Nv July 16

TABLE OF CONTENTS Deepening our Discipleship 1 GA Letter to the Church ...... 2 Day School News .................. 3 Youth Fellowship ................. 4 Promotion Sunday ............... 5 VBS ........................................ 6 PW luncheon ........................ 7 Upcoming Events ................. 7 Session Report ...................... 8 Acolyte Schedule .................. 8 Birthdays .............................. 8 Rev. Rebecca Luter Deepening our Discipleship E very person on the planet has a story. Each of us was born in some place, raised in some way, and is shaped by some experiences, events and other people. I have been thinking this week about someone who was most certainly born in another place than I was and was raised in another way than I was, and has been shaped by much different experiences, events and other people than I have been. Our meeting certainly was a non-event for this person and, while a pleasant experience for me, was not life-shaping at the time that I knew. I was in the airport in Istanbul. I was hungry and weary from travel. I had not yet exchanged money, but I had found and picked up one small silver coin with a hole in the center. I went to the kiosk hoping for a piece of candy sold individually. Perhaps I could combine my American dollar with this Turkish coin and strike a deal. The kiosk keeper was likely the owner. He was older, his face told the tale of years of work and life. In a language that was neither English nor Turkish, we communicated. He indicated to me that I should try some almond wafer cookies. I indicated that I only had this one coin and an American dollar. Surely, it wasn’t enough. With kindness in his eyes, he pressed the cookie package into my hand and accepted only my Turkish coin. It was hospitality. I grieve the events of terror in our world today, and I recognize that for many of us Paris and Orlando are more painful because we have been there or wanted to be there. And I share that I have been to the Istanbul airport, and I have a friend there - a friend for whom I grieve because he has a face and kind eyes. And I am reminded, every person on the planet has a story and is born in some place with kind eyes. Lord, in your mercy, hear my prayers. July 2016 Jesus wakes to calm the storm during Vacation Bible School June 16. 120 children rode the waves of God’s amazing love at Surf Shack VBS.


VBS Review, General Assembly update, PW Luncheon, and Promotion Sunday. All this and more.

Transcript of Nv July 16

Page 1: Nv July 16


Deepening our Discipleship 1

GA Letter to the Church ...... 2

Day School News .................. 3

Youth Fellowship ................. 4

Promotion Sunday ............... 5

VBS ........................................ 6

PW luncheon ........................ 7

Upcoming Events ................. 7

Session Report ...................... 8

Acolyte Schedule .................. 8

Birthdays .............................. 8

Rev. Rebecca Luter

Deepening our Discipleship

E very person on the planet has a story. Each of us was born in some place, raised in some way, and is shaped by some experiences, events and other people. I have been thinking this

week about someone who was most certainly born in another place than I was and was raised in another way than I was, and has been shaped by much different experiences, events and other people than I have been. Our meeting certainly was a non-event for this person and, while a pleasant experience for me, was not life-shaping at the time…that I knew.

I was in the airport in Istanbul. I was hungry and weary from travel. I had not yet exchanged money, but I had found and picked up one small silver coin with a hole in the center. I went to the kiosk hoping for a piece of candy sold individually. Perhaps I could combine my American dollar with this Turkish coin and strike a deal. The kiosk keeper was likely the owner. He was older, his face told the tale of years of work and life. In a language that was neither English nor Turkish, we communicated. He indicated to me that I should try some almond wafer cookies. I indicated that I only had this one coin and an American dollar. Surely, it wasn’t enough. With kindness in his eyes, he pressed the cookie package into my hand and accepted only my Turkish coin. It was hospitality.

I grieve the events of terror in our world today, and I recognize that for many of us Paris and Orlando are more painful because we have been there or wanted to be there. And I share that I have been to the Istanbul airport, and I have a friend there - a friend for whom I grieve because he has a face and kind eyes. And I am reminded, every person on the planet has a story and is born in some place with kind eyes. Lord, in your mercy, hear my prayers.

July 2016

Jesus wakes to calm the storm during Vacation Bible School June 16. 120 children rode the waves of God’s

amazing love at Surf Shack VBS.

Page 2: Nv July 16

PC(USA) leaders issue post– GA letter

“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” Ecclesiastes 3

Brothers and sisters in Christ, there is a new season in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), as witnessed by the

actions of the 222nd General Assembly (2016). The body of 594 commissioners who gathered June 18-25 in

Portland, Oregon, elected Co-Moderators Denise Anderson and Jan Edmiston, and J. Herbert Nelson as the

Stated Clerk. Both were historic, and both signal a new way forward for our church.

The business decisions made by the body also were transformative for the 1,572,660 members and 9,642

churches of the PC(USA). The work wasn’t easy, and involved careful deliberations. Collectively, the body

acted on nearly 100 overtures by discerning the will of Christ.

Among other things, we now have a new addition to our Book of Confessions – the Confession of Belhar. It is

the first of our confessions that comes from the global south. And, the PC(USA) has a new Directory for Wor-

ship; andChild/Youth/Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy and Procedures. God is truly guiding us to be more

faithful and just to all of God’s creations.

