Iti'iriiliuc Hi' 1 hi.The Assembly convened nl 10

o'ulock, l're-idi'- nt Walkur iu ihuchair. I'iMVir by tin Oiiaplaui.lteailiug of the iiiiuul us Uy the Clerknull liui'iprcter.

Immediately :if cr the minutes hadI)l'cii dec ni'eil ttpp,ovcil ltep. Aihi ihl iiiuved the Onicr of Hie Da,wi.icll was Hie illsi usiloii ill theieso-lull- ,

ii of "waul of coiiiiib'uce"by Rep It. W. Wilcox.

On ole tlie motion w.is loi.Xolile IViersoii lioai tlie Juiliciaiy

CoiumiUet: presented a miuoriiy re-

port on Bill No. 70 amending ArticleG- nnd 70 of the Constitution anil re-

lating to the f oi in of the enactingclause by the introduction of theword "sovereign" instead ol King.The minority 3113' that they consider-ed the change unnecessary, as theybelive that the Constitution shouldnot be tinkered with. They pioposethat the proposed amendment be indefinitely postponed. Tabled forconsideration with the Bill.

Rep. Ash ford now renewed hisformer motion that the Order of theDay be considered. Carried.

The resolution of "want of con-

fidence" was brought before the con-

sideration of the Assembly.Rep. Robeit Wilcox moved that

it be considered iu Committee of tlieWhole. The subject was of suchimportance that il could not be opento ihal free discussion iu the Housewhich it could obtain iu committee.

Rep. Rush was iu favor of themotion, lie wanted a full and freediscussion of tlie matter. The ques-tion was not new, it had been discuss-ed by the public for the last 18

mouths. The Cabinet was wellPresident Walker called the mem-

ber to older and reminded him thatthe motion on which discussion couldensue was that of Rep. Wilcox.

Rep. Busli continuing said in effectthat he hud heard that there wouldbe an effort made to tabic the resolu-tion. This motion would come, butlroin a small faction aud who evinceda dcsiie to put their fueton the necksof Ilawaiians. They were alienswho hud no love for this country orits people. The member did not useup the time allotted by rule, but pre-

sented the lloor to Rep. Ashford.Rep. Ashtord criticized mi article

published in the Advertiser relativelo tlie proposed action 011 thu resolu-tion. He resented the statementstherein contained and considered thatthe writer should be cited before tlieAssembly for breach of privilege andbe censured severely. lie comment-ed on various expressions presenl"din the article. The proposition todraw the color line thus advancedwould return to plague the projectorsa great many times before tlie Ses-

sion was ended.Noble Baldwin moved that the res-

olution be laid on tlie table. Inmaking the motion he did not wislilo be understood as expressing him-sel- l

iu any way on the question ofconfidence in the ministry and whenhe said this lie thought he voicedthe sentiment of a majority of themembers of the House, whom he be-

lieved would sustain him iu Hie mo-

tion to lay 011 Hie table. He said: "Imake this motion because, under allthe circumstances I do not like thesource from which tho resolutionemanates, nor tlie way it lias comeinto the House. A resolution ofsuch importance should be well can-vassed before it is brought forward,aud the iutrducer should have theassurai.ee of at least a fair followingbefore he brings up such an import-ant question. It would appear thatthe question had not been thoroughlycanvassed by the introducer, not eveniu his own party, and that lie hasbut a small following iu this matter.It is 11 resolution the most of usknew nothing of till it was introduc-ed into tlie House a question wewere not ready to meet at that time,and 1 think 1 express the views of amajority of tlie House when 1 say wearc not ready to meet the question

At this time of linau.'ial dif-licul-

and dcpicssiou it behooves usus true Legislator not lo take a stepthat involves a change iu the In 'idsof the Government, unless we l

assured that we bettor ourselves byso doing and materially strengthenthe Government. If a qiie.stionofwaul ol cnnlldence is lo lie bioiieht,let it be brought alter careful con-

sideration, and iu a way Dial will hoacceptable to a majority of tlieHouse, and at a lime when it will re-

ceive their endorsement. Ii makesno diO'ercnce lo mo whether the 1 evo-

lution came from a Hawaiian or uforeign member, il was not presentedat a proper time, and I believe themajority ot the House will supportin) motion."

Noble Young seconded the motionand Rep. Robert Wilcox moved thatthe Ayes and Nays be taken on thequestion to "lay on the table."

The President slated that theCaliiuet had a right to vote on themotion.

Rep. Wuipuilani thought the rul-ing of the l'lesidenl was incorrect.He did not think the Cabinet hadany right lo vole, as it affected theirinterests.

Minister I'aiker said that as far usthe ruling ot the President was cou-

ch uud, it would not affect the actionof (lie Cabinet, us they would notvole even if opportunity offered,(Loud appluise.)

