NY HealthScape ~ Secondlife

Second Life 2011 An Introduction to Online Virtual Reality Christina Galanis Executive Director Southern Tier HealthLink NY HealthScape in SecondLife



Transcript of NY HealthScape ~ Secondlife

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Second Life 2011

An Introduction to Online Virtual Reality

Christina Galanis

Executive DirectorSouthern Tier HealthLinkNY HealthScape in SecondLife

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Virtual Worlds Q3 2008

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Virtual Worlds 2011

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Second Life Login Screen

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Second Life Stats

Second Life Stats Population: 9.147.149 Last 60 days: 1.574.518 Current: 46.496

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What is Second Life

Second Life Is a 3-D virtual world

in which all content is created by Residents (users)

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Basic Membership is Free

• basic membership allows you to;Create an AvatarExplore Create Content Chat (voice or text)

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Premium Membership

• Allows all of the above and in addition;o you may own “Land” (server storage space)

This allows you to have a permanent home for the content you have created, set up a store, rent out homes or storefronts...

o You can buy and sell Linden Dollars on the LindeX™ Second Life uses its own currency called the Linden Linden exchange rate is about 250 Lindens to $1 US

A Premium Account costs about $9.95 a month

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Create an Account

• Choose a first name• Choose an basic Avatar from a pool basic

shapes (can be modified into anything)o Human, Furry, Robot, Elf, etc…

• Sign On to your account• You’ll find yourself on a Welcome island

Follow the signs and learn the basics.

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Orientation Screen Shot

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Oxbridge University, CaledonCan also go here to learn

Tutorials On

• Moving• Searching• Communicating• Changing Your


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• Avatar -o a computer user's representation of

himself/herself or alter ego, whether in the form of a three-dimensional model used in computer games or a two-dimensional photo used as part of a profile.

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Screen Shot of Appearance Edit Screen

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What do Avatars Look Like?

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What do Avatars Look Like?

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Avatar appearance is limited only by


You could be a;Furry, Centaur, Tiny, Robot, Elf,

Vampire, Fairy, gnome, man eating plant, small green man

orJust about everything else

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Vocabulary• Grid: SL is run on thousands of computer servers,

collectively called the Grid

• Region: an area in SL, usually an island

• Island: an area in SL, created using one hard drive • Rezzing: an object in the process of appearing

• Prim: primitives, (cubes, spheres, cylinders) linked together to create complex objects

• Lag: delays in-world caused by slow connections or too many objects in the same place

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• Landmarks: it records a location for later return (similar to bookmarks)

• Gestures: scripts for making your avatar wave, dance, shrug, etc…

• Slurl: a direct teleport link to a location in Second Life

• Teleport: a form of instantaneous transportation in Second Life using Landmarks

Kent State Introduction to Second Life Chris Thomas

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OK, but…What is there to DO in

Second Life?!?






Take Classes

Hold Classes




Hear Live Music


Role Play


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Some Brands in SL (2009)

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Travel from your Chair

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Construction Planning & Prototying

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Jobs in Second Life

• party planner

• nightclub owner

• fashion designer

• aerospace engineer

• jewelry maker

• scripter

• Architect

• machinima director

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Jobs in Second Life

• Musician• theme park developer

• real estate speculator

• vacation resort owner

• Magazine publisher

• Publicist

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Buy or Rent a House, Apartment or Hotel Room

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Art Galleries

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Live Music

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Health Quests

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Health Quests~ Breast Cancer

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Health Quests

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Under Development

• Virtual Clinic developed in order to learn medical procedures

• Students encounter simulated patients and work in teams to apply the skills of a practicing physician as they organize information about the cases

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How they will use SL

• Students are encouraged to bond within Learning Communities focused on areas of shared clinical interest.

• This is especially meaningful in a distributed environment, where students might feel isolated without such interactions.

• Provides training in diagnosis, laboratory medicine and problem solving

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Advantages to Students

• Student attending classes online can look forward to a richer experience in a Virtual World classroom when compared to a text only chat-room or an online class management system like WebCT.

• They find that the addition of sight, sound and the use of simulation will greatly enhance their experience.

• The Virtual World will thus be able to supply them the benefits an online education has traditionally lacked.

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Flat web VS 3D web

• When people are browsing the flat Web shop of Amazon.com, for example, they cannot see, chat with, and benefit from the experiences/opinions of, other people looking for the same items in real time.

• With 3-D virtual worlds All of those things are possible.

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Our Services

*Mentoring Services * Sponsorships* Event Planning*

Our Opportunity Assessment service is specifically designed for companies and NonProfits considering entering the virtual worlds / goods markets that are seeking advice and guidance on the most appropriate strategies.

Our services leverages the power of the NYHealthScape Network, enabling our clients to work with best-in-class third parties and companies operating across the ecosystem of virtual worlds / goods.

Current clients:American Cancer SocietyAmericaresMagic Paintbrush ProjectUnited Health Services Accent on IntegrationHIMSS (Health Information Management Systems Society)PCDC (Primary Care Development Corporation

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We can help:)

Contact Christina @ 607-651-9150Email: [email protected] Panacea on Twitter @panluminoswww.nyhealthscape.com