Much discussion has been taking place around the identity and purpose of the denomination, and this week the

assembly voted to create a 12-member Way Forward Commission “to study and identify a vision for the struc-

ture and function of the General Assembly agencies of the PC(USA),” and a 15-member 2020 Vision Team to

“develop a guiding statement for the denomination and make a plan for its implementation.”

To quote Stated Clerk-elect J. Herbert Nelson, “We are not dead ... we are alive, we are reforming and we are

transforming this world, one person at a time.”

Looking outward, the assembly voted to engage in selective, phased divestment from fossil-fuel companies

through the PC(USA)’s Mission Responsibility Through Investment committee, and re-affirmed a two-state

solution for Israel-Palestine.

Please know this is only a snapshot of the actions taken, and just a glimpse at where God is leading this de-

nomination. Complete business actions can be viewed at www.pc-biz.org.

We are, brothers and sisters, in a new season. It’s exciting, but also a little scary. Yet in the midst of it all, take

comfort that God is still guiding and controlling all – and we need not fear. God is calling us to hope, and to

God be the glory!

The Reverend Gradye Parsons

Stated Clerk of the General Assembly

The Reverend Denise Anderson and the Reverend Jan Edmiston

Co-Moderators of the 222nd General Assembly (2016)

Ruling Elder Tony De La Rosa

Interim Executive Director, Presbyterian Mission Agency

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End of the School Year

Day School News

I t is hard to believe we are half way done with summer

camp here at Farmington Presbyterian Day

School. We started off the summer with Circus Week.

All ages enjoyed a weightless aerial acrobat troupe and

learned about the circus. We enjoyed being weightless in

the bounce house and eating cotton candy. Week 2 taught

us all about animals and things in the zoo. Our school age

children went to the Zoo and to Lichterman Nature Center,

where they pet a snake and even an opossum! Even though

we are all trying to beat the heat, the children had fun

playing games for Sports Week. The older children

cheered on the Red Birds, and we took 42 children to the

bowling alley. Wouldn't you know their air conditioning

was out!!! The kids didn't seem to mind, but I am glad I

found a chair in front of the fan! We enjoyed a fun day at

Cameron Brown park where there was lots of shade and a

nice breeze to keep us cool.

To round out the half way mark of summer camp we

kicked off Aloha Week. We all enjoyed splash day and the

19 foot Tiki Water Slide and plan to end the week with a

Luau before the 4th of July Holiday. Speaking of which, we

want to wish all our staff, families and children a

wonderful and safe 4th of July. We will see you on the 5th

to wrap up our next four weeks of summer fun!

- Gretchen Burch, Program Director

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Farmington Youth Fellowship (FYF)

A t the beginning of July, I will be headed to

Montreat, NC to take a course in

Christian Education called “Worship,

Sacraments, and Education.” This course allows

me to accomplish several goals. First, to use the

credits I earned years ago at Memphis

Theological Seminary to begin the process of

Certification as a Christian Educator in the PC

(USA). I only lack a few credits so it is a goal I can

attain in the next couple of years. This trip is

also a much needed retreat to the mountains for

some reflection and relaxation with my family

and friends in a location dear to our hearts.

Finally, this course will help me prepare for the

coming year when a group of Middle Schoolers

will join the youth group and begin the journey

of Confirmation.

Beginning this school year, we will need several

extra hands, hearts, and minds to lead this group

of rowdy rabble rousers as they join the ranks of

the young and independent. In my opinion,

there are specific gifts that make a person an

excellent teacher for youth. If this is you, please

come speak to me about serving as a Youth


Hands to serve. Youth need an example to

follow. Someone who is willing to serve in

the Soup Kitchen, Room in the Inn, Stop

Hunger Now, etc. We have several places we

would like to serve but chaperones are often

scarce. A person that will take precious time

out of their busy schedule to serve with

young people is the MVP of youth ministry.

Ears to hear. Youth require someone that will

hear them out even when they seem to be

wrong. They are speaking from a different

perspective than adults often do and a leader

is someone that will hear what they say and

consider that angle. God gave us two ears

and one mouth, that means we should listen

more than we talk.

Mouths that speak the Truth. Not my truth, or

your truth, but the Truth. “See what great

love the Father has lavished on us, that we

should be called children of God! And that is

what we are!” 1 John 3:1 Begin there, and

respond with questions and answers that

grow out of that.

Feet that walk, not run, into faith. Often it can

seem like the words of a young person are

leading them away from where we assume

they should go. Did you have it figured out at

their age? How many twists and turns and

growth spurts has your faith seen in its years?

Instead of directing the path, try walking it

with them.

Hearts that love God and others. Sometimes

there is a lesson plan and other times there is

a lesson. We often do Highs and Lows with

the youth. We share times of great joy and

times of struggle. This could take 5 minutes,

but we are prepared for it to take the whole

hour. Sharing our questions, struggles, and

joys takes tremendous trust and can only

happen if we approach the God in each other

with love.

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If you are curious about being a youth advisor for

our incoming Middle School or High School group,

consider the cost. Nowhere did I say you must

have all the answers, be great at Mushroom Ball (a

great game we play when there are enough

people), or of a certain generation. Maybe, some

of the five criteria I gave are struggles for you but

you feel called to serve anyway. Consider the cost,

but also consider the joy. Speak to me if you are

interested. We would love to have leaders for

Wednesday nights, Sunday Mornings,

Confirmation, and Sunday Night Youth

Fellowship. If you are an elder at Farmington,

consider being a Confirmation Mentor to one of

our incoming youth. Information about this will

be shared after the beginning of the school year.

G raduation is a special milestone in every

student’s life as they step into new

responsibilities and move up the

educational ladder. Promotion Sunday is when

we celebrate the new classes being made and the

students set to fill them. All children and youth

Sunday School Classes will move up to their new

grades August 7. Don’t miss this special Sunday

celebrating the ministry of our Christian

Education to children and youth.

Promotion Sunday

Sunday, August 7

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V acation Bible School was an incredible

week of faith sharing and growth as we

rode the wave of God’s amazing love. 120

children from the neighborhood, the church, and

the Day School gathered to share a week of stories

that stretched back to the beginning of time and

forward into stories that are timeless. Thank you,

to all who shared their set building, storytelling,

child holding, dancing, singing, awe inspiring,

craft making, cat herding, steady hands to the


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Congregational Care

10:00 am Tuesday, July 5

Property and Grounds

7:30 am Friday, July 8

Christian Education

5:30pm Monday, July 11


12:30 pm Sunday, July 24

School Board

5:30, Thursday, July 28


6:00-8:00 pm, July 5 and 6

Upcoming Events

The best way to celebrate our independence is with a plate

full of Barbeque. Bring in cans of nonperishable meats

and proteins for our monthly donation to the Fayette food

pantry. Donation bags are located in the hallway at each

end of the building.

Sunday School is at 9:30 am and

Worship is at 11:00 am. Join us!

Children gather in the Sanctuary with music and then

proceed to their classroom (A6)

Youth gather in the youth room at 10 am for The Story:

Finding yourself in the narrative of the Bible.

Adults choose between Hosea in the Interpretation Bible

Study in the East Room and a study of John Ortberg’s

Faith and Doubt in the room closest to the West door.

FPC Men will meet on July 8 to continue their study of key

sermons by Billy Graham. Join them at 6:30am in the Youth

Room. Coffee and McDonalds breakfast are available.

Property and Grounds committee will meet immediately after

the study.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast

Friday, July 8 @ 6:30am

Feed Fayette Food Pantry

Committee Meetings

M ark your calendars to attend the Presbyterian Women salad luncheon Saturday, August 13 at 11:30 am in the East Room. It will be a time of

fellowship, and Kirsten will introduce the 2016-2017 Ho-rizons Bible Study for the coming year.

Bring your favorite salad to share. Beverages and dessert will be provided.

Sign up sheet for the luncheon and Bible study workbook will be on the Women’s bulletin board or you may call Carolyn Demaree at 754-4944.

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Farmington Presbyterian Church and Day School 8245 Farmington Blvd. Germantown, TN 38139


If you have content for the August edition of New Vision, please email Doug Barr no later than July 25

at [email protected]

Acolyte Schedule

July 3 Nicholas Luter

July 10 Natalie Lively

July 17 Camille Hempel

July 24 Meredith Oest

July 31 Olivia Mittag

Session Members

Administration – Kirsten King

Christian Education – Laurinda Ingram

Clerk – Melanie Oest

Congregational Care – John Hazen

Fellowship – Mary Shelley Ritchey

Property and Grounds – Jerry Hosier

School Board – Susan Bryant

Service – Bonnie Blair

Worship – Sandy Wann

Staff Extensions

Rev. Rebecca Luter, Pastor, Ext. 23

Doug Barr, Director of Christian Education, Ext. 29

Cyndi Bevington, Administrative Assistant, Ext. 21

Rhonda Pearsall, Bookkeeper, Ext. 22

Linda Turner, Managing Director of Day School, Ext. 24

Gretchen Burch, Program Director of Day School, Ext. 32

Anthony Jones, Maintenance Technician

If your birthday is not listed, please contact

the church office to be added. We would

like to celebrate with you.

June Birthdays

Session Report

Session approved procedures for serving Holy Communion by

both intinction and by shared meal which will be distributed

each month via email to Communion Servers. In addition, we

discussed the primary goals in Rev. Luter's workplan for the

coming ministry year.

2 Sherry Knight

2 Scott Hutchins

3 Lauren Wideman

4 Annette Main

5 Beverly Bivens

7 Stephanie Nagel

7 Mary Buchholz

12 Paul Bourassa

13 Barbara Taylor

15 Elsie Black

16 Vickie Street

17 Charles Billings

17 Paul King

18 Carol Blooding

24 Carolyn Demaree

24 Susan Bryant

24 Kelsey Whittaker

27 Jane Egan

28 Barbara Whited

29 Emma VanFrank