Rep. Ashford objected to the rul-

ing of the chair and look an appeal.Tho President desired to draw the

Htlentiou nt the member from tho lidDistrict of Honolulu that he had huda different opinion about two yearsago. (Ltiuuliter. j

Rep. Ash ford No, Mr. President,that was not my opinion but theopinion of Noble 'lh'trsion. I ap-

peal f 0111 Hie ailing.On motion Hie nyet find noes weio

taken on the ruling of the Chair llml.the "Ministers could 11te 011 a mo-

tion lo lay the resolution of want ofconfidence on the table." The chairwas not sustained by a vote of 4 iufavor to '12 against 119 follows:

Ayes Nnliles I'elei sou, Neumann,lloapili and Dicier- - I.

N ies Nobles Reiner, Ivnii. Mac-fa- tlam1, Pun, Cummins, Wil i tins,"

lv.uliai.e, J. iM. Horner; W. Y..limner, Hind, Mar-de- Yotc g,Baldwin, Cornwcll. Walluiilge, AniIctsuii, Thurston and G. X. Wilcox:Rjps. Wilder, Bipikine, Alifoid,Akt, Put, Ivuilii, R. W. Wdcox,Bush, Nawahi, Ivoaliou, A. Homer,ivaiiuaiuatio, Kaiuattolia, Wu'ptnl mi,Kupaliu, Nuliiuu, White, Kuuealii,Edmonds, Kaluiia, losepa, Aklnu,Smith and Wilcox. 42.

The motion to lay tlie resolutionon the table was now put, an aye andnay vote tabling tlie resolution, asfollows, the Ministers not voting :

Ayes Nobles Berger, Ena, Mnu-farlan- e,

Peterson, Cummins, Wil-

liams, Neumann, Kuuhauc, J. M.Horner, Hind, Hoapili, Mnrsdon,Young, BTddwin, W. Y. Homer,Cornwcll, Walbrulge, Anderson,Thurston, G. X. Wilcox and Drcier;Reps. Wilder, Kaulii, A. Hoi nor,Ivaiinamano, Waipuilani, Kipuhti,lvaluun, losepa, Akiua, Smith andA. S. Wilcox. ;i'2.

Nays Noble Pita; Reps. Bipi-kan- c,

Aslifoid, Aki, Pua, Wilcox,Bush, Nawahi, Koahou, Kamuiioha,Nuliinu, White, Kaneulii, Edmonds

11.A motion was made to reconsider

the vote just taken, but it was with-

drawn.A motion to adjourn was made

and the President put it and declaiedil carried.

A doubt being expressed, NobleCornwcll made a motion to take arecess and tlie President put thislatter motion and in accordancetberewitli the Assembly at 12 tookrecess until 1: 30 o'clock.


Attain o'i tli I'IhIiim niul Again 11

Mtub:e--Ti- v IIiirHCN Uurni-il- .

Nick Peterson's stable on Bere-taniu street, Mukiki, was burned atnoon to-da- Two horses wereroasted alive in the fire. The EireDepartment made a break iu its usualgood record, doing a very slow jobof quenching the Hames. When thealarm rang the driver of Engine Co.No. 1 got the name Peterson fromthe telephone and drove like mad forMr. Peterson's house ut Palama.Engine Co. No. 2 gol the chemicalengine on the spot iu fair time, al-

though its driver took some, time inascertaining the correct place. Whenit arrived tlie stable und Chinese ser-vant's room adjoining were too furgone to save.

The chemical engine's tanks wereexhausted without putting out tliefiie, but not before allaying theHames so far as lo greatly reducedanger of the (ire's spreading. Fee-

ble streams from garden hose didsome little service in keeping tlie lirefrom spreading on the fences lo otherpremises. Mr. Peterson's house wassaved at the start by water splashedon it. After u wait of over half anhour No. 1 engine, having been tele-

phoned for by Foreman RobertMore, came along aud drenched theblazing heap of ruins. Chief Engin-eer Asch bad refused permission tohave the chemical engine's tanks refilled, us with only a garden hose thesteamer would be there before theoperation could be completed.

Prisoner working near by werethe first to raise the alarm. Thestamping and kicking of thehorses at the beginning of their tor-

tures were heard iu u Chinaman'sstore on the other side ol Berctunisistreet, but the group of loungersthere thought somebody was teasingthe animals. Men from the roadgang and tlie Chinese servant triedto release the poor brutes, but werediiven buck by the smoke aud heal.The horses were valued at S200 eachby the owner. Some harness and .1

quantity of feed were burned. Theloss is 8G01I at least with no insur-ance. Il is fully believed by .Mr.I'etemon that the origin of the flrowus malicious. 1 he fire started 111

Hie stall next to the servant's room,ul the end of the stable nearest thodwelling house.

Cut. MORRIS L0SS.The foreign jury at .'1:12 y

rendered a veidict for the defendant,two dissenting, in the dumages suitof Col. Norris against Emily dollerblay ol New York. Counsel forthe plaintiff noted exceptions audgave notice of motion for a new trial.

Mr. J. 1. Rlaue, an extensive realestate dealer in Dcs Moines, Iowa,narrowly escaped on? of the severestaltucksof pneumonia while in thenorthern part of that state during urecent blizzard, 6ays the MutualityJiuview. Mr. Blaizu had occasion lodrive several miles during the stormand wus so thoroughly chilled thatlie was unable to gel warm, aud in-

side of an hour alter his return hewas threatened with a severe case ofpneumonia or lung fever. Mr. Blaizescut to the nearest ding btoro ainlgol a bottle of Clmuihci'hdn's CoughRemedy, of which hu hud oltuuheiiid, and took a number of luigodoses. I Iu says the elfcct was won-

derful and that iu a short time howas breathing qultu easily, Ho kepton taking the medicine and the nextday wus ublu to come to Des Moines,Mr. Rlitlzc regards hid cm das simplywonderful. Fifty cent hotllus forsale by all deulois, Benson, SmithXr ("7l Aironlo


Htirei'KRJiit T. iiiiIiihI.i 11 if n Kliccr. .

t'.il YrutV v "I II- -

There was a large assemblage ofthe pupils' pnrcnis ami friends ol IhuRoyal Subrifil nltlli'.doing cxi'iei-i'- s After exliibiiioiis 111 readiui;, aiitlunetlc andrecitations in tin? lower department.m I'towii Mugid into tlie principal's

ii'i'tii. Id WIUh .cMeii 1m s of thefust H 1... 1 liu principal. IWV"fAlc.V MiU'k'Inio'-l- f, blh li'il that the i

ix-i- is Wfiu. only g'vcu as it cl n- -

iim I'.sliiliinoir, as Hie cX'imhi.iliiiiis j

had taken place the two weeks pre- -

Vioii" und - were creill tilde Theroom was crowd il. a miiiiiicr havingto lake hick s lis Atnoig lllo-- e

pri-i'- iit wcie Mr. A. T. Atkinson..ciit'i'il of Si'lmols, uud

wife, RuV. Di. Beck wiib, Mrs. .Mack-

intosh, Mits Marie Von Holt, aud nnuuibei ot uthcis.

The progium, consisting ofsongsdeclamations and dialogues, was avery interesting one. Dan Kawai-ho- a

in comic pieces was especiallyline and created roars of laughter.Alex. Hilda was good in Ida delivery,every word being plainly and dis-

tinctly heard. The diaiojiuo, "ANew Boy," was n pleasing andamusing rendition. Edward Wood-ward delivered. "The Fine Sourceof Reform," iu lino style, displayingelocutionary power. The debutingclub gave tlie iuol amusing part ofthe day. The subject was, "Whichwas the greater man, Washington orLafayette V" The hoys on the differ-ent sides did well, showing carefulund deep training by a patientteacher.

The distribution of piizcs tookplace after the exercises, ltcv. AlexMackintosh announced EdwaidWoodward as captain of tlie school,and presented him with a silvermedal, suitably inscribed, which waspinned on by Mrs. A. T. Atkinson

Second prize was awarded Georgelvauikau ; third, Jonah Kumuluc;fourth, Thomas Bartow; fifth, Alex-ander Hilda ; sixth, Dan. Kuwuihou.In tlie second class the tir-- L prizewas won by Zcchaiiali MclCcague,second by J. Kaae.

Third class, first prize, Baker;second, Willie Rowland. Rev. Dr.Reck with bunded I he prizes to thesuccessful scholars, and while doingso made a short uddic-s- , advisingthe scholars to be industrious so thatin future thr-- might grow up uptightand intelligent men. Dr. Beckwilhalso spoke of having occupied a posi-tion us piiucipal in tlie school forty-on- e

yeais ago, and pointed out wlieieHer Majesty the Queen, who was ascholar for some thiee years, Used tosit. Tim venerable ocntlcinau's

were greeted with cheers bythe boys.

The premiums which consisted ofnicely bound books were given byforunr pupils of the inslitulion, whostill take an interest in the old RoyalSchool.


Kx ' lli'inimi'i.'

The Pacific Haiidwauk Co., Ld.,have just received from England an

invoice of tlie well-know- n DoultouWare, comprising Breakfast and Din-

ner Sets, Toilet Sets, Cups nnd Sau-

cers, Jugs, etc., etc.

Their supply of Plantation Tools

and Supplies is very complete, us also

of Lubricating Oils.

Carbolincum Avenuiius by the bar-

rel, case or smaller quantity.

Tlie best spring medicine is a doseor two of St. Patrick's Pills. Theynot only physic but cleanse the vholusystem and purify thu blood. Forsale by Benson, Smith it Co.. Atients.

Tliey Kviihily Like It !

Jime s3 'i' jZZ.wWZ.T. .VrT

IF NOT; WHY NOT?Pieparcd daily fiom Fiesh Fruit, it

cannot bo iitbeiwi'O than wholesome,rclicshiiig aud delicious

Our leading llavorsino Pineapple,Orange, Strawberry ami (liupo Juico.Wo have all tho others hut ourspecialties ait; those named. Ico('icuiii .Soda ban also piovud Vetypopular,

As we liiuiiufarlurc our own SodaWider fiom l'uie llicailiouato Soda,wo claim it i better titan thituiadowill) marble dust TIiomi who havetiled ii, concur witii our ci.tiinienis.

Having peifi'ctctl tlie Ico Box woinn enabled to pioduco colder hotlathan heretofore,

All llavors witii leo Grimm, 10c;Vichy Water, 5c ; Sauerbi iiniieu Wateraud Hunyadi Water.




K XthAillniUv

Z&''jffiVZmg&)Tr2a ..iiiyy

T.i- - (! tifc't III



Fort street, oppo. Spreckels' Bunu, Honolulu.

tel, iil'li q

Mm k t'lXki



ICf ji't MtroiT. : : .'!' Ill ..W.I H.IT

" "


I 04 Fort bcreei, Honolulu.

Choice Millinery!WE HAVE THE VERY

ats5 ion nets


25ryg ;.irnm j.t

to Li'.r

aT" NiL,,,'J' Hir1-l- il

flztfi l liooms centrally located.Siifel iCtnjiilre Ilui.i.i'.iiN Olllce.

i.V4 If

'in" x, 1 IiJKLY Fuiiiislieil Cottugo

,TK'AiX L at .Makiki neat Herein- -r cai. Kent SlOoO.

ibis olllci'. Iiil it

'JO l.HT

ES. i I jVAL PRKMI'KS. !!1

Afv. U ISmeianli street, opno-VZ&- &

site Foil-stie- et Ulliueh. Apply to K. 1. 1. 1L1.IF.,

!IMV tf At Tluxi l. IIhvIi". A-- f'o.

TO I.Sil

Jiitv . XHJB Coll 'go onV i.iiiIii licet iienr I'llhil

'JitH& I'ailof. Twoliedii'oms, Ilaihioiiui, )l"in-ioo-

I'.ililil and Mk'liiMi; Sfrvillit'.- - Itoom,i 'milage llitiui', Sialili'. oiu, Truuiearspaiievfii L'U lithiums. Apply ullU'c oftill-- , pipi'i-- . IfiS tl

FOIt HEN I or Mi .SE

iKjt 'IR'' Pieinl'os on lhti'iiii&r &,' ' htieol lately occiipleil i

etZZAfik A. 11. Niiitno a Xw I

l)e.-Irab- lo lloti.-- o coiiiaiuhig Kltclieu.lSathioom, elo , etc AImi, Uiithotteon the pteuiUes, will he rciited orleifed. Possession given Ut ofApply on die pieiiii-c- n.

"liVi Im A. It. N'AO.VK.

Jill- -


J HAVE i our lMne Rcshleiico Slle,situated on i llkoi sheet, for sale,

Tim Lots have a lioniairo of 1)1 feet onPllkol street and itlu Soil fii t deep, arenicely I. Id out iu Irult and iliuilc treesand too ah I'oveiv.l witii gra-s- ; waleilaid on iliroulmui. Too eiiuatiou ofthiMi Louaial too hniitfil iituuliei makeil ueisaiy that bileudiiigshould make cully to (lieundersigned, front whom all p. n denialscm liu hail. JA.s. F. MUKG.lN.

2im if

Frtiiui's iujuIdioorder lrnin slyltw m

Honnviit ioij U

nhl picture n Mnuc.iiilnv sit'

If lo l.ccp up wi h Ho fmbioiijcuvi re ml id in ing 11 ktiqi,


Would .v.u tlitil Yu?80 W uld I.If upon MitiiP current fpies you wcro

urkiil to come ..ut strong)Would yitii do it Y?h" w"1'1I ISmio 'huik nit ftulil c manors nrn

,,'M ' "' ',,,r' '" l'"'!'! '"'" '" ,mVl' "pi'dou llD'y aro

ic 'itv I" Matnl lit'.Nn'V it I'Vir-nir- tir i md Oou.i

1 y.ni tvi'tv il to tlijWnti1 i mi do i-i- Yt-- fSo w tl nl 1.1 V Oi." We Mop etl foino poiiplo

i 11 ft t eiiu I Li tv.n'i ptir.su,Sonic Itt'rfi-iii'iv- c hl'iii I M'i Want

StMI'lltlg I) ,iK to otll'C.WtiU'll 11ll aellJ Hleni Yc?SO wjuld I.flip plows Which turn our o.l up

should be light and strong amitruo.

