NuxUK: Social Media & the Impact on People's Behaviour

Impact of social media and changing people's behaviours Email: [email protected] Web: Blog: LinkedIn: Twitter:

Transcript of NuxUK: Social Media & the Impact on People's Behaviour

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Impact of social media and changing people's behaviours

Email: [email protected]: Twitter:

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What do you want to get out of this session?

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What will be covered?

42.6% of UK consumers buy something online at least once a week

• Buying process is changing

• What are the implications?

• Create digital marketing mix

• Engaging

• Social selling

• Engagement zone

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Buying Process is Changing

42.6% of UK consumers buy something online at least once a week

• 85% users found information through search engines

• 15% of social media users are more inclined to buy from brands that advertise in social media;

• 25% Facebook users who “Like” a brand on Facebook want to receive discounts and promotions

• Recommendations from friends or family is the single most important factor in the choice of website to buy from, with 71% giving this reason.


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Buying Process is Changing

42.6% of UK consumers buy something online at least once a week

• 80% Twitter usage is on a mobile device

• 30% will research products and prices online before completing the purchase at their local store

• You Tube is the 2nd largest search engine in the world

Source: and

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Buying Process is Changing

42.6% of UK consumers buy something online at least once a week

• 25% of search results for the World’s Top 20 largest brands are links to user-generated content

• Rankings in search engines are influenced by social factors / indicators

Source: and

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• Decision makers no longer want to talk to sales until they are 60-70% down the decision cycle.

• 90% of all purchases are researched online

• Purchasing process has fundamentally changed, so you need to create your optimum marketing mix

• Need to blend online and offline marketing to generate awareness of brand

What are the Implications?

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• Fragments website – take relevant content to the users in the channels they want to communicate in:

• Facebook Fan Pages• Twitter for customer services• Using sites such as Get satisfaction for

building knowledge centre• Conversations on blogs

What are the Implications?

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• Need to engage with prospects who are within their buying process and monitor them

• Engaging with then in a manner which means that they can ‘self service’ the information they need, then contact sales when they are ready

• Need a mix of sales approaches, can’t depend on old processes ‘it’s always worked’

Engage with People

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• Map out all the channels your can find you online (Twitter, blog, LinkedIn, Email etc)

• Ensure creating correct brand image and conversations in these channels

• Ensure all channels are blended and can be accessed from each other • Direct mail has social IDs on them• Email marketing pushes visitors to

social profiles

Understand Customer Journey

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Online Credibility & Social Selling

People use the Internet to find out whether they should trust somebody to do business with or buy a product from

This isn't new - the main way people work out whether to trade with people on Ebay is through their personal recommendations and reputation score.

When people want to do business with you, they will check the web to search for 'red flags' or for information to help them understand you better.

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Social Selling - New Sales Skill

Social Representation

• Buyers are researching your company & sales people

• What do there online profiles look like?• Do you have a presence where your customers

are?• Are they consistent, approachable, reflect the

brand values of the company?

Search• Where do customers go to gather information –

which sites?• Can you leverage this information

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Research What’s out There

• Work out what information is already out there about you. 

• Role play the sort of searches people will make about you and your company .. 

• What search phrases does your website show for?

• Create a map: which sites, how often, what’s talked about, by whom

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Interact - Twitter

• Do you use the hash tags relevant to your industry, products or location?

• Do you broadcast or engage?

• Do you spam or send relevant information?

• Are you consistent, responsive and have personality?

• Do you use Twitter for customer services, feedback, engagement & posting information?

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Interact - LinkedIn

• Is your profile set up

• Is your Twitter and blog integrated into your personal profile

• Is your company page set up and optimised?

• Groups – little is more, focus on main groups and build profile rather than dabble in many

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Interact – Other profiles

• Facebook – do you need a Facebook Fan Page – what will the strategy be?

• Can you use i-frames to embed information on your fan page

• Needs to be a purpose for doing this

• Are you going to engage on Facebook or drive back into website?

• Can then use Google Analytics to measure visits to pages

• Remember, you don’t own the content or photos on Facebook

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Interact – Other profiles

• Four Square – do you have a location base business where you can promote offers and vouchers?

• QR codes (barcode that has URL embeded) to promote landing pages on printed material

• Flickr – if you’re products / events lend themselves to photos – get people sharing

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Follow Sales Process

• So you’ve invested time setting up profiles, monitoring & responding

• Use the information you have on conversations to blend with your existing sales processes

• For instance if there’s a tweet saying ‘I’m reviewing software that does XXXX’ -> if it’s relevant contact the person & build a conversation

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Engagement zone

• Integrates content, next steps, next steps & marketing automation

• More than just a contact us form

• Needs to include all the possible options for connecting with your company

• So people can decided which information or point of contact they want with your company, a ‘self service’ on information / interaction

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Knowledge Centre - Content is King

• Needs to be engaging, topical, timely

• What information do your customers need to make their decisions?

• Ideas for content: • Top Tips• Whitepapers• Downloads• Video content• Interviews • Podcasts

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Engagement Zones

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Engagement Zones

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Engagement Zones

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Engagement zone

• Once got visitor or prospect into engagement zone – they can understand the other areas they can interact with you and engagement options

• Great opportunity to create a USP and competitive advantage as aligning your website and business with new way of doing business

• This will become the new norm, so need to take advantage of being an early adopter

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Thanks for you time..Any further questions?

Email: [email protected]: Twitter: