Nursery Landscape 2013 General Knowledge Test Mid-Buchanan RV Agricultural Education Department...

Nursery Landscape 2013 General Knowledge Test Mid-Buchanan RV Agricultural Education Department Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

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Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

Nursery Landscape 2013 General Knowledge Test

Mid-Buchanan RV Agricultural Education Department

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

The best time to start a Bermuda grass athletic field by seeding would be a. March b. May c. July d. September

• b

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

Which of the four species listed below is the least tolerant of low temperature? a. Kentucky Bluegrass b. Tall Fescue c. Perennial Ryegrass d. Zoyzia

• d

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

Dutch Elm Disease, Oak wilt and Verticillium wilt are all examples of a. bacterial root rot diseases b. fungal diseases affecting the vascular system c. bacterial diseases affecting the vascular system d. fungal root rot diseases

• b

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

Which of the following is an example of a warm season, perennial, broadleaf weed? a. chickweed b. dandelion c. field bindweed d. tall fescue

• c

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

The pruning technique illustrated in this diagram is a. heading b. pollarding c. thinning d. hedging

• c

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

An example of photoperiodism is a. legginess of a plant grown in low light conditions. b. bending of a sunflower to follow the sun. c. flowering of a plant in response to long nights. d. upward bending of shoot tips when a plant is placed in the horizontal position.

• c

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

The texture of a soil is determined by a. the relative amounts of air, water and solid. b. the relative amounts of sand, silt and organic matter. c. the relative amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. d. the relative amounts of sand, silt and clay.

• d

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

Increase in stem length of a monocot plant occurs mostly as a result of a. production of phloem cells by the cambium. b. expansion of cells produced by the apical meristem. c. production of vascular bundles by the cambium. d. expansion of cells produced in the intercalary meristem.

• d

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

Fruit trees, roses and euonymus are all commonly affected by which of the following bacterial plant diseases? a. anthracnose b. black spot c. crown gall d. rust

• c

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

Trunk caliper of a shade tree in a nursery or landscape is measured a. at the soil surface. b. 6 inches from the soil surface. c. 2 feet from the soil surface. d. at chest height (4 1/2 ft).

• b

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

The best way to control chickweed would be to a. apply a post-emergence herbicide in mid summer. b. apply a pre-emergence herbicide in August c. apply a pre-emergence herbicide in March. d. apply a post-emergence herbicide in November.

• b

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

The Cation Exchange Capacity of a soil is a measure of a. its ability to hold positively charged nutrient ions. b. its content of hydrogen ions (H+). c. its calcium content. d. its ability to hold negatively charged nutrient ions.

• a

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

A stomach poison type of insecticide would be most likely to control a. mites b. caterpillars c. thrips d. scale insects

• b

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

Which of the following is most likely to be seriously damaged by severe pruning? a. Juniper b. Yew c. Forsythia d. Hybrid tea rose

• a

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

Which of the following is an example of a cool season perennial broadleaf weed? a. dandelion b. purslane c. field bindweed d. chickweed

• a

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

Which of the following is usually the most damaging pest of sycamore and London Planetree? a. black spot b. apple scab c. rust d. anthracnose

• d

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

Which of the following is the correct series of classifications for grading the height of deciduous or evergreen shrubs? a. 5-10", 10-15", 15-20", 20-25" b. 6-9", 9-12", 12-15", 15-18" c. 6-12", 12-18", 18-24", 24-30" d. 6-12", 12-18", 18-24", 2-2 ½

• d

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

An insect with complete metamorphosis would go through which stages? a. egg, nymph, larva, adult b. egg, larva, pupa, adult c. egg, pupa, larva, adult d. egg, pupa, nymph, adult

• b

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

The “field capacity” of a soil is a. the amount of gravitational water that it contains. b. the amount of water it contains when saturated. c. the amount of water it contains when plants are wilting. d. the amount of water it contains after drainage.