Il 1 mild til)'. "Hbsdiiy BnuAHtntVwonh more than nuy two,

Would you think so Ye?So would 1.



:v. jp. .




Uiie qualed Paper

: : : CBonoliiiti .1. I.fa.'iil..M UafWllliWMKOHIIHillll-- ANMWiJjLCIiS


anai oques !

cttsnmsExnKaw -




I'tn'l frl ri'oi .

Is open now and offers an un-

excelled Stock of Fancy Goods.We make a specialty of

Stamping Patterns and are nowready to take oidcra iu that line.A brand new htock of Silk Em-

broideries, Art Linens, Tassels,Fiinges, Draperies and otheruitistio goods ure offeied to (heIndies ot Honolulu.

6k 95KA MAILE,


-- ll'Ml.

U. L. BRITO,CoriiiT of .Smith and King Streets,


Kieps a Lino of

GROCERIESAnd Hnvivi Ni w I'lmtigumciila by

Ei.iy Ste iincr. Abo

Fresh Ydialm aud Kona ButterAt A0 Cents a Puu' d.

ICitl-lii- l


sjQbbJil'S l)l'Jl!0iiUSJ UJ

tot: ..atew... MHnit-wW- t'



Special Reduction in School Hats&ar FOR WEEK ONLY "




IJoio-i!ij- r.j









Page 4: nyijc JO H tsi. f - University of Hawaii · 3 Ml JI.CV ftV--H '. v---.vs.. "ft i 1 f JO I-casr--.' 1M llVf '!'. L3 I HI 11 J l nyijc r tsi..rHp1.Njf' r 'j f-- c ArS J Vol. IV..o.



BREW NG ASQGlAliOisrjr. ju. ?ui

-- o

,i,..' 11 "



Purs Malt and Highest Grade Hops !

4 No Corn or Corn pri'innli ns u-- in p'.ico of Malt, as is done

by other Eastern Breweries, i r : i to iln n the cost of their Hecr,

and to compote with our wm

SHjS'isif?'?!? -- :o&?'At5&m36Sp!K3bi

With the Completion of the New Brewhouse,the Brewing Capacity is the Largest

of any Brewery in the World.Brewing Capacity: G kettles every 24 hours, G,000 Barrels, r 1,800,000

Barrels per year.Consumption of Material: Malt, 12,000 bushels per day 3,600,000

bushels per year. Hops: 7,500 lbs. per day 2,250,000 lbs. per year.No Corn or Corn Preparations are used in the manufacture

of the Anheuser-Busc- h Beer. It is, therefore, the highest priced but theupst wholesome and really the least expensive for its superior quality.

Annual Sihppinc Capacity: 100,000,000 Bottles and 5,000,000 Kegs.

The Anlieuscr-Buso- h Co. have

highest class gold niedalb wheiever

International Exhibitions, throughout


MACFAlor ill


:, n i

ly famed artiele.

carried off the honors and the

they have competed. At all of the

the world, their Beer excelled all

I.LANE & CO.,!nn -- iis -i: tf


will receive prompt attention, jg3

This Company have prepared a special bi and of their highest grade

Beer, for the Hawaiian Islands, known as "SPECIAL CREW," with

a handsome label and in white bottles, which with their best " EXPORTANHEUSEK" in dark bottles, heretofore inportcd, we will now

supply to the trade in quantities to btiit.

Q. W.Agoots


Equitable Life AssuranceSociety of the United States.

An Eminently Conservative and Safe Company.


The consideration of first importance in judging of the condition ofan liuancial institution (and notably of a lile assurance company, the ma-

jority of whose contracts extend over long peiiods of years) is its surplusatrenyth. 'The Equitable has, over and above all liabilities, a larger bur-plu- s

than any other assurance company.

Assets, Dec. 31, 1891, - - $136,198,518.38

LIAaiLITIES, including tho Resere on alt mist ni Pu'lcirs, (4

pur cent. Standard) and Special Itucive (iowri tnu es-

tablishment ol a 3 pjr cent, va'u tlw ) ul $i.COO,000 109,905,537.82

Surplus, ... $ 26,292,980.56

This Surplus remains after making prov.i-io- for every obligation, on arigid calculation of Liabilities bused on the standard preset ibed by the In-

surance Law of the State of New Yotk, which assumes that Assets will beinvested bo as to icalizo interest at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum. Inaddiliun to this, in a spirit of conseivatism, the Directors of the Society,on the lecoinniendalioii of its Finance Committee, have set aside a SpecialAdditional Reserve, looking towaida even a more stringent and conservativefuture standuid of valuation than the law now prescribes.

ALEX. J. CARTWRICHT,General Agent for Hawaiian Islands.

C. J. MNew Cu.MWJNb' Block, Mekojiant Si'kket.


Bents Collected and Houses Rented.

-- - .,.. t...ui.uuu eniriikUtil If) me



Golilcn Hi Bazar!

V. 1 REYNOLDS, Pitoi'ittnTon.

Solo Agent fur tho

:ic sbw'dc 1

This Machine is now improved op to ni-k- i Chun Srirou on

Lock mitcii. It stands at the head

NEEDLES and ATTACHMENTSfui all kinds of Machines.

Sew ng Machines (f all kinds

Piumptly Rcpuiicd.

gff Don't forget that this is posi-

tively a CASH STORE no privateindividual can obtain Credit. Every-thing thlrefoie Chkap.

Stationery and Blank Books!


Furneaux's Beautiful Views of theIslands.

Lawn 'J'unnis Rackets and Balls.Bum1 Ralls and Hats.

Popular Sound BooksaAt 3.") Ci uls Each.


jw"Spi,cial Arrangements fni m'Ih.uIlip!llL - 'llHI if


Ai Sijecieli' Mrt Rates


ft'iiniiw Bavarian Beers!

Comprising I he following Cole-biate- d






Now being landed ex "J. C. 11!11)7 2w

ell:utioj' or officers.AT the annu.il meeting of stock-

holders of tho Hanalui SugarMill Co. held this day, the followingoilicors were elected for the ensuingyear :

President. Clias. L. Carter, Esq.,Vice-Preside-

Hon. J. N. S. Williams,Secictaiy J. O. Carter,Treasurer... Geo. H. Robertson,Auditor J. O. Carter,

Who are albo Directors of the Com-pany.

J. O. CARTER,Secretary II. S. M.Co.

Honolulu, July 18, 1802. 171-lin

Desirable Residences

rX!0 LET !

COTTAGE on Emma stieet, lately oc-cupied by Mr. McCarthy. Rent 30per month and water late.

COTTAGE on King btreet, Kewalo,lately occupied by Mr. ClarenceCinbbe. Kent 2fl per month andwater rate. 443 lm


rpiIE imdeisigued hereby gives noticeA that she Is tlie sole owner of the

juwehy business heietofore cuiuluctedfor her on Koit stieet, Iloiiohiln, byJoseph Ilubash. That lias deter-mined to close out said business and tocall in all outstanding accounts, where-foi- o

all parties owing accounts for goodsnurchitscd or work dune at liei stoio areiiciobv notified to make piouipt paymentof tho same to C. W, Ashfnid, at Idsolllco on Merchant street. Air. Ash-ford- 's

icceipts will he good acquittancefor all such account".

MBS. E. KATOHELOK,Honolulu, July 14, 181)2. 471 2w

Algeroba Firewoodat 110 ii:n uoitu

SSF Delivered free In any part ofHonolulu.

L. J. LEVEY,ATI 1 w Coiner Foit & Queen sts


chineA in complete woiklng orderand guaranteed, Will be sold uponfavorable terms to the pin chaser. Alsoa few Handsome Fixtiues. Apply to

JOHN PHILLIPS,300 tf King street.

ANNUAL MEETING.nPJIK Annual Meeting of the Stock- -JL lioldcis of Win. U. Iiwin A; Co.,(L'd). will take place at lis olllco onMONDAY, July Will, at 10 o'clock a. m,

W. M.GIKFARD,Secietaiy W G. I. & Co., (L'd).

173 lw

The best thing to send toyour friends abroad in KingBros.' Illustrated Souvenirof Hawaii, which is gottenup lor the purpose and is

x -.-...-4- .., 4- -



Wr.DNr.SD.vv, July 20, 1802.

Aftl'ititiii HcuMltul.

The Comniillee r.l

:4o o'clock and proricded with iholOiisidcrnliiiii ol bonis in the Appmpriatlnu Bill, und r the head ot Hit'Atlormy-'Jenciiir- s Ueparinient, andmore part iculnily apil, nig to "p".of po'iee," an 1 Specially tn thai ol(bp'iiy shenlfs on the Island ofOdin.

Silary Ilepuly Sheriff. Ivoolati-prik-

SI2U0, was passed at thatUguie.

Sulnry Deputy Sheriff, Koolnulon,proposed at S840 by reconuneuda-tio- n

of the Committee on Way 9 andMeans.

Rep. Robert Wilcox consideredthat tho position was worth SiO amonth at least. It was n largo dis-

trict, and its importance had latelybeen increased by the establishmentof the Knhuku plantation. ,lle mov-

ed the item pass at $1200'JgNoble Ena thought. thaUlt was but

just to accede to the request for anincrease in the amount recommendedby the committee; the position wasan important one and a salary of $oT

month was ridiculous. He favoredan increase.

Noble I'ua said that the incumbentwas a relative of his, but he wouldnot vote for an iticrea'-- nor fuvor itin speech, as he thought thatStl.") permonth was salary enough.