• d

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

The three major use areas in a typical residential design are: a. formal, informal, service b. formal, private, service c. public, private, service d. public, informal, service

• c

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

Which of the following is a fungal leaf spot disease commonly found on non-resistant crabapples? a. anthracnose b. black spot c. scab d. fire blight

• c

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

Which of the following is most likely to have its flowers injured by a freeze in spring.

a. Nova Zembla rhododendron b. Weigela c. Lilac d. Star Magnolia

• d

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

Deciduous azaleas are generally considered more reliably hardy in northern Missouri than most evergreen azaleas. Which of the following is an example of a deciduous azalea? a. Kurume hybrid such as `Hino Crimson' b. Gable hybrid such as ‘Herbert’. c. ‘Girard Rose’ d. `P.J.M' Hybrids

• b

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

Which of the following plants would be most likely to die if planted in a site with poor soil drainage? a. yew b. privet c. redosier dogwood d. inkberry

• a

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

Increase in the trunk diameter of a tree occurs as a result of division and expansion of cells produced by the: a. the intercalary meristem b. the apical meristem c. the cork cambium d. the vascular cambium

• d

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

A solubridge (conductivity meter) reading of 3.0 mmho for a potting mix indicates that a. there is too much nitrogen in the soil. b. the soluble salt level of the soil is in the desirable range. c. the soil needs to be limed. d. the soluble salt level of the soil is too high for most plants.

• d

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

The most damaging pest of the tree that produces Missouri’s state flower is: a. Powdery Mildew b. Rust c. Black Spot d. Antrhracnose

• b

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

Which of the following can be pruned back to near the ground in March without sacrificing flowering during the same growing season? a. Crape Myrtle b. Lilac c. Forsythia d. Flowering Quince

• a

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

A pesticide that is moderately likely to cause acute illness if inhaled, absorbed by skin or swallowed would carry which of the following signal words on its label? a. Warning b. Danger c. Hazard d. Caution

• a

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

Three morphological features that are helpful in identifying turfgrass species are a. stipule, ligule, auricle, b. internode, ventrical, auricle c. cotyledons, collar, blade d. auricle, ligule, sheath

• d

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

The term “diecious” means a. male and female flowers are found on the same individual plant. b. male and female flowers are present on the same branch. c. male and female flower parts are found in the same flower. d. male and female flowers are found on different individual plants.

• d

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

The term describing the shape of the leaf in this image is a. pinnately lobed b. palmately compound c. bi-pinnately compound d. pinnately compound

• d

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

The term “respiration” refers to a. production of sugars and starches within leaves. b. production of energy in leaf cells by breakdown of sugars and starches. c. movement of water out of leaves through stomata. d. dropping of leaves in the fall.

• b

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

Which of the following would be the most shade tolerant turfgrass? a. Bermudagrass b. Fine fescue c. Tall Fescue d. Kentucky Bluegrass

• b

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

The water in a soil that is available for uptake by plant roots is a. gravitational water b. water held in macropores c. water held in capillary pores d. none of the above

• c

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

When describing a soil, the term “structure” refers to : a. the relative amounts of sand, silt and clay. b. the distribution of particle sizes. c. the size and arrangement of pores in the soil. d. the amount of water and minerals in the soil.

• c

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

Which of the following herbicides has the greatest potential to damage woody plants as a result of the material moving into the root zone. a. treflan b. dacthal c. dicamba d. sevin

• c

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

Which of the following would be most likely to correct chlorosis of the foliage of a pin oak tree in which the veins are green and interveinal areas are yellow? a. ammonium nitrate b. gypsum c. sulfur d. lime

• c

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

Which of the following soils is likely to have the highest cation exchange capacity (CEC)? a. silt loam b. sandy loam c. silty clay loam d. loam

• c

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

The physical properties of plants that are most important as visual elements in a landscape design are: a. size, scale and line. b. form, texture and color. c. form, scale and balance d. symmetry, color and form.

• b

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

If a soil test indicates that the soil in a landscape planting is low in phosphorus, a material containing phosphorus should be incorporated into the plant root zone because a. phosphorous does not move into the soil readily when surface applied. b. phosphorus leaches easily from the soil. c. phosphorus can be lost to the air by volatilization. d. phosphorus is highly soluble and likely to move with runoff.

• a

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

Which species of pine is a poor choice for an ornamental tree due to its susceptibility to pine wilt disease (caused by a nematode)? a. Scotch pine b. white pine c. Austrian pine d. mugo pine

• a

Nursery 2013D Multiple Choice Test Bank

Which of the following groundcovers is most likely to invade native habitats and choke out plants there? a. Japanese Spurge b. Wintercreeper c. Candytuft d. Creeping Phlox

• b