Rep. liaitnainano said that the re-

marks of Noble I'ua were trom hislips, not heart. The Noble was tiy-in- g

to obtain a great and good nameas one who would not even assist arelative in a Government position.He personally lavored the increaseand was satisfied that Noble I'uawould also vote for it.

Noble Baldwin said that the com-

mittee might have erred ih this itemas well as in others yet to come, butthey were willing to be corrected ;

they had not received the assistancethat they had desired when makingup the lists.

Rep. Kaiuauoha said that it lookedas though this deputy sheriff wasreceiving a ridiculously low salary at835 per month when a common,oidinary, every-day- , police olllcer ofHonolulu got S40 per month. liefavored S50 per month.

Minister Whiting said tb:.t thewoik in the district had gieitly in-

creased during the last G or 8 monthsaud he was of opinion that it wouldincrease mote. The development ofthe Kahuku Plantation has inducedthe iullux of a criminal class amongthe laborers. Gambling, opium andillicit liquor selling are fast becom-ing established. Ho favored an in-

crease.Noble Young said that he had in-

tended not to speak on the matter,but as he was interested in the Ka-

huku Plantation, he would say thathe thought that the work of theollicer had been increased. liethought that the salaries for thedeputies should each be establishedat SjO per month. Since the planta-tion was established liquor sellinghad increased, and other breaches ofthe law were being committed.Favored S1200.

On motion theitem passed at 81200.The next three items were passed

without any extended discussion andas presented heie:

Salary Deputy Sheriff Waialua,81,200.

Salarj- - Deputy Sheriff Waianae,8840.

Salary Deputy Sheriff Ewa, 81200.A new item "Salary Deputy At-

torney General (Prosecuting Olllcer),81,200 was pioposed.

Rep. Kamauolia did not sec thenecessity of having another deputyfor tho Attorney-Genera- l, he movedthat the item be struck out.

Minister Whiting said that the of- -

ilce was oiie that would be of benelitfor the transaction of business in hisdepartment. There were now twodeputy marshals, one of them hadbeen prosecuting olllcer. This ofllcerwould take the place of one of thoseand being acquainted with the lawscould be very useful in trials in Cir-cuits on the various islands.

Rep. Kaunamatio considered thatthis was an act of intended friendshipto create the olllco for one who wasalieady made to (it in it. He wasnot in favor of the item.

Rep. Kiuihi, Rep. Ashford, Rep.Husli, Rep. Smith and Minister Par-ker all spoke against the item, and,on motion, it was rejected.

Clerk Receiving Station, Honolulu,81800.

Rep. Ashford was opposed to it.When ho came into olllco (in 1887)there was a clerk employed there buthe had had him removed and thework dono by the captain of policeon watch. That had woiked verywell. His eminence, the Muishid,had, however, seen (It to changethings. The captain on watch wasusually about and maybe half adozen othuis. The chief utility if acleik was appointed for that placewould be to stop the stealing goingon.

Rep. Bush argued that the esti-mates would show that there wcroabout 8 arrests a day made, aboutone every 3 hours, und there werethree men to iccordit; he was op-

posed to the item. On motion theitem was rejected.

At 4:10 on motion the committeerose and the progress made was re-

ported.Noble Baldwin moved that a bill

relet red to the Fiuanco Committeeand relating to internal taxes be

to the Special Committeehaving charge of other hills on likesubject. Carried.

At 4: 15 on motion the Assembly

Jtmjii,Tiwiiwmiig?i in


List of Firms Agreeing to S&

tie Accounts Monthly,

WE tho tiudirigupd Moicli-tnt- and" Dfiih'i i f II 'iiiilu'u w h u viewin Mop ns uitit-- a- - fciiMil 1.- - the tac-ne- e

i f iimiiIi I'm; Qimi Icily Acd IM',wdl fin ii und lifter . I u'y 31-- 1,

luriiMi our MffnuiiN f,.i ntunuiii.- - iluuin it. fin kh.hU, Mihl diifft in eon- -

llliu l'", ceiy lil'Miili, mnl moii'll byniou'h, nml will fiiiHiler nil pav'tili'llt-f.'- r

coihI- - tliu- - Milil (Inline the m ttt Itf i.) wing ttt it i.ii wh eh the side offin b noi il bus been in nle:IIILO II. D.WII-.S- CO.H. 1IACKFELD & CO.E. O. HALL A SON, L'n.,

W. W. Hall.M. S. GRINBAUM & CO., L'd.,

C. Bolte, V-l- '.





11. E. Mc IN TYRE it II RO..1011 N NuT .






G. A DillinKh.im, Manager.DAILY BULLETIN PUB. CO., L'd.,

D. Loguu, Manager.PEOPLE'S ICE CO ,





J. II. Sopor, Manager.UNION FEED CO.,

F. W. Miiefarlane, Manager.470 4t




I herewith appoint Mil. M. GOLD-BERG, Agent for the sale of myGenuine Sanitary Underclothing inthe Hawaiian Islands. Beware ofimitation. fte")

PROF. DR. G. JAEGER.Stuttgart, the 19th of September, '90.


207 tf



White & Black SandWhich wo will sell at the very lowest

miiiket rates foi cash.Bell Tele. 414. "Sot'- - Mutual Telo. 19.

my LHi--

Messrs. King Bros, are(.bowing a line line ol' Bam-boo and other style ParlorEaselH, Wall Brackets' andWindow Cornices at pricests niottl; tli a timnu.



Steel and In Ranges. Stoves and Fixiiim,

Housekeeping GoodsAGATE WARE IN


Crockery, Rubber Hose,

Dealer in


Lift and Force

Water Water and Soil

a: d Sh H




Blake's f



"f V



P. O. BOX 180. :

AVchI Cor. Ts'iiiui




Kitchen Utensils,YARIETY.



la owaru,


Plumbing, Tin, Copper iron Work.

Agricultural implements,


Cutlery nnnnnl MnunlirmrliririJGliGlOi JILDlbUauUl&G,


Eton's Centrifug-als- ,



vof' If you want to save time and money buy your Furniture, etc., at thoI. X. L., corner Nuuauti and King stieet- -

flgy round the place to buy JS'fw and Secoiid-han- d Furniture of all kinds atlowest prices, the I. X. L., coiner Nuiiaim and street.

ld liedtnom Si'ts, Wauhobes, Ice llnxes, Stoves, Chairs, Hanging Lamps,Bugs, l)mc.tii, (Jhrffoniers, etc., sold cheap for cash at the I. X. L., comer Nuti-an- u

and King tieets.e" .Steamer and Veranda Sofa- -. Bed Lounges, Baby Clothes

Baskets, Sewing Machines, Whatnots, Me.it -- afes, Tuiuk, etc., sold at thocash puces at the I. X. L., Xew and Second-han- d Furniture House, comer Xuu-an- u

and King etieets.


US' Store Open

Telephones, No. ll'J.












isti-o"- t.


Evenings o'clock;

Mttisfaction guttiantced.


u a c

Mm, riusmce, Lmcoin imm,,King Street, bet. Fort & Alakea Streets,


Groceries, Provisions, Flour & Feed.Fresh California Boll Butter & Island Butter


Goods every rs Francisco.oidcrs faith I attended to

orders solicited oacked with

Telephones, 175. - 8X3VSirsx i e .&&





: :


o- -

till --vdi

Box 372.

- -- Cor. fe Sts.

g p



New by from SanAll ally

and caie.


ijlA f.



CO., L'd





Chair.--, Cribs,lowest









received steam

California Wheat, Oat Hay, largo and compressed bales; Barley, Rolled&. Ground Bailey, California & Now Zealand Oats, Middlings, Brun, Coin,

Ciaeked Corn, Wheat, Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. Also,

Drifted Snow and Victor Flour I

: 13 UTIIjIZ 1. rt :"A'o keep constantly in stock the celebrated Fortilizeis manufactured by Mr.

Haas S.m Francisco, viz.: Bono Meal, Wool Dust and High GiadoSuper Phosphates, all which cau had at bediock prices,

tS0T Island orderc wdinitpd fnd Hatinfaotion guaranteed, jgCS

Telephone --j&v&r-


Box 297.- -

--Telephone No. 92.


LEWIS & CO.. Ill fort Street,HONOLULU, 11. 1.,

Importers, Wholesale & Retail Dealers in Groceries & Provisions,tor OJS KJIC "(ui

By each steamer tho S. Co, from California fresh Calafornia RollButter, Frozen Oysters and Fresh California Fruits, Fish, Ganio, Vegetables,etc., etc, A complete line of Crosse & Blackwell's & Moi ton's Canned& Bottled Goods always on Hand. Also, jtibt lecoived a frcbh lino GermanPates anil Potted Meats and Bottled Preserved Fruits, Lewis & Co.'s MaltespBrand Sugar Cured Hanib and Bacon, New Breakfast Cereals, Oroum OatFlakes and Cream Wheat Flakes, Sicily Lemons and California RiversideOranges, Oregon Buihauk Potatoes, Etc., Etc,. Etc. Satisfac'ion guaranteed.

P. O, Box 115.- -



-- P. O.




A. ofof be

-- V. O.

of O. S.

J. T.of



Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

oNew Goods received by every packet from Eastern Slates and Europo,

Fresh Califoi nia Produce by every steamer, All orders faithfully aitondedto uud GoodB delivered to any part of tho city free of charge. Islund orderssnlinitAd. HatInfantiou iiuaranteod. 1

